ashyjingles · 5 months
All my works so far
ao3: ashyjingles where i am very much multifandom lol
violent and volatile (thiam and layden, endgame thiam, 80k, 7/12)
Hunger Games AU where Theo and Liam cannot escape their violent and volatile natures. It’s all respective. (It’s all business.)
god is real and hes my dad (percabeth, 9k, 2/7)
What if by the ancient laws, Dionysus had legitimately claimed Percy on accident, and everyone believed it?
new deck of cards (duntrent, 67k, 10/25)
Trent's just trying to get through his third season of Total Drama without having a mental breakdown. It's not going very well.
paint me like one of your french girls (brisaac, 2.3k, oneshot)
3 times Isaac Lahey didn't know who the hell Brett Talbot was and the one time he did.
stardust (stisaac, 12k, oneshot)
Isaac has an embarrassing crush on Stiles, and his sister, best friend, and ex-alpha are making life really difficult for him. Oh, and the new vampire in town that has decided to start chewing on people. Can't forget him.
pretty flower pot boy (steo, 5.3k, oneshot)
Theo works in the outdoor section of Walmart and lifts heavy things, and Stiles is the dumbass who fell in love (literally) and decided to start gardening just to see him again.
Sinew of the Soul (steo, 8.3k, oneshot)
Theo almost dies for Stiles, they wake up in the same bed, and Stiles fucks up (but fixes it).
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jojoseames · 1 year
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Patron original art reward! This month, we have a special treat...a sketch by Andrew! Because this Patron requested a drawing of Brisaac from Obsidian National Forest! What an extra-fun thing for all of us!
(Andrew's been hard at work on a special ONF 5th anniversary special, and it's almost ready! I'm personally very excited about it!)
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arewordsenough · 1 year
Well, saw someone asking your 5 favorite ships, and why not the other way?
Would you be so kind and let us know your Top 5 most "hated" ships of Teen Wolf?
Can be ships you hate, or not so much into it, or just don't see the appeal, you'd choice!
Ok, these aren't ships I hate, just ships I'm not that into even if I have/can write for them
Sterek (I really fell into fandom well after all the background stuff so I mostly missed out on things happening outside of the show that fueled this)
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usermischief · 4 years
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⫸ Moodboard ⫷ Camping + Brett/Isaac
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makeyouminemp3 · 3 years
For the ship asks, any thoughts on Brett/Isaac (which is not much of a thing but has been a thought tormenting me for the last few months)?
I honestly never thought of that as a ship, but I've seen it around from you on my dash for a while now, so that's the closest thing I know about this pairing. But, I do like rare pairings and I think they could probably work out. And I say probably because I'm not 100% sure of like anything.
Also, judgmental boyfriends is something I'd enjoy to see. But also they would be a very good friendship too now that i think about it to. Could be a great strangers to friends to lovers trope.
And I could just see the both of them making fun of Liam together. Overall, I think Brett and Isaac would be a chaotic for duo whether as friends or boyfriends. But the world is not ready for that.
Send me a ship and I'll give you my honest opinion about it or a certain headcanon for a ship of your choosing
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spikeface · 4 years
Hi! For the shop bingo any thoughts on Isaac + Brett (which has been bugging me for months and it is all hypothetical) and Achilles + Aiax Telamonios (for old time’s sake?). Hopefully that’ll fill a few boxes!
No thoughts on Achilles besides the fact that he needs to calm down. I ship Achilles/some chamomile tea tbh!
As for Brett/Isaac, I haven’t thought about these two before. In general I’m Scisaac trash, and I like Brett with Mason and/or crushing on Scott, but I’m happy to speculate about Brett/Isaac. It’s interesting because they both have that douchebag veneer, but if you peel the douchebag layer off Brett you find a sweet Buddhist kid who takes care of his sister, whereas if you peel the douchebag layer off Isaac you find a second, more compact, very angry douchebag layer underneath.
