#brown newfoundland
critterzstimz · 6 months
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-Mod 🪼
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purple-iris · 5 months
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My provincial personification OC compilation
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Some pics of Noelle (and Annabelle)
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plushidex · 6 months
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at4-1anta · 2 years
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Thought I'd post all the pet portraits I've done over the years cause my garn and grandpa have recently had to put down their Newfoundland and I'm gonna make them a picture of him.
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jackhkeynes · 6 months
Can you give an overview of your conworld and language for new people?
Absolutely! :D
The World
The setting I write in (hereafter "Boralverse") is an alternate history of Earth. The original difference from our own history (hereafter "IRL") is the existence of the island of Borland (Istr Boral) between Great Britain and Denmark, inspired by the IRL existence of Doggerland.
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The human pre-classical history of Borland can be summarised as:
With sea level rise about 8k years ago, Borland was cut off from the continent and from Britain (this is when Doggerland was submerged IRL); some Stone Age people remain. They leave some monuments—burial mounds, the Çadrosc labyrinth—and were farmers, but they had no writing or ironworking.
The Celts arrive in Borland shortly before they settle Britain in the second millennium BCE, taking up iron tools and establishing many tribal groups. Due to some later migration from Britain to Borland, they speak a language (Borland Celtic) which is most closely related to Proto-Brythonic.
I assume that as far as possible the history of the rest of the world is indistinguishable from the IRL history up to this point. I continue to do so while the Romans invade and settle Borland shortly after Britain, despite conceding to credulity and allowing a few classical references:
...in Ptolemy's description of the Pritannoi we can understand he referred to the Insular Kelts of Ireland, Britain and Borland as a whole... ...contrasting Hadrian's policies in Britain and in Borland is vital for understanding their different fates in the post-Classical age...
where I admit that the Roman Empire having an entire additional province should probably have some observable effects.
Once the Western Roman Empire collapses, I start properly diverging Boralverse history from IRL history. This begins with a different pattern of Anglo-Saxon migration; the two petty kingdoms of Angland and Southbar arise in western Borland, while the settlement of England proceeds slightly slower than IRL.
Historical divergence spreads through western Europe over the next few centuries, and by 1000 CE things are beginning to go off the rails all across Eurasia and North Africa. I leave the history of the Americas the same until Old World contact (via Basque fishermen stumbling across Newfoundland in 1470 CE), and likewise with Australia.
The map below shows Europe in 1120, during the Second Tetrarchy Period. At this time, Europe was unusually centralised, with four great empires: the First Drengot Empire (red), the German Empire (brown), the Second Roman Empire (purple) and the Single Caliphate (green).
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In the modern era, my hope is that the Boralverse world feels fractally uncanny; at every scale something is unexpectedly different, from political borders and languages to fashion and pop culture references.
For clarity, I employ an inconsistent Translation Convention when writing from a Boralverse perspective, mostly using IRL English but peppering in calques of Boralverse English jargon for flavour, such as threshold force "nuclear power" or jalick "garment socially equivalent to a tuxedo".
The Language
The original motivation for this alternate history setting is Borlish (Borallesc), the Romance language spoken on Borland.
It picked up a few Borland Celtic loanwords from the existing population at the time of the conquest (macquar ~ Welsh magu "raise, rear"; vrug ~ Welsh grug "heather"), but was much more influenced through the first millennium by Anglo-Saxon settlement and then Norse conquest during the Viking Age. The following is an example of late Old Borlish (ca. 1240):
…sovravnt il deft nostre saȝntaðesem eð atavalesem n iȝ atrevre golfhavn seȝ hamar dont y verb divin ismetre ac povre paian. peðiv soul ez font istovent por vn nov cliȝs d istroienz istablir… …uphold our most sacred and ancient duty to let Gulfhaven be the centre from which we will send the Word of God to pagan lands. We ask only for the necessary funds for a new teachinghouse…
The Modern Borlish language has undergone spelling standardisation (most recently deprecated some irregular spellings in 1870), and contains many more Latin and Greek loanwords, along with borrowings from languages across the world.
