#bts saipan
namchyoon · 24 days
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day 164/547 until joon returns
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golden-jeon-jungkook · 3 months
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Red haired JK x Summer Package in Saipan
cr. 0613data
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userjungkook97 · 2 years
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jiinjiinjarra · 1 year
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BTS // 2018 Summer Package in Saipan // Photobook // 2018 // Pt.1
date: 2018-06-26 (day 1)
Scan Cr. jiinjiinjarra (me)
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aricastmblr · 7 months
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G.C.F in Budapest
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G.C.F in Helsinki
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G.C.F 3J @2018 MMA Practice
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G.C.F in Newark VHS ver.
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G.C.F in Tokyo (정국&지민)
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G.C.F in Osaka
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G.C.F in USA
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G.C.F in Saipan
Golden Closet Film by JK BANGTANTV
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stormblessed95 · 5 months
Gcf Tokyo is one thing but do you know the GCF that floored me? GCF in Saipan. I mean tbh, some people might be able to find ways to explain GCFT away but how do u explain the fact that Jungkook chose to footage of Jimin whenever the lyrics “i don’t lie no more, i don’t wanna fight no more, what i found in you is so real (2x) ima let you get the best of me” and it was just Jimin’s image that appeared everytime this lyrics came up.
I dunno but u can’t tell me Jk didn’t know what he was doing. Plus the way he videod Jimin. Jimin looked so beautiful and ethereal and the way Jk zoomed in on Jimin’s smile🥹😩. Someome commented and said “the person behind the camera must be in love with the little blond guy”. Stormy, even regular pple who don’t know bts watched that video and could feel the love. I don’t know what jikook have man, but i want what they have.
I have like essay length posts over GCT Tokyo, Saipan, Osaka and Helsinki here if y'all haven't seen those posts yet. Scroll to the bottom and they are there! Actually my longest posts are about Osaka and Helsinki. Lol I think because Tokyo and Saipan feel so dang obvious to me I didn't feel the need to explain my reasons for my opinions on those ones as much I guess 😂
GCF as a series is everything to me. I'd kill for JK to give us more!
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dearweirdme · 1 month
What is your opinion on GCF Tokyo and Saipian. I could definitely see how GCF Tokyo was just a friendly thing but when you add in GCF Saipan with Jk adding footage of Jimin to those lyrics “i don’t wanna lie no more, i don’t wanna fight no more what i found in you is so real” twice and only putting footage of Jimin there it makes me wonder a little bit. I am only asking this and paying attention to those lyrics because i know that taekookers also pay attention to lyrics like “Oh no ,oh yes” and “To find you”. So do you think all of that was purely a coincidence?
Hi anon!
I think it’s very hard to place any value on the songs they post and the lyrics they use. We just don’t know what goes on in their heads in any given time. I think most we can do is make a generalization of what kind of lyrics and songs they like, and keep that in mind for broader interpretations. But to pin certain lyrics to certain situations is taking too much liberty in my opinion. It’s possible that some songs or lyrics have a special meaning to them, but we will never be able to find out which lyrics those are.
I think that goes for the GCF’s as well. I don’t think Jm and Jk are together romantically, and those lyrical placements will never be reason for me to question that. I think Jk just liked the songs and felt they suited the general vibe he wanted those GCF’s to have. When I listen to music I don’t always place importance to lyrics (for a lot of BTS songs for instance I loved them before even knowing what the lyrics meant). The sound of a song and the vibe that goes with it can be just as important to a person than the song itself. Bow many of us don’t fall in love with songs about heartbreak while we are in reality very happy with our partners?
To find you is a bit different to me, because the moment was Tae tying that song directly to Jk. He didn’t play the actual song, but he played Jk’s version. The lyrics do for what I feel about their situation as well, so in that case I do take it as something more, while at the same time realizing that I don’t actually know. I think for me it’s mostly a combination of Jk being gone, Tae seemingly missing him, and than the lyrics on top of that.
The difference between the GCF’s and the song mentions is that the GCF’s were official content (approved beforehand) while the song mentioned were not.
There’s many in fandom that take stuff like lyrics and songs as signs of them wanting to signal us, in general that is not something I feel strongly about.
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mrs-monaghan · 7 months
I was looking through tkk blogs to see what they were saying about Jimin’s death threats and their role in it—unsurprisingly nothing, and I saw you in the replies and just wanted to say, they don’t have receipts because they don’t exist. Their entire ship is built on slow-mo edits and conspiracy theories.
