#bts short scenario
jeoncopi · 1 month
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are you ready to witness what's like to have a very yearning, domestically soft, vulnerable, silly yet playful and hot military boyfriend?
welcome to military jungkook's episodes!
—this entire series are based during jungkook's current state. as I'll be writing with each irl update. so this series might last until jungkook's finally free (Imao).
IMPORTANT: each episode won't be necessarily correlated to one another but some episodes could have light references to previous actions, feelings or situations.
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pair: jungkook x reader
word count: 1.1k
what’s in here?: cutely and reassuring banter.
[more espisodes]
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EPISODE 1. “piercings? OUT!”
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It’s early in the morning, you both haven’t eat.
Jungkook wakes up first, just like he has been doing it for a couple of days as he said that everything is for him to be able to accustom and get ready for his future new morning routine.
he’s been already so dedicated, using eunwoo’s gifted military watch too. — he didn’t liked thinking too much about going there but somehow, he had to if he wanted to mentally prepare. mostly when he really, really didn’t wanted to go.
he sighs as he’s brushing his teeth. so sleepy..
“okay, I’ll take them out now.” he murmurs to himself as he open his mouth, slender fingers touching his lips as he removes one of his lip piercings. “okay.. there’s one.” continuing by repeating the same process for the other one. “and.. last one.”
he takes a good look at himself in the mirror. fingers slightly rubbing his bottom lip. ‘the scar doesn’t look too bad’. he pushes the inside of his bottom lip with his tongue, having a better look at the size of the little holes. ‘yep, not too bad.’
stepping out of the bathroom as soon as he heards a sound that looks like it’s coming from the kitchen, ‘babe’. crosses his mind.
all he can see is your back as soon as you ask, “all good?” taking several steps closer to him when your body finally turns to face him and he could already get a whiff of the very tempting leftover pizza from last night that you were already heating. the smell quickly floating all over the place.
“yeah,” he responds without further ado.
your hands travel over his face into a cup as you inspected his face, slightly moving it from side to side. “your skin has gotten better.” you smile. “oh.” pausing, you start caressing your anular finger onto his bottom lip.
“oh.” he mimics your response in agreement. bambi eyes only examinating your every facial expression while yours are just so focused on his lips.
“it’s not that bad..” reassuring him, you mutter more to yourself but jungkook can still heard you very clearly.
“I thought the same.” barely managing to talk since you keep looking and touching his lips.
“I like it though.” leaving a peck on his lips. “you look sort of weird though.” you chuckle.
he does too. a sort of shy smile drawing his lips as he rubs the back of his head with his left arm, feeling a bit embarrassed without one solid reason. “it’s been a while..”
you then mirror him with a warm smile. “it really has been..” you pause. “it sort of looks like a vampire has now bitten your lip though..” you joke. “should I be jealous?” arching one eyebrow in a funny way.
jungkook laugh. “you’re so obsessed with vampires, I’m telling you.” while taking your hands off his face. he places them behind your back as he hugs you. sort of trapping you into his big body. snuggling his face into your neck sniffing you as if he was a dog and it makes you laugh.
“leave me alone!” raising your voice in between laughs. you finally detached your body from his. “you’re crazy.”
he boyishly smiles, crossing both his arms on his chest as he quickly point his chin up when he says, “you smell good.” with the tone of his voice being very playful and sultry..
he continues, this time leaning majority of his weight onto the dinner table with his right hand while his left one anxiously caresses one side of his neck, very slowly. “I’m..” he pauses. “..kinda scared of shaving my entire hair, if I’m being honest.” he confesses. “this is just step one,” referring to his piercings. “but step two..”
you listen as the pizza is finally heated. placing them with both plates on the table. your gaze lingering at him as you both comfortably seat.
“it’s hard” you respond, sympathizing with him.
“It is.” he re-affirms. “but it’s just hair, right?”
“eung. it’s not like you have a choice anyways..”
“wow. you really do help.” he jokes around at your unhelpful answer. he chuckles about it as soon as he sees your worried face. “all good babe.” being light hearted with a soft smile, he continues. “I do know.” answering to you. then he breathes, “I’m thinking of doing it myself.”
you didn’t say a thing for a few seconds. “I wouldn’t be surprised to be honest.”
he chuckles. “I am that predictable?”
“I mean.. sometimes.” you tease.
jungkook rolls his eyes. “ha.” he tsk with a bitter smirk on his lips. it makes you laugh.
“too lazy to book a date for it?” you genuinely ask, referring to the hair salon.
“mm.. not really. I just thought that I won’t ever have this opportunity ever again, you know?” he pauses. “it’s not like I could go bald just any other day.” he chuckles.
agreeing with him, “you’re right.” you respond. “I’ve heard that they shave it for you once you’re there so..” he repeatedly nods his head very cutely, making his whole luscious hair bounce.
you smile. he’s so cute.
“but I’ve also heard that you can continuing shaving your hair as long as you’re there, you know?”
jungkook laughs at your words. “babe, do you really think I’ll do this TWICE?” as his hand dramatically points at his chest when he speaks. making you both laugh.
“I’ll leave my short hair if that’s the case, but I won’t give being bald a second chance..”
