#btb Kiba ask
okamirayne · 11 months
Hiiii, so I'm hijacking that super Btb ask from December 2018 about were the others supportive/accepting of ShikaNeji, given their rocky past together? (Like, Kiba, for instance)... Could you maybe, possibly expand a bit on your answer there that his reaction holds big one-shot potential? :D I would love to hear some details and any tidbits you'd be willing to share regarding this! I just love being immersed in your Naruto-verse, as it basically my headcanon now. Wishing you peace and rest! <3
Hey there, @inarvm! 🩷
Hope my response finds you well, luv. Cheers for dropping in on yours truly with this ASK ^_^
Ah yes, the potential reactions from the rest of the shinobi crew to the ShikaNeji ship they didn't even know was sailing.
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Could you maybe, possibly expand a bit on your answer there that his [Kiba] reaction holds big one-shot potential? I would love to hear some details and any tidbits you'd be willing to share regarding this!
I can most certainly try...
Well, given Kiba and Neji's whole 'will-they-won't-they' throw-down (and not in the let me love you kinda way) the ShikaNeji reveal makes for an interesting wtf-revelation for our dog-nin. Though it's less of a shock than a dawning realisation for Kiba. He clocks on, shall we say.
He considers Shikamaru his friend, his buddy, his childhood compadre, whereas Neji is mostly relegated to the comrades-I'd-like-to-KO-but-can’t category. I mean sure, Neji gained some serious clout with Kiba for saving Shikamaru's bacon, and the ongoing game of 'defrosting Mr Cold Shoulder' sometimes amuses Kiba, but he usually always clashes with Neji — and that isn't something that really changes, even in the lead up to the Hyuuga's death.
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All that considered, you can imagine Kiba’s confusion over Shikamaru choosing to hang his heart on a Hyuuga that isn't Hinata lol. There's also the Temari equation which hasn't been solved for the dog-nin.
So you've got a few things going on here:
Protectiveness towards Shikamaru
Wariness of Neji
Confusion over Temari
His one-sided enemy o' mine drama
...Possibly other crap that hasn't yet been disclosed to me and may come out whilst writing Kiba.
I hope that gives a little bit of insight into Kiba's potential response — always hard to fully say for certain until I'm writing the scene, but these are the strong impressions that come up, given how he feels or thinks about Neji.
I just love being immersed in your Naruto-verse, as it basically my headcanon now. Wishing you peace and rest! <3
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That's so kind and supportive of you to say — and it's hugely appreciated. 💜 Thank you, sweetheart 💜
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okamirayne · 12 hours
(༎ຶ︿༎ຶ) Rayne...Ino and Kiba...you're breaking my heart. I need a whole InoKiba playlist to cope. You sold me on these 2. Do you have a favorite song for them? Excuse me why I go craiii like a bitch (༎ຶ︿༎ຶ) (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
Aww, Anon! 💖 Music is always the cure. I do love those two. I actually do have a top song for them atm given the events in HHU. It's a remix: Eminem ft. Pink - I'm Sorry (Lyrics) (youtube.com)
The rap is Kiba's POV and it fits perfectly 💔❤️‍🩹. As for crying like a she-dog? Imma listen to this song and come cry with you, my dear.
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okamirayne · 3 months
Hey there! I apologize if this has been asked before, but in the BtB universe do most of the characters know/suspect the relationship between ShikaNeji, or have they been really successful in concealing it? Are there any characters that have their suspicions other than the characters said to have known (Hiashi/Shukaku?) Dumb question, but I have my own little headcanons about this haha.
Hey there @idreamofflight 😊 Thanks for dropping in with your ASK, luv! It is not a dumb question at all!
[…] in the BtB universe do most of the characters know/suspect the relationship between ShikaNeji, or have they been really successful in concealing it?
I can confirm that they had been very successful at concealing it, although by the time Heaven Hold Us starts (post War), these surviving characters know for certain:
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Plus my ANBU OC, Tsuno
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Are there any characters that have their suspicions other than the characters said to have known (Hiashi/Shikaku?)
