#shikaneji relationship ask
okamirayne · 6 months
Hey there! I apologize if this has been asked before, but in the BtB universe do most of the characters know/suspect the relationship between ShikaNeji, or have they been really successful in concealing it? Are there any characters that have their suspicions other than the characters said to have known (Hiashi/Shukaku?) Dumb question, but I have my own little headcanons about this haha.
Hey there @idreamofflight 😊 Thanks for dropping in with your ASK, luv! It is not a dumb question at all!
[…] in the BtB universe do most of the characters know/suspect the relationship between ShikaNeji, or have they been really successful in concealing it?
I can confirm that they had been very successful at concealing it, although by the time Heaven Hold Us starts (post War), these surviving characters know for certain:
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Plus my ANBU OC, Tsuno
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Are there any characters that have their suspicions other than the characters said to have known (Hiashi/Shikaku?)
These characters had/have their suspicions:
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Ino & Chōji for sure, though they never pushed Shikamaru on this (well…maybe Ino…just a little bit 🤏 )
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Kiba suspected/suspects on a deeply subconscious level — an animal instinct feeling but he never let(s) that instinct bubble up consciously, namely because he and Neji clash so much and it’s not something he would’ve been able to logically square in his head. He was/is still hung up on Shikamaru’s adventures in Suna with those lady twins 😉
😅 Now, all that said, bear in mind I am sometimes surprised by a certain revelation a character can come up with whilst writing. So there may be one or two more with lurking suspicions that haven’t come to mind just yet.
Sasuke, for example, could presently rate in both the knows about Shikamaru and Neji and/or the suspects category at this point. I’ll know for certain when writing his interaction with Shikamaru. 👍🏼
Thanks for the ASK, luv! Though it may be subject to change, this is where it presently stands. 🧡
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ayyyez · 2 years
hi there! could I please request some headcanons for shikaneji newly living together for the first time?
a/n: ohhh yes it's been so long since I've done anything shikaneji
tags: headcanons, fluff, living together, domestic vibes, suggestive themes and vibes but nothing explicit
characters: Shikamaru Naru, Neji Hyuga (paired together shikaneji)
I feel like they're one of those couples who starts living together accientally before they officially move in together.
It's the same thing with becoming a couple. They get together by going with the flow and a massive build up of strong emotions and feelings until they can't keep them in anymore and it just happens one night and keeps happening.
There's no official couple talk at first until they HAVE to bring it up out of fear of losing the other to someone else.
It's the same with moving in together.
It starts by wanting to just be around each other as much as possible. It's hard to balance a relationship between missions but it works for them because this is the life they want to live.
Shikamaru is the stable one in that he's got a set routine. He's in the village most of the time doing he's duties and it is a lot easier to pinpoint his location. He's pretty easy to find once you work out his hide away spots too—a piece of cake for someone with the byakugan.
Neji is the wild card. He's sent away on missions that vary in location and duration. That means he's the one who is seeking out Shikamaru. Which also means they usually end up back at Shikamaru's place.
Now that Neji knows an existence outside the suffocating air of his clan he looks for any excuse to spend evenings away from there. It's like learning to breathe again, spending nights away with Shikamaru.
Sometimes he returns from missions in the middle of the night and he'll just head straight to Shikamaru's and climb into bed with him. Shikamaru never questions it either, just snorts and shuffles over like he's been waiting for him the whole time.
Other times Shikamaru will roll him over, pull his clothes off and make him forget there was ever a time before, a time before they created a little home together in their hearts.
It gets to a point where Neji barely goes home. Most of his clothes are mixed in with Shikamaru's. He eats there, sleeps there and spends all his free time when he's not out or in the village there. It's practically like they both live there.
It's solidified one day when Shikamaru is lying on the veranda, arms behind is head when suddenly says, 'It's getting colder.'
Neji hums in agreement, as he sits drinking his tea a few feet from him.
'So we should get a kotatsu table for our place.'
Neji almost chokes on his tea at the last few words. Shikamaru has always gone with the flow and fallen into things like feelings a lot more easily than he has but this? Declaring it is their house? That is something else.
'You alright over there?' Shikamaru asks without moving.
