#bts mythological creature au
magicalsalamander · 6 years
The Firefly that Guards the Fox VII
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Pairing: BTS Taehyung  ⇆ Reader
Genre: Hybrid | Lawyer | Murder Mystery| Fluff | Angst | Smut [Epilogue] |
Words: 6.9K
Warnings: Overall story rated mature; Explicit themes, action/ violence, bloodshed, death of minor characters.
Summary: His mother and father weren’t supposed to fall in love. They weren’t supposed to find a mate in one another.
They weren’t supposed to.
After losing his father years ago, Taehyung vows to find and avenge the injustice his family has gone through. You were childhood friends with Taehyung. The four of you Taehyung, Hoseok, your older brother and you were inseparable. You were torn apart from Taehyung, your fox who’ve you’ve always vowed to protect and be with, without a warning. He called you Firefly, you called him Tae-Tae the fox. Was your fate supposed to end there in the past with your childhood?
A/N: Orig post date: 01|11|18; Updated intro 12|12|19. Part of the KLF Universe.
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Her giggles were infectious as I splashed water at her. She was relentless though, fighting back with waves back at me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and spun her eliciting a scream of happiness. “I got you firefly!” She smacked my arm, “put me down Tae!” I shook her in my arms taunting her further, “Tae! Stop!” The anger behind her tone didn’t hold any value, she didn’t really want me to put her down. However, she reached over and pinched my ears between her nails. I let go of her with a yelp. She splashed carelessly into the knee-deep water and stuck both thumbs in her ears wiggling her fingers finishing her move by sticking out her tongue. A squeal then a laugh drummed out as I run to chased her. I latched onto her falling backwards letting gravity take over. I submerged us both into the water with a splash.
I didn’t come up from the water; the girl in my arms faded as I twisted and turned to lie on my back. I felt lint balls from the fabric under my fingers, a mix between knotting suede and a thin mattress. I blinked back to a clearing light. I woke up to my mom putting my backpack together in our basement home. “Honey, please get up you’re going to be late!” I tossed the blanket over me walking only a few steps over to my mother. The room smelled of pungent, stale, reheated coffee and concrete dust. His mother turned to him with her everlasting smile. Her hair was a vibrant color and her ears a habanero orange. She handed me my backpack, “hurry along now.” I took the bag and ran towards the door letting the blinding morning light in.
He pushed through the metal exit door stumbling onto the side walk. He was giggling like a boy in elementary school. He hung onto a woman, who giggled mindlessly and hiccupped from over drinking. Her face blurred every time he looked her over. It was certain he didn’t want to take her home, none of his dates ever made it there.
He stumbled through the parking lot pulling her into the backseats of his car. Their lips and teeth knocked in passion. The heat from their bodies and tension fogged up the windows. She grinded against his crotch, rubbing him in the right way. He trailed his hand up her thigh slipping under her ‘barely considered a dress’ dress. She left his lips, kissing sloppily down his jaw, sucking generously on his neck. She had no true trajectory, she just wanted him. He leaned his head back looking through the back window of the borrowed car of his friend. The street lamp directly above his car was so bright. He squinted tight and everything faded to black.
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One squint and a blink through the haziness you pried your eyes open, greeted by a white ceiling. The noises of the room sounded distance, but within moments they cleared and beeped into normalcy. With the strength of a thousand newtons, you turned your head away from the bright fluorescent lighting towards the EKG monitor and other medical devices. The streamline of my heart and other saturations ran consistently. Your eyes bounced along with the inflections of your heart rate. You groaned as you turned back attempting to right yourself. The pressure on your wrist excited every nerve and was an instant reminder that everything wasn’t alright. A lightning bolt shot up from your left false ribs shorting your breath. Your vision blurred shortly with the electricity flowing through each vessel finding a point of interest around your temples. Things weren’t alright. The plastic tubing attached to you creaked and made a racket creating their own orchestra number.
Your napping brother stumbled from his seat in the corner of the room. He shot out of his seat finding a spot next to you on the bed in a less than graceful manner. He adjusted your IV pole and the tubing making sure he wouldn’t pull anything. He laid you back down searching you over with worry in his eyes, “God, I was so worried about you. Do you know how terrified I was hearing you were in an accident? My baby.” He mumbled on about his woes, but I couldn’t help but crack a smile at him. You didn’t know how you looked, but from his reaction you could guess it was bad. Your smile turned into a laugh at the end of his speech. He still called you a baby even though you were at the prime age of twenty-seven. You weakly maneuvered your bruised hand and stitched arm carefully not to twist your throbbing wrist, “how long have I been out?” Your brother took your hand delicately in both of his, encapsulating it in tender warmth. His calloused fingers grazed over your bruises like he was tracing roads in a map, “a few days, I took time off. Mom and Dad couldn’t make it up to the city.” You groaned, “you told them?” He nodded, “they said they were sorry, but that if you were in my care they could rest easy.” You smiled at him in short delay, the nausea was coming back. When the haze cleared you took in your brother, he was still in his uniform; a distinct sore standing out from the hospital’s dreadful, white walls. He really must’ve rushed here.
A warning knock sounded at the door and then a nurse strolled in the room. “I heard the monitors come back. Welcome back to the world, Ms. Y/L/N.” She looked at your brother and a faint pink dust coated her cheeks. You shook your intertwined hands slightly and wiggled your eyebrows at your brother in an all-knowing smirk. He glares at you momentarily mouthing out, “stop it, not now.” You rolled your eyes at the bachelor, but he politely left your side giving room for the nurse to work in. She checked all over your vitals and monitored receipts form the machines, “everything seems to be fine, a doctor will be in shortly to consult further with you. Are you in any pain currently?” You wanted to shake your head, but that would be a mistake, “I’m sore. My head and side are tender.” She nodded her head, “we’ll give you some more morphine for the meantime, I’ll be back with the doctor.” She picked up her chart and walks toward the exit, but you called out to her, “Where is the man I came in with? Where is Kim Taehyung? Is he alright?” Your brother did a double take, squinting at you while he took a seat next to your bed again. The nurse looked down at her chart then back to you, “I’m sorry miss, I don’t know. I’m sure the doctor will, please ask him then.” She slid the door close, leaving you with more anxiety than before.
Your brother tangled your hands again bringing your attention back to him. Your breathing became rougher and you winced with every short breath. “Calm down Y/N. Taehyung? Do you mean the fox hybrid from back home Taehyung?” You nodded slowly at the pace of a calm grandmother, ”yes…but it’s a long story. I’ll tell you everything soon, I need to know if he’s okay first.” Your brother smoothed over your hair smoothing out the knots, “that’s a promise Y/N.”
Through the same door the nurse returned with a doctor, who looked by far more than exhausted you did, “Hello Ms. Y/L/N.” He went over a routine checkup repeating steps the nurse took earlier, then stood at the edge of your bed flipping through the charts. “Ms. Y/L/N, in your X-ray we found two broken ribs on your left. They didn’t penetrate anything vital but remain stationary for the time being. It will take at least six weeks for them to fully heal. We did an CT scan and MRI just for assurance for anything major, but luckily you have a mild-concussion. That won’t take long to heal, however, you will experience some of the residual effects for a while. We will admit you for ten days and when that is up you will be assessed again to make sure you’re alright to leave. Any questions?” Honestly, he spoke so fast and it was heavy with information most flew over your head; so you turned to your brother for affirmation that he caught it all. He laughed and nodded, “I got all that Y/N. Don’t worry.” You turned back to the doctor, “is Kim Taehyung okay? The man I came in with?”
The doctor looked you over assessing your charts once more and with a huff in his words, “he’s currently in a coma.” Your heart sunk, feeling the thin strings of your heart being pulled to their limits. “He was induced into it. The injuries aren’t severe, but as a precaution to the head injury we’re giving him time to rest.” The harp player in your heart plucked softer, but they still tested your limits. You didn’t have enough in you to cry, but the thoughts were painful enough.  In last comfort the doctor could offer, “you’ve been through a lot Ms. Y/L/N. We will do everything in our power to make sure you and Mr. Kim are okay.” The doctor offered you and your brother one last polite bow, then left.
In attempts to ease your mind, your brother spoke about his recent deployment. He went on and on and at the end of each sentence he reminded you how much he missed you. His stories faded into a lull hitting its end, so you started your own. Regressing back into his attentive way, he listened intently like a mother would, but with a face of a stern solider. He clutched onto your hand in intervals of softening and squeezing with each new bit of information. It wasn’t angry, but sweet and patient. You left out some details of the Taehyungs dad, no matter how close you were, there were legalities on the line. He rubbed his thumb over your hand while you come up to date. “You’re truly a strong person Y/N, are you sure you’re my baby sister?” I pouted my lips together holding back the laughter, but it erupted full force. It was easier to laugh, than cry. He still chooses to joke after I revealed a secret to him, only he would do such a thing. It hurts, it hurts so bad to laugh.
My heart rate went through the roof, and a distraught nurse swung into the room. Her forehead was sweaty, probably from running a mini marathon to the room, and panted out, “miss, what’s wrong?” Your brother stood at attention, “I’m sorry, there’s nothing wrong.” She clutched her chest waving to us both, “no, okay—that’s good to know. Excuse me then.” Attempting to catch your breath you nudged your brother as the nurse turned around leaving the room, “go, go chase her. She’s interested in you. Don’t let this chance go to waste.” A blush crossed his face, the first time you’ve ever seen it, so you nudged him further, “I want to sleep. Go home for the night. I’m fine, I’m in good hands. Come back rested.” He looked from the door to you contemplating, but you assured him you truly wanted to sleep. He smiled down at you and saluted, “good night Y/N. I’ll be back tomorrow.” You raised your right arm and saluted him back, “go get her tiger.”
You’re weren’t allowed out of your bed for a few days. Your brother argued with you daily that he should stay the night, but you convince him that staying at home would be better. It puts less pressure on you and you get to sleep easy knowing he’s resting well. On the fourth night you make your way out of the room wobbling down the hall with your IV pole. You steadied the IV bag and hung onto the tubing with every cautious step towards Taehyung’s room. Your hospital gown didn’t give you must protection against the strong AC. You counted the rooms, until the chrome numbers 45730 reflected against the fluorescent lights. You held your breath, feeling a throbbing pulse in your neck and wrist, it was a reminder you were alive. You shoved the pole first, then yourself towards the sliver of a window on the door. Searching the small room, that looked just like yours, your eyes rested on the back of a hunched over woman.
You knocked softly on the door, just enough for the woman to hear. She didn’t respond initially, so you kept knocking. She turned around in her stool and walked towards the door. Tears built up in the corners of your eyes, but you wiped the buds before they trailed any further. You stepped back away from the door as the door slide open. His mother expected the nurse, “nothing has changed since the last time you came in.” She lifted her face revealing darkened circles and reddened eyes. Her face softened up when she saw you. She stepped out into the hallway closing the door behind her, “Y/N, I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” The once composed woman became a blubbering mess as she brought you into a hug. You winced and hissed at the pressure, she released you almost immediately. Wiping away tears she pleaded, “oh, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” She truly was lost. You brought her into another hug this time, “he’s going to be okay Mom.” You didn’t know if that was for yourself or her. She looked you over again and again grazing her fingers gently over any blatantly obvious bandages. “I’m fine Mom. I have a minor concussion and fractured ribs, but they said it shouldn’t inhibit me too much.”
Instead of my words bringing her comfort, her frown depended into her smile lines. “Thank you. Thank you for being with Tae. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you.” She cupped your face rechecking everything over again. “You saved him.” You bit back and swallowed the knot in your throat. “It’s really nothing Mom.” She wanted to argue back, but she held her tongue. “Do you want to see Tae?” You nodded cautiously, and Mom helped move you into the room.
The first thing you noticed was his peaceful expression. The monitors read out steadily but in a low frequency. The bandages wrapped around his head and arms concealed the healing wounds. You turned to Mom as she grabbed your hand, “I’m sorry I couldn’t do more Mom.” She clutched your hand, “no, you did enough Y/N. If it wasn’t for you Tae wouldn’t be here.” She helped steady you into one of the chairs beside Tae. You watched the soft fall and rises his chest. This madness has to stop.
The rest of the night went by with small chatter between you and Mom. She gossiped about her neighbors and how expensive it was to buy milk, anything to keep conversation going. She wore herself out and dozed off with her head bobbing back and forth. You attempted to get up without bothering her, but her ears were still sensitive. “Where are you going?” You pointed to your low IV bag, “I have to get back to my room. I’ll stop by again tomorrow, I’ll even bring my brother, you remember him, right?” Her face lit up slightly, “yes, I do. The kindest boy for miles. I’ll walk you back to your room.” She walked with you making the most of the small distance between the rooms. You reminded her that you were okay as she checked over you for the millionth time. You held back the nausea and pain, she had more than enough to worry about. You finally shooed her away when you were back in bed and a nurse came to check on you for a nightly routine visit.
Poking and prodding woke you up the next morning, when your nurse went through her routine. She was a rosy red and you connected that to the same rosy red on the solider across the room. You just woke up, but anyone could see the hearts in the air. This situation may be damming, but at least one good thing came out of it. “Everything is fine. Your healing is on track with our predictions. With the way things are going you may get to leave early.” The nurse bowed her way out of the room and your brother served you breakfast. You asked how he was doing, your situation was obvious.
After he watched you eat, you told him you wanted to go see Mrs. Kim and Tae. He wanted you to rest more, but with your persistence he walked you to the room. You gripped onto his arm, while he dragged your IV pole. Once you were stable, your brother knocked softly on the door in three rasp. The soft call of his mother allowed us in. Mom embraced your brother without an inkling of a greeting. She was overjoyed to see him, mumbling the same way when she first saw you. They lead you to sit first, then Mom wouldn’t let your brother go.
He recounted everything he could while catching glimpses at Taehyung. She was so impressed by his achievements in the military, “my son has really grown up!” Your brother blushed madly, a bit taken aback by the extent of her compliments. She asked you, “Is it okay if I steal your brother and go to the cafeteria for some food? I haven’t eaten yet. Will you be okay?” You nodded and even jokingly,” please take him.” He glared at you, but you shrugged the best you could more with your right side. She smiled dipping out of the room to recount even more with her estranged son.
You sat next to the bed and took Taehyung’s condition in. His breathing was shallow and the bruises on his face were deep. You looked down at your fist, saddened that you couldn’t do more for Taehyung at the moment. You sat in silence listening to the rhythmic beeping of his heart monitor. You slowly raised your hand to bring it to wrap around his. You spoke softly, “Tae Tae, remember that time I fought off those boys and saved you. We even got ice cream afterwards. I think back to a lot of the times we shared together. Those were my happiest moments of my life. I haven’t been the same since you left. I was so shocked to see you. You’ve grown up and turned into such an amazing person. It’s also great that you turned out to be pretty handsome.” Pausing in your monologue to laugh at how sappy you were being, “I really missed you Tae.”
