#broad broad huge enormous man
thefrogdalorian · 4 months
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Din Djarin + Chapter 8: Redemption
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cupcakeinat0r · 7 months
A Nerdy middle-aged loser Miguel w a dad bod who teaches your genetics class.
He has a huge crush on you even though he knows he shouldn’t but how tf couldn’t he????
With the way you always walk in a minute or two late, making the whole class look at you as you strut in with your quiet “so sorry!” and your cute little outfits that show off the best parts of your body.
Miguel’s eyes would follow you and the way you set down your bag, whipping out your computer, ready to absorb all the knowledge that Prof. O’Hara has to offer like a sponge. He usually has to stand behind his podium because watching you hang onto every single one of his words with those parted, glossy lips and curious eyes made him embarrassingly hard.
Or the way you took notes, your cute little organization of colors and annotations. Your kindness in giving notes to your peers because you wanted to see everyone succeed. Even though you may not have looked like it, you were a smarty pants, too. And he found that extremely hot.
During his lecture, he’ll sometimes catch you applying lip gloss or fixing your hair in your compact mirror and think to himself how gorgeous you are and how lucky your boyfriend that you totally already have is.
Cuz there’s no way he could pull someone like you. Those days are over for him. Plus, you were way out of his league.
But he can’t help but have a sliver of hope every time you leave class with an adorable smile and small wave.
“Thank you so much, Professor O’Hara! Great class today!!”, your praise never ceasing to make him slightly flustered on the inside.
Before you, he totally fucked his own hand like everyday. He’s a lonesome man. But now that you were in his life? That man goes home everyday, imagining his had is your luscious, tight cunt, replaying your cute voice in his head over and over again.
What he has no idea is that his praise has the same effect on you.
Anytime you had a question or were worried that you weren’t understanding a concept, Miguel would comfort you, with the most gentle words and voice.
He was such a cute man. It’d be so easy to praise him and baby him, telling him he’s sooo smart and such a good teacher.
His well-kept black hair w tiny hints of gray throughout, his black rimmed square glasses, his little cashmere sweater + button up combos that hugged around his broad chest, enormous biceps, and pudgy belly. He was sooo dreamy. He made it so hard to focus.
You’d go up to his desk after class needing clarification on a topic. He’d tell you to sit down, eager to help you with the class (or anything ever, he’d do anything for you if it meant keeping you).
His cologne would fill your nose as he bends over the table, a strand of hair falling on his forehead, pushing his glass up his nose as he towers over you as he explains what ever it was you were confused about.
It never helped because you never caught a single word. You were too busy imagining his soft stomach rubbing against your back as he bends you over the table, plowing you while saying those sweet words of encouragement into your ear.
And those veiny, hairy arms and hands wrapped around your waist as he bounces you on his fat cock, making those adorable glasses of his fog up.
“Don’t worry, sweetie, you’re doing great, as always.”
“Don’t be so hard on yourself, sweetheart.”
“I know, mama, It’s a hard concept to grasp, but you’ll get it. I know it.”
It made you scream on the inside. You wanted so badly to be a good student for him so that he could talk to you this way every single class.
Pt.2 here!
Want more DadBod!Miguel ? Here’s my master list, bae!!
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anantaru · 2 years
js had this thought, imagine capitano but in his delusion form fucking you man. the thought of it js makes me lose my mind like imagine how huge that shit would be bro
cw. monster[fu]cking, fem! reader + since we don't know how his delusion form would look like, I decided to describe it in my own way (and added horns because I'm a sucker for those).
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as a man with an already remarkable size as capitano had ordinarily, his delusion form left no space for any imagination.
he was vast and enormous but there was more than that, a lot more.
drawn with two massive horns that were spiking out of his head, he seemed ethereal and every touch, every lick of his tongue or kiss with his lips was warm, burning and stiffening your muscles.
though his eyes held nothing more than an unilluminated darkness gently fading over his entire irises.
the lust that was consuming him would also mirror his touch on you, more than enough for his breathing alone to fill the room with a heated coil, his stomach glowing with the light amount of sweat embedded over them.
aside from this, you weren't sure how long you'd be able to keep your legs spread like this, after all, he was beckoning you to split them further, please, a little more, just enough so he could drag a couple more inches into you.
your noises might‘ve been his most dearest, how you assured him that yes, "it‘s too much." but no, "don‘t stop." and archons, how easy your words were falling into one another, your cries and whimpers, your tears showing him that it indeed felt amazing, so fucking good it had your state of mind turn into a current of hazy, filthy thoughts.
the next thing you noticed was how heavy it felt inside, how limb you already had gotten or the state your body was currently in, the constant shaking over your muscles to fight the overstimulation or how involuntarily you tightened around him, limbly clasping your weak legs around his broad body.
it wasn't an easy task to keep him in, to gain control over your bracing muscles on your heat, as well as tempering yourself to let the reasonable amount of pain fleet away.
the outrage in it, or how capitano seemed— like he was about to pass out from how hard his cock was, how the rushing blood in it further amplified his helpless state, how feral and absurd to have himself this vulnerable in front of your eyes, for you to see and indulge in.
you're reduced to nothing but trembling as he gently worked his cock head back and forth your hole, his red, swollen tip violently splattering his seed across your pussy.
even though it was merely his pre, it had you drenched and flodded with his warm cum— as you were thinking just how his real load would stuff you full if capitano would keep going like this.
you're trying to be open for him, though failing and he realized, of course he did.
it's how you were turning tighter, or maybe it was him getting bigger, even so, capitano pulled one of his large hands down to your throbbing cunt to place a finger on top of your clit, greedily pushing past the flesh to reach the sensitive jolts.
your hips moved up at the sensing, further when he increasingly rubbed you, ferociously patting and pinching your little clit while he simultaneously drove himself an inch more, so that he was now almost half way in, recognizing your warm walls swallowing him more and more.
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©2023 anantaru do not share, copy, translate any of my work
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bigmpregnm · 2 months
Enjoy the Ride - Part 1
[Story Collection] | [●] [Part 2🔴]
A knot tightened in my stomach while I waited for someone to call me into the office. I was extremely nervous because there were only two possible reasons to be there: I was either getting fired or receiving a raise. Although I was a good worker, I knew I hadn’t done anything remarkable to warrant a raise. To make matters worse, the man waiting for me wasn’t even my immediate boss; he was the boss of my boss’ boss, the freaking CEO of the company. I knew I was in big trouble. I tried to remain calm but couldn’t afford to lose my job. I needed it and was willing to do anything to keep it.
My name is Adam Macci, and at 24 years old, the thought of such a terrifying meeting had me on the verge of tears, even before entering the office. Despite having worked at the company for a year, I knew I still had a lot to learn, which made me feel insecure about the reason for the meeting. Working in the accounting department was incredibly dull, and the pay could have been better, but I wanted to avoid facing unemployment.
As a young, single dad to my 5-year-old son, Marco, losing my job would mean homelessness for us. Marco’s mother left when he was only two months old, and my parents disowned me before he was born, leaving us to fend for ourselves. I was determined to keep my job and provide for my son, and I was ready to beg if it was necessary.
As I waited in the hallway, beads of sweat formed on my forehead, evidence of my extreme anxiety. When I heard the CEO’s secretary calling my name, my heart skipped a few beats. Her earnest gaze as I nervously stood up only made things worse. Each step I took made my legs feel like jelly, threatening to betray me at any moment. I was almost panting in fear.
The sense of horror intensified as I walked into the CEO’s office. The room was huge and luxurious, the kind of someone like me could never even dream of owning. I knew the man was a billionaire, but even then, the entire place made me feel tiny and worthless. The room was far bigger than my entire apartment, and considering I wasn’t that big at 5’8” and 154 pounds, I felt like a mouse entering the domain of a hungry cat.
I took a deep breath and took shaky steps toward a massive desk. Behind it was an enormous chair facing away from me and looking into the most breathtaking view of the city I had ever seen. Despite the chair’s considerable size, I could see the CEO’s strong shoulders popping at the sides, which made me feel even more nervous. I had heard rumors about him being a colossal man, but his frame was broader than I had ever expected. My knowledge of this man was limited, mainly consisting of mere office gossip. The only certainty I had was his last name, Griffin because it adorned the company’s name.
I wasn’t sure if I should sit down, so I remained silent, waiting for him to speak. I couldn’t find the words to express myself as I was on the verge of having a stroke when the chair started turning, and Mr. Griffin’s massive and imposing figure came into view. The man was truly enormous. Even sitting down, he looked tall, and his whole figure was so broad that I felt like a twink. I was terrified by his size, but simultaneously, it amazed me. He smiled at me, and my knees shook.
“Good morning, Adam. Please take a seat. We have some important matters to discuss,” Mr. Griffin said with such a powerful and commanding voice that my entire body trembled.
“T… Thanks, Mr. Griffin. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m…” I nervously started saying as I sat, but he interrupted me.
“You’ve been working for me for nearly a year, correct?” He asked, making me wonder whether I should respond. He then opened a folder and started reading some documents. “You appear to be a trustworthy young man. Your supervisor commends your responsibility and dedication, noting that you work extra hours without getting paid. You have a 5-year-old son who lives with you, yet your file doesn’t mention a partner, making these additional hours a significant sacrifice. You sound like an exemplary employee,” he said, looking at me expectantly.
“Thanks, Mr. Griffin. I always try my best and…” I managed to say before he interrupted me once again.
“The thing is, Adam, nobody is perfect. Everyone has something they hide. For example, Kyle, the guy in the cubicle next to yours, is secretly in a relationship with Jenny, the receptionist. And just so you know, he’s married, and Jenny is unaware of it. Karen, the woman who brought you to my office, has undergone 14 plastic surgeries to look how she looks. Despite her claims that it is natural, I know her surgeon. Have you seen Greg, the janitor? He’s young, and his muscles are bigger than a world class bodybuilder. I suspect he may have serious issues with steroid abuse, although he insists he’s natural. I could continue with more examples because I am well-informed about everyone in this company. That’s why I asked Karen to bring you here, Adam. I wanted you to share your secret with me,” he said, leaning forward on his desk and his voice growing even more intense. Fear gripped me, and I swallowed hard.
“I-I don’t know, Mr. Griffin. Since I started working here, I’ve been honest about everything. Also, you seem to have my file, and everything is there,” I said with a shaky voice, sweating like a pig.
“Okay. I wanted you to tell me the truth without reading it, but as you mentioned, I have your file,” Mr. Griffin said with a smile. I knew he was up to something mean, but I had no idea what it was. “Three months ago, you didn’t come to work for a whole week. You had to deliver some important tax papers that week, and the delay cost me almost a million dollars. Taxes, surcharges, you know how that is. What I need to know here is what was so important that you made me lose almost a million dollars?” he said, and I turned pale. I knew what he was talking about, so I knew I was screwed.
“I was sick, Mr. Griffin. I called my supervisor and explained what was happening. I’m sorry you lost so much money, but I thought they would take care of my pending work,” I explained, almost crying.
“You told him you were sick, but you didn’t explain what it was and didn’t tell him you needed the whole week off. Weeks later, you presented a document where a doctor explained why you needed the whole week off, but I’m confused here, and since I lost money because of it, I need you to explain this to me,” he said, sounding serious and I just wanted to run away.
“It’s… it’s a medical condition, and it’s hard to explain. I honestly don’t like talking about it, but…” I was struggling to talk, and he interrupted me once again.
“Okay. I’ll explain it to you. Your doctor sent a long letter, but I’ll focus on two fascinating details. First, he mentioned you are one of the few known cases of men who have a womb. He detailed some technical stuff, but I understand it’s connected to your rectum and fully functional, which made me wonder about your boy’s mom. I mean, does he even have a mom or?” He looked at my midsection, and I panicked.
“What? No, no. Mr. Griffin, Marco has a mom. She just ran away. I never…” I tried to explain, but he kept talking.
“The other thing that caught my attention was the reason why you took the week off. The doctor said you had intense bleeding caused by a hormonal imbalance during your menstruation. He said this is uncommon because men don’t menstruate that much, but it’s not unheard of. He said this is unlikely to happen again, so you’re perfectly healthy now. Lucky you.” He closed the folder and leaned back on his massive chair, looking devilish. “This whole thing has me very confused. I mean, I lost money because you, a man, had your period?” he said, sounding angry.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Griffin. I didn’t even know I had this condition until the bleeding started, and I never thought you’d lose so much money…” I was almost crying, and he laughed. Somehow, he looked like he was enjoying my fear.
“What matters to me is that you made me lose money, and now I want you to pay it. You will pay for the money you made me lose, one way or another. I could fire you, but that wouldn’t be fun. I could make you work for me without pay until you’ve paid off your debt, but that wouldn’t be fun, either. So, I have an offer for you. I can forget about the money I lost, and you can keep your job and even earn some extra money. How does that sound?” He smiled at me, but it scared me even more because it sounded too good to be true.
He presented me with some papers and a pen. He wanted me to sign whatever those papers said. I realized he had everything planned out, which meant it couldn’t be good for me. I was at Mr. Griffin’s mercy because I couldn’t afford to pay back all that money, and losing my job was not an option. I was willing to do anything to keep my job, and the extra money sounded appealing, but I was afraid because I knew that man had some sinister intentions.
Mr. Griffin explained that he had been looking for the right person to provide him with heirs. The word “heirs” sent shivers down my spine as I understood what Mr. Griffin had in mind. He said that, despite being 40 years old and able to attract any woman he desired, he lacked the time for a committed relationship. Consequently, he decided to have children through surrogacy.
As he handed me the documents, my face turned pale upon seeing the words “Surrogacy Contract” at the top of the page. I glanced up at him, only to be met with the most sinister smile I had ever witnessed. I knew his actions violated numerous labor laws, but he held immense power as a millionaire, while I, a young single father, stood no chance against a man like him.
He said he had done some research about my condition, and upon learning about it, he found out male pregnancy had a 99% chance of producing boys. He proceeded to tell me about several cases of men who had become pregnant before, all of whom had multiple births, which aligned perfectly with his desires. His anger seemed to have dissipated, replaced by excitement. He said I seemed the perfect vessel to carry his heirs, leaving me speechless.
I desperately wanted to escape, but the shock rendered me immobile. Struggling to process Mr. Griffin’s words, I met his gaze as he awaited my response. I was at a loss for what to do. After some hesitation, I placed the contract back on the desk and pushed it away from me. Instead of becoming angry, a broad smile spread across his face, causing a wave of horror to wash over me as I gulped nervously.
He leaned back in his chair again and warned me that if I refused to sign the contract, he would take legal action against me for the million dollars he claimed I had cost him and any additional expenses resulting from my mistake. I froze as he continued telling me how he would make me lose everything if I didn’t sign the contract.
With no other options available, I reluctantly pulled the contract closer and picked up the pen. I knew the situation was illegal, but legality held no weight for someone like Mr. Griffin. He was rich enough to buy the entire city, so I knew I couldn’t beat him in court. I was screwed. Attempting to gain some semblance of control, I tried to read through the extensive ten-page contract. However, fear consumed me so much that I couldn’t comprehend a single word. I was too terrified even to recall my own name.
