#bro is a model in every official art
ni-kol-koru · 8 months
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The day has finally come. Hayama and Miyaji official merchandise. We even got Hayama and Miyaji themed cocktail and ice cream! I cannot put into words how happy I was when this popped up on my explore page (I have been giggling and kicking my feet for the past hour, I am going to explode) 🩵🌟🧡
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hydrasluncheon · 1 year
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A new pony OC to add to my roster, one that I've been slowly working on for the past few months. She stands out a lot compared to my other ones, who all have very dull or dark colors. Her design is inspired from some of my favorites from Gen 1 & 3.
I was stumped on a name for her for the longest time; and not from the lack of ideas, mind you. I came up with a lot of great names, but none of them really stuck. But I finally made up my mind on Star Sweeper! Which the idea for this name comes from this song. If you see her name change between now and any future posts of her, no you didn't.
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I love every prior generation of My Little Pony, so of course I had to try and shoehorn Star into each one. She's my excuse for taking a stroll down Nostalgia Avenue. Each of these is based from official artwork and renders (and a show screenshot in the case of G4). This sorta practice would be sacrilege to 15 year old me, but I ain't got time to expertly replicate art styles, dammit.
The latest generation, though... needs to grow on me still, I think. It's the first generation to release since I became an adult, so it just doesn't appeal to me. I will never outgrow drawing ponies, but I have absolutely outgrown the shows and toys. But I do love the new models, so couldn't leave it out of this roster.
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It was a pain to make this, honestly. Rendered it by hand because I don't know how to edit the official renders like others do. But I'm quite proud of it! Sorta looks like a Smash Bros render lmao.
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twothpaste · 5 months
mother 3's character designs are interesting to work with as a fanartist, cuz there's no truly official / "canon" designs for most of these characters beyond their sprites. no official clay models were ever made. smash bros sort of counts if you want it to. (i consider it just a 3D modeling team's best effort to faithfully translate the sprites into models. itoi's art team probably didn't oversee the effort in any way, therefore these models don't convey much besides another team's interpretation of those same sprites.) for the most part, we're all just interpreting these little handfuls of pixels in our own ways.
there's somethin really special about fanart for games like this imo. the way community trends fill in the gaps, how different artists can put totally different spins on things, how we kinda get to collaboratively (with the original sprite artists and sometimes each other) design the characters ourselves. how every fan design you see is just as valid & plausible as the last, even though they may be wildly different from each other. it's nice and i like it.
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legendofzoodles · 2 years
LOZ Character Analysis/Rant
The Hero of Twilight
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The core of his character is duality. You look at the official character art and you assume he’s this dark, serious brooding hero (and there’s a smidge in the form of the loneliness that comes with traversing the Twilight covered kingdom without anyone able to see you), but then you play the game and you realise he’s just as much of a dork as the other hero incarnations.
On one hand he’s the cool lone wolf type and on the other, he a soft farm boy who by simply walking into the room will make your pet love him more than they love you. 
But that’s oversimplifying a bit.
Life was routine before the Twilight Invasion. Little village, little worries. Link spent his days working long hours at the ranch and the farms. On his days off, he’d spend his time sword training with Rusl, running errands for the villagers, hanging out with Ilia, playing with the village kids or spending some quiet time alone at home. Occasionally venturing out into the Faron woods.
Link wouldn’t have been bored of his life, he’d have been content with it. In the backstory I made up for him he hasn’t lived in the village all his life and has been part of the community for less than that. So for now he appreciates what he has. 
He’s really close with Rusl’s family. To them he’s like the son who moved out but still comes round for dinner at least once a week and spends time with his younger brother, Colin. In the backstory I made up for him they practically raised him, so it makes sense that they’re the closest thing Link has to a family. He doesn’t have any (living) blood relatives around.
It’s pretty much established that he radiates big bro energy. Incredibly patient with the children no matter how bratty they act, he’s reliable in every sense of the word, thrives off responsibility and he’s a great role model with a big heart. 
Life for the simple goat farmer was predictable, comfortable and peaceful. And he didn’t see any reason to ask for more than that.   
But then the Twili invade Hyrule and his entire world is flipped on its head as he is thrust into a great conflict far bigger than himself. 
So going off of the inciting incident when the Bulblin tribe raid his village and kidnap the children, Link would probably regret failing to stop them for most of the journey. I don’t know whether to go with the in-game events or the ones posed in the manga, but I don’t think it matters (his arm getting chopped off was cool though and fits with his lopsided Ordon clothing- the stitched green sleeve that’s belted around his torso). Either way, that guilt would motivate him for the first couple of temples in the adventure.
I found it interesting that in the game, he got dragged into the Twilight instead of passing through willingly. He ran up to the gateway without hesitation, but then stopped in his tracks when he saw the black wall. It’s not at all a bad thing though, that was a normal reaction for anyone to have when faced with the unknown. Referring to the backstory I made up for him, the reason he stops is because he recognises the patterns on the wall as similar I gave him ones adorn a few of the spellbooks he has at home (now’s probs a good time to mention that some of the spellbooks originate from the Interlopers).
Moving onto the titular Twilight Princess herself, Link would have disliked her at the beginning, because a couple things tipped off to him that something was up with her. Firstly she watched him get dragged into prison by the shadow beasts but didn’t help him, which will have made him immediately not trust her. Then she makes fun of him for having been turned into a wolf, talks down to him and basically treats him like a servant. Plus, after meeting Zelda she manipulates him into going along with her plans by impersonating his friends. At first, Midna was rude, uncaring to the world of light and only teamed up with Link to achieve her goal, essentially using him like a tool. 
And he was probably very much aware of this and only stuck around because she know a lot about what was going on and could help him rescue the village kids. 
Regarding the destiny stuff posed by the Light Spirit (I headcanon that this Link only worships the Ordon light spirit. It’s just funny to me), he probably didn’t have much of an opinion on it in the beginning, not realising the true weight of his new responsibility. Then again he’s not the type of person to get easily overwhelmed, so he would have come to peace with it pretty quickly, deciding to just to focus on one thing at a time and manage things as he went.
Sticking with Midna ended up being the right choice. With time she proved to not be malicious and willing to help out the world of light, as long as it furthered their goal too. Together they undid the effects of the Twilight and restored power to the Light Spirits. As Midna starts to warm up to Link, opening up about why she’s doing what she’s doing and telling him about what he’ll be up against, he in turn warms up to her (well, apart from when she left him alone in that burning building in Kakariko- I think it was the bomb shop guy’s house. That probably fueled a nightmare or two for him in the future). 
Btw, Midna never hated Link, she distrusted him to start with, but didn’t harbour any genuine animosity towards him.
Moving on, how does Link feel about turning into a wolf? 
At first it’s fucking weird. Definitely the strangest shit to happen to him, and that’s going up against competition like the hell spawn wall walking nipple chickens. The transformation came out of nowhere and before it was explained to him, he probably worried if he’ll ever be human again. That being said, he gets the hang of it pretty quickly- going back to my story- since he was raised by wolves when he was really young, he has a good frame of reference for how to maneuver in his new body. At first he probably didn't feel like himself and only saw the wolf thing as a means to an end, but gradually got used to it over time.
The awful experience of the villagers attacking him when he came back in wolf form is the reason why he keeps it his secret. He understood why they acted how they did, he had the animals to guide and comfort him (speaking to the villager’s pets for the first time must have been a lot of fun) and he doesn’t hold a grudge at all. But it still hurt. Particularly the memory of having Rusl brandish a flaming torch at him while his wife screamed in terror from behind, will forever haunt his nightmares.
Colin’s sacrifice when he shoved Beth out of the way and got held hostage had a big impact on Link. It shows Link the power of inspiring courage in others, makes him realise just how much Colin and the others admire him and it’s the moment that truly sets him on the hero’s journey. In another way it kind of robs him of his choice to back out of all this. Colin, despite having no power or skill to back it up, has the courage to push Beth out of the way and put himself in danger. The fact that Link inspired Colin, inspires Link to keep going with this quest.
Midna and Link probably assumed the quest was over when they collected all the pieces of the Fused Shadow, until Zant rocked up at the Lanayru Spring and undid all their progress. That must have been extremely frustrating for them, but what was even more devastating was what the Usurper King did to Midna. The rush to Hyrule Castle as the rain fell and the stupid monsters appearing making the piano track cut out for the battle theme, was the lowest point. By now the two could be considered friends and Link was pretty desperate in getting to Zelda, to the point of ignoring all the screaming townsfolk as he ran through Castletown. 
Speaking of Zelda, how does Link feel about her? Well, a mixture of respect because she’s the Princess and indifference because they’re strangers, even at the end of the game. He pities her for her current circumstance, is grateful for her sacrifice when she saved Midna, and he wouldn’t be angered that she surrendered to Zant so much as underwhelmed. Like his predecessor was. He forgives her for it of course, and doesn’t blame her, because it was clear to him as he explored the land that Hyrule has been a state of decline for decades now. It’s not her fault she inherited a broken kingdom, and like Midna, would never wish harm on her. 
However, he doesn’t have much faith in her army. His dislike for Hyrulean soldiers was kicked off when the cowards refuse to escort Ilia, Telma and the Zora Prince to Kakariko.
Next up, the Master Sword! Link’s opinion of it is that it’s an incredible weapon. It has only ever been exclusively beneficial to him: it’s a huge step up from the Ordon sword, it cured him of the shadow crystal curse and it’s able to revert the corrupted Twili back to their original state. He respects its power and thanks to the teachings of the Hero’s Shade, never relies on it or becomes overconfident in using it. 
Oh gosh, ok now for the Hero’s Shade. So in my story Link has had a golden wolf appear in his dreams a few times throughout his life. He was never sure if it was friendly or not, but when it appeared to him for the first time in the flesh, you best believe he went after it for answers and only for it to shapeshift into a armoured skeleton and transport him to this dreamlike world. The skeleton said nothing as it began to attack the young hero, who fought as best he could before being knocked down and given a lecture about strength. From there he teaches Link all his advanced sword techniques, meeting with him at different points of the journey, also teaching him songs from his first adventure. Link assumes this spectre is mentoring him simply to better prepare him to defeat Zant and this Ganondorf because he’s the chosen saviour. It’s not until the final hidden skill has been passed down that Shade reveals his identity as his ancestor, the founder of Ordon Village and lays out his reasons for teaching him. 
Que heartbreaking scene when he reveals that he’s been watching over the young hero all his life, add in some lore regarding their family, that he’s very proud of him and that now his soul can finally rest. Maybe have Shade phase into a more human appearance and give his descendant a long hug before disappearing into ghostly particles. (Sheesh, I need to write out a short story for that)
Sidenote: the Hero’s Shade/spirit of the Hero of Time has nothing to do with Midna and the Twili. She doesn’t know him at all and kind of watches his escapades with Link from the sidelines. 
Link would’ve had a bone to pick with the sages who botched Ganondorf’s execution. Mostly due to how their failure ended up causing the downfall of both realms of Light and Shadow, but also thanks to Midna telling him her backstory (when it is revealed much later on that she’s the Twilight Princess). He’s allowed to take it personally because it ended up causing Midna to suffer as much as she did, and he now cares a lot about her. They also don’t do shit to help them other than tell stories and send them on a fetch quest to reclaim the mirror pieces, so I think Link would have very little respect for them. 
Ilia’s lost memory definitely took a toll on Link through the latter half of his adventure and was a major source of anxiety. He worried constantly about it in between slaying monsters and solving puzzles, talking with Midna, Ranado, Telma even Shad about ways they could restore it. He probably didn’t spend much time with her while her memory was gone as to not confuse or overwhelm her, because it was painful for him and because he just didn’t have the time. When it is restored it’s like a huge weight is lifted off his shoulders and things go back to normal for the two of them.
Link likes the Resistance. A whole lot actually. They’re the only ones standing up and doing a damn thing about the current state of affairs, and they’re doing the fucking most, which is is more than he can say about those with much more power than them. Going quickly through the members:
Telma is like the teasing aunt who’s easy to talk to and knows when to set you straight. She can be a bit much for Link sometimes, but he enjoys her company and is grateful for her keeping Ilia safe. 
Auru is like the no nonsense uncle who acts all strict and serious, but he’s a total goof once you get to know him better. He’s not really friends with Link, he’s more like a friendly acquaintance who’ll have his back no matter what and gives great life advice.
I see Ashei as a cold loner gothic type. Who’s similar to Link in the sense that they’re both people of few words, come off as kind of aloof in their mannerisms, they both believe that actions speak louder than words and they’re both tough as nails. That being said, Link is much warmer, slightly more talkative and more expressive than she is. Still, those two get along like a house on fire, able to skip the small talk in every encounter and act like old friends. I like to think that the reason Link only has one eye of the hawkeye goggles in LU is because he gave the other half to Ashei (she’s an archer as well as a swordswoman)- who in return gave him an ornate crossbow from her father’s weapon collection. Just imagine these two emo buddies sniping monsters with their long range weapons while exploring the snowy mountains together.  
So...Shad. These two did not like each other to start with. I did say that during Midna’s desperate hour Link was solely focused on saving her, but I forgot to mention the one thing that did divert his attention. And that was overhearing Shad say in the bar that those who don’t know the city life do not know fear. Well, it was a horribly elitist for him to say and that small comment rubbed Link the wrong way. 
From there Link avoided Shad’s company as best he could, because almost everything he said annoyed him (he’d say backhanded comments that sound like compliments about his strength but are really just pleasant insults). Which to Link’s credit, Shad did kind of look down on him for being a simple country peasant. They were kind of forced to work together to restore Ilia’s memory and access the canon in the basement, and that made them at least respect other’s talents. It would be a missed opportunity if Shad didn’t follow Link into the City of the Sky, and I feel like he would do that. 
That way, their petty frenemy dynamic would eventually turn into a genuine friendship as they navigate the decrepit city together, maybe have Link save Shad a few times (humbling Shad) and have Shad gush adorably at every little thing (showing a side of him that Link finds he actually likes). 
That being said Shad would absolutely pester Link for possession of the dominion rod. Link would always refuse of course, but that wouldn’t stop the scholar bugging him with every argument and justification he can come up with. 
Goes without saying but Link despises Ganondorf and Zant. Not only because of all the suffering they caused, hurting his friends, surrogate family, tragedies like the death of the Zora Queen and taking over kingdom, but again everything they did really screwed over Midna. So he has no sympathy for Zant even when Midna pops him like a balloon, although the sudden violent action did startle him. 
Also...can I gush over how amazing their bond is?! Watching them grow to really care for and depend on each other was the highlight of the game for me. The cute side glance they do when getting ready to fight Dark Beast Ganon is the best thing ever. Or when Link holds Midna bridal style after she shattered the barrier around Hyrule Castle with the Fused Shadow (just- I can’t, they’re such a great duo!). 
So TP as a whole, Link definitely went through many hardships, but the quest as a whole improved his life. He’s now a famous figure within the kingdom with a fanbase in Castletown, he’s found a cool group of people he really clicks with and can go on adventures with whenever farmlife gets a little too boring and he’s connected more with his lineage. Zelda will 100% give him some sort of reward for all he’s done, I’d argue she’d knight him, as well as giving him his title as the Hero of Twilight. 
That being said there are a couple wrinkles in this bright future.
Midna left. That’s a weight he’ll carry for the rest of his life and he’ll never get answers as to why she did it. Maybe I’ll do a character analysis of Midna to explain why, but for now know that it deeply hurt both Zelda and Link. 
His past. Or at least the past I gave him. There’s a lot he doesn’t know like: who his parents were, what happened to them, where he came from, how he ended up in the care of a wolf pack and why they abandoned him (like his parents and Midna...oh geez). Those are answers he’ll spend his life looking for. 
Miscellaneous things:
Link isn’t dismissive of magic. He doesn’t distrust it like the Ordonians, he has little to no problems or fears regarding dark magic and doesn’t look down on those who use it excessively or as a crutch. Quite the opposite in fact, magic fascinates him. He’s had an acute interest in it and those who can use it since he stumbled upon that chest of books years ago. Hardly uses it much himself because he’s...magically inept. Absolutely talentless when it comes to performing magic. There’s that and he also doesn’t use magic himself much because he’s aware of the consequences (learning these during his adventure, such as when the Lanayru Light Spirit gave him that freaky vision of the dangers of the Fused Shadow) of delving too far into what’s forbidden. 