Y stal zajadau dy marcað nogtorn accis par lamp fumer eð y lun fragnt de mar receven cos equal party a domn pescour pevr jarras e fenogl gostant tan eð eç nobr robað n'ornament fluibond ant queldin raut frigsað ne papir cerous. The night market's various stalls lit by smoky lamps and the sea-shattered moon welcomed flocks of fishwives sampling paprika and fennel as well as notables in flowing finery carrying stir-fried suppers in wax papers.
In terms of sound changes and grammatical developments, the major points include:
Intervocalic lenition /p t k b d g/ > /v ð j ∅ ∅ ∅/: catēna > caðen "chain", dēbēre > deïr "must".
The use of ç (and c before e i y) for /ts/, and the use of g in coda to represent /j/. Along with some vowel shifts, this leads to things like cigl /tsajl/ "darling".
Total loss of final consonants in multisyllable words, including -s, which leads to:
Collapse of noun declension, including number; Borlish does not mark number on nouns, and if it wants to it uses demonstratives or simply relies of verb agreement: l'oc scuir pasc, l'ec scuir pascn "this boy eats, these boys eat".
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kthecritter · 3 months
hi!! could i request a brown and white Newfoundland therian background with like a green/forest theme? also could you not include and symbols if that’s okay I don’t want people to find out what it means. Thank you!!
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here you go, I hope you enjoy! awww I love newfies, they’re so cute 🥰
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mynameismckenziemae · 9 months
She’s a Fire-Chapter XXII
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x OFC/Reader (no use of y/n)
Send your mind spinning
(previous chapter here, next chapter here)
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Warnings: 18+ MDNI, fluff, orgasm delay/denial, m masturbation, fingering, etc.
“Oh God, don’t ever let me drink again,” Bradley whines behind you the next morning.
“Can’t handle your liquor anymore, old man?” You tease.
“No, I don’t think I can,” he grumbles against your neck, “but I’m not old.”
“Says the man turning 34 next month.”
“I’m only 3 years older than you!” He argues. “Fuck, my head hurts.”
“You poor thing,I’ll get you some ibuprofen and food.”
Sunny feels about the same as Bradley but they’re both much less green once they’ve eaten.
Once everything is packed, you say your temporary goodbyes as Jake and Nat are delaying their honeymoon until next winter since they will be back in a few days too for another deployment.
The plane ride home is uneventful and finally, the Uber drops you both off at home.
The next few days are busy with getting back to work, you both unpacking, and Bradley packing for the deployment.
Too soon it’s 5:45 in the morning-the day he departs. You see him off at the door.
“I’m gonna miss you,” you murmur against his lips.
“I’ll miss you too,” he replies after he pulls off from your kiss.
“I’m going to tell you now since I don’t know when we’ll talk next. No getting off the week before your birthday.” You smile as you watch his eyes widen.
“The entire week? I don’t know if I can do it,” he whines.
“You can, and you will. Don’t make me ask Bob to keep an eye on you.”
He shudders and a flush rises to his cheeks. “Yes ma’am.”
“Good boy,” you purr, cupping his erection through his service khakis. “Just that week though, it’s a free-for-all all before then.”
“Thank God,” he breathes and gives you a quick peck. “I love you, Row. I’ll talk to you as soon as I can.”
“Can’t wait. I love you too. Be safe, okay?”
He nods and waves as he drives off.
Not only was this going to be Bradley’s longest deployment yet at 4-5 weeks, it was the first actual mission, not just training. Even though he said it shouldn’t be anything dangerous, you were still going to worry. And you really hope he’ll be back in time for his birthday.
3 weeks pass (thankfully) quicker than you thought they would. Work keeps you busy during the week and Sunny’s occupied 1 out of the 3 weekends.
Bradley’s only been able to talk twice—briefly while you were at work, and a longer, more satisfying call the previous weekend.
He warned you at the end of his last call he might not be able to talk again before he’s home, but he’s optimistic that he’ll be home for his birthday—just over a week away.
You scroll Facebook from home on your lunch break and your heart nearly breaks when you come across a picture of a beautiful young dog with the saddest brown eyes you’ve ever seen.
This is Lola.
Lola is roughly a year old and is a big girl at 90 lbs, but is full-grown. We think she’s a Newfoundland mix with her long, black and white coat. Lola was tied outside the shelter last week with a note that she’s “untrainable” and other not-Facebook-appropriate words.
