#bro has a fuck ass bob and i’ll never forgive him for that
fallingtheseus · 7 months
“i’m not your dad.” “i know…do you know that?”
“i’m not your kid.” “i know.”
anyways. got obsessed with hazbin hotel, spent 30 hours making this. literally redesigned alastor for it (CUZ HIS DESIGN IS SO FUGLY SORRY NOT SORRY) and now we’re here yippee
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mycasandstarrs · 6 years
SPN 6x16: “...And Then There Were None”
THEN: Rufus Turner, a friend of Bobby’s. Samuel’s been capturing and torturing monsters. He also sold Sam and Dean out. Dean threatens to kill him. Gwen Campbell. “Mother of All.”
Eve, scaring some poor sap.
And then kissing him! Wonderful.
“A mother would never abandon her children like he did. You'll see.” She’s not even trying to be subtle about this.
Oh no.
RIP Rick’s wife. Killed by Rick.
A buttload of monsters.
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Interrogating Rick.
Poor dude killed his whole family without ever meaning to.
Dean, please. Stop checking out the Mother of All.
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Bobby looks good suited up.
“It’s not rocket surgery.” I’ve always loved that line.
“Long as I get to drive.”
“Hell no.”
I love Rufus.
And I love that we got to see them working together!
Eww, that goo is so gross.
Even Sam and Dean love Rufus.
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What a wonderful group! If only we could’ve seen more of these 4 together...
“Welcome to next time.”
“Sam, take Dean for a walk.” Aww Bobby.
“I'm not saying don't. I'm saying not yet.” Interesting.
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“So you’re the guy pretending to be their father.”
“Well, somebody ought to.”
Samuel, you goddamn dick. He immediately picks up on Sam not remembering anything; you know well he’s gonna use it against Sam.
“You don't know half the things that I know, kid.” BRO. YOU’RE REALLY GOING TO ADDRESS BOBBY AS ‘KID’?
Goddamn it, Gwen.
“Did Samuel really try to—”
“Kill me? Yes. He didn't even blink. That's the guy you're rolling with.”
“He didn't tell me anything about that. I didn't know.”
What would have Gwen done? Would she have left Samuel?
“Honestly, there's something I need to tell you.”
“What?” Gwen’s last word.
RIP Gwen Campbell. Killed by Dean. Deserved better.
Hell, at least Rufus tried.
“I’m sorry...if you care.”
“Screw you. I care.”
Rufus seems more affected by Gwen’s death than Samuel, tbh.
Sam still has Christian in his contacts.
Rufus finds Dean.
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“I'm not in the mood. I just had a 12-inch...Herpe crawl out of my ear.”
Even Dean seems more affected by Gwen’s death than Samuel.
Bobby’s plan: everyone turns in their guns.
Go on, Samuel.
How are Bobby and Rufus the only ones to try and make calls?
Dean is pissed.
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“Relax. Bathroom break. So unless you want to hold it for me...” What a dick.
Omaha. I still don’t know what happened.
What exactly were they planning to do here?
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“You fed us to Crowley.”
“True, but what am I gonna do about it now? Do I blame you for wanting to kill me? Of course not, Dean. What I did was...but I'm not apologizing.”
Jesus, Samuel had time to set up traps.
Well crap.
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“What you gonna do, son? You're not gonna shoot me. You got your soul back. You gonna shoot your own family?” DON’T PULL THOSE CARDS.
“You still want to know about your summer vacation? I'll tell you all about it. You're dying to know, huh?” You are such a prick.
“It’s all right Sam.” Samuel’s last words.
RIP Samuel Campbell. Killed by Sam. Death #2.
...and no worm is crawling out.
Bobby being happy to see Sam...then asking him to lower his weapon.
It’s no difference to Dean whether Samuel was possessed or not.
At least Sam now has the conscience to feel bad about this.
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What would Mary say?
“You know what I think Mom would say? She'd say just 'cause you're blood doesn't make you family. You got to earn that.” I think Dean’s right: She'd lament Samuel’s death, but lament his betrayal to her own sons more.
That cable looks so damn dangerous.
Is it really worth bringing up Omaha again??
“Bobby, I said we've had this conversation already. And you could blabber all day... and it wouldn't change a thing, Bobby. I will never forgive you for what happened. You got that? Never. So change the subject, Bob.”
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Oof. There went the Khan Worm.
“This can't be my afterlife 'cause the three of you are here.” pfft.
Now where is the pesky little bugger?
Just noticing how Bobby’s hiding his harms.
Ooowww, this is hurting me.
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“I got a damn pacemaker.” pfft.
“Since when do you got a pacemaker?”
“Since Bush Jr., term one. I'm down three toes, too, F.Y.I.”
hahaha I really do love Rufus.
“Just a second, whatever you are.”
“I’m Bobby.”
“Bobby, my ass.” Rufus’ last words.
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“Why do you keep talking about herpes?”
“What? I don't. Shut up. Shut up.”
Yeah ya do, hon.
Ewww, monster voice.
Eve’s message. Real original:
“You're all gonna die. She's pissed. She's here. And it's gonna be nothing but pain for you from here on in.”
