#bro I give up I’m not tagging every member of each band
mikeywayimdykeygay · 2 years
I gotta know man I’m itching to compare them with someone but no one else I know listens to either
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bakudekushimasimp · 3 years
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Picture credit to: @Milmil21229 and @BrttPaige on Twitter
Pairing: KatsukiBakugouxreader
Summary: you and Bakugou are ex’s (yay plot twist) bad break up involving another female. Both your bands show up to a battle of the bands, you both get to watch each other perform. In the end your band wins and his is runner up. both your bands go out to celebrate..
A/N: I actually ended this very abruptly after the smut part, I’m sorry if this isn’t as good as my other ones I just really fantasized over drummer Bakugo. I would definitely say this is Bakugo fluff. He is not even half as rude as usually portrayed. Side note: your band~ misery business;paramore His band~ can you feel my heart; BMTH
You push threw sweaty bodies making a path for your band to get backstage, and to your dressing room. You elbow and shove people creating a commotion as people start to recognize you and your group. You finally break through the crowd and you wait for your band members to emerge from the pit. Shinsou, Amajiki, and Jirou all stumble forward. Amajiki rams into you and you somewhat catch him before you both land in a pile on the ground. He looks down apologizing but you stand straight brushing off your skirt and fixing your thigh high boots. “You’re fine, I’m fine. We’re good then.” You show him a gentle smile before your resting bitch face is plastered back on. You look around at the different bands making their way to their rooms, and grabbing various things getting set up for their performance. You find the closest person with ‘Stagehand’ printed on their shirt. You sauntered over to him his arms crossed right below the words he’s directing people in different directions. You walk up and glance at his name tag ‘Tokoyami’. “Hey Tokyo, can you point us in the direction of The Shadows dressing room.” He looks at you seemingly annoyed at his nickname you gave him as he looks at your group before pointing you in the right direction. Your band makes it to the door of your dressing room, but right before you get the chance to enter you see a bright flash of red in the style of spikes. You only know one single person to have that hairstyle meaning there was someone you’ve been avoiding not to far behind him. Shinso seems to notice and he looks at you, “just ignore it, we came here to perform and win.” He puts his hand on the small of your back and you turn into the room.
Bakugou is following behind Kirishima as the are a few feet away from their dressing room. Multiple people had stopped them on their way recognizing the attractive band members, trying to get pictures and congratulating them on their recent release. Kirishima pushes the door open and they all start to flood in. Denki quickly grabs Bakugou pulling him back and pointing a couple doors down. “That’s Jirou isn’t it! From the Shadows?” Bakugou’s hands spark knowing that could only mean one thing. His ex was here to perform. He shoved denki’s hand off his arm and stomped into the dressing room. “What’s your problem?” Denki looks confused. “Shut up, Pikachu!” Bakugou screams at him. The door closing behind him.
You and your band are ready to perform, and your up next. You’re waiting off stage watching the band come to a close, the crowd erupting into cheers. Jirou slings an arm around you grinning. “You ready?” You turn to her, “More than ever.” Shinsou smirks knowing now that you knew he was here you were going to give it your all even more so than before. Especially with your song choice. You were going to perform your cover of ‘Misery Business’ by paramore. Which always killed the crowds. You abruptly turn around to face him and catch his smirk. You look into his deep purple eyes, “how do I look?” Amajiki answers before he can in a quiet whisper, “amazing..” You look to him and hug him noticing how nervous he is, “Thank you Jiki, let’s kill this.” You squeeze his shoulders and turn around. The band that was once on stage is now gone and the stagehands quickly adjust everything for your band to perform. You fix your skirt that is just long enough to cover your round ass, and your crop top that has several tears on the shoulders. Your curls are sticking to your forehead already from the heat. You swing your hair over your shoulder so it falls down your back. You shift side to side in your thigh high boots loving the way they made your legs look and how they hugged your thighs. You took a deep breath as you hear your introduction and the lights dim. You look up through your lashes with a grin on your face, and start to walk out onto stage with your band mates. You listen to the crowd chant your band name, and occasionally you hear different fans shouting out for their favorite band member. You all take your places on the stage that now had fog spreading over it swallowing your feet, and only dim purple lights shining enough to give the illusion of you and your band only being shadows. You hear Shinso start to tap his drumsticks and that’s when the performance begins.
Bakugou’s band made its way to the side of the stage as they were told to get ready, they were on next. As he got nearer he could hear the current band playing. All his band mates slowed their steps until they finally came to the clearing. The crowd was going insane, the pit was a blur of movement. There was bands on both sides of the stage watching as the band onstage performed. His band mates slowly looked to Bakugou as they realized the person in the middle of the stage singing standing between a guy and girl strumming their lives out onto their guitars. Bakugou’s face turned red as he knew that voice anywhere, the lyrics shaking his whole body.
“She's got a body like an hourglass, it's ticking like a clock! It's a matter of time before we all run out, when I thought he was mine, she caught him by the mouth! I waited eight long months, she finally set him free, I told him I couldn't lie, he was the only one for me. Two weeks and we had caught on fire, she’s got it out for me, but I wear the biggest smile!”
Kirishima put his hand on Bakugou’s shoulder, “it’s just a song bro-“
“She looks.. so good.” Bakugou was entranced by the emotion you put into the song and how happy you looked to be performing. He couldn’t believe it was your band getting this big of a reaction out of the crowd and the other bands. The heat in his face quickly rushed to his lower body as you started to walk away from your other band mates and he got an actual look at you. Your skirt was just the kind that use to drive him so crazy he would have to take you wherever he could back when you were together. His muscles tensed as you walked back to your drummer, looking at him and running your hand down his chest as he hit played. As you ran your hand down seductively and slowly you sang out your part, “but god does it feel sooo goood!” Bakugou’s hands sparked and he took a step forward just for Kirishima to grab him by his bicep. With his fist clenched he stepped back into his place, he knew why you chose this song. He knew who you sang about when you screamed the lyrics, “once a whore, you’re nothing more-“ into the microphone. It was his fault. He should’ve never messed around with the groupie he did. Back when he first started performing shows with his band. Dismissing you not believing your potential to be a lead in a band yourself. And here he was eating his words. Your song came to a close, and all he could do was decide to show you just the way you showed him, through his performance.
“We’re changing the song.” He growled out.
“Wait- what.” Denki and Sero said together.
“Bro are your sure that’s a good idea we’ve been rehearsing for weeks over this song.” Kirishima spoke out. “Shut up shitty hair I know what I’m doing, we’re doing the cover!” Bakugou snapped. Kirishima looked at the other boys and shrugged, “Okay bro- if you’re ready to perform it.”
You stood in the middle of the stage your curls sticking all over your face. You beamed in the lights shining on you and your bandmates. The crowd drank every bit of your performance in, they couldn’t get enough. The screams drowned out everything, making your ears ring. You all took a bow and walked off the other side of the stage. Other bands clapped you on the back and beamed at you explaining how amazing your performance was and they’ve never seen the crowd so alive. Some back stage helpers handed your group towels and water bottles, which you all gladly accepted. You showered your bandmates in compliments making sure they knew how well they did. You were so wrapped up in everything going on you completely missed the next band being introduced. Jirou and Amajiki went to stand off stage to watch the rest of the performances. Shinsou moved over to you and placed his hand on the small of your back where it comfortably rest. He eyed you, “how do you always still look so amazing after a performance like that,” You stomach tied in a knot and you smiled down at your boots. Shinsou had been there for you since your rough break up a couple months ago, he was there when you first started your band up. He happily offered to be your drummer, after he fell in love with your voice. You felt as if someone was staring at you so you stepped away looking around to see the culprit. Your eyes never met with anyone else’s everyone seemed occupied with their own things. You took another drink of your water bottle and wiped your face and neck. “Let’s go watch the last few performances, see if they’re really any competition.” You dragged him off to the side stage meeting Jirou and Amajiki. Jirou held her hand out stopping you from moving all the way to the front of the crowd of bands. You stopped in your tracks looking confused at Jirou then peering over to see who exactly was performing. That’s when red vermillion eyes met yours.
Bakugou’s anger was soaring through the roof as he watch Shinsou place his hand right above your perfectly round ass, at the small of your back as he whispered in your ear. He almost snapped his drumsticks in two as he watch the interaction, with only himself to blame. He kicked himself again, as he watch you take his hand pulling your new drummer to watch HIM play. His friends started preparing for their performance, getting their instruments tuned and ready. Until you finally looked up and met his eyes. His face still holding a scowl as he watched your close actions with your drummer boy. Kirishima stepped up beside him and softly spoke to him, “it’s time to start bro..”
Bakugou tore his eyes away from yours after sending a threatening glare to the lavender hair man hovering behind you who only smirked in response. His hands tightened around his drumsticks as he walked back to his set and got ready. His knee was already bouncing in irritation. He was ready to play all his anger and mixed emotions into this song, even if that meant leaving a pile of wreck in replace of this drum set. The song started and it was time to show you exactly how he felt, and to show pretty boy who was the real drummer.
You stood frozen in place as you realized the eyes you felt staring at you watching your every movement belonged to no other than your ex-boyfriends. You watched as he ripped his eyes from yours and stomped to his place. Once the stage came alive you couldn’t help but only watch him. You felt weak, giving him all your attention like this. You should have walked away and not even stayed for his performance, but you were intrigued just by the song choice. Anyone who was here at the battle of the bands would recognize this song. Kirishima had started the song, instantly grabbing the attention of the crowd. But that’s when the next verse came and your attention was snatched from you.
“Can you help the hopeless?
Well, I'm begging on my knees
Can you save my bastard soul?
Will you wait for me?
I'm sorry, brothers, so sorry, lover
Forgive me, father, I love you, mother.”
Your gut wrenched at the thought of him pouring his emotions into the lyrics of this song. Showing you just how he felt. Here he was usually boarding up his heart and hiding his true feelings, but now he was on stage in front of hundreds of people pouring out everything into one song. You were mesmerized by the way he so effortlessly played the drums. The crowd loved the drop dead boy band group, they looked just as alive as when your band performed. You looked to your bandmates as Jirou had her eyes set on one of Bakugou’s band mates, known as Denki. They were basically eye fucking across the stage his whole body shifted in her direction. Amajiki was hidden between other bands but still looked interested, you remember him saying he enjoyed this song before. Shinsou who was now besides you instead of behind you looked at you, as you looked at him. He mouthed, “are you okay?” You nodded your head. The other bands buzzed and vibed enjoying the performance just as much as the audience. The song was coming to an end and your eyes couldn’t help but fall back onto the drummer who you used to call your own. Tears threatened to prick your eyes as he closed the song,
“I'm scared to get close, and I hate being alone, I long for that feeling to not feel at all
The higher I get, the lower I'll sink
I can't drown my demons, they know how to swim!
