#brightly beams our father's mercy
arlothia · 2 years
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I love this song
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why are most of the arrangements for brightly beams our fathers mercy either a) a capella or b) a tabcats arrangement
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I didn't like the arrangement of Brightly Beams our Father's Mercy, it's my favorite hymn :/
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accordyeen · 2 years
Brightly Beams Our Father's Mercy
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trynatalktou · 3 years
Chayenzo prompt: just they cuddling and being clingy
Hiii anon!! Thanks for this one.
I combined with the answer to why Vinny was talking with his ex in my other prompt, for the people who were curious ( I loved all of your comments, thank you so much, you guys really made my day). Hope you don't mind it.
"Hi" he whispered.
"Hey" she responded, and then beamed brightly.
He felt his chest explode - what a way to go.
"Care to move a bit closer?"
"Mr. Cassano, closer than this? How scandalous!"
Vincenzo snorted, reaching for her waist with one arm and pushing himself by the elbow with the other one, hovering above her.
"I can think of more scandalous things" he replied before kissing her slowly. She yanked him by the collar of his shirt and he crashed on top of her as a result. Neither of them minded.
They were in his bed - their bed now considering how often she slept over - and he regreted not having the guts to let himself be like this with her earlier. It was certainly a punch to the gut to think about how it took a shot to her hip for him to finally confess. He caressed the scar that caused it all.
It was the day he promised to stay, (or leave, or do whatever she wanted because honestly, he already felt himself utterly at her mercy for some time now) and he did.
Her hands ran though his head and he pushed back, but not before pressing a kiss to her forehead. When their eyes met again, she looked completely dazed; he smiled.
"What are you looking so smug about?" She said, punching his chest lightly.
"You." And before she could retort, he pecked her on the lips. Tracing a path to her jaw and from there, to her neck, he said between each kiss: "I. Need. To. Tell. You. Something."
"The floor is yours, darling."
"So, Camilla-"
She pushed him off.
"Sorry, sorry, hey, don't go, tesoro mio".
"Italian will not get you off this one, Vincenzo" pronouncing his name as inaccurately as she could manage - " who would have thought you would be the kind of man to say another woman's name in bed." She continued seriously, but the glint in her eye gave away her mischievousness.
"Weren't you the one gushing about how handsome, and how nice, Luca is the other day?" He kneeled in between her legs, his voice becoming huskier.
"Semantics." she shrugged. "And besides, I'm trying to set him up with Mi-Ri, she has a thing for Italians, as you know."
"Much like you?"
"Actually, I just have a thing for you."
Goodness, he loved her.
"As I was saying," he continued, pulling her by the underside of her knees to bring her closer " you might remember the day I was talking to Camilla on the phone."
"I do, indeed."
"What I didn't mention about our relationship, is that it was one out of convenience - her family and mine shared business, so we knew each other since the day I stomped my foot on Italy for the first time - she was relentlessly kind to me since the beginning, and the one to always defend the poor kid who couldn't even speak their bullies' language yet. So when she saw herself in a corner because she loved someone who her family would never approve of, I had no problem to take the blow for her for once and be used as a cover-up." He took her hand in his. "So, no need to be jealous, amore mio" he concluded, pressing a kiss to the back of her hand.
Cha-young rolled her eyes.
"But that was a secret only between us, which meant my parents also believed the relationship to be real, and my father entrusted her with great-grandma's ring a short while before his passing."
"So, you are telling me, that your father proposed in your place?" Cha-young said between laughs, gasping for air and barely managing to get it out comprehensively. "Oh Vincenzo, you have always been slow on the moves, huh."
He gasped dramatically, feigning indignation - which only made her laugh more.
It was about time to reach for the small box he hid under the bed.
Cha-young laughs finally started to subside and he grabbed her attention by rubbing circles on her right knee. She met his eyes and then, it dawned on her.
She gulped.
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shookspearewrites · 4 years
Shookspeare Valentines: Napoleon
Day 2 of #shookspearevalentines and it’s our dearest Napoleon’s turn! 🌼 I hope that you will all love this sweet lil piece & that you’re all enjoying this mini valentines flower series so far! 💛
- JJ x
Myrtle for our marriage, Napoleon Bonaparte x MC
“You look simply radiant, ma chérie,” le Comte smiled warmly as he gazed upon MC’s elegant wedding dress, his gentle hands finding her shoulders and squeezing lightly, “Are you excited to finally be married?” MC nodded enthusiastically at her dear friend’s question, her beautiful eyes brimming with joy and hopeful anticipation as she grinned brightly.
“Of course I am, Comte. I love Napoleon, and he loves me - I can’t wait to be his wife,” she replied sweetly as she carefully fixed her hair before stopping her movements, confusion registering on her face, “Comte?”
“Have you seen my bouquet anywhere? I seem to have misplaced it.”
“Ah, oui,” he chuckled brightly in reply as he picked up the bridal bouquet from the lady’s bed, “Here it is. Also,” the nobleman continued, producing a letter addressed to her from the pocket of his fine trousers, “Napoleon asked me to give you this. I believe that he may wish to speak to you before the ceremony.”
“Merci, Comte,” MC beamed brightly as she took the flowers and the letter from his hands, opening the letter immediately and reading it with adoration filling her heart, “I’ll go and visit him now. I’ll see you when you give me away!” The beautiful bride tiptoed to kiss her father-figure’s cheek carefully before picking up her skirts and running through the halls to find her soon-to-be husband. 
A few minutes later, the couple who were soon to be wed were stood facing each other in Napoleon’s room, the ex-emperor blindfolded to uphold the tradition of the groom not seeing the bride until they would meet at the alter. Napoleon smiled sweetly as his fiancee held his hands in her own delicate pair, “You asked after me, Napoleon? Don’t tell me you’re having doubts now?” MC giggled as she joked, squeezing Napoleon’s warm hands affectionately.
“Of course not, ma femme,” Napoleon shook his head profusely as he returned the loving squeeze of MC’s hand, his eyebrows furrowing underneath the strip of fabric which blindfolded him, “I simply have something to give you before we’re wed.”
“And what might that be, mon amour?” MC replied softly, once again squeezing her lover’s hands with a sweet sigh when she laid eyes on Napoleon’s charming smile.
“These,” he reached to the desk which stood behind him, presenting his gorgeous bride with a small bunch of white and pink myrtle flowers, their stalks tied together neatly with a white ribbon, “They’re myrtle, to add to your bouquet - They’re supposedly good luck for couples getting married so, I wanted you to have them.”
“Oh, Napoleon,” MC sighed adoringly as she took the flowers gratefully and held them to her nose, inhaling their sweet scent, “Napoleon, mon mari, thank you!” The blushing bride flung her arms around the vampire’s shoulders before kissing him passionately, a kiss which Napoleon returned with endless amounts of love. His hands found his fiancee’s waist, clasping her sides like he was afraid to let go as they continued to kiss and bask in their romantic embrace. When they broke the kiss, the couple couldn’t help but smile sweetly at each other, despite the fact that Napoleon was blindfolded.
“MC, you’d better go and fix up your lipstick before you walk up the aisle,” the man chuckled lightly as he felt her makeup on his own lips before gently kissing his fiancee on the lips once more, “I’ll see you at the alter, ma belle femme. Je t’aime, MC.”
“Je t’aime aussi, Napoleon,” MC responded whilst she beamed brightly, returning to her room to fix her make up and get ready to walk up the aisle and get married to her dearest Napoleon.
And the rest, as they say, is history.
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butterflies-dragons · 4 years
Sansa Stark and The Exile Prince
You're not my homeland anymore So what am I defending now? You were my town, now I'm in exile, seeing you out (...) I'm not your problem anymore So who am I offending now? You were my crown, now I'm in exile, seeing you out
—Exile ~ Taylor Swift feat. Bon Iver (*)
At the end of Game of Thrones, the TV Show, Jon Snow is a prince, but he is exiled from his homeland. Sansa fought for Jon's release after Daenerys’ murder, but he was sent to the Night's Watch. 
Then at their farewell, Sansa regrets she was unable to gain Jon’s release, but he comforts her by saying the North will be in good hands under her guidance. 
That’s why the new Taylor Swift’s Folklore song: Exile, featuring Bon Iver, is making all our wounded jonsa hearts bleed again... 
[Let’s cry together while watching this beautiful Exile Jonsa fanvideo...]
Last year, Sansa’s fight for Jon to be released reminded me very much of her pleadings for Ned’s freedom:
The king! Sansa blinked back her tears. Joffrey was the king now, she thought. Her gallant prince would never hurt her father, no matter what he might have done. If she went to him and pleaded for mercy, she was certain he’d listen. He had to listen, he loved her, even the queen said so. Joff would need to punish Father, the lords would expect it, but perhaps he could send him back to Winterfell, or exile him to one of the Free Cities across the narrow sea. It would only have to be for a few years. By then she and Joffrey would be married. Once she was queen, she could persuade Joff to bring Father back and grant him a pardon.
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa IV
GRRM has said that the major players’ endings will be similar in the Books, and yes, he has also called Sansa a major player, so Sansa Stark being Queen of an independent North opens the possibility that she could grant Jon a pardon, so he could go back to Winterfell.
Asoiaf Books are full of exiled characters, especially Targaryen ones, like Maegor, Daemon, Viserys, Daenerys, all of them obsessed to claim the Iron Throne for themselves, and that’s the big difference with Jon Snow and the reason to be hopeful for some kind of pardon, reconciliation and returning home to, at last, enjoy some peaceful time at home, a true Dream of Spring.   
But Sansa Stark has already crossed paths with an Exile Prince. Let’s see: 
Back in AGOT Sansa introduced us to a very particular courtier of the Red Keep: Jalabhar Xho.  
Jalabhar Xho is the exiled Prince of the Red Flower Vale, likely exiled for losing a highly ritualized war as per the tradition of the Summer Isles. Following his exile, Jalabhar came to King's Landing in the Seven Kingdoms to request gold and swords from King Robert I Baratheon to help him regain the Red Flower Vale. Robert always entertained the notion of conquering the Summer Isles, but continuously told Jalabhar and put it off until the next year. Although Robert always put off Jalabhar's request for help, he never firmly declined him, telling him "Next year" instead of "No".
Jalabar Xho has a strong bird imagery that connects him with Sansa, since she is mockingly called a bird of the Summer Isles: 
Flowers of a thousand different sorts bloom in profusion on the Summer Isles, filling the air with their perfume. The trees are heavy with exotic fruits, and a myriad of brightly colored birds flitter through the skies. From their plumage the Summer Islanders make their fabulous feathered cloaks. 
—The World of Ice & Fire
Sandor Clegane stopped suddenly in the middle of a dark and empty field. She had no choice but to stop beside him. "Some septa trained you well. You're like one of those birds from the Summer Isles, aren't you? A pretty little talking bird, repeating all the pretty little words they taught you to recite."
