#broadcasted ;; queue
chamaleonsoul · 5 months
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Green eyes, yeah the spotlight shines upon you
And how could anybody deny you?
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statiicstag · 2 months
[ inbox call, like this if it's okay for me to send alastor to your inbox ! ]
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radioiaci · 1 month
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I FORGOR THAT THE NEW SEASON OF BRIDGERTON IS OUT pardon me while I WILD OUT on these dramatic bitches
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onlyzhuyilong · 1 year
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cocajimmycola · 1 year
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Flushedadored , Paleadored Ashenadored , Pitchadored
For when ones gender is connected or related to being [quadrant] and adored, adoring [quadrant], etc
TAGLIST ! (lmk if you want to be added/removed) : @gender-darling @genderserpentine @botbinary @hoardicboy @mogai-sunflowers @noxwithoutstars @the-almond-and-the-apple @boxesofnoxes @aetherive @karkitz @reveseke @revenant-chaos @donniesbf @corbybug @heart-valentin3 @checkers-entertainments @loveless-lovesickness @waliwiwige @nepetaisms @begendered-mogai @diary-of-apathy @radiomogai @bpd-hoardic
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i23kazu · 9 months
it's creator spotlight day! today's spotlighted creator is @rintosei , please check her out !!! she writes the absolute cutest lyney fics too :') ♡
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fagsex · 1 year
i love my siblings obviously to moon and back and i like every part of them it's just a little difficult when theyre sensitive sometimes and when given the option to eat (x) food or not eat they just. wont eat. which is rough because the youngest two are very fast growing little boys like im talking shoes that fit last week dont fit this week speeds. and then my sister is older but shes an athlete and, not to air her dirty laundry, but on her period rn and needs more and wants more specific foods and shit and shes the hardest to get to eat because shes a teenage girl who insists she's fine not eating so i need to get her foods she Will eat so shes not hungry especially since i know she'll skip lunch sometimes and. i dunno it's difficult i wouldnt trade them for anything but i wish one of them would eat canned black beans or something lol. we need the sensitive toothpaste too or they're not gonna brush and tbh neither will i and gahhhh. im gonna take a nap when im done walking them to school and wait to receive parents mail and such and once it all gets here then ill pay my neighbor to take me to the local-est store. but it's still a good 10-15 mins by car and in an isolated zone still. so the stupid prices are jacked. like stupidly jacked because we live in rural france for some fucking reason. anyhow. hows everyones days ^__^
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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Wonder what's on
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meatriarch · 5 months
im still on my fuckshit but when i think of cc maria ( by extension also nosy maria but specifically noting the isolation aspect of cc );
can you imagine one day skimming the paper. its been a few weeks since all the commotion knowing your friends' had attempted to come find you but then were chased off. never actually heard or saw any of them, but you know they were around.
but you've been moved from the cells to a mattress upstairs. you're given more freedom, more wiggle room, you're allowed to do things - little hobby-type activities - you're given better foods, you're looked after by the older woman at the other house. the man who took you, who terrifies you still to some degree, slowly doesn't feel like such a stranger anymore, you're right to still be cautious around him but as the days, the weeks, pass by, there's simply a different air about him, and in the shack. lighter, in a sense.
you find yourself growing used to the new daily - the new routine. of waking to the sound of him getting ready for the day, of being left alone in there for hours sometimes, others trailing after him like a duckling, around the older womans' property, helping with an array of tasks. and you worry about upsetting her at first, unsure if doing so will earn a knife to the throat. you listen, you do as you're told, you find some kind of way to co-exist - all the while still, in the back of your mind, there's still a ray of hope,
that maybe, maybe, since the rest of them got away - that they're merely licking their wounds, that they'll get word out and even with all the silence since they had been on the property, there's that shred of hope that maybe? someone will waltz in, guns blazing so to speak, and you'll get out of this hell finally.
that is, until that day - that you're skimming through the paper, and you recognize yourself in a little column - and you realize you're staring at your own fucking obituary.
and in that moment everything seems solidified.
you're never getting away.
there's no point in it.
there's no one out there who are still trying to find you, get you back, bring you home, back to your mothers' arms, back to being an older sister, back to the circle of friends you loved so dearly.
you're dead.
not just to the world, but to those you loved - those who claimed to have loved you, too.
what else do you have at that point? where else do you go, even if you still tried to leave? who wouldn't look at you sideways for the blood that's already stained your hands? for the flesh caught between teeth?
who else is there, except the one murmuring encouragement and praise in your ear?
the only constant you've had in all these weeks? whose words rang true - clearly - that no one cared? that they abandoned you? left you there, didn't even care to make sure you were alive or not? only thought of themselves and got the fuck outta there without confirming if you were even still alive.
