#literally he’s a red flag
ghost-bxrd · 4 months
It’s not that Jason forgot, per se.
But between smuggling a toddler out of the League of Assassins, trekking halfway across the world, and finding a suitable hiding place that’s also child friendly… well, it kind of slipped his mind that he’s supposed to be… dead.
Something that comes back to bite him in the ass when he takes Dami out for some ice cream and just so happens to run into non other than Brucie-fucking-Wayne
#look I’ve found a new fave trope and it’s Brucie Wayne having to keep up his act while internally LOSING HIS SHIT#Jason isn’t very into the whole revenge thing here#his mind is 85 parts ‘keep Dami safe’ 5 parts ‘kill joker asap’ and 10 parts ‘avoid bats at any cost’#Jason doesn’t know who Damian’s father is#dealer’s choice if Jason establishes himself as Dami’s dad or older brother#his build certainly makes him look old enough#if you don’t look at his baby face lol#Jason runs into Brucie and goes straight into survival mode#Damian who is very observant for a toddler immediately clocks Brucie as THREAT based on Jason’s reaction#Brucie blue screens and desperately tries not to lose Jason in the crowd#jason is absolutely trying to lose Brucie in the crowd#while clutching Damian like his life depends on it#for all he knows it does#the visceral terror that your pseudo dad will take away your little brother/baby#Bruce who just wants to know if he’s hallucinating again: W A I T#jason who is terrified of being put in Arkham for killing people: no FUCKING WAY#hm maybe Jason plays the ‘I’m not Jason’ game again#it’s not gonna hold for long#but Bruce absolutely thinks that Damian is Jason’s bio child for a while and he’s on the WARPATH#Jason was sixteen when he died and never showed any interest in dating so literally every red flag is waving in brucie’s mind simultaneousl#or maybe Jason manages to get away and all Brucie is left with is the memory of his supposedly dead son#running away from him#and clutching a tiny kid#prompts#jason todd#batfamily#Damian wayne#batdad#brucie wayne
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miekasa · 3 months
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they could never make me hate him. sorry but i'm not arguing with a guy with brown hair and green eyes whatever you say handsome
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sea-buns · 5 months
I do like that Ms Skullcleaver was concerned about Fabian eating food out of a trash bag and not about him coming into his first day with tire tracks on his face
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siren-serenity · 8 months
when he loves you
characters: red-haired shanks, gn!reader warnings: fluff a/n: - i'll take requests for more of this "series"!!! i kinda wanna do sanji and ace hehe - HOLY SHIT HE'S SO FINE!!!! LIKE DAMN- OMG SHANKS??? SHANKS?!?!?! - feedback is appreciated!
part one (shanks) // part two (ace) // part three (buggy)
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when shanks loves you, there is no doubt about it. it's so painfully obvious when he's in love, heart fluttering as if he's an old school boy and butterflies in his stomach erupting whenever you're around him. the blush on his cheeks rivals the shade of red his infamous hair and his tongue turns to lead around you.
"benn, shut up!" shanks whisper-shouts, pressing his hand over his face and trying to cover up as much of his blushing face as possible. his voice is muffled yet anyone could hear the whine in his voice. "y/n can hear you!" his black-haired first mate simply sighs heavily, resigned to his fate as shanks' cupid. "that's the whole point, captain!" shanks points at him, cheeks flushed. "not another word!" benn only rolls his eyes but shanks could see the glimmer of amusement in them.
when shanks loves you, you learn to love his way of expressing affection - physical affection. whether it is him holding you by the waist in a death grip whenever a storm hits whilst he's steering the wheel or at the quiet moments in the middle of the night and he's the little spoon embraced by you, you learn to love the amount of warmth he emits and the little featherlight kisses he presses on instinct.