We need help. She is not handling shelter life well—she’s not eating or drinking; just curls herself in the corner, shaking and hiding her head under her bed.
Lola has not shown any aggression towards people or other animals.
Please either send us a message or give us a call if you want to give Lola a home.
The shelter answers before you even realize you’re calling and a few minutes later, you’re set up to meet her after work.
You call Sunny on the way back to work who squeals when you tell her what’s going on.
“Don’t get too excited yet. Maybe it won’t work out,” you laugh but you’re just as excited (and a little nervous).
She gives you the information for the vet they take Steve to and begs you to call her back afterward.
Next, you call the vet and give them the rundown. Thankfully they’re accepting new ‘patients’ and will take Lola.
5 hours later, Lola is lying in the back of your car with her head on the center console.
It was fate. As soon as you opened the door to her kennel, she stood up and walked over with a little wag in her tail, nuzzling your legs with her head.
The shelter gave you more information too. Her fur was a bit dull and chopped in areas because it had been matted and filthy when they found her but was otherwise in good health, probably because she was so young. According to the note, she wasn’t house trained but they’d worked with her and she had only had one accident since she’d been there, and that was the first day. They’d given you a few days worth of food and the blanket that was on her bed, which was enough to get you through the next day or two—you didn’t want to overwhelm her more by taking her more places.
“We’re home, sweetheart.” You murmur as you pull in the drive.
You praise her when she goes potty right away before going inside and you follow her around while you call Sunny as she tentatively explores.
“Did you get her?!” Sunny asks before saying hello.
“I did. Oh Sun, she is so sweet, she came right up to me when I got there. The shelter said she might not be potty trained but she only had one accident there and just went potty for me. I just hope Bradley’s okay with this. We’ve talked about getting a dog before but I probably should’ve okayed it with him first…” you cringe as you trail off.
“He’ll be so excited! Seriously. I can’t imagine any scenario where he wouldn’t love her, especially with how miserable she was at the shelter.”
“I hope so. Can we move in with you, Bob, and Steve if he kicks us out?” You joke.
“Of course!” She laughs, “Let me know when you both are ready for some company and I’ll bring Steve over.”
“Sounds good. We’ll see how she does tonight and tomorrow and I’ll let you know. I’m so glad I have Fridays off in the summer.”
The company you work for changes the hours to four 10-hour days in the summer, giving you a 3-day weekend from May through September.
“Quit rubbing it in,” she laughs. “Let me know if you need anything. Good luck tonight!”
“I will, thanks Sun.”
You coax her to eat by holding some food in your hand, then holding the bowl, eventually letting you set it down. She then eats like she’s never had a meal in her life, as long as you don’t stop petting her.
The rest of the night goes better than expected, the only hiccup is she refuses to go up the steps.
It’s not worth stressing her out over though, so you make a bed on the couch, and push the ottoman next to it, but she curls up on the floor and you fall asleep stroking her fur.
There’s a warmth against your front when you wake up and for a split second, you think Bradley’s home. But the sight you open your eyes to is almost as good. Lola’s tail timidly thumps when you smile at her.
“You’re such a sweet girl. I think Sunny’s right, Bradley’s gonna love you.”
While she does her business, you get her food ready and check the rooms downstairs—no accidents.
You spend the morning getting to know each other and by the afternoon, you’ve taught her some tricks (untrainable, huh?) and she’s made it to the third stair.
Sunny texts you on the way home from a PetSmart haul, which she did great at too.
Sunny: Just got off work. How’s it going?
Rowan: Really good! No accidents, I taught her some tricks, and I woke up with her next to me on the couch (she’s scared of the stairs). She was fine with the other dogs at PetSmart. Do you want to bring Steve over tomorrow?
Sunny: That’s great! Yes! I want to meet her!
Rowan: Sounds good! 10 work?
Sunny: Perfect, I’ll bring coffee.
Lola only makes it to the fourth step that night but you don’t mind spending it on the couch again.
When Sunny arrives, Lola barks but then cowers and your heart breaks.
“It’s okay, mama doesn’t mind when you tell me someone’s here. You can bark,” you murmur, bending down to her level.
She perks up when Steve’s tippy-taps are heard on the front porch.