He may not use magic much save for the shadow crystal, but we can all agree that he doesn’t even need it. The. man. is. buff. My boi be over here throwing every whole ass goron on Death mountain to the ground, picking up huge iron cannonballs and bodying goats for breakfast. He can bench-press a mountain and this platform’s future.
Despite his humble upbringing, Link is surprisingly sharp with pretty good streetsmarts. He was able to learn the Hylian language fast despite being a (very) late bloomer, naturally good at problem solving and decent deduction skills. So don’t think he just sat there while Shad was chatting all that shit, nope, he clapped back with his own brand of wit.
Throughout the game you encounter a lot of dead people, like tons of wandering spirits and poes. Link is probably desensitised to them. I’ll say he stopped getting shocked or put off by their appearances upon visiting the Arbiter’s Grounds.
I have a headcanon that this Link is secretly a romantic. Not that he’s this amazingly suave ladies’ man (nah he’d be the opposite). It’s just that he doesn’t have much experience when it comes to love, his only exposure being Ilia’s old storybooks, Beth’s advice, anecdotes from his farm buddies and Rusl/Uli’s stories of when they courted. Beth and Ilia’s views would be pretty idealised and not so realistic sources of information, making him believe in things like love at first sight, soul mates- sappy stuff like that.
I can easily see TP Link being a popular figure in Ordon, with more than one secret admirer pining after the rancher. The reason they’d stay secret is just due to how unapproachable he comes off as to those outside his orbit and he doesn’t normally go out of his way to meet new people. Total sweetheart once you make the first move and get to know him.
Just don’t bug him while he’s doing his farm work, it won’t go over well.
Thanks for reading! Feel free to add your opinions in the comments, I’d love to read them. Also for the record TP Link has always been my favourite.
From Shadows is a story I made up while playing TP, here’s the origin story I made up for Twi:
Hero of Twilight Backstory
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lanatusnebula · 25 days
I Want To Like Aeolus
I'm going to type "Helios" because I played a fan translated version of the game so I could avoid the eng voice actors. (I refuse to buy anything else Capcom releases related to Megaman because I physically own most of this stuff anyway LOL)
So, so good points about Helios;
he has a cool head on his shoulders (deisgn-wise)
he had model H (my favorite MMZ character is Harpuia and ZX I love Model H big)
I like his face and hair! It's super silly but the more I look at it, the more he reminds me of SOMEONE I can't actually put my finger on. It's funny. And he has... one earring? Hanging off the ear mechanic things? Not sure what to call them... audio enhancement device? Vestibular Enhancement Piece? I wish they got some nerd to official label the reploid/cyborg body parts...
He's pretty neat in that regard, haha!
Model H is super fun in ZX! I enjoyed it in ZX. In ZX it is my favorite! So good on him that he's a biomatch for pocket Harpuia.
From here downward i will slander Helios's name and everything he will ever stand for.
nb4, "dude if you dont like him, then ignore his existence like you do with everything else you dont like" bro you dont understand this is a struggle i must endure for the sake of my own completeness (self-torture)
This whole this is biased and abandoned by reason, but I will put on a brave face and embarass myself anyway...! ò 0 ó
Points to touch on;
his design
his writing
his personality
biomatching with Model H
I hate his design so freakin much. He has a sleeveless vest (ok), the weird skin-tight extra padding (sure) a skirt attached to ABSOLUTELY NOTHING (ok) and PANTS (dress pants). Each of these things on a character in the Z series would be like "eh whatever". But looking at how everyone else dresses, I always wondered "what happened HERE???". I'm hoping that it was a mistranslation of the concept art to the official marketed stuff, and they added volume to the skirt when it was supposed to be attached to the torso piece. I just can't mentally comprehend his layers otherwise? Like I'm picturing he and Ciel had the same thing going on, except he has dress pants instead of tights.
I'm more than aware that fashion in the Z/ZX series is a bit unhinged and abnormal. That it might even be lore related or somehow touched on by the fact that every human is a cyborg. Maybe he's a reploid and we can't see it? I'm holding onto the hope that Atlas and Helios are reploids who hide this fact. (Unlikely)
His Writing
Because I am an ugly Harpuia fan, I was expecting more than the game actually gave. This section is my personal gripes that have no real basis for complaints. They are, as a whole, completely unnecessary and ignorable.
Siarnaq has a backstory that is briefly mentioned in his little disk thing. Okay!
Thetis has some sort of motivation that hints that something else could be there, but doesn't have a backstory in in the disk thing. Okay!
Atlas has a backstory that is briefly mentioned in her little disk thing. Okay! (she has been ruined by the fanart in select places and thus she does not exist to me LOL - same with Ashe tbh)
Helios has... a shallower motivation than even Thetis *and* lacks a backstory. I mean, sure I guess? I am biased towards Thetis because I figured for a reploid to have that much of an interest in oceans - something *happened*. It isn't even suggested that anything did happen, it's just... a good set up for me to fart out fandom crap. But Helios... I... man.
"Everything is imperfect and full of foolish fools I will kill everyone." His personality is so god damn bland. Harpuia was the highlighted guardian for most of the MMZ games and I ended up really enjoying how he evolved and how he struggled in the drama CDs. There was a lot to work with! Part of me thinks, "yes well Fefnir had jack shit going for him and you'd die for him". I DIG HIS DESIGN A REALLY LOT. But THIS GUY I simply struggle with! I want to like him because bootleg model H biomatch but I got nothing to workmwith! And that frustrates me. :(
Bland personality (I like Death the Kid ffs), shit motivation, no background - I know this is grounds for "blank slate, do what you want" but I just don't operate like that for this guy specifically.
His Personality
This section is biased.
Helios's personality doesn't really go beyond "I am a pretentious snob." He has... four lines? Maybe? I can recall four instances of dialogue off the top of my head.
"I don't have time for this lol"
"Fuck you, you imperfect crackhead" (I played as Grey).
"Fuck everyone on this planet for being imperfect."
"Self sacrifice is beautiful for friendship."
Maybe I can work with these? They are not obviously direct quotes, and are obviously played up for the hahateehee, but... I dunno man. It Should be enough to work with but I can't get into mindset of doing something with it.
Biomatching With Model H
This one is a little tricky. I assumed the biometals were either broken, muted somehow, or ditched by whatever personalities lived within them. Model Z kinda suggests to me that it IS the original inside of the biometal, but it's pure speculation based on a few lines.
I understandnthe relations some of the MegaMen have with their biometles, right
Atlas is powerhungry, which can loosely be connected to Fefnir in a very idiot way
Thetis has a "childlike innocence with attached cruelty" that we can poke ourselves in the eyes and say Leviathan had. Also ice water go brr
Siarnaq is a freaky little somethin ninja who is the complete opposite of what we assume Phantom is like based on the extremely limited dialogue he gives us. (but is substantially more to work with than what Helios gives us)
For Helios, we have to accept the "pompous homogeneous ruler mentality" as Harpuia's link. Which I don't get. What is the point of the entire Z series then? Aren't we supposed to look at Harpuia's growth and go "oh he actually is dedicated to his cause but was stuck in some muddy circumstances"? He had pride, absolutely (thinking about his post-repairs in Z3) but it's such a small part of who I thought he was personally? Granted, I did not write the game. I have no say in this; pride could have been his very essence. I just thought it was... justice.
We can say Helios is very much connected to justice - that he feels there is a sense of justice in nuking the flawed beings off this planet. (which is somewhat skewed by the fact that humans get bot'd after a while - what age? 13??? - and are basically cyborgs or robots themselves. So in a sense, they're already leaving behind their imperfect bodies) But... the super secret ending - the fact that he is present AT ALL makes no sense. If the goal is to put an emphasis on human bodies in the future, then... why is Helios present for this? Humans are the epitome of imperfection - we know this. It's blatant. It's why they do these mechanical enhancements to begin with.
Helios can't even commit to a cause right? I know all the MegaMen are exceedingly braindead and that's cool. But at least the others COMMIT to it. Thetis doesn't go "I'm gonna eliminate an entire race for the ocean" and then piss in the sea. Atlas doesn't go "Power is everything." and then break down crying and throwing away her biometal to embrace her weakness. Siarnaq doesnt go "HYPERFOCUSING ON TASK AT HAND" and then hold hands with everyone at the amusement park with a smile. THEY COMMIT.
Helios is stupid. He doesn't commit. Not if that is the truest ending leading up to this ZXC they planned.
His Background
Helios has no background. Okay. That is fine. Thetis doesn't have one either. Two focusing on the present and two focusing on the past.
But what could his background have been? Aristocrat? Poor? Feral child? Living in squalor? No parents? Abusive parents? Was he training to be one of the Sage Trinity? Albert came out of nowhere right? Maybe anyone qualifies - clearly they don't do background checks on anyone.
Maybe he was a sword enthusiast? Maybe the sword plays a part in this? Maybe he idolizes Thomas and felt his methods weren't extreme enough? I feel like the sword is very important to him as a character.
But why didn't they elaborate? They spent so much time making the Floating Islands a Shit Stage and Ouroboros absolutely mind breaking they didn't think to go "maybe we should add a line about his sword that he never actually uses." Are the writers andnstage designers different people? I don't actually know. Might be in the credits. Sure doesn't feel like it in ZXA.
His Moveset
why is model zx's reach so short
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yourlocalfanslime · 10 months
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I went and made a lockscreen for myself because I couldn't recover my old one and it's awful (in a good way). So if you happen to also be me or enjoy """graphic design""" I decided to post it.
includes most if not all of my favorites from random series I already had saved. Like Womack. And Womack. And Beta Womack.
But I also wanna name every thing on here because it'll help me tag and help others identify.
Starting in the top left, left to right, highest to lowest
pretty much all of these are official renders/sprites/models/art; I'll credit any fanart I included.
Also including what specific game each one is from.
Tarot (Dynamite Headdy)
Womack (Plok)
Plok (Plok)
Bobbins Bros (Plok)
Gohma (The Legend of Zelda) (NES)
Fishman (Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance)
Bulbmin (Pikmin 2)
Chi-Yu (Pokemon Scarlet/Violet)
Venipede (Pokemon Black/White)
Sporespawn (Super Metroid)
Glommer (Don't Starve)
Chien-Pao (Pokemon Scarlet/Violet)
Ting-Lu (Pokemon Scarlet/Violet)
Chameleos (Monster Hunter Rise)
Dodogama (Monster Hunter World)
Giant Breadbug (Pikmin) (2)
Bowser (Super Mario RPG)
Slime God (Terraria: Calamity Mod)
Maruyama (Dynamite Headdy)
Legion Saint (Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance) (very blurred)
Womack (Plok)
Legion Corpse (Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance) (also very blurred)
Beta Womack (Plok)
Miss Painter (My Little Pony Gen 2) (I made that skin in Ponytown)
Aquamentus (The Legend of Zelda) (I got it off the Zelda Wiki; it's from 'an unofficial 'The Legend of Zelda' guidebook'. Which doesn't really help anyone here.)
Slime of some variety (presumed dendro) (Genshin Impact) (silly little plushie of mine. His name is Gus Thornton)
King Slime (Terraria)
Fishman (Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance)
Great Maccao (Monster Hunter Generations)
Leviathan (Terraria: Calamity Mod)
Wo-Chein (Pokemon Scarlet/Violet)
I think by that array you can get some of what my interests are/have been. Some are overrepresented and some are extremely underrepresented (Terraria). Also some are untagged because of how minor they are so I don't flood too many tags
If any of these are interests to you I'd be happy to talk about them!
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viralarcadian · 2 years
the new ceo of deviantart is apparently a tech bro dipshit who thinks letting users opt out of being scraped for third-party AI image creators by manually checking a box for every individual upload instead of being opted out by default is them being good and nice
but to opt out of their own in-house AI you have to send in a Google docs form and wait TEN BUSINESS DAYS for them to manually look over and decide if you deserve to be opted out
anyways he's also apparently completely unaware that dA's uploads overwhelmingly consist of meme templates, collages of cartoon and anime characters using art from official model sheets , and mspaint fetish art, meaning the AI has been seeded with far more of that than the work of professional artists who use the site
imagine a tech bro going to create an AI facsimile of rj palmer's stuff to make NFTs with but everything the AI produces looks like mspaint sonic the hedgehog inflation porn
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gunterfan1992 · 3 years
Interview with Fan Artist loycos!
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(Art by loycos)
So a few months ago, I was absent-mindedly scrolling on Tumblr (or was it Twitter?) when I came across something: an Adventure Time fan comic by an artist named loycos. As a person embedded in fan spaces, I find fanart like this all the time, but this time, there was something special about the art I was seeing. It was so... show-accurate!
I don’t mean that necessarily in regard to the art style (although it does feel right at home in the Land of Ooo, while still being its own thing with its own flourishes), but rather in relation to the characterization; the way loycos wrote the characters was spot on. She nailed PB and Marceline’s dynamic as former lovers who deep-down miss one another. She nailed Finn’s naive heroism and his one-sided crush on PB. She nailed Jake’s goofball energy. It was perfect.
In the past, I’ve only interviewed people affiliated with the show’s production, but I thought I’d mix things up a bit and reach out to some fan artists that I think are fantastic. As such, I’m delighted to share with you an interview I had with loycos, who answered my questions about her art, her history with Adventure Time, and where her work is headed!
What is your 'artistic origin' story?
[It’s] kind of a corny answer, but I've been drawing since I remember myself. My earliest drawing memories are drawing Clifford (the big red dog) fanart when I was around 5 y/o. I was always more of a "fangirl" artist, [and] I would draw characters from my favorite franchises to illustrate my headcanons and daydream scenarios I'd put them in. That hadn't changed one bit since. I had since gone on to study animation and illustration in official institutions which forced me to design characters and worlds of my own, but when I draw for myself it's always back to fanart (or studies). I don't have any OCs.
Are there particular artists or styles that you were inspired by and/or like to emulate or allude to?
I'd joke that my artstyle is just a mesh of all the franchises I've drawn fanart for over the years, but honestly, is it even a joke? I think you can easily recognize I had a Disney Phase like every other teenager (I didn't have an anime phase though! I know, I'm an anomaly) and [Steven Universe] definitely left it's fat mark on my style too. Out of [Steven Universe]'s storyboarding crew (which I followed very closely over the years) I especially love Raven Molisee and Jeff Liu for their wacky expressions and proportions, and of course Rebecca Sugar for their fluid and carefree lines. When it comes to art in general, I tend to prefer stylized, colorful and brushy styles over realistic or gothic ones, So people like Hue Teo and Patri Balanovsky pop to my mind (and my artstation feed, seriously look them up).
How do you approach your projects; what is your general art process?
It really depends on the type of project I'm doing, though, my [Adventure Time] comics were all pretty similar in their conception: I write down all of my ideas in my notes so I won't forget them. Then I either roughly sketch out the entire comic as fast as I can, or I write a script (if the concept is specifically very dialog heavy) and then sketch it roughly. Then I do the lineart and color, nothing too complicated. The one thing I think is worth noting in my long comic process is that I draw all of my panels on the same document- that way it's easier for me to make sure the characters stay on model and that my panel layout remains fresh. So basically, the way you read the comics on tumblr, as a long scroll, is the format I work on.
How did you come to find Adventure Time? What made you join the fandom?
Adventure Time is one of those shows you just know about, so I don't remember how I first found out about the show. However, I do remember when I started shipping Bubbline—after the episode “Broke His Crown” aired. I somehow ended up in their Tumblr tag and was blown away by the (by 2016's standards) blatant representation. Despite my obsession with them at the time, I never actually watched any episode that didn't feature the girls' relationship. I only started fully watching the show recently. But I did consume a lot of fan content, which I think helped me shape my own headcanons and such. After my initial interest in 2016 I put Bubbline back on the back burner and kept on my [Steven Universe] ramage, until last year's “Obsidian,” which brought me back fully on board the Bubbline decks around 2 weeks before it aired, so I was in maximum hype mode when I watched the special. It did not disappoint [and it] really reminded me of why I loved these characters and their relationship to begin with. I started drawing my own art for the ship shortly after, when I felt like the hype around the special died down and there wasn't much to keep me sustained anymore. I make what I want to see ;)
As for joining the fandom, I don't know if I can be considered a member, seeing how inactive I am most of the time and my very limited list of [Adventure Time] mutuals. I am extremely flattered that my stuff caught ATimers attention in a positive way.
