#brotp: but i don't want to be alone either
fandom-trash-goblin · 2 months
Jiang cheng for the ask game
Also asked my @jcs-singular-slut-strand my beloved <3<3<3 and another anon, i'll just put it here. this needs a lot more jin ling but i'm tired sorry
Favourite thing about them: the fact that jiang cheng isn't a genius like wwx. he works hard and he fails and he's still so fucking amazing. he's sandu shengshou, he's sect leader jiang, he's zidian's wielder, he's fucking amazing. jiang cheng goes from this:
the most laughable one was the Yunmeng Jiang Sect, the people of which either had been killed or had scattered, leaving only Jiang Cheng, who was younger than even Lan XiChen and was still a child born yesterday, who had nobody in his hands but still dared call himself sect leader, holding up the banner of rebellion as he recruited new disciples.
to one of the most feared people in the world. everyone needs to clap for him.
propoganda : sect leader jiang convincing rogue cultivators to join, the dichotomy of our poor little dangereuse meow meow, he's trying so hard but he's going the wrong way, man believes his big brother so deeply even when he wants him dead, his fearsome reputation comes from killing his brother but gosh he will cry if you mention that,
Least favourite thing about them: not a least favourite thing tbh just--i so badly wanted the reverse core reveal man. i wanted jiang cheng to throw it in wei wuxian's face that he sacrificed himself first. i know it's not his character, and it's better that way, but i want him to- and then i wanna see the devastation on wwx's face. delicious
Favourite line: this post has that variation of my father picked me five times in my entire life and it made me happy for months that i cannot bring myself to write so you should just click on the link. also, devastation->
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the absolute variations of Wei Wuxian!
Don’t you understand? When you’re standing on their side, you’re the bizarre genius, the miraculous hero, the force of the rebellion, the flower that blooms alone. But the second your voice differs from theirs, you’ve lost your mind, you’ve ignored morality, you’ve walked the crooked path. You think you can be immune to all those condemnations as you stay outside of the world and do whatever you want? No such precedent has happened before!
Why do you want his forehead ribbon? To hang yourself and commit suicide? I can lend you my belt, you’re welcome.
Go ahead. What other bad news do you have to report?
something something If you insist on protecting them(the Wen side branch), then I can't protect you
brOTP: Jiang Cheng & Jin Ling. that's his jiujiu, man. you can fucketh right off if you wanna say anything bad. i would love love an explored dynamic between Jiang Cheng & Lan Qiren. also a possible wen ning & jiang cheng or lan wangji & jiang cheng but we are not gonna see it happen in this cannon lmao.
OTP: chengxian. here's why one, two, three, four (gif), five, six, seven (gif), eight (thoughts on different wavelengths), the absolute circles of them saving each other, the fucking golden core reveal scene. golden scene reveal part 2, between this and jonsa, i'm never beating the incest allegations
edit: jiang cheng will always forgive wei wuxian
nOTP: i started out with jiang cheng/lan xichen... but i don't really see it anymore. but i don't hate it either, i will read fics for it if i like the writing.
Random headcanon:
lichtenberg scars. many of them, glowing whenever he uses zidian. here's where i got it from.
man is a savant at politics even if he's loud and angry.
yunmeng jiang absolutely adores their sect leader. i will love you forever if you send me recs all of them. pretend i haven't read a single one.
Lan Qiren has a favourite student that year and his name was not LWJ. Person had the same initials as Jesus Christ.
Unpopular Opinion: liking Jiang Cheng itself might be an unpopular opinion, tbh. but. let me punch wen ning just once. once. i'm sure he's done nothing wrong in his life ever. but please. once
Song I associate with them: zero idea. i'll get back to you on this.
Favourite picture of them:
babey! i think we're underestimating the potential of disney princess jiang cheng // that's his whole damn world he loves them so much // the shepherd's favourite lamb vibes.
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cursedvibes · 29 days
Yorozu for the character thing.
Thank you for the ask! Especially the song part for her was really tricky, but interesting to think about.
favourite thing about them
I love how inventive she is. She grew up in a rural and likely poor region, she was born with a relatively weak cursed technique and she managed to claw her way up, so that even the Fujiwara wanted her in their service. All through her own ingenuity. She has an understanding of physics that's beyond her time. Also I just love her obsessive nature. You can tell that no matter if it's people or a topic she finds interesting, she'll cling to it until she has made it her own. That obsession is what got her into such a high position. Her love for battle and bloodshed is also refreshing. We don't see that that often with female characters, especially not combined with her insect armour that would be considered "ugly" and "too masculine".
least favourite thing about them
All the interesting things I listed above are only there as little mentions or titbits that are dropped here and there. We only get a glimpse of her inventiveness and the struggles she went through. Instead Gege chose to only focus on her obsession with Sukuna and make her especially pathetic through that. Like, if you're gonna drop such an interesting backstory, expand on it at least a little bit? Instead of going out of your way to make it seem like her character revolves entirely around Sukuna. She can have her obsession with him, that's fine, but Gege really did her a disservice there, despite obviously being capable of giving her more depth.
favourite line
"Even handsome men become crusty when dried out. Elegant beauty."
"I want it all to myself. Your solitude is mine and mine alone! The one who will kill you is me!"
"Toodle-loo, I'll be waiting"
Hm, either the idea of Yorozu and Uraume very reluctantly getting along, kind of similar to Uraume and Kenjaku (she wanted to invite them to her wedding after all and likes their cooking) or Yorozu and Kenjaku. I think her research about insects and how emulate their qualities with cursed energy and her technique would be very interesting to Kenjaku. And since I hc that Kenjaku likes centipedes or arthropods in general, I'd like to see them nerd about insects.
Yorozu/Uro! I've ranted about them plenty before, but I'd just once again like to say that they are perfect for each other. Yorozu could've been such an inspiration for Takako back in the day, show her what she could be.
