#bridal shop phoenix
sushiwriterhere · 1 year
in a heartbeat
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summary: "Maybe he just didn’t need the fanfare, maybe he needed to ditch the plans and just hand the rock to you over Chinese takeout and let that be it."  rating: explicit (no minors!) pairing: bradley 'rooster' bradshaw x f!reader word count: 3.9k warnings: very fluffy, PiV (unprotected), no use of y/n.  notes: this is my first fic in a while and im fighting writers block something awful. this is not proofread :( pls lmk what you think <3! my other works are here part of the coming home to you universe
four days before.
“I’m gonna go out for drinks with the girls Saturday.”
“Uhhh, you can’t.”
Did he need to loop your coworkers into the proposal plan too? Phoenix having dragged it out of him so they could all help was bad enough. Bradley could feel his headache building behind his eyes. He tried to avert eye contact to make the conversation feel natural, instead focusing his gaze on the onion he was trying to caramelize. 
“I can’t?”
Bradley’s never been controlling, never tried to tell you who you can and can’t hang out with, and certainly never with that particular tone in his voice. He heard the mail you were inspecting drop onto the granite countertop as you turned your full attention on him.
He could hear the way your eyes were narrowed from the uncharacteristically steady tone of your voice, the way one eyebrow was raised expectantly. 
In the back of his mind, Bradley also saw the picnic blanket, candles, and bottle of your favorite wine stashed at Mav’s. There were the flowers he had to pick up and arrange on Friday while you were working, the homemade meal Javy promised him that he needed to grab on Saturday around midday. 
“I made dinner reservations at this new place down by the beach, and the only time they had was Saturday evening.”
“And you forgot to tell me until now?”
Bradley didn’t forget. Not about these types of things. Ever since your first date, Bradley had been nothing but proactive. He planned dates, cooked meals, doted on you. Forgetting just wasn’t like him. 
“Made the reservation this morning and you seemed busy.” He finally met your eyes and he watched as your gaze softened and you turned back to the stack of mail.
“Bradley Bradshaw you are a sap.”
And the moment passed. 
You and Bradley had talked about marriage, you have. You’d talked about it enough for him to know what kind of ring you wanted, that you wanted a small, intimate ceremony, and that you’d lost more than enough sleep over whether to invite your parents. You’d talked enough to know Bradley would probably have the Dagger Squad as best men (people?) and that he’d let Phoenix be part of your bridal party if you wanted, that he wanted Mav right there next to him, and that there would be an empty chair for Goose and Carole. That was one thing. 
Getting down on one knee and actually going over that line? That was another. 
The rational part of his brain had always insisted that you would say yes, that you also knew from very early on, if not the beginning. The unhelpful part of his brain kept telling him the ring was the wrong size or that a seagull would swoop down and steal the shiny thing right from his fingertips before you could even say no.
three days before.
Bradley’s checked the ring at least six times since he, Javy, and the other guys came into the shop. The sound of the velvet clicking back against itself then sliding open again was starting to grate on his nerves, but he wanted to give Bradley the benefit of the doubt. He remembered what it was like, that lump in your throat, the way his brain tended to keep him up about every disagreement, every time he should’ve apologized instead of stewing on his anger. 
Javy, instead, choose peace. He watched calmly as Bradley opened the box again, and brought a finger up to trace the gems before deciding against it.
Doesn’t want to smudge it.
There was clearly something on his mind, because the ring had been paid for months ago and the re-sizing and adjustments were included in the price. But there Bradley was, stuck to the shop floor, looking like he was trying to decide between getting sick right there and maybe saving it for the trees outside the shop’s doors.
“What’cha thinkin’ about there, Rooster?” Jake sidled up to Bradley’s side, voice a low murmur, as if trying not to startle the man. 
Regardless, Bradley jumped slightly, jostling the open box and the sound of the box snapping shut echoed harshly around the showroom. Bradley looked like he might’ve decided on getting sick inside. 
“Should I get a second one? What if she doesn’t like this one?” 
Across the room, a sales associate perked up just slightly, clearly looking to score on another guy so nervous he looked like a ghost. Vultures.
“Bradley, my man, we’ve been over this a thousand times. Phoenix got her Pinterest, it’s all a certain style, and it’s definitely the perfect ring.” 
Jake and Bradley had begun to get along, rather begrudgingly at first, then very amicably, after the mission and Jake saved Bradley’s life. Seeing him comfort Bradley was something else though, Javy acknowledged. It was kind of nice to have that tension dissipate from within their team.
“But what if I need another perfect one?” 
“Are you gonna propose to her twice?” Bob had popped up on Bradley’s other side, silent as ever. “Usually there’s a second one for the wedding, but I’m here for a bit of a new tradition.”
At that, Bradley deflated a bit. The box in his hands clicked open, then shut again.
“No, no new tradition.” He murmured, before slipping the box into his pocket.
two days before.
Bradley knew Mav loved him, but he wasn’t sure how much he would after this whole ordeal. They must’ve run over the schedule at least a thousand times, forward and backward, even while flying over their comms. At this point, Bradley was sure he had the entire Dagger Squad reciting the plan in their sleep. He hoped he at least wasn’t, he didn’t need you to be clued into anything. 
“Nothing has moved since the last time you were here. Go home, Bradley.” Mav’s voice carried through the house as Bradley unceremoniously burst through the door. 
He’d started leaving work fifteen minutes early last week, just to double check that everything was in its place, that nothing had broken or spontaneously combusted. It was just enough time for him to stop at Mav’s place on the way home, do his round, and make it home around the same time as usual so as not to rouse suspicion. 
“I’m just–”
“Just checking yeah, get outta my house Bradley and go be with your fiance.” Mav had rounded the corner into his back room, all bathed in sunlight and a picture-perfect reminder of why people loved living in California. 
He was the picture of relaxed domesticity, dish towel over his shoulder, spatula in one hand that he was clearly thinking about hitting Bradley with as he paced the room and ticked things off on his fingers as he murmured to himself. 
“You’re gonna wear a hole in my carpet, and I happen to really like that rug.” Bradley stopped walking but the way his fingers twitched at his sides clued Mav into the way he was clearly still running through the run of show in his mind. 
“She’s not my fiance yet.”
“And she never will be if I murder you for breaking into my house and giving my wife a heart attack.”
“Penny’s not even home at this hour.” 
Mav had never seen Bradley like this. He’d missed graduations and recitals and all the shit you don’t get to see as an estranged god-father, but he’d done enough wondering about what he was like in those moments to have come up with this scenario. Bradley truly was the perfect mix of Goose and Carole–all Goose’s easy romantic energy, ever creative, ever attentive, and just as much of Carole’s eye for detail and desire for things to go right. 
Mav watched as the fight eased out of Bradley’s shoulders and his hands relaxed at his sides, “Right. Sorry.”
“Look son, you don’t have to be sorry for wanting this to go right. And you’ve only got a little of sorry to be about starting to drive me insane.” At that, Bradley cracked half a smile and Mav considered that a small success. “You like this at home?”
A sharp laugh echoed around the wood-paneled room, “Oh absolutely not. She’d know in a heartbeat.”
“Well, then you have your answer.” The gears were turning at a million miles an hour as Bradley tried to decipher what he meant. “She knows you in a heartbeat, which means she knows how she feels about you. And we both know what that means for Saturday.”
Bradley nodded, the picture of relaxation and ease all at once. “I’ll see you Saturday.”
one day before.
Bradley was starting to think the gash on his finger was some sort of awful omen, something terrible that had been awaiting to reveal itself until the last moment. He’d arranged flowers for you probably a million times at this point, had even done it blindfolded (only cheating a bit so he didn’t lose a finger) just to amuse you. Now, as he stared at the blood bubbing up from his middle left finger where he’d just stabbed himself with the scissors, the entire thing felt like some sort of cosmic joke.
He’d never doubted that he wanted to marry you, not even when you’d argued or insisted on shoving your ice cold fingers and toes up against him in the dead of night. Not once had he wavered since that initial thought in his brain, and he was even more sure when he went to open that fucking bank account that he’d been diligently adding a sizeable portion of his paycheck to. (What? He wanted to be sure he could afford exactly what you wanted, DeBeers advertising campaign be damned.)
Maybe he just didn’t need the fanfare, maybe he needed to ditch the plans and just hand the rock to you over Chinese takeout and let that be it. 
The only thing keeping him going despite all his nerves, aside from his deep love for you, was the way you’d once leaned against him when the two of you were spending a week away in the mountains. Overlooking something that felt like it was right from a postcard, you’d told him exactly how all the little romantic things he did made you feel. 
“Every time you buy me flowers, I get this little feeling in my chest, like something curling around my heart.” Bradley remembered keeping himself from making a joke, something about heart attacks, trying not to break the moment as the fog hung low over the trees. 
“From the moment you picked me up for our first date and insisted on opening the car door, bringing me flowers, they all make me get that little squirmy feeling that no one’s ever given me before.” You had pressed yourself to his side but not met his eyes, as if your confession was too powerful, too heavy to make when looking at him, “And some of it’s because I’m a sap at heart and you somehow know what I want before I do, but some of it’s just because it’s you Bradley. Always has been, always will be.”
The words said next would keep him going in his darkest moments, kept him together on long deployments, kept him pushing through every moment of doubt in the planning process.
“So if you ever decide to propose to me, even if it’s just you asking me over coffee, just know I’ll get that feeling, just because it’s you.” 
At that, you’d turned to face him, shifting so you could hook your chin over his shoulder where he turned his face to yours. He could see every lash, every spot on your face that he loved to press his lips to when you were too sleepy to protest. You’d graced him with a tiny smile, somehow just a bit melancholy, but all too loving. 
Bradley shook his head, clearing the memory as he scrambled to keep his blood from spattering on the countertop. He was going to have to grit his teeth through the pain of using a liquid bandaid so the pictures weren’t ruined by a regular bandaid. 
You’d compromised on drinks being Friday, so he had the evening to himself. All the time in the world for flowers, for a barbecue at Javy’s (home cooked meal to be picked up that night instead of Saturday morning), and for waiting up for you to text that you were ready to go home. 
the day of.
Bradley thought he’d be blinded by panic, or doubt, now that he was counting down hours and minutes in place of days or weeks. Instead, all he felt was a sense of serenity, almost like he was floating through the motions. 
The day started like every Saturday he’d had since you moved in and he’d been granted a relatively permanent station at Top Gun with Mav and the rest–you pressed up against him, your hair tickling some part of his bare skin, and the type of bone deep satisfaction with life that came with going to bed with a full belly and the love of his life at his side. He stared up at the ceiling fan as it made its lazy rotations and thought about how today was marking the difference between two parts of his life. 
After today, there would always be a time before the proposal, and after. 
The morning was lazy as you insisted you didn’t have a hangover but let Bradley cook you a plate full of turkey bacon, gently scrambled eggs, and a few hashbrowns. He knew you would be fine by afternoon, and after that excited to hang out at the beach before dinner. 
He was sort of counting on it. 
Apparently he’d underestimated your ability to bounce back because the way you draped yourself across his bare back was a little less than innocent as your hands smoothed over his shoulders and down his stomach. He slowed the way he was chewing the last of his hashbrown as you pressed a kiss to the sensitive spot under his ear. 
“Good morning, Bradley,” You crooned lowly.
His stomach jumped as you ran a nail over one of his nipples, and kissed at his shoulder. Tilting his head to the side to give you more room to work with, he took a slow drink of his water. 
Maybe he wanted you to work for it just a little, what with how badly he’d been stressing these last few weeks. 
And work for it you did. The light drag of your nails just barely there on his stomach and arms had him getting hard faster than he thought was humanly possible. But there was just something about the warmth of your chest at his back, the thinness of some shirt you’d stolen from him doing little to hide the swell of your breasts, that did it for him. Hell, it was really just that it was you that got him going. 
“I missed you last night.” You whined, just a bit, as he finally turned around on the barstool and gathered you into his lap. 
You could definitely feel the way he was hard against the soft give of your thighs, but somehow in that moment, all he wanted was you near. Sensing that somehow the moment had maybe passed, you curled in his lap and stretched your arms around his shoulders, apparently just content to be touching him.
“I missed you too.”
The way your lips met his was almost as natural as breathing, and then the moment wasn’t so innocent anymore. Your lips slotted against his as you kneaded at his arm muscles and part of Bradley was incredibly satisfied that you were enjoying just how much effort he put in at the gym. Sure, he had to be fit for his physical, but how hard he went on his biceps and shoulders was purely for your benefit. 