Mr. Griffin helped me fill out and sign the contract while I tried to hold back my tears. He assured me that he would cover all expenses for Marco and me for the next few months, and he promised that if I fulfilled my part of the agreement, our lives would never be the same. Although confused and frightened, I knew I had to do what was best for Marco, even if I had to carry Mr. Griffin’s children.
Once we had filled out and signed the contract, Mr. Griffin rose from his chair, revealing his full height. Standing approximately 6’6” tall, he towered over me by more than a foot, and I was sure he outweighed me by at least 100 pounds, all of it composed of pure muscle. As he slowly walked around the desk, positioning himself directly before me, I couldn’t take my eyes off his impressive physique.
Not only was he remarkably tall, but his formal dark suit strained against his well-built frame. His broad shoulders, defined chest, and bulging biceps seemed to stretch the fabric of his jacket to its limits. His waist was astonishingly narrow, while his lower body displayed strength. It was undeniably impressive, but what truly caught my attention was the enormous bulge that looked unrealistically full. A small part of me even wondered if he had stuffed something in his pants.
“I already have an appointment for us this coming Saturday. I knew you would sign the contract,” he said with a proud and sinister grin. “The doctor is a friend of mine, and I’m sure he’ll be more than willing to perform the insemination that same day. The sooner you get pregnant, the sooner you’ll pay your debt, and I’ll happily forget about the money. I could even give you a promotion if everything goes as planned,” he added. I absently smiled because that sounded good.
After he briefly explained the contract’s contact, I left Mr. Griffin’s office feeling incredibly confused. I couldn’t believe I had agreed to get pregnant. I was a man, and even though I knew there had been a few cases, people didn’t widely accept male pregnancy. Some people still thought it was a myth, but thanks to the bleeding and my medical appointments, I learned that it was possible.
For the remainder of the day, the impending pregnancy consumed my thoughts. Absent-mindedly, I found myself rubbing my abdomen, contemplating the idea of carrying one or even two babies within me, which made me feel pretty strange. Despite the fear and less-than-ideal circumstances, a part of me was curious about the experience of being pregnant. If I had no other option but to carry Mr. Griffin’s children, I decided to find some joy in the journey.
A few days later, on Saturday, as Mr. Griffin had instructed me, I found myself in the waiting room of a well-known fertility clinic. I had to leave Marco with his nanny, even though Saturdays were our special day together.
As I took a deep breath, I heard Mr. Griffin’s voice as he entered the clinic, and I couldn’t help but gasp at how great he looked. He wore a T-shirt that accentuated his muscles, making them look bigger. His tight-fitting jeans showcased his muscular legs, but his ass and bulge were simply out of this world. Despite knowing he was a bad guy, I felt my dick throbbing as Mr. Griffin approached and smiled at me.
The doctor called us a few minutes later, and I became even more nervous. The doctor already had a file with my detailed information and only conducted general exams on my body to confirm my good health. He palpated my abdomen to ensure I was ready for pregnancy and reassured me that everything looked good. Throughout the process, Mr. Griffin never stopped smiling. Evidently, he was pleased to see his plan unfolding just as he had hoped.
However, Mr. Griffin’s expression changed when the doctor explained that, despite everything being in place for him to inseminate me, he couldn’t do it right away. The doctor stated that I needed to follow his instructions for at least a week to increase the chances of conception on the first attempt. Mr. Griffin wasn’t pleased because he wanted me to get pregnant that day.
While I saw Mr. Griffin trying to convince the doctor to proceed with the procedure, I was in awe of his massive body again. As he grew visibly tense, the veins on his arms thickened, accentuating his size. I couldn’t take my eyes off his lower half, and a wild idea crossed my mind as the doctor continued to refuse.
Eventually, Mr. Griffin gave up and accepted that we would have to wait another week. The doctor left the room, and I noticed Mr. Griffin was mad at him. Since the doctor wouldn’t perform the insemination, the logical thing to do was for me to leave. Instead, I heard myself speaking without even realizing it.
“Mr. Griffin, I know the contract specifies artificial insemination, but… maybe we could do this… the natural way?” I asked, and he looked at me with evident excitement.
“Are you serious? Just to be clear, are you suggesting a change to the contract?” he asked. As I nodded, he smiled, making my dick throb again. “If that’s the case, let’s go to my place,” he happily added.
I willingly followed him to his car, feeling curious but aware that I might’ve been getting into trouble. Despite this, I still wanted to enjoy the ride.
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bigmusclenm · 2 months
Give or Take - Part 4
[Story Collection] | [Part 3] [●] [Part 5🔵]
Bryce woke up early, as always, but felt different than the previous day. Everything felt strange, but the memories of Mason jerking off and confessing that he wanted to grow even bigger flooded Bryce’s mind immediately. Without opening his eyes, Bryce smiled, remembering how desperate Mason had been to blow a massive load, even though a thick layer of his cum was coating the entire room already. While these memories came to mind, Bryce felt his dick getting hard, making him realize he was naked.
Bryce slowly opened his eyes and became confused for a few seconds when he noticed he wasn’t in his room. He was looking at the ceiling, and even though it was similar to his room, the surface looked dirty and somewhat damp. Then, Bryce remembered all the events from the previous night, especially the sweet moment when Mason asked him to stay the night because he was scared of waking up even bigger.
Bryce remembered Mason jerking off for the millionth time while Bryce caressed the big guy’s messy hair. Bryce remembered Mason looking desperate, and even though Bryce’s lust wanted to give his friend a hand, he resisted the urge to rub the massive 25-inch-long dick he had given Mason. Bryce knew his roommate was worried about the changes, even though he was clearly high on pleasure, so when the offer to stay the night popped up, he decided to be a good friend and show some support to his big—and hot—friend.
Bryce’s body stirred to life as he attempted to stretch like he did every morning. However, he felt a warm, hard wall right next to him, making him smile as he figured out what it was. Bryce sat up and noticed Mason was still asleep, and his body looked magnificent. Even though it had all started as a revenge plan against Mason for gaining some muscle mass, Bryce couldn’t deny that he was enjoying how hot Mason looked. Bryce couldn’t help but sigh as he observed the result of Mason’s request for more size, to which Bryce had been more than happy to oblige.
“Damn, big guy, look at you. You’re a true sight to behold,” Bryce whispered, absentmindedly biting his lower lip with desire. “600 pounds, and it’s all muscle. Fuck... I think I overdid it with the dick,” Bryce added, quietly chuckling.
Mason was spread on his king-size bed like a star, leaving only a narrow space for Bryce but enough for him to fit in. Mason was undoubtedly the most muscular man ever. Bryce felt incredibly lucky to have that big guy right next to him. Mason’s body had grown to unprecedented proportions, giving Bryce so much to see that he didn’t know where to start.
Mason’s face looked angelic, as handsome and cute as ever, but the rest of him was massive. His traps were huge, like small shoulders popping out of his actual shoulders. Mason’s cannon-ball-sized deltoids adorned his insanely broad shoulders, which were easily twice as wide as any regular man. His biceps and triceps were enormous, way bigger than anyone’s head, and looking as hard as a stone. A thick vein adorned both biceps, making them look even hotter. Mason’s forearms were as thick as pro bodybuilders’ biceps, and more veins adorned them, giving Mason an even stronger look.
Even though Mason’s arms were really impressive, Bryce moved his attention to Mason’s chest, drooling and having lustful thoughts about the mountainous pectorals. Mason’s pecs stuck out about six or seven inches from the rest of his torso and looked so full and strong that Bryce could barely resist the urge to massage them. Mason’s nipples had also grown larger and looked somewhat erect. A very horny Bryce daydreamed about licking those delicious-looking nipples, but he decided against it. He was having a hard time accepting that he was attracted to Mason’s new body, but the big guy was too hot to ignore him.
Below Mason’s massive abs, his chiseled abs looked carved into stone. Since his arms were wide open, Mason’s lats spread like wings—enormously thick wings of meat. His midsection remained pretty narrow compared to the rest of his body, but it still looked strong. Every muscle fiber on his body had grown thicker, so Mason’s waist had gained some inches to support the weight of his upper body.
Mason’s lower body was so unbelievably impressive that Bryce felt like having a stroke as he observed Mason’s huge thighs, diamond-looking calves, and the most massive dick and balls ever. Mason’s dick stood hard and tall at 3 feet long and 10 inches in diameter. His bigger-than-basketball balls rested heavily on the mattress between Mason’s massive thighs, looking ready to burst. Again, Bryce felt the urge to reach and touch the dick or the cum-filled balls, but he decided against it. He didn’t want to fall deeper for Mason, so he preferred to look from a safe distance.
As the thought of not getting intimate with Mason crossed his mind, Bryce remembered that he was naked. Mason’s growth captivated him so much that he hadn’t paid much attention to his own body. Bryce looked down to discover how much his body had grown, slowly moving off Mason’s bed. Standing on his feet made Bryce realize that his muscles had grown a lot, but he had lost several inches in height.
“Fuck! I shouldn’t have taken so many inches from that guy on the street,” Bryce whispered when he was on his feet, standing at 5’0” tall.
However, Bryce had gained so much muscle mass that he looked like a short pro bodybuilder. Bryce looked at his pecs, and they weren’t only thick but also pretty heavy, making his nipples point downward. His arms were way thicker than his previous skinny legs. His whole body was the definition of power, except for his short height. Bryce explored his new body with his own hands and finally realized that he was naked because his body had outgrown his clothes during the night.
“Man, that’s so fucking hot. My muscles are so big, but…” Bryce said, looking up at the giant snoring in bed. “I’m not nearly as hot as you, big guy,” Bryce added, grinning with lust.
While Bryce continued exploring his new big—and short—body, Mason started moving in bed, finally waking up. Bryce was excited to see Mason’s reaction to his new body, and his hard-throbbing dick didn’t let him hide his excitement.
As Mason tried to turn, making the whole bed creak, he noticed something was different and opened his eyes wide. Mason attempted to sit up, but he evidently wasn’t used to his new heavier body. For a few seconds, Mason looked like a turtle trying to get on his feet due to the size and weight of his muscles.
“What? What? What the hell is happening?” Mason shouted when he finally sat up and saw at least part of his huge body.
“Hey, calm down. Don’t... don’t get scared,” Bryce said, trying to contain his laughter.
“What? Look at me, and... Wait, why are you... naked?” Mason looked at Bryce from bed, and his massive dick throbbed, making Bryce chuckle.
“Long story. I had some problems with my clothes last night, and... well, you probably know about that,” Bryce said, stepping closer to Mason’s bed.
“What? No! Well, yes, I know how that is, but... Wait, that means you see what’s wrong here? I’m a freaking monster,” Mason replied, trying to get out of bed, but he clearly struggled to get used to his new weight.
“No. No. I mean, you’ve always been a huge guy, so I guess you understand about struggles with clothes, I guess,” Bryce nervously replied.
“You gotta be kidding; I weighed 190 pounds a few days ago. You’ve always been heavier by 70 pounds. Now look at me. Come on, you have to…” Mason said, unaware that Bryce had just grown as well. Then, Mason finally got to the edge of the bed and slowly rose to his full 7’0” height. “...accept there’s something wrong.”
With Mason standing on his feet in front of him, Bryce could finally understand how big his roommate had become. Mason towered over Bryce by two feet and more than doubled the weight and size in the muscle department. Everything in Mason’s body was huge, but it was the three-foot-long dick and the massive balls that caught Bryce’s attention.
“Nothing’s wrong. Okay? You’re a big guy, and... I think you look great. So, I have to go to work now, and you... I think you should go back to bed and relax. I promise we’ll talk about this later,” Bryce said, trying to hide the fact that he was getting horny while looking at Mason’s magnificent body.
Bryce approached Mason, intending to kiss the big guy’s cheek like the day before, but the height difference made it impossible. Bryce kissed Mason’s enormous right pec instead, leaving the big guy speechless and extremely confused. Mason stood in the middle of his room, unable to say a word, while Bryce slowly walked away and went to his own room.
When Mason was alone, he looked down at his body once again, trying to comprehend what was happening to him. His muscles were enormous, and his dick was definitely a sight to behold, but even though he was pretty scared about the sudden growth, an irrational part of his mind couldn’t help but get aroused in an instant. His dick throbbed violently, and a thick glob of pre leaked out of his slit.
Mason looked around, and for a few seconds, he pondered his options. A part of him wanted to go to the hospital to get checked because no one could grow that much naturally. He knew he was for sure the most muscular man that had ever existed, which didn’t sound that bad, but he knew it wasn’t normal. However, as he lifted his arms and flexed his biceps, another glob of pre leaked out of his slit, evidencing he was more aroused than scared. His massive size made him feel powerful.
Mason observed his enormous biceps for a few minutes and then paid close attention to his massive pecs, not seeing much past them. He smiled as he accepted that he had always dreamed about something like this. When Bryce had joined the gym months before, Mason had decided to join as well because it was an opportunity to get Bryce’s attention but also as an opportunity to accomplish what he secretly wanted: to get huge muscles.
“I look good, I feel good, and Bryce likes it. I guess it can’t be that bad if I get big,” Mason whispered while flexing. He had longed for Bryce’s attention for a while, and the kiss was definitely a good sign. “I’ll call in sick again and wait for him to come back. I have to take care of something anyway,” Mason added, moving his hands to his massive dick to caress it.
Mason jumped back into bed, breaking the bed frame due to his weight. The mattress landed on the floor, making the whole room shake. However, with a wide grin, Mason pulled his dick against the valley of his meaty pecs and started rubbing the shaft up and down, synchronizing with him popping his pecs like giving his dick a massage. Pleasuring such a big dick wasn’t easy at all, but Mason had the entire day to find ways to do so, and he also had the best motivation he could get—Bryce’s kiss on his pec.
Bryce rushed through the apartment, trying to find something to wear. Part of him wanted to stay and enjoy being close to Mason’s new body, but he also needed to go to work to see the changes in his boss’ and friends’ bodies. The only problem was that Bryce didn’t own clothes big enough to wear with his thicker—but shorter—body. He literally didn’t fit in any of his pants or any of his shirts. While looking for some clothes, Bryce made a quick stop to weigh himself on the scale in the bathroom and was surprised by the number 264.25. The fact that he had nothing to wear wasn’t surprising since he weighed almost twice his previous weight.
The only option Bryce had was to borrow some of Mason’s clothes he found in the dryer. Bryce found an oversized T-shirt and jeans that seemed to be able to handle his size, even though they were way too long for his body. Mason’s T-shirt reached down almost to Bryce’s knees, and the pants were tight and long on him. Even then, he didn’t have more options, so he tried to look as good as possible and rushed out of the apartment. As soon as he closed the door behind him, Bryce heard and felt the ground beneath him shaking and the walls trembling like an earthquake. It happened really fast, so Bryce just continued walking.
On his way to his job, Bryce made a quick stop to fix a few things on his own body. He stopped by a construction site and found ten hunky construction workers who were pretty hot already but could definitely use some adjustments. Bryce knew he had to grow others to grow his own body, so he decided to make those hot construction workers look even better.
The shortest man was about 6’0”, and the tallest was easily 6’6”. Since Bryce’s short height was his main issue, he used his power to give each of these men four extra inches in height. Bryce thought their new height would be helpful in their job, but his motivation was only to get taller by growing others. Doing some quick math, he estimated he would gain 10 inches with what he had given the men at the construction site, which was good enough.
