#btb Ino ask
okamirayne · 3 months
(༎ຶ︿༎ຶ) Rayne...Ino and Kiba...you're breaking my heart. I need a whole InoKiba playlist to cope. You sold me on these 2. Do you have a favorite song for them? Excuse me why I go craiii like a bitch (༎ຶ︿༎ຶ) (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
Aww, Anon! 💖 Music is always the cure. I do love those two. I actually do have a top song for them atm given the events in HHU. It's a remix: Eminem ft. Pink - I'm Sorry (Lyrics) (youtube.com)
The rap is Kiba's POV and it fits perfectly 💔❤️‍🩹. As for crying like a she-dog? Imma listen to this song and come cry with you, my dear.
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okamirayne · 6 months
Hey there! I apologize if this has been asked before, but in the BtB universe do most of the characters know/suspect the relationship between ShikaNeji, or have they been really successful in concealing it? Are there any characters that have their suspicions other than the characters said to have known (Hiashi/Shukaku?) Dumb question, but I have my own little headcanons about this haha.
Hey there @idreamofflight 😊 Thanks for dropping in with your ASK, luv! It is not a dumb question at all!
[…] in the BtB universe do most of the characters know/suspect the relationship between ShikaNeji, or have they been really successful in concealing it?
I can confirm that they had been very successful at concealing it, although by the time Heaven Hold Us starts (post War), these surviving characters know for certain:
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Plus my ANBU OC, Tsuno
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Are there any characters that have their suspicions other than the characters said to have known (Hiashi/Shikaku?)
These characters had/have their suspicions:
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Ino & Chōji for sure, though they never pushed Shikamaru on this (well…maybe Ino…just a little bit 🤏 )
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Kiba suspected/suspects on a deeply subconscious level — an animal instinct feeling but he never let(s) that instinct bubble up consciously, namely because he and Neji clash so much and it’s not something he would’ve been able to logically square in his head. He was/is still hung up on Shikamaru’s adventures in Suna with those lady twins 😉
😅 Now, all that said, bear in mind I am sometimes surprised by a certain revelation a character can come up with whilst writing. So there may be one or two more with lurking suspicions that haven’t come to mind just yet.
Sasuke, for example, could presently rate in both the knows about Shikamaru and Neji and/or the suspects category at this point. I’ll know for certain when writing his interaction with Shikamaru. 👍🏼
Thanks for the ASK, luv! Though it may be subject to change, this is where it presently stands. 🧡
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okamirayne · 3 months
Hello Hello!
Just a random ask.. do you have any inconsequential or random hc’s for characters that have almost no relevance in their overall lives? I’ll go first — I’ve always imagined that Neji developed a mild disgust/phobia of spiders ever since his fight with Kidomaru
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Heya Anon! 💜
Just a random ask.. do you have any inconsequential or random hc’s for characters that have almost no relevance in their overall lives? I’ll go first — I’ve always imagined that Neji developed a mild disgust/phobia of spiders ever since his fight with Kidomaru
Oooh, that's a great question! And your example is solid. Wouldn't blame Neji thumbing his nose at the Eight Legged Freaks after his ordeal.
Hmm...I might need some liquid inspiration to answer this...
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...argh, what's so annoying is that I tend to discover my hc's as I write the characters - does that make sense? It's really bizarre. You'd think that I'd have a tonne of head cannons just filed away, but what tends to happen is they drop into my headspace as I'm writing, rather than me actively thinking about them...I think maybe because 98% of my brain is engaged in plot most of the time (given how long BtB is), the character aspect (my favourite part, oddly enough) churns out based purely on organic in-the-moment writing and inspiration/instinct...which is probably why I love it so much, it's more intuitive than intellectual and way more fun.
Sorry, that in no way answers your question...
I'm thinking but....
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Seriously...zilch...on demand, nada...
And yet, undoubtedly, I'm going to discover those head canons as I write. Some random examples below (some which obviously have significance), most of which have been disclosed already and discovered whilst writing, but give some good cases of BtB-verse HCs...if some could be called that?
