#kibaino ask
okamirayne · 18 hours
(༎ຶ︿༎ຶ) Rayne...Ino and Kiba...you're breaking my heart. I need a whole InoKiba playlist to cope. You sold me on these 2. Do you have a favorite song for them? Excuse me why I go craiii like a bitch (༎ຶ︿༎ຶ) (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
Aww, Anon! 💖 Music is always the cure. I do love those two. I actually do have a top song for them atm given the events in HHU. It's a remix: Eminem ft. Pink - I'm Sorry (Lyrics) (youtube.com)
The rap is Kiba's POV and it fits perfectly 💔❤️‍🩹. As for crying like a she-dog? Imma listen to this song and come cry with you, my dear.
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kankuroplease · 2 years
Ino Kiba maybe?
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spellcasterlight · 11 months
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Hi there Interested Iguana Anon! 😁
Some [Kiba x Ino] with some what those times would call raunchy flirting coming your way! 🤭
Hope you like it! ✨
In Only One Meeting - [Kiba x Ino]
@narutorarepairweek - Day 3 - Prompt: The Ties That Bind Us
Spell’sAUBingo - Tile 19: Regency AU
Warnings: Regency Alternative Universe. Mild Alcohol.
Story Link: [Ao3🔗]
Ao3 ✨ |Story Request Bingo Cards 📖 | WIP Game Always Open ✒️| Ko-Fi ☕ | Reblog Blog 🟢
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theunrealinsomniac · 2 years
Okay all those anons asking got me in the mood to ask:
For all the ex-relationships you have, who do you think wound up in the "horrifying messy breakup where they can't really talk anymore" and who wound up in the "we're still kinda friends, just not horny for each other anymore"?
Glad to have you!
So basically there's only really three recurring ex relationships in my works, NaruHina, SasuSaku and KibaIno, and some of them aren't in all of them lol.
And how most of them end also depends on the universe lol. Check me out with my little multiverse.
NaruTayu is a previous relationship in the Uni!AU and Sakura has also got an ex there, but as that story is ongoing ... we shall omit that universe for now.
Moving on.
In most Canon!AUs ... NaruHina, SasuSaku and KibaIno manage to be friends again eventually.
The one that remains the iciest the longest is SasuSaku, then NaruHina and then KibaIno.
KibaIno kinda knew their thing wasn't ever long term so it kinda fizzled out naturally and they never really stopped being friends.
There was a long period where Sakura would just leave the room if Sasuke entered it, and Sasuke spent a lot of time on shitty missions away from the village ... mostly for his own safety at certain times.
And Naruto and Hinata ... well that one got a bit awkward and kinda stayed that way for a long time. Kinda hard to be friends with your ex when he's clearly in love with your friend and always has been and probably was even during your relationship.
And neither of them even realised it.
That's gonna ruffle some feathers and hurt some feelings. That'll take time to heal from.
And that's just the ones where Naruto didn't do anything wrong really. There's some universes where Naruto does actually fuck Hinata over a little.
Takes longer for them to get to okay again in those stories lol.
The Wedding!AU verse btw?
NaruHina are awkward for a couple years but get over it and become good friends eventually.
KibaIno was again, never meant to be permanent and never really had issues, they just stopped hooking up one day.
SasuSaku? Heh. Sasuke's an outright dickhead in that universe. If Sakura ever lays eyes on him again ... he's going to wake up in the ICU.
He's in prison for life in that story though so it doesn't really matter.
But yeah, hope that gave you some of what you wanted :)
Thanks for the ask!
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tired-biscuit · 15 days
since you aren’t a fan of the canon ships in boruto, if you could what would you have changed them to?👀 I would love to hear your thoughts
my fav ships are narusaku, kibahina and saiino! but i also like the idea of kibanaru, sakuino and kibaino. idk, they just all make sense to me and the dynamics would range either from pure chaos or to the mushiest lovey-dovey shit ever.
like, look me in the eyes and tell me that kibanaru don’t give off dumbasses/rivals in love vibes… and that narusaku wouldn’t be the perfect friends to lovers… ohhhh and kibahina would be so soft; she’d turn him into such a marshmallow!
but yeah before anyone asks, yes i greatly dislike narusasu and naruhina and i know that those are ones of the most popular ships in the naruto fandom but i personally can’t stand them for the life of me, lmfao... i don’t mind if other people love them, you do you. it just ain’t for me, i guess.
ship wars are dumb anyways!
