#hellfire shopping
tonyglowheart · 1 year
okay so if we assume the two options have the same fabric, and therefore are the same color despite the photo variances, which one for an Iron Man Hellfire Gala look?
Option 1- who doesn't love a good clean sleek set of design lines. Says a lot without having to say too much, excellent flow:
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would probably pair with a simple gold belt (I liked it in my quick digital mockup) and maybe this headband? dunno, not fully decided yet, am open to ideas/suggestions on styling
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Option 2- just that little bit more extra. You might say it's "busier" and therefore "more confused" and the mesh bit looks more out of place, but also consider: sometimes, more is more :P
(I did try playing with the colors to see if I could get it more similar to the first one since I'm not gr8 at visualizing but I couldn't quite get it so here's just the listing pics):
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this one I have a vision of extra bedazzlement with these sort of like, architectural-art-deco-y accessories
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(although maybe these accessories would work with option 1 too, who knows. It just kind of feels like it would overwhelm the other dress tho)
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shopwitchvamp · 1 year
If you can't summon the flames directly from hell, store-bought is fine
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things-from-wings · 8 months
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"Hello soildier"
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age-of-moonknight · 1 year
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Variant cover for Moon Knight (Vol. 9/2021), #25 by Frank Miller.
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fandomunder · 11 months
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Happy Halloween! 🩸
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magicalshopping · 3 months
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♡ Stranger Things Hellfire Club Tote ♡
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hiddlesdeni · 23 days
The guy from Hellfire Shop
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Hi guys, here I am with this idea I had on my mind for a while. This fic is originally in italian, so if you see some mistakes, I pleeeeease ask you to letting me know, so I will correct them. When 2 years ago a tried to post this nobody read it, so I post the prologue for now and if you'll like it, I'll go on. Let me know what do you think about it. Should I post the first chapter?
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AU sci-fi - distopic - Eddie x oc
Prologue - Chapter 1
2024: The planet is controlled by ruthless, sentient androids, creating an unlivable environment for humans. However, Hawkins is one of the few towns that have managed to escape their control, where the residents are forced to hide to avoid being discovered by the "sentinels" patrolling the area. Eddie Munson is an eccentric young man considered a misfit, the owner of the Hellfire Shop on the outskirts of Hawkins, a place located in an old, abandoned gas station surrounded by nothingness. It is there that Paige ends up after a rebellion against the androids forces her to flee from her city.
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When Paige fell to her knees, it was almost like feeling them break. She was so exhausted that she found herself on all fours on the cold asphalt. Her hand scraped as soon as it hit the ground. She lifted it to inspect the damage: there was no blood, but the red mark stung. Yet, it seemed insignificant compared to the rest of her condition.
Her feet throbbed, and she could feel them swollen inside her sneakers. Those laces were now tight compared to when she had started to walk, to the point that she felt the need to take off her shoes and leave them somewhere to continue barefoot. But how would she endure the feeling of the asphalt scratching her skin?
She cried without even realizing when she had started, yet she found herself wiping her cheeks with the sleeve of her sweatshirt.
No, she had to get up, she had to keep walking, and she had to make it, despite the darkness of the night, despite the fatigue. She took one, two, three deep breaths, then gathered her strength and stood up with an effort she herself thought was inhuman. An effort so overwhelming and intense that at the first step, she found herself back on all fours on the asphalt.
A desperate sob escaped her, which she immediately stifled behind the palm of her hand. She couldn't make any noise and had to find a way to pull herself together and keep walking. But she was so tired that she would have preferred to lie down there in the middle of that deserted road and be found, no matter what would happen to her; she just wanted to close her eyes and rest, regain the strength she had lost.
With trembling hands, she retrieved the small backpack she had been carrying on her shoulder and emptied it completely onto the asphalt, turning it upside down and shaking it. Out fell some batteries, an analog wristwatch, a slightly faded and crumpled map, a wallet with a few coins inside and nothing else, some bandages dirty with soil, a sealed letter envelope, an old leather-covered diary, some empty paper bags, and wrappers of snacks that were long gone. Finally, the water bottle clattered loudly as it hit the ground. Paige grabbed it and unscrewed the cap. She went to take a sip but realized that nothing came out of it.
