#bs: intro
bellamy-davos · 2 years
incoming transmission: DAVOS , BELLAMY from the planet of BESPIN is making arrangements to land on batuu. the TWENTY SIX year old HUMAN is here to become a LORE KEEPER. keep a close eye on them, i hear they can be SARCASTIC, MUSICAL, and EASILY CONFUSED. they have documented that they always bring their BLASTER with them. (joey batey, cis male, he/him, pan)
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bellamy davos should have never ended up the lore keeper of the brethren court.
born on tatooine to a barmaid, there wasn’t much bellamy could do except work and hope for a better life out there in the galaxy.
but it's tatooine. and nothing is ever completely peaceful for long. when he was 18, he was “pressed” (read: kidnapped) into the service of weequay pirate crew and he never had time to explain that he was awful with a blaster and couldn’t shoot the broad side of a bantha to save his life. he originally hoped once they learned this, they’d either kill him or leave him behind on the next planet. or maybe he could just desert! that’d work better in everyone’s favor.
but one night, when he thought everyone was asleep, he found himself humming a tune that his mom used to sing to him when he was little, trying to calm himself down a little from a long and stressful day of arguing his survival. some of the others, including the captain, heard it and someone should’ve mentioned that weequays always loved a good party.
so bellamy was kept around, as a canary, singing and humming and giving subtle signals for look out. it was better, but by no means a great living. he was still barely feeding himself and the pirates got rowdy when they got smashed and he was not much of a fighter. but he liked to think he was alive and that was more than he could say for some.
for three years, that’s how he lived, until when docked on florum, the pirates were raided and no one bothered to check the cells until the dust settled. there, he met cormag selios, who much like the weequay before him, found himself fascinated by the canary in a spice den. he took the young man on as an apprentice, actually bothering to try and teach him how to survive in this life. and that included the smuggler’s code, taught out of the codex itself. bellamy never felt the need to ask, figuring it was one of those mass produced books like the historians started doing of the jedi texts once they had access to the library again.
another three years under cormag and finally bellamy felt like he was living instead of just surviving. it was hard work, unstable sometimes, but he gave a shit about the crew around him and to his surprise, they gave a bit of a shit about him too.
but good things end, and smuggling is a dangerous game.
what was supposed to be an easy transaction resulted in a sting by the first order, the death of the crew as a certainty. bellamy found the aftermath and cormag told him to grab the code and run, only stopping if he had to heed the call. not that it was likely, cormag had told him everyone was needed and so many of them were already dead.
so bellamy ran, hiding out in taverns that would have him, singing if he needed the credits, and bickering with resident starlets when he had to.
no need to worry about the massive codex burning a hole in his bag right? right?
as tasked all those years ago, when han solo called for the court bellamy answered. a little panicked and an octave higher than his typical speaking voice but he agreed, quickly making the arrangements on bespin to travel to korad.
he has a hyperspace journey to relearn a codex he hasn’t thought about in five years. no pressure.
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helsensm · 5 months
If you’re still taking requests, Mk1 Kung Lao meets Mk11 Kung Lao?
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I will use this ask to finish the wip I had since November, thank you anon <3
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shenkospectres · 2 months
*Shepard and Kaidan arguing on Mars*
James: Oh the Commander and Major really don't like each other huh.
Shepard: Kaidan-.
Kaidan: Don't Kaidan me. This is business.
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marsosims · 7 months
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Sometimes "Resistance" starts playing and I remember I heard it live. On my 26th birthday. Crying like a baby three rows away from the runway.
✨fun times✨
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palarii · 2 years
I don’t want anything to ever happen to Taylor’s relationship with his mom. I want him to stay a mommas boy until the end of the podcast.
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aqg-arts · 11 months
Hi, I'm AQG Arts!
As you can tell from my bio (and my posts), I am an 'artist' who enjoys drawing anything that will make people laugh. I also love to write, though I haven't made any posts containing my writing. I'm also currently- actually, no. No spoilers :p. Instead, let me link the project when it's ready 😉
My pronouns are she/her/they/them
Here are some fun facts about me:
. I am a bi lesbian in a straight relationship
. I am a Demigirl
. I have a yt channel
. I have a discord
. I have an insta
. Please sign the Griffin Petition uwu
. I love Halo, Warframe, COD, Ghost Recon, etc
. I have four birds (two of which are just as old as me lol); France, Prince (cocktails), Buck and Dare (parrots).