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lxspedeza · 1 year
INTRODUCTION; hi, it's kayla or k, 25+, she/her, ESL, permanently exhausted pigeon, and i've been writing ino on/off since 2015 and been obsessed with her since i was a little kid. she is a character that i grew up with and thus is very close to my heart. i hope i still make justice to her. i study and work full time, and surprisingly i have a lot of friends, but i'll try to be consistent with replies and such. ok that's a lie i'm a chaotic person, i don't even know the word consistency. i love to talk to my mutuals, my dms are always open to you.
CAUTION; please do not follow me or interact with me if you are underage. im a trash person, i curse, i make innuendos all the time, i like to write about darker themes and nsfw might happen on this blog if im in the mood. fanarts and stuff too, so yeah im not pg13. i'll try to tag the most common triggers, i myself have none becaue i've done a lot of therapy lol but yeah if i miss something lmk allright?
HOW TO INTERACT?; best ice-breakers are memes, this is my prompt tag, you are always welcome to go through them and send me something. unprompted asks are always loved. i usually write multi-para, but sometimes one liners are so good to relax you feel me? i LOVE ocs! if you have them send them my way, i'm forever curious. uh.. what else? crossovers are great, crack interactions always spike my serotonin, and i usually vibe very well with dupes. there's nothing better than screaming about your muse with someone who also writes them. yeah.
BIG NO NOs; nitrogen oxide. lol. anyway, you know, don't be an ass, don't be a bigot and whatever-phobic please. i don't like drama or call outs on my dash so i might unfollow if i see it. you'll never catch me participate in ooc drama. ic drama on the other hand? sign me the fuck up.
SHIPPING; so i'm a shipping whore let's make that clear right off the bat, but lately i care less and less about this aspect of the rp. my muse needs friends, platonic relationships, people she doesn't like, people she has to tolerate etc. that being said, this blog is multi-ship, until further notice i'll play ino as pansexual. otp is kibaino, i'm always down for that one. yeah idk honestly all of this is mood dependent
bruh if there's anything else... well i don't care, this was exhausting, lmao bye.
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anannua · 3 years
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@spellcasterlight Ay man no one's ever asked before. No, I don't think I have any NOtps. I do reserve the right to not draw whatever I don't feel like, but I don't have a hard pass on any ship in the Naruto fandom. Thanks for asking. Because you were so thoughtful of me I wanted to do art for you as well. Please enjoy KibaIno in B1 ❤️
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daybreakrising · 4 years
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@ameagaari​ asked: ‘i can’t lose you.’ [kibaino hurt me plz]  from this meme
The smile on his face was weak, but he had to keep smiling. For her. One hand rested on Akamaru’s back, fingers twisted deep into thick, soft fur. His best friend’s head lay across his lap, a painful, agonising whine punctuating every breath. Kiba could feel his sadness, his concern, as clearly as he could see Ino’s written across her face.
“Why do cats get to have nine lives, huh?” He murmured, a quiet chuckle slipping past his lips despite the agony in his chest. “Always thought that wasn’t fair...” A cough cut him off, the hot iron taste of fresh blood filling his mouth. Stupid. Reckless. He had acted rashly, as ever, and it had cost him. But what was he to do? He couldn’t stand by and watch her get hurt. Better him than her. Always better him than her.
His other hand lifted, trembling faintly with the effort, crimson stained fingers curling loosely around the wrist of the hand that worked, tirelessly, to try and close the wound that had cut him down. “You’ll look after Akamaru, won’t you? You’re the only one who knows his favourite places to walk besides me...” His fingers tightened on her wrist, in Akamaru’s fur. He could feel the strength leaving him and he fought, desperately, to cling onto consciousness a few moments more. There was a smear of blood - his blood - on her cheek, already running in the rain. It looked, almost, like an Inuzuka marking. That made him grin.
“I was gonna marry you, y’know... Maybe... maybe not for a few years, of course, but... eventually. One day.” 
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thespookymoth · 2 years
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Happy New Year!
How about we start the year with something bad good? 😉 I open my story requests with the Bad Things Happen Bingo to start in a new year with more fanfiction!
1. Give me one prompt.*
2. Choose a character or a pairing from Naruto or Boruto*
3. Tell me if this story should be SFW or NFSW *
4. Optional: Give me a pitch (max. 2 sentences) for the story
5. Everyone is welcome to make a request! You also can ask on anon. 😊
Just one prompt. I can't combine prompts for this bingo.
1 prompt = 1 story.