how gift giving is one of Ino's biggest love languages
how Hiashi prefers Go to Shogi
how Raidō is a stickler for rules and enjoys sudoku
how Shikaku got his scars (Shuken)
how Kiba is ridiculously loyal once romantically attached despite his flirtatious and rascal-like behaviour
how Kakashi treasures his Team 7 mug decorated by his students before Sasuke defected
how Kakashi suffered from migraines due to the Sharingan
how Ino's old eating disorder issues were related to a critical and image-obsessed mother, and to Sakura rejecting her friendship as a kid because of Sasuke (leading Ino to believe she was always going to be in competition with other women and that female friendships are fragile)
how Sakura hates how much she loves Sasuke
Chōji allowing Ino to decorate him like a Christmas tree whenever she drags him into shopping sprees (she feeds him for it, which is a win-win)
Shikamaru requiring Chōji to do the thinking and the legwork when it comes to purchasing gifts for Ino
Asuma's cigarette brand is hard to get hold of
Genma is a whole head canon in himself - Halloween is important to him and not just because of pumpkin soup
Genma's issues with care homes - hints of his past as a kid
The significance to Neji of the words "every time" when he speaks them to Shikamaru
The importance of the words "I hear you" between Shikamaru and Asuma, and generally when Shikamaru says this, regardless of who he's speaking to
Neji's blind spot being an erogenous zone
Shikamaru being an utter sucker for head massages
Shikamaru loving Niji's coffee (second to none)
Genma being attracted to Kurenai (much to his supreme annoyance)
Inoichi having a wicked sweet-tooth, leading to him sneaking off to indulge in various confectionary (usually at the Akimichi household) so his wife didn't lose her shit (which led to her believing he might be having affairs)
Yoshino being incredibly sensitive to Shikamaru's security whilst in the home - the only control she feels she has over his safety given his life as a shinobi
Orochimaru's severely messed up behaviour with Sasuke and the oddness of his rules surrounding it (not sure you'd call this a head canon, as it's not something I enjoy entertaining - not that all head canon's are fun)
Kakashi somatising his emotions and his body carrying most of his pain
Kakashi preferring to live in a complex with older veteran shinobi rather than his peers (quieter, less intrusive)
Shiba (Kakashi's ninken) suffering bouts of claustrophobia
Ino, Inoichi, and Naoki's habit of cracking their thumbs
Ibiki's arthritis in his hands (worse now due to chakra sickness)
Kiba's nostalgic love/hate for silky thread grass
Shikaku's involvement with the Hyūga during his youth
Inoichi being a pretty-boy when younger and having to infiltrate a geisha house (where he met Sayuri, his wife)
Shikamaru harbouring mild paranoia of losing anything Ino buys him (the risk of ballistic head injury is very real)
The playful battle of Ino keeping a mental score of "you owe me" vs Shikamaru keeping a mental score of "I'll remember this"
Tenten messing with Neji by adding spice to his food
Argh, there are loads more; but those are the ones that just randomly came to mind whilst trying to kick my marbles around. There will undoubtedly be more to come, especially with characters such as Naruto and Sasuke, but also Neji, Shikakmaru and the rest.
Unfortunately (or fortunately) I can't always predict what they'll be so I apologise for not being able to reciprocate properly, Anon! But thank you for this ASK, it was fun to recall these. 💜🫶🏼💜
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okamirayne · 1 year
I finished the entire BtB series (and HHU) about a week ago and it hasn't left my mind even once.
I'm not quite sure how to put my thanks into words: You managed to make me feel so obsessed with reading like when I was a kid. I stayed up until 4 am, had to literally force myself to sleep because I was (am!) so incredibly invested. No other piece of literature has done that since like... 6 years? I cried, screamed, laughed, gasped, blushed at so many scenes - the heartache was genuinely so beautiful.
I know the first part of BtB is quite old and your writing has improved a lot since then but all the parts read incredibly seamlessly.
I could *hear* the characters voices in my head while reading, picture the scenes like a movie in my head. The attention to detail and the accuracy of the characters makes me so incredibly happy. Usually when reading, I notice every single distraction going on around me and it's so rare that something pulls me in to the point I just zero in on the story.
There's a lot of scenes that stuck in my mind and to my surprise, I resonated most with your characterisation of Genma. I went in a die-hard Neji fan (and still am) and came out with a deep appreciation for Shikamaru and Genma. (That being said, I also really love then way you portray the other characters, especially Hiashi and Ibiki who I really didn't like before.)
Genma's story just... God it has my heartstrings in a death grip. His never-ending jack-assery and dirty jokes and the way Raido sees right through it.
The fact he held onto items important to him and related to the people he loved most...
The way he handled Shikamaru and Asuma and Kurenai's baby while still insisting he doesn't do well with children.
The way he made Kakashi say what he feels near the end of UtS in an ass-backwards way but a way that didn't allow for deception and empty words.
But, I think the moment that made me sob and laugh and feel the most was when he said "You ruined it" - that fucking killed me right then and there.
When I first met Genma in your story I was really sceptical and suspicious of him, thinking he was somehow the bad guy. And then I grew to love him and hurt for him. That was so extremely well done.
I also have to get off my chest that I love, love, love the way you described his drug trips (and Kakashi's little endeavor with medicines) as well as dreams and flashbacks. I find that these things are mostly feelings and oh so confused and confusing that it's hard to put into words but you genuinely excel at it.
I also love the transitions of dreams back to reality. Keyword here being "back". God, nothing hurt me more than reading that word in HHU. I think you know which scene I mean.
I also read through old asks and found out more about Naoki and Karibi. I love these two so much as well. Karibi struck me as very interesting and I'm glad I got to find out how she lived and died. Especially because HHU kind of alluded to her commiting or attempting suicide.
Naoki... My heart hurts for him. This poor, poor man. I'm so fucking glad he didn't have to die alone. He was so strong for Genma though, building him up, putting him on the right path and giving him a verbal slap for being an addict, giving Kakashi and him his blessings eventhough he used to be so possessive and protective of Genma.
His story really is tragically beautiful and incredibly complex. I really wanted him to live but realistically I knew it wasn't going to happen.
How old were Karibi, Naoki and Genma when they joined Team Yokai? When Inoichi saw Genma and Naoki kiss and Genma talks about his Senbon hitting certain nerves (hehe), they're said to be about 17 and I remember it being mentioned that Naoki took a while to "bottom" in bed due to his childhood trauma.
Also can we talk about the Tsubomi poem? That is so *beautiful*. Did it come easy to you or was it hard to write? It fits so incredibly perfectly to Naoki and Ino.
One thing that confuses me about the storyline is the epilogue of Requiem, where Genma has a flashback(?) about Shuken holding Naoki hostage and making him reveal his name. Could you explain to a confused-maybe-stupid-me when that takes place and how Genma and Naoki escape from that situation?
