kuberashitposts · 1 year
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Ancient human problems
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kuberafest · 11 months
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by R3865490813557
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tamdam41 · 7 months
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fallingflow · 10 months
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Kubera Fanfest 2023 Day 6: Actual Romance
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Agni who is a 5th zen god, the embodiment of all fire in the universe, god of hell, someone who strikes fear into the hearts of humans and nastikas alike, just whispered: “Oh, this is going to be so efficient,” before spraying windex directly into the ceiling fan and proceeding to cough his guts out when it blew back in his face.
Brilith, probably
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webtoon-brackets · 6 months
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uten4 · 8 months
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I like that Brilith was so amused by Leez referring to the suras as "gangsters" that she calls them that herself in a separate conversation with a different person.
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more kubera posting 2
New airavata likes to present herself as a calm and rational leader but between the sidestory and this she's violently insecure self serving.
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why do I always end up liking the doomed side characters with no screen time.
when claude recieved that oracle and lifespan from brahma, brahma was in that cloaked form. so im wondering how claude's oracle was suppose to help the losers of the previous universe.
I was thinking about asha in season 2. She originally gained power to take revenge on the suras who killed her village and the plot to resurrect ananta as a whole assuming her pointing out former god kubera to leez was mostly honest. Now though she seems to resent visnu's manipulations and is gaining ananta's power so that she can decide her own future? Her ambitions become unclear to me towards the end of season 2. a good part of this is that asha becomes increasingly unstable in season 2 as yuta notes her soul cannot handle the power she already has not to mention all of ananta's power. i empathize with asha but most of her suffering is self inflicted she resented the kids around her as a child and sought to prove to everyone how great she is, to stick it to them and be at the top of the world. she resents leez for having had rao as a father and other for their bonds to others but asha had many people who wanted to know her as a person and genuinely cared about her like brilith and lorraine.
Oh yeah and since asha failed to kill lorraine her chances of "winning" fell from 90% to almost 0. I think about how yuta said asha's soul could not withstand the power she already had not to mention all of ananta's power. In that sense a motive decay would make sense. I was also thinking asha and leez are alike in that both of them respect and abide by the decisions their past selves made instead of trying to take another path
We see indra mind controlling? Idk manipulating the human king into starting a war and we know indra killed aruna and caused the electrical storms. So i always wondered why human kinnara named time (rao) as the one behind the human king's executions. But its because kinnara wanted to lure kubera to the temple of time. The question is why kinnara-airavata would want that since kubera tries to stop the name transfer. It could be to make human kinnara more desperate to help her but i think human kinnara would have done that anyways.
I just remembered currygom compared agni to a fireball and everything he eats burns up so i dont know how fleshy gods are and there was that statue made out of gods blood that asha fed to yuta so they have blood?? Anyways i was thinking a vampire could make a pretty good living drinking god blood. Or like you could feed a sura that way
"Literally a thought that keeps plaguing my mind ever since god blood was introduced was "were sura meant to feed on gods?" And then it turns out Nastikas regain vigor by eating the environment, thus symbolically feeding on the gods by eating their domains I very much think that in an "ideal" world, gods would be fed to sura on the regular so that they reach a real peace of them- either that, or gods would pair off with Nastikas/ sura of similar attributes and empower them by creating their environments" (oddeyesight)
I was thinking about yama, he might be the most compassionate god, he wants to do right by everyone not just people he has personal connections to and seems to care the most about mortal lives out of all thevgods we've met. He was also kinda set up to fail. Its like that boss that hires you on and then makes you do the work of 4 people and complains when you dont finish it. Like his work load was always going to be more than he could handle so he was set up to be overworked with a job he could never finish or catch up on. An eternal thankless job where everyone hates you and is constantly trying to beat you up so that their one important person can be the exception to the rule. i cant remember quite but i get the impression there were other gods helping with the paperwork who over time ditched.
the catacylsm is just a mystery to the audience for such a universe altering and recent event. And we dont even know if raltara was part of the stable timeloop ora new element maruna added
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wildmadumb · 5 years
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Keep the fires burning, keep the fires burning ♪
Keep them burning hot ♫
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flamarina1 · 5 years
3 — 115
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kuberafest · 11 months
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by onionymous_
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tamdam41 · 8 months
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👻 Halloween 🎃
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fallingflow · 2 years
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Kubera Fanfest Day 7: Awkward Family Dinner A Complete Family
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flamarina · 5 years
The end of the Gold Bracelet (mafia-day Part 5)
Когда Гандхарва прострелил все замки и ворвался внутрь, Кубера уже успел спрятаться. Рефлекторно прихватил с собой заложницу, с которой разговаривал, и выругался про себя.
— Отвечай, где моя Шакунтала? — холодно процедил Гандхарва, оглядывая помещение и ища следы присутствия. Приподнял бровь, обнаружив стулья посреди комнаты.
— Будешь палить повсюду, никогда не найдёшь, — ответил Кубера. Гандхарва выстрелил в сторону его голоса. Из-под простыни показалась рука.
— Шакунтала!
Гандхарва бросился к стулу. Откинул простынь и обнаружил Брилитс. Выругался, бросился ко второму стулу.
Кубера, приказав заложнице номер три сидеть тихо, выстрелил. Гандхарва увернулся и схватил дочь, прячась за стеной. Его сердце в пятки ушло, когда он увидел на её голове запёкшуюся кровь. Но она была жива.
— Я тебя уничтожу!
Перестрелка началась. Агни привёл чистельщицу. Он и Аша не совались на поле боя, а тихо наблюдали со стороны.
— Мы пришли слишком рано, — сказала Аша. — Нужно подождать две минуты.
Вскоре шум утих, и они вошли. Но трупов не было. Кубера и Гандхарва лежали уставшие и связанные на полу, будто проиграли сражение с чудовищем. Тео была освобождена. Она оказалась доктором, а потому оказывала помощь Шакунтале и Брилитс. Агни хотел к ним подбежать, но услышал щелчок. На них с Ашей кто-то наставил пистолеты сзади.
— Внимание, это полиция! — объявила Лиз. — Группировка Золотого Браслета, вы все арестованы и имеете право хранить молчание. Всё, что вы скажете, может быть использовано против вас в суде.
Босс был повержен. Повержен легендарный киллер. Бороться смысла не было. Полиция подослала в логово девочку под прикрытием. Девочка завалила всех. Для мафии это был самый настоящий удар под дых.
P.S. Шакунтала и Брилитс были успешно доставлены в госпиталь и получили квалифицированную медицинскую помощь, хотя их и их отцов арестовали.
P.P.S. У Тео вскоре проявился Стокгольмский синдром, и она помогла Гандхарве с побегом из тюрьмы.
P.P.P.S. Ни один человек, животное или растение смертельно не пострадали.
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tierra-nevada · 7 years
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I haven’t done those silly things lately, huh
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webtoon-brackets · 5 months
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