If you request a Boruto character I only write about Shikadai, Inojin, Chocho, Shinki, Yodo and Araya.
This is a Bad Things Happen Bingo. If you request NSFW something bad will happen to the characters.
Things I won't write about:
- Incest (neither siblings, nor parent and child. This also includes N*jiH*na)
- Sensei/Student relationships
- Adult/Child ships
- Extreme horror, gore, snuff or slasher related things (I am okay with wounds, broken bones, blood and diseases, it's Naruto after all, I just don't like these genres very much)
- NSFW: non-con/r*pe, feces
Characters/ships I won't write about:
- Founders Generation - Akatsuki (exception: Itachi) - All Kage (exception: Tsunade, Kakashi and Naruto) - Danzo - Orochimaru - Hiashi - SasuHina, GaaLee, TemaTen, ShikaSaku
...additionally I won't write anything I am not comfortable with. If this happens I will delete the request without further comment. When a prompt is taken I will cross out the prompt in the list. Can't wait to see your requests 😊💗 Under the cut you find the list with the prompts which are taken. I update the list accordingly.
Insomnia 🔗Desert Tribe (Shikadai & Shinki)
Arm in a Sling
Crying Themselves to Sleep
Dislocated Joint
Chronic Pain
Demonic/Ghostly Possession
Medical Torture
Bloostained Clothes
Never Got to Say Goodbye
Anger Born of Worry
Take My Hand
Breaking a Promise
"I'm Fine" 🔗It's hard to even fathom which part I should believe (KibaIno)
Coughing Up Blood 🔗Red (Shikadai & Inojin)
You Can Scream All You Want
Caught in an Explosion
Be Careful What You Wish For
Forgetting to Eat 🔗 Night Shift (SakuKanku)
Delirium 🔗 You lit the fire that burns (ShikaTema)
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oneyanderegirl · 7 years
Top 10 Naruto Ships
Tagged by @goatville and @fher43 It was wayyy more difficult than I thought LOL. Also, this turned out to be super fking long, wayy longer than needed LOL.
Honestly, I don’t really hardcore ship anyone outside of the first one lol... Soo besides the first ship, these are not in any particular order. They are ships that I like, but generally I don’t hardcore ship them. Also, this is all mostly based on the manga. 
1. Sasuhina - My favorite ship since middle school! I just love the dynamic between these two. Even though it is a crackship, I feel it is the crackship that had the most potential to become something more. Honestly, I love the dynamics that these two bring. Their contrasting personalities, physical appearance, and background just seem so well meshed that if the manga was written differently and better, they could have definitely had some sort of relationship with each other (romantically or not, shame Kishimoto didn’t flesh out their backgrounds more.) Another reason why I like this ship so much is because of how much freedom it gives me to develop the relationship between other characters since they are so connected to one another as well as their backgrounds, something that I felt wasn’t done enough in the manga. It just gives me so much room to develop everyone around them because it takes a lot of imagination and creativity to connect these two characters and develop their relationship. Fanfiction, Fanart, Doujins - I love them all! Although I haven’t contributed much to this ship (but I do try), this will always be my OTP of OTPs <3 
2. Nejiten -  I WILL NEVER GET OVER NEJI’S DEATH. Honestly, I don’t know when I started shipping these two. I just always thought that they would naturally end up together in the manga, but sadly that didn’t happen. When I first saw them together, my first thought was  “oh, they’ll probably end up together.” I can’t really explain it, but that’s just how this ship was for me. Fanart is amazing and while I don’t read fanfics for this ship, this was usually a common ship in a lot of SH fics that I’ve read. It really made me like this ship more because of the way their relationship was presented in fanfics, aside from the manga of course. 
3. Nejihina (BROTP; one-sided) - This ship really grew on me to be honest. I didn’t like it at first because of how rocky their relationship was at the beginning. However, fanart and manga overtime really had this ship grow on me. While sasuhina is still my OTP, this ship is a guilty pleasure. I mostly ship it as a brotp or one-sided on Neji’s part, but almost never mutually romantic except for the occasional fanart (SH is my OTP afterall). Not a lot of people would agree with me, but I felt that Neji at one point or another had secretly loved Hinata romantically. I really didn’t see it until his death, but that was probably the point where I started believing it. BROTP-wise, I think this ship is really underrated and underappreciated. I think they have a strong sibling-like relationship that I wish the manga would have went into more detail with (I hated how it was introduced and then brushed aside -_-). Afterall, you don’t just stop hating someone overnight, it takes time to really develop a strong bond with one another, especially if that hate almost caused the other person to die. Not to mention, their bond was strong enough for Neji to throw his life away, including his dreams and goals for himself and the clan (WHICH I WILL NEVER GET OVER). 