Neji clears his throat. 'Yes.' He shakes it off. 'A kotatsu table? I have one.'
'Perfect, I'll help you bring it over with the rest of your stuff tomorrow then.' He can hear Shikamaru's smirk from where he sat. 'It's about time right?'
'Right.' Neji tries to fight back the smile. He feels so warm inside.
Not a lot changes in their routine once they do start living together but they do become even closer. It's like they've cemented the fact they're together again like 'Yeah, you're my person.'
In truth there isn't even a lot for Neji to move in because most of his stuff is there. So once they're done something just comes over Shikamaru and he HAS to have Neji right there and then.
Most of the day is less about moving and more about intimacy. They go at it most of the day. And if they aren't doing it they're just kind of lying there having pillow talk and being vulnerable because 'shit we are officially living together now', no skirting around it kind of living together it's OFFICIAL and oop now they're doing it again.
In terms of what they're like together.
Neji is the one who is a spotless cleaner and a decent cook. Cooks more fish dishes and leaner meat dishes—healthier balanced meals that every shinobi needs. Loves tea! Always has a bunch on hand. Likes his baths. Not a fan of clutter but can deal with a little from others.
Shikamaru is somewhat tidy but he's too tired to keep things spotless and he doesn't see the point. He has a laundry pile on the chair he fixes every couple days (it used to be on the floor until he got scolded by his lover so he moved it to the chair—it's an improvement lol). Likes bathing with Neji but if he's not home he'll have quick showers.
Opts for balanced meals doesn't care about super healthy as long as it's tasty and everythings there. Loves meat and snacking. Sometimes leaves the dishes until the next day or two (feels guilty when he sees Neji doing them bc that man cannot stand dirty dishes in the sink lmao)
Neji grew up in an environment where everything had to be neat and presentable so Shikamaru tries to convince him that the bed doesn't need to be made. Neji promptly calls him an animal while shaking the blanket up and straightening it out maticulously. Shikamaru thinks its hot how he does that.
I mentioned the bathing together. They bathe and shower together as some intimacy time but also general prep/aftercare. Shikamaru also just loves unwinding at the end of the day with Neji this way. It's very relaxing and he can make him blush VERY easily.
The kotatsu also ended up being an excellent idea! They can snuggle together while Shikamaru has coffee and Neji has tea. Shikamaru naps there in the cooler months. Neji loves relaxing there knowing he brought in something useful to THEIR home.
Neji also brings some low maintenance plants to brighten up the place so Shikamaru doesn't accidentally kill them while he's away. Because he absolutley does forget to water them sometimes and he panics. It's okay Neji predicted this. Also bought some herb plants which he asks Hinata to check in on whenever he's away lol.
All in all they have a good balance and dynamic that only strengthens when they start living together.
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maraudingforflesh · 3 years
Window in the Skies (239,488 words); BRO I BEEN WITH THIS ONE SINCE ITS OLD FFN DAYS. I previously recommended this fic as a WIP several years ago but it’s finished now!!!! It’s still just as good if not better than ever please for the love of everything give this a read. I’ve never been happier than when I happened across this on ao3 and found out it had been finished.
Under your wings (WIP); Neji can’t say yes to shikamaru asking him on a date bc no matter how much he wants to his clan will say no. Shikamaru decides neji is worth fighting for.
take a torch to my defenses (series); a mission goes badly and that gives them the push they need to finally have sex even if it is rushed and in the woods and everything else between them spirals from there
The longest mission (26,308 words); they’re stranded together during a mission and their relationship is rocky but also very charged
Hold On (WIP); this fic is more than 200,000 words long and I just keep coming to back to reread the whole thing every time an update is posted. This fic hurts me in the absolute best way. The hyuuga clan politics are dangerous and difficult to navigate and neji is determined to survive.