“Shit!” she exclaimed, tears still streaking her face as she reluctantly screwed the cap back on.
She couldn't even remember the last time she had eaten or drunk anything. She felt dehydrated, hungry, and on the verge of fainting at any moment. If she hadn't died from what happened at home, she would die like this, running away from a situation that she already knew would eventually kill her.
Another long sigh, and she hurriedly put everything back into the backpack, then slung it over her shoulder and lifted her gaze in front of her: there was a light in the distance, the only one that didn’t come from the flashlight hanging on her belt. In other circumstances, she would have considered it a good thing, a chance to ask for help, but now that only meant danger. It was surely a sentinel, and she couldn’t let herself be seen for any reason in the world. She needed to move from there, get off the road, even though she could barely move. She looked around and realized that the woods framing the road might be the solution she was looking for.
With the last bit of willpower and survival instinct she had left, the only thing she managed to do was literally crawl toward the ground on her left. She went in further among the trees, dragging herself with her arms as if she were dead weight, then hid behind the trunk of a tree and leaned her exhausted back against it. She had never thought that something so simple as leaning against something could bring her relief, yet it did. After all, she hadn’t stopped even once to rest.
Now she just had to stay quiet and wait for the sentinel to complete its patrol. She heard it pass by on the road, its wheels creaking on the asphalt, and its blue light illuminating everything in front of it like a beacon. Nothing would escape that light, so she was glad to be behind that trunk; otherwise, that damned android would have detected her, and her escape would have lost all meaning.
She remained motionless until the sentinel became just a blue dot in the distance, then she told herself she had to keep walking in the opposite direction. But her legs didn’t respond to the commands from her brain, and she had to accept the idea of resting… just a little, just a couple of minutes. Paige fell asleep with the fear that she might never wake up again, overcome by exhaustion, hunger, or thirst.
Not even her survival instinct had helped her in that moment.
When she woke up, she did so with a start; she had a terrible nightmare that she couldn’t even remember, yet it helped her because her heart was racing in her chest, making her realize she was still alive and hadn’t died in her sleep.
She looked up at the sky, and it was still pitch dark. She couldn’t tell if she had slept for an entire day and the sun had set again, or if she had only slept for a few hours.
She tried to move and almost screamed from the sharp pains in her back caused by the position she had slept in. Her legs and feet were still throbbing with pain, and that sleep had only given her a terrible headache. Paige, however, didn’t want to die. She used the trunk she had leaned against the whole time to stand up and get back on her feet. She cursed under her breath, then looked at the road: the sentinel was gone, and the surroundings had returned to complete darkness. She grabbed the flashlight hanging from her belt and turned it on to inspect her surroundings while desperately holding onto the trunk of that tree. She saw nothing but more road, more woods, and nothing else except a sign welcoming her to "Hawkins." She had never heard of that place before.
She looked again as far as her eyes could see and came to her own conclusions: Hawkins had to be a ghost town. She couldn’t spot any androids or signs of life. Her own town, where she came from, was a good example. She had never left it, but she remembered seeing lights and sensing the presence of androids and life forms even from a reasonable distance. And then, the sentinel that had patrolled the road didn’t seem to have detected anyone. But that could be a good thing: maybe the inhabitants who were no longer there had left some food, some water. She could get back on her feet.
It was this thought that managed to get her walking again.
She kept the flashlight pointed ahead the whole time as she limped toward what appeared to be an old shop at a gas station. The gas pumps were obviously old and out of use for years, and climbing plants and moss covered the exterior walls of the place. It was the only building around, and it seemed strange to her to see the windows boarded up with nailed wooden planks. The sign was almost unreadable, and it took her a moment to make out "Hellfire Shop" through the vines that covered it.
She approached, and when she placed her free hand on the wooden surface of the door, she realized just how tired she really was. Her forehead leaned against the rotten wood, and she managed to glimpse a faint, flickering candlelight through the cracks.
There was someone inside. How could there be someone there?
She didn’t think it could be dangerous because she noticed light bulbs hanging from the ceiling, indicating there was electricity, but someone had chosen not to use it. So, someone there was hiding and trying not to be detected by anyone.