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa II
The denizens of Joffrey's court had striven to outdo each other today. Jalabhar Xho was all in feathers, a plumage so fantastic and extravagant that he seemed like to take flight. 
—A Clash of Kings - Sansa VIII
Sansa is the POV where this Prince of the Summer Isles is most mentioned. Out of the 22 mentions of Jalabar Xho in the Books, 8 of those mentions are in Sansa’s chapters, followed by the 7 mentions of the exile prince in Cercei’s chapters. But what is really curious and very interesting is the fact that most of those mentions are in a romantic context linked with love and weddings:  
Jeyne Poole confessed herself frightened by the look of Jalabhar Xho, an exile prince from the Summer Isles who wore a cape of green and scarlet feathers over skin as dark as night, but when she saw young Lord Beric Dondarrion, with his hair like red gold and his black shield slashed by lightning, she pronounced herself willing to marry him on the instant.
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa II
He was one of the few spectators at Joffrey’s Name Day Tourney:  
Most of the spectators were guardsmen in the gold cloaks of the City Watch or the crimson of House Lannister; of lords and ladies there were but a paltry few, the handful that remained at court. Grey-faced Lord Gyles Rosby was coughing into a square of pink silk. Lady Tanda was bracketed by her daughters, placid dull Lollys and acid-tongued Falyse. Ebon-skinned Jalabhar Xho was an exile who had no other refuge, Lady Ermesande a babe seated on her wet nurse's lap. The talk was she would soon be wed to one of the queen's cousins, so the Lannisters might claim her lands.
—A Clash of Kings - Sansa I
Jalabar Xho was present at Sansa’s wedding with Tyrion Lanniters, he said something to her in the Summer Tongue while they danced together:
Merry Crane took the floor with the exile prince Jalabhar Xho, gorgeous in his feathered finery. 
The music spun them apart before Sansa could think of a reply. It was Mace Tyrell opposite her, red-faced and sweaty, and then Lord Merryweather, and then Prince Tommen. "I want to be married too," said the plump little princeling, who was all of nine. "I'm taller than my uncle!"
"I know you are," said Sansa, before the partners changed again. Ser Kevan told her she was beautiful, Jalabhar Xho said something she did not understand in the Summer Tongue, and Lord Redwyne wished her many fat children and long years of joy. 
—A Storm of Swords - Sansa III 
[Here you can find a fanart of Sansa and Jalabar Xho dancing together]
Jalabar Xho and Sansa met again during The Purple Wedding and they talked about the Wedding Customs of the Summer Isles:
Tyrion led Sansa around the yard, to perform the necessary courtesies.
She is good at this, he thought, as he watched her tell Lord Gyles that his cough was sounding better, compliment Elinor Tyrell on her gown, and question Jalabhar Xho about wedding customs in the Summer Isles. His cousin Ser Lancel had been brought down by Ser Kevan, the first time he'd left his sickbed since the battle. He looks ghastly. Lancel's hair had turned white and brittle, and he was thin as a stick. Without his father beside him holding him up, he would surely have collapsed. Yet when Sansa praised his valor and said how good it was to see him getting strong again, both Lancel and Ser Kevan beamed. She would have made Joffrey a good queen and a better wife if he'd had the sense to love her. He wondered if his nephew was capable of loving anyone.
—A Storm of Swords - Tyrion VIII
The last we know about this particular character is that he is falsely accused by the Blue Bard to be one of Queen Margaery’s lovers and Cersei would be willing to send him to the Night’s Watch if he confesses:  
Behind Margaery came a long tail of courtiers, guards, and servants, many of them laden with baskets of fresh flowers. Each of her cousins had an admirer in thrall; the gangly squire Alyn Ambrose rode with Elinor, to whom he was betrothed, Ser Tallad with shy Alla, one-armed Mark Mullendore with Megga, plump and laughing. The Redwyne twins were escorting two of Margaery's other ladies, Meredyth Crane and Janna Fossoway. The women all wore flowers in their hair. Jalabhar Xho had attached himself to the party too, as had Ser Lambert Turnberry with his eye patch, and the handsome singer known as the Blue Bard.
—A Feast for Crows - Cersei VI
"I prefer this song to the other." Leave the great lords out of it, that was for the best. The others, though . . . Ser Tallad had been a hedge knight, Jalabhar Xho was an exile and a beggar, Clifton was the only one of the little queen's guardsman. And Osney is the plum that makes the pudding. "I know you feel better for having told the truth. You will want to remember that when Margaery comes to trial. If you were to start lying again . . .
Alone, the Blue Bard's confession would never suffice. Singers lied for their living, after all. Alla Tyrell would be of great help, if Taena could deliver her. "Ser Osney shall confess as well. The others must be made to understand that only through confession can they earn the king's forgiveness, and the Wall." Jalabhar Xho would find the truth attractive. About the rest she was less certain, but Qyburn was persuasive . . .
—A Feast for Crows - Cersei IX
Does the Exile Prince Jalabhar Xho reminds you of someone? Maybe of another Prince, that will probably be exiled from his homeland after some succession dispute, that is surrounded by bird imagery because he wears a black cloak, that is called ‘crow’ and knows an actual crow that repeats everything it hears, that is linked with Sansa Stark, that once imagined himself dancing with a creature that talked to him in a foreign tongue, and that once organized a foreign custom wedding of a Lady with whom he once danced? Do I need to say it? 
Damn it, George! What are you doing?
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(*) This post was written while listening Exile over and over and over again...     
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leigh-kelly · 4 years
The Sound of Her Laughter Will Sing In Your Dreams
More Fire Island AU.
Once the girls settle into life on the island, things go fairly smoothly. Even Carlotta, who aches often for your mother, finds her place and you don’t find her trying not to cry like she did in the first days. Each morning, you wake to kiss Brittany goodbye and then sleep a bit more before Mariana rouses you and you begin to make breakfast. While Brittany is gone, you keep them out of the water, but they help tend to your small garden, they visit with Mercy and gush over baby Ana and they gather more shells than you can count.
When Brittany comes home, they have their afternoon swim most days and then they settle around the dinner table, so exhausted from the sunshine and salt air. One afternoon, Brittany comes home and suggests that you all borrow David’s dinghy and go fishing in the bay. You know she does that all day and could have brought home any amount of fresh fish you wanted, but she tells you she’s in the mood for fluke and she can’t get that out in the ocean.
So the girls dress in the play dresses you’ve patched, you put on your oldest dress and you walk down to the dock behind the Karofsky house to board David’s boat. It’s been quite a while since you’ve seen him, but Brittany has told you that Kurt has yet to go ahead and decide to marry a girl to appease his father and it brings you great joy to know that. Brittany helps each of the girls settle in on the boat and then holds out her hand for you, helping you get seated before she starts the small motor.
“Brittany, are you going to catch the biggest fish?” Concetta asks, wriggling in her seat.
“I guess we’ll have to see, won’t we?”
“How are we going to catch the fish from the bucket to put on the hook?” Mariana wonders, staring down into the bait bucket.
“It’s real easy, I promise I’ll show ya once we get out there.”
You watch Brittany as she steers the boat and still manages to talk to the little girls. It’s been weeks and it still never fails to take your breath away. You think again about what she said the night your mother left, about a baby. It gives you butterflies in your stomach thinking about raising a child with her, but you know that it’s not a likely possibility. But still, you can’t help but picture her lifting a small child onto her shoulder, holding their hands on a fishing pole the way she does with Mariana once she stops the boat, kissing their little foreheads before bed. Of all the dreams you’ve had in your life, this one seems the most impossible, but still, you can’t help but hope.
Much to your surprise, Carlotta catches the biggest fish. She backs up in surprise when Brittany helps her haul the fluke aboard, but all the girls cheer. They each had their chance to catch, Brittany carefully going between them to help, but you think it means the most to Carlotta, so homesick for your mother. She beams as Brittany takes out the hook, she beams the whole way back to shore and you smile so brightly at her, hoping the joy of her day means that she won’t cry at night.
When you get back to the house, you send the girls up to bathe and you stand beside Brittany, helping her clean the fish for dinner. She gives you her crooked grin and you kiss her lips, knowing you have a few moments alone with her. There’s something about those stolen moments, so few and far between with the girls present, that make you love her even more. She’s special, your beautiful girl, and you want her to know every day that you think you’re so lucky to have found her.
“Santana, can we call Mama?” Carlotta asks after dinner, bouncing on her toes. “I want to tell her about my fish.”
“I think we can do that tonight, she ought to be home by now.” Santana smiles, sitting at the desk to dial the phone.
Carlotta is anxious to be first while you wait for the operator to connect your call and you quiet her anxiety by pulling her close to you, letting her listen into the receiver until your mother picks up. All three girls are in their nightgowns and you think of how big they’ve grown, how when you still lived at home they were so small. Now though, they’re growing into their own, even little Mariana and you feel a pang in your chest, thinking how it will sadden you to send them back when the summer is through.
“Hi Mama, it’s Carlotta.” She says very seriously. “I wanted to tell you that I caught a very big fish today.”
“Don’t tell her about my two fishes!” Mariana exclaims, tapping Carlotta’s ankle with her foot.
“I miss you very much.” Carlotta says, after talking briefly about the week she’s had and knowing she must share the time with the other girls. “I wish you could come visit us.”
You wish it too, oh so much. You wish your mother could have a respite, just a few days in the warm sun and the good sea air. But you know it can’t be. She has your father to care for, her job to go to. You’re lucky, you know, that you have the summer to bask in pleasure, and you wish you could give her that kind of luxury. But that’s why your parents came to this country when your mother was heavily pregnant with you, they wanted a good life for their children, if not for them, and they’ve given it to each of you.
The little girls go up to bed after their phone call and you read to them as you do each night. You tuck them all into their beds and you kiss Carlotta’s forehead twice, reminding her that you’re nearby if she needs you. Because Brittany had bathed earlier, you leave her in the bedroom and have your bath. When you come out, she’s lying down and you crawl into bed beside her, resting your head in the crook of her shoulder.
“Hello, sweetheart.” Brittany kisses your forehead. “Ya look real tired tonight.”
“I’m just fine, I’d like to stay up with you for a bit.”
“I’d like that a lot. What are ya thinkin’ about?”
“I was just thinking today how lucky I am to have met you. I can’t imagine my life being this wonderful any other way.”
“I think ya were always meant to have a wonderful life. Ya do so good by everyone, I can’t imagine if ya didn’t.”
“I think staying here was the first choice I ever made where I only thought about myself. I knew it would help my mother if I went home, but I couldn’t imagine my life without you.”
“For a bit, I didn’t think ya were gonna stay. Now I can’t imagine I ever thought that.”
“It was the easiest decision of my life. Staying meant being with you and that’s the only thing I ever truly wanted.”