Sukuna. I think they're both better off by just moving on and finding better people. Also I don't like this at all in a sexual way.
random headcanon
She has like a full mad scientist lair. Kind of an expansion on what we see in her first flashback. It's full of books and show cases of animals and makeshift terraria where she studies insects to improve her technique. I mean, she knows what an insect's nervous system looks like, she must've picked them apart very thoroughly, probably used her CT as assistance to invent microscopes and other tools that didn't exist back then. Also, the way her servant looks, I think she doesn't shy away from human experimentation either to test a new form of Construction for example.
unpopular opinion
She isn't actually sexually attracted to Sukuna. All she ever talks about is owning and controlling him. The marriage is for her to demonstrate her ownership over him and tie him to her. Even if it's merely his corpse. While I'm all for necrophillia, I don't think that's the intention here.
song i associate with them
I don't yet have a song where I think "yes, that's her!", but I chose IC3PEAK's Плак-Плак for her defying tradition and killing her husband and Red Sex (restrung version) just because I think it embodies her particular brand of insanity quite well, particularly how connected everything about her is to her body. From her being nude in the Heian era to her insect armor. Feels sort of suffocating just like her obsession and some of the strings remind me of the sounds of insect wings.
favourite picture of them
Always gonna be her studying nude by candle light
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but also of course her insect armour
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and her just looking cute/deranged in general
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i love Beardo! shame he died, in his honor may you answer the character ask with him?
is bhultra aware of the irreparable impact he has left on this fandom with that one joke alone. does he know the damage he has caused.
anyway beardo tiiiime
sexuality headcanon: aro. i will hc everyone without a canon love interest as aro and you can't stop meee
gender headcanon: transmasc swag babyyyy
a ship involving this character: don't have one. he doesn't need a relationship he's too busy DJing
a BROTP involving this character: I've said it already but I really want him and Ella to be friends. she wouldn't be annoyed by his sound effects so he'd get more comfortable around her and eventually start talking and they're both very musical people so they could bond over that - you guys see the vision, right?
a NOTP involving this character: the fun thing about being a character that precisely no one (except me) gives a fuck about, is there are barely any ships involving him. so no NOTPs to be found here!
random headcanon: I've got two. 1 - autism. yeah you knew it was coming. the sound effects are a form of vocal stimming. 2 is more dumb but I still think it's funny - one of his sound effects is the opening bars of Never Gonna Give You Up, so he can rickroll people on command if he wants to.
general opinion: why is it always the characters with barely any screentime I get attached to? like seriously, every fandom. every time. it's always the obscure characters everyone either hates or doesn't care about. anyway yeah I like Beardo, he seemed like a chill guy, I think they could have done more with him. it's a shame he died though
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stainedglassthreads · 11 months
Toriel for the ask game
Sexuality Headcanon: Aromantic bisexual. It's just so incredibly rare that we get a female character (let alone of her age) for whom being single isn't treated as something she should be ashamed about. She's not single because she's undesirable (both Asgore and Alphys are into her), and she's not angsting over how she's getting too old to POSSIBLY find a partner. She suffers from loneliness, but it's not a romantic partner she obsesses over, it's her trauma over the loss of her children, and her friendship with Sans is just. They both give off utterly MASSIVE aro vibes, okay? You cannot convince me that those two AREN'T aro. (I mean, they're not canonically aro, but they're not canonically allo either. So it's impossible to convince me they're Definitely Canonically Romantic.)
Anyways! Aro Toriel hell yeah.
Gender Headcanon: You know that feeling where you're genderless in an autistic way? Where your gender and sexuality and autism are all tangled up in a nebulous ball? And you eventually determine that gender is just a collection of things that make you comfortable, and so if liking being called 'she' and baking pies and wearing dresses and having a feminine name means others call you a woman, then you guess you're a woman, but you don't have an especially strong innate sense of it? Yeah.
A ship I have with said character: Asgoriel but fucked up and tragic. I don't want them happy and fluffy before their divorce. I don't want them tearfully apologizing to each other. I don't want baby goat children. I want them leaving CLAW MARKS in each other. I want them missing what they used to have so badly, but their experiences have shaped them so much that they will NEVER have the relationship they once did. They can try, but there is always a hollow, hurting space, and it just feels like an elaborate performance. They need to try and fail to figure out something new that does work--preferrably with lots of non-romantic friendships to lean on, rather than expecting 'a new family!' or 'rekindling the old relationship!' will fix things.
That said. I think Muffet and Toriel has some unexplored potential. They have common ground in baking, they're both the pragmatic types who are driven by their own ideals (moral integrity and family for Toriel, money and spiderkind's prosperity for Muffet), but their contradictory opinions over the human makes it Really Spicy. Come, imagine with me, some kind of noir AU where Toriel is a divorced PI and Muffet is a classy jewel thief perhaps--
A BROTP I have with said character: Sans and Toriel. Need I say any more?
A NOTP I have with said character: Asgoriel. Yes I also called it an OTP. Alas, there are too many Asgoriel fanfics and AUs that I just Do Not Like. Don't spend enough time on their incredibly messy relationship and Problems and Trauma for my taste. Makes the getting back together too easy.
A random headcanon: She was the original Captain of the Royal Guard and oversaw the construction of puzzles and defenses when monsterkind originally populated just Home!!
General Opinion over said character: She's pretty neat and it's sad everyone just goes 'Goat Mom!' and moves on. It's even sadder that all the Toriel-centric fics and AUs are shipping fics. Where's my multiversal epic where instead of Sans going after a kidnapped Frisk, it's Toriel going after them. Or a kidnapped Sans. Or something.
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munchbell45 · 4 months
yahiko and yamato for the character ask game :D !!
I'm not good at the song association thing, so I will skip that one. Sorry. IDK, I tend to listen to instrumental stuff, and I don't always think "OMG, this is so Skleeby from Splungo's Adventure" when I listen to music.
I will say that i sometimes picture (in my mind) angsty AMVs or animations of Nagato and Konan (post-Yahiko's death) set to Anemoia by Oliver Buckland. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0guReRtGWI&pp=ygUHYW5lbW9pYQ%3D%3D
Though that may be because the song was used in a really cool video game trailer.
Favourite thing about them?
I love his sincere desire to change the world for the better, as well as his love of others and hope for a better future. Of course, it's not just hope but also a DRIVE to make the world better. He just seems like such a sweet, hardworking dude, and if he was real I would love to know him.
Least favourite thing about them?
The fact that we don't get to see more of him. TBF, he died well before the start of Naruto, so we only see him through memories (and that one weird Infinite Tsukuyomi filler story, but I digress.) I want to see how he'd interact with MORE canon characters, I want to see MORE of the original Akatsuki, and I want to know MORE about the Hidden Rain Village.
I'd love a spin-off miniseries about the Hidden Rain Village.
Favourite line?
I'm not always the best at memorizing lines, but I'll go with this one, where he sets out to go on a mission to scout out an area.