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I plead into the phone, “Uncle please…don’t hang up! I need you to tell me what happened!” The man on the other end of the line begged back, “I really don’t know what happened afterwards. Look, I’ll talk to you later okay?” I spoke into the phone with more force, “Uncle, don’t hang up. I need to know what happened to my father!” The line went dead, all he was left with the dial tone.
The ringing faded into a familiar voice. “Tae, Taehyung, Tae!” The child he once looked at wasn’t young anymore, she was a beautiful woman that sat across from me. She rested her head on her hand watching me intently. I rambled on, “they didn’t think that a hybrid could be educated enough or—or,” raising his voice,” have the logic enough to think on a human level!” I could see the conflict in her eyes the way she watched me as I let emotions spill.  She spoke back to me, but I only caught every other word, “I think back…happiest moments of my life…I missed you Tae.” She began fading again. I stood up in a rush pushing the chair to the floor behind me. I lunged towards her, but she dissipated, and I fell into darkness.
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Suddenly Taehyung gasped air violently into his lungs deeply, mumbling out words. In his mind he yelled out, but in reality it was a jumble of incomprehensible words. His pupils retracted like a cat hissing, the light was sudden and painful. You shifted closer to his bed taking his hand in yours, “Tae, it’s okay, calm down Tae.” His eyes relaxed and squeezed your hand in relief. This was real. He croaked out, “Y/N? Where am I?” He tried to sit up but you stopped him, “don’t get up, I’ll call the nurse and your mom.” You stood to reach to press the button to call the nurse, but he stopped you grabbing onto your wrist. “What happened Y/N? Explain things to me first?”
Hesitating on the thought you sat back down and told him everything you could remember. You mentioned the man with the black mask and hat, but you couldn’t elaborate any further. He listened patiently and then followed up groggily, “and you? Are you okay? Are you in pain?” Answering honestly, “I have a few fractured ribs and a minor concussion. It’s not serious. The medicine dulls the pain, and I’ll be out of her soon.” He winced when his expression turned sour, “I’m glad you’re okay.” Your hand stopped mid reach for the button again. This whole time he’s been nothing but uptight and mean towards you. The old Taehyung was peeking through the hard exterior of a mask he put on. You titled your head, “I’m glad you woke up Tae.”
You buzzed in the nurse and his mom came back with your brother shortly. It was another reunion all over. The atmosphere was so nice. His mom, Tae, your brother and you were laughing and chatting like it was an afternoon back at their house on their low platform hanging out.
You spent more time in Taehyung’s room than your own. Mom was peeling fruits for you both, when a knock sounded at the door. Taehyung sat in his bed nibbling on slices of apples, “come in.” Two familiar faces peeked around the corner, the teen was a bit reluctant, but he brightened up when he saw you. “Mrs. Miller?” David came up next to you, “Ms. Y/L/N, are you okay? Tell me who did this to you!” You giggled at his protective agenda. Taehyung eyed the kid, “hey settle down kid. She’s stronger than any man.” You side eyed Taehyung, it was hard to know if that was a compliment or something back handed. He cheekily smirked at you. Mrs. Kim greeted the woman and offered her a seat next to you. She looked you up and down and took your hand in hers, “Ms. Y/L/N. I’m sorry this happened to you. Will you be okay?” She held her voice strong despite the shakiness behind it. David placed a hand on your shoulder. I reassured them with a nod. Mrs. Miller cleared her throat, “I’ve decided to go ahead with the appeal. After I heard what happened to you, I don’t think I can sit back anymore.” You righted yourself too fast agitating your tender ribs, “wait, really? Are you sure Mrs. Miller?” Her eyes glistened with tears splaying her fingers out in a fan across her breast bone. Her ears stood at attention, “yes, they need to be stopped.” Mrs. Kim set down her plate rounding around the bed smoothing a hand over the back of the woman. You turned to Taehyung who was staring at you. Adoration filled his eyes as the window light filtered in his eyes. David distracted you by telling you all about what he was doing in school and how he visits that sandwich stand often now that the auntie gives him discounts now.
But of course, nothing good last for long.
You were sitting facing the door listening to the banter go back and forth. A flash of black burned past the rectangle window. It was a blimp, but it was enough to notice something out of the corner of your eye. Your brother was so busy telling them a story that no one else noticed. The shadow passed by once more and stared at you for a moment. You recognized the face, or at least those same eyes. They walked away when you locked eyes. You dropped the fruit piece you were nibbling on onto your lap. Your nostrils flared, you couldn’t let him to get away again, not after he hurt Tae. “Hey, uhm, I’m going to pick up a sweater from my room. I’m a little cold. I’ll be right back.” Your brother broke conversation, “I’ll come with you.” You insisted, “no, no, I’m fine it’s only a few doors down anyways.” He glared at you, but yours won out on him. Tae whined out, “Y/N, let your brother go with you.” You turned your glare to Tae, “I need to do things on my own. I’m almost a 100% better now anyways.”
You slid out to the empty hallway and saw the tall figure walking down and turned at the end of the corridor. You speed walked following as fast as you could with your obnoxious pole. You paused before you rounded the corner, peering over the edge into the empty hallway. You stepped out into the open and frantically moving towards the other end. You were certain he walked this way. A calloused hand emerged from the darkness and clasped around your mouth. His other hand reached for your forearm and ripped out your IV. You screamed under his palm, the warm feeling blood and solution ran down your arm. He sucked you into the dark and drug you through the exit doorway into a cement stairwell.
He forced you up against the wall with his thick forearm blocking your airway. From the impact alone, it was disorienting your vision blacken briefly. When you opened your eyes immediately afterwards, black dots danced in your eyes. You could feel the stiches on your arm ripping, but most importantly your broken ribs felt like razors in your chest. You grasped the arm that was on your neck and dug your nails deep into his skin. This man had every intention to kill you.
You took a good look at him this time, a freckle dotted under his right eye and one eyebrow was partially missing. He must also still be recovering from the accident. With that in mind you removed one of your claws shimming in between the both of you, and dug your thumb into the guys eye. The squishy texture sent goosebumps along your skin, but you didn’t stop until he let up on your throat. He stepped away from you hunching over cradling his eyes.
You caught your breath but didn’t waste time and lunged towards him. You started kicking, beating him to pin him to the floor. He looked up at you with one eye and you screamed, “Who are you? Who sent you?” He didn’t respond knocking you off with a punch across the face. The adrenaline was running through your veins and you were angrier than ever. You kicked him in the stomach and rolled him over to be under you again. You landed a few hits but gained traction and punted you off. He stumbled onto his feet making his way down the staircase.
You weren’t going to let him go without an answer.
You clutched your side sliding on the cement floor but followed him. You sped down the flight of stairs but crashed straight into the wall. Your vision faded to black momentarily and the acid was building up in your throat. You felt like throwing up with a sudden rush of nausea. You panted in a cold sweat as you heard the footsteps of the man get farther and farther and eventually the door to the parking garage open. The silence filled you. You were in so much pain that only silent screams left you.
Your brother watched the clock. It’s been taking longer than it should have for you to grab a sweater. He stood up and went out to check up on you. Tae’s mom insisted on going instead, but he said, “I’m a special agent, Mom. I think I can handle wrestling a sweater.” The hallway was empty no grubby girl with an IV pole in sight. He made his way down to your room, but he opened it to an equally empty space. The private bathroom in the room was unoccupied as well. Goosebumps formed over his flesh, every sense honed into. He just felt it his baby sister was in danger.
He went back into the hallway and down the opposite direction. He looked up and down the halls of the ward for you. As he turned the corner out of a inner hallway he noticed the reflection of a fallen IV pole sticking out the hall. He ran towards it and the clear it got; the IV bag and tubing was leaking solution on the floor. There were specks of all sizes of blood that trailed into a metal exit door.
He slammed open the door with his shoulder. He looked around only to take a second look down the stairwell to see you breathing rapidly with blood soaking your gown. “Y/N!” He skipped every other step and made his way to you. “What happened?” He pulled your head up to look at him, but you could barely keep your eyes open. He picked you up in his arms and raced back up the stairs. He ran down the hall yelling for help. All staff in the hall that wasn’t immediately occupied approached him. They directed him to take you back into your room.
Tae’s mom heard the commotion in the hallway and opened the door to look outside. Her jaw dropped as she saw you in your brother’s arms with your arms limply swinging. She covered her mouth with his hand and yelled, “Y/N!” Taehyung sat up from his bed and stumbled his way behind his mother supporting himself with one arm on the wall. His other arm was in a sling, but he peered over and saw you. His heart dropped seeing you almost lifeless in your brother’s arm. Your brother sped by with a whole medical team trailing towards your room. His mother turned to him and said, “Tae, you shouldn’t be out of bed!” Her voice was unstable as she tried to scold him. She was equally as worried. He tried pushing past her to go to you, but his nurse stopped him. “Sir, she’s going to be taken care of, please return to your bed.” He looked at his mother and struggled back into bed. He knew he couldn’t do anything at the moment. He threw a pillow across the room, he felt truly helpless.
It took the medical staff an hour to stabilize you, but you came back to life. The security in the hospital escalated. Taehyung, in his decrepit state, stayed by your side guarding your room with your brother. The cops, along with Jungkook, questioned both Taehyung and you on the previous accident and today’s accident. As upset as it made Jungkook, he told us they weren’t able to recover anything from the accident. The site was clean. You sighed in relief internally, luckily you had back up documents at the office, credit cards were replaceable, so the only loss was time. Someone was sweeping things under the rug, someone very close to us.
A four days later you were discharged from the hospital, but Taehyung already left since hybrids heal faster. He wasn’t a hundred percent, but he was able to do basic things again without being supervised. He stayed with his mom, not wanting to burden Jimin and Hoseok, since they were busy prepping for the upcoming tour. It was weird living back with his mom, but he realized how much he missed it when she would cook meals for him. Your brother took you back home and was on guard 24/7. You assured him that he shouldn’t worry and it was rare for a criminal to come back for a third attempt. The punk would be stupid to attack again so soon. Your brother requested further time off to take care of you. The workaholic in you kept up with the office by working from home. You kept in contact with Taehyung, updating what little you found out.
A week later, when you weren’t constantly nauseous and could breath normally, you made it back to the office. Your brother couldn’t take off any more time to insist for you to stay home. You took the bus to work and walked in your second home. The receptionist came up to you and hugged you, “I’ve missed you. I’m so glad you’re back. Mr. Kim has been living in his office and the courthouses. He’s trying to catch up on all the cases he’s been behind on. The other lawyers didn’t want to take on his work.” With a scowl you made your way to your desk, greeted by your team. Kibum held onto you, but Krystal peeled him off to get her shy turn at a hug. Once they let you go you left for Tae’s office. You knocked on Taehyung’s door and he answered curtly; he was back to his normal self. You stepped in, also stepping back into your professional attitude as well, you closed the door and called to him. “Mr. Kim, I have the documents and cases you asked for.” He looked up and took them. You looked around noticing the multitude of coffee cups and pillow and blanket on the couch. You looked at him and spoke, “Mr. Kim have you been staying here.” He hummed in response not breaking his concentration on work.
He must’ve let the words go in and out his ears. You knocked on his desk making the tired fox look up at you. “Tae, why are you over working yourself?” Like a melting candle, his scrunched expression softened. The fox whined outstretching his hand towards you. You laughed at his cute antics. You walked around his desk and the suffering fox rested his head on your stomach. He wrapped his arm around your waist clutching to the back of your blazer. He nuzzled his head and in the best way you knew how to comfort him, you combed your fingers through his hair. It was greasy and matted, “how long have you been here?” He mumbled a number into you, truly it didn’t matter, he needed to go home. “Tae, go home. We can take care of it here. I’ve done enough work at home, we will be fine.” An audible growl left him as he pulled away, “no. I have so much to finish.” You brought both of his cheeks into your hands and he brought his to rest at your sides. “We will win, but we’re not going to win if the hero can’t fight his own needs. Go home Taehyung.”
He pulled you into his lap and nuzzled his face into your neck. He traced the edge of his nose up and down your jaw. “Just give me a moment with you. I missed you.” I almost lost you, he spoke internally to himself. You allowed him the time he needed, because you needed this too. You wiped away at his dark circles hoping they would go, but they only got deeper when he smiled. After many back and forth of “five more minutes”, Tae finally went home.
He gripped the frame in his hand, petting over the wooden edges as if it was a cat. From a rumble to a catastrophic roar, he fast balled the memory across the room. The two attendants in the room remained motionless standing at attention with their hands behind their back. His perfectly gelled hair strung out of place as he steadied himself with two open palms on his desk. The rumbling anger of his heart beat fast in his ears. He could feel his instincts brimming. He fought against the memory, but they just clawed at him. Flashes of his mother smiling at him calling him his familiar name, “Bo, my love.” Then flashes of documents, “Sexual Assault and Rape Report.” The print flashed by faster in his mind the more he struggled against it, “hybrid…victim of random circumstance…child was carried to term.” He scratched the surface of his desk leaving imprints and curls of iron in its remain. A sergeant spoke with hesitation, “Sir, we can’t dig Yates out of this one. He was caught with too many witness.” The police chief smoothed back his fallen hair breathing and seething through his teeth. “Get him out!” He paced around the room manically, “it’s all that foxes fault. It’s because of him and his…god forsaken family!”
“It’s been a chaotic drop in the stocks industry ever since Yates arrest. His lawyers spoke out claiming his innocence, and they will pursue any charges full on. Yates was released this morning on bail.” The stream switched to a video of Yates being wheelchaired out of prison. His face was covered by a mask protecting him from the numerous flashes coming from the hungry photographers. The same anchor voices over the video, but you stopped paying attention to her voice. You watched the footage of Yates play his game.
The door of the break room opened followed by the clanking of the coffee pot kissing another mug. Taehyung stirred his cup of coffee until it was appropriate to taste. He picked up his cup and stood shoulder to shoulder next to you. Ever since the accident, you’ve spent more time together. It was more like he was never too far from you, always within his peripheral. The new warmth didn’t distract you from reading the dialogue as the woman chatters on about useless details. You didn’t bother turning to him, “want to go home?” His ears twitched choking on his coffee doing a double take at the insinuation, “what?” You looked over at him brushing his loose bangs behind his human ears, “you’ve caught up on all the other cases, let’s go back to the countryside and find the shelter your parents were at.” Taehyung ran over his schedule in his head brushing his tail on the back of your thigh, “I can only take off this weekend. We can go Friday and come back Sunday night. We’ll be back by Monday.” You nodded, “I’ll bring some work with me too then, we’ll make it a work weekend.” His ear flattened, he wanted to spend time with you as well, not just work the whole time.
Taehyung came by to pick you up bright and early Friday morning. The drive will take two hours but who’s to say about traffic. You wanted to rub your eyes to cast away the sleep, but you already had light makeup on. The handsome fox stepped out of his car with aviators on, but he’s dressed casually wearing jeans and a white button up. You looked down at yourself with the same idea of casual wear being jeans and a white shirt. You joked before greeting him, “should I go change? Were matching.” He laughed taking in the resemblance, “no I think it’ll help me keep track of you.” You scoffed at his jester but forgave him instantly. You truly didn’t want to walk all the way back up the flight of stairs. Like a gentleman, he took your luggage for you placing it in the trunk. You set your messenger bag with your laptop and files on the passenger seat floor and find yourself situating in the seat.
