#bro i have packages
gouinisme · 1 month
europeans Are crazy dad what the fuck do you mean we might drive to another country tomorrow. what
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turtleblogatlast · 4 months
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Was thinking about this again haha
Anyway I adore Hueso and Leo’s dynamic and wanted to include Hueso Jr in it because I like to think Leo can be shockingly good with kids
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strawglicks · 16 days
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yay plushies :] + happy pride month!
bonus: rainbow capitalism HELP
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 4 months
A vile trickster sent me a nefarious package that unleashed a torrent of glitter upon myself and my home!
I have spent the last 3 hours meticulously using masking tape to extract the microplastics from my helmet.
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gif for anyone who wants it
secret bonus audio of him opening the glitter bomb
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akkivee · 2 months
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The Yamada Family's Special Curry: Hypmic Curry Drama Track TL
Jiro: A curry battle huh…? They sure came up with a weird idea this time around…
Ichiro: I also think it’s a strange concept, but I still want to prove we’re the best. Will you two help me out?
Jiro & Saburo: Of course!!
Ichiro: Glad to hear it!
Saburo: We’re used to making curry so I think we should get started immediately!
Ichiro: Ah, about that… *places down a plate* I actually went ahead and made a prototype curry!
Saburo: As expected, Ichi-nii, you prepared something beforehand!
Ichiro: If we’re going to win over everyone, we can’t just use our usual curry. I was hoping you guys could help me perfect the ultimate curry!
Saburo: Then we’ll try the prototype so we can start ameliorating any flaws it may have!!
Jiro: A-Ameli…?? I don’t get what he just said but you can leave its flavour to me!!
Ichiro: Thanks, you two! Then, why don’t you go ahead and give it a taste?
Jiro & Saburo: Absolutely! *eats*
Jiro & Saburo: Mmm??
Jiro: This isn’t the flavour of our usual curry…! Did he really forget the most important part…??
Saburo: It’s greasy and tastes terrible…! I don’t want to say something Ichi-nii made is unpleasant but…!!
Ichiro: So how is it??
Jiro: I-I’ve never had anything like it before…
Saburo: W-what did you put in it?
Ichiro: *starts bringing out ingredients* So for the roux, I decided not to use anything you can buy from the store and made a completely original spice blend! I also used domestic A5 graded black beef and fatty mackerel!
Jiro: Yeah…?
Saburo: I see…
*phone rings*
Ichiro: Sorry, I gotta take this, it’s a work call. …Hello, how may I help you?
Jiro: *downs a glass of water* Hey Saburo, what did Nii-chan do to this curry??
Saburo: How am I supposed to know?? I can only assume he was so focused on beating the competition, failed to give it any rational thought.
Jiro: Damn it…! Even though Nii-chan’s usual curry is already the most delicious…!
Saburo: My thoughts exactly! He didn’t need to use these fancy ingredients, Ichi-nii’s curry is already exquisite…!
Jiro: We gotta bring Nii-chan back to his senses!
Saburo: As loathe as I am to work hand in hand with incompetence, there’s no other way…!
Ichiro: Sorry, guys, I’m back! So, what should I add to improve the curry?
Jiro & Saburo: *nods at each other*
Jiro: Aniki, I’ll give it to you straight. No matter what you add, this ain’t gonna be our curry!
Ichiro: What??
Jiro: I get where you’re coming from, but you shouldered this by yourself without even talking to us… Isn’t that messed up?
Saburo: I feel similarly to Jiro. If we’re going up against the other divisions, shouldn’t our bonds as brothers shine through?
Ichiro: Our bonds as brothers…?
Jiro & Saburo: And so, we should use our usual curry!
Ichiro: But, if we use our usual curry, wouldn’t you be able to tell the roux uses store bought curry and ingredients that were on sale? If we want to beat the others, then—
Jiro: But that’s what makes it our curry!
Saburo: Just like with our rap as the Buster Bros!!!, there wouldn’t be any point to winning if it’s not who we are!
Ichiro: You guys… *eats the curry* …Yeah, you’re right, this isn’t our curry. I understand what you mean!
Jiro & Saburo: …!!
Ichiro: Okay, let’s head out to the store to buy the stuff we usually use in our curry!
Jiro: Yeah! Once we hit up the shopping district, I’ll find the best bargain after a few rounds around the shops!
Saburo: According to my research, the type of roux that’s favoured across multiple age generations would be one that’s a bit sweet and hits the medium range in spiciness!
Ichiro: Thanks! I’m counting on you guys!
Saburo: Oh, there’s one more thing…
Jiro: What? We’re about to head out.