I can't stop gushing about your story so i won't:
Shuken's character is also so well written. When we first meet him in Shikamarus flashbacks, I was also oddly intrigued eventhough I had an idea about what sort of fucked up things he'd done to Shikamaru. You wrote his seductiveness really well. And then he reveals his age and I got *deeply* disturbed and as we learn more I just got more and more disturbed. The progression was so well done, I felt like I was sort of experiencing what Shikamaru was going through. The use of "Shika" sent cold shivers down my spine.
I also really loved your wheels within wheels and walls within walls metaphor for the ANBU. It creates such an amazing mental image that can be played around with so creatively.
Aaa. Okay. I think I got most of my thoughts down so far. I'm sure I'll come back to gush some more, maybe ask some more.
Thank you so much for this amazing story and all the work and hours you put into it. I can't wait to read more from you 💙
My dear @sunlightrays 💙💙 Thank you so much for both your patience with me as I finally secure the time to respond, and of course, for the phenomenal feedback you've given me. As expressed in my private DM. It impacted me immensely...and I am still moved and altered by it -- thank you. I will endeavour in this reply to answer your Qs to the best of my ability, given that I do tend to revert back into a blob of incoherent feels every time I revisit this message...💙
I know the first part of BtB is quite old and your writing has improved a lot since then but all the parts read incredibly seamlessly.
Oh dear lord...that first installment....*cringes* oh the temptation to rewrite it, luv...THE TEMPTATION....(aww, thank you though, I appreciate that you felt it all flowed together).
There's a lot of scenes that stuck in my mind and to my surprise, I resonated most with your characterisation of Genma. [...] Genma's story just... God it has my heartstrings in a death grip. His never-ending jack-assery and dirty jokes and the way Raido sees right through it.
Oh, luv, I do so love writing Genma and his respective relationships, whether platonic or romantic.
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I'm so freaking happy you took a shine to his portrayal in BtB! The feedback you have given me with WHY and WHAT you loved about Genma's portrayal and story was just...I can't even begin to describe how nourishing that was to my writer's soul. If every writer were to receive this kind of feedback, I can see their proverbial cups running over with gratitude and inspiration. Thank you so, so much.
I also love the transitions of dreams back to reality. Keyword here being "back". God, nothing hurt me more than reading that word in HHU. I think you know which scene I mean.
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Ah god damn, but you hit me hard with the love you showed my OCs. Thank you so, so much for that and for sharing what it was that drew you in -- especially with Naoki. 💗💗💗 (Even Shuken, dare I say)
How old were Karibi, Naoki and Genma when they joined Team Yokai?
13 to 14 years old. Naoki joined when he was 13, Karibi and Genma at 14. By the time they were assigned to Team Yokai, they were all 16.
When Inoichi saw Genma and Naoki kiss and Genma talks about his Senbon hitting certain nerves (hehe), they're said to be about 17 and I remember it being mentioned that Naoki took a while to "bottom" in bed due to his childhood trauma.
Correct! They'd have been 17/18 years old at that time. Age 19 is when Naoki tragically accepted Danzo's offer and was listed as KIA after his 'fake death'.
Re: intimacy issues. Right you are. Due to his childhood abuse, Naoki refused to "bottom" for the longest time. It took a hell of a lot for Genma to work through that with him. Karibi helped with this too.
Also can we talk about the Tsubomi poem? That is so *beautiful*. Did it come easy to you or was it hard to write? It fits so incredibly perfectly to Naoki and Ino.
Aww....I'm so touched you felt that way about Naoki's poem for Ino. It's such a tough question to answer. Anything that is deeply personal or painful for the characters always twinges my heartstrings when writing...but for Naoki, his guarded emotions came out in his seldom seen/heard creativity / art, so writing it was easy in the sense that it flowed into my head easily from the character, but it was hard in the sense that it reflected so much of Naoki's pain as well as his love.
One thing that confuses me about the storyline is the epilogue of Requiem, where Genma has a flashback(?) about Shuken holding Naoki hostage and making him reveal his name. Could you explain to a confused-maybe-stupid-me when that takes place and how Genma and Naoki escape from that situation?
Oh my dearest, YOU are in no way the confused-maybe-stupid party in this. In fact, "I" am the idiot who cut a LOT of scenes surrounding Naoki's torture at Shuken's hands and the escape situation *epic facepalm* In hindsight, I would love to go back and edit that by re-writing/editing and INCLUDING those scenes. I can see the holes there from the reader's perspective, and if I hadn't been operating like a runaway train at the time, I'd have slowed down to correct that error.
So, that scene where Genma has the nightmare flashback of Shuken holding Naoki hostage. Let me do a breakdown chronology as it's the easiest way my fucked-up spiderweb mind-map can be translated into a linear sequence....
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Naoki gets stabby-happy with Shuken (plunges that needle into his neck) and fucks up his ROOT mission, but prioritises saving Shikamaru
Naoki needs Genma to "buy him time" while he tries to fix the trauma and everything coming undone in Shikamaru's head
So Genma goes happy-hunting on the Freak Show as Naoki deep dives into Shikamaru's brainpan
(DELETED SCENE) Naoki stablisies Shuken so the natural energy doesn't kill him. Then Naoki deep-dives into Shikamaru's brainpan and meets with some complications because of the natural energy swimming around inside him.