To Be Free (series); two very long, very good fics chronicling shikamaru and neji running away together and then building a life
Binds (If You Let Them) That Set You Free (29,204 words); this is a really good soulmate!au that kicks off with Neji and Shikamaru trying to permanently remove Neji’s soulmark
Breaking the rules (32,231 words); neji only ever hooks up with strangers as a rule to keep it hidden from his clan, but he starts up a friends with benefits deal with shikamaru that complicates things
The Leaves in Genki (7,394 words); time travel fic in which they accidentally activate a jutsu and end up in a historic battle
If You Go Looking for Trouble, You're Sure to Find It (10,691 words); others observe their relationship from the outside
A Shirker's Headfirst Slide Into Love and Other Feelings (9,062 words); shikamaru tries to run away from his feelings but neji would have been willing to wait for him forever. The other fics in this series are also good as hell.
the first one who cared for you (6,407 words); shikamaru was the first person to show neji he cared about him
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starlitdumbass · 4 years
there will never come a time where I DON’T want to discuss shikaneji, so I would definitely like to hear every single one of your shikaneji au’s and headcanons
AHHHH I JUST 🥺🤍🖤🤍 THANKS I love talking about them
Imma put this under read more cause it's long, I'm sorry.
Ok first my headcanons for the canon universe
Shikamaru can not cook. His mother tried to teach him but he just refused to learn. Now he is a danger to all kitchens and could burn a house down trying to cook a pancake. Neji does the cooking and Shikamaru isn't allowed to look at a pot. He can make rice in a rice cooker and that's about it.
Neji will not say it but hes loves attention. Shikamaru tells him he acts like a cat because one moment he wants to be alone and the next hes snuggled up next to him.
They are anti PDA. They don't mind it when its other couples but they are not the type to do shit like that. They'll kiss maybe but nothing to overly dramatic. Their affection towards eachother is for them and them only not the public.
Shikamaru is really phiscally affectionate even though he doesn't look or act like it. He sucks at putting his feeling into words though.
Yoshino loves Neji and is glad Shikamaru isnt gonna grow up to be a grumpy lonely man cause that's what she thought would happen since he inherited both her and his father's terrible attitude.
Shikamaru met with the Hyuuga clan once and he considers that the most stressful day of his life.
Neji gets along really well with the deer of the forest and Shikamaru has some really cute photos that Neji has threatened to kill him for in anyone ever sees them. He has an image to keep up after all.
And my last one cause it's pretty long. Neither one of them know knew what romance was at all before getting together.
Shikamaru is a logical and person who bases most things off of facts. There is nothing factual about emotions, especially romantic ones. True hes still driven by emotion but love is a field he's completely unfamiliar with and he hates it. Neji is basically on the same page except to a more extreme extent. Given how his clan doesn't seem like the type to allow much room for emotion as that is a sign of weakness to them, emotions such as love are definitely not something he can even comprehend. While Neji is on a path of becoming less of a stiff asshole (Hinata is helping him but he can be incorrigible sometimes) he still can't fathom it.
So both of them are the exttsm8ly smart idiots who don't really know what love is.
Shikamaru is the first to find out his feelings but he doesn't say anything cause he doesn't wanna ruin the relationship hes built up with Neji. Neji realizes his feelings after complaining about it to Tenten and her informing him that he probably likes Shikamaru and that's why he feels like that.
You could say Neji is the one to confess first because he brings up the ordeal but really he just asks Shikamaru why he bothers being around him so much and Shikamaru ends up confessing then Neji follows it up with his.
Their relationship is subtle but very affection and I would write a fic based on this if I were brave enough. (And If I knew a damn thing about the blank period cause I have not watched naruto since 2015 so I don't know what's going on haha)
Ok on to the AUs whoopwhoop 🎉
There's AU where Neji is the a caretaker shrine. Shikamaru is a deity that just kinda roams earth freely. He ends up meeting Neji in the shrine and lazes around while Neji performs his duties. Nejis says hes annoying but he likes the company since he's always alone.
Then my demon/angel AU were Neji is a angel and Shikamaru is a demon and theirs just kinda chilling in the mortal world because of their relationship. Unfortunately Shikamaru constantly has to stop Neji from murder because he has no chill and is prepared to purge anyone who pisses him off. Other then that they just kinda chill and be cute.
Then a bunch of modern AUs
One where Shikamaru is divorced and meets Neji while picking up shikadai from school. Neji is there only because Hinata asked him to pick up boruto or something (I dont have this AU 100% figured out yet aha) And Shikamaru fucks around and ends running into him. One thing leads to another and they end up on a coffee date. Dont know what happens after that cause this ones pretty underdeveloped but it's there and I think about it.