“Ya really are the first thing that ever felt like mine.”
“I’m going to grow old with you, Brittany, right here in this little house. The girls will have children and they’ll bring them here to see us, we’ll show them the magic of the sea, let them breathe the fresh air. It’s been such a wonderful thing for my sisters.”
“I’m so happy to have them here. They make me so happy.”
“You make them so happy. You’re so kind and patient with them, it means everything to me.”
“They’re really good children, you and your mama did a real great job.”
“I can’t take any credit.” You shake your head.
“But ya should, I know ya had a hand in carin’ for ‘em before ya left and now ya care for ‘em again.”
“It’s the least that I can do, my mother let me go when she could have begged me to stay.”
“She’s real good ya know, not expecting’ ya to marry a man and move back now that she knows.” Brittany smiles a little, likely thinking of the joy that knowledge brings you
“I feel terrible that she needs to keep the secret from my father, but if he knew...”
“Would he make ya come back?”
“No. But he’d keep my sisters from me. He’d be fearful that I’d taint them with my sin.”
“Do ya really believe that, that you’re sinning?”
“I don’t, not anymore. I believe God made each of us in his perfect image and if he created me to love you, then it can’t be wrong.”
“I’m glad.” She touches the cross on your neck and for the first time, you don’t feel like she fears it. “So glad.”
You fall asleep in her arms and when you wake the next morning, the bed is empty. Normally, you wake when she does, you feel her leave, but today, you overslept. The house is still quiet when you emerge from the bed and you wash up and dress for the day before you go down the hall to check on the girls. They’re still asleep, so you go downstairs and percolate coffee. It’s just finishing when the door opens and Brittany steps inside.
“Brittany. You’re home.”
“It’s real rough out there, Coast Guard said we shouldn’t go out. From the looks of it, a storm is brewin’.”
“It’s early for hurricane season, isn’t it?”
“Already August.” She shrugs. “We ought to get things ready just in case.”
“We still have most of what I canned before the girls came. We should get some blocks of ice to keep milk cold for them. I’m worried this will unsettle Carlotta.”
“We’ll promise we’ll keep her real safe. The Alcott’s already been pulled out of water, I’ll get the ice and then get the house boarded up. Sam may need help too.”
“We should see if they want to bring Ana and stay here, our house is farther back from the waterline.” You take a deep breath. “I’m still not used to these storms.”
“Ya know I’ll take care of ya, right?”
“I do, thank you.”
While Brittany goes off to get started, you rouse the girls from their slumber. Once they’re dressed, you cook breakfast and you sit down at the table with them. It scares you, having them in the line of danger and though you know Brittany will do everything in her power to keep you safe, nature is beyond the capacity of any human.
“Girls, I need to talk to you about something important.” You tell them and as expected, Carlotta blanches. “We’re expecting a very big storm to come. We’re going to do everything we can to prepare, but we’ll need your help.”
“What kind of storm?” Concetta asks, reaching across the table to take Carlotta’s hand.
“It’s called a hurricane, we’ll have very strong winds and quite a bit of rain.”
“Is the house going to blow away.” Tears form in Carlotta’s eyes. “Can Mama come get us?”
“Brittany built such a strong house, it’s going to be quite alright. We’ll carry all the mattresses downstairs and have a big slumber party in the sitting room. Mercy and Sam may come with baby Ana as well.”
“A slumber party?” Mariana grins. “Can I sleep with you, Santana.”
“You may.” You nod. “You all may.”
The tears don’t leave Carlotta’s eyes as you clean up the breakfast dishes and you try to distract all three of them with the tasks at hand. Ordinarily, you’d help Brittany board the windows, but Sam is outside with her, so you take the girls to begin filling the sacks Brittany brought home with sand. You only stop for a brief lunch and by the time everything outside is through, it’s late in the evening. The sky already looks ominous and Sam comes inside to help bring the mattresses downstairs before he goes home to walk Mercy and Ana over.
You serve cold chicken to Brittany, your sisters and your visitors and you feel anxiety swirl in your chest when you hear the angry roar of the ocean. The girls bathe, you and Brittany bathe, and then you fill the tub with fresh water before going downstairs again. When you get to the bottom of the stairs, you pull your dressing robe tight, embarrassed to be seen by a man in your nightgown, but
Sam respectfully avoids looking at you.
“Santana?” Mariana asks as rain begins to pelt the boards on the windows. “Can we still read our book?”
“I think so. Perhaps Ana would like to listen while she eats.”
“She certainly would.” Mercy nods. “Go right ahead.”
You sit down on Mariana’s mattress and she snuggles into your side. Carlotta and Concetta are quick to join you and you feel safe with all three girls cuddled close to you. You read slowly, knowing that Concetta likes it better when she can savor every word and you feel Brittany’s eyes on you. She always looks at you with so much love that you feel your heart might burst and as you turn the page, you look up and give her a small, knowing smile.
It takes a long while to settle the girls, especially Carlotta, but once you do, you sit for a moment, just watching them tucked beneath their blankets on mattresses across the floor. You’ll stay up for a bit with Sam and Mercy, you know, but before you go to the kitchen with them, you just want to make sure each of the little girls so dear to your heart is safe.
“They’re alright, Santana.” Brittany murmurs, placing her hand on your shoulder. “We’re all going to be just fine.”
When you go into the kitchen, you make a pot of tea and the four of you sit down at the table, Mercy having laid Ana to sleep on the mattress you brought down for them. The wind shakes the boards of the house and Brittany takes your hand beneath the table, squeezing it tightly.
“Hurricanes aren’t much fun.” Brittany tells them, knowing that they’re probably more uneasy than you, having never experienced one before. “But this house is built snug.”
“I sure hope ours is.” Sam muses. “I’d hate to see it in pieces when this passes.”
“You have a community of people now, we all help each other rebuild.”
“During my first hurricane here, I was living above the cafe and Brittany brought me to her house to make sure I’d be alright. She fixed the roof of the restaurant herself the next day, wouldn’t have me going back until it was done.”
“There’s nothing you can’t do, is there, Brittany?” Mercy smiles, laying Ana down on the mattress.
“There’s plenty ‘a things I can’t. But I’ve been helpin’ out with storms since I was a little thing.”
“Well now you’ve got me to help you as well.” Sam promises. “I’ll learn all you have to teach.”
“Right now, we ought to just stay here and be as safe as we can.” You say softly. “We’re glad you decided to weather it with us.”
“I would have been terribly afraid if we were alone.” Mercy shakes her head. “It’s nice to be with neighbors.”
“We were fearful when you moved in.” You admit. “Worried you’d see us together.”
“I understand that fear.” Sam nods. “We weren’t so sure what the neighbors would think of us either.”
“Love cannot be helped.” You smile. “Despite what anyone has to say about it. We don’t even know how you met.”
“He was the milkman.” Mercy laughs. “I used to wake up so early just to see him. It shocked me when he asked if I’d like to see a film with him. My mother was probably more shocked, but she never thought it was wrong. It was never illegal in New York.”
“Ya both are real brave.” Brittany tells them. “And I sure am glad ya came to live here.”
“We certainly are too.”
Exhaustion from the work you’d done throughout the day gets the best of you soon, and you lay your head on your pillow. The three girls are close by on their mattresses and Brittany takes her place beside you. You don’t sleep well. The storm rages outside and you hear the crack of trees. All you can think of is how big they are, how they can fall on your house, and Brittany gets out of bed several times, opening the door and looking out.
The storm still carries on in the morning and you dress before anyone else awakens. It’s Carlotta who finds you at the kitchen table first and she sits down beside you as you sip your coffee. She doesn’t say anything for a few minutes, but you watch her eyes fart at every sound. Gently, you rest your hand atop hers and she looks up to you with watery eyes.
“It’s alright to feel afraid, love.” You promise her.
“I couldn’t sleep very much.” She admits, rubbing her eyes. “I was so scared we were going to blow away like Dorothy.”
“That’s how I felt the first time I experienced a storm like this too. But it will pass soon.”
“I hope so, Santana. I don’t want to never go home to Mama.”
“My love.” You pull her into your arms. “Brittany and I will keep you very safe. And you’re going to see Mama in just a few short weeks.”
“Do you think she misses me?”
“I know she misses you, you make up part of her heart.”
“I’m not going to move away like you when I’m grown, I’m going to stay close so I can still see her every day.”
“And that’s okay.” You smile, not telling her you once thought the same thing. “We each make our way in the world differently. How about we start making breakfast, take you mind off of the storm and missing Mama?”
“Okay.” She nods, standing up. “We’ll make a really good one.
You spend the day shuttered inside, until you hear the storm pass. Sam helps with the boarded windows and to bring the mattresses back upstairs and Mercy gathers their things, ready to go back to her own home. You say goodbye at the door and with dinner long eaten, you help the girls to bathe in the darkness from the lost power and read from their book before bedtime. When it’s just you and Brittany alone in your bedroom, you feel like you can just let your hair down for the first time in two days.
“Would ya like me to rub your head? Ya look awful tense.”
“That would actually be really nice.” You finish buttoning your nightgown and sit down on the bed between her legs. “I’m glad it’s passed.”
“I was more worried than usual with the little girls here.” She confesses. “I couldn’t imagine having to tell your mama something happened to her girls.”
“I knew we were safe in this house, you’ve done such a wonderful job building it.”
“Just wanted it to be nice enough for us to live in. I sure hope Sam and Mercy’s house is okay inside.”
“I’m sure they would have come back, had it not been okay. It was nice to have them stay with us though.”
“It’s good havin’ neighbors. Makes me feel real good that someone’s just a short walk away if ya need anything and I’m not around. This okay?” She asks, rubbing your temples.
“It is, it feels wonderful.”
“Eventually ya won’t feel so anxious when they come, then ya won’t get the headaches.”
“I’m grateful to have you help ease them. Last night I couldn’t be near as close to you as I wanted.”
“I understand that. It’s strange to share your bed with anyone when there’s company.”
“It is. But now it’s just you and I in this room and the winds are gone.”
“Ya think any of the girls’ll come in?”
“I think we’re okay to sleep for awhile.” You shift your body so your head is on her chest and she continues to rub it. “Goodnight, my love.”
“Goodnight, my pretty lady.”
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alpacannot · 4 years
Alrighty homies, I’m not one to record a hymn and post it on tumblr, but it was 4 a.m. and Brightly Beams Our Father’s Mercy was the only song I knew all four parts to off the top of my head (thanks to playing it at LCHS’s graduation for years). The POINT of this post is to share how excited I am that I’ve finally figured out how to use my new mic with Soundtrap so I can make high-quality multitrack recordings (like this one). So, if you want to hear what a $100 microphone can do to my 4 a.m. voice, take a listen (even feel free to download it if you really want to).
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nitewrighter · 5 years
Could you do 4 and the Gency Fam plz? The way you write them is just so cute and precious💚💚💚
4. Presents
Thank you very much!! Rei’s four here.