(cont. DELETED SCENE) Naoki tries to stabilise Shikamaru too, but gets interrupted mid-brain-and-body-fix by more Freak Show cross-breeds looking for bossman Shuken. Naoki can't complete what he's doing with Shikamaru and needs more time. He hides Shikamaru and takes out the opponents interrupting him before rushing to assist Genma
He assists Genma lol -- ends up getting injured (takes a nasty blow to his hip, if I recall)
He tells Genma he needs more time with Shikamaru to fix the kid
Genma is too busy freaking out about Naoki stabbing his mark/Shuken in the neck and the consequences of this action
They get interrupted by more Freak Show mutants, which sabotages Naoki's plan to regroup with Shikamaru and use the Nagu blood vial to get them the hell out
Naoki opts to stay behind to distract the Freak Show and give Genma time to get Shikamaru out, so he kisses Genma in a heated moment to shut him up and save time by connecting their minds where he " communicated in seconds what would've taken minutes to put into words; why Tenka had killed those children; where he'd hidden Shikamaru; what he'd tried to do to fix him; the secret route he planned to use to get them out; and lastly, what he was asking Genma to do – no, ordering him to do." -UtS
He tells Genma to get Shikamaru out, basically, even though he hasn't finished 'fixing' the kid. Naoki gets caught (DELETED SCENE)
Genma does as he's ordered, only he can't bring himself to leave Naoki behind again so after crossing through the portal so Shuken can't reach the kid, he hides and secures Shikamaru (DELETED SCENE) and returns to go and help Naoki, letting himself get caught in the process
Naoki in the meantime has been at Shuken's mercy (or lack thereof) and is receiving a traitor's punishment (DELETED SCENE) -- it is at this point that Genma's flashback dream comes into play where Shuken is starting to shown signs of transmogrification due to the natural energy in his system (think Sound Four on steroids) and wants to know Genma's name and where he stashed Shikamaru
(LONG DELETED SCENE) Meanwhile, Kurayami is borne in Shikamaru's consciousness and THAT is the person that wakes up when Shikamaru finally comes to. He secures himself some Nagu blood, re-enters the portal and goes on the hunt for Shuken
(HUGE DELETED SCENE - hinted at in Genma's memories when he's talking to Tsunade) Shikamaru/Kurayami finds Shuken. He goes for Shuken like a heat-seeking missile, taking out mutants as he goes, unintentionally freeing Genma in the process, his shadows bringing chaos. He does damage. A lot of it. But in the last minute Naoki comes between Shuken and Shikamaru and gets Shuken's knife in the back. Shuken is out for the count after that. Naoki, knife in back, prioritises clamping his hands to Shikamaru's head, trying to shut down Kurayami and lock the alter away, as the whole building is coming down.
This was Naoki's last bid effort to try to save Shikamaru's mind by sealing off all the alters, knowing he didn't have time to integrate them.
Shocked Genma snaps into Kaika mode and gets his shit together, scooping up unconscious Shikamaru and running like a mo-fo with Naoki in tow
Naoki can't run any further, he falls and is bleeding out, tells Genma to run one last time and get the kid to safety, reminding him that Shikamaru can't be allowed to remember etc. Makes Genma swear an oath to him.
Though it costs him his heart, Genma does as he's told one final time. And it's too late to go back again after getting Shikamaru to safety at last. He believes Naoki is dead.
Phew! Sorry for that LONG list. I hope it clarifies for you those missing/deleted scenes, sweetie? Sorry again for any confusion. I own that as a big mistake on my part; sadly at the time, the mammoth wordcount and my runaway brain steamrolled ahead. In hindsight, I'd absolutely fix those gaps upon revision.
Aaa. Okay. I think I got most of my thoughts down so far. I'm sure I'll come back to gush some more, maybe ask some more.
You are most welcome to, luv. I am delighted and humbled by your interest and your huge support for my fic. Thank you for your patience with my response and thank you again, so, SO much for such an outstanding response to my insane contribution to the Naruto fandom.
I am grateful beyond measure and meant every single word I wrote you in that DM. I repeatedly revisit this review and I shall for as long as I write. 💗💗💗 Thank you.
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okamirayne · 4 months
Helloo, another BtB fan coming out of the woodwork lol
I completely second anon’s post about your humor, I find myself giggling like an idiot at ungodly hours re-reading your work more nights than I feel confident disclosing (as well as seconding the ask about burnout and your mental health, I would hope the majority of Okamirayne stans understand the absolute necessity of mental health breaks in the arts, and if not then there is a strong minority of your fans that will fight anyone who prioritizes the product over the author 👊💥)
I’m not much of a writer, and I think most ppl have articulated my feelings in asks much better than I could ever hope to, so this is just me writing a long winded “I AGREEEEE” to already existing asks. But god, when I found the BtBverse my eyes were opened to how amazing fics and headcanons can add on to already existing universes and characters. Maybe this is elementary level reading comprehension, but I’ve never been able to get immersed into worlds like I have in your fics. Normally when I read, I feel outside of the world, reading dialogue and an occasional sprinkle of world context that helps me understand what’s going on, and so many fics I read seem to relegate the characters to caricatures of their main personality traits (shikamaru is lazy, neji is a hardass, naruto is goofy, ino is obsessed with self-image) but in your writing I feel like you give so much respect to each and every character, adding the context of WHY they are the way they are in the canon universe. You’ve expanded so much of their characters that I pretty much think of your universe as canon (Kishimoto..and his disrespect of his female characters..jaded me from the canonverse a long time ago) More than reading words on a page (or a screen, I saw one post a while ago where you had a printed out copy of BtB and I’ve been yearning for one ever since), I feel like I’m actually inside your universe when I’m reading. I can actually see the entire scene you’ve laid out. Again, this is probably beginner reading comp, but when I read your work I’m actually imaging each character and their perspective, looking through their eyes (and yours) from every possible angle — what are they seeing, how does it coincide from what I’ve read about the other character’s pov, etc etc etc.