"This land is crying, as usual. It continues to endure much pain. In the past, I hated this land that was crying all the time. But now... I want to save it... I truly feel that way. It's too much like the crybaby I used to be for me to leave it alone."
Obviously he is besties with Konan and Yahiko, they have a truly inseparable bond. I also imagine that he was close with each and every member of the original Akatsuki.
Sadly, there are only a few characters we see him interact with in canon, and many of them are minor.
In a happier timeline where nothing bad happened and the Hidden Leaf was magically not corrupt at all, I could see him being friends with Naruto.
Nagato/Yahiko/Konan. They have a deep bond, forged through their collective efforts to endure many hardships. To me, it's as if they are destined to be together and to always develop a deep, intimate care and affection for each other. Even if they were to reincarnate, they'd find each other once more.
Yahiko/Obito, Jiraiya/Yahiko (IDK if anyone ships that, LOL,) Zetsu/Yahiko, Madara/Yahiko (Is that a thing?)
Random headcanon?
He learned how to do a lot of basic repairs, so that if the shack got beaten up, he could fix it. I could also see him loving children.
Unpopular opinion?
My man's underrated. I feel like most people tend to either forget about him or just think of him as the guy that became the Deva Path. I mean... I get why, but I wish he was more popular. How can you not love him?
Favourite picture of them?
Two options. I hope these load in.
A: This panel (I am typing this on my computer and GIMP is being a bitch, so no crop.)
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B: (My PFP as of 2/5/2024)
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I am very neutral on him, so my apologies for some lame-ass answers. Also, i felt like I spent a lot of time writing my opinions on Yahiko.
Favourite thing about them?
His abilities were neat, as one of the few who could use Wood Style. i also respect how he tried his best to keep Team 7 in check and (later on) help rebuild the Hidden Leaf after Pain destroyed it.
Least favourite thing about them?
The fact that he was sidelined for most of the War Arc, serving little use outside of buffing up Zetsus. IDK, that was kind of disappointing.
Oh, I also feel weird about the fact that he's supposed to watch Orochimaru in Boruto. Like, if we treat the anime backstory as canon, dude should be traumatized by Orochimaru.
Favourite line?
That one where he threatens to use "draconic measures" on Team 7 when they keep arguing and fighting each other, I guess.
Kakashi once they are both adults. Sai after he is free from Dan's control, since they could relate to each other a lot (especially if you treat his anime backstory as canon.)
I could see maybe see him befriending Anko as well.
Maybe Yamato/Shizune. Yamato/Anko would either be cool or would suck.
Yamato/Orochimaru, Yamato/Kabuto
Random headcanon?
After the War Arc, he hangs out with Asuka, Kurenai, Guy, and Kakashi. They all reminisce about being teachers and vent to each other about weird crap that happens on the job.
Unpopular opinion?
Um... I thought the ANBU Kakashi filler arc (and Yamato's role in it) was overrated.
Dude needs more development, but that's probably the opposite of an unpopular opinion.
Favourite picture of them?
I hope this one loads in. I've been taking way too long writing this.
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princesssarisa · 1 year
Character ask: Cinderella's stepsisters
Favorite thing about them: Well, most adaptations portray them as comic relief, and they typically are very funny in their cattiness, their vanity, and their clumsy efforts to be charming ladies and win over the Prince. They're usually characters we love to hate.
I especially like it when adaptations make an effort to give them distinct personalities. For example, one of them haughty and overbearing while the other is a nervous woman-child, or one of them clever and conniving while the other is a simpering ditz. Although even pairs of sisters that are basically interchangeable, like Clorinda and Tisbe in the opera La Cenerentola or Disney's Anastasia and Drizella, can still have plenty of personality and comedy. And while I don't want it done in every new retelling, I do enjoy the recent trend (starting in 1998 with Ever After's Jacqueline) of redeeming at least one sister if not both by the end, as long as it's done in a way that feels believable.
Least favorite thing about them: In-universe, their abuse of Cinderella, naturally. Different adaptations give them different ways to bully her, but the worst has to be the moment in the Disney version when Anastasia and Drizella rip her dress to shreds before the ball.
Out of universe, the fact that they're traditionally portrayed as ugly while Cinderella is beautiful, implicitly linking beauty with goodness and worth in women. This probably explains why so many of the more recent adaptations either make them pretty or make at least one of them sympathetic, with Disney even joining the trend and redeeming Anastasia in the direct-to-video sequels.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I like elegant clothes.
*I can be hot-tempered.
*I don't have small feet.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I try to be a nice person.
*I have no desire to marry into royalty.
*Both of my parents are still alive.
Favorite line:
From Perrault's version of the tale:
"For my part," said the eldest, "I will wear my red velvet suit with French trimming."
"And I," said the youngest, "shall have my usual petticoat; but then, to make amends for that, I will put on my gold-flowered cloak, and my diamond stomacher, which is far from being the most ordinary one in the world."
From the Disney version, mocking Cinderella when she wants to go to the ball:
Drizella: Hah! Her, dancing with the Prince!
Anastasia: I'd be honored, Your Highness! Would you mind holding my broom?
From the 1957 version of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical, Portia trying to talk like her Shakespearean namesake as she dances with the Prince:
"I'll stand up in some old courtroom someday. And I'll say something to some old judge, about how the quality of mercy is not strained, ya know what I mean? And then I'll say it splashes down like the gentle dew..." (Cinderella enters at the top of the staircase and captures everyone's attention) "...from heaven?"
From the 1997 version of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical:
Minerva: Did you ever see such a lazy girl in your life?
Calliope: Who are you calling lazy?
Minerva: Not you, stupid, Cinderella!
Calliope: Oh... Who are you calling stupid?
And from Ever After:
After Marguerite throws a screaming tantrum in front of the Queen when she learns that Prince Henry has been seeing Danielle, she tries to justify it:
"There was a bee."
When Jacqueline is forced to dress as a horse for the masked ball:
"Oh well, why don't I just pull the carriage while I'm at it?"
When Baroness Rodmilla and Marguerite's lies to the Queen are exposed and they're about to be punished, Jacqueline's response when Rodmilla wonders if she had something to do with this:
"'Course not, Mother. I'm only here for the food."
brOTP: Each other, in the rare moments when they're not competing.
OTP: The two courtiers from Perrault's version.
nOTP: The Prince.