Using his powers to remove the men’s clothes, Bryce could observe their bodies and stats more carefully. Some of them had some measures that caught Bryce’s attention, so he decided to have fun with them. The second shortest, at 6’1”—soon to be 6’5”—had the most delicious-looking bubble butt Bryce had seen. It was so juicy and yet so firm that Bryce’s mouth watered while looking at that man’s ass, so he decided to give him an even bigger ass—about 10 pounds of muscle and fat—to make him look even better.
There was another man, very likely the youngest of them all, who had a 12-inch-long dick with a pretty decent girth. Bryce—a size king—gave this guy’s dick four more inches in length and a whole extra inch in girth. With a dick that big, Bryce thought the guy needed bigger balls, so he gave the guy some seriously-big balls, growing them to approximately soccer-ball-sized.
Another one’s chest caught Bryce’s attention because it looked round and full. The man’s upper body reminded Bryce of Chris Evans’ Captain America, giving him some ideas. He added 20 pounds of muscle and a little bit of fat to the man’s pecs to get them really big and juicy at the same time. He also altered the man’s nipples to get them larger and pointier. Bryce was having lots of fun, but he remembered he had to get to his office to see his friends.
Before leaving the construction site, Bryce added 2 inches to the rest of the men’s dicks, leaving most of them, except for the youngest-looking one, with 8 or 10 inches of dick and giving Bryce’s dick, by his own calculations, about 5.5 inches in length. His motivation was only to grow his own body by growing these men. When he had set all the changes for them, Bryce made a mental note to stop by the construction site the next day to see how they were doing. At that moment, he was more excited about his coworkers than looking at random people on the street.
Sadly, a few minutes later, Bryce arrived at his office and was informed that all his coworkers had called in sick, so the department had been closed at least for the day. The company wanted to inspect and clean the entire department because it was weird that most of the employees, the new supervisor included, had reported experiencing allergic reactions. Bryce contained his laughter while the man informed him that his friends and their boss were sick because he knew what was happening.
Bryce was sad because he wanted to see his friends’ new bodies. He also wanted to mess with their boss’ size again, but he understood that he had changed them too much for them not to get scared. Anyone would freak out and get worried, just like Mason did every morning because the changes were too abrupt. The difference was that Mason clearly enjoyed the changes, and his horny thoughts surpassed his fears or shock.
Bryce had to give a blood sample to a medical team to check if the thing affecting his coworkers had also affected him. Then, they sent him home, and Bryce didn’t hesitate because he had someone very likely waiting for him at the apartment. The memory of Mason’s huge body lying in bed, fully naked, made Bryce’s dick chub up. He still felt strange to feel so attracted to Mason’s body, but he couldn’t deny the big guy had him hooked. His revenge plan against Mason had changed directions, and all Bryce wanted was to get Mason even bigger and enjoy having such a stud so close to him.
When Bryce arrived at the apartment, as soon as he opened the door, he heard Mason moaning loudly, and a bumping sound echoed through the apartment. Bryce immediately remembered his dream where the apartment exploded. However, the sensation was different; the bumping sound wasn’t as loud, and a strange salty smell made it feel very different.
Bryce had left only an hour before, so he knew Mason wasn’t waiting for him, so he tried to be quiet. He approached Mason’s door very slowly but stopped when he noticed something coming out beneath the door. The substance was almost liquid but pretty thick, and the salty smell intensified. Bryce kneeled down and touched the sticky white substance, finally recognizing the texture, the smell, and… the taste.
“This can’t be. I left just an hour ago,” Bryce said, taking some of the creamy substance to his mouth to taste it again. “Damn, why is it so delicious?” Bryce added and chuckled.
Bryce slowly opened the door, and the salty smell hit his nose like a wall. Bryce’s mouth fell to the ground when he saw a pool of white substance covering the entire floor of Mason’s room and some more coating the walls and the ceiling. It looked like the morning after a heavy snowfall, but the room wasn’t cold. The room felt hot instead, and the massive person lying on his back in the middle was the hottest part.
Mason’s body was covered with his own cum, making him look even bigger than he was. He was still on his mattress, rubbing his massive dick, while a strong stream of cum came out of his dick slit. Bryce could see Mason’s balls churning while producing even more cum. Bryce took his shoes off and started walking toward Mason. The big guy was high on pleasure, so he didn’t notice Bryce arriving, but when he did, a broad and goofy smile spread on his face.
“What are you doing here? You should be at work,” Mason said, heavily panting while the stream of cum weakened and his dick slightly deflated. “And… is that my T-shirt?”
“Oh, yeah, this is your T-shirt, and I think it fits me better than it would fit you,” joked Bryce, making Mason laugh. “And we had some issues at work, and they gave me the day off, but... you did all of this in just an hour?” Bryce said, standing right next to Mason’s bed.
“You said I could jerk off, and I did. This one was only round two, but I can’t stop; my balls seem to go crazy every time I think of you,” Mason said, caressing his half-hard dick. “My shirt looks good on you, by the way,” Mason added, making Bryce blush.
“Thanks. Well, you look good, all covered with your own cum. Pretty hot,” Bryce replied.
They looked into each other’s eyes for a few seconds, and suddenly, Mason pulled Bryce by the arm to get him closer. Mason placed Bryce on top of his strong cum-covered torso and pulled Bryce’s head into a long and passionate kiss. Bryce was initially hesitant about the kiss but then embraced Mason’s expression of love, and they started making out. Bryce loved how Mason’s cum-covered lips felt and tasted against his. And after so much denial, he finally accepted that he desired Mason and wanted him with even bigger muscles.
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elmorinn · 4 months
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C'est le Quasimodo ! 👑
It's been a loooong time since I've read NDDP but only now did I sit down and draw Quasimodo himself <3 he's my second favorite character of the whole novel and one of my favorite book characters, like, ever, so it was only fair to dedicate some art to him.
With this design (???) I tried to follow the description given in the beginning of the novel and this extract was before my eyes the whole drawing process;
... We shall not try to give the reader an idea of that tetrahedral nose, that horseshoe mouth; that little left eye obstructed with a red, bushy, bristling eyebrow, while the right eye disappeared entirely beneath an enormous wart; of those teeth in disarray, broken here and there, like the embattled parapet of a fortress; of that callous lip, upon which one of these teeth encroached, like the tusk of an elephant; of that forked chin; and above all, of the expression spread over the whole; of that mixture of malice, amazement, and sadness ...
... A huge head, bristling with red hair; between his shoulders an enormous hump, a counterpart perceptible in front; a system of thighs and legs so strangely astray that they could touch each other only at the knees, and, viewed from the front, resembled the crescents of two scythes joined by the handles; large feet, monstrous hands; and, with all this deformity, an indescribable and redoubtable air of vigor, agility, and courage ...
... motionless, squat, and almost as broad as he was tall; squared on the base, as a great man says; with his doublet half red, half violet, sown with silver bells ...
(Mean but that's what uncle Vic had to say)
So the design isn't 100% accurate but I'm pretty happy with it :D and we can't forget the "cardboard tiara" and the "derisive robe of the Pope of the Fools" ...
The bottom left Quasimodo is from the 1998 musical which I absolutely adore <3 re-watching it a couple days ago gave me lots of inspiration for this page and other NDDP art I might make...
The tiger on top left is Kenny the Tiger, who at some point was considered "world's ugliest tiger", a claim with which I wholeheartedly disagree, imo he's cute and also he reminded me of Quasimodo :D
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This page might be one of my most favorite in this sketchbook so far and I hope the Tumblr People will enjoy it as well :) thank you for reading ^^
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slashingdisneypasta · 5 months
Dorothy Must Die!Lion x Scarecrow'sFemAssistant!Reader || Drabble
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Plot: What it's like catching the fearsome Lion's attention, becoming his favourite, but also falling under the protection of his good friend.
Warnings: Threatening confession.
*picture there so y'all can see HOW HUGE THIS FUCKEN LION IS- and I assume this picture is from BEFORE he grew big and terrifying.
"And this... "Your boss, Scarecrow, sounds bored as he waives a gloved and straw-filled hand the animal's way, after introducing the Tin Man. "this is my old friend Lion, of course."
Obviously you knew who both of these men (Creatures??) were; you've been appointed the Scarecrow's research assistant for good reason afterall. You knew everything you could learn, and that certainly involved Oz history- in which your new boss, the Tin Man, and the Cowardly (Or not-so-cowardly, any longer) Lion were main figures.
But you let the Scarecrow tell you anyway. Because you're smart, and you know- a man like that? Needs the validation of sharing information others may not be aware of. And you would rather not get on the viscious scientists bad side boss or not.
You give both the Tin Man and the Lion a solemn, respectful nod. "Illuminating to make your acquaintances. I've heard all about your bravery in killing the Wicked Witch of the West by Queen Dorothy's side."
The Tin Man nods respectfully and sensibly back, and he's about to say something as his old metal mouth squeaks open- but the Lion, who's the same height as his two friends on all-fours, cuts in; approaching you and flashing a huge toothy smile down. "Oh, Scare old friend! Where have you been hiding this one?" The Tin Man promptly closes his mouth, a note or irritation in his metal squeal this time, you think. "She's pretty! You're pretty, young lady."
-immediately you go bug-eyed. What?? WHAT?? You're used to the Scarecrow's sensible, monotonous, borderline rude ways; this straight forward compliment is completely foreign to you. Though, you're sure you shouldn't be surprised by his boldness. The Lion is an animal, and animals don't play with subtlty, or pretending. And he is known for his courage these days, you suppose.
"U- um, I- "
"And she smells delicious."
"Wh- "
The Scarecrow cuts you off, with a sigh. "Leave her be, Lion. You're flustering her and I have no use for an emotional research assistant."
"I'm flustering her?" The Lion asks, looking at you with a stern, puzzled look on his face. With a roll of his giant muscled shoulders, he backs up a step. "My apologies."
"No- I- that's okay." You manage, then take a deep breath. "I... take no offence."
Another broad, leonine grin spreads across the big cats maw again. "Oh." Is there a wild, roguish lilt to his grin? Almost a smirk? "Good." He tells you bluntly in that deep voice sounding something like a roar, tail swishing behind him.
A few days later, it's the first time you've been allowed a break from thr Scarecrow's dark room's and the smell of death that fills them other then for meals. The Scarecrow wanted to be left alone, so he sent you to do some reading on cerebrospila fluids, and you chose to do so out in the courtyards. In the bright sun, surrounded by the emerald palaces beautiful gardens.
The Lion seemed to have had the same idea, covering a good portion of cobblestones with his large body sprawled lazily out under the warm ray's; dozing. And you keep sneaking glances at him like some silly girl- allowing your mind to skew from your duties and half admire the monster's muscles as well as half wonder to yourself what he meant by saying that you smell 'delicious'.
Does he want to eat you?? You've heard about his enormous, insatiable hunger, as well as how he enjoys his meals to be alive when he eats them. That doesn't sound particularly good, to you.
But... he also called you pretty. And that's throwing you off.
Before too long, you've only been sitting outside for no longer than 10 minutes, the Lion's deep echoing voice fills your eyes like molasses.
A crackly purr like growling sound escapes from deep in his chest as he stretches a little, muscles rippling under his skin, and his eyes gaze over at you half-lidded. "Nice day, isn't it?"
"Very nice."
"Come over here, pretty assistant."
You don't have a choice, it's the Lion (The King of the Beasts), and besides if you did try to run he could pounce and catch you in no time at all- so you do the smart thing, and close your book and wander over. When the enormous beast just looks at you, his maw pulling wider in a lazy grin, before nodding with his giant head to a spot next to him, you carefully sit down on the cobblestones with him.
After a moment of the Lion just looking at you, either like you're a prime steak or a masterpiece (maybe both), you take a deep breath. "Are you going to eat me??"
"... I want to. I like you quite a bit; you're pretty. If I could I would keep you and nibble off you for as long as I could- days, weeks, months, even years if you were strong enough. And the Scarecrow would just keep replacing your limbs one by one. You could be my favourite." He allows, looking pleased and impressed by your bravery, a roguish and wild lilt to his gorey, sharp smirk. "... but you're my dear old friend's help, and I wouldn't like to put him on the spot like that."
"... oh."
"Scared, little kitten?"
"I- "
"You shouldn't be." He sighs, adjusting his massive paws in front of him and making himself more comfortable. "Trust me, I spent far too long being a coward and fortune favours the brave. I'm King of the Beasts, now."
... "You have a point." You nod, speaking quietly.
"I do."
"Well... I- I should go." You curse yourself for stuttering, for you're still scared, but the Lion looks reproachfully at you. "The Scarecrow will be expecting me- "
Before you can even move, the Lion leans over and drops his heavy head on your lap with a thud; his snout nuzzling into your hip bone. He gives a content yawn, sounding more like a gentle roar thick with sleepiness. "Not yet... "
That makes your eyes widen wide open and heat fill up your chest, and your neck, and your cheeks. "But- I thought- I thought you didn't wish inconvenience the Scarecrow??"
"He can wait for a little while, pretty Y/N. I need you, now."
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aqua-the-smiter · 4 months
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I DID IT. I WROTE SOMETHING FOR MERMARY Selkie!Ferrus Manus x Argena Seeva (oc) Argena meets a rather peculiar stranger along the seashore. Ferrus is a selkie bc Scottish Iron Hands make brain go brrr. SFW Song - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SR7QTKe1D7Q Writer's note, Ferrus's seal form is a leopard seal :3 Divider by @squishyowl
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It was the most beautiful singing Argena had ever heard.
The voice was male, and it was unusual to think of a man’s singing as beautiful, but there was no other way she could describe it. It was deep-bass deep-and as clear as sunlit seawater. It was strong and steady, the singer’s voice never wavering or breaking or missing a note.
Once a fair and handsome seal-lord lay his foot upon the sand For to woo the fisher's daughter and to claim her marriage hand. "I have come in from the ocean, I have come in from the sea, And I'll not go to the waves, love, lest ye come along with me."
It split the quiet, late summer air. Her singer wasn’t loud, per say, but it carried easily over the sound of the lapping waves and up the short cliff to where she had been perched on her mare. Quickly, she slid off the bay’s back and tied her reins around a post she had driven into the ground some years before for the purpose. She pushed her way through the long grass and heather to peer over the cliffside, hunkering down to let the long stalks curtain her.
There, among the rocks, far away from the other seals that populated the shore sat a man. He was huge. Even from this distance she could tell he would easily tower over her. His skin was pale and scarred, glistening from the seaspray. His body was all coarse black hair and hard, thick muscle from his broad shoulders to his strong legs. Despite his obvious strength and bulk the way he sat was almost elegant, draped over the stone he was sitting on with the same effortless lounge a seal would. His face looked like it had been chiseled from white mountain rock, as scarred as the rest of him was. His eyes were a bright, oddly metallic silver and his short hair black as shale.