This is a giant ramble to basically say, not only am I grateful to have such a brilliant and beautiful work in the Shikaneji fandom, I am also grateful to have been exposed to your writing. I’ve always been a stem girly, but reading your work has opened my eyes to the beauty of what writing is capable of. BtB has helped my brain reintroduce its love for reading, something I thought I lost long ago. Of course, I am constantly yearning for more and more HHU installments, but, to reiterate already existing asks and comments, I am so incredibly grateful for the already existing work that you have produced. I hope that whatever your future holds, whether it be more HHU chapters, your own independent worlds, or just doing whatever the hell you want, you keep on writing. You probably know this already, but you have such incredible writing skills, and I’m sure whatever you decide to do in your future will be brilliant.
- love letter from a longtime fan
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Hello there, Long Time Fan!💖
So ridiculously excited and happy to hear from you! Thank you so much for making the time to hit me up here on Tumblr with this phenomenally kind, sweet, thoughtful and all out awesome message. I'm gobsmacked but will endeavour to respond. 🫶🏼💜
Firstly, so chuffed you enjoy the BtB humour, luv. *high fives* Solidarity in the giggles to dilute the angst! I also thank you for your support regarding my burnout and what you mentioned about prioritising the author over the product. That means a lot and I appreciate it, especially when there is so much content flooding out to be consumed and the pressure to create feels immense at times. 🫠💀
I’m not much of a writer, and I think most ppl have articulated my feelings in asks much better than I could ever hope to, so this is just me writing a long winded “I AGREEEEE” to already existing asks.
Just the fact that you took the time to write to me, means everything. I love, appreciate, respect, and treasure every single comment or response I get - as they are as individual to me as the person writing the feedback or sharing their thoughts at the other end of the screen. Each message or comment reads different and hits different to me and are uniquely precious. 🥰
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But god, when I found the BtBverse my eyes were opened to how amazing fics and headcanons can add on to already existing universes and characters. [...] I’ve never been able to get immersed into worlds like I have in your fics. Normally when I read, I feel outside of the world, [...] so many fics I read seem to relegate the characters to caricatures of their main personality traits [...] but in your writing I feel like you give so much respect to each and every character, adding the context of WHY they are the way they are in the canon universe.
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Ah, you hit me right in the feels, luv 💖. I know I repeat this a lot but the characters are the most important part of the storytelling craft for me. If they have weird quirks or habits I wanna know what's behind it all and I am so delighted and touched to know that the deep-dive into these characters has engaged you and gotten you invested in the BtB-verse. I am glowing right now. The characters are the heart and soul of it all. Expanding on them, acknowledging them as the heroes of their own stories is so important - extrapolating from that, that's why each individual review means so much to me, because a person is a character on the other side of the screen with their own reasons for connecting with my work, and I acknowledge how varied that is for each person. 🥰
[...] I feel like I’m actually inside your universe when I’m reading. I can actually see the entire scene you’ve laid out. Again, this is probably beginner reading comp, but when I read your work I’m actually imaging each character and their perspective, looking through their eyes (and yours) from every possible angle — what are they seeing, how does it coincide from what I’ve read about the other character’s pov, etc etc etc.
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In no way is what you're describing beginner reading comprehension. We never know what's going to connect with us. I am so touched by what you've shared here...especially as it relates to two of the most important elements of the storytelling craft for me. 1) To do justice to the characters 2) to deliver an experience for the reader, and if not that, then entertrainment and escape - but "an experience" is always what I aim for...and you've given me such an incredible validation with what you described in your message, so THANK YOU, so, so much...THIS is why I write and invest so much into the writing. So that someone can feel that sense of immersion into the world, into the characters. I'm beyond thrilled that you feel this way. 💖💜🫠🥰
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I'm so thankful to have you as a reader and am just buzzing to have received this beautiful message from you.💖🥹💖
[...] BtB has helped my brain reintroduce its love for reading, something I thought I lost long ago. Of course, I am constantly yearning for more and more HHU installments, but, to reiterate already existing asks and comments, I am so incredibly grateful for the already existing work that you have produced.
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💖....just, wow. Seriously. Thank you.
I hope that whatever your future holds, whether it be more HHU chapters, your own independent worlds, or just doing whatever the hell you want, you keep on writing.
Messages like yours remind me why I want to keep doing it. Thank you so damn much for the love, support, kindness, insight and amazing solidarity your words have expressed and gifted me with. 🥰🙏🏼 Receiving messages like yours will always mean more to me than I can ever do justice to in words (which is always a bittersweet irony).
Thank you. Sincerely. Wholly. Utterly. Thank You. 💖💖💖
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okamirayne · 7 months
Hi Rayne! 😘 This is a no-pressure ASK so don’t worry if you don’t want to answer! Also please don’t see this as pressure for you to write (and appease this lurker lol) but only as interest 🧡. Even if you never write more for BtB/HHU, when u said u had the plot worked out I had to ask b/coz I have no self control (ha ADHD FTW!) and my btb headcanons are screaming for info. Was so psyched about Naru & Sas, any more new / POV characters u had planned on appearing/writing? Mwah! 💋 Lovings!