You've done some amazing Bubblegum and Marceline stuff. What draws you to their dynamic?
I'm gay.
OK, seriously now. I have a soft spot for extremely feminine, dainty characters that are very reserved, so PB immediately marked herself as an obvious fav, and the road to shipping her with Marceline (who is such an obvious candidate and a multilayered, fascinating character herself) was a short one. I know calling PB dainty is far from a true statement, but that's what she appeared like on the surface and that's what caught my attention. Another thing is that I love relationships between immortal beings, I think it always adds another layer of complexity to any relationship, especially a romantic one. The whole "getting older without appearing like you've aged" and "watching everyone you love die around you while you stay the same" can surely make 2 beings bond, right? It always felt like PB and Marcy get each other in a way no one else can, they are very different on the surface but share fundamental internal similarities. Oh, and the fact that they're EXES? The romantic tension and the longing? The familiarity and banter they had in every scene they shared?This hit the jackpot on literally every relationship trope that I love. I'd much rather watch a "getting back together" than a "falling in love for the first time" story.
All of this and the fact that they [are] gay. It's really that simple sometimes.
In broad strokes, what is next for you as an artist and/or as a fan?
I have a few [Adventure Time] comics ideas\scripts on the back burner and one that is in the making. I think I'll dabble into some Nintendo fanart cause I've been playing a lot of Smash Bros and [Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild] lately.
I’m so excited to see what comes next! Either way, a huge thanks to loycos for chattin’ with me! If you’d like to check out more of her art, visit her Tumblr and her Twitter page!
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watanabes-cum-dump · 3 years
PGR Modern social media au HCs!
- Probably just has instagram or twitter for the heck of it, no serious social media presence
- Some of her posts do make great memes tho
- Appears in everyone else’s videos and that’s why she has a lot of followers
- More than anyone she appears in Watanabe’s videos bc she has nothing else to do
- Occasionally Roland’s too because he knows Luna or something idk
- Aesthetic stuff instagram/twitter/tumblr posts probably
- Her life looks like a Ghibli film
- Lots of hidden spots in her videos
- Blogs sometimes
- Oh something fashion related for sure
- Mostly just general fashion advice, hauls, and thrift flips
- Appears in Kamui’s streams a lot
- Occasionally in Watanabe’s videos
- Fandom inspired outfits (Ghibli, video games, you name it he has a lot of clothes)
- Also the occasional blog
- All around pretty crafty
- Very similar content to Best Dressed on YouTube (can’t link on mobile sorry)
- Cooking channel :D
- Probably has the kids as guests a lot
- It’s a running joke among his subscribers that Liv, Lee, and Lucia are his adopted children
- It’s not official obvs and his subs know that he wants actual kids one day
- Has some simps probably
- Hey, he’s a buff guy with a voice smooth as honey teaching you how to cook. I’d simp too
- Blogs occasionally
- His summer blogs get lots of views for… obvious reasons (*cough cough* his muscles *cough, cough*)
- Lots of videos about his cats
- Actually, most of his videos feature his cats in some way, either they ruin his cooking or they just act cute
- Twitch streamer!!!!!
- Video games obviously
- Lee appears in his streams and videos a lot since they’re dating
- Camu also appears occasionally (they’re twins in my modern au ok leave me alone)
- Sometimes does some dumb shit unrelated to video games
- Some of these include: trying to cook with Watanabe, dyeing Camu’s hair or his own, trying to cook by himself (it always ends in him calling Watanabe) opening fan mail, and the occasional shoddy cosplay
- Has some simps and stans me thinks
- They’re kinda problematic sometimes, hey, every fanbase has it’s bad apples
- Models occasionally but overall not too serious about social media
- Lots of simps because he’s in a lot of Kamui’s videos and streams
- Probably makes cynical comedy videos on TikTok tho and gets a decent following from them
- Bro he’s an actor what do you think???
- Simps left and right
- Lots of sponsors
- Promotes projects he’s in
- But he tries to put out content that isn’t just related to his acting
- So mainly blogs and sometimes video games
- People would probably think he’s dating Luna
- Idk how to feel about Roland x Luna tbh
- They could be dating in this au but I highly doubt Lucia approves lmao
- The most popular next to Selena
- Modeling maybe? She strikes me as that type of person
- Has tried to get Lucia into it but she just doesn’t care
- Mostly just posts some of her modelling stuff on instagram
- Appears in lots of Roland’s videos though
- Everyone jokes that he’s a simp for her lmao
- I feel like she’d be a singer of some sort in a modern au so most of her content is for her music videos
- Covers and blogs sometimes
- General music tips too probably
- Tries to keep her private life a secret but everyone knows she’s good friends with Ayla
- She would be supper popular on art YouTube since she’s so charismatic and cute
- I would probably watch her a lot
- Art tips, tutorials, streams, yeah
- Art challenges too most likely
- Really nice art with a very specific mood that everyone recognizes
- Idk how to explain it but lots of popular social media artists (Sam Does arts, Ross Drawsm Loish) all have really distinct styles
- Gets lots of attention bc she’s friend with Selena
I think this is everyone who would have a notable social media presence, I included Camu and Lucia because they make cameo’s in everyone else’s content
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book-o-scams · 3 years
Ed, Edd n Eddy Series Bible (1996) -Analysis-
You can all finally read/download Ed, Edd n Eddy's official Series Bible right here! Thanks again to Chuckletons for sharing this with me and to Joey/Kongiscool0518 for sharing it in the first place, the Holy Grail of lost Ed, Edd n Eddy trivia!
One of the first posts I made for this blog was the Series Bible page. It was a composite of every source we had ever seen reference the series bible so far-- storyboarders in interviews, CN's old character guides, and the biggest source, an old CN UK posting about the show. Well, I figure now that we have the official source, I better update the old page (so everyone knows it's out of date), and make this new Series Bible post using the official source! Not much new information, but I was intrigued to finally learn the true phrasings of some things we had only heard paraphrased, as well as at least one detail from the movie that I couldn't believe came up this early in conception...
Unfortunately, Tumblr has apparently updated its post system to only let me add 10 images? Gonna try and only use images for what I need since you can read the actual document above, I guess I'll transcribe it too for easier reference and so we don't ever lose some archive of this.
Quickly, let's review what a series bible is:
A series bible is how creators pitch shows to networks. They can be called “pitch bibles” as well. Bibles do not usually get posted publicly, because they are initially under a strict Non-Disclosure Agreement by the network; also the creator may simply not wish to share it because it reflects the earliest stages of development.
The pitch materials typically include early concepts for characters, locations and episodes. Sometimes it exposes secrets, in this case, Ed and Eddy’s home lives, and sometimes the stuff in it is completely abandoned because it’s so early in production, in this case, casual references to school and adults.
Alright, everybody, it's time to gather 'round and read the Ed, Edd n Eddy Bible!
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Linda Simensky immediately fell in love with this concept because as a child, she was best friends with 2 other Lindas for seemingly no reason other than the shared name.
I love how Danny decided last second to pencil in the correct names over each Ed, since they're arranged out of title-order.
"They're friends because they have the same name."
-the Logline for the series.
Fun fact: one storyboard artist for the movie observed that the movie is essentially all about challenging the series' original notion that the Eds are friends ONLY because of their name.
"A Danny Antonucci Cartuna"
-the label Danny used to use under announcements of new productions.
Ed, Edd n Eddy
They're best friends because they have the same name.
A gag laden, beat generated CARTOON bumper car ride of 3 misfit youths on a cul-de-sac in the suburbs of America.
Through summer vacation, part-time jobs, or just hang'n out at the corner mail box, they want to belong....but CAN'T.
From home chores, helping neighbors or eating jaw breakers, they want to fit in...but CAN'T.
Ed is into "B" monster movies, model kits and is quick to break out into rashes.
Lots of luck...
Edd is into chemistry, biology and prone to crushes.
Eddy is into pranks, is stylish and flaunts himself to the world.
Ya Right...
Ed, Edd n Eddy is a show about confusion and contradiction, that awkward part of youth, pimples, big feet, oily hair and... girls???.
Puberty is unforgiving.
I was fascinated by the lack of art on this page, it makes the pitch feel very focused. AKA logo in the corner, the title logo again up top, then the logline appears again below.
I really love the breakdown of Danny's vision of the show. "Gag-laden, beat-generated, CARTOON bumper ride." Very accurate, and I think "beat-generated" is the phrase that interests me the most. I typically think of "animation beats" as sort of a give-in-- technically all things fit a rhythm, so all stories are essentially just a montage of beats. But this does make me realize how important the strength of the beats and their rhythm are to the pacing of a cartoon and making you feel like "that was a good one." I feel like the "seasonal rot" viewers feel over the course of a show, and the way that perception differs from person to person, depends on the type of beats you want. Even though I am very into the experimental beats of a show in its later seasons, I can definitely see how season 1's beats are more typically appealing to a wide-audience, and how important a focus on that is to the longevity of a show.
I found it really interesting how the scams are initially conceived of here as "summer jobs." It adds to the sense that adults were originally meant to be present. Honestly a little surprised nobody with access to this bible had ever thought to mention that-- scams are not referenced ANYWHERE. Their image in the Series Bible is that they have summer jobs and help neighbors, which is certainly a much cleaner reputation than the Eds ended up with in the show. Makes me realize though, were some of the early scams, like Ed's Hive Bee Gone and their newspaper routes, supposed to be leaning into this early idea of them with almost legit jobs for unseen adults?
I was very amused by the repeated phrase that the Eds simply CAN'T fit in.
Loved to finally see the official phrasing for the confirmation that Peach Creek is in America. Not much different than I was led to believe, but still nice to have the true quote.
Also love Eddy being described as "stylish and flaunting himself to the world." The bold-print reactions to each micro-description is a cute idea too, I truly wonder who we were meant to picture saying those things in reaction. Each Ed? Kevin?
The "corner mail box" is an oddly specific phrase-- the Eds do hang around mailboxes throughout the series, especially seasons 1-3, and I believe the canon map does have a corner mailbox, but the idea that the Eds hang out at one specific mailbox went the way of Bro's supposed secret treehouses.
Ed, Edd n Eddy
Show Description
Gag laden. True cartoon style, inventive, non parody, fast paced, stretch and squash
Beat driven. (even when characters stop they hold with a bounce cycle. Adults never bounce. Music can play important part, not just fill.) But not a musical.
Cartoon surrealism. (viewers see the show as Ed, Edd n Eddy would, less important things tend to blend into the background, while objects of Ed, Edd n Eddy's desires are focused. Premise driven.)
The school year's over, (yeah!!!!) and the long HOT summer vacation begins (gulp). What to do?
Stuck on a cul-de-sac in the suburbs of America is the last place you want to spend summer break, especially when you find life confusing and contradicting.
Ed, Edd n Eddy is about friendship, and serves to remind us that they're no "good ole days," just smelly runners.
You can tackle anything, when your with your pals.
Their days are spent, for knowledge, acceptance and some cash for jaw breakers. Armed with pimples, big feet and oily hair the three amigos trek into the unknown.
Ed, Edd n Eddy are dying to be grown-ups, but they're kids, and attack adulthood as only kids would. Simple situations turn into a manic rollercoaster ride. (Don't forget your barf bag).
They just want to belong, and they're willing to pull off any insane stunt to prove it. First they need to figure out what it is they want to belong to.
Found it interesting that on this page, the show's logo is replaced with the title written in a jumbled font. Seems like the font from the show's end credits.
Hehe, the continued reactions to the descriptions. Allow me to be Double D for a moment and point out the increased use of parentheticals on this page, as well as one wrong "your".
I love Danny's insight that season 1 is framed by the context of how hyped everyone still is just to be out of school, but also the sense of pressure to make use of their break.
I really appreciate Danny getting further into the details of his summary of the show's style on the previous page. It only makes sense that he had this much of a vision that early.
A second confirmation of the cul-de-sac being in America! I'm also really into the repeated focus on the Eds finding the world "contradicting." I always loved how EEnE's inexplicable cartoon antics supported that sense that the Eds are highly aware of contradictions in both societal things and the actual characters.
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WOW, so I'm fascinated by this dual reveal. Before the wiggling outlines, which Danny usually calls a "boiling line" and describes as a tribute to wiggling inking in early animation, the series bible instead refers to him wanting the characters to do the iconic Fleischer "bounce," which is a much more commonly recognized rubberhose animation technique. Very interesting that Danny decided not to stick to that. Did it feel too out of place? Or was the overseas team not willing to animate a weight-shifting for every single held pose? Haha, guess I can see why boiling was an easier compromise. I wonder if he had any other ideas for how to make it more of a 1930s cartoon.
The other reveal to me here is that the movie's choice, that adults don't always wiggle in the show, was an idea from the very beginning! I guess I can better understand now why it's just too difficult to communicate a stylistic choice like that overseas-- no point making Bro not wiggle, that'd just create confusion.
Also, really disappointed that my wish for a musical is officially squashed in the series bible itself. That's a tragedy. The show's over, ya couldn't let me dream, Danny!? Conversely, I love Danny's forethought to say "non parody," I definitely noticed and appreciated EEnE's avoidance of derivative parody humor.
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My spouse had to point out to me that Danny probably means sneakers here, lol. Canadianisms!
The comments about the Eds wanting to grow up but needing to figure out what they want to belong to are so great and relate to the movie so well. I've heard those comments before, but the correct phrasing was cool to see.
Ed, Edd n Eddy (image of Ed in right corner)
Character Description
Attention deficiency syndrome.
He has trouble...
He can't....um...
OK, he draws all day in class.
When Eddy gets a bright idea...Ed's in.
Ed is easily talked into doing Eddy's "hard work". He has great physical strength.
Ed's happiest with his Model kits and B-monster movies. He draws his knowledge from his movies.
Ed smells. Flies are attracted to him.
Ed has sayings for all situations
ED: "you can change your shirt, and Bingo was his name..."
Ed's perpetually a slave to his younger sister's whims and whines.
Ed may have to baby-sit his sister, or let her watch whatever she wants on TV, or let her dress him up in mom's clothes.
Ed breaks out in Rashes. He's allergic to practically everything, especially Guinea Pigs.
Ed's Mom xerox's his sketches and doodles for her therapist.
Ed's Dad hopes to pass on to his son, his knowledge on "pre-owned" auto sales.
Very cute bit wasting the space at the top of the page. Danny seems very invested in Ed's personality already. The old sources we used to have definitely tried to condense these down to simpler blurbs.
Weird how Danny wants to essentially diagnose Ed with ADHD here (phrasing it very poorly, but it was the 90s and... Canada?). I don't know enough on the subject to debate it, but I still gotta point out Ed's canonical cracked skull!
Interested in the comment about Ed being most allergic to Guinea Pigs. I don't think that animal was ever even mentioned in the show. Eddy mentioned an old gerbil once....
Neat to finally have the real phrasing of the official word on Ed's parents! I saw someone comment earlier that this seems to be hinting Ed's Dad is selling stolen cars. I've never thought to question the legality of his apparent second-hand-car dealership (I imagined he works with Eddy's dad, who has received a legitimate award for his salesmanship), but those quotation marks are certainly making Mr. Ed's practices questionable! Best case scenario, Danny meant that more like italics or something, but maybe Ed's dad IS up to no good...
PAGES 4 & 5 (Ed's turn sheet and expression sheet)
Ed, Edd n Eddy (image of Edd in right corner)
Character Description
is really smart.
is really quiet.
Edd is unnaturally-- polite.
Edd hasn't been allowed to take gym ever since the Dodge ball incident. He's been excused to free study time in the library.
Edd doesn't like it when people touch his things.
EDD: "You may enter in my room, but don't touch my Lego robot. Thank you."
Edd's learning to play Peddle steel guitar. (his Mom makes him)
Edd's prone to "crushes". Girls in School, in his neighborhood, TV, anatomy books. He mails "true loves" his socks.
Edd is always ready for action, even though he can calculate the implications.
Edd constantly mumbles.