You open the door and Steve comes flying in, faster than you’d think possible on 3 legs. You crack up as Lola takes off after him. Once they get their zoomies out, they sniff each other’s bottoms and are instant best friends.
The day is spent helping her with wedding preparations and hanging out with the pups. You make plans for next weekend to take them to the beach, hoping the guys are back.
You start losing that hope though as the week passes with no word. Even Penny with her ‘sources’ doesn’t know when they’ll be back.
The first thing you do is check your phone when you wake up on Friday (the day before his birthday) but set it back down with a sigh. Still nothing.
“Should we treat ourselves with a coffee and pupcup? Hmm? Think it’ll cheer us up?” You ask Lola, who’s snuggled into your side on the couch.
Her tail thumps.
“I think so too.”
After a walk and shower, you feel a little better. Once the coffee hits your tongue, you’re almost back to normal.
But seeing the Bronco in the driveway when you get back brings a smile and tears to your eyes.
Lola races you to the door, feeding off your excitement.
No response.
Lola quiets as she starts to sniff the bag he left by the door and you hear the shower running.
“Be right back, I’m gonna go get your daddy,” You whisper, bending down to place a kiss on her head.
You hurry up the stairs and just as you’re about to push open the bathroom door, a deep groan and the lewd sound of him jerking himself off stops you in your tracks, arousal pooling between your legs.
You watch him through the cracked door in the reflection of the mirror, his back to you. His left hand is pressed against the wall, holding himself up as his right fists his cock. Water sluices down his back and over the flexing globes of his ass.
“Fuck,” he curses lowly. You can tell by his tone he’s getting close.
“Oh fuck, Row—“ he gasps as he finishes, hips slowing.
You’re soaked and want nothing more than to jump his bones. But, he should meet Lola first.
He jumps when you push open the door a minute later.
“Sorry,” you laugh, “I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m so glad you’re here. I really didn’t think you were gonna make it back before your birthday.”
“I didn’t think so either, they kept everything hush-hush until last night when we were almost stateside,” he replies. You almost laugh at the relief in his voice. He pops his head out for a kiss. “Wanna join me?”
You shake your head. “I’d love to but I’ve got a surprise for you downstairs I want you to check out first.”
He nods before returning to the spray. “I’m almost done. Be down in a few.”
“Sounds good. Oh, and Bradley?”
“Yeah, babe?”
“Did you really think I’d forget?”
You bite your lip to keep from laughing as his shoulders tense behind the fogged glass. Busted.
“Your birthday isn’t until tomorrow, right?” You ask lowly, leaning against the door frame.
“Right, ma’am.”
“What did I tell you before you deployed?”
“No getting off the week before my birthday, ma’am,” he sighs.
“That’s right, Bradley. And what did you do before I came in here?”
“I got myself off, ma’am. I’m sorry, I thought—“
“You thought wrong.” You interrupt him. “I’m going downstairs to think about what I’m going to do with you. Meet me down there when you’re done.”
“Yes ma’am,” he replies. You smile as you see his cock twitch before turning to head down the steps.
Lola is perched on the ottoman when you enter the living room.
“So where’s this surprise?” Bradley asks a few minutes as he comes down the stairs.
Lola’s ears perk up and her head tilts as she listens. “In the living room.”
“It better not be a new toy to spank me with—oh, who’s this?”
You smile. “This is Lola.”
“Hi Lola,” he says softly, crouching as he offers his hand for her to sniff.
Her tail starts to thump wildly as she begins to recognize his smell from the other parts of the house.
“She’s ours?” He asks, tears heavy in his voice.
“Yeah, I hope that’s okay. I know I should’ve waited until you were back but she was dumped at the shelter, and not handling it well. I didn’t even think I just called and her whole demeanor changed when she met me and then all of a sudden I had a dog and—“
He interrupts your rambling with a kiss. “It’s okay, Row. I’ve wanted a dog for a long time. I’m glad you brought her home.”
You smile and kiss him back, pulling away with a laugh when Lola sighs dramatically.
You tell him everything you know about her and he praises her when she executes her tricks perfectly.
“I bet she feels like she’s going to slip on the wooden steps. I’ll have to put some tread or carpet down, I was thinking about doing it anyway after the last time I slipped.” Bradley says after you explain her fear of the stairs.
You snort at the memory. It was only funny because he was okay.