Hi Anon! Thank you for your ASK and your curiosity🥹 You sweet people who show interest are helping heal the third degree burns on my writer’s spirit from burnout. ❤️‍🩹🙏🏼 Thank you. You’re all just so awesome 🫶🏼
Thank you also for the no-pressure caveat. I truly appreciate that understanding 💜
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[…] when u said u had the plot worked out I had to ask b/coz I have no self control (ha ADHD FTW!) and my btb headcanons are screaming for info.
🤣😂 Love this. Well I’ve got it worked out insofar as I usually do (the big plot points) with huge wiggle room for surprises and shifts…I’ve already had a few and that’s only from 8 chapters 😧 Writing certain characters always throws such delightful or disturbing curveballs!
Was so psyched about Naru & Sas,
Ah yay! 😮‍💨 I’m chuffed you’re happy to see Sasuke and Naruto as MCs. Being in their headspace is very interesting, challenging, and humbling. And as always I hope to do them justice 🙏🏼 with narrative license within the BtB world. So thank you for the thumbs up! 👍🏼
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any more new / POV characters u had planned on appearing/writing?
Oh, ho, ho! It’s gif time. I have no self-control either in this realm 😆 Not sure if they’ll all be in POV capacity but some may very well be.
Characters lined up:
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Possibly others? That’s where the wiggle room comes in. Others may pop up. Or pop in. Not sure these next ones class as new but they’re in there:
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Again, possibly more. Other Hyūga members too…ah, and then there’s the OG Konoha 11 chūnin that’ll be popping up 🥰 Unresolved issues abound! Especially for Tenten, Lee, and of course Ino & Kiba…Chōji 😢…Hinata…Sakura (re: Sasuke)…it’s a messy aftermath…
Thanks again, Anon for your interest and your understanding 💜
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okamirayne · 3 years
Rayyyyyneee my heart can’t take it💔 HHU FEELS. ShikaNeji, KakaGen and now KibaIno!!! *dead* Aaaah, will Kiba and Ino reconcile!? I love their dynamic, it’s intense in its own way, you know? Will he forgive her!? Aaaa!!! *FEELS*
Aww, luv…💜
[…] Aaaah, will Kiba and Ino reconcile!? I love their dynamic, it’s intense in its own way, you know? Will he forgive her!?
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Aiyo, that is indeed the burning question, Anon. Ino has put him through the wringer….
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And yet…
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Thank you for all the enthusiasm for this pairing and the other ones too, my lovely!!! 💜
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okamirayne · 4 years
hello, i really liked the complexity you gave ino's mom (and the fact you gave her a mom) in the BTB series! can you tell us anything more about her?
Hello there, Anon!
Firstly, super sorry for the late reply. *facepalm* It’s taking me some time to get around to my responses. No kidding, right?  Anyway! I hope this message finds you well during these messed up times.
Ino’s mother! Thankfully I did my research at the time to discover she did indeed have a mother ( Naruto Shippūden Episode #281 ). Though I don’t recall her name ever being dropped, hence taking the creative leeway to name her Sayuri. Here’s her pic pulled from Narutopedia.
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I thank you for your interest in the BtB-verse character development with Sayuri. Not much is given about her in canon and for BtB purposes, especially with Ino’s behaviours and issues, I felt it was important to give her some kind of dysfunctional backstory even if it didn’t make it fully into the series.
can you tell us anything more about her?
Sure thing. BtB Sayuri...where to start?
Inoichi met her undercover at a geisha tea-house and Okiya where Sayuri worked during her youth.
From a wealthy family originally, she was indentured into service as a teen (her father gambled away their family’s wealth) and spent those formative years in a highly superficial, cattish, competitive and somewhat vindictive environment in the Okiya (the lodging house/drinking establishment to which a maiko or geisha is affiliated with during her career)
The mother of the house (the "okā-san") who mentored and groomed Sayuri was highly critical and insisted upon stringent rules for all the girls; upon which Sayuri developed several dysfunctional relationships with women, food, men etc that later were inevitably projected onto Ino.
Sayuri loves flowers and among her peers she excelled in ikebana; her love of flowers was one of the many things that Inoichi used to woo her upon visiting the tea-house she worked at (and entertained clients)
Inoichi eventually bought her freedom; something she was both grateful and ashamed of.
She changed shortly into their marriage, seizing back some power by pulling an ice queen aura around herself -- a defense mechanism, as well as a means to forget about her past and carry on as if she’d never been ‘sold’ into service by her family.
She does not speak of her family (mother or father) and has no family outside of the Yamanaka clan -- one of the reasons she became so attached to Naoki
She has an ingrained and unshakeable fear that Inoichi will abandon her (as many ‘patrons’ did back when they promised her the moon and stars -- and more importantly, her freedom as a young woman)
In the past she competed for Inoichi’s attention with her daughter -- a tragic projection of her days in the Okiya...she fortunately changed her ways after the events in UtS
Inoichi’s death has been devastating for her and, like Ino, she isn’t handling it in the most healthiest of ways
Sayuri loves to dance and is a very talented musician. It was one of the many things Inoichi loved about her.
Inoichi taught her some basic ninja training, which she took to quite well -- even using it to defend herself against handsy clients before Inoichi took her away from that life and brought her to Konoha
She shuns the company of other women, due to her painful experiences as a teen, using her Ice Queen persona to keep people at arm’s length -- which is tragic, because beneath all that, she has the capacity for great tenderness inside her...which she exhibited especially when Ino was a baby.