. I have two fish, one's about 5-7 yrs, the other about 2 yrs (Jerome'eis and Tiger)
. I have a cat (Kelly)
. I have a horse (Archie, pictured bellow)
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. Queerphobes
. BLERQs (Bi Lesbian Exclusionary...)
. TERFs (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist)
. MERQs (MSPEC Exclusionary...)
. Anti-gay Christians (you know the ones)
. Zoos/'MAPs'/pedos (These people are NOT Queer; They are bigots, and they are actually harming people, even if they are 'non-practising'. The difference between them and us MSPECs is exactly that: They hurt people, and we just want to live our lives.)
. Misogynists
. Pro-lifers (don't even lol)
. Pro genocide (you are disgusting)
. Racists
. AI 'artists' (anyone who uses AI with that type of mindset (iykyk) will be purged from thou blog, UwU. In other words, no AI bros)
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Here's some of my fav art things I've done (some are WIPS), just so you can get a taste of my art lol. enjoy :D
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And for those of you wondering who the last one is, these are my Halo OCs (who is also a bit of a god/prophet of mine), Kalmaya-A118 and her 'AI' buddy, Firefall, redrawn. If you wanna find out a bit more about her, just look at the lovely little things I wrote down bellow ;)
I might add to her dotn't points later, however, for now, this will have to do. Also, be warned; Kalmaya isn't actually in the Halo universe. In fact, if she was, she'd break it because she is... too powerful.
Here are some 'fun' facts about Kalmaya A118 and her bestis bud, Firefall :3
. She lives in an alternative-but-not-really-alternative universe, where her powers can be handled (she's too gay for gaylo)
. She visits the cannon timeline, but only time to time (and only to cause chaos cas she a gremlin fr)
. In her universe, they're missing a couple of people (who are in my basement), but they're only a few 'KIA' Spartan's that ppl tend to forget abt... and maybe 3 or 4 or 10 very alive ones. (Spartèmon, gotta catch em all...)
. Kalmaya is technically a demigod (on the premise that I am a God)
. Kalmaya owns a gravemind (awolololo gang for life yo)
. Kalmaya is also a bi les
. Kalmaya yoinked Umbra and a few other warframes outta their universes when she- actually, this will be hard to explain without writing a story on it (hint hint future me)
. Kalmaya is lovingly nicknamed 'Brutedundee'
. Kalmaya bonked Ballas (because I couldn't 😤)
. Kalmaya beat the living shit out of Chak Lok's corpse (because that's what real heroes do when their bestie gets hurt)
. Kalmaya is not permitted to bring a bag of live popcorn onto any ship unless it is her own and no one is aboard; if she is caught doing so, Firefall will become straight and embarrass the shit out of her...
Ima keep adding to these dot points later, but for now? For now enjoy these brain sharts >:3
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scltbvrns · 2 months
Another dhimmi! The hindu hate is getting too much, don't you have any other job?
Actually no, I don't have a degree yet so I cannot apply for a job, yet. I am still studying for MBBS and today is a well, sunday. The question arises, what are YOU doing in my blog when you know our opinions and views do not match? Don't you have any other thing to do except harass people in this site?
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mewo-personal · 7 months
Personal blog
Main/RP(?) blog is @mewo-cressei
Pronouns are: they/them/key/change
I'm a minor bee tee dubz
General basic DNI, no being homophobic, no -isms accept autism, no being mean.
I'm currently hyperfixating on the entire postal franchise, and that is taking over my life at the moment
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please reblog my stuff <:3
refs for my OC's below cut!