There were two things that stuck out about his appearance, aside from his sheer size and obvious power he exuded. His arms were gloved from the very tips of his fingers to around mid-upper arm in interweaving knotwork tattoos. Clearly done with loving detail, and absurdly intricate. Second, an enormous sealskin cloak rested over his shoulders. It didn’t look like any sealskin she’d ever seen, both big enough to wrap up a draft horse and colored differently. Black or dark gray on the back before shading to a lighter gray on the sides, and dappled with dark spots. The flippers hung down over his chest.
It has nearly as much fur as he does. She thought with a small smile.
She sat for a while, head in her hands, listening to him. No human should have been able to sing so enchantingly. Especially not a man who looked so tough and strong. And rather handsome, now that she studied him for a while. She hoped she was able to keep the ditzy look of pleasure off her face. Such a sweet voice for such a strong man.
"Lord, long have I loved you as a selkie on the foam. "I would gladly go and wed ye and be Lady of your home But I cannot go into the ocean, I cannot go into the sea. I would drown beneath your waves, love, if I went along with ye." "Lady, long have I loved you: I would have you for my wife. I shall stay upon your shoreland though it robs me of my life. I will stay one night beside you, never go back to the sea, I will stay and be thy husband though it be the death of me."
Her head snapped up suddenly as a thought struck her.
The sealskin…his voice. 
No…it couldn’t be, could it? Surely not.
Argena remembered back to when she had been a child, and her father would tell her and her older brother stories before bed. About faeries and elves, kelpies and the nuckelavee. And…selkies. At the end he’d always told them that there had been fantastical creatures once, a very long time ago, but they had shrunk away from the world as men grew more numerous. It was something she kept in mind even now in her adult life. For example, growing increasingly wary of the odd white horse that lived by a deep pond and always seemed to stare at her whenever she walked by. 
Like it knew she wouldn’t fall for that.
“I didn’t think there were any of you left.” She whispered softly.
It took her a moment to realize he stopped. What’s more, he was staring right at her. His piercing silver eyes met her gold ones, and she felt her heart skip. 
“You may as well come down here, if you’re going to sneak around.” He said, sounding none too pleased about it.
Her mouth went dry as she extracted herself and slowly picked her way down the cliff. Her bare feet sinking into the sand and her skirts billowing in the sea breeze. She stopped a few paces away from him, and he sat up, attentive.
“Do you make a habit of spying on others?”
“Do you make a habit of sitting naked in the middle of nowhere?” She asked back, a little annoyed.
His jaw worked for a few moments before he conceded. “Aye, fair enough..
“I come down to this stretch of beach often.” She explained quickly, not wanting things to be even more awkward. “I heard you singing and stopped to listen. You have the most beautiful voice I’ve ever heard.” She told him earnestly. 
He inhaled sharply, but his stance relaxed. “It’s been a long time since I heard something like that from a mortal.”
“So you’re not human?”
“No. Of course not.” “Ha! I knew it!” Argena crowed triumphantly. “You are a selkie, aren’t you?.”
Then she paused, and held out a hand. Realizing she may have sounded a little rude.
“It’s an honor to meet you. Don’t misunderstand me. I just…I thought you were all gone. I never would have dreamed in a hundred years that I would meet a real one.”
After a moment he accepted the offered handshake. His was huge and engulfed hers. It was warm and slightly damp. The tattoos were even more intricate up close, and covered his palms as well.
I thought you were all gone.
Her words stuck with the selkie for a moment. He had been under the impression that humans largely didn’t believe in anything magical anymore. As new beliefs swept over the land and as they continued to advance. They were relegated to superstition and fairy tales. Some pockets still believed, of course. Some always would. But most didn’t, and even now he still wasn’t sure of how he felt about it. For all his strength and power, he wasn’t fond of being forgotten. It might be better that way.
But he had to admit it was nice to be recognized. 
“Do you have a name?” She remembered something vaguely, about fae names being important.
He didn’t seem to hold the same truth. “Ferrus. And you?” “Argena. Er, you can just call me Gena, please.”
She sat on the rock next to him as he gazed out to sea, deep in thought. It was a little awkward, and she wondered if she’d offended him somehow.
Good job, Gena. You meet a real magical creature and you piss him off within the first five minutes.
The sun was starting to go down, turning the sand golden and making the water shimmer and flash. The light breeze carried the scent of heather and thistle flowers, mingling with that of the salty ocean air, and the sound of the waves and cries of the gulls overhead were making her drowsy. Finally, he spoke.
“We’re still around. We were never gone. It’s just wiser to keep to yourself these days.”
“Hm?” She looked up at him. He sounded oddly melancholy. “So there’s still selkies around?”
“Not just us. There’s still plenty of…I suppose you would call us mythical beasts now. Dragons and faeries and unicorns and kelpies. Albeit many in lesser numbers. But as I said. It’s just wiser to retreat from the world. There will always be places wild and untouched.”
Gena frowned. “Not all humans would mean to harm you.”
Ferrus nodded in agreement. “I believe you. You are right in front of me after all. We have been sitting here for a good while and yet you haven’t asked to touch my sealskin, or reached out for it.”
“I figured that would have been rude even if you weren’t a selkie, seeing as how we’ve just met. And I promise I have no intention of stealing it. If there was even a chance I could overpower you.”
“There is not. But just by that alone I feel that you are at least somewhat trustworthy.”
She flushed, a bit flattered. “Honestly? I’m just in awe to meet you in the first place. I was raised on all the stories and old tales. I would never dream of taking your sealskin. Has…has anyone tried to, in the past?”
His expression darkened. “Once. My brother stole it from me, and hid it so well I couldn’t find it. I don’t know how, some magic or other. I went to all my other brothers and asked them for help, but none of them would. So I beat the truth of that wretched little bastard. Since then, I haven’t spoken to any of them. So I am amused, if nothing else, that a little mortal woman such as yourself has more respect for me and mine than my own family.”
“I, well…you’re welcome." She couldn't imagine having a family that awful. Hers wasn't perfect. They drove her nuts on occasion, what with her brother treating her like a child at times, her younger sister conspiring to make her chores infinitely longer than needed, and her mother dismissing her as a dreamer with her head in the clouds, constantly pestering her to accept a marriage proposal already. But it wasn't all bad in the slightest, and she loved her family. 
"I don't think mine are anywhere near that bad, but they drive me up a wall too sometimes. I have a brother and a sister. How many siblings do you have?"
"18 brothers."
"One of my brothers has a twin. It would've been 17 otherwise."
"You have 18 brothers and nobody helped you?!"
“Twisted, isn’t it?” He gave her a rueful smile. “You’ve been better to me than all of them. The real foot in the nads is that the one who stole my sealskin was my best friend. There used to be times I’d forget we weren’t twins.”
“I assume you never want to speak to him again.”
“I do not.”
They fell silent again, but this time it was a little more congenial. He decided he liked this mortal woman. She was kind, but not flat. There was a spark in her. Very beautiful too, with those bright gold eyes and long wavy black hair. Her skin was fair but not nearly as much as his. And, he noted almost absently, she had a very nice figure.
Ferrus held a section of his sealskin out to her. “You can feel it if you’d like.”
Gena stared at it in surprise before looking back up at him. “Are you sure?”
“Of course. I’m offering it to you.”
“Ah…alright then.”
She had been curious, and so reached out to brush her hand against it. It didn’t feel at all like she was expecting. It was covered in thick, dense fur. The section he’d offered had been sitting in the sea spray, so it was slick, smooth, and almost oily. It felt nice against her hand, and she stroked it a few times like she was petting it.
“Not what you expected?”
“No, but it feels nice. It’s so smooth too. I bet it’s really comfortable to curl up under.”
That got his first real smile out. “It rather is. The waters I tend to frequent are very cold. Even more so than here.”
“Do you not live around here?”
He shook his head. “I haven’t, for a long time. I may come back though. This is my homeland in a way. I prefer it here over anywhere else, but I wished to disappear for a long while.”
“This would be the first place your family looked?”
No reply this time, but he nodded.
“What else do you know about me?”
“About selkies you mean? Well…” She put a finger to her lower lip as she thought for a moment. “I heard one version of the tale that said you couldn’t be on land past midnight or you would die. But I never thought that made any sense. When would you be able to turn into a human when you took the skin off otherwise?”
“Why indeed?” And she felt a little happy flutter as she saw she’d made him smile again. Ferrus was a rather dour selkie. “What else?”
“I knew about your singing. Although that also varies from story to story. And I know a lot of stories about humans stealing sealskins and forcing the selkie to marry them. I never liked those. And I know that selkies are said to be indistinguishable from real humans underneath, except for all being very good looking.”
“My brothers were all very aware of that little tidbit. They seemed to think I didn’t fit the bill.”
“Well they’re not the ones who you’d want to be attracted to you anyway. They’re your family. For what it’s worth, I think you’re a very handsome man. Er, selkie.”
Ferrus laughed. It sounded vaguely like a seal’s bark, but warm. “You don’t mince words, do you? You’re a very honest woman.”
“Just telling it as I see it. Besides, your family sounds terrible.”
She glanced up at the sky again, before suddenly standing upright. 
“Damn it all! It’s getting late. I should get going so I’m not going home in the dark. Thank you for talking, Ferrus. I’ll never forget it.” Gena gave him a small curtsy.
“...I will be here tomorrow, if you’d like to continue this. Gena.” He offered slowly. It had been a very long time since he’d spoken to anyone. He hadn’t realized how much he had missed it. The sound of another voice. Hers was sweet and silvery and calm.
“Wait, really? Sure. I would love to talk with you again. Imagine me befriending a real selkie.” And she laughed with the sheer joyful absurdity of it. 
“Why not? I wouldn’t mind being your friend.” She smiled at him, and began making her way up the cliff. “I’ll see you tomorrow then, Ferrus.”
“Aye. You as well. Stay safe, Gena.” He called after her. Then she was gone, disappearing over the ledge with a final wave of goodbye.
He lingered on the rock long after the sun had begun to dip below the horizon, pondering what had just happened. It had been…centuries since he’d last actually talked to someone. The last time had been when he’d gotten his sealskin back. He gripped it tighter, pulling the precious thing more around his shoulders. Time had passed by without his notice. And it seemed he’d grown much lonelier than he wanted to admit to himself. His decision had been spur of the moment, but it might be nice to have a companion again.
Pulling his sealskin over himself fully, he finally slid into the water and disappeared into the deep. But he’d be back for sure. Maybe he’d sing the rest of that song for Gena, next time he saw her.
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stevenbasic · 10 months
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Growing ino the Job, Post 362: That Was Then, This Is Now, p14
<clap clap clap clap!>
<thwap thwap thwap thwap!>
Holy Jesus…holy god…holy f-fuck…
What’s happening!?!
Static crackled around the announcer’s nasal, staccato voice sizzling from my new RCA tabletop radio. 
“Attention! Attention attention! Stay tuned for a special report!”
<clap clap clap clap!>
Despite the alarm in the radio broadcast, my whole world was focused on what was smack-dab in front of me, jiggling in quakes of cheesecake, being slammed with everything I had as I stared at its planetary immensity and held onto its hips for dear life. 
<thwap thwap thwap thwap!>
Melissa’s ass. Melissa’s enormous ass. I was fucking her from behind, the hourglass of her bent doggy-style over my desk, her polka-dotted blue poodle skirts lifted up around her broad woman-hips. 
<clap clap clap clap!>
<thwap thwap thwap thwap thwap thwap!>
“The women have stormed the Capitol! The scene is chaos! Here in Washington! Hordes of them! Mobs!”
I looked down at us, at where we were joined, and gasped. Her hips dwarfed mine. They were wide, confident with fertility, tremendous, the globes of her ass perhaps greater in mass than my whole torso. My own hips, trying their best to make <smack smack smack> impact appeared meager and thin compared to the birthing behemoths of this woman who - oh god oh god oh god - needed to bend at the knee to allow small me to - oh god oh god oh god - fuck her. 
<clap clap clap clap!>
<thwap thwap thwap thwap thwap thwap!>
Oh my god! I can't stop! I can't stop!! 
Why am I so small?!?
What’s happened to me?!?!!!!
The radio continued to blare fire, screaming and violence coming from its speaker. The announcer, a man, sounded terrified, his voice nasal and staccato. 
“We are witnessing a historic day! The capitol is being overrun! Men are fleeing! Their feeble attempts to stop the horde are nothing compared to the might of these women! It’s a brutal sight!”
Oh, baby, oh yes, oh Doctor JAY!! Melissa screamed, laughing and cajoling me, looking back now over her shoulder, watching with glee as I tried my best, ramming into her but so overwhelmed and confused by her size that my mouth hung actually agape. Oh what a MAN you are! she cheered, What a man you are to take my big fat ass! C’mon! Show me! Show me what a man you are!!
Lights above us, everything that lit the room, flickered. Shadows grew longer reaching out toward me. The desk,  the very room shook from our exertions causing one of my framed degrees to fall and crack against the floor. The smell of ozone and sex filled the office as the air sizzled with electricity.
Static crackled, a woman’s voice took over the radio. Strong, resonant, stentorian. A speech, a broadcast. Had I heard it before?? This woman? This speech?
“My fellow Americans! Times are changing! Men have been regressing. They are becoming smaller. They are becoming weaker. They can no longer provide for us like they once did. They can no longer provide for themselves. It is clear they need someone to care for them, protect them, and make their decisions. Men can no longer be allowed to act on their own, and therefore as your President I hereby, with the authority of Congress, strip men of all their rights and autonomy. Starting today they are to be declared dependents and will be the sole charge and property of their most significant female relationsh-“
DoctorJay, oh yes Doctor Jay! I don't know how you can take it! How are you still holding back?!  Melissa sang as we continued to fuck,, Don't you want me??
I looked down at her, my little hands on her broad hips and oh my god has she gotten bigger?!? 
Aren’t I huge enough for you? Don't my curves OVERWHELM you enough?
I was losing my grip I was losing control I was stumbling literally and stumbling my feet on tiptoes nearly unable to good god look at the size of my dick in and out and in and out it’s a monster
Flicker. Crackle of static. Electricity, and perfume of some Other. 
<clap clap clap clickety clickety click>  
“The time of men has come to an end. It is time for women to finally and fully take over! Where men have failed? We. Will. Rule! Let today be known, sisters, as the first day of the Matriarchal States of America, and let men shrink, and shrink, and shrink. Let them take their proper place in-“
Oh god I want you in me NOW!! Melissa bellowed with lungs more than human, suddenly straightening her knees telling me to hold on AND LIFTING ME holy god right off my feet! 
In me!! ON ME!
I held on, I clung to her for dear life. I held her hips while my own still tried to fuck her though…oh god…my feet were a foot off the floor dangling uselessly now. She looked back at me and smiled wickedly, her eyes sparkling like arcane gems as she leaned forward lifting them higher.  My face planted against her wide back as my arms sought purchase around her waist like a baby monkey. I am so much smaller than her and-
I want you on me in me, I want to fucking OWN YOU, in my bra, in my pussy my womb, up IN me your whole nnnnNNNNGGGGH!!! 
Darkness, lights. The sun itself outside through the window flickered no flashed no beat like a strobe, like the heartbeat of some titan. 
<clap click clap clickety clap!>
The other girls are here!
They’ve been here the whole time!  Watching!
They’re surrounding me!!
And they’re HUGE!!
Come on Dr. J show us what a 'man' you are!
That's right pump pump pump those little hips into her!