Random headcanon: They would never tell anyone, but sometimes, when they're alone together, they talk about how much they miss their childhood, when their father was alive, their mother was happier, and she wasn't always pressuring them to be perfect ladies and to marry rich. (Or in the case of Clorinda and Tisbe in La Cenerentola, when their mother was alive and their father was happier, etc.) Maybe a part of why they hate Cinderella is that as their stepsister, she's a symbol of their changed life.
Unpopular opinion: I'm not sure how unpopular this is, but I'll list it because most stage productions of Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella nowadays seem to be the 2013 Broadway version, even though two other stage scripts are still available.
Charlotte and Gabrielle from the 2013 version of Rodgers and Hammerstein's musical are my least favorite incarnations of the Rodgers and Hammerstein stepsisters. Not that I dislike them, but I think I'd prefer them in a new adaptation, not the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical. I like the idea, in and of itself, of one sister being the traditional annoying brat, but the other being secretly sympathetic and trying to help Cinderella... even if it does feel derived from Marguerite and Jacqueline in Ever After. But the two bratty, buffoonish stepsisters have always been a comic highlight of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical (whether their names are Joy and Portia, Prunella and Esmeralda, Calliope and Minerva, or Joy and Grace), and I much prefer "Stepsisters' Lament" as a duet then as a solo for Charlotte with a chorus of other jealous girls.
Song I associate with them:
"Stepsisters' Lament" from the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical
And two selections from the opera La Cenerentola:
"Cenerentola, vien qua!" ("Cinderella, come here!")
(Clorinda and Tisbe ecstatically look forward to the ball and run Cinderella ragged with orders to help them dress, while the "fairy godfather" Alidoro – disguised as a beggar – and the chorus of messengers from the palace look amusedly on.)
"Zitto zitto, piano piano" ("Hush, hush, quiet, quiet")
(Prince Ramiro and his valet Dandini – disguised as each other – steal a moment to discuss Clorinda and Tisbe's obnoxiousness, only for the girls to find them. Fake-prince Dandini says he'll marry one of them and let the other marry his "valet," and the sisters react with disgust at the thought of marrying such a "plebeian," "vulgar" young man, little knowing that they're insulting the real prince.)
Favorite picture of them:
This illustration by Charles Folkard
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This illustration by Hermann Vogel
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This illustration by Margaret Price
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Robert Helpmann and Frederick Ashton in Prokofiev's ballet, 1948
(I have misgivings about casting men as the sisters, but I appreciate that for two gay ballerinos in the 1940s, playing these flamboyant feminine roles meant something more than just "Ha ha, the ugly women are really men.")
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Disney's Drizella and Anastasia
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Alice Ghostley and Kaye Ballard as Joy and Portia in the 1957 version of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical
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Pat Carroll and Barbara Ruick as Prunella and Esmeralda in the 1965 version of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical
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Daniela Hlaváčová as Dora, the one stepsister in the 1973 Czech classic Tři oříšky pro Popelku (Three Nuts/Wishes for Cinderella)
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Rosalind Ayres and Sherrie Hewson as Isobella and Palatine (with Margaret Lockwood as their mother) in The Slipper and the Rose, 1976
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Catherine and Jeanne in the 1996 anime Cinderella Monogatari
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Natalie Desselle and Veanne Cox as Minerva and Calliope in the 1997 version of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical
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Megan Dodds and Melanie Lynsky as Marguerite and Jacqueline in Ever After
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Johanna Paliege as Clothilde in the 2010 adaptation from the German Christmas fairy tale anthology Märchenperlen (like Three Wishes for Cinderella, this version has just one stepsister)
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Pheline Roggan as Annabella in another German Christmas fairy tale anthology, Sechs auf einen Streich (again, this adaptation has just one stepsister)
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Holliday Grainger and Sophie McShera as Anastasia and Drisella in Disney's 2015 live-action remake
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@ariel-seagull-wings, @the-blue-fairie, @themousefromfantasyland, @softlytowardthesun, @thealmightyemprex
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just-ornstein · 9 days
If you're still accepting entries for your ask game, Daschell Swank!
🎨Daschell Swank🖌️
Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual
Gender Headcanon: Male
A ship I have with said character: Dominic/Daschell. The dynamic is just so incredibly funny and silly to me. Like these two would 100% work together, with Daschell making Dominic's villain attire (and improving them) and Dominic being a good critic for Daschell's art. They could easily put on a façade of a Doctor and Painter with a lavish home that hides what truly goes on inside... That is if they don't grow tired of each other in the first month of dating lol!
A BROTP I have with said character: *points up* The same counts cause they'd be really good friends. But otherwise... Daschell to me reads as someone that would be incredibly picky about who he'd let into his life and he admittedly doesn't mind being alone (or at least he says so). He might get along with Hazel Dente, Circe Beaker, Penelope Redd, Hester Primm and Vernon Peeve though. He'd probably enjoy people that are similar in age to him and are either just as stuck-up as him or ambitious/knowledgeable. He'd want friends that can stimulate his brain so to say. Vernon doesn't really fall into that category, but they both seem tired with life lol.
A NOTP I have with said character: Haven't come across any that I'm not fond of thus far. He probably wouldn't do well with Family Sims though.
A random headcanon: Despite his looks, the guy isn't the youngest anymore. And although I cannot give a specific age, I'd put him somewhere in his end-thirties (perhaps even early forties). He's also not a good person. He's the type of teacher that would get annoyed at a student for not "following the art rules" or "drawing anime" and mostly honestly doesn't even like kids/teens. I've mentioned it before already but if there's one character who I feel fully captures his vibe it's Ignacio from Spooky Month. He's also my voice headcanon for him.
General Opinion over said character: He's incredibly underrated and honestly my favourite Bustin Out character after Giuseppi. There's just so much potential! Such a shame his design is so incredibly NPC-coded. I'd love to do a redesign sometime.
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hearts401 · 2 months
doll :3
some things are under the cut bc i dont wanna spoil my cousin we're watching 6 and 7 today <3
least favorite thing about them
She shouldve had a bit more time and characterization imo, we havent gotten to see a lot of doll herself outside of her freaky stuff but thats fine
Lizzy and Doll. platonic or romantic works but htey are the freaky friend duo ever
N x Doll. they are perfect idc
Doll and Uzi. doesn't click for me I don't like it at all. not for any specific reason either i just really dont like it
random headcanon
shed love to eat bugs even without the solver
song i associate with them
Milk by jack stauber
favorite picture of them
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both of these
favorite thing about them
The tragedy of her. she wanted vengance and worked alone and it cost her life :( also her crazy and insane parallels to Uzi
favorite line
"Fight back" if that counts. if not then probably the "If I find what I'm looking for, I'll help you too."
unpopular opinion
her death was great for the story. dk ppl seem to think it was a bad writing choice but i think it was great and helps uzis story and uzi is. yknow. the main character.