alt text is credit for the bases I used and context on who it is
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paprikko-lol · 8 months
rikko ☆ they/he ☆ literally morro ninjago irl
art tag is #rikkos art and talking tag is #rikkos bs !! i have a personal-ish blog its @nothngbroken
you can repost my art and content or wtv so long as u credit me as paprikko-lol on tumblr!!! also dont claim my shit as yr own thats weird!!! pretty please bats my eyelashes at you
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princesscallyie · 1 month
It’s seem like I can’t escape the “people don’t want to come to work so now I gotta do their mess” shenanigans…
#literally the most two irksome work pet peeves happen today and I was pissed#1st is waiting until the last second to do or change something#2nd is people who call out for a bs reason and how I gotta do your work unprepared#I work with adult learning and online webinars stuff like that#I’m like a producer I set the webinars up and I’m supposed to moderate them intro the speakers etc#and they are live events with people attending online#why two days before the event the ceo was like I don’t like the platform let’s change it…#plus some others problems they had…#why are we discussing two days before????? we had all month to discuss changes or concerns#okay there’s major problems with the event so I gotta fix some stuff and now it’s on me#to research a new platform they want this done asap#I’m annoyed cause why is this urgency my issue?#this should have proper discussed way before we rolled out the product#THEN during that this girl in my team was basically like I’m taking off so now you have to take over my event#outta nowhere…#I gotta do the rehearsal tomorrow and I know nothing about the event…#like you have been planning this event for months and all the sudden you gotta be off…#you have been complaining that’s low attendance and it’s probably gonna fail I hate#YOU just don’t wanna do it!!!#it’s like a random classmate coming up to you and saying#you gotta do my presentation now I’m gonna be out#and not send any notes or details or nothing…#don’t know why you wouldn’t show up to your own presentation besides an emergency#which apparently they knew about it last week but tells me at the last second being vague about it#maybe it’s kiosk trauma but I can just sense the bs#like not even gonna send some sub plans or anything???#that’s nutty!!!#anyway got hit with a double whammy I was so mad#but I will calm down and deal lol#callyie chat
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purble-gaymer · 9 months
fun fact: galactose knight was, ironically, not created by masahiro saccharide
ughh thanks for reminding me i need to take intro chem for my major. i enjoyed chem in high school so hopefully it won’t be too bad but i’ve got a friend there right now and she’s not having a great time
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saybiwithme · 7 months
Guess I’m starting on vampire buck prequel???
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bluementalmedic · 6 months
Hello! Mein name is Amber, an assistant to the Medic on the BLU team. I am aware of mein appearance. This blog is an ask/rp sort of blog, plus with art and memes, etc.
Roleplay is fine as long it isn't NSFW
2. Respect others and my boundaries, we don't want anyone to be uncomfortable
3. Kinda iffy with ships so try not to force it onto anyone including me
4. Don't overwhelm me with asks, I'll get to you, once I get to you
5. Uh- I ran out ideas, just don't be too weird to the point of making everyone uncomfy
M!as are allowed, asks as well, and fanart of Amber is very much appreciated!
#Shark bite - talking
#Medical work - roleplay
#Amber reblogs - reblogs
#Ooc bs - out of character
Amber's personality:
A little insane
Can be caring
Amber is a living being made from mercenary body parts and nurse shark parts
She has medic's and heavy's dna, well part of it
Amber has the strength from Heavy and the smarts from Medic
Her tail is capable of turning into a sharp blade if she spins fast enough
Well, zats about it, I will probably update this later, but first time having another blog so yeah.
#Ooc bs: Here is her appearance. Oh yeah she has a ref too if you like to draw her.
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Update: Here is hooman Amber. It'll make more sense once the story progresses ^^
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wexhappyxfew · 1 year
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Mercy Codona:
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i figured if i was finally getting my act together with ATTDC, here are some memes worth your time. some of these are without any context and won’t make sense until the fic is up but i need to put these out there. introducing esther armstrong and mercy codona @camp toccoa circa august 1942 🤪
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girlablaze · 1 year
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THE  EDGE  OF  SWORDS  presents   :   marja  hverny .
[ TEXT ID: the  image  that  looked  back  at  her  now  did  nothing  to  reflect  her  true  self.  as  if  the  mirror  was  simply  reflecting  falsehoods  and  teasing  her  of  all  the  potential  she  could  have  harnessed  if  only  she  had  the  courage .  in  the  same way  ,  the  temptation  was  alike  to  the  dark  wood  :  will  you  take  what  is  offered  to  you?  or  will  you  turn  away  from  what  you  see?  END ID. ]
introducing  one  of  our  main  protagonists  of  teos  ,  marja  hverny  is  the  ward  of  the  kyorvan  king  ;  raised  among  his  sons  as  one  of  his  own  following  the  tragic  death  of  his  queen  at  the  hands  of  his  enemies  ,  this  is  the  only  life  marja  has  ever  known.  an  orphan  child  left  abandoned  at  the  edge  of  the  dark  wood  ,  she  has  only  ever  been  MARJA  OF  NOTHING  ,  marja  of  nowhere     ——   but  oh ,  who  would  have  known  she  would  have  ever  been  something  much  more  than  nothing ?  not  abandoned  ,  but  tucked  safely  away.  not  lost  ,  but  precisely  where  she  should  be.  not  nothing  ,  but  the  redemption  they  all  have  been  seeking.  
marja  hverny  is  the  salvation  to  a  realm  that  is  dying  ,  if  only  she  had  not  been  taught  by  her  parent’s  enemies  to  despise  the  very  thing  she  is  destined  to  become.