"mhmm," shanks sighs and scoots closer to you. he buries himself in your arms, smiling widely. "this feels...nice...." you pet his hair, and the grin expands. he loves the way your fingers gently ran through his messy red hair, careful to not pull any knots, and the soothing action almost makes him fall asleep. "you like this?" you tease and even with his eyes closed, shanks could imagine the way your eyes would twinkle. "yeah," shanks presses a kiss to the underside of your jaw before nuzzling into you. taking a deep breath of your scent, he mumbles something one last time before falling asleep. "i love it."
when shanks loves you, there is nothing in the world holding him back from showing just how much he loves you. he's an emperor, what's the point of coveting so much berry when he can spend it all on you? there's no greater joy than seeing the look on your face when he comes back, gifts in tow. even though you chide him for spending so much berry on you, you're grinning nonetheless and his heart stops. it's a routine on every island he and his crew stop at, one that he intends to do until he can't anymore.
"shanks!" you run down the plank and tackle him in a hug. his arm cradles the back of your head, pushing it closer to him as if he's trying to mold you together with him. "you're back!" "always, love," he gives you a light kiss before picking up the almost-forgotten bags. he shakes them, smiling. "got you something." you sigh playfully but took it in hand. gosh- the way your eyes glittered and the way you kept biting your lip to prevent the big smile from erupting on your face...shanks would do anything to keep it there. "you can't keep buying me more stuff! spend the berry on your crew!" although you say this, shanks knows, without a doubt, that you're going to squeal over each item he bought and keep them pristine in your cupboard. including the cheesy (you called it cringe) mug that red '#1 lover!!' and the matching ('cliche' you called it) pair of silly duck shoes., you'll treasure them all.
when shanks loves you, he loves you. heart, soul, mind, body, you can have it all, as long as he can have you in return.
"i like you," shanks says, cheeks blushing as he confesses to you first. "love ya," he presses a kiss to your head as you wake up, a giant grin on his face as always. "i love you," shanks cradles your face in his, hand shaking as he realizes that he could have lost you. he would do anything to bring you back if that happened; hell hath no fury like a pirate scorned when he found your murderer. he realizes that the moment the sword descended on you and almost pierced through skin that perhaps...perhaps you were the 'one' that rayleigh mentioned all the time. "i love you, y/n. don't ever leave me...please."
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storge · 1 month
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Who are you? I’m your fiance.
FAN ZHIXIN as Yan Xingcheng My Lethal Man (2023)
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batsplat · 29 days
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Casey Stoner, Pushing the Limits
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hivvernal · 1 year
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This is a monumental day for nasty freak enjoyers.
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soup--champ · 8 months
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rose colored glasses are useless when your whole world is already bathed in the color red
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jinxed-sinner · 3 months
Alright so I've known about the theory that Alastor's colorblind for a few days now but I kinda wanna analyze it a bit more because I have access to a colorblindness simulator.
First of all, deer are dichromatic, which basically means instead of having three types of photoreceptors that respond to color (as humans usually do), they have two. Deer specifically are red-green colorblind, so their photoreceptors don't respond to red. This can also happen in humans, which is where colorblindness comes from. There are three types of colorblindness (protanopia, deuteranopia, and tritanopia) and two types of red-green colorblindness (protanopia and deuteranopia). Deer colorblindness as translated into humans would be severe protanopia (complete red-blindness). With this in mind, I'll be going forward with this post based on the assumption that Alastor experiences protanopia.
So let's look through a few screenshots from Hazbin Hotel put through a protanopia filter. First of all, the bar that made Lucifer go "what in the unholy hell is that?!" because I think it's interesting:
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Yeah, that definitely adds more color lol.
What about Al's room?
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His bayou is definitely more vibrant than the rest of his room, I'll give him that.
What about Deer Man himself?
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He kinda has this sepia look to him, which also makes him look old-timey. I kinda love it.
What about his radio tower?
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It has the same effect of giving it this sepia, old-timey look.
How would this play into Alastor's character?
First of all, for reference, here's an example of sepia toning used in photography:
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While it's definitely more brown, putting the reds of Hazbin through a protanopia filter has a similar vibe. Additionally, here's that same image put through a protanopia filter:
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It's less brown because brown requires red, so when you take the red out of it it looks more green.
Here are some more screenshots put through a protanopia filter:
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If he wasn't colorblind in life (and, if he is canonically colorblind, it wouldn't surprise me if it's not something he gained upon death) I don't doubt for a single second he spends everyday feeling like he's just seeing things as if they're antique photographs and completely owning it because the reds of the Pride Ring immediately look like an antique sepia picture if you take out all the red and that fits his vibe entirely.