When the two of you finally stumbled back into the bedroom, Bradley thought he might pass out from how hard he was. Everything about you was amplified somehow. Your skin was softer and the gentle scent of whatever perfume you’d worn last night filled his nose. The give of your hips and thighs was easier and all he wanted was to sink his teeth into you and never let go. You might even let him.
Sprawled underneath him you looked like a goddess, bathed in the rising morning sun, nipples gently peaked as your chest rose and fell. 
“I love you.” 
It was so tender in comparison to the way you sat up and worked a hand inside Bradley’s boxers to grab firmly at his cock. He groaned as you shoved at the little clothing the two of you were wearing and in a moment, your skin was a beautiful contrast to the crisp white of the sheets. 
Bradley made to go down on you but you kept his face in your hands, “Been ready to go since I watched you scramble those eggs.”
He couldn’t hold back the way he barked out a laugh, that one was new. “The way the white and yolk were combined really do it for you?”
You smacked at his chest indignantly as he propped one of your thighs over the crook of his elbow, “Your back and arms look nice when you whisk, you asshole.”
You weren’t so huffy as he slid into you, gentle as ever. Bradley knew he wasn’t the biggest ever, but he also knew he wasn’t anything to scoff at either. He kissed away any discomfort he could see on your features til you rocked your hips up against his insistently.
“Give it to me like you mean it, babe,” Grinning all cheerfully, Bradley cursed under his breath as he felt you bear down on him.
After that, there was little to be said beyond whispers of I love you and the occasional swear word. Sometimes sex between the two of you was raunchy and heated, and other times it rounded out his Saturday mornings in a way that left him sated like nothing else. Sometimes he thought it might be better than flying. 
You came first, digging your nails into his shoulders and breathing his name in repeat. The feeling of you squeezing around him did little to keep him from coming and besides, the way you scraped your nails down his chest and begged him to let go definitely did him in. 
Clean up was quiet kisses and gentle shoves in the direction of the en-suite bathroom, Bradley making sure the water wasn’t too cold for you as you peed. (It was the little things.)
Fuck what Bradley had thought earlier about being serene, he thought he was going to crawl out of his skin. Holding your hand as the two of you made your way down the beachfront towards the space behind the Hard Deck, you were chattering on about some coworker’s baby shower and Bradley was focusing way too hard on not absolutely eating shit with the way the sand was shifting under his feet. 
In the distance, he could see the candles and the picnic blanket like a homing beacon. He couldn’t see Mav or Javy or anyone else, but he knew they were all hiding somewhere, ready to burst from the shadows in excitement. Harvard was also brandishing a camera even though Bradley couldn’t see any hint that he was around–turns out he was a more-than-amatuer photographer and had volunteered to capture the moment. 
“Bradley, what’s all this?” Your voice reached a winded sort of pitch as the two of you finally reached the set up.
It was perfect, and part of Bradley finally exhaled. The picnic blanket from your fourth date, the little tea candles doting the beach, and the bouquet of flowers resting at the corner of the blanket, right within Bradley’s reach.
Gently dropping your hand, Bradley picked up the flowers and pressed them into your hands. By now, you’d clearly caught on that something was happening because your eyes were wide and slightly teary, and there was a ghost of a wobble in your lower lip. 
Tan suit be damned, Bradley dropped to one knee and pulled out the velvet box that had been burning a hole in his pocket since before the two of you had gone out to dinner. (The dinner reservation had actually been real, to his credit.)
“Oh my god,” you whispered, bringing a hand to your mouth in a way that betrayed the way your hands were shaking. 
Bradley inhaled deeply, before popping open the lid of the box and letting his eyes flick down to where the ring was sitting, nestled right where it was supposed to be.
As if unable to stop yourself, you opened your mouth and blurted, “If you’re about to ask me what I think you are, the answer is yes. A thousand times yes.” 
Blinking up at you, Bradley didn’t move a muscle as you kept going, “Oh my god wait you probably have a whole speech, I’m so sorry, I’ll shut up now.”
Distantly, Bradley heard a shutter clicking but neither of you broke eye contact as his face broke into a huge smile. He kept going according to his plan, the unspoken understanding passing between the two of you that you’d never live that down.
He said your first name like a prayer, before launching into the speech he’d rehearsed for months now, “I have loved you since I met you. I love every part of you–your laugh, the way you’re passionate about your work, the way you love everyone around you with such intensity. I love you when we argue, I love you when we’re together and apart. You consume my every waking thought, and grace me with your presence when I dream. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“I want to wake up next to you for the rest of my life. I want to bicker about how we go through junk mail, the right way to parallel park, and what show we’re going to watch on Thursdays for however long you’ll let me. I want you by my side for the good, the bad, in sickness, and in health.” He said your name again, before asking the question he already knew the answer to, “Will you marry me?”
“Yes, oh my god yes.” 
Miraculously, Bradley slipped the ring on your finger without incident, then gathered you up into his arms and pressed your lips together. His cheeks were wet with your tears. 
“I love you so much, Bradley Bradshaw, you are my everything,” You choked out when he set you down unable to stop yourself from sticking your hand out in front of you and crying harder when you saw the ring of your dreams adorning your hand. 
“I can’t believe you said yes before I asked,” He breathed before pulling you into him to kiss you fiercely one more time.
“She said yes before I even opened my mouth,” Bradley chuckled as you giggled by his side, hands never leaving the new ring on your finger.
“That’s not nearly as bad as you were for the last three months,” Javy crowed, and the crowd was in uproar as Bradley attempted to defend himself. 
Above all the noise and the lighthearted teasing, Bradley knew one thing–he was happy. And you had said yes.
tagging: @sebsxphia @roosterbruiser @bradshawburner @gretagerwigsmuse @sometimesanalice @joaquinwhorres @roosterbruiser @roosterforme @bradshawsbitch @seresinsweetie @notroosterbradshaw @kmc1989 @peachystenbrough @rhettabbotts @theharddeck @wkndwlff @waklman @blue-aconite @thedroneranger @bibitches-r-us @sunlightmurdock @laracrofted @jupitercomet - tagging ppl either by request or whom i feel like are luv <r bradley. pls lmk if you'd like to be added/removed
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
12 on the November prompt list for hannix🥰
12. Bridal carry
One of the things that Phoenix loved so much about her husband was his ability to make even the smallest things feel special.
Today marked exactly three months since they had become husband and wife. Most people wouldn’t bat an eye over such a random anniversary—if they even remembered it at all—but not Hangman. He’d surprised her this morning with her favorite coffee from her favorite coffee shop, and a stunning bouquet of lilies, her favorite flower.
“Happy three months of being Mrs. Seresin, Minx,” he told her with a wink, pressing an affectionate kiss to her forehead.
“That’s Lieutenant Seresin to you, Bagman,” Phoenix smirked in return, accepting her coffee with a grateful smile.
He’d even gone ahead and made them dinner reservations at the new Italian restaurant that she’d been wanting to try. It was, unsurprisingly, absolutely fantastic.
“I’ve never felt so full in my life, but I’m also pretty sure I’m going to devour the rest of these leftovers as soon as I change into my sweatpants,” Phoenix laughed as she and Hangman walked up the steps to their front door after dinner.
“Just make sure you save me some,” Hangman teased, reaching into his jacket pocket for his keys. As he unlocked the door, however, he laid a hand on Phoenix’s arm to keep her from stepping over the threshold. “Wait a second, Minx.”
“What?” Phoenix asked, arching an eyebrow as she glanced up at him.
Hangman turned his head to look at her, grinning as he suddenly reached down to scoop her up into his arms, one arm resting securely beneath her knees and the other wrapped tightly around her back as he cradled her in his arms.
“What are you doing?” Phoenix laughed, shaking her head as her husband carried her bridal style into their home.
“Just carrying my wife over the threshold,” Hangman chuckled, still holding her in his arms as he kicked their front door closed with his foot.
“We’ve been married for three months, Bagman,” Phoenix reminded him, smiling as she shot him a pointed look.
“Doesn’t matter, Minx,” Hangman replied, kissing her softly. “You’ll always be my bride.”
November OTP Writing Prompts
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vaarabella2611 · 7 months
💍 Calling all brides-to-be! Dive into a world of elegance and charm at Vaarabella, your one-stop bridal shopping paradise. With a stunning array of Bridal Lehengas, Rajputani Poshak, Designer Dresses, and exquisite Sarees, we're here to make your wedding dreams a reality. Don't miss out on this special wedding season - come explore our collection today and say 'I do' to the perfect ensemble! 👗✨
visit now: www.vaarabella.com Address For Bhopal: 89, 10 No. Stop, E-4, Arera Colony, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 462008. Address For Indore: G83, Phoenix Mall, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452016.
VaaraBella #RajputiPoshak #QueenVibes #VaaraBella #BridalFashion #DesignerDresses #VaaraBellaBride #FestiveAttire
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oppvenuz · 22 hours
Best Fashion Designer and Clothing Stores in Pune: Your Ultimate Style Destination
Pune, often regarded as the cultural capital of Maharashtra, has a flourishing fashion scene that combines traditional elegance with modern trends. With an increasing number of fashion-conscious individuals, the city has become home to some of the best fashion designers and clothing stores in India. Whether you're on the lookout for bridal couture, ethnic wear, or contemporary fashion, Pune has something to offer for every taste. Here’s a detailed guide to the best fashion designers and clothing stores in Pune that every style enthusiast should explore.
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Click  Here  For  More  Details:https://www.oppvenuz.com/vendors/pandit-and-astrologer/?city=pune
 1. Neeta Lulla: Iconic Bridal Couture
Neeta Lulla, one of India’s most celebrated fashion designers, has brought her signature blend of opulence and sophistication to Pune. Known for dressing Bollywood stars and brides alike, her store in Koregaon Park offers a curated selection of exquisite bridal lehengas, sarees, and evening gowns. Each piece is a statement of luxury, blending traditional Indian aesthetics with modern elegance.
Location: Koregaon Park, Pune  
Specialty: Bridal Wear, Couture Fashion, Bollywood-Inspired Designs
 2. Pallavi Ghosh: A Fusion of Tradition and Modernity
Pallavi Ghosh is a rising star in the fashion industry, with her boutique in Pune offering a unique mix of fusion wear. Her collections are perfect for the modern woman who appreciates a blend of Indian and Western styles. From chic cocktail dresses to beautifully crafted ethnic wear, Pallavi’s store is a go-to destination for contemporary fashion with a touch of tradition.
Location: Kalyani Nagar, Pune  
Specialty: Fusion Wear, Contemporary Ethnic Wear, Designer Sarees
 3. Sabyasachi: A Touch of Royalty
Sabyasachi Mukherjee is synonymous with grandeur and luxury in Indian fashion. Though his flagship store is based in Kolkata, his presence in Pune has made it possible for local brides to access his intricate and timeless designs. Sabyasachi’s collection of bridal lehengas, sarees, and ethnic ensembles are nothing short of regal, featuring detailed embroidery and rich fabrics.
Location: Koregaon Park, Pune  
Specialty: Bridal Couture, Traditional Indian Wear
 4. FabIndia: Celebrating Indian Textiles
For those who love the charm of handcrafted fabrics and sustainable fashion, FabIndia is a must-visit. Known for promoting India’s rich textile heritage, FabIndia’s stores across Pune offer a range of ethnic and casual wear made from organic cotton, silk, and other natural materials. Their kurtas, sarees, and fusion outfits are perfect for those who appreciate traditional Indian craftsmanship with a modern twist.
Location: Multiple Locations, Pune  
Specialty: Handcrafted Ethnic Wear, Sustainable Fashion
 5. Taneira: The Art of Handwoven Sarees
If you're looking for the finest handwoven sarees and ethnic wear, Taneira is the place to be. A brand by Titan, Taneira celebrates the beauty of Indian textiles, offering a vast collection of sarees that are perfect for weddings, festive occasions, and everyday wear. Their collection emphasizes craftsmanship and sustainability, making it a great choice for conscious shoppers.
Location: Phoenix Marketcity, Pune  
Specialty: Handwoven Sarees, Ethnic Wear, Bridal Sarees
 6. Aza Fashions: The Designer Collective
Aza Fashions is a one-stop shop for luxury designer wear, housing collections from some of the biggest names in Indian fashion. Their multi-designer store in Pune features bridal wear, occasion wear, and casual outfits from designers like Anamika Khanna, Varun Bahl, and Manish Malhotra. Aza Fashions is the perfect destination for those who want access to a variety of designer labels under one roof.