Rei squatted studiously over Hanzo’s shoulder as his brush glided over the paper. Her brow was furrowed and Hanzo felt her breath short and warm against the side of his neck as she leaned against his shoulder and stared down at the scroll. Neither said anything, both completely focused on the paper in front of them. Hanzo’s brush continued in its glide--slow, deliberate, Rei’s eyes focused, fierce and bright, with each stroke, each lift of the brush from the paper, the black of the ink tapering off just so. With the last lift of the brush, Hanzo regarded his own work for a few seconds before giving a satisfied nod. He then glanced at his brush, still just saturated enough with ink, and suddenly blew on the end of it, sending small droplets of ink over the paper. Not enough to really obscure the characters, but enough to be noticeable. Hanzo gave a small pleased chuckle to himself before cleaning his brush off and setting it down.
“What does it say?” said Rei.
“I thought your father said you were learning to read?” said Hanzo.
Rei huffed a sigh.
“Sound it out,” said Hanzo, pointing at the top of the scroll.
“...Saaa-ru ki k-kara uhhh... och-ochiru?” said Rei, her brow crinkling as she read, “Monkeys... fall?”
“’Even monkeys fall from trees,’” said Hanzo, gesturing down the characters, “The closest english version, I believe is ‘Everyone makes mistakes.’”
“Ooohhhhh...” said Rei.
“And see? I’ve made a little splatter--so there’s a mistake on the saying that everybody makes mistakes!” said Hanzo, pointing at the small spatter of ink, “Isn’t that funny?”
“...but you blew on the brush to do that,” said Rei.
“Yes,” said Hanzo.
“So you did it on purpose,” said Rei.
“...yes...” said Hanzo, after a long pause.
“So it’s not a mistake,” said Rei.
“Was there something you wanted?” said Hanzo, a bit irritated.
“...Will you teach me?” said Rei, pointing at the calligraphy.
“I can,” said Hanzo, “But it’s important that you understand that it will take lots of practice and lots of patience.” He gestured back at his own calligraphy, “And mistakes, too.”
Rei gave a deadly serious nod and Hanzo chuckled before pulling out a piece of paper he was willing to get completely wrecked. “Very well then. We’ll start with your name.”
“Rei?” Genji was walking briskly down the hall of their apartment. “Rei have you seen my--?”
He only barely brushed a hand against Rei’s door when Rei screeched, “DON’T COME IN!” and the door clicked shut hard.
Genji was concerned for a few seconds, then remembered the holidays were coming up soon, then shrugged, rapped his knuckles on Rei’s door, and said, “Rei I was just wondering if you still have my comm charger. You borrowed it earlier, didn’t you?” 
The door slid open only a few inches and Genji saw a fraction of Rei’s face looking up at him from the crack in the door. Rei jammed an arm through her narrow slot in the door, the comm charger balled up in one hand. Genji noticed a small smudge of black on Rei’s cheek.
“You’ve got a little...” Genji motioned to his cheek and Rei brought a hand to her cheek, moving to wipe it off but somehow managing to smudge more black from her knuckles onto her nose and cheek in the process. “Hm,” was all that escaped Genji before Rei shoved the charger cord into his hand before closing the door.
“...all right, then,” said Genji, looking at the closed door. He glanced down at the comm charger which also had some black smudges on it. He thumbed some of the black off and rubbed it between his fingers. “Ink?” he said quietly.
The door to Genji and Mercy’s room swung open with a vengeance, followed by a feverish patter of feet before Rei vaulted up onto their bed.
“Christmas!” Rei shouted, jumping on the bed.
“Whuh--?” Mercy stirred awake.
“Christmas!” Rei shouted again, pumping her fist in the air as she reached the apex of her jump.
“Rei--” Genji started, fumbling around to look for a clock display but not wantng to open his eyes all the way. Still, he gauged the level of light in the room, and determined that, yes, the sun was at least partially over the horizon.
“Christmas!” said Rei, practically doing the splits in mid-air
“Merry Christmas, Sunneschii, can you please stop jumping?” said Mercy, her voice muffled into her pillow.
Rei clambered down off of the bed and raced up to Genji’s side of the bed. “It’s Christmas!” she exclaimed as if Genji didn’t really register what she had said three times in the past minute.
“Yes it is,” said Genji, pulling his sheets up to his chin.
“Daaaaad!” Rei shook his shoulder.
Genji sat up slightly in bed, rubbing his eyes. “Merry Christmas, Rei,” he managed. 
“Santa came!” said Rei, pretty much running in place with her hands still on the edge of Genji’s bed.
Genji and Mercy dragged themselves out of bed, Genji pulling on sweats and a shirt and Mercy slumping down the hall to the kitchen to try and work the coffee machine as Rei practically ran circles around her. Genji could tell Rei’s eyes were fixed on a long and narrow present leaning up against the wall as he took a seat. Rei ran up to him, a tube of what Genji first assumed was just wrapping paper in each hand, before Rei pushed one of the tubes into his arms and he noticed it was an expertly wrapped mailing tube. Mercy set two mugs down on the coffee table as she plopped into her seat next to Genji on the couch, only to have Rei surge up and shove a tubular gift into her arms as well. Rei took a few steps back and bounced on her heels slightly.
“...who’s this from?” said Genji, looking over the gift.
“Me!!” said Rei.
Genji and Mercy exchanged glances before opening their gifts, carefully tearing off their paper and opening the mailing tubes. Genji pulled out and unfurled a wall scroll with “Mother” in Japanese written on it in careful, if not slightly wobbly and slanted, calligraphy. 
“...That one’s for mom,” said Rei, as Genji looked over to see Mercy unfurling another calligraphic wall scroll that said “Father.”
“Rei, did you make these?” said Genji as he and Mercy swapped their respective scrolls. Suddenly the weeks of balled up pieces of paper in Rei’s wastebasket made sense.
“Yes!” said Rei, bouncing on her heels even more eagerly now. She seemed to catch herself, “Well--Uncle showed me how to write the letters. And he put them on the scroll for me. And he helped me wrap them.”
Mercy huffed a chuckle, “They’re beautiful, sunneschii.”
“You’re a lot better at it than I was when I was your age,” said Genji with a smile.
“Uncle said that too!” said Rei.
Genji’s smile shrank and Mercy snickered next to him.
Rei beamed and she looked over her shoulder at her own oblong gift in the corner. Her eyes flicked back to her parents, then back to the gift then back to her parents, then Mercy said, “Actually there’s some presents you should open first.”
Rei hardly took her eyes off of the oblong gift leaning as she tore through one gift of a new dress and leggings, and another gift of new shoes, saying thank you fast enough to break the sound barrier.
“Can I--?” she started, pointing at the oblong gift.
“One more,” said Genji, holding up a larger box. 
Rei made a distressed “Mm!” noise, looking back at the oblong gift in the corner before taking the box from Genji. She took off the wrapping paper, took off the lid from the box, and her eyes widened.
“Safety first,” said Genji as Rei pulled a kendo men from the box. She made a high pitched sound and shoved the men over her head. She looked at Genji, those big gray eyes shining brightly through the metal bars of the basket-like face guard, then she rifled through the box, pulling out the kote, the do, and the tare. She made another high pitched sound before hopping a bit in place, fumbling with the gloves and chest guard, then apparently deciding she would figure out how to put them on later before she glanced back at the oblong gift in the corner.
“Please?” she said, looking back at the oblong gift.
 Genji gave a glance to Mercy.
“You may,” said Mercy.
The speed with which Rei seized the oblong gift off the wall and whipped off its wrapping paper was astounding, but the next thing anyone knew, Rei was standing in her pajamas, the kendo men still on her head, holding a shinai at arm’s length; sacredly, like she had just pulled it from a stone and was now the one true queen of the watchpoint. She screamed so loudly that both Genji and Mercy covered their ears. Her grip tightened on the bamboo sword’s handle and she gripped it close to herself. “Thank you, Santa!!!” she said loudly.
“I’m sure Santa’s very glad you like it,” said Genji rubbing at his ears.
 Rei moved to swing the shinai.
“Santa says not to swing it in the living room!” Mercy said on reflex and Rei froze mid-swing.
Genji and Mercy watched as Rei stood out on the watchpoint tarmac in her pajamas, slippers and coat, swinging her new Shinai. Mercy was still holding her wall scroll, looking over it and smiling. 
“You really like that, don’t you?”
“I’m thinking I’m going to keep it in my office,” said Mercy, smiling at the letters, “On the wall with the diplomas, don’t you think?”
“It is an incredible accomplishment,” said Genji, kissing Mercy on the cheek.
Mercy’s eyes flicked up from the scroll to Rei attempting to pose like her favorite sentai shows.
“Are you sure this is okay?” she said, watching Rei with the shinai.
“She had been wanting one for months. She would have just kept using sticks and cardboard tubes. With this she can learn some coordination and discipline,” said Genji, “Plus, with Kendo, the earlier you start...”
“I know but...” Mercy huffed a little, “I don’t want her to think fighting is her life. That fighting is our lives.”
“She won’t,” said Genji. He gave a nod down to the scroll in Mercy’s hand, Rei’s wobbly but determined calligraphy crawling down it. “She’s an artist at heart.”
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imagines-dreams · 5 years
Endgame Fix It - Fanfiction
aka I watched Endgame and I need to recover, so I rewrote it, for mental health... reasons....
Rating: PG-13 for you know... Endgame.... spoilers
Summary: Steve, Loki, Tony, Nebula
Word Count: 3131
When Captain Marvel slashed through the ship in less than ten seconds, the tide of the battle changed immediately. She held Thanos’s hand open, and he couldn’t snap his damned fingers again. Thanos may have hit her with the Power Stone, but Captain Marvel had seen worse. She got back up and got him in a headlock easily, and before he could shake her off again, Thor was back on his feet again, and he held back his gloved hand. Thanos reached to remove him or Captain Marvel or anyone, but Tony and Steve got back up and held back his other arm.
For a few seconds, Thanos was subdued, but what now? They couldn’t hold him forever. Sure, Captain Marvel was very powerful, and sure, Captain America held back his hand with his own for a while, and yeah Thor hit him hard and killed him once, and ok, Tony made the Titan bleed, but still, this was taking a toll on all of them, and they couldn’t hold him back much longer.
But it wasn’t them who decided what to do next.
It was Nebula, his daughter. Thanos smiled a little. “You’ve come back.”
Nebula tilted her head and smirked ever so slightly. “Nor for you.” She sauntered over to Thor and took the infinity stones in her marred hand.
Thor stared at her, but he said nothing.
Tony grunted. “Nebula, no.”
“No.” She carefully placed each stone on her opposite hand with such delicate care. “No, you used me as a weapon, so now” -the stones were all on her hand now and she smiled up at her father- “I’m a weapon.”