I do wish some jkkrs would realize they’re starting to think and move like the cult. That blog seemed more rational and reasonable than I’ve seen a tkkr be before, and harassing them isn’t doing anyone any favors. No jkkr is ever going to convince a tkkr of anything in the same way that a tkkr can’t convert a jkkr. That blog at least thinks jk and jm are friends… and wow the bar is on the floor isn’t it? I am surprised that blog is so popular though because they don’t seem to say much of anything. They agree when tkkrs send them asks and then give vague non answers with no receipts for any other ask, but I guess they’re used to that sort of thing. The one time I saw them trying to show receipts it was from an account named KookV FANTASY FICTION 😂
I did not harrass them. I do not harass people. I just made a statement. Like u said, this person seemed pretty level headed so yeah, I replied. You don't come across a sane tkkr everyday so that's why I was confused by their post. Because all I have to do is swap Taekook for Jikook and I can find all the moments they described.... with receipts! 😅
There is something you said thou that stands out to me.
No jkkr is ever going to convince a tkkr of anything in the same way that a tkkr can't convert a jkkr.
Anon, I disagree. If a tkkr showed me legit questionable moments I would listen. If we didn't have HD photos of the Taennie Paris drama I would listen. But as it stands everything they say makes tkk real can be found with V and the wooga squad, can be found with V and other members, with JK and other members. There is not one single "sus" tkk thing that applies to only them.
So yeah, a tkkr would never make me stop believing in Jikook... but Jikook would make me stop believing in Jikook. What happened with V is NEVER going to happen with Jikook. There is not leaked photos or videos (legit ones) that exist of Jimin and JK with other men or women. I personally don't think they have ever broken up so I believe this to be fact. From 2013 when we met them till now November 2023, there is nothing of substance out there that suggests Jimin or JK are or have ever been with other people.
Idk about the future but now, in this moment, I can confidently say this.
If in future they broke up and stopped... well Jikooking, I guarantee you Jikookers would stop "shipping" them. Me included. We don't support Jikook to be stubborn. We believe in them because they remind us of our own rlships or rlships of people we know about.
I discovered BTS and then gravitated towards the two members who screamed "we suck each other's dicks!" to me. This is the story of 90% of Jokers. If it was RM and Jin who acted the way Jikook do, this would be a Namjin blog. If it was Jhope and V doing and saying the things Jikook do, this would be a Vhope blog. Because I am an Army and I watched alot of content with all 7 and Jikook just happened to be the sus ones.
Heck, if Tkk were any bit suspicious to me, i would be a tkkr too!
But alas! That's not the case.
Anon I disagree because majority of Jikookers have reason. We are smart, we did the math. When we get debunked we accept. When we get corrected by the Koreans, we accept. We admit when we are wrong and the survival of our ship doesn't depend on getting rid of V. Most importantly we don't make up anything just so our ship can keep sailing.
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GCF Saipan who???
We are here because among all 7 members it was Jikook who looked like they had something going on. You will find Suga biased Jkkrs, Jhope biased Jkkrs, Jin biased Jkkrs, etc. If I thought tkk were real, I would support them despite Jimin being my bias. THAT, anon is the difference between us and them. Not what you think.
Oh. This is the post anon and I are talking about. Please no hate to the blog. He/she seems like good people.
Like @magicshop-pjm1 likes to say; thanks for attending my TED talk
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kanmom51 · 1 year
My opinion on the whole coming out issue,
I just want to start with a quote from a kdrama I recently watched. I'm sure some of you have watched it, it's called Business Proposal. Basically there's a whole sub-narrative about a "hidden relationship"
Episode 10 from Kang Tae moo "Who cares, I am just hugging my girlfriend. I can't wait for the entire world to know about us"
Knowing Jungkook has watched it too, I really wonder what did he feel hearing this, but it really gave me the "Keep on being jealous, I will keep holding my Jiminie" vibe.
This brings me to GCFs. The videos are surely an avenue for Jungkook to express his feelings to the world. And I am one of those who believe GCF Tokyo was a statement. I wasn't here when it came out, but I've heard a lot of people at that time thought this was a coming out. I mean, even until now, when we look at the comment section, a lot of strangers/non bts fans think it's a cute couple travel video. This just says a lot about how unbiased people perceive the video. GCF Saipan was a subtle statement too. It's no coincidence that out of all members, only Jimin appeared along the lines "I don't wanna lie no more, I don't wanna hide no more".