Can you feel my heart?
Can you hear the silence?
Can you see the dark?
Can you fix the broken?
Can you feel, can you feel my heart!”
The song ended and your heart was aching, you had so many different emotions running through you your mind was spinning. The crowd cheered screaming their band name. You were still looking at Bakugou who’s head was hung and eyes still closed. You wanted to go to him but everything inside you was fighting it. He finally looked up. He stood walking around the drum set emotionless. He tucked his drumstick into his pocket and the band threw their fists up. They all then dispersed off the stage. You felt suffocated and turned and walked away from the side of the stage your group following behind.
The battle continued to go on as you stayed cooped up in your dressing room. It was pretty much silence as no one knew what to say after the performance. You had teased Jirou for a little but everything went back to quiet. You all just sat on your phones scrolling through trying to distract yourselves until the end of the battles. A notification pops up at the top of your screen, you pull it down to see it was on Shinsou texting you. You peek over your phone to meet his purple ones. You smile and sigh setting your phone down. Just as your about to say something there’s a knock on the door. Jirou jumps up to crack it open until she swings it open. “Tokyo!” You say. He grunts, “they’re about to announce the winner.” You chuckle and look at your friends and gesture towards the door indicating you should go. You all stand up and walk to the stage where all the bands stand. You take your place among a few other groups on one side. You catch yourself innocently looking for the blonde hair sticking in different directions until you feel an arm sling over your shoulder. You look over to see your band members anxious yet excited to hear the winner.
“The winner of tonight’s battle of the bands is..” everyone on stage holds their breath, it’s the quietest it’s been the whole night. You could even hear a pen drop.
“ THE SHADOWS” the crowd erupts into a crazy frenzy and Jirou jumps up and down her ear jacks going everywhere. Amajiki looks shocked beyond relief as Jirou shakes him back and forth. Shinso squeezes your shoulders, “we should probably step forward.”
You’re in a daze as your all walk to the front of the stage. “Runner up, they almost knocked them right out of the first place spot..”
“Explosive Riots!!” The crowd goes even crazier jumping and screaming the boys names. Everything starts ringing in your ears as you look over and watch the band make their way to the front. Kirishima walks ahead of the others as Bakugou is right behind him stalking up towards the announcer. He’s glaring in your direction but his face softens and he just looks at his feet. The announcer hands the trophy to you and you gingerly take it but then remember the nights you stayed awake, the hard work you put in, the tears the pain and you grab that award and you lift it into the air stepping forward more proud of yourself than anyone. The bring the check out and hand it to your bandmates. They then bring the last award out and hand it to the other band. “Congratulations to both bands!” You step forward to shake hands with Kirishima as they’re about to take a picture but Shinso steps in front of you first placing his hand right into the same place he always rest it. Bakugou notices immediately and yanks kirishima back grabbing Shinsou’s hand roughly then letting a small explosive go off into his hand. Shinsou only grins and steps back. Everyone starts to disperse off stage and out of the building. There’s a couple more photos taken and you and your band make your way backstage. Your standing talking to some other bands as everyone is leaving as it’s already late at night. You suggest going out to celebrate your win with your band when you see people being dispersed in a bee line headed straight for your band. You look over to see a seething Bakugou headed straight at you. Or you thought he was coming for you until his hands are balled up in Shinsou’s shirt. Kirishima and the rest of his band coming quickly behind him. Just as Bakugou goes to shoot a blast off in Shinsou’s face, Kirishima grabs his arm once again pulling him back making him drop Shinsou. Both bands facing each other you step in front of Shinsou.
“What do you think you’re doing?!” You shout.
Kirishima gingerly chuckles and steps in front of Bakugou shoving him back.
“We were just on our way over here to invite you to come celebrate our wins together. There’s a club down the road, we occasionally hit after shows.” He rubs his hand behind his neck. You’re looking between his band and your band, Jirou and Denki making small talk she’s twisting her ear jacks around one finger. Amajiki and Sero are discussing their cords. It’s just you four facing each other. You cross your arms and stand back a little closer to Shinso. “So what do you say?” Kirishima pushes the question further. Shinsou flashes a toothy grin and throws and arm around your shoulders, “we’d love to join you.. if you can keep your Pomeranian on a leash.” Bakugou fights to get around Kirishima, “oi, move it shitty hair!” You sigh rolling your eyes walking past all the boys making sure to sway your hips and barely brush against Bakugou as you pass by him. “If we’re going let’s go, before I change my mind.” Bakugou’s full attention has shifted to you as he watches you in your short skirt walking away. He’s like a Lion watching his prey as he walks after you before Kirishima then grabs him by the collar of his shirt holding him back. He watches as Shinso passes by smirking and shrugging. Jogging to catch up to you, the rest of the bands following after.
Bakugou follows behind the two groups down the road, walking beside Kirishima. He kicks rocks as he walks groan and grumbling as he goes. Kirishima laughs and nudges him, “you know you can’t exactly be mad when you’re the one who got yourself in this mess.”
“Shut. Up. Shitty hair.” He grumbles. He’s angry because he knows it’s his fault, he’s very aware and has been every cold lonely night since you left his sorry ass. All he wanted was to make things right with you. He missed you in his bed, at his performances, standing in his kitchen with just his shirt to cover that delicious figure of yours. He missed your crazy sex sessions. He missed everything about you. He couldn’t help himself but be upset when he saw Shinsou do those things, it’s like he knew it got under his skin. He looked up the sidewalk to see you both walking beside each other, Shinsou had just said something to make you laugh, and add that to the many things he missed. Your laugh. Echoing through his ears. He slouched his shoulders. “Man, cheer up you can always tell her how you feel. Without the song. Tell her tonight or just simply congratulate her. Shit, she did damn good tonight.” Kirishima boasted. “Tch- I already know this.”
You walk up to the club doors going inside and making your way to the bar. The two bands find a booth area to share and sit down. Some order drinks from the waitress walking around, but you chose to order straight from the bar. Shinso had sat down with the others. You took a breath an image of Bakugou performing earlier crossing your mind. It made your cheeks warm remember the unknown emotion spilling out of him. That warmth spread straight to your core remember his face and the sweat. His muscle contracting as he drummed his heart out. His tattoos danced on his skin. You licked your lips and ordered your drink. As soon as you got it gulping it down. If you were going to face your ex tonight you’d definitely need a couple drinks first. You get a refill and head back to the booth area everyone is chilling at. Jirou is already deep in conversation with Denki whispering in her ear and her giggling. Amajiki continued to converse with Sero as Kirishima chimes in every now and then. Then there was Bakugou sitting with his arms crossed on his chest legs planted apart you followed his state to Shinsou who sat with his arms behind his head, relaxed back. If looks could kill. The waitress comes up with a round of shots and you quickly take that moment to break the tension. “Shots everybody!” You clear your throat and everyone starts grabbing one. You take two in your hand, handing one to Shinso who happily takes it. Then you turn to Bakugou and lean down letting your crop top pool away from your body revealing your black lace bra to him as you hand the shot out to him. His eyes quick Avery to your breast that are practically spilling out of your bra and you smirk, “eyes up here Katsuki.” He looks up to you and takes the shot. “Cheers for tonight’s performances and winning the battles!” You shout already feeling good from your two drinks. The bands shout cheers and tilt their drinks back.
Bakugou watches you over his shot as you down your shot. Everyone goes back to socializing but in a brighter mood. Soon they start to disperse and make their way to other areas of the club. Shinsou stands up and whispers something into your ear and a blush creeps across your face. Bakugou watches intently as he walks away and leaves just you two. You look down at him and he picks up another shot tilting it to you. You sit across from him and grab another picking it up and tossing it back. You’re now feeling tipsy. And you cross your legs giving him a clear view of the barely there lace between your cushiony thighs. He was in the middle of taking his shot when he slightly chokes then roughly swallows the rest of the liquor. “There’s something I need to say-“ Bakugou clears his throat. Your eyes haven’t left him as you raise and eyebrow. You get up and walk over to him sitting next to him. “Speak then.” You whisper into his ear as he clutches his knee with his hand shivers run through his body. He takes another shot and he word vomits.
“I know I hurt you, and I know there’s nothing I can do to change that. But I wanted to let you know I see you. I see how much better you’re doing without me. How much your striving. You killed shit tonight. I was so impressed, I knew you could sing but you surprised me when you owned the stage like that. I should’ve never doubted you. I should’ve never let those groupies get in between us and ruin the amazing thing we had. None of them could compare to you. You’re literally everything anyone could want and more. I guess that’s why I’m so jealous of Shinsou, being close to you. Being in the spot I used to be in. The way he touches you and makes you laugh. That should be me, I miss you. I miss everything about you, your entire presence. I-“ You slip your hand on his thigh. His cock twitches in his pants and he looks up to you. You’re already looking at him, you lick your lips and smile. His eyes follow your tongue as it drags across your lips. You tilt your head. “Katsuki, Shinsou isn’t your replacement. But he was there for me. When you did what you did. And he helped me learn that I can forgive you. But I needed to stop thinking about you and think about me. And now I’ve become stronger, and more confident and resilient. I’m me. I’m not the same person I was when I was with you. But.. I’m willing to work on things if you are. But you actually have to try. That doesn’t mean things will go back to the way they were but it’s a start.” He just looks into your eyes for a while not believing you are actually willing to start things anew with him. He pushes one of your stray hairs behind your ear and you lean into his touch. Your eyes flutter shut at the feeling, how much you’ve missed his intimate touch. Bakugo takes the opportunity to lean forward and capture your lips in his. You pull back and open your eyes. He pulls his bottom lip in between his teeth, “should I not have done that?” Heat is pooling in your core right now, you chuckle. “You’re still a cocky son of a bitch.”
