#i’m wearing rose coloured glasses
rogerswifesblog · 1 year
Stacy’s mom pt 2
My Masterlist
Pt 1 here
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A/N: Hellloo👀 it wasn’t planned but…here’s a pt two of stacys mom because, well…no reason. I just really liked the first part and a few people wanted another part so😉😋 please reblog and leave feedback 🙏
Summary: Steve finally turned 21. And he still remembers your words. Come back when you’re 21. So what next?
Warnings: older reader, Steve is 21, teasing, alcohol consumption (just one wine glass each), oral sex m receiving, slight daddy kink, cum play, cum marking, squirting , p in v, unprotected sex, doubts, insecurities
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“Steve? What-“ “You said to come back when I’m twenty one…so, can I take you out on a proper date now?”, he interrupted you, holding out his ID for you to look over.
He was indeed twenty one. Today was his birthday.
And that’s how you found yourself here. Getting ready for a date with Steve Rogers. Your daughters old highschool friend. God, was that pathetic? Was it weird? You couldn’t decide how you thought about it, but with every word it got worse and worse.
Sighing you looked at yourself in your favourite blue dress. You had worn it years ago to a date-which had turned out into you being dumped. From then on you hadn’t worn this dress but you also remember how much Steve had liked it-yeah, he had never been subtle about his crush. Not even a bit. A smile crept onto your lips when you remembered his many compliments, and also hated how your ex-husbands surname sounded from his lips.
“Oh wow, Mrs Dupont you look amazing. This colour makes your eyes pop-and the make up, incredible. Any man would be happy to take you out on a date. I’m sure he’ll- ouch Stacy! Don’t kick me-“
“Aren’t you tired of wearing high heels all the time? I mean, I get it, your legs are beautiful with them but even without you’d look good-“
“Is that a new haircut? It suits your face so good, Mrs Dupont”
You also remembered how Stacy had pulled him away or kicked him under the table at that, making you cringe slightly. What would she think of it? What if she’d be mad? That’s not even a question. Of course she’ll be mad. You’re twice his age and to that he was Stacys friend-or is? You had no idea. God, you had no idea what the hell you were doing.
Ten minutes before eight a car pulled up at your house and the door bell rang only a few minutes later. Walking over to door you looked one last time in the mirror in the hallway, pulling your eyebrows slightly together. God…People would rather assume you’re his mother. Which you could be looking at the age gap. Sighing you brushed your hand over your cheek to the corner of your eye, where already some smile wrinkles appeared.
Why was Steve so attracted to you? He waited three years to go on a date with you…
For some reason it warmed your chest a bit. It was actually really flattering.
Opening the door you gasped in surprise, a huge bouquet of roses beeing held up tight to your face. “Hello”, Steve’s gentle voice and smile made your heart flutter. “Hello, Stevie, you got me flowers?”, I asked in surprise, not remembering the last time I become a bouquet like that, probably somewhat in the begging of your marriage with Stacys father.
You saw a little blush creep over Steve’s face, even though most of it was hidden by the beard. “Yeah, you deserve nice things…”, he smiled when you took the bouquet and walked back into the house, leaving the door open for him. He followed you into the kitchen where you looked for a vase, after finding one filling it with water and putting on the table with the roses, “thank you, they’re beautiful”, you smiled, your gaze falling from the flowers to Steve.
Steve was eye candy from the higher shelf, he looked incredible, dressed in a suit and black button down. His beard was trimmed and the hair in a neat hairstyle . Nothing was out of place, not one small wrinkle or hair strand. But what him made look so good was probably the bashful and nervous smile as he looked you up and down. Steve loved your dress years ago and still did now. He had always dreamed of you at his arm in that dress. The colour was one of his favourite, maybe after tonight his favourite.
Coming closer Steve carefully placed his hands on your waist and leaned down, giving you a kiss on your cheek.
You had to be honest…it made your heartbeat quicken like never before from just a single kiss, to that on the cheek. It was sweet. Innocent. Just a small peck. He wasn’t demanding or trying to be in any way pushy.
“Let’s go, I made a reservation for us”, steve smiled, holding out his arm for you to take. A smile crept onto your lips as you wrapped your fingers around his biceps, unintentionally squeezing a bit more than necessary. Jesus, his arm felt- no, stop lusting over him.
Head shaking over yourself you let Steve lead you to his car-a truck, not something you liked driving in, but you wouldn’t complain. You knew the young kids liked trucks-god, did you just refer to him as young kid?
It actually surprised you when he opened the car door for you and helped you step into the car-but you were really thankful for that seeing how high the car was.
When Steve started the engine the radio immediately turned on, some older song playing. A few seconds later you recognised the melody to be ‘a long, long time’ which made you smile to yourself. Steve listened to that kind of music? Oldies? Huh. That was quiete the surprise…but a good one. An old soul in a young body, maybe.
“I like the song, Is it your Playlist?”, you then asked, looking form the side at the blond man. He smiled lightly, nodding. “Yes, I love that type of music…it’s just…I dunno, it’s calming”, he explained, turning the volume a bit higher.
Most of the car ride was spent quietly with both of you humming to the music that was from his surprisingly good playlist.
Around twenty minutes later you arrived at a rather higher praised restaurant that you definitely hadn’t expected from him, but it did make you feel nicely treated-not because of how classy and expensive this place was-more because of how much Steve wanted to impress you on the first date. Not that it was necessary because…this wouldn’t be going any further, right? Just one date and that’s all.
Just when you wanted to open the door Steve took your hand. “No-wait”, with that he quickly left the car, before walking around and opening the door for you and holding out his phone to you.
A chuckle escaped your lips as you placed your hand in his palm, for a second a thought occurred to you; how long did it take for Steve to stop being such a gentleman in a relationship? You’d never find it out….but it still made you curious. Your ex husband had stopped treating you like that soon after the pregnancy.
When you stepped out of the car Steve closed the door and you both walked to the restaurant, where a waitress walked up to you and lead you to your table. Steve pulled your chair back for you, then sat down in front of you. All this time he had a big smile on his lips as he watched you.
Happy and completely content about finally having you taken out on a date. It was a indescribable feeling.
The waitress gave you both menus, her gaze glued to Steve so long she nearly hit you with one of the menus. Of course she was watching him. She had no idea he was your date. She maybe even assumed he was…your son. God, this was a mistake. A huge mistake.
Sighing you looked down at the menu as the waitress asked what you’d want to drink. “Please the [_____] red wine for me and for Appetizer the fried jalapeños with breadsticks”, you said and looked back at Steve who was already looking at you. “Is it okay if I Take something alcoholic? We will be here for a while so you don’t have to worry about me being drunk or anything”, he made sure before ordering.
You thought about it for a second and nodded, then. If your evening would turn out shorter you could drive, you weren’t planning on anything besides the glass of wine. “Good, then red wine for me, too. And bruschetta for Appetizer”, Steve ordered, smiling at the young woman.
She furrowed her eyebrows slightly, before smiling at him bashfully. “Well…Im sure you’re allowed to drink but I have to follow the rules, so may I see your ID?”, she asked making the both of you blush. You immediately looked down, hiding your face a bit behind your open menu.
Steve took out his wallet, reaching for his ID which she immediately took and looked over for longer than necessary-you could feel her gaze on you for a moment, but when you looked up she was already smiling at Steve again.
“Okay Steve, a wine it is, I’ll bring you your food and wine soon, if that’s all. Anything for you, ma’am?” Hearing her refer to you that way made you feel even worse than before and you were 100% sure she did it on purpose.
It was a huge mistake to go on a date with a man this mich younger. Closer to being a teenager than a man, if you had to be honest. And Steve had to know it too. How could he feel comfortable with you on a date? The waitress probably assumed you were his mother. Or maybe she was now laughing with her friends about-
Steve’s gentle touch at your wrist made you look up from the menu, which you hadn’t been even really looking at. You had no idea for how long you’ve been staring at the same page without having read a single word.
“Don’t do this…don’t overthink it, please…let’s just enjoy the evening”, said Steve gently, holding your wrist. His own menu was already put aside. “I’m sorry Steve, it’s just…you’ve seen how she looked at us-or rather me. At you she was looking with heart-eyes”, you mumbled while putting your own menu now aside, too.
Steve bit his bottom lip at your words, hiding a small smile. It sounded a bit…like you were jealous. Of course he knew you meant the age difference, but he couldn’t stop himself from slowly grinning more. “Oh come on, I don’t care about what she said-and you shouldn’t either”, he said, slowly brushing his hand over yours and squeezing.
“You have no idea how happy I am that you agreed to the date, I…actually thought you would have changed your mind at this point-or maybe that you’d already be with someone. A woman like you should be alone. You should be cherished by the right man”, he kissed your knuckles, all this time looking in your eyes.
And for the first time since you couldn’t remember when, you blushed over a man’s compliment.
A quiet ‘oh’ escaped your lips while you slowly started smiling a bit bashfuly. “Thank you, Stevie, that’s…really kind.” You wanted to add something more when the waitress came to your table, putting down the wine glasses forcefully making you both pull back in surprise. You both hadn’t even noticed her coming.
“I’ll get your Appetizer in a minute”, she smiled at Steve, not acknowledging you before once again leaving you two alone.
Steve watched her with furrowed eyebrows before scoffing quietly. “That was rude”, he said, his gaze back on you. He slid his hand along the table closer to you, his palm up. Inviting. You were uncertain if you should take his hand, knowing the young waitress would be back soon, but in the end you decided to gently place your hand in his.
He smiled at you happily, his eyes carrying a happy glimmer in them. “What have you decided to order? For the main course?”, Steve asked, adding after, “I’m thinking about the steak with fries.”
“Hmm, at first I thought about the salmon but steak sounds good…maybe I’ll take the steak instead”, you thought, looking into the menu once again. “Oh or shrimps…god, I don’t know I’ll take what the chef recommends. That way I won’t have to decide”, you laughed, shaking you head at your own inability to choose.
Steve chuckled and opened his mouth to answer but the waitress from before came. “So what would be for the main course?”, she smiled at Steve, before looking at you for a second but then quickly back at the blond.
“For my beautiful lady what the chef recommends and for me the steak”, said Steve without hesitation, squeezing your hand when he noticed how unsure and insecure you seemed because of the young woman.
She seemed to be speechless for a second, before nodding and writing the meals down. “Of course. Anything else?”, this time her gaze was stubbornly glued to her little notebook, not wanting to look at neither Steve or you.
When she finally left Steve couldn’t hold back the small giggle before winking at you. You still were slightly speechless from what he had said…his beautiful lady. That was…
He was really a sweet guy.
A part of you knew you shouldn’t feel this thrilled and happy, but another part was falling for him faster than you imagined possible.
You stayed at the restaurant for about two hours, enjoying your meal and the many interesting or silly conversations you had. All this time you weren’t interrupted anymore, or if you were then by a different person than the girl from before.
After you two ate your food and even dessert Steve paid for everything-surprising you, which you tried not to show. You hadn’t really expected him to pay for everything even if he was the one who had invited you to the date.
While leaving the restaurant Steve wrapped his arm around your waist, leading you to the car. Once again he opened the doors and helped you into the car, a true gentleman. On your way back home he turned on the same playlist as before, this time a bit quieter.
Even when you arrived at your home he helped you out of the car, walking you to the door and waiting till you opened the door. He didn’t pressure you into walking in after you when you opened the door, he just stood there and smiled at you, his hand burried in his pockets.
“I…I had a really great time tonight”, he said, now much more nervous than during the whole evening. That was the part where you’d tell him it couldn’t happen again. This was there part where you broke his heart, this time for real, without any hopes for the future.
And yet something different left your lips. “Do you want to come in?”
It seemed to have caught you both off guard, but Steve nodded slowly, once again starting to smile at you. “Yeah, I’d love to”, he said and stepped into your house when you walked in. He closed the door behind himself and turned around to you.
Once again to your both surprise you grabbed his button down and pulled him closer to you, your chest touching, his arms immediately wrapping around your middle as you crashed your lips into his, kissing him passionately.
He gasped in surprise, but kissed back, even though slightly more sloppy, not having been prepared for it at all. You leaned back for a second, searching for any sign of discomfort or reason to stop, but before you could change your mind Steve leaned down again, kissing you even more enthusiastically.
You couldn’t stop the quiet gasp that escaped your lips when your back hit the wall with a light thud, Steve’s hands sliding to your behind before lifting you onto his hips. Automatically you wrapped your legs around his middle.
The last time someone had lifted you like this was a long time ago-and never did it happen so effortlessly, which kinda gave you a little confidence boost and also woke some primal part of your brain up that wanted to feel his strength in every position possible.
God. You were so lusting over him.
“Holy shit, Stevie-“, you gasped when he started kissing your neck, walking with you to the living room, his shoulder bumping into the door frame. “Wait-bedroom, go to the-the bedroom”, you gasped out, pressing his face further into your neck.
He looked up at you, pulling his eyebrows together. “Really?”, he asked quietly, confusing you slightly. “Yeah, really. It’ll be more comfortable.”
In the bedroom Steve carefully put you down on the bed, leaning over you and once again kissing passionately. This time it was a bit softer than before. When he let go of you once again he smiled down at you, standing up again and taking off his suit jacket, throwing it on your armchair.
He then looked back at you, his hands trembling as he started unbuttoning his shirt. “Everything okay, Stevie?”, you asked, sitting up and pulling him a bit closer, still looking up at him.
“More than okay-I’m-I’m really happy about this evening, I’m just…nervous. I’ve never been with an experienced woman like you and- ""But it’s not your first time ever, is it?” You couldn’t stop yourself from asking.
He slowly shook his head, his hands stopping unbuttoning the shirt as he got to the middle. “No, not my first time but…I only had sex two times”, he said, burying his hands in his pants pockets.
You slide to the edge of your bed, your hands brushing over his thighs up to his stomach and you slowly open the rest of his shirt. “Do you want to continue?” Before you even finished the question he was already nodding furiously, watching as your hands slid down, over his bulge. A quiet moan escaped his lips and you couldn’t stop the grin creeping on your lips.
“Have you ever had someone suck you off?”
His face took on a dark shade of red as he slowly shook his head. “No”, he mumbled, watching as your hands slowly opened his belt and zipper, pushing his pants down.
“Would you like me to do it?”, just like before he nodded furiously, making you laugh quietly. Your giggles quietened as soon as you pushed down his boxershorts, his cock springing free, not even fully straightening from the weight. Fuck. He was huge. Definitely not how you had imagined him-not that you have done it often but…still.
It was a surprise.
A good one.
You wrapped your fingers around his cock, your palm not even fully closing around him as you slowly pumped him, the pre cum immediately leaking from his tip into your palm, making the movements a bit smoother.
His hand brushed through your hair when you leaned down and licked over his slit, making him moan quietly. The feeling of your wet and warm tongue indescribable. You licked along his shaft to his balls, pushing his cock against his stomach to have better access to his tense balls.
You hadn’t done much and he was already ready to burst. How cute. “Stevie you gotta hold it back for a bit longer so I can really make you feel good”, you grinned seductively, before sucking one of his balls into your mouth, your tongue playing with him before once again letting go with a loud plop.
He gasps quietly, nodding. “Y-yeah. I’ll try to”, he moaned again when you slowly started suckling at his head taking him deeper and deeper with every movement of your head, your hand rhythmically moving with your head making sure no part of his Beautiful cock was left out. Your other hand played with his balls, palming him gently.
After tonight your jaw would be sore for days, sof be your throat but it was definitely worth it. You couldn’t wait to feel his load fill your mouth-but not yet. First you wanted to make sure he’d for ever remember every second of his first blow job. Maybe you also wanted to make sure it’d be his best, too. No other woman was supposed to make him feel good. Definitely not better than you. Maybe…you should be thinking that way, but you couldn’t stop it. You wanted for him to always remember you when another woman would suck his cock poorly.
“Oh my-fuck, can you please suck my balls again?”, he panted, stroking your hair again. When your eyes met he couldn’t stop himself from moaning quietly again, his grip on your hair tightening. He imagined this view a few times if he had to be honest with himself-but never had he imagined it would look this good.
You slurped at his cock head for a second more before licking to his balls, suckling and pulling at them. His cock rested against your face, the pre cum leaving a glistening and wet trail behind, messing up your make-up, some even dripping onto your dress.
“God you’re so beautiful-and so fucking hot”, his hand started trembling, his panting getting faster. You could already tell he was coming closer to his orgasm.
It definitely made your chest feel tinglish, for some reason you were a bit proud of what was happening. You were the person giving Steve his first blow job.
“I think-I’m close-yeah, I’m close-take off your dress-I wanna come on your tits”, he moaned, stepping one step back, his own hand wrapping around his cock as he slowly started to stroke himself, his gaze glued to you.
Fuck. This was hot.
Grinning, you opened the zipper of your dress, pushing it down till you could throw it into the floor. Steve’s gaze slid over your body, stopping at your breasts when you took off your bra.
His lips twitched upwards as he watched you play with your breasts, pulling and pinching your nipples. “You’re incredible”, he moaned, stepping a bit closer to you again-his cock leaking pre cum onto your tits and then stomach when you leaned back on your elbows.
He closed his eyes for a second, trying to calm his breath before looking once again at you. His pupils were blown wide, his mouth slightly agape, his grip around his cock quick and tight. “Open your mouth for daddy’s load”, slipped past his lips, making him immediately blush. Just when he wanted to open his mouth again you chuckled quietly.
“Sure, daddy, I want your cock. Give me your cock, daddy”, you whispered back, keeping an amused grin to yourself. At least you tried to, but seeing Steve blush deepen you knew you didn’t succeed.
A silent moan escaped him as he was thrown to his peak, your words still freshly in his mind. He liked the sound of the word ‘daddy’ on your lips. “Oh fuck”, his cum hit your stomach and chest first, before he aimed higher for your face, especially your open mouth. The view of your cum stained face and body could make him bust again. This was definitely a view to remember.
As soon as he stopped orgasming he leaned down to you, cupping your face with his hands and pulling you into a breathtaking kiss, licking the cum from your lips and following the taste of himself in your mouth, “you’re fucking incredible”, he gasped into your mouth, slowly leaning over your body and pressing you further into the bed.
You grinned against his lips, pushing down his button down from his shoulders, revealing his beautifully sculpted body. “Oh god” “just Steve is enough”, he giggled at his pun, making you laugh quietly too. Your hands slid along his chest. “Wow, I remember-“ you bit your bottom lip at your next words. “I remember when you were still so skinny and rather…lanky”, you mumbled. How quickly time had passed…
Now that you were once again reminded of the age difference you weren’t sure if you really should be sleeping with Steve. You tried to tell yourself it would be just a one time thing. Something that wouldn’t matter to both of you, but….you could tell it was a lie. You weren’t sure what exactly feelings you had for Steve, but it was definitely more than just something platonic or lust.
During the whole evening you had a lot of fun with him-and you knew you’d have more, but not only sexually. Just talking and laughing was enough when it was with Steve.
“Are you okay?” Steve's quiet whisper brought you back as he gently brushed his palm over your arm. You hadn’t even noticed when he had laid down next to you instead of being above you. A small smile twitched over your lips as you nodded slowly. “Yes, it’s just ....I'm not sure what happens next-” Steve opened his mouth, slightly confused looking, but you quickly shook your head, “-not the sec part, silly. What would happen after? we can’t be together-I’m too old for you. People would watch our every step, everything we’d do together in public-they’d judge-and I don’t think you’d like to be with me forever. The difference is already noticeable, I have already some gray hairs and you-you’re so young and good looking.”
Sighing you closer your eyes when Steve brushed over your hair and pulled you closer. “I really don’t care about that…I like you. It doesn’t has to be…labelled…let’s just be with each other, we don’t have to be together…”, he mumbled, slowly kissing your cheeks down to his neck.
“Don’t think about it…let’s just enjoy it”, he smiled against your skin, leaving soft kisses behind. You couldn’t stop the smile that crept onto your lips as he pulled you even closer, your bodies pressed together, sharing the warmth of your skin. “This night is ours and what happens next…doesn’t matter”, he kissed you on the lips, passionately and rather…loving.
You slowly pushed him onto his back, throwing your leg over his hips. The feeling of his already hard cock poking against your leg made you grin a bit. You forgot how it was to be with a guy Steve’s age.
“You feel so good…Daddy”, you grinned against his ear, feeling a bashful smile on his lips as he kissed your neck again. “Stop it…”, he giggled looking at you again, his cheeks being already deep red. You smiled smugly, kissing his cheeks. “But it’s true, daddy”, you mocked him quietly, letting his dick side between your folds as you started grinding against him.
“Such a big cock for me, daddy”, you moaned into his ear, once again, mocking him. It was cute. Steve having a daddy kink…seeing how big the age gap was.
You wrapped your fingers around him, positioning him at your wet cunt. “Come on, make me feel it, daddy”, whenever you addressed him mockingly his blush deepened, a bashful smile crept onto his lips which was quickly replaced by a frown in pleasure as you slowly sank onto his cock.
When you were finally seated, his cock stretched your cunt perfectly, hitting and rubbing against every sensitive spot. “Oh fuck-so good”, you moaned bouncing lightly, trying to adjust to his size. You really couldn’t remember the last time you had been with a guy like Steve.
A few seconds later you started moving more, lifting yourself nearly fully up before slowly coming down again, gasping as his cock head rubs along your walls.
Steve himself couldn’t stop his moans anymore, grabbing your hips and fucking into you quicker, harder. “Oh fuck-yes-just like that”, you moaned in surprise, supporting yourself with your hands against his chest, your nails digging into his sculpted pecks, leaving behind red marks.
A small grin crept onto his lips as he noticed your surprised reaction. Steve wrapped his arms around your body, pulling you down onto his chest and slamming his cock deep in your quivering cunt, hitting your g-spot every time.
“Steve-I’m close-“, you moaned into his neck, your hands grabbing everything in reach-mostly his chest or the sheets. You felt your whole world collapse when the sudden g-spot orgasm rushed over you, your whole body shaking in Steve’s arms, your cunt squeezing him and pulling him in. Your juices gushed around his cock, making a mess.
You felt overwhelmed with every coming thrusts, still brushing your overstimulated g-spot. Steve’s grunts and moans close to your ear letting you know he was also getting closer to his orgasm.
It took Steve a few thrusts before his own body twitched, his load painting your pulsing and sensitive walls, all the cum leaking around his dick making an even bigger mess than before. Your and Steve thighs were covered in a mix of your releases, your sheets were dirty with cum.
And you felt better than ever.
A quiet laugh escaped your lips as you buried your face into Steve’s neck, inhaling his cologne. The smell being the same as years ago when Steve had hugged you to wish you a happy birthday-you remembered liking his smell. You still did.
Steve’s hands brushed along your back, scratching you gently before he slowly turned with you onto the side, his softening cock slipping from your messy cunt, making both of you gasp in pleasure and sensitivity.
“Let me get you a bit cleaned up”, Steve whispered against your forehead. You could feel the smile on his lips, the happiness in his voice.
And you couldn’t stop yourself from smiling.
A blush crept to your cheeks when Steve pushed you onto your back and admired his messy work. The cum was still leaking from your cunt every time your walls throbbed, pushing out the mix of releases, “that’s so hot”, he mumbled, before leaning down and licking along your slit, getting a surprised moan from you.
“Wait-what-“ “I told you I’d clean you up-“, Steve grinned from between your legs before once again continuing, licking along your slit, dipping his tongue in your sensitive cunt. Quiet and needy whines escaped your lips as you grabbed onto his hair. “I thought you meant-something different”, you were interrupted by your own moan when his nose brushed your clit.
You hadn’t been eaten out in a long time, especially not with someone who actually wanted to do it-and Steve seemed very eager about laping and slurping at your cunt, his tongue pushing into you as deep as possible, following your taste. There was definitely lack of experience, but his eagerness made up for it. You were curious how many times he had done it before-but it was no time to ask.
Even though you felt unbelievably good, you also felt too overstimulated and another orgasm felt like it’d be too much for you, so you gently pushed his head away.