In the first half of the drive you called your parents, wanting to stop by for a short visit, but they were busy. They said they would leave some goodies by the door for us and call again before we would leave. The second half was just chatter over the radio, there wasn’t a dull moment with Tae. You found out more about him. The same comfort and ease we shared as kids came back like there wasn’t a gap in time. The closer we got to our hometown, the chattier Tae became.
We walked down the familiar dirt road, instead this time we were unfamiliar. The air still smelled clean and the acres of farmland around us still bared fruit and vegetation. The trenches we created in the road from our back and forth journeys have filled back up and the road was flat. Taehyung parked away purposely because we thought the road wouldn’t be suitable for vehicles. You watched Tae’s tail flick like a hungry flame behind him. His lip was red from his teeth gnawing at the flesh, making the bud of his lower lip plump to its maximum. You thinned your own and laced your fingers in his bigger hand. Instantly, his hand encased yours and you ran your thumb over his knuckles. You slowed before you came around the bend in the road, “do you want to take another lap around the road?” He squeezed your hand bringing it up to his cheek then his nose for a moment. You flinched a little at his hot breath on the back of your hand. A hot blush was creeping up your neck turning your ears carmine. If this was going to comfort him, you could yield.
“No, let’s go.” He pulled you with him but kept his pace slow and even. Around the corner stood the weathered white house. It stood up against time, as if it was patiently waiting for us to come back to it. The grass in the yard was over grown, the paint on the walls chipped and the windows had at least three inches worth of dust. It was still home. Taehyung smiled towards you, “I was worried I wouldn’t remember this place, but one look and it’s all there.” You couldn’t help returning the expression, so you beamed back at him, “welcome home Tae.”
The picket fence was rusty, but it swung open with a creak and squeak from the unused metal hinges. He switched our hands, making sure he held onto you some way, and fished for the house key his mother handed to him. The key turned in the lock, but it took a grunt and a shove of a shoulder to turn and open.
A cloud of dust fell on you both. You coughed and waved away the dust stepping in after Tae. The house looked untouched. An open crayon box sat on the coffee table and an unfinished drawing next to it. You took Tae’s hand again patting it with your other, “let’s search around and clean it up before it gets dark.” You tested the light switches flicking them and after a few attempts they lit, but they faded not too long after. “We’re going to have to work fast.” You followed Taehyung around the house going through every room. The house was stuck in a time warp of twenty years ago. The furniture and style of the home was outdated. Taehyung’s ears twitched occasionally when he would pick up things, but he would set them back down. He saved his parent’s room for last. He opened the door to a messy room. The closet doors and drawers were open with clothes strung everywhere. Empty picture frames splayed across the bed. Even though you knew exactly what happened, it was hard looking at the mess. She really was in a hurry the day they left. You traced your fingers over the frame picking it to place it back next to the bed side table. Pick up the pieces, and eventually you’ll see the puzzle. You turned back to the stoic fox, his eyes were busy taking everything in. He said nothing the whole time we went through the house.
You came up behind him, gliding your hands through the gap between his arms and sides clutching him tight. “Are you okay?” He removed your hands turning you in his embrace. He brought you into his chest nuzzling against your hair. You were the only familiar scent in this home, everything else felt foreign to him, even if he remembered these walls. The only memories coming back was the one he shared with you and the rest of the fireflies. He spoke into your hair, “thank you for coming with me.” You smoothed your hand up and down his back, “before you thank me, let’s get things done.” He nodded into your hair taking in your scent as much as he could before you go to work. The blush has expanded past your ears for sure.
You set your phone up on the kitchen counter and connected it to Bluetooth and put on cleaning music. Taehyung twitched a brow to you watching your corny dance moves. You swayed to the beat as you tied up your hair into a messy bun. You mouthed along with the lyrics and obnoxiously pointed to him. He hunched over laughing, but soon joined you in a small dance in the living room. With a few beats you bumped the side of yours his hip with his, eliciting giggles out of you both. The house felt alive again. Your parents lent you cleaning supplies, along with some other goodies they left outside their door for you to pick up. You felt like Cinderella sweeping across the floor as Taehyung opened the windows letting light in. Taehyung left momentarily and parked out front bringing our luggage inside. You kept cleaning and by the time the sun set, you were content with the kitchen, living room and one room being cleaned out.
Taehyung was outside cleaning the patio, while you cleaned up the aftermath of tonight’s dinner, two cups of ramen. You cut up some fruit for dessert that your mom gave you earlier. You carried the plate out the door waiting for Taehyung to lay the matt over the low platform. The wood was old and splintering, but with a little love it would come back to life. Taehyung set the latten in the center of the matt and tapped the empty spot next to him.
You adjusted yourself on the soft cloth. Taehyung let the tranquility take over. He laid on his back crossing his forearms to a makeshift pillow under his head, “I haven’t been this relaxed in a while.” In his head he counted the stars but lost track after the twentieth when all the lights in the sky clustered too close together. You bit into an apple savoring the sweet crunch. You looked towards the tree line recounting the many times you’ve played there, where the stream you played in was bone dry. The place you meet Tae. “Tae, do you remember the first day we met?” He hummed in question not hearing you the first time. “do you remember how we met?” Tae inhaled a deep breath leaving it in a heavy sigh, “I really don’t remember it well, but I do remember the night where I told everyone what the stars were. Kids really do believe everything.” I laughed handing him an apple slice, “yeah, we may have been kids, but…it helped me through a lot of times.”
He glanced over to you watching your expression. Because of specs on the lantern, the orange light displayed a disco ball effect on her; like fireflies dancing on her skin. The perk of her nose, the flutter of her lashes, the petals that were her lips all hypnotized him. Her hair was a mess, fly-a-ways sticking out of her messy ponytail, but she looked perfect. The perfect combination of calmness and calamity. He traced the contours of her face with his eyes, mapping out things he’s never had much chance to do before. He wanted…no…needed her to want him too.
With all the experience of partying and dating he had, nothing could compare to the confidence he chalked up now. “You know, Y/N, if you get too comfortable with me, I think I should have you call me Mr. Kim again.”
The soft atmosphere broke, you couldn’t help laughing and hard. It was hilarious now thinking back to Taehyung, you meant Mr. Kim, the stern lawyer in his almighty office. He feigned being upset with your taunting, so he sat up. “What’s so funny Y/N?” A cheeky smile bloomed on his lips as he inched closer. You fell on your back laughing, “sorry Mr. Stern-Lawyer, I guess I am forgetting.” He swooped in tickling your sides violently. You could hardly breath and tears were brimming in your eyes. You placed your hands on his chest pushing him away, “Tae, stop! I can’t—I can’t breathe!” He rested both hands by head giggling to himself as he loomed over you.
Once you could open your eyes clearly enough, the fox above you was staring at you with something else in his eyes. Something you’ve never seen in them before.
He studied your face carefully, he watched your pupils expand and contract. He could hear your heartbeat in his ears. Your lips were parted glossy like dewy petals. You swallowed hard, the position was making your mouth dry. You spoke out breathily, “Tae—.” He dipped down brushing your noses together, you could feel the peach fuzz of his chin rubbing against yours. He nudged your noses together causing you to arch your head back. He watched your lips move with his name on them. His elbows caved down and caged you in even further bringing your hands to your chest. His body heat radiated to yours. A low content purr grumbled in his throat as his tail stiffened. He whispered your name against your lips, before he pecked lightly. The heat from him started a fire in your stomach. He came back for more, kissing you soft but hard each time. Your hands slid up cupping his neck and cheek tangling in his hair, anything to bring him further into the kiss. You could feel the rumbles of his purr from your hand on his neck.
You had to pull away for a breath of air, but he couldn’t wait long, so he began peppering kissing around your face. Once on each eye, each cheek, your forehead, then nose appreciating all of you. I had to, “Mr. Kim, this isn’t appropriate office behavior.” He kissed you again, and again seconds melted into minutes. He took your breath away.
He pulled away from your bruising lips looking you directly in the eyes, “I’ve made up my mind, don’t call me that…ever….” I slapped his chest laughing, he was insufferable. He pecked my lips one more before he flopped on his back sighing in relief. You didn’t quite catch what he said, but it sounded similar to the word, “mine.” His. The both of you were flushed, but you were especially nervous to look at him. He laced his fingers with yours and his tail tickled your thigh. The music playing from your phone filled the atmosphere with lyrics, even though they weren’t our own, they said everything for us.
Under the fireflies, this moment was more than perfect.
You cleared out some space in the living room and laid out your sleeping bags. We couldn’t trust any of the mattresses. We eyed eachother blushing occasionally thinking back to the kiss before. You crawled into your sleeping back, letting him turn off the lantern. The fireflies were dancing in your stomach. You fell asleep and somewhere through the night the bags came together, and our hands intertwined. It was admittedly the best sleep he’s ever had.
In the early hours of the morning you’re at the kitchen table typing away at your laptop and Taehyung rested his head on your shoulder reading the open webpage. “We should head out soon.” He nodded passing you a quick breakfast, more ramen. Within thirty minutes you were on the road, we drove forty-five minutes to get there. “Riverwood County Shelter,” the words read out boldly on the sign in their lawn before Taehyung turned into the parking lot of the dreadful looking building. The town was nice, but there was something off. Maybe it was the clear bias towards this place? No, it felt too quiet.
You looked over to Tae before you went inside, “if you want me to go inside I can, you can wait in the car.” He shook his head, “no, I want to see the place my parents grew up.” Taehyung held open the door for you, immediately leading into a receptionist lobby. A woman with glasses hanging low on her nose sat behind the curved desk. She typed away at her computer and slowly blinked up towards us. She did not want to be here, that was for sure. Taehyung approached the desk, “Hello, we’re from—.” You stepped harshly on Taehyung’s toe. A huff left him along with a deep grunt, he side eyed you full of questions. You took over conversation, “hello, were looking for a…baby to adopt. I can’t have children of my own and I always wanted to have a child with my husband.” You wrapped Taehyung’s hand in yours and brought his hand up to your lips. You pretended to blink away tears. The woman at the receptionist desk blinked back at you slowly. Taehyung seemed to catch on halfway, “My wife and I really want a fox hybrid. Something that would look like me, maybe.” The woman began typing shortly then stood up, “let me get the file and ask my manager if they’re letting people observe today. I’ll be right back.” She picked up an empty clipboard and pen disappearing down a nearby hallway.
You waited for her footsteps to fade before you rounded the desk taking her seat. Taehyung harshly whispered, “what are you doing Y/N?” You brushed hair off your shoulder, “hush, be on the lookout. Warn me if she’s coming back.” You jammed the USB into the monitor and went to town on their database. His eyes were working a thousand miles per hours, “when did you bring that?” You raised your brow at him, “there’s a lot you don’t know about me Tae.” A smirk crossed his face cheekily leaning on the table, “a man should know his wife.”
You willed away the blush crossing your cheeks and searched through their outdated system. You transferred the files of employees from twenty years ago, hoping it would give some intel about the people who knew his parents. You pulled out your phone bringing up the two long numbers that his mother gave you. Their ID numbers. A young photo of his mother popped up and in big read letters above the biographic information read, “MISSING.” You searched for his father’s data, but your fingers stopped typing on the keyboard when footsteps approached in the hall.
Taehyung winked at you, “leave it to me, honey.” He walked towards the receptionist, “you were able to convince your manager, right? My wife…she’s really been upset with the whole infertile thing. I can’t live with the anger anymore or the tears.” He spewed out the first things that came to his mind, using his years of practice as a lawyer to spin a believable story. Your fingers flew across the keys. You unplugged the USB and shoved it into your pocket tucking it deep. You closed all the documents back to what it originally was and stood leaning against the desk attempting to look distressed. “Dear, you know what I don’t want to look today. I don’t think I can handle it.” Taehyung came running up to your side, “but honey.” You held up your hand twisting your face up as if you were going to cry, “no…I can’t.” You pushed through the doors to hear a belated sorry towards the receptionist from Tae. You both got in the car and drove away.
Back at home you pulled out your laptop again and plugged in the USB immediately. Taehyung sat next to you watching the new information load in multitude of files. You passed him the laptop allowing him to go over the info first. He put on his glasses reading the information intently. When he scrolled past a photo of his father he stayed on it studying the face. “I honestly don’t remember his face besides the one in the photo. He was gone a lot as a kid. He looks so much like I do here.” You leaned into his side resting your chin on his shoulder, “look he has the same freckle on his nose like you.” You booped his nose right on the freckle. He rubbed his nose, “I guess we really do look alike.”
He opened file after file, you ended up working longer than expected. You missed the timing to go over to your parents for dinner. You opted to make a small meal, something besides ramen. You were prepping when he called you back over to the laptop. “Hon—Y/N, look tell me you see what I see?” The image of the man before you was familiar, but without his signature trademark. Under the security guard’s employee archive, was the face of a brutish man, but he lacked the scars on his face. As you leaned in forward your hand almost slipped and missed the table, “isn’t that the police chief? Police chief Archer...Robert Archer?”
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Copyright 2018 © by magicalsalamander. All right reserved.
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sugaspet · 6 years
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•1/7 BTS as Mythical Creaters { Jimin - Merman }
-DO NOT claim as your own!
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btsbabes7 · 6 years
“Oracle’s Prophecy”
Summary: Even though Poseidon was sentenced to exile, he made the most of it. He didn’t expect to fall for a mortal, nor did he think he would feel a silly human emotion such as heartbreak. Even after the tragedy, he created something miraculous. The Water God created his own perfect world.
Genre: Hybrid! Gods! FantasyAU. Science-fiction. Slight Mythology.  
Warnings: angst, slight fluff, degrading
Word count: 1,888
Author's Note: This is a back story based on how Poseidon came to create his under water world. He made sea creature hybrids, people created in his own image. You get to know more about these underling Gods when they meet the two surfer sisters. But.. How are the girls connected to Poseidon and his underwater children? Read and find out. (:
(side note: this story is based off of some mythology. some facts are strictly made up, whereas some pertains to normal mythology.)
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*flashback to 600 years ago*
It was year 1618 when Poseidon was exiled near land in Australia, to waters known as the dead zone. Even sea creatures didn’t habitat in those parts of the waters due to the dangers of wrecked ships, fisher’s nets, debris, and etc. He was sentenced there for a year for defying his older brother, Hades. He gladly took the punishment if that meant getting away from his stubborn and irrational brother. It is not like he didn’t have all the time in the world anyways. He was a God, and quite frankly he was fed up with the God’s monarchy. 