Brett causes a major malfunction in anyone in his grade who sees him (and, like, fair), so I like imagining that it’s his turn to malfunction when he sees Isaac, who comes back from France for the summer during college. Brett has heard about Isaac from Liam, who heard about him from Stiles—according to Stiles, Isaac is an obnoxious idiot with crap fashion choices and crap ideas and he’s full of crap. Somehow, Stiles never thought to mention that Isaac was gorgeous! Brett is not ready! Whatever Isaac’s previous wardrobe was, it got a lot more chic in France. Isaac is now devastatingly pretty. At the casual lacrosse game Scott organizes one afternoon, Brett makes a complete idiot out of himself. Liam and Lori make fun of him a lot. Scott asks him if he’s feeling all right. It’s the worst.
France, meanwhile, has been good to Isaac. He’s had a chance to find himself, outside of the prison of Beacon Hills. It’s still kind of hard to be there, though, since it’s the first time he’s been back since Allison’s death. He loves seeing Scott again, but is intrigued by the thought of new friends, new memories to round out the old. He’s gotten a little better at this whole “be nice” thing, so he offers to work with this lacrosse newbie Brett one on one, since he seems like he might need some help. He doesn’t understand why that makes Brett start blushing and stammering, or why that punk Liam is laughing so hard as he throws an arm around Brett’s shoulders and accepts on his behalf (because, at the end of the day, Liam may be a little punk, but he’s still a great flight attendant).
Lori bullies Brett into showing up when Isaac suggests they practice. It’s a little easier now that no one else is there, though Isaac’s looks still somehow take him by surprise (how is he so handsome?? How??). Isaac seems convinced that Brett’s an idiot, but the upside is that it’s pretty fun to make him see how wrong he is. Brett shows off a lot, enjoying it, and then the two of them get competitive and there’s an awful lot of jostling. Isaac plays aggressively. Brett doesn’t mind at all.
Isaac, for his part, is delighted to discover Brett’s cool, cocky confidence—one of the traits that once drew him to Allison. The two of them wind up chatting afterwards. Each of them has lost their entire family and then some. They talk about Scott. They talk about Liam, whom they’re both bemused by. Isaac is curious about Buddhism, and how generally even-keeled Brett is, after everything that’s happened to him. Brett, meanwhile, is charmed by Isaac’s playful abrasiveness, and a little awed by how Isaac doesn’t seem to be afraid of anything. They keep hanging out. They get closer. When they finally hook up, Brett is more experienced but Isaac learns very quickly and alternates between bossy and pushy. Brett is so into it.
Stiles finds out about the two of them eventually. He finds both of them annoying and hates the thought of the two of them together. They wear matching scarves just to piss him off. Liam laughs and laughs.
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demonzdust · 7 years
i agree with everything you wrote, it'd be interesting to see. brett/isaac also. okay i need to stop bc i'm gonna start shipping everyone.
Brisaac!!!!!!! I CAN SEE IT!!!
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So much sass in this ship!!!
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I thought she was probably little too old for Isaac, but *shrugs*/ the same argument can be done for Sterek and Steter though
I’ve always imagined Braeden as actually older than Derek, so more Steter age gap territory than Sterek. 
And in some ships I can overlook the age gap whereas in others, personally, I just can’t make it work. Because honestly? Life experience counts too. Braden is a badass who’s blown in from out of town, we don’t know a thing about her except she’s deadly, and Isaac is a former abuse victim who spent a lot of his childhood literally locked in a freezer, and was kicked from Derek to Scott after brutally losing two of his pack members. And then he dated the girl who stabbed him repeatedly. Or was it shot him with arrows? Point is, Isaac has some stuff to work through. 
Let that boy go to France and find himself before he dives into a relationship with someone in their 20′s. 
If other people can make it work, good on them and I’d probably read it and love it. But my instinct on Brisaac is “no...”. Which is totally fine, because that’s how a bunch pf people feel about Sterek and Steter. 
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farklelucas · 7 years
Can you write "Your housemate just came home and now you’re shoving me in the closet/under the bed/out of the window but I only have one shoe on and no underwear oh my god (AND you’re trying to kiss me while shoving me this is just perfect)" for Brett/Isaac? Thank you!
there are…. so many prompts in my inbox… and yet…. this one speaks to me
Smooth skin glides over smooth skin. Touching, touching, touching… Brett leans up to kiss at the underside of Isaac’s jaw. Isaac grins and runs his hand up Brett’s stomach again. “Say it again,” he murmurs, like Brett hasn’t said it a million times already.
