#rocking chair post
angelinthefire · 1 year
I am once again asking that people vote for 8x02 in the spneppvp poll.
For every Casgirl and every heller, 8x02 was historic and groundbreaking. After season 7, we didn't know what kind of state either Castiel or Cas' relationship with Dean would be in. We had just gone through an incredibly tumoultuous period. As a reminder to everyone who did not live through it, Gamble had tried to fire Misha in season 7, and fans campaigned to get him back. But even with Carver taking over for season 8, things felt up-in-the-air. Season 8 started, and Cas wasn't in the first episode, and all the bronlies and haters were gloating.
And then we got 8x02. We got Dean murdering his way through purgatory to find Cas. We got Dean hugging Cas for the first time ever. (We got Dean stroking Cas' cheek with the comment "nice peach fuzz"?!?!?) We got "Cas, buddy, I need you." We got "I prayed to you Cas, every night!" We got Cas trying to stay away from Dean to keep him safe. We got "I'm not leaving here without you"!!!
Let me be clear: 8x02 was the closest thing we had to Nov 5, 2020 prior to Nov 5, 2020. It was redemption, and it was vindication, and it was beautiful. If you care about Cas, or destiel, or the history of our side of the fandom, please vote for 8x02.
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ride-a-dromedary · 6 months
Halsin being so present and involved in Reithwin, showing his love and appreciation and dedication through skillsets long buried but never forgotten - helping to build houses (you'll find him so often on roofs making repairs the joke becomes if you're looking for Halsin, look up), gifting refugees with furniture pieces he's made when they move in, cleaning out rubble and clearing spaces for farmland and aerating the land and helping in fields so things will grow, planting trees in wild orchards, digging wells, organizing for a school house and an infirmary that applies both magical and technical skill. He gets his library built, fills it with books, spends days foraging and hunting, he speaks with the livestock so they keep their spirits up, he helps wherever he can.
Being a part of something bigger, not the head of it. Helping and existing in a community like he hasn't in centuries. Knowing every name, delivering their children and their children's children, and watching with a full heart as they begin to thrive and celebrate and live. Watching entire generations grow. And the care he shows is reciprocated - the baker saves him treats in a basket from each morning's batch when they're still warm and staunchly refuses his payment. His clothes are mended and kept in good order. His wall is filled with drawings the children have given him over the years. He is gifted an album filled with pressed flowers when he lamented one year it was always a shame to see them go with the snow.
And every night he is exhausted, but in the way that is bone deep and happy - fulfilled and accomplished.
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andromedism · 10 months
In 2017, I watched “The Gang Tends Bar” as it aired live, and it’s all kind of a blur but I remember three things very clearly:
Sunnyblr was POPPING. To this day, I still see TGTB posts floating around with 10k notes and they are all still so fucking good. My beautiful relics of an absolutely insane time.
Airing A Crickets Tale that very next week is probably one of the most chaotic things that was happening to Tumblr at that time. We were all like, “Mmm, thanks for whatever that was, RCG! So yummy! Now can we have another helping of repressed middle-aged gay men?” and they said, “Okay, sure! Here’s more of that but make it foreboding,” and aired “Dennis’ Double Life” the very next week after THAT.
I didn’t sleep the night TGTB aired. I was a freshman in college and I went to class the next day and just stared at nothing during my lecture because I was so blown away by it. At 18, it was one of the most formative experiences I’ve ever had with television. Raw, emotional moments have always been so much more impactful to me in comedic shows. I still consider it one of the most romantic episodes of any show I’ve ever seen. I’m 25 now, and I have never forgotten the way I felt the first time I saw this episode. My life is entirely different now from February of 2017, but my feelings about TGTB are exactly the same if not intensified.
Bonus Big Feelings:
Once you’ve watched “Dennis’ Double Life,” TGTB reads so differently—it hurts so much more. Because you know how it ends for them and you never get closure. YOU NEVER GET CLOSURE.
Something about Glenn’s hair being outstandingly hot in S12 really brought everything together, that year + heightened the pining. He would do something and we’d all be like “ok work!”