Show her who’s boss!
Oh Jesus Christ they're smiling they’re clapping they're watching me… 
You like this little man??? You like holding onto her like that??
He does! Looks at him!
He’s sinking into her!
Oh god oh Dr. J just wait! There’s SO MUCH MORE to come!
<clap clap clap!!>
no…! I’M SHRINKING I”M SINKING I’M GETting sucked i-in…
Wait what? The lights, they were changing. The air itself was changing
“You’re okay, hold on…hold on…hold on…” she was telling me, urging me to cling to her as I began to jerk and buck into her, my tiny body…but at the same time now in her arms. I was both waking and finally climaxing my weakness into her enormousness. 
Nnngh nnngh nnngh!! Right into her!! She’s fucking HUGE!
Yes yes hold me…hold me…
The lights stopped flashing and pulsing as I did, even as I came I saw the lights flicker one last time and dim, fade, darkness quickly flowing in from all directions. Was I being pulled into her?  No, no. The dream, which had become a nightmare was ending. 
“Hold on…” I heard her say, from somewhere else, “Hold on Jay, you’re okay…”
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live-from-flaturn · 1 year
French Inhale
This absolutely wild ficlet was brought to you in part by @foxandfall, whose convo led me to the conclusion that not only can Porchay do a French Inhale, he uses this Secret Bad Boy Skill to tease Kim beyond the point of fairness.
stoner lingo: roach = tiny bit of remaining weed at the tip of the joint (where your lips go), toke = hit/pull/drag, you gotta cough to get off = you have to take big hits and cough to get really high, 
tws: adults using legal mind-altering substances (smoking weed), horny vibes
Kim found Chay on the balcony of their new apartment, leaning his elbows back against the smooth metal railing. A lit joint hung precariously in the space between his pointer and middle fingers and a thin tail of blue-white smoke curled up through the air. Kim’s eyes followed its shifting column until they were inevitably drawn to the dangerously exposed length of his boyfriend’s neck, which tensed and relaxed appealingly as he opened his mouth to exhale.
“Long day?” Kim asked, voice miraculously normal. 
Chay offered a throaty, tired hum in lieu of a reply. Long didn’t begin to cover the kind of day he’d suffered through, but everything was fine right now. Kim was moving steadily closer, the weed was good – nothing less than the best for Wik’s secretive muse/boyfriend, and a buffet's worth of food was on its way from Porsche and Kinn as a ‘thank you’ for handling their shit all afternoon.
“Was it that stupid fucking wedding I warned them about?”
“I’m sorry, angel.”
Chay didn’t want Kim to be sorry at the moment, however. Not like that. 
Determined to turn the entire evening (and this conversation) around, Chay straightened his posture and took another slow drag of the joint before offering it to Kim. Once the mafia heir had taken a nice lungful, Chay parted his glossy lips. He coquettishly revealed the rolling white cloud of spicy marijuana smoke that sat hovering within the curved bowl of his tongue. 
With the kind of precision that only came with lots of practice, he inhaled through his nose and felt the smoke start trickling upward from his mouth in a smooth, impressive wave. Kim swallowed, which was a huge mistake because he still hadn’t released the last hit he’d taken. 
Coughing uncontrollably but also desperate not to lose sight of his boyfriend’s confusingly hot display, Kim planted both hands on his knees and stared Chay down. Chay shrugged nonchalantly and shot him a wink, “You gotta cough to get off, babe.”
When he could breathe properly again, Kim pointed accusingly up at him and wheezed, “You know that’s not what that means.”
Chay took the joint back and used his free hand to pull Kim close, tucking the shorter man into his side. He took an enormous toke and buried his face in Kim’s unstyled hair. When the burn grew too painful for him to hold another second, he lifted his chin, sighed, and watched any remaining grey wisps disappear in the breeze. Kim plucked the roach away with a look that said ‘you’re finished’, so Chay chose to occupy his hands by fitting them over his boyfriend’s hips instead. 
He squeezed without any shame whatsoever, having openly professed his feelings about Kim’s delicate waist a long while ago. Held flat to his chest as Kim now was, he felt the idol tense in a distinctly excited way. Kim shoved the depleted roach into their novelty bootlegged-Hello Kitty ashtray and twisted around in one smooth go. 
The movement temporarily broke Chay’s hold on him, but once he’d gotten situated with his face to Chay, Kim put them right back where they belonged. He tilted his head up to look at Chay, “Wanna go inside?” 
“You tired, or about ready for a snack?” Kim teased. “I think the foo-”
He was interrupted by Chay’s decision to lift him up and throw him over one annoyingly broad shoulder. 
“Hey! Put me down! Chay!” 
“Why should I put you down, P’Kim?” Chay laughed. He moved inside and closed the sliding balcony door behind them, Kim flopping back and forth with each half-turn of his torso. He planted a firm smack to Kim’s ass and laughed at the surprised yelp it got him in response. “Didn’t you just ask me if I wanted a snack?”
“That’s not what-”
“Then you should have been more specific.”
And if their awkwardly delivered dinner was a little cold by the time they got around to eating it? Oh well. You wouldn’t hear either of them complaining.
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bigmpregnm · 3 months
Life Lessons - Part 1
Alan Reynolds struggled to focus on the road as he drove to Max’s apartment. Towering above most people around, if not everybody, Maximilian “Max” Knight was a giant among men at 6’9” and an astonishing 485 pounds of pure muscle mass. At 19 years old, his face was a perfect blend of childish youth and confident charm, a combination that was both disarming and captivating. His tight-fitting t-shirt had done nothing to hide his enormous chest and broad shoulders, but after the fabric lost the battle against his muscles, the large rips all over it emphasized the student’s enormity.
As Alan drove, he couldn’t help but glance over at Max’s magnificent body sitting on the passenger seat beside him. Everything about Max was huge, from his bulging biceps to his thick neck, going down over his massive chest, to his thick thighs and muscular ass, which made his pants strain with every movement. Then, between Max’s thighs, Alan couldn’t help but notice the enormous bulge, which looked ready to burst. Max defied every knowledge Alan had about the human capacity to grow, leaving him speechless.
Arriving at Max’s building, Alan’s mind was overwhelmed by thoughts and confusing feelings. He was a married man with a wonderful wife and two extraordinary sons. He had never felt attracted to a man in any way, but Max had managed to destroy all his arguments and captivate him like a horny teen who just discovered porn. He wasn’t sure why he had accepted Max’s invitation to his apartment after the inappropriate touching outside the café, but he couldn’t resist the handsome guy’s charm. Alan had never felt so helplessly surrendered to anyone in his life.
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blackjackkent · 10 months
At first Hector isn't sure what it is Isobel hears - what caused her to look suddenly fearful.
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Then he hears the sound too, a sudden rushing of enormous wings. And then a thump as the man lands outside on the balcony.
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He's a huge, broad-shouldered fellow clad in shining armor, and from his shoulders jut enormous, black-feathered wings. He hits the balcony in a heavy three-point landing and stands rapidly, bouncing back to his feet and looking around with pale eyes under heavy, narrowed brows.
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"Hello, Isobel," he says, fixing his eyes onto the Selune cleric and striding into the building without hesitation.
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Isobel has gone even paler than she was before, and her eyes are wide with alarm. "Marcus? Is that you? What's happened to you?"
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Marcus gives her a wide smile, tinged with madness. "I've been blessed," he says. "You can be too. Come with me, and you can hear it all from Ketheric himself."
Hector stiffens. Ketheric - the name of a major Sharran leader, wasn't it? Halsin mentioned his name in conjunction with the huge Shar temple they saw in the Underdark. He glances sharply at Shadowheart, but she is watching the man with intense wariness, her face giving nothing away.
Hector looks to Isobel instead. "Do you know this man?" he asks in an undertone.
"He's a Flaming Fist," she says anxiously. "Or was. Came with the others when we created this haven."
Marcus sneers. "And I thank you for your hospitality."
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His eyes flash, locking onto Hector's, and then Hector hears the man's voice directly in his mind without any movement of his lips. "True Soul. My instructions are clear: take the girl to Ketheric. Alive."
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Hector's skin prickles at the intrusion, and he pushes back, trying to understand what is happening, what the man wants.
Narrator: A haunting face swims into your mind's eye, its instructions vivid in your mind: nothing is more important than bringing the girl - alive.
Well, Hector thinks. They certainly are not going to let that happen.
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Isobel can see the wordless communication even if she can't understand it. "What's going on? If you have something to say, say it!"
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"Marcus is trying to kidnap you, Isobel," Hector says flatly. "We're going to need to fight our way out of this one."
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"Pathetic," roars Marcus. "The Absolute sees all - your treachery will be punished!"
"The Absolute. Of course." Isobel shakes her head fiercely. "You can't believe them, Marcus. Ketheric will never give you whatever it is you've been promised."
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Marcus smirks, lets his wings unfurl in a sharp movement that sends a gust of wind through the room. "He already has. Time to go, Isobel."
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Arching his back, he turns his face towards the ceiling and bellows, a thundering, otherworldly roar that resonates through the whole building and out into the darkness beyond.
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Everything suddenly happens at once. More of those rushing noises split the silence of the unending night, and a horde of demonic-looking creatures descend on the inn's shattered rafters.
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There is the sound of running footsteps, of combat erupting below.
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Mol's voice, dimly screaming as a devil snatches it up in her claws. "Let go of me!"
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All of a sudden there is no safety here. And Hector feels a rush of fury at this broken man who has shattered it. He draws his quarterstaff and leaps forward with a roar, lashing out at Marcus's face.
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oddmawd · 2 years
The Most Coveted of Thrones (Part 1)
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SYNOPSIS: All she wanted was to make a deal with a demon. The assholes at her office needed to pay, you see. But the pink-winged devil she just summoned hardly looks like a demon at all, and with a name like "Joker," it's hard to take little things like supernatural safety precautions seriously.
Alas, Joker is not a demon to be trifled with. Especially if you don't know his true name.
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PAIRING: Doflamingo x Original Female Character, Doflamingo x Reader (no names or descriptions are given, so reads like a third person reader-insert story)
RATING: This intro is PG-13, but the full fic on AO3 is Explicit, Mature, FOR ADULTS ONLY
WORD COUNT: 16.8k total
GENRE: Smut, Horror
FANDOM: One Piece (Alternate Universe - Modern Day Urban Fantasy)
TAGS: Monster F*cking, Monster P*rn, Demon F*cking, Demon Summoning, Demon Deals, Demon/Human Relationships, POV Third Person, Reader-Insert, Original Character(s)POV, Original Female Character, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, Religious Guilt, Inhuman Anatomy, Seven Deadly Sins, Magic, Virginity
WARNINGS: Virginity discussions, implied workplace misogyny, DOFLAMINGO IS HIS OWN WARNING, this first part doesn’t need many warnings beyond “dealing with demons,” find the comprehensive tag list on AO3 (THERE ARE A LOT OF WARNINGS FOR THE FULL STORY, PLEASE BE CAUTIOUS)
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NOTES: The second half of this fic is EXTREMELY GRAPHIC. Please heed the tags if you click the AO3 link and read the last half...only the first half/lead-up is posted here on Tumblr because the rest might get me banned LMAO
This CAN be enjoyed fandom-blind! 
enjoy, all you Doffy Degenerates out there...
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According to the spell book she’d purchased from the sketchy goth dude at the occult supply shop she’d found on Google, the demon’s name was Joker, and he didn’t look anything like a demon at all. Or at least that’s what his summoner decided when the clove-scented smoke cleared and she beheld the creature’s shock of short blond hair, rippling abs gleaming like polished copper, and the cape of pink feathers hanging from his broad shoulders.
But then he flexed that cape and it turned into a pair of enormous, cotton-candy colored wings so huge they brushed basement’s opposing walls many feet apart, and she reevaluated her opinion of his demonic nature...slightly.
 What kind of demon had pink wings, after all?
She imprisoned the demon in the middle of a large summoning circle drawn in silver chains, a bit of blood, and some other fluids she’d had a hell of a time obtaining and didn’t want to remember with any degree of detail, thanks. Instead she focused on the demon. (The demon, the demon, the demon! she reminded herself. Don’t forget you’re dealing with demons.) Hard not to focus on the demon when he rose to his full height, because his head nearly scraped the basement’s dank rafters. The man (demon, demon, demon! she repeated like a mantra) was at least ten feet tall, utterly dwarfing her perfectly human frame. A huge figure, a colossal man, a giant of a guy. No wonder the book had said to draw such an enormous summoning circle. If he sat down on folded legs, his spread knees would probably brush the myriad candles flickering at the circle’s edge.
But honestly, he wasn’t all that intimidating. If it weren’t for the height and the pink wings (or so she told herself in an effort to weaponize logic and bully herself into a placid frame of mind) he’d looked totally human. Nose, lips, sexy abs, eyes (what little she could see of them, anyway) were all in the right places. It further helped that he wore white sunglasses with reflective red lenses, frames shaped liked curving wings cupping his face and hiding his eyes from view. Sunglasses on a demon? Yeah, apart from the wings, he just looked like a human with bad taste. Nothing like a demon at all.
...or so she thought until she spotted the horns, curling and golden, sprouting from his forehead. They caught the candlelight when he dipped his head to look at her, and — yup, that was definitely a demon, all right. The tiny horns curved up and back out of the fringe of his hairline, tiny gilt protrusions no longer than her index fingers curing over his skull like an ibex’s, but once she caught a glimpse, she couldn’t take her eyes off them.
Joker’s wide mouth split into an even wider grin. He bent at the waist to get a better look, and the cavalcade of necklaces on his chest jingled and glinted in the candlelight, slowly swinging in the air. Medallions hung from gilded chains, festooned with arcane symbols undecipherable. Closer up, more tiny horns the size of her fingernails dotted the skin along his hairline. They looked almost like...sequins, maybe. Or like a dusting of glimmering scales in diamond patterns.
“Hello, little human.” He spoke in a deep, rich purr, sound like a gloved hand tracing letters on her shivering nape. “Is it you who dared to summon me?”
She swallowed. “Yup.”
He regarded her for a time, expression somehow inscrutable despite his enormous, many-toothed grin. She fidgeted beneath its weight. Though his glasses were fundamentally ridiculous (and totally unbecoming of a demon) she had to admit they were effective. This was a demon of deal-making, as she understood it. The glasses and smile were a variation of a poker face, she was sure, elaborately over-performed to keep her guessing. She’d need to be on her guard no matter what he looked like, that was for sure.
“Interesting.” His head tilted, muscles in his neck gliding under bronze skin. “You do not cower in fear before me.”
She frowned, but — wow. He was telling the truth. Her knees held steady, her palms remained dry, and the beat of her heart plodded along at a measured pace. But perhaps her lack of panic was to be expected. This wasn't the first time she’d successfully summoned something, after all. While she was not a witch by any means, she’d performed some basic spell-work over the past few months — practice rounds, basically. She’d been shocked when those worked, sure. But the novelty had worn off fast, because the imps cavorting in her summoning ring couldn’t give her what she wanted. They weren’t powerful enough, and the bastards at her workplace had persisted on making her life a living hell.