She started banging on the door with her hands and used the faint thread of voice she had left to call for help. Could it be a trap? She didn’t know, but it was worth the risk. If she stayed out there, she would die of starvation anyway.
She pounded her fists on the rotten wood for a while, but no one came to open the door, and Paige found herself sobbing desperately, resigned to the idea that she would turn to ashes on those steps, that she would disappoint her parents, that she would disappoint her brother because she hadn’t managed to save herself. But then she heard slow footsteps getting closer and closer. Paige pressed her ear against the wooden door and realized she wasn’t imagining it, because now the footsteps were clearer.
“Please, open the door, please…” she said desperately, her sobs making it hard for her to speak. There was a moment of silence, then the door suddenly swung open, almost causing her to fall forward onto the steps. In front of her stood a strange guy with long dark brown hair, pointing a spear made from makeshift tools at her, and what seemed like the tin lid of a trash can, studded with sharp, rusty nails.
“Who the fuck are you?” he said, his tone a mix of defensive and threatening, though the first adjective seemed to suit him better at that moment. He wasn’t a threat; now she understood that. “I asked you, who the fuck are you!” Paige didn’t respond, but only because she realized she no longer had the strength. This was evident when, shortly after, she collapsed right there at the entrance and fainted.
The guy who had opened the door stood still for a moment, confused. He extended a foot and tried to nudge the girl to see if she was dead, unconscious, or just messing with him… but she didn’t move. He lowered the spear and his tin shield, observing her uncertainly until he noticed that Paige was visibly at her limit: deep, dark circles surrounded her eyes, her skin was covered in bruises and scratches, her lips were dry and cracked, and her hair was frizzy and partly covered in dirt. He even noticed her knees were bleeding because her jeans were stained.
This girl wasn’t a threat; she was in danger. He tossed the spear and shield aside, making a racket he paid no attention to, then quickly crouched to check if she was still alive. Her pulse was still there, and she was breathing, but he didn’t have time to do anything else before a beam of blue light appeared in the distance.
“Shit!” he exclaimed, and he was forced to drag her inside the shop, pulling her by the arms. “Shit, shit, shit,” he continued just before shutting the door the moment Paige was completely inside the room. Right after, he made sure to lift her and lay her on the couch, then rushed to blow out the candles, leaving only the one in the back of the room lit, as it was harder to spot. He quickly clambered over the clutter scattered throughout the shop, then returned to grab the spear and shield and slid down the door until he was sitting on the floor.
The sentinel’s wheels sped by on the asphalt, but Eddie Munson didn’t let his guard down even when he was sure it was gone.
He peeked through the cracks in the door, letting out a sigh of relief, then turned to look at the girl unconscious on his couch and rolled his eyes.
“Just what I needed,” he said, resigned.
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vintagehellfire · 2 years
She Brings Home Her Pay, for Love | Eddie Munson x reader
Hello, I had this idea pop into my head on my walk home from work - I’ve been sick for a few days so here we are, delusional and needing to feel the sun’s warmth on my skin, or Eddie’s arms tbh. Enjooooyyyyyy and please leave a comment if you enjoyed it - I’m super rusty because I haven’t written in a billion years but this man has me in a chokehold. 
Warnings: violence, rude customers, swearing, alluding to sex ? 18+ mdi
[tags]: no use of y/n, fluff, fluffy fluff fluff, reader works in a record store, Eddie’s work is on strike. you know he’s a union man
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The last customer finally left through the exit door, the small broken bell clanging against the pristine door. You were finally able to let out a sigh of relief and rub your hands across your tired features, your sunken and dreary eyes not getting any ounce of relief from the action. You knew better than to drag the close out so you lifted your head and with the reluctant groan your limbs let out you grabbed the shop keys, pushing yourself off the counter and towards the doors.