You wrap your hands in his blonde tresses pulling him into a heated kisses moaning into his mouth. He shoves his tongue into your mouth his stud hitting your teeth then exploring your mouth. Your hand moves up his thigh and rubs his hard on. He groans into the kiss and pulls away leaning his head on your neck. “Want to get out of here?” He leans back and looks at you. I’ll probably regret this in the morning you think to yourself but the alcohol in your mind shoves the answer out of your mouth, “yes.” He links his fingers between yours as he basically drags you out of the club. He calls a cab over and you both slide into the back seat. You both steal kisses here and there until you get to a familiar apartment building. He pays the taxi and you both get out dashing to the door. You stumble through already locked back into a passionate kiss. Your arms wrap around his neck pulling him deeper in and he kicks his door shut, locking as it closes. He breaks the kiss and you look around. He’s definitely switched it up since you left but not even in a bad way. It looked a lot nicer, you took a deep breath in taking in his sent as it surrounded you completely. Bakugou already had his shoes kicked off and his shirt ripped up off his shoulders. You went to take the skirt off but he growled, “leave it on.” You smiled knowing what these skirts did to you. He pulled you back into him crashing your lips together then trailing down to your neck. He nipped and sucked at your skin leaving love bites everywhere. He knew all the places to make your pussy so wet your underwear were soaked. He lifted you up and set you on the counter pulling your shirt up and over your head. You trailed your hands up his tattoo arms then down his chest to his abs. You kisses his collarbone and rubbed him through his pants. “Mmm” He tilted his head back. You unbuttoned his pants as he I clipped your bra. You let the bra slide down your arms as you flung it somewhere into the room next to where you sat on the counter. He shuffled out of his pants putting the pitched tent in his pants on full display. He wedged himself between your thighs gently laying you back, he pulled your panties off from underneath your skirt. “Damn princess, are you that wet already? You haven’t been taking care of yourself have you..” he ran his hands down your body grabbing your below the knee and spreading you open so he could see just how wet you were for him. “The toys just don’t do it for me-“ you breath out shakily as the cool are hits you. Bakugo runs his hard length along your slick, only to pull away. “Do not tease me Katsuki.” He tightens his grip on your legs. He loved when you addressed him by his first name. He planted kisses along your thighs until he reached your core. He blew cold air onto your wetness. You clenched around nothing and arched your back. He looked up at you from between your thighs, you squirming already. He let your legs rest on his shoulders as his hands reached for your hardened peaks. Twisting and pulling your nipples as he licked up your slit. You gasped taking in the sheer pleasure feeling as if you’d reach your climax right then. He took your clit into his mouth and hollowed out his cheeks sucking on it before flicking his tongue over it. “Katsuki,” you moaned out for him ready to fall apart. He let go of your right bud to bring his hand down to where he was feasting on you. He slowly rubbed circles around your entrance with his middle finger as he licked viciously at your clit, his tongue piercing rolling against your swollen bud of nerves. “You like that teddy bear?” You reeled in the bliss of him using your pet name from when you were together. It made you even wetter. He caught on right away as you pushed your wetness onto his finger, he took his ring finger and collected your slick with his fingers before slipping them gently into you. He pinched your nipple as he start to thrust his fingers in and out of your core, letting the lewd sounds fill his apartment once again. How he missed the sounds of your moans ringing through his empty apartment.
His cock throbbed, pre cum dripping from the tip. He hooked his fingers inside of you feeling you clenching around his fingers, your release approaching quickly. He released your clit and stood connecting his lips to yours. You moaned into his mouth as he muted you with his tongue. You tasted yourself on him, he pulled away from you a long string of saliva still connecting your mouths as you let your tongue hang out of your mouth with your eyes glazed over with lust. Bakugou loved seeing you melt under his touch, being so open and vulnerable to him. He plunged his fingers in and out of you at a quicker speed pressing against your g-spot everytime. He looked into your eyes as your mouth still open for him with drool running down your chin and the corners of your mouth. He collected the saliva and juices in his mouth and grabbed your throat with his hand he had occupied with your nipple. He didn’t want to spat into your mouth but let the string of spit drip down into your mouth as you happily let it intrude your mouth dripping onto your tongue and you swallowing. He then took your nipple into his mouth shoving his fingers into your mouth to replace his tongue. You sucked on his fingers as you went over the edge squirting on his hand. He let go of your nipple with a pop and watched as you squirted up his forearm. “That’s right teddy bear, cum for me” Your back arched off the counter as you finished your legs quaking. He eased you out of your orgasm. He scooped you up your skirt wet sticking to your ass as he walked into his living room and dropped onto the couch you straddling his hips. He kissed your jaw and your neck as you caught your breath. You grabbed both sides of his face kissing him, then trailed your kisses down his neck biting his collar bone and moving down his chest. You licked one of his buds pulling it into his mouth as he moaned and moved to his other repeating the action you then, licked his abs leaving a trail of marks down then until you reached his massive cock. You grabbed it wrapping both your hands around it and started stroking it. His hands gripped the couch cushions, he leaned his head back eyes closed in ecstasy. You took his engorged head into your mouth swirling your tongue around the tip. He wrapped one hand into your hair as you slowly bobbed your head making your way down his entire length. It had been a while since you’ve performed on him so you couldn’t go all the way before he hit the back of your throat triggering your gag reflex. He slightly chuckled moving your curls away from your face wrapping them in his big hand, “take your time teddy bear” you look at him through your lashes with your big doe eyes. “You’re so fucking beautiful with my cock in your mouth.” Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes as you tried to force more of him down your throat. His hips bucked into you causing him to shove more down your throat. You swallowed and it aloud you to take more of him. You cupped his balls massaging them and he couldn’t help himself to continue to fuck your pretty face. “Mmm, just like that teddy bear. You’re doing so good for me.” He shoved his cock into your mouth repeatedly until he couldn’t take it anymore.
He pulled you up to him by your hair and flipped you over so your knees were on the cushions and your arms were resting on the back of the couch. He rubbed his head at your entrance, “are you ready teddy bear” you nodded quickly confirming this is what you wanted. He ran one of his hands down your back to the small of it right about your skirt. He unzipped it and let it fall onto the couch. He slapped your ass and slowly eased his head into your entrance. You whimpered as he stretched you. He grabbed your shoulder while the other hand rest on your hip and slowly eased himself in. He bottomed out letting you adjust to him. You slowly shifted yourself and starting to move front and backwards rocking yourself on your knees fucking yourself on his cock. “Fuck- baby.. your so tight.” He started thrusting into you and you hesitantly looked back over your shoulder. Bakugo was staring at where you both met, as he was entering you enjoying the view of his cock splitting you apart. You’re cheeks reddened as he looked up and caught you watching him. He smirked at you and slapped your ass leaving a pink handprint. He pulled you back onto his cock picking up his pace fucking you hard showing you just how much he missed you wrapped around him. You faced forward now moaning crazy almost positive any of his neighbors could hear you. He grabbed your hair and rutted into you slamming himself into you hitting your soft spot as your gummy walls sucked him in. He felts himself coming closer to his finish. You started to throw it back at the same time he was thrusting in and he groaned loudly, “fuck teddy bear you like throwing that ass back on this fat fucking cock don’t you” another rough smack landed against your opposite cheek, your ass now a pink on both sides. You both moved in sync and he grabbed both your hips. “I’m about to cu-“ he slammed into you hitting your cervix as you screamed out, “Katsuki.” He grinded against you riding his finish out. He then pulled out watching as his seed dripped out of you onto your skirt. “So sexy” he rubbed circles on your ass. You lay slumped over the side of the couch. He grabs a throw blanket from one of the chairs sitting off to the side and wraps it around you picking you up bridal style. You lay your head against his shoulder. “You can rest, I’ll clean you up teddy bear. Don’t worry.” You relaxed into him and let your eyes close, not sure if you’d regret it anymore in the morning.
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jemej3m · 4 years
Dare You
anon asked:
If your still doing prompts... What about if Neil and Andrew are friends and Neil figures out that he likes Andrew and asks his friends how to woo him and then Andrew has to deal with Neil's terrible attempts at wooing. But everything neils doing is the same thing that Andrews been doing but in his own way? Idk, the idea just won't leave me alone and I'd love to see how amazing you could write it. Love your writing besides, it always makes my day :)
also on ao3!!
Neil and Andrew had been friends for 5 years when they have their first kiss. 
The context? Neil’s small-town friends had all found themselves at the same university. Obviously, they banded together. Obviously, there were parties. Neil’s not a party person himself, but he loved his eclectic family and wanted spend time with them whenever he could. He’d moved to Palmetto when he was 13 with his mother, and as the youngest of the group, watched as the rest of them moved on from middle school to high school, and then from high school to college. 
But now they were all back together again. 
Thus developed his (mild) enjoyment of Allison or Nicky’s chaotic fiascos, which were technically parties, just lacking any rhyme or reason. 
Andrew wasn’t a party person either: in high school, he, Neil and Renee would have movie nights instead, waiting for the rest of them to stumble home in drunken stupors. 
He still tagged along to these gatherings, though. Maybe because Neil and Renee were now commonly in attendance. Neil didn’t think that Andrew would come just for Neil, but he hadn’t worked out why Andrew had become so inclined to participate. Maybe because Aaron was there, and they were trying to patch things up with one another. Their mother’s accident had really put a rift between them. 
“Are you playing?” Allison demanded. “Neil, you’re playing. Renee’s managed to convince Andrew to play, so you’re playing.” 
“Fine,” Neil mused, mostly to appease the inebriated monster that Allison was. No attention was paid to him in these drinking games, mostly because he didn’t drink, but also because he didn’t do anything too unreserved. 
“Great!” she cheered, slinging an arm around his shoulder and brought him to the circle. He automatically took his seat next to Andrew, and felt his friend lean closer. 
Friend was a loose term. Neil and Andrew were almost attached at the hip: When Neil’s mom had died two years ago, Andrew snatched him away and got a spare mattress in his bedroom till Neil had enough money to afford rent somewhere. Andrew was the only one who knew every horrific detail of Neil’s violent childhood, and the only one who’d seen the scars left by his dead-beat dad. Neil was the only one who knew everything about Andrew, too. 
“Spin the bottle, Allison?” Dan leered as the girl put an empty beer bottle in the centre of the circle. Everyone was there. “We’ve got family members here!” Aaron mimed a retching action as Nicky laughed, clapping loudly. 
“It’s just to pick who has to do truth or dare,” Allison retorted, waving the bottle in Dan’s face. “You wanna go first, huh? I’ll pick out your dare for you, Wilds. A personal attribute!”
“No way,” Dan laughed, leaning back into Matt’s shoulder. The guy was half asleep: alcohol did that to him, sometimes.
“Fine, I’ll spin it,” Allison huffed. With a little too much vigour, she flicked the neck of the bottle, sending it spinning wildly. 
And of course, it had to land on Neil. 
“First of the night!” Nicky crowed. 
“Neil’s just going to pick truth,” Allison complained. “And make us all sad.”
Neil grinned at her. “Not my fault you grew up in a guilded bubble.” 
“Shut the fuck up. Choose!”
Neil hummed, cocking his head to the side. 
“Don’t do something stupid,” Andrew warned under his breath. 