Then the yakuza AU I talk about a little in this post that's technically a modern AU.
Then an au where Neji is a model and Shikamaru is a really weird standoffish photographer who prefers taking picks of nature but gets hired for a shoot with Neji. Neji starts liking Shikamaru cause he constantly says stuff like "this setting really brings out your eyes," or " you look like an angel in this shot," real casual while they work together and while Shikamaru is oblivious to it each time Neji melts a little inside. It's not one sided though don't get it twisted.
Ok I'm will stop for now and calm down cause this post is long.
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god-of-dust · 4 years
You'd love to hear from me? I don't really know what to say though - I'm not an interesting person. I've just been following your blog because of Zukaang and then you gave me that pleasant surprise when you reblogged some ShikaNeji stuff too! You made really good points for both of them! Zukaang's relationship is so deep whether platonically or romantically - they're soulmates. ShikaNeji are similar but opposites too and it makes for such an interesting match up.
I don't really know what to say though - I'm not an interesting person.
that’s okay, no pressure! but if you ever get the Urge to share stuff like metas or fic recs or whatever strikes your fancy, feel free to hit the ask button :D
Zukaang's relationship is so deep whether platonically or romantically - they're soulmates. ShikaNeji are similar but opposites too and it makes for such an interesting match up. 
this!!! thank you!!!
have a good day/evening, anon!
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rogueninja · 3 years
shikaneji for ask game?
That's quite a rarepair. I didn't even know people shipped that lol.
Why don't you ship it?
Usually I only ship something if there's at least some basis for it. I'm not really into crack pairings. I don't even remember them interacting much outside the Sasuke Retrieval Mission, and even then I seem to remember their relationship being a strictly professional one lol.
What would have made you like it?
Hmm.... it's hard to imagine a way to get them together. Their personalities kind of clash... Though now that I think about it Neji is kind of similar to Temari personality-wise. I guess I could see them in some sort of enemies-to-lovers AU where they start off shaky and after getting to know each other and bonding something could happen there maybe?? It'd have to be very well written though lol.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
If you ship this you must be in rarepair hell and I commend your dedication 😂
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okamirayne · 4 months
Hey! I absolutely adore btb and I’m so unbelievably excited to see more of your Shikaneji (the way you write them is so incredibly beautiful) and of the entire btb cast and world! I was wondering about your view on the Shikamaru x Neji relationship - please ignore this part of the ask if it’s spoilery - but in the btb world were they in as much of a relationship as they could’ve been (in a ninja world) when Neji died? I was also wondering what drew you to ShikaNeji - are they/were they your favourite Naruto ship or did you become intrigued by the idea of them and then start to write? What is it that drew you to them? The chemistry you build between them is so unbelievably intense that I now can’t picture either of them with anyone else in the series even with canon shikatema 😂 thank you thank you for writing this - from a forever loyal reader!
Hiya Anon! 💜
Thanks so much for dropping by to leave me this message/ASK.  A joy to hear from you!  🥰 Super chuffed that you have enjoyed the BtB series so far and I really appreciate your kind words regarding the ShikaNeji dynamic.
[…] in the btb world were they in as much of a relationship as they could’ve been (in a ninja world) when Neji died?
Not too much of a spoiler so no worries!  They were in a clandestine relationship, which, while challenging at times, wasn’t too difficult to achieve or maintain given ninja life.
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Being stealthy and sneaky proved to be pretty handy transferable skills – which they both used to preserve their relationship.  With Neji’s Jōnin status and Shikamaru’s ‘unofficial Jōnin rank’ (given his intellectual prowess as military strategist etc.) they could spend a lot of time sequestered away together under the pretext of ‘work’, which allowed for a lot of their stolen moments.  
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Between their duties and separate lives there was the ‘stolen moments’ middle ground in which they preserved their private relationship, both being extremely protective of it. What this extremely private approach might’ve meant for their relationship further down the line?