“why? you don’t even know if you’ll look bad.” you pause. “maybe it’s refreshing, you’ll never know.” you tease, “maybe you’ll fall in love with your bald head, life can bring many surprises.”
jungkook only sides eyed you while he takes a bite at his pizza slice. “tsk. no.” cheeks full. “I like my hair the way it is, thanks.”
making you laugh. “okay then.” pausing. “given this situation, I’ll trust your skills.” doing a fake half reverence to him with your pizza as you take a bite.
“you should trust me!” cutely demanding, he says with a pout on his lips.
you laugh again. “I said I do!”
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twilghtkoo · 4 months
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pairings. jungkook x reader (f)
genres/aus. comfort, established relationship
warnings. descriptions of anxiety
notes. another self indulgent writing with jk on my mind <3
oh god. why do you do this to yourself? and always at this time at night, always when you have to piss too.
it’s late, around 1:30 in the morning and your boyfriend is sound asleep peacefully snoring into his pillow. you’ve grown accustomed to his sleeping habits and it’s now become something you miss on those months he’s gone for work.
he fell asleep easily, as soon as his head hit the pillow, he was out fast. muttering an ‘i love you’ half asleep before slumber took over.
you’ve been scrolling on your phone switching from different apps back to tiktok. until one specific tiktok appeared on your for you page, one that piqued your interest with the eerie sound. a lady was explaining a nightmare she had and how she saw a creepy, shadow face with picture evidence. and now you can’t unsee it and you paused the video because the sound was becoming overwhelming and suddenly you feel like it was in the room with you.
you remember how you had to pee and that urge comes back but no way are you walking that three feet in the dark.
you scroll past the video and it’s one showing an otter swimming in a pool. yes, much better.
but that haunting image keeps flashing behind your eyes, so you exit out the app and go back to youtube. trying to find one of your comfort videos you always go back to rewatch. you take a peek over your phone to see the faint outline of jungkook on his side, mouth slightly open. oh how i wish that could be me right now.
anxious thoughts hit you again and you wonder if you turn over, would that face be there?
you’ve always been like this since you were little. afraid of the dark and gets easily scared. suddenly you wish you kept that ocean nightlight you had since you were five, but your mom gave it away to your cousins.
there’s only one thing you could think of.
“kook, kook..” you gently shake his shoulder to wake him. it takes a few more tries before he’s awake. your phone automatically turns off from the screen not being touched. leaving your room pitch black.
he breathes out, “what’s wrong? you okay?” you open your phone, illuminating the room a bit.
you bite your lip. “can you walk with me to the bathroom? i’m scared..” do you sound like a child right now?
jungkook, without questions, kicks the blanket off and crawls out of bed to walk around to your side of the bed.
“come on.” he mutters, he holds out his hand for you to grab as you get out of bed. you’re clinging to his side as you take those few steps to the bathroom in your room.
when he turns the light on, you both hiss at the brightness. your appearances in the mirror looks like you’ve been in bed for a bit. but jungkook doesn’t look bothered at all, a small smile that says a million things to you eases your worries.
he leans against the counter with his arms crossed as you do your business before washing your hands.
while you’re in front of the sink, he comes up behind you to circle his arms around your waist. “wake me up always if you need anything, i don’t mind. and if i don’t wake up for the first couple times, i allow you to smack me with a pillow.”
you chuckle. “okay.”
he walks you back to your side of the bed and tucks you in, crawling over you to get on his side. blindly reaching for your hand under your pillow, giving it a squeeze. “put your youtube video on baby.”
you nod, even though he can’t see. then you hear his soft snores again. you lean in to place a kiss on of his forehead before doing as he says.
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7brownsuga7 · 11 months
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Jungkook considered himself to be quite patient when it came to a lot of things, but seeing you in that skirt made him reconsider. The elevator ride seemed too extremely long, and with other people getting on, just made it all the while longer. He needed something to relieve the sexual frustration you’ve obliviously caused. His hand reaches up your skirt, past your underwear. You suck in a breath, shocked by his sudden action. His finger circles your entrance, your wetness coating them instantly, encouraging him to put it in. He’s aware there are people in the small space with you both, luckily you’re both pushed to the back. He couldn’t care less if people knew what he was doing to your tight pussy, but he knew you were still shy at the thought of people knowing. He respected that. You place your hand against the wall when his pace quickens, the soft music of the elevator drowning out the sounds of your pussy. You try to suppress your moans in fear of anyone catching you out. He curls his fingers and you lean against him, your legs feeling weak already. “We’re nearly there” he whispers in your ear, a smirk plastered on his face. You’re unsure if he’s talking about the elevator ride or your orgasm because as soon as he says that the elevator pings signalling that your floor is next, and you feel your stomach tighten with that pleasurable feeling. Your breath increases and thighs clench together as Jungkook rides you out of your very quick orgasm. Jungkooks hand rests on your lower back as he guides you out of the elevator. Some juice dripping down your thighs making you feel dirty but all the while confident in a sick way. When you look at Jungkook he has a cocky smirk on his face while he sucks on his fingers, and then happily smelling you on them afterwards.
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fanficbtss13 · 4 months
Ex- Babydoll
<Babydoll series> [1]
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KTH (KIM TAEHYUNG) One shot smut.
Warning ⚠️: DO NOT read it you are not 18+ and adult (Mature content)
DO NOT copy.
I took a deep breath when I stepped into the elevator, The elegant white ceiling light and the smell of cologne filled my nostrils as there were almost five men in the elevator and I awkwardly stared at the closing doors of the elevator.