You didn’t hate the job, no no, you were surrounded by records, often bringing home releases before they were even publicly available. The shop was also on the busiest street so the pay was decent, above the minimum, and yet the shop remained relatively small in size -- the clientele was different though. Sometimes you had older customers who would ramble about their days, this being the only social interaction they would pry out of the repetitive days, others would be chipper, providing you with conversations stimulating enough in order to want them to continue ever on. Days like today were the worst though. First it was the rude client who didn’t say hello but stated he was there to pick something up under his name, grunting in reply to every other question. Second was the client who mockingly asked if you understood his Indiana accent -- you weren’t Indiana born and raised, no not at all. You were a New Englander and sometimes folks looked down on you for it, but not your boyfriend -- this same customer chewed you out stating that “we’re not in New England, doll.” You couldn’t stand him, you wanted to punch his lights out but instead you opted for your breathing exercises. 
The last customer, and frankly the worst was a customer who was asking about various bands that you knew you had stocked on the shelves and in record bins, just not in the section she would have expected, however, she started berating you and your dear coworkers about how improper the store was for not having “modern” music and how dare you keep her from opening the records to take a peak inside. When your coworker Jeff asked her to leave, she landed a slap across his face before his demeanour turned fridge, and his voice boomed like thunder telling her to leave of the authorities would be called, booking her for assault. You instructed Jeff to go home, ice his face, and take the next day to cool down, he could take a sick day and you’d be fine tomorrow, truthfully you were dreading it but that was just a small detail. You had a boyfriend to get home to. 
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“Babe? I’m home!” You called out to your boyfriend. The frizzy haired boy poked his head from the kitchen, a mug of tea at the ready for you, a smile adorning his face until his doe eyes landed on you. His expression fell and a look of concern replaced his chipper mood. 
“Oh, oh no, what happened sweetheart?” He cooed, allowing you the space to take your shoes off. As your anxiety seeped from your very core and into your heart, to your mind, you r movements had tendency to get a little more agressive than they normally would be. It wasn’t an intentional reaction, in fact it was one you barely noticed until Eddie had pointed it out to you one day when you had calmed down -- you felt so ashamed but he didn’t mind, he would just ask you what you needed and if you needed anything from him at all, a hug, some tea, a blanket, anything. Eddie dotted on you, especially now that his work was going through some... hardships. 
“I just- customers.” You hissed out, padding over into the living room, Eddie following you like a lost puppy. You dropped your keys into the little wooden bowl that was bought so that you would remember to put them in one place, not that it worked too well. Often enough it was abandoned, forgotten, and used as a glorified decoration until something else took home in it. Something. that didn’t belong. 
After collapsing into the couch with a sigh, you gingerly took your mug of tea from Eddie and thanked him, leaning up to gently kiss his jaw as he positioned himself beside you. You drank him in, long curly hair flowing down his shoulders, bangs wildly splayed across his forehead, the sleeved of his Hellfire shirt up to his elbows with his tattoos on full display. He rejected his jeans in favour of comfort in his own home but there were still elements of Eddie, your metalhead, adorning him even in his casual loungewear -- his rings, for instance were still on his fingers, and god what you’d let him do to you with them on... but now wasn’t that time. 
“Talk to me, sweetheart.” He cooed before planting a firm kiss to your head, scooting closer, and draping his arm around your waist. You took this moment to lean your head on his shoulder before letting out a semi-relaxed sigh, eyes fixated on the steam pouring from your mug. 
“It’s just gotten tougher at work. I mean, it’s not that I don’t like the job, I do, but it’s getting repetitive in the day to day tasks. The people are getting meaner and I don’t think I’m built for that. The nicest customer I had today ignored me until I asked if she wanted a receipt and then curtly said goodbye. It’s like I’m not even a human.” you lamented. At this admission Eddie frowned, and the more you recanted your day, the more his chestnut eyes seemed to glaze over with a certain melancholy. The very last interaction nearly had him in a full rage -- Jeff was his friend after all, and he would call later to see if he was okay, but right now, you were his priority, you with the beautiful sad eyes and the gentle touch. You with a voice barely above a whisper and the tonality of a thousand hearts breaking all at once. You, his partner, his love, his life, his breath even. 