Location: Koregaon Park, Pune  
Specialty: Designer Collections, Bridal Wear, Couture Fashion
 7. Forever New: Contemporary Chic
For those seeking a more modern, Western-style wardrobe, Forever New in Pune offers a collection of elegant and feminine clothing. Known for its contemporary designs, the store specializes in dresses, tops, and chic accessories. Whether you're attending a formal event or looking for something casual yet stylish, Forever New caters to all your fashion needs.
Location: Phoenix Marketcity, Pune  
Specialty: Modern Western Wear, Fashion Accessories, Evening Dresses
 8. Bhumika Grover: Ethnic Sophistication
Bhumika Grover’s designs exude timeless elegance, making her boutique in Pune a top choice for brides and women looking for sophisticated ethnic wear. Her collection features intricate lehengas, shararas, and sarees with delicate embroidery and vibrant colors. Bhumika Grover’s designs are ideal for weddings, festive occasions, or any event where you want to make a statement.
Location: Bhosale Nagar, Pune  
Specialty: Bridal Wear, Ethnic Wear, Festive Outfits
 9. Chhabra 555: Affordable Ethnic Fashion
A well-established name in ethnic fashion, Chhabra 555 offers a wide range of affordable sarees, lehengas, and salwar suits. Known for their high-quality fabrics and trendy designs, Chhabra 555 is a favorite among shoppers looking for stylish ethnic wear at accessible prices. Their stores in Pune provide a great selection for weddings, festivals, and everyday ethnic fashion.
Location: Multiple Locations, Pune  
Specialty: Sarees, Lehenga-Cholis, Salwar Suits
 10. Shoppers Stop: Fashion for Every Occasion
For a more diverse shopping experience, Shoppers Stop in Pune offers a wide range of clothing options, from traditional Indian wear to modern casual outfits. Their collection includes designer labels as well as affordable fashion, making it a great option for those looking for versatility in their wardrobe. Whether you're looking for bridal outfits, festive wear, or casual clothing, Shoppers Stop has something for everyone.
Location: Multiple Locations, Pune  
Specialty: Ethnic Wear, Casual Wear, Designer Labels
Pune's fashion scene is diverse, blending the richness of traditional Indian wear with contemporary global trends. From the intricate bridal couture of designers like Neeta Lulla and Sabyasachi to the modern, chic offerings of Forever New, the city has something to cater to every style preference. Whether you’re planning a wedding, preparing for a festive occasion, or simply updating your wardrobe, these best fashion designer and clothing stores in Pune offer a wide array of choices for fashion lovers. So, explore the city's vibrant fashion offerings and discover your unique style statement.
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cksmart-world · 5 months
The Completely Unnecessary News Analysis
By Christopher Smart
April 23, 2024
Remember the “Girl from Ipanema?” In Brazil they've been wearing thong bikinis for quite a while now. You've seen the pictures, all those tanned butts up and down the beach. That's what you expect in Rio de Janeiro. Well Wilson, it's hard to believe but thong bikinis have come to the states — and even right here in Utah you see bare butts all over the place. Rio comes to Zion. Luckily the “Word of Wisdom” has nothing to say about thong bikinis. And we're not talkin' one here and there. Go to the park and take a gander at the young women sunning themselves. It's butts up. No Wilson, we don't know if there is a special butt-tanning lotion, but there could be a good business opportunity there. You could call it Cheeks Ahoy. Makes you wonder what young kids are going to think around the pool come summer. Hey mom, why is that lady's butt hanging out? Look away, Bobby. But mom, why does she have that thing in her butt crack? Bobby here's some money go get a candy bar and don't hurry. Butt-crack bikinis can be attractive — or not. Beautiful butts are in the eyes of the beholder. Speaking of which, there's trouble on the horizon. Hold on to your California baggies, soon men will be wearing thong bikinis. Yecht. You're right, Wilson, that's just wrong.
There are too many homeless people and it's high time we get rid of them. They're camping everywhere and using parks for restrooms and they drive real estate down. The U.S. Supreme Court soon will consider making homelessness illegal. The idea would be to ticket them and fine them and even jail them. HUD estimates there are some 650,000 homeless but the reality is closer to 1 million. Luckily there are some good ideas out there. One is to drive them like cattle to Canada. Another is to hire the Israelis and force them into the sea, kinda like Gaza. Or we could just send them all to Phoenix, Ariz. where they would soon burn up. But right now homelessness is legal following a ruling from the 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals: “[T]he Cruel and Unusual Punishments Clause of the Eighth Amendment precludes the enforcement of a statute prohibiting sleeping outside against homeless individuals with no access to alternative shelter.” If the Supreme Court lets that ruling stand the whole country could look like San Francisco or New Delhi. Of course, about the time Ronald Reagan moved into the White House homeless people were hard to find. But what's the sense in talking about what causes homelessness when we can just outlaw it and send them to the Galapagos.
Salt Lake City's Rio Grande district is a miracle waiting to happen... and waiting and waiting and waiting. Walt Disney took a barren chunk of land in Souther California and turned it into a magic wonderland. Well image the magic makeover the mayor and city could could do for the Rio Grande district — once home to the homeless and an open-air drug market. You may be pleased to know there are brand new plans for the area just west of the historic Rio Grande Depot. It's going to be swell — even more sweller than the last plan that wasn't implemented. It'll be something like Bourbon Street in New Orleans sans the Bourbon and the beads. With a cost $5 billion it will be so cool as to be unbelievable. Many of the details are under wraps, but sources who wished to remain anonymous tell Smart Bomb that plans include coordinating transportation systems with a wild mouse connecting Front Runner to the light rail — people could jump off at Festival Street. OK, what is Festival Street? Much like Main Street U.S.A. at Disneyland, it will feature fun stuff for the whole family, like Mr. Toads bridal gowns, Bear County lingerie and Frontierland Gun Shop. But like it has been for decades, plans remain in flux. For updates check back in 2028. It's going to be so cooooool. Just wait.
Lost script — Alright that's going to do it for another fun-filled week here at Smart Bomb where we keep track of the room temperature at Trump's “hush-money” porn star trial so you don't have to. Fact is, it's just damn cold in there. But even with the AC on blast the former president keeps dozing off. His defense team is working feverishly to come up with ways to keep him awake, including putting chili powder in his Gucci loafers and Bengay in his Jockeys. Something burning? Here's an item from our “New Celebs”-file. “The Devil Wears Prada” and so does Caitlin Clark. At the presser where she announced signing with the Indiana Fever, the b-ball scoring phenom who was No. 1 in the WNBA draft, was outfitted by — you guessed it — Prada. She cut a stylish figure sporting a double white satin shirt and skirt with an embroidered rhinestone mesh top — the first basketball player to be dressed by the luxury label for draft night. Prada isn't paying her, but Nike is. Clark has reportedly signed a eight-year, 28 million dollar deal with the shoemaker. That should help make up for her $76,000 WNBA salary. Just imagine, five years ago she was a kid trying out for the Iowa women's basketball team. You're right Wilson, that's one heck of an education.
Well Wilson, swimsuit season is upon us. Soon there will be a lot of flesh on display. At the pool and the park young folks will be working on tans and the side-effect called skin cancer. Utah has the highest skin cancer rate in the nation. For real. But forget that for a minute and get the band to play a little something for our soon-to-be thong-wearing friends:
Tall and tan and young and lovely The girl from Ipanema goes walking And when she passes Each one she passes goes - ah When she walks, she's like a samba That swings so cool and sways so gentle That when she passes Each one she passes goes - ooh But I watch her so sadly How can I tell her I love her Yes I would give my heart gladly But each day, when she walks to the sea She looks straight ahead, not at me Tall and tan and young and lovely The girl from Ipanema goes walking And when she passes, I smile But she doesn't see She just doesn't see, she never sees me...
(Girl From Ipanema — Lyrics written in Portuguese by Vinicius de Moraes, 1962, with music by Antonio Carlos Jobin. English lyrics written by Norman Gimbel, 1963.)
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infinitijewelss · 10 months
Timeless Elegance: Choosing the Perfect Wedding Ring in Singapore
Cultural Diversity in Wedding Rings:
Singapore is a melting pot of cultures, and this diversity is beautifully reflected in the choices of wedding rings available. Chinese couples often opt for rings with intricate designs and auspicious symbols, such as the dragon or phoenix, representing power and harmony. Malay couples may choose rings with floral motifs or geometric patterns inspired by Islamic art. Meanwhile, Indian couples might prefer rings adorned with intricate mehndi-inspired designs or incorporate traditional gemstones like rubies and emeralds.
Craftsmanship and Customization:
Singapore boasts a rich tradition of craftsmanship, with skilled artisans dedicated to creating bespoke Wedding Ring Singapore that tell a unique story. Couples can choose to customize their rings, selecting the metal, gemstones, and engraving to create a one-of-a-kind piece. From the vibrant hues of Peranakan-inspired designs to the classic elegance of a solitaire diamond set in white gold, the options are limitless.
Iconic Jewelry Districts:
Venturing into Singapore's iconic jewelry districts reveals a world of possibilities for couples seeking the perfect wedding ring. Orchard Road, synonymous with luxury and style, hosts renowned international jewelers offering a curated selection of exquisite rings. Chinatown, with its vibrant atmosphere, showcases a mix of traditional and contemporary designs, making it an ideal destination for those seeking cultural symbolism in their wedding bands. For a more eclectic and artsy vibe, Haji Lane in Kampong Glam is dotted with boutique jewelers, each offering a unique perspective on bridal jewelry.
Symbolism and Gemstones:
Beyond the aesthetic appeal, many couples in Singapore place significant importance on the symbolism and meaning behind their chosen Wedding Bands Singapore. The timeless diamond, representing endurance and everlasting love, remains a popular choice. Gemstones like sapphires, believed to bring wisdom and loyalty, or emeralds symbolizing rebirth, add a personal touch to the ring's significance.
Shopping Tips:
Navigating the plethora of options requires careful consideration. Couples should establish a budget, explore different styles, and educate themselves on the qualities of metals and gemstones. Additionally, researching reputable jewelers and reading customer reviews can help ensure a smooth and enjoyable shopping experience.
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phoenixcitadel · 10 months
One-Stop Wedding Bliss: Phoenix Citadel
Elegance, Opulence, and Unmatched Offers Await You at Phoenix Citadel's Wedding Festival in Indore
The season of weddings has arrived, and it's time to embrace the splendor of traditional Indian fashion and exquisite jewelry. Phoenix Citadel Mall in Indore is here to make your wedding shopping experience truly remarkable with its much-anticipated 'Wedding Festival' from November 2nd to November 12th, 2023. This extravaganza is set to transform your wedding shopping into a memorable affair with generous discounts, unbeatable offers, and the chance to win fabulous prizes. Let's dive into the details of this grand event and get acquainted with the prominent brands that are part of this spectacular celebration.
Exploring the Wedding Bliss
The heart of any wedding shopping extravaganza lies in the brands that bring you the finest ethnic wear and exquisite jewelry. Let's take a closer look at the distinguished brands featured at Phoenix Citadel's Wedding Festival:
Exquisite High-End Jewelry Labels:
Tanishq: Tanishq in Indore, a Tata brand, is synonymous with trust and craftsmanship. Their exquisite collection includes a wide range of gold, diamond, and polki jewelry that's perfect for weddings. Whether you're looking for classic pieces or contemporary designs, Tanishq has it all.
Malabar Gold: A trusted name in the world of jewelry, Malabar Gold in Indore showcases a magnificent range of gold and diamond jewelry. Their bridal collection is a fusion of tradition and modernity, offering a perfect balance of elegance and style.
Senco: Senco Gold & Diamonds in Indore is a celebrated jewelry brand known for its exquisite craftsmanship. Senco in Indore presents an exquisite collection of traditional and contemporary jewelry, including stunning gold and diamond pieces that are perfect for weddings and special occasions.
De Beers Forevermark: When it comes to diamonds, De Beers Forevermark in Indore is a name that exudes luxury and excellence. Each Forevermark diamond is hand-selected for its exceptional quality and beauty, making it a symbol of enduring love and commitment.
Caratlane: Caratlane Indore, a Tanishq partnership, is a brand that brings a touch of contemporary elegance to the world of jewelry. Their collection offers a modern twist on traditional designs, making it ideal for the fashion-forward bride and groom.
Orra: Orra in Indore is renowned for its artistic jewelry designs that are a harmonious blend of tradition and modernity. Their exceptional range includes a variety of intricate pieces that are sure to add a touch of glamour to any wedding ensemble.
Elegantly Timeless Wedding Icons:
Manyavar: A name synonymous with elegance and regality, Manyavar in Indore offers a wide range of traditional Indian attire for both men and women. From sherwanis and lehengas to salwar suits and sarees, Manyavar boasts an extensive collection that beautifully amalgamates tradition with contemporary trends.