It was great when I was about to enter the elevator but now it was a bit awkward because all the five eyes were on me and small whispers were audible to me even though they shouldn't be.
"She is pretty."
"Oh, I have seen her somewhere before too."
"I don't remember.."
They whispered to each other as I tightened my grip on my files, frowning a bit. How does he know me? I'm not a pornstar to be known to every other guy. I rolled my eyes to myself as the doors of the elevator opened and I immediately walked out, not in a rush but like a working woman should walk, a soon-to-be personal secretary of the CEO of this prestigious company.
Finally, I was here, going to give the interview of the personal secretary of the CEO to the CEO himself. I haven't seen him before, well so many people know about him, told me that he is really good-looking. I was nervous as my heels clicked through the black marble of the hallway as I walked towards the cabin of the CEO.
I was nervous, my hands were a bit shaky as I knocked on the door of the cabin and there was a golden nameplate beside the dark wooden door.
Mr. Kim (CEO)
I was nervous and a deep voice came from inside, "Come in.." But the thing was that the voice was so familiar and I opened the door.
I parted my lips to speak but stood frozen at my spot when our eyes met. Kim Taehyung, yeah the nameplate obviously ment him right?
Fucking no why my ex-boyfriend, I knew he was going to be the CEO of his father's company but never knew that it was this company!
He did it on purpose? Did he? His gaze never left me as the pen in hand stopped writing on the paper he was working on as his lips were parted a bit, eyes shining in hope or something... I gulped as I took a step forward from the door frame. The nib of the pen he was holding was glued to the paper still.
I can't just let it slide just because he is my ex- boyfriend, even though his eyes still made my heart skip a beat. "Um, I.. I was here for the interview.." Obviously I will never let the fucking job slide like this because I was working my ass off for this and for the paymant too.
His lips parted even more as he placed the pen on the table and nodded immediately. "O-Oh, yeah, right... Please come have a seat."
My hands were even more shaky when I walk inside and took a chair in front of him, across him.
"For what?" He asked as he blinked, he look totally lost for words after seeing me, but if he did it on purpose, why is he being shocked?
I raised my eyebrows as he asked that and I placed my files on the table as I cleared my throat. "For secretary." I was trying to sound professional but his gaze on me was making me weak a bit.
"Oh.. okay I... I didn't knew that, actually.." He bite down his lower lip a bit as he continue again. "I told Jimin to select the candidates." I frowned.
"But there was no one other then me outside.." I see, Jimin know that we used to date because he was Taehyung's childhood best friend and now maybe works here.
Taehyung looked away and cleared his throat and he looked back at me, confused gaze changed to a bit serious and professional. He knew that he did it on purpose and he knew that I know that Jimin did it on purpose. He opened the files and looked through it and closed it after few seconds, I know why... Because he already knows about me, everything.
"Miss. Y/N." I see he is trying to be professional but I know he was feeling something and he knows I am too. "Do you have a boyfriend?" What the hell?!
"Huh?" Why his voice is professional and question is personal. "I asked, do you have a boyfriend? Or perhaps married?" He asked again, little did he know I can never think of it after we separated.
"No.." I said in a neutral voice as he nodded and stood up, his eyes getting darker. "Do you like anyone?" He walk around his table and moved towards me and lean over the table while facing me, beside me as he was stared down at me.
"I'm here for a job, Mr. Kim.. Please don't ask personal questions." I stated as I looked up at him and my palms were literally sweaty and there was again a weird feeling in my stomach which I forgot used to exist when we were together.
He titled his head a bit as he run a hand through his hair and frowned a little. "Just tell me already... And don't call me that." He spoke in a bit annoyed voice.
"Why?" I stood up and crossed my arms as I stared at him, more like a glare. He step forward towards me and his hand moved over my jawline and held my chin up more as he pulled me closer by that and to meet his gaze properly as he glared.
"Just as bold as before.. babydoll?" His gaze drift from my eyes to my lips to my gaze again. "Tell me, there is no one, Tell me there is no one in your life." He lean closer, our lips were about to touch as my heart was pounding in my chest.
"My babydoll, I missed you so much... Tell me, you don't like anyone." His eyes met mine again, his voice getting husky and deeper as his other hand slide over my waist and he pulled me close against his chest. He is doing this, why is he doing this? Didn't he got anyone after me?
"Why? Don't you get anyone after me?" I try to pull away as he tighten his grip around my waist and he was staring into my soul. "I can never." He whispered as he came closer, our lips were almost brushing..
"No, I don't like anyone." I said in low voice as his other hand left my chin and untie my high ponytail and he run his hand through my hair. "You know, you are the most beautiful and boldest girl I ever know, babydoll." He said and he leaned closer to his lips near my ear as he whispered again,
"This moment will slip and I will loss you again... I don't want that, you were, are, and will be mine forever." He said in a possessive voice. My heart was like it is going to burst by beating this fast, the feeling was again inside me, the feeling of having him close again.
He spun me around and he chest pressed against my back. "Tell me you missed me too, tell me you still want me, tell me you still love me." I gulped as he moved my hair over my shoulder and his hands slide inside my top making my eyes go wide.
My heart skipped a bit as I closed my eyes and let it happen, I want to... No no I need to be touched and loved by him again, I want to be his forever which I always dreamt to when we were together.