NAME :   marja  hverny. MBTI  :  intj  ,  the  architect. ALIGNMENT  :  true  neutral. ENNEAGRAM  :  type  four  ,  the  individualist. TEMPERMENT  :  choleric. INSPIRATIONAL  QUOTE  :  destiny  is  a  worrying  concept .  i  don’t  want  to  be  fated  ,  i  want  to  choose.  (    jeanette  winterson  ,  written  on  the  body.  )
DRUIAN  :  she  hates  him  ,  she  loves  him.  she  wishes  him  dead  ,  she  wishes  him  to  never  leave  her  side.  when  it  comes  to  druian  navar  ,  she  is  fighting  a  battle  between  her  heart  and  everything  she  stands  to  lose  by  being  associated  with  the  likes  of  him.  he  has  protected  her  ,  he  has  betrayed  her  ,  he  has  shown  her  tenderness  ,  but  she  knows  she  could  never  fully  trust  him.  he  is  the  enemy  of  those  who  raised  her  ,  and  a  traitor  to  those  that  carried  her  name  before  her  ;  but  part  of  her  believes  that  he  is  the  only  one  who  could  ever  understand  her  ,  who  sees  her  for  who  she  is  and  doesn’t  begin  perfecting  all  her  imperfections.   (  he  will  be  the  death  of  her  ,  and  she  knows  it  —  he  is  the  swinging  sword  of  her  own  execution.  )  
KARSTEN  :   she  remembers  the  way  the  two  of  them  used  to  play  in  the  frozen  meadows  outside  of  hvitan  borders.  the  way  they  both  swore  they  would  fight  for  each  other  always   ——   now ?  now  marja  knows  if  he  ever  saw  her  again  ,  he  would  kill  her  for  who  she  is.  her  face  is  no  longer  the  face  of  someone  he  considered  sister  ,  but  the  face  of  an  enemy  he  must  vanquish.  (  she  thinks  there  is  still  a  tenderness  there  ,  right ?  she  thinks  he  is  still  her  brother  ,  right ?  )  marja  still  recalls  what  they  both  promised  each  other  as  children  ,  but  now  they  are  facing  each  other  on  the  battlefield  of  their  forefathers  ,  and  perhaps  neither  one  of  them  is  entirely  prepared  to  raise  their  sword  against  the  other   —   but  one  of  them  will.
REN :   marja  could  admire  the  girl  ,  if  only  she  did  not  despise  her  for  being  everything  she  fights  to  become    ——    when  the  crownless  queen  enters  a  room  ,  she  becomes the  room  ;  she commands  the  room .  she  walks  with  her  head  held  as  high  as  the  sun  and  demands  the  respect  that  is  so  easily  given  by  those  around  her .  ren  knows  who  she  is  ,  and  she  is  quick  to  point  out  everything  marja  isn’t .  the  two  could  be  powerful  together  ,  if  only  they  could  swallow  their  prides  long  enough  to  see  each  others  strengths  rather  than  their  weaknesses .  
CEDRYC  :   he  did  not  abandon  her  ,  he  has  never  betrayed  her  ,  he  did  not  turn  away  when  everyone  else  dared  to  question  her.   when  cedryc  stands  by  her  side  ,  he  only  stands  to  love  her  devotedly  & without  any  question  to  his  loyalty.  he  is  the  key  to  everything  marja  wishes  to  know  ;  a  tree  of  knowledge  she  could  sit  beneath  and  admire  forever   ——   but  there  are  expectations  with  cedryc  ,  promises  made  she  knows  she  cannot  fulfil.  sometimes  she  wonders  if  the  respect  she  has  fought  to  earn  is  based  solely  on  the  man  that  she  finds  herself  entwined  with  now  ,  a  beaming  light  that  will  forever  outshine  her.  cedryc  looks  upon  her  and  there  is  only  sincerity  ,  and  marja  does  not  entirely  believe  her  own  intentions  are  as  pure  as  his.
TAGLIST  (tba.)
i WILL get around to this one day . . . mayb .
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