No one ever sees Edd's parents. They both work nights. They communicate to their son solely through Post-it notes. Edd's not allowed to touch anything in the house while they're gone. Anything.
Interesting how Danny slightly differentiates the barely-used space at the top here from Ed's description, to characterize Edd as more quiet and mumbly, adding an awkward "--" mid-sentence, perhaps to create the impression that Edd halts to choose words carefully.
Everything on this page feels familiar, from the character guides and other old sources. The most interesting thing to me here is that Edd's Mom forcing him to practice Pedal Steel Guitar is established this early, don't think I knew that, but I had noticed that it existed in his room from ep 1.
I love how the explanation in the beginning for why Edd goes along with their dumb schemes even though he's smart is basically just "he's always ready for action." ?!? I guess in a way???
That weirdly phrased Edd quote amuses me because it references Lego, just like the original concept background for his room before somebody nixed the copyright-namedrop.
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Edd's prone to crushes thing has been reaffirmed over and over in character bios even though it really doesn't come up outside of the cupid magic in HPH and the pilot-episode heart eyes at Sarah that are barely canon. Still, I've always loved the truly disturbing statement that he mails "his true loves his socks" and how that managed to make it into canon with a comic book example, a cel animation example and a digital era example.
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PAGES 7 & 8 (Edd's turn sheet and expression sheet)
Ed, Edd n Eddy (image of Eddy in right corner)
Character Description
Megalomaniac. (quote from his report card)
Eddy is the unofficial leader of the trio.
He's always got a plan, a stunt or a weird noise.
Eddy's the "class clown". He loves showing off. He loves being the centre of attention-- no matter how stupid the reason is.
Eddy is the only kid in his grade to have been expelled for aw hole week from school. It was his turn to set up the video for science class. He switched "Our Friend Yeast", for a video he "borrowed" from his parent's room.
Before Eddy's brother went....away, he enlightened Eddy with the "legends" of the neighbourhood. Eddy knows where all the abandoned tree houses are, which sewer pipers are safe to spelunk, and the secret recipe for the "El Mongo Stink Bomb" (it's been in the family for years).
He is the one who is most able to pretend that he knows it all... and doesn't care what anyone else thinks about him.
His genes are working the fastest.
Eddy's Dad is constantly concerned that Eddy may grow up to be a ...figure skater.
Eddy's Mom never believes his little darling was involved in such a heinous act.
Funny choice that Eddy's wasted-top-space is just two one-word descriptions, and allegedly lazily swiped from his negative report card.
Wow, we knew the report card quote and the "Our Friend Yeast" story from the UK show guide, but now we also know Ed's page says that Ed draws in class, and now I realize that Ed and Eddy have series bible school blurbs to match Edd's classic dodgeball incident blurb. Anyway, it's great that Eddy's showed his entire school some sort of sex video his parents have.
Very interested that the phrasing for the Bro/El Mongo Stink Bomb blurb even seems to suggest it's a family recipe. Eddy's Dad did have prankster stuff in his closet in JJJ... did Bro learn his prankster ways from Dad?? The neighborhood's secret tree houses have come up in other descriptions (at best, I'd say this could be related to that creepy shack the Eds found in the woods), but I think it's new info that Eddy personally learned the sewer routes from Bro. Interesting...
Thankfully, I had already heard about the Bible's awkward reference to Eddy being the most pubescent as "his genes are working the fastest," lmao.
Once again the Double D in me comes out to point out that the description of Eddy's Mom seems to switch to the Dad's pronouns.
PAGES 10 & 11 (Eddy's turn sheet and expression sheet)
PAGES 12-14 (Sarah, Jimmy, Rolf, Jonny, Nazz, and Kevin lineup of all 6, then 2 zoomed in lineups of the first 3 kids and last 3 kids)
(Funfact: the kids' designs were allegedly freelanced to an outside studio, hence why their refined later-season designs are so different from these lizardy starting places, lmao)
PAGE 15: (images of Sarah and Jimmy next to their blurbs)
Ed's baby Sister.
It's her way or the Highway.
She has everything done for her, if NOT she'll "make" them do it.
She can be quick to judge.
A tatrum for every occasion.
More than a handful for Ed...or Edd and Eddy.
Thinks Edd is kinda cute.
Wants Eddy to MOVE...to another planet.
Sarah's best friend
He is always playing with girls, boys are just too tough.
He is accident prone, when ever we see him he has a different affliction, ie: band-aids, patches, casts, lumps...etc.
He is very clean.
The Ed's frighten him, "They're such brutes".
I'm surprised how much of the UK guide was accurate to what was really in the bible for them! Also surprised Danny misspelled "whiney" and "tantrum," one right after the other. Is this how Sarah spells them? ...Sorry, Danny, I yam what I yam.
PAGE 16: (images of Rolf and Jonny next to their blurbs)
First generation of a landed immigrant family.
Nationality not important.
He's proud of his heritage.
He has peculiar traditions and/or customs.
He eats "weird" things.
He has hair on his back..... "yuck".
He confuses the Ed's to no end.
He confuses the other kids to no end.
He is a wanderer and very inquisitive
From early morning to supper time, he is always outside playing, with his buddy, "Plank".
"Plank" is a wooden board that Jonny drew a face on with a crayon.
Jonny has wonderful conversations with Plank. ...Plank is a piece of wood.
Jonny makes himself very "accessible" to the Ed's.
Found it interesting that Rolf's bio is less clearly phrased than the UK bio set it up to be-- there they made it sound more like he mixes up who the Eds/kids are, here it's unclear whether it means that or (more likely) just means the obvious statement that everyone finds him confusing. If it's that, what a lame hollow bio Rolf got. This kid's based on you Danny, show some of that personal side!
Always loved Jonny's description, his life sounds so cute. Playing outside literally all day. Interesting to have it confirmed that Jonny drew Plank's face, I preferred to think the Eds drew him and sold him to Jonny, but whatever.
"Accessible" has always been an important vague description of Jonny to me. It really only applies to how chummy they could be with him in season 1, but it still sorta applies to his personality throughout the series as well.
PAGE 17: (images of Nazz and Kevin next to their blurbs)
She's cool, calm and assertive.
She is the most matured of the kids, or so she thinks.
She's into make-up and fashion magazines and Boys.
Sarah thinks she's awesome, wants to be just like her when she grows up.
When she enters a scene, all activity stops... boys freeze, they sweat, their hearts beat faster and faster. They lose their ability to talk. When she leaves, they recover and conclude it was something They ate.
She thinks the Ed's are funny.
He is cynical and sarcastic.
He thinks he knows the "routine". That's because he watches "60 Minutes".
It got a big laugh out of me that Kevin's description is only 2 sentences long. Nazz even has a more detailed character description from inception than Kevin. Love this for them.
Who's the Eds' rival? Well, he's cynical, sarcastic and he watches 60 Minutes, doesn't that tell you enough!?
I love the "mature... or so she thinks" remark about Nazz, a grounded flaw for her to have, being a little overcommitted to being mature like Eddy. It also perhaps suggests naiveté that makes it a little more reasonable that they didn't notice they were dumbing her down at the end of the series, but I do think the movie version of her better reflects the Bible's concept.
PAGE 18:
The Other Neighborhood Kids
Lineup of May, Lee and Marie.
The Kanker Sisters
These gals are tough. They bother, bully, provoke and bewilder everyone.
They live in a motor home park on the other side of the Cul-de-sac. The other kids have never been there.
They are proud of their Tammy Faye Baker memorabilia.
Their project "Cooking with Ketchup" closed down their school for a whole week.
No one likes them, especially the Eds.
They are determined to marry the Eds. They want them to do their dishes.
Amused that the Kankers are essentially being labeled backgrounds characters here, the role they mostly fell into in season 5. "Other" neighborhood kids...
I love that the Kankers have a school blurb to match each of the Eds', and that theirs has similar destructive-intentions to Eddy's video premiere story.
I believe all of this was all known from the UK guide as well, but still, neat stuff!
PAGES 19 & 20 (zoomed in Kanker lineup and their height chart with the Eds)
PAGES 21 & 22 (early promo art that used to be on CN's old Eds webpage, the art of the Eds eating jawbreakers at the end of ep 1 with the overhead text "Ed, Edd n Eddy love JAWBREAKERS!!!", and the art of the Eds all running with overhead text "Ed, Edd n Eddy see something shiny...."Jiggers." That weird "jiggers" statement at the end was normally edited out and I don't know what it means. Looked it up and it seems to be Chinook jargon (like when Ed said he was "skookum at X's and O's") usually said in the same sense as "CHEESE IT!")
PAGES 23+:
The rest of the pages in that bible download are from a 2004 storyboard test. The storyboard sample "It's Raining Eds," which we've seen some submitted samples of before, interpretations with Ed attempting to fly or chew gum and Edd making radioactive gum, I was surprised to find out the outline is just the original outline for the opening sequence to season 3's 'For Your Eds Only', seemingly Jonny was not written into the original outline (or was excised for easier testing purposes) but Kevin's brief cameo was. Now I wonder if they knew this would be used for a test when they wrote it, and if they would've come up with a less random way to include him if weren't forced to be a concise bit for testing's sake. (Your limit is typically 40 storyboard pages in my experience.)
I also noticed that in the included background references, the anonymous adult neighbor house next door to Ed's is officially just referred to as a "generic house."
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My analysis ends here, but be sure to download that sometime and enjoy all the raw storyboard sketches at the end of the document!
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the long-awaited hc masterpost
(As requested! This list only covers the Containment Breach SCPs, 105, 073, 076, 166, and 999. I’ll probably make separate lists for child SCPs, gods, Little Misters, AUs, etc.)
- We call him "Deo” and “he” but they’re actually a pansexual threat
- Petty in the sense of sending his enemies fancy wax-sealed envelopes containing parchment paper that just says “bitch” in tiny calligraphy writing. he has done this to everyone living in alagadda
- Will dramatically act anything out at every opportunity, usually death
- The memelord and prankster of the bunch. Usually found fucking around
- We don’t talk about the bullshit that happened in Alagadda and for all intents and purposes we don’t talk about anything politics around him bc he will be angry and you will not be able to stop him
- In a relationship with 049 but is an absolutely awful role model for their “kids”
- Seriously? His theme is Candle Queen. Actually? This mask was sponsored.......... by Miracle-Gro (tastes good jim)
- His actual name is longer but nobody can pronounce it so he just goes by Doc or Jean. A bi transguy icon and I refuse to believe otherwise
- Absolute workaholic. It’s not uncommon to find him working hard on patients until he passes out from exhaustion. Has not slept in decades
- He would die for lavender and will fight anyone who stands in his way
- The only responsible adult and is the only one with braincells
- In a relationship with 035 and adopts damn near every child he sees. His only official children are 040, 096, and 706. Also 053, 191 and 590′s babysitter
- Serious themes are Broken Crown and For The Departed but if you want a theme for this blog’s version of him, just imagine someone groaning
- he’s Cain. he’s bi. what else is there to say
- He really likes tea but he kills every biological thing he touches so instead he just boils down gatorade and drinks that
- Lowkey Anxiety(tm) and strong dad sense but 191 is the only one that could be considered his adopted child
- “hey bro how are you doing?” [knife whizzes by head] “how about I check in later”
- Very intelligent but not particularly clever or good with on-the-fly things
- Has had a bit of an redemption arc since he murdered Abel but still gets jealous really easily and is quiet in the sort of way that a guilty man keeps his silence
- oh little ripper boy where did you go
- Abel, obviously. Does not know what pronouns are but definitely aroace
- CONSTANTLY angry or unemotional to try and hide the fact that he is a steaming mess of hurt and sheer reckless dumbassery
- Fight or flight response can be activated by the phrase “the cain instinct”
- The inventor of the martial art called Apeshitt, where you jump around while stabbing someone and you keep doing that until all their blood falls out
- 053′s other official adoptive father. we don’t know how he qualified or how he actually manages to be a decent father figure. don’t question it
- R A D I A N C E (also, less fighty/violent but still abel vibes, Cider Road but the lyrics do not apply)
- A dude?? Maybe?? Idk, but he holds the record as gayest computer ever. he is gay for 682 and dad for 053 and I like to call him Ascii
- “I am TELLING you Hatsune Miku is THE ONE TRUE GOD”
- also yes i am the one who originally made Hatscpne Miku, aka the unholy amalgamation of 079 and Hatsune Miku
- EXTREMELY emotional and literally shuts down/reboots himself whenever he catches himself having feelings in front of scientists
- despises 173 for some reason and is mildly afraid of birds
- He pretends he knows everything bc he’s above everyone else but it’s actually bc he has access to google
- Both Change The Formality and Those Who Carried On vibe hard i think
- His name is Lanky, NOT jared 19, and they don’t fuckin know what a sexuality is
- Actual babey but is actually really fucking spooky
- Looks less like an adult and more like someone stretched out a child in Photoshop. Likewise he has scars and stretch marks in places they probably shouldn’t be
- 049′s child through and through, you cannot convince either of them otherwise
- Why have blood when you can have LIQUID ANXIETY
- Best friends with 173 and 303. the true bro squad. also vibes with 106
- Theme is Spider on The Wall mainly for “pictures of your face how I pray you’ll never see me”
- IRIS THOMPSON my GIRL and is one of my fave lesbians
- The only relatively normal person, and also the only person here with more than two braincells
- Was absolutely an MTF soldier at some point and did lots of dumb shit
- Deals with a lot of trauma from various sources, primarily bc her initial containment was Less Than Smooth,, and otherwise wonders a lot about going home
- Just wants to hold 166′s hand, honestly
- Logically her theme is Those Who Carried On but as you know I am determined to make everything spooky so for all intents and purposes her actual theme is Ramalama Bang Bang
- Radical Larry the absolutely fucking feral rat man
- Shenanigan buddies with 035. when they breach together you know it’s time for peak dumbassery
- We use Young Man as his backstory in THIS goddamn household. That being said, he’s good at digging holes very quickly and using nearly every WWI-era weapon (but why do that when you can use your bare hands)
- thinks in comic sans purely because it’s the most annoying font
- The real terror comes when he wants something. because you can’t fucking stop him. the unstoppable force is barreling down the hall, and the question is, will you jump out of the way?
- No One Knows babeyyyyyy
- Behold Meri, the biggest and coolest lesbian of them all (I know her real name is Epon but that means “mistake” so i’m not having it)
- Kinda resents Clef/her dad for leaving her, but is a little appreciative that he acknowledges her existence sometimes
- Iris? girlfriend. Cain? just friend, but unfortunate bc she keeps deteriorating his arms
- Gets really easily attached to random things in nature. Take her to a river and she’ll come home with SO many rocks in her pockets. If it rains she will be out there for hours holding the slugs
- Theme’s The Calling for the Christianity and the take no shit vibes
- The true neutral control group of this entire thing honestly. only person with a neutral personality. they look like a Peanut so we call em that
- Just vibing so hard, honestly, but has to share a braincell with 303 and 096
- Being the very first SCP they ended up breaking the fourth wall. While everyone else believes they’ve always been in this world, forever and always, Peanut knows it all started in some 4chan forum
- Wants to start a Meet The Cores type thing where they go and meet all the SCPs but they keep dying :(
- Bros with everyone honestly, except 079. they hate each other
- Given the funky vibe and whole cool deal of being the very first SCP, The Eighth Wonder is pretty fitting dontcha think
- he is the gay frog lizard, i call em “Lee” for lizard but I know some people call em “Invi” for invincible so either vibes
- Destined to fight 076 but at this point it’s just some stupid game for them
- Bonded with 079 over hatred for humanity but now they’re boyfriends and they adopted 053, and he kinda hates the 939s but fuck dude they just won’t leave him alone
- Eternally broiling over with sheer fucking rage and is pretty much ready to fuckin go at any given moment. his hobby is hating everything
- Fully embraces that he is, in fact, a massive lizard wanting to murder everybody and everything
- Not sentient. Has the personality of a microwave
- There’s about 18 of them and fuck dude they’re all hungry they will gender later
- All of them look like humans with fucked up backs running on all fours and try to draw when they can, and they always draw human families, which is.. alarming
- They forced 682 and 079 to be their dads despite 682 only kinda tolerating them, but 053 is THRILLED to have them around
- murder puppies but ALARMINGLY human
- They like to move in a hoarde, which often results in this really weird chaotic cacophony of their last victims’ voices all yelling incomprehensible things in unison and overall it’s just vaguely unsettling
- I don’t really know how to explain it but the whole vibe is just Tic Toc
- no gender. no preference. just babey. we call them Jiggles
- Seems like they have an IQ of 2 yet can pick locks and navigate ventilation systems without any problem. Just too nice to cause a containment breach
- Not actually the seventh son of the Scarlet King but I wouldn’t be surprised if they could somehow kick his ass to pieces
- friends with everyone. except 076. 076 tolerates them
- forgive me but the cutest/most playful song i could find that vibes with 999 is CPS Theme Song but please bear with me here
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linorangge · 4 years
Monarchy | Prince! Hyunjin AU
Among the kingdom, he’s known for his good looks and you can’t help but think that’s all he has to offer. With an uprising waiting to happen, you may be his last resort. (CONTENT WARNING: angst, fluff, cursing, d3ath, suggestive language.) Part 2 | Word Count: 2147
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Hwang Hyunjin, heir to the throne, but not anytime soon. He was a prince sure, but he was in line behind a sister, and two brothers. The youngest of four children, the Hwang siblings were elite among the six  kingdoms of Asia. Hyunjin was 20, his eldest brother was 25, his sister 23 and his other brother 22.