4. Sasuneji (BROTP; Rivalry) - Alright, this one is purely due to reading fanfics. I never really thought about this ship, but it was always there in a lot of SH fanfiction so it eventually grew on me. I think this ship would have made a great rivalry in the manga. While Neji never grew to be as strong as Sasuke by the end of the manga, he was still regarded as a prodigy genius and was still very strong for his age. If the manga was written better, Neji could have become one of the strongest Shinobis, not as strong as Sasuke and Naruto of course, but still one of the strongest. I really wanted to see these two fight each other and hoped that the manga would have given it to us. I mean seriously, 2 regarded geniuses from the two most powerful clans in Konoha, each with one of the three great eye dojutsus never fought each other????? Then again, the manga didn’t do Neji any justice anyways >_> (BTW he’s not even my favorite character, but can you tell how salty I am?) 
5. Narusaku - I always thought they were cute together. This was also one of those ships that I thought would naturally happen, but sadly didn’t. I like the relationship between these two and thought that the manga didn’t do a good job developing their growth as the characters that I thought they could be and were. However, fanon narusaku makes up for it, especially with their amazing fanart :D
6. Kibaino - Saw cute fanart one day and instantly fell in love with them~ I wish there was more fanart of them TT-TT I think this dynamic is interesting because these two are both very impulsive and hotheaded, yet are completely different from one another. This ship also leaves a lot of room to explore since they never got to interact much in the manga, so there are many possibilities in which this ship can be developed (romantically or not) without taking away from the characters. While I multiship Ino a lot, this is definitely my OTP out of them all. Plus, they are a cute couple in general <3
7. Shikatema - I felt that the manga really did a good job developing their relationship, even though they were side characters. The relationship was subtle, but hinted nicely throughout the manga. It was also developed in a way that didn’t take away from their characters nor did it make them seem OOC, something that I appreciated. Out of all the canon ships, this was the one that I liked and agreed with the most. 
8. Itasasu (BROTP) - I wish the manga would have given them a happy ending =( They were siblings and had a good relationship going until things happened and UGHHH I really wish they would have been able to share some good moments together before the manga ended TT-TT I feel a lot of people, and the manga itself, downplays how much trauma Sasuke went through because of what Itachi was forced to do in order to preserve Konoha and with what Itachi had to go through as well. I know we all joke around and make memes about Sasuke and Itachi, but it’s honestly really tragic and sad with what they had to go through. Seeing your entire family murdered by the person you had loved, trusted and admired is something that affects you for the rest of your life. Being the person who had to slaughter your own family, lover, friends, and comrades is something that will always haunt you. This relationship was not explored enough and could have definitely been more developed (I mean wayyy better developed) than what the manga gave us. 
9. The Girls (Hinata, Sakura, Tenten, Ino, Temari, Karin BROTP) - The manga never gave them enough positive development independently, with each other, and with their teams. I love seeing how they interact in fanfics. Although it’s really difficult to find ones that don’t feel too OOC to me, but this is more of a personal preference than anything. I think it’s interesting to explore since they are all different from one another. I especially like seeing Hinata and Tenten, Sakura and Ino, Temari and Ino, Sakura and Karin, Hinata and Ino, Tenten and Ino, and Sakura and Hinata. 
10. Kibaten (BROTP) -  Honestly, it was really hard to decide the last ship, but this one really grew on me as of recently. I never thought about this ship until I came across a particular fanfiction, where they both were interacting together to help Hinata. I think their personalities would match pretty well together, and I could see them being good friends. 
Well, these are my top 10 Naruto ships (bound to change of course). Don’t know who to tag, but if you’re a Sasuhina fan who hasn’t done it yet, I would love to read about it :D 
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okamirayne · 3 years
Rayyyyyneee my heart can’t take it💔 HHU FEELS. ShikaNeji, KakaGen and now KibaIno!!! *dead* Aaaah, will Kiba and Ino reconcile!? I love their dynamic, it’s intense in its own way, you know? Will he forgive her!? Aaaa!!! *FEELS*
Aww, luv…💜
[…] Aaaah, will Kiba and Ino reconcile!? I love their dynamic, it’s intense in its own way, you know? Will he forgive her!?
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Aiyo, that is indeed the burning question, Anon. Ino has put him through the wringer….