You wake up an hour later, squished between Lola and Bradley on the couch. Lola stretches before getting down in search of a toy.
Bradley stirs a few minutes later, his cock hot and hard against your ass.
You press back and smile at his sharp intake of breath. He’s so desperate, even after getting off in the shower earlier.
You take his hand and guide it down the front of your pants. A breathy moan escapes as his fingers gather your arousal before circling your clit.
His hips grind into your ass as he plunges two fingers into your wet heat, his palm grinding against your bundle of nerves.
You cry out as your orgasm hits you, and he groans as your pussy flutters around his fingers, wishing it was his cock.
He grunts as you reach behind you, stroking him through his pants.
“I want you so bad,” he whines into the back of your neck.
“Mmmm,” you hum. “Are you close?”
He nods, gasping as he almost reaches his peak…but you pull away.
“That’s…that’s fucking mean,” he pants, his hard-on straining against his sweats.
You smirk as you straddle him, pinning his arms above his head, and lean down for a kiss, nipping his lip when you pull back.
“We both know you like being edged, so don’t lie to me, you’re in enough trouble already.”
He nods, “Yes ma’am.”
A/N: Sorry, this was supposed to be the birthday smex chapter but Lola stole the show. It will be the next chapter though.
Also, my part of the Midwest is supposed to get 11+ inches of snow in the next 24-36 hours. Maybe I’ll get a snow day and can write alllllll day long 🤞🏻
As always, I love to hear your thoughts.
Tagging (please let me know if you want me to take you off or add you!):
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justyourtypicalwriter · 5 months
I just saw the post SERVICE DOGS HCS PLEASEEE !!!
HERE WE GO GANG! These are the one's I have so far! Feel free to suggest recs for any characters or disabilities y'all wanna see! (feel free to rec it even if it's for a character on the list)
Service Dog: Brown Newfoundland, Delta (F)
Psychiatric Alert & Response Dog
Disabilitie(s): Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), Minor Psychosis 
The hair dye oh my god. He can rarely drag himself out of bed during depressive episodes but occasionally he’ll get a random burst of impulsivity and re-dye his hair. Most of the time he does the same shitty job at bleaching it blonde
Sharon and Randy officially divorced when he was fifteen. He got a little better now that there isn’t constant screaming or the threat of a drunk or high Randy doing something stupid
Don’t get me wrong, he’s still a total mess-
Patched his relationship with Shelly
Misdiagnosis club AND public breakdown club
God his entire aura just radiates LOSER energy but he’s somehow insanely popular
Not cousins with Craig & Red in this AU but their parents are insanely close so they hang out a lot
Service Dog: Irish Setter, Saturn (M)
Medical Alert & Response Dog
Disabilitie(s): Epilepsy
Lowkey autistic but Saturn isn’t task trained for anything related to that
Goes non-verbal at times but it’s pretty spontaneous. Most people outside his group can’t tell if he’s actually non-verbal or just not talking to fuck with everyone
Peru drama was secretly worked out when they were twelve. Craig was hospitalized for a while when they were running tests to get a diagnosis, it was roughly a month long stay. He told Stan he’d call it even if Stan looked after Stripe until he was out. Tweek was away for the summer and he knew Stan wouldn’t let anything happen to her since he’s a massive animal lover
Gotta maintain the bitch personality 
Service Dog: Doberman, Latte (M)
Psychiatric Alert & Response Dog
Disabilitie(s): Chronic Anxiety,
“Ah fuck, the magic school bus is waiting outside to take me back to rehab-”
I kid you not, he was absolutely terrified of Latte when he first got him
Which is funny because Latte is the sweetest goddamn thing, not at all like Fable whose a fucking demon shit
CPS was called on his parents right before senior year
Placed with the Broflovski’s so he and Kyle got closer
Public breakdown club
Service Dog: Boxer, Haven (F)
Psychiatric Alert & Response Dog
Disabilities: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Depression
Public breakdown club (IN DEVELOPMENT)
Service Dog: Black Giant Schnauzer, Noble (M)