“Our plan,” Thanos begged, as his daughter’s mercy, “it’s inevitable. It’s-”
“No.” She spoke so softly compared to the Titan, but her words held more weight, and it silenced him. “No, for once, I get to decide what I do. And I decide that you lose.”
Tony screamed his head off, nearly letting go of Thanos’s hand. Steve faltered, but he stood strong, and Thor closed his eyes and thanked her in his mind. Carol watched and smiled at the strong woman in front of her. She deserved this, an honorable death and vengeance against her father.
The army faded to dust. One by one, they fell and disappeared, and Thanos, too, turned to dust, not sparing a glance at his daughter.
“Nebula!” Gamora leaned over her sister and pulled her into her lap.
Nebula turned her neck, so slowly, so mechanically, and said, “Hello, sister.”
Tony rushed to her side and observed the damage. Friday calculated and assessed and in less than a second, he smiled, “You can be fixed. You have time.” The damage her arm sustained from the stones was fixable and replaceable. The part of her face that was marred and burned was mostly mechanical, and the part that wasn’t… It was beyond him
“T’Challa” Tony yelled. “Where’s T’Challa? He can help.”
Dr. Strange created a portal, and T’Challa walked through with two other women. “What do you need?”
Tony clarified, “I’ve read about your tech. Vibranium-based medicine.”
The younger girl tilted her head and approached Nebula.
“Do you have any on you? Can you help her?”
T’Challa just smiled. “I can’t help you.” He looked to his sister. “But Shuri can.”
Shuri was already getting to work. Her mind filled with everything that needed to be done. “This is amazing. Organic life with mechanical implements, beyond prosthetic.” She gulped as realization set in as to what the woman had to go through to become what she was. “Could be smoother,” Shuri commented, “Less painful.” She reached out, but Gamora flinched and held her sister close to her.
Shuri just smiled. “I can help her. I promise. I’ve fixed people before.”
Gamora stared at all the new faces around her, still not sure what was going on and who these people were to her future self or to Nebula, but her sister convinced her. With one look and the word, “Sister,” Gamora understood. She let the girl look over Nebula.
Shuri smiled and took out a metal ball. She placed it on Nebula’s head, where the scarred, organic skin met scarred metal. The metal ball transformed into liquid when it touched her head and wrapped itself around the wounded area of her head. “You will need more medical attention. I can provide that back home.”
Nebula looked to her sister.
“She can come, too.”
“Me, too.” Tony raised his hand.
Shuri stared at him and his suit. Nanotech. Not bad. Not bad at all.
Tony shook his head. “You need an extra hand.”
Shuri beamed. “Exactly.”
T’Challa turned to Dr. Strange. “May we?”
“Of course.” Dr. Strange created a portal, and they went to Wakanda. Tony said asked his wife how Morgan was, and after hearing Happy was watching over her, he kissed her and told her that he’d see her soon. Then, just before Tony left, he requested, “Hey, Strange, can you make sure the kid gets home?”
Dr. Strange stared at the kid, who was currently right behind Tony, probably planning on sneaking into Wakanda.
Peter gasped. “Wait, but it’s Wakanda!”
“Yeah, I can bring him home.”
“No, buts, kid.” Tony put his hand on Peter’s shoulder and reminded him, “I’m sure your aunt would be happy to see you.”
Peter immediately nodded. “See you soon, sir.”
“Yeah, kid.” Then, he was gone.
Dr. Strange patted Peter’s back. “Come on, kid.”
Suddenly, a blue smoke puffed in front of them. Everyone still remaining got back into fighting positions. Peter got his mask back on. Captain America groaned and put up his fists. Captain Marvel just crossed her arms and waited.
“I’ve returned! Prepare to…” The man blinked a few times. “Did I miss it?” He stared at his wrist, a very much broken contraption on it. “This blasted thing. Curse that man in iron, he said it was-”
“Yes, what is it? I’m busy here.” The man tapped his wrist thing furiously.
Thor stared at him. Then, he picked up a rock and threw it at the man’s face.
The man caught it and scoffed. “Really, was that necessary?”
Thor lit up, not with lightning, but with pure joy. “Loki!” He jumped right onto his brother, and the two nearly fell because of him. “You’re back! I thought you’d died. Thanos-”
“Is an idiotic titan who needed stones to defeat people.” Loki rolled his eyes. “Honestly, you thought he could defeat me?”
Thor’s eyes narrowed. Then, he threw another rock at Loki, which he caught. “Honestly, Thor-”
“You faked your death again?” Thor screamed and threw another rock. Then another. And another.
“Stop that.” Loki dodged the first two, but the third hit his shoulder. “Stop it!”
The two brothers continued throwing rocks at each other, and everyone else just stared confused.
Bruce whispered, “Isn’t Loki, you know, evil?”
“Apparently not?” Steve said, unsure of himself. So far, however, the god of mischief wasn’t doing anything bad. Except for making duplicates of himself for Thor to hit and scream at.
Valkyrie dismounted her pegasus. “Evil, kinda. A pain in our ass, definitely.” She smiled at the two. “But, I’ll keep them in line for you guys.” And so, when Valkyrie and her pegasus walked over to the two brothers and started yelling at both of them, no one questioned it.
Steve smiled at himself as he picked up the hammer again. Seriously, he had a sliver of hope that he could, but he never thought it could be true. He’d have to return that first. Then the rest of the stones.
And after, maybe visit someone.
Someone he really wanted to see.
Her name changed though. Peggy Carter was now Peggy Carter-Sousa. She was married to Daniel Soussa, and both of them still actively worked for Peggy’s organization, SHIELD, which was with no doubt named after him.
They were at a restaurant when Steven finally found them, rings on their fingers, and the first emotion Steve felt was happiness. Happiness for her. Because he knew she moved on, that she would become an amazing wife, mother, and leader. But seeing it was different.
She smiled so brightly with Daniel. She was going to be ok.
Then, her eyes caught his, and before he could escape, Peggy Carter was in front of him, eyes wide and expression unsure. She gulped, and it only took her a few seconds before she narrowed her eyes and said with certainty, “You’re not my Steve.”
Steve felt like he should’ve cried, but he didn’t. He did miss her voice, though. The soldier nodded.
Peggy crossed her arms. “And what are you doing here?”
“Honestly, I couldn’t tell you. Even if I tried.” He smiled a little. “I’m happy for you.”
Peggy blushed and glanced back at the table inside where her husband was waiting patiently. She told him who was out here with her, and he knew it was better to stay out of it. The woman sighed. “And your family?”
Steve laughed a little. “They’re waiting for me.”
“Well,” Peggy smiled, “you shouldn’t be late.”
“You’re right.” Steve smiled even wider, because even though a part of him will love her, and a part of her will love him, they were different. They had different lives, and they shouldn’t waste it.
She kissed his cheek. “Go home.”
Steve sat next to Sam and sighed. “I think I’m done,” he said. “I’ve been a soldier all my life, and I don’t want to die a soldier.”
“So, what are you going to do, then?”
Steve smiled at Bucky, his oldest friend and maybe something more, and sighed. “Well, T’Challa offered me a place.”
Sam looked back at Bucky and smirked. “I see.”
Steve sighed. “I will always be there if you need me, but for now, I need some peace of my own.” And with that, Steve set his shield down and set it between them. “Try it on.”
Sam’s eyes widened. He had his title. Falcon and Captain America’s best friend. He stared at the shield, then at Steve, then at Bucky, and when nothing responded, he gingerly picked it up. It was a tad big on him.
“How does it feel?”
Sam tightened the strap on his arm. “Like it’s someone else’s.”
“It isn’t.”
He smiled at his friend, his role model, and said, “Thank you. I’ll try my best.”
Steve nodded. “And that’s why it’s yours.” He patted Sam on the back. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’m retiring.”
Sam laughed.
Steve nodded at Bruce, then he turned to Bucky and smiled.
“You saw her?” Bucky asked.
Steve nodded.
Bucky stared off into the distance. “I kinda thought you’d stay there.”
“No, I couldn’t.” The retired captain nudged his friend. “Hey.” And when Bucky’s eyes met his, Steve said, like he had said so many time before. “I’m with you til the end of the line.”
Bucky just shook his head, and with tears in his eyes, he managed to say, “Punk.”
Tony opened the door and was met with a high-pitched scream. It wasn’t of his wife or his daughter. No, instead it was one of his other, well, kids.
Harley, now nearing twenty-one, screamed and as he tried to hide his hand from Tony, Tony easily saw the poorly hidden hand, which was covered in metal. Like his own Iron Man gauntlet.
His wife, who was across the table from Harley, smiled politely. “Well, I’ll leave the two of you to talk. I’ll go check on Morgan.” She kissed his cheek and left.
Harley smiled brightly, one of his hands still behind his back. “Hi, Mr. Stark.”
“Mhm.” Tony leaned over, trying to get a glimpse at what Harley had. “And that is?”
The boy held up both his hands, and sure enough, there was nothing on his hands. “See. Nothing to see here, Mr. Stark.”
Tony eyed Harley’s wrists. Two Stark Industries issued watches, one on each wrist. “Right.” Tony nodded and grabbed Harley’s right hand. It was the second to newest model, not the newest model that Tony had given him two years prior. And the condition was very worn down for a two-year-old watch. Too many scratches. That, and there were a few noticeable changes only its creator would recognize. An extra dent here, a bit too light.
Harley gulped.
“Show me,” Tony said, stepping away.
Harley scoffed. “Show you what.”
“Come on, kid. You really think you can lie to me?”
The boy sighed. “Don’t be mad,” he reminded his mentor. Then, Harley inhaled deeply and swiped a finger across his right wristwatch. A hologram appeared above it, and with a few touches and clicks and drags of metal across skin, Harley’s hand was encased in metal, and in his palm sat a repulsor.
Tony opened the front door and pointed at a nearby tree. “There.”
“Mr. Stark?”
The mechanic grabbed a pack of trail mix. While eating, he pointed at the tree again. “Go on.”
Harley blinked, but still, he aimed and fired. A bright blue beam shot out of his hand and struck the tree. It wasn’t perfectly centered, but it was close.
“Not bad.” Tony sighed. “But no.” He walked past Harley to his office.
“No?” Harley followed him. “Wha-”
“I mean, no, you’re not becoming Iron Man.” Tony approached his desk, and the tabletop came to life with holograms and files. “That’s why you came here, right?”
“I mean… kinda?” Harley sighed. “It’s not just that, Mr. Stark. I wasn’t there for anything. I wasn’t there when the Avengers split up or when Thanos first arrived. I was on the sidelines. I can’t do that if something bad happens again.”
“Have you thought it through?”
The boy tilted his head. “Thought what through?”