Mohan Lal & Sons: Mohan Lal & Sons Indore, has been synonymous with quality and tradition for generations. They present a handpicked selection of ethnic wear for men, featuring exquisite sherwanis, kurtas, and accessories that reflect the rich heritage of Indian fashion.
House of Pataudi: Founded by Bollywood royalty Saif Ali Khan, House of Pataudi in Indore is a brand that epitomizes sophistication and luxury. It showcases a curated collection of ethnic wear inspired by the rich cultural heritage of India, reflecting timeless charm and style.
Meena Bazaar: Meena Bazaar Indore, a brand with a legacy dating back to 1970, is known for its intricately crafted ethnic ensembles. The brand specializes in gorgeous lehengas, sarees, and suits adorned with exquisite embroidery and detailing.
Ethnix: Ethnix by Raymond in Indore is a name that resonates with men who appreciate ethnic fashion. It offers a range of meticulously designed traditional attire for men, including sherwanis, kurtas, and accessories. Ethnix is the go-to choice for grooms looking to make a statement on their special day.
The Phoenix Citadel Wedding Festival in Indore is your golden ticket to an unforgettable wedding shopping experience. With lavish offers, the chance to win fabulous prizes, and a lineup of renowned brands, this festival promises to elevate your wedding preparations to a whole new level. Mark your calendars from November 2nd to November 12th and immerse yourself in the world of opulent fashion and jewelry at Phoenix Citadel. Don't miss this opportunity to find the perfect attire and accessories that will make your special day truly magical.
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Catch Wedding Fest Deals and Offers at Phoenix Marketcity, Viman Nagar, Pune
Wedding bells are ringing, and love is in the air! At Phoenix Marketcity Viman Nagar Pune, we're thrilled to present our Wedding Fest - a celebration of love, shopping, and unforgettable memories. It's the perfect opportunity to add a touch of magic to your special day with exclusive Wedding Fest offers and deals that will leave you dazzled.
A Celebration of Love and Shopping
Our Wedding Fest is where the magic happens, where your dreams come to life. Imagine a world of choices for your wedding preparations, all in one place. From stunning bridal wear to exquisite jewelry, and the most charming decor, you'll find everything you need to create the wedding of your dreams. Our Wedding Fest has it all!
Top Names in Fashion, Accessories, and Lifestyle
At Phoenix Marketcity, we believe in making every moment special. That includes your wedding day. We've teamed up with the biggest names in fashion, accessories, and lifestyle to bring you an unparalleled selection of options for your big day. Whether you're seeking the perfect bridal gown, the ideal tuxedo, or the most stunning jewelry pieces, we've got you covered.
Exclusive Offers Tailored for You
We know that your wedding day should be perfect, and so do our Wedding Festival offers. From generous discounts on designer outfits to incredible deals on exquisite jewelry, our Wedding Fest is all about making your dreams come true while keeping your budget in check. Because every love story deserves a fairy tale ending.
Something for Everyone
Whether you're the bride-to-be, the groom, or a cherished guest, our Wedding Fest at Phoenix Marketcity Viman Nagar Pune has something for everyone. It's an experience that brings joy to all, filled with the delight of shopping and celebrating love. Don't miss this chance to be part of a unique celebration that turns ordinary moments into extraordinary memories.
Hurry, Don't Miss Out
Time is of the essence when it comes to our Wedding Fest offers. They won't last forever! Visit Phoenix Marketcity, Viman Nagar, Pune, and turn your wedding dreams into a beautiful reality. Whether you're saying "I do" or celebrating love, our Wedding Fest is your invitation to a world of enchantment.
As the festive season approaches, it's also a great opportunity to indulge in the spirit of celebration with Phoenix Marketcity Pune. Our Wedding Fest is part of our making every moment special, and we can't wait to share the joy with you. Join us, and let's create unforgettable memories together. Click here to see the wedding festival offer
So, what are you waiting for? The Wedding Fest at Phoenix Marketcity Pune is here, and it's time to celebrate love in style.
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rsogirlgetsmarried · 1 year
Let's start the real meat of the discussion: The Dress.
This will be a multi-post adventure because it was a significant undertaking.
As I thought about it, I realized that I wanted glamour. I wanted 50's fashion. I wanted to feel feminine and girly and like I was wearing something that not every other bride would have. Mr. Wonderful has always considered me his personal pin-up girl and I wanted to be that for him on our day.
The game was afoot.
If you Google 1950s wedding dresses, you get this:
You might notice that there are quite a few, but they're all from vendors that are overseas and they mostly cost between $200-300.
I loved looks like this:
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I couldn't even deal with how cute that was.
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I also really liked this. Both of these gowns, however, were in the category of "overseas purchase", which meant that I was likely dealing with a vendor from somewhere in China that was mass producing something they'd seen pictured somewhere. I saw a lot of videos online of girls who had ordered what they thought was one thing and they ended up with a total disaster that looked nothing like the picture.
I figured out that I really like the tea-length look, which is usually mid-calf, and/or the ballerina length, which is generally a touch longer.
One of my Best Bitches, Lady Farva, said, "You are NOT buying a $300 wedding dress." ...so that was that on that front.
I also thought I liked sleeves.
Let's be clear: I'm 51 right now. I have a middle-aged body and this isn't my first wedding. I wanted glamour and passion in my gown, but I didn't want to look like I was trying to pass myself off as someone half my age. I wanted something that would pull my midsection in along with being reasonably modest. I will happily leave the figure hugging, cut-down-to-the-navel dresses to the younger girls. (More on deep V fronts later.)
Even places like Unique Vintage have lovely things, but I wanted a full-blown dress with all the trimmings.
I figured it was possible that my local Phoenix bridal shops might carry something in tea length, so I made appointments at a couple. Uniformly I was told, "No, we don't carry anything in tea length, but we can cut off a dress in alterations and make it tea length."
It wasn't a full circle skirt that I could petticoat up. It wasn't going to work. There were a precious couple that could be ordered in tea length, but they were also A-line and wouldn't have the fullness at the bottom that I wanted.
Let me just comment here for the record that it's next to impossible this year to find a wedding dress that isn't cut down to mid-sternum in front. I tried several and I looked ridiculous. Somehow the "bohemian look" means lots of cleavage apparently. I sent Mr. Wonderful a picture of my squished, hanging-out rack and he said, "Buy it." Silly boy.
Meanwhile, I was still looking online. I started to see a series of dresses that were gorgeous and absolutely knocked my socks off.
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A lot of the overseas companies had these pictures posted or ones with a very similar style, but for the aforementioned $300 price tag. I searched more and started to find that the legit dresses I was loving all had one thing in common: the name Mooshki.
The House of Mooshki is a company in the U.K. that specializes in real vintage wedding dresses. They have dozens to choose from, and they customize your dress to about anything you want. You want a different color, pattern, lace? You want to drop the waist a little? Adjust the length? They'll do it all. If you've ever watched Say Yes To The Dress you know that this is unique in the bridal world. Take a look at their offerings.
Here are a few more selections because I just can't help myself:
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Aren't they just divine? I strongly suggest hitting the link above and checking out the whole line.
So now that I've figured out where I want to buy my dress, how in the blue hell do I manage to do business with a UK-only shop? They have various other shops around the UK that they sell with but nothing in the US. (There's one shop listed in New York but I called them and they only carry very specific very modest dresses, for religious reasons.)
I loved the dresses. I had to do something.
So I sent an email.
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vivienneatelierb · 2 years
Our bridal store Dallas offers a luxurious and personalized shopping experience for brides-to-be. With a stunning collection of wedding dresses from top designers, we have something for every style and budget.
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The Top Five Secrets to Wedding Dress
We have helped thousands of brides find the proper dress. And altogether those years we've learned a thing or two about this great big emotional roller-coaster of a business we are in. We've seen all types of soon-to-be brides undergo the method of buying and selecting their special gown and that we have discovered a couple of little secrets.
Here are our top five tips for taking your bridal gown experience from miss to bliss. 
You Have a “Body Type” … accompany It 
We, women, are the worst self-critics in the world. there's always something we wish we had more or less of. But your day isn't the time to experiment with advanced engineering methods of shape-shifting. 
Those 5” stiletto heels won't cause you to taller … not really. While they could assist you to stretch into that skin-tight mermaid dress without looking sort of a mushroom, they're going to also make it hard to steer and dance at the reception. 
And sure … Most brides attempt to lose a couple of pounds before the marriage. But if that clingy silk gown clings a touch an excessive amount of to a neighborhood that it shouldn’t, there's no guarantee that it'll not be equally clingy on a large day. Proper dieting is great too and sure, you would possibly lose a couple of pounds. But regardless of how great the diet or exercise program is, there’s never a guarantee where those few pounds will fall off … you recognize what we’re saying here, don’t you sister? 
The point is, a touch of tweaking here and it's fine. But the simplest thing to try to do is to acknowledge your existing, real somatotype and pick a dress that works with it. Trust us … you'll look good. 
When It involves Style, Remember Who you're 
A few years ago when Kate Middleton married Prince William, die-hard romantics watched the event because it was the world’s biggest royalty reality show. Within days, brides everywhere on the planet wanted “the dress” she was wearing. 
No doubt … Kate looked lovely — seriously, how could she not during a custom-made couture gown that cost quite a house. But knock-offs and “tribute” dresses flew off the shelves. which is completely fine IF … and it's a big IF … your somatotype, personal style, and budget are in Kate Middleton’s ballpark. 
And you're not getting married as a chance for your ally, Aunt Bess, your mother, or your future mother-in-law to measure vicariously through your ceremony. That doesn't mean you should not hear their suggestions and check out on a couple of dresses. Heck, you would possibly like what you see. But he's not marrying Kate Middleton, or maybe Aunt Bess for that matter … he's marrying you. you would possibly want to form sure that you simply appear as if you once you walk down the aisle, right? 
Remember the styles that cause you to look good and feel good on a more normal day? Start and build from there. 
It’s About How It causes you to Feel 
 Some brides dance around the room. Some stop and cry. Some just beam happily and with a sunny smile. Others substitute in front of the mirror in our shop and just nod in satisfaction. All of them found their bridal gown, each reacted in their way. All of them looked lovely and had great weddings. 
What nobody could see is that — once they emerged from the changing room and stood ahead of the mirror — all of them “felt” right within. They “knew.” Sure, there might exist somewhere another dress that in some minor way was ... well, maybe not “better” ... maybe just different. The purpose is that this dress, right here and now, made them feel the way they need to feel. That’s a win. it had been time to prevent looking and accompany that feeling. 
We keep many styles available all the time. we will always tell by the design on their face. (you can see a number of our inventory here).
Which brings us to …. 
“Stop Looking … Be Happy”
So … you've found an excellent dress that makes you feel beautiful and special. you purchase it then head to the restaurant together with your family or maid of honor to celebrate with lemon-drop martinis, cosmopolitans, or whatever your celebratory beverage of choice is. the subsequent morning you post to Facebook or Tweet about it. Maybe you email all of your friends or call your mom. Good times. 
Now you've entered the “danger zone” for brides. This is often because you would possibly be trying to find an awesome bridal gown for a short time. Buying a married dress is often fun — hey, it’s shopping, right? you've watched TV programs, maybe purchased a bridal magazine or two, and clipped out images. the purpose is, you've got programmed yourself to get on the lookout for “the perfect dress.” But it’s probably time to prevent it before it becomes a drag.
Like the fiancé, you only said “yes” to, once you commit you ought to enjoy the happiness. you only had the “right dress moment” and payment has been made. It’s time to prevent playing the sector because only heartache and expense await you if you don’t. Worry about the flowers, or the caterers, or the music, or anything on your list. you're getting to look great and have an exquisite wedding … just let it's. 
See the newest bridal fashions, in-store now on our Dresses page. 
Better yet, see for yourself and set an appointment now!
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milesdadworth · 3 years
i can’t believe after this weekend im planning on cosplaying both maya and phoenix
mostly bc i don’t really know if my wig for maya is going to be here in time for october con lmfao
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moonstarrr · 2 years
𝗗𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗦𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗽𝗶𝗻𝗴
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𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗹𝗮𝗶𝗺𝗲𝗿: 𝗜 𝗱𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗼𝘄𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗵𝗼𝘁𝗼𝘀 𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗱 𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗱𝗶𝘁𝘀 𝗴𝗼 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝗳𝘂𝗹 𝗼𝘄𝗻𝗲𝗿
The day has finally come for you and Bradley to go dress and suit shopping, you woke up earlier than him which is shocker because normally your not a morning person but the excitement woke you up immediately. When you looked over too your left you see your fiancé fast asleep but you knew of you didn’t wake him up he would end up sleeping way to late. “Wake up sleepy head” you said putting your hand on his chest trying to wake him, no response “ Babe wake up……Bradley come on you have to get up…..ROOSTER”. He opened up his eyes immediately and started laughing, you however was confused because that’s mot the Bradley you know when waking up normally he has his morning voice and trying to get you to lay back down with him for 10 minutes or so. He sat up and kissed you over and over again “Gotcha, I was already awake I beat you too it darling better luck next time” you sighed and let out a breathless chuckle “Damn it I thought I had you this time”you said while fake pouting and crossing your arms. You both ended up laughing while he held your face in his hands and kissed you.