“Dare,” Neil said. 
“Here we go,” his best friend sighed. 
“Fuck yeah,” Allison grinned. “What should we make you do, hm? We all know you can and will eat anything without even flinching, no clothes-off, no alcohol...” 
“Maybe he should go try and steal something,” Kevin slurred. “He’s good at it. Fuckin’ hot-wired a car once, for the hell of it.” 
“Fuck off, Kevin,” Neil managed, ignoring the incredulous looks that the others were giving him. 
“When the hell did you manage that?” Dan demanded. “Never mind. I don’t want to know.” 
“He should kiss Andrew,” Matt mumbled, burrowing his face into the crook of Dan’s shoulder. No one heard him. 
“We should see if he can jump from the dorm roof!” 
“No,” Andrew said. 
“He should shotgun three Caprisuns,”
“Too easy!”
“Fine, five!” 
“He should kiss Andrew,” Matt repeated, sitting up and blinking the sleepiness away. 
The circle grew quiet. 
“Yeah,” Allison breathed, grinning wildly. She looked to Neil. “You’ve gotta kiss Andrew.” 
Neil glanced at Andrew, whose gaze was hooded as he glared at the been in his hand. 
“I’m not doing that if Andrew doesn’t want to,” Neil said. 
Andrew shrugged. “I don’t care.”
“See?” Allison said, gesturing wildly. “Pucker up, Josten.” 
“Well, this isn’t how I expected this to go,” Neil muttered. Andrew looked up at him, something making his eyes sparkle. “Tonight, I mean.” 
“Right,” Andrew said. “Well? Hurry up.”
Neil hadn’t kissed many people before. Andrew knew that all too well: he’d heard about all three of Neil’s dating disasters in meandering rants about expectations and Neil’s lack of interest in - well, anyone, really. 
He was overthinking this. It was just a kiss. 
“And no measly pecks, either!” Dan insisted.
Andrew didn’t care. It was just a kiss.
Neil felt all stiff and awkward, because he had no idea what he was doing, but it was fine, because Andrew was tilting his head and lifting up his hand to press his fingertips to Neil’s cheek, tilting up his chin a bit. Neil let him. 
When Andrew drew back, all Neil could think was that his lips were so soft. So soft. Everything about the kiss had been feather light, which wasn’t like Andrew at all. 
Neil learned new things about Andrew every day. 
“Happy?” Andrew said, facing the circle once more. Allison was cheering as Nicky and Aaron gave each other all-knowing side eye: Dan was clapping, and Matt was looking right at Neil with his head tilted to the side. “Now: go pick on someone else.” 
“Someone your own size, might you say?” Nicky teased. Andrew flipped him off. 
It had been a nice kiss, Neil thought. He didn’t know Andrew could kiss like that. 
“You with us, Neil?” 
Neil glanced up and found everyone looking at him. “Yeah? Why?” He frowned. “Did it land on me again?” Did he have to kiss Andrew again? He didn’t want to: not in front of everyone, at least. 
Wait, what?
“You’ve been spared for now,” Allison grinned. Neil flipped her off. 
And that was Andrew and Neil’s first kiss. 
Neil burst into Matt and Kevin’s dorm room - obviously, he and Andrew shared one, and Aaron was in the fancy dormitory for academic scholarship students - in a small frenzy. 
“Hey,” he told Kevin, who was sitting on his bed minding his own business. “Fuck off.” 
Kevin glared at him. “You realise this is my room?”
Matt took off his headphones, looking over his shoulder from the tiny desk he’d crammed in at the end of his bed. It was comedically small in comparison with his gargantuan frame. 
“Please?” Neil begged. “I need to talk to Matt.” 
“Why can’t I hear it?” Kevin demanded. “I’ve literally known you longer than anyone else. We used to watch each other shit in toddler potties, Neil.” 
That was true. Still, Neil needed Matt, his not-childhood friend. 
“Dude,” Matt said. “Neil and I are bros. Somethings are just bro to bro. You talk to Andrew about shit you don’t talk to Neil about, yeah? Y’all are like brothers. That’s different from being bros.”
“None of that made sense,” Kevin muttered, packing up his shit. He glared at Neil. “I’ll be in the common room. You’re making up for this by editing my thesis.” 
“Looking forward to it,” Neil said dryly, ushering Kevin out the door and leaning against it, feeling a little breathless. 
Matt jumped onto his bed, patting the spot next to him. “Come hither, child.” 
“I hate it when you say that,” Neil complained, dutifully crossing the tiny room and curling up into a ball on the mattress next to him. Matt patted him on the shoulder gently, though it still managed to send shocks right to his fingers and toes. Matt was just a big guy. 
“What’s this all about?” Matt pushed, when Neil stayed in a curled ball. 
Neil’s head flopped back, thudding against the wall. He swallowed, staring at the ceiling. 
“I like Andrew.” 
“Well, that’s good news,” Matt laughed. 
“No, Matt.” Neil glared towards the window. “I think I’m in love with Andrew.” 
“Yes,” Matt said earnestly. “I know.” 
Neil’s neck nearly snapped what with how fast he looked at Matt. “What?”
His friend snorted. “Dude, you’ve always been infatuated with him. We’re best friends, Neil. You and Kevin are best friends. Do you really want to go cuddling up with either of us, like you do with Andrew? Do you spend hours with either of us at a time, just talking? Do you dream about us? Have you told us everything about you?”
“How do you know I’ve done those things with Andrew?” Neil accused, even though he was completely right. 
Matt shrugged. “That’s how I am with Dan.” 
“We’ve cuddled,” Neil said weakly. 
Matt slung his arm around Neil’s narrow shoulders. It was like wearing a blanket. “Hell yes, we have. But that’s not what I mean.” 
“We don’t do that.” 
“Head out of the gutter, bucko. Remember that photo Allison managed of the two of you? Asleep on the couch? You were literally asleep on Andrew’s chest: one of his legs was hooked over your hip. That’s some serious canoodling, bro.” 
“You’ve analysed us that intensely,” Neil said flatly. 
Matt snorted. “It’s kinda hard not to. You’re both all over each other. I’d say it’s sweet if it wasn’t, well, you and Andrew.”
“So if you knew I liked him,” Neil complained. “Why’d you dare me to kiss him? Now I’m aware of it, and I hate it!”
“That was kinda the point,” Matt admitted. “Why the hell do you hate it? Love is a good thing!” 
“Need I remind you of my parents?” 
Matt shoved him gently. “Don’t start pulling the parent card. Neil, you’ve loved Andrew for years. And - well, I can’t really read him, no one can - I think he likes you back.” 
“He does not,” Neil insisted. 
“He does!” Matt sung. “You know what you have to do now, Josten?”
“No,” Neil said, sullen. 
“You’ve gotta woo him.” 
“Here we go,” Neil mumbled. 
Matt winked. “Don’t worry. I’ve got you. Andrew will be head over heels for you in no time.”
“So,” Neil said, sitting on his bed. Andrew was reading a book, his reading glasses perched on the end of his nose. He only wore them in their room, even though everyone knew Aaron had reading glasses and thus Andrew would have to wear them too. He had his armbands off and a pair of knitted socks on. Neil had become so keenly aware over everything that constituted of Andrew recently: it was driving him up the wall.  
Andrew looked at Neil from over his book. “What?” 
Neil shrugged. “I don’t know. Do you want to go somewhere?” 
Andrew glanced at his watch. “Now?” 
Neil shrugged again. 
“What’s this about?” Andrew asked, sitting up.
“Nothing!” Neil stressed. “Just thought it might be good to - get out?” 
“It’s a Tuesday evening,” Andrew said flatly.
Neil deflated. “We don’t have to go.” 
Andrew sighed. “Fine.” Neil perked up. “Where did you want to go?” 
Neil hadn’t thought that far ahead. “David’s?” 
“David’s,” Andrew repeated. “Neil, you don’t like diner food.” 
“Well, now I do!” He really needed to stop the hiccups in his voice. Stuffing his feet into his shoes, he yanked on his coat and shoved his keys and phone into his pocket. 
“Now I’m even more suspicious,” Andrew said, watching Neil’s erratic behaviour with mild amusement. “You’ve never willingly taken that phone with you unless I forcefully reminded you too.” 
He needed it to text Matt. “We all learn and grow,” he said breezily, escaping out the door. “Hurry up, I want coffee!” 
“It’s nearly fucking midnight,” Andrew growled. 
He skipped ahead till he arrived at the dorm’s parking lot: Andrew’s was in the corner, where it couldn’t be scratched. After his mother’s death he’d used his portion of her life insurance to buy the thing, but it hadn’t got him more than a heap of junk. He’d spent a whole summer fixing it up: Neil had watched him from the corner of his garage, a little mesmerised. 
Fuck, he liked Andrew so much. He could hardly contain it within himself. 
He switched the radio to Andrew’s favourite channel as they drove to David’s, an old diner on the corner of campus. It was run by a grouchy old man by the name of David Wymack, hence the name. He served the only pancakes Andrew would speak well of, and sometimes Neil could withstand the fruit smoothies. 
Andrew glanced over at Neil at the music choice - Neil almost always usually bickered with him about playing heavy rock when it got past 9 o’clock - but said nothing, continuing to drive. 
There was almost no one in David’s when they arrived, even though he usually shut at one. Neil was relieved for that: he didn’t feel like anyone watching him as he failed miserably at wooing Andrew Minyard.
Andrew got his pancakes and Neil decided to try the blueberry smoothie, sans ice cream. 
“What is wrong with you,” Andrew muttered. 
It clearly wasn’t going well. Neil grimaced and shrugged. “Dunno.” 
Andrew squinted at him. “Are you upset?”
“What? No!”
“Can you bozos stop wasting my time?” Wymack huffed. 
“Fuck you too, old man,” Andrew said. Wymack flipped him off and proceeded to put an extra scoop of ice-cream onto Andrew’s plate. Their relationship was baffling, especially after Andrew worked the summer here with Renee. 
They sat at a corner table, a little ceramic jug with plucked daisies plonked in the centre of the red-and-white chequered table cloth. 
“You seem jittery,” Andrew said. 
“I’m fine,” Neil managed. Andrew reached out with his hand under the table to stop Neil’s leg from bouncing. The heat from his palm was addictive. Neil made a strange squawking noise, and Andrew immediately withdrew his hand. 
“You’re fine,” Andrew repeated. 
“Yup,” Neil insisted. Andrew’s pancakes arrived, so Neil tried to distract himself from the ruffled blonde hair and pale eyelashes and the freckles on his nose, sipping at the smoothie. Neil didn’t know what to do with that information. It was quite unnerving. 