The sight made your cunt throb again. His cheeks were covered by a small blush, probably from the lack of oxygen since he really didn’t want to let go for a second from your cunt, his beard glistening, his pupils blown wide. Just when he wanted to dive in again you held him back by the hair. “I’m too sensitive”, you said apologizing, making you both chuckle quietly.
Steve nodded and sat up again, his cock already being half hard again but he ignored it. “I’ll clean up a bit, bring us some water and then we can…sleep? If you’d…if you’d like for me to stay. I get it if you’re not interested in more and if so, then I’ll leave-“ “stay…Steve, please stay tonight”, you interrupted him, taking his hand gently in yours.
He looked down at your hands for a second before coming back to your face. His lips twitched to a smile and he nodded. After giving you a quick peck on the lips Steve went to the bathroom, cleaning himself a bit before grabbing a water bottle from your fridge.
When he walked back into the room you had changed the sheets and were laying beneath the comforter, already being close to falling asleep. A bashful smile crept onto his lips as he slowly sat down at the edge of the bed, not being sure what to do.
You smiled up at him, pulling the comforter back and patting the space next to you. “I like cuddles after sex”, you whispered, the two of you blushing like teenagers after their first time. In a way you felt exactly like that.
Steve pulled you into an embrace, kissing your head gently before closing his eyes.
You both had no idea how happy you both were right now. After years of pining and fantasies Steve finally had his dream woman in his arms and you felt happy having a man who actually cared about you. The last time you felt this happy was in the beginning of your marriage…which would now be over twenty years ago, “good night”, whispered Steve into your hair, interrupting your thoughts.
“Good night, Stevie…or should i say daddy?”, you whispered, a smirk creeping on your lips. Without looking up you knew Steve was blushing. “I…got carried away for a moment”, he chuckled slightly embarrassed but still smiling into your hair.
It didn’t take you two long to fall asleep after the amazing, yet exhausting date. You haven’t been with such an enthusiastic man in a long time and it did take a turn on you.
Your sleep was interrupted in the morning by the slam of the front door. “Hi, mom! Are you home?”, you heard Stacys steps coming closer to your room.
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305 notes · View notes
nayatarot777 · 1 year
what valuable lessons + wisdom do you bless other people with? • oracle pac
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• pile one •
strangely lonely - “holding on way too tight”
a clockwork pumpkin - “a wonderful idea, the aha moment”
phoenix - “how’s that for a happily ever after”
lighthouse - “don’t doubt your worth”
earth - grounding
lord/god - masculine
significant numbers:
17, 39, 9, 20,
so the first thing that I’m seeing that you teach other people is how to find their own footing and self-esteem. you help people who hold onto relationships or situations way too tightly while they’re harming themselves in the process, and there is something that you say or an ideology or mentality that you share with them that makes them realise a lot of things that they didn’t before. it seems like you help to ground people and you help people to start planting the seeds for a new life. i really feel like you teach people how to protect themselves specifically from highly narcissistic people. you teach them how to detach and rebel against those they put above themselves (who i see are usually masculine). and as a result, they begin to find their self-esteem and self-worth. they could have at one point felt like they were under the rulership of someone else, but you find a way to teach them that they can gain their own self-governance and that it’s okay to not be ruled by another person. I feel like most of the people that you help are people who are easily manipulated or controlled, and I feel like the easy control stems from them wanting to prove themselves to other people, leading them to do things that harm themselves in the process. and leading them to a lot of tower moments and dead ends - especially in the relationships with men or masculines.
anyone who is in a deluded mindset, or anyone who’s wearing rose-coloured- glasses, realises that they see reality for what it is, instead of what they want it to be. you help people to see the reality of a situation without glamorising or romanticising it. i’m seeing that you snap people out of fairytales that they told themselves or lies that they are believing from others. you teach people how to think for themselves and I’m also seeing that you also teach people that they are more than what they accumulate externally. you could meet people in the middle of their tower moments. that could be the stage in life that they build a connection to you - whether that be a relationship, friendship, etc. so, after they meet you, they find a way to begin to build a brand-new life that is full of a lot more substance, and based on what they actually want instead of what other people have chosen for them. i’m also seeing that there are some people that you meet who hold grudges, or they hold onto sadness or wrongdoings way too much. and I’m seeing that you teach them how to let certain things go. you could lead by example, especially when it comes to the organisation of practical life. maybe you teach people how to set their life in order and how to actually put their ideas into practice instead of just ruminating and daydreaming about doing things. you probably influence people into actually taking action instead of just brainstorming ideas and never actually manifesting them into reality.
you really teach people how to recognise how much they’re actually worth. I feel like you teach people how to invest into themselves a lot more. you could meet a lot of people who dream about being a certain type of person, but they don’t actually do anything to become who they want to be until they hear something that you say or see something that you do for yourself, and they get inspired. there is a recurring message about you teaching feminines in particular how to stand up to masculines so a lot of you guys could be involved in - I want to say activism - but I’m not even seeing activism on a societal level. I’m talking about your actions itself. activism for the feminine or women, because I feel like you are the type of person to not submit to men or masculine. this is giving me a lot of Lilith energy, so you could be someone with prominent Lilith placements. and if that is the case, then I feel like you are a feminine that takes the role that most masculines would in some way shape or form. whether that’s in your career, your work life, your relationships, your friendships, your family, just the way that you live life in general. there’s something about you making your own rules and therefore teaching other people that they should be doing the same thing - specifically teaching feminines this lesson.
overall, the main knowledge and lessons that you teach to others are related to authority. you teach people how to gain more authority over themselves and their own lives. a lot of you could be earth signs. I’m also seeing Leos and Scorpio. So these are the signs that could be in your birth chart or you could attract those signs in people who come towards you. But you definitely help people gain a lot of epiphanies about what they need to let go of, the ways that they need to change their lives, what they need to create in their lives in order to respect themselves.
that’s all I’m seeing for you guys, pile one, if this reading resonated then please let me know! feel free to check out my patreon for upcoming exclusive readings (it’s new but i’ll be putting 18+ and extra readings there). If you’d like a personal reading then please check out my pinned post as it has all of the information that you need. thank you for trusting me to be your reader :)💞👋🏾
• pile two •
lady with a bosch egg - ancient wisdom
eclipse mermaid - “a powerful energy shift”
throne - “your potential is endless”
tree - “let them go”
homeland - foundation
watchtower of the east - spring
significant numbers:
31, 10, 45, 18
you guys could have been attracted to pile one. I feel like you guys help others to realise the potential that they have in themselves and you help them put themselves up onto a higher pedestal. you really teach people how to completely shift their life to a different path. especially when it comes to aspects of their life that is built on an extremely unstable foundation. for some of you specifically, you could’ve helped people escape from toxic or abusive family because I’m seeing somebody having to burn the bridge with family members and a whole family tree. for others of you, i’m seeing that you guys could have been the ones who had to burn bridges with family members. however, you’ve still managed to create a very stable foundation and home for yourself. It’s like you change your life around completely because I’m seeing that whatever odds that you were dealt with as a child wouldn’t let most people reach to where you’ve reached. as a result of this, people can look at you and see that where someone begins does not have to be where they end up. you teach people how to plant seeds for themselves and maintain their own independence for the sake of their own stability. so I’m seeing that you guys could teach the most to people who usually rely on others whether that’s for money, for self-esteem, for validation - whatever the case. it seems like you drastically change the life of whoever you meet.
you guys could also be highly aware of your power and your value, so you put yourself on a pedestal that not many people are able to put themselves on. but many people are aspiring to reach that point, if that makes sense. you guys could be quite young but yet you have a lot of wisdom that people would expect to come from an elderly person. and this could have been gained from situations where you had to let certain people go - especially if it’s to do with family. I’m hearing that for a lot of you, you have taught quite a few people that family doesn’t have to be who you were born into. that you can actually choose your family. and this could’ve made them realise that certain biological family members need to be cut off. something about you could be foreign to the place that you live as well, so even if the place that you live in was the place that you were born, you could be a second or third generation immigrant, but there’s something about you teaching other people about different cultures. even cultures that you’re not from. I feel like you’re very well learned and very well cultured, so you expand people’s minds. especially people who aren’t usually interested in cultures outside of their own. they could be quite ignorant to the world at large, but you expand their mind quite a bit.
this was the message that popped up in the last pile (so you guys could definitely be drawn to pile one) but I’m seeing that a lot of you guys could follow very ancient teachings and you could reject more modern religions or belief systems. you could be more dedicated to your ancestors’ spiritual beliefs. the ones that aren’t very mainstream nowadays and i’m seeing that you teach people to question a lot of what they have been told and to get back in touch with their roots - especially with the homeland card coming out. you could be responsible for advocating for the shift from traditional belief systems to more natural and/or progressive belief systems that create a lot more peace and stability. you guys give me a lot of “wanderer” energy, so you guys could be Sagittarius or have lots of ninth house placements in your birth chart, but there’s something about you that teaches people that there’s more to life that we don’t usually acknowledge. I feel like you have a very expansive energy and you want to experience life to the fullest, so you teach people through your own actions how to let go of things, people, and places that will just hold them back from reaching their full potential. i’m also seeing that some of you could have taught people how to choose better friends or connections in social situations. I feel like you’ve taught people how to demand better for themselves and how to demand more respect from other people. it’s like you’ve planted the seeds to people’s self-esteem and self growth. you could really preach the importance of self-development and self-prioritisation, which helps to get others to the place that they need to be on their path.
that’s all i’m seeing for you guys, pile two. if this resonated then please let me know. feel free to check out my patreon (it’s new but i’ll be putting 18+ and exclusive readings there). If you would like a personal reading, please check out my pinned post for all of the information that you’ll need. thank you for trusting me to be your reader. enjoy the rest of your day :) 👋🏾☺️💞
• pile three •
poe - “time for change, to learn something new, to use technology and gadgets with wisdom”
fairy of the highlands - “it’s time to be brave”
homeward - “take yourself out on a date”
wings - “you never needed those wings to fly”
beltane - fertility
hex - banishment
significant numbers:
7, 20, 42, 8
in terms of zodiac signs, i’m seeing that you guys could be Aquarius, Cancer, and/or Taurus. these signs could be in your birth chart, or they could be in the birth charts of the people who you attract and who you teach the most lessons to. that doesn’t have to be the case, but that’s what I’m picking up in terms of Zodiac energy.
some of you in particular could have taught people how to use the Internet or technology to their advantage. you could have helped people find a lot more opportunities online. thanks to the knowledge that you have about social media, marketing, how to use social media to your advantage etc. for those of you with significant social media followings, I feel like you’ve shown people that you can gain an online following or an online audience without the help of anyone else - completely from scratch. and as more of a general message, I’m just seeing this as you guys teaching people that that they don’t need handouts from anybody in order to get to where they want to be. I’m seeing that you’re teaching people that they can pretty much achieve what they want to achieve by themselves. I’m also seeing you teach people to step outside of their comfort zone, and it could be related to people who constantly feel like they have to be around other people or who constantly feel like they have to be in a relationship. I feel like this is a recurring message throughout the piles, but you guys teach others how to get rid of people that do not know how to value them. how to banish negative people and negative energies as well. that could be socially and it could also be in terms of witchery - if you do any witchcraft or anything like protection magic. you could teach people how to hex others. you also teach others how to create a safe space for themselves and how to be brave enough to create a safe space for themselves by kicking people out of their lives.
some of you could also teach others how to open themselves more to love whether that’s romantic or platonic. these are usually the people who have been hurt in friendships and relationships - in situations where they had to be vulnerable - and I feel like you know how to coax people out of their self imposed prison that’s been created out of fear of being hurt again. I feel like the way that you do this is by teaching people how to treat themselves a lot better so that by the time they start to meet other people, they already know how they want to be treated and they know how to get rid of the people who are not treating them in the way that they have learned to treat themselves. going back to the fertility card, I’m seeing that you are either teaching people how to create something for themselves or this could be about teaching people a lot about motherhood. especially if you have kids that you had to basically change your life around for. i’m seeing that people are able to admire how you have been able to create a very stable house for your children or child. i’m also seeing that you teach people how to see into the future in some way so I feel like that’s the Aquarius energy that I was picking up on - which is looking at how your future is going to turn out. I feel like you teach people how to be future-thinking. you could be my pile who constantly advise people to protect their energy from negative energies, and just making sure that they stay on the right spiritual path. because I feel like a lot of you do you teach others about spirituality or even divination. maybe that’s what this “looking into the future” energy is about. it could be about you teaching people how to read tarot or astrology or anything like that like that. you guys definitely teach people how to find some type of success or money online though.
i’m also hearing that you teach people how to find their voice and stand up for themselves by being brave and speaking about what they need to. I’m getting that message from the “fairy of the highlands” card, but since that’s directly above the fertility card - just like pile one - you could teach women or feminine people these lessons the most. i’m also seeing that you teach people how to relax, and how to actually enjoy each and every moment that passes by. A lot of the people that you impact, you meet when they are in a time period in their life where they feel stuck and stagnant, and I feel like you shpw them how to clear certain things out of their life to make space for the new. and that’s when you see them follow your lead in terms of not worrying about the past or the present as much, and just enjoying the small things that they come across in life. you teach a lot of people how to have a lot more gratitude, how to have a lot more bravery, and how to demand more abundance in their lives. especially for people who felt trapped somewhere or with someone. you teach these types of people that they don’t actually need anyone to come and save them and that they can pretty much save themselves. overall, you teach people a lot of lessons about freedom and gaining freedom for themselves.
that’s all I’m seeing for you guys, pile three. if this resonated then please let me know! check out my patreon if you’d like to (it’s new but i’ll be putting 18+ and exclusive readings there). if you’d like a personal reading, please check out the pinned post as it has all of the information that you will need. thank you for trusting me to be your reader! enjoy the rest of your day :) 🫶🏾💞
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Hello !! Just dropping in to say hi and maybe ask a request (I feel bad 'cause I might be swamping you or annoying you with requests TvT)
Hope you're feeling good today!
And I just wanted to share something that happened to me (might be a good idea for a fic tbh 🥲 especially a platonic Larissa x student! reader). So there's this competition that I joined, my english teacher mentored me. I was very confident with my skills, and she really believed in me a whole lot (She saw my entry for the competition and gave me a thumbs up, that's a really good thing). When the results came out, I lost. We were both confused, because we know I had a great chance in entering the top ranks but welp just have to deal with it.
When the results came out, I was busy answering some worksheets. She came up to me and asked if I was okay, and she told me that the results came out. I was laughing out my nervousness, and when she showed me I didn't know what to say. She then immediately hugged me and told me it was okay and she was still proud of me (she really brought up my mommy issues that day. All throughout the day, until the awarding program, she comforted me. Received tons of hugs from her and it makes the pain of losing a bit better really.
I'm sorry for rambling hajdbchd again I hope you're okay!!! Sending lots of love and hugs <33
- 🦝
Private dancer 18+
*Authors note~ sorry for the wait but here's the highly requested part two for rhythm is a dancer.*
Trigger warnings~ daddy kink, shifted cock, dom Larissa degrading praise slight oral and fingering
Prompt~ Wrong ask! I’m so so sorry guys
part 2 for rhythm is a dancer
Ever since that day where Larissa caught you dancing in the studio she'd been unable to keep her thoughts from wandering. You were her employee, she knew it was wrong but her ever growing feelings for you were only amplified by watching you that evening. And the amount of times, late at night she'd laid in bed in the dark touching herself to the memory would be borderline obsessive. Truly you were a beauty to be marvelled. The way your muscles extended and retracted with every movement was just delicious, often she'd catch herself thinking of how the rippling muscles would feel under her hands or lips which caused her to be uncomfortable for the rest of the day.
Ever since that night you'd noticed how Larissa would avoid you, and couldn't seem to hold your gaze without flushing a beautiful rose pink colour. She was truly beautiful but for the life of you, you couldn't work out what you'd done to warrant such a reaction from her. But you'd had enough that was for sure. You loved dance but dancing around Larissa instead of with her was not how you wanted to be.
Thankfully, Larissa was feeling the same, after all if you don't try, you never know. And the perfect opportunity arose. The Raven nearing to an end, you were chaperoning to see if those dance lessons were paying off, clearly miss Addams would be a rare case but you couldn't help but admire her uniqueness and timing. When Larissa began to approach you could feel yourself getting nervous, "miss y/n you've done an excellent job. Perhaps you'd like to come to my office for a glass of wine to celebrate?"  She tried to sound confident but you could tell she was nervous so you shot her a sweet smile and confirmed you'd go, "thank you Larissa that would be lovely." The way her name sounded from your lips was simply heavenly, how was it possible to want you more than she already did?
And that was how you found yourself sat on her sofa with a glass of wine in your tight fitting suit. Your crisp white shirt accompanied by a black blazer, tie and dress pants, a far cry from what you normally would be wearing and it seemed the older woman was having a hard time tearing her eyes from you. You were not doing much better, her dress hugging her curves perfectly, you were practically undressing your boss with your eyes. You wanted her just as much as she wanted you but neither of you knew the other was interested.
"Sweetheart? I have a confession to make" the blonde murmured scooting closer to you, "I've seen you dancing and I have to admit it's made my feelings grow more than a boss and employee relationship. It's okay if you don't feel the same, hell I don't even know if your gay but I just had to tell you" she trailed off sounding so insecure your heart broke. "Isa" you murmured not realising the nickname slipped as you chuckled to yourself, "god Ive wanted you for such a long time, why would a goddess like you want me?" The shock in her eyes at your words was truly something else, as if you'd both been touch starved for years your lips met eagerly, a sweet but passionate kiss.
That kiss spiralled into a make out session where Larissa pulled you onto her lap as hands roamed each others body. "Sweetheart, can I, can we? Do you wanna" she muttered against your neck. "Isa if you don't hurry up and fuck me I'll do it myself and make you watch" you threatened only to be cut off as she sucked on your pulse point leaving a nice hickey to form there. "Isa" you whined throwing your neck backwards, exposing more sensitive skin, "fuck me" you purred causing the older woman to stand with your legs wrapped around her waist as she walked you both to her conjoined bedroom. Her lips never left your throat intent on marking you up for all to see. You. Are. Hers.
Her lips only your skin to strip you of the blazer and fumble with your shirt buttons and slacks. Leaving you stood in underwear and some how still wearing the tie. You managed to free her from the dress before she dragged you to the bed by the tie. "gonna be good for me?" She murmured kissing down your neck to your boobs, the bra holding them up nicely. Expertly the bra was discarded and her mouth latched on to your right bud while her left hand toyed with your left bud. Your whimpers only spurring her on. "Darling say red if you want me to stop" she demanded watching you nod before she sunk down to settle between your thighs. Underwear slipped over your legs before being thrown haphazardly away. Her lips making contact with your soaked cunt. "Oh look at your pretty pussy love, it's so wet for me."
Only then did her lips make their way to your clit as her long slender fingers found your folds. "Oh fuck oh god please" you whimpered as your hips bucked upwards uncontrollably, "so needy please" you whined only to be met with her two fingers slipping into your cunt as she crocked then to hit the right spot, easily finding it as if she knew your body inside and out. "Oh darling, fuck I want to fill you up, mark you as mine, you'd look so beautiful carrying my babies, god wanna get you pregnant" she purred into your ear never stopping her movements bringing you closer to the edge until you whimpered , "can you um shift it?"
The spark in Larissa's eyes could only be from the sinful thoughts in her mind. With very little effort Larissa Weems, now had a very thick looking seven inches dick, proudly standing to attention, practically begging to feel your heat. "Oh fuck, daddy" you muttered to yourself before realising what you said. "Shit I'm sorry I just oh god fuck" you whined your brain short circuiting as your eyes drunk in the sight of her new appendage. "Daddy wants to fuck you sweetheart, fill you up with my seed, fuck it into you so good that you get pregnant. Can I? " she moaned slightly when her hand began to stroke her length, a new experience for her but not an unwelcome done. "Please please I'll take it please" you whimpered pathetically being jealous of her hand.
The moment she slipped the tip into your drenched folds you could've cried. Hands on your hips to pull you closer Larissa slipped into your core as your walls stung with the stretch. "Oh fuck daddy too big too big" you whined watching as she chuckled and brought her mouth to your chest, showering both with attention. "You're pussy is begging for more darling, that's not too big and even if I was I'd make it fit" she murmured before ramming her cock straight into your tight hole pulling a scream from your lips which faded into moan. "So tight and warm oh god, don't think I'll last long with this greedy cunt squeezing me. Should take a picture" she moaned and panted as she found her ruthless rhythm. All you could do is lay there and take her ruthless pace and whine and mewl at her actions, "daddy god so good daddy fuck feel you throbbing daddy."
You barely managed a whimper in protest as Larissa flipped you onto your hands and knees, continuing to fuck you nice and hard. "Such a whore for me, god gonna cum so hard making you're take my load. Don't waste it. Fuck fuck god such a pretty cum dump for daddy. Can't wait to make you pregnant sweetheart. Gonna cum so hard baby take it" she moaned as her cock let out long spurts of thick hot white seed into your tight cunt as it milked her dry.
"Daddy daddy daddy fuck oh god fill me up please oh god I'm cumming daddy fuck" you mewled as you both worked through your highs. Only when Larissa was sure you'd finished did she slip from your core and shift her anatomy back and immediately head to fetch a cloth and some lukewarm water. "Gonna clean you up sweetheart okay?" She murmured and you nodded allowing her to do what she needed but whimpering at how sensitive your folds were. "Shhh sweetheart, I know I know. Almost there baby" she comforted before getting rid of the cloth and coming to hold you in her arms.
"Darling can I ask you something" the shyness in her tone alerting you something was wrong so you immediately nodded. "Do you um well I shifted. I changed is that why you um" she trailed off looking away in an attempt to hide the tears that chocked her voice. "Isa my love, look at me" you murmured gently guiding her to face you, "baby I love you for what's in here." You placed your hand over her heart, "I love you for you Isa, yes you can shift which can be really fucking enjoyable as we found out tonight. But it's only enjoyable if you enjoy it too Isa. I'd happily take you how you are strapped up shifted. Isa I love you and I have for such a long time. I'd never ask you to shift bc there's no one better than you love." You finished your point and wiped her falling tears with the pad of your thumbs before sweetly kissing her lips. "Do you want me to go?" You mumbled feeling slightly insecure that you'd upset her. "No darling stay please" she mumbled holding onto your arm, looking at you with pleading eyes. "I'll stay Isa, bed time love?" To be met with a nod as you both settled into bed, arms wrapped around one another.
Word count~ 1738
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epicrainbowsheep · 7 months
A Gothic Cowboy
Agent Whiskey X Reader
Tumblr media
Happy Valentine's Day @perotovar , I'm your secret Tumblr Valentine I tried my best to follow your prompts, please enjoy our Cowboy with a hint of Darkness <3
(Reader in my mind is in her early to mid 30s in this)
A dark castle looms over you, the violent wind of the storm swirling around you as you walk up the dark pathway, with each step you took the gravel crunch under your feet. The cool wind brushed passed your face, clinging onto the massive bouquet of red roses. “Okay this is the last delivery then book it back to the car” You mumble to yourself, walking up the cobblestone steps you looked around, the 16th century gothic style mansion was absolutely breath taking, finally reaching the door you see a massive rope, gathering its the door bell you pull it, a mass of bells ring out, you hear the noise echo throughout the entire house.
You stood there for about 10 minutes, before the door finally opened to a gorgeous man, his hair neatly combed back. “Hello I’m from the Silverbough Florist, I’m here to deliver the roses you ordered, you’re Mr Daniels?” Holding out the massive bouquet for him, he sighs as he opens the door wider to reveal him wearing a well fitted suit with several buttons undone, showing his chest with his tie undone.
“Shit I forgot I ordered those” He collected the roses from you, “You alright Mr Daniels? You seem unsettled” he looked into your eyes with a saddened smile, “Just found out my date decided to cancel on me” The dissapointment very evident in his voice, you were just about to speak back when a loud crack of lightning spread throughout the sky, the rain started to come down now practically partially drenching you, Jack pulls you by the arm and closed the door.