Once you guys finished making each other laugh so early in the morning you guys did your morning rituals such as brushing your teeth, showering , and skin care which he loves to do with you,especially facial cleansers and touching up his mustache (we Stan the mustache all day every day). He made breakfast which was some toast with butter and pancakes, he may not be the best cook but he can surely make some delicious pancakes.
As you were about to head out grabbing your purse and car keys Bradley calls you and you hear him coming towards you “I know I already have you a kiss and I love you goodbye but I need another cause I’m not gonna see you for a while” he said with a small smile and fake sadness in his eyes. You playfully rolled your eyes and put your hands on his cheeks and gave him 2 long lasting kisses while he wrapped his arms around your waist as if he didn’t want to let you go. “I love you and don’t forget to text me when you get with the girls” “ I will and I love you too babe”, you got into the car and put your bag in the passenger seat and you were off. I took you around 45 minutes to get to the bridal shop place and when you got there all the girls were in the parking lot waiting for you, and as you pulled up you can see the excitement on their faces. Once you found a parking spot you said hi to each and everyone of the girls and gave them a hug and you all went inside. You guys were introduced too your helper for you and all of the girls, the bridesmaids were looking for baby blue dresses and they found a lot so while they were looking for that you were looking for your possible wedding dress, you wanted them to wear mixed and match styles for their bridesmaids dresses and when they showed you what they has found you were in love
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The blue matched the beach them so well and you couldn’t think of any other style that looked so good on them. Now it was your turn to find your dream/perfect dress the first one you tried was a close fitting dress that was long at the bottom and at the top it had a flower lace design which was on the sleeves as well. Phoenix said “Oh my you look gorgeous” your other bridesmaids agreed but this time you friend f/n spoke “I agree but how do you feel in it I think you gonna take roosters breath away no matter what dress your in”.
You looked in the mirror and thought about it but you didn’t really like the long bottom and you need a dress that you can dance in because it wouldn’t be yours and Bradley’s wedding if there wasn’t some dancing involved. You went back into your dressing room with the help your stylist Marie and tried on the other one she picked out for you. It took a while for you to put on the next dress considering the layers it had on it, when you walked out everyone gasped at your Cinderella type dress, it had a lot of sparkles and it was an armless dress but you didn’t want anything to extravagant you wanted something simple and something that will call your name. The final dress that your stylist went to get took time because she wanted it to fit what you told her and how you feel so when she came back and gave you another dress to try on you only got more excited but once you walked out and saw your bridesmaids reaction when you looked in the mirror let you know that this was definitely the dress
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You loved the detail and the simplicity too it as well, you could’ve cried at how beautiful the dress is and you could only imagine Roosters reaction to you walking down the isle but you lost that imagination when all of your bridesmaids came over to hug you as a group and you couldn’t be more happy.
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falconcoast · 4 years
the parent trap | diluc x reader | three
three. dawn
you take your daughter out on a quick errand run around london, in which you think her time in america is starting to get to her.
warnings; none!
author’s notes; love love love this series sm! i hope you guys are enjoying it as much as i am. :D
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the summer weather provide a pleasant breeze as you talked amiably with your daughter in the kitchen. dawn was all smiles, kicking her feet as she sat at the island, small hands pressed upon the marble counter.
“so, tell me, darling,” you asked as you pulled open the fridge door, grabbing her a glass of juice. “how was your summer camp in maine? you have a little glow about you and your hair is light from the sun.”
“brilliant!” she chirped. “i went canoeing, learned how to swim, and i even got practice my fencing.”
“wonderful, wonderful,” you replied as you slid over the glass. she said her thanks before beginning to drink it. “i knew it was a great idea to send you there for the summer. i’m glad that you enjoyed it. ooh, and what about that girl you met? the one who cut your hair and pierced your hair?”
dawn choked on her drink, and you seized with worry, patting her back. “dawn? are you alright?”
she set down her glass, waving her hands. “oh, no, no, no! i’m fine! just a little hasty in drinking is all! anyways, about that girl,” dawn continued. “she’s an american. she was really funny, and she was smart, and she could beat me at poker. plus, she looked a lot like me! almost like a twin!”
“a twin? very funny, dawn,” you teased, taking her glass after she finished, placing it in the sink.
you were about to add on when you heard the footsteps coming down the hallway. a moment later, zhongli peeked his head into the doorway, phone in hand. “i hate to intrude, miss y/n, but your assistant is on the phone.”
“ah, thank you for telling me,” you said, taking the phone from his hand as he walked over to talk to your daughter. you watched as she shyly played with her hair, meek in comparison to her usual self around him, as you picked up the phone.
“miss y/n,” your assistant said frantically, voice shaking. “we have a problem at the studio. the photographer is having a problem with the accessories, and the model doesn’t agree because she says it’s quote unquote, ‘the worst veil possible’, and we just really need--”
“you really need me to pick and choose for you?” you replied with a knowing tone, to which your assistant sighed in relief.
“yes, please. i know it’s your day off, but that would be a big help.”
“of course. i’m on my way,” you said before clicking off the phone after saying your goodbyes. with a sigh, you faced the two. “i’ll have to go to the studio.”
“you really can’t seem to catch a day off, can you, miss y/n?” zhongli said with a shake of his head and to which dawn nodded eagerly. “i admire your ambition.”
“thank you, zhongli,” you smiled. “duty calls. dawn, would you like to come with me to the studio? once we’re done, we can hang out around town, if you’d like.”
“would i?!” she exclaimed, taking you and your butler aback with her eagerness. “i-i mean, yes, of course!”
her enthusiasm only made you smile as she hopped of the counter. “we have no time to lose, then. let’s head over right away!”
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phoenix bridal was a sight to behold. after years of hard work, your bridal shop was beautiful, with wide, arching windows holding dresses that you had hand designed. the one for a duchess right here in london, the one for the princess in greece, and the countless celebrities’ dresses you catered for had all adorned your mannequins once. as you opened the door, dawn seemed starstruck. her eyes were bright with wonder as she twirled around the studio, as if she were looking at it for the first time.
“it’s so pretty!” she squealed as she took her small hand in your own. you raised an eyebrow as you waved at your clients and employees.
“you say that if you haven’t ever been here before,” you joked, popping open the door to the back of the shop and to the studio. there stood your anxious assistant, who sighed in relief as you approached. waving her off, you looked at your model. she was wearing a wedding dress that you had designed with dawn before the summer had begun, making you smile. “look at that, dawn. that’s the dress we designed together.”
“w-we did?” she asked confused before perking up. “i-i mean, yes, we did! it’s as beautiful as we first planned it to be.”
“how strange. i believe that jetlag is getting to you. you were so excited for that dress to be made. i’m sort of surprised that you forgot,” you replied, before shaking your head with a smile. “nonetheless, we have a job to do. can you hand me a few safety pins, darling?”
“y-yes!” she squeaked, as you turned to your photographer.
humming, you began addressing the problem. “ah, i see the problem. so no matter the angle, the corset gets covered by the veil. but without the veil, she looks a bit bare. hm.”
“i have your safety pins, mother,” dawn suddenly piped behind you, placing them in your hand. you raised an eyebrow, looking down at the gold tacks.
“these are glass-head pins, darling, not safety. seems your time in america has rendered you a little bit silly, hm?” you teased before tucking them away. “it’s alright. how about something simple? get me a veil, whichever one you find the nicest.”
flustered, she only nodded, walking away. you turned to face the model and photographer again, analyzing how to make the dress look as beautiful as possible. “oh, how about this? turn a little to the left, but bring a hand up to your cheek. yes, just like that.” after a minute, dawn presented to you two veils. one had gold lace embedded in it, and the other was exceptionally long. “which one do you like more?”
“hm, i quite enjoy this one, the gold one,” she replied, a little sparkle in her eyes. you let out a little huff of appreciation.
“you really are my daughter, aren’t you, dawn? i like that one too,” you winked, taking the veil in your hands. you began placing it on the model’s head, adjusting it to fit her properly. “ooh, lovely indeed. alright, now, just as before. relax those arms, would you?”
the rest of the afternoon passed by relatively quickly. each time you looked over, she stared back with wonder in her eyes. she had practically grown up at the bridal shop, so you were confused as to why she looked at you so adoringly. nonetheless, you appreciated her eagerness. the afternoon consisted of looking at all of dresses, and deciding upon a name for the collection. with a start, you snapped your fingers.
“phoenix,” you suddenly said, as the photographer and model began wrapping up their session.
“yes, mother?” she replied before slapping at hand over her mouth, cheeks turning a bright red like her hair. you turned to look at her, thinking of her sister for a moment. imagine if it were actually phoenix, you chuckled softly, thinking about the single month you spent with her before your divorce. i wonder how she’s doing now. i wonder how diluc is doing, too.
“sorry, dawn. i was thinking aloud about what to call this collection. how does ‘phoenix’ sound to you?” you asked as she spun around in her chair, kicking her legs out.
“phoenix,” your daughter echoed, voice distant and she looked down. then, she nodded with firm affirmation. “yes, i like it very much, mother. it’s a pretty name.”
you looked at her, thinking once more of her twin. she must be so beautiful and all grown up now, you thought before shaking your head. wistfully, you wondered of the what would have been had you and diluc not gotten into such a messy fight all those years ago. perhaps you would be sitting in that grand mansion of his, running the ragnvindr business like you had planned in sunkissed afternoons long before you married. perhaps you would know how your other daughter was doing. perhaps you would still be hopelessly in love with him.
or were you perhaps still hopelessly in love with him, and had those feelings never gone away in the first place?
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“mother, don’t you ever think that designing all of these gowns make you want to get married? or at least think of the f-word?” dawn suddenly said, taking her hand as you led her out the door to the bridal shop. london was in the midst of its rush hour, workers heading home in the bustling streets. above was a brilliant blue sky and all around was warm weather that reminded you of an american summer that you had long ago.
you snapped your head at her, giving her an incredulous look. “what did you just say?”
“the f-word! father!” she exclaimed, eyes bright with excitement.
“oh, i see. that f-word,” you sighed out a breath of relief. “yes, dear? what about it?”
“i think it’s time you tell me about my father!” making you bite your lip as you crossed the road to the other side of the street.
“dawn, we’ve talked about this before. you were delivered to me by a stork on one fine, october afternoon, and—”
“mother, i’m too old to believe that story! who’s the man in that crumpled picture? the one with bright red hair and the red tie! you can’t avoid the subject forever; at least tell me what he was like.”
sighing out, you conceded. “well, alright. to be honest, he was a lovely, lovely man.”
“really?! did you meet him here, in london?”
“ah, no. he was an american on a business trip. we met on the qe2.”
“the q-e-what?”
“the queen elizabeth two. it’s an ocean liner that sails from here to new york city. there was a famous celebrity having her wedding on that ship, and i was just getting into the dress-making industry. the night before the wedding, during the dress rehearsal, i was seated next to your father. he was also catering, with his merlots and whatnot, and we hit it off right away. and everything else became a blur."
“really?! oh, how romantic! so, was it love at first sight?”
shaking your head with a smile, you looked at her. was your little girl so grown that she had to ask questions about diluc? it didn’t help either that she looked like a carbon copy of him. “i knew you were going to ask these questions one day. alright, enough. how about we get dinner so we can talk about your dad, now, hmm? seems all your time in the states has made you so curious about him.”
as you grabbed a taxi, you failed to realize exactly why she was asking all of these questions.
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taglist!: @asheseiler​ @syllything​ @dilucsz​ @hanniejji​ @lianabae19​ @catgirlwannabe​ @creamillabon​ @kouchuya @winterptilopsis​ @lowermoons​@chscklvr @nekonikoniko 
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(光与夜之恋 Light and Night) Event! SP Granny’s Tailor Shop: A Giantess can Fall in Love too!  Chapter 1: Accidental Meeting (意外相遇) Translation
“The contestant of the popular variety show ‘Angel Supermodel’ accidentally chances upon Granny’s Tailor. She looked rather depressed, not at all as confident as she was in the variety’s competition.”