“Thought all of this through.” Tony spread his arms and files upon files of his own superhero career appeared. From the rumors before he announced Iron Man to clips of his more traumatizing moments to files of the deceased. Yinsen, Phil Coulson, Pietro Maximoff, Natasha Romanoff and so much more.
Harley stared at those files and flipped through them. He stared at Natasha’s file. He missed her. He met her before, a few times, and she was remarkable. He bowed his head. “I have.”
Tony nodded. “What about them?” Tony swiped his arm, and files appeared in front of Harley. His mom and his sister.
Harley smiled. He pulled his sister’s file. “Rosa’s in college now, studying art, and Mom?” Harley picked up her file. “Mom’s fine on her own, and I know she still needs me, but…” He sighed. “Mr. Stark, I need to be out there. I can’t let other people fight my battles. Not when I’m qualified to do the same.”
Tony nodded. “Show me all of it.”
“All of what?”
“Your suit. I saw the two watches.”
Harley smiled. He excitedly swiped and tapped and clicked and dragged, and the metal transformed and covered his hands. It spread to his arms and his chest, to his head and to his legs, and the familiar whir of a suit almost made Tony smile.
Soon, Harley was protected by his own suit, silver and red accents. His mask flipped up and revealed a brilliant smile. “How does it look?”
Tony saw the tiny details. The color change and the different arc reactor. The way the metal hugged Harley in a way his first suit couldn’t. He knew Harley was smart, but, shit, he never realized how hard this kid worked.
“Looks pretty good, kid. Pretty good.”
Harley smiled and packed his suit back into his watches. “So, am I an Avenger now?”
Tony took his time to chew and swallow his trail mix. “No.”
“No, because” -Tony pressed a few buttons on the holograms and suddenly a building appeared between the two men- “you will train here first.” Tony pulled up some files and presented them in front of Harley. “Sam’s leading the training, with Wanda and Clint. We got some good names here. Peter, Shuri, Cassie, Lila.” Tony nodded. The four kid’s profiles were in front of him, and it looked good. Especially with Harley smiling with them.
“And you, Mr. Stark?”
Tony shrugged. “I’ve wanted to hang up the suit a long time ago, Harley. I thought I’d never be able to sit around just watch, but with the new Captain America and you guys taking care of the world.” He smiled up at the profiles. “I think I can at least take a little break.”
“So no interfering?”
“I never said that.” Tony returned all the files to the table and turned it off. “I’ll come in when I get worried. But for now,” he smiled fondly, “I’m going to take care of my girls. Before Tony could get more emotional, I mean the kid already saw him have a panic attack, Tony clicked his tongue. “Come on. I’ll drive.”
Harley grabbed his bag. “You know, Peter’s younger and he technically is an Avenger. So maybe-”
“Harley, I know what you’re doing.”
“I’m not doing anything.”
“You mean guilt tripping?”
Harley groaned. “It was worth a shot.”
A week later, there was a funeral for Natasha and Vision. Everyone was there. Their family. They set off memorials in the river and watched as they floated away. They would forever be remembered. A few years later, Steve and Bucky adopted a little girl with red hair and brown eyes. They named her Natalie, in Natasha’s honor. Clint cried when he held her.
The Young Avengers train, picking up kids who were qualified and had good heads on their shoulders and a good heart. The new Captain America led them well. They made names for themselves. Spider-Man not only protected New York, he also was the most experienced in the multiverse. Shuri goes back to Wakanda every now and then, but focuses most of her energy advancing technology and on training to become better and stronger. Lila becomes an amazing archer just like her father and never misses a shot. Cassie comes in when she’s needed, finding more interest in engineering than superheroing, but she loves her team. Harley soon becomes their leader, helped by Peter, and his name… Well.
“Iron Lad!”
Harley tilted his head. “What was that, Morgan?”
The girl giggled and pointed at his arc reactor. “Iron Lad.”
“Not the name I was looking for.” Harley laughed, brushed her hair back, and kissed her forehead. “But, in your honor.” He put his hands on his hips and put on his mask. “Iron Lad.”
The girl squealed as her older brother attacks her with tickles and kisses, and when she’s tired, she whispered, “I love you.”
I may or may not edit this, cause there’s still a few things I want to “fix,” but give me suggestions, give me feedback, and I might just post a second version! aka this is also me asking for reblogs and comments because i’m super nervous about this fic so please please please
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ladyofmercy · 5 years
Once I was 7 Years Old || Samcedes
Who: 7 year old Mercedes Jones and Sam Evans
What: Mercedes moves into her new home and meets her new neighbor Sam.
Where: Mercedes Jones home in Baltimore, MD
Notes: None
Mercedes Jones stared at her new room. When her parents told her that they would be moving and she would be starting a new school, she was excited but also nervous. She didn’t know anyone and First Grade was scary enough without having to be the only new kid in class. Moving towards her huge bay window, she glanced out, looking across into the house next door and seeing someone staring back at her. Shutting the curtain’s quickly she panicked, only to open then again seeing a little blonde boy staring at her. 
Sam was playing with his Power Rangers set, happy that it didn't get damaged during the move. Even though they moved here a few weeks ago, there were boxes everywhere. His mom was pregnant with his little brother and sister so she couldn't move around much or get to the boxes. His dad started his new job right away so he didn't have time to unpack either. The Power Rangers were easy to get because they were in his little book bag. And although he loved them, he wished his other toys were unpacked. As he was playing he noticed movement in the house next to his. He saw a little kid that looked like his age. His eyes lit up as he went to ask his mom if he could play outside. At her nod, he ran outside and went to the window where the girl was and knocked. He hoped she like Power Rangers.
Mercedes shut the curtain when he ran out of the room and shook her head. He was hyper. She went to her bed. Her lavender room was complemented with her white lace canopy bed. She grabbed her barbie, still waiting for her dad to bring up her barbie dream house when she heard a knock on her window. Walking to it she smiled seeing the boy. "Hi." She said, chubby cheeks cheesing and showing her missing front teeth.
Sam’s smile widened when the girl came to the window. “Hi!, I’m Sam. Sam, I am, and I don’t like green eggs and ham!” Sam hoped she found him funny. He worked on that opening all week with his mother. She assured him that it would help him make friends faster. “Do you want to be my friend? We can play with my Power Rangers set. I have all of them. The green ranger is my favorite.” Sam smiled and tried to remember to let her talk, but he was too excited.
Mercedes eyed him as he talked. He talked fast. But his joke made her laugh. "Dr. Sueuss. I love to read." She held up her black barbie. "This is my favorite toy her name is Michelle and she is a doctor. Maybe she can heal the green power ranger if he is sick."
Sam frowned. “The green ranger doesn’t get sick. He’s super strong.” He emphasized by pointing to the green power ranger’s muscle. “Anyway, do you want to play with me?”
Mercedes rolled her eyes. “Everyone gets sick!” She said smartly. “Poppa said so and he knows everything.” She opened her window wider. “You wanna swing? My uncle just helped put up the swing in the back.”
Sam didn’t care what her father said, Power Rangers didn’t get sick. “Yea, we can swing, I’ll push you first, and then you push me. Do you have a tire swing? That’s my favorite.” Sam waited for her to climb out the window before following her to the swing set. He couldn’t wait for his parents to set up his swing set.
Mercedes ran to her door. “I’m going out back!!” She yelled as she ran back to the window and outside. Going to the swing set she beamed brightly. “We have the seesaw swing and other swings and we have a slide. I can’t wait for them to put my treehouse cause its gonna be my secret club.” She sat on the swing so Sam could push her first.
Sam’s eyes lit up when he saw her swing set. His swing set wasn’t like hers, at least he didn’t think so. He ran behind her swing and began to push her. “Hold on tight. My mom said I’m getting super strong, but I’ll try not to push you too high.”
Mercedes laughed as he began to push her. “Higher!!! I wanna fly.” She squealed as Sam continued to push her. She really loved the swing it made her feel so high.
Sam used all his strength in his push to get her as high as she can. “It would be awesome if you could fly,” Sam said with a big grin. “If I could have a superpower, it would be flying. Then I can go anywhere I want. He pushes the swing again before asking, “What would your superpower be?”
Mercedes laughed. “Flying too!!! Really really high so I can spit on my brothers for being mean to me.” She laughed. After a few more moments she was ready to get down and give Sam his turn. “Okay, your turn!” She said moving her feet out so she could slow down.
Sam laughed at her when she said she wanted to spit on her brothers. If he had older brothers that were mean to him, he would do the same thing. But soon he would be the older, brother, and he hoped his new brother and sister wouldn’t think he was mean. Not hearing Mercedes, he went on to push her again, hard, while still talking, oblivious to what was going on. “I hope my brother and sister don’t think I’m mean when they get older.”
Mercedes moved to hop off the swing when Sam pushed her hard. She flew off the swing landing in the dirt on her arm and she screamed out in pain.
Sam’s eyes widen when he heard Mercedes scream. He didn’t mean to push her that hard. But before he could go to her, adults were rushing out of the house. Sam couldn’t stop the tears stinging his eyes.
Amelia Jones heard that scream and knew nothing good was happening. She ran outside, to see Mercedes on the ground in tears and a little boy standing over her with a worried look on his face. “Oh Mercy, honey what happened?” Mercedes sniffled as her mom helped her up. “He pushed me hard and.. and I fell off the swing.” she cried. “My arm hurts.”
Mary Evans heard a scream and rushed out with one hand protectively on her swollen 8-month belly. She was worried that Sam had gotten hurt. Buy the time she reached the back yard, she saw Sam looking so worried with tears in his eyes, and a little girl crying in her mother’s arms. Mary wobbled to the scene and immediately wrapped her arms around her son, before addressing the little girl and her mother. “Is she okay?” Sam interrupts his mother. “Mom, I didn’t mean to make her fall. I’m sorry.” Mary kisses Sam on the head, before turning to the girl and her mother. “Is there anything we can do?”
Amelia smiled looking over to Sam and his mother. “It was an accident, pretty sure she just sprained her wrist, it’s okay.” She said directing the last part to Sam. She stood smiling at Mary. “What a way to meet huh? I am Amelia Jones, and this is my daughter, Mercedes. We just moved here with my husband and two older boys.” She said dusting Mercedes off and wiping her tears.
“Well, nice to meet you, I’m Mary Evans, and this is my son Sam Evans.” She said smiling down at her now tear-free son. “We moved here three weeks ago. And it’s good to see that Sam has made a new friend so fast.” Mary looks at Mercedes and smiles at her. “And you seem like a brave big girl Mercedes.” She turns to Sam. “And what do you say to Mercedes Sam?” Sam lowers his head and speaks low. “I’m sorry I wasn’t paying attention.”
Mercedes continued to sniffle as Sam spoke. “It’s okay.” She said softly moving closer to her mom as she held her wrist. Amelia looked at Mary’s stomach. “Well, it looks like you guys will be welcoming another baby soon. Are you excited, Sam?”