You had never seen him in person. You always saw him on national broadcasts and when you did, he never spoke, he was reserved. The kingdom admired him mainly for his good looks, his good posture, his long hair, and especially his long legs and perfect physical appearance.
He was especially popular among young adults and teenage girls, all your friends had pictures of him from newsletters and magazines. He modeled for countless clothing lines. He was the most well known Hwang sibling despite all of them having good physical genes.
Your father was the head military general, therefore he saw the Hwang family often. From what you’d heard from your father, they were all similar, except for Hyunjin. He was the quiet one among them.
Your opinion on the Hwang family wasn’t necessarily the most well formed.
His eldest brother, Hwang Sungho, was most known for being the funny and extroverted sibling. He was polite with people and animals, and he was often seen talking pictures with anything that breathed. You liked him, he didn’t seem all that bad.
His eldest sister, Hwang Eunjung, was the epitome of grace. Every girl aspired to be like her. She was every young girl’s role model. She was a lover of the arts, dancing, sculpting, drawing, photography, botany. She was affectionate with her brothers and she was known for her loving nature towards all who came into contact with her. She wasn’t necessarily your role model, but you liked her, and deeply admired her.
His second eldest brother, Hwang Minjun, was also known as being clever and funny. Minjun was often seen as the “troublesome” sibling because he would often accidentally curse during broadcasts. You thought he was funny but ill-mannered.
And then there was Hwang Hyunjin, quiet, “sit still and be pretty” Hyunjin. You thought of him as just a pretty face, a person with no real personality or good talents. He didn’t have much to offer the kingdom in your opinion, which was okay, considering he was last in line and would most likely never become king.
You had never seen any of the royal family in person, and you didn’t desire to. You were satisfied with the life you were living, and you didn’t have any real aspirations other than to become exactly like your father. Your mother had fled the kingdom a long time ago, just after you were born.
Your father had raised you, and he’d taught you martial arts, and sword fighting at a young age. You slowly developed these skills the older you got. Knights were often men, and you aspired to be the first female knight. With your background and reputation with your father being the head general, this could be easily accomplished.
You were 20, and when you turned 21, you’d be able to enlist to begin official training as a knight.
Well, today was the day of a ball being held at the royal palace. You and your father were of course invited and you were both being strapped into expensive clothes by your maids.
Your maid, Byeol, was tightening a corset around your waist as you looked through different necklaces to pair the gown with.
“Ready miss.” Byeol said as she tapped your shoulder gingerly.
You turned and admired yourself in the mirror, the way the bodice hugged your curves well. The dress had straps that fell off the shoulder, giving it an elegant sort of lazy look. The layers of fabric beneath the corset were beautiful and had intricate stitches that held the various layers together.
“Which shoes?” She said as she organized some shoes on a rack.
“The black ones.” You said as you adjusted the dress, still looking in the mirror.
She came around in front of you and lifted your dress as she helped put your shoes on. Byeol was a good maid, she was the closest thing you had to a mother figure. She respected your boundaries but she had taught you everything your mother didn’t. Sewing, knitting, calligraphy, she even taught you how to play cello. You were disciplined thanks to your father and Byeol.
Byeol brought your case of necklaces and jewelry and showed them to you.
“Which do you think goes better?” You said, sifting through them.
“This one.” She said, picking up a medallion with an intricate design on it.
You nodded and took the case from her so she could put it on you.
“Are you nervous?” She asked as she pulled the necklace chains behind you.
“Not really, I think I’ll just eat finger sandwiches and chat with some old friends.” You said, feeling her clip the necklace on, and letting it fall against your chest.
“Why don’t you try dancing with the Hwang brothers? You’re of a high caste, I’m sure it wouldn’t be too taboo.” She said as she fixed the dress from behind you.
“I’m not interested in them.”
Byeol stopped fixing your dress for a moment, “Are you sweet?”
“Do you like women, Y/n?”
You turned your head a bit, “No? I don’t think so. I don’t have any interest in royalty, much less the one who’s my age.”
“Prince Hyunjin is a good looking young man. You have no reason to be so judgmental of him.”
“That’s all he is, Byeol. He has nothing to offer.”
“You sound like the rebels.” She said as she stood from fixing your dress.
“Rebels aren’t even knowledgeable. They’re just drunks who roam the sewers.” You said as you turned to face her.
“Be careful who you say these things to, the uprising is near.” She whispered.
“Father has it under control. The uprising will diminish and so will the rebels.” You said confidently.
“Let’s hope so.” She fixed your hair and fluffed it a bit to give it volume.
“Do I look okay?” You asked.
“You look beautiful.” She said as she patted your bare shoulders.
You heard your father shout, “Y/n! The carriage is here!”
You hastily picked up your dress, “Thank you Byeol, you’re an angel.”
You kissed cheeks and you made your way outside of your home.
Your father helped you inside the carriage and climbed in behind you. On your way there your father reminded you to be courteous and gentle. You nodded along to everything he said and before you knew it, you had arrived at the royal palace.
Royal coaches helped you out of the carriage and you held your father’s hooked arm as you walked down the large corridors towards the ballroom.
The halls were lined with guards, people your father was close to and some who even watched you grow up. You knew all of them, and for some odd reason this fact made you proud.
Your father and you walked to the front of the ballroom where the Royal family was sitting. You paused in front of them and curtsied as your father bowed.
You moved on and went to a table that had a place name with your surname. You were sat with some other generals your father worked with and you were all talking amongst yourselves.
And the royal dances with the Hwang siblings began. You were the oldest daughter at your table, the rest were all 12-15 year olds, therefore they weren’t eligible to dance with them. If your caste was high enough and you were 18 years or older, you were able to dance with the royal family.
The generals and their wives egged you on, and you pretended to be shy rather than disgusted at the thought of dancing with Hyunjin.
Your father gave you a look, “Go dance Y/n.” He gave a tight squeeze on your hand, letting you know that you had to dance, this was no longer an option.
“Alright then,” You said, standing from your seat and quickly fixing your gown before you made your way to the dance floor.
You walked up to the seats where the royal family sat, Eunjung, Minjun, and Hyunjin were the only ones left in their seats. You looked at Eunjung who was talking to a girl and giggling softly along with her. You turned to meet eyes with Minjun, who beckoned you towards him.
You stepped toward him and curtsied, “Prince Minjun, I’m Y/n, daughter of the head general.”
“Daughter of the general?” He said, looking you up and down.
You nodded.
“How old are you, Y/n?” He said, sitting up, fixing his posture slightly.
“I’m 20, my prince.”
His eyes widened. He tapped Hyunjin’s hand that was resting on the armchair. Hyunjin looked at his brother with a bored expression and jutted his chin.
“Dance with the head general’s daughter, it’ll be more exciting than dancing on your own.”
Hyunjin lazily turned his head towards you and looked you up and down.
You hated the way he looked at you. The way his eyes traveled your body and came to rest on the necklace around your neck, before meeting your eyes.
He turned back to Minjun, “I only dance alone.”
You fought the urge to roll your eyes.
“C’mon Hyunnie!”
Hyunjin interrupted his brother, “Don’t call me that in public.”
Minjun rolled his eyes, “Whatever, dance or I’ll tell dad to give you fencing lessons instead of dance lessons.”
Hyunjin huffed in annoyance, “I hate you.” He mumbled as he stood.
“You love me! C’mere little bro!” Minjun reached up to try and give his brother a cheek kiss. Hyunjin pulled away before he had the chance.
You curtsied before him, “My prince.” You mumbled before he took your hand and led you to the dance floor.
You reached the middle of the floor with him and people moved out of your way as they stared at both of you.
You curtsied as he bowed and he took your hand and began to waltz with you. His gaze was elsewhere, he wasn’t looking into your eyes and even avoiding eye contact.
“Just so you know, I was forced into doing this too.” You said as you both moved in sync.
He hummed in response as he held your waist, guiding you along as he danced. His dryness annoyed you.
“Do you always dance alone?” You asked, trying to start a conversation.
“Do you always ask so many questions?” He said, finally meeting eyes with you.
“Your eyes remind me of a dead fish.” You said, no longer worried about being polite.
He snorted, “Are dead fishes what entice women these days?”
“I wouldn’t know.” You said as he twirled you and he pulled you back towards him.
“I have a feeling you don’t like me.” He said.
“I wonder why.” You gave him a tight smile as you continued to waltz.
You both stayed quiet for a moment, letting the music guide you around the floor.
You watched his face, the way his expression was enthralled in the melody. His body was moved by the music, he was a true dancer. You could tell by his muscular legs and his toned biceps that you could feel through his suit.
“What kind of dancing do you do?” You asked.
“Contemporary, sometimes ballet.” He answered curtly.
“I thought Princess Eunjung did dancing?”
“She does, but she’s more interested in art and botany.” He said.
You nodded in response.
Soon, the symphony ended and you broke apart. He walked you back to the front of the room and let you curtsy before him once again before you made your way back to your table.
“How was it?” Your father asked.
“Good.” You said as you took a sip of wine.
After a moment of talking and eating little snacks presented in the middle of the table, a butler came behind you and tapped you on the shoulder.
You turned and he bowed slightly before saying, “Prince Hyunjin would like to see you in the orchard madam.”
You looked at your father and gave him a panicked look. He gave you a nod, gesturing for you to go.
You turned back to the butler, “Please let him know I’ll be on my way.”
The butler nodded and walked away swiftly. You stood, fixing your dress once again and made your way to the exit.
A million thoughts were going through your head. Was he going to get his revenge after you were so rude to him? Were you to be beheaded for your ill manners? You were afraid nonetheless.
Why would he need to see you in the orchard?
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misssquidtracy · 3 years
Noble Intentions (Part 1).
My contribution to Gordo’s FabFiveFeb week. Chapter 2 will spill over into the first day of Alan’s week, courtesy of a certain gorgeous aquanaut who insisted on making this 2x as long as originally planned.
Sorry not sorry, Alan ❤️
All credit for FabFiveFeb goes to the amazing @gumnut-logic 💚
Prompt: A memory.
Warnings: Mild strong language.
Genre: Humour.
Characters: Sea Bean & Land Cabbage.
“And that, ladies and gentleman, is a wrap!”
A sigh that somehow managed to bridge the gap between despair and disbelief filtered over the comm channel, “Don’t go Hollywood on me now, Thunderbird Four. Are the targets clear of the danger zone?”
“Yes siree,” came the rather chipper reply, “Hazardous material has been removed and ultrasonic sweeps show no more underwater casualties. Danger zone is officially cleared. Standby for pickup, Thunderbird Two.”
“F.A.B,” came the rich tones of brother Numero Dos, “Can you be Pacific about your location, please?”
“Careful, Virg. I have a license to krill, you know,” Gordon warned playfully, aligning the little yellow sub so that she was within grabbing distance of module four’s cable.
A snort was offered by Virgil in lieu of a verbal reply, “I never knew it was possible to stick one’s head so far up one’s ass. Tell me, what did you have for dinner last night?”
“Same thing as you, bro,” Gordon countered, watching happily as his newly relinquished charges swam off to freedom. An emergency call had come in from a concerned student at the University of Otago claiming that several members of the dolphin pod she was satellite tracking in Kaikoura had run afoul of a discarded fishing net. Ever eager to help an animal in distress and with the right gear at his disposal, Gordon had roused Virgil and politely requested that the engineer taxi him the two and a half thousand miles to New Zealand’s South Island.
A decent number of locals had joined the rescue effort by the time Thunderbird Two arrived on scene, and it was with unbridled joy that they cheered as the last dolphin was cut free by Four’s robotic arms. Aside from managing to dodge an animal welfare bullet, the cetaceans were a tourism magnet and thus, an invaluable source of income for the town.
“Kia ora! Thank you!” a young woman called, scurrying up to shake Gordon and Virgil’s hands, “I’m Mandy Harrell, and on behalf of the IMMA, I just want to say how grateful we are to International Rescue for your help here today.”
Gordon smiled warmly, “I’ve always admired the work of the Marine Mammal Protected Areas Task Force. The pleasure is all mine.”
“Having two representatives from the world’s most elite rescue organisation here will do wonders for our public image,” Mandy enthused, shaking her head in excited disbelief, “We’re trying to raise enough funds to conduct a clean-up operation along this section of coastline. We suspect the net you just removed is one of several left by a group of unregulated fishermen we apprehended last June. Our goal is to have the first five hundred meters of coast cleared by the time the humpbacks arrive next month, but at the rate things are going, we’ll be several thousand dollars shy of our target.”
A soft series of beeps sounded as Gordon’s comm picked up an incoming call, but he ignored it in favour of giving Mandy his undivided attention. It was probably just John checking in. Or Scott forewarning him that Grandma was cooking and that they were out of laxatives.
“Perhaps we could donate the remainder?” Gordon offered, “I’d be delighted to help you guys in any way that I can.”
Virgil felt apprehension crawl up his spine when Mandy smiled, but didn’t instantly accept the (rather generous) offer that had been had laid down.
“That’s incredibly kind of you, but we like to be as self-sufficient as possible where money is concerned,” the young woman replied, tilting her head to take the sting out of her words, “If you’d be willing to donate your time however, that would be greatly appreciated.”
“Sign me up!” Gordon exclaimed, raising his hand in a similar manner to Scott’s scout oath, “I’m sure Alan can cover for me if I take an extra day off this week. You get that, John? Take me off the roster for tomorrow, please. Forward all emergencies necessitating the use of Thunderbird Four to Alan. I’ll take over his Monday shift next week as compensation.”
“Done and done,” came the smooth reply of the middle brother, “And now we wait for the inevitable tantrum.”
A chuckle bubbled up Virgil’s diaphragm as he adjusted his sash and fixed Mandy with an inquisitive gaze, “So, what will you have him doing? Shovelling seaweed? Litter picking? Seagull whispering?”
Mandy let loose a laugh that sounded a fraction forced, “Not quite. We’re a new partner of Otago University and recently signed a collaboration agreement with their School of Arts for the upcoming semester. We were going to host a series of life drawing sessions out on the open water, but the university probably won’t commit after the publicity this incident will undoubtedly be on the receiving end of. Do either of you have any experience with modelling by any chance?”
Virgil had less than a second to intervene before Gordon started uncontrollably word vomiting.
“Oh yes!” the aquanaut swanked, preening like a peacock, “Vogue, Armani, Cosmo, Grazia, Gucci, Vanity Fair, Louis Vuitton, Dior, Prada, Salvatore Ferragamo, Fendi, Saint Laurent, Givenchy, Balmain, Alexander McQueen, Burberry, Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, and KFC have all had a piece of this perfectly symmetrical face over the years.”
The squeal that tore out of Mandy had Virgil wondering if she was as smart as her paper qualifications claimed. A discreet search of IMMA on his comm gauntlet had revealed a string of abbreviations after her name that rivalled the Cambodian alphabet, yet she seemed perfectly willing to believe that Gordon really had modelled for all of the companies he’d just listed.