"I do.." I whispered and he didn't wasted any second as he placed a kisses on my neck and take off my top... Including my bra making my cheeks pressing on the wall as he slide off my shirt and my panties desperatly.
"You're so wet for me just like how you used to just for me." His husky voice made my heart skip a heavy beat and my breath hissed as he teased my pussy while his chest pressed on my back...
"My babydoll never changed, did she? I missed her so fucking much." His voice was growly as he gritted his teeth and making me gasp and moan by his fingers.
"I want to be inside you." He whispered in my ear as I gasped lightly when he just pressed his thumb at the right spot, he still knows the soft and sensitive spot, he knows how to make me weak in his arms. I curved out my ass cheeks more for him, begging for his cock to go inside me.
He teased me with his cockhead. "I missed you being tight around me, you begging for more and to go rough." He said in a chuckling voice making me blush as I gulped and speak up after a while. "Me too." I said in a gaspy and low voice as he held my hips.
"I can't take it anymore. I fucking missed you so much..." He pushed inside me as I gasped and he started fucking a bit rougher then how he used to do before.
"Fuck." I shut my eyes tightly and he buried himself deeper, savouring the feeling of being inside me and I fisted my hands against the wall.
"Feeling this after a long time, babydoll? Didn't have anyone after me?" He asked in a seductive voice as he wrapped his arms around my waist and moved back all the way to just slam back deep inside making me whimper and weak in his arms.
"N-No, Never." My eyes got a bit teary by the force as I trembled by his cock and my voice cracked, My eyes dizzy, hands shaky and face flashed while lips parted begging for more. Just to tell him how fucking much this pussy wanted when he was gone.
"Huh." He chuckled lightly against my ear as he had me tight against his chest while he started thrusting inside faster making me moan and gasp. "Just be mine again, be my fucking secratary and feel these things three times a day, babydoll." His husky and super deep voice felt a shiver down my spine as he pound into me while growling dirty things in my ears.
"I missed this..." I said in a gaspy, low voice while looking at him over my shoulder and his grip tightened around me as he gave a last thrust, releasing inside me and pressed his lips on mine to make both of us silent or otherwise people outside could hear us.
"Next rounds at my place as my girlfriend aka secratary..."
He smirked as he pulled away from the kiss and pulled outside me, "Oh mine! I missed this view so damn much!" He stared at my pussy from behind as it was dripping with his cum and I was still staring at him over my shoulder, my face flashed and my legs shaky.
Instagram- @fanficbtss13 (Diva/디바)
Wattpad- @fanficbtss13 (Taetaeboba Corner)
Youtube- @fanficbtss13 (Taetaeboba Corner)
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crooked-haven · 6 months
BTS Reaction | You’re Jungkook’s Girlfriend
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➭ Pairing: Jeon Jungkook X (F) Reader
➭ Genre: Reaction
➭ Disclaimer: All members of BTS are faces and name claims for this story. This is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgment or representation of real-life people. Any scenarios or representations of the people and places mentioned in works are purely coincidental. Also this is my work so please don’t steal!
➭ By: Serendipity_haven (Taexxgukkie & Crooked-haven)
Word Count: 0.5k
“This is Y/N my girlfriend I told you about” Jungkook holds your hand as his band members stare at you in awe. They have never met one of their maknae’s girlfriends before, this one must be serious. You looked at each of them individually and smiled warmly.
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Jimin: Excited. I feel like he would be the first one to introduce himself, give you a big hug and even compliment you on either your hair color or your outfit. He would then probably show you embarrassing photos of Jungkook throughout the years and Jungkook would probably get all embarrassed and shy about it.
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Taehyung: Quiet but friendly, probably watching you from afar for awhile before actually introducing himself. I view him as super chill and down to earth, so he would more than likely start small talk or introduce you to his Yeontan, maybe even take a few selfies with you and of course Jungkook.
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Jhope: Another hugger, but not as much as Jimin. He would probably ask you if you dance or sing and then show you some of his dance moves. He is a ray of sunshine so he probably makes a few jokes that makes you feel more comfortable. I also feel like he would be the one to comment on your beauty.
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Namjoon: Simple handshake, maybe even a side hug if you’re lucky. I view him as super mature he would probably ask you semi personal questions but nothing too intrusive, it’s just small talk to get to know you better. You would have to get to know him more to get more of a “reaction” out of him.
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Yoongi: Another quiet one, but this time I feel like he would wait until you introduced yourself or until Jungkook introduced him to you. I think he would smile warmly at you and say something along the lines of nice to meet you or maybe he would tease Jungkook about how much he talks about you to get the spotlight off of him.
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Jin: I feel like he would introduce himself as world wide handsome and then probably talk about himself or something that catches his interest. Maybe ask you who your bias is, and why it’s not him. Then go about his day, but not in a rude way.
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This was my first reaction ever so I hope you enjoyed it<3
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starbandit · 1 year
Heat Wave (K.S.J)
Requested- hi i was wondering if you could write any seokjin smut? um make it crazy if you want or don’t, i’m really bad at these sorry 😭
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Contains- oral (m&f!receiving) 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT
word count- 1.5k/unedited
You sighed as you walked into your bedroom from the hallway. A nice, cool, afternoon shower was all you had needed in the extreme heat. Your heart nearly stopped when you shut the door and noticed a figure lounging on your bed. “What the hell?” You gasped. 