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And yet…
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Thank you for all the enthusiasm for this pairing and the other ones too, my lovely!!! 💜
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alyssaallyrion · 3 years
comin in hot w the ship ask meme!! gimme 2, 6, 10, 13, 24, 30, and 36!!
Thank you for the ask <3
2.Your newest ship
Hmm, well, I've only been in the fandom for like 3(?) months at this point so all the ships are pretty new. But if I had to pick, probably KIbaIno - I haven't read a single fic yet, but I saw a bunch of arts that were absolutely gorgeous, and I'm kind of feeling it. While probably not a "lived happily ever after ship", I think it has potential as a fun fling.
6.Favourite f/f ship
This is hard, bc there is hardly any f/f content that isn't for a ship that shall not be named. Honestly, I couldn't pick just one, bc all these ships hardly have any content, but I love all of them (for different reasons), at least in theory - InoTema, InoKarin and InoHina.
10. Most smutty ship
Ahh, this is a tough question, but I can't write a ShisuIta fic without them having a smut scene (at least implied one) at least once a fic, so I'll have to pick ShisuIta.
13.Most shippable character
Ino - I've just listed 5 ships I like for her and that isn't even half of them.
24.Biggest notp
s/s. Imo, it's not good for either of them and it's so fundamentally boring, that I just can't stand it. Hate the canon execution of it, and, imo, fandom one is rarely any better (there are probably some exceptions tho).
Also, ita/saku and saku x any uchi/ha - mostly because it seems the male characters are entirely interchangeable and the dynamic is the same, whether it's her with a sweetheart like Shisui or a bitter old bat like Madar@
30.Favourite canon ship
So, even tho I'm a ShikaIno shipper, but I did like Shikatema in canon. Though, as y'all have told me, Boruto kinda messed up their dynamic, so I'll have to go with SaiIno
36.Characters that you can’t decide if you prefer as ship or brotp
Hmm, probably Kakashi's other popular ships - like KakaYama and KakaGai. As you know, I'm a dedicated kkir shipper, but both these ships are pretty good for Kakashi, so 🤷‍♀️
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spellcasterlight · 2 years
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Hi there @random-rave! 😊
I have a soft spot for the sassiness of this pairing so thank you for this request! This might have got a little of track but I think you'll still like how turned out!
Hope you like it! ✨
Smile For the Camera - [Kiba x Ino]
@kunoichi-central - Day 1 Prompt: Seductive
@kinky-things-happen - Tile 17: Blackmail
Warnings: Modern Day Alternative Universe. Swearing. Pornography. Possession Kink. Graphic Sexual Scene.
Story Link: [Ao3🔗]
Ao3 ✨ | WIP Game Always Open ✒️| Ko-Fi ☕
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theunrealinsomniac · 2 years
First of all, I just want to say that your KibaIno content actually turned me into KibaIno shipper and right know his officialy my #2 pick for Ino (after Naruto, but let's be honest, Naruto is basically every girl dream man)
And that made me curious - could you explain why do you prefer InoSai to KibaIno, which you depict mostly as temporary friends with benefits? Because it's way easier for me to imagine KibaIno as couple as they both have similar (but not the same which is good) personalities. Like, I'm not even thinking about anything sexual, quite opposite, I find it easier for me to imagine KibaIno's daily domestic life, playful interactions, them joking around, their banter, and them keeping "the spark" of their relationship constantly alive and going in comparison to InoSai where I can see them flirting but I find it hard to imagine their everyday life together with just how different they are. Like, I know there are couples where "opposites attract each other" but with your characterization of Ino, I always imagined that she is looking for someone more similar/equal to herself (like with Naruto) rather than complete opposite as Sai.
Sorry for the long message, hope you don't mind asking for basically an analysis but hey, I love your analyzes and I'm very interesting in hearing your thoughts.
Always glad to make another convert lol.
But I'm afraid the answer to your question isn't as complex as you might think.
It's very meta to start with.
I explored KibaIno as a relationship that didn't go further than sex. Even if they were actually dating properly. They very clearly liked each other and the sex was amazing ... but the core thing behind them was that it stopped there.
They are not in love with each other, that's why they don't last.
Maybe they would be if they met when they were older but they didn't and they don't.
There's also the big problem that Kiba in my works is deeply in love with Hinata. Much like how Naruto never really got over his feelings for Sakura ... Kiba never got over Hinata. And he tried to get over her, a LOT.