Even though he never wandered around this part of the ocean, at least there was a lightly populated land near. He was allowed to roam the island, but only near the shore since it was technically located in his exile proximity. They were sure to get Hecate to cast a spell that his powers would not work if he crossed the exile’s proximity. He was not allowed to leave the dead zone, unless he wanted to be cursed to not be allowed to roam the waters by his niece, Hecate, Goddess of witchcraft and magic. He didn’t want to take the chance, because her power was no joke so he decided to abide by the rules and just deal with his exile. What was there to lose? He could make the dead zone into something beautiful like it once was. Poseidon made it a project to make sure those parts of the waters would be inhabited again.
After a week of complete boredom and hearing no word from his brothers, he decided to make use of his time and visit the nearby land. He walked along the ocean floor until he entered dry land, curious as to what it would be like walking among humans again. He heard noises of the town alive in the night. Poseidon walked along the shore line, hiding behind trees and staying out of sight. A few man-made homes and structures came into view as he walked closer. Lanterns flickered lightly, showing the surroundings. He was taking in the strange scenery on high alert. Noises of chatter and music filled his ears, but they seemed to be about 50 yards out. Noticing a wagon with traveling bags near the house, he took what clothing he could, heading to the wood line to change into the attire. He wanted to blend in and examine the way these mortals lived.
Poseidon began to roam the streets of the town, taking in the actions of the towns people and their festivities. The town was glowing with lit lanterns. Mortals were chatting, dancing, eating, and laughing. It was a very lively place. He found himself leaned up against one of the town buildings, just observing as the music played. That’s when he saw her. She was dancing in the middle of the town circle, her long and ruffled, white skirt swaying as she twirled to the tune from gentlemen with their instruments. Her beautiful smile complimented her skin tone as her long dark hair framed her angelic face. She was glowing, and it intrigued Poseidon. How could a mortal be so pure and beautiful?
*time skip to many months later*
Life on shore was much more than the God of the Sea could ever expect. He easily adapted to the mortals daily lifestyle. After the first night on shore, he build up confidence to talk to the breathtaking woman. Now she is his lover. Lyona is her name. She was the most pure and perfect being he had ever met. Weeks went by of Poseidon courting her before he told her his true identity. Surprisingly, she took it very well and treated him like equal, which was something new for the God. He spent his days doing labor with the townsman and helping farmers with their crops. The people saw him as a friend and a hard working man. The humans welcomed him, and he felt wanted. Poseidon felt like he had a great purpose living with the mortals, not being expected to rule or order, but to be an equal. It was quite refreshing for the god.
 Every night, he would come home to Lyona. They would stay up all night talking about the differences of their worlds, among other topics. On days of rest, he often visited the sea, never truly losing his roots. He could truly be himself with the woman. Poseidon left behind his thoughts of his brothers and their law of order over the world. He felt at peace with this life style, but would his happiness last?
Lyona decided to spend one day roaming the tree line along-side the beach. She figured collecting a few coconuts for cooking a meal later would be a nice treat for Poseidon after his day of helping people in the fields. What she didn’t know is that day would change her life drastically. She noticed a dark, shady spot along one of the coconut trees in the distance. Lyona found this odd since it was sunny out. Curiosity got to the best of her so she decided to approach the mysterious aura. A tall, pale man made his presence known, stepping out into view slightly. The man presented himself as Hades, brother of her lover. Hades admitted to finding out about his facade he built with the humans. He has been watching over the couple for a while. Hades hated the mortals more than anything. They lived their short lives without order and praise for the Gods superior to them. He decided to have a chat with the woman. He was cold and spiteful, telling her she needed to give up this fantasy life she built with his brother. The words he spoke shook her to her core, replaying in her head.
 “He is above someone as lowly as you.” 
“Poseidon is a God. You are nothing but a spec of dust to Gods like us .”
“Do you really think he could love a mere human?”
“You are holding him from his true potential and Godly duties of this world.”
“Mortals wither away over years as to Gods live forever.”
“What possible future could you have with him?”
“Leave him if you love him.”
Hades’ words never left Lyona’s thoughts. She would be lying if she did not think of these things before. Lyona knew Poseidon loved her, but Hades was not wrong on some points. Poseidon was immortal whereas the memory of her will wither away with time. She decided she would give up Poseidon. She would die within a few decades anyways, possibly breaking his heart, whereas he would live on and forget her one day. That was then when she made up her mind. Lyona knew what she had to do to save her one true love from a tragedy, known as the lack of future they would have. 
Later in the day as the sun was close to setting, Lyona and Poseidon took a stroll along the shore. She then told him she thought it was best not to be together anymore. Lyona shared her worries and feelings with the God. Poseidon felt his heart wrenching in his chest. He tried to come up with possible ways for them to stay together, but Lyona wouldn’t give up. She knew he would never quit so she had to do something drastic. She would have to ask him of something she knew he could never do. She then begged him to leave his God life behind along with the sea. To be by her side til the day she dies. Poseidon would easily give up his life as a God for the woman, but the ocean was another story. The sea was a part of him. He would never be able to stay away from the ocean for it called for him everyday. The sea is what made him the God he is. Poseidon begged for his lover to change her mind. To let him love her and the sea altogether. Lyona shook her head, deflecting the thought.
 “If you cannot leave the sea behind, then I cannot love you Poseidon.”
Her words pierced his chest with so much pain. How could someone supposedly love him force a grave decision like that on him. Anger built in his chest from the damaging demand of the woman. Maybe his brothers were right. Humans did not deserve to live alongside Gods. He said his last words and bid goodbye to the human who broke his heart. With that, he walked into the water to go where he belonged.
Lyona watched the man she loved slowly disappear into the waves. Her knees crash on the harsh sand at the scene. Tears pooled from her eyes as she screamed out her despair. She stayed that night laying under the stars by the shore. Her heart was shattered. She had to let the man she loved go. She acted selflessly only because she wanted what was best for the God. After she collected her thoughts, she slowly made her way back to the empty house. Lyona decided she would never love another man. She needed to start a new life, to move away and forget about the sea. After that day, she left by ship to a new land. The towns people never saw or heard from the couple ever again.
Poseidon spent weeks moping around the ocean floor. The aching pain in his chest never dulled. If only he never went to explore the island in the first place. If only he never decided to become acquainted with the mortals. If only he did not fall in love. If only he shielded is heart. If only...
He was determined to become the great God of Sea like he once was known for. Poseidon then spent his last few months of exile keeping himself preoccupied. He thought back to his promise and decided to restore the uninhibited area. His powers were used to clean up the ocean floors. He was tired of living a live stuck between his power-hungry brothers and the untrustworthy humans. It is when he created his own under world city, filling it with the perfect creations in his eyes. They were not fully human nor fully gods. Their intelligence was superb. They loved and worshiped him. He taught them many things, along with the thought that humans could not be trusted. He made it a point for them to stay hidden from the mortals. He felt at peace with his new god-like children. They were perfect and he knows they would never abandon him.
Once his exile was over, he needed to present himself back to Olympia, among with his brothers and other gods. He bid farewell to his people, promising to return every so often. He grew to love them so much, along with the other creatures of the sea. As he was leaving, he looked back towards the city. He is reminded of the memories of his precious human. Poseidon never wanted to forget her so named the under water city after Lyona. He has her to thank for his creation. He smiled a broken smile as he bid adieu to the under water city, Lyonesse. 
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gingwrites · 3 years
Untitled Vampire AU (ot7) - Part 6
Series Masterlist | BTS Masterlist
Summary: Min Yoongi gets turned into a vampire and abandoned by his sire, but is adopted by the Kim coven.
I decided to turn my one shot about maknae yoongi teething as a vampire into a full fic. Title subject to change. I just really have no idea what to name it right now.
Pairing: Established ot6, future ot7
The next few days passed in the same fashion, Yoongi sleeping most of the day away, and during the few times he was awake, he was eating. It was still a battle to get Yoongi to slow down while drinking, giving himself a tummy ache most of the time, though never as bad as that first one. The others were content to take turns watching over him.
“Why’s he sleeping so much?” Well, mostly content. “I just want to play with the baby and get to know him!” Jungkook whined.
“He’s a baby, Kookie,” Seokjin sighed. The three maknaes had been getting a little restless lately, spending more and more time watching over Yoongi, waiting for the moment he would next wake up.
“So? Do you not remember anything about when you changed?” Seokjin replied. “You know very well that vampire changes don’t happen instantaneously. His body is changing and it’s taking a toll on him. He needs all the rest he can get.”
“Oh,” Jungkook pouted. He wanted to spend time with the baby, but he definitely wanted him to be healthy.
Seokjin patted the seat next to him on the couch, indicating for the younger boy to join him, which he happily did, launching himself into his hyung’s side. Seokjin let out a grunt when Jungkook landed on him, but a smile still spread over his face at the younger’s antics.
“I know you really want to spend some quality time with the baby, but right now, the best thing for him is to sleep and eat. You have all the time in the world to get to know him. Have a little patience,” Seokjin soothed, pulling Jungkook further under his arm.
“Okay, hyung,” the younger boy still pouted, but this time his lip wasn’t sticking out quite as much since he was getting cuddled.
After about a week of Yoongi being with the Kim coven, Yoongi started staying awake for longer periods of time and being more aware when he was, causing the maknaes to be constantly surrounding their new baby, always wanting to be the one to hold his attention.
“So now that I think I’ve finally had a chance to process everything, I have a few questions,” Yoongi asked one night when they were all gathered in the living room after Yoongi’s feeding. 
“Ask away,” Seokjin nodded, happy to see that Yoongi seemed to be accepting the fact that he was a vampire now. Maybe all he had needed was a chance to process it internally and let his body take some much needed rest.
“Okay, so I know we don’t sparkle in the sun from personal experience,” Yoongi started, glancing over at Jimin when the older vampire let out a small growl at the mention of the state he had been in when found. “But, does the sun actually kill us, or is it just really, really painful?”
“Well, you’re a baby, so the sun is more harmful to you than it is to someone older, like me,” Seokjin replied. “You’ll eventually build up a sort of tolerance to it, but that will take a while. If you were to stay out in the sun for a long period of time now, it could kill you, but it would be a super slow and painful death.”
“So you’re not going anywhere near a window or outside anytime soon,” Namjoon commanded. The others all nodded their heads in agreement. Yoongi wasn’t about to argue with them. He never wanted to feel that pain again.
“But like I said, as you get older, you’ll build a tolerance to it,” Seokjin continued. “It won’t kill you once that happens, but you can still get burned, though not anywhere near as bad and it would take a longer period of time in the sun.”
“Okay,” Yoongi nodded, taking in the new information. “Next question: I thought I was supposed to have fangs?”
Seokjin chuckled, but before he could respond, Jungkook spoke up.
“You mean like these?” Jungkook had a massive grin on his face when Yoongi looked over. Two little glints caught his eye, and Yoongi leaned over before he could stop himself. Without even thinking about it, he brought his hand up to Jungkook’s mouth and gently touched the tip of one of the shiny teeth that he’d never seen before.
“Ow!” Yoongi quickly pulled his hand back, sticking his finger in his mouth to help soothe the pain.
“You hurt the baby!” Taehyung yelled, leaning over to slap Jungkook’s shoulder.
“I’m okay!” Yoongi quickly reassured, not wanting the others to blame Jungkook or see Jungkook sad that Yoongi had hurt himself because he was dumb enough to touch a vampire fang.
“Back to your question,” Seokjin spoke up, ceasing the small slapping fight Jungkook and Taehyung had gotten into, “You will get fangs, but it’s not an overnight process. Think like an actual human baby. Their teeth come in slowly and they go through a teething process. The rest of your body has gone, and will continue to go, through changes for about the next six months or so. It’s one of the reasons why you’ve been sleeping so much lately. Your body needs a chance to recover from all the changes.”
“Okay. Can we see our reflection?” Yoongi asked next.
“Yes,” Seokjin stated simply.
“We actually used to not be able to,” Namjoon followed up. “Nowadays, mirrors are made of different materials than they used to be, but vampiric myths obviously haven’t caught up.”
Everyone but Seokjin (and Yoongi) burst into laughter, Jin’s entire face turning red.
“What? What’d I say?” Yoongi questioned, confused as to why that had been funny.
“You can blame that entire myth on Seokjin!” Jimin was able to get out through his laughter.
“Jin was allergic to garlic when he was human,” Hoseok started.
“And it somehow carried over when he was turned,” Namjoon continued when Hoseok couldn’t because he was laughing so hard. Yoongi snuck a glance over a Seokjin who was still as red as a tomato.
“Our Jinnie here is old enough to have been around when people still believed vampires and other ‘mythological’ creatures were real,” Namjoon continued the story. “The village he was living in decided he was a vampire and had captured him. They were holding him in a barn while they were attempting to set up a pyre to burn him at the stake. It was a very dramatic time if you can imagine.
“But, it was harvest season and the owner of the barn had just harvested all his crops. Jin was tied up next to a basket full of, you guessed it, garlic. His allergy is so bad that even smelling it can sometimes cause him to break out in hives and his throat to close up. Which is exactly what happened. The humans quickly figured out what the garlic was doing, but they wrongly assumed that it would kill him and that it applied to all vampires.
“Luckily, Seokjin was able to escape before any lasting damage was done, but the myth stuck and was quickly passed around from village to village,” Namjoon finished the story, much to the amusement of the others.
“I hate you all,” Seokjin mumbled, arms crossed over his chest.
“Love you, too, hyung!” Taehyung sing-songed.
Yoongi couldn’t help the small smile on his face. It was a little funny if he was being honest. And raised the question of how old Seokjin actually was, but he guessed that was a question for another time.
“Do you have any more questions?” Seokjin asked, trying to get the others to move on and leave him in peace (which he knew was never going to happen, but he loved them all the same).
Yoongi thought for a moment, thinking of all the vampire movies he’d seen in his lifetime, which surprisingly wasn’t a lot. He had never really been much of a supernatural fan, which he found ironic now.
“Super speed? Super healing? Super strength?”
“Yes, yes, and yes, though there are limitations,” Namjoon was the one that answered this time. “We’re definitely not as fast or as strong as the movies make us out to be, but we definitely have an advantage over humans. But you’ll need to learn to control both once you’ve finally finished your transformation.”
“As for healing,” Seokjin took over, “There are limitations for that as well. You have to be well fed for you to have accelerated healing, which is why your burns were so bad when Jimin found you. You hadn’t fed, so your burns couldn’t heal.”
“So what can kill me?” Yoongi asked nervously, not really sure he wanted to know the answer to that question.
“Most things that would kill a human won’t kill you,” Namjoon replied. “Besides the sun when you’re still a baby, a stake through the heart, fire, silver bullet, and decapitation. Those are pretty much the only things that humans have continued to get right over the years. You can’t get sick, and even if you’re injured, no matter how bad the injury, as long as you can feed, you’ll heal just fine.”
Yoongi nodded, taking in all the new information. He felt like his brain was going to explode. There was so much to learn, but at least he had forever (literally) to learn it all. And people who would teach him and actually seemed to like teaching him.
“Just one more question for now,” Yoongi said after another moment of processing, feeling himself starting to get tired again. “Is there anything else that’s super important to know about vampires? I mean, can we fly? Do we have special powers? Can I read minds?”
The others laughed, causing a smile to spread across Yoongi’s face at his silly suggestions.