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sk8 + anyone from the dk trio for the character ask game ?
Any of the dk3? ALL THE DK3!
1: sexuality headcanon
Ainosuke– Panromatic/Homosexual
Kojiro–Panromantic on a surface level where he romanticizes people and falls quickly but also everything fizzles quickly, so perhaps actually closer to demiromantic if he examines himself and his eternal devotion to one or two people more closely/Pansexual
2: otp
But besides that
Kaoru–loveblossom over matchablossom, sorry
OTP that doesn't involve either of the other two (whyyy?)
Kojiro–Nothing really unless you count the cracky crossover ship of Kojiro/Kazuki Kurusu that lives in my brain
Kaoru–Mayhaps a small soft spot for Kaoru/Oka in my head
3: brotp
Stomps my feet in Lovematchablossom, but if we do not involve the other two
Ainosuke–Oka. Tadashi depending on my mood
Kaoru–Kaoru would count Carla, so I will too
4: notp
Tadaai. I love you Tadaai shippers, and I'll smooch you on the forehead and probably even write more Tadaai into things one day both for you and because I acknowledge the *everything* in canon but NOTP TADAAI
I can't think of notps for the other two
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
Ainosuke–I know I've shared this a hundred times, but I'll share it a hundred more: the mask he wears as Adam was a gift Kojiro sent him while he was in Italy
Kojiro–Former smoker. The only secret he kept (poorly) from Kaoru
Kaoru–Even though the more popular fanon, and one I've incorporated at times, is Kaoru with distant parents who are always gone, I really believe he had doting parents who were interested in everything he did while giving him "room to grow" and even championing his rebellions. His piercings when he was a teen? Parents supported him and went to bat for him when the school complained. That type of thing. Carla? If they couldn't help with the prototype, then they listened to all his ideas. His "clinginess" comes from having this constant influx of attention and support his whole young life and so not knowing what to do in moments he is alone now.
6: favorite line from this character
I'll come back to this later (unless I forget) because I know for Adam I want to do a whole monologue and I want to make sure I get it right. Same with Kaoru. I'm just not at home right now and so typing this in notes when I can and not looking things up. Kojiro I'll probably just go with "Right, Kaoru?" even though it's not so impressive out of context.
7: one way in which I relate to this character
Ainosuke–I too bounce between obvious former theater kid dramatic and reserved
Kojiro--All-loving chef
Kaoru–Desire for constant affection but nit wanting to ask for it and doubting it when it is given
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
Ainosuke-I love Adam, love him, and I wouldn't change a thing…but a good few of his over the top moments, especially in the first race against Langa
Kojiro–Again criticizing the things I love most, but how obviously he pines, mostly for Kaoru, but also for Ainosuke as well as Kaoru. Watch episode 4 I think it was where he first talks about Adam. Obvious sad pining there too.
Kaoru–How easily he loses it to even a little goading
This question is always a bit difficult as I don't have a strong "secondhand embarrassment" reaction with fictional people, especially anime ones because they are supposed to be dramatized.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
All are problematic in their own way
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hamartia-grander · 1 year
Gonna hit you with the full ask game list for North >:)
SLAY thank you
1. Sexuality headcanon: she's bisexuallll but def prefers women
2. Otp: Chloe x North my beloved
3. Brotp: North and Simon, North and Markus, North and Connor, North and Sixty. She'd have different bestie dynamics with each of them and I love all of them. I also love the idea of her and Kara being bros
4. Notp: North and Markus. I'm sorry it's just the way they're written I can't. Also the fact that DC thinks feign kissing is romantic when it's actually sexual assault makes me furious. They're so forced it's sad. They could've had potential but DC obliterated it. Any relationship they have comes at the cost of their actual characters
5. First headcanon that pops into my head: Simon is her favourite of the Jericrew
6. Favourite line from this character: favourite stand alone line is "They kill our people every day. Do you think they agonise about it?" cause she's right. But my favourite series of lines is the scene where (when Markus is kicked out or dead) she's waiting on the bridge of Jericho and Connor arrives to take her in, I just melt at the way she talks to Connor when she's convincing him to deviate, she's so understanding of his situation and she knows better than most what it's like to be used for whatever humans want and she knows it's not who he really is, she wants him to have a chance to be free. Markus has these lines too but the way North says them sounds more compassionate and understanding in my opinion
7. One way in which I relate I relate to this character: her anger and passion. I relate to pretty much all of her character and if I was in her position I'd be the exact same way. Also she has a lot of care for her people
8. Thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: when she and Josh are arguing before Capitol Park and he says "I don't want a revolution that spills blood" and she replies "then live as a slave. Because if you're not willing to die for your freedom, maybe you don't deserve it" and I just know DC was trying to be deep with that line but it's absolutely atrocious. It's not her fault but I get a full body cringe everytime she says it. That's it tho
9. Cinnamon roll or problematic fave: she shouldn't be a problematic fave but she's a woman so someone's always gonna have a problem with me fave-ing her. But she's definitely not a cinnamon roll either lmao
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cursedvibes · 2 months
For character ask game, can I ask for Johan and Nina? Thx :D
Thanks for the Monster ask! I love talking about the twins :)
Sexuality Headcanon:
It's hard to say anything for certain with Johan's identity. How much is for show/acted and how much is his own genuine wants. It is very noticeable that when he goes to charm people (in a sexual way or otherwise) it's most often men, but it's difficult to say if that's because of personal preference or because they are just easier to manipulate. I would say there's a slight preference for men because going out of dates with Jan was absolutely not necessary, he could've gotten all the information he needed through regular persuasion or a casual chat. He also gives me strong ace vibes.
Gender Headcanon:
Also hard to put into words. I'd say either agender as in he really has none because he has made himself/become empty or bigender as in his own gender and the one of his sister. He does seem to prefer masculine or what is generally seen as boy's/men's clothes even when he was still living with his mother, but I don't know how much of that is his own will and how much is him just not wanting to stick out and fitting into society. I also wouldn't say he's solely wearing women's/girl's clothing because his mother raised him that way or because he wants to imitate his sister. Because the clothes he wears are different from Nina's. Hers are much more casual and unisex, while Johan deliberately goes into a more feminine direction. And in this case I don't think it's to fit in because he could do that perfectly well with Nina's clothing style as well.