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#[ ♡ ] ── * maria f. / 𝘭𝘰𝘳𝘦.#[ 𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘦. ] ── * queue.#[ 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘦. ] ── * cold case.#[ 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘦. ] ── * no one saved you.#for cc maria its just. theres literally no one else. the only constant has been johnny. hes the one who was there with her when the#broadcasts sounded off her searches being called off. the only one who ensured she ate - was clothed - was looked after when she fell ill.#who she could talk to. who in spite of all her escape attempts & all her attempts at trying to kill him kept her around - taught her how to#do things properly - protected her from others that'd be brought down below shack. honestly. her isolation in cc - only having any sort of#connection being with johnny for *months* before he trusted her enough to let her join him for longer periods - like its. complicated.#SO fucking complicated. youre seen as dead to literally everyone else in existence - *except for him*. he who sees you. who hears you.#who talks to you. looks after you. its hard not to find yourself becoming attached/devoted. to the only person who knows you still exist#like i mentioned for nosy its. theres lee there too now so its. a little different. it doesnt hit right away - the almost blind devotion.#but it still happens - over time - with the both of them. the last two people who for a time at least know you were even still living.#and its by the time ch2 rolls in for either cc/nosy its just. its so confusing to her. why they all bother returning then?#for cc its just. you all buried me in an empty box twenty years ago...you all moved on then. you accepted that. so why are you here now.#why are you re-opening wounds that shouldve been long buried - with that empty casket. why suddenly care now?#in nosy she suppresses it w. her bitterness but cc i feel it comes out more like... grief & hurt. all over again. because if you came back#20 yrs after the fact? then why DIDNT you return back then? why *now* and not then? at any point in the last two decades?
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justaradioguy · 1 year
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@sisturn appeared ->
she pops up from the ground next to the man, climbing to her feet. she squints up at him, then circles around him a few times. hm. perhaps a little formidable, but nothing she can't handle. with her little examination complete, abigail moves in front of the man and hovers up to his eye level.
o0oOoh. o0oo. she wails, folding her arms--then she produces a piece of charcoal from her overall pocket, along with a mini-sign. she scrawls on it and then holds it where the man can see: what's your deal, buddy? trying to leech off of my sister's resources? what's your game?
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Before he can even think about anything else in that moment, he freezes.
No. Ghosts aren't real. Surely they're not real. They're too terrifying to be real.
But... she certainly looks real, and the sign looks real, and all he can do is stare with his jaw agape for a moment then frantically shake his head.
"No! No, I'm not trying to do that, I swear, I'm just lost!"
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quiet-kunoichi · 7 months
as im heading into the last two weeks of this term, i expect to be less 'active' here in regards to what drafts im still chipping away at. ill still be around daily for aesthetic posts & small interactions. two weeks from today ill have a five week break from classes & on the days im not rotting in bed ill be here to fulfill all your writing fantasies. as always im available via tumblr IM or discord for general chitchat or inane plotting and headcanon sharing ~
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statiicstag · 2 months
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[ ok i did an awful job getting to my drafts and asks we'll get em next time 🫡 in the meantime, discord drop? just let me know who you are or i won't accept ! ]
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radioiaci · 1 month
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got an anon i will not be poasting but if ur gonna be upset that i prioritize certain partners/threads over others (that are replied to and in the queue, by the way, they've not been forgotten), then i am simply going to suggest you catch these hands
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falderaletcetera · 10 months
gotta say, pretty much everyone who left a poor review on the tsuranga conundrum on imdb (the episode has an alien dude who's heavily pregnant, treated serously by the story) would not survive hanging out with aliens at an outer space bar, and would not survive diplomacy with any alien race. they can stay home while we go out and dance greet the universe, okay? okay.
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cocajimmycola · 1 year
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Swaglexic / Dudelexic Matelexic / Brolexic
A lexic gender connected to "swag", "dude", "mate" & "bro" respectively.
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concubuck · 1 year
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