Medical & Psychiatric Alert & Response Dog
Disabilities: Diabetes, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)[This one might be switched]
Tubie Kyle (I fucking LOVE this one)
For once I give Kyle an ED that doesn’t stem from body image issues
Humancentipad trauma bc I love being problematic about the episode
DESPISES his lows because it means he has to eat something
Also goes non-verbal but only during times of high stress
Noble is a program dog. Kyle got him when he was 14 and initially he was so against it. He wants to function independently but he really fucking can’t. As he grows older he learns to accept the help more
HATES mirrors. The Humancentipad incident left him with scars
Public breakdown club
Service Dog: Anatolian Shepherd Dog, Harbor (M)
Medical Response & Mobility Aid Dog
Disabilities: Muscular Dystrophy, Chronic Pain
Regularly hospitalized, fucking dies, and revives the next day
He trained Harbor mostly by himself (Wendy, Tolkien, and Kyle pitched in a bit and bought him books on training techniques)
MOM FRIEND! Bro I just love making Kenny one of the parental figures of the group. He’s just got a bag of shit he carries around for both himself and everyone else. Stan forgot to swap his bandages? Boom, Kenny’s got new ones. Kyle’s sugar is low? Boom, he’s got whatever little snack the boy is able to tolerate. Someone needs a distraction? Medical episode causes them to need a vomit bag? Boom, done. Mom friend Kenny
So fucking ADHD
Service Dog: Grey Great Dane, Kitty (F)
Mobility Aid Dog (IN DEVELOPMENT)
Service Dog: Papillon, Jax (M) (IN DEVELOPMENT)
Service Dog: Black German Shepherd, Nike (F)
Psychiatric Alert & Response
Disabilities: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (IN DEVELOPMENT)
Service Dog: Husky, Fable (F) (IN DEVELOPMENT)
Service Dog: Golden Retriever, Bucky (M)
Medical Alert & Response Dog
Disabilities: Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)
Misdiagnosis club
Went to multiple doctors from 13-15 who all told her it was all in her head
And she’s just sitting there like “bitch please, the only thing in my head is my girlfriend and how hot she is. Now tell me why I keep experiencing these symptoms-”
Service Dog: Chocolate Labrador, Isa (F)
Psychiatric Alert & Response Dog
Disabilities: Autism Spectrum Disorder
Public breakdown club (IN DEVELOPMENT)
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10 Most Beautiful Women. Kira Wu.
The Midway. Karen Brussat Butler. [Norwalk, CT] : Karen Press, 2016.
Montage Fragments. Zarley Jackinskey. [Edmonton, AB] : Co-Lab, 2023.
Orgasms. A. S. A. Harrison. [Toronto] : Coach House Press, 1974.
Butts of Florence. Erik Benjamins. [Los Angeles, CA] : No Style Press, 2017.
Girls! Girls! Girls! : Madwomen & Murderesses. Miranda Maher. [Brooklyn, N.Y.] : Horse in a Storm Press, 1993.
Ed the Happy Clown no. 1, 2, & 9. Chester Brown. [Montreal, QC] : Drawn and Quarterly, 2005.
Jack! Tara Bryan. [St. John's, Newfoundland] : Walking Bird Press, 2002.
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qjaidenhere · 6 months
BEGGING to hear about ur familoier au plssss
Okok so!! This is a Jaiden and Bobby centric au with some Roier (I mostly came up with this au because I was sad about Jaiden and Bobby and wanted them to be happy) it’s very slice of life fluffy modern au- just them being happy together :]] just know this is extremely self indulgent because I want them to be happy and if feels ooc or something no it doesn’t :]
much more under cut
Bobby often goes to the park with his family!! He likes to brings his fake sword and swing it at anything and everything he sees. he also likes to pick the many flowers around the park to make flower crowns!! It’s rare for a friend (or parent) of Bobby’s to not have at least one of his flower crowns (and his parents often have at least one flower of his on them all the time)
Bobby also loves to paint with his family!! He will draw on canvas, walls, his own skin, whatever, so he often has doodles up and down his arms. The family will often put aside time in the day for them to paint together (at Bobby’s request) and it’s often his highlight of the day :D he likes to copy Jaiden’s arm tattoos with his drawings on his arms (though he won’t admit it to her) and he often draws his family or his friends!!