These characters had/have their suspicions:
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Ino & Chōji for sure, though they never pushed Shikamaru on this (well…maybe Ino…just a little bit 🤏 )
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Kiba suspected/suspects on a deeply subconscious level — an animal instinct feeling but he never let(s) that instinct bubble up consciously, namely because he and Neji clash so much and it’s not something he would’ve been able to logically square in his head. He was/is still hung up on Shikamaru’s adventures in Suna with those lady twins 😉
😅 Now, all that said, bear in mind I am sometimes surprised by a certain revelation a character can come up with whilst writing. So there may be one or two more with lurking suspicions that haven’t come to mind just yet.
Sasuke, for example, could presently rate in both the knows about Shikamaru and Neji and/or the suspects category at this point. I’ll know for certain when writing his interaction with Shikamaru. 👍🏼
Thanks for the ASK, luv! Though it may be subject to change, this is where it presently stands. 🧡
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okamirayne · 11 days
Hello Hello!
Just a random ask.. do you have any inconsequential or random hc’s for characters that have almost no relevance in their overall lives? I’ll go first — I’ve always imagined that Neji developed a mild disgust/phobia of spiders ever since his fight with Kidomaru
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Heya Anon! 💜
Just a random ask.. do you have any inconsequential or random hc’s for characters that have almost no relevance in their overall lives? I’ll go first — I’ve always imagined that Neji developed a mild disgust/phobia of spiders ever since his fight with Kidomaru
Oooh, that's a great question! And your example is solid. Wouldn't blame Neji thumbing his nose at the Eight Legged Freaks after his ordeal.
Hmm...I might need some liquid inspiration to answer this...
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...argh, what's so annoying is that I tend to discover my hc's as I write the characters - does that make sense? It's really bizarre. You'd think that I'd have a tonne of head cannons just filed away, but what tends to happen is they drop into my headspace as I'm writing, rather than me actively thinking about them...I think maybe because 98% of my brain is engaged in plot most of the time (given how long BtB is), the character aspect (my favourite part, oddly enough) churns out based purely on organic in-the-moment writing and inspiration/instinct...which is probably why I love it so much, it's more intuitive than intellectual and way more fun.
Sorry, that in no way answers your question...
I'm thinking but....
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Seriously...zilch...on demand, nada...
And yet, undoubtedly, I'm going to discover those head canons as I write. Some random examples below (some which obviously have significance), most of which have been disclosed already and discovered whilst writing, but give some good cases of BtB-verse HCs...if some could be called that?
how gift giving is one of Ino's biggest love languages
how Hiashi prefers Go to Shogi
how Raidō is a stickler for rules and enjoys sudoku
how Shikaku got his scars (Shuken)
how Kiba is ridiculously loyal once romantically attached despite his flirtatious and rascal-like behaviour
how Kakashi treasures his Team 7 mug decorated by his students before Sasuke defected
how Kakashi suffered from migraines due to the Sharingan
how Ino's old eating disorder issues were related to a critical and image-obsessed mother, and to Sakura rejecting her friendship as a kid because of Sasuke (leading Ino to believe she was always going to be in competition with other women and that female friendships are fragile)
how Sakura hates how much she loves Sasuke
Chōji allowing Ino to decorate him like a Christmas tree whenever she drags him into shopping sprees (she feeds him for it, which is a win-win)
Shikamaru requiring Chōji to do the thinking and the legwork when it comes to purchasing gifts for Ino
Asuma's cigarette brand is hard to get hold of
Genma is a whole head canon in himself - Halloween is important to him and not just because of pumpkin soup
Genma's issues with care homes - hints of his past as a kid
The significance to Neji of the words "every time" when he speaks them to Shikamaru
The importance of the words "I hear you" between Shikamaru and Asuma, and generally when Shikamaru says this, regardless of who he's speaking to
Neji's blind spot being an erogenous zone
Shikamaru being an utter sucker for head massages
Shikamaru loving Niji's coffee (second to none)
Genma being attracted to Kurenai (much to his supreme annoyance)