In truth, the closest the fourth Tracy had come to modelling was when his swim trunks had ripped during a family trip to the Seychelles. The scathing email that Scott had penned to the CEO of Speedo had been accompanied by multiple pictures of said trunks (both on and off their owner), along with the threat of legal action should Gordon end up deported for ‘indecent exposure’.
“Perfect!” Mandy effused, her green eyes glowing with excitement, “Ticket sales will skyrocket with a member of International Rescue as the subject! I must ring Shona and tell her to re-book the town hall.”
Valuable blood drained from Gordon’s face as the reality of what he’d inadvertently signed up for dawned on him like a sunrise in hell, “Uh, I thought you just wanted me as a poster boy for your open water sessions? Y’know…posing with porpoises, photobombing seals…helping to smooth over the bad publicity, right? Getting people to focus on the good rather than the bad?”
Mandy shook her head, her brown curls bucking in the breeze that was buffeting the shore, “It’ll be all over the news that it was you guys who saved the day, not us. International Rescue’s presence here is the catalyst for a financial surge we can’t afford to miss. I’m begging you. The dolphins are begging you. Please, help us to help them.”
Gordon chewed his lip. While he was probably the brother least phased at the prospect of getting his kit off for charity, he knew that Scott would be on him like shit on velcro if his derriere ended up plastered across the front of every global news channel in all its bare glory.
“Thunderbird Two, a priority call just came in from a couple of wreck divers in Chuuk Lagoon, Micronesia,” John’s voice, ever calm and authoritative, served as both a welcome distraction and an excuse to leave, “Alan and Kayo just got called away to a flood in Columbia and Scott is on a conference call with Colonel Casey, which makes you two our closest and only available option.”
“Please say you’ll come?” Mandy wheedled, panic slipping into her voice when Virgil and Gordon began to walk towards Two’s cockpit platform, “It’ll just be for a few of hours, and there’ll be a free lunch.”
That got Gordon’s attention. He’d been prepared to agree for the sake of the dolphins and inbound humpbacks, but the promise of free food sealed the deal.
“Ten o’clock tomorrow!” the aquanaut yelled, waving as the platform began to ascend, “I’ll need a toasted cheese on granary and five of whatever your equivalent of Celery Crunch bars are!”
“Uh, Gordon?” Virgil’s voice was low and gentle, a stark contrast to the shrieks of delight Mandy was emitting, “Do I need to remind you about what happened last time you signed up for something like this?”
Any confidence the aquanaut had vanished quicker than a burp in a dust storm as a memory he’d worked hard to suppress began to surface.
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grandhotelabyss · 2 years
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Initially it was supposed to go the other way. The people freaking out about the pandemic in January 2020 were Bannon, Tim Pool, Styxhexenhammer666, and the implicitly reactionary-libertarian tech bros of Silicon Valley. Masking was for the based weeb in a long-wished-for utopian convergence with the mother island, a version of anime becoming real, or else the troll’s longed-for fusion of behind-the-screen anonymity with in-the-flesh ultra-individualism. Finally the Trump-nationalist point about the need for walls and borders would be proved by the specter of pathogens herniating themselves through the globalist post-nation’s permeable membrane. By the time the left noticed in February 2020, they were denouncing the whole issue as racism and dancing in Chinatown.
What happened to flip the entire situation in one month? Leaving aside whatever goes on in the formerly smoky and now sterile rooms[1] where “stakeholders” map out the planetary future, and leaving aside too the unique American circumstance of a president at war with the permanent bureaucracy and the corporate media, a longstanding cultural logic appears to have overtaken the above contingencies. We could debate how far it goes back forever; we could blame Hegel, Kant, Hobbes, Descartes, Duns Scotus, or the gnostics; I’ve tried a few of these positions on myself, and they wear well, and there’s truth in all of them. 
I got this idea from The Metaphysical Club, but probably the simplest explanation, if we’re seeking origins, is in the Progressive Era, which appears to be the moment when the American left adopted state-corporate managerialism as its watchword, for better and for worse, and remanded the American right to its permanent state of truculent and reactive resistance to the same. (What were the official philosophers of the Progressive Era reading? Hegel, Kant, et al.) With this instinct to solve social problems by requisitioning the inert populace into vast organizations, an instinct systematized by the New Deal and the Great Society, it didn’t take long for the American left to snap back into its managerial role and the American right to assume its customary don’t-tread-on-me defensive coil.[2]
I’m deeply hostile to the managerialism but find the right too reactive and resentment-laden to have much faith they’ll save us. Their previous electoral successes (and I grew up under their hegemony) tended to result in expanding the managerialism in the worst ways (e.g., aggressive war) just with a fairly unconvincing God-and-country spin. While a lot of Americans—including, I assure you, people you wouldn’t expect—are about to vote Republican in the same way that one might run clear through a second-floor window to escape a burning building even if one expects to land in a bloody heap in the garbage-strewn alley, a more durable solution must be found to the problem that modernity seems to lead inexorably to machine-dystopia.
You probably know my answer by now, since I’ve elaborated it at extraordinary length in both fiction and nonfiction for a decade now. Modernity produces its own defense against its own excesses, which is called the aesthetic. As the poet said: where the danger is, there too grows the saving power. Art’s permanent repository of all the machine can’t fully stretch without remainder onto its gray grid—from the irrepressible irruptions of the body to the upsurge of the spirit—rebukes every effort at total systematization and offers a livelier model of organization than the machine, one flexible enough to accommodate the curve as well as the line, the abyss and the firmament as well as the mundane middle, the infinite and the infinitesimal as well as the manageably calculable. I hope I’m right; I think I’m right. To refer to my Joycean posts of last week, this is why it matters more, in a real sense, that we get Ulysses right than who wins the next election.
[1] To quote the best of the left-wing conspiracy theorists, Michael Parenti: 
Those who suffer from conspiracy phobia are fond of saying: “Do you actually think there’s a group of people sitting around in a room plotting things?” For some reason that image is assumed to be so patently absurd as to invite only disclaimers. But where else would people of power get together—on park benches or carousels? Indeed, they meet in rooms: corporate boardrooms, Pentagon command rooms, at the Bohemian Grove, in the choice dining rooms at the best restaurants, resorts, hotels, and estates, in the many conference rooms at the White House, the NSA, the CIA, or wherever.
[2] I’m using the words “left” and “right” imprecisely here—as imprecisely as they’re used in real life. In a world-historical perspective, America probably doesn’t have a right or left, just a very energetic quarrel among liberals of various stripes marked by the narcissism of small differences.  
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lesbian-kyoru · 4 years
Fruits Basket characters as high school/clique stereotypes go!
tohru: miss floater queen… super nice to everyone, strikes up a convo with you in the bathroom everyday, will always send you the notes you missed even if you’ve only spoken once three years ago. well-liked by everyone (notable exception is the yuki fan club), but mostly keeps to her lil friend group. kyo is her scary boyfriend, and at first no one can comprehend how she is dating mr feral jock/nerd man... but the inner circle knows that they are both Weird so it works
yuki: popular but like… does not know how he ended up in this clique because inside he is a weird little gay rat man. gets invited to all the coolest parties—spends the entire party awkwardly standing in the bathroom. breaks the internet when a viral video is posted of “prince yuki eating shit (falls off a skateboard while student kakeru manabe laughs in the background).” stoner masquerading as a prep
kyo: jock, but with the heart of a nerd. on every sports team. ball is life. but also. goes to math club three times a week and is a competitive mathlete. biggest ordeal of third year is when he has martial arts and mathlete competitions scheduled on the same day... can be seen sprinting through the tokyo streets that day, changing into his mathlete uniform as he runs. eats lunch with tohru everyday so that he can avoid choosing between eating with the jocks vs mathletes. leads a double life
shigure: so not exactly a nerd, but like a really pretentious smart kid… keeps to himself but is pretty generally well liked because. well he’s the mysterious sexy smart kid who wins like, poetry competitions and gets his picture in the school paper and is always tits out. also gets along really well with the theatre kids because he lives for the Drama and the Shit Talking. notorious for subtweeting people on main. does not subtweet akito and instead calls them out by name
akito: i feel like they would be a loner because i simply can’t see them not being absolutely aggravated by 99% of the other kids. like they hate theatre kids, hate preps, hate jocks… but also are too cool for nerds and bully them lol. i think they are reluctantly befriended by like, a stoner, a goth, and a floater. end up with a weird little friend group that they don’t hate. akito having friends and happiness in 2020 challenge
momiji: prep but more approachable than yuki. really popular because he’s a cutie as a first year, then he gets older and is gorgeous and is popular for that reason. super charismatic and mingles with various social groups really easily. honorary theatre kid In Vibes even though he was only ever in one production. also tik tok famous, so there’s that
haru: goth… but specifically a gamer goth. like looks scary, has really cool tattoos and piercings, is really unapproachable… but i feel like he also is a regular member of the school DnD club and gets really into it. he’s that dude who goes to smash bros tournaments after school and wins giant cash prizes. but like. still goth energy
rin: emo goth. eyeliner for days. could step on you and you would thank her. takes first place in the art show with really moody abstract pieces. never talks to you but then one day sings “creep” at the school talent show and is suddenly a school celebrity
uo: loner but… in vibes only because she does actually have her good friends. keeps up the mysterious loner persona tho. if you don’t know her you are scared of her. if you do know her you are probably still a little bit scared of her. oh and she’s definitely a skater girl. really hot lesbian
hana: goth/emo but like… goes too hard for the majority of the goths at the school. can hold a good conversation about mcr but then she turns it supernatural and spooky and the Weaker Goths flee the situation. dresses better than anyone at school. solidarity with rin and haru
kagura: popular pretty girl but specifically a jock popular girl. like the kind that plays volleyball and soccer and runs track and is ripped and goes ham. but then looks like a super model at every end of year sports team banquet. probably bullies you tbh
hiro: nerd but like… specifically anime kid™. like, aggressively so. president of the anime club. really intense about it. once he got control, wrote an official list of club rules and made membership more selective. there are three members. outsmarts bullies with his advanced vocabulary
kisa: vp of anime club because hiro asked her to be, but more of a floater. like tohru, she is cute and nice and universally adored even if she isn’t popular popular. also definitely teachers pet vibes! tries really hard to be good at everything. her niche is probably with more nerdy kids or other floaters because they aren’t intimidating
kakeru: okay so. primarily stoner… but also skater boy and class clown... the weirdest type of stoner. kind of can vibe with everyone similar to a floater, but it’s less in the way that he can shapeshift to fit into any group—it’s like, he is so weird that any group he interacts with is ??? but they can’t tell him to leave. crashes popular kid functions with yuki. also agreed with sophie that 2020 kakeru has eboy energy. fraternizes with the anime kids as well
machi: absolute loner but vibes with it. just minding her own business. really hard to get to know, but i feel like that honestly means that she ends up with a lot of friends in really odd places. avoids popular kids but can actually get along pretty well with almost anyone if they reach out to her first. likes fucking weird kids. the stoners adopt her
kimi: popular, cheerleader subset. but also more specifically the dance team type of cheerleader, which means she also overlaps with the theatre kids and honestly spends most of her social time with them. choreographs all the school musicals. they pick shows that have a Singular Dance Role so that kimi can shine. has to deal with fucking kyo being in a dance number when he can’t dance for shit
nao: nerd. as i’ve established before, an accounting nerd to be more specific. president of the accounting club. wears his nerd status with pride and with a superiority complex. the difference between him and kyo is that kyo is ripped as fuck so he doesn’t get shoved into lockers… nao does get shoved into lockers
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lgcmax · 4 years
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hellooooo my legacy loves !! i hope life’s been treating you all well ! i know right now things are still pretty difficult ( as been all of 2020 tbh ), so i just wanted to flood the dash w a little positivity !!  you know, sometimes i feel bad because it seems that i can’t connect with everyone as much as i’d like, and it sucks !! but between my spotty activity at times and bad response times i didn’t want you to think i loved you all any less. so !!! below you will find a love letter to all of you lovely muns as well as some individual comments about my favorite thing about your muses everybody ! also, if you have lgc friends who aren’t really dash scrollers feel free to share this with them so that they can see !! anyways, go ahead and enjoy 😇💖
dear legacy,
okay - let me start by saying - i care for you sooooo so much !! and that goes for ALL of you reading this !! even if we’ve never talked, or you just joined, or we talk like every other month but never seem to catch each other at the right time ? i care for you !!! and don’t you ever forget it. honestly, legay is one of the healthiest places i’ve been in to develop my muse in a safe space, void of any judgement or just weird vibes. and that has to do with all of you, and i’d like to thank you for that !! our mods, of course, get a special hug for all that you guys do - i know that things can get hard, and we test your patience sometimes ... i get it !!  but to us, you’re kinda like our rp parents ?? we might nag, joke, and annoy but it’s all out of love, we promise ahaha !! anywho, once again everyone i’ve met in legacy, has no lie been so special to me ?? and i want you guys to know that !! literally all of you, even if it was just a quick message, have made an imprint on the great rp experience i’ve had here and i’d like to thank you for that ! and no this isn’t me leaving, i promise i’m gonna stick around for a loong time to come ahaha. but honestly, who would’ve thought ? i was bouncing around from rp to rp, and i didn’t recall, if i’m being hoenst, expect anything to come out of me giving this place a shot for the 2nd time ? but i’m so grateful to have gotten such a wonderful experience that made me not want to leave. there’s always things to do, muses to meet, and it’s crazy how well everyone keeps the dash flowing ! i’m always excited to look at what you and your muses are up too, and honestly i’m lowkey invested in all their little relationships lol ?? but that’s what makes this place so special ! the friendships, the enemies, the romance, and everything in between has made this into such a unique writing atmosphere to be a part of. so for that, i say thank you. and here’s to more legacy for years to come !!
now for the special portion of my letter !!! in alphabetical order, you will find a compliment of mine for your muse below !! phew, here i go :
(  and pls ... if i forgot u ... i apologize 20000x !! PLEASE tell me lol !! obviously this is for muses who are here at the time of writing this 10/2/2020, and i may update ! but if your muse is here at that time and you don’t see them PLEASE tell me i want to write them something but i might have accidentally deleted someone’s in the process of writing so many ! )
phunsawat kannika first of all i have the fattest crush on her fc ojoijjoioij !! anyways, i love the commitment to all her pages, all her character inspos are my favorite, and i’m really interested to see her adjustment to korea ! i think she’s doing a great job already and will show that she can go even further !
yoon aria i haven’t got to say it yet but i LOVE how much of a meme she is oijoiiooij !! esp since she’s a model, it’s fun to have one who’s this cool model on camera but honestly so real and fun ?? like it gives her so much depth and i’m sure she’ll develop a loyal fanbase of like-minded goofs ? i want her and nari to interact tbh haha !!
lee benji my KING ! i love seeing benji develop his sense of purpose and try to see what he wants to become in the long run, and also how he’s stayed true to himself even after mocing to a whole different country ! and of course, his commitment to caring for others !
pongsak tee i ship jinseo and tee oijojoijoij !!!!!! anywho we love the thai representation, i really have enjoyed seeing tee’s progress over the past few months and how he’s adapting to slowly coming into the starlight ? it seems he’s still managed to maintain his kindness and i really enjoy that about him !
im nari is void because she is my muse but i love her very much hee hee !!
kang eunho first off as i’m writing this i see eunho’s first words for his babysitting solo is him flipping out over how cute babies are and i just think that’s adorable lol. but anywho ! eunho’s such a little sunshine and def gives me baby energy ?? light of my life. he’s like legacy’s daily dose of vitamins !
im bomi hana ... my favorite girl who i’m in love with ojjojjoijioji !! i think hana is so weird and goofy in the BEST ways and she’s an example of someone who’s not a famous girl, but a girl who happened to get famous ? i love her for her quirks and all her uniqueness, gamer girls ftw, 10/10 main character material !
hwang minjun i also love shinha and minjun too lmao !!! they are ... v cute !! i love how warm minjun’s heart is from what i’ve seen, and how open and accepting he is to all types of people and welcomes them to his warm fuzzy heart !!! also i would like to personally thank him for taking max in when they were in tokyo max DOES NOT deserve !