“Well hello to you too,” Seokjin dropped his phone on the bed. “I used the key under the doormat to get in, you should probably pick a better hiding spot.” Your boyfriend stated. “You don’t want any weirdos coming in while you're in the shower.” 
“Like the one sitting on my bed right now?” You raised an eyebrow. 
He scoffed. “Exactly,” He scanned your body. You were still wrapped in the towel from your shower, holding it closed tightly with your hand. You watched as he sucked his bottom lip into his mouth, biting the supple flesh. “Can you… Can you drop the towel for me, baby?” He questioned softly. 
You smirked at him. “What’s in it for me, Jinnie?” 
“Hmm…” He rubbed his chin. “How about I give you the best orgasm of your life?” He asked. 
“Wow, setting some high expectations there, babe.” You teased. You let your hand fall off the towel and the fabric fell to the floor. Seokjin smiled at the sight of your naked body. He lightly scanned down, from your shoulders, to the way your breasts sat, over the soft curves of your tummy, the smooth, glistening skin of your legs. All his. 
“Eyes are up here, buddy.” You joked, crawling onto the bed to sit next to him. You sat back on your heels next to his hip, hand coming to rest on the fabric of his jeans. You lightly traced your fingers over his hips. You slowly leaned down, catching him in a steamy kiss. You lightly nipped at his lip before pulling away. 
“Sit on my face.” 
You nearly choked on your spit. “Excuse me?” 
He chuckled and reached a hand up, cupping your jaw. “You heard me.” He rubbed his thumb over your bottom lip. “Sit on my face.” 
You hummed as he slipped his thumb into your mouth, running the pad of his finger over your tongue. You gently closed your lips around the finger and sucked before pulling off with a pop. “Lay down.” 
Seokjin let out an excited squeal and sunk down into the bed, leaving you enough space to straddle his head. “Hop on!” He reached over to grab your thigh. 
You giggled and prepared yourself. You scooted over and straddled his chest, looking down at him. “Are you sure about this?” You questioned softly. 
He rolled his eyes. “Are you asking me if I want my incredibly hot, sexy, girlfriend to sit on my face?” He reached up to grip your ass. “You better hop on and ride, baby.” His fingers kneaded at the soft flesh. 
You took a deep breath before scooting forward again, hovering over his face. Your hands reached up to grip the headboard as you lowered yourself onto his face, still leaving most of your body weight on your knees. 
Seokjin hummed against you, nuzzling his face into your heat. He started giving you gentle licks, gauging how you reacted to each of the motions of his tongue. You gasped as he sunk his tongue into you, licking all around. 
He continued for a few moments before pulling away with a deep breath. “Fuck, you taste so good.” He adjusted his body slightly. “Put your full weight on me.” He tugged at your hips. “Please, want you to sit on me.” 
“Seokjin, I’m gonna suffocate you.” You looked down at his face in between your legs. His lips and chin were shiny from you, cheeks tinged pink. 
“You won’t.” He insisted. “Please, I’ll pinch you if I can’t breathe.” 
You sighed and allowed him to pull you all the way down, fully resting your weight on his face. A loud moan left Seokjin's mouth. He began to eat you out more enthusiastically, small moans and grunts leaving his mouth. 
You bit your lip in an attempt to hide the moans you were letting out. You gently rocked your hips in an attempt to get a little more friction. Seokjin hummed at the movement and stuck his tongue out, allowing you to grind on him. You groaned and rocked forward, using his tongue to get the spots you needed him most. “S-shit.” You reached a hand down to pull on his hair. 
Seokjin dug his fingertips into your thighs, pulling you impossibly closer to his face. Loud pants left your mouth as you continued to use his tongue, pushing yourself closer to release. You began to lose your rhythm and sloppily rocked your hips over his mouth, trying to chase your orgasm. Your boyfriend noticed this and began to rock your hips for you. Shit, there was no way you would last much longer like this. 
The muscles in your legs tensed up and you squeezed Seokjin's head between your thighs as you released. He moaned against you, lapping up your wetness with long, lazy licks. You whimpered as you sat back, putting your weight on his chest. 
“Why’d you stop?” He questioned, face glistening with your release. 
“I need a second.” Your heart was racing in your ears. You took a few deep breaths as Seokjin rubbed your thighs. Goose bumps formed under the touch. “Fuck, where did that come from?” You questioned. 
He shrugged the best he could under your weight. “Been doing some reading online.” A smile formed on his face. “Thought I could try some stuff out.” 
You hummed. “Hmm… Wanna show me again?” You questioned. 
He nodded enthusiastically which made a giggle leave your mouth. “I also want to try something…” You shifted your body, flipping over so your face was over his crotch. You unbuttoned his jeans and slowly unzipped them, pulling the fabric down enough to access the bulge in his underwear. 
You leaned down, taking his clothed cock into your mouth, gently running your tongue over the length. He let out a shaky breath under you. “Shit,” He whispered. 
You wiggled your hips in his face and let out a soft gasp as he grabbed your hips and buried his face back into your pussy, licking feverishly. You tugged his boxers down, releasing his cock from the cloth. He was rock hard, the tip was deep red and leaking precum. You stared for a moment, admiring him, before taking him into your mouth. The salty precum hit the back of your tongue and you hummed around him. 