*Light and Night Master-list *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Join my Light & Night Discord (^▽^)~ ♪ *Event story tag will be #For Light and Memories
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A girl entered the quiet shop at sunset.
She was extremely tall, and I could barely meet her eye level despite sitting on a high stool.
MC: Gao Ran?
The girl nodded, seemingly unsurprised that I knew of her name.
On the table, an old TV was rebroadcasting last night's variety show “Angel Supermodel”.
Gao Ran: You like watching it?
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MC: Yeah, you guys are really popular lately. Your posters are plastered everywhere and you get all sorts of support rallies happening.
MC: Oh, right! I haven’t yet congratulated you on entering the finals!
Gao Ran had been staring quietly at the TV screen. It was only when she heard the word “finals” that she slowly raised her head…
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Her long back hair covers her eyes. They were downcast, and seemingly even a little dispirited.
Gao Ran: Thanks.
I poured her a glass of water just as the “Chinese and Western Bridal” photoshoot showdown aired on-screen.
Gao Ran was dressed in a cerise-coloured Chinese traditional wedding gown decorated with dragons and phoenixes, with a hint of cinnabar between her brows. Meanwhile, her strongest rival, Xin Xian, was dressed in a spotlessly white western-style wedding dress.
MC: Xin Xian is very photogenic. No wonder she’s the lead model of the luna magazine.
MC: But I like your get-up better. Beautiful Century has many high-end apparels, but I think this one takes the cake in its uniqueness.
Gao Ran: Huh?
MC: The embroidery method of “gem weaving” is too complicated, so only a handful of people know how to utilize it.
MC: Trails of beads are used to outline the model’s figure. This is tailor-customization… So this designer must know you very well.
Gao Ran gave me a suspicious look.
It was only then that I realized that I’d been unknowingly prattling. I scratched my nose in embarrassment.
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MC: Sorry… I went off my own tangent quite a bit with my comments… But I’m actually a designer, although I haven’t been one for too long.
Gao Ran shook her head again, seemingly having remembered something. She fiddled with the glass in her hand, turning it round and round.
Gao Ran: Don’t worry about it. I’m sure he’ll be very glad to know that someone understands his design.
I think “he” should be someone of importance to her. Her eyes appear much softer when speaking of him.
MC: Don’t worry about it. The finals are coming soon, but there should be no problem at all since you’re working with such a brilliant designer!
Gao Ran: Thanks.
Gao Ran expressed yet another faint smile. She lowered the volume of the TV, hesitating before turning to look at me.
Gao Ran: What do you think of “Angel Supermodel”?
MC: Hmm… The contest is especially exciting, the competition is astoundingly fierce, and the topics are always...
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MC: Negative. And sometimes, the heat brought by them overwhelms even the competition itself. Somehow, I can’t help but feel like the original intent of the show has also warped along with it...
My voice gradually grew softer and softer. I was hesitating, trying to think about how I should say something on a more positive note. However, Gao Ran interrupted me.
Gao Ran: You’re correct.
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Gao Ran: I often ask myself... that if I had another chance to choose, would I participate in this competition again?
Gao Ran rested her head on her hand as she spoke, her gaze still quietly trained onto the screen.
MC: I think… you will.
She turned around to meet my gaze, her eyebrows raised in mute surprise.
Gao Ran: You’re the second person besides him to tell me that.
Gao Ran: I thought I’d give up at first, but then I realized once I ran into a fork in the road… that no matter how many times I restarted, I’d still keep walking onwards.
Gao Ran: Even if I know… That there are only terrible things lying in wait on the path ahead...
She balled her fists up as if trying to suppress the emotions she felt.
❖☆————— ⊹ A Giantess can Fall in Love too! ⊹ —————★❖
⊹ Next Part: (Chapter 2: Inside Secrets)
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Keeping Secrets Ch. 58
Keeping Secrets Masterlist
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Sunlight shining in through the curtains of the two windows of their bedroom attached to the nursery pulled Katie from sleep and as her eyes fluttered open they landed on Klaus’s hand on hers that rested on his chest. Her head was laying on the shoulder of his arm that was wrapped around her back. She thought he was asleep, but when she took a deep breath and closed her eyes, letting his scent wash over her like a comforting wave, the sound of his sleepy chuckle hit her ears and a blush colored her cheeks. However, her embarrassment faded when he turned his head and buried his nose in her soft auburn waves, breathing her in. A bright sleepy smile lit up her face as she looked up at him and he gave her a gentle smile back as he took his hand off of hers to brush a wave behind her ear. “Good morning, Big Bad Wolf.”
“Good," he paused as he whooshed around, now hovering over her from the side, "is a vast understatement, Little Phoenix.” he started trailing kisses down her neck. “Waking up with you in my arms feels bloody magnificent.” he told her and she laughed as he kissed his way to the hollow of her neck then down to the valley of her breasts. When he cupped both of them in his hands over her champagne, satin pajama top she took in a deep breath and bit her lips closed to mute her moan. A chuckle left his lips when he looked up from her chest to her eyes and he saw the veins under them. Once again he drank in the sight then gave her a crooked smile as his hands kneaded her breasts making her bite her lip again.
“Are you trying to torture me?” she asked breathily.
“My touch is torture?” he asked playing dumb.
“It is when I know it can’t lead to more for fear of waking our daughter.” she answered, a choked moan leaving her lips when he pinched her nipples between his thumb and pointer finger.
Knowing she was right, Klaus sighed and rolled off of her. “Fine."
Katie rolled over, straddling him as she looked down at him with a flirty twinkle in her eyes. "Just because we can't make love doesn't mean we can't fool around. How else will I learn to be quiet?" Klaus sat up and wrapped his arms around her making her laugh when he bit her neck with a growl.
After thirty minutes of making out and giggling like a couple of carefree teenagers, Klaus took her left hand into his, looking at the emerald cut diamond on her finger. “Tell me, have you thought about what you want our wedding to be like? Venue, color scheme, date, etcetera…”
“Venue...anywhere but Saint Ann's. Color scheme...something simple like cream with one pop of color, maybe blue or red?” she asked, getting a look from him that said he was considering it. "And a date…" She sighed and took his hand in hers, absentmindedly playing with his long fingers.. "I don't know...when your douchebag brother is no longer capable of crashing the wedding in an attempt to murder our flower girl?"
"How about dark azure blue as the accent color and we shoot for a week after whenever Finn is taken care of?" He asked with a Hopeful look.
"Both sound perfect to me." She agreed.
"Really?” he asked and she noticed his surprise. “I would have thought you’d want a longer engagement.”
“Why would I want to put off what I’m sure will be one of the happiest days of my life?” she asked. “I want to marry you as soon as it is safe to and two vital purchases have been made.” he gave her a curious look. “A wedding band for you and a dress for me.
“Speaking of…” he started as he got out of bed, went to the wardrobe in the room and pulled out a white, cotton garment bag with Kleinfeld Bridal written in the top right corner of it.
“You didn’t.” Katie told him with a tilt of her head as she got out of bed.
“I did.” he answered as he hung it on the open door of the wardrobe. “Of course that was before you changed your mind about it.”
“Oh no.” Katie pressed the palm of her hand to her head then looked up at him. “I am so sorry you went through all that trouble for nothing.”
“It was no trouble, I assure you.” he told her and she dropped her hand from her face. He motioned to the dress bag. “Look at it, make sure it’s the right one.”
As she grabbed the zipper pull he turned his back, still not looking at it just in case she changed her mind once she saw it in person. When the zipper was undone she pushed the garment bag aside revealing ivory satin, lace and swarovski crystals along the sweetheart neckline. “How did you find it?” Katie asked as she grabbed the pull and zipped the bag back up.
“I called Caroline.” he said as if it should have been obvious.
“She wasn’t suspicious as to why you wanted my dream dress when I wasn’t alive to wear it?” she asked as she walked around him and slipped her hands up his chest to hold the sides of his neck.
“I told her that I had planned on asking you to marry me and wanted to put it in your coffin with your ashes.” he answered. “She called me creepy, but gave up the information nonetheless.”
Katie laughed at Caroline calling him creepy as Klaus wrapped his arms around her waist. “Please tell me you don’t actually still have my coffin.” Katie told him, remembering that at one time she had her own, custom built antique white coffin.
“I don’t. It burned with the plantation.” he answered then grabbed her hand and pulled her back over to the bed with him. “Speaking of Caroline, that reminds me, there is something you should know about a friend of yours.” Katie gave him a curious look as he sat down in bed, leaning back against the headboard and she straddled his lap. “When I called your father to tell him about your death he asked if Nate had anything to do with it." Her curious look turned to a frown. "As it turns out Nate was a descendent of your half brother from your first life.”
“I didn’t have a half brother.” she said with a confused shake of her head.
“Bradley was going through some old family history files when he saw a familiar face. Nathanial Cian Easton.” Klaus answered. “Bradley’s files started with your first father at the top of the tree then followed three branches from him. Yours and your sisters from your mother and the youngest, a son, born by a woman named Nyarai.” Katie narrowed her eyes in thought as she shook her head before a look of realization struck her like a light bulb going off over her head. She slid off of Klaus and leaned back against the headboard beside him, her fingertips pressed to her lips. A few minutes passed before she looked up at Klaus. “I’m guessing you knew her.”
Katie nodded as her hand fell to her lap. "She was Mother's lady’s maid." Katie answered in shock. "A few years after my sister was born, Nyarai had a son. Everyone speculated who the father could have been because she was unwed and was never seen with any suitors." Katie sat up on her knees and looked at Klaus. "I guess Father decided Mother was incapable of producing a male heir." Klaus placed his hand over hers.
"Bradley feared, given the hatred your family harbored for the curse Hannah put on the women of your family, Nate’s line included, that he may have turned to put you down if you ever became fully reincarnated." Katie's eyes dropped to the comforter that she pulled up over herself, hating that one simple soul linking spell could do so much damage to a family. Klaus cupped her chin in his hand and lifted her head. "It was never Nate’s intention to kill you." He reassured her. “I never would have let him near you if I thought, even for a second, that he meant to bring you harm. He cared about you.” Katie was thinking about how things might have been different if she had known that Nate was her blood family, when Hope’s happy morning squeals filled the air. “It would appear as though our daughter is awake.” Klaus said with a smile in his voice as he took his arm out from around her waist.
“And she’s in a good mood.” Katie added as they both slipped from the bed. “Most mornings she wakes up crying.” While Katie threw on a satin robe Klaus went to their daughter and picked her up.
“Good morning, Princess.” he told her, getting a happy squeal from Hope in return as he walked back into the bedroom. He was opening his mouth to say something when a knock on their door cut him off.
Katie walked over and pulled it open. “Good morning.” Rebekah greeted them as she walked into the room then turned to Katie. “You never gave me an answer about the whole maid of honor thing.”
“And you feel an answer is important enough to warrant bursting into our room?” Klaus asked and Rebekah looked at him over her shoulder where he stood in the doorway to Hope’s room and rolled her eyes then looked back at Katie.
“Regardless of your answer I’d still like to take you dress shopping today. Seeing as you have no interest in wearing the one of a kind dress Nik hunted down for you.” Rebekah told her, making Katie give her a small smile. “We'll make a proper girls day out of it.”
“I appreciate the thought, but shouldn’t you be trying to find a way to bring Kol back like you promised?” Katie asked.
“If anyone can multitask it’s me.” Rebekah replied. “And that’s still not an answer.”
Klaus started laughing and Katie looked past Rebekah to him. “You know the longer you make her wait, the more persistent she will become.”
Katie thought about it, Caroline was miles away, unable to help her plan her wedding like a maid of honor should, but Rebekah was right there practically begging for the job. Not to mention it was starting to feel like she and Rebekah truly were sisters. “I suppose it is possible to have two maids of honor.” Katie thought to herself. “Rebekah, would you do me the massive favor of being my maid of honor?”
“Really?” Rebekah asked with wide, excited eyes.
"It would be kind of a co-maid of honor situation because I promised Caroline a long time ago that if I ever got married that she'd be my maid of honor. She, Bonnie and Elena will always be lifelong friends of mine but," Katie walked over to her and grabbed Rebekah's hands "over these past few months you haven't just been there for Hope, you were there for me too. You didn't let me shut down and push you away or spiral or hyperfocus to keep from letting too much in at one time...You are my best friend now."