“Shit the storm hit pretty quickly, you alright Mi-” Jack turns to face you, your top half partially wet with droplets of water making its way dow your neck beneath your white shirt embroided work shirt clearly wet enough to see the colour of your bra, his eyes follow it down stopping him mid sentence “Mr Daniels eyes up here” his eyes snapped up from where they were staring from.
“Apologies Miss?”
You smirk as his face turning lightly red, coughing while looking to the side to avoid your gaze. “Let me show you to the bathroom, so you can clean yourself off” Jack turns to lead you down the hall, looking at your legs he sees that they are also dirty due to the weather and you move your arms to rub your shoulders, just realising how cold you are. 
You hum in agreement, "Yes please that would be lovely" you follow him down the hall until you reach a door. "This is the bathroom, please feel free to use anything in the shower" Opening the door he leads you in, shows you how to use the shower and where the towels are located. "I'll leave you to it Darlin' " He smiles kindly at you as he leaves closing the door behind him, he leans on the door and lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
"Fuck what have I gotten myself into" He walks down the hallway again towards the sitting room, going towards the alcohol shelf, pouring himself a glass of statesmen whiskey. His hand is shaking while holding the glass as he takes a sip, hoping the drink would calm his nerves of having a lady in the house. Sitting down he let's out a shaky sigh, rubbing his hands over his face "Why the fuck did I go on tinder, your 40 years old and get bloody roses for a one night stand" talking to himself as he's gotten used too over the years of being alone.
He finishes his whiskey, his knees cracking as he gets up from the leather chair. Walking into the grand dining room he sighs again at the site in front of him, he had gone all out tonight; gorgeous silver dinner set on the table, with multiple sets of cutlery on both sides of the plates surrounded by candles and rose petals scattered round. 
"She must be a special lady for this romantic set up" Jack is startled by your sudden voice, he turns around to see you dressed in his massive fluffy robe, bare feet and damp hair, holding your even damper clothes bundled together.
"Sorry did I scare you" Your eyebrow raises slightly, his reaction being unexpected.
"No no not at all, its nice to see someone appreciate the dinner I put together" Jack walks towards you and holds his hands out to take your clothes, "Let me put these in the dryer for you, and please feel free to help yourself to the food set out on the table, it will go to waste otherwise" He shakes his head at his helplessness of needing company, wanting to please people.
"Oh don't worry it defiantly won't to to waste now" You grinned walking over to the table , sitting down you lift the silver dome from the plate to reveal the most deliciously appetising steak, drizzled with mushroom sauce with a side of glistening vegetables, which were sprinkled with herbs. Your mouth salivating at the sight, you spot the wine bottle and pour yourself a glass, "Ooooh red wine goes lovely with steak" you grin to yourself and dig in.
As soon as the steak hits your mouth, you moan out as the flavour bursts onto your tongue. "Shit this is so good" Jack walks in to see you devouring the steak, he grins at the simpleness of you eating, hearing you moan at the flavour breaks him a little, he clears his throat he looks towards you.
"What?" You ask chewing the last piece of steak.
"Nothing" He quickly says as you laugh softly, seeing him like this makes you feel warm somehow, "So what's the story" He sits down next to you, picking up his cutlery to start eating. 
"This" he gestures to the dinner, "Is my attempt to get back into the dating game, my friend's made me a tinder and set me up" He starts cutting into his steak while you pour him a glass of red.
"Thank you" He smiles, looking into your eyes, the light from the candles shining off your face beautifully. "May I ask how long?" you take a sip of your wine as he responds 
"About 10 years sexually?” Jack says as if it's common news, you choke on your drink. 
"How your so attractive?!” You blurt out, not knowing how badly your words affected him, his hard ached at being called attractive. “Well being a reclusive rich divorcee affects your dating life” Your smile faded, looking around the dining room at how gorgeous the room was, realising how empty it must have been, there are no family photos or personal touches anywhere, making you realise how lonely he actually is.
“Mr Daniels-“ you started, “Please call me Jack” he interrupted as he continued to eat.
“Jack” Correcting yourself as you continued, “You put all this effort into dinner, massive roses and dressed up to the nines so you could get laid?” You press him, “I used to be so confident in myself, being rich and knowing I’d inherit this massive estate and run the ranch back in Texas, married my gorgeous wife, all for her to cheat on me” His faced crunched up as he continued. 
“She called me a washed up cowboy, my confidence shaken a little, tried to date again only to be cheated on and called a washed up cowboy for a second time and left in the middle of dinner, haven’t put my Stetson back on since” he placed his knife and fork down.
“May have been some years apart, I feel like people forget I’ve got feelings” He chuckles to himself, “This is the most successful evening with a Lady I’ve had since then” He looks into your eyes, which are looking at him with an unreadable expression.
He watches you lean forward, your lips landing on his in a sweet kiss. His eyes go wide with his hands immediately grasping for your waist, you move to sit on his lap, he grips your thighs tight pulling your crotch onto his hardening bulge. You take charge rolling your hips, he moans out giving you the chance to slip your tongue into his mouth deepening the kiss.
He desperately grinds up to meet yours, his hands roaming your body, gripping you tightly as if you’d disappear. He breaks the kiss to moan out your name “(Y/N) Darlin’ your makin’ me hornier than a teenager, it’s been so long I may come from just this” You moan out at his confession.
“Fuck I’d find that hot” you start to kiss his neck, rolling your hips to emphasise your point, his groans spur you on. His hands reach for the tie of the robe your wearing, releasing it to show your body, top half naked, your breasts bouncing with the movement of your hips. His lips reach the nipple on one and fondles the other in his hand, the other gripping your arse, moving with your body. He rolls the nipple with his thumb while his tongue licks around the other.
You groan into his ear, grinding your pussy down, fastening the pace to chase your approaching orgasm. “Shit Jack don’t stop, I’m close!” Jack doesn’t relent, you grind especially hard triggering his orgasm, which breaks his concentration and makes him nip your nipple. The sharp pain brings you over the edge as well, following him in the ecstasy of pleasure.
You both pull away from each other, you both flushed and panting. “Darlin’ I can’t even put into words how good that felt” His arms gripped you tighter as he spoke his next words, “I-if you intend to leave, I won’t blame you” his voice wavers as he spoke, your next words stun him “Jack I may have just met you but I know I ain’t leaving until I feel that cock in me, plus the storm sounds like it’s going to last all night” you grin hopping off his lap, pulling on his hand to stand up.
“Besides I thought I saw your bedroom down the hall, please lead the way… I ain’t done with you yet” The look you gave him was pure lust, he leads you towards the bedroom. His room didn’t match the rest of the house, his personality shone through more, he sits down on the bed as you spy the Stenson on top of his dresser. 
You grab it and put it on his head, sitting on him again. His breath is shaky as you speak your next words.
“I defiantly wanna see what this old cowboy can do” Your words stoked a fire that hadn’t been lit in a long time, he felt his confidence coming back, he flips you over, hooking your leg over his hip.
“Darlin’ I’ll show you exactly what this ol’ cowboy can do”
He smiled too himself realising he just broke his unlucky streak.
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alisonfelixwrites · 4 months
home for christmas - part one (*) // informed consent one shot (3)
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!! this series was originally harry styles fanfiction, i edited it and changed his last name :)
Description: a series of one shots following 'informed consent: short story' -- in which mia and harry go visit his parents to introduce mia for the first time and spend the holidays togetehr
Word count: 16,607
Content: fluff!!! smut (not too much): grinding, tit play, spit kink, daddy kink, dirty talk
informed consent masterlist
general masterlist
“Is this too risky to wear when you meet your boyfriend’s parents for the first time?” Mia mused out loud as she held up a pair of slacks.
Hazel cocked up an eyebrow from her lying down position on the bed, aggressively flipping a page from the gossip magazine she was reading, “Mia, they’re pants.”
Mia rolled her eyes slightly in the mirror, “Pants can be sexy too. Maybe too sexy?”
“You look superhot in those. Just wear whatever you like?”
“Hazel.” Mia groaned, putting the pair of slacks back in her closet before she sat down on the edge of her bed. She felt a little uncomfortable with Hazel wrinkling up her sheets, even if she was about to be gone for a week and she’d have forgotten by the time she returned – it still made her want to make her bed perfectly again.
With Mia’s pout playing on her lips, Hazel dropped the magazine and sighed, “Look, maybe go for a dress? It’s festive times, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, maybe for Christmas eve I could wear a dress? I have that dark orange one, like the rusty colour.” She got up and pulled the dress out, a long sleeved rather tight dress that fell down the middle of her thighs. Hazel raised her brows, “That’s so cute! Why haven’t you ever let me borrow that?!”
Mia smiled, “If you want to, you can. Just not this week.”
“Okay, pack that one for Christmas eve, I think that’s good. How about what you’re wearing later?”
Mia plucked at the end of her brown braid and felt her heart hammering, “T-To meet them?”
“Well, yes, silly.” Hazel smiled, pushing herself up on her elbows and fixing her glasses, “For the ride there and for meeting them.”
Mia’s mouth rounded when she realized she hadn’t even thought of that, “Oh.”
Hazel snorted, “Come on, let’s have another look.”
About thirty minutes later, finally all of Mia’s outfits had been packed. She had never made her suitcase to go on holiday for a week, especially with so much riding on this. She was going away with Harry for the first time – as a couple. She was meeting his parents, his brother and staying there for an entire week, celebrating the holidays together and – Mia felt like this one was very important – giving each other gifts. Also, she’d see his childhood home.
It was a lot of steps, and Mia felt ready, but also nervous. She wondered what Harry was like in the comfort of his own house, she wondered if he’d resemble either of his parents. She wondered if his parents would find her the right fit for him, if they’d like him, and most of all – she wondered if Harry’s brother would like her.
Mia had packed a little suitcase and decided on a casual outfit for today. She wore a jumper with embroidered roses on it which she bought because it reminded her of one of her favourite tattoos of Harry’s. She paired it with black skinny jeans and her boots, her hair now up in a bun to keep it out of her face as she packed everything.
“I can’t believe you’re going to be gone for a week.” Hazel pouted as she watched while Mia prepared a little snack for the road. Hazel stood with her arms crossed against the doorpost and Mia smiled softly at her, “I know. I’m going to miss our little home.”
“Honestly,” Hazel sighed as she stood behind Mia at the counter, softly wrapping her arms around her as her cheek rested against Mia’s back, “I’m going to miss you.”
“Hazel.” Mia smiled while shaking her head, “I’m going to miss you too.”
The pair hugged shortly as Mia prepared her sandwich – making a few extra for Harry as she assumed he wouldn’t have thought of something like that. She brought an extra bottle of water, filling it lukewarm because for some reason, he liked that. Mia couldn’t understand, but she tried not to judge. She made the sandwiches with some salmon, herb cheese and a little lettuce for Harry, and cheese with strawberry jam for herself.
“So what’re your plans again for this week?” Mia checked as she put the lunchboxes away in her backpack. Hazel pushed herself up on the counter, legs dangling over the edge. It was a familiar position for the both of them, having sat like that a billion times before in this kitchen. Either eating ice cream at night, sharing coffee during exams or having heart to hearts at early Sunday mornings.
Mia felt filled with warmth when she looked at her friend. She knew she had made the confession to Harry a few days ago that he was her best friend, and he was, but Hazel was a different type of best friend. Somehow, Mia felt, they were soulmates. An unconventional match, which Mia had been nervous for at first. She didn’t assume that her and Hazel would grow so close in the timespan of a few months, but they depended on one another a lot and Mia could tell she already dreaded the day they’d move out and go their separate ways after college.
Hazel took a sip of her coffee, “So, I’m staying here and then just going home for Christmas eve. My parents live like an hour away so I won’t be going for too long. So I can watch our little home, don’t worry.” She teased. Mia smiled while Hazel continued, “Also, I’ll definitely be going out a few times. I need to get laid.”
“Hazel!” Mia choked as her cheeks flamed at her friend’s blunt words, who laughed at Mia’s reaction. Hazel took her lip between her teeth curiously, “I know you’re all shy about it but… tell me about Harry.”
Mia strapped up her backpack with pink cheeks, “What about him?” She muttered. Hazel smirked wider, “You know what… come on. Give me some juicy details. Is he big?”
“Oh my god.” Mia groaned, shaking her head, “I’m not talking about this.”
“Come on!” Hazel laughed, “I give you all the details on the people I sleep with.”
“Unasked.” Mia added while shooting Hazel a small glare, “I truly didn’t need such a detailed description of that last girl’s breasts, Hazel.”
Hazel shrugged, “She had perfect tits and I’m obsessed with them, what can I say?”
“Look, Harry’s just…” Mia shrugged, memories of them together filling her brain and making her sweat ever so slightly, “he’s gentle.”
Hazel smirked, “Interesting… tell me more.”
Mia straightened up and avoided Hazel’s look, instead turning around to pour herself a little coffee as a distraction. Of course – she was ready thirty minutes early and now she had to sit and wait for Harry who was perfectly punctual and who would show up at eleven on the dot as they agreed on.
“He’s good.” Mia murmured with another shrug, her back to Hazel, “Like… considerate. Skilled. Talkative.”
“Talkative?!” Hazel repeated with a gasp and Mia cursed herself under her breath, burning her mouth with the coffee as she refused to turn around and face Hazel. Hazel giggled loudly, “Does he talk dirty?! Oh my god, Mia, please, spill everything!”
“I won’t.” Mia shook her head, “Really. It’s just – it’s nice. It feels good. I’m comfortable and I feel safe. It’s… it’s really good.” She sighed.
“Has he gotten you off?”
Mia wished the ground could swallow her whole as she exhaled a breath, “Yeah.”
She didn’t need to turn around to know that Hazel had a shit-eating grin on her face, “And have you gotten him off?”
“Yep.” Mia squeaked silently, hoping that the time suddenly moved thrice as fast and the bell would ring with Harry being downstairs so Mia could avoid Hazel for the rest of the week. Hazel chuckled from behind her, “Shit, that’s good. ‘M proud of you.”
Mia fought the smile as she shook her head, sipping more coffee with her back to Hazel, “But you two haven’t had sex?”
Mia turned around at that, shyly facing Hazel and shaking her head, “No.”
“That’s okay.”
“I mean…” Mia sighed, licking her lips, “He wants to. He really wants to. And I do too, but… I don’t know. I don’t know what to expect, and I think it’s gonna hurt because – “ She clamped her lips together and Hazel raised her brows with a smirk, “Because he’s fucking massive?”
Mia blushed red again and stared at the floor, not saying a word which was enough confirmation for Hazel, who shrugged, “I guessed it. He seems like someone with a big dick.”
“Oh god.” Mia whispered, rubbing her forehead and desperately glancing at the clock to see that only five minutes had passed. Hazel took amusement in her flustered state and giggled for a while longer until urging Mia to sit down at the table with her, “No, in all seriousness… no need to rush.”
“No, I know.” Mia mumbled, “He’s not trying to rush me. He… feels good in what we do. As do I. But I’m so… curious to explore more? But at the same time, I’m really scared.”
“Have you talked to him about it?”
“A little.” Mia shrugged, “Never all that detailed.”
Hazel nibbled her lip, “Maybe you should? Communication is key. You could take it slow, make some agreements and set some rules. You’ve only been together like… two months, Mia. It’s not weird.”
“No, I know it’s not. That’s not what it’s about, I really love him and I want it to be him, I feel safe with him. But it’s just – god, it looks so painful.” She sighed before softly flicking her eyes up, “How was your first time?”
Hazel snorted, “Drunk. And a little painful, but also not as bad as I would’ve thought. I was comfortable and aroused and it just happened. He was nice, and slow, and we used some lube and tried some positions. Really, I was hooked, didn’t at all scare me off for the second time. Which we did the next morning.” She cheekily added.
Mia’s eyes widened, “The next morning? Weren’t you sore?”
“A little.” Hazel shrugged, staring at her coffee mug, “sometimes that makes it better, you know?”
Mia frowned at her mysterious words, “Pain makes it better?”
“If you’re into that sort of thing.” Hazel shrugged innocently and Mia continued to frown, “I don’t… I don’t get it.”
Hazel cleared her throat, “Some people like that, they have a pain kink. I do too. It’s just… something I like during sex, when it hurts a little. Like it turns me on.”
Mia couldn’t fight her small blush, “Oh.”
“Yeah. There’s lots of kinks, lots of things that people like. I’m sure you’ll have some too and I’m sure Harry will have some too.”
The pieces fell together a little bit for Mia and Hazel caught the look of understanding on her face. Narrowing her eyes, she stared at Mia, “What’re you thinking about.”
“Oh – uh…” Mia shrugged, “nothing.”
“You can tell me, you know? I know I’ve been teasing but this really does stay between us. You can trust me.” Hazel patted Mia’s hand gently and she swallowed before nodding, “I know. It’s – uh… well… w-when we… do stuff.” Mia started with a quiet voice, licking her lips, “Harry’s like… vocal. I’ve said that.”
“Talkative, yes.” Hazel nodded, listening to Mia who continued, “A-And then when he’s about to… you know…” She murmured, face heating up, “he… like… asks me for permission?”
Hazel’s jaw dropped as she stared at Mia, who uncomfortably shifted on the chair and pulled the sleeves of her jumper over her hands. Guilt crept up inside of her that she shared something so intimate with Hazel. She was sure Harry didn’t talk like that to his friends about her. Mia groaned and palmed her face, “Look – just forget it. I shouldn’t have said anything.”
“No, no, Mia, I promise.” Hazel touched her arm again, “I’m just curious. You should be able to talk about this stuff, isn’t it… interesting?” She giggled before licking his lips, “Okay, I was once with a guy who wanted me to slap him.”
Mia frowned, “Really?”
“Yeah.” Hazel smiled, “See? Everybody’s got things.”
Mia felt a little better and nibbled her lip as Hazel took another sip, “So he asks you for permission to finish?”
“Yes.” Mia mumbled, cheeks flaring up again, “Also he… uh… he called me mommy.”
“Oh my god!” Hazel shrieked, pressing her hand flat to her gaping mouth, “No way!”
Mia rested her forehead on the table with a groan, regretting everything as Hazel freaked out tremendously over the information Mia fed her. Mia screwed her eyes shut in shame as Hazel drummed her fingers on the table, “That’s so cool! He’s got a mommy-kink!”
“What is that?” Mia piped out and Hazel chuckled, “Well, it’s just a bit of a power play, really. Like a title, some people get off on it. Usually it’s men asking others to call them daddy.”
Mia sighed, “And then later he said he wanted to put a baby in me.” She blurted out, unable to keep herself from apparently spilling every little detail about her and Harry’s sex life. Hazel gasped again and leaned back against the chair with a thud, “Fuck me, I’m so dead.” She sighed, “Holy fuck, he’s so kinky!”
Mia lifted her pink face with guilt in her eyes and Hazel shot her a sympathetic look, “Hey, if it makes you feel better, you can tell Harry I have a pain kink. I don’t mind.”
“Jesus.” Mia mumbled, hiding her face again with a soft groan. Hazel chuckled at her reaction and then played with the ends of her hair, “And are there things you’re into?”
Mia shrugged, “I-I don’t know. So far I’ve liked everything Harry’s done. I-I think I like it when he takes care of me.” Her cheeks flamed again with a specific memory and she bit her lip tightly before opening her mouth, “I like it when he calls me a good girl.”
Hazel smirked, “Shit, I knew it.”
Mia’s eyes rounded as she looked at Hazel, “What?”
“I knew you were kinky.” Hazel shrugged, “Always thought you’d have a side and hey, I’m right.”
“Oh.” Mia blushed before shrugging, “I – uh, I don’t know.”
“You two are so hot together, I swear.” Hazel sighed, “Unfair for us bi girls.”
“Hazel!” Mia groaned, blushing only deeper, “Stop.”
She giggled, “I know, I know. But really, I’m glad you’re having fun and that you’re exploring. It sounds really great, the two of you together.”
Mia smiled through her embarrassment and nodded, “It is. I just… god, I like him so much. I want – “ She cut herself off with a swallow and shook her head lightly, “I don’t know. I just want him. All the time.”
“Take your time.” Hazel softly spoke, “It’ll happen in it’s own time and it’ll be natural and it’ll be you. And it’ll be good.”
Mia offered her friend a warm smile and nodded, “Yeah.”
Just as she expected, Harry was at her place no more than one minute before the clock struck twelve. Instead of bringing him up, Mia and Hazel met Harry downstairs so they could leave immediately.
He wore a fluffy hoodie that covered up his head, while still wearing a beanie underneath. He wore his jeans and boots, looking huddled up for the snow and the train ride to Manchester. Mia grinned wide when she saw him, and he smiled right back, dropping his suitcase to wrap both arms around her and pull her in for a kiss.
Mia didn’t care that Hazel saw as she stood up on her toes to match his height and gently cupped his cheek. Their lips met in a loving, warm kiss and they pulled back, Harry shortly nuzzling his nose against hers with a dimpled smile, “Hey, m’sweetheart.”
“Hi.” Mia breathed, swooning tremendously over how handsome her boyfriend was once more. She bit her lip as she fixed the bun on top of her head and then turned around to Hazel, giving her a hug too. They said goodbye, Hazel not hugging Harry but simply stomping her fist against his bicep which made him yelp. Before he could get her back, Hazel fled through the safety of the secured door that Harry couldn’t enter without a key.
She stuck her tongue out at him and Harry flipped her off, something that made Mia blush and gasp at the obscene gesture. She gently tugged Harry’s arm and they set out for the train station together, nicely on time to catch their ride to Manchester.
Their hands were together in Harry’s pocket as he told Mia about something that happened between Liam and Zayn the other day, and Mia listened intently. She simply loved the sound of Harry telling stories. He spoke slow and a little uncoordinated, losing himself in his words very quickly and taking detour after detour until forgetting what he was originally talking about. Also his voice was low, his accent thick and a little gravelly due to the cold.
Mia was so in love.
The train station was a short walk away and they had purchased their tickets beforehand, being the organized couple they were. Harry knew it put Mia at ease to be prepared, her nervous shifting and playing with her hair was enough indication that she was slightly anxious about coming home with him.
Harry had to be honest though, he couldn’t wait.
A week of uninterrupted time with Mia in the countryside was… his dream. Throughout the days, his parents would be at work and Edward would be in the care facility he stays in mostly during the days. They’d have the house for themselves, could go on hikes and drive around town. Harry was excited to say the least.
Just like with his friends, he wanted to show Mia off. She was way out of his league, and Harry felt so proud of everything Mia stood for and everything she did or said. He was hopelessly in love and his heart skipped a beat when Mia squeezed his fingers gently while laced together in the pocket of his coat. It was one of his favourite things.
Her bumblebee stud in her ear shone in the lights of the train station as they walked in, her hair up in a little messy bun. She looked soft, huddled in a large jumper for the long ride. Getting to the correct platform, they had about ten minutes to spare until the train arrived. Everything was going smoothly so far and Mia held onto Harry’s hands as they waited for the train to arrive. It was a Monday, and Christmas was on Thursday. By Sunday, they hoped to be back in London so they could also spend some time here and then celebrate New Year’s Eve together.
“C’mon, lovie, we have assigned seats.” Harry smiled as the train arrived. Mia helped him carry the bags even though Harry protested, and she held the tickets as they waddled between the seats towards their assigned ones. Much to their delight, it was a little secluded area of the train with only four units, and theirs was the only one occupied.
“This is so cool. I feel like I’m in Harry Potter.” Mia giggled as she sat down on the red velvet seats and Harry sat opposite her, giving her a gentle smile, “Are you excited?”
“So excited.” Mia whispered, holding onto his hand again. He was warm and soft, and her hair was frankly freezing off a little, “Also a little nervous.”
Harry hummed, “I know it doesn’t help when I say that you don’t need to be. But you really don’t need to be. My mum can’t stop asking about you and dad had to calm down Edward because he was about to go very overboard with gifts.”
Mia’s eyes widened, “Oh my god! He didn’t have to get me a gift!”