Brett grins, feeling mischievous. “What?” he asks. “Say what?”
There’s a sharp pinch to his hip, and he jumps, just a little. “You know,” Isaac retorts, burying his mouth in Brett’s neck.
For a moment, Brett lets him wait. Then, afraid of being pinched again, he says, “Isaac, I love you.”
Isaac raises his head and grins. Then, there’s a honk outside, and Isaac’s smile slips from his face. “Oh, no,” he says. Then, “You have to hide.”
Brett raises his eyebrows. “What?” he asks. But Isaac’s already climbed off of him, moving to get his t-shirt from the foot of the bed. He slips it on over his head and onto his torso, covering the hickeys on his collarbone. While he’s down there, he picks up what Brett can only assume is his shirt and throws it at him, then scrambles to the window.
“Oh, shit,” Isaac mutters. “Allison’s home early.”
In an instant, Brett feels his stomach drop. He and Isaac have been very careful not to tell their friends that they’re dating. After having all grown up together, in Beacon Hills when Isaac and Allison were friends with his older sister Malia, they’re afraid of them not understanding or getting upset because it might disrupt the flow of their friend group. But Brett really, truly loves Isaac - he doesn’t think Allison would get upset; Malia, maybe, because she’s very protective over her little brother. But Allison? Although, Allison would go directly to her girlfriend, Lydia, who would go directly to her best friend, Malia, and he really doesn’t want Isaac skinned alive. “Yeah, maybe I should hide,” he agrees.
“Lydia’s with her,” Isaac says, peering out the window. “And… oh shit, you really have to hide.” He turns back, with wide eyes. “That’s Malia.”
Brett scrambles to stand up and throw the shirt on over his head. Once it’s on, they both look around. “Uh,” Brett says, “no offense, but your room is… not exactly fit for hide and seek.”
He loves his boyfriend, but it’s true, his room is a bit of a mess. There’s clothes discarded on the floor in one corner, a full bookshelf taking up another, a desk scattered with papers and miscellaneous stationary supplies and books in a third corner. His bed is in the middle of the room, and next to it is a nightstand cluttered with an alarm clock and phone and various pictures. Brett looks to Isaac, eyebrow raised. Isaac, meanwhile, just looks nervous and unsure. “Uh, under the bed?” he tries.
They both bend to look under the bed. Plastic cases of clothes and DVDs are packed under there, and they stare back at Brett and Isaac dauntingly. They sigh and stand. “Well, that’s a no,” Brett says. He glances at Isaac, and follows his line of sight - the front window. “No,” Brett says flatly. He can only imagine what would happen if he even tried to climb out of the window. “I love you, but I’m not breaking my neck to hide from my big sister.”
He turns his gaze back to Isaac and watches as, slowly, a smile breaks out onto Isaac’s face. “There you go again,” he says.
“What?” Brett asks, confused. Then he realizes and smirks. “That really drives you nuts, huh?”
Isaac nods, softly, and leans forward to kiss him. It’s soft and sensual, like Isaac himself, and Brett thinks it’s just perfect.
The door opens fairly loudly downstairs, and Lydia is laughing. “Isaac!” Allison calls. “We have company, please be decent!”
Okay, maybe not perfect.
Isaac pulls back. “Jesus Christ, I wish I wasn’t so attracted to you right now,” he mutters.
“I don’t,” Brett grins. Isaac rolls his eyes.
They look around again, and suddenly, Isaac snaps his fingers and points. Brett follows his finger and groans. “Wow, I have to go back in?” he asks.
Isaac shushes him. “Ten minutes of going back in the closet for me to escape a confrontation with your sister alive,” he says. He grabs Brett by the hand and drags him to the closet. When he opens it, Brett can see immediately why this won’t work.
He gestures into the closet and asks, “You know we’re the same height, right? If you’re not fitting in there, I’m sure as hell not fitting in there.
He can tell Isaac is about to open his mouth to argue, but then they both hear a sudden creak on the staircase. Isaac yelps and Brett sighs. “Fine,” he grumbles. “But only because this is the height of irony.”