Time to get the worm out.
Sam can’t even watch. :(
STEP ON IT....or not, as it’s already dead. Gotcha.
I resent this fake out.
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RIP Rufus Turner. Killed by Bobby. I’ll miss you so much.
Bobby tells the story of how they met.
“You know, I-I was just a job. I was Joe mechanic. Then my wife got possessed... went nuts on me. I stabbed her, and that didn't stop her. Next thing I knew, this guy comes busting in, soaks her with holy water, and sends that demon straight to Hell so fast. I'd have gone away for killing her. But... Rufus cleaned up everything. Taught me a thing or two about... what's really out there. Pretty soon, we were riding together. Worked like that for years, kind of like you two knuckleheads.”
“It was Omaha. It was my fault, and he never let it go.”
“Well he should have.”
“I mean at the end of the day, you two are family. Life's short, and ours are shorter than most. We're gonna spend it wringing our hands?”
Dean’s got a point.
Clean slates for everybody, courtesy of Dean.
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romanticshorts · 3 years
1 • Double Venom - Reunited
“I think I’m going to call it a night.” 
Janie set her glass down on the marble counter. “I’ll see you tomorrow girl. I need to get some sleep.” Really she just needed to get out of there. She felt like she was stifling. 
“The night is still young! Where are you going?!” 
Cassie was drunk. Janie loved her but she couldn’t be bothered with her at the moment. Cassie threw herself into Janie’s arms. “Don’t be so uptight Janie. We don’t have to go in tomorrow and besides you need to get laid.” Janie cringed at the stench of her breath. But that wasn’t what bothered her the most. She didn’t need everybody knowing her business. Who was she kidding, she didn’t need Eric knowing her business. He had been looking her way all night but never got up to say anything. She had pretended not to see him but she couldn’t deny the butterflies in her stomach any longer. She had to get out of there and Cassie was coming with her. She forced a smile. 
“Well, you’ve had enough. You need to get to bed more than I do. Come on, I’ll drive.” Cassie swatted at her. 
“No. I’m not going home.” Janie’s eyebrow rose. 
“What kind of roommate would I be if I left you here in this condition?,” she said through clenched teeth. She was trying not to lose her temper.
“I’ll make sure she gets home safe.” Lucas put his arm around her waist. Her head fell to his shoulder. Janie looked him up and down, crossing her arms at her chest. She would of been better off leaving her with a complete stranger if her only other option was Lucas. 
“That won’t be necessary Lucas. I’ll take her.” She reached for her arm. Cassie took a step back. 
“No,” she whined. Janie was beyond irritated now. She understood that Cassie was going through some things with her parents but Janie had been a good friend to her. Since the first time she met her in therapy, they clicked. They always looked out for each other after that and she wasn’t going to stop now. There was no way she was leaving her behind. God only knew what could happen to her. Especially if Lucas was hanging around her. 
“Cassie, I know you’re drunk right now but you’re pissing me off. You are coming with me and we’re leaving right now. Stop embarrassing yourself.” Lucas smirked. 
“Listen, if she doesn’t want to leave then she’s not leaving. Like I said before, I’ll take good care of her.” She knew what that meant. Lucas had a reputation for ‘taking care’ of women. Janie placed her hands on her hips. She tried to work out in her head how to she was going to restrain herself from kicking his ass. 
“I’m sorry, why are you talking?” She didn’t even give him the satisfaction of turning his way or waiting for his answer, for that matter. The last thing she needed was his interference. 
“I don’t remember asking your dumb ass. Seriously Cassie, let’s go.” She reached for her arm again. This time Cassie swung at her. Janie moved to the side, almost knocking her glass off the counter. She glared at Cassie. 
“I know you’re fucked up right now so I’m going to let that one go. This is the last time I’m going to ask nicely Cass. Come on now, I don’t want to have to carry you out of here.” 
Her patience was wearing thin. She just wasn’t in the mood for the bullshit. But if she left and heard that something had happened to Cassie she would never forgive herself. Especially after what had happened to her. She glanced over at Eric who was obviously watching the whole thing play out. She sighed, squeezing her eyes shut. She should talk to him anyway. But she didn’t want to do it right then. Dammit Cass. Against her better judgment she sauntered over to the other side of the room. Just be cool, it’s Eric. Stop making it a big deal. He rose from his seat as she approached. After all this time her feelings toward him never changed. She looked up at him and smiled.
“Janie, I can’t believe I’m even looking at you right now.”
“It’s me, in the flesh.” He nodded.
“Still as beautiful as ever. How have you been?”
“Great. You?”
“Awesome. Everything alright? You seem agitated.” He placed his hand at the small of her back and ushered her to the corner. Eric was the only man that could ever get her blood boiling like this. He hadn’t done anything but touch her back and already she was turned on. She adjusted her jacket. It was burning up all of a sudden. She dared to look up into his light brown eyes. If it weren’t for Cassie she would have managed to leave without the unnecessary reunion. She laughed nervously. 
“Eric, I’m sorry. I didn’t want to bother you but...”
“Stop, you know you can always come to me. That hasn’t changed.” She sighed. Why was he being so nice? Who was she kidding, this was Eric. He didn’t have a mean bone in his body.