“Of course he did.” Harry laughed. Mia blushed, very glad that she also went out of her way to get gifts for Harry’s family. He said it was a little bit of a tradition for them, even though they usually ended up giving cheap and stupid gag gifts. It was the gesture that counted and Mia couldn’t agree more. 
She leaned back in the seat of the train, waiting for them to take off as she took out the scrunchie and redid her bun quickly, “So Edward… tell me about him.”
Harry’s lips curled up into a smile, “Uh – he’s two years younger than me. So your age, actually. He has Down Syndrome.” Harry explained and I raised my brows, “Really?”
“Yeah.” Harry nodded, “Never knew it when mum was pregnant, so they found out when he was born. It was a difficult pregnancy and birth and then obviously they were surprised when he was born. They hadn’t expected it but we all loved him incredibly much from the start. I was super close with him growing up, constantly caring for him.” He chuckled a little to himself and I smiled, imagining a young little boy like Harry playing around with his little brother.
“So… I mean, he’s quite the typical Down syndrome kid, to be honest.” He shrugged, “He’s easy to talk to, but he’s childlike. Mentally, he’s about nine. He doesn’t have many social skills, like he’ll interrupt and talk loud, or talk while chewing, or say inappropriate things. He loves to hug, so prepare for that. He’s also a bit overweight so you have to tell him when he���s about to crush you. Also, he’s got a lisp and he wears glasses, his eyes are pretty bad.”
Mia slowly nodded. She felt anxious and nervous. All she wanted was to respect Harry’s family, but she had to admit she had never before interacted with someone who had a disability like that, and she only hoped she didn’t mess anything up or upset Edward.
“He goes to a special school and usually sleeps there during the week. He’s been doing that for a few years now. And then he comes home in weekends. But I think this week, my parents might let him sleep at home a bit more often than usually.” He continued.
“Does he like his facility?” Mia carefully asked and Harry nodded, “He does. He’s got friends there and everyone thinks it’s good that he becomes a little more independent.”
“I think so too.” She smiled and Harry returned it, “Are you still nervous?”
Mia exhaled, “A little. Not because of his disability, just in general for meeting your family.”
Harry quickly leaned over to press their lips together softly, “They’ll love you, just like me.” He whispered against her parted lips, pecking her bottom lip again before pulling back. Mia blushed and smiled, “I hope so.”
The train departed a short bit later, the rhythmic noises of the engine easing Mia and Harry as they were tucked into their seats on the train. Mia drove backwards while Harry preferred to sit facing front. He claimed he got sick if he was backwards, something Mia had no issue with.
They each got to reading a book a bit, with Mia even dozing off into a little nap as Harry read to her. He urged Mia to sit next to him instead of opposite him so she could cuddle into his chest instead of laying her head against the trembling window. Harry stroked his fingers up her arm while holding the book with one hand and continuing to read it. It was another one of Mia’s recommendations.
Harry’s heart swelled when Mia woke up about twenty minutes later and lazily pressed her lips against his throat, humming against him, “Hi.”
“Hey, baby.” He whispered, turning his head to kiss her forehead. Mia closed her eyes and snuggled into his neck, “You’re so warm.” She murmured.
He chuckled and pulled her closer, “Are y’cold?”
“Not really.” She yawned tiredly, “Just like to cuddle you.”
Harry’s heart fluttered, “I know. Lots of that this week. Lots of us.”
“Hmm.” Mia sleepily hummed, “I love us.”
“I love us, too.”
Mia lifted her head and kissed his jaw this time, tilting her head as far as it could go to match their height difference. “Are you hungry?” She asked.
Harry puckered his lips in thought, “Yeah, maybe a little. D’you think they sell food on this train? I didn’t think of that beforehand.”
Mia smiled, “I did. Packed us a little lunch.”
His smile grew again as he bit his lip, folding the corner of the page of his book – where Mia had folded it already beforehand when she was reading it – and putting it down, “Really?”
“Yeah.” Mia leaned forward to reach into her bag, “Made sandwiches.”
Harry sighed, unable to contain the butterflies in his stomach as he wrapped his arm around her and kissed her temple repeatedly, “You’re such an angel baby.” He whispered.
Mia giggled while pulling out the lunchbox, “There’s only two for each though. Oh, and I got you some water.”
Harry felt like he ran out of ideas to show her his love. It felt frustrating, never finding the words to explain what she meant to him. She was so considerate and sweet, just sweet. The sweetest person he had ever come across and he felt so much adoration for her. She was his best friend, the one he craved so much in every aspect he could imagine. 
He took the water bottle she offered him, eyes lighting up in delight when she remembered how he liked his water – not ice cold like her but a little lukewarm. She had cringed the first time he told her that, turning the regulator of the tap in her apartment to the left a little to warm it up before filling up his glass. 
The way Mia remembered little details, made him feel so warm he couldn’t really explain it even if he tried. 
The train ride went by like nothing with Mia cuddled into Harry’s side and him reading her the book as they ate their lunch and Mia dozed off into little naps. They spoke in loving whispers to one another, out of the presence of their friends they could be as clingy and sappy as they wanted.
They repeated how much they loved one another, sharing little kisses and nose bobs until they pulled into the station of Manchester. 
Mia’s nerves skyrocketed as her and Harry got off the train with their luggage and Harry blindly lead them through the huge building, knowing his way around. He held a hand protectively on her lower back and his face broke out into a wide grin when he saw his mum on the parking lot.
Anne had a bright smile on her face as she eagerly waved and Harry chuckled, “That’s mum.” He whispered to Mia, who felt her own lips curling up into a smile at the sight of the dark-haired smiling woman who clapped her hands together and waited for Harry and Mia to reach her.
“Darling!” She squealed while cupping Harry’s cheeks. She squished them and the apples of her cheeks rounded as she smiled so wide, “You look like you’ve aged three years!”
“Mum.” Harry laughed, shaking his head and she gasped, “And you got your piercing back!”
Harry chuckled again and nodded, “Yeah, I did. Mi’s idea.” 
Anne let go of Harry’s face and held her breath as she approached Mia. “Hi.” She softly spoke, bouncing on her feet nervously as Anne approached her, “Hello, sweetheart.” Anne crooned, sounding just like her son. Mia was mesmerized by how alike they looked, and Anne opened up her arms.
Mia couldn’t help but just fall into the hug, and she didn’t know why it made her emotional. She locked eyes with Harry, who stood behind them, as Anne wrapped her arms around her form. Mia felt the lump in her throat as she closed her eyes and exhaled, hugging Anne back. She couldn’t explain why this felt like exactly what she needed, or why it felt like she had her life together all of a sudden.
Harry felt proud to see his mother and his girlfriend in an embrace. His cheeks hurt from smiling and when they pulled back, Anne gently grabbed Mia’s shoulders, “Honey, you’re just gorgeous.” She gushed, “Harry wasn’t exaggerating when he couldn’t stop talking about how pretty you are.”
Mia blushed and giggled shyly, glancing down, “Oh – w-well, thank you.” Mia murmured, “You’re very beautiful, too. I see where Harry gets his looks from.”
Anne waved it away before taking a breath, “And I’m so glad you decided to join us all week. I think you’ll fit right in.” She gave her shoulders another squeeze, “I can’t wait to get to know you better.”
Mia could melt at the warmth Harry’s mum exuded. She was the definition of a mum, just warm and cosy in every sense of the way. Just that one hug made Mia realized she did have internalized stress. About the grades she was yet to receive, about changing education, about starting over and still not knowing if this was going to be her passion, and about the lack of communication with her parents and brother. 
“Me too. Thank you so much for letting me stay.” Mia sincerely spoke and Anne shook her head, “Nonsense, you’re always welcome with us. You’re part of the family now.”
Harry chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. He loved Mia and was more than serious about her and a future with her. He meant it, still envisioning her in a white dress in some of his dreams, or imagining her older with a few wrinkles as she balanced a grandchild on her hip. Most often, he saw her with a growing belly and glowy cheeks as she grew month after month with their child in her tummy. 
Still, they hadn’t really spoken about that and he hoped his mum’s words didn’t freak Mia out. But looking at her face, Mia’s eyes glimmered when Anne spoke and her smile only grew, nodding gratefully at the kind words, “Thank you.” She whispered. 
Anne and her shared another short hug before getting into the car. Harry sat up front with his mum, chattering and catching up, and Mia admired his boyish attitude around his parents. He chewed gum in the car, using his hands to talk about certain stories that Mia had heard before, but that she’d gladly listen to again. Harry had to snap her out of her daydreams every time he glanced over his shoulder and apparently wanted her in the conversation, but she could hardly focus on anything besides how perfect he was and how much she loved him.
“And how did your exams go, Mia?” Anne asked while glancing at her in the rear-view mirror. Mia straightened up a bit, “Oh – uh, I think they were alright. Very difficult though. I-I guess I’ll have to wait and see.”
“Hmm.” She nodded, “Well, Harry said you’ve been a huge help to him this semester.”
Mia flicked her eyes to Harry with a small smile, “Really?”
He looked at her over his shoulder, “Baby, of course. Never been this motivated. Studying with you was the best thing ever.”
Mia grinned and bit her lip, feeling giddy at his compliment. She fought her wide smile and stared out the window in shyness for a bit.
They were driving further up north into the countryside, some fog setting in as melting snow was at the sides of the roads. Mia’s eyes widened when she saw acres of lands and animals on them. Cows, to be exact. It excited her to no end and she just wanted to pet one of them.
Her fingers itched in excitement as they drove more into wooded areas, Harry and Anne chattering and laughing about nothing as Mia stared widely at everything outside. She had always been more of a city girl. Sure, with her parents, she grew up on the outskirts of London but it still wasn’t very much a countryside area like this.
She could imagine Harry growing up here and mowing the lawns and having a paper route, having a tight knit group of friends that he grew up with and stuck with until leaving for uni. The city must’ve been a big change for him.
She watched as his fingers drummed on his thighs to the beat of the Beatles-song on the radio as Anne drove the car more uphill where only a few houses were. Harry’s eyes lit up when looking at a particular house and Mia followed his gaze, seeing a cottage type of home that made her feel warm immediately.
Anne did an immaculate parking job at the steep driveway and Mia accepted Harry’s help to climb out of the car, offering him a breathy chuckle, “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, m’love.” He smiled back, opening up the back of the car to grab their bags. Anne carried the one Mia was reaching for, ignoring her protests. “It’s not much,” Anne spoke while looking at their house, “but it’s home.”
“It looks incredible.” Mia sighed as she looked up at the house in dark wooden tones and surrounded by tall trees. She faintly heard a dog barking from inside and glanced at Harry who shot her a sheepish look, “Yeah, we have a dog. You’re not allergic, are you?”
“I’m not.” Mia laughed, “What’s his name?”
“Bobby.” Harry grinned, “Wonder if he’ll still recognize me.”
Harry’s question was answered when the front door open and a German shepherd dog came charging at him. Harry laughed and dropped his bag, petting the excited animal who ran circles around his legs and jumped up, panting heavily with his tongue out. Mia smiled as Harry crouched down and hugged Bobby, whispering stuff to him as he rubbed his hands up his fur, “Hey, boy. Hey.” He whispered, pressing his lips behind Bobby’s ear.
When Bobby’s first excitement wore off, he curiously got to circling around my legs, sniffing a little and staring up at me. I gave Harry a look and he nodded, and I bit my lip before carefully putting my hand out for him to sniff. I let out a giggling yelp when he unexpectedly licked my hand and I scratched the top of his head, “Hi, Bobby.”
Harry’s heart warmed dramatically at the interaction. Him and Mia had never talked about pets, and he very much did forget to mention he owned a dog of this size. But her reaction was nice and she didn’t seem anxious, gently patting the animal which Harry assumed he’d hardly feel but Mia’s touches were just so delicate and gentle that he couldn’t complain about anything.
Once inside though, there was another surprise when a two hundred pounds excited brother of Harry’s charged down the stairs with his arms open.
“Mi!” He yelled and Mia’s eyes widened, along with Harry’s and Anne’s.
“Edward!” She warned and he slowed down. Dark brown hair was on top of his head, a little thinner than Harry’s. He wore round, thick rimmed glasses on his nose and shyly looked down. Mia cleared her throat, “Hi. You must be Edward.”
“Yes.” He shyly answered, a lisp in his tone as he fiddled with his fingers, “You’re Mi.”
She smiled and Harry chuckled, “Yeah, this is Mi.”
“Nice to meet you.” Mia smiled gently and Edward continued biting his lip before flicking his eyes up.
“Oh!” He excitedly spoke, and before anyone really knew what was happening, he reached his hand out and touched Mia’s chest. She gasped in surprise and took a step back as Edward frowned and Harry stepped in, “Ed!” He scolded.
Mia’s cheeks were a hot pink as Anne palmed her forehead with a sigh, “My god, I’m sorry.” She apologized and Mia shook her head, “N-No, it’s okay. Uh – it’s fine.”
Harry and Edward were exchanging hushed whispers until Harry turned around with an eyeroll, “He wanted to touch the embroidered roses on your jumper.”
Mia’s heart felt lighter as she felt the corners of her mouth curling up into a smile, “Oh. Well, that’s fine.”
Edward, who stood behind Harry, stared at the floor again while shifting on his legs, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.” Mia reassured him, “They’re nice roses.”
“They are. Harry has a tattoo like that.” Edward spoke and Mia grinned wider, “He does, it’s why I bought this.”
Harry felt surprised at the information and chuckled before wrapping an arm around Mia and kissing her temple. She blushed a little more at the unexpected display of affection, but Anne watched them with love in her eyes and Edward gasped at the soft side of his brother he had never really seen before.
Mia could only imagine her parents scolding her for acting like that with someone in public. 
Harry’s arm stayed around Mia’s waist, keeping her pulled into his side as the backdoor opened and Harry’s dad walked in. Mia straightened up as he pulled of his gardening gloves, a little out of breath with pink cheeks, “Now, where did my helper go?” He asked.
“Harry arrived! With Mi!” Edward exclaimed in response and his dad chuckled, lifting his eyes and taking off his glasses, “Son.” He greeted Harry with a warm smile, and his arm slipped for around her as he hugged his dad. Mia watched their loving interaction with a small smile until his dad turned to her, “You must be Mia.”
“I am.” She piped out, holding out her hand, “Nice to meet you, sir.”
“Oh, none of that, sweetheart.” He chuckled, “Call me Des.”
Mia’s cheeks and heart warmed as he opened up his arms, and she took the invitation without hesitating. It was easy enough for her to notice how Harry’s family were all a bunch of huggers. Mia was one too, but her parents never picked up on it and sadly enough for her, the sort of deprived her of the physical contact which she found so much comfort in.
She felt it too when sleeping with Harry. How he buried his face in the slope of her shoulder, held his arms tightly around her… she loved that. His legs entwined with hers and his entire body curled around hers as he peacefully slept, it brought her a sense of comfort she couldn’t compare to anything else.
“Thank you so much for having me.” Mia politely spoke to Harry’s parents, Bobby circling around her legs as Edward impatiently shifted on his legs. The entire vibe was a little chaotic and very non-Mia, who liked everything controlled, silent and structured. Anne’s and Des’ household was a bit of a mess, but Mia honestly found it charming. She could perfectly imagine Harry here. And even if her fingers were a little itchy in anxiety from how many sounds and strange smells there were, she felt at ease with the warmth of her boyfriend beside her. 
“Harry.” Edward whined, pouting at his older brother. Harry raised up his brows, “What’s up?”
He pushed his glasses up his nose, “I wanna show Mi my room.”
“Buddy, we just got here.” Harry chuckled, patting his shoulders, “We should just sit with mum and dad for a bit to chat. Haven’t been here in ages.”
Edward crossed his arms over one another and kept pouting, causing Harry to raise his brows, “Haven’t you missed me?”
“Yes.” He exclaimed the obvious with wide eyes before rolling them, “But I’ve built an entire new train set and I want to show her.”
“Why don’t you show me instead?” Harry grabbed his shoulders and directed him towards the stairs, glancing at Mia over his shoulder. She shot him a smile and watched as Harry and his brother disappeared from sight, stairs creaking under their weight as she was left alone with Harry’s parents.
“Mia, are you thirsty?” Des asked, walking into the kitchen before he pulled open the fridge and grabbed a cold beer, “I have to say, it’s such a nice surprise that you’re joining us. A really great opportunity, the holidays. One of Harry’s better ideas to bring you along.”
“Yes.” Anne gushed as she followed us into the kitchen, “He can’t stop talking about you.”
Mia shyly chuckled under her breath as her cheeks heated up and her mouth hurt from smiling so much, “Well, thank you again for welcoming me.” Her hand petted Bobby’s head as he followed them too, “It’s really nice here, and y-you both welcomed me so warmly.”
Desmond smiled, “Well, if Harry has a girlfriend… we’re excited, not going to lie.”
“Tell us how you two met.” Anne eagerly asked and Mia raised my brows, an instant error in her brain when she fully forgot the story Harry and her rehearsed so they did not have to tell his parents he broke that bookcase by having sex against it and was sent to forced therapy for it. “Oh – uh,” She licked my lip, “m-my roommate is a philosophy-student too. So she sort of knew him from a couple of classes and that’s how we met.” Mia made up.
Anne and Des ate it up though and nodded at her explanation, “Very sweet.” Anne grinned, “Are you sure you don’t want anything? Some water? Tea? A beer?”
Mia parted my lips, “Oh. Uh – maybe some tea, please. Thank you.”
“Of course.” She nodded and got to heating up the water for the tea as Des sipped on his beer, “I’ll grab a shower soon, don’t worry, I don’t always walk around like this.” He joked, referring to his gardener’s outfit and the few streaks of mud on his shirt. Mia smiled and shook her head, “It’s okay.”
“So spending the holidays with your in-laws,” He smiled, “aren’t your parents going to miss you?”
Anne rolled her eyes, “Des, don’t talk about marriage so quickly.”
Mia’s cheeks blushed again as she giggled slightly, the idea of marrying Harry not scaring her even the tiniest bit. If she had to admit it, Mia wanted nothing more. She nibbled her lip, imagining her life with this family as her own family. All she could see was happiness here.
“My parents usually take a trip for the holidays, so no.” Mia explained, “I’m really excited to be here all week. You have a very beautiful home and the environment… I can’t wait to explore.” She admitted.
“Where did you grow up?”
Mia shifted to put her weight on her other foot, “Just outside of London.”
“Oh, that’s fun!” Anne called as she opened up a cupboard to pull out a variety of tea bags, “So you’ve always been a city girl? Do you live close to campus?”
Mia followed both Des and Anne towards the living room as she sat down on the couch, crossing her legs over one another, “I do. My parents live like on the other side of town, it’s about an hour away by car.”
“Ah, the dream.” Des chuckled to himself, “I’m sure you see them all the time. If we were this close to Harry, we’d for sure meet up every week.”
Anne nodded, “Very true. We missed him so much.”
Mia’s heart sank a little, knowing very well she hadn’t actually seen her parents since moving out into the apartment with Hazel. If anything, she hadn’t even spoken to them in weeks. She hadn’t even had the chance to mention Harry to them. Her phone calls were in vain and texts were left mostly unanswered. She pressed her lips together tightly and forced a small smile, “He missed you too. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
Anne poured us some tea, “I have to admit, he looks so happy to be with you.” She softly smiled, “Like ten thousand pounds just dropped from his shoulders.”
She had hardly spoken out the words when they heard stumbling on the stairs and Mia turned around to look over my shoulders, seeing Harry and Edward laughing as they walked down and joined everyone in the living room. Harry easily plopped down on the couch next to Mia, his arm going straight around her shoulder as he smiled at her, “Y’okay?”
“Yeah.” Mia whispered back, swooning at how handsome he looked. He had a slight bit of facial hair and reached for her cup of tea, taking an urgent sip before his face scrunched up, “Shit, ‘s a lot of sugar.” He immediately put it down again and she giggled, “You know how I take my tea.”
“I do.” He smiled softly, “Sweet, just like you.” His voice was hushed, hardly audible for his parents who were slightly scolding Edward for a stain he had on his t-shirt. Harry stared into Mia’s eyes with a gentle, soft and loving look and she melted completely. Sounds around her died, every worry about her parents ebbed away and she leaned her head back into his bicep, resting on the back of the couch behind them.
“I love you.” He whispered, quickly dipping his head to press a kiss to Mia’s lips. She felt my cheeks taking a pink tint at how affectionate he was, and Edward’s exclaimed disgust for their PDA made them snap out of it.
“You kissed!” He yelled and Harry chuckled, “Yeah, of course we kiss. Mia’s m’girlfriend.”
Edward scrunched up his face with his tongue out in disgust, “That’s gross!”
“Oh yeah?” Harry raised his brows and pressed multiple exaggerated kisses on Mia’s face which had her giggling and smiling against him. His lips pressed to her cheekbone as she fought for air and eventually pushed him away with a smile painted permanently on her lips.
Harry’s parents shot them loving and approving looks while Edward continued to fake gag. Harry continuously kept one arm around Mia while his other hand was on her thigh, rubbing gentle circles with his thumb as his parents asked him about the semester and his studying.
Harry had always been quite affectionate. Around his friends, he had a hand on Mia or kissed her cheek, and on the street or campus they usually held hands. Mia somehow hadn’t expected him to be this way around his parents because she was raised so differently, but she loved how accepting they were of their relationship and of their love language.
Harry, who sat next to her, didn’t have a worry in his life. He was in his childhood home with his parents, his brother and his gorgeous girlfriend who he so proudly showed off to his parents. He knew they noticed a shift in his demeanour and how soft he was around Mia, but he couldn’t help it. She brought out that side of him, where he just turned into a lovesick puppy and would prefer to cuddle into her underneath a blanket, inhaling her scent right now.
Her greeting to his brother had gone a little south from the lack of boundaries, but Harry loved how Mia recovered. He knew this household was a lot for her. His mother was a lot less organized than how she was brought up, and it showed in the dirty windows, the dishes in the sink and the shoes strewn around the house. Where Mia’s apartment – and Harry was sure her house was too – was spotless, his house was alive.
He adored Mia’s apartment and her bedroom, which showed little traces of her personality no matter how spotless she tried to keep it. He knew those cleaning tendencies had a lot to do with her anxiety and how she constantly felt the need for control and how much of a perfectionist she was.
Doing his research on it, he learned that being a perfectionist meant that they preferred perfect spaces too. So it was one less thing to worry about or stress them out, and it was an easy thing to control. With Mia, that was very obvious.
Yet at the same time, she looked natural here on this couch, with Bobby laying on the carpet by her feet and a steaming cup of coffee on her lap as she had a gentle conversation going on with Edward – who was completely obsessed with her.
Harry’s fingers mindlessly played with her hair, his dad’s gaze zeroing in at the affectionate gesture he had never seen his son do – not even remotely close. Mia was accepted and approved of by his parents, that was for sure. Not that it was ever even a question. One call and hearing how happy Harry sounded, was enough for them to completely love her.
“So when are you guys getting your grades?” Des asked and Harry and Mia shared a look, “In two days.” Harry spoke. He had to admit he was nervous. Not only did he feel curious to see how his grades were after a semester of studying so much due to Mia’s influence – he was sort of excited to see how good he did when really putting in the work -, but he also felt like he had to prove himself a little bit to Mia. He wanted to show off for her too, he wanted her to be proud of him.
Harry cleared his throat, “Mia’s actually going to switch courses after we get our grades, aren’t you, sweetheart?” He gently squeezed her shoulder and Mia swallowed her sip of sweetened tea, straightening up a little bit at the attention being on her, “Y-Yes. I – uh, I decided to go for something different.”
Anne nodded slowly, “No more psychology?”
“No,” Mia shook her head, “it’s going to be anthropology.”
“Wow, that’s really cool.” Des smiled, “I think that’ll fit you.”
Mia blushed softly, her entire body feeling so giddy at how gentle Harry’s parents were. Anne nodded along, “Agreed. Also, it’s a time for experimenting. Not a lot of people know what they want to be at eighteen, let alone that they succeed in their first year.”