Isaac breathes a sigh of relief and helps him to fold himself in a sitting position on top of the clothes at the bottom of Isaac’s closet and under the nice jackets and suits hanging above him. (He makes a mental note to ask Isaac to wear these clothes more often, because he’s willing to bet that he’ll look amazing in them.) Then, once he’s both comfortable and sure he’s not going to accidentally kick out the closet door with his long legs, Isaac leans down and kisses him. “Thank you. You’re the best.”
“You’re lucky I prefer my boyfriends alive to dead,” Brett mutters. Isaac gives him another kiss before shutting the door.
From his spot on the floor, Brett can see practically the whole room, or at least the door. There’s a knock and it opens, Allison with her eyes covered. “Hey, are you decent?” she asks.
Isaac laughs. “Yeah, you’re good. You can come in.”
She lifts her hands off her eyes and enters, Lydia and Malia closely behind her. “Hey,” Allison says. “We just wanted to invite you to watching The Notebook in the living room with us while we cry and drink margaritas.
Malia rolls her eyes. “I’m not going to cry,” she insists.
“She’s never seen The Notebook,” Lydia says, resting her hand on Malia’s shoulder. “Isaac, tell her she’s going to cry.”
“You’re not going to cry,” he says bluntly. Brett stifles a laugh. Malia smiles smugly and Lydia pouts. “I’m probably going to stay up here, blast some music and work on my essay.”
Brett knows very well that Isaac had finished his essay yesterday.
“Fair enough,” Allison says with a shrug. Then she pauses. “Nice shirt,” she says, pointing to Isaac’s chest.
“Yeah, I didn’t know you like the Sharks,” Lydia says slowly.
There’s a pause. Brett looks down at his chest to see Beacon Hills Lacrosse written on the front and holds back from swearing. “It’s a new thing, me and hockey,” Isaac says suddenly. “I’m really only betting on them because Stiles is betting against them.”
The three girls look at each other and then shrug. “Fair enough,” Malia says. “You should talk to Brett, though, he loves them.”
Brett practically hears Isaac swallow nervously. “Yeah,” he says, “I will.”
“Alright, well, later then,” Allison says, and she, Lydia, and Malia all go back downstairs.
Brett opens up the closet and struggles to stand. Isaac comes back over and lends a hand, helping Brett get out all in one piece. When he finally gets on his feet, they both look out the door to where the girls all once stood. “Well, that was close,” Isaac says.
“Yeah, that’s entirely on you,” Brett says, looking back.
Isaac grins sheepishly and looks down, plucking at the shirt he has on. “Yeah, I guess you want your shirt back, huh?”
Brett hums a moment. “Well,” he says, “I definitely want it off of you.”
Isaac smiles and reaches to put his arms around Brett’s neck. Brett leans in to kiss him. From the hallway, they hear, “Oh my god! I knew it.”
Lydia looks all too smug. Isaac groans and buries his head in Brett’s neck. Brett rolls his eyes. It was all a matter of time, anyway.
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moondustmemories · 4 years
reblog this if you too want brian may’s hair
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waterloou · 2 years
Throws a couple curveballs maybe? Liolan & Brisaac
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johndeac · 5 years
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sir brisaac newton
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jojoseames · 4 years
Obsidian National Forest no. 02: “Whispers of the Throat”
We need to talk about Brisaac. Specifically, his eating habits. 
Written & Directed by Andrew Ihla  Produced by JoJo Seames  With the voices of Catty Donnelly, Andrew Ihla, and JoJo Seames  Music & Sound by Andrew Ihla 
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usermischief · 5 years
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bhadpodcast · 6 years
She should’ve gotten with Peter! They would’ve been this bad ass amoral team.// Oh my God I thought I was the only one that liked those two together. I feel like Peter needed a strong woman to tame his wild ass. Paeden for the win. I honestly can’t come up with a better ship name for them lol.
Braeter, please, lol!  Or none of those, lol.  And lol, my last fic put Braeden and Peter together, love it!  I used to be Brisaac af but then the show acted like they forgot, ha!
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valeriwell34 · 4 years
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