For those reasons alone, I don't think they want to hide forever. They are doing it now simply because they have no choice, due to the current climate. Yes, coming out is a risk and it can impact the other members and their careers, but you know what? Everyone in the industry is in the same boat here. Every idol face huge risks whenever a relationship is revealed. Whether it's straight or gay. We have all witnessed the many scandals in the past. And it is bound to happen to BTS members too. Them being under the biggest spotlight in Korea for years and years to come. Plus they won't be able to keep up with the "I am innocent, single, and I will marry army' narrative forever. In the future, if ever one of the member's relationship comes to light, I believe the other members will follow too. They will take the bullet together as a group. Plus, they are so big now. They have nothing to loose. A scandal here and there will never break them. Their huge international fanbase benefits them, simply because I feel like we are much more accepting in terms of dating scandals and lgbt+ issues. Also their whole vibe right now is shifting to "idgaf anymore about what people will think"
Change is coming! I may sound too much of a utopist right now, but I really believe that in the future we'll be able to see all of the members enjoy their life with their respective partners happily, freely without having the burden to hide and lie. Regardless of their orientation.
Another one from the vault.
Like deep deep in the back of the vault.
Doing some Spring cleaning in Autumn...
Kind of strange looking at these words in May 2023. With hiatus, solo debuts, almost no ot7 content and even less Jikookery.
I guess the climate, the SM purchase debacle, enlistment, all had an impact on them.
You were talking, anon, about a member in a relationship and it getting out... well, we saw how that's going for Tae, haven't we? Given, he hasn't admitted to it yet, but man, even before he has parts of this fandom (and another one to remain unnamed) went feral.
I have talked about them 'coming out' many times. My opinion being that they won't, not fully that is, not announcing "we're a couple". Not to say that I don't wish that one day we all live in a world where they can do that and will do that without having to worry about their safety, their livelihood, their families.
But that day is not here yet.
What I do see though, especially now after JM's folio and Face and JK struggling so so hard to not throw it all to the wind scream "fuck it all" and shout it out loud for all to hear, is that as of where they are to date, and unless anything drastic happens between now and their discharge from the military, things will change after they get out.
They might not say things out loud, but they definitley won't be holding back as much. Definitely not as much as they are now, and not as much as they were even going back to 2021-2022 (LV Jikook).
You said "change is coming".
Sadly, after that change did come, but not for the better.
What I'm hoping for is for good change to come as soon as they have this hump called MS off their backs.
We know they will have a lot to say and do, changes will be made... AFTER (sadly, we know this by RM's privacy being breached).
So, we will sit here patiently, us supporters, the people that love JK and JM separately and together, the people that love BTS, their music, what they stand for and the members as individuals as well, and hope that by mid 2025 we will get to see them all on the other side of this fuckery.
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juliapark13 · 1 year
"And all those Jkk moments yes it did happened but are we forgetting IT'S JIKOOKERS ANALYSIS OF THOSE MOMENTS? and not something JK or JM explicitly said"
No anon NO NOT ALL MOMENTS are analysis of jkkrs.
9) JK'S GCF tokyo and saipan WITH Gender neutral song AS BG, JK GIVING JM THE MOST SCREEN TIME IN ALL GCFs
I can go on but iam gonna stop here. All the moments above are not our analysis but explicitly SAID /DONE BY JIKOOK THEMSELVES are u getting it u dumb anon? This is what u idiots keep doing generalizing all the things done by jikook as fanservice or as if those were made up by us . People who are in a relationship and open minded can definitely understand what jikook' bond is! But we cant expect the same from everyone since there are many homophobes and haters in the society even in 2023!
And anon u said the fandom itself doesnt have jikook supporters!? Really have u not heard about K-army or K-jijookers? Or is it u heard and u turned blind eye like everybody else lol!! The fandom does have many vile people in the name of army but that doesnt invalidate jikook! jikook DOESNT NEED THOSE HATERS SUPPORT OR VALIDATION. THERE ARE MANY PEOPLE supporting JIKOOK. GET THIS IN UR HEAD ANON & dont come here again.
Jikook’s body language, yes, my favourite.
And it’s funny how international army either pretend k-jikookers don’t exist or they think they know better than them.
Jungkook and Jimin know they have supporters and most importantly their families support them too.