“Yeah, I mean, look at me.” Harry shrugged and Des gave him a look, “Very different. You failed because you hardly opened up a book, not the same thing, Harry.”
Harry rolled his eyes at the tone his father took, reminding him of the many speeches he received last year after failing his classes and having to redo nearly all his exams.µ
The evening progressed nicely, with Harry and Anne taking an evening stroll to let Bobby out while Des and Mia got to cooking a little bit. They chattered in the kitchen, and Mia found herself strangely comfortable around Harry’s dad.
It occurred to her that she had never really felt this comfortable around another man besides Harry. Not even her own father she could have this sort of conversations with. Des felt like a friend already, and Mia found herself nodding and laughing as he easily pulled jokes out of her and got her more playful side to occur. It was a rare and heartwarming sight for Harry to walk into the kitchen to see his dad and girlfriend bonding mere hours after meeting for the first time.
He fell in love with Mia all over again, noticing the effort she put in to set the table while Edward was too focussed on video games to really participate. Dinner was lovely, nothing too special but perfectly them, until Mia and Harry both felt a little tired after the long train ride. 
So Des helped them carry their bags up the stairs and Mia burst out into a smile when walking into Harry’s childhood bedroom. Anne had offered her a separate room but also didn’t make it strange when Mia and Harry told her they preferred to sleep together. He had a double bed in his room, a bit smaller than what she had in her apartment, and the Pokémon sheets made her grin widely.
The interior of the room had mostly stayed the same, with band posters on the walls and even old textbooks on the desk. Harry’s room had a small adjacent bathroom with just a sink and a tiny shower – which Des informed them didn’t work properly – so they’d share the bathroom with Edward while Harry’s parents had their own.
Unpacking their things for the week – something Mia found very important - , they stood next to one another at Harry’s closet to each place their clothes in a vacant shelf. 
“Did you bring pyjama’s?” Harry asked and Mia nodded, “Yes, I did.”
He turned around with a pout, his lips a little more scarlet due to the glass of wine he had at dinner and Mia’s eyes fluttered upon watching his pink lips, unable to stop herself as she leaned up to quickly press her own to his.
Harry had a gentle smile on his lips as she pulled back, his hands on her hips and giving them a gentle squeeze, “Can you wear something of mine to sleep?”
“Something of yours?”
“Yeah,” He bit his lip, “or nothing at all.”
Her cheeks flamed, “Y-Your door doesn’t lock.” She murmured.
“True. But my parents aren’t like my roommates, they knock and wait for a response.” He chuckled.
Mia breathed out a laugh and chewed the inside of her cheek, “Maybe… but still – I wouldn’t feel fully comfortable sleeping naked here.”
“Okay.” Harry whispered, “’S fine. At least wear something of mine?” He dipped his head to kiss her temple and Mia smile, “Okay.”
Harry eagerly smiled and squeezed her hip again, turning around in his closet to scan it before he pulled out an old flannel. It was soft, and perfect as pyjamas for this weather as it was freezing outside. He could only imagine how beautiful Mia would look in this dark, muted purple and grey flannel that he wore so often a few years back.
He hesitantly gave it to her and Mia took it from his hands, “Thank you.” She smiled and Harry’s cheeks heated up this time as he cleared his throat, “’M gonna go brush my teeth.”
With Harry in his little adjacent bathroom and his electric toothbrush making all the noise for a full two minutes, Mia was behind the corner of his door to quickly change. She’d take a shower tomorrow, but felt too tired and lazy to do so right now. She slipped out of her pants and the flowery jumper, being left in her soft pink panties and then putting on Harry’s flannel.
It smelled like him and she buttoned it up before pulling her hair out of the bun and letting it cascade down her back. Her fingers shortly massaged her scalp, wincing at how tight her hair had been all day and only realizing it now.
Harry looked at her through the mirror when she walked in, her ass barely covered. She muttered an apology under her breath as she stepped in front of him to put toothpaste on her own toothbrush, her body very much aware of Harry’s eyes staring intently at her.
More specifically, at her legs and the curve of her backside as the toothpaste drooled out of the corner of his mouth and he quickly snapped out of it. He spat in the sink and rinsed out, clearing his throat as Mia started her own routine of brushing her teeth with her electric toothbrush.
The buzzing sounded through the brightly lit bathroom, and Harry leaned against the doorpost behind her, looking at her in the mirror as Mia was focussed on the way she brushed her teeth.
By the time the buzzing stuttered to signal the end of her brushing session, Mia pulled the toothbrush out of her mouth. Harry noticed the struggle with her hair and chuckled to himself, standing behind her in his shirt and boxers as he used both hands to keep her hair behind her. Mia leaned forward to spit into the sink, her lips wet with water from the rinsing as she straightened up again, “Thank you.” She breathed.
“You’re welcome, my love.” Harry murmured, stroking through her hair once more before he wrapped both arms around her waist and leaned his chin on her shoulder from behind, staring at her through the mirror, “Means so much to me that you’re here.” He whispered.
Mia leaned back into his chest with a smile and a hum, her face bare of make-up and her body smelling like Harry, “Means so much to me to be here. Your parents and brother are so lovely.”
“They love you.” He kissed the side of her neck, “So much. You fit in so well here.”
Mia melted into him as his arms tightened around her form, his breath warm against her neck as she hummed softly, “Wish we could stay here forever.”
Harry puckered his lips below her ear, closing his eyes as he felt the soft fabric of his old flannel around her. Mia turned her head while leaning against his shoulder, and her nose nudged his before they blindly caught each other in a kiss. Lips touching and brushing together, Mia sighed through her nose and trusted Harry completely to hold her up.
Harry’s lips massaged her own, kissing breathily a few times before he moaned softly and deepened it. Mia tilted her head more, giving him more access as he dragged his tongue over her bottom lip and she felt the butterflies in her tummy as she opened up for him.
Focussing on the way his lips felt against hers, the way his tongue licked at the roof of her mouth, Mia hardly noticed Harry’s fingers toying with the buttons of the flannel she put on earlier.
Harry carefully and slowly undid two from the bottom up, brushing his fingers over the cotton pink panties she wore. Mia trembled and had a breath caught in her throat, causing Harry to smirk against her lips at the way her body so sensitively jerked into his touch at all times. 
Her hands were around his wrists, desperate to hold onto something but not guiding or pushing him away. Even though her neck hurt from the position, Mia in no way wanted to stop. Her brain was slowly melting, and everything about this moment was perfect for her. She was wrapped in his arms, feeling safe and comfortable while being welcomed so warmly by his family.
She felt so incredibly connected to him, so incredibly in love she couldn’t even put it into words. Mia had read a lot of books, but she had never read about this. Or at least she had never read anyone who could explain it in words that she was searching for herself. 
Maybe there were no words, Mia decided. Just feelings. So many feelings, like too many to even contain.
Her muscles jittered as Harry undid another button, now exposing her belly button before his fingers moved onto the next. And then the next. And then the next. All the while, their kissing was deep and passionate, yet slow and loving. His tongue was wet and soft, playing with her own. Mia got lost in kissing him very easily, and she adored it.
It didn’t always particularly need to lead to anything, the act of kissing itself made her weak in the knees and Harry knew it. They had to pull back for air, Mia’s eyes already dark and hooded, her lips open in panting breaths as Harry’s hovered over hers.
He gave a teasing lick to her swollen bottom lip and Mia whimpered under her breath, involuntary jutting her ass out just a little as Harry was up to the final button. Mia could hardly feel him opening it, but she felt the cold air hitting her naked chest as the sides of the flannel fell open to expose her.
Harry shakily exhaled against her mouth when he gently placed both of his warm palms on her breasts, still standing behind her as she had her head cocked back on his shoulder.
“P-Please.” Mia whispered, lips parted as she writhed slightly in his grip. Her fingers were death gripping his wrists as Harry held his hands on her boobs, giving a gentle squeeze to the squishy flesh that he adored so much. He smirked and kissed her top lip, gently letting some spit leak into her mouth.
Mia couldn’t find her breath at the feeling of their intimacy. She wasn’t vocal, she wasn’t sure if she ever would be, but somehow it was such a turn on that Harry just understood her without having to use words. His eyes darkened and he messily pushed his lips on hers again, tongue darting out to taste their mixed spit on her tongue.
Mia couldn’t hold still anymore, her waist bending and snaking, ass pushing out against him which caused Harry to grip her tits a little harder. He kneaded them together, fingers splayed over her chest as she arched into him. Her nipples were against his palms and he groaned into her mouth when grinding his hips against her ass.
Both desperately having to catch their breaths, Mia finally turned her head to rest her head fully on his shoulder, near staring up at the ceiling as she gasped at the way his fingers pressed into her nipples.
“Fuck, Mia…” Harry moaned softly, kissing down her neck as the flannel hung open around her. He looked in the mirror, seeing her stretched torso, her sucked in chest with a shallow breath and her tits covered by his hands. “God…” He whispered under his breath, more so to himself before sighing out, “you’re so beautiful.”
Mia’s hands fell flat against the countertop to support herself as she exhaled ragged breaths, Harry’s hands kneading her chest while nipping on her neck. She swallowed thickly and forced her eyes open, lifting her head to stare at their reflection in the mirror. Harry flicked his gaze up too, catching hers through the mirror and he smirked into her skin, “And so hot.”
She breathed out a laugh and Harry’s hands left her as he grabbed her hips, spinning her around quicker than Mia could think and her eyes fluttered shut when they were caught in a kiss again, a little more rough this time. Mia tried to keep up with Harry’s pace, but felt a billion things at once as he fit his hands underneath her thighs to clumsily lift her up the counter. She tried to balance herself even though he put her down half into the sink, but with locking her legs around his waist – she was fine.
Mia held her arms around his neck now that they worked around the height difference, Harry’s hands slipping underneath the flannel to feel her naked back as they fervently made out. Her tongue flicked at his and Harry pushed against her lower back, pulling her closer to the edge of the countertop to push his hips against hers again.
He was excited, Mia could tell. Hard, contained by his boxers and pressing between her thighs in a way that made her toes curl behind his back. His hands moved lower to the curve of her ass, grabbing handfuls of the flesh to keep her steady as he rocked his hips into hers.
“Harry… oh god…” She whispered breathlessly as she angled her pelvis to feel him better, a gasp tearing from her throat as Mia threw her head back. Harry caught on easily, their lips breaking apart as he went to kiss down the column of her throat, inhaling her, tasting her. One of his hands tightly tangled in her hair, keeping her head cocked back sharply so her breasts pushed out against his chest.
“Jesus, Mia…” Harry panted, “’M gonna fuck you like this one day.”
Her legs shuddered harder and Harry groaned from the back of his throat, swiftly picking her up beneath her thighs and carrying Mia towards the bed. Blinking her eyes open, she was already on her back with the flannel open, exposing her. 
Mia’s eyes immediately shot to the door in anxiety, “Harry,” She mumbled, “the door.”
He grabbed the neckline of his shirt with his fingers and yanked it over his head before jumping on the bed too, hovering over her, “No one’s gonna walk in, promise, sweetheart.” He murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips.
Mia nibbled her lip in hesitation but eventually Harry’s kisses below her ear distracted her enough that she couldn’t really think straight. Her legs were spread, fitting him between her thighs as his crotch rubbed over hers, Mia gasping every time his bulge rolled over her clit.
At the same time, she keened at the slow pace. Harry’s bare, warm chest felt incredible against her own. So safe, soft and warm that she could purr. Harry braced himself with his elbows next to her head as they continued breathily kissing, sneaking out tongues to flick over one another as Harry teasingly sucked on Mia’s bottom lip for a bit. He chuckled to himself at her quiet little whine, but couldn’t hide the twitching of his cock at the sounds she made.
Mia was panting like she was running a marathon. The slow stimulation made her wet, she could feel her panties sticking to her, the warmth radiating from between her thighs. She wanted him closer, closer, closer. Her entire body was tingly and floaty and she was fully engulfed by Harry and she let him engulf her. She felt so safe around him, she loved him so much. She knew he’d never do her harm.
“God, I love you so much.” Harry panted into her ear, giving her bumble bee piercing a gentle lick before he kissed down her throat again. Mia’s fingers were tangled in his hair as she smiled to herself, biting her lip with closed eyes, “Love you too.” She lazily whispered back, feeling how his hands ran up her sides, her ribs until reaching her boobs. 
“Your tits are s’perfect.” He whispered, scooting down a little until he was eye level with her chest. Mia exhaled puffy breaths as she blinked her eyes open, the ceiling of Harry’s childhood bedroom turning a little blurry as her body trembled. Harry pressed an open-mouthed, wet kiss at the top of her sternum, “Hm? You’re so sensitive, m’love. So fun to play with.”
Mia couldn’t answer, her fingers feeling the soft whisps of his hair between them as Harry kissed the swell of her breast again, “You’re short on breath and I’ve barely touched you,” Harry remarked in a murmur, keeping his hands besides her breasts and only touching the outer part of them as he gently pushed them together a little. He had never really noticed before, how nice of a cup size Mia had.
And the first time seeing her topless, in the shower, he just couldn’t help himself. He washed her, using the excuse to touch her everywhere as she stood with her back to him like earlier in the bathroom. He had felt it, the twitching of her hips as he skimmed his thumbs over her nipples, how she gasped softly and how her lashes fluttered.
She was so responsive to his touches. He barely had to brush the tip of his finger over her jaw to have her as putty in his hands. Not that it made him all that arrogant because it was the same thing the other way around. Mia had to just have a hand on his back for Harry’s muscles to welcome the touch and relax him completely. He could fall asleep so easily with his nose buried in the crook of her neck. 
And every little, innocent touch excited him so much he couldn’t even explain it. In his past, Harry usually had one night stands. He met them on nights out, flirted a little and took them home or went back to their places. It was quick, hard and rough, and it felt satisfying but he never really experienced that… build-up. Sitting next to her all evening as she so gently smiled at his family members and politely finished her entire plate even though Harry knew she was full after a little over half of it.
She declined the wine tonight, just sneaking a sip from Harry’s glass and he admired the way those few sips stained her lips a little more maroon. 
Every time her knee bumped into his, or when she gently held his elbow whenever she brought him up in conversation, Harry just felt electrified. In the best way. Like a zap of excitement just shot through him and he wanted so much. He wanted many unspeakable things which he knew Mia wasn’t ready for yet – and Harry quite liked the waiting and the exploring they were doing right now because it made everything so special and exciting rather than rushing into it all – and at the same time he also just wanted to wrap her up and keep her safe like she kept him safe.
It didn’t take Harry long to realize that Mia was it for him.
And he was hopelessly in love with her, as he was staring at her parted lips, her darkened eyes and her flushed face, her tits in his hands and her laying beneath him on his bed. Harry kept his eyes on her face as he started kissing around her right breast.
Mia bit her lip and exhaled a little giggle, making his brows raise as he paused. Mia lifted her head with pink cheeks, “It tickles.” She whispered. Harry huffed out a laugh and shook his head. Really only Mia could make a comment like that when he was playing with her boobs, goosebumps raising over her chest at the soft brushes of his lips.
“Yeah? It does?”
“Mhm.” Mia giggled again. Harry licked his lips, “How about this?” He leaned down and left a wet kiss right on her nipple, snaking his tongue out to flick it.
Her reaction could make him whimper. She gasped, chest sucking in with a harsh breath as her head dropped back onto the bed and she arched her breasts up for more contact. Gone was the giggling, gone was the smile, replaced by a scrunched up brow in pure pleasure. And the best thing was that her hips bucked into his abdomen, the cotton of her panties brushing against Harry’s abs and he knew she had felt that little lick in her clit.
He smirked against her, loving how sensitive she was. Mia exhaled a trembling breath to recompose herself, fully new with the feeling of his lips or mouth on her nipples. He did it again, a little slower this time, dragging the flat of his tongue over her already wet nipple. Mia bit her lip, hard, arching more as she bent her legs higher, needing him closer.
“Harry.” She whimpered softly and he hummed, “Wanna be my good girl, Mia?”
His smirk grew when he watched her entire body tremble, another breath stuck in her throat as her pelvis jutted up ever so slightly. He felt it. God, she was everything. He gave her boob a gentle squeeze, “Answer me, be good.”
“Yes.” Mia squeaked, “Yes – sorry, yes.”
“Be quiet then.” He whispered, “Don’t make a sound and I’ll keep going. I’ll get you off like this, don’t you think? Wait until you feel me sucking, ‘m gonna fucking drive you crazy.”
Mia felt tears in her eyes, feeling so on edge somehow and he had hardly touched her. It was a little pathetic, but she loved it. She loved being… a little pathetic for him. She wanted him to have that power over her, she wanted to lose herself. Mia never lost herself, but she did in Harry and she was addicted. 
And they both knew it.
“Q-Quit,” She nodded with closed eyes, “yes. Please.”
The idea of having an orgasm from this, didn’t sound half crazy. With the way she was throbbing and the slight stimulation of his hard abs against her pussy, Mia very much knew it was possible. She had to admit she had never really paid much attention to her breasts.
Since being with Harry, Mia tried touching herself more. She just craved him whenever they were apart, and she got curious. So a few times, she dared slipping her hand in her panties with closed eyes, imagining him with her. It didn’t feel all that incredible and left her a little frustrated. If she went to bed in a mood like that, she knew she was bound to wake up all sweaty and moaning his name in the middle of the night – a wet dream prominent on her mind.
And now there’d be a new one.
One where Mia was naked, sitting up against the countertop of Harry’s little bathroom as he held her by her hips. She’d have her hands behind her to steady herself, maybe one in his neck because she liked to be close and touch him. His chest would be glistening in a thin layer of sweat and his boxers would be pushed down below his hips.
And he’d drive into her, his length wet in her arousal as he made love to her on a countertop, needing her right then and there that even the bed was too far. Mia knew the minute he said he wanted her like that one day, she’d dream of it. The pleasure she’d hopefully feel, the connection, the intimacy she loved so much with Harry.
“Please,” She choked in a broken whisper, “I’m-“
“You’re talking.” Harry sternly spoke, “Thought you’d be quiet, hm? Thought you’d be good?”
“I am.” Mia gasped, writhing uncontrollably and Harry fought his smirk, enjoying this way too much. Mia bit her lip with a frustrated groan, “I am, I’m g-good. So good for you.”
He twitched again, grinding himself down into the mattress for desperate relief at her soft voice. He hummed, “Then stop talking.”
“Touch me.” Mia begged, “Oh – please, please, touch me.”
“Shut it.” Harry sneered sharply and he gave her breast a hard squeeze to reprimand her. Mia gasped and arched, biting down harder on her lip to fight her moan. Her eyes were closed tightly, her thighs quivering and her panties soaked through. She managed a nod, her fingers holding onto his shoulders so tightly she knew her knuckles would be white.
Releasing her lip and then pressing them together hard in hopes that it’d keep her from making any noise, Harry hummed in approval, “That’s good, there’s my good girl… listening to daddy so well.”
Mia froze in a tingle of sensitivity that ran straight to her pussy as she choked on a breath, keeping her whine down as best as she could. Her cheeks flamed red at the nickname he used for himself, and it was exciting and explorative and Mia loved the vibe they were in. Harry eyed her reaction, unsure of what to make of it but he did know she couldn’t stop rocking her hips up into his abs. 
And she was wet as fuck.
Harry decided to grant her relief and put her out of her misery, finally having his mouth on her tits. He kissed around her nipple again before letting a small bit of spit dribble on it, using his tongue to spread it around and roll around her nipple.
Mia couldn’t keep her mouth closed for longer than five seconds, laboured breaths escaping her lips as she shuddered and kept her eyes closed, basking in the feeling of Harry licking on her boobs.
He switched sides, giving the neglected nipple the same attention. He used his thumb to roll around and rub over the other one in the meantime, hardening it more until Mia felt like it was on the brink of just a little painful. 
Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Mia couldn’t stop repeating those words in her head as she felt her wetness travelling between her ass cheeks, hopefully not staining Harry’s sheets. She’d feel terrible about that.
But his mouth was so skilled, his tongue to patient yet salacious that he could just somehow sense what she liked and needed. A breathless whine tumbled from the back of Mia’s throat when he locked his lips around her left nipple and gave a gentle suck.
“There we go.” Harry whispered at her reaction, arching her back up more as her legs locked tight around him and she couldn’t keep her hips still for the life of her. Mia’s ears were ringing as Harry hummed, “So good, that’s it…” He continued sucking on her nipple and Mia gasped harder, finding it more difficult to keep quiet yet at the same time the idea of anyone hearing her absolutely mortified here.
Hazel had given her a hard enough time over it already that she was done with that for the rest of her life, Mia felt.
Harry stared at Mia’s spit-slicked light brown nipples, glistening in the dim light of his bedroom as kneaded them and licked over her nipples. They were hard and taut, swollen from his lips and he had a feeling that just one brush of his thumb over her clit would get her to cum.
And then her phone buzzed.
Harry ignored it at first, hoping somehow that Mia was so out of it she couldn’t even hear it on the bedside table. Harry was hard as a rock in his boxers, tip sticking out the waistband as he was angled up and leaking precum on his bedding. With the way Mia was leaking from her little hole, he had a feeling they’d have to change the sheets either way.
God, he couldn’t wait to have his tongue between her legs to clean her all up and get her to cum again and again and again.
But he felt the stiffening of Mia’s body as she turned her head to the side, watching where her phone was lighting up with a call. She bit her lip, noticing how Harry continued his kisses on her chest and Mia swallowed thickly to find her voice, “H-Harry.”
He frowned and groaned, shaking his head in disapproval of her wanting to take a break. The buzzing stopped and Mia kept staring at the phone, the screen dark again until after a few seconds, it started ringing again.
“Harry.” She repeated, “Wait – just a second.” She pushed herself up on her elbow and Harry sighed, his mouth popping off of her nipple as he nodded shortly, “Yeah, okay.”
He laid between her legs, her tits bare in front of him as Mia reached for her phone, a thick frown immediately on her forehead as she tried to straighten up more, but Harry’s body prevented her from doing so.
“It’s my mom.” She noticed. Harry eyed her reaction and Mia looked at the screen with a puzzled frown, “W-Why would she – it’s ten in the evening?” She spoke more so to herself, gently nudging Harry off as she sat up straight. He grunted a little in defeat and rolled off to the side of the bed as Mia sat up, swinging her legs over the edge of the bed with her back to him, answering her phone.
“Hello? Mom?”
Mia pulled at the side of the flannel, trying to cover herself up a little as she tucked her hair behind her ear, “Yeah. Everything okay?” There was a sense of urgency in her voice, clearly wondering why she’d call at this time of night.
“Yeah!” Her mum sounded breezy, Harry clearly hearing her voice through the device, “Everything’s great! I’m just returning your call.”
Mia exhaled, “Oh. Uh – well, I’ve been calling for a few weeks now a-“
“Well, Mia, your father and I work all the time, you know? Needed to wait for the holiday to be able to give you a ring back.” She defended herself. Harry watched from his sideways position as Mia’s shoulders slumped a little. He didn’t need to see her face to see that she was anxiously biting her lip, already trying to find a way to apologize.
“N-No, no, of course.” She murmured and Harry’s heart broke at the defeat in her voice. Her mum hummed, “I really recommend Buenos Aires.” She sighed breezily, “It’s so good here, I could stay forever.”
“You’re in Buenos Aires?” Mia sounded surprised, the information new to her. Her mum took a few seconds to answer and Mia could hear wind on the other end of the line, suspecting that her mum was on a beach somewhere in Southern America. 
“Yeah, we are!” She laughed, “I’ve told you this.”
Mia cast her eyes down, “Y-Yeah. You probably did. I just forgot.”
“So where are you?”
Mia stifled a little yawn, suddenly realizing why she called at this hour. It was sunny afternoon in Buenos Aires and she probably didn’t take into account what time it was back here. Mia glanced over her shoulder at a shirtless Harry, who rested on his pillow with his eyes on her. She fiddled with her fingers, “I’m – uh, around Manchester for the week, actually?”