kim jinah ah i love her sm !! i know it sounds like max talking, but i love how she’s basically one of the bros lmao ?? but really ! i love her dually embracing of her cuter side and her more casual one, and how she just seems like the type of person you can have a drink and a good talk with ? and her interactions w junghwan stand out and give her an unexpected soft side !
lee yushin i feel like yushin is the younger brother we all wish we had but don’t deserve !! just a real fresh breath of air, definitely a little goofy but just as sweet ?? has the capability to win over even the coldest muses hearts ! and i am rooting for actor yushin 100%. you got this bud !!!!
kim nami somehow nami always pops up first on my dashboard but i’m not mad about it at all lol !! and i think nami is actually very multi-dimensional ! she already seems pretty sure of where she wants herself to go, and i think she’s going to make a really good senior to mentor junior trainees once she’s debuted for a bit ! she def will come correct !!! 
lin yue the way i’m SO invested in guessing what she’s eating but never can .... ahh !! also she loves martial arts which means nari would love her if she knew her uwu. anyways to me she’s quite the baddie, i feel like she’s got her toes dipped in a lot of things and therefore will be very versatile in what she can do ? i really love that ( outside of her outstanding visuals ) she actually has a v good personality and niche interests !
ahn dohwan i have promised myself i wouldn’t put any emphasis on fcs but since vernon is one of my ults i literally have to say: TASTE. anywho lmao !! dohwan gives me cafe boy vibes ?? hear me out. could totally see him making someone a macchiato while listening to their problems and offering advice ? he just seems like a v good listener & adviser ! i think once he debuts for real for real he’s gonna have a lot of bf material made by fans haha !!
leong charlotte first of all i just need to comment i saw a while ago on the dash when charlotte covered i wait and that was ?? iconic ??? we stan ??? streamday6pls ahem anyways ! her being in a band itself makes her an instant baddie, but beyond that she also seems v kind & passionate from what i’ve seen ! she’s got the cute & the fierce, and because of that i think she’ll be fierce competition in the industry once she debuts !
choi max is my muse however as my first bb here i love him deeply heart heart !!
jung ahin i will not lie i did not know seungwoo before i saw ahin, then realized he kinda looked like wonwoo and started to simp ?? IOJOIJOJ anyway this is more of an ooc note but thank u ahin’s mun for bringing me to the light 😇anyways !! i want ahin to do more things to make himself happy bc i think he really is this close to living his best life !! i want something really really good to make him super happy yk ? also i support his english learning journey !
kang jaemin HI ME REALIZING I NEED TO MESSAGE U BACK I’M SORRY SCREECH anyway !! he has a very warm presence, i feel like even when he debuts he’ll be the approachable type ? but also he’s just so smiley and i love it !! such a little fuzzball !! i do feel like more is going on in jaemin’s head than people would think, though ??
lee jaewoo listen jaewoo is my baby ok ... and he’s nari’s too ! also btw did you ever get that birthday text from her own his acc ? anyways i’m going wayy of topic let’s regroup lol !! i honestly admire the level of passion and drive he has so young, and he’s already come so far ? jaewoo has a lot of love in his heart for people and i hope he keeps that even after years of acting ! he truly is the light of lgc agency uwu !
seo yura i feel like yura is v real ! i think she only hides the things she feels are nessescary about herself, but to me she still comess off as really genuine ? it seems she has many types of connections present in her life, which i really like ! i think she’ll do really good at holding her own once it’s time for her official debut and i’m excited to see what’s ahead !
kang jun i think jun doubts himself far more than he realizes just how much he’s capable of !! jun is so adorable and he might hate me for saying that but it is what it is !! i don’t think he’s recognized his true power yet, and though that’s sort of good at humbling him, i think he will be a beast when he becomes fully confident ?? and i believe he will !! i think getting a proper fanbase will show him just how much he can do !
 ji haneul okay haneul made it to type zero, so tbh he already has his life together more than half of us ?? IOJOIJOJ no but for real i think haneul is a true  ✨professional ✨even if he wouldn’t believe me if i told him ? although HE might not be so confident in it, i think haneul’s growing into his more mature self well and it’ll actually help him in the long run as he starts his journey in the idol industry !
kang jina you know what ? i think jina would be a really good leader in her group, if she were to debut as an idol ! i think she has really good communication skills and seems to just vibe with everyone around her ? which is important, as a leader ! but i also feel like she could lighten the mood and kay down the rules depending on which is needed ? that’s just how i feel ! i think she’d do well <3
seo geonwoo first of his theme is so aesthetically pleasing wow ?? anywho ! i do really enjoy geonwoo and honestly need to pay him more attention !  i honestly respect the fact that he knows his own power, and isn’t afraid to be confident in himself ? he just seems v sure of how he wants to live his life which makes him seem v stable, and def in the right direction ! i think he most often knows whats best for himself, and that’s a really valuable skill to have !
ok miyoung first off i DEFININTELY whole-heartedly ship miyoung and hunji, i do !! 😌 but yes miyoung def has romcom protagonist vibes, and i mean that in the best way possible ?? like she’s got quite a lot of things going on for her simultaneously, all while trying to discover things about herself too ?? i empathize with the level of chaos in her life but i think she’s handling it all very well and it’s exciting to read about !
son nabi nabi my ANGEL. i didn’t even know nabi too well prior to us plotting but now i’m so glad that i do !! she has the kindest heart and is willing to go out of her way, even for people she isn’t that close to, just out of the good of her heart ? and i think that’s so powerful ! she’s so baby and i vow to protect her from all the horrors of the entertainment industry because she’s a prime example of light amongst darkness !
ahn jaehwa you knowww jaehwa’s my girl 😚 i just love her adventurous spirit, and how she definitely is filled with more mischief than she may show on first impression ? i think she can use that to her advantage, and it will translate really well as charisma !! her and max’s first interaction showed me just how much of a daredevil she can be and i love it ! psa, we need to plot again !  
lee yohan first of yushina nd yohan’s broken friendship is some .... tea 🍵 i’m intrigued ... really i am !! i kinda wanna give him a massage chair for his birthday because i feel like there really is a lot of internal conflict going on in his head ? def hoping he achieves the dream od getting famous before he’s forced to enlist and drop his dreams, and in return for my support i am expecting free starbucks coffee on him, lol !!
bae nathan i honestly didn’t even realize just how iconic nathan is until we started plotting ? him and max share a lot of similarities, which i love, but beyond that he just is such a real dude who kinda just seems ... ok with being not perfect ? and i enjoy that ! he’s accepting the fact that he makes mistakes and knows that that’s ok. i feel like in the future he’d have a fire podcast ?? like i just feel like it’d be so real and entertaining !
han allie first of all, happy ( belated ? ) birthday to allie !!! second of all, producers in general are always just so interesting to me ? i feel like even though she’s still finding it, allie’s rather focused on creating a sound for herself and making it different ? def has the drive to make her dreams a reality, and i know she’ll do well ! allie, fighting !
kim junghwan i think junghwan has a heart of gold ! he’s good at working with others and def would have nice personality to just sit and talk about life with ! i think he also has a lot of hobbies and interests that are v cute and soft boi, so he’s definitely gonna attract the soft stans !! he’s another person i feel would make great leader material some day. also ship him and jinah all the way 😉
kim alex first off i LOVE luna she is my pride and joy .... i feel v embarrased i think we were supposed to thread and i forgot ! but that beside the point !! i feel like he does have crazy duality ?? at some points it’s like “wow, nice man, pet parent of the year” and other times it’s like “wow this man is wilding did he just say that ??” but ... the way i love both !! it’s so interesting seeing his conflicts and how he deals with other people, but maybe that’s the messy mun in me 🙊
ahn jaesun jaesun !! a king. first off i said it to danbi’s mun before but i am just putting it out there i love him & danbi together i do, i ship it !!! secondly i think, maybe because he’s been around for a quite awhile, but you ( the mun ) seem to have a very good grasp on his character ? i think he’s had really significant but gradual development, sort of coming out of his shell and expanding the things he’s willing to take on ! and i love that for him.
yoon shinha let me repeat that minjun and shinha - i ship it !!! i don’t even know hwo to describe it but i just love the energy shinha exudes !! it’s fun, playful, and full of energy, and i think that’ll transfer really well on stage !! he’s the type of guy who’s just down for whatever and i feel like he could befriend anybody if he really wanted to ! i like that about him and think he’ll have no problem getting along w whoever he works with in the future !
kyo miyeon my queen .... oh how i love her ! 😣❤ i think miyeon’s got a cold exterior with a soft interior ?? like she’s sososo composed and a little cold on the outside, but in reality she’s just over here loving animals and the simple things in life ? i think once she debuts she’s going to have fans have v passionate debates about whether they like her cool or soft side more since they’re both so prominent and so good !!
løvehjerte emil first off emil being from denmark and his name immediately stood out to me when he was accepted, and to me makes him v unique ? also doyoung rights ;) i like how well he seems to adapt to the situations presented to him, even if they’re new and unfamiliar to him ! i think he has his ability to keep his cool, but is still learning a lot from being a trainee and proving he can definitely grow beyond what he’s already accomplished !
jung miso miso is the baddest b no one can change mt mind oijoijoijo !!!!! but no for real i always have admired miso even if i haven’t got to interact w her on my muses too much ? at first i def got vibes of the popular girl everyone wants to be just like ? but i’ve realized she’s a loot more ! she has ( shrek vc ) layers, and i think it’s good to see someone who has a lot of things people would see as ideal, but without being unobtainable !
nam yunho yunho intrigues me so much !! i’m sad max hasn’t gotten to interact with him yet lol !! i feel like in this i keep comparing muses to character types but - just take a journey with me ok soijioiofoijfio !! i so see yunho as one of those guys in the movies about small town who’s family has has a business there for years and he’s the chill guy who shows the main character around town ? AND THAT’S A GOOD THING LMAO ! i feel like he’s just immensly chill and always is just vibing and down for a good time ! <3
jo jiwoo i think jiwoo is so exceptionally cute !! but don’t underestimate her because to me she also does have a very fiery spirit ?? and i love it !! def would have the potential to be a maknae on top and i am here for it !! but since she wants to be an actor i def see her even stealing the hearts of the staff ?? the best example of a puppy in real life i’ve ever seen !
na sera first of all being a twin is automatically cool so there’s that ?? but also !! i like how hard she’s fighting to prove her own, individual self worth ! i’m definitely excited to see how she’ll find her “thing” that really riles her up and makes her feel passionate ? and that maybe she’ll decide the idol thing is for her and go forward with it as a career !
min soyoun i think soyoun’s definitely go the girl next door charm, she defintiely seems like the type who you could be friends with easily, and i think she’ll maintain that even when she’s more famous ! she gives me free spirit vibes, and i think that even if she doesn’t know how, life will somehow work to make sure she always does well ! she’s defintiely proved her individuality and i think she’ll stand out from most around her !
geum danbi ugh danbi ... the way i’m obsessed with her ! i mentioned this already but her and jaesun ? cute we ship it !! i am a stan, i am ! anyways i think that danbi is so powerful, and i don’t mean that jokingly ! she does hold a very commanding presence for me, and i really respect her resilience in continuing to fight for her debut, even after being discouraged numerous times in the past ! i think that’ll make her debut all the more worth it, as she has taken the time to get even better and improve her skills !
jang taesung taesung ... the way i really am fascinated by him ! i don’t even interact w him on my muses but he’s still so entertaining to me !! he’s so casual and i just enjoy seeing his interactions ? he isn’t afraid to be authentically him, and though he doesn’t really show it in his words all the time he’s got a lot of emotions swirling around there ! he do ... he do be messy sometimes i get it ?? he’s a lil problematic ?? but it entertains me so we will take it !
song ahri ok i don’t want to claim this bc i’m not COMPLETELY sure but do i have permission to ship her and geonwoo .... i saw their thread on the dash and they’re so cute what 😚💖 ( revision : they are together i can say this lol !!! ) anywho onto ahri things ! she just seems like the sweetest person EVER she’s v gentle with her words and actions, and definitely seems like a comforter of sorts ? i think that, whoever she gets close to, would def have her to lean on in hard times ! she’s like 
son seolmi first of congrats on seolmi as the new musical actress !! we need more of them >.< but i feel like when seolmi looks back on her training experience she’ll be very proud of herself ! she has made a lot of improvements over her training period, found her passions, and worked to prove herself ! but i think, although she’s working v hard, she’s also doing twice as good at maintaining her friendships and being good to the people around her !
seo minseok minseok a true angel !! i know we haven’t gotten to write together in a while, but seeing his thread w nari we had i saw how kind he was ! he’s loyal to the people he calls friends, open to trying new things, and i think in the future when he gains experience he’ll be a really great mentor to the people who he precedes ! 
oh max ok first off i feel like i cannot not say this everytime i see him on the dash or a thread with him i’m constantly in a state of confusion about which max it is oijoioiiojaojoi ?? but !! i’m despite their names, they’re actually pretty different ! because unlike max choi, oh max is has a very loving and warm personality, and even though he comes from money you couldn’t really tell by his personality ?
park dohyun i def want him and max to interact together, side note !! because they’re both goofs and, of course, we need as many lgc boys connections as we can ! but anywho, i love dohyun, as i feel muses such as him are v necessary ! he definitely provides comic relief, and even though he doesn’t like to reveal his emotions, that just reveals another component to his emotional depth ! even if he isn’t someone who is vulnerable, i think it is great he does his best to make others happy !!
lee jiho i mean can i pls just adopt jiho as my child ?? he’s so cute oijjoijoij !! i think all though he’s ambitious and knows what he wants in life, he’s also realistic with himself and knows what he can expect and how to work toward a clothes ! it’s a trait not everyone has so i like that he does ! i think he’s also enough of a positive thinker that throughout any troubles he may have, he’ll get through it with a nice mindset !
lee hanbyul i think that once debuted officially officially, hanbyul will definitely grow in popularity almost immediately ! she’s already done well at gaining the hearts of fans even when she was a trainee, and with so many friends and opportunities under her belt she’ll get big in no time ! i think she’ll definitely be well known and that she’ll bring multiple fandoms together because it’s just hard not to like her !
jung jihye i love jihye !! she’s so raw and rolling with all the punches life has given her ? even after a rocky start to her career, she’s ready to give it a second chance, and although she went through a lot of bullying discovered a newfound love for acting ! i think that her dedication to being happy will show in her passion for whatever she acts in in the future, and i’m excited to see how the public perceives her !
tsai sunisa isa is the ultimate chill dude haha !! i think that he’s very calm and level-headed, while not coming off as careless ? although he’s very casual, he clearly does care about the other’s around him, and i think for him that shows in the little details rather than the big things ? i think he’s the type of person who does well at picking up on the energies of others, and noticing small details about them !  v v cool 💖😌
shin yeseo u KNOW me and max are collectively whipped for her oijoijoi !!! no but honestly, from what i’ve viewed of yeseo from an outside perspective, she’s goes beyond the socially required level of thoughtful ? she really does listen to everyone’s perspective and do what she thinks is best for everyone involved and i really like that ! i also like that the simple things are enough to make her very happy, and that she puts her all into the ones she cares for ! 
kang yonghwa i love how in love yonghwa is in with life, and how bright his spirit is !! he has such a ... sunshine spirit ? that’s the best way i can put it ! he’s just so positive the majority of the time, and i feel he has the ability to see the best traits of others and bring that out of them ! i also love his sense of adventure, and i think he’ll be a favorite for fans in no time ! kang yonghwa, 10 / 10, our best boy !!
kim hyunbin hyunbin reminds me of a cartoon character, in the best way ! he’s definitely very theatrical, and also has a more playful, teasing side to him ? i think that everyone needs a hyunbin in their life because he’s very considerate of the emotions of the people around him, and on top of that has a lot of interests and boosts any social scenario !
choi jinyoung jinyoung ... an angel ! it’s so my fault we don’t but we should plot more ! uwu anywho ! first off, happy belated birthday to him ! i noticed that during our to the max thread, despite being a little overwhelmed by human tsunami max choi, he stayed very polite and was open to trying a new experience out, and for that i really gained respect for him ! i think he’s a v soft boy but i don’t think he’s weak at all, in fact maintaining his kindness for others has shown my just how strong he is !!  😇😇
oh eunhye just like her article says, eunhye has a real knack for entertaining and i think it’s already begun to show ! i think her authenticity easily transfers to the camera, and that it makes people love her all the more ? she has the type of hypnotizing personality that makes people want to get to know her, and i don’t think it’s coincidence that she’s had the opportunities that she’s had already come to her !