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Ah, well…that’s a whole different story and potentially a problematic issue neither one of them ever really talked about or wanted to explore. There were more pressing things happening around them and Shikamaru hated future-tripping or overthinking things with Neji, hence his whole ‘this isn’t a thinking thing’ and Neji being the one thing he didn’t ‘have to figure out’. They lived moment-to-moment with each other, as they never knew when the next time would be given missions etc.
I was also wondering what drew you to ShikaNeji - are they/were they your favourite Naruto ship or did you become intrigued by the idea of them and then start to write? What is it that drew you to them?
Oooh, where to start? I had always loved Shikamaru’s character – and was always fond of Neji. I found his tragic background fascinating. That said, he was probably fourth in line. At the start the characters I was most engaged with were Kakashi, Shikamaru, and Itachi. 
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Regarding ShikaNeji: funnily enough, it all started with a dream I had of Shikamaru running through the forest chasing someone (hence the start of BtB). I had no idea who he was chasing. But the more I reflected on the dream and considered pairing options, Neji immediately sprang to the forefront and it all just began to snowball from there. I started what I thought would be a one-shot, literally just to play around with the dream…and that turned into the first instalment…which then seemed to take on a life of its own and grew into the monster that was the BtB series. I never thought that’s the way it would go when I started writing…but I’m so grateful it did, and I’m so SO thankful to the reviewers and readers who engaged with it, as they gave me the steam to keep up with the bloody runaway train the story became.
The chemistry you build between them is so unbelievably intense that I now can’t picture either of them with anyone else in the series even with canon shikatema 😂 thank you thank you for writing this - from a forever loyal reader!
Aww, sweetheart, thank you!  💖 I’m thrilled you’ve enjoyed their dynamic so much as to have it override canon ships!  Thank you so much for reading and even more so for reaching out to share your support and love.  I appreciate you! 🙏🏼💜
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okamirayne · 3 years
Hi Rayne! Okay I've always wanted to ask.. how did your ShikaNeji heart first awakened? Because mine awakened because of Break to Breathe to be honest. I never heard of ShikaNeji until I accidentally found and started reading your works. Let's just say it was the best accident that has ever happened to me. Thank you!
Hi there, my luv!
Thanks for dropping by here with your question. ^_^ Pleasure to hear from you.☺️
[...] how did your ShikaNeji heart first awakened?
Ooh! Well, as bizarre as it sounds, it started with a dream I had of Shikamaru running through the woods, chasing someone. In the dream I couldn't see who he was chasing. It was from this dream that ShikaNeji was born in my heart and mind and then that same dream became the inspiration and opening for BtB.
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He truly came Hyuuga-headbutting onto my fangirl radar when trying to envision who the heck Shikamaru was chasing. I ended up considering the best pairing dynamics out of all the Chunin for someone like our dear Nara, and it was like Neji just slid slammed straight into place -- the perfect puzzle piece. I wouldn't understand the full significance of this until later. From there, their relationship took on an organic life of its own and I was scrambling to keep up with what unfolded into a huge story. The more I wrote them, the more I loved the pairing, I couldn't stop...as the insane length of BtB will attest! ;)
[...] mine awakened because of Break to Breathe to be honest. I never heard of ShikaNeji until I accidentally found and started reading your works. Let's just say it was the best accident that has ever happened to me. Thank you!
Oh wow! Thank you so much.
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It's immensely humbling to know that BtB was what introduced you to this wonderful pairing. I'm so glad it was a happy accident for you! <3 I really appreciate you reaching out over here to let me know, Anon. That's so sweet of you. 💜💗
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ayyyez · 5 years
shikaneji. thoughts?
I’m a fan. 
I’ve honestly been thinking more about their dynamic lately (so it’s funny you send this ask now). I think it’s super interesting and something I wouldn’t mind exploring/reading. 
The way they interact in the Sasuke recovery arc and their understanding of each other is super interesting and would be a good point to pave the way for an eventual relationship. Their similarities and differences could definitely be compatible. 
I can definitely see it as something that develops slowly. Like Respect to friends to good friends to oh look at that sexual tension to coming together. Neji’s discomfort with intimacy and Shikamaru being blunt and honest would honestly be so fun. I live for that. 
Long story short: I ship it. Feel free to forward me any content concerning it lol.
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