Harry rolled his eyes before he could stop it, hearing the judgement in Mia’s mum’s voice even through the phone when he wasn’t even part of the call. Mia swallowed and nodded, “Yes. I-I’ve met someone.” Her voice was barely a whisper as she anxiously twisted one of the buttons of the flannel. She had it wrapped around her, still undone but she wasn’t warm anymore. 
The line was quiet for a bit until Mia took a breath, “Mum? Did y-“
“What do you mean, you met someone? Mia, you’re eighteen! You met someone and you’re immediately taking a trip with him?!” 
Mia exhaled shakily at the instant scolding she got, swallowing again as she licked her lips, “I-I met him a few months ago. He goes to my school. H-His name is Harry.” She tried to explain gently but her mum was muttering curses under her breath, “And what about Daniel?”
Mia pressed her lips together, her entire body deflating. Harry dared to gently trace his fingers up her covered spine, silently letting her know that he was here for her. The soft sniffle that came from Mia’s nose, broke him further. 
“I’m not in love with Daniel.” She softly spoke and her mum huffed, “And you are with this guy you just met?!”
“I’m in love with Harry, yes.” Mia braved through, and Harry gave her a gentle squeeze to her side to let her know he was proud of her as she continued, “And I didn’t just meet him, I’ve met him months ago.”
“Then how come we’ve never heard of this?!” Her mother didn’t seem to calm down. Mia rolled her lips inside her mouth and ran her fingers through her hair, “I-I’ve tried to call…” She carefully spoke.
Her mother didn’t answer and let out a sigh after a while, “Fine. Bring him to the charity dinner at the end of February, hm? So we can meet him.”
Mia winced under her breath, hating those evenings with her parents, the rest of her family and all of their friends. She sighed and nodded, “Yeah. Okay.” She didn’t have to ask, already knowing she wouldn’t see them any sooner than that. And she hadn’t since September.
“How’d your exams go? Got your grades yet?”
“No, not yet.” Mia murmured, “And they went fine, I-I think.”
“You think?” Her mother sighed and Mia pulled her legs up, wrapping her arm around her shins to keep herself together as she bit through the bullet, “I- uh… I wanted to tell you… I’m thinking of changing courses.”
Her mother took a breath and Mia held air tight in her throat before she exploded, “What?!” She shrieked.
Mia closed her eyes, feeling the tears pool behind her lashes as she swallowed away the tight lump in her throat, opening her mouth to defend herself except her mother didn’t let her. And it turned into a victim trip that made Mia’s heart heavy.
“After everything we’ve done for you?! This is how you repay us?! Mia Brown! What on earth have you been doing at that university?! Going to parties? Meeting boys? Drinking?!”
Mia’s eyes widened, “No! No, no, no! Not at all. I-I haven’t been partying, or drinking.” She quickly murmured, “I just… Mum, I don’t like psychology.”
“Right.” She huffed, “You expect me to believe that is the reason? What is it that you’ll be doing then?”
She chewed the inside of her cheek, “I-I was thinking maybe anthropology.”
Harry’s heart clenched when he heard the hesitation in her voice. Earlier, when his parents asked her the same question, she said it with confidence and pride. Now, she hardly dared uttering the words to her mother who let out a sigh as if she had just heard the worst possible news.
“Jesus, Mia…” She mumbled, “You can not be serious. It’s a field without prospect.”
Mia leaned her chin on her knees as she sniffed, keeping her mouth shut. She felt so demotivated now, so unsupported. Her mother drew a breath, “We’re still paying for your education, and we say no.”
A tear rolled down her cheek, her bottom lip wobbling as her spirits were broken down. Mia had felt excited about her switch in education now that she put her mind to it. She was excited for the new chapter, to leave psychology behind her and to focus on something she stood behind. 
“First you drop those therapy sessions, giving us the clear indication that you don’t care about your grades whatsoever. You’re falling behind, Mia.” Her mother rebuked her, “What on earth will we tell our friends? Daniel will be so disappointed.”
Mia swallowed away the sob stuck in her throat and hastily wiped beneath her ears, but Harry saw the movement of her arm and finally decided to get up and scoot behind her. He parted his legs behind her, fitting her between her thighs as he wrapped a secure arm around her waist to pull her into his chest. His lips kissed the back of her head repeatedly, “’M here, sweetheart.” He whispered, hardly audible.
Mia sunk into him a little as she tried to inhale a steady breath. Mia didn’t know how to tell her mother that she didn’t give a damn about what Daniel thought. But she was polite and had always been raised to be so. She could never speak to someone like that.
“I would really like to enroll in anthropology, mum.” Mia timidly spoke, feeling the warmth of Harry behind her, supporting her and keeping her up, “I-I think it’s really interesting. A-And my grades haven’t slipped, I tried really hard. I just… I think I made the wrong choice picking psychology.”
Harry kissed the back of her head again, feeling proud as she stood up for herself. Mia sniffed again as her mother sighed, “I have to say I feel disappointed, Mia… Your father and I hoped you’d be quick on your feet like your brother, but you’ve been a little behind all your life. I suppose we can’t expect you to make the right choices from the start, because you never have.”
The message of her words were sweet, but Mia felt the stabs in her chest with each sly backhanded compliment she put in there. Comparing her to her brother, Aden, the golden boy, telling her she was behind – which she had felt like she had been all her life due to her dyslexia that she had internalized so much, she didn’t even dare telling her professors about it – and then telling her she made mistakes in her firsts.
Harry was her first boyfriend, and her parents thought he was a mistake.
Mia blinked through the tears as her lips trembled and her cheeks were wetter. Harry held her tighter, rocking her back and forth gently as Mia took a breath, “H-How’s dad? What’ve you guys got planned for Christmas d-“
“Honey!” Mia’s mother cut her off as she called out for her father. Mia closed her eyes with a sigh, stopping in the middle of her sentence. She faintly heard a male voice shouting something back.
“It’s Mia!”
“Who?” He responded and Mia’s chest burned in pain. Harry squeezed his eyes shut and kissed her temple over and over again as her mother laughed, “Mia!”
More shouting back and forth until her mother chuckled, “Sorry, Mia, he’s not ready to get up from his sunbed.”
Harry couldn’t believe his words. He knew Mia’s parents were controlling and strict, but he didn’t know they were absent, too. The one was hard to match with the other, for Harry. He usually assumed absent parents didn’t care much about their children and let them be free to make their own choices. Strict and controlling parents on the other hand, were there every step of the way to keep an eye on things.
It's why he felt it was strange that Mia hardly saw them or heard from them. He had seen her so often, nibbling on the nail of her thumb as she listened to the call going over until it switched to voicemail. She left voicemails and tried again the next day, but weeks went by and no calls returned. 
They didn’t care.
So how did they have the right to dictate her life like that when they left her alone for the holidays and hadn’t seen her in over three months?
“Bye darling! Talk soon!” Her mother ended the call, the line dying before Mia could respond.
She crumpled after that. Harry could tell she tried to hold it in, as if ashamed of her emotions, but she did break. Her body folded into Harry’s, who held her close and whispered loving praises in her ear. Mia cried and sobbed, shaking her head, “I’m so s-sorry, Harry.” She cried, “About what she said.”
“Don’t apologize,” He murmured, “you defended me, it’s all good, m’sweetheart. I love you so much, I’m so proud of you, and us.”
Mia swallowed thickly and nodded with tears in her eyes, managing to turn around. Harry sighed shakily at the sight of her tear stained cheeks and her puffy eyes. She looked heartbroken, yet he couldn’t imagine it was the first time she spoke to her like that.
A knock on the door startled them both, Mia jumping up on Harry’s lap in surprise. She sniffled again, staring at the door through teary eyes but it didn’t move. Whoever knocked, waited for them to respond.
Sitting on his lap, Mia’s shoulders shook in silent sobs. Harry shushed her gently, using the time to button her shirt back up and cover her, make her more comfortable. He held her close again, keeping her flush to his chest in hopes of comforting her.
Seconds passed and they knocked again, “Harry? Mi?” They could distinguish Edward’s voice clearly from behind the wood. Mia wiped her cheeks and took a breath as Harry kneaded her hips gently, clearing his throat, “What’s up, Ed?”
“I wanna say goodnight to you.” 
Mia recomposed herself and climbed off of Harry’s lap as he shot her an apologetic look, “Sorry. He really does just want to say goodnight.”
“No, I know.” She murmured, “I know.”
“Are you okay? He’ll be in and out in a minute and then we can cuddle again.”
“Okay.” She squeaked, continuing to dry her eyes. Harry sighed, “Just a sec!” He called out to his brother, quickly giving Mia a pair of boxers to cover her up.
Once he had his shirt back on – and some sweats to conceal his semi – and Mia was dressed in the boxers, Harry opened up the door.
Edward stood in a plaid pair of pyjama pants and a dark shirt, pushing his glasses up his nose, “Night night.”
Harry smiled at him and pulled him in for a hug, “Night, Edward. Love you.”
“Love you too.” He spoke, hugging Harry back before his eyes landed on Mia. Edward frowned immediately, “Mi’s crying.”
Harry sighed and scratched the back of his neck as Mia cleared her throat, “Oh – no, no, I’m fine.” Her raspy voice gave it way and Edward frowned deeper, “No, you’re crying. Why are you crying? Did Harry hurt you?”
Harry huffed and Mia quickly shook her head, “No! Not at all. I swear, I’m fine.”
“You’re crying.” Edward repeated in confusion. Mia nibbled her lip and shifted on her feet, “I’m – uh, I’m just a little sad. But I’ll be okay.”
Edward’s face fell into a little pout while Mia mustered up the least convincing smile she could manage. Edward took a step towards her, “Do you want a hug?”
Her chest tightened as her lip wobbled again. If she could choose, Mia would want Hazel’s hug. It was hardly a day and she missed her friend a lot. She glanced at Harry, who gave her an encouraging nod before Mia exhaled, “Y-Yes, please.”
Edward scooped her up easily, his much larger body engulfing hers as she stood on her tippy toes, closing her eyes as another sob wrecked her and she cried into Harry’s brother’s arms.
He watched the embrace with love and pain at the same time. Mia was crying, she was broken, and he hated it for her. And she found comfort in the warm hug of his brother, who expressed his affection so physically it didn’t surprise Harry one bit he wanted to hug her to make her feel better.
“Thank you.” Mia whispered as her and Edward pulled back. He squeezed her shoulders softly and she wiped her eyes, “Thank y-you.” She repeated.
“No more crying.” Edward softly spoke and Mia cracked a little smile before she nodded, “No more crying.” Her voice still didn’t sound too sure of itself. Edward seemed happy with her answer though, smiling brightly before he looked at Harry over his shoulder, “No more crying!”
Harry chuckled, “No more crying. C’mon, bud, we should all sleep right now.” He took Edward’s shoulder and guided him out of the room, bidding him goodnight once more they were left on their own again.
“Do you need anything, m’love?” Harry crooned as he approached her and cupper her cheeks. Her eyes were still wet and sad, and Harry kissed her forehead with a soft sigh, “Fuck, I’m so sorry, Mia…”
“Just you.” She whispered back, circling her arms around his waist and pressing her cheek to his heart. Harry stroked through her hair, “Okay. Okay, let’s just go lie down, hm? We can cuddle and talk and kiss a little bit.”
Mia complied easily, letting Harry guide her to bed. She slipped off his boxers again, leaving her in the flannel and her underwear, and Harry had her sitting up for a little bit to clumsily braid her hair.
It warmed Mia’s heart. He hardly knew how to do it and she didn’t give much instruction. Some strands he pulled too hard and the others were too loose, but this was his love language and she adored it. He wanted to take care of her. 
Once he secured the braid with a little tie, they laid down in the dark. Harry scooted over to her side immediately, wrapping his arms tight around her until he could feel her breathing against his neck. He anchored her leg over his hips, having them touch in every way possible to make her feel safe.
“I’m so proud of you, m’heart.” Harry whispered in the dark, lips brushing over her forehead, “Switching courses isn’t easy, and I’m really proud of you for sticking to it. I think you’ll be so much happier in anthropology, it really suits you.”
“Yeah?” Mia squeaked out, sounding uncertain of herself after the call with her parents. Harry closed his eyes, exhaling through his nose, “Of course. You’re so amazing, Mia. You inspire me every day, you’re my biggest motivation. And my biggest supporter, too. It’s incredible to be with you, you’re just…” He sighed, “I don’t have the words for it. I’m so lucky, you have no idea.”
“Harry.” Mia whispered, pushing her nose into his chest as she cuddled him, “I’m so lucky with you, too. You take such good care of me, and you’re in my corner the entire time. I couldn’t wish for anything more. A-And I’m sorry I’m such a crybaby about it, I really don’t mean to be dramatic o-or ruin our time here. I promise I’ll be better tomorrow.” Her voice was on the verge of cracking again and Harry frowned, listening in confusion to her apology.
“Hey, hey,” He cooed silently, holding her tight, “don’t apologize, never apologize for that. You’re not a crybaby, you’re not being dramatic. You’re hurt. Mia, sweetheart, please… don’t apologize for that. I’ll always be here for you, however long you let me. Please… keep letting me in. And don’t worry about it, I want all of this with you, too. I’ll have my moments where I need you to hold me together, and that’s okay. I’m so in love with you, it’s all part of that. Never apologize.”
She sniffled and nodded, “Okay.” She rasped, “I-I love you too. So much. So, so, so much.”
“Baby.” Harry affectionately spoke against her forehead as they just cuddled for a bit. 
“I hate that this was your first impression of them. They can be really nice, I swear.” Mia whispered, clearly still thinking of the call that just took place. 
Harry doubted it.
Yet, he hummed. He stroked his fingers up her back soothingly, wondering how the first meeting with her parents would go. He’d give them a fair chance, for Mia, even though he knew they wouldn’t do the same thing. They had already made their judgement. He could tell from the way Mia mentioned Harry over the phone to her mum, and she didn’t ask a single question.
She didn’t ask how they met, how long they had been together, how old he was, what he studied. They didn’t ask if she was happy, if he treated her right. He wouldn’t be surprised if they had forgotten his name already. And he was in his head about it.
Harry never really cared about what other people thought of him. But of course, he would’ve preferred his girlfriend’s parents so somewhat approve of him. Mia’s love was the most important thing, and he felt like she wasn’t about to be influenced by her parents judging – at least he hoped so – but it still sort of stung that they wouldn’t give him a fair chance.
Mia was in her head, too. She already knew her dreams about a naked Harry wouldn’t happen tonight. She’d be a ball of anxiety again, and she was so excited to relax after exams. She was so excited to be here with Harry, on holiday, out of their usual environment to be really carefree and in the moment.
Both of them needed the other, both their insecurities taking the upper hand.
With another kiss to her forehead, at which Mia tilted her head back to catch his lips with hers, they whispered a goodnight and rocked one another to sleep.
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blitzxiiru · 2 years
Your Future 2012 AU is choice stuff. Your drawing style is so fun! Seriously, your representation of Leo is one of my favorites to exist on the internet.
Curious what April would be like? More pointedly, what Donnie’s attitude towards April these days?
THANK YOU FOR THE KIND WORDS ANON!! and omgomg i have the privilege of my leo being someone’s favourite im sskhsjhdjsbss <33
before i answer the question, i have to state that i’m not exactly big on shipping in the 12 tmnt verse, especially when the writers fucked up all the love interests and their plot (COUGH karai being leos sister and they still push them together?!? COUGH) (COUGH april, casey and donnie were just a whole mess COUGHS CHOKES) so i don’t exactly ship anyone. it’s just a me thing, but if you like apritello or jonatello or all of them together it’s fine! you just won’t see them as a couple canonly in my future au, cause to me they’re all just very close besties that like to tease each other :) maybe ill draw them if someone specifically requests for it, but otherwise i wont actively ship them lol
soo moving forward with that set in place, in my au donnie isn’t looking through rose-coloured glasses at april anymore. honestly with the way 2012 writers wrote them, it was more of obsessive infatuation rather than love, and it really wasn’t healthy. after the whole fiasco post season 5, donnie is much more mature now and realised that he wasn’t in love with april herself, he was in love with the idea of her. the concept of april that he fabricated in his lovesick brain. they talked about it, and they both got over the situation. so yeah april stayed as donnie’s ex crush and everyone teases the hell out of their teenager selves. at the end of the day they stayed as besties who discuss how to murder someone while wearing 10 inch tall stilettos
(( the wake up call for donnie would be after that episode where possessed april literally fucking disintegrates him. like he suddenly just had this ‘oh my god’ moment where he realised maybe this crush thing wasn’t as worth it as it seemed. don’t blame the poor guy for losing feelings — he literally got poofed into nothing but atoms by the hands of his crush — spare his feelings LMAO ))
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Come Come Kitty- Part one
Recom Quaritch x AFAB Reader
warnings: flirting, swearing, injury, eventual smut, MINORS DNI
In the lab as usual, your eyes glazed over in boredom as you measured out countless samples and prepared for the next days experiments. If you had known you’d still be stuck in a lab 24/7 you may have reconsidered your deployment to pandora.
Sucking in a deep breath as you held the test tube tightly in your hand, you imagined your paradise-running through the pandoran forest, feeling the mossy floor beneath your feet and the rush of wind against your face. Maybe you had your own Ikran if you didn’t die trying to catch it you chuckle to yourself.
Yeah that pipe dream, the only reason you left your old world behind, got squashed pretty fast. This place is as damn depressing as earth with the stupid military men stomping about in their ridiculous boots and the grey and camouflage colour scheme of the whole goddamn base was enough to drive anyone crazy.
"Y/N," a sharp voice cut through your dreaming and you turned your head sharply in surprise. Dr Augustine just stared back at you for what felt like an eternity before nodding her head toward your hand
"Fuck!" You exclaimed, realising your tight grip had shattered the test tube, ramming glass into your hand. So fucking stupid, how had you not noticed your own blood running down your wrist, staining your lab coat. Springing up from your chair you sped over to a sink to contain the blood, assessing the damage.
"are you alright?" Dr Augustine asked, unusually concerned from behind you as you feebly attempted to pull pieces of glass from the cuts in your hand. She grabbed your wrist to stop you.
"Y/N, you need to see the medic," she just said uncharacteristically softly, placing one hand on your shoulder as you said nothing just closed your eyes so frustrated at yourself for always causing this kind of mess.
"sorry," You mumbled as you ignored Grace’s advice and continued to pry at the glass embedded in you.
"stop," She breathed.
You felt it coming, your face growing hot and your bottom lip trembled as you tried to keep it contained, tears welling up in your eyes until you couldn’t see.
"I’m sorry," You murmured again as you felt your obvious sadness slip down your face in front of the woman you looked up to and wanted to impress. You wished you were crying for the pain of being stabbed.
"It’s okay kid, lets get you to the medic."
You knew you must’ve been an awful state for Grace to not have bothered lecturing you about the wasted samples or the shattered glass, only gripping your shoulder as she led you out of the lab towards the med bay. You let your arm drop to your side, small dots of red leaving a trail of evidence behind your every step. "I’ve got someone for you," she called cheerfully as we rounded the corner.
"oh what is it now grace, another lab explosion, or did you poison someone with toxic chemicals this time?" The nurse chattered cheerfully
"just this one, a bit clumsy with the glass wear it seems."
"oh," The nurse only spoke, leaving her mouth in an o shape long after the words left her lips as her eyes finally laid on you. Her nametag read ‘rose’. A pretty name, it suited her with her flaming orange locks and soft red cheeks against alabaster skin.
She hurried over to you and guided you to an empty bed. "Just stay there for a minute whilst I get the doctor," she called, scurrying away and calling out some words about blood loss and shock.
"do you want me to stay with you?"
you almost laughed but didn’t want to be rude. "I’m okay Dr Augustine, it doesn’t hurt," you replied with a weak smile.
"Okay, it's your call kid," she departed swiftly, obviously anxious to get back to her true passion. Navi forestry and the lab. I wish I could find peace in something like that, to actually enjoy it.
"Just lie back now the doctors going to give you some gas and air," a doctor spoke and I suddenly seemed to be crowded by a team of people.
"no!’ You exclaimed harshly."
"No I don’t want it, I’m fine without."
"Are you sure? It’s going to hurt..."
"yes I’m sure don’t give me that," you exclaimed as you struggled against their hands pushing you to the bed, moving your head from side to side to avoid the mask coming down over your eyes
"patients heart rate increasing."
"I think she’s going into shock."
"no I’m not don’t put that on me."
"patient needs to be sedated."
You struggled against their firm grip as you felt a needle stab into your arm and the world begin to blur. "No please," you cried out in terror as I felt the world slip away.
"It’s okay, just relax," Rose gripped your hand as you tried to make out their faces as they blurred and contorted. You could feel the panic set in, you wanted to run but the lights went out before you could even try.
Opening your eyes, you were shocked at the bright lights, quickly closing them again to ease the burn. you were wheeled over to another bed in a quiet room that only one other person seemed to occupy. You vaguely felt yourself being lifted into the other bed and being wrapped in blankets as you allowed yourself drift away to sleep again.
When you awoke for the second time you were alert and able to fully take in your surroundings: a room filled with beds with thin paper curtains as the only small privacy. Overflowing with boredom you decided to get on your feet and explore, Not the easiest task when dosed up on god knows what drugs but just as you were about to grab the door handle you heard a condescending voice
"Now where in the hell do you think you’re going?"
You whipped around and stared at the man, recognizing him to be colonel Quaritch. Leader of the RDA and fearless warrior. You would be lying if you said you weren’t intimidated by him. "Out," you replied curtly, challenging him to stop you.
"So it was you causing all that trouble before, can’t listen to instructions very well can you," he tutted, taking in your dishevelled form in only your jeans and bra with a well bandaged wrist.
"it’s not exactly in the scientist job description, sorry you can’t boss me around like your own private sir," you stood defensively as if he would strike you from his comfortable spot on the bed, only then did you notice the bandage around his oversized torso. His eyes creased as he chuckled lightly at your comment, as though your presence was providing him with pure amusement.
"Come on kitty, what you gonna do? Bite me?’ He cooed mockingly.
"I’ll claw your god damn eyes out," You hissed lowly, never breaking eye contact.
"I see why they had to sedate you for a few stitches now," He laughed again. He was really starting to piss you off when all of a sudden you felt the room spin and felt yourself begin to fell forward, grabbing onto the end of the bed you’d previously been laying on for purchase.
"Whoa easy there," He jumped up to your side, cradling an arm around your waist to steady you.
"Leave me alone, you’re injured."
"And you’re a liability," He replied attempting to help you to your bed whilst you tried feebly to push him away. "come on darling you’re not exactly heavy," he said as he swooped an arm under your legs and began lifting you to your bed.
All you could do was place your palms against his bare chest to keep your balance as your face burned in embarrassment. You tried to avoid looking into his amber eyes but when you eventually stole a glance up, you could see that smug smile plastered over his face.
‘Here you go sweetheart, wasn’t so hard now was it?’ You felt too embarrassed to quip back, only focused on the warm skin that scorched your fingertips, and the rhythmic thumping of his heartbeat with every breath he took as he eventually laid you back down onto the grimy hospital bed.
You only now realised just how close your faces were and quickly turned your head from him, jerking your body back instinctively, yet forgetting that your arms had looped themselves around his neck, effectively pulling him on top of you in the process. You could feel the harsh puffs of breath he released into the crook of your neck as he laughed, caging your with his arms as he forced you to look at him.
"And here was me thinking you didn’t like me, when all you really wanted was a good fu-"
"ahem," A cough interrupted your predicament, one from a very judgemental looking Dr Augustine. She raised an eyebrow suspiciously at the precarious situation, both you and the head of security shirtless in bed with your arms still trapping him close to your body.
Slowly you withdrew them like a child caught with their hand in the cookie jar as the tension built in the room before Grace composed herself. "Well Colonel it seems you’ve already become well acquainted with Y/N, I’m sure it will come in useful on the new mission."
"Huh? New mission?" You scrambled away from Quaritch to the end of the bed, practically wagging your tail at the thought of finally leaving this godforsaken base.