Seokjin let out a moan against your pussy which only made you want to do more. You propped yourself up some more and wrapped your hand around the base, jerking him off in time with your mouth. The weight of his cock in your mouth was heavenly, something you would never get sick of. You continued to suck, creating slight pressure in your mouth. 
Seokjin was struggling to keep it together. He was panting against you but still attempting messy licks. His breath was hot against your cunt as you wiggled back a little, trying to get some more friction from him. He began to focus his attention on your clit, giving short, fast licks to the sensitive bud. 
You groaned around his cock once more, pulling off with a ‘pop’. You buried your face in his hip for a second, still slowly jerking him off as he continued his assault on your clit. “Fuck, Jinnie.” You whimpered. 
His cock dripped onto the lower part of his stomach. You whimpered at the sight and forced yourself back up, taking him back into your mouth. You swallowed him all the way down, not stopping until your nose was pressed against his balls. Seokjin let out a loud moan, hands coming down to grip your hair. You gagged slightly before taking a deep breath, letting your eyes water as you swallowed around him. 
A string of curse words left his mouth as his hips twitched up. “S-shit,” He let out a gasp. “Fuck, babe, I’m not gonna last.” He moaned against your pussy. 
You hummed a confirmation back to him and bobbed your head, focusing your tongue on the tip of his cock. Jin continued his ministrations on your clit, caressing it with his tongue in the most intoxicating way. You were both chasing after an orgasm, and boy were you getting close. 
Seokjin gave a harsh thrust up, pushing his cock to the back of your throat. You gagged around him, tears welling up in your eyes. He let out a whine as his cock twitched against your tongue and thick, salty ropes painted your throat and the back of your tongue. You hummed around him, swallowing down the release. You followed close behind, soaking his chin and the neckline of his t-shirt. 
You rode out your orgasm on his face, while his cock began to soften in your mouth. You pulled off, not before giving him a few final licks to ‘clean up’. You rolled off him, settling into the sheets to catch your breath. Seokjin reached down to gently caress your shin. 
A comfortable silence fell over the room. Seokjin continued to run his fingers over your shin as the two of you caught your breath. The heat was finally sinking in and the sweat was making both of you sticky. 
You hummed in response. 
“Why is your apartment so fucking hot?”
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aawrkive · 5 months
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𝖠𝗇𝖽 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝗒𝗈𝗎 go away 𝖨 𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗅𝗅 𝗌𝖾𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎...
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⎯ 𝖶𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝘀𝘂𝗻𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗼𝗻 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗳𝗮𝗰𝗲 𝗂𝗇 𝗆𝗒 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗋-𝗏𝗂𝖾𝗐.
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Taehyung once heard that you only know you love someone when there is no reason to love them.
He spent his entire life in Florence – Italy, and never had the opportunity to travel abroad, until last summer, when he went to Scotland through voluntary work, his plans were all about new experiences and he could never imagine that he would meet the love of his life there. Then he knew... when something inside him started to burst into flames, it was his body and soul, all devoted to a person who looked at him and suddenly the world took on new colors.
Jungkook made Taehyung stop thinking properly and breathing controlledly, all Kim had to do was fight the urge to lean forward and touch his lips.
Jeon was the most beautiful melody he had ever heard, he felt the need to make him laugh every day to enjoy his laugh mixed with yours. It was the time of their lives, when Taehyung left they thought they would never meet again, but the most beautiful millennial alignment was in favor of the two, who, united by a red thread, would at some point be together again, and in the hearts of each one of them had this certainty and that was enough for them to want to continue living so that one day they could live together.
And that day arrived. After two years of exchanged letters, their laughter now filled the silence along with the raindrops and the sound of their feet jumping in puddles of water.
Somewhere in southern Italy.
— We kissed until we couldn't breathe.
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aris-ink · 2 years
Hi there!!! Can you write obsessive, possessive yandere Namjoon smut? Can be any plot/scenario. You have full creative control, absolutely love your writing and congrats on passing your exam!!🥳🥳🥳
- Shy anon 🩰
tysm 🥺 and I love YOU 💕
pairing: namjoon x reader
genre: romance
warnings: jealousy, allusions to stalking, rough sex, choking (with jewelry lmao), spanking, oral sex, mentions of nude photographs, praise + a little degradation, daddy kink, creampie
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The letters were gold and filled with small diamonds, just like the chain they were attached to. Sometimes, his gifts felt like intimate love notes, ink curving softly on sunlit paper.
Sometimes, they felt like roses. Petals stained red and thorns drawing more red from your fingers. A softness so savage it never failed to remind you that you were his.
"I stayed up the- fuck- the whole n-night, shit, waiting for you to come home, you little brat."
His hips pounded against your ass mercilessly, shoving you harder and harder into his desk, your thighs burning from the wood's rough edges. You could feel his cock stretching you out with every aggressive thrust; long and thick, it always made your mind go numb, nothing but shivers of pleasure flooding through you. But with your air flow being restricted on top of that, you could do nothing but moan, your head filled with cotton.
And he knew.
He tightened his grip on the chain around your neck, like it was nothing more than a leash. The golden letters dug into your skin. There was no way this wouldn't leave marks; and maybe that was exactly what he wanted. Blurry purple and blue galaxies in the shape of his name, right where everyone could see it.
"Nothing to say? Huh?" He breathed into your ear, free hand coming down on your ass with a sharp crack.