They were done by half-past-twelve, when Andrew decided to get up and leave without warning. Neil - in a moment’s panic - took one of the daisies from the jug and hopped up after him. 
Andrew was leaning against his car door, lighting up two cigarettes. Moonlight shone down, curling in his hair and curving across his jaw. Neil found himself a little star struck. 
Andrew offered up the second cigarette and Neil took it from between his fingers with his lips, like he usually did. This time all he could notice was how close it put them, and the shape of Andrew’s lips. Now Neil knew what they felt like, too. 
This is ridiculous, Neil thought. 
“Why are you holding a flower?” Andrew asked. 
Neil looked down to where the daisy rested in his palm. He brought it up and tucked it behind Andrew’s ear. The tips of Andrew’s ears went very pink: he had to be warm in that large sweater of his. 
“Don’t know,” Neil answered truthfully, looking at where the daisy drooped down over the shell of Andrew’s ear. 
“Okay,” Andrew managed, though his voice was a bit strained. What if he was allergic to daisies? No, that was ridiculous. Neil would know if he was allergic to daisies. 
They finished their cigarettes in the quiet. Everything was so muddled. Neil just wanted it to go back to normal. And yet: he wanted to kiss Andrew. 
Fucking hell, he thought. 
“Back to the drawing board,” Neil announced, bursting into Matt’s dorm room again. Kevin wasn’t there, thankfully. 
Matt arched his brow. “Huh?”
“Date and flowers didn’t work. What the hell do I do?”
His friend hummed. “What about gifts? Is there something you could give him that’s romantic?” 
“He likes chocolate?” Neil hedged.
“Could work,” Matt acknowledged. “Or, you know, we could make him jealous.”
“Absolutely not,” Neil grimaced. 
“Just a thought.” 
“I don’t know what I’m doing,” Neil groaned, sinking into a puddle on the floor. 
The door opened as Kevin stepped through. He didn’t even pause, stepping right over where Neil had melted onto the floor. 
“Don’t mind him,” Matt acknowledged. 
Neil made an exasperated noise. 
“Have you always been so dramatic?” Kevin acknowledged. 
“Maybe you could recite a monologue to him,” Matt suggested. 
Kevin frowned. “Who?” 
Before Neil could shush him, Matt sung out “Andrew!” with a cheerful smile. 
Kevin signed. “Fucking finally. Everyone’s been waiting years for the two of you to sort yourselves out.” 
“What?” Neil sat up. “Are you serious?” 
Kevin shrugged. “It’s pretty obvious.” 
“For fuck’s sake,” Neil groused. 
“He’s trying to woo Andrew into liking him back,” Matt informed Kevin. 
Kevin frowned. “Why don’t you just tell him that you like him?”
“Because that’s mortifying?” 
“You’re such a horribly adjusted human being,” Kevin muttered. 
“He’s kinda right,” Matt acknowledged. “I just kept asking Dan on dates till she accepted.”
“No,” Neil hoisted himself to his feet. “I’ll figure it out. It won’t have to come to that.” He glared at both of them. “Thanks for nothing. Neither of you know anything about relationships.” 
“We are both in committed, loving, long-term partnerships,” Kevin pointed out. 
“Love you too!” Matt called as Neil stomped out.
Neil eventually developed a checklist. 
Spontaneous midnight date? Nope. Flowers? Definitely a no. Making him a mixtape? Not the right decade. 
Accompanying him places definitely didn’t work: Neil was late to all his classes for a week. Cooking for two also didn’t work, seeing as the only thing Neil could cook was 2 Minute Noodles. 
Chocolates was a moderate success, but it probably didn’t help the wooing cause. It didn’t help that they roomed together: Neil didn’t get much time to scheme, because neither of them were social butterflies, and their dorm room was their safe space. 
The only thing he thought could’ve been counted a success was when they decided to rewatch the last two Harry Potter movies together: Andrew yanked Neil over to his bed and they nestled into the corner to watch the films from Andrew’s laptop. Neil was so consumed by the thought kiss him kiss him kiss him that he barely registered either of the films. 
One month passed since Neil’s epiphany, then one and a half: It even got too the point that Neil jostled Andrew’s shoulder at another of Allison’s ‘parties’ and said “Remember the last time she made us participate?” to which Neil only received an odd look and stale silence.
He also tried to rig one of Allison’s silly games, giving Andrew a piece of paper that asked do you like someone? Andrew set the thing on fire with his lighter, and the dormitory nearly had to be evacuated.
Neil was beginning to lose hope. 
“You upset, Neil?” Renee asked, dropping into the chair next to him. He was studying in the library, one of the few places he knew Andrew wouldn’t follow. 
“Hi, Renee,” Neil said, sullen. 
“I’ll take that as a yes.” She twisted herself around to face him. “What’s up?”
“Can’t talk to you about it,” Neil mumbled, resting his head on his folded arms and glaring at the table. 
“You know,” Renee said, slightly amused. “I overheard something about someone being interested in Andrew recently.”
Neil sat up. “You did? Who?” He’d fight them. Not that he was possessive, or jealous. 
Renee laughed. “You, silly.” 
Neil deflated. “Does everyone know? I feel like I was the last one to figure it out.”
Renee patted his shoulder gently. “Almost the last one.”
“What do you mean?”
“Andrew doesn’t know.”
“Good,” Neil huffed out. “That’d be embarrassing.”
Renee shook her head. 
“He’s never going to like me back,” Neil mumbled. “I’ve been trying so hard, but he won’t notice.”
“He did mention you were acting odd, recently,” Renee acknowledged. 
Neil huffed. “Yeah, well. There’s no point in keeping it up, is there? Not if nothing will happen.”
“You know,” she said. “I always found clarity in honesty.” With that, she winked and slid off her stool. “See you around, Neil.”
“Yeah,” Neil muttered. “See you.”
Neil dressed quickly in the shower stall and hooked his towel over his shoulder, carrying his small caddy back to his room. He was wearing old pyjamas: fire-engine truck flannels with one of Matt’s oversized (or normal sized, for him) hoodies that went all the way to his fingertips. He shook out his wet hair as he traversed from the bathroom back to his dorm room and shouldered his way in, the door unlocked. That meant Andrew was back. 
And back, Andrew was: facing the wall, he was tugging off a turtleneck sweater and yanking on a t-shirt that Neil recognised as his: he’d already changed into grey sweats that were too long for him, hanging around the ankles. 
Neil slowly put his soap back onto his little shelf, hanging his towel on a wall hook. Andrew glanced over his shoulder at him, acknowledging Neil’s presence, before going back to unpacking from his day and readying for bed. 
Neil felt sucker-punched. 
He glanced back again, brows furrowing at Neil’s strange tone. “What?”
When Neil couldn’t answer, he dropped what he was doing and came closer. His fingers curled in Neil’s collar, tugging him closer. 
“You’re pale as shit,” he commented. “Are you going to collapse?”
“I’m already falling,” Neil joked weakly. 
Andrew stepped back. Dammit, Neil thought. “What the hell is going on, Neil? You’ve been acting fucking weird for ages, now.”
“I really like you,” Neil breathed out. 
Andrew froze. 
“I wasn’t meant to say that,” Neil bit out, folding his arms over his chest. “But I can’t get over it. Ever since we kissed I’ve been kinda losing my mind, and everyone’s told me I’ve liked you for years -” 
“Shut up,” Andrew said fiercely, stomping right up into Neil’s space, crowding him against the door.
“Um,” Neil mumbled, blinking. 
“You’re the worst,” Andrew hissed. “You’ve been doing all this shit because you like me? I thought you were working up to telling me you were leaving!”
“What?” Neil echoed. 
“Shut up,” Andrew complained. “You’re the fucking worst. I hate you.” 
And then he kissed him. Andrew kissed Neil, that is. It was definitely one of the best moments of Neil’s life, which wasn’t saying much, considering his track record. Still, Neil’s fingers spread out across Andrew’s shoulder blades as his hands grasped Neil’s jaw, kissing him for real, this time. 
Neil had been right: it was definitely better when there was no one else watching. 
Andrew’s shoulders were hunched over when he fell back, pressing his forehead to Neil’s shoulder. 
“You like me?” Neil asked, voice higher and breathier than he thought he could manage. “Since when?”
“I hate you,” Andrew retorted. Then, quieter, he said: “Since forever.” 
Neil’s hands pressed him closer: this wasn’t unfamiliar, the proximity, Andrew’s touch, breath wafting over bare skin. But the warmth encompassing it made sense now. 
“Okay,” he said. And then: “Me too.”
“Were you trying to woo me with 2 Minute Noodles?” Andrew inquired.
“No,” Neil said sheepishly. 
Andrew shook his head, tilting Neil’s head down for another kiss. Then he signed against Neil’s lips. “I hate you. So much.” 
Neil grinned.
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metalchick19-blog · 5 years
The Bowers Gang: Ship #8 - Belch Huggins
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Request: I’m really tiny like REALLY. I’m 5’ feet (or 154cm I don’t know if the inches are correct). I’m redhead but not a true one because I dye them. I wear a lot of bands shirts or horror movies ones, and a lot of high waist skirts or dresses with belt and chains and a black hat all the time. My shoes are platforms from the new rock brand and sometimes I wear Santiag but it’s really rare. I always have a leather chocker around my neck with spikes on it. Peoples call me dog because of that but I don’t care because I feel good with it. I wear A TON of makeup (only because I love makeup so fucking much), and that’s usually black lipstick with red eyeshadow and eyeliner that’s all. I also have tattoos on my right tight and on my left arm. I literally can’t live without music and my favs bands are Aerosmith, Guns N’ Roses and Slash. That’s so basic I know, but I love them and I always want to dance and sing when I listen to their song, because they makes me feel so happy. I also love witchcraft and paranormal. I do believe so much in magic and ghosts and I love to walk around old abandonned places and talk about ghosts, aliens, demons ect, because for me it’s so fascinating and interesting. I’ve already played Ouija and it worked and I freaked out but loved it. Peoples think I’m a witch actually but I’m ok with that. I love watching horror movies so much, but I hate blood and gore, wich is pretty contradictory I know. I’m also scared easy even if I love all theses witchy/paranormal stuffs. Last thing is : I’m getting angry REALLY (too much) fast, and that’s a big problem because I have so many issues because of this. I do cry so much too because anger makes me cry and shake but I do love cuddles so much (not all the time but that feel good sometime to have someone who can give you hugs, that warm your heart). I do a lot of sex jokes too and my friends hates me for that but hey, it’s funny.