"And sometime very soon we'll be sisters." Rebekah told her with a smile then engulfed her in a hug making Katie laugh before she let her go. “Meet me in the courtyard in an hour.” she told her as she walked to the still open bedroom door then turned back and gave Klaus a cheeky look that was totally Rebekah-like even in the new body she was hopping a ride in for the time being. “Or do you plan on making her moan your name at top volume again? Because if that’s the case I’ll take Hope to the other side of the house and give the two of you a few hours longer.”
“Rebekah!” Katie grabbed a throw pillow off of the bench at the end of the bed and threw it at her head, but she easily dodged it with a laugh.
“Was that a yes or a no? I can’t tell.” Rebekah asked.
“That was an, it’s none of your bloody business.” Katie answered with a wide eyed look. Rebekah just shook her head with a smile on her face as she shut the door.
“Well, I never thought I’d see that.” Klaus said, making Katie turn to look at him, still holding his content daughter.
“See what?” Katie asked as she walked over and wrapped her arms around both of them.
“My sister and my finacée, besties.” he answered with a toothy smile.
“Would you prefer us go back to the love, hate relationship we had before?” Katie asked with a playful look.
“Nope, I actually quite like it when the people I love get along with one another.” he told her before Hope squealed and smacked Katie on the chest making them both smile down at her.
“So it seems the king and his princess will have the palace all to themselves today.” Katie commented as she grabbed Hope’s hand and Hope wrapped her little fingers around one of Katie’s. “Is that okay with you?” she asked and she looked up at Klaus. “You’ve never had her all to yourself before.”
“Rest assured she will be perfectly and completely spoiled rotten while you are away.” he gave her a closed lipped smile that showed off his dimples, making her smile back. “You deserve a day without our daughter on your hip just as much as Hope and I deserve to get to know one another.”
“I would say if you need anything call me, but I no longer have a phone to reactivate. It got blown up along with the pictures of us and old voicemails from you that were on it.” she told him with a disappointed look.
“That is why…” he set Hope on her play mat then went to his bedside table, “I got this as soon as you agreed to come home.” he turned back to her and handed her a new cell phone. “All of your photos and voicemails were stored in the cloud and have been downloaded on it as well as all of your contacts. So you can call your Mystic Falls friends and inform them of your miraculous rise from the dead whenever you wish.”
She turned on the phone to see he had set her background image to a picture of the painting he had bought for her on their first date that now hung in the bedroom of their quarters, making her smile at the memory of that day. “You’re awesome.” she told him as she tucked her phone into her back pocket then pecked him on the lips. “I was actually hoping you could help me call Caroline this time.” Katie told him as she glanced at Hope to make sure she was still on her mat. “I don’t want my voice to be the first one she hears when she answers the phone.”
“What would you like me to say?” he asked as he pulled his phone out of his pocket, assuming that she would want his name to pop up on Caroline’s phone instead of Katie’s.
“I don’t know, you’re you, be creative.” she shrugged.
He smirked at her as he pulled up Caroline’s contact information and hit call. “Hello?” Carline’s sleepy voice answered.
“Collect call from,” Klaus started, then held the phone out to Katie for her to say her name.
“Your very best friend in the whole wide world.” Katie filled in the blank.
“Do you accept the charges?” Klaus finished.
Katie could hear the rustle of blankets and the springs of a mattress popping as Caroline moved around in her bed. “Klaus, if this is a prank it’s not funny.”
Katie laughed. “It’s not a prank, Care.”
“Katie?” Caroline’s voice perked up. “How are you alive? Klaus said that the witches killed you and your baby. Bonnie saw you on the other side.” Caroline asked as Katie took the phone and put it to her ear.
“Well technically they did, so he wasn’t lying about that, and they did try to Kill our daughter, but we stopped them. Her name is Hope, by the way.” Katie answered. “I had her blood in my system when they killed me, so I came back."
“You’re a vampire again?” Caroline asked and Katie hummed a positive answer. “That’s why you disappeared when Bonnie saw you, because you were no longer on the other side.” Katie once again hummed a yes. “So why did he tell me the two of you were dead?”
“The witches who took her and tried to kill her were acting on the behalf of Esther. It was her decree that Hope never be allowed to live. So we let everyone believe the witches had succeeded and went into hiding. It was the only way to keep Hope safe.” Katie explained. “But Esther is no longer a problem, so we’re no longer in hiding.” Katie decided to leave out the part about Finn to make the explanations shorter. Caroline was quiet as she processed everything. “I am so sorry we had to lie to you guys again.”
“Katie, seriously?” Caroline asked. “You were protecting your daughter, I’m not mad. Well, I mean, I’m a little mad, but I’ll get over it.”
Klaus picked up Hope. “I’m going to go feed her.” he told Katie who nodded and watched him walk out of their room with Hope in his arms, talking to her in a sweet voice as he did.
“I can not picture Klaus holding a baby, much less feeding one.” Caroline commented having heard him.
“He’s actually settling into fatherhood a lot better than I thought he would, all things considered.” Katie replied with a soft smile on her face. “How’s everyone back home?”
“Mystic Falls as a whole is flourishing considering vampires can’t cross into its borders.” Caroline answered.
“What?” Katie asked with a squished up face.
“A bunch of crazy Travellers put a spell on the town that cancels out all spirit magic that enters it. So if we go inside, the magic keeping us alive disappears and we’ll die of whatever killed us the first time.” Caroline explained. “So for example if you were to pass through the border, your throat would be slit and you’d be dead, permanently this time.”
“That sucks.” Katie said, not knowing what else she could say to something that sounded so crazy
“Tell me about it.” Caroline scoffed. “I’m guessing Klaus told you about Bonnie and Damon?” she asked and Katie hummed, sadness at never seeing their faces again, washed over her and her eyes watered. “Well, Damon’s back, but Bonnie’s not. Apparently Bonnie’s grams put them in a prison world for some murderous psychopath named Kai before the other side was destroyed. Damon made it, but Kai messed up the spell before Bonnie could get out. We don’t know if Kai killed her or if she’s still just stuck in there with him.”
“I really don’t know what to say to all of that.” Katie admitted as she placed her fingertips to her lips.
“And on top of all of that, after Damon disappeared instead of grieving like a normal person, Elena started taking some kind of witchy concoction that let her see him. The more she took it the more blood thirsty she got so she asked Alaric to compel away all her memories of her and Damon. Now Damon’s going crazy trying to get her to remember their relationship.” Caroline practically ranted.
“Poor Damon.” Katie sighed as she pushed her hair back out of her face. “I don’t care what happened, if Klaus ever died there is no way in hell I would ask Rebekah or Elijah to compel away all of my memories of us. No matter how much it would hurt.”
“I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but yeah...poor Damon.” Caroline agreed.
“So what about everyone else, Stefan, Matt, Jeremy, your mom, Bradley…” she listed the first people that came to her mind.
“Well, after Damon and Bonnie disappeared Stefan just left and started over somewhere else, but now that Damon’s back, so is he.” Caroline answered. “Matt is...still Matt. Jeremy is dealing with losing Bonnie in usual Jeremy style.”
“So booze and pot?” Katie asked.
Caroline hummed a positive answer. “Mom's still mom. She and your dad are still going strong even though he can’t go home.” Caroline got quiet for a second. “Oh and Tyler’s back. He’s human now and has turned over a new leaf, he’s even started going to college at Whitmore, but we’re not back together. No matter how much he apologises I just can’t be with someone who would try to kill your unborn baby.”
“That’s...good to hear.” Katie commented. “The, not giving him a second chance, part. I could kind of care less about anything other than he’s dropped the whole revenge thing against Klaus.”
“Hey, why’d you call your dad Bradley instead of Dad?” Caroline asked, sounding like she thought she might be overstepping somehow.
“Probably because after I left Mystic Falls he never once called to check in or even sent a single, “Hey, how’s it going?” text.” Katie answered. “If he were any kind of dad he would have.”
“You know that’s a two way street, right?” Caroline asked. “You could have called him just as easily as he could have called you.”
“He’s the one who abandoned me and left me with Grandfather. I don’t think it should be my job to extend the olive branch even more than I already have by giving him a chance in the first place.” Katie answered.
“Fair point.” Caroline agreed.
“So where’s Elena, aren’t you two sharing a dorm room?” Katie asked, a little confused.
“We did, but I...dropped out.” Caroline answered. “I couldn’t balance college and trying to find a way to fix what the travellers did to our home.”
“I’m sorry.” Katie said with a frown. Caroline had been so excited about college the last time they had spoken.
“Eh, college will always be there when I’m ready to go back.” Caroline replied indifferently.
Rebekah opened the bedroom door catching Katie’s attention. “Have you seriously not even showered yet?” she asked, seeing Katie still in her robe and her hair a tousled mess.
“Who is that?” Caroline asked, not recognizing Rebekah's new voice.
“That would be my now official future sister-in-law who is stuck in the body of a witch thanks to Esther. It's a long story.” Katie answered Caroline then covered the speaker of the phone and spoke to Rebekah. “I am talking to my other maid of honor, give me a few more minutes and I’ll start getting dressed.” Rebekah rolled her eyes and closed the door.
“Wait, hold on,” Caroline said in a serious voice, “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” Katie just giggled in response. “Klaus proposed?!” Caroline asked and Katie could easily picture the shocked and happy look that she was sure was on Caroline's face at the moment.
“And I said yes.” Katie answered.
“Oh my god, Katie, I’m so happy for you.” Caroline practically squealed. “Wait, that’s why Klaus called me wanting the style number of the dress you liked on Say Yes to the Dress, isn’t it? Did he find it? Have you set a date yet? What is your theme? Please tell me it's not sunflowers and burlap. That look is so overdone these days.”
“Caroline.” Katie laughed.
“I know, I know, I need to calm down, but I can’t help it. I’m just so happy and excited for you.” Caroline told her then took a deep breath and let it out. “Okay, I’m calm. So tell me what you have planned so far.”
“Not much honestly.” Katie answered. “Klaus did find the dress, but I'm not going to wear it.”
“What, why? It’s freaking gorgeous.” Caroline asked, sounding disappointed.
“Because it’s not me anymore.” Katie answered. “Since you like it so much, why don’t I send it to you? You can save it for your own wedding someday.”
Caroline scoffed. “Yeah, okay, like that will ever happen.”
“Hey, you never know. Your one true love could be right under your nose and you just don’t know it yet.” Katie told her jokingly.
“So do you have a new dress in mind? I can get Mom to dig out your mom's dress and send it to you if you want.”
“No, that's okay.” Katie answered. “Rebekah is actually waiting for me to get dressed so she can take me dress shopping. I’ve kind of asked her to be a co-maid of honor. I hope that’s okay.”
Caroline was quiet for a few minutes before she sighed. “Yeah...it’s fine. I just wish you guys could get married here in Mystic Falls so that I could be the active maid of honor.” she could hear the sadness in her voice.
“I know, me too.” Katie agreed, sounding almost as sad.
“Okay...go dress hunting with your future sister-in-law.” Caroline told her, pouting. Which only made Katie smile.
“You will have your responsibilities too, Care. Don’t worry.” Katie laughed. “I’ll talk to you later and text you a picture of the dress before I buy it.”
“You better. I want every detail.” Caroline told her seriously.
“Oh, and can you get Elena and Damon to call me when they have a chance?” Katie asked and Caroline said she would before they hung up.
After showering, braiding her bangs back out of her face, tying the rest of her hair up into a messy bun and getting dressed in a pair of dark wash, distressed denim shorts, a black form fitting tank top with a sheer lace racerback and a pair of strappy black sandals she found Klaus in the kitchen feeding Hope a bowl of mashed bananas and oatmeal cereal. She grabbed a blood bag out of the icebox and was about to rip it open when Klaus noticed what she was doing and spoke up. "Have you forgotten that the hired humans offer more services than just housekeeping?"
She looked at him to see a smirk on his face as he jerked his head at the woman standing quietly in the corner of the kitchen with her hands folded politely in front of herself. The woman walked over and held out her wrist “I’m fine. Thank you.” Katie told her so the woman nodded and went back to where she had been before.
Klaus thought it odd that she refused fresh blood when once upon a time she referred to blood bags as tv dinners, but he brushed it off thinking she was just in a hurry because Rebekah was rushing her.
When she was done putting the blood in a coffee tumbler she walked over to them and slid her hand over his shoulders as she leaned around him, “Okay, I’m headed out.” she pecked him on the lips as Hope babbled and hit the tray of her high chair with a spoon.
“Be careful. We still don’t know Finn’s whereabouts.” he warned her.
“I will. Promise.” she answered then kissed him again. “Just...do me a favor and don’t feed her beignets while I’m gone.”
Klaus feigned shock. “I would never.”