Early in their marriage she used to sing to Inoichi often, as well as dance and play the shamisen for him...this changed shortly after, as she tried to distance herself from what she considered a shameful and painful past.
Her attempts to “mould” Ino into a lady and secure her daughter a match were her misguided attempts to ensure Ino never had to worry about her security later in life.
Sayuri loves honey but her disordered eating often had her shunning anything sweet -- which is what led to Inoichi often sneaking out to chow down on desserts....inadvertently leading to Sayuri to accuse him of having affairs....(little did she know these secret loves were forbidden confectionery!)
She does not particularly like the colour pink, though she took great pleasure in dressing Ino up as a child
She disapproves of immodest dressing (hence her clashing with Ino on many occasions)
She regrets many things about how her marriage went and it pains her she won’t have the chance to do things over again
Hope this gives some insight into her characterization in the BtB-verse, luv! Thank you for the interesting question. Always makes me smile to return to these characters. <3 Stay safe and well!
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okamirayne · 3 years
I was wondering what the timeline for the BtB series was? I know BtB has a two month time jump between the first chapter and the Hanegakure mission which was four or five (I think) days and the start of OtC was two weeks after Neji left again but I'm kinda unclear about the rest of it and the inbetween.
Hey there, Anon!
Thanks for your patience as I get round to responding to ASKs. 🙏🏼
Let me see if I can try to clarify the timeline. Bear with me, as it was quite a while ago.
Requiem takes place about a couple of weeks after OtC. As the hint of Hidan and Kakuzu’s imminent arrival (and Asuma’s death) is hinted as fast approaching at the end of OtC.
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Requiem itself is set 2 days after Hidan and Kakuzu’s defeat.
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UtS comes along relatively fast after these events, about a week later.
Then there is a relatively large gap…during this period is where Shikamaru and Neji’s relationship deepened into a sustainable bond. Also Kiba and Ino’s. And Genma and Kakashi’s.
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HHU is set post-war. Approximately 4 months later. Lots of crap has gone down since the war. Tsunade is still Hokage, though Kakashi is next in line. Sasuke has not been pardoned. I’ve taken creative liberty by introducing a “chakra sickness” that’s affecting many shinobi after the Infinite Tsukuyomi. In Shikamaru’s case, said sickness has turned into something far more sinister. That’s where it currently stands. I hope this clears up any confusion! 😊
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okamirayne · 3 years
Ms. Wolf! How are you? I hope you're doing well!
I was wondering lately because I've been reading UtS over and over. How did you come up with Shikamaru's backstory in UtS? Was there an inspiration for that? and how did you chose the characters that would be involved with the "system of lies" as you call it?
Another thing.. I'm kinda curious about Hiruzen's actual POV on what happened to Shikaku since Ino-Shika-Cho was a long running bias for him. How guilty was he especially thinking that he has his own boy that time? I guess Im just curious with Shikaku's story as well. Only Nara men. 😉
Hello again, Anon!  Lovely to hear from you. Hope my reply finds you safe and well <3
How did you come up with Shikamaru's backstory in UtS? 
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Was there an inspiration for that? and how did you chose the characters that would be involved with the "system of lies" as you call it?
Shikamaru’s backstory evolved organically during BtB and really began to flesh itself out in my mind’s eye during OtC through to its full reveal in UtS.  Certain things I plan ahead, other things surprise me. The System of Lies for example, surprised me (other than the old Ino-Shika-Cho trine) as I wrote it, especially in OtC when writing that scene between Genma and Asuma, whilst doing that I got hit with Genma’s backstory as well as Naoki’s. 
Another thing.. I'm kinda curious about Hiruzen's actual POV on what happened to Shikaku since Ino-Shika-Cho was a long running bias for him. How guilty was he especially thinking that he has his own boy that time? I guess Im just curious with Shikaku's story as well. Only Nara men. 😉
Ah, Hiruzen. 
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He had a hell of a lot to deal with during his time as Hokage. He was obviously deeply fond of the Ino-Shika-Cho trio, and it was painful for him to make the call he did to bury the incident. Sadly, in that respect, he and Danzo were on the same page insofar as weighing lives. The village’s security would always come first.  He was stuck between a rock and a hard place. 
Thanks for the ASKs, Anon!  Big hugs and thank you so much for revisiting UtS! <3
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okamirayne · 4 years
Hi Rayne, I have a very important question for you!! Which character from the BtB series gives the best hugs?
Hugs and kisses from a loyal fan xoxo 😘
Hey there, my Luv!
Ooooh! What an interesting ASK for the BtB performing monkeys. Hmmn...it would depend what kind of hug you’re angling for. In no particular order of better or best;
1. Choji -- protective comfort hugs
2. Ino -- sincere and highly empathic hugs
3. Naruto -- impulsive, heat-of-the-moment, impassioned hugs
4. Lee (though he might cripple you) -- overwhelming emotional glompage
5. Gai (he WILL cripple you) -- no holds barred ‘overwhelming emotional glompage’ on crack cocaine
6. Iruka -- heartfelt and gentle hugs
Other characters may hug their loved ones or very close friends in particular manners or ways, but those six above are the ones that come immediately to the forefront when handing out hugs.
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Thanks for the ASK, Anon! I hope this reply finds you safe and well. Mucho hugs and massive thanks coming at’cha! xoxo
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okamirayne · 4 years
Hi Rayne! I was recently reminded of the conflict Kakashi faced in allowing deep, interpersonal attachments to others while Genma suffered greatly as a "victim" of his own feelings due to relationships. Since you mentioned that you identify with Kakashi the most is this somethings you've noticed in yourself? (eg I sometimes misuse the "introvert" label to protect myself from being too dependent on others.)