All the guys were attracted to you at some point, because they’re each turned on by different aspects of your style (Henry by your makeup, Patrick by your red hair, and Victor by your skirts/dresses)
But Belch (who knew he had to have you the second he saw just one of your epic band t-shirts) wound up coming out on top, because he’s the only member of The Bowers Gang with a proper respect for the greats
The greats being Axl Rose, Saul Hudson, and Steven Tyler 
All the other guys might pretend to be metal-heads (because bad boy aesthetic), but Belch is the only one who legitimately deserves the title
Seriously - he’s never more confident than he is when he’s talking about his music obsessions (i.e. rock, metal, and the development of those genres), and you’re one of the very few people in the world who ever gets to see him like that
Belch dominates the floor talking-wise, and his entire body language changes; for just a few minutes, he seems to lose all pretense of being meek or uncertain 
Aka: You get to meet confident Belch who knows what he’s talking about, and that’s a friggin’ miracle 
You guys have insanely long, thorough debates as to which current bands should be considered “real” rock bands 
These talks can last for hours at a time (because you’re both just passionate like that), and tend to take place around Belch’s kitchen bar 
The two of you just sit on your stools (next to each other, like the adorable humans you are) and crack open beer after beer, completely losing track of time listening to each other’s rants 
Usually neither of you notice how long you’ve been talking until the sun starts to set through the kitchen window - you’re just that into what one another is saying 
Belch shows you his vinyl collection (over 500 records, all alphabetized) 
This is great because 1.) that collection is Huggins’ pride and joy, which means you’re definitely his person if he wanted you to see it, and 2.) because everything sounds better on vinyl, and you never knew it until he showed you 
You come over to Belch’s place almost every day after initially finding this out, because you need that ear-sex feeling of the music pulsing all around you (*Steven Tyler’s voice pulsing all around you* - definitely a mood)
... And Belch honestly loves it, because watching you dance around his bedroom is literally the highlight of his life 
It was hard to get him to dance along with you the first few times you asked (he would just do a few awkward, timid movements before laughing and sitting down) but he now does it with you almost all the time
And when Huggins dances... he dances hard
We’re talking the robot, the sprinkler, everything 
... Which you’ve explained to him are not moves that should be done when listening to death-metal, but he just keeps saying he “knows you love it,” and persists in doing those moves
... You do kind of love it, though 
What can I say? You’ve led the man to his free spirit (and the world thanks you for doing so)
Belch also takes you to some well-known sites around town that are famous for tragedy (The Black Spot, the Ironworks Factory, etc.) so you can do paranormal investigations there
He actually almost took you to the Neibolt house once on Patrick’s suggestion, but decided to back out at the last minute because it was a Hockstetter idea
... Yeah, even Belch knows better than to trust Patrick with his physical well-being
Typically all the guys tag along for these paranormal activity trips though, because even though Belch wants to look tough for his girl, he doesn’t like the idea of scrapping with ghosties by himself 
... It’s truly a hilarious sight to see
Ghost-hunting missions typically entail you and Patrick being at the front of the pack (you trying to “make contact” as Patrick actively fucks with your process) while the rest of the guys trail lazily behind you 
Henry complains at least once every 3 minutes (”my fuckin’ legs hurt”/”why are we still out here” x10), Victor looks quietly at the scenery, and Belch just tries to look brave (but can’t hide how hard he’s listening to whether or not anything responds to your prompts - he’s silently praying nothing does)
Sometimes things do come through though, and it changes the atmosphere for everybody
... that is, everybody except for Patrick (who would refuse to believe in the occult even if he was levitated by Casper)
All arguing/off-handed banter comes to a stop, and the guys act way more on edge for the rest of the night
Typically involves a lot of mildly nervous looks around on Victor’s part, and flinching in response to loud noises on Henry’s - Belch is a combination of both
After close encounters like these, you all tend to walk back to the car in a much tighter group than before
Henry and Victor press in on the sides, and no one says a word
... Except for Patrick, who makes joke after joke about how big of pussies you all are, and challenges all demons in the near vicinity to fight him 
He’s never been fought, but it sends you all into a frenzy of “shut up!” every time
All the guys love that they don’t have to change their regular movie aesthetic for you
Literally everything they ever watch is some type of horror, so you’ve never been more well-suited to a group of people  
They don’t sit down and really watch things together very often, but they usually have a horror movie and/or violent TV show on to serve as background noise for their conversations (”Tales from the Crypt,” ”Friday the 13th” re-runs, etc.)
Regardless of whether or not you’re with the guys though, Belch always covers your eyes when he knows the next scene of the movie that you’re watching is about to be especially gory
The dude physically covers your eyes.
He even flung himself across a room once (in front of the gang and everything) just to child-proof your vision before you could see the fish hook scene in “Hellraiser”
Mostly because he knows you don’t like gore, and he tends to remember when it’s about to happen at the very last second - it’s all our teddy bear can think to do to save your innocence
Now, bro - it’s totally fine that you have a temper
I can’t imagine where that would be less of a problem 
Even though Belch tries hard to keep you feeling calm and collected (because he just cares about your inner peace), he’s low-key enthralled by the way you look when you’re angry
... And all the other guys just find it entertaining as hell, because they’ve never met a 5-foot powerhouse such as yourself
You get into arguments often, though.
So often, in fact, that the guys eventually stopped letting you finish.
They tend to let you go back and forth with people you’re arguing with for a while, but if it becomes obvious that you’re not really going to fight the person, they eventually decide to move on with their day...
... at which point either Henry or Patrick will pull you away by your choker.
... Yes, by your choker. Like you’re a little dog. 
Patrick did it first (”Come on, killer! We’ll find you some other crotch to bite later.” *Annoyingly satisfied Hockstetter cackle*), and Henry just followed suit afterwards.
It’s a thing now; you’ll have to accept that. 
Belch gives you the best cuddles that have ever been cuddled 
Seriously - because of your size, you can curl up on his gargantuan male body like a cat 
Pick any cuddle position - you guys can cuddle it better than hibernating bear cubs 
And you’re high-key cuter to watch, too, because your love for one another just rolls off of you both in waves 
Just so wholesome, and so very adorable
Overall, you fit into the group well, and cultivate a refreshingly genuine connection with Belch
He gets to be who he really is with you, and that means more to him than anything 
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neosynths · 5 years
six crushes ask - - -
i think i was tagged by @morningsynth to do this cute lil tag, and i love the idea so naturally i have dedicated my whole afternoon to completing this post. this is gonna be super mushy and gross and full of love for men who have no idea i exist and are all about 40 years older than me, but i love them anyways. let’s gooooo
1. alex van halen
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party animal, major dork, mom friend, the most stereotypical big bro to ever exist. “bocephus mode!!”, “how many drums can i fit in my kit and still fit on stage?”, in dad mode since 1987, looks like he could kill you but would never hurt a fly (except his brother). alex, i know you think that your time in VH was just a blip on the radar to most, being overshadowed by david and eddie, but you hold my heart with your rhythm, your commitment to music, and your heartwarming smile. you’re just here for a good time, and i’m glad you showed me just a small part of that journey to find the ultimate party. thanks for being the backbone of VH, and i hope you never stop keeping the beat.
2. stephen stills
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blues boy. “i’m the boss” boy. “no, i promise you that ponchos are still in style” boy. ya know, i never wanted to be the person who swore that the music of the past was superior to modern tunes, but you made it impossible to fight against that statement. i guess karma’s a bitch. thanks for being a boomer who actually held onto flower child values, protested against the iraq war, and continued to make protest music far into the future. you may be volatile, irritable, and bossy at times, but you used those attributes to your advantage and made some of the most powerful songs in recent times. also, you’re cute. thought i should just throw that in there. never change, stills.
3. bruce springsteen
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bruce. baby. i owe you so much. in my younger years, i didn’t understand the draw to you. in fact, i rejected it, believing you to be this boomer savior that only sang praises of a nation that chewed people up and spit them out if they weren’t white, rich, straight men. but i turned to you for refuge as this menace took over our government. i finally heard what you were saying this whole time. thank you for creating a form of patriotism i could find solace in. thank you for filling my ears with nothing but love. you are such a beautiful soul.
4. john denver
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henry john deutschendorf, jr. a man overflowing with boundless love for all living things. a sweet, gentle soul who wanted nothing more than to bring joy and peace to others in their time of strife. you will always be the musician closest to my heart, being the favorite of my incredibly wise great grandfather, a man that i know was wiser in part because you sang of wisdom beyond your years. you were the first musician in my record collection, and several years later, you still outnumber the rest. you bring me so much peace. i hope wherever you are, maybe flying over aspen, or brushing the tops of the rockies, i hope you’re at peace.
5. joni mitchell
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happy (end of) pride month! just reminding you all that i am VERY bi and i love my summertime folk gf. but seriously, joni has been my rock for the past year. each time i find myself lost, i look to her albums for guidance, and each one offers me a unique path to salvation and peace. i don’t know how to describe it, but she has become almost like a deity to me, providing me with safe passage through the rough times in my life. and yet, i feel as if i know her. as if she is a close friend or confidant. i just wish i could give her what she has given me. but maybe that’s the point. her songwriting is her solace, and her songs are mine. i love you, joan.
6. duran duran
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this is absolutely cheating, and i totally copied this from marisa, but it had to be done. Simon may be my favorite member just based on husband material, but i love all the members pretty much equally when it comes to personality, musicianship, and talent. Simon, a true frontman sporting all the latest styles, killing it with the dance moves, belting his lil heart out, AND is just plain goofy as hell. i mean, look at him. and john, teen heartthrob extraordinaire, coming in at 6′2″ with a sharp-as-knives jawline and brown eyes that could TOTALLY ruin your day, but it’s when he slaps that bass that really gets me. what can i say? i love a boy with rhythm. andy, king of no-shits-given. king of mullets. king of being tiny, but very, VERY loud. nick, the man who holds this entire group together with his eyeliner, shimmery pink lipgloss, and BANGING synth. you’re the real star of this band. and sweet, angelic roger, who wants nothing more than to leave the screaming girls behind and just take a f***ing nap. but while we’re at it, let’s just be a remarkably kick-ass drummer who manages to keep extremely complex rhythm in an 80s synth band. i just adore you all, i really do. thanks for being so formative to my childhood and my music taste, and becoming the heartthrobs destined to take over my heart. by the way, you’re incredibly talented too, i swear. you’re just cute, that’s all.
i want to keep this tag a free-for-all, so if you’re just looking to gush about the loves of your life for no reason, here’s your invite. i loved every second of this. bless you for actually making it all the way through this. ily.