A ship I have with said character:
Jan. Somehow I'm always gravitating towards murderer/sweet, naive and slightly delusional guy. I fully believe Jan could come around eventually to giving Johan another chance, seeing that Johan is able to be kind like how he helped his mother gain mental clarity. Johan just has to show that he will be murdering a little less in the future. But either way, I already like their interactions as is and I think the way Johan treats Jan is really interesting. He doesn't kill him, despite Jan knowing quite quite a bit about him and he even helps him before leaving Prague. There's definitely some potential.
A BROTP I have with said character:
Nina lol. I love these kinds of twisted, codependent twin relationships. And oh boy do they have trauma and drama between them. Honestly, the entire backstory about their mother's choice, Red Rose Mansion and their escape from Czechoslovakia alone is giving me so much food for thought. The fairy tales interwoven with it give it the extra surreal feeling, similar to how both of them see their childhood. The way both of their mentalities changed, the things both of them had to endure, the haunting imagery of Johan waiting alone in the empty apartment for Nina to return. It's just so incredibly good and the way you gradually find out about it is even better. Johan helped Nina by taking in her trauma (telling himself eventually it was his), but he also needed her to stay close and support him because he couldn't take it otherwise. Really one monster eating the other.
A NOTP I have with said character:
Johan/Tenma. I don't like Tenma and idk I just never saw any basis for it. Johan fixates on Tenma as well, but I don't see anything sexual or romantic in that.
A random headcanon:
I think he wears women's clothing or lives as Nina or under some other women's name even when it isn't necessarily benefitting his plan. He could do the same thing as a man, but he just decides to be a woman sometimes because why not (people tend to treat him nicer or overlook him easier too).
General Opinion over said character:
Love him, one of the best villains in anime and manga.
Sexuality Headcanon:
Either bi or a lesbian. She probably isn't quite sure about it yet either. I'd say she's more into girls because all her attempts at dating guys seemed a bit...strained. Like it didn't feel quite natural, even when Johan wasn't inserting himself into the situation.
Gender Headcanon:
She seems pretty happy as a cis girl. Although I wonder if things might be different if Johan and her roles were switched. She always had a strong sense of identity and internal strength though, so she would've probably processed such a situation very differently from Johan.
A ship I have with said character:
Lotte. She clearly has a huge crush on Nina and as far as love interest go, she seems like the best option. Relatively well adjusted while also adventurous and knows how to handle Nina when she's having a little existential crisis. Now Nina just has to be made more aware of Lotte's feelings for her...she can be a bit oblivious, but to be fair, she was hunting her murderous brother, so understandably a bit preoccupied.
A BROTP I have with said character:
Johan :)
A NOTP I have with said character:
Tenma again. Similar reason as with Johan. Sure they are nice to each other, but I really don't see anything else there.
A random headcanon:
I think her mother knew who she was giving away and she didn't do it because she doesn't love Nina but because she thought she would be more likely to handle Red Rose Mansion and Bonaparte as well as you possibly could. Like she wouldn't be as easily influenced by the picture book, not to the point of harming herself and others at least. You can see at times that Nina also has a murderous side to her, but she has it way better under control than Johan.
General Opinion over said character:
Like her. I used to not be that much of a fan, but she has really grown on me over the past years.
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thevalleyisjolly · 2 years
Morwen and Eówyn for the ask game?
Ahhh, thanks! I don't really feel like I can say much about Morwen because it's been a very hot minute since I read the Narn and I'm fuzzy on most of the details, so I'll give more detailed answers for Eówyn instead.
Sexuality Headcanon: Y'know, the more I think about it, I like grey-ace Eówyn. I don't have a nicely thought out meta or reasons for this, just a little bit of projection and a thought that Eówyn doesn't really express pressing physical attraction towards either Aragorn or Faramir, rather both her relationships with them are much more about how they see her and what they represent to her. Gender Headcanon: Some flavour of nonbinary, with a dash of expressing gender roles according to the cultural norms she's familiar with. Essentially the equivalent of a silent shrug and "Suit yourself" when people ask or presume. A ship I have with said character: Faramir, which I don't think is really necessary to explain too much. A BROTP I have with said character: Out of no small amount of spite for the ship wars, I like to think that Eówyn and Arwen understand each other fantastically. They both know the grief of watching loved family members suffer and wane day by day, they both know quite a lot about what it is to be constantly perceived in others' eyes, they are both two people who have left their kith and kin for love. On less of a serious note, they can fill up entire afternoons chatting about horses and swordsmanship and the practicalities versus the aesthetics of trailing skirts. A NOTP I have with said character: I don't actively dislike it, I just don't agree with the argument that Eówyn/Aragorn should have been endgame and I can remember when arguments in favour of Eówyn/Aragorn used to just be excuses to put Arwen down. Guys, we don't have to put down other female characters just to enjoy a ship. Eówyn/Aragorn is a perfectly good ship on its own (even though it's not my personal cup of tea) and it doesn't need to diss on Arwen in order to stand on its own two feet. A random headcanon: She used to go out and about in Edoras as Dernhelm. A lot of people definitely knew, from the royal guards to the ferriers to the random civilians on the streets, but they also figured that she deserved some privacy and space, especially with the growing pallor over Meduseld, so there was a sort of silent compact that if you saw Dernhelm, 1) give them their space, and 2) why would you talk to anyone about it, it's just Dernhelm, there's absolutely no reason to tell anyone especially the king or more specifically his councillors. General Opinion over said character: It's about being alone for so very long and some hidden, soft part of you longing bitterly for someone who looks at you and understands you yet also not wishing to be seen as you currently, that nebulous space between wanting to be seen and not wanting to be perceived because what are you now? A shield-maiden, a lady of Rohan, a niece, a sister, and you know your roles and you do your duty even as it closes around you like the bars of a cage and the only escape, the only recourse, seems to be to fling yourself at the everlasting darkness in one shining moment of 'here I am' before oblivion- and then you pass through the darkness and you live. And it is not always easy, but you go on. And one day, not right away but someday, you smile again and you mean it.