This demon, though? Calling forth Joker was calling out the big guns...literally. Guy looked like he could bench press a semi-truck. Muscles for days, each abdominal carved from stone, forearms corded with power and strength. Just looking at him, she knew that if anyone could give her what she wanted, it had to be a demon like him. The spell book in her arms had told her so, too. This demon granted desires to the prideful, it said — and at this point, all she had left was her pride.
It was high time to get what she was owed. And fear would not stand in her way. Not anymore.
So maybe that’s why she wasn’t scared. It had been a particularly bad work day, too. She’d been debating summoning Joker for weeks, but the assholes at the office had finally pushed her over the edge. She needed the spell to work after everything they put her through. She was too hungry for triumph to allow herself to fear.
Thus, intent on the goal before her, she shrugged and informed the demon she’d summoned: “You’re just not that scary, I guess.”
Pink feathers rattled like chains. “Not that scary?” he hissed between the blades of his teeth — which now looked a tad sharper than before. “Are you a fool, or merely ignorant? The impertinence.”
One massive hand rose, pressing toward her — but just as fear spiked her blood, a flash of light stopped Joker cold. Sparks fizzled against his skin with the scent of burned sugar, sickly sweet and nauseating. She released a tense breath. The summoning circle did more than merely summon. It also kept Joker locked within, keeping her safe and unafraid without.
And Joker understood this, because he lowered his hand from the barrier, fist clenching. “You should fear me, little witch. I am powerful beyond your wildest dreams. You are incapable of conceptualizing my immense might, my sway over the realms of Hell, my seat on the throne of the Dreaded Seven. You should fear — ”
“You look like an oversized twink who wandered out of a Miami gay bar,” she interjected. “I ain't scared of you.”
A beat of silence — and then Joker threw back his head and laughed. He laughed long and loud and lusty, hand on his horned forehead, chest heaving. It wasn’t a nice laugh. It made her feel small. Although she’d been the one to levy insults, he was laughing at her — she sensed that, felt the truth of his disdain in her bones. But it hardly mattered. So long as he gave her what she wanted, so long as he did as he was told, she could put up with being laughed at.
She’d had practice, after all. Her office was full of demons of a different stripe.
But, just like at work, her pride wouldn’t let her back down without a fight. She crossed her arms and looked him up and down, hip jutting out, feet shifting into a stance of lazy confidence (a posture she knew projected power — they’d told her so at the workshop for young professionals she’d attended last year).
“So. Your name is Joker. Fan of Batman, huh?” she asked.
His laughter faded to a mere chuckle. “Joker...is that the name your spell book gave you?”
His glasses glittered with mirth. “Interesting.”
“Don’t pretend I got your name wrong,” she spat. “You wouldn’t have shown up if it were wrong.”
“How very logical of you.” He grinned all the harder. “I’m impressed.”
Joker applauded her, then — palm on palm ringing out in the candlelit basement, every slap of flesh a patronizing thunderclap. Bracelets chimed like church bells on his desecrated wrists. She wanted to slap him, wipe that smirk off his handsome face...but he looked rich, damn him, with all those necklaces and that gold skin and that chiseled jaw a model would envy, and the spell book said he could grant boons to those seeking their own fortunes. Joker’s attitude, his pride...it’s why she’d picked him out of all the other demons in the book. His arrogance was as good a sign as the gold on his wrists. It gave her hope — but she didn’t let that hope show on her face, instead scowling up at him, one foot tapping the creaking floor.
“Neither trickery nor flattery will work on me, actually,” she said, tossing her head, “so you can save the ingratiating act.”
He chuckled again. “Noted, little witch.”
“I’m not a witch.”
“Oh, no?” A huge, pink tongue poked from the corner of his mouth, lascivious and indolent. “You look like a witch to me.”
“Well, I’m not.”
“Then what are you?”
“I’m a digital marketing manager.” The title grated like sandpaper on her tongue, as ill-fitting as her boss’s cheap suits. “But that’s not all I want to be. What I know I can be.”
“And that’s where I come in?” Joker said.
“How’d you guess?”
“Why else would you summon a demon? You want something.”
He drawled the world ‘want’ as if savoring its flavor. She suppressed a shudder.
“Yes. I do,” she said. “And I want you to give it to me.”
“You want me to give you what you want...” he said, still drawling that one particular word. “Is that right?”
“That’s right.”
“Would you say it for me, pet?” he purred, voice simpering and sweet despite its deep tenor. “I do so love hearing my assignments in plain language.”
It sounded like a simple request — but she didn’t grant it right away. The book had warned her about giving demons even the littlest leeway. But after analyzing the request in her head, she didn’t see any fault in it. There wasn’t any monkey-paw-wish-twisting happening that she could discern. So she shrugged, and squared her shoulders, and took the plunge.
“Sure,” she said. “I want you to give me what I want.”
He let out another long laugh. “Excellent.”
“As for what I want... well, let me start at the beginning.”
He hadn’t asked, but she figured he’d need to know in order to make good on their soon-to-be-discussed deal, so she explained: Her ungrateful bosses. The two-faced guys at work who sucked their metaphorical dicks to get the best projects. Late nights spent working for no recognition. Ideas sniped from under her by assholes who gave her zero credit. The way her workplace nemesis mocked and belittled her when her back was turned but played nice to her face. The petty minutiae, the annoyances, the burning hatred she felt for that one asshole in particular who did not deserve his success — the success that should be hers, dammit.
She should have been given the office when it opened up. She should have been recognized and promoted. She should be given the high-profile accounts with better bonuses. It should be her, dammit — but instead it was him. The man who treated her like garbage. The man sabotaged her at every turn. The man who didn’t deserve any of it, but the man who got it because he played the right kind of game, and played it dirty besides.
She went on for longer, perhaps, that she should have, but Joker didn’t tell her to stop — not with words, anyway. She’d launched into her fourth (fifth?) anecdote about her supremely shitty coworker by the time he heaved a sigh and rubbed his temple with a fingertip. His other hand prodded the barrier, idly coaxing forth sparks with every flick. She flinched the first time, but she ignored it the second, and the third. The barrier was impenetrable. She wasn’t worried; let the demon sulk. She needed to vent. Luxuriate in her anger before taking her revenge.
And her rage-marinated revenge, when she had it, would no doubt taste sweet.
“So you’re dissatisfied with your occupation,” Joker said when she paused for breath. The demon yawned, smile sleepy and wry. “How very dull. Humans are so tedious.”
“Sorry my problems seem so trivial to you,” she grumbled. “Now, about what I want — ”
Joker raised a finger and wagged it in her face (or as close to it as he could get, anyway). “Ah ah ah, little witch.”
“I told you, I’m not a witch.”
“You are, though. Anyone who can summon me must be a witch. And a clever one, at that.” He tutted, horned head shaking. “Although you seem woefully uneducated. Allow me to rectify this oversight.”
Wait. Was Joker being helpful? Oh, now that was suspicious as hell. She’d be damned if she’d blindly trust him after everything the book had told her. This demon “pulled the strings of the world to make destiny dance,” it said. Joker was a known wish-granted, a known deal-maker, a known bargainer of legend...but all demons hungered for human souls, and demons weren’t exactly known for their senses of fair play. Since her soul was the only price she wouldn’t consider paying to get what she wanted, she’d need to be on her guard through every last word, especially if he was pretending to be helpful. She’d hear him out but not take anything he said at face value lest she accidentally grant him ownership of that which she did not wish to give away.
Yeah. No genie tricks tonight, no sir. Just good ol’ fashioned bargaining. That’s what she was after, and that was all.
“Demons like me can give you what you want, whatever that may be, so long as you can command us,” Joker was saying in the same suspiciously gracious tones as before. “And you command us by knowing our true names.” He gestured at himself — at his powerful jaw, sculpted physique, and brilliant smile. He chuckled when she stared just a little too long; she ripped her eyes away, face flushed. “You summoned me. That is proof enough you know my true name and can command me as you like.”
“I knew all of that already,” she said, unimpressed.
“But I am willing to bet you didn’t know we still require payment for our services.”
She smiled. “Actually, I knew that, too.”
“Clever little witch!” Joker crowed. “Oh, but I am impressed.”
“Remember what I said about flattery?” She shook her head. “I suppose you’re about to ask me for payment. Gonna ask for my mortal soul?”
But Joker surprised her when he heaved a heavy, bored sigh. “Hardly. I have no use for a soul flitting about. Human souls are ever so tedious.” He laughed again, another derisive barrage of mirth that set her teeth on edge. “And besides. The worth of a human soul is hardly as costly as you humans tend to think. You hold yourselves in laughably high regard.” Another laugh, even louder than the one before. “And they call me prideful.”
“We’re not worth much? Really?” she said, not quite believing him.
“Oh, yes.” He grinned like a shark, pink feathers rustling like clinking scales. “Trust me, little witch. Of all the sins, I understand pride most intimately of all.”
And then he was laughing again, condescending and demeaning and mean — second verse, same as the first. By then she was used to feeling like Joker got off on telling jokes he had no intention of explaining; no sense getting offended. She rolled her eyes and tapped her foot, impatient.
“So my soul isn’t worth anything,” she said. “What do you want from me, instead?”
“Nothing you cannot live without.” He gestured vaguely at nothing. “But it must be equal in value to whatever you ask for.”
“I haven’t asked for anything yet.”
“Of course you haven’t.” He hummed. “You must first pay my price.”
“A price you, once again, have not told me,” she reminded him. “Shouldn’t you hear what I want before naming your price, anyway? How can you know how much to charge me without knowing what I’m buying from you?”
He grinned like a waning moon. “What I desire will no doubt pay for whatever petty want you care to name.”
“And what do you desire, Joker?”
“Your virginity.”
Joker said it so bluntly, so confidently, she thought she’d misheard him. But then perception caught up with reality and her face caught fire, shame and shock setting every last nerve ablaze. Even the candles near her felt too hot, all of a sudden, the acrid tang of smoke cloying in her throat.
“H-how — ?” she stammered. “How do know I’m a — ?”
“I can smell it.” His tongue darted out, wetting his lips. “You’re pure. Untouched. Tantalizing. Demons can smell it for miles — that scent ripe for spoil. And virgins are so rare these days. There’s really no mistaking it.”
Both enormous hands lifted. His fingertips raked across the barrier — trying to touch her, but unable. A shower of sparks caught his golden horns where they curved upward, lifting away from his skull toward the heavens he had long been banished from.
“To be summoned by one as beautiful as you, as pure as you, as eager as you...” Joker’s laugh rumbled in his chest, razor sharp and velveteen. “This is a rare opportunity, one I do not intend to squander.”
She coughed into her fist. Virginity — of all the things he could’ve asked for, that particular bauble hadn’t ranked high on her list of payment possibilities. It wasn’t like she cared about her virginity. She’d happily prioritized studying (and then working a thankless job) over finding someone to fuck her. And besides, it wasn’t like virginity was real. It was just a misogynistic social construct meant to keep her from asserting her sexuality in a patriarchal society that feared powerful women. It meant nothing to have sex the first time. In fact, she’d debated many times the merits of finding a random hookup through a dating app just to get her “first time” over with, but she’d never quite found the opportunity to follow through.
Suffice to say, giving up her virginity didn’t mean anything to her...but she’d be damned in she told Joker as much. If he thought her useless virginity was valuable — well, she’d let him think so. She wasn’t about to cheapen what, to her, seemed like the biggest bargain ever.
Speaking of biggest: Would Joker even, y’know...fit? Inside her, that is? Because he was probably ten feet tall, horns scraping the rafters, and that meant he had to be packing, right?
Oh, god. If she hadn’t been praying for mercy before, now felt like a good time to start.
She didn’t let any of her misgivings show on her face, however. She didn’t have glasses, but her poker face was still pretty great after sitting through so many infuriating meetings without flinching. She pretended to mull it over, looking at Joker’s broad shoulders and trim waist as if considering his proposition. Not that thinking of him in such a context was a difficult task. Full lips framed Joker’s endless grin, his broad shoulders tapered to a narrow waist with a gorgeously cut Adonis belt, and that washboard stomach...well. She could lose her virginity to a lot worse, at least in the looks department. And at least she’d be losing it by candlelight! According to movies, candles were necessary (even if these candles smelled like outdated incense — a gift from the guy with the weird eyebrows at the occult supply shop, not that it even mattered).
“Virginity...that’s a big ask,” she said eventually.
“Indeed, considering.” He gestured at his hips like he’d read her mind, grin taking on a simmering heat. “But it is my price.”
“Why virginity, anyway?” she said — trying to ignore the way his smile set off fireworks in her belly. “How could that possibly be more valuable than my soul?”
“You have heard of an incubus, haven't you, my little witch? Demons who feed through sex?” he asked. “Sex is a mingling of essence, of energy, of pure power. A perfect conduit for magic.”
“I guess that tracks.” She looked him over with new understanding. “So you’re an incubus, then.”
His smile grew. “Incubus use the energy of intercourse to power themselves.”
To her, it seemed he spoke from a place of authority — which made sense. He was an incubus. Funny the book hadn’t mentioned that, but... “Makes sense.”
“Indeed,” he said with another of his knowing chuckles. “When in the mortal realm, demons such as incubuses are cut off from the fires of Hell, our homeland. We retain certain abilities, but we lack true power here. It is ever so dull.” She got the sense he’d rolled his eyes, though she couldn’t see them. “In order to give you what you want, I must have power. That power must come from the summoner, and that power must be enough to grant the summoner’s request — an exchange, equivalent and equal.”
“Still seems like my soul would be worth more than my virginity.”
“Perhaps — but to take your soul would kill you. How can I grant you what you want if you are dead? I trust you would need to be alive in order to enjoy whatever it is you intend to ask for.” A growl resonated in his chest, heavy and heated. His obscured eyes remained fixed on her. “And the first bite of a virgin is potent magic indeed. More than enough to place you on the most coveted of thrones.”
She frowned. “The most coveted...?”
“That is what you want, isn’t it?” he asked — but before she could reply, he held up a hand, bracelets on it ringing. “You needn’t say. You’re hungry for power. The scent of that ambition is nearly as strong as your virginity.” Again he licked his lips, tongue broad and hot and huge. “Pure and tainted all at once...oh, how delicious you’ll taste.”
“Don’t get ahead of yourself.” His eager stare was doing things to her, thighs pressing together tightly, but she wasn’t about to admit it. Instead she backtracked, picking apart his language to focus on: “The most coveted of thrones...?”
It was a peculiar turn of phrase, but an evocative one. The job title her shitty coworker had usurped from under her, complete with a promotion and a raise and a huge oak desk with a leather top like something straight out of Mad Men over in the vacant corner office...that should’ve been hers. She should’ve had that metaphorical throne, not him. Joker had acted like her story about her workplace had bored him, but clearly he’d been listening well enough. That, or his demonic powers granted him knowledge of her world. Whatever the case, she was (grudgingly) impressed.
“So you know what I’m after,” she said. “I want — ”
But he lifted his finger and tutted again. “Not yet, little witch. Not yet. Payment comes first, fulfilled before services requested and rendered. Only once I have my payment may you tell me what you truly want.”
“I still think it’s weird. Like you’re doing this backward.”
“Perhaps I am.” His nose lifted, haughty as a preening flamingo. “But I wouldn’t expect a pretty little mortal to understand the ways of an infernal demon like me.”