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ackermancurse · 6 years
dating tom holland would include
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—being the perfect ratio of best friends and lovers
—playfully fighting/wrestling
—movie nights
—mocking his british accent
—but he turns around and mocks your american accent
—watching cooking/baking shows like no tomorrow
—and attempting to make some crazy dish/dessert like on tv
—taking the silliest and most adorable pics for the pap’s
—traveling the world with each other
—cute dates at the place you guys met once a month
—compliments to the max
—“babe you look so beautiful like oh my god bro.”
—“hey handsome.”
—prank wars
—tickle fights
—dance battles
—singing at the tops of your lungs
—hearing soft music in the house and knowing tom wants to slow dance with you
—makeout sessions?? your absolute favorite
—they still give you butterflies
—talking about the future and tom always manages to bring up marrying you and having kids with you
—“can you believe i’m gonna be putting a ring on that finger one day??”
—self care nights with face masks, candles, soothing music, bubble baths
—being a huge marvel nerd just like tom and lowkey freaking out on the inside when tom introduces you to cast members.
—funny pics on snapchat and instagram
—cuddles, cuddles, and more cuddles
—going to the dog park with tessa
—you guys love holding hands
—having a date where you sit outside and just paint whatever your hearts desire
—tom always managing to get paint on himself, you laugh, and he brushes some paint on you.... then it turns into a paint war
—tom being so intrigued when you do your makeup like he just sits and watches you intently.
—showers together sometimes
—extremely fun dates practically every other night
—mini golfing, go kart racing, laser tag, bowling, trampoline parks, arcades, roller skating
—going to a concert whenever your guys’ favorite band/artist is in your city
—tom grabbing your face and placing kisses all over it, saying i love you after every single kiss
—stealing his hoodies and t-shirts
—“i was looking for that hoodie for the past hour…”
—you love playing with each other’s hair
—i love you’s are without a doubt always mentioned every day
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fromtheringapron · 5 years
Ranking the Songs on Piledriver: The Wrestling Album II
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I had so much fun last year ranking the songs on WWE Originals that I’ve decided to travel back time over 30 years ago to ranks the songs on Piledriver: The Wrestling Album II. The first Wrestling Album was one of Vince McMahon’s many attempts in the mid ‘80s to present the WWF as a circus the whole family could love. They had a Saturday morning cartoon so why not take things one step further with an album featuring the WWF superstars themselves? In many ways, it was also the natural result of their relationship with MTV. Amazingly though, requisite player Cyndi Lauper didn’t partake. Instead, it was a pretty mixed bag of some of the most iconic entrance themes of the era and songs that were quickly forgotten, probably rightly so.
The second Wrestling Album follows that same formula. However, if its predecessor felt like a one-note gimmick, the sequel feels much more in touch with the pop sensibilities of the day. In addition to featuring more songs that would go on to serve as the entrance themes for several of the superstars here, there are a couple of tracks that could’ve blended right in with ‘80s Top 40. Even if their partnership with MTV was over by the time of the sequel’s release, 8 of the 10 tracks here got music videos, all released on a hot Coliseum Video release. Yes, there are some duds. Oh, boy, are there duds! No music production where Vince McMahon is involved would be complete without them. And you bet I’m gonna cover and rank all of them. As always, songs are linked in each entry so without further ado, let’s get to it:
1 (best). “Demolition” by Rick Derringer: A head-banger’s ball of loud noise and Hell roaming the earth⏤that’s literally the best way to describe this and I don’t even think it makes a whole lot of sense. This isn’t just the best song on the album; this is one of the best entrance themes in history. It can’t be stated enough how much this raised the bar on what a wrestler’s theme song could be. It manages to perfectly capture the essence of Demolition, the tag team, whilst sounding like an actual demolition. It sounds like burning buildings and brick walls getting bulldozed over, demon spawn crawling out from under the heaps of rubble. You can hear the Motley Crues of the world shake in fear somewhere in the distance. The thing is, Derringer already had enough of an accomplished music career at the time that he didn’t need to partake in such a gimmicky album, let alone give the performance of a lifetime. He didn’t need to go to this hard but he totally did. What an act of generosity. Bless him.
2. “Jive Soul Bro” by Slick: There’s no doubt the Slick character was largely birthed out of Vince McMahon’s racism. There’s also no doubt this song is a byproduct of that. Even its title should tell you how well Vince understands black culture. So with all that going against it, it’s practically a miracle the performer and producers have created something this stellar. This is an endlessly listenable piece of old-school hip hop, featuring some dope ass Santana guitar. There are so many ways it could’ve gone wrong but if it were to take its cues from anything, I’m happy it’s “The Message” by Grandmaster Flash. The sound is, well, pretty slick and could sound fresh on a dozen songs. Slick may have be presented as a stereotype, but he brings a ton of personality to this track. I personally love the inclusion of the female vocals. “NO WAY YOU JIVE LITTLE MOUSE” is certainly a highlight. It feels like I’m just listing off the good things about it, but I’d like to think they all tie together to make the song fantastic. It could’ve been a one-note production; it opts to revel in the potential of a three-dimensional world where Slick is the central character.
3. “Piledriver” by Koko B. Ware: Okay, so this actually slaps. Koko is the one member of the WWF roster who could’ve made a little career in music out for himself. He’s got so much charisma in his voice that it’s kinda remarkable it didn’t take him anywhere outside of this album. He almost makes me forget about the Sesame Street-level lyrics to this which include but not limited to “First you think you’re so strong/ but something goes wrong/it feels like a big bad mistake.” Love is said to be like a piledriver, as I guess they needed to tie it all back into wrestling somehow. Luckily, Koko’s voice isn’t the only distraction we have from the lyrics. The production is unexpectedly badass. It has absolutely no right to go as hard as it does. They could’ve turned it into a schmaltzy ballad but, god bless us all, they chose to dress it up in a leather jacket and torn jeans. Maybe love does feel like a pile driver. I don’t know; I’m not an expert. But if this song is any indication, it does at least sound good hitting the mat.
4. “Honky Tonk Man” by The Honky Tonk Man: Come on, you can’t just have The Honky Tonk Man not have a song on the album. That would’ve been remembered as one of the biggest blown opportunities in the history of recorded music, I’m sure. Anyway, this is everything it should be. Matches the gimmick perfectly. It’s catchy but never lets us forget that HTM himself is a total dweeb. Then opening guitar is now the stuff infamy. When it played in the arena, the fans knew a real asshole was about to walk his way down to the ring. I’ve never been a huge fan of throwback music because it often comes off as tacky and totally misses the point of what its bygone era of music so great. There was a troubling time in American history where we allowed The Cherry Poppin’ Daddies to make a career out of that sort of thing. But since the whole point here is to be as tacky as possible, I’m totally okay with it. It’s audio proof that a bad Elvis impersonation can really work.
5. “Girls in Cars” by Robbie Dupree & Strike Force: This is the biggest slice of ‘80s cheese on the album, which is appropriate because Strike Force is one of the definitive squeaky clean babyface tag teams of the era. I’ve always found the presentation of Strike Force kinda weird. Tito Santana and Rick Martel as teen idols? When they’re clearly two thirtysomething dudes with spouses and children? What? Why? Sonically, this is no different than a billion other pop rock songs of the era. It’s kinda catchy, kinda sounds like Uncle Jesse from Full House getting his big break. Dupree actually boasts some impressive credentials, with a Grammy nom for Best New Artist under his belt. He also had a top 10 hit in “Steal Away” which I’m sure you can hear playing at a CVS near you. Sadly, none of this can distract me from the fact that it’s still a song for two married dudes who are going too hard to reenact their best high school days which makes the overall effect really, really awkward.
6. “Waking Up Alone” by Hillbilly Jim & Gertrude: If there were ever a more unexpected song, I’d like to here it. When I first listened to it, I thought I’d actually made a mistake. Did I accidentally listen to the wrong song? Of course I didn’t but, man, this is so frickin’ bizarre. Hillbilly’s “Don’t Go Messin’ With a Country Boy” from the first Wrestling Album is kind of a bop but if you came into this album expecting more of the same, you’d be dead wrong. In fact, a standard ‘80s adult contemporary ballad is one of the last things you’d expect. Perhaps even more of a shock is that this is actually, um, not bad?!? I can’t hate on an 80’s ballad that knows its way around synths and percussion. Hillbilly’s voice is largely what you’d expect, though not super terrible or anything. Gertrude is the real standout here. I’ll probably never know her real identity, but she’s such a welcome presence on an album filled with muscled dudes trying to be singers. How did this poor woman get roped into this project again?
7. “Crank It Up” by Jimmy Hart: Literally every wrestler in the ‘80s and ‘90s used this as their entrance theme at some point.  Yes, literally every wrestler. I’m convinced of it. Recent WWE Network discoveries show even The Rock used it in a pre-debut dark match. Its status as a relatively evergreen piece of music isn’t all that surprising though. It’s generic heavy metal that can fit a wide range of gimmicks. Unfortunately, this isn’t anywhere near as catchy as it thinks. Jimmy Hart obviously has the chops to make a recordable song, but the trade off here is one that’s blandly competent at best. It tries to answer the question: is Jimmy Hart a rock ’n’ roll badass? And the answer is, no, he’s not. It’s really jarring to hear him talk about picking up chicks in his car or some shit. I can’t buy Jimmy as anything other than an annoying little mouse. I mean, that’s what the WWF wanted us to believe, right? This would be fine if it were parody, except I don’t think this is meant to be.
8. “If You Only Knew” by WWF Superstars: This sounds cute, in theory. Your favorite WWF superstars coming together to do some Band Aid collaboration should be at least get on through the absurdity alone. But in practice? Meh. Everyone sounds like they’re not even in the same studio with each other. That shouldn’t be surprising, but at least try to work me, y’know? There also aren’t any hilarious lines I’d usually expect with something like this. Just sounds like everyone is half-asking their part (except for Koko who, even in this bit role, seems to be stretching his vocals to their limit).It’s not even all that catchy, really. Astonishingly, this includes the only appearance of Hulk Hogan on this album. You’d think he would’ve had his own song here considering, y’know, he’s on the fucking cover. How dare they ignore the would-be bassist of Metallica like that? Oh well. At least we have the amazing Slammys performance to make up for all of this.