“Uh huh, sure.” Katie told him, walking backward toward the door. “If I find a trace of powdered sugar on her you will pay for it.” she pointed at him playfully.
“Is that a threat?” he asked with wide, joking eyes.
“That’s a promise, Big Bad Wolf.” she laughed then turned and walked out.
After a completely montagable day of wedding dress shopping Katie picked a dress that both Rebekah and Caroline agreed on. But, while her maids of honor could agree on a wedding dress for her they couldn’t agree on any one maid of honor dress for themselves. So to stop the arguing over speakerphone, Katie finally told them she didn’t care what they wore as long as their dresses were matching shades of azure blue.
Rebekah also insisted that to make it a proper girls day they had to get their hair and nails done. So when Katie walked into the courtyard with her hair that had grown six inches since her last haircut, cut shoulder length and layered, Klaus took notice, his eyes lingering on her a second or two longer than usual. “You look refreshed.” he told her as she walked over and sat down beside him where he sat on the floor with Hope on a blanket beside the fountain in the center of the courtyard. Hope had a teething ring in her hand slinging it around. “And you cut your hair.”
“Do you like it? I’ve never thought to ask if you have a preference when it comes to the length of my hair.” she asked as she reached up and twirled a shoulder length auburn curl around her finger.
“As long as I can run my fingers through it I’ll be happy.” he answered and she smiled as he slipped his fingers through her hair at the nape of her neck and pulled her in for a kiss. “Did you have a good time?” he asked as they turned their attention to Hope.
“Yes, and I found a dress. It’s at the tailors, but once they are done they will call me for the final fitting.” she answered.
“One step closer.” he told her with a cheeky smile that made her bump his shoulder with hers and shake her head.
Katie leaned down and looked Hope over. “Hmm, is that a speck of powdered sugar on her onesie?” she asked then looked over her shoulder at Klaus with a raised brow and a smirk.
Klaus laughed, “You are looking for reasons to punish me.”
“Maybe.” she said with a noncommittal shrug as she sat up. “But who’s to say you won’t like your punishment?”
“Come here you.” he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her into him, kissing her deeply. “You can save your punishment for later tonight.” he told her when the kiss broke. “I’ve asked Camille to babysit so that you and I may have a date night. It’s been too long.”
"Would you like me to cook dinner?" She asked with a Hopeful look.
"Well, I'd be hurt if you didn't." He answered with a mock serious look then gave her a smile.
Katie was setting a basket of cheddar biscuits in the center of the dining table in the small dining room when Klaus joined her. “It smells delicious, Love.” he commented as he sat down at one of the two place settings and she sat down across from him. Soon after, the woman that had offered Katie her wrist earlier that day, brought out two plates of jambalaya. “It seems someone has expanded their Louisiana recipe book.” he told her with a smirk as he grabbed his fork and took a bite.
"I also know how to cook crawfish etouffee, gumbo from scratch, and catfish Courtbouillon." She told him with her head held high. "If it sucks, blame Rebekah. She was my guinea pig."
Klaus took a bite and hummed, enjoying the Cajun cuisine. "You are truly talented, Little Phoenix."
She just smiled, happy he liked it and things fell comfortably silent for a few minutes as they both enjoyed their meal, but eventually Klaus grabbed a cheddar biscuit from the basket and asked, "I've been thinking about a venue, but I do not know much about your preferences. Where did you picture your dream wedding taking place?"
"My teenage wedding dreams never really made it past the dress." She answered and he gave her a look that told her to give him something to work with. "When I was talking to Caroline earlier today she mentioned that she wished we could get married in Mystic Falls and I pictured the double staircase in the entryway of your mansion-”
“Our mansion.” he interrupted her with his fork pointed at her. “Your father took your house there, besides once we say our vows what’s mine becomes yours.”
“Oh, so you’re not going to make me sign a prenup?” she asked with a challenging lift of her brows to which he rolled his eyes and gave her a ‘seriously?’ look. “Anyway.” she laughed. “I pictured flowers and twinkling lights on the railing of the stairs. Everyone sitting down below, looking up at us at the top of them, while we say our vows.” she answered. “But that was just a fleeting thought.” she shrugged then took the last bite of her jambalaya.
“Is that what you want, to get married in Mystic Falls?” he asked
“No.” she answered with a shake of her head. “I’ve just always liked that house. Even before you renovated it.” He gave her a curious tilt of his head that asked her to explain why. “During the summer, before I was old enough to work at the grill, I would sneak out at night and ride around the back roads of town on my bike. The road the mansion is on was my favorite one to take and every time I took it I’d stop and stare at that house, trying to imagine what it must have looked like in its prime because even when it was broken down and falling apart it was beautiful.”
“Maybe we could go there on our honeymoon.” he suggested. “You can visit your friends. I know you still miss them.”
“I do miss them and I would like to visit Mystic Falls, but we can’t. Vampires can’t enter Mystic Falls right now or we’ll die. Something about travelers casting an anti magic spell on it.” she told him sadly and they both got quiet for a minute.
When they were done eating Klaus stood from the table and held his hand out to her. “Come with me.” she placed her hand in his as she stood then let him lead her to the main entrance of the compound that they hardly ever used. Showing her the double staircase that led up to a curved balcony with tall cream colored columns on each side of it that went from floor to ceiling. “I know it’s not as grand as the mansion, but-” he slipped his hand into hers, taking over her reality, changing the entryway before her eyes.
The metal railing of the stairs was decorated with white hydrangeas, little azure blue flowers and twinkling lights. A priest stood up above them, under an arch decorated with greenery, flowers and more lights. All of their friends and family stood below, looking at them with smiles on their faces. She looked down at herself to see she wore a trumpet silhouette dress with a satin skirt and a sexy bodice of strategically placed lace that let a tasteful amount of cleavage and side boob show. “I recognize this dress. It’s the first one that popped up on my google feed when I typed in “Pnina Tornai” and “sexy”.”
“Feel on top of your head.” he told her with a smirk.
So she reached on top of her head and when she felt cold metal, pulled it off to see in her hands a simple cletic knot tiara with a single blue teardrop sapphire at its peak.
“You’re trying to give me a big head again, Big Bad Wolf.” she told him as he let the vision fade. “Is that your way of telling me you want me to wear a tiara?” she asked with a raised brow.
“You can wear whatever you'd like.” he answered. “What do you think?” he asked with a motion to the entryway.
“I think you solved the no venue problem.” she told him with a smile.
“So you like it?” he asked as she stepped around to stand in front of him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.
“It’s perfect.” she told him then caught his lips with hers. She had meant for it to just be a peck, but he deepened it, pulling a sigh from her as she melted into him. When it broke she gave him a smirk that let him know exactly what she wanted and he whooshed them up to their quarters.
They were lounging in their pj's in the bed in their quarters when Katie remembered they had forgotten about dessert and grabbed her phone off the nightstand. "What are you doing, Love?" Klaus asked curiously.
"Nothing." She told him evasively and when he tried to sneak at her phone she turned it away from him.
They were fighting over her phone when a knock sounded at the door. Katie slipped from the bed and Klaus followed. When she opened the door the woman from the kitchen, who Katie had gotten to know while she was cooking, holding a round silver tray of square pastries covered in powdered sugar came into view. "You made beignets." He observed with a closed lipped smile at her. "You spoil me."
"That was the plan." She told him as she took the tray from the woman. "Thank you, Laura." the woman nodded.
"You know what goes splendidly with beignets?" He asked as he walked over to Laura and grabbed her hand. His irises turned amber before he bit her wrist. After a few seconds of drinking he looked up at Katie and watched as she swept the woman’s straight brown hair away from her neck, letting blood fill her eyes as she looked into Klaus’s and bit the woman’s neck.
After a minute they both let go of Laura and Klaus dismissed her as he wrapped his arm around Katie’s waist and pulled her into him. His other hand grabbed her thigh and pulled her leg up as she pressed her against the wall by the door, their bodies writhing against each other as his lips traveled the exposed skin of her neck.
Katie’s head rested in Klaus’s lap, his hand absentmindedly playing with her loose waves, both lost in thought. Katie glanced up noticing he looked a little worried. “You okay?” she asked as she sat up, covering herself with the throw blanket that was usually on the back of the couch.
“Finn and Kol were not the only members of my family that Esther pulled from the other side before it’s collapse. She also brought my father, Ansel, back.”
“What?” Katie asked, curious as to why Esther would bring back Klaus’s father.
“She tried to use him to get me to take her up on her offer to become mortal.” he answered. “She offered to put me in the body of a wolf, to let me join Ansel and have the father I always wanted.” she knew when tears formed in his eyes that it didn’t end well between them. “I used to tell myself that my real father must have had no idea I existed, but he did know. Mother forbade him from seeing me. So, according to him, he waited knowing that one day I would trigger my curse and need my real father.”
“But Mikael killed him before he could step up.” Katie finished and he nodded.
“Ansel thought I should accept mothers offer. That as a wolf I would be king to an entire species and would know true peace.” Klaus continued. “I would be lying if I said the prospect of it all wasn’t appealing, that I wouldn't have liked to have been the son of Ansel.”
“But his offer was too little too late.” she finished.
“Not to mention he knew Hope was alive.” Katie’s brows furrowed at his statement. “When a werewolf is in their animal form they feel everything more acutely. Ansel said that when I was a boy, after each full moon he would wake closer to my village, having been drawn to me in the night. Since he’d come back each month he would wake further from New Orleans. He was drawn to Hope.” Katie blinked at him knowing the look on his teary eyed face. “He wanted to help me protect her, but I knew mother would take his good intentions and twist them against us. So I killed him…” Katie reached up and wiped a tear that fell. “I wanted to trust him. I wanted my father, but I would not be able to forgive myself if something happened to Hope...to you, because of my selfish need for a father.”
She moved to straddle him, holding the sides of his neck as she rested her forehead on his. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” she asked and he gave her a look that said it all. He was afraid of what she’d think. "I'm not disappointed in you, Big Bad Wolf.” she lifted her head and slipped her fingers through his hair. “I just wish that for once, you could have everything you want." he simply grabbed her sides and rested his forehead on her chest.
After a few minutes of comforting silence she slipped from his lap, put on a cotton robe then walked over to the table in the entry room and grabbed the tray of beignets. She put them on the coffee table between the two couches in the sitting room then sat sideways in his lap, grabbed a beignet and rested her arm on his shoulders as she held the pastry up to his lips.
He took a bite and let his head fall back with a hum, enjoying the flavor of the fluffy, sugared, New Orleans donut. “Is there anything you can’t cook?” he asked as he opened his eyes and took the beignet from her fingers and took another bite.
“Soufflé and divinity.” she answered then licked the powdered sugar from her fingers. “I’ll screw it up every time.” Klaus didn’t reply, his mouth too busy with the dessert. “I did a good job then?” she laughed.
“Have you tried your little masterpieces?” he asked and she shook her head no so he held the last bite up to her lips.
She took it and made a surprised face. “Why is this so good? It’s just dough and sugar.” she asked with her hand over her mouth.
“I told you, the food here is some of the best in the world.” he told her with a look at the tray on the table. She grabbed him another off of the tray and handed it to him. She watched him eat the pastry, both of them completely relaxed and content. “Everything alright, Love?” he asked when he saw her eyes watering.
“Perfectly.” she answered quietly. “I just really missed moments like this is all.”
Klaus cupped her cheek in his hand, slipping his thumb over her cheekbone. “Why don’t we go look in on our daughter before we call it a night?” he asked and Katie slipped from his lap and held her hand out for his. He took it then got dressed and they walked hand in hand to their daughters room. Cami was asleep in the rocking chair while Hope was fast asleep in her crib. “Should we wake her?” Klaus asked with a look at Cami.
“Yeah, that chair can’t be comfortable.” Katie answered as she walked over and rubbed Cami’s shoulder, waking her. “Hey.”
“Hey.” Cami echoed as she rubbed her eyes.
“Thanks for watching her.” Katie told her as Cami stood up. “We got it from here.”
“Are you sure?” Cami asked with a look at both of them who gave her a nod. “Okay.”
When Cami left both Klaus and Katie moved to look at Hope, their hands resting on the railing of the crib. “She is perfect isn’t she?” Klaus asked with a smile down at his daughter.
“Like her father.” Katie answered as she wrapped her arms around one of his and rested her head on his shoulder. He just gave her a smirk as he grabbed her hand and led her to their bedroom where he laid down on his back and she snuggled into his side. “Goodnight, Mo Rí.”
Klaus looked down at her and placed a slow lingering kiss to her lips. “Goodnight, Mo Bhanríon.”
A/N: I'm going to try to put together a tag list for this story. So if you want to be added to it let me know.
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