Inoichi having a wicked sweet-tooth, leading to him sneaking off to indulge in various confectionary (usually at the Akimichi household) so his wife didn't lose her shit (which led to her believing he might be having affairs)
Yoshino being incredibly sensitive to Shikamaru's security whilst in the home - the only control she feels she has over his safety given his life as a shinobi
Orochimaru's severely messed up behaviour with Sasuke and the oddness of his rules surrounding it (not sure you'd call this a head canon, as it's not something I enjoy entertaining - not that all head canon's are fun)
Kakashi somatising his emotions and his body carrying most of his pain
Kakashi preferring to live in a complex with older veteran shinobi rather than his peers (quieter, less intrusive)
Shiba (Kakashi's ninken) suffering bouts of claustrophobia
Ino, Inoichi, and Naoki's habit of cracking their thumbs
Ibiki's arthritis in his hands (worse now due to chakra sickness)
Kiba's nostalgic love/hate for silky thread grass
Shikaku's involvement with the Hyūga during his youth
Inoichi being a pretty-boy when younger and having to infiltrate a geisha house (where he met Sayuri, his wife)
Shikamaru harbouring mild paranoia of losing anything Ino buys him (the risk of ballistic head injury is very real)
The playful battle of Ino keeping a mental score of "you owe me" vs Shikamaru keeping a mental score of "I'll remember this"
Tenten messing with Neji by adding spice to his food
Argh, there are loads more; but those are the ones that just randomly came to mind whilst trying to kick my marbles around. There will undoubtedly be more to come, especially with characters such as Naruto and Sasuke, but also Neji, Shikakmaru and the rest.
Unfortunately (or fortunately) I can't always predict what they'll be so I apologise for not being able to reciprocate properly, Anon! But thank you for this ASK, it was fun to recall these. 💜🫶🏼💜
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okamirayne · 3 months
Hi Rayne! 😘 This is a no-pressure ASK so don’t worry if you don’t want to answer! Also please don’t see this as pressure for you to write (and appease this lurker lol) but only as interest 🧡. Even if you never write more for BtB/HHU, when u said u had the plot worked out I had to ask b/coz I have no self control (ha ADHD FTW!) and my btb headcanons are screaming for info. Was so psyched about Naru & Sas, any more new / POV characters u had planned on appearing/writing? Mwah! 💋 Lovings!
Hi Anon! Thank you for your ASK and your curiosity🥹 You sweet people who show interest are helping heal the third degree burns on my writer’s spirit from burnout. ❤️‍🩹🙏🏼 Thank you. You’re all just so awesome 🫶🏼
Thank you also for the no-pressure caveat. I truly appreciate that understanding 💜
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[…] when u said u had the plot worked out I had to ask b/coz I have no self control (ha ADHD FTW!) and my btb headcanons are screaming for info.
🤣😂 Love this. Well I’ve got it worked out insofar as I usually do (the big plot points) with huge wiggle room for surprises and shifts…I’ve already had a few and that’s only from 8 chapters 😧 Writing certain characters always throws such delightful or disturbing curveballs!
Was so psyched about Naru & Sas,
Ah yay! 😮‍💨 I’m chuffed you’re happy to see Sasuke and Naruto as MCs. Being in their headspace is very interesting, challenging, and humbling. And as always I hope to do them justice 🙏🏼 with narrative license within the BtB world. So thank you for the thumbs up! 👍🏼
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any more new / POV characters u had planned on appearing/writing?
Oh, ho, ho! It’s gif time. I have no self-control either in this realm 😆 Not sure if they’ll all be in POV capacity but some may very well be.
Characters lined up:
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Possibly others? That’s where the wiggle room comes in. Others may pop up. Or pop in. Not sure these next ones class as new but they’re in there:
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Again, possibly more. Other Hyūga members too…ah, and then there’s the OG Konoha 11 chūnin that’ll be popping up 🥰 Unresolved issues abound! Especially for Tenten, Lee, and of course Ino & Kiba…Chōji 😢…Hinata…Sakura (re: Sasuke)…it’s a messy aftermath…
Thanks again, Anon for your interest and your understanding 💜
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okamirayne · 3 years
Rayyyyyneee my heart can’t take it💔 HHU FEELS. ShikaNeji, KakaGen and now KibaIno!!! *dead* Aaaah, will Kiba and Ino reconcile!? I love their dynamic, it’s intense in its own way, you know? Will he forgive her!? Aaaa!!! *FEELS*
Aww, luv…💜
[…] Aaaah, will Kiba and Ino reconcile!? I love their dynamic, it’s intense in its own way, you know? Will he forgive her!?