You whined, electric currents running through you, wires sparking.
"Aw. Can't speak? Is daddy choking you too hard?"
The mockery in his voice had you gushing, and a deep groan rumbled out of his chest. You were beginning to see stars dancing around your eyes. So good, but so dizzy.
He released the necklace. The sudden flow of air into your lungs made you collapse forward, and you would have hit the desk had he not been there to catch you.
But Namjoon was always there to catch you.
Warm, strong arms wrapped around your waist, bringing you up to his chest.
"That's it, that's my good girl," he whispered, soothing fingertips caressing your stomach, and hard cock still pounding deep into you. "You understand daddy needs to punish you, right?"
Your throat ached, but it hurt so good, your head falling against his shoulder.
"Yeah d-daddy," you moaned hoarsely. "I'm sorry."
Namjoon grunted.
"Good girl. You're only mine, do you understand that?"
The desk was beginning to shake, his cock so wet the sounds of it ramming inside you alone were feeding the fire igniting your bones. You mewled, nodding with the little strength you had in you.
"Yes, yes, only yours, daddy."
Another harsh smack on your ass made you tingle. Namjoon groaned.
"Ah, fuck, good girl. Good girl."
You knew the moment you got a little too lost in having fun at the party that arriving home late will end like this; with you shaking and coming all over his cock, right before he followed and filled you up until you overflowed.
Namjoon was never one to deny you an orgasm, even when he was punishing you. On the contrary; he loved to make you fall to pieces, remind you that you were his and why you were his. He liked to kiss you all over and wash you afterwards, whispering his praises like prayers. Assuring you that you were his good girl, that you took his cock so well, that he was so proud of his baby.
Ever the hopeless romantic, he always kept a picture of you in his wallet, a pretty smile on your face and your chain on full display. Small boxes hidden away in his closet were filled with more pictures, because Namjoon could never get enough of you. (Some of them taken before you started dating, but you didn't need to know that.) It was so hard to pick a favorite; but if he had to, it would probably be the one where you wore nothing but the chain, the very definition of art. Namjoon never thought of himself as a photographer until he met you.
"Just a little more, baby. Let me see you."
You spread your legs further apart, skin burning hot, heart racing beneath your ribs.
The camera was set down and he leaned down to capture your lips in the low light of the candles, tongue eager and skilled.
"You're so fucking beautiful," he sighed. "I love you so much."
His hand traveled up to squeeze your breast. You moaned into his mouth, arching your back and reaching for his zipper.
"I love you too."
Namjoon sighed again, contentedly, scattering soft, wet kisses across your neck. Nothing so wrong ever felt so right before.
Because you knew it was wrong. He was too jealous, too obsessive. And yet he was exactly what you needed.
Not a moment passed by where you didn't feel wanted or loved. You never had a shadow of doubt that if you fell, he'd swoop in and save you. And if he couldn't, he'd throw himself into the abyss just to rest with you at the rock bottom and keep you warm.
And he never tolerated your self doubt.
"Are you happy with me?"
You sniffled, nodding your head.
"Then that's all that matters, baby."
He rocked you in his arms, wiping away the tears that fell. It was messed up. You were like a lost, little girl, starved for love and attention, and so tired of life. With Namjoon these burdens disappeared; it was a well known fact that even beasts most feral had mates, and you were his. Fitting into him like a puzzle piece. The balance between heaven and hell, your wings caught on fire from flying too low.
"My pretty, little angel. Fuck."
You moaned around his cock, trying to relax your throat for him. You could taste precum on your tongue, and he groaned as you swallowed.
"Yeah. Good girl. Can I fuck that pretty mouth, baby?"
You answered him with another moan. His grip on your hair tightened, hips rutting forward.
"Shit, I'm so close."
His panting was making your cunt throb. The tip of his cock reached deeper, touching the back of your throat. You breathed through your nose slowly, eyes stinging as you tried not to choke.
"Fucking hell," he grunted. "Daddy's good, little slut."
You clenched, your panties wet and knees sore, Namjoon's thrusts growing sloppier by the second.
"Oh fuck. I'm gonna come."
His breathing grew harsh, raspy moans slipping out of his heavenly mouth. No matter how much you braced yourself for it, the feeling of his cum spurting down your throat had you whining around him. You swallowed it all down, watching him curse, a thrilling shudder running through his body.
He pulled his cock out of your mouth carefully, hissing at the sensitivity.
You took a much needed breath, hands dropping down to your knees. Namjoon leaned down to scoop you into his arms, lifting you off the floor. It never failed to amaze you how strong he was.
"God, you're incredible," he mumbled, carrying you towards the bed. "Your turn, princess."
That never failed to amaze you, either; or just how much you enjoyed it.
He set you down on the mattress gently, then reached to open the drawer on the nightstand.
"But before that," he murmured, fingers wrapping around your chin, "let me see that pretty face, baby."
He directed the camera straight at your lips, still swollen and wet from sucking him off. He made sure that your chain was also in the frame, his name gleaming around your neck. You relaxed, the sheets pleasantly cool under your body, and his gaze burning hot.
Another one for his collection.
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syinesty · 2 years
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xxew-pineapplezxx · 2 years
Hello new followers!!! Just so you know, request are open!!
I am accepting scenarios, one shots and short series.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
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sailoryooons · 6 months
Boyfriend Material | jjk (m)
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☾ Pairing: Hockey Player!Jungkook x f. Reader 
☾ Summary: Jungkook isn’t boyfriend material – except when he is.  