“No, no flying or mind reading,” Hoseok laughed.
“Ooo! But some vampires do have special powers!” Jungkook bounced in his seat.
“Like Jin hyung!” Taehyung all but yelled.
Yoongi quickly turned to the older vampire, not expecting this turn of events. Seokjin’s eyes flashed purple, but he blinked and they were back to their normal brown, making Yoongi wonder if he’d just been seeing things.
“So you have special powers?” Yoongi asked, curious as to why this hadn’t been brought up before.
“Yes, I have special powers,” Seokjin spoke slowly, choosing his words carefully. “Not all vampires have powers. It’s very rare and is different from person to person.”
The room was quiet while Yoongi processed his words.
“Oh! What if Yoongi has powers?” Jungkook yelled, causing the fledgling to jump.
“He doesn’t,” Namjoon quickly spoke up, crushing any hope that Yoongi might have already had about potentially having special powers. “You know they show up once a fledgling is turned. None of us saw anything, so no powers, unfortunately. Like Seokjin said, they’re very rare.”
Yoongi had turned to look at Namjoon while he spoke, but Yoongi saw Seokjin flinch  ever so slightly out of the corner of his eye at Namjoon’s words, but by the time he’d glanced over, Yoongi didn’t see anything amiss. That’s the second time his eyes seemed to be playing tricks on him. Maybe he was more tired than he felt.
“Alright, that’s enough questions for now. We can answer any more questions you have tomorrow,” Seokjin spoke up, taking command of the room. “Time for you to get back to sleep, baby. You’re barely sitting up on your own as it is.” 
Before Yoongi could process it, he was laid across the couch, head in Hoseok’s lap, blanket tucked around his body, Hoseok’s hands running through his hair. Yoongi’s eyes slipped shut before anyone could even tell him ‘goodnight.’
As Seokjin washed Yoongi’s bloody thermos in the sink later that night, he kept thinking about their conversation. He still hadn’t told the others about what he had seen. If he’d even seen anything at all. He wasn’t trying to hide anything from them, but he didn’t want to cause a mess if it was all for nothing. It was just nothing, right? It had to have been a trick of the light. Afterall, no magic had manifested itself since then.
Seokjin shook his head, trying to clear the intrusive thoughts. It was nothing. It had been nothing. There was no way that Yoongi had powers, had those powers. Maybe if he kept repeating it, it’d be true. 
Finally an update! I finally had inspiration for what I wanted to happen in this chapter this afternoon, so I've been working on this update since then! I hope you all like it! Let me know what you think! If you have any fluffy ideas/requests, let me know here, on ao3, or twitter/curious cat (@/yoongismandu)! I want to have a bit more 'normal life' and Yoongi adjusting to being a vampire before I get into the plot that I actually have planned for this fic.
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last updated: 04/06/2022
after a breakup
you meet someone who speaks your native language
their s/o is insecure about being taller than them
their s/o is insecure about being much shorter than them
their s/o comforts them when they cry
your anxiety makes it so you can’t eat
how they spend a rainy day off with their s/o
their s/o gets hurt because of them
a txt member has a crush on bts member’s secret girlfriend
finding out their s/o is a mythological creature
they didn’t know you speak another language
another member dislikes their s/o because they misunderstand their personality
their s/o is inexperienced yet in their mid-20s
their s/o is an actual witch
their s/o is nervous about meeting their family
obvious signs if they were in a new relationship
Jin is supportive of his s/o who has food intolerances
Jin’s s/o’s relationship with the rest of the group
Taehyung and his s/o as dog parents
Yoongi college/soulmate AU
Babysitting with Taehyung
BTS and matching couple things
Picnic dates
Park Jimin
Wish You Were Here
angst with a happy ending
Kim Seokjin
Snowflakes or Sugar Plum Fairy
super fluffy fluff
Kim Taehyung
You Had Me At That Horse Will Bite You
That Should Be Me
mostly angst
Min Yoongi 
Hanging by a Thread
angst with a happy ending
Jeon Jungkook
Nobody Knows
angst with a happy ending
(more to come)
Kim Seokjin
His Darkness  [on hold indefinitely]
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Kim Taehyung
The Switch (see series masterlist)
Taehyung warm brown
Yoongi greige
Taeyong pastel
Wooyoung grey
Yunho blue
Jin dark academia
Taehyung slightly-less-dark academia
Baekhyun city nighttime
Mingi pink and red
Seonghwa purple urban witch nightlife (lol)
Seonghwa lavender witch
ZODIAC SERIES (sun signs)
Aries - Park Seonghwa
Taurus - Byun Baekhyun
Gemini - Hoshi (Kwon Soonyoung)
Cancer - Choi San
Leo - Song Mingi
Virgo - Park Jinyoung
(the rest to come)
PS: I know this is a mess, I’ll make it pretty later, but here it is for the sake of convenience!
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tt205 · 4 years
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UPDATED 23/7/2021 (late updates)
[Since 30/5/2020]
Last time active : 13 / 6 / 2022
Requests are WIDELY OPEN :)
Feel free to dm me for support even on personal matters if you have no one to talk to . I'm here for all of you ♡
my Lotr & hobbits acc HERE
You have a crush on WANG?!
Summary: What will happen when everyone in Hogwarts learn about your crush on the school king Wang Yibo? You will kill Malfoy now or later ?
WARNINGS: none , Fluff , dating au! , somewhat relatable , maybe some crack ..
Llan Wangji x reader : scroll down to read the description (angst + fluff)
In the wild forest
Summary: what will happen when you go out hunting while pregnant? Will Chan be there on time ?
WARNINGS: werewolf au! Pregnant reader au! Fluff , father Chan
Summary: Wangji x Wuxian , soulmates au! BL , angst , just me missing the untamed tv series and everything that has to do with mo Dao zu shi , yk 5am thoughts , short
Warnings: sad kinda , lost lover au , just that
Wen Ning × reader :
The Ghost General
You always had feelings for Wen Ning . What will happen when he returns to cloud recesses with Wei Wuxian after years of waiting? Will your hearts beat the same way as back then or not ?
Lan Xichen x reader :
Summary: Your somewhat boyish behavior always bothered many , especially now whole of Gusu Lan Clan was pissed with you . Sharing feelings with Lan Xichen is something that brought you quite close this days . Will love be enough to cover up all of your 'flaws' ?
Jiang Cheng × reader :
Love is a different book
Summary: just a soft / fluff oneshot including Jiang Cheng's marriage with y/n
Lan Wangji × READER :
Lady dressed in red
Chapter pt. 1
Chapter pt. 2
Chapter pt.3 -- DISCONTINUED
Summary: 10 years have passed since you left the cloud recesses. Will you be able to rise again on your own ? Your reputation is destroyed as well as every relationship you had with any living being. Will you be able to overcome the pain of the past and hide your secrets in it forever ? Will there be anyone to hold you close ? Day by day the void seems even more welcoming ..
WARNINGS: None yet , Angsty , historical au!
Nightmare - requested NEW
Summary : Lan Wangji x reader , angst that turns to fluff
Neutral reader , short and easy to read , involves Wei Ying , no warnings really just a bit sad because they miss the bunbun ㅠ _ ㅠ
-> ATEEZ as
-> Cracks
BTS : in a roadtrip
-> MTLs
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knamjooned · 5 years
(M) = smut/sex | bold = posted | Drabbles are under 1k words
check out WIP to see what’s coming soon
all my fics are () x reader
last updated: March 10, 2021
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[ all writings tag ]  - all posts, including chapters and parts
Soulmate Series Masterpost (4 Members) (last 3 will not be written)
A series of one-shots relating to the different ways, in a fantastical world, you may find your soulmate, featuring the seven four men of BTS with their own unique soulmate story.
Divine Love Series Masterpost 
Can otherwordly beings find love? (rapline focused)
On Repeat! Masterpost
Series of small drabbles based on my most current plays on spotify, featuring all members. May be randomly updated.
Pokemon Purple Series Masterpost [1/7]
These pokemon trainers have a story of their own, filled with the usual aspects: love, heartbreak, adventure, duty, mistakes, accomplishments, and more. Can they find happiness in the end?
Peripeteia / Social Media AU, ??? x Reader (HIATUS)
Last night you were doing nothing but watching youtube videos and falling asleep earlier than a normal person your age. When you wake up, you’re a famous model in a relationship with the idol rapper Suga.  While you try to figure out what the hell is going on, you deal with a crafty guardian angel, three charming members of your entourage, a flirtatious coworker, and a very attractive boss.
Changes Series Masterpost [1/7]
When Jungkook and Taehyung drunkenly pranked Namjoon, they had no idea it would change the lives of so many people. Written as social media AUs with rare written parts. Will be posted in order it should be read.
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[ all knj writings tag ] 
Soulmates Maybe?  / Idol AU, (kinda) Soulmate AU, (slight) Angst
After finding a blog online, Namjoon begins a conversation with the mostly anonymous author.
Soulmates Maybe? (2) / Idol AU, Social Media AU, LDR AU
After facing your past, you take a chance. Can you handle dating an idol?
At A Distance Masterlist / Social Media AU, (kinda) LDR AU, Popstar!Reader
No matter how hard you try, it’s always there. There were reasons why Namjoon and you couldn’t be together.
How To Love Masterlist / Social Media AU, Archangel!Namjoon
After Hoseok finds love, Namjoon is curious as to what it’s all about. He finds himself drawn to a barista and her group of chaotic friends.
Dreamscape [Soulmate Series] / Idol AU, Soulmate Dreams AU
He could see you in his dreams, though he could never reach you in real life. Will he finally find you?
Frosty Seduction (M) [25 Days of BTS Collab] / Fantasy AU, Crack, NSFW
You find a beautiful snowglobe that may lead you to your wish being granted by a mischievous winter spirit.
Study Sessions / Social Media AU, Plus-Sized/Foreign Reader
After meeting in a cafe, Joon and you find each other on social media. He offers to help you with your language studies as he travels for “work”.
Magicae Foresta / Soulmate AU, Magic AU, Dragon!Namjoon
Once Tata passed away, you find yourself honoring her memory by searching for the one magical creature she could never find.
Change of Heart (M) / Road Trip AU, SMAU, One Night Stand AU
After realizing he’s been left behind, a mentally exhausted Namjoon has to figure out how to get halfway across America.
Echoes: Team Nocturna (M) / Pokemon AU, Amnesia AU, Hybrid AU
While hiking, Namjoon finds a mysterious woman. Since she has no memories of her past, he takes it upon himself to help find them.
Relapse (Ex AU)
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[ all myg writings tag ]
Desideratum / Post-Apocalypse AU, (implied) Romance, Angst
What had once been an hour long trip by car was now an unknown distance.
Who Is Love / Social Media AU, Pianist!Yoongi (M) / Friends with Benefits AU 
When Yoongi meets a certain ex-angel’s past coworker, he realizes he’s made a horrible mistake.
Time Skip [ Soulmate Series ] / Thriller AU, Countdown AU
As the soulclock began to skip minutes, Yoongi realized he needed to find you before time ran out.
Project Terminus / Mix of Social Media & Written / Dystopian AU (HIATUS)
When the White Sun Alliance finds him, will you convince him to face his old commanders?
Kiss A Girl (Break Up AU)
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[ all jhs writings tag ]
What Is Love? / Guardian Angel AU, Romance, (ft. Archangel Namjoon)
He wasn’t supposed to feel emotions, but he did, and now he’s in trouble.
Love Charm [Soulmate Series] / Reincarnation AU, Greek Mythology AU
The small charm seemed to be missing the right side.  
Cyber Rift / Alien AU, Pen Pal AU, Romance
Your love life gets all weird after meeting an alien through chat.
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[ all ksj writings tag ]
Liaison / Lawyer AU, Secret Marriage AU, Romance
Jin is extremely happy his office has blinds, as he can’t resist his new, secret wife’s delicious lips.
All Over You (Break Up AU)
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[ all pjm writings tag ]
Day of Venus (M) / Soulmate (Tattoo) AU, Runaway Bride AU, Romance, Smut
After searching for so long, Jimin was ecstatic to finally meet you. Unfortunately, it seemed you were promised to another.
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[ all kth writings tag ]
We Owned The Night (M) (Idol AU)
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[ all jjk writings tag ]
Dumb Litty (Rockstar AU)
232 notes · View notes
junqkook · 5 years
I just finished Rottenfolk and I can I just say that I did not trust Jungkooks shady ass from the start. It was so well written though and I love when stories depict Fae as creepy, manipulative creatures because that's how I always pictured them after reading the mythology growing up. But I ended up feeling so bad for the MC at the end. The poor girl lost 20 years of her life just to get dicked down by a pointy-eared asshole. I love your writing and am definitely going to check out more❤️💕💕
omg thank you so much for reading and enjoying 🥺 i hope u enjoy my other fics as well!! and omg yES i love darker faerie stories bc like!!! YES!! its just so interesting?? and when i first started reading up on the myths and stories about the fae i was completely mesmerized and in love, so i def wanted to do an au for bts with it!! and omg rip ikr poor oc she got done dirty LMAO
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eviestrol · 5 years
Writing Ideas
I have a few ideas for AUs, moodboards, and scenarios that I would like doing. Let me know what group(s) or idol(s) you would like me to write the scenario for. These can be reader x idol or be like my Hunger Games AU where it’s just the idols. 
I pretty much have a plot for all of these, but feel free to give me your own as well.