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I recently watched all the Golden Closet films, and I must admit that they evoked strong emotions of longing and sentiment in me, they have this vibe that I can't describe. seeing the members together, doing regular activities, spending time together, fooling around on the beach or on set through Jk's eyes feels almost intimate. Each of these films has such an atmosphere of peace and harmony, creating a kind of memorial for fans and also members. I can imagine a time in the future when boys will recall these precious memories from their youth
Yeah, you can tell Jungkookie is a romantic who loves nostalgia and sadness haha.
I think his GCFs are already treasured memories to himself and us, but, obviously, as BTS grow older, these videos will become an even bigger record of his youth and of that time in his life when BTS kept growing bigger and bigger yet they had no idea what was coming.
There is intimacy and love in his GCFs for sure, especially in the Tokyo one - for obvious reasons if you know me at all - and in the Saipan one for the same reasons (I think you're describing that one), but also in the Helsinki one, which was like the last GCF we thought we'd get and it's a love letter to all the members, so it's really sweet.
I'm begging Jungkook to do a GCF in Tokyo pt. 2. I'd die.
But, yeah, Jikook aside, I really wish Jungkookie would do one of his GCFs again. Nowadays, it's more like short TikToks and his last one wasn't fully edited like him and it's obvious. I want one of his "real" GCFs again. They're really good, beautiful! Each has its own story, cinematography, emotion, and they're so precious to me. There's a feeling of tenderness to them. Jungkookie is our little genius.
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bts-polls · 7 months
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LAST CALL: Generally how do you feel about watching reactors to BTS content?
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ffjj5 · 2 years
Colour me intrigued and call me David.
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Possibly showing my age here but The Lost Boys is my vampire movie of choice always.
Jungkook's photo is dark and gothic, and I am loving the dark era BTS.
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It looks like we could be seeing the return of JK's other passion, taking pictures/filming and editing and he is damn good at it.
As a stand alone project or as part of his album release we don't know but either way I am excited. He has an eye for photography, filming and editing and with the lack of GCF's recently this will be a welcome gift.
Jungkook's art is always there to say something, it is intentional with its look and sound.
The similarities between Tokyo and Osaka, Japan is a special place for Jimin and JK.
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And Saipan was beautiful 🥰
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Now before anyone starts throwing their toys out of the pram I am aware Jimin wasn't the only one in the Saipan and Osaka G.C.F's but this is a Jikook blog so....
Plus Jimin has said himself he is the main model in JK's work
And I'm not 100% convinced by Jungkook's attempt to say that Jimin isn't his main model but a nice try JK 🤣.
There are A LOT of examples of Jimin being JK's main model over the years but that's for another time.
Anyway I digress, whatever is coming our way from Jungkook I am excited, he is a very talented and intelligent young man who, dare I say, is often underestimated by parts of the fandom. I feel he has a lot he wants to say and things he wants to address. When you can't say something outright then art is the perfect way to express it 🌈
Vampires and sexuality have a history, they are seen by some as an embodiment of the cultural fears of the time including homosexuality. In times of extreme repression and fear for gay people, authors and artists have used their vampire characters as a metaphor for their own hidden sexuality and as an outlet for self-expression.
I may be reading too much into this but that's my nature, I'm curious and I want to know more.
Jungkook I am ready for whatever your wonderful mind has created for us.
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jiinjiinjarra · 1 year
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BTS // 2018 Summer Package in Saipan // Photobook // 2018 // Pt.6
date: 2018-06-27 (day 2)
Scan Cr. jiinjiinjarra (me)
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aricastmblr · 1 year
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akookminsupporter · 2 years
Several of my family and friends are fans of BTS, and every single one of them has eventually, completely independently come to the conclusion that Jimin and Jungkook are in a relationship.
It is very obvious.
My parents are in their 60s, they don't have social media, and called them "the boyfriends" since Memories of 2019.
My best friend and I were not very online until 2018, and literally made our first Twitter/tumblr accounts after GCF in Saipan because we wanted to see when they started dating. We were shocked to find out the truth is so controversial!
Because it's so obvious.
Now, every time they do anything cute and coupley I come back to see what people will say. Surely they'll be convinced by JM traveling for JK's birthday, or the gimbap chefs vlive, or Holiday Dynamite, or that hickey they were both so freaking proud of, or Jimin's birthday live, or...
The fact that they're so obvious.
But the more denial I see, the more I'm convinced that they see it too. Why else spend all this time and energy doing all these mental gymnastics to explain away what can be so simply explained?
When the explanation is SO OBVIOUS?
Conclusion: is obvious.
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