9. “Stand Back” by Vince McMahon: Dear god, where do I begin? Even if you’re not familiar with ‘80s wrestling, you may still recognize this one anyway, given its usage in the DX/McMahons feud of 2006. Its meme status aside, this is pure cringe. Maybe this is Vince’s way of waving his finger at the Jim Crocketts and Verne Gagnes of the world who doubted his clown shoes of a wrestling company. I honestly wouldn’t doubt he’d be that petty and ridiculous. Come on, who else could he be telling to stand back? It’s always fun to look for glimpses of the evil Mr. McMahon character he’d become, and it’s right here when he uses the the throaty “You’re firrrrreeedddd!” voice. Except he tries using it as a singing voice and the results are hilariously awful. I’m not sure who convinced him to do this, but I think it’s telling how it was brought up all those years later as a way to embarrass him. 
10 (worst). “Rock & Roll Hoochie Koo” by Gene Okerlund & Rick Derringer: To be fair, this isn’t the disaster I was dreading. I fully expected Mean Gene doing some excruciating throwback shit, but this is thankfully just him getting up on the stage on karaoke night after too many drinks. That doesn’t mean it’s good, because it definitely isn’t. While there are plenty of other songs here that can easily stand on their own two legs, this is one that totally feels like a novelty. After all, this is merely a cover version of Derringer’s lone solo hit from the ‘70s, so it feels kinda lazy. Did we really need Mean Gene’s take on it? Like, his take on the Star Spangled Banner at the first WrestleMania is more inspired than this. The production makes Mean Gene’s voice disappear under various guitar screeches, which is probably a wise decision. If I had my druthers, however, this entire song could disappear off the album altogether and I wouldn’t even care.
So there you go. Agree or disagree with this ranking? Am I just spouting nonsense? Will we ever see The Wrestling Album III? Is love really like a piledriver? While you’re pondering these questions, give this album another spin and, of course, don’t forget to crank it up.
0 notes
noiseartists · 4 years
Shoegaze, Dreampop And Nugaze: The Facebook Group
Shoegaze, Dreampop And Nugaze is a Facebook group created by Kevin Cleary. The group is arguably the biggest one on Facebook counting over 40 000 members. Noise Artists meets the moderators.
How long have you been and admin for this group?
Mark: I joined the group back in January 2019 and joined the admin team shortly after as a mod so i'm the new kid on the block.
Darren: For several years now. Too long to remember when it all started.
Kev: I created Shoegaze, Dreampop & Nugaze in 2009. My reasoning at the time was to find bands that kept the shoegaze candle burning (damn that sounds cheesy, lol). Acts such as Airiel, Ides of space, Resplandor, the Meeting Places, Astrobrite, Mystery Machine, etc.
Nico: I can’t remember, I got asked maybe a year and a half ago? What are the perks of being an admin?
Mark: Meeting all the cool bands and fans.
Darren: To be able give a platform for new bands to be heard and discovered by a new audience.
Kev: Over the years I've become a bit introverted, don't belong to a band and not hitting shows the way I once did (Dad life). The biggest perk is the music that I would never have discovered otherwise and the friendships that have developed. No gaze orgies, groupies, monetary benefit, drugs, etc. Maybe things would have been different if this was 1993, lol.
Nico: I guess, it’s like running a fanzine back in the days? it’s a lot of work for very little reward but you do it cause you like music more than anything else
What are the drawbacks of being and admin?
Mark: Dealing with disputes and arguments on the group. Why cant we all just get along people?
Darren: Having to moderate the troublemakers and haters.
Kev: "Why did you delete my Radiohead post?!Facist!!!!" It hasn't been all that easy and trust me, the page burns me out at times. Pet peeves include, getting tagged in a post bashing the group, reading a post from a FB friend, "sorry Kev, but the page....." A lot goes into running a page with over 45,000 members! Thank the Gods for the current (Darren, Mark & Nico) and past mods.
At some point we got in a war with WHIRR, which apparently wasn't the band but someone moderating their social media.
Oh shit, the whole Pranav Agrawal thing!
Where to even start with that one?! Pranav was a professional English swimmer, living in India with his boyfriend Matt. Yes. He was one of seven of us managing the page.
We were a tight bunch, often chatting several days a week. He was an integral part of the page, with great ideas and input. Things got weird when one of the mods forwarded a google image of a professional swimmer Daniel Goodfellow. Pranav had created this entire persona based on the swimmer! We called him out and poof, just like that, he was gone! Keyer Soze style.
Nico: Oh definitely the people with zero social skills and a lot of issues who are desperate for attention but know only how to seek it in negative ways. They clearly need to be educated but you can’t do that publicly because they want the attention so the only way to deal with them is to not give them any, delete, block, gone. Is there any perks? groupies? drugs? free music? 😉
Mark: The only "perk" i've had so far is some boudouir snaps of my fellow mod Nico Beatastic! I still havent slept since seeing them.
Darren: I occasionally get free music. People often reach out to me directly to share music that they feel I'll enjoy.
Kev: Ehhhh, not so much for a 46 year old married dad like me. The free music that group members send me! Ooooo, I listen to it all and totally appreciate it. Another perk is hearing or reading about the page in a positive light. Nico: the true perk is having Mark to send my boudoir pics to, I know he truly appreciates them.
What do you like best about the group?
Mark: The community spirit. The shoegaze community is incredibly tightknit and supportive.
Darren: Always being turned on to new music and forgotten treasures.
Kev: The music I've discovered and friendships that I've made over the last decade. Wow, talk about generic answers! There was a time when Darren, Rayanne, Greg, Romini, Liam, Pranav and I would drunk message for hours most every Friday/ Saturday. Mind you, we were all in different time zones. Those were fun times!
Nico: when shoegaze started it was called the scene that celebrates itself, people were supportive of each other, I think that’s mostly the case, also it’s never been about who’s got the biggest one (it’s Mark) , there’s no macho bullshit.
What do you like the least about the group?
Mark: The posts that begin, Its not shoegaze but.... or What is the most shoegaze <insert inanimate object here>. Wasn't funny the first time, not funny now. Stop it
Darren: Just because some music has elements of shoegaze or exists on its peripheral, doesn't make it shoegaze. It's hard to draw the line sometimes and that comes from someone who's been listening to this music for 30 years, let alone for people who are new to shoegaze.
Kev: Damn, if I let the cat out of the bag it will invite in hundreds of trolls! Like the teenage British invasion of 2015. Darren is the only mod who was around at that time and it SUCKED!! So my lips are sealed on this one.
Nico: the little wars, the negativity, the group is meant to post music you like, no diss music you hate. If you don’t have anything nice to say , don’t say anything.
If you could have anyone join the group, who would it be and why?
Mark: Kevin Shields of My Bloody Valentine for he is our lord and father. All hail the Kev!
Darren: Erik Blood. He's my favorite producer and has had a hand in recording/producing/creating/performing some of the best music from the Pacific Northwest for years.
Kev: We've had quite a few genre icons come and go throughout the years. Rachel and Emma were both members until they were called out in numerous posts. I was blown away when the lead of my favorite band joined several years ago!
Nico: I’d have my fave musician ever, Billy Corgan
Who should be an admin?
Mark: Elliott Frazer from Ringo Deathstarr as i inadvertantly removed him from the group. That would let him get his revenge on me.lol
Darren: Someone who loves music, music debate, and has an insatiable hunger to hear and discover new music.
Kev: Easy; Darren, Mark and Nico! Now i'm going to try and name everyone who has helped moderate the page over the years. Rayanne Die, Vic Winters, Dean Bromley, Steven Webb, Romini, Mike Contreras, Liam Doyle, Greg Wilson, Krissy Vanderwoude.
Nico: Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Nick Cave, Henry Rollins. You can’t mess with them and they’re good with words. I’d love to have The Rock turn his boot sideways and stick it someone’s arse when they make a homophobic/racist/rude/mean comment.
Who should never be an admin?
Mark: Anyone who posts Its not shoegaze but.... or Whats the most shoegaze <insert inamimate object here>.
Darren: Someone who is thin-skinned.
Kev: Anyone not ready to put time into building and maintaining. I'm grateful that we have a great team running the page now and for all of the past admins.
Nico: I agree with Darren.
What is the sweetest thing you've seen happen in the group?
Mark: I seen a member post that they had just had a bad break up with their partner and was looking for tunes to cheer them up. The comments below that post were 100% supportive and full of some of the best music. It was testament to the family vibe we are proud to have on the group.
Darren: I've seen small unknown bands and musicians grow into being leaders of the scene that celebrates itself.
Kev: Krissy Vanderwoude and Andy Jossi collaborating! Two phenomenal musicians. I also love seeing obscure, unknown bands grow in part due to this group.
Nico: I think each time anyone posts a band they like, it’s an act of communion with the world , we share what we want so we can improve other people’s lives and that my friends is what life should be about.
Have any couple met on the group and got married and have children?
Mark: i have no idea. One of the other more learned admin may know.
Darren: If so, send me pics of them making babies.
Kev: I haven't received any wedding invites. Not to say that it hasn't happened. A group member did create a Shoegaze romantic connection group.
Nico: Mark and I are expecting ;)
What is the best band you've discovered through the group?
Mark: That’s not fair. There’s too many AMAZING bands ive discovered via this group. If you absolutely forced me to name one id have to go with The Stargazer Lilies. Occabot blew my tiny mind.
Darren: Flyying Colours
Kev: Oooooh, a "best band?" As far as my personal favorite, I'd have to say Echodrone. Dean "Shoegaze" Bromley, one of the original page members/ past admin, turned me onto them. There are SO many greats that I never would have heard of if it wasn't for SGDPNG!!!
Nico: that Russian shoegaze scene is pretty cool. Maybe Pinkshinyultrablast ?
How did it get so big? (the group Mark, the group!
Mark: We have an open door policy and we get a lot of people inviting friends. We also have a lot of members who are in bands. It means they can interact with our members directly which is a huge thing for fans.
Darren: People love shoegaze and want a place to share and learn more about it.
Kev: Be careful of what you wish for!! There were waves of growth starting with the MBV/ Slowdive/ Lush reunions. Then there was the whole "bro gaze" movement, not the happiest of times on the page.
Nico: The big 3 coming back , the old school gazers have older kids now so more time on their hands and the brogazers. I went to see Slowdive a couple of years ago and the audience was clearly 14 to 60, lots of kids. The Rachel look is quite iconic, it appeals to a lot of young women.
Have you ever thought of making tshirts? mugs? merch?
Mark: I’d love that. We did that in another group i admin. See what King Kev Cleary has to say. He's the boss!
Darren: I would love if one day we could release music by some of the bands that we discover in the group.
Kev: A few years back I created a website with the intent of doing just that. Never materialized. I remember what Greg Wilson, one time page mod, went through getting DKFM to where it is today. Don't have that sort of time to dedicate.
Nico: it’s all very doable, especially a compilation series, that would be fairly easy.
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