Season 16 is the closest I’ve felt to Season 12 levels of deranged. I think this makes sense since S16, stylistically, reminds me the most of classic Sunny and somehow, also, every macden fic I’ve ever read.
I never had a good reference point for whether other people outside of Sunnyblr read that episode as incredibly queer, or Just Guys Being Dudes, but most of my comms class watched this show, and we were all foaming at the mouth talking about it the next day. Everyone was like, “Oh my god! It’s getting gayer! We won!”
Reflecting on where I was in life when TGTB, and when this most recent season aired, I can’t help but wonder where we’ll all be if they touch noses. Season 24 is our seasons guys.
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oldfarmhouse · 10 months
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𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝙦𝙪𝙞𝙚𝙩, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝙛𝙤𝙜 - 𝘸𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘯 November 𝘯𝘰𝘸 - 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘰𝘸𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘢𝘯 𝘦𝘹𝘤𝘭𝘶𝘥𝘦𝘥 𝘨𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘵.༆
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almostarts · 1 month
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"Fast" Rocking Chair by Muddycap (2024)
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theloveinc · 10 months
Being a housewife but not really knowing what the hell you’re doing, you had to get married early because your husband is a BigWig(?) with sponserbilities to take care of… but you’re also sort of neglected by him because he’s So Busy trying to Make It Big…
And you somehow end up neighbors with Bakugo, who, two seconds into meeting you decides that he literally can’t be mean to you: looking a right mess with a naked baby on your hip and messy hair 24/7… but still always offering him the bentos your husband doesn’t take to work and inviting him in for tea…
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eemoo1o-animoo · 4 months
It’s so odd watching An/Madam Red reminisce over Ciel as a child (alongside Lizzie) when you know with I guess foresight, or is it hindsight, that that’s actually most likely r!Ciel and o!Ciel is stuck indoors with Tanaka crying as he looks longingly out of the window at everyone hugging and playing, only to then sadly turn to his plate of birthday cake and start singing happy birthday to himself.
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amimere · 1 year
ive finally gotten around to blocking my granny square shawl
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the mats were almost too small so i definetly need another set, super excited to have it done tho
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dreamdropsystem · 3 months
chair? auto rocking chair
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nothing day
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angelinthefire · 1 year
I actually have a basic philosophical aversion to any discourse around whether character A just sees character B as "useful", and have for a long time. (I'm speaking vaguely because this could apply to Cas, or Jack, and also Kevin, and probably some other characters who aren't explicitly enemies too).
Back around s5/6 (back when different sides of Fandom would interact more) Cas haters would come up arguing that Dean doesn’t even like Cas, that he sees him as another monster, etc. And when casgirls would come back with examples of Dean obviously being friendly, their response would be "he's just doing that because Cas is useful." This would happen repeatedly. Like if you weren’t around at the time, you need to understand that casgirls were constantly on the defensive. And how frustrating it was to be called "delusional" as a matter of course. When the Cas haters couldn't even recognize the most surface-level read of a scene, that Dean is being friendly towards Cas because he feels friendly towards him. And that they had constructed this - frankly, insane - narrative where the main character manipulates a major recurring character into thinking they’re friends because he had useful powers. Like, who would want to write a show like that? Who would want to watch it?
So that's my baseline that I come to this issue with. And the thing that I carry with me in all my interpretations is that the main characters care about each other on at least some basic level. Because otherwise, what is the point? Literally what is the point of these relationships, why would we care about them, why are there stakes in the characters fighting and making up again, why are we supposed to enjoy watching it?
And I'm not down with how I've seen it presented in fics and in posts that either A cares about B as a person, or A wants B to be useful in a fight and these are two mutually exclusive things. This is a show about killing monsters and saving the world. The main thing that characters do together, the way they build and show camaraderie, the way they self-actualize even, is by killing monsters and saving the world. It is therefore inherently a good thing when characters can participate in that, and an obstacle to the plot when they cannot. I think that's just something you've got to take for granted when approaching the show. Furthermore, being "useful" is not just for the sake of the character asking for help, it's also for the sake of the character doing the helping - they're contributing to saving the world, they're being heroic, it's generally framed as a positive step in their character development, etc. Like I don't understand it being framed as a one-sided exchange.