In a very real sense, part of Kiba was always kinda waiting for Hinata to be ready.
It's not nice for the other women Kiba dated and was with, but it's the truth.
And as for Ino.
Ino has had a lot of sexual partners. Men, women and anywhere in between or apart from the binary. And Sai was meant to be just another lay in a sea of lovers for Ino.
But his genuine curiosity and wonder at the world, and kindness and hidden depths, which canon proves to us are there, enamours her in a way that no one else ever has or could.
Plus his curiosity extends to every element of life ... which Ino is only too happy to explore with him lol.
But at the end of the day? I prefer SaiIno cos I do. The things above are just the narratives I built around that preference for story purposes lol.
I hope my answer was at least interesting for a bit lol.
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tired-biscuit · 1 year
I am 100% sure you've been asked before, but do you have a favourite Kiba ship? And any particular thoughts about their funtimes?
i like most ships that include kiba, but my favourite one is kibahina <3
18+ stuff below
and if by funtimes you mean how they fuck, the first thing that comes to mind with them is corruption. i think he'd enjoy the idea of being her first everything and thus leaving a mark she wouldn't be quite able to get rid of; it'd pump his ego but also because he just cares so deeply about her and wants to move her in the same way as she moves him.
he's more experienced than her. definitely has a thing for seeing her all fucked out and getting red in the face and super overwhelmed as she tries to take him - thus the corruption kink. really likes how soft and warm she is all over and how responsive she gets because she's so sensitive and eager (but in a timid sort of way, of course) to learn. if he manages to break the sombre composure her clan had tried to drill into her, he's on cloud nine.
she on the other hand likes him because he's so open about his feelings. he tells (or shows) her exactly what he wants, how he wants it, when he wants it. also treats her well afterwards even if he sometimes loses it a bit and gets more rough during the act itself; the aftercare is immaculate intimacy-wise. he will make sure she's comfortable afterwards and insist on some naked cuddles.
he also helps her out a lot, like his hand will guide her own when it comes to stroking his cock, he'll help her ride him better by gripping her hips, etc... that kind of thing. he likes to degrade but will praise her instead because she's special to him and it makes her heart flutter when he admits it. and she also loves that he's bigger and stronger than her, it just makes her feels safe and protected.
however, i do think that he'd actually be really sweet and patient with her in the beginning and would just satisfy his own libido by taking care of himself on his own until she'd be ready. i really don't see him pressuring her into anything she doesn't want because like i said, he cares about hinata way too much. though i do think the thought of him taking her virginity makes him fuck his fist way more often than usual lmao........
also, he makes her squirt. a lot. don't ask why, it's just fitting for them, idk.
you can find more of my kibahina thoughts here or read the fic i wrote about them here. also, you can check out this wonderful art of them by kankuroplease!!
oh oh oh, also, i've recently really started liking the idea of kibaino. they'd be the hot couple and i like to think that they'd also be really kinky and would be so eager to try new things hahhah..... it'd be a slightly toxic relationship imo, cos she'd definitely love to provoke him and make him jealous and he'd grow insecure about it, but goddamn, i just know they'd fuck, ok?? like he'd make her scream and she'd scratch the hell outta his back <3
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lvrexe · 3 years
idk how many of these people have asked but imma keep going til i cant think of any more ships LMAO
kibaino, narusaku, nejiten 👀
i mean keep them coming, i don’t mind!! keeps me busy
[ KibaIno ]
vomit / don’t ship / okay / cute / adorable / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
There’s damn shipping war about Ino in my head. I have so many ships for Ino. InoSai, SakuIno, KibaIno are the main ones, istg. KibaIno, while not at the top (SakuIno is), is one I may occasionally use as a side ship. They’re that one hot couple everyone wants to be like, if they don’t want to be the soft and cutesy couple.
[ NaruSaku ]
vomit / don’t ship / okay / cute / adorable / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell 
MY ALL-TIME FAVOURITE SHIP. I fucking LOVE this ship so goddamn much. Specifically in Shippuden. Naruto and Sakura, to me, have some of the best interactions and it is so goddamn obvious that they care for each other so damn much. It’s… mwah~ 😘 *chef’s kiss* for me.
[ NejiTen ]
vomit / don’t ship / okay / cute / adorable / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell 
I’ve never cared much for Team Gai and when it came to ships, I hardly included Team Gai. But when I did think about the team, it was always been LeeTen and NejiTen. As I thought about it more and saw Team Gai a little more, NejiTen kinda won over
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