Bobby also has two dogs- a big brown newfoundland named Oso and his husky named Tripita (he’s also named the two raccoons outside and sometimes tries to take them inside but they always escape)
Jaiden is a freelance artist who works on commission who is roommates with Roier. She is learning Spanish for both Roier and Bobby (who is bilingual) and they both encourage and help her while she’s learning! She went to law school for a bit when she was younger- but ended up dropping out.
all the eggs go to the same school and are all in the same class (for the older eggs) and the younger eggs (when they come into the story) often hang out with them at lunch and such :D Roier also babysits Tilin on the weekends so they and Bobby are pretty good friends (though they sometimes joke at being rivals) and Dapper sometimes comes over for sleepovers!
All the eggs are kind of close which means that their parents also all know each other because of their kids- it’s how some of them get to know each other at first but a fair few knew each other beforehand!
Misc thingys:
-the city is name quesadilla city
-jaiden once spent a day going from store to store to find the specific brand of french fries that she and Bobby likes lmao
-Jaiden often shows Bobby the basics of her job/s because of his interest in art
-Bobby is in awe of Juannaflippa because of her nerf gun
-all of the eggs are around 8-10 in this au I think but I’m still figuring out ages
-the au is called a garden of missed promises
-jaiden dyes her hair and convinces Roier to get a streak (she wanted him to get blue but they settled on red) and Bobby begged enough that they got him a blue underside of his hair
-they love to go biking together around the city
-the federation is kinda just the government for now,, they’re not nearly as bad as the canon federation and mostly are just in the background
-when they save up enough money they sometimes go out to a cottage on the countryside and hang around there
-Bobby and Tilin originally met when they had a fight at school that turned into their Roier and Q fighting over who has the best kid (they mostly made up though)
also it’s a sort of fantasy modern au only in that they are still hybrids instead of all being human- Jaiden is a parrot hybrid, Roier is a spider hybrid, Bobby is a dragon hybrid, pretty standard (not all the eggs are dragon hybrids though)
it’s VERY early qsmp based if you couldn’t tell already though I do want to add some of the other language creators (especially cellbit for spiderbit) but I’m still working on figuring out how they would work in this au! also Pepito and Empanada are going to be confusing to fit into this au- I don’t want to not include them but idk,, if y’all have any ideas they would be greatly appreciated
also people who expressed interest: (sorry for tag! I won’t do it again I just wanted to show y’all in all the same place)
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calamitybonesdesigns · 6 months
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Martha is a huge, thick-furred black female with large jowls, webbed paws, a broad head, and deep brown eyes
She/her; Newfoundland
i love her. she’s so hard to draw, but i had to give my girl a better design, she deserves it!
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fishenjoyer1 · 4 months
Fish of the Day
Today's fish of the day is the brown trout! suggested by Rion, thank you Rion. Remember, I am always taking fish suggestions!
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The brown trout, scientific name Salmo trutta, is well known for their widespread range, and multiple ecotypes. Brown trout live in oceans, lakes, and rivers alike, helping with their wide domain. The native range of the brown trout is across most of Europe, Western Asia, and across some countries of Northern Africa. More specifically, from as far north as Norway, and offshoots of the White sea in Russia And their southern limit is the Atlas mountains of Northern Africa. Particularly concentrated in Western Europe and England, it has gained them the nickname European Trout.
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However, brown trout have also been introduced outside of their natural range, originally this was done because they are stable and self sufficient, and the hope was to allow fishing of them recreationally. Introduced into: Tasmania, The Himalayas, the Indian Ocean, South Africa, Newfoundland, and across rivers in America This has since hugely backfired. These fish are far more aggressive than other trout species, competing with native trout species, salmon, smaller fish, and any other fish with similar diets. Despite this, they are beloved by fishers.
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The diet of the brown trout is best described as whatever fits in their mouths. Consisting of small invertebrates when they're still fry and juvenile, mostly bugs exist on the surface of the water, and eggs they can find. As brown trout get larger they will eat anything they can catch: frogs, smaller fish, crustaceans, and other brown trout. This is part of why they are such an issue for native fishes, as they are particularly aggressive for trout, both competing for food sources, and predating them once large enough. They can reach sizes of 15-22 inches in length on this diet, larger than many other native fish in the waters they're invading.