“...I suppose that’s true.”
For a time, she sat in thought. He watched in silence, patient. Was that a predatory glint she spied behind his shades? Did the glasses hide the eyes of a hawk circling prey, perhaps? But no, that couldn’t be right. She knew Joker’s name. She had the power here, and she had been careful.
She was in control. Not him. And that meant she was safe.
Thus, confident in herself, she steeled her spine, breathed deeply of the smokey air, and asked: “Well, Joker. How would this work?”
One blond brow lifted. “Hmm?”
“You’re trapped in that circle. How could you even touch me?” She glared, daring him to contradict her as his smile grew and grew and grew until she feared his face might crack. “And before you tell me to let you out, I’m not stupid. I’m not about to loose a demon on the mortal realm.”
“Read your spell-book carefully, my dear. I am sure there is a solution to our dilemma within. I will hardly be the first demon to attend to his summoner’s sexual appetites.” His voice had adopted a simpering tone, low and cajoling, sticky and slick. “Does this mean you have accepted the terms of my bargain?”
“My virginity in exchange for the most coveted of thrones...I’m thinking on it.” She plopped down on the floor and opened her spell book on her lap. “Let’s see about this spell, first.”
Slowly, the demon named Joker lowered himself to the floor, too. And as predicted, the spread of his folded knees brushed the edges of the summoning circle, the barrier there humming with proximity-fueled power that hummed in her molars. Gosh, Joker was absolutely enormous — but the weight of his stare intimidated her far more than the size of his body. The shades obscured everything but the smile that told her nothing at all. What kind of demons wears shades? she found herself wondering again. Such a weird dude, this Joker. And he had a weird name, too. What kind of dude was named Joker, anyway?
No. Not a dude. A demon, a demon — never forget that. Especially not when he was acting almost docile.
Errant thoughts like those wouldn’t help her solve her problems, though. She focused instead on flipping through her book and reading the section on summoning circles all over again — and soon, in the footnotes and by the light of her many candles, she found something.
“‘If the demon need interact in corporeal fashion with the mortal realm but not be loosed upon it with infernal agency intact,’” she read aloud to herself, “‘the summoner need only add another layer to the barrier of...’” She flipped a page. “So I just need to...?”
She wouldn’t need to do much, it turned out. It would take only a few minutes to follow the book’s guidance and draw a second, larger circle outside the first, one the book claimed both parties would be able to enter freely — but one it claimed only the summoner could leave. The current circle kept the summoner out as much as it kept the demon within, it said, to ensure the summoner’s safety. The new circle would not allow the demon to escape, but the summoner could physically access the demon at will without worry of being dragged to the underworld.
In short, it seemed...safe. Suspiciously safe, in fact.
“This new circle is like a one-way barrier that won’t fully release you, but it allows me entry if I want,” she said aloud, mostly to herself. “It would still keep you trapped.”
“A pity,” Joker told her. “I do so long to be free.”
“Fat chance.” She glanced at the book again. “It would keep you trapped, but I could enter it without fear. And you wouldn’t be able to pull me into the inner circle and hurt me, either. Or pull me down to Hell through the portal that brought you here.”
“Drag a human to Hell?” he asked with a scoffing laugh. “How archaic! What would I even do with a human, anyway?”
His annoyance at the very idea of dragging her to Hell was oddly reassuring. “Plus it says you can’t drag anyone to Hell without their consent, so I’m safe,” she went on. “And if you hurt me, it says you’d be banished at once. And there’s a dispelling word I can say, or even think, at any time to send you back inside the main circle, where you’ll be trapped again.” Was she trying to convince Joker or herself that this was a good idea? In a show of fake-it-till-you-make-it confidence, she declared: “Looks pretty foolproof to me.”
“A foolproof annoyance,” he returned with a grumble. “But it serves our shared desires well enough.” That smoldering look from earlier returned; Joker rolled to his knees, sitting back on his heels with thighs spread wide. He ran his palms up and down them in slow pulses, from groin to knee and back again. “Does this mean you have accepted — ?”
She yanked her gaze away. “Still thinking on it.”
And she did think on it — long and hard, which was probably a pun considering what she was about to (potentially) do with the demon before her. Virginity was such a small price to pay to make her dreams come true, wasn’t it? And she’d definitely ask for revenge on those who’d wronged her as part of her rise to the throne she coveted most...
What were a few minutes of sex in the grand scheme of things?
What was virginity in the face of her future?
Not daring to look Joker in the eye, she stood. She moved the candles back a few feet from the first summoning circle. She went to the bucket of paint in the corner (the one mixed with those fluids she didn’t want to think about) and grabbed the brush resting beside it on a painting tray. Still not looking at Joker, she went to the edge of the circle and began to draw.
But she needn’t speak for Joker to understand. “So you have accepted,” he said, watching her work with a simmering intensity she felt blazing against her skin. “I knew you’d see it my way, little witch. Soon I will give you what you want.”
Again, he drawled the word. Again, she shivered. Again, he laughed at her expense and at an unspoken joke only he understood.
“Yeah, yeah...” she grumbled. “Hold on, just let me concentrate...”
She painted the circle in what felt like both hours and seconds, both long and short, both infinite and finite time at once. Joker watched mostly in silence, though occasionally he chuckled to himself. He only moved once she finished painting and stood back to admire her work, which he tested by pressing a hand to the barrier of the inner circle. It sparked briefly against his palm...but then it gave way like a membrane under pressure, admitting him into the outer circle with a fizzle and a pop of deflated pressure.
She expected him to step into the outer circle at once, which afforded him at least a few more feet of space, but he surprised her. He stood without moving in the center of the inner summoning ring, grinning, rotating his head atop his neck as though preparing for some physical feat. The new circle gave him more room to maneuver, but although his wings rustled in anticipation, they did not stretch wide just yet.
“The time of our bargain is upon us, pet,” he said.
“Pet, again...” She rolled her eyes at the name.
“You know better than to tell me your real name, so my terms of endearment you will have to endure.” He licked his lips. “So...”
“So,” she repeated.
“Let us forge the pact.” He drew himself up, voice deepening. “You give yourself — ”
“Not myself. My virginity,” she said, on guard against the Monkey’s Paw he’d so clearly tried to instigate.
And he didn’t argue the distinction. “You give your virginity to me,” he readily amended, “in exchange for what you want — a prize to be named upon completion of payment rendered.” His head cocked to one side. “Do you agree to these terms?”
Again, she thought about it. Turned the wording over in her head. Analyzed and picked it apart until semantics blurred into loose sounds and unrecognizable shapes. But she could find no loopholes, and so she nodded.
“Yes,” she told the demon she called Joker. “I agree to the terms.”
Something passed between them. A solidity, a pressure, a connection — it snapped into place like magnets crashing, like a key entering a lock, like gravity snatching an apple from the air as it fell from some forbidden primordial tree. She shivered. A sharp crack of laughter boomed from Joker’s long throat, zealous and full of promise.
“Wonderful!” he said — and that booming laugh dropped low, like fire dwindling to coals burning beneath heap of satin ash. “Then let us begin.”
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Part 1 - END. Continued on AO3.
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(It is filthy. PLEASE HEED THE TAGS!)
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132 notes · View notes
voraciousvore · 11 months
Bucky's (2/44)
Chapter 2: Bucky
Tanya’s first instinct was to run, but she realized the futility of such an act right away. She couldn’t see a thing in the darkness, and if it were that easy to escape, the guards wouldn’t have abandoned her like they did. As her eyes slowly adjusted, she began to realize she could just barely make out steep concrete walls around her. She walked across the floor, also concrete, a long distance before she reached one of the walls. She slid her hand across it, fingering the cold, smooth surface. She wouldn’t be able climb up those solid walls without any handholds or tools. 
She looked up, confused. There was no ceiling that her eyes could perceive, but she wasn’t outside. There was just infinite blackness stretching above her. Dim lighting, barely perceptible, was coming from somewhere past the wall, enabling her to see, but she wasn’t able to discern where it was coming from. She listened for sound and could make out dull, indistinct vibrations from far away. Oddly, beyond the mustiness of the air was the faint but familiar aroma of food cooking, but Tanya couldn’t identify the specific dish. 
Tanya was baffled. Nothing made any sense, and she had no clue where she was. She stumbled around for a while, feeling the walls for a door or exit. Nothing. Just the deserted rail station, with the tunnels closed off with metal doors, and the concrete walls confining her in a spacious, yet fully enclosed area, with blackness all around. She felt as if she were trapped in some sort of strange dream that she couldn’t wake up from, in this unnatural and confusing space that didn’t conform to any reality she was familiar with, completely alone. 
She wasn’t alone for long, however. Just as Tanya was about to sit down, not knowing what else to do, the floor and walls began to tremble around her. Tanya stiffened. At first, she thought maybe a railcar was driving through, or the tremors were from an earthquake, but then the vibrations grew more intense, more rhythmic. They had substantial weight to them, as if something incomprehensibly massive was approaching. Tanya went pale. The cadence reminded her of footsteps. But what could possibly be large enough to rattle the entire room around her? 
The gap above the walls was suddenly flooded with distant light, and Tanya heard a huge door creak open. Tanya was shocked to see her holding pen of concrete was actually ensconced within a much larger room that looked like a basement or storage facility, on an impossibly grand scale. She didn’t have much time to process this realization, as she gazed up over the wall to see a colossal silhouette framed by a gigantic rectangle of light. Tanya froze and broke into a cold sweat, craning her neck back with disbelief. The shadow was the shape of a man, tall and broad, but so vast she couldn’t believe her own eyes. 
The gargantuan shadow lumbered into the room, and the floor shook beneath his feet with each step. Tanya heard the heavy, masculine breathing of an enormous beast. Her heart dropped into her stomach. What she was seeing and hearing wasn’t possible. The outline of a mammoth arm reached up to the ceiling, and a bulb like the sun was illuminated as the cord hanging from it clicked it on. Tanya stared up in horror as the great shadow was finally illuminated in full detail.
She was gazing up at a Giant—a man of cosmic stature, hundreds of feet tall, towering above her like a living mountain. He was not only ridiculously tall but also wide, with a prodigious girth and a round, ruddy face. He was dressed strangely, in crisp white pants and a vest red as blood over a short-sleeved white shirt, with a nametag pinned to his chest that read “Bucky.” The concrete walls penning her in barely reached above his ankles. 
The Giant crouched down, careful not to touch his knees to the ground and soil his spotless white pants. The sight of the enormous man surging down closer to her level, waxing larger, made Tanya fall on her backside and cower in terror. She scooted back to the nearest wall and clawed at it helplessly, even though logically she was aware of how futile her efforts to get away were. She was hopelessly trapped. The Giant observed her with a thin smirk of amusement, resting one of his large meaty hands on top of the wall. 
“Well, well, well,” he drawled in a booming voice, ominous as thunder. “Another attractive female. Interesting!” He reached his immense hand out toward Tanya, with fingers longer and thicker than her entire body stretching out from a chubby palm that could entirely engulf her. Tanya screamed and covered her face with her arms as the Giant hand filled her vision. Her cry of terror was cut off as the hand closed around her, and Tanya felt herself being lifted up a staggering distance off the ground. 
The hand opened, and Tanya found herself distressingly close to the Giant’s enormous moonlike face. He had a wide mouth with thin lips, a blonde mustache, a big rounded nose resembling a mushroom, and sapphire eyes situated close together on his face. A thinning layer of blond hair covered his dome, and his whole expansive visage was a sanguine shade. Tanya shivered as those huge, sparkling blue eyes examined her with interest. With nowhere to run or hide, she shrank back into the curve of his fingers. She feared falling out of his hand to her death almost as much as the Giant himself. 
The Giant turned her over in his hands, pinched her limbs between his fingers, and prodded her in various spots on her body. He moved with efficient skill, checking her like livestock about to be butchered. Tanya was too scared to move, lest he inadvertently rip one of her arms off or crush her bones. His brow furrowed and he clucked his tongue with mild disapproval.  
“Hmmm… you’re a bit thinner than I would like,” he rumbled, sending a tremor through the woman. “Most of the time customers prefer humans with a little more meat on their bones. Although it’s a bit difficult to tell with that prison garb.” He picked at the fabric of her orange jumpsuit and with a swift and shockingly strong motion ripped the cloth open like tissue paper all the way down the length of the outfit. He pulled Tanya out of the clothing and carelessly tossed it away, stripping her down to her bra and panties. Tanya blushed, mortified, and reflexively covered her breasts with a startled gasp. While she wasn’t especially fond of the prison wear, she felt very uncomfortable and exposed without it before the Giant man. 
He forced her arms apart with the tip of his index finger, with as minimal effort as brushing away a strand of hair, and gazed upon her flesh, squinting slightly. Tanya was a woman naturally blessed with beauty. She had caramel-colored skin, curly dark hair, tawny eyes, and a beauty mark on her cheek. She was tall and slender, with long limber limbs. 
“Not bad. Not bad at all,” the Giant mumbled. Tanya averted her gaze, embarrassed by the unwelcome attention. His wide mouth cracked into a disturbing grin, exposing his craggy yellow teeth. “Now it’s time to see if your taste matches your lovely looks.” 
Tanya was not expecting this development. She expelled a cry of terror and recoiled back, but she was helpless to resist as the Giant stuffed her through his lips and into his gigantic maw with his fat sausage fingers. The poor woman was swiftly drenched with saliva as the Giant curled his massive tongue around her half-naked body, tasting her. She thrashed inside the suffocating mass of hot, wet flesh all around her. He hummed in his throat with pleasure in response to her succulent flavor. 
“Mmmmmm… very good,” he rumbled with his mouth full. “I’m almost tempted to just eat you up right now.” He spit her back out into his hand, a gossamer strand of drool trailing from her foot to his lower lip. Tanya curled up into a ball and shivered, too shocked and scared to do anything else. “But it’s the dinner rush right now, and we’re a bit short on human fodder at the moment. You’ll do nicely.” 
He cleared his throat and gave her a formal greeting. “Welcome to Bucky’s. I’m Bucky, obviously. You will do as I say, or else I’ll gobble you up and that’ll be the end of it. Understand?” Tanya was too overwhelmed to answer. Bucky frowned and jostled his hand to rouse her. 
“O-okay!” Tanya cried, gripping one of his thick fingers desperately so she wouldn’t fall off his hand. Bucky smirked. 
“Whatever your name is now, it’s dead to you. Your new name is Patty. Like a hamburger patty, get it?” He snickered at his own lame pun. “Customers like it when their human entrees have food-themed names. Whets the appetite.” He grinned. 
Tanya gulped. “Customers? Appetite?” she squeaked. She had a lot of questions, but was too frightened to vocalize anything more than repeating Bucky’s words like a parrot. She didn’t even bother to protest at the cheeky name change. 
Bucky cocked an eyebrow. “You know where you are, don’t you?” Tanya shook her head, mouth agape. Bucky guffawed. “They didn’t tell you? Oh, those rapscallions! They grow more devious by the day!” He sneered down at her, making her tremble at the bloodthirsty gleam in his sapphire eye. “Well, I don’t know how the screwed-up justice system over there on the human side of the city tricked you into it, but you’re my property now.” He leaned closer to her, making her wince as his hot, sour breath washed over her. “I’m a restaurant owner. And you’re a delicious food ingredient for a dish that will fill the belly of a hungry Giant.” 