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Aiyo, that is indeed the burning question, Anon. Ino has put him through the wringer….
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And yet…
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Thank you for all the enthusiasm for this pairing and the other ones too, my lovely!!! 💜
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okamirayne · 2 years
I was wondering what the timeline for the BtB series was? I know BtB has a two month time jump between the first chapter and the Hanegakure mission which was four or five (I think) days and the start of OtC was two weeks after Neji left again but I'm kinda unclear about the rest of it and the inbetween.
Hey there, Anon!
Thanks for your patience as I get round to responding to ASKs. 🙏🏼
Let me see if I can try to clarify the timeline. Bear with me, as it was quite a while ago.
Requiem takes place about a couple of weeks after OtC. As the hint of Hidan and Kakuzu’s imminent arrival (and Asuma’s death) is hinted as fast approaching at the end of OtC.
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Requiem itself is set 2 days after Hidan and Kakuzu’s defeat.
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UtS comes along relatively fast after these events, about a week later.
Then there is a relatively large gap…during this period is where Shikamaru and Neji’s relationship deepened into a sustainable bond. Also Kiba and Ino’s. And Genma and Kakashi’s.
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HHU is set post-war. Approximately 4 months later. Lots of crap has gone down since the war. Tsunade is still Hokage, though Kakashi is next in line. Sasuke has not been pardoned. I’ve taken creative liberty by introducing a “chakra sickness” that’s affecting many shinobi after the Infinite Tsukuyomi. In Shikamaru’s case, said sickness has turned into something far more sinister. That’s where it currently stands. I hope this clears up any confusion! 😊
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okamirayne · 3 years
Late night anon reporting! Did you miss me? Cause I did! My sleep cycle has been so messed up lately that Neji and Shikamaru's 4am/stupid o'clock is shaking. Been physically, emotionally and psychologically wrecked and BtB has been a form of escape for me so please bear with my rantings.
Ready to hear my late night thoughts again? hehe Anyways this goes way back in OtC. It's about that Hitaro b*stard. Did Hiashi heard of what he did to Neji that time? I mean Neji was walking around with his work of art on one side of his face to start with. Ahhh Im still fuming thinking about it. Did he even try to confront them to hear both sides of the story or he just turned a blind eye? If that's the case what a waste of Hyuga eye. Im disappointed at him again. Nothing new. 🙄
Also, didnt anyone else see his face? Like Naruto, Sakura, Kiba or even Asuma?
I want to pummel Hitaro so bad and I just want to glomp Neji right now. There's a huge possibility of being taken down by the Gentle Fist in both scenario but I dont care. My poor angel eyed baby. 🤧
Heyo, Late Night Anon!  I’m sorry to hear you’ve been put through the wringer lately.  I’m glad BtB can offer some escape for you.  Though I really hope you manage to catch up on your precious zzzZZz’s!
Ready to hear my late night thoughts again?
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It's about that Hitaro b*stard. Did Hiashi heard of what he did to Neji that time?[...] Did he even try to confront them to hear both sides of the story or he just turned a blind eye? [...] Also, didnt anyone else see his face? Like Naruto, Sakura, Kiba or even Asuma?
Great question!  On all counts, all those people would assume the exact answer Neji would’ve given if they’d asked -- that he’d been training.  Bruises and scratches aren’t uncommon, especially with a hard-hitting highflier like Hyuuga Neji. Sadly, it would’ve been written off as an injury sustained during training or a mission. 
Oh yes. Hitaro needs a good ass-whoopin’. Fortunately, Hiashi handed him one in the end. Alpha mode activated! ;)
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