Sam nods but doesn’t say anything else. “Yea, we’re expecting two more babies. A boy and a girl.” Mary looks back at Sam and decides to take him for lunch. “Well, we will let you go to take care of Mercedes. It’s lunchtime for Sam. But if you ever need anything, you can just ring the bell. May take me a while to get to the door though.” Mary joked.
Amelia laughed. “Yes go right ahead we are going to get our arm checked, right Mercy.” Mercedes nodded tearfully. Her arm really hurt. Amelia smiled back up. “You guys have a nice night, we really should do dinner though.” Amelia pulled Mercedes closer and waved as they walked into the house. Looking back at Sam, Mercedes sniffled following her mom.
Mercedes was awoken by her mom, she was given the children Tylenol for her sprained wrist and it had been wrapped and in a brace since the accident a few days ago. She hadn’t felt much like playing so she just stayed in her room. Though her dad felt bad for her and put a TV there. She sat up as her mom left, promising that if Mercedes left her room, she could have a cookie with her lunch. It was a last-ditch effort to try and lift Mercedes spirits but nothing did she was just sad.
Mary was in the kitchen making breakfast for her and Sam since Dwight had to head in early. She called Sam down and smiled sadly at him. “Why the long face? Are you still upset about Mercedes?” It’s been a few days, and Sam hasn’t smiled since the incident. “I just feel so bad that I hurt my new friend.” Sam sat at the bar stool in the kitchen head in his hands. “Sam, it was an accident.” Mary knew that her words weren’t getting through to her son. “How about if you do something special for Mercedes. For the first time, since the accident, Sam smiled and his eyes lit up. “Mom, do we have construction paper and my art supplies? I want to make Mercedes a card.” Mary helped Sam find his art supplies and watched as he began drawing. Mary decided to make a cake to go with the card as well as a welcome to the neighborhood gesture. After an hour, Sam was ready to head over to the Jones house. “Mom!! Hurry up!” Mary put the cake in her cake dish, and she and Sam headed to the Jones house. She rung the bell, while Sam was hopping up and down in excitement.
Amelia sighed as Mercedes sat on the sofa quietly, she didn’t know what else she could do to cheer her daughter up. Nothing seemed to work. Not even Beauty and the Beast and that always cheered her up. She had finally gotten Mercedes out her room with the promise of once she felt better they would go to the water park, but Mercedes still wasn’t in a good mood. Thankfully her brothers were away at camp for the week or she knew things would be worse. Hearing the doorbell she kissed Mercedes’s forehead and walked too it. Seeing Sam and Mary she opened the door and smiled brightly. “Well hey guys, what brings you over here?”
Mary smiled when Amelia opened the door. "Well Sam feels terrible that he hurt Mercedes, so he made her a get well soon card." Mary smiled encouraging her son. He shows Amelia the card. "Can you give this to Mercedes Mrs. Jones? And tell her it's from Sam? We also made a cake." Mary lifted the cover off the container. It’s Chocolate fudge cake. I hope she isn't allergic or anything."
Amelia smiled. “I think Mercedes would really love that card. How about you take it to her, and I help your mom to the kitchen and get her off her feet.” She moved so they could come in. “Mercedes is in the living room go right in Sam. And you momma come with me, I have some tea with your name on it.” She said taking the cake from Mary.
Sam smiled at Amelia and left his mother to go give Mercedes the card he made for her. He hoped that she liked it. Sam entered the living room nervously. When he saw Mercedes, he took a deep breath before speaking. "Um--- hi Mercedes. I made you a card. In sorry for hurting you and I hope you feel better soon, so we can play again."
Mercedes sat there staring at the teapot singing when she heard Sam. Looking over to him sat up taking the card with her uninjured hand. “You draw really good Sam.” She said after a while. “Thank you.” She held up her arm. “It doesn’t hurt as much. But I can’t play yet.” She said sadly. 
Sam nodded seeing the brace on her arm. "Don't be sad, we can do other things besides playing." He saw Beauty and the Beast on the TV. "Maybe I can watch TV with you? And my mom made a chocolate cake. We can have a slice with some milk. I can get everything if you want." He was determined to show her that they can still have fun.
Mercedes nodded. “You can watch with me! It was just getting to the best part.” She said moving for him to sit with her. “I like chocolate cake almost as much as I like yellow cake!” She said smiling for the first time.” 
Sam smile big, glad that she was smiling back at him. "Okay let me get everything!" Sam ran to the kitchen and up to his mother and Mrs. Jones. Mercedes and I are going to watch a movie, but we want cake and milk. Do you have a tray that I can put everything on and carry into the living room?" Mary smiled at how excited Sam was. “I'm sorry Amelia. When Sam has his mindset on something, he gets overly excited."
Amelia smiled down at Sam. “I do have a tray that I think will be perfect.” She said standing and grabbing two plates. Handing them to Mary to cut the kids slices, she grabbed two cups of Milk and placed them on a tray with two carrying handles. “Are you sure you don’t need any help?”
Sam nodded enthusiastically. "I'm really strong. I won't drop it. I promise." Mary chuckled while cutting two nice size slices of cake and put them on the plates with two plastic forks. "Sam please be careful." Sam rolled his eyes. "I will mom. I promise." Mary placed the tray in Sam's hands, steadying them before letting go. Sam made sure to walk extra slow so nothing spilled. Once in the living room, he placed the tray on the coffee table. "Ready to eat?" He asked Mercedes excitedly. 
Amelia smiled brightly watching Sam walk away. “How cute would it be if those two got married one day?” 
Mary smiled at the thought. Sam never took to anyone the way he took to Mercedes. "Only time will tell."
Mercedes looked up and smiled. “I paused for you. Do you want me to start it over?” She pulled her blanket closer. “This is my Mulan Blanket, I really like that movie too.” She said softly.
Sam nodded and sat next to Mercedes under her Mulan blanket. "My favorite movie is Aladdin. I love the genie. But Beauty and the Beast is my second favorite  movie, also Lion King. I hope the cake makes you feel better."
“I like Aladdin too! I have that and Mulan, Little Mermaid and Sleeping Beauty. OOoooo and Lion King. But my brother destroyed Snow White. I'm glad they’re gone right now.” She took a bite of the cake. “This is so good your mom is a good baker.” She scooted over to Sam and smiled as she started Beauty and the Beast again finally feeling better about everything.
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thelostflyboy · 5 years
Brightly beams our Father’s mercy
From his lighthouse evermore,
But to us he gives the keeping
Of the lights along the shore.
Let the lower lights be burning;
Send a gleam across the wave.
Some poor fainting, struggling seaman
You may rescue, you may save.
Dark the night of sin has settled;
Loud the angry billows roar.
Eager eyes are watching, longing,
For the lights along the shore.
Let the lower lights be burning;
Send a gleam across the wave.
Some poor fainting, struggling seaman
You may rescue, you may save.
Trim your feeble lamp, my brother;
Some poor sailor, tempest-tossed,
Trying now to make the harbor,
In the darkness may be lost.
Let the lower lights be burning;
Send a gleam across the wave.
Some poor fainting, struggling seaman
You may rescue, you may save
-Song sung by imperial navymen, thought to originate from m0, author unknown.
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eugene114 · 5 years
Short Name: P. P. Bliss                                                  
 Full Name: Bliss, P. P. (Philip Paul), 1838-1876
 Birth Year:1838
 Death Year:1876
Bliss, Philip, b. at Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, July 9, 1838. In 1864 he went to Chicago in the employ of Dr. George F. Root, the musician, where he was engaged in conducting musical Institutes, and in composing Sunday School melodies. Originally a Methodist, he became, about 1871, a choirman of the First Congregational Church, Chicago, and the Superintendent of its Sunday Schools. In 1874 he joined D. W. Whittle in evangelical work. To this cause he gave (although a poor man) the royalty of his Gospel Songs, which was worth some thirty thousand dollars. His death was sudden. It occurred in the railway disaster at Ashtabula, Ohio, Dec. 30, 1876. ... Some of his verses have obtained wide popularity in most English-speaking countries. The more widely known, and specially those which are found in collections in use in G. Britain, are in the following American works:—
1.  I should like to die.   Death anticipated.   This is one of his earliest compositions, and is unworthy of the position it holds. 2.   Through the valley of the shadow I must go.  Death anticipated. 3.  Whosoever heareth,  shout,  shout the sound.  Jesus the Way.   Written during the winter of 1869-70 after hearing Mr. H. Moorhouse (from England) preach on St. John iii. 16.
4.  Almost persuaded now to believe.    Procrastination.   This was suggested by the following passage in a sermon by the Rev. Mr. Brundnge, Bliss being present at its delivery:—" He who is almost persuaded is almost saved, but to be almost saved is to be entirely lost." 5.  Ho! my comrades! see the signal.  Faithfulness. 6.  O! Jerusalem,   the golden city,   bright,   &c.  Heaven. 7.  On what  Foundation   do   [did]   you  build?  Christ the Foundation.
8.  Light in the darkness, sailor, day is at hand.  Safety.   This hymn, “The Life-Boat," has attained to great popularity.   The incident upon which it is based, that of the rescue of a ship's crew by a life-boat, is given in detail by Mr. Sankey in his Sacred Songs, &c, No. 99 (large ed.).   It is sometimes known by its refrain, "Pull for the shore," &c.
9. In me ye may have peace.    Peace. 10. To die is gain.    Death anticipated.
11.  Down life's dark vale we wander.   Death anticipated. 12.   More holiness give me.    For Holiness. 13.  Only an armour-bearer.    Soldiers of the Cross. 14.   Standing by a purpose true.    Faithfulness. 15.  This loving Saviour stands patiently.    Invitation.
16.  A long time I wandered.     Peace and Joy. 17.  Brightly beams our Father's mercy.    Mercy. 18.   Come, brethren, as we march along.    Praise. 19.    Free   from   the  law,   O   happy  condition.  Redemption. 20.  Have you on the Lord believed?    Fullness of Grace.   This hymn arose out of the following circumstances :—" A vast fortune was left in the hands of a minister for one of his poor parishioners.   Fearing that it might be sqmandered if suddenly bestowed upon him, the wise minister sent him a little at a time, with a note saying,  “This is thine; use it wisely; there is more to follow.”   Hence also the refrain  ‘More to follow,’ by which the hymn is known." 21.  How much owest thou?     Divine Claims.
22.  I know not the hour when my Lord will come.  Death  anticipated.    Suggested by reading the book, The Gates Ajar. 23.   See the gentle Shepherd standing.    The Good Shepherd. 24.   Though the way be sometimes dreary.    Divine Leading. 25.  Will you meet me at the fountain?    Fountain of Living Water.   The incident out of which this hymn arose is thus stated in The Christian, No. 365, "At the Industrial Exposition at Chicago it was an everyday appointment to meet at the Central Fountain. Mr. P. P. Bliss, whose mind seemed always set on things above, caught up the words, and wrote this hymn, 'Meet me at the Fountain.'"