“Nobody knows me better than you Eric. Your friend over there, he doesn’t know me,” she said pointing across the room. 
“You know and I know that I usually get my way.” A smile formed on his lips. 
“Whoever doesn’t know that doesn’t know you.” She blushed. His voice alone had her stomach in knots. 
“Right. Thing is, I’m trying to get Cassie home and he’s getting in my way. Look, I know we’ve had our....thing but simply put, I’m about to break your friend’s nose.” He laughed, his eyes roaming her face. 
“What did he say? Although nobody has to say much to tick you off.” She looked across the room in their direction. 
“Don’t make me sound like a bully. Cassie is pretty messed up. I’m trying to take her home and that ass clown won’t back down. There’s no way I’m leaving her here. There are too many creeps in this frat box.” She turned back to him. 
“I see some things haven’t changed. You’re still a joke and a half. Are you saying I’m a creep?” She tried to figure out why he was standing so close to her. She could smell Hollister cologne on him. That’s what she missed the most about him. Who was she kidding, she missed everything about him but damn, he always smelled so intoxicating. She cleared her throat.
“I never said that. This isn’t about you Eric. Are you going to help me or not?” He nodded, a smile plastered on his face. 
“I’ll help you, for his sake.” He chuckled. “Come on.” They made their way towards Cassie. She had a Corona in her hand, swaying her hips to the music. 
I want to give you some love. I want to give you some good, good lovin’.
Bob Marley was not what Janie wanted to be hearing right now. She glanced at Eric wondering how good his loving would be. Ah, quit it Janie. Raking her fingers through her hair, she tried to focus on the matter at hand. 
“Yo,” Eric said, tapping Lucas’ shoulder. Lucas looked up, extending his hand. 
“What’s up bro? Look at this girl,” he said pointing. His eyes devoured Cassie. “She’s gorgeous isn’t she?” Janie rolled her eyes. Eric smiled, locking his hand with Lucas. 
“Yeah dude. She looks great but you might have to get her number and call her tomorrow. Janie needs to take her home.” Lucas frowned. 
“Really? She came crying to you? Look, she’s not ready to leave yet.” Janie chuckled. 
“Listen asshole,” she started. Eric laughed, there wasn’t another girl in the world like Janie. Her attitude amused him because he knew she wasn’t malicious. Janie was one of the sweetest girls he had ever met. She just knew how to defend herself. Usually when she kicked somebody’s ass they deserved it. Not to mention she looked sexy as hell doing it. He was always the peacemaker. 
“Janie, I got it. Come on man. She’s in no condition to be doing that tonight Luke. She needs to go home and sleep this off.” Lucas put his hand on his chest.
“Is that what you really think of me? I wouldn’t take advantage of her.” Eric shot him a ‘let’s be real’ look.
“Come on dude. I know you. You really wanna take advantage of a girl that’s lit? Just get her number and call her tomorrow.” Lucas stood up, glaring at Janie. She stared right back at him. His eyes moved back to Eric. 
“Look at her man.”
“I know dude but she’s not going anywhere. Trust me on this.” Lucas sighed, nodding. Eric turned his attention to Cassie. He took her free hand before removing the beer from her other. She pouted. 
“I know, I know but you’ve had enough tonight Cass. Janie’s gonna take you home.” She shot Janie an evil look, crossing her arms. 
“I’m not going anywhere with her.” Janie turned away, shaking her head. What was she, five? No good deed went unpunished. She took a deep breath and turned back to Cassie. 
“Come on Cassie, she’s looking out for you. You need to go home and sober up.” 
“Why can’t you take me? Or Lucas?”
“I’ll take you wherever you wanna go sweetheart.” Eric put his hand up to quiet Lucas. 
“Lucas can’t take you. Why can’t you go with Janie?” 
“I’m not talking to her right now.”
“Well you don’t have to talk to her. She’s just going to take you home to make sure you’re safe. That’s what a good friend does right?” She shook her head furiously, her hair whipping back and forth. Eric sighed, turning to Janie. 
“Let’s get her home Janie. Luke, I’ll catch you later. Come on Cass.” 
He grabbed their jackets and led her out the door, Janie by his side. When they got to the car, she handed the keys to Eric. He looked confused. 
“You can drive.” She got into the back seat and slammed the door. 
“Girls.” Eric helped Cassie into the passenger seat before getting in. “Same complex?” 
“Yup.” Janie’s parents had left her their condo in their will. When she met Cassie she had convinced her to move in. Honestly, it was too big for just one person. 
“Where are you taking me?,” Cassie murmured. Eric caught Janie rolling her eyes in the rear view mirror. He smiled. 
“We’re going home Cassie. Just relax, we got you.” The drive to the complex was quiet. Janie tried to keep her eyes outside the window but it was no use. Her eyes kept landing on Eric. It was dark but the occasional flash of light coming through the window was enough for her to see what she needed. Eric was one of the good ones. He was a sweetheart with the most amazing biceps. He always had a smile on his face that could turn anyone’s day around. It couldn’t get any better than him in her opinion.
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