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markantonys · 6 months
i'm crying i love them
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jade-len · 5 months
luo binghe better than me fr i think i would've gone fucking apeshit if the person i loved with my entire soul pretty much said "fuck you" because of my race and pushed me down into literal hell for me to suffer for years
i've said it before and i'll say it again, i really don't think we give binghe enough credit. that man was on concerning levels of forgiving all the way from the start
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thebirdandhersong · 6 months
i personally think there was no need to make remarks about age
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httpiastri · 8 months
him 🫶🫶🫶🫶
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k0uk0 · 11 months
Hello I'm back here to whine about the stupid things that some people say about spiderbit's (or guapoduo if you prefer) relationship.
Today we got this, taken right from the source (Cellbit's English updates on Twitter)
Cellbit: Oh, also, Foolish! My husband said that you could arrest him… that was an answer he gave before knowing you actually arrested someone! So, in behalf of him, reconsider his answer, he meant "no"!
So, I've seen some people say "omg red flag!"
Bro, do I need to talk about this or are you going to figure it out by yourself that what qCellbit just did was because he literally cares so very much about qRoier and he doesn't want him to be abducted like it happened to him, Felps, Pac and Mike, Luzu, DanTM, Jaiden and Étoiles?
No because. How can you say it's a red flag.
You are saying that because you think qCellbit, speaking for his husband, is doing something wrong? And how do you know that? He's trying his best to protect him, not control him.
I've never ever seen qCellbit trying to control qRoier in anyway shape or form. Actually he's pretty nice, he's chill about Roier. If he was controlling he'd start following him around, he'd ask what Roier is doing 24/7, controlling his every decision. He's literally doing the exact opposite, do you remember before the marriage how Cellbit would kill instantly anyone talking about the election around him but as soon as Roier asked if he could, Cellbit reply was just "You can talk about whatever you want"? Because I do.
And they actually discussed the prison thing.
Roier didn't know about the imprisonment of Pac and Mike, that's exactly why he said yes in the first place. Then he said that Foolish wouldn't imprison him because The Federation wouldn't ask him to.
That's it really. I don't see the red flag.
P. S.: I know it has become also common to joke about the red flags thing, and I find it funny! This post is specifically written for the ones who still take this seriously for some unknown reason, but the ones who joke about it are actually great dwdw-
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bookishfeylin · 2 years
“Come now, Tamlin,” Rhysand said. “Shouldn’t you reprimand your lackey for speaking to me like that?” “I don’t enforce rank in my court,” Tamlin said. “Still?” Rhysand crossed his arms. “But it’s so entertaining when they grovel. I suppose your father never bothered to show you.” (Chapter 26)
Spot the recton, y'all.
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bitacrytic · 9 months
the projection has been real on this one
I don't know why people just decided that mew was always nefarious when he was just a regular guy trying to live.
it wasn't his fault that his best friend was sexually obsessed with him. and he didn't owe ray anything. ray was not a kid. ray was a rope around mew's neck.
imagine having a friend who makes destructive choices. for years, you've been the nanny. every time they're in trouble, you have have to go running to save them. over and over and over again. because if you'll remember, ray wasn't calling cheum or boston, he was calling mew.
mew was the one staying sober for his friends. he was the one going to night clubs for his friends. at some point, he was bound to get tired and want something for himself.
not to mention the other issue of ray's feelings hanging over mew's head. this has not been easy for him.
yes, he looks reluctant to help. yes, he often berates ray for his choices. yes, he's not very kind all the time.
for fucksake, he's human and he's tired. AND RAY ISN'T HIS FUCKING CHILD.
i love sand as much as the next guy, but he's not a "better option "better" guy than mew. he's not some brand new type of shoulder that is the "only one who can see what ray is going through".
he hasn't been weighed down by an unspoken duty to ray if he's just been doing this for a few months.
this is the difference between meeting someone that you believe you can change, and being with someone for so many years that you KNOW you can't change them. while one person is optimistic and hopeful, the other person has given up and is really just going through the motions.
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