"Yes, I had thought I would tell you both separately but I’m sending you down to pandora to collect important specimens as it seems you’ve been getting restless up here." You leapt up of the bed, embracing Grace in a hug causing her to stiffen.
"Thank you so much I won’t mess this up."
"I’m sure you won’t or I’ll have you shipped back to earth,’ she scolded in her usual tone, causing you to nod harshly, barely containing your excitement.
"Well look at that kitty, I guess you’ll have to put a hold on clawing my eyes out," the colonel whispered by your ear so that Grace couldn’t hear him. You only glared, unable to retaliate under her watchful gaze.
"Well I’ll leave you two to get dressed," Grace coughed, once again drawing light on the strange situation, making you roll your eyes, exclaiming,
"nothing like that was going on Dr Augustine," With a groan, hardly being able tell if she believed me or not.
"Hmm," She responded as she began to walk away.
"Oh and Y/N, I want you back in the lab tomorrow, head to your quarters and recover for the remainder of the day."
"yes Ma’am," she nodded satisfied before continuing her departure.
The sound of the chopper was so loud in your ears as you walked towards the helipad, it threw debris around us in a whirlwind that had you fighting with all your strength to take even a step forward. Your military escort pushed your head down, reminding you not to accidentally decapitate yourself on the propellers, as you pulled yourself into the body of the aircraft.
"There’s my favourite little science puke," His eyes bore into yours with that predatory look as he spoke, arms crossed against his, unfortunately, clothed chest causing his arms to bulge out, glistening slightly in the sun’s rays. For the first time you noticed the eagle tattoo settled on his forearm…
"If you’re done checking me out, we can get on with this science plant extraction bullshit."
Your breath caught in your throat as you realised he was indeed correct about your gaze lingering on his body much longer than necessary. "In your dreams," you scoffed half-heartedly as you took a seat next to one of the other soldiers.
"you alright? I’m Mansk" The soldier turned to you, introducing himself with his hand stuck out. Reaching out you shook it firmly.
"Y/N," you replied with a shy smile causing him to chuckle a little. Quaritch moved his arm in a circle, some kind of military signal, and you lifted off the ground.
"What exactly are we looking for then Princess?" Quaritch questioned lazily as he dropped himself into the unoccupied seat on your side, nodding to Mansk on your left.
You made a noise of disgust at the nickname, ignoring the fluttering feeling in your chest, this man is going to send you into cardiac arrest you're certain. "Its not just the plants, I need to bring back rock, earth, water samples, anything I can get really, this site has never been explored by humans before." You explained in excitement at the prospect.
Instead of making some cheap joke, Quaritch listened intently, eyes trained on yours. You took the time to examine them finally, deep honey coloured pools that stared at you with some kind of blazing intensity you couldn’t place.
"Touch down in T-Minus 5 Minutes," Quaritch shouted abruptly, turning his attention away from you finally. "Be ready boys, this is an easy trip, in and out, I wanna be back for dinner."
"Yes sir," his team replied in unison.
He stood up, leaning on one hip with his hands on his belt before directing all of his soldiers out of the aircraft. You felt bewildered and out of place, unsure of what exactly you should do.
"Come on Darlin’ u wanna be left behind?" He shouted over the sound of the chopper’s propellers, causing you to spring up to follow his team closely, jumping to the ground and hoping not to fall.
Quaritch was the last to leave before the aircraft left you alone in the middle of pandora making you realise suddenly how small and alone you were in this place. Nevertheless, you took in the magnificent view, massive trees and flowers surrounded you, the brightest greens and deepest blues you’d ever seen, it left you completely breathless.
‘Well then brainiac, do what you gotta do,’ the Colonel gestured with his arms towards the forest and expanse of open plane that surrounded everyone.
Not bothering to reply you began to unpack your supplies and examine the area. You became lost in thought as you took leaves, soil, grasses, drops of water-all things you hoped Dr Augustine would appreciate- and when you eventually looked around for the others, they were lounging around in the grass clearly bored out of their minds. You couldn’t really blame them though, you were the only one they were waiting for. Suddenly you felt a tug on your backpack, pulling you off balance.
"Hey! Stop wondering off I’ve already told you you’re a liability once."
You turned your head to him, looking sourly as he gazed down at you equally unimpressed. However, before you had time to formulate a response you were ripped from his grip, the force hurling you backwards to land on your side, when you looked up, to your horror you saw an enormous panther-esque animal, you thought you had heard Grace call it a thanator once…
it had Mansk in its paws whilst the other soldiers attempted to shoot at the animal. This only served to help slightly as more of the panther creatures leapt from the bushes in an ambush. In the chaos all of the soldiers scattered and ran, only then did you realise you were running too, clambering up a large tree to escape their foaming mouths and razor sharp teeth.
to be continued...
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unchataparis · 3 months
Iris Verdi
Liladrien Week 2024 | Day Six: School
Adrien has started to call neo-Françoise Dupont the ‘green school’, although this probably wouldn’t make much sense to anyone else.
After all, to specifically attribute such an adjective would usually mean that the place stands out for it. No one would call a Haussmann terrace in the middle of Paris the ‘limestone house’ and no one would describe a specific cow among a black-and-white pasture as the Holstein-Friesian cattle.
Neo-Françoise Dupont is surrounded by buildings just as frondescent, just as sustainable, just as solar punk. Ink-dark glass panels installed upon rooftops, slanted on both sides, to catch every last drop of UV light. Lively lavender and frog-green ivy climbing up brick façades, low buildings, and a community garden in each apartment park – appropriately named because with the rise of interest in human-centred, hands-on community hubs, each residential area in Paris is now built around children’s playgrounds.
Still, when Adrien bikes to school this morning, waving hello to neighbours and fellow students – bikes because there are no longer any needs for individual cars and he lives too close to the school to rely on the entirely electric mini buses –  he pulls up to a Françoise Dupont that seems a cut above the rest of regenerated Paris.
Apple and tangerine trees planted in the courtyard bloom generous fruit in the height of spring, a warm breeze ruffles the verdant leaves. Colour-coded bins are clearly marked Déchets, Recyclage, and Compost. Stickered rainwater tanks decorate corners and crevices. 
Members of the student council and volunteers are manning the morning breakfast program. Fresh juice, waffles, cereal, yoghurt, eggs, and bacon are divided in catering trays and sampled freely by hungry students bearing wooden plates and metal cutlery.
In Adrien’s new homeroom, manned by a newcomer to the school named Madame Beaumont, most of his classmates are already gathered and they cheer to see him.
“Morning, Adrien!” Kim bellows across the room. He’s wearing a recycled polyester and cotton-blend hoodie with thrifted jeans. Beside him, Max dons a tunic weaved from hemp linen.
“Morning!” Rose chirps.
“You’re almost late!” Alya teases.
“Hey, guys.” Adrien looks down at the front row where Marinette is sitting. Hair tied into pigtails with gingham ribbons, lids and lips tainted with cocoa-butter-based cosmetics. She beams, clearly waiting for him and demurely pats the seat beside her. Adrien drops his canvas satchel and blows a gentle kiss towards his girlfriend. Marinette’s cheeks darken even further, already adorably flushed, and although she trembles, she doesn’t panic. Adrien is so proud of her. Marinette is growing over her fears admirably, conquering past trauma bit by bit like a champion.
“Alright, class!” Madame Beaumont announces, clapping her hands together to rein some control over her raucous homeroom. 
Nathaniel is doodling in a kraft paper sketchbook and Mylène is showing off her homemade bead jewellery to Juleka and Ivan. In the row behind them, Alya and Nino had leaned over to start talking to Adrien and Marinette about plans for the weekend. The Seine is crystal-clear and smells of salt and algae, perfect for swimming in. And afterwards, how about a picnic at the Jardin du Tuileries?
“Class!” Madame Beaumont repeats sharply. “Please – your attention, please!”
Voices settle down and rears are fully planted down on benches.
Madame Beaumont clears her throat before the classroom’s interactive whiteboard. Adrien sees the plans for today’s lessons floating there: agriculture lectures and an introspective analysis of Dead Poets Society.
“I’m very happy to announce that we’re going to have a new student join our class today,” Madame Beaumont says. “Her name is Iris Verdi and she hails all the way from Italy. This is her first time in France and she’s still getting a little used to the language. So, please give a very warm welcome and a friendly greeting to our new friend!”
Adrien claps along with the rest of the class as Madame Beaumont gestures for someone outside the classroom to step in. Adrien claps along with the rest of the class as an unusually tall girl saunters her way beside Madame Beaumont. Adrien stops clapping when the girl turns to face them with a smile that borders on a smirk, but no one else does.
The rest of the class continues clapping for this girl. She has long, nearly-yellow blonde hair twisted into a low chignon. She wears a red wool beret and matching blazer, a smart grey vest, a pleated black skirt, and polished leather boots. Her eyes are vixen-like and rimmed with black, her lips are pouty and glossy with the colour of ripe apricots.
“Bonjour, everyone!” she says in a sweet, melodic voice. Her nails are almond-shaped and painted the same colour as her lips. She has slung upon one shoulder a brown leather schoolbag. “It’s so nice to see you all.”
“Hi, Iris!” the class choruses.
Adrien looks behind him to see all of his friends beaming at Iris with nothing but geniality and sociable curiosity in their eyes. Adrien looks to his right to see Marinette nodding at Iris with warm welcome.
“As Madame Beaumont told you all,” Iris says in an accent that is different to the one she used when she came to their school as a new student last time. Less high-pitched, more sensible. With an undercurrent like trickling water. “This is my first time in Paris and French is a third language. Please forgive me if I make any errors.”
“Nonense!” Rose cries. “You sound fine.”
Everyone chants in agreement.
Iris’ eyes curve with her smile, her hands coming up to cup her mouth in faux overwhelm. 
“Oh, you guys are so kind!” she coos. “I can already tell I’m going to have the time of my life here!”
“French is your third language?” Marinette asks. “What’s your second?”
“English,” Iris replies easily. “Although that’s only because I’ve spent half of my childhood growing up in California.”
“California?” Alya says, perking up as she always does whenever anyone makes the slightest mention of the U.S. 
“Isn’t that where Hollywood is?” Nathaniel remarks.
“Yes!” Iris says. “Actually, I lived with my uncle just on the outskirts of LA where he owns a vineyard. It was a super cool place to grow up, because you get to meet the fanciest people and celebrities who come to tour.”
The class whispers their excitement to each other.
“How exotic!” Madame Beaumont says.
“If everyone’s willing,” Iris says, unclasping the magnetic flap of her bag. “I could show you all some pictures–”
“Excuse me,” Adrien says, speaking up. He feels as if he had been submerged in a dream-like trance where he was nothing but a helpless and doomed witness to pre-destined events. He listened to the inane conversation and if he himself lacked a mouth to speak with and a will to act with. Adrien snapped out of his stupor because Iris’ act of opening her bag reminded Adrien intensely of her opening her bag when she showed Adrien her faux-Fox Miraculous almost exactly one year ago. “But aren’t you Lila Rossi?”
Read the rest on Ao3 here.
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artyandink · 2 years
Could I request an Lockwood x reader where they are often asked if they’re dating but they both deny it and in the end they confess to each other? Thanks so much :)
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It all started when someone in the cafe asked that one question. “Are you two dating?” I almost dropped my spoon on the table, currently being used to stir my coffee, turning to the couple in the booth opposite. “S-Sorry? I didn’t quite catch that.” I stammered, my hand reaching up to fix my round, rose gold glasses. “Are you dating? I’m sorry if I startled you, but you two just look so cute together and I just had to ask.” I was at a loss for words for a moment, but luckily for me Lockwood answered my question, saving me. “Unfortunately not, madam, but I appreciate the compliment.” He flashed his gigawatt grin, smoothing down his shirt. I recovered from the momentary shock, sipping my coffee to dissipate the tension, recovering quickly. “Turning on the old charm, aren’t you?” I scoffed, tucking my strawberry blonde hair behind my ear. “Well, yes, in order to get a stranger to like you, you need to be charismatic, charming. Have you not learned that already?” “I’ve learnt that every stranger we meet turns out to think you’re a selfish jerk.” “Words hurt.” “Exactly.” Later, Lockwood was sitting with George in the kitchen, explaining everything. “They asked us if we were dating, hilarious, right?” He chuckled, pretending like he was wiping a tear from his eye. “What’s hilarious is that you two aren’t dating yet.” George muttered under his breath before speaking up, “Yeah, hilarious.” “Austin and I can never be a couple. We’re too… different.” “As in?” “We’ve two different ways of thinking.” “What you mean is that you pick the reckless way out and she picks the smart way out.” “Exactly. Two different ways of thinking,” They blinked at each other, George much more exasperated than Lockwood, who just appeared to be calm. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… “So, after that, a couple next to us asked if we were dating.” “Well, are you?” Lucy asked, lying on her bed and reading while I stress-organised the makeup on our vanity, putting them according to colour. “No!” I cried, waving an eyeliner pencil in the air. “Lockwood’s a tad too reckless for me. He always has been.” “He got a lot less reckless when he met you. And you got a lot more reckless when you met him.” Lucy and I had been friends since we were small. We made a pact with Norrie to go to London, but when that backfired Lucy ran away, and when Jacob’s shut down I went after her, so we ended up here. “What do you mean ‘a lot more reckless’?” I interrogated, now waving a bottle of mascara around like a Harry Potter wand. “Remember when we had that case where you and Lockwood were trapped on the roof with a vicious Type 2?” “‘Course I remember that one, we almost died.” “Again.” We both chorused, counting the many times our lives were at stake. “But it was your idea to jump off the roof, onto the trampoline and land in the pool rather than the safer option: face it head on and wait for me and George to get up there.” “Admittedly, it wasn’t that safe to wait-” “But a million things could’ve gone wrong. Yet you did it anyway.” …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… “Lockwood, where’s my cover?” I yelled, chucking a flare nimbly at the oncoming Type 2, an angered victim of a house burglary gone wrong. I drew my rapier, holding it front of me. Admittedly, my rapier was my best tool, since I’d gained my grade 4 very quickly and now could even match and beat the likes of Kipps and Lockwood in a duel. Lockwood claimed that Kipps was a pushover, but if someone beat him at a duel? They deserve a medal. “Right here, Austin!” Speak of the devil. He ran forward, swinging the chain and lashing it forward. “Found the source. Every photo in this house has just one thing in common. Sophia Wallis wears a necklace in them, the same one each time. George messaged me saying that she was strangled to death with it.” “Real nice manner of death, don’t you think?” I said sarcastically, lunging forward and catching “It’s fascinating!” “Do you even have human emotions?!” I snapped. There’s a Type 2, Austin, focus. “Plan D.” “No way. Plan E.”
“Plan G.” “What’s G? We didn’t make a G. Did I authorise this?” “Of course you didn’t. Distract the ghost and run. We stand a better chance together than apart.” “Sound good.” We threw a flare at the same time, meeting our target and running as Sophia screamed, the sound grating my ears as we reached the bedroom, searching everywhere. “Nothing in the drawers.” I informed before moving onto the cupboard. “Nothing on the floor.” Sophia appeared again, and the sound of my rapier being drawn alerted Lockwood, who drew his. “Plan E!” He yelled, and in the heat of the moment I complied, performing an aerial to dodge the flying flare, feeling the object pass between my shins. I started searching, tearing apart the bedsheets until I found the source: the necklace, buried under the mattress. A splash of blood had rusted the metal, but the crystal still glowed brightly. I immediately grabbed the net hanging from my utility belt, throwing it over the source just as Lockwood was knocked back, hitting the wall and falling unconscious. “Lockwood!” I gasped, instinctively moving to check his heartbeat. It was slower than normal, but fast enough to tell me he was alive. I saw his chest rising and falling in an even frequency, but there was blood running down the side of his face from a small cut he’d gained. I tore a chunk off a spare bedsheet, pressing it to the cut and calling Lucy and George, who responded immediately. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
DEPRAC arrived on the scene a few minutes later, immediately taking the unconscious Lockwood on a stretcher and binding his head up. “This could mean a minor concussion, but you and your friends can look after him.” The medic nodded. “We’ll take him home.” “You can watch over him, Austin.” Lucy patted me on the back, not knowing what much else to do. “George and I will prepare some tea for you at Portland Row.” “We will?” George was met with a slap on the head by Lucy, who looked at him with a ‘don’t you dare argue’ face. “Thanks guys.” I smiled, climbing into the ambulance. I immediately was met with the familiar feeling of worry, gripping me as I held Lockwood’s hand, his familiar warmth trying to soothe me. He still had that small smirk like he always did upturning the corner of his mouth. I guess it was his special feature. Apart from his dangerous best plans. “Are you two dating?” The nurse asked quietly, as to not startle me. This time I wasn’t too lost for words, answering almost immediately and surprising myself. “No, but I wish we were.” I took a moment to realise what I just said, “But we can’t. Just as colleagues, this happens. What will happen if we get together?” “I think you should take a risk.” She replied matter-of-factly. I took a moment to think, until it hit me. I just got given love advice by a DEPRAC medic. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… “Locky. Oi, Locky.” Lockwood woke up to the sweet sound of Flo Bones waking him up, sitting like a queen on the armchair while he was flopped on the chaise lounge. “Flo?” He called groggily, moving to prop himself up. “What’re you doing here?” “Here to see Austy. She’s in a right state, so you can tell me what happened in that there case.” She raised an eyebrow, waiting. “I was hit by a flying piece of wood. The ghost had telekinetic powers somehow, and I was caught in the crossfire.” He explained, hoping Flo wouldn’t ask more. “I may not have gone to no school, but I’m not thick. There’s more, isn’t there?” She gestured for him to continue. “The wood was aimed at Austin. I had to jump in the way or she’d have gotten seriously hurt.” “Are you two datin’?” “No!” He refused sharply, but then deflated. “But I wish we were. However, we work together. It’s best if we keep the line between work and personal where it is.” “That’s something about you that you need to change, Locky.” Flo tutted. “You’re one of my best mates, but you don’t know when to stop being like that closed door on the landing.” “I agree.” George sighed, entering. “Hey, Flo.” “Georgie. You look taller.” Flo briefly acknowledged. “Probably cause I’m sittin’ down here.” “Probably. I had to lift the biscuit rule and use many sugar cubes and coffee sachets to calm Austin down.” “Traumatic experiences.” Lockwood shrugged. “Everyone’s had them. What makes you think she’s any different?” “Cause you like each other.” The statement induced a sceptical grin from Lockwood, who turned away from Flo. “Of course I like her. She doesn’t like me, and it’s bloody embarrassing if it’s one-sided.” “Who said it’s one-sided?” Lucy smirked, sipping her tea at the door. “Are we having a therapy session in here? I don’t need to talk about this, now, if you excuse me, I need to talk to Austin Garcia.” He got up, but his concussion made him trip at the foot of the stairs. “Lockwood, the… stairs.” …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… “Are you sure you’re ok?” Austin asked as they took a stroll before curfew. “Yeah, I feel just perfect. What about you?” “I feel good. Better than before.” “Why wasn’t I warned that Flo was coming over?” “Nobody was.” I shrugged. “You know how she has her own key. She says-” “Never throw one away. It always unlocks something somewhere.” We both quoted at the same time, looking at each other and bursting into laughter. I felt our fingers intertwine, my finger reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. “A rose for the happy couple? On me.” A flower seller asked, holding out a rose. “We’re not a-” “Thank you.” Lockwood interrupted, taking the rose.
"We're not a couple, Lockwood."
"What if we were?" We stopped in our tracks. "I think about it every day. Waking up and the first beautiful sight is you. I wish that upon every star every day." He tucked the rose behind my ear, "The thought is simply too tempting to resist."
"Then why do you resist it?"
"Because I never really knew that I should take a risk for love. But I will today. Austin Iris Garcia, will you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?" My only answer was to grab his tie, pulling him in for a kiss filled with fireworks. His hands gently held my waist while mine cupped his cheek before playing absent-mindedly with the stands of his hair.
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eeblouissant · 3 months
top 5 outfits for Dorothy, Blanche, Rose, and Sophia respectively! (I was going to pick just one of them but I couldn't choose 😭)
oooohhhh !!!!! this is a hard (but very fun) one - let me see .. these are in no particular order:
(edit: this got very long. Answers under the cut my apologies 😭)
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Dorothy first, naturally 🚶🏻‍♀️ oh my god let me tell you - I think about that first red dress so often. She’s my profile picture for a reason lol!!
The second I loved at first because, look at her, are you kidding. I’ll post that picture on here until someone physically restrains me from doing so. LOOK AT HER !!!!! I love anything pink on Dorothy sooo so much, that blue & pink pastel set is a very honourable mention. I’m sad I couldn’t squeeze it in here :’)
i um 🧎🏻‍♀️ i have no excuses here. The tie - the tie !!!!! when I rewatched tgg for the first time and saw Dorothy wearing a TIE I just about collapsed. YOURE KIDDING !!!! THE QUEER ENERGY IS OFF THE CHARTS !!!! started climbing the walls as soon as they cut to Dorothy & Michael sitting in the kitchen that first time 🤸‍♀️
fourth look is actually my fav … that black eyeshadow ??!!! dark makeup + dark clothing + white/gray hair??!!!! blink blink …
& honestly I can’t explain the last one - it just feels so quintessentially Dorothy somehow ??!! I’m not sure what it is about that outfit specifically that is so Dorothy to me but, if she was a cartoon character that would be her staple outfit imo (ALSO OH I just noticed that Dorothy’s got the same silly little pose going on in the first & last pictures 😭😭 AUGUAGH I’m ill)
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okay, since I can’t separate Sophia & Dorothy I’m breaking the order here -
Peter Pan collars (?) were made for Sophia - I honestly think she has the cutest wardrobe out of all the girls (very close behind her is rose but I’ll get to her later), I take outfit & thrifting inspo from her very often. Like, look at her 🥹 are you kidding … you’d never guess in a million years that this sweet little lady was the feisty Italian she actually is lol
The second stands out to me because of where she’s placed that brooch - & it’s not the first time she has a very Edwardian (& sometimes Victorian) approach to the details in her wardrobe. This just happens to be a favourite of mine - of course she’s going to have this approach to the way she dresses, being raised by Victorian parents & all (and growing up in the Edwardian era, etc etc) but it’s still so neat to me !!! I love !!!
I’ll be honest, the cowboy hat makes that outfit one of my favourites 😂 she’s already got an adorable outfit going on, + that string of pearls (red is her colour imo, but again something i’ll ramble on in just a sec). I cant, she’s just adorable 😭
This outfit is second only to the last here - whenever Sophia’s outfits involve extra details at the collar they instantly become favourites. That bow !!! The mix of red, orange & yellow also puts it high up on my list - I mentioned it two seconds ago but Sophia’s colour is red, it was just made for her. They’re kind of like her staple accessory, but I just have to comment on her glasses - you have no idea how badly I want her frames. Oh my god, they’re so pretty - I might just be obsessed with Sophia atp 😭
& that last one :’) okay I have a few thoughts (that may or may not be completely coherent) - firstly, muted colours look stunning on her, especially in those flashback moments. Secondly - her wardrobe in these flashback bits lead me to believe that Dorothy took some inspiration from how she dressed then, and incorporated a lot of that into her style at the age Sophia would have been then!!!! Having that thought immediately made it super hard not to put this one at the top of the list so, it’s my favourite purely for that reason 🚶🏻‍♀️(shoutout Dorothy there btw ??? that whole look was so cute I’ll faint). I also really like the way Sophia’s colour choices got bolder and brighter as she aged (as opposed to Dorothy, for example, who seemed to dull instead). There’s some cool symbolism there that I would feel the urge to ramble on if it wasn’t so obvious already lol
I really love Sophia 🚶🏻‍♀️ okay moving on (I have to continue this in a separate reblog because Tumblr only allows ten pictures within one post :’))) i’ll be back to finish this in the morning. For now, enjoy the first half of me being crazy & insane)
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prettyflyshyguy · 5 months
It's wip wednesday motherfuckers and its 3am so you know what that means, here's an unhinged writing excerpt that's barely edited (WOOHOO WE MADE PROGRESS TONIGHT)
“Hey, hey look at me.” Dean’s vision was hazy, but he could see the stranger was tied up the same as he was. Sitting a few feet away in a wooden chair, his mouth was taped over, otherwise he seemed unharmed. His head jerked up at the sound of his voice, he tried to speak but only a muffled cry escaped the tape clamping his mouth shut. “Hey, it’s gonna be ok. Everything’s gonna be ok, help is on its way, I’m gonna get you out–”
“Oh I’m counting on it!”