26.   One offer of salvation.    The Name of Jesus. 27.  Wandering afar from the dwellings of men. The Lepers.
28.  Weary gleaner, whence comest thou?    Duty. 29.   The whole world was lost in the darkness of Sin.   Light of the world. 30.   Man of sorrows! what a name.    Redemption. 31.  The Spirit, O sinner, in  mercy doth move.  Holy Spirit.
32.  At the feet of Jesus.     The good choice. 33.    Come,   sing   the   Gospel's   joyful    sound.  Salvation. 34.   Cut it down, cut it down.    Justice and Mercy. 35.  Do you see the Hebrew captive?    Prayer. 36.  Hallelujah, He is risen.   Easier.   Written in the spring of 1876 and first sung by Bliss on Easter afternoon, 1876, in the Court House Square, Augusta, Georgia, to 5900 people. 37.   In Zion's rock abiding.    Safety. 38.  Repeat the story o'er and o'er.      Grace and Peace. 39.   Tenderly the Shepherd.     The Good Shepherd.
40.  Hear ye the glad good news from heaven.  Faith and Salvation. 41.  I will sing of my Redeemer.    Praise.
42.  'Tis known on earth and heaven too.    More about Jesus.
43.  Sing  over  again  to  me.      Words  of Life.  This appeared in a paper entitled Words of Life, 1874, The following are undated:— 44.  March to the battle-field.    Duty and Victory. 45.  There is sin in the camp.    Hinderances. 46.  'Tis the promise of God.    Praise. 47.  While  the  silvery  moon-beams, fall,    New Birth. 48.   God is always near me.    Omnipresence.
Two hymns," I am so glad that our Father in heaven," and " Sowing the seed by the daylight [dawnlight] fair," (sometimes given as " Sowing our seed in the morning fair ") are usually attributed to Mr. Bliss. In his Gospel Songs, Cincinnati, 1874, however, he lays claim to the music only. Mr. Sankey attributes this last to "E. A. Oakey." With the exception of No. 48, these hymns are given in Mr. Sankey's Sacred Songs & Solos, Pts. i. and ii. Their popularity is far beyond their literary merits, and is mainly due to the simple melodies to which they are wedded. As a writer of hymns of this class Mr. Bliss is second only to Mrs. Van Alstyne. Many anecdotes concerning hymns of this class are given in American Evangelists; an Account of their work in England and America, by the Rev. Elias Nason, Boston, U.S., Lathrop & Co., 1877. Mr. Bliss is usually known as "P. P. Bliss." This is found on the title-pages of his collections. On his own authority, however, we are enabled to say that his name originally stood thus : “Philipp Bliss.” Early in life he separated the final p from his Christian name, constituted it a capital P, and thus produced "P. P. Bliss." (For this article we are mainly indebted to Professor F. M. Bird, and Mr. H. P. Main.)
-John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)
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Warrior - Ivar Fan-Fic Part III
Gasping as I jolted up from my bed holding my throat tightly I tried to regain some sort of hold onto reality. I frantically looked around my chambers hoping she was not real. Once seeing I was alone in my room I quietly placed my hand over my mouth and sobbed. The nightmare my mind had just brought to life burned brightly enough that even with my eyes closed it felt as if I was still in the dream realm. No longer being able to stay in bed I dressed myself and slyly left the confines of being trapped in that room.
The first light of day wasn’t even breaching the far ends, but the moon'a bright beams led me to the shore. The cool breeze swept across my cheeks as she made her way out into the open waters. Her sounds almost resembling my mother’s voice. Tears welled in my eyes threatening to fall. I did not attempt to stop them. Taking a deep breath in and closing my sad eyes, my thoughts drifted back to her to father, to my home land.
- Ten years ago -
“I see you are alone dear child. Where have your parents gone?”
I tried to keep a straight face as my father acted as a stranger weilding a weapon. "
You sir are gravely mistaken. For alas I am never alone.” I signed to him.
A smile played on my father’s scarred face. He then lunged forward with his wooden sword. I quickly blocked it, sending the tip into the dirt then swiftly kicking him in the ribs that were exposed. He stumbled back giving me a smirk of not only surprise, but delight.
“Darling, must you always embarrass yourself in front of her?”
My mother’s sweet, soft voice cooed from behind me. I turned to her with a wide smile. He raised his hands.
“I am only making sure that I am still a worthy leader for my men. And no one else is as worthy as an opponent than my own flesh. Besides one day when I am a foolish old man our home will need a warrior to defend her.”
I looked back at my father our eyes locked. I rushed over into his arms, he lifted me towards the sky and spun me around. After a few turns he set me lightly back to the ground and knelt down so we were eye level with one another.
“My child, though God has taken your voice from you, remember that it is not a curse but a gift. For He does not do things to us of ill will or spite, but for us to learn and grow from. I know that the others speak of you harshly.”
My head and gaze dropped as my foot toyed with a stone. He titled my head back up with his hand.
“I wish I had more power to stop them. To force them to see what your mother and I see. Alas we cannot.”
Mother joined him and cupped my cheek with a tender hand.
“Promise us you will not give up or surrender who you are for them, for anyone. My child you are born of warrior blood and a great leader’s mind.”
I gave them a soft smile and nodded.
"I promise.” I signed to her.
I jumped and turned having my dagger at the ready when my focus regained I saw Blaine standing a bit aways with a worried expression on her face. Releasing the breath I had been holding I placed my dagger back into its holster.
“I saw you were not in your chambers and feared he had seduced you already.”
I scowled at her and rolled my eyes.
“I’m sorry, but I saw how he eyes you. His queen already has taken notice as well. I heard her conversing with her slave girl on ways to get rid of you since Ivar wants you to be a shield maiden in his army. We mustn’t stay long here. It’s not safe, we need to leave.”
I looked at her sternly, but nodded.
“You’re right. But we have to have a plan, a route of escape and a safe place to hide out. We cannot just up and leave, it will go noticed and they will hunt us. Which if caught they may not be so merciful as they have been.”
I signed to her. Her face fell from hope to concern, but she silently nodded in agreement.
I joined the rest of the men and women for training as we stood before Ivar. I tried to stay towards the back but was shoved to my hands and knees and drug to the front by my collar, tossed before the King’s feet.
He smiled down at me with an almost villainous grin. I gulped, but did not break my stare from his.
“Merrin, welcome to your first day of training. It shall unfortunately be short lived as another raid is to be sent out by the next full moon. I trust your skills will be just fine.”
I snorted at his comment. He almost seemed to stir from my display of sarcasm. Freydis was soon at his side glaring at me with the most icy cold stare I had been given since Fionn. Ivar’s body tensed in what seemed to be annoyance.
A burly, large, dark haired and bearded man pushed to the front. He felt twice my height and weight.
A challenge hopefully.
I smirked. He looked down at me and growled.
“Today Merrin you shall fight my top three fighters. Asger, Bjarke, and Torvi. If you succeed in fighting them, then you shall be on this raid and more.”
The other two join Ivar’s side opposite to Freydis. Murmurs from the other fighters quietly shifted through. I am handed the axe I used to slay Fionn and now a shield. Our eyes never break from one another as Asger and I take a step forward.
I rush towards Asger and he seems to be taken back. He readies himself shield down at his side and weapon up. As I near him I use my shield to cover my body and spin against his and use the non bladed side of my axe to hit him behind the knees forcing him to drop. Then I push all my weight into my shield on his back forcing him to sprawl out and place the blade of my axe against the back of his neck.
Everyone falls deathly silent. I am breathing ever so slightly heavier than usual through my nose as my eyes are glued to the blade pressed against his neck.
“Merrin has defeated you Asger.”
Ivar speaks softly. I quickly get off of Asger and offer him my hand. He looks from my hand to me and scoffs, pushing himself off the ground and shoving passed me. I sigh while rolling my eyes. As Bjarke steps up he is not as heavy looking as Asger but nearly just as tall. We stare down one another waiting for Ivar’s signal again.
This time we charge one another and our weapons metal clang out as they connect. We both block and slice at one another. His agility definitely much better than Asger. But as he tried to stab me I blocked it with my shield and the weapon was too stuck for him to pull it free. I use my shield to remove his hand from the weapon, then drop it completely and kick him in the chest forcing him to fly onto his back in the mud. Jumping onto his body straddling him as I tease the blade against his throat with a smirk.
Again an eerie silence falls into the crowd. I look at Bjarke’s features closely and he’s rather handsome. Soft, but bright green eyes, light brown hair, and minimal battle wounds to his face. He smirks back.
“It looks like you have defeated me.”
I smiled and nodded getting off of him. Again offering my hand to help him up. He roughly grasps it and I pull him to his feet. Our eyes locked and both smirking, gets interrupted by Ivar growling.
I reclaim my shield and stand before her. She shows no sign of emotion and I return the stare.
Simultaneously we walk around one another closely before striking shields against one another and then weapons. Our strengths were matched and it felt as if each move made by us was mirrored. She smirked at me.
“Finally a challenge.”
I returned the smirk and we continued on for some time before I saw my oppurtunity. I swirled around and smashed my shield against her body causing her to stumble and I tackled her to the ground wrapping my arms around her throat from behind. She began to fight, but I only squeezed harder. She rammed her elbow into my ribs and I cried out but never loosening my grip.
Ivar shouted and I instantly released her, dropping to her knees gasping for air. She stood and laughed with a smile on her face.
“For a slave I like you.”
My jaw nearly dropped as I watched her rejoin the crowd.
“Merrin. You have beyond proven you have what it takes to stand with me and these warriors. The Gods seem to have favored you, I pray they stand with you.”
Freydis growled and huffed away in a hurry.
“Tonight we shall feast again in Merrin’s honor and for us to pray the God’s give us our strength for this next raid.”
As everyone dispersed I could feel the warm gaze on me. I looked from the corner of my eye to see everyone moving around Ivar. I was held frozen in place. Soon it was just he and I. He clumsily approached me.
“I am beyond impressed with your skill and adversity. You even had shown your opponent fairness by offering your hand. It’s nice to see that you have accepted them as your own. But be warned I do not want my best fighter being distracted by Bjarke."
He cringed as he spoke his name.
“He only wants what is between your legs. I will end him if you allow him this and punish you in my favor.”
He had leaned close to my ear and his hot breath travelled down my neck, sending a shiver through me.
“You are MY warrior Merrin, you belong to ME.”
Suddenly he brought me close to him, our eyes locked in a gaze. I nodded quickly. His eyes seemed softer now and a tender smile played on his lips. He brushed his cheek against mine before leaving me standing there stirred, breathless, and terrified.
TAG LIST: @unicornbaby741 @stupiddarkkside @supernaturalvikingwhore @fridayyay @readsalot73 @wehahein
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