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dal r’el and uhhhh kendall roy. boyos
oh the fellas!
sexuality headcanon: idk hes like 14. he'll figure it out
otp: same answer as previous, hes like 14 he'll figure it out... though i wouldn't be mad about dal/gwyn, which i assume is the direction the show is going
brotp: dal and gwyn are so sweet together! you know how i feel about angsty characters who get redeemed by the narrative. although dal is such a good "captain" my brotp could be him with any of the main crew lol. him and jankom are funny; i love the episode when jankom keeps challenging him and being like "that's what a good first officer would do." dal and rok are like siblings to me. i love his mentor relationship with holojaneway
notp: idk i don't have strong feelings about this either
first headcanon that pops into my head: would try to "win" at dungeons and dragons—and, in the process, would learn a valuable lesson about friendship. hey prodigy writers btw i have an episode pitch,
favorite line from this character: oh god im pretty bad at remembering individual lines. can i choose the scene where hes playing that disc-in-cone game from tng. i'm just so glad that he's our first gamer captain. "gamer" is my favorite canonical dal character trait
one way in which I relate to this character: that episode where he gets really mad about not being able to beat the kobayashi maru. i really related to that. i, too, would abandon my crew in their time of need to try to Win an unwinnable scenario
thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: i cant think of anything off the top of my head!
cinnamon roll or problematic fave? hes a sweet guy. he has done nothing wrong. to me
sexuality headcanon: bi? i think he views himself as straight but SOMETHING happened/is still going on with stewy
otp: i want him to be alone and miserable. i admire kenstewy truthers but it's not really my thing
brotp: him and his siblings particularly shiv and roman....augh they fascinate me....i like it when they are on the same team
notp: rava i guess? i'm not necessarily opposed to seeing them hatefuck in season 4. i don't think naomi was good for him
first headcanon that pops into my head: this is basically canon but he got megathump the rabbit as a way of connecting to his children who he is incredibly distant from. hes the kind of distant parent who tries to buy affection. renting out the theme park for sophie's birthday. buying iverson the most complicated lego sets. you know
favorite line from this character: i'll throw in a blowjob, i'll throw in a reach-around...hell, i'll even cup his balls. Dad
one way in which I relate to this character: self-destructive addictive tendencies prone to mood swings deeply cringe
thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: LITERALLY EVERYTHING. i want to say l to the og but the truth is that didn't give me second hand embarrassment because i was too busy laughing and grooving. the scene in prague when he's in the meeting with those women and he takes off the shoes is probably his worst scene for me. absolutely awful to get through. oh and "fuck the patriarchy", and "bad tweet"
cinnamon roll or problematic fave? well he's just the worst
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frostkisseds-a · 1 year
BROTP ASK: pre-relationship nolan
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nolan, the #friendstolovers trope personified! ♡
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Who steals fries off the others plate? Mickey! In the classic, "No, I'm not hungry," but then proceeds to clean off a good portion of his plate type of way. I don't think he minded though because she's been doing that for as long as they've been friends; he just knew to order an appetizer she liked that he happened not to eat.
Who jokingly moves in for the kiss when someone asks if they're a couple? They were a little too awkward for that, so neither. If anything, it just would've made them stiffen up and ask what the hell the that person was talking about, haha.
Who has to bust or bail the other out of jail? Ironically, it's always him having to post her bail! She definitely doesn't look like the type to tussle (or maybe she does, he's just never known that to be her), but apparently she is, and that never ceases to amaze him. He admires the skill almost as much as he's wary of it because he doesn't ever want to see her get hurt; much less if it's over him.
Who gives the other advice/comfort about dating issues? Neither one of them needed to be giving the other dating advice because they have a whole slew of issues they need to address first, but if I had to pick, I can see it being Mickey giving Maddox advice since he's oblivious to shit like that. The only reason I say that is because she probably would've done it to put everyone out of their misery; there's only so much pining you can see before it becomes ridiculous and he just wasn't picking up any of the hints his "crush" was dropping.
Ugh, this boy.
Who shamelessly cheats at games by reaching over to cover the other's eyes? I think they're both guilty of this, but him a little more than she is. If it's Monopoly, he's cheating up a storm! For whatever reason, he adores that game, but it's not one that agrees with him since he pretty much always loses (assuming they finish it). I think it just boils down to the fact that it's a time-consuming game so he appreciates the quality time it gives him with her more than he values the actual outcome ♡
In terms of a game he thinks she would cheat at, it's between Mancala (the stone skipping game), or any trivia-based game.
Who immediately calls dibs on the top bunk? Mickey because he's not about to do all of that, lol. Yet, she still ended up in (on?) his bunk anyways, so like, what was the point?
Who starts and who wins the pillow fights? She starts and wins most of them simply because he was "too tired" and wanted to lay down, so he figured he'd wait for her to do her little victory cheer before he tugged on her to lay beside him. I feel like Maddox was always the more lethargic of the two when it came to stuff like this, but on the occasions where he does actively participate, he took it seriously and tried to knock her off balance so he could run away with the weapons.
Who says, ❝ Your pants would look better on their floor, ❞ to the other's potential crush? I don't see this being a statement either of them would make, actually. Maddox would try not to meddle in her business, let alone be crude about it because he felt that Mickey could handle herself. If it was vice versa, maybe she'd say it as a joke just to see how he'd react, but she would've been better off telling the third party to quit while they were ahead to save them the embarrassment of Maddox pinning them with his classic, "WTF are you even doing here" stare.
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fawn-eyed-girl · 2 years
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@mrfeenysmustache, dear, I am SO SORRY for not answering this sooner, but I needed to be home, and it takes me a LONG time to do these, and I wanted to make sure I gave Dustin his due justice, because I adore him and he deserves it. Let's go!
Favorite thing about them
Dustin is the darling of our Stranger Things crew (to me, anyway). I love his passion, his kindness, his sass. He's the best boy--the sunshine boy!--of the group. Will is either angsting or in danger, Mike is too into El to think about anything else, Lucas is trying so hard to fit in, and Dustin is just...himself. He owns who he is, and he's not afraid to embrace it. I think is part of what just makes him amazing. At an age where kids are trying really hard to find themselves, Dustin, in some ways, already has. He's a nerd, he's really fucking cool, and he doesn't really care who knows it.
Also--I will say more about this a little bit later--but he has this way about him, where he's able to connect to just about anyone. And I absolutely adore that about him, too.
Least favorite thing about them
Not so much about him, but I wish that his friends recognized his awesomeness a little bit more 🥲
Favorite line
I'm gonna go with two here:
"Mike, I found the chocolate pudding!" (If you are a fan of the old MTV show The State, you understand why this makes me laugh really hard.)