It's also important that this is a show that's obsessed with its own masculinity. Even if it developed a small amount in later years, that kind of masculinity where using an umbrella is seen as too gay, that's what the show is fundamentally rooted in. So it's to be expected that characters don't show affection in a normal way, that they can only do so when the world is ending, or they're dying, or they're breaking down, etc. That it happens in these big emotional bursts -- that also happen to coincide with peaks in the plot, when it's necessary for characters to band together and fight.
There's a sidebar about the loss of angel powers. It's been over a year since I've actually watched the show, so I'm not sure if the show itself contributes to this. And I'm pretty sure that Misha has made emo comments about Cas feeling useless without his powers. But I absolutely hate the "Oh no poor Cas (or Jack) feels so useless without their powers they have such low self esteem" thing. (Like Cas does have self worth issues but that's another point). Angels losing their powers is akin to a person suddenly losing their arms and their sight. It's entirely normal to feel shitty about that, and yeah, to probably deal with feelings of uselessness.
It being a normal response also means it's not the fault of the Winchesters or whoever else that whatever angel character feels useless. This is something that I see in fic way too often. Like Cas thinks he’s so useless and such a burden that it's not even clear that he knows Dean likes him, and it's all Dean's fault that he feels that way. Which, at bottom, does not make sense. Like, these characters need to realize that they're all friends, otherwise, on a very basic level, none of this works. Again, there’s nothing to be invested in, nothing to care about. (And obviously depression does things to your brain, makes you feel like a burden, makes you worry that no one actually likes you. But that's not how the fics I'm complaining about are written).
Aside from the fact that there are actual examples of the characters helping/caring/confiding/spending time with each other, and acting like they know they're friends. Despite the masculinity diseases.
If there is a problem of a character not feeling useful I tend to take it as a problem of the show elevating the position of hunter above all else rather than as an absence of basic friendship.
The one exception that I'm willing to grant, where feelings of uselessness come from a broken relationship, is Dean and Jack at the end of s15. Specifically. That's it.
But yeah, I generally cannot stand "usefulness" discourse.
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hot-take-tournament · 11 months
bizarrely, this was the hardest poll so far to get a functional picture for, this is the best i could do
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Submission 208
Rocking chairs SUCK
Disguises itself as a normal chair and then BAM! Motion sickness! And if you try to actually rock in it you will fall backwards and hit your head. Ouch. AND the wooden ones are abysmally uncomfortable
Pre-preliminaries will be used to determine what qualifies as a hot take. Propaganda is encouraged!
Also, remember to reblog your favourite polls for exposure! (exposure like when you’re exposed to the fact that the KISS Scooby Doo crossover does actually exist, scarring you for life)
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misterlemonzmen · 20 days
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05-12-24 | MisterLemonzMen.tumblr.com/archive
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yardsards · 2 years
clean room! clean room!!!
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professor-petty · 10 months
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mymarifae · 14 days
i dont pay attention to the star rail story besides your posts and honestly seems like a fun pairing .............................. omg.................
THANK YOU FOR UNDERSTANDING MY VISION 🫶🏾 the more i sit with it the more i like it. they're cute! i'm so glad that argenti was the one to scoop aventurine out of the nihility maybe ratiorine shippers will shut up about veritas' note and stop acting like it was the only thing that mattered to aventurine in that moment. like excuse me? his conversation with acheron? his farewell to his past self? argenti apparently coming in and slinging him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and carrying him to safety ???? IT WASN'T JUST VERITAS like it's one thing to simply say that his note was a contributing factor. but it wasn't the only one. this makes me mad sorry i wish all ratiorine shippers a very "hey guys you do know that aventurine is his own character outside of veritas right" Anyway
i spent the last little bit of my shift starting to write a fic in my head about how i think these two would play out, so... that's a thing i'll be working on now! along with my other 500 miscellaneous projects. the (??????? don't ask me for ship names i'm serious) vision will be brought to life properly and not just in a brief impromptu essay. yay 🫶🏾 i think it'll be a fun journey
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