#bring on 2023
barneswilsonrogers · 2 years
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— Favorite looks in 2022
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joyful-enchantress · 2 years
Sappy End of Year Post Incoming
So, 2022 was actually my first full year on Tumblr. I joined towards the end of 2021 basically for the sole purpose of consuming more Tom Hiddleston content.
The first person I met and befriended on here was @youlightmeupfinn and I couldn't be more grateful. Our friendship expanded in 2022 beyond the bounds of the Tumblr-verse into snaps, texts, calls, FaceTime, and Skype dates... and ultimately led to us meeting in person this year. Meeting Taylor and getting to HUG her IRL is definitely one of my top moments for the year. I already can't wait to do it again in 2023.
I spent most of 2022 as a lurker/consumer of Loki and TH content, and discovered some amazingly talented people along the way. @sarahscribbles you come to mind specifically as someone I am so glad I've gotten to know. Your work is exquisite and there are several of your pieces that I seriously revisit over and over again. I love you so much.
Then towards the very end of this year, I dipped my toe into writing for the first time ever. In November and December this year, I've written and posted 3 fics in total. @lokisgoodgirl I have you to thank for inviting and encouraging this lurker to begin writing. I never would have done it had it not been for your Winter Warmers post/invitation.. and then the subsequent enthusiasm when I said I MIGHT write something.
From there, my immersion into the community exploded and I've met so many wonderfully talented, supportive, amazing people. I love being part of this crazy community on this little corner of the internet. I'm so thankful for all of you and I'm looking forward to entering 2023 with an entourage of sorts. Love you all!!
@gigglingtigger @coldnique @muddyorbs @fictive-sl0th @springdandelixn @lokiprompts @michelleleewise @mochie85 @vbecker10 @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @holdmytesseract @holymultiplefandomsbatman @wheredafandomat @simplyholl @maple-seed @loopsisloops @give-me-a-moose @thomase1 @lady-rose-moon @anonymousfiction211 and anyone else I may have forgotten to tag -- I'm so sorry if I did!! I have plenty of love to go around, and any exclusion was not intentional!!
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stevesbipanic · 2 years
I just reached 10k hits on ao3 and I'd like to say a big thank you to everyone who has read, left kudos or a comment on any of my fics. I've received such an amazing response from this community. I know I've been a bit offline this holiday season but I've got some great things coming that I hope you'll all enjoy. I'm also almost at 4k followers on here which is insane to think about since 6 months ago I had 0. You've allade my year amazing, especially my muts you know who you are ❤️. My ask box is always open and I can't wait to bring you stuff in the new year!
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Hello friends!! Just popping in to say I adore all of you wonderful souls and I AM alive (even though I’m rarely active on here 😖😅) I MISS ALL OF YOU and hope to be better at staying in touch soon.
In the meantime, I hope 2023 is filled with all kindness, rejuvenation, and good things you deserve 💖🎉
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eliasblaque · 2 years
We came into our own understanding of what reality was, the artifacts resonated olde energies and properties that were native to this place long before we were created thought. now we breathe in that which once upon a time was holy, we walk amongst its ruble, its ruins, we feed energies back to it, recycled recycled and on and on the whirlpool of existences couponed balance thrives. harbored galactic maps suppressed and housed in sentient manifested emotion, corporeal carbons made unique striving for the myth that is security, thriving for survival. Aliens amongst a specific place carved into times very self, beings bound for tombs and judgement. A primordial history turned fear Gatorade soups future, manifest: revised, scattered, ripped & tattered, raped, reshaped, packaged, priced & redistributed. Beginning the traverse of the given construct that is time, plagued by the bosoms embrace of change, forever to decay forever to play with the growing mushrooms that are fate fingers, the fantasies of will, the choices of the greatness that gives us purpose, just to rotate the sun for deaths greet. 
we came into our own understanding of what reality was, clean slate eyes blessed and cursed upon arrival. We cried out in Terror as we were saddled with names never truly our own for leased personal bodies eventually to be marked, maimed, intoxicated by the lusts of sensation. chug chug chug!! a perfect evil this life, full of beauties and wondrous notions to forever distract us from the narrow path of escape and divine, the saving fine print that if read after umbilical severance, possibilities of leaving ultimately mentally intact still can be entertained. popcorn popcorn and the film ventures on, map revealed and lesson learned, palace lost to the beating hearts of once humans, now bodies full of vaccines of unknown entities with dragon tales, end credits, finished sodas and sticky floors. This hell of a purgatory is the very battleground of futures war, how much are tickets to the next showing.
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thedragonagelesbian · 2 years
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My last campaign notes from 2022... cas is smiling. Adelaide is not.
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cower-before-power · 2 years
Happy New Year’s my glorious, lovely, wonderful sweet potatoes!
I’m forever grateful for each and every one of you, and all the smiles and joy you’ve brought me this year. 2022 was hard on a lot of us, and I hope 2023 will lessen our burdens and bring us clearer minds, healthier bodies, and happier hearts. We deserve to celebrate tonight, we’ve made it another year, and we’re all the stronger for it!
Cheers! Blessings! Love and Hugs!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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vanillahigh00 · 2 years
AO3 Wrapped 2022
Tagged by @hippolotamus. Thank you, friend! <3
I’m not sorry to say goodbye to 2022 for many reasons! Just personal stuff, writing stuff… all the stuff. There isn’t anything interesting to read here at all. I think I personally had to write this out just to remind myself I wrote something in 2022.