College AU
Gang AU - Moonbin (Astro)
Disney Characters
Apocalypse AU
Soulmate AU - Kevin (The Boyz), Yugyeom (GOT7)
Fake Married/Dating
Assassin AU
Reincarnation AU
High School AU
Single Parent Club AU
Artist/Muse AU
Hogwarts AU
Stripper AU
Mythological Creatures
Arranged Marriage
Florist AU
Boarding School AU
Mermaid AU
Neighbor AU - Wonho (Monsta X)
Royal AU
Enemies to Lovers 
Forbidden Lovers - Sana (Twice)
Greek Gods/Goddesses
Electra Heart/Opera AU (if you don’t know Marina and the Diamonds wyd. This will mostly be the Miss Y/Primadonna archetype)
Monsta X
NCT (ot18 for now)
Red Velvet
SHINee (ot4 only)
Stray Kids
The Boyz
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shmothman · 5 years
me, unsuspecting and naive: hm time to look up my favorite type of mythological creature and see if there’s some pretty art I can reblog!!
first post on the tag: bt/s (all of them???) x reader monster!au fanfiction
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flakandforay · 6 years
Weekly Fanfic Recommendations: Best of 2017
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so we have another year that is ending oh so soon. oh my, the year passed by so fast and honestly, i couldn't even keep up with everything as much lmao. bangtan has accomplished so much, and i could never have felt any more happier than i am now!!
honestly, the year was tough for me as i ended my junior college, taking my national exams and thinking about university but hey, the year has finally ended!! and i hope for it to end on a good note while i am actually sick whoops.
bangtan has achieved so much, numerous daesangs, with yoongi winning an award for producing, bangtan going to the AMAs with their US debut, winning at BBMAs, topping charts, with international collabs, i’ve never felt so happy and proud to support and stan them. 
but anyway, since a lovely anon requested for this, a best of 2017 fic rec to end the year, here it is!! it will consist of all member x y/n fics, will specify if they are one shots, series, or collab etc! these will be my all time-favs of this year! do enjoy~
side note: do check out my clearing link as i clear my bts official and fansite official items or check the selling post with the tag #fafsells~
note: some members have more fics than the other and it’s a pretty long list this time round so do check it out under the cut
lets start~
1) The Devil’s Dick
by @floralseokjin
oneshot but with the sequel of The Devil’s Return, another one shot 
demon au, devil au
( bless )
2) Dimple 
by @floralseokjin
one shot 
roommate au 
3) Off Limits
by @floralseokjin
completed series with 8 parts out
4) Fire & Desire
by @joonbird
ongoing series with 2 parts out 
fuckboy au 
5) 24/7 Marriage Counsellor
by @jimlingss
one shot 
part of the service series 
6) The Leather Loafers
by @jimlingss
one shot 
cinderella au 
( i died so hard )
7) Seaside Sabbatical 
by @jeonjagiya
fisherman au
part of the working man bangtan series 
8) Firetruck
by @jeonjagiya
one shot 
part of the call me mistress series 
9) How to lose a guy in 10 days
by @tayegi
ongoing series with part one out 
10) Eros
by @kpopfanfictrash
ongoing series with part one out and a prologue 
mythology au, royalty au 
11) Trick or Treat
by @beeguks
halloween au 
( shit this was so cute )
1) Tsundere
by @chinnychimchim
one shot 
resident advisor au
( i died )
2) Mixtape
by @jungblue
one shot 
college au 
( bless )
3) Aquiver
by @floralseokjin
completed series with 8 parts out 
4) Run-In
by @silhouetted-beauty
ongoing series with 7 parts out 
mafia au 
5) Lover’s Paradox
by @taesthetes
one shot 
part of the police collab series with @gukstudio
( i died, because holly made an appearance )
6) Breakfast in Bed
by @joonbird
one shot 
ikea au 
part of the 9 one shot requests
7) Student Council Prez
by @jimlingss
completed series with 19 parts out 
high school au 
8) First-Date BAIT!
by @jimlingss
one shot 
part of the service series 
9) Listen Closely
by @avveh
one shot 
office au
10) Vanilla Ice-cream
by @jessikahathaway
one shot 
hybrid au 
11) Headphones
by @btsinned
one shot 
part of the hogwarts au series
12) Detention
by @bts-sinning
part of the teacher au series
13) Petname Babygirl
by @btsjeonjazz
ongoing series with 7 parts out 
sugar daddy au 
14) Favourite Colour: Black
by @btsjeonjazz
ongoing series with part one out 
underground au 
15) Petplay
by @btsjeonjazz
ongoing series with part one out 
16) Fortuitous 
by @knockknocksoosthere
one shot 
arranged marriage au 
part of the Bound Series, a collab between @kpopfanfictrash  and @knockknocksoosthere
17) Underworld
by @beeguks
one shot 
college au 
1) Heartbeat
by @joonbird
ongoing series with 6 parts out 
gang au 
( god bless ) 
2) The Breakup Bureau 
by @jimlingss
one shot 
part of the service series 
3) Beyond Reach 
by @jimlingss
completed series with 6 parts out 
( this is honestly one of my favourite pieces, please do give it a read ) 
ghost au, grim reaper au 
4) Perception, Misconceptions 
by @tayegi
ongoing series with 2 parts out 
5) Saudade
by @btsinned
one shot 
part of the hogwarts au series
6) Bygones of The Sun
by @taechubs
ongoing series with 4 parts out
7) I Feel It Coming
by @94hixtape
ongoing series with part one out 
werewolf au
8) Hex
by @bangtans-baby
one shot 
witch au, warlock au 
1) Ghost Messenger
by @jimlingss
one shot 
part of the service series 
2) Brass & Strings
by @jimlingss
ongoing series with part one out 
college au, music au 
3) River
by @jeonjagiya
one shot 
part of the call me mistress series 
4) Something in the Way
by @tayegi
ongoing series with 2 parts out 
5) Forest Child
by @btsinned
one shot 
part of the hogwarts au series 
5) Obligated
by @knockknocksoosthere
one shot 
arranged marriage au 
part of the Bound Series, a collab between @kpopfanfictrash  and @knockknocksoosthere
6) Yule Ball
by @beeguks
one shot 
hogwarts au
part of the hogwarts: bangtan’s school of romance and wizardry 
7) The Runaways
by @emboyz
ongoing series with 3 parts out 
nerd au 
8) Mission Bad Boy
by @oppamansae
completed series with 15 parts out 
1) It’s okay, thats love
by @chinnychimchim
ongoing series with 5 parts out 
split personality au, psychiatrist au, water polo au
2) Wishbone
by @chinnychimchim
series with 3 parts out ( not too sure if its completed ) 
sugar daddy au 
3) Dress Code
by @chinnychimchim
one shot 
ceo au 
4) Blue Blood
by @joonbird
one shot 
royalty au 
part of the 9 one shot requests 
5) Heartbreak Insurance
by @jimlingss
one shot 
part of the service series au 
6) Devil’s Own Luck
by @jimlingss
one shot 
demon au 
7) The Secrets Trilogy
by @avveh
ongoing series with 2 parts out 
office au 
8) Mischievous Maintenance
by @jeonjagiya
one shot 
part of the working man bangtan series
maintenance technician au 
9) Lonely
by @btsinned
one shot 
part of the hogwarts au series 
10) Cordially, Jimin
by @kpopfanfictrash
one shot 
office au 
( i died at the emails )
1) Rent-A-Boyfriend
by @jimlingss
one shot 
part of the service series 
2) Elevator 
by @jiminisalier
one shot 
3) Stress Relief 
by @jiminisalier
one shot 
4) Princess
by @avveh
one shot 
variety show au, idol au 
5) Tasty Tryst
by @jeonjagiya
one shot 
part of the working man bangtan series
strawberry farmer au
6) Nerves
by @tayegi
one shot 
scientist au 
7) Tamer
by @btsinned
completed 2-shot with Not a Monster as part 2
part of the Hogwarts au series 
8) After Hours
by @bts-sinning
one shot 
part of the teacher au series 
9) Dichotomy
by @kpopfanfictrash
one shot 
part of the bound series, a collab between @kpopfanfictrash  and @knockknocksoosthere
10) Hippogriffs
by @beeguks
one shot 
hogwarts au 
part of the hogwarts: bangtan’s school of romance and wizardry
11) Between Us and Infinity 
by @taechubs
one shot 
soulmate au 
12) The One
by @taetae-tea
ongoing series with 4 parts out 
hybrid au 
1) Instant Gratification
by @chinnychimchim
ongoing series with 3 parts out 
fuckboy au, cheerleader au 
2) Victoria’s Secret
by @chinnychimchim
one shot 
crack fic ( im wheezing )
3) Punishment 
by @siranghae
one shot 
police au 
( bless ) 
4) New Rules
by @tayegi
ongoing series with 5 chapters out 
fratboy au 
5) I Will Not Lose
by @jimlingss
one shot 
magic au 
6) Date in a Box
by @jimlingss
one shot 
part of the service series 
7) A Piece of the Moonlight
by @jimlingss
one shot 
mulan au 
( my heart ached ) 
8) Room for Dessert
by @avveh
ongoing series with 3 parts out 
9) Ramen
by @jeonjagiya
ongoing series with 3 parts out 
part of the call me mistress series
10) Owner
by @jessikahathaway
ongoing series with 4 parts out
hybrid au 
11) Blabbering Curse
by @btsinned
one shot 
part of the hogwarts au series
12) Perverted Bunny Mask
by @btsinned
completed series with 13 parts, an epilogue and 3 extra notes
killer au 
( love it )
13) Prodigy
by @bts-sinning
one shot 
part of the teacher au series 
14) All I’ve Got
by @btsjeonjazz
ongoing series with 5 parts out
badboy au
15) Blackjack
by @kpopfanfictrash
ongoing series with 4 parts out 
mafia au 
16) Five Dates
by @kpopfanfictrash
one shot 
arranged marriage au 
part of the Bound Series, a collab between @kpopfanfictrash and @knockknocksoosthere
17) Laggard
by @beeguks
ongoing series with 3 parts out
18) Tantalizing
by @emboyz
completed series with 8 parts out 
19) Familiar but Unexpected
by @btsfanficss
one shot 
20) Scarlet Envy
by @goldenjulychild
ongoing series with part one out and prologue 
vampire au 
1) Nude Wars
by @jungblue
a yoongi x y/n x jungkook fic 
ongoing series with part one out, frat au 
2) Guess Who
by @silhouetted-beauty
a taehyung x y/n x yoongi fic 
2 parts out ( not sure if completed or ongoing )
3) Indulge
by @bangtans-baby
a taehyung x y/n x hoseok fic 
one shot 
4) The Lovers
by @bangtans-baby
a jungkook x y/n x  jimin fic 
one shot 
5) Giving a Hand
by @jiminisalier
ot7 x y/n fic 
ongoing series with 14 parts out 
6) War Lords
by @avveh
a hoseok x y/n x namjoon fic 
ongoing series with part one out 
7) Raw
by @btsjeonjazz
a jimin x y/n x jungkook fic 
one shot 
halloween au 
8) Between otherworldly Creatures
by @btsjeonjazz
a taehyung x y/n x jimin fic
ongoing series with 2 parts out
9) Tension
by @kpopfanfictrash
a jimin x y/n x jungkook fic 
one shot 
10) Clothes
by @bangtans-baby
a hoseok x y/n x yoongi fic 
one shot 
11) In the Middle
by @emboyz
a taehyung x y/n x jimin fic 
one shot 
12) Lust and Limerence
by @btsfanficss
a taehyung x y/n x jungkook fic
ongoing series with part one out 
13) Reward
by @taetae-tea
one shot 
a taehyung x y/n x jungkook fic 
14) Worth It
by @btsiguess
one shot 
a namjoon x y/n x jimin fic 
1) Bangtan University
by @kpopfanfictrash and @bread-jinie
a series that consists of one shots of member x y/n fics with an intro and epilogue 
again, happy new year !! wishing all of you a great 2018 ahead~
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this is all for this fic rec, another one up soon~
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ao3feed-yoonjin · 6 years
Fate's Plans
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Op0BZ7
by Gaytrashibribri
Namjoon and Yoongi were just two best friends and amateur pirates who wanted to go on adventures and become rich. However fate has other plans. They find themselves swept up in trouble, involving a runaway prince, a sassy fae, an uncooperative witch, a cursed magician and a handsome bartender. Not to mention they now have a huge bounty on their head and the royal navy on their tails.
aka a magical pirate au no one asked for
Words: 762, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Bangtan Boys Ensemble
Relationships: Kim Seokjin | Jin/Min Yoongi | Suga, Kim Namjoon | RM/Park Jimin, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Kim Namjoon | RM, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Park Jimin, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Kim Namjoon | RM/Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Pirate, Greek Mythology - Freeform, Kim Namjoon | RM & Min Yoongi | Suga Are Best Friends, Captain Kim Namjoon | RM, Pirate Kim Namjoon, Pirate Min Yoongi | Suga, Bartender Kim Seokjin | Jin, Magician Jung Hoseok, Fae Park Jimin, Prince Kim Taehyung | V, Witch Jeon Jungkook, Twice as sea goddesses, other groups featured, Kim Namjoon | RM Is a Dork, Grumpy Min Yoongi | Suga, Min Yoongi | Suga Is Bad at Feelings, Kim Seokjin | Jin Being a Mom, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope Is a Sweetheart, Hobi is cursed, Park Jimin Is a Tease, Kim Taehyung | V & Park Jimin Are Best Friends, Shy Kim Taehyung | V, Jeon Jungkook Is a Brat, They all have issues, Everyone Is Gay, Eventual Smut, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Angst with a Happy Ending, Action & Romance, Alternate Universe - Creatures & Monsters, Fugitives, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Op0BZ7
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thecheekybrunette · 6 years
Chapters: 9/? Fandom: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V, Min Yoongi | Suga/Park Jimin Characters: Kim Taehyung | V, Park Jimin (BTS), Kim Namjoon | Rap Monster, Jeon Jungkook, Min Yoongi | Suga, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope Additional Tags: Omega Kim Taehyung | V, Alpha Jeon Jungkook, Werewolves, Pack Dynamics, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Fairy Park Jimin, Pixie Jung Hoseok, Seer Kim Seokjin, Will-O'-The-Wisp Kim Namjoon, Namjoon accidentally starts a lot of fires, Vampire Min Yoongi | Suga, References to Korean Mythology, References to 1300s Silla, Modern magic AU, Magic, Alternate Universe - College/University, Prince Jeon Jungkook, Orphan Kim Taehyung | V, A lot goes on in this fic but you can trust me, One-Sided Min Yoongi | Suga/Park Jimin Summary:
Taehyung is a werewolf but doesn't know it. Jimin and Jungkook don't want him dead, but it's looking like an assassination attempt is the only way to save him.
(A Modern Magic AU where magical creatures can't reveal themselves unless its to save someone's life.)
3 notes · View notes
taesbetch · 7 years
Dangerously Deep
Pairing: Jimin x Reader 
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Action, Mermaid!AU 
Word Count: 5k +
INSPIRED BY: @blog-drblake MoodBoard |Bts au| Japanese Mythology - Jimin as Ningyo. If you haven’t, though I’m pretty sure you have, Go check out the mood board and just everything on this blog because it’s all freaking amazing!!!  { CLICK HERE }
WARNING: Mention of violence and suicide, some goryish scenes (not really its fine but its just the mention of blood)
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Splashing was all you could hear.
the rocking of the boat was causing the little food that resigned in your stomach to travel up your throat, only to be slammed back down to the pit of your stomach leaving a nasty taste in your mouth.
The rope tied around your wrists continued to rub against you skin.
There was a storm outside, that much you could tell…
Apparently, the bottom of the boat was supposed to be where people feel less sea sick. You almost scoffed out loud.
How did you get here? How did you, a simple peasant who spends her days selling fruit at the village market end up on tied up on a pirate ship? Oh yer, how could you forget. You were sold.
Pirates often came to small villages like yours to steal or buy girls like you to sell to the higher ups over seas; their fond of foreign beauties or so the captain had said.
Sighing you coated your dry lips in yet another layer of saliva, trying to revive the lost moisture.
Your loving father had decided it was best for the family if you were sold to the pirates for a mere 3 bronze coins. You were a virgin, or as pirates liked to claim, pure gold. In return for being sold, your father would help them collect others.
You had started this trip with three other girls. Each crying and screaming out to god for help.
You would have joined them, but you already knew your fate was sealed.
One girl had decided enough was enough and used the bathroom as an excuse to jump overboard.