Tanya felt a jolt of electricity through her heart at this statement. She was terrified, but her desire for survival finally unglued her mouth. “WHAT?” she shrieked shrilly. “You can’t feed me to one of your Giant customers! I have rights, dang it! You can’t do this to me!” She pummeled the palm of his hand with her fists in defiance. 
Bucky scoffed at her, amused by her futile little tantrum. “Rights? Yeah, right!” He laughed, a thundering belly laugh that caused Tanya—“Patty”—to lose her balance in his hand. “Get real, Patty! You’re on the Giant side of the city now. You belong to me. You don’t have rights. Your life has been sold away by your wonderful government. Sold to me, your new owner.” 
Tanya stared up at him in horror. “No… it can’t be…” Her eyes filled with tears. “I don’t want to die…” Her life had gone to hell in a handbasket in record time, but that didn’t mean she was ready to give up. To have struggled through twenty-five years of life, only to meet an abrupt, vicious, pointless end in the stomach of a Giant, was more than she could bear. Yet, she couldn’t see any way out of her predicament. She was trapped in Bucky’s palm, suspended hundreds of feet off the ground. She had nowhere to run, couldn’t fight back at her puny size. She was in serious peril. 
She collapsed to her knees and clasped her hands together in a pathetic display of supplication. “Please, spare me!” she begged. “I didn’t do anything wrong. I was wrongly convicted! I’m not supposed to be here!” She stared skyward into Bucky’s huge round face above her with an imploring look. 
Bucky rolled his eyes. “Like I care,” he remarked. He reached his huge arm up, clicked off the overhead light, and trudged out of the room, closing his hand into a fist around the helpless, crying human. 
Chapter 3
Chapter 1
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deadpuppetboi · 1 year
Goretober Day 11: Cluster
Angel is not a big fan of parties.
Even if they were his.
Angel despised large groups for reasons he couldn't properly convey to others.
Too many people huddled together, all in one location, with no way out. It didn't matter how huge the party or how vast the place was; it just made him anxious.
Today was one of, if not the most important days of his adolescence.
The months preceding up to it were spent planning, coordinating, and spending as much money as possible to throw the best birthday party ever. Or, in Angel's case, the finest Quinceaero he'd ever have because this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity he couldn't pass up. The one day in his life that might pave the door for adulthood was thwarted by his overwhelming dread about what might happen next.
He was dressed in a white tuxedo with the color blue (his favorite color was black), and a light tint of makeup was applied to his face to mask his acne. Yet here he was, picking at them and hurriedly drying them off to escape the anguish that gripped his mind, body, and spirit. Two fingers pinching at random areas, forcing his skin out till the pus exploded like a rocket.
It was 10:46 p.m., not yet the conclusion of the party, and Angel was locked in the restroom, unsure whether he should spend the rest of the time there.
Thankfully, nothing has happened yet, but it hasn't stopped the adolescent from overthinking everything. From the moment he opened his eyes in the morning, he had kept them focused on everything that had happened since. From the food he ate to the suit he wore to the chapel to the party, and eventually every inch of this entire ballroom.
Everyone suspected he wanted to make sure everything was perfect, similar to how his mother did. But no one could see the teenager's paranoia, the reason he couldn't say anything without appearing nuts, so he relied on himself to make sure everything was done correctly.
However, the anxiety seemed to be getting to him, as another pimple popped and he hissed. As he turned the faucet and dipped his bleeding spot to fast dry off, the pain seemed like a slap in the face. His tired gaze shifted to the mirror in front of him, his reflection mirroring his tiredness from keeping up appearances all day till the party ended.
He'd done everything he could without fail, so today might as well be nothing, and he'd be secure for who knows how long.
A knock on the door, however, interrupted Angel's conflicting thoughts.
“Angel, how long are you going to be in there? Everyone's waiting for you to open the present.”
Angel clicked his tongue, cursing himself before swiftly dressing himself. He made certain that anything bad was not just absent from his face, but also from his body language. He opened the door to reveal a young man dressed similarly to himself, but taller, with broad shoulders and relatively straight hair put back into a solid but tight ponytail.
Angel looked up at his older cousin with an apologetic expression, while Abel seemed dejected.
“What are you doing in there?”
“Contemplating whether or not I should just sleep the whole thing off on the toilet.”
Abel scoffed and rolled his eyes as he stepped to the side to allow Angel to pass through and follow him into the ballroom. The two simply paused as they walked across the carpeted carpet from below to the enormous entrances that brought them into the ballroom.
“You only get this day once, at least act like you can enjoy it.”
“I do like it.”
“Then stop staying away from everyone, you’re making yourself look bad.”
Angel sighed and clicked his tongue once more as they approached the huge doorway. He returned his gaze to his cousin, noticing something was wrong.
"What happened to your necklace?" Angel asked, observing Abel's usual symbol of a spiral had vanished.
"Ah, that?" Abel frowned at himself. "I had to put it away, the flash will catch onto the silver, and it'll ruin the entire picture."
“Ah, yeah, right, right.”
Angel gazed ahead through the glass entryway and paused, his gaze drawn to the vacant dance floor, where everyone was waiting for the birthday boy to arrive.
"Do you know what's in the present?"
Abel laughed as he shook his head.
"If I knew I wouldn't even bother to come get you."
Angel scoffed.
“Not even a hint?”
Abel smiled.
“Well, a little piece of me is in there, does that help?”
Angel laughed as well before getting himself together and putting on a respectable look before walking through the doors, Abel encouraging him with a pat on the shoulder. The deafening sound of hands hitting each other in various motions assailed Angel's ears immediately, forcing the entire ballroom to tremble violently. Angel struggled not to hide his ears and smiled as he strolled up to the dance floor, the cameraman approaching to examine him.
Among the applause came his parents, who both wished him well and thanked him for being such a good son. The adolescent thanked them and kissed them both before moving to the center of the dance floor. Now, out in front of everyone, the adolescent was preparing for his 'huge' present.
Angel covered his eyes to participate in the act, his ears picking up on the laughs and cheers from the audience. He only opened them when he heard his mother yell at him too. He set his hands down and gazed at the enormous present; anticipating it to be much smaller, he was surprised by its enormity.
The speaker summoned everyone's attention once more, bringing Angel to the forefront as the present was placed in front of him. Under the lights, a tall and slightly thin present covered in blue and white wrapping paper gleamed. It would have nearly blinded the adolescent if he hadn't grown accustomed to the lights as they were.
It was taller than him, possibly over six feet tall, and wide enough to resemble a grown man.
Angel quickly ran out of breath.
No way.
There was no way this was happening.
He couldn't have-
Angel could hear everyone encouraging him to open the present and see what was inside, while the music seemed to get louder with anticipation. But it was as if Angel couldn't hear the music, the cheers of the crowd, or even his parents' encouragement. All he could hear was his heartbeat, and his entire body was cold to the bone as he surveyed the entire scene.
He started looking around.
His little cousins ran around as others slept on fold-up chairs, his aunt and uncles cheered him on with their drunken laughter, and strangers he'd never seen or met before took out their phones to capture the event for themselves.
He appeared to be out of breath, one hand over his chest, the other shook slightly as it couldn't decide whether to stay down or reach over to open the present. Nothing else could get the adolescent to open the package because everything was so bright and so noisy.
But when he turned to look to his side, he noticed his older cousin standing on the far corner of the dance floor. Abel appeared concerned but kept his cool, mouthing some phrases for Angel to figure out for himself.
“Open,” he mouthed, “Open the present.”
Angel closed his eyes and exhaled deeply, calming his speeding heart and disordered mind.
Angel reached over, standing on his tippy toes, grasped the top of the present, and yanked it off with all the effort he could muster. The four strands of the gift immediately fell off, dropping in a heap on the dance floor, and Angel was surprised to see an even smaller present before him.
Everyone laughed.
Angel took a deep breath and laughed softly as he gazed around the room. He looked across to Abel, who appeared to be laughing as well, then shifted his gaze to motion Angel to continue unwrapping his present. Angel smiled confidently and continued unwrapping his present, displaying his newfound self-confidence.
Each layer was removed one by one, revealing an even smaller present wrapped in the same wrapping paper as previously. Nonetheless, Angel continued to open the presents until he was confident enough to realize that he had reached the final one.
It was a wrapped present that was roughly the size of a standard cardboard box. It looked like the ones used in moving firms, and Angel was familiar with them from utilizing them to build his cosplays. Angel wasted no time in reaching over and opening the final present to see what had been concealed from him for so long after hearing everyone cheer him on.
He virtually tore the top apart, his eyes wide with expectation as he leaned over to see inside, his entire body shivering with excitement.
Nobody could have witnessed what Angel saw at that moment. He had fully stopped for a moment, the pupils of his eyes shivering and the corners of his mouth twitching. He stepped back, dropping the top of the present, his formerly joyful countenance turning scared as he began to shiver from head to toe.
Before the box started moving, no one knew what to make of it.
Unexpectedly, the cameraman had moved over to investigate what was wrong, taking a look inside before responding similarly to Angel. Instead, he screamed, nearly stumbling over himself as he took a step back, a disgusted expression on his face. But before he could stop the video, everyone's gaze was drawn to the huge screen overhead, which displayed the cameraman's work.
Everyone soon began to shout as well.
A volcano-like eruption of tissue and cartilage erupted from within the box. Chunks of it fell over and broke the box apart, exposing the remainder of the partygoers to its molten and repulsive sight. It didn't appear human, but it did resemble one of the minor varieties, and as it crept out of its confinement, it instantly began to move over to Angel, who began to step back.
The adolescent turned to flee before the cluster of flesh and bones alike grabbed and tugged him. Angel shouted, but not as loudly as the other screams that erupted from everyone else in the enormous ballroom. Parents came to the doors, elders rushed to the doors, children wept, and staff fought to open the seemingly unopened doors.
Angel could hear his parents yell at him as they were engulfed by the turmoil, and as he struggled to lift himself up, he could feel fluids soak through his pricey suit, causing the delicate fibers to deteriorate from within. He pounded the thing, pierced where its eyes would be, and yanked at its foul clumps, but it didn't work.
But something caught his attention as he struggled to flee the creature's grip.
Something gleaming explodes from its dissolving skin, a hint of a silver swirl dazzling the lights above. Angel reached out, grabbed, and pulled the object away from the creature, eliciting a strangled whine in the process. Angel examined the necklace in his bloodied palm, his mind attempting to comprehend what it was before coming to a conclusion.
His eyes are drawn to the deformed figure of the monster, and he recognizes the strangling voice from earlier. His heart begins to beat faster, and his vision begins to blur with tears.
A figure came near Angel, and despite his mind screaming at him not to look, he did. The adolescent held the spiral necklace close to his breast, near his pounding heart, and gazed across at the figure in front of him.
Abel stood in front of Angel and the monster, his smile wide and pleased, as the adolescent began to move his head from side to side.
“No—no—you didn't-”
'Abel' began to chuckle which quickly turned into a cackle, and before anyone knew it, it had turned into full-on hysterical laughing. His hands reached over to his face and began to pull it apart, like a fleshy suit, revealing the perpetrator behind the whole thing.
A man in a three-piece blue suit walked out into the terrified audience, his wings-tipped shoes tapping across the bloodied dance floor as if nothing was wrong. He lifted his hands in the air as everyone else turned their attention to him, leaving the fleshly remains of Abel lying on the ground. His face, twisted as it was, bore a big and proud smile that no one could match!
"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls," the well-dressed individual exclaimed, "You are in Laugh Is Fun!!!"
There was silence for a little moment.
Angel stared in fear at the strange man, his breathing becoming uncontrolled as he began to scream, his pleadings for the man to stop going unheard.
Angel could only watch in horror as he heard a distant chuckle.
Then that chuckle turned into a cackle.
Then that cackle turned into a howl.
And then…everyone laughed.
Parents laughed, elders laughed, children laughed, workers laughed, 'Abel' laughed, and even Angel's parents laughed.
They all laughed in strange unison for so long and so hard that their faces grew crimson, their bellies gripped, and their voices gave out from the sheer force of their laughter. Angel could only watch as laughing began to obscure his uncontrollable sobs, his body immobilized under the weight of what remained of his cousin, all he could do was stare at the man above him.
The man—no—monster who just laughed at him.
"Happy birthday, Angel!" It howled, still laughing, as it began to point out the hidden cameras from all across the ballroom.
All the time, it repeated that haunting chant that Angel would never forget, even after all these years.
“Laugh with us!”
“Laugh with us!”
“Laugh with us!”
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wheelbarrowbros · 1 year
Jack and Josh: Too Heavy too Jerk Off
Jack heaved and grunted. He struggled to reach his penis which was covered and engulfed by his huge fat pad, and moreso by has enormous fat belly. Poor Jack couldn't reach to get relief. All he could do was sigh, drink another beer and keep stuffing his fat face. Jack was a disgusting fat loser.
Jack's once proud huge cock, now hidden beneath layers of flesh, became a distant memory. Jack's memory was not where it once was because of his constant dependence on smoking pot just to live. He was. The sheer expanse of his fat pad and the monumental size of his belly engulfed his penis, rendering it nearly impossible to reach for the pleasure he desperately craved.
Heaving and grunting with each movement, Jack contorted his body in a futile attempt to access the source of his relief. But his efforts were in vain as his own mass served as an insurmountable obstacle, leaving him sighing in frustration and seeking solace in the numbness of another beer. He was out of breath and heaving. Sucking into his mouth for breathing.
In the depths of his self-loathing, Jack found solace in the comfort of food. Each bite became a temporary distraction from the overwhelming awareness of his own shortcomings. The sensation of his mouth being filled, the flavors dancing across his taste buds, momentarily dulled the ache of unfulfilled desires.
As Jack continued to stuff his face, his dissatisfaction with his own appearance and the weight he carried grew exponentially. The mirror served as a cruel reminder of his perceived failure, accentuating every roll, fold, and bulge that adorned his massive frame. In the eyes of society, he had become a walking manifestation of a loser, a man engulfed in his own self-destructive tendencies.
The outside world, with its judgmental glances and whispered comments, reinforced Jack's belief in his own repulsiveness. He internalized the disdain, wearing it as an invisible shroud that weighed heavily upon his spirit. The idea of being desired by someone seemed like an impossible dream, a fantasy that could never penetrate the fortress of his own self-doubt. It certainly didn't cross his mind. Jack was once a stud back at college. He was a handsome broad shouldered college basketball player. Standing at 6'6" Jack had always been on the heavy side. But his huge muscles and handsome face made him a hit with the ladies, and sometimes even with men. Jack was not the smartest guy around. He came from a poor but loving family. He worked hard to play basketball to find a future for himself. The once kind and thoughtful Jack became addicted to the power he felt on campus. Constant partying, constant women, constant beer weed coke food. He let go. And got fat. Now at 32 Jack was all alone, too fat to masturbate and too horny to stop eating, the only way he could fulfill that desire. It was at that point Jack decided enough was enough. He went to a weight loss help forum and posted his story. And he found help.
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