Works: Published: 5
Word Count: 133, 200 (This is wildly inaccurate due to a WIP that was worked on in 2022 and started in a prior year)
Hits: 13,212
Bookmarks: 111
Most Popular by Kudos: I’ll Always Catch Your Glance
Most Hits: I’ve Been Searching For You (Part 1 will be finished in 2023. I have plans for a part 2 and maybe part 3)
Longest: I’ll Weather Any Storm With You written solely in 2022, but I couldn’t tell you how many words I made for I’ve Been Searching For You in 2022.
Shortest: Made With Love (1494 words)
Most Comments: A toss-up between I’ll Always Catch Your Glance written in 2022 and I’ve Been Searching For You a WIP worked on in 2022.
Fic that made me cry: A couple chapters made me teary in I’ve Been Searching For You.
Fic that made me smile: Honestly all five fics touched in 2022 made me smile for one reason or another.
Gifts: I’ll Always Catch Your Glance for @weathereyehorizon, and Just To Be With You for scaddict.
Events: Secret Valentine and Frozen Over
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Happy new year, friends. here's hoping it's kind to all of us 💙
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dailyastarionpics · 10 months
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A huge night full of well deserved awards and recognition for Larian Studios! Congratulations and thank you for creating such an incredible game!
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ravenkings · 1 year
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sassykittycat4u · 2 years
Happy 2023 y'all 💋🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥂🎆🎇🎆🎇🎆🎇
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bria-doublen-a · 2 years
Book Writing Chronicles: Entry 1
So, I’ve been contemplating when I should write this and what I even want to say here. But it’s New Year’s Eve and I’ve been reflecting on my writing.
2022 was the year I finally got my ass in gear. I learned a lot about the importance of what I like to call the Preproduction Phase, which includes creating outlines and character profiles and arcs. Now for all you pros out there, this must seem a bit anticlimactic for you. Obviously, outlines and thoroughly mapped out characters are absolutely essential. But novice newbie writer me had no clue whatsoever.
Before this project I’m currently working on (I’d share the title, but I change it almost every other month. And honestly, I’m generally trash at them), I actively avoided outlines and character sheets like the plague. They seemed like such a waste of time to me and I hated the idea of postponing my writing once an idea struck me.
I think I knew that deep down, laziness was a big part of that aversion. But I think mostly, I’ve always been over-anxious to get words on a page and to make progress on something. 
But to be completely honest, my projects before this one were never taken as seriously. I always knew I wanted to write a book, but I’d never gotten farther than posting my silly, outline-less, poorly-executed fanfics online. (And no, I won’t share them because they are really, truly, 10000% embarrassing).
So, to think that I could pursue my goals of publishing something without creating a stable foundation was incredibly naive. But I tried it anyway.
I’ve spent over two years working on this book. And for more than half of that time, I can say that I’ve effectively wasted by writing blindly, inadvertently writing myself into a corner with each draft I started without a solid idea of where the story was going. After three unfinished and extremely disorganized drafts, I finally pulled my head out of my ass and started to do some research.
I absolutely hated the idea that I needed an outline and hated the fact that I couldn’t use my time to crawl closer to my goal of just finishing a single draft.
But I’ve spent the last six months learning about outlines and character profiles—specifically how to make them. And for about five months, I’ve spent my time hating every second of it. But by late November, I finally finished a decent version of an outline that I’m really proud of and I feel that I understand my characters in ways I hadn’t before. And now that I’m writing actual words and chapters again, I can confidently say that I’ve been blasting through them faster and more effectively than I ever could before. I started this draft in early December and I’m nearly halfway finished.
If there’s anything I’ve learned in 2022, it’s that writing is writing, no matter the format. If it’s just jotting down a vague idea—it’s writing. If it’s just bullet points—it’s writing. The same goes for outlines and character profiles and whatever other tool you might use to further your writing along.
Even when you spend hours staring at a blank page. It still counts.
My advice to anyone out there who has big expectations for themselves is this: Don’t give up.
Don’t let that voice in your head tell you that you’re not making progress. That your writing is worthless. That you don’t have the tools or the knowledge or the experience to do it. You can and you will.
This project of mine is taking more than two years to complete. But if hadn’t started, I wouldn’t have learned all that I have since. Trust the process. You can do this.
And here’s hoping that all of our writing will develop and grow into something even more beautiful in 2023. Happy New Year, everyone!
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randomjreader · 2 years
Happy new year to everyone who has decided they wanna stick around and see my random posts all over their dash
I love you all <3
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red-prince · 10 months
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you can see they’re already married
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eliasblaque · 2 years
A fleeting synapse fired beyond the unbreachable realms of imagination, reality and nerve endings vomiting emotions. Light bulb lit cradle to a comforting cold grave, the creation witnessed its poetic mortal sojourn, from beauties birth to animated consciousness, "live young one live!!!!" I screamed to the crowd of brushes, i bellowed @ cups of graffitied paint water, the decibels of my passions reverberate and brought canvas to life, brought worlds out of the white.
I CREATE for them, those that have been neglected and yet used, stripped and beaten daily; abused.
I create for the battery signal that makes you move an arm to reach for your fav cereal,
I create for the energy that coats your conscience and strives to guide it towards truth, I create I create for that divinely given entity that is "you"
A cursed tome, grimoire from the pages of halloween herself, a pen...ever to bend to mine will, masochistic sentience, doomed to drain itself at my temperamental beck and call. My grey clouds spell the chaos for its life blood.
INque of oceans black and blue poetry, the once tree overlord is home to calibrated lines and they are the only music here.
-draw 🖊
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