One girl had been taken by some of the sailors and had yet to return; you assumed the worse and readied yourself for either her dead body or to never see her again.
And one girl had refused water and food; for the past the three days she had done that and for the past three days she had cried relentlessly. Finally, she passed out. Her skin dry, her lips cracked.
You concluded that the pirates had deemed her unfit to sell and got rid of her the easiest way they could.
Sighing you watched as Lane, the nicest out of the pirates descended down the stairs holding a cup full of water.
His usual light brown hair was darkened with sweat and his right cheek held a pink stain as if the boy had been slapped.
Frowning in concern you watched as he approached your nervously. His hands shaking and his eyes wide and dilated.
“Lane? What’s the matter?” you croaked as you took the cup of water, careful not to stretch your tied wrists any further against the unforgiving rope.
He looked at you hesitantly before sitting himself directly in front of you. The dim light above your head shone in his eyes, letting you clearly see the tears forming in his eyes.
“have you heard of a ningyo?” he asked cautiously as he played with his hands in his lap.
Confused, you shook your head. Eager to hear more you motioned to him with your hand.
“A Japanese Myth claims a ningyo, in other words, a mermaid, is a fish-like creature from Japanese folklore. It apparently has shining golden scales and a quiet voice like skylark or a flute. Its flesh is edible and delicious, it brings anyone who consumes it a long life” he explained.
“but…the thing is…catching one can bring storms and misfortune, so fishermen who caught these creatures usually throw them back into the sea” he said before roughly rubbing his forehead in stress.
“but…if it’s just a myth, then what’s the problem?” you asked naively.
Beads of sweat rose to the surface of his skin at the mere mention of ‘myth’.
Suddenly the ship was pushed roughly to the side. You screamed as your body and everything on the right side of the ship was pushed to the left.
Your already fragile skin was torn at as the ropes held you in place not letting your body follow lanes.
He let out a groan and cry of pain as he was slammed against the other side of the ship, a barrel flying after him and hitting him in the gut.
You groaned as you grasp the rope in your hand, trying to pull your body up so it wasn’t relying solely on your wrists.
Cheers and sounds of joy were heard from above as the ship finally regained its normal position.
“and from those sounds…I think they’ve caught it” he said as pure fear covered his being.
Lane quickly dashed back to the upper deck, leaving you in pain and confusion. You had only managed to take a sip of water before it had been spilled all over the floor so now dehydration was getting the better of you.
You sighed and awaited news of the ‘mythical creature’ from lane. Surely it was bullshit, there’s no way such things exist.
Your head was pounding and your vision was getting fuzzy, but that didn’t stop you from hearing the celebration above.
The shouts grew closer and closer to the little hatchet that separated you from them. As it opened, you strained your neck in order to see what it was they were trying to throw down.
A long figure with a blanket wrapped around it was thrown harshly onto the floor off the ship. With a small gasp, your eyes trailed downwards towards the beautiful tail sticking out. Its gold colour contrasting against the black of the blanket.
Your eyes were captured by it, the shine of the gold scales was gorgeous.
With a thud, your attention was drawn to the three sailors who had joined the party, one of them being the captain.
“tie him up boys” the captain smirked. His ragged beard coating majority of his face.
“cap…what if lane was right?” one of them asked the dragged the mermaid next to me. Its tail flapping in a weak attempt of defense.
“Don’t be a baby, we’ll sell both him and the girl” he said sending you a wink. One that made you squirm in disgust.
As they ripped the blanket off of him to tie his hands up, you were shocked at how magnificent he was. His toned body shone with droplets from the ocean and his jet-black hair shined with health and youth.
He was clearly tired and angry. As they grabbed his tail and tied he groaned it pain, his eyebrows knitted closely together as he sat against the wall, the same position you were in.
“alright, oh so powerful ningyo…let’s see what you can do” the captain said as he kicked the merman’s tail harshly.
“Hey!” you shouted out in his defense. As you processed what you just said a harsh slap was swung across your face. The salty taste of blood rushed into your mouth as the stinging feeling of a slap possessed your cheek.
“speak to me like that again and you’ll end up like the rest of your friends” he growled at you.
You wanted to snap back and say if you died he wouldn’t have any girls to sell to his sex-obsessed kings but you held your tongue knowing it wouldn’t result in anything but pain for you.
“here, Lane sent this” one of his goonies said as he harshly passed you another cup of water.
“we’ll be back to check on you” the captain smirked before turning on his heels and heading for the exit, his goonies close behind him.
Your eyes trailed back to the heaving mermaid next to you. His eyes were dazed and narrow, you could tell that he was staring at your water.
It was an intense silence.
You watched as his chest rose and fell, each breath getting harder and wheezy.
This had to be a dream…you were just extremely dehydrated and all of this was just your imagination.
You took a big gulp of the cool water, shutting your eyes tightly.
the feeling of water slipping down your dry throat almost had you moaning; the feeling of refreshment reviving your energy drained body.
Your eyes fluttered open, focusing on the cup in your hands that was now clear as day compared to the blur you had previously seen.
You smiled lightly figuring your body had gained enough hydration to be more awake and aware, looking to your left to confirm your suspicions of hallucination you gasped when you were met with the same narrowed eyes as before.
He was real. This was real and this was happening.
Your eyes drifted back to your cup of water that he was staring at.
You wanted to be selfish; you wanted to gulp the rest of the heavenly water that you had taken for granted back at home. But you knew you couldn’t, not with the continuous heaves of pain and harsh glares.
You sighed before turning to your fellow prisoner.
“here” you said as you skilfully slide the cup next his tied-up hands.
He slashed water over his tail before gulping the rest of it quickly. A sigh of relief escaped his lips as the water ran down his scales; the water droplets didn’t dry of trickle of him, instead they remained intact making the shiny gold scales shine brighter.
After a moment of silence, you shifted in you spot so you could get a better look at the ningyo next to you.
“so, how’d they catch you?” you asked causing the man to glare at you.
The glare sent shivers down your spine but instead of being scared you felt oddly fearless.
“I don’t waste my breath on humans” he answered simply as he rested his head against ships wall.
“well you just did” you said before a playful smile slowly covered your face.
Maybe it was the lack of human contact, or the lack of food and water.
“you know what I am, don’t you?” he asked confused by your behaviour.
“of course, you’re a ningyo” you stated as you tried to jiggle free your wrists, hoping that even though you’ve tried it multiple times you might be set free.
“are you not scared?” he asked eyeing you cautiously.
“I should be…but I don’t know, I guess I just don’t care anymore. It’s either get sold to snobby people who will abuse my body. Or escape into the ocean and die…mmm, I don’t know which one is worse” you explained staring off into space.
“don’t worry dear, death will come soon” he said taking a deep breath in.
You furrowed your brow in confusion.
“what do you mean?” you asked intrigued.
“my name is jimin i bring storms and misfortune to all who hold me, in the next 96 hours it will come” he stated calmly.
Your eyes traveled back down to his tail before looking back up at him.
“will you last that long?” you asked, your voice wavering with a tinge of worry.
His eyes shot to yours, shocked that you had caught on that quickly. If he was desperate for your water within a few minutes of him being rolled out of the blanket you wondered how long the water droplets would last until he needed more.
“it doesn’t matter, karma will come, living or not…” he murmured. Sadness flashed through his eyes before it was replaced with his usual coldness.
“so…how’d they catch you?” you asked again, curiosity getting the better of you.
he took a long breath in before turning his head to you. “I was on my way too meet someone, they told me to come up close to the surface…” he said trailing off, his eyes coating with realisation.
“that bastard” he growled as anger grew evident in his eyes.
“you were set up…weren’t you…” you concluded as you thought about it. What sea creature that is deemed rare and valuable would go so close to where they could be captured.
“that was a dumb move on your part” you spoke softly as you shook your head.
Jimin let out a noise of frustration as he slammed his fist against the floorboards. You gasped as you watched the splinters of wood stick up, his fist had gone through the floor. Not enough to cause leaking but enough to get you heart rate skyrocket.
“he’s next in line, of course, how could I be so blind” he growled, smacking his fist on the floor again causing your breath to get caught in your throat.
“I have to get out, if he…I can’t do that to my people” he whispered more to himself than anyone else.
You were going to die, there was no questioning that…but the attitude that covered his face previously had vanished. He needed to live.
The gleaming of his tail caught your attention.
The end was shaped and pointed…it sparked ideas into your head.
“how sharp is your tail?” you asked his as you narrowed your eyes at it.
“why?” he asked. Your face was covered in mischief and hope, something he didn’t quite trust but his eyes narrowed at what you were trying to say.
“If your tail can cut my cuffs I can go on board and find the keys, also get you enough water for us to figure out a plan of escape” you stated as you coated your dry lips once more trying to moisturize them in vain.
You didn’t think his eyes could be narrowed anymore, but you were proven wrong.
“and why would I trust you?” he asked suspiciously.
“how long do you have?” you asked him bluntly, the both of you knew he wouldn’t have long till his body would start to shut down. He needed to trust you if he was going to make it out of here.
“i don’t trust humans…but ill trust you” he whispered before swinging his tail upwards.
You let out a small squeak of surprise as his tail sliced through the metal cuffs, his surprisingly soft scales brushing your cheek as he did so.
“ill be quick” you stated before running towards the stairs.
You could see that his skin was drying up. His scales had lost a bit of their sparkle and the droplets that were held on him were falling off.
Your breath was getting caught in your throat as you lifted the hatchet slowly. Hearing the laughs and drunken giggles of sailors was giving you anxiety.
The night sky gave you cover as you sneakily maneuvered around the ship. The rain that hadn’t lightened up from before covered the sounds of your movement as You hid behind a row of barrels as you crawled towards the cabins.
The sweat on your hands and the sweat gliding down your forehead made you think about the water in your body that you already had so little of.
You needed to hurry, for both you and jimin.
Lane had spoken so many times about how the keys were kept on the inner side of the door of the captain’s cabin, something that annoyed him because he had to travel a long distance to retrieve them.
You could hear the roar of the captain’s voice on the top deck. Bragging about how he caught the oh so powerful ningyo.
With shaking hands and trembling leg’s, you ran into the captain’s cabin quickly, making sure no one saw you before closing the door with a breath of relief.
As soon as the door closed your eyes were met with the same keys that locked you up for the last couple of days.
“Well, well what do we have here”
You gasped as you wiped around instantly. Hands were roped around your throat as you were slammed into the door.
Your eyes were staring straight into one of the captain’s goons, you had only seen him once.
He had come to collect one of the girls that had decided her own fate and with the way his grip was tightening around your throat, it would seem he didn’t have any problem with damaging product.
“I’ve been waiting for you to fuck up” He smirked before dragging you to the ground.
Your hands instinctively flew in front of your body, but the attempt was useless as his foot went flying into your stomach.
You whimpered as he grabbed your hair and pulled your face upwards. As he trapped your body between the floor and himself he slowly pulled out his shining knife. The blade as sharp as your breath when you saw it.
The hair that was being pulled at your scalp was causing a stinging sensation, but your eyes remained attached to the knife in his hands.
“you always just sat there and looked pretty” he sneered as he flipped you over. In vain you tried to push his legs off of you but his weight kept pushing you back down.
He ran the knife softly down your face as your breath quickened in fear.
The cold metal grazing your skin was digging in the more pressure he added.
“did you know…that if I push down here” he said holding the knife point down at the base of your throat.
“that you’ll die soundlessly…soundlessly and quickly” he stated through gritted teeth as you grasped your hands below his on the knife, trying to raise it.
You grunted as you used all the might you had to remove it from its position.
Your eyes darted around, knowing that he would soon overpower you. You needed to find another way out of this.
As he glared down at you, excitement and rage clear in his eyes, you managed to move you hand placement of the knife, wiggling underneath his hand.
The sweat on your hands allowed you to momentarily flip the knife.
As the knife flipped in the air, looking for a new beholder, you took the opportunity to give him a quick jab to the face before pushing him of you.
It was almost in a blink of the eye and the blessing of God that the knife landed in your hand.
You knew there wasn’t a choice, he was going to kill you or you were going to kill him. It was one or the other.
With a swing of your right arm, you slashed the goony across his chest. As he yelled out in pain you pulled him down and straddled him like he had straddled you.
Your hands were soaked with sweat and blood as you lifted the blade over his chest.
Squinting your eyes closed you plunged the knife deep into chest listening to the sounds of pain and torment as you did it again and again. You wanted to make sure he was dead, if not your plan wouldn’t work.
You continued your attacks until you didn’t hear any more screams for help.
You opened your eyes slowly, your ears getting used to the sudden silence in the room.
You had no time for this…you had to be quick.
With an unsteady breath, you removed yourself from the body; blood covered your hands and thighs. You went to wipe the splutters of red blood on your face before the realisation of what you had just done set in.
There was no going back now…
You grabbed the keys and removed yourself from the cabin.
The quietness of the deck told you but the noise from the upper deck told you that everyone had relocated the party.
You hoped they were too drunk to notice their missing member as you out to sea.
Rocks…? we must be close to an island…you had been travelling for around three days…
Damalan! Your neighbouring island!
Hope sparked in your heart at the thought of your survival.
You reached for a small bucket and filled it with water before shoving the keys in your pocket and making your way down to where you were kept.
Your eyes met Jimin’s weak ones as you descended from the stairs.
“what happened?” he asked weakly as you approached him, the red blood that stained your skin hard to miss.
“don’t worry about it” you said splashing water on his tail.
His eyes widened with life as his body arched upwards. He took large breaths of relief as you continued to coat his body in water.
“you need to hydrate too” he said as started unlocking his cuffs.
“no one is on deck, I can drag you there and throw you overboard” you stated as you thought carefully about your plan.
“what about you?” he asked, his eyes gleamed worry and concern as you tried to wipe the blood off your hands.
“wait no crap..they’ll just follow you” you groaned as you bite your lip in frustration.
“hey! what about you?” he asked again.
Your eyes bored into his. You were sure they were full of exhaustion, sadness, and guilt.
“I’m not going to make it…there’s an island nearby but the waves are too harsh to swim and I already have no energy…our main concern is getting you out” you stated but he shook his head.
“you’re saving me…so it’s only fair if I save you” he said sternly, his skin slowly returning to its glow as he basked in the water you had brought back for him.
“but…how are we both going to escape?” you asked shyly as you relaxed your tense state.
“I’ll just have to kill them all, won’t I?” he spoke strongly as a small smirked graced his face.
That’s when it hit you.
“we’ll sink the ship!” you gasped in excitement.
He tilted his head in confusion before you pointed to the floorboards.
“were on the lowest level, when you punched the floor before I was worried that you’d break through…I can’t believe I’m just thinking of this” you explained in delight.
“If you make a big enough hole for the both of us to slip out, everyone’s on the top deck, they won’t know what’s happening until it’s too late!” you exclaimed.
He nodded along before looking at you with a serious expression.
“it’s really deep water…you do realise, that right? Your dehydrated and weak, your lungs might not be able to handle it” he explained carefully.
“Jimin it’s the only way” you whispered softly.
He nodded in agreement before motioning for you to move out the way.