oh gitaek congrats on becoming a producer gitaek !! clap clap !! hehee but i think gitaek is very adaptable ! even in environments when he doesn’t want to do anything, he’s going to push through - like dancing, for instance ! also him and hyunbin’s dynamic ?? v interesting. i’m invested on seeing where it goes ! i think gitaek has a lot of potential, much of which he’s already showing, and i think he’ll have no problem discovering himself fully and becoming big !
son alec just gotta say i always mix him and alex up on accident i wanna scream oijooi !! but also while scrolling his page and saw this: “ old people are amazing, is the conclusion he’s come to yet again  ” and i just wanna say i love him for that ojojoioij !! but anyways, alec gives me the vibe of a young adult still sort of finding their way, and i really love that ! he enjoys what he does but still has doubts, and i think that little back and forths very important ! i hope he becomes a super famous actor and achieves all his dreams !
son jieun i love how much jieun cares for her friends !! she was bold enough to straight up call taesung out for mistreating allie and tbh ... kinda in love with that energy ?? i think her bravery goes beyond even just this though, as she’s already tried many new things that others may have strayed away from in fear ! her sense of justice and determination is something i admire and honestly i feel like if it wasn’t for her obvious career path she’d be a great lawyer haha !!
nam jueun it’s the way i want to claim that i indeed am one of seojin & jueun’s biggest fans ... i am 😌✌ but listen !! i have to respect jueun for the way that she’s managed to repair a damaged relationship AND work on herself and her career at the same time ? and both are going good ! she’s also got a real edge to her, and i feel like she doesn’t realize just how cool she is ?? we stan !
park seojin now we alr know ... seojin is one of the muses i am most whipped for in legacy i cannot lie i’m sorry !!! listen ,,, i love my tsundere !! he’s had exceptional development, but in really small yet significant ways, and he’s grown so much in the time he’s been here ! in terms of max, he’s definitely starting to take on a more nurturing role, and in term of himself, getting a better idea of who he is as an artist and a person and i think that’s gonna really show when his band debuts ! also think he’ll be a strict yet incredibly respected mentor when the day comes ? anyways i’ll just say i l*ve park seojin and go 😭💔
lee jiae lee jiae, the apple of my eye !! i was astounded how much kindness could be fit into one small body ?? even in situaitons she doesn’t like, she maintains her bright spirit that brings people to her in the first place, and i think that comforts the people around her if they’re having a hard time as well ! but i think she also does have a bit of a chaotic side when panicked and i do love it i do !! do not underestimate lee jiae everyone i am betting all my money on the fact that she can beat some ass !!
hwang sori first of all her theme made me gasp it’s literally so incredibly gorgeous omg ?? but !! the first thing i read was hwang sori is an ugly crier and that made ME ugly cry with laughter LMAOWAOOA !!  even though she’s relatively new i’ve already come to love how out of the box and unapologetically her she is ! she has so much to offer, both on and off stage, and i know she’s destined to be a star ! i’m already so invested and excited to see what she does in the future !
lee aaron aaron !! our dad of the year sobs. of course, my favorite thing about aaron is how nurturing he is ! he has no problem taking care of others, and i think that although it’s easy for younger / less experienced trainees to be intimidated by those above them, aaron removes that stigma completely ! truly a gentle soul. my only complaint about aaron is that he’s so selfless that i feel he sometimes forget about himself, so aaron please eat more and take care of your health oijoijoioij !! 
lee youngmin the way i love youngmin !! i was so touched by his patience when he helped my baby nari get herself together when it came to learning lines for cram school ! it proved to me that he’s a v caring person, and even if acting was sort of a sore subject for him, he still went through with helping her ! and that brings me to my next point - congrats for joining the actors youngmin !! i admire him for giving something he’s apprehensive about another shot, and i’m so incredibly excited to see how it goes for him !
song yifei ok even though i don’t know yifei too well yet seeing her intro did help me see why i’m going to love her so much !! i appreciate her adaptation to such an unusual environment like korea, and although i’m sure she’s homesick and a little lost she’s already doing her part to adjust to life in korea ! starting so young, i have to admire her work ethic and her strength by not giving up ! i’m excited to see what she can offer us all ! 
hwang minsik ok so !! even though minsik is quite the introvert, i think it’s v cool that he has worked past that, and although it may have been uncomfortable, got more comfortable performing in front of others ! i think that being in his head for the majority of the time will actually prove to work in his favor, as it’ll be easier to transfer all the emotions he’s feeling into his music when he locks down and pursues his dream of being a producer !
tsuchiya mitsuki from what i’ve seen, mitsuki seems to be very considerate of others, and i like that she celebrates other’s accomplishments outside of just her own ! the entertainment career can be a very risky and sometimes scary one, but i think that she’s doing a great job at rolling with it and putting her all into forming it into a serious career path for herself !
yamashita ichika i think she put it best - she’s new to korea, but not this world !! i love love LOVE how sure of herself ichika is, and though it may come off as blunt, maybe y’all aren’t just ready to accept the truth she’s spilling ... 👀 lMAO no but for real !! she’s a woman who knows what she wants and i never will be mad at that ! you can never say that ichika doesn’t keep it real and i think that’s something we need to learn from her !
hwang subin i think subin is incredibly self-aware, which really is such a super important trait to have ?? he’s had a lot of conflicts over his training period, but he’s overcame them, and to me he holds a lot of grace even in those scenarios he has this sort of ... calmness to him ? idk maybe that’s subjective but that’s how i feel ! i think in the end he’s going to turn the pain into power, and he’ll be one of the people really idolized for their resilience !
kim minjee i feel like along her path to fame, she’s learning all sorts of new things about herself in the industry, and that feeling of self-discovery is awesome ! i think she’s a really good example of the changes people go through throughout their path toward stardom ! i think she does her best to embrace both the highs and lows life brings her, which i think is preparing her to be a really steady person when it comes to being famous !
im hyunjin my baby !! the way i love him beyond measure !! he gets along with max so well and i love how well they balance off each other’s energy ! he’s got a boyish charm that helps me remember that yes, a lot of the trainees are still kids at heart, and that reminder is v refreshing ! though a lot has been thrown on him with this trimester, he’s been a good sport, and i think he’s such an accurate representation of someone who’s growing up in the spotlight ! i think it’s enough for me to excuse him mixing up the maxs. 😚😌
okamoto akira what a wonderful soul ugh !! he really did impact nari’s heart with his unconditional kindness. i think he’s grown even in his time in the rp alone ? he’s so kind to others, and i love how he holds interest in other people and their stories ! even though he’s still getting adjusted to life in korea, i think he’s doing a great job at getting his name out there while making a good impression of himself. but like i said about aaron pls, akira, take care of yourself more !! you deserve the best, heart heart !!
jeon haeun haeun has such an intense drive when it comes to her love for dance and performing, and i hope she never loses that ! it’s the most important thing, after all ! she’s got such a spunky personality, which will work in her favor as it will keep eyes on her even after she’s off the stage ! she’s a baby, being so young, but already has proved herself to have a worthy place in legacy, and i think she’s even got the capability to teach the older trainees a thing or two, haah !
park viggo i definitely respect viggo, because of the insecurities that have developed from his biological parents putting him up for adoption, he’s shone so brightly already at such a young age ! and i just read his solo w / his encounter with his biological father and - literal chills ?? but .... phew ! i’m so impressed by how he’s had so many horrible experience influence his life, but not let it overtake him ? he’s so strong and if he can handle what life has already thrown at him, i know he’ll have nothing but good to look forward to from now on !
techaapaikhun kit i don’t think i’ve had the chance to tell you yet .... but god i LOVE kit oijoioi !! he’s such a loveable ball of fluff ! he has a very big heart, and i feel like even when he doesn’t know exactly what to do or what’s going on he’s still very much 😊💖✨ ?? you would never think he’s a foreigner because he just seems in high spirits ! also him and daehyung’s interactions ? 10 / 10 in terms of entertainment, definitely deserves a read !
ahn yein i love the short queen energy this woman exudes !! her duality is already quickly becoming my favorite thing about her ?? she’s so this and this ! i truly cannot wait to see how she’ll let her musical style influence the type of music she produces, and i think she’s a producer full of energy who has the potential for being famous for her music and her own personality !
seo yumi though yumi did go through a lot of hardship with her first debut, i really respect her for fighting to prove she deserves a spot in a group for a second time, even if the first time wasn’t even her fault ! i think because of it, even if her light’s dimmed a little, her enhanced discipline will work in her favor, as well as her prior experience, and potentially give her a step up among others ! which, hopefully, will make the hardships she went through not to be in vein !
han insoo insoo’s gone through quite a bit, and though i’d imagine that to be incredibly tough on him, he hasn’t lost his shine ! he still has a brightness to him when interacting around the people he loves, and i think that’s what it takes to be in a band ! i wish nothing but the best for him, because honestly, i think he’s just trying to get by and have a good time, and i really have to respect it !
choi jongsuk okay so from what i see jongsuk is a tad manipulative in the way he interacts with people ... and yet ... i stan ? obviously this isn’t a very good trait, but it is entertaining, especially for a messy mun like me haha !! i think, if he wants to, he can actually use his particularly good social skills to his advantage, and become a charmer among his fans !
choi daehyun omg prince daehyun rise !!! i always love the spoiled rich boy types, because to me, they have the most room for growth ! if i’m being honest with you as ... awful as he  might be i think he’s one of those trainees who would 100% give everyone a run for their money ? because if he doesn’t have anything ( beside money ofc ) he has confidence, and well .... confidence is a dangerous thing !! i’m really really anticipating seeing how he’ll get along with the other trainees, and his journey in legacy !!
chwe hunji phew .... my adoptive son !! i admit i am slightly biased to hunji i am i am what about it !!! 😌💖 i gush about him all the time so i’ll keep it ( relatively ) short - i don’t think hunji realizes, but given the whirlwind of events that’s happened in less than a year, he’s doing a fantastic job of both grieving and growing !! he’s been able to look out for those who need him most even in his darkest times, put up with max’s shenanigans even amongst trying to decipher his feelings for him, and adapted to a ever-changing climate that comes with being a trainee in his hardest year ! not to mention how much he’s grown since his arrival !! his development ?? chef’s kiss !
kang dongwon first of all already massive respect to dongwon for doing school and training at the same time ?? that’s already difficult in itself ! but i think he’s taken a lot of risks despite not necessarily wanting to, like expanding outside of activities he’d expected that he would do ! it’s good for him to dip his toe into numerous places, and he’ll be less thrown off if he’s asked to do something unexpected in the future. also him & his relationship w his siblings is the best haha !!
park sarang first off seojin and sarang together are such a cool duo !! the concept of siblings in the industry is honestly so cool ?? but anywho ! but i soso admire sarang !! even though she was initially was following her brother’s dream, it’s gradually morphed into her own, and she really has developed an individual name for herself, which shows her passion and determinism ! i also love how they have a healthy relationship, even with normal sibling fights, without getting into super super competitive territory ?? that just shows her capability to love & that’s great !
kim jinseo first off !! his familial relationship w shinha ? we love to see it ! cutest cousins on the block ! but what i admire about jinseo is how stable he is ! i think he can help people and handle his own problems without getting too stressed, he’s a good problem solver and i think he can calm down and figure out the best way to approach a situation ? also once again him & tee ? cute, we ship it 😊
kim ara first off, friend of the year award goes to ara for helping hanbyul through her breakup and working around processing her emotions ! and also that she’s pretty mature in handling her own breakup w / nathan ! that brings me to the point that i feel ara is a thoughtful person, who definitely sees the good even in bad scenarios and tries to think of the positives that come out of her life, even if it can be difficult to do so !
jin eunji now we know that’s my queen !!!!! i honestly love seeing eunji’s development, and she’s much more of a deep character than she shows on the outside ?? and there’s even more left for others to discover about her ! she’s trying to work through her shit but I like her because she’s the realest depiction of someone who’s growing - because it’s not particularly nice or cute ?? it’s rough but it’s real, she’s struggling to grow and move through her emotions but she’s growing nonetheless and i love that for her !!!
park seon seon is def the type of girl who is just sort of taking it day by day, and i respect it so much !! she has a lot to discover of herself and what she wants to do, but quite honestly i like that about her !! i think that she’s still young and def doesn’t need to stress about it, and i like that she’s just sort of flowing in whichever direction that life wants to take her ! i can only imagine how far she’ll go when she discovers her true potential !
lim sanghyun i feel like sanghyun really is prepared for any situation that’s thrown at him, even if he feels like he can’t do it !! i mean, since birth he’s had tons of bad cards thrown at him, and yet he always manages to turn them into something good ? although it may seem like he doesn’t have good fortune, to me, it seems he has the opposite, because he always finds a way out the trenches !! i think sanghyun’s legacy’s phoenix !
choi daehyung omg daehyung has been a favorite of mine since he came !! i love peeking at the many relationships he has bc they’re tbh so interesting !! he's honestly fit to be a main character in a show ? and i think, despite what daehyung thinks, he’s grown a lot in the time he’s been here ! to me, he’s more aware of his emotions, and more reflective of the choices he makes ! sure he’s got some things to work on but let’s be real .... don’t we all ?
lau mike mike is such a breath of fresh air !! def a roll with the punches kind of guy - reminds me of those popular kids where it’s just like ... dang, things always seem to be go well for them ?? i’m jealous ?? but i think more of that has to do with mike rather than him just having good luck ! he does good at adapting & working hard, from moving to korea, to changing careers, to now training ! he seems to excel and everything he does and i have no doubt that will help him out in the long run !
li zimeng meng is so pretty !! but she’s also SO much more !! this whole thing of her feeling average, and like she didn’t really stand out in comparison to the other trainees .... it’s so real !! and honestly, so good for her ! even though she doesn’t feel special always, i KNOW she is, but i think it’s also great she has this good foundation ? because rather than being good at only 1 thing and realizing in the long run she hates it, zimeng has the potential to be super well-versed and i think she’ll be more aware of what she needs to work on to improve !
tsai king truly our king ... and i don’t mean that ironically !! i looove king’s development, i truly love to see it !! though he’s still got his pride, i think he’s transformed his confidence from blind cockiness to a reason for him to want to work hard and succeed ?? king definitely had things to work on, but he has worked on them, and i think he’s truly proved his place in legacy in the long time he’s been here !! also thoroughly impressed w how much he’s done !
bae doha i think that if I had to describe doha, it would be “ proceed with caution ” !! he’s a cautious person, i feel, who wants the balance between having a good life and keeping himself grounded ? which is a really good type of personality, and I think it would make him a leader for those around him ! he’s also very observant, and i think that will make him much more meticulous of a person as an actor !
song shaun first of all i gotta still thank shaun for doing tiktok dances with max back in the day !!!! that was iconic and i will never forget it lol !! and i'm so glad he’s back. anyways, i think shaun is definitely the type of person that’ll stay true to himself even after becoming famous, he seems v carefree, but also w/o not losing that ambition to work hard ?? 
pongsak arinya arin is so freaking adorable !!! i think she’s like a puppy and I love it !! she’s so curious about the way around her, i think she just loves what life has to offer her and in turn life loves her ?? she has such a playful and optimistic light about her and to me, it’s impossible not to want to be her friend !! her fans will easily love her <33
jeon haru to me, haru seems like a team player !! he listens to the input of other’s, and i think before rushing to do what he wants to do, it’s in his spirit to think of how his actions affect other people ! and i think that’s shown in how he’s babysitting on the show, even though he’s a little panicked ! i also think he’s a good self-soother, he’s good at helping calm himself down and make himself feel better, and to me that’s so great !!
liu jiao I think she’s doing a great job at making her reality one she enjoys ! she’s struggling to find the differences between her dreams and her moms, what she wants and what she doesn’t ! and still, i believe that she’s doing well and spreading love to those around her despite ! i hope she finds full inner peace and that she can live a life of happiness ( and a little wrecklessness tbh ) without any worries !!
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