Saburo: No, it’s just, since we’re going to have to sell it, doesn’t that mean we need to come up with a name for our curry? I think the usual naming conventions revolve around the main ingredients used in the product.
Jiro: We got vegetables, fish, meat… If we go off of that, we’ve just got a variety curry.
Ichiro: We don’t even have to worry about that! No matter the ingredients, this is the “Yamada Family’s Special Curry”! And with it, the three of us will beat all the rest!!
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dilovortexx · 4 months
yall ever just project so hard on a comfort character ship you go "yeah theyre t4t now"
yeah.. good times
anyways gohan and videl are t4t and in this essay i will
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apparently the way the packaging for the wally and barnaby pins is designed makes the spoons behind the pins look like eyes once the pins are removed. its possible that it was unintentional but! interesting!! very interesting!!!
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(credit to r/Purplefox135 on reddit for the image)
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leclercsbf · 11 months
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woahjo · 5 months
I’m so normal about hunger games!au jjk. I promise I’m not screaming and crying and frothing at the mouth at the thought of Gojo being Yuuta’s mentor 🥺😭
GODDDDDDDDDDD i love being and feeling so normal about this au! i don't get weird about it at all!
THAT WOULD HURT ME SO BAD... i couldn't imagine a universe where yuuta volunteers though so let's go by movie logic for a moment... yuuta is reaped and gojo is MORTIFIED. gojo's a volunteer from his district, but district four isn't always careers. some years they have a few volunteers, but others, children get reaped and taken to the arena afraid and unprepared. yuuta happened to be unlucky that way.
and the fucked up thing is that capitol supporters in the district are happy for yuuta. there's a weird mix in district 4 of capitol support and distain. it's a semi-career district and loyalty for the capitol runs fairly deep. people celebrate when yuuta is reaped because... well.. gojo took him under his wing. what an honor to get to be mentee to gojo with such a connection!
the dread that fills satoru when he realizes that he may not be able to save yuuta, as capable as he is, and that even if yuuta wins he will endure the same that satoru has. it's dreadful and satoru does all he can to prepare yuuta for the arena.
the problem with yuuta is that he can be hesitant to kill people whom he deems as "good". being from a poorer area in the district, the games are torture rather than something to triumph. satoru worries how it will change him. what will it break in yuuta? or worse yet, will he do all he can to save him, only for him to die anyway?
and when yuuta comes out of the arena, something is changed. he's twisted. a little darker, with more proclivity to do what needs to be done rather than what should be. and satoru mourns a death that never happens, doing all he can to mend whatever damage has been done. but yuuta will take his place as mentor. he'll never be able to outrun it or his time in the games.
and i think satoru's attitude towards those who are younger than him who go into the arena is SO similar to canon jjk. satoru wants to bear the burden so they don't have to. it makes him angry that the young people are forced to endure what he has. it makes him vengeful. because at the end of the day, satoru was naive when he volunteered and knowing what he knows now, it's torture to send other eager (or not so eager) children into the arena. let alone yuuta, someone he's known since they were a child. because they're children.
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glitteratti · 2 months
trying to arrange to get my phone mailed back to me when i do not have a phone is. nightmare.
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hotgirlcoded · 9 months
next time i decide to order something from fenty beauty + skin, im just doing it from the sephora app 😭
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pierswife · 1 month
Fucking BEGGING coworkers to be direct when telling me things, we've been over this, if you're trying to convey information ESPECIALLY if it's information pertaining to me, JUST TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK YOU MEEEEEAAAAAN
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tonyglowheart · 11 months
Hellfire Gala look!
this is the hotel pic- I took the cape off before going to the event. Made more sense practically, but did make the headpiece make less sense lmao...
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okay funny story tho cuz my friend, who is not a Stevetony, decided first she wanted to go, and then I decided yeah why not after lol. But she decided first she was gonna do a Cap look with her ElHoffler sweater, and I would have done an Iron Man look anyway, but it was like owo well~
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Here's some more pics from the event :3 I never did figure out how to pose lmao..
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kandidandi · 1 year
i hc u probably buy a lot of chapsticks in nice flavours but then either lose or never use them
this is true! i have a collection of hello kitty chapstick i never use somewhere in my closet
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fantomette22 · 4 months
Bro wtf is those UPS import fees 💀
I just wanted my book damn it
Usa wtf it’s the first time i got that shit
(Ok so apparently there’s only 5.85$ of government charge but damn almost 38$ from Brokerage fees?? Excuse me?! What is this ups)
Ok so it’s UPS and their brokerage fees the problem…
I will ask the seller if they can send it to me another way. It’s really bullshit
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marilynthornhilllover · 5 months
Bro i already have enough stress for today so to the person who stole my packages from the airport today count your days🤬😤
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