With a precise and powerful punch, his fist flew through the floorboard causing water to squirt out of the ship like a water fountain.
He used his other fist to alternate between punches, letting water quickly flood the bottom base.
In a panic, you rose to your feet trying to maintain the oxygen your lungs were receiving.
“don’t worry, I’ll wait for you” he promised before diving down and disappearing under the waves.
Even though this was you plan and you knew the dangers of it, you were still scared shitless.
As the water rose to your waist you gave yourself a little pep talk.
“okay, it’s this or death…don’t be a little bitch”
With that, you took a deep breath before diving below the waves.
You had only been underwater for three seconds but you could already feel the pressure on your lungs.
As you made your way through the hole a moment of panic set upon you as you remembered you were underneath the ship. do to the blurriness of you vision, you swam aimlessly until a hand grabbed yours.
As you were pulled past the ship at a speed you could not swim at by yourself, you focused your attention on trying to maintain your breath.
You could hear the ringing in your ears and the pressure you felt in your chest was getting harder to ignore.
Jimin could tell you were losing your stamina as your hand grip loosened on his.
Finally, as you pulled up to the surface you gasped for air, the rushing of it filing your body was addicting but the increasing rain around you making it harder as you struggled to keep yourself above water.
“I’ve got you” Jimin whispered as his arms wrapped securely around your waist.
You breathed heavily as you looked around, wiping the water from your eyes before resting your hands on his shoulders, your arms draping over his.
As you looked back at the ship, you heard yells and shouts as their fires went out and their ship sunk.
“what do we do now” you whispered as he swam you closer to the rocks in order to avoid the wrath of the waves.
“you leave the rest to me” he said as you climbed onto a rock, hugging another for security.
Your heart was pounding way too hard for your body to handle. You hadn’t eaten, you were tired and the only water you were getting was pure salt.
“Jimin, I don’t think I’m going to make it” you choked as your body shook with weakness.
“you’re going to be alright, here eat this” he said as he brought his hand from underneath the water, in it, one of his golden scales.
“You trust me, right?” he asked as you placed the scale in your mouth without question or thought.
You nodded your head in confirmation.
He quickly placed a kiss on your forehead before giving you one last look of determination.
“I’ll make sure they never hurt you again”
As he swam off, you chewed the scale in your mouth. It was pleasant and melted in your mouth; you swallowed the scale quickly, breathing in the little bits of air that revealed itself through the blanket of rain.
You watched closely as the sky began to darken with clouds, their yells of help from sailors were drowned out by the sound of thunder and lightning-collecting itself above the ship.
You watched in slight horror but satisfaction as the storm brewing above released itself straight through the middle of the ship. The bright light of the lightning shone brightly in contrast to the dark night sky.
The screams for help turned into screams of death as a whirlpool collected itself around the shipwreck and remaining surviving sailors.
As they were all dragged to the bottom of the ocean a final wave was blasted from it, heading straight for surrounding perimeters. Heading straight for you.
You gasped what could be your final breath as you tried to hug the rock as hard as you could.
As the wave hit you, your body flew from the rock you were clawing too and followed the wave outwards.
You flailed your body around trying to grasp anything you could but it was useless.
As your head popped up for a moment you called Jimin’s name out frantically before being plunged back into the depths of the sea.
A strong arm was wrapped around you, dragging you backward and away from the wave.
You coughed out water that had made its way down your pipes as the cool air hit your face.
“sorry” he chuckled behind you as he swam you back to your beloved rock.
The rain had cleared up, only letting small droplets fall from the still cloudy sky; the moon shone brightly as it was revealed through the clouds allowing you to fully admire Jimin’s beauty.
“how are you feeling?” he asked worriedly as he continued to hold your body close to his even though the water was still and your rock could’ve have helped you.
“better…Jimin…you let me eat one of your scales” you murmured nervously.
“you’ll live a long and healthy life now, you have nothing to worry about” he said as he caressed your face with his hand. His eyes exploring your features.
“you didn’t have to do that…but thank you, ya know…for saving me” you whispered as his forehead rested against yours.
“you’re the first person I’ve ever fully trusted, of course I would save you” he explained. You hummed in comfort as you let yourself relax and listen to the calming sound of waves crashing onto shore.
Your head shot up as you followed the beautiful sound. Your eyes were met with sand and lit up houses, something you didn’t notice in the heat of a storm.
“Jimin! Look! shore!” you exclaimed excitedly as you pointed excitedly.
He chuckled before nodding his head happily.
Through your excitement, you remembered something…you would probably never see Jimin again.
As he read your expression he pressed his forehead to yours again.
“Jim- “you started but were met with a pair of soft lips instead.
Shivers ran down your spine as you pushed yourself close to him, enjoying the feeling of his lips moving against yours.
You pulled away hesitantly, running out of breath.
“I’ll see you again, I promise” he smiled.
You felt your cheeks warm up as he swam you closer to shore.
“I don’t think I ever got you’re your name” he stated as you stood in the water, loving the feeling of freedom that you felt.
“y/n, my names y/n” you smiled before Turing around and practically running to shore.
As you turned to wave him goodbye, he was nowhere to be found. A frown quickly moved onto your lips as your shoulders slumped down.
You would miss him, but you knew this wouldn’t be the last time you would see him.
So, you would wait.
Wait until the day he would present himself again.
Wait until fate brought you two together again.
Your oh so powerful ningyo.
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namjoontunes · 7 years
Lost and Found (BTS members x Reader)
Genre: Fantasy AU, Fluff
Summary: In a world where mythical creatures like dryads and vampires are commonplace, how will a household of supernatural humanoids react to their new kitten being a shapeshifting girl?
Warning: Blood and injury mention, but nothing bad
Word Count: 1.7k 
Author’s notes: This is my first BTS story, and really the first fic I’ve published to Tumblr. I was reading Silver by @dianas-world​ when I was inspired to write this, so if there are any similarities that’s probably why! I’m not really sure where this story is gonna go but I basically have the first 3 chapters (if u include the prologue) written already so you can look forward to those! I changed some of the “features” per se of some of the mythological creatures just to make the story more interesting or easier to write. The romance might take a little bit to get to but I promise it’s coming!  Main character is a shapeshifter, Jin is a dryad, Yoongi is a vampire, Hobi is an angel, Namjoon is a werewolf, Jimin is a kitsune, Taehyung is a fairy, and Jungkook is a dragon hybrid. Enjoy!
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Deep in the woods, down the winding road and by the side of the long dirt driveway, there was a chickadee, perched high in a pine tree. It’s right talon was supporting all the bird’s weight, as it’s left hung limply in the wind, mangled and bloody. It’s feathers were dull and ruffled, it’s stomach painfully tight, it’s mind tired.
The chickadee was staring intently into the window of the house opposite it, watching the boys inside go about their evening, as it had been doing for the past hour. They seemed kind. Their interactions with each other looked to be filled with playful love. But what was really fascinating was they all seemed to be just like the chickadee. Still, you can’t tell a lot about people by watching from a distance for a little while. Sometimes you just need to have faith.
And so, deciding to put its faith in the kindness of others, the chickadee flew down towards the house, landing delicately on the front porch. As it touched down, the chickadee’s form began to change, feathers shifting into fur, wings becoming legs, sharp talons turning into sharp claws, until finally a kitten about two handfuls big sat where the bird once was. Her back left leg was torn and mangled, just as the chickadee’s was, and the hunger in her stomach remained as potent as ever.
Staring up at the door, the kitten let out the loudest mew she could manage, hoping she could be heard over the commotion inside. Every inch of her body was on high alert, ready to run if things began to go south. The kitten meowed again, and then again, her voice soft and pitiful in the autumn winds.
Suddenly, the door in front of her swung open and she ran back a few feet as yellow light poured into the darkness. Standing in the doorway was a tall man, his face broken into a smile as soon as he laid eyes on the kitten. “Ha! I told you guys I wasn’t hearing things, there is a cat out here!” The man called back into the home.
Crouching down, he extended his hand towards the brown tabby, making kissy noises as he did so. “Come here kitty kitty, I’m not gonna hurt you.” The man was still grinning as he called out to the kitten huddling in the dark. As she considered her options, or lack thereof really, the kitten’s eyes were drawn to one of the reasons it had decided to take a risk and trust these strangers: the pair of white feathery wings sprouting from his back.
Her initial stakeout of the house revealed that the house contained multiple non-humans, much to her surprise. Supernatural creatures, humanoid and otherwise, were well known in this world, and you could find them in just about any town. But they were far from the majority. Non-humans were frequently looked down upon by ‘normal’ people, often labeled as dangerous and unnatural. As a supernatural creature herself, the kitten found solace in the company of other non-humans, and finding a home with what appeared to be seven non-humans seemed to be a gift from god in her moment of need.
As the kitten hesitated, more faces appeared in the doorway. It was hard to distinguish their faces against the bright light coming from within the home, but she could hear them speaking to one another.
“You weren’t kidding Hobi there really is a cat out here!”
“Of course I wasn’t kidding, you guys should believe me more often.”
“Awww it’s so cute can we keep it?”
“What if it has rabies Tae?”
“No it looks sweet I doubt it has rabies!”
“Can I go pick it up?”
“No Jimin you’re gonna scare it off. We’re probably already frightening it enough all crowding around it like this. All of you get out of here let Hobi take care of it.”
“Someone grab me a can of tuna or milk or something this poor thing looks like it hasn’t eaten in days”
The kitten had backed further away from the commotion, but calmed down a bit once the doorway cleared. Usually she tried to stay on her own, and being around so many people frightened her. But she knew she needed help, not to mention the promise of tuna made her empty stomach growl.
The angel, who the cat had deduced was named Hobi, was still smiling at her with his hand out, murmuring soft reassurances. Ever so slowly, the kitten hobbled over to him, watching carefully for any signs of aggression or ill intent.
“There you go. Poor thing, what happened to you? It’s okay now, we’ll take care of you.”
The tabby meowed quietly in response to his words. She had almost reached his hand when another figure appeared in the doorway, holding two bowls. The imposing horns on the person’s head signified some sort of supernatural heritage to the cat, but she couldn’t quite tell what.
“I got the tuna and the milk, hyung.”
“Alright put it down next to me and then get out of here, I’ll let you guys know when you can come see it.”
The unknown person did as he was told, and quickly disappeared inside the house. As the scent of tuna drifted over to the kitten, hunger overcame fear and she limped her way as fast as she could over to the bowl. Purrs erupted from her chest as she enjoyed her first real food in a few days.
The angel watched the kitten feasting with a smile on his face. He reached his hand down and gently placed it on her back, hoping he wouldn’t scare her away. She froze at first, debating whether or not to flee, but quickly went back to eating. The angel began to gently stroke the tabby’s fur, and she found herself enjoying his gentle touch.
After she had stuffed herself on tuna and milk, the kitten limped closer to where Hobi was crouched and plopped on the ground, her injured leg splayed out beside her as if to showcase it to him.
“Poor little baby,” he cooed to the kitten, frowning at her injury. “Here, let’s take you inside and see what we can do about this boo-boo!”
As gently as he could, Hobi scooped the kitten into his hands, being very careful of her leg. As he entered the house, the rest of the boys rushed away from the window where they had been watching and started grouping up around Hobi.
“No no no you all back up we still need to give this lil guy some space. It’s leg is hurt, Namjoon can you grab a pillow and bring it to the kitchen table?”
Now that the kitten was in the well-lit house, she could make out the members of the household in detail. The one Hobi referred to as Namjoon appeared to be a werewolf or some sort of dog hybrid, as indicated by the ears on top of his head and the tail wagging excitedly. As the tabby got a better look at the horned boy she guessed he was some sort of dragon hybrid. It was much easier to guess what kind of supernatural creatures they were from inside the house as opposed to up in a tree, and the kitten noticed a fairy, a kitsune, a dryad, and a vampire among those she hadn’t already identified. So many different heritages, all living together in one home. It made the kitten hopeful about her possibilities of fitting in here.
Namjoon came back with a pillow and set it down in the middle of the table Hobi was approaching. As carefully as he could, the angel placed the kitten on the pillow, making sure her injured side was facing up. He sat down in the chair closest to her and started examining her leg. Namjoon was still hovering around, his tail thumping against various furniture. “It’s so cute!!! Can you fix it’s leg Hobi?”
“I think so, but it might be a while before it will be 100% better.”
“So that means we get to keep it, right?” asked the dragon hybrid.
“A pet’s a lot of responsibility,” the vampire pointed out.
“Yeah,” the dryad agreed. “I’m not cleaning any litter boxes so if you want a cat you guys will have to care of that.”
“Me, Jimin, and Jungkook can take turns cleaning the litter box, right guys?” The fairy turned to the kitsune and the dragon, hoping they’d agree with his plan.
They both nodded in affirmation and the kitsune added, “Yeah, that’s a good idea! Can we please keep it, hyungs?”
Hobi and Namjoon looked at each other, and then at the dryad and the vampire boy. “What do you guys think?” Hobi asked. “I’d feel bad sending it back outside, and if Namjoon’s tail is any indication he’s already smitten with the little kitten.”
The vampire shrugged, watching as Namjoon playfully shoved Hobi. “I’m fine with it, it doesn’t seem like it’ll be too much trouble. And it is really cute”
“I agree with Yoongi. As long as I don’t have to clean any litter boxes, I’m fine with it staying,” the dryad concluded.
“Great! Well I’ll work on healing this little guy- err,” Hobi turned to the kitten, examining it closely before continuing, “This little girl, actually, and then we can figure out a name.”
The kitten had been starting to doze off on the pillow, but was jolted awake by hands touching her. “Shhh it’s okay little kitty,” the angel cooed. “You’re gonna feel a lot better in just a second.”
Hobi closed his eyes, his hands still on the kitten, and a sudden warmth overtook her. It felt like her fondest memories were flowing through her body, from her mother’s smile to her old friend’s laugh, seeing the first spring flowers and falling asleep near her loved ones, all of it spreading throughout her until she felt like her bones had become sunshine and her veins had turned into flowers.
After a few moments of bliss, the glow that had been radiating from Hobi’s hands dimmed until it was no more, leaving the kitten feeling at peace. Her leg, which had previously been raw and bleeding, was now a closed wound, though not completely healed.
“I did the best I could,” Hobi announced, “but it’ll still be a little while before she’s 100% better. Now, anyone have any ideas for names?”
The kitten didn’t hear the rest of the conversation, having drifted off into a deep sleep, her old memories still lingering in her mind.
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Length: 48k
Pairing: MYG/JHS
Genre: AU, Modern Magic
Summary: It’s hard to think that life could be anything other than this. The town is what tourists call an escape. Hoseok calls it an escape, too.
Hoseok was going to die, and now he isn't, and now every mythological creature in the world seems to want to kill him. But that's okay, because Yoongi is one of them, and Hoseok would go through a hell of a lot just to hold Yoongi's hand and, like, tell him he's pretty.
As it turns out, he has to go through a hell of a lot just to hold Yoongi's hand and tell him anything at all.
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