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Ecotypes are based on what area these fish are living in, the three leading ones being a riverine ecotype, called river trout, a lacustrine ecotype, called lake trout, and anadromous ecotype, which live in seas or oceans, and migrate up rivers to spawn. All of these ecotypes migrate for spawning, however ones that already live in freshwater will simply move to freshwater areas that they were also spawned in to have their children. Visually, they can range from silvery to shades of red and brown, occasionally being confused with brook trout, or Atlantic salmon
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Have a good day, everyone!
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stargazer-sims · 5 months
Alrighty then...
Once again, it's become painfully obvious that EA has no idea what east coast houses and shops look like. Every outdoor siding colour in Cats & Dogs is drab and boring. Where are my greens, golds and reds? Where's my brown faded to salmon pink? Do they think marine paint only comes in grey, black and beige?
Looks like I'm gonna have to do some recolouring before I continue working on Anya's studio & flat.
Various streetscapes from Lunenburg & Halifax, Nova Scotia; Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island; and St. John's, Newfoundland. These are all places I've lived at various times in my life (except Lunenburg, but I’ve been there) so I've seen all this firsthand. THIS is what I need to see in Brindleton Bay.
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For anyone who’s about to point out that Brindleton Bay isn’t meant to be in Canada, your lovely Maine, USA has these houses too:
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conradscrime · 4 months
The Disappearance of Nicholas Leonard
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May 28, 2024
Nicholas "Nick" Leonard was last seen on September 1, 1990, where he was dropped off to walk to a cabin near Wabush, Newfoundland, Canada for the Labour Day weekend.
No one has ever seen Nick since.
Nick's father in law owned a cabin near Wabush, where Nick would often go. The cabin was accessible by kayak, however, Nick usually liked to walk the 6 km from the outskirts of town.
A few days before Nick disappeared, he got news that his sister had died from cancer at home in Conception Harbour, Newfoundland.
On September 1, 1990, Nick received a ride to Elephant Head Road at 9 am. He had his backpack with him, and began to walk to the cabin on Loon Lake, with his family believing he would be back on Monday.
When Monday came and Nick hadn't returned, his family contacted the police. Nick was then reported missing. After this, it was found that the cabin had been left in a weird way.
There were two Coleman lanterns that were destroyed by what appeared to be a shovel, located by the front door. A drawer with knives was found on the floor. The kayak was always tied up but the ropes had been cut. There was a butcher knife from the kitchen drawer stuck in the ground near where the ropes were cut.
There was an envelope with more than $100 in cash in one of the kitchen cupboards. Nick's wallet was nowhere to be found, however.
On September 2, 1990, a helicopter search found the kayak paddle floating in the middle of Lower Loon Lake, with the kayak found later in water that was only 12 inches deep. The pilot also found Nick's backpack.
A witness came forward who had seen Nick on September 1, kayaking around 3pm. The witness saw Nick go to shore and he spent about 30 minutes with two other men. (It is unclear whether this witness was one of these men but it appears so.)
Supposedly, Nick told the two men he was heading home, but they reported his eyes looked glassy-like and distant and they told him he should stay the night. Nick told them he could not stay because had a babysitter and needed to get back in time.
Nick's family thought this was strange as there was no babysitter, and Nick's children were with their mother. Nick had also only been at the cabin for about 6 hours, planning to stay until Monday, but told these two men he was leaving?
It was reported that Nick drank two beers and went down Lower Loon in the kayak. The men said they watched Nick but lost sight of him near where his kayak was found overturned the following day.
The search concentrated on the area where the kayak was found. The water was an average of 25-30 feet deep, with the deepest point estimated at 62 feet. The search lasted for 2 and a half days.
No trace of Nick's body or other belongings of his were ever found. The lake was dragged but to no avail. Nick was considered a strong swimmer. His family does not believe he could have drown.
Nick was 28 years old at the time of his disappearance. He was born on May 23, 1962. He is Caucasian, standing at 5 feet 7 inches tall, weighed 141 pounds with brown hair and blue eyes. It is believed Nick had his wallet on him. He had a yellow rain suit, pants and jacket. He was carrying a blue backpack which was recovered.
Did the two men have something to do with Nick's disappearance? Did Nick get a weird hunch about the men and his instinct was to lie and make it seem like he was leaving the cabin? Did his sister's death have anything to do with decisions made? I am more inclined to believe that someone took Nick, rather than him drowning or going off on his own.
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