“Come here, babe.” He gently tugged the mug from your hands, his cold rings brushing your knuckles, a shiver running down your spine. “I want you to know it’s not your fault. They’re assholes and you don’t deserve to put up with their shit. They’re taking out their bad day on you and it’s not fair. You’re not their punching bag, baby. You’re so much more than that and you deserve respect. They’re just a bunch of ill mannered ass baskets and I wish I could be there to help you more directly.” His voice put you in a trance as he placed the mug gently on the coffee table and pulled you on top of him. You were both now laying on the couch horizontally as he played with your hair, toying with the smooth locks you worked hard to upkeep. “I know we’re in a bit of a,” he hesitates, “spot right now with the strike, but if you need to find a job elsewhere, if you need to take time off, just say the word. I’ll be right here.” He places a kiss on your head. The smell of stale cigarettes, perfume, motor oil, and brass consume you as you press your face to the crook of his neck, an all consuming smell that was just... home.
“I... I don’t want to be stuck here forever, Eds, I want to have a good job that I love. I feel so trapped in this corner of the labour field and I-” a shaky breath rattles your body, and in response Eddie holds you tighter. “I’m tired of being treated like shit by people who don’t know me. I’m so tired of having to tend to whoever it is that walks through those doors. I don’t know how much longer I can hold on. It’s not so much the job, it’s the people who come in... and maybe... Maybe it is the job a little..” you admit mostly to yourself. It’s the first time you’ve vocalised it. “It’s just so repetitive. Sometimes I feel so stupid, Eds. It’s such simple work and I can’t focus on it.” You let a little sob break through. Your boyfriend hushes you softly, rubbing your back in comforting circular motions. 
“It’ll be okay, just hold on to me, I’ve got you. We’ve got each other.” He whispers in a low voice, one you’ve heard many times, in many contexts, but this time it goes to your heart, bats fluttering in the hollow of your chest. “Did I ever tell you about my first job?” He asks you, you furrow your brow. “I took it to help Wayne with the bills,” he casually admits, “it wasn’t a good job, it wasn’t even a great job, but it did it because the man put up with my ass and didn’t kick me to the curb. He gave me food, shelter, love... and I needed to return the favour, or I felt like I had to. I’m not proud of what I did, but I dealt at parties and I’m just glad I don’t need to do that anymore, not that my situation is particularly sunshine and rainbows right now, sweetheart.” He sighs out, hands trailing along your spine. “Sometimes I’d get my teeth kicked in at these parties, other times I’d come home with a fractured rib, but the cash it brought in to make Uncle Wayne’s life easier was... god it was a relief. But I don’t want you to do what I did. I don’t want you to get yourself beat to bring money in for us. I’m not going anywhere, you got that sweetheart?” He coos, receiving a series of small nods from you. 
“Babe?” You hum, Eddie’s chest vibrating as he hums in return. “Have you ever just wanted to run away.” 
“Always, sweetheart. But I have you now, I’m done running.” He kisses your head gently, both of you melting into one another. Quiet ‘I love you’’s were exchanged between you that night, soft sweet nothings filled with promises you both would keep and only each other’s arms to keep you safe from the emotional baggage that would inevitably be hurled your way. None of that existed right now. It was only you and Eddie against the world. 
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visjules · 2 years
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Some art on my I have on my iPad
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voydhund · 10 months
guys... christmas soon... help i can't decide what to get...
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monkeymeghan · 1 year
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@prismatica-the-strange I saw this at Goodwill today and thought of you. :)
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tonyglowheart · 1 year
Hellfire Gala look!
this is the hotel pic- I took the cape off before going to the event. Made more sense practically, but did make the headpiece make less sense lmao...
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okay funny story tho cuz my friend, who is not a Stevetony, decided first she wanted to go, and then I decided yeah why not after lol. But she decided first she was gonna do a Cap look with her ElHoffler sweater, and I would have done an Iron Man look anyway, but it was like owo well~
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Here's some more pics from the event :3 I never did figure out how to pose lmao..
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shopwitchvamp · 1 year
The inspiration:
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The designs:
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sasyall · 2 years
My Stranger Things fan art on RedBubble got approved ☺
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lily-sweet-dreams · 2 years
how's the weather charlie? oh you know just
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fire weather, you know how it is
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fandomunder · 1 year
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One of my favorite moments from Stranger Things. I just KNEW it had to be this scene if I was going to pin these two.
✨ Lumax is available in the shop! ✨
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