And, dealing truths: "Don't you think it's time you moved on from primitive constructs such as popularity?"
(God, I really love him.)
This one I SUPER had to think about. Because honestly, it's pretty close between Eddie and Steve. I am gonna go with Steve here, though, and let me explain a bit about why.
When Dustin and Steve strike up their friendship, Steve is still immature, still thinks of himself as the Big Man on Campus (which, no dude, you graduated), still thinks of himself as god's gift to women, etc. He's kind of obnoxious still, and even though he's made progress since S1, he's still kind of a dick. It takes Dustin (and Robin, but that's for another time!) to help Steve grow up and become the chestly-haired man that we know and love today.
Dustin and Steve's friendship, to me, was unique, because they were, on the surface, opposites. I think Dustin brought out a side of Steve that was there all along--the kind, brave, compassionate side--but it took Dustin's encouragement and friendship to help Steve see that it was okay to be a little bit vulnerable, that it was okay to fight for what he wanted, and that it was okay to be who he was, both inside and out. I don't think we have the Steve Harrington of Seasons 3 and 4 without Dustin Henderson, and that's why I pick him for their brOTP.
Eddie is already fairly comfortable in his own skin, and he and Dustin have a much easier friendship. It's still awesome and special (see below), but I was thinking about whose life did Dustin change? Definitely Steve's.
Just look at the joy!! MY GOD I LOVE THEM.
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I really like Susie for Dustin. He needs a really, really smart person who is going to appreciate his intelligence and his wit. She does both. I just wish she didn't live in Utah, because I want Dustin and Susie shenanigans, like all the time. But I understand why they can't be in the same town, let alone the same state. They would absolutely, totally, rule the galaxy.
This one is a good question, too. I'm not sure! Maybe Mike. Mike needs to spend some time working on himself, before he can really be good in a relationship. (Side note: Dustin and Will would also be super, super cute, because Dustin would take such good care of Will 😭)
Random headcanon
After Dustin and Wayne Munson have their little moment at the end of Season 4, Dustin keeps coming to visit Wayne, who is living in a hotel while he figures out his next steps. He brings Wayne food, and books, and they sit and talk about everything and nothing. Dustin eventually brings Mr. Munson an old DnD set. Lucas, Erica, and Will come along with him, and they teach Mr. Munson how to play. And Mr. Munson takes over Eddie's spot in the Hellfire Club, and it's sweet and sad and magical and endearing.
Unpopular opinion
Dustin, my dude, keeping a Demogorgon in your house as a pet was not your best moment. I'm sorry.
Song i associate with them
I have been waiting for this one. 2022 Dustin is a big Greta Van Fleet fan, and whenever I hear Black Smoke Rising, I think of him. It's the perfect Dustin song.
Favorite picture of them
I couldn't find quite what I was looking for, because Netflix doesn't allow screenshots, but this moment I think it pretty close! (Although "most metal ever" is probably the exact moment I was looking for--that whole sequence just made me go 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼)
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Thanks again for this ask, Feeny dear! I really, really enjoyed breaking down Dustin and revisiting ST (it's time for a rewatch!!).
Character Asks are still open 🥰
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princesssarisa · 1 year
Character ask: Mrs. Potts and Chip (Beauty and the Beast)
Favorite thing about them:
Mrs. Potts: Her kind, sensible, motherly nature. The men in the castle would be lost without her, and she's the ideal person to make Belle feel safe enough to gradually open her heart to the Beast. (Which is why the screenwriters created her.) Whenever any amateur critic accuses Beauty and the Beast of being a "not like other girls" movie, I always point to Mrs. Potts as a reminder that Belle isn't the only intelligent, positive female figure in the story.
Chip: How innocent and adorable he is, yet resourceful too, as he uses Maurice's invention to free Belle and Maurice from captivity at the climax.
(It's too bad that the stage musical and 2017 remake deprive him of that shining moment, either by cutting Belle and Maurice's imprisonment or by having them free themselves. Although I understand that it wouldn't have translated well into live action, especially not onstage.)
Least favorite thing about them: That Mrs. Potts doesn't share more conversations with Belle. The conversation they do share is good (and it makes the movie narrowly pass the Bechdel test), but I wish they talked later in the movie too: maybe a dressing room scene before the iconic dance to parallel the Beast's with Lumiere.
Three things I have in common with them:
*Like Mrs. Potts, I enjoy taking care of others.
*Like Chip, I can be playful and fun-loving.
*Like both, I spend a lot of time in the kitchen.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I've never been transformed into crockery.
*I'm not a servant in a castle.
*I'm neither an older mother nor a little boy.
Favorite line: Their exchange in the final scene:
Chip: Are they gonna live happily ever after, Mama?
Mrs. Potts: Of course, my dear. Of course.
Chip: Do I still have to sleep in the cupboard?
(Mrs. Potts and Maurice laugh.)
And for Mrs. Potts alone, the lyrics to "Beauty and the Beast."
brOTP: Each other, Belle, Lumiere, Cogsworth, and the Beast/Prince after his character development.
OTP: For Mrs. Potts, her husband Jean in the live-action remake; in the animated version, none, although she might have some potential with Maurice as they get to know each other better. For Chip, none, he's too young.
nOTP: Each other.
Random headcanon: Chip is adopted. This explains how Mrs. Potts can be his mother when she looks older than childbearing age. In the animated canon, she might even have adopted him all by herself – there might never have been a Mr. Potts. In past centuries, housekeepers were traditionally called "Mrs." as a matter of respect, even if they never married.
(That said, I don't agree with the fan theory that the Prince is Chip's real father by some peasant girl. The Beast's uncertainty of how to approach Belle and reliance on his servants' advice wouldn't make sense if he were a womanizer when he was human.)
Unpopular opinion: I'm not sure if this is unpopular or just disagreeing with some loud critics, but... They're true friends to Belle. They genuinely like her and care about her, as a person and not just as a potential spell-breaker. Some of the movie's detractors complain that the servants "only" befriend Belle because they want her to break the spell, but I think that's nonsense! The way that Mrs. Potts and Chip in particular speak to Belle and interact with her shows that they genuinely care about her.
Song I associate with them:
Mrs. Potts: What else?
Chip: The stage musical version of "Human Again," the only song in any incarnation of Disney's BatB where he sings.
Favorite picture of them:
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