The stranger whimpered and frantically looked around for the source of the voice that echoed through the room, glancing back at Dean with a harrowing look in his eyes. He rattled the chair he was tied to, the wood scraping on the old floor making a noise that pierced the emptiness of the space. Dean grunted as he felt the sound scrape the inside of his brain, pain throbbing in his temples like a hangover on crack. Great, I’ve been drugged. Despite the discomfort he tried to focus his senses, he could hear the racing heartbeat of the tied up man, but not much else. 
The source of the voice sauntered into the room from a shadowed doorway, her boots crunching on the broken glass and rubble on the floor. The tied up man’s breathing became sharp and shallow, and his heart rate spiked as he watched her pace around the pair slowly. Dean watched her also, noting her attire resembled the crowd from The Black Rose. A tacky leather skirt and jacket combination, dull and dark colours. Her hair was short, one side tucked behind her ear while the other half shadowed one side of her face. She had dyed it black, he could see light organge regrowth peeking in at the roots. She had a gentle face, with a warm smile that contrasted with the black lipstick and panda-like eyeliner that seemed to be the trend as of late. Dusted with freckles, she had a youthfulness about her, but he guessed she was somewhere between the ages of twenty five to thirty five, as the lines that crinkled by her eyes and mouth when she smiled gave him an indication. He considered he might have thought her to be attractive if she was wearing a more palatable getup, though all the people that frequented that bar confounded him. He watched her carefully as she stood behind the man, gripping the back of the chair he was bound two with both hands and settling in a gentle lean hovering over him as he bowed his head in silence. Dean noted that he still only heard one heartbeat in the room.
“The hell’d you do to me?” 
“Just a little dead man’s blood. It’ll wear off soon.” she smiled at him. He examined her face. It was the kind of smile he’d practiced in the mirror. An attempt at faking genuinity. The kind you make when you want something from someone. You can’t bullshit a bullshitter, he thought. 
“Oh c’mon you think you hunters are the only ones who are in the know-how?” 
He glared at her in silence, staring up from under his furrowed brow. “Oh don’t be like that, I just want to talk.” she continued to smile. Dean returned the gesture, not attempting to hide that his was fake.
“Ok, sure, let's talk.” He looked down to the stranger sitting under her. He was shivering slightly. “Why’s he all taped up then, huh?”
“He’s not who I wanted to talk to.” the man jerked in his seat, crying out. He sobbed slightly as the woman placed a hand on one shoulder, gripping him tightly. “I just need Max here to prove a point, that’s all.”
“If you so much as scratch him I will kill you.” Dean hissed. 
She laughed. “God, you know I was told you hunters were all the same. And to think, people say we’re the ones who are all alike. I mean seriously. If I wanted him dead, don’t you think he’d be dead by now?” She removed her hand and the man breathed out, slowly looking up at Dean, his eyes pleading for help. Dean flexed the restraints holding his arms to the chair. The rope dug into his wrists and it scratched his skin as he pulled and tugged in protest. The woman smiled wider. 
“I saw what you did to the fridge. Damn waste of good blood.” She walked out of the room, returning a moment later dragging another chair in one hand, and holding a blood bag in the other. She placed the chair next to Dean and Max, settling herself a few feet away from both in a triangular formation. “Especially for someone so hungry.”
She pulled the cap off of the bag, and with unwavering eye contact she stared at Dean as she leant down to take a deep sip. Max whimpered softly as he watched her, too horrified to notice the way Dean stared at the bag. 
She paused for a moment after drinking, savoring the moment before addressing Dean once more, “You are hungry, aren’t you, Mister Winchester?”
The corners of his mouth twitched, “Please, Mister Winchester was my father. Call me Abraham.” his eyes flicked between her face and the blood bag. She watched him with that soft look in her eyes, observing him as he tugged at the rope and shuffled restlessly in his chair. 
“Ooo, I don’t know about that.” she said after a moment. “You seem more like an Edward Dalton type.”
Tilting her head back, she took a deeper drink from the bag. This time, Max watched Dean instead, eyes growing wide as he saw his mouth ajar, eyes fixated on the bag, his body lean forward slightly pulling at the ropes holding him back, as if he was entranced by the sight of the woman partaking in such a disgusting act, or worse, he longed to be in her place. Max sobbed again, and violently shook the seat, the rope cutting his skin as he was tied much tighter to his chair than Dean was.
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milliestars4 · 7 months
All the time they had
Azriel x Gwyn
Read on AO3
“They thought they had time - all the time in the world”
Warnings: Implied/Referenced Character Death, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, DepressionGrief/Mourning, vomiting
This was the fifteenth apartment they had looked at, and it was raining outside.
Melodic scatters of thin and fat raindrops tapped against the old, peeling windowsill - they would need to re-paint that, Azriel thought. Once they'd moved in. The windows themselves were lovely: a mahogany-looking wood stretched across the four large glass window panels, from which provided the perfect view of an elderly lady perched on a bench outside, despite the drizzle and dark clouds looming above.
In the singular bedroom, Gwyn was accordioning the carpeted flooring, crouching and running her slender fingers atop it, when Azriel walked in. "It's the wrong colour." she said.
"That's not a problem," Azriel said. "It matches the drapes."
"Well, I suppose you aren't wrong." Gwyn smiled, rose colouring her freckled cheeks, her teel eyes glimmering as Azriel smiled back.
"I think this is the one." He told Gwyneth. "It's lovely."
“It needs a lot of work,” Gwyn started, but was soon cut short as her husbands’ lips pressed gently against hers. She pulled back, “It needs time.”
"Something we have a lot of," he gazed down at her "we can do it together."
It was raining outside, the sky's tears hit the top of the umbrella as a numbness washed over him.
The vague scent of sodden mud underneath the squelching of dark shoes overwhelmed his ears.
There was a sting at his already-sodden cheeks - another tear falling, mocking the wish to bleed dry of them. Many tears fell after that.
The stings brought him back to reality - back to the view of the mahogany coffin littered in flowers and soil. A final goodbye that he'd rather face burning tears tenfold than to glance at once more. A final goodbye burning greater than the haunting of a piercingly empty sky - vacant of any light.
A firm, calloused hand grasped his shoulder, then another the other side - holding tight. A grounding sense amongst a drifting mind, numbness the only grasping emotion as a cry broke from a sister's lips. A sister that felt the great vacancy as vividly as he did. He assumed.
"Goodbye," he told the coffin, "I love you, always." he told the sky.
"The place is a work in progress." Gwyneth said, folding her arms. Azriel found her enthusiasm admirable - she hadn't even been affected by the horrors of moving day; the two of them had been stranded in the elevator for three hours. Gwyneth laughed during the entirety of the whole ordeal.
"I'd hope so," Cassian laughed from the place on their new couch - most likely basking in the smugness of helping to load it in. "I am surprised Az's germaphobe ass hasn't had an aneurysm yet."
Gwyneth huffed a laugh, moving to sit beside him, shoving at his shoulder, "you'd be surprised to hear that Azriel only had positive things to say about this place, much to your dismay."
"There's a first for everything, then," his brother replied, "shove that in his face every time he cries about getting paint on those overly expensive gloves he wears."
Azriel finally cracked a smile, "shove it up your ass, Cass. This is mine and Gwyneth's work in progress." he said as he took the last remaining place beside his wife, draping an arm over her shoulders, before placing a kiss to her temple.
"Just don't let little Gwynie do all the heavy lifting, okay?"
"I’m bored of this banter, where is my best friend?" Gwyn got up and wandered over to adjourning kitchen - small to some, perfect for those important.
Cassian stretched his arms above his head, letting out an exasperated sigh at the action, "they're calling themselves sisters, you know?" he smiled.
"So, I have heard." but Azriel could only smile at the thoughtfulness of his wife. And he couldn't wait for their time together, while watching her soft, joyous features twisting into gleaming smiles, and bright eyes.
The dim light of the musty motel room he was staying at was the first he'd seen since she left.
Cassian and Rhysand dragged his sorry ass out of their darkened apartment claiming he was unwell and needed to sort himself out.
The floral-prints scattering the old wallpaper had been his warping entertainment for the past five hours - with substances now running rampant through his body, he finally felt sane.Normal.
Who even used off-white, flowery wallpaper nowadays?
A key turned in his door, but his head was too heavy to move - by the sounds of a muffled fuck and approaching footsteps meant it was most likely one of his brothers there to lecture him; tell him that she wouldn't want to see him like this.
"It doesn't matter," he slurred, the whites of his eyes bloodshot, "she can't see me anyway." he said to no-one. He said to the world.
"Who are you talking to?" his older brother asked him as he emerged from the completely dark foyer, moving to crouch In front of his sprawled form against the wall.
His hair hadn't been washed since the hospital - shed run her perfect fingers though it for the last time that day - he couldn't wash her touch away. his shirt fit him like a second skin - drenched in sweat after his body flushed the last of his escape out of him, before he relapsed once more. His hands still clutched his spliff limply, between two fingers - unfinished and idle.
"I think you should stay with me for a bit, hey?" Rhysand placed a hand on his cheek, moving his face to look up at him, "so we can help you. Properly."
Azriel couldn't find it in him to respond, to accept the grace that 'help' would entail - if it meant her memory wouldn't chafe at his every pore, every cell he didn’t want it. He didn't want to lose the only thing he had left of her.
"Come on," Rhys stood, hauling Azriel up with him, supporting his waist so he wouldn't keel over. "Nyx is waiting in the car for you, too."
Azriel held her copper hair back for the fifth time that night as she hurled her guts up in their newly renovated bathroom.
"Nesta will be smug at the fact she was right about your light-weighted attributes." He laughed, stroking her back in methodical circles as she dry-heaved the remains of her stomach. Hopefully for the final time that evening.
"I am never drinking again." she said, her skin flushed and clammy, as she sat back on her heals - her shoes completely discarded in her hasty escape to the bathroom.
Azriel stood for a moment, leaving the room before shortly returning with a cool glass of water, and pressing it against her lips. "You're okay, Gwyneth, I will stay with you." he passed a gloved hand though her copper strands, soothing his wife as she regained her breath.
Azriel stumbled into Rhysand's bathroom, a drunken attempt to empty his stomach of all his mistakes, but he didn't make it in time. Instead, he vomited across the tiled flooring and immaculate matte-finished shower, crumpling into a ball onto the floor. Completely covered in it all.
Someone must have heard his commotion as footsteps sprinted up the two flights of stairs to the guest bathroom, almost knocking the door for it hinges in the entrance. Azriel was too tired, too ashamed to look up.
"Oh, Az," they sighed sadly, "let's get you cleaned up, hm?" Feyre's motherly voice sounded in his ears, before she took one of his scarred hands in hers, and grabbing her phone with her other.
Rhysand was home ten minutes later.
"I don't know how to make it better." Azriel whispered brokenly to Rhysand who sat next to him on the couch - Rhysand has cleaned both Az and the bathroom before dressing his brother and easing him to sit. "I only feel her."
"You will heal, you will get better, Az. This will get easier. With time."
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choslut · 2 years
PRIMADONNA GIRL ft. yuuji itadori
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synopsis : after having everything basically handed to you on a silver platter for the majority of your life, it’s a great shock when something doesn’t go your way. instead of handling your problems like a mature young woman, you decide to do the complete opposite — you take the rebound.
content warnings : nsfw, angst, sub!itadori, mentions of cheating, blowjobs, swearing, slight dubcon, sexting, manipulation, semi-gaslighting, making out, lingerie
a/n : this is for @510hz’s how to be a heartbreaker collab !! i personally absolutely adore marina and i love the electra heart album even more, so i’m really grateful that i had the chance to participate :) also ty @haithamuse for helping me out on my “to continue or not to continue” dilemma </3 minors, please do not interact.
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“i just don’t love you anymore. you’re too much to handle.”
you sit on the couch in silence as your boyfriend — now, ex — shouts at you whilst packing clothes messily into a suitcase. “i didn’t do anything wrong.”
his poisonous laugh pierces your heart. “no, because you never do! this is why i’m leaving you, because it’s always someone else’s fault but yours.” hot red waves of anger pulsate from him, and you can only watch as he struggles to shut his case. “i’m leaving. take your drama someplace else.”
you don’t even blink when he slams the door harshly, the brash sound echoing throughout the apartment. a single tear rolls down your cheek, and you struggle to convince yourself that it was his fault and that he was being difficult, not you. you didn’t do anything to hurt him, he’s just too soft and can’t understand anything. yes, that’s it. it’s all him.
except, in reality, it isn’t.
you know full well why he left you; you see everything through rose coloured glasses. you think the world revolves around you, and anything that goes wrong is a way of the universe telling you that you need to cut people off. in your eyes, everyone wants to be your friend, everyone wants to be invited to your parties and any boy would kill to call himself your boyfriend.
that’s why this is such a shock to you. nobody drops you. nobody.
so why do you feel so alone?
the truth is, you’re self destructive. you don’t realise it, but everything you do slowly chips away at people’s perceptions of you, carefully building a glass wall between yourself and everyone else. you hold yourself above everyone else and deem yourself just too good, consequences be damned.
well, not really. now you’re sitting alone in your dark student apartment, with no boyfriend, and no friends to turn to. so, you make a dumb decision.
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itadori stares at his phone incredulously. are you seriously still talking to him after your absolute shit show of a relationship? he really shouldn’t pay attention to your message at all, but if you’re sending him a photo, something has to be wrong, right?
so, out of pure concern for your wellbeing, itadori opens the photo. and really, he doesn’t expect anything less from a person like you.
it’s a mirror selfie, but different. your back is to the mirror and he sees that you’re wearing a skimpy red thong beneath your hoodie, which is pulled up just past your chests to give him a sneak peek of your lower cleavage. your phone is cast over your shoulder and he can’t see your face, but he can almost tell you’re making some kind of lewd face behind the lens.
when you were dating, itadori was very used to receiving pictures like this, accompanied with a caption of a similar nature. he has two choices: give in to your seduction and go over to your apartment to see what you want from him, or completely ignore you and go on with his evening.
he seriously wants to take the latter option, but the tent in between his legs says otherwise. “fuck,” he whispers, running a hand through his already messy hair. this is going to be one hell of an evening.
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you stare at your phone. it says itadori read the message 20 minutes ago, but he still hasn’t replied yet. you roll onto your stomach on your bed and bury your head into the pillow, withdrawing when you’re met with the familiar scent of your ex. “i need to wash these sheets,” you grumble, picking up the pillow and throwing it across the room where it hits a picture of you and him in front of a nightclub. just as the frame clatters to the floor, the bell rings.
“coming!” on your way to the door, you silently pray that it’s itadori. the lord must’ve heard you because there he is, one hand in his pocket and another in his hair.
“don’t get me twisted, okay? you haven’t talked to me in months and i’m just here to-” itadori is cut off by you pulling him into an impromptu kiss. “what the fuck?”
your smile is saccharine sweet. “i’m single again, which means we can get back together.”
itadori frowns. “what makes you think i want to date you again?” he lets you pull him inside, closing the door behind him.
“because you loved me.” the way you say it is so confident, it sways him. he did love you, but you cheated and tried to tell him that he wasn’t ‘giving you what you need’ and that you had no choice but to ‘expand your horizons’. all of his morals seem to disappear when you pull him down onto the couch and sit right on his crotch.
“and you still want me, yuuji, so don’t try to hide it.” the way you say his name makes him weak in the knees. itadori has always known that you’ll be his undoing, but he didn’t expect it to happen like this. you’re obviously acting impulsively, and getting back with an ex is not the way to solve your problems.
“we can’t do this,” he whispers, but his body disagrees, his hands sliding under your thighs subconsciously. “you need time to relieve your pent up emotions.”
“i am relieving my pent up emotions,” you protest, placing your hands on his chest and seating yourself directly above his growing erection. “see?”
you’re irresistible and you know it, and itadori is falling for your seduction. hard. keeping eye contact with him, you dip your head into the crook of his neck and drag your lips along the skin. he groans deeply, his grip on your hips tightening and pulling you back and forth on his crotch.
“you’re so pretty, yuuji,” you say into his neck before sinking your teeth into the flesh. “i know you missed me, baby. let it all out just for me, okay?” itadori nods as if in a daze; that’s just the effect you have on him.
when your lips reach the neck of his shirt, he slides it off, allowing you full access to his uncovered chest. you remove your hoodie in turn, happily displaying to him the lace bra clasped around your chest. despite seeing you naked multiple times, he can never quite believe how beautiful you are; it’s almost like you were sculpted by aphrodite herself.
itadori notices he’s staring when he hears you laugh breathily. “you remember this set, don’t you?” you leisurely trace the patterns splayed across your chest. “you bought it for me on valentines day.”
itadori does remember. he remembers how happy he was when he saw the delight on your face as you lifted the lid of the box, your grin stretching from ear to ear. he remembers the way you wasted no time in undressing right in front of him to try it on, the lacy red material a strong contrast against your flawless skin. he remembers the night that followed, whispered threads of ‘i love you’ weaved in between the sounds of passionate love-making.
he can remember it all, but he can also remember the accompanying bitterness. all of that seems to wash away when you slide off of his lap and sink to your knees in front of him and slide your hands up his thighs. itadori lets you pull his zipper down, and then his boxers, and it’s almost like it was back when you first met: a pretty but stupid student sucking off her classmate in return for him doing her homework.
he’s pulled out of his thoughts by your honeyed voice and your warm hand slowly stroking the base of his cock. “are you ready?”
itadori nods. it’s been so long since the two of you had been intimate like this and, if anything, he was more than eager for you to start. you smile up at him before gliding your tongue along his slit, collecting the slither of precum before taking his tip into your mouth.
once he slips under that thin veil of pleasure, he knows there’s no going back. you have itadori memorised to a t, so you know exactly what makes him shudder. you drag the tip of your tongue along the underside of his cock and take his silky balls into your palm, massaging them just enough to make him sigh contentedly.
“d-do that again.” you do, this time circling your thumb slowly along his smooth skin. he makes a noise akin to a whine and you smile around his length, snaking your other hand along the fat of his thigh before squeezing hard.
he tries his hardest to hold out but the pleasure pumping through his veins says otherwise, and itadori spills into your mouth, his face turning a bright shade of red. you, on the other hand, swallow faithfully, looking right up at him as you lick any residue off of his swollen cock.
just as itadori opens his mouth to apologise, you press a finger to your lips and shake your head. “don’t say sorry,” you muse, rising to your feet and pulling down your shorts. “you liked it, didn’t you? don’t apologise for that.”
he’s speechless; partly because you’re suddenly being so sweet to him, and partly because you’re now standing in front of him, the full set of lingerie complete with the tiny red lace thong concealing your cunt. there’s a tiny wet patch on the seat of the underwear, and he realises that you enjoyed seeing him crumble just as much as he did.
and when you smile cunningly at his reaction, itadori also realises that underneath that sweet, good girl persona, you’re still the self proclaimed primadonna you’ve always been.
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© hiraizens 2023 — all rights reserved. do not copy, repost or translate my works without permission.
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cantseemtohide · 1 year
get to know a simmer
Thank you to @occultpuppy for the tag 😊
show your wallpaper: Don't want to share my phone's and my PC is just the default one.
last song you listened to: Caitlin Rose - Only Lies (off her album Cazimi from last year, was a bit disappointed by it to begin with after her 2nd album, now I've listened more I've decided it's brilliant.)
currently reading: The Invention of Art by Larry Shiner. It's interesting 👍
last movie: Petite Maman. Celine Sciamma's films are so good. This one is pretty much perfect, and it's not even her best!
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last show: I’m watching the first series of Only Murders in the Building. I was expecting it to be more of a comedy, not sure how much it's actually meant to be haven't really found it funny so far, it's growing on me as a mystery/crime thing though.
craving: sleep, feeling really tired the last few days
what are you wearing right now: t-shirt, jeans
how tall are you: fairly tall
piercings: no
tattoos: no
glasses/contacts: I wear glasses yeah
last thing you ate: an apple
favourite colour: don't have one
current obsession: not the obsessive type
any pets: nah never had any
favourite fictional character: Laura Willowes, from Sylvia Townsend Warner's novel Lolly Willowes.
last place you traveled: dunno it was too long ago
I will tag @toffeetip @the-hippiesimmer @zosa95 @kissalopa @simsathings @whyeverr @babblingstacey @thewalkingplumbob @nigmos @thereesespiece @akitasimblr @dragonflydaydreamer
As always feel free to ignore if you already did this/prefer not to 😊
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beardedmrbean · 10 months
“How could frozen be a Disney film?!” okay I’m cheating with gargoyles, Tarzan, Princess and the frog, hunchback of Norte dame where the villain song is basically “The brown girl makes me too horny. She must burned in the stake!”, etc.
Fuck the first incredible movie executed HERO GENOCIDE in one scene better than what dc and marvel ever could in several issues
What is this idea you can’t do dark shit under Disney? No you can if you’re clever enough, hell Don Bluth, the legendary animator and ex Disney employee. Pointed out from his experience
You can put a lot of dark shit into your kid animated movie. As long as you give them a happy ending!
No seriously if you think about a lot of classic Disney films. He right.
I often wonder if it's possible to buy a set of the rose coloured glasses some people use to look at the past.
To their credit at least, Disney hasn't really gone the original route on the endings of several of their hit movies.
Evil Queen from Snow White being forced to wear red hot iron slippers and dance till she died comes to mind, as does the actual ending of The Little Mermaid, or most of the entire text of Hunchback especially the ending.
Esmeralda dying and Quasimodo curling up next to her body in the grave until he also dies is not something that would play well in a children's story.
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lonewolfbois · 8 hours
To my 7th grade best friend,
I know you said that you would be forgotten, but nearly 10 years later your name is still my phone password. I still smile when I see rainbow scratch paper (in fact, I still have the note you wrote me). I still have the mini marker you gave me, the one you had matching that we swore we would sign each others graduation yearbooks with. I still look fondly at cheap tourist keychains. I still call things “majestical” in my head
I still remember how much you loved football, and how even if I didn’t have a clue what you were talking about, it always made me happy to listen to you. I still remember how we vented about our respective horrible parents (my dad, your mom) and how we joked about running away together. I still remember how I would always steal your glasses and wear them while you took my hat and wore it sideways on Fridays. I still remember how you drew me silly pictures and helped me with my art class projects (I still have the siren drawing you made to go with my poem, it’s hanging on my mirror, sorry about the tear in the paper, I did try to fix it)
I know we didn’t keep in touch, how could we? We were kids. Didn’t have phone numbers, you didn’t know the address you were moving to. Hell, you didn’t even know you were moving until the date was right around the corner. But I heard you’re doing well! Started a family, even had a kid! I want you to know that I’m so happy for you, even if I can’t say it directly too you
Maybe you didn’t think you made much of a difference in this town; just a random kid who showed up for 7th grade and then dipped. But you made an impact to me. I still remember how you told me that you didn’t want a funeral when you died. You wanted me to throw your body in a pit in the woods and plant a single black rose over top. You said that eventually it too would die, and that everyone would forget. But if someone years later stumbled across that spot in the woods, they wouldn’t find a normal piece of forest ground. They would find a garden of black roses, because I would go back year after year, planting one more for each precious memory I have of you
I don’t know if we would recognize each other now, I don’t even have the same name anymore. But I like to think that I would know you by your smile. And that you would know me by my coloured aura (I was always a bit skeptical, but you swore you could see them. You said mine was usually blue. I liked to think yours was pink, it would match the highlights in your hair). Maybe if we met again, in this life or another, we would still be friends
It’s been almost 10 years and your name is still my phone password
Love, your potato buddy
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