Hello my lovely, 💗
Wow. Powerful and personal ask. It’s so strange as (naturally) some days I flit between which characters I identify with, but I chose Kakashi based on the introverted workings of what shifts behind the mask he wears both figuratively and literally. Especially when my mind spins off on little eccentric INFJ tangents with its pattern analysis and search for meaning. Plus, I’m wolf-wired and Kakashi embodies a lot of that animal’s nature for me.
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Hmm. Interpersonal attachments are certainly something, like Kakashi (or at least how I write him), that I take very seriously and selectively. The lone Wolf and simultaneous pack-animal metaphor comes to mind that connect to the introversion you mentioned. I don’t do casual attachments and, like Kakashi, emotional and personal privacy is deeply important to me. Enter in beneath the underneath. Some of his methods of deflection I can also relate to...However, the same can be said for Ino, Neji or even Shikamaru, all depending on what energy I’m rocking 🤘🏼
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All very different approaches to interpersonal bonds and how they play out. It was interesting what you mentioned about how you utilise the introvert label — I don’t personally see your approach as a misuse if it makes you discerning of the company you keep and/or the level of dependence or attachment you measure out. I think that’s actually pretty damned heathy, unless it creates isolation and loneliness when you really do want to connect but don’t allow for it; which BtB Kakashi definitely does.
Very interesting ASK. Thank you, my luv! 💗
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okamirayne · 6 years
Hi Rayne! I have a question about UtS if you don't mind? I was rereading a scene in chapter 12, where Shikamaru sees Tenka meeting with Shuken in his flashback. Tenka takes off his mask before meeting with Shuken and Shikamaru makes the connection that Tenka looks like Inoichi. My question is: if it was easy for Shikamaru to clock that, why hadn't Shuken noticed the same thing? Would Shuken still remember the features of the Ino-Shika-Cho after the whole incident with Shikaku?
Hello, my dear Anon ^_^ Thanks for dropping by with your question!
[…] Shikamaru makes the connection that Tenka looks like Inoichi. My question is: if it was easy for Shikamaru to clock that, why hadn’t Shuken noticed the same thing? Would Shuken still remember the features of the Ino-Shika-Cho after the whole incident with Shikaku?
Great question. While Shikamaru makes the connection that there’s a resemblance to Inoichi, it’s a fleeting and superficial observance when he makes the comparison…
“Yamanaka Inoichi came to mind, only softer, less thick around the eyebrows and fuller in the lips.” [BtB Ch.12]
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At no point is Shikamaru certain or even convinced that Tenka is in any way actually related to Inoichi. It was a cursory thought - in the same way one might observe that Sai could resemble an Uchiha. As for Shuken, for all his intelligence, given the way his brain works, his entire reticular activating system is pretty much hard-wired to the objects of his fascination, interest or in the case of the Nara, his utter obsession. Any resemblance Tenka might bear to the Yamanaka clan is far subtler and on the very periphery of his mind, appearing superficial and not strong enough to alert him or distract him from the demands of his obsession. 
However, the far more obvious resemblance of Shikamaru to Shikaku is a lot more prominent and of far greater interest to him. Shuken was also obsessed with the Nara clan, paying little heed to the Ino-Cho element of the trine. His mind sifts shark-like through the sea of data and presents only the pieces that are important to him. He was more concerned with the Shika element of the old trio, determined to pull the darkness out of Shikaku…and later, his son. His all-consuming obsession with the Nara blinkered/blinded him - as did his arrogance.
Hope this answers your question, my luv. Thanks so much for the Ask! ^_^ 
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okamirayne · 6 years
It really interests me how Sasuke was never a factor in the BtB series. Sure, referenced to and mentioned a few times, but never there. I really admire your creativity in using him as a part of bringing Neji back, but may I ask—is that an out of left field shock for everyone in the BtB universe? How long after the war does it happen (if you can even answer these!)?
Hey there, Anon!
It really interests me how Sasuke was never a factor in the BtB series. Sure, referenced to and mentioned a few times, but never there.
So interesting you should mention that. There were so many times I wanted to sneak Sasuke in - in fact, I’d intended to at one point in Hanegakure but refrained...didn’t want to distract from the focus of the story. 
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Sasuke deserves his own centre-stage story time when being explored...and to have thrown him in for a token appearance seemed...against the grain of really exploring his character. Or how I imagine his character to be in the BtB world.
I really admire your creativity in using him as a part of bringing Neji back, but may I ask—is that an out of left field shock for everyone in the BtB universe? 
Thank you so much! I always knew if I ever brought Sasuke in, I wanted his presence to have an impact. Give him a big role and purpose, which he absolutely has further down the BtB line. And heck YES. Yes, it’s a big mindscrew for those in the BtB universe - massively so given his agenda. 
How long after the war does it happen (if you can even answer these!)?
Great question...and I imagine this is where I’d diverge MASSIVELY from the overarching canon plot-lines. Maybe a few short years. Before Shikamaru and Temari tie the knot (or during). Before Ino falls pregnant (or again, perhaps during - that’s still a little shady for me, so please don’t see that as set in story-stone. I’d need to sit with it and see what begins to take form in my mind’s eye - there’s a lot of roller-coasting with her story post-War). Hope this gives a thumbnail sketch of the idea, luv. 
Thank you for the questions and the time taken out to leave them!
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