#british kids nostalgia
junkcubus · 2 years
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the bad guys from the numberjacks always had such cool designs to me as a kid :)
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kidcore-nostalgia · 10 months
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laertesbean · 7 months
Me, trying to focus: Brain, concentrate. I'm an adult.
My Horrible Histories kid brain: Stay calm-a when you want to harm a llama, call a llama farmer!!!
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kitkatisweird7 · 9 months
CITV is dead. Long live CITV.
So, we knew this day was coming but it's finally actually arrived. CITV was the home of many wonderful shows in the 2000s and 2010s. So to see it thrown away in favour of the shite that is "streaming" is disappointing, if expected.
CITV was a channel I came straight home from school after 3:15pm to watch. At 4pm was Horrid Henry. For a whole hour. Sometimes I would catch the 3:30 timeslot airing Emu.
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I remember staying at my grandparents aged 5 and watching Kid vs Kat and My Goldfish is Evil. I remember waking up on a weekend to find Toonattik on (I also played the board game of that). I remember Action Stations, Sooty, a sock puppet that made this weird horn noise...
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Anyway with the closing down of yet another pinnacle of my childhood, joining Jetix, Disney XD, Playhouse Disney, Disney Channel and Disney Junior (eagle eyed readers would know these channels shared three particular spots), the 2020s are proving my disdain for modern "culture" is warranted personally. I cannot express enough how sad this makes me.
Video on its way to Infinity Games to accompany this:
In the meantime, CBBC stands. But not for much longer. The end of raising kids in a vaguely responsible way is upon us.
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sobashahzadi · 5 months
never would I have ever have thought that with 2024 would come along a weird array of hyper fixations, one of which being a cartoon from the early 2000’s
but yes guys pls 2024, let’s bring back the Charlie and Lola fandom that would be so funny
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and my silly little doodles of marv because 6 year old me was all over him
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This guy mind u (on the left) why? Because he had a blue hoodie and I liked blue at the time and he had a brunette birds nest that was supposed to be his hair how could I not adore that?
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halliedrawz · 3 days
POV: You're A British Child Watching TV Shows In The 2010's
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2000s-girl-nostalgia · 4 months
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Source: <3
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ilovescaredysquirrel2 · 5 months
Stingo walking on air speed up
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lightspeedhunter · 10 months
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Boy George and Marilyn hanging out nearby The Blitz Club
London, 1981
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bluebugjay · 1 year
the 'watched horrid Henry as a kid' to 'watched Malcom in the middle as a teen' pipeline
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mariocki · 2 years
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The Golden Voyage of Sinbad (1973)
"Your courage has deserted you."
"Me? No! My heart is full of bravery. But I have very cowardly legs..."
#the golden voyage of sinbad#fantasy film#ray harryhausen#1973#british cinema#gordon hessler#brian clemens#john phillip law#caroline munro#tom baker#douglas wilmer#martin shaw#kurt christian#takis emmanuel#david garfield#grégoire aslan#aldo sambrell#robert shaw#impossible for me to be unbiased about this film‚ which has an extraordinary nostalgia pull for me. i was Big into Harryhausen as a kid#and devoured all the films I could get my hands on‚ with this being a personal favourite of his colour works. with the benefit of age and#experience‚ it isn't without issue: from the varying levels of brownface on display to the really quite appalling dialogue‚ the thinly#sketched in characters and poor Caroline Munro‚ presumably holding her breath throughout so that she doesn't explode out of the skimpy#outfit she was given. but! but what fun. there are few films so colourful‚ so purely spectacular‚ so vibrant of image and adventure#Harryhausen's work here is some of his best‚ less so in the monsters (the living ones) than in the inanimates brought to life. a ship's#figurehead‚ tearing itself free and attacking the crew! the incredible figure of Kali conjured to life and fighting with six swords! truly#one of the great setpieces of fantasy cinema. and the set design! the miniatures! the temple of many faces! douglas wilmer's golden mask!#pure visual magic of a sort of timeless and universal quality. enormous fun and easily the best of the Sinbad trilogy#fun fact: the monstrous and distorted Oracle of All Knowledge is actually an uncredited Robert Shaw‚ who did a day's work as a favour to#producer Charles Schneer‚ but insisted his face and voice be unrecognisable as a goofy fantasy film might hurt his growing reputation in#American 'proper' cinema; the following year he'd be filming Jaws and cementing himself as a big screen icon so maybe he was right?
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wat-the-cur · 9 months
So, now that I mentioned Worzel Gummidge’s nephew, I’d better also mention that he was the first character I can remember who gave me gender envy. I wanted to look like that little cockney scarecrow so much. His name was Pickles Bramble, but as a kid I didn’t know that. I just called him The Crow Boy.
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kidcore-nostalgia · 3 months
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So when I was a kid, in around reception (which would probably be kindergarten age for anyone outside of the UK), whenever it was someone's birthday, the birthday kid in question would bring in a little tub of sweets to give out to everyone at the end of the day, and this was lovely and wholesome, but I think at some point they stopped kids from handing out birthday sweets because it was "unhealthy". 
Okay Janet deprive kids of a little tiny bag of Haribo Starmix why don't you-
My god just let the kids live and have a lil treat.
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chubsbuns · 6 months
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A relic
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loublu8 · 7 months
i've had a cold for the last few days awesome cool fab hooray neat i assume it's the flu or whatever
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unrelated Go!Go!Go! image cause I'm the king of unrelated images
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