☾ Word Count: 2,127
☾ Genre: FWB, Hint of Angst, Smut
☾ Rating: 18+ Minors are strictly prohibited from engaging and reading this content. It contains explicit content and any minors discovered reading or engaging with this work will be blocked immediately. 
☾ Warnings: Friends with benefits who are very obviously pretending not to have feelings, being in a confusing relationship that is basically a relationship without titles, feelings of confusion and self-doubt, lying to oneself, mentions of some toxic interactions with other people/women, repressed feelings, explicit sexual content including oral (f. receiving) in the shower, honestly, in general, some very cliche/stereotypical conflict you’d find in a relationship with someone of status 
☾ Published: March 23, 2024
☾ A/N: This is a self-insert of one of the most confusing relationships I have ever had in my life and I will die on the hill that no one should date athletes because 98% of them are the rule, not the exception no matter how much they seem like it! TRAUMA!!! Also, should I have been dating a professional athlete for the sport I worked in? No!!!! This is for all the people who have been in a not-relationship-that-is-a-relationship why the fuck do people do that like it is okay to have feelings and call ur partner ur partner?? 
☾ A/N 2: This is drabble number six for the Drabble Challenge that I have been utterly failing at! Today I rolled for ‘athlete’ but I didn’t feel like writing actual sports so I was like :) I worked in sports for ten years, I can just share a glimpse of my life when I was 23 years old :) Enjoy 
☾ Disclaimer: All members of BTS are faces and name claims for this story. This is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgment or representation of real-life people. Any scenarios or representations of the people and places mentioned in works are not representative of real-life scenarios.
Main Masterlist ☾ 100 Drabble Masterlist ☾ Ask ☾ Song Inspiration
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“Fuck, I’m so tired,” Jungkook groans, leaning back in the chair and stretching his arms. Sun beats down on his golden skin. You feel the heat of it on your back and the top of your head. It’s pleasant, the cool spring breeze threatening to send the napkins on the table running. “Wanna lay out at the pool?”
Finishing the rest of your coffee, you nudge the empty plate away from you. Where once an eggs benedict had stood is now smears of leftover yolk and a single onion you missed when eating your hashbrowns. 
“Not sick of me?” you ask, raising a brow. 
Jungkook isn’t looking at you, scrolling on his phone. The bill of his hat is pulled low, hiding most of his face as he squints down at the device held low in his lap. You wait patiently for his answer, running your finger up and down the now-empty glass as it sweats from the sun. 
“Nope,” he answers, popping the end of the word sharply. “Did you ever get your desk fixed? Yoongi said he would fix it if not.”
“I have not.” 
He nods. “He said he’ll swing by this afternoon. We can lay out at the pool at my place and then head to yours after?” 
Your mouth twitches. You don’t say it out loud because you don’t want to risk him backing out, but another full day spent with Jungkook is a surprise to you. Not because it doesn’t happen often – it does. But rather because it keeps happening more often.
Jungkook isn’t boyfriend material. He’d established that the first night he met you at a bar. Him being a professional athlete was a warning sign enough that you didn’t want to romance that but what had come afterward has been nothing short of surprising. 
Friendship and… well. You don’t know how to explain the extras. 
Jungkook isn’t boyfriend material. But you do your groceries together on the weekend. You drop him off at the arena when they’re heading out for a road trip. You take him to doctor's appointments to monitor the knee injury from last season. 
You’re not Jungkook’s girlfriend but he takes you to team events. He lets himself in and does your laundry at your apartment while you’re at work so you don’t have to do it when you come home. He has his teammates fix furniture for you and they’ve asked you to babysit their kids. 
“Babe?” the endearment makes you blink a few times, realizing you’d been staring into your lap. Jungkook’s dark eyes are focused on you now, phone shoved into his pocket. “We don’t have to go to the pool. We can just nap.”
We. Not you. Jungkook is going to hang out with you regardless if you like his original idea or not. Your stomach flips in that way you hate, the way that you know you’re doing everything you said you wouldn’t.
“Sounds good.” 
Jungkook flashes a grin and you become acutely aware that thinking you could be friends with benefits without being anything more was a stupid idea. Jungkook is not made to be resisted, with round eyes that darken when he’s turned on, a giggle that contrasts with the big, broad-shouldered athlete built, a smile that lights up the room and can dispel any tension, a sweet voice that can tempt anyone the moment he pouts or when he decides to pur. 
You were fucked - literally and figuratively - that first night you let him in your apartment. 
Instead of thinking about it, you hide from the truth. Again. Jungkook is not boyfriend material, despite the fact that he pays for breakfast despite your protests, and reaches over the center console in the car to squeeze your thigh. 
“Mmm,” he hums, fingers skating over your flash and making you squirm in the passenger seat. “Warm.”
“I was sitting in the sun.”
“I like it.”
Jungkook likes a lot about you. He tells you all the time, very open about how he likes the way you taste, likes the way you organize your books by color, likes the way you sing in the shower, likes the way you speak in Star Wars quotes. 
Perhaps that’s what makes you the most wary about him. He says he’s not boyfriend material, but his actions betray his words. And you let them, every single time. 
Jungkook smells like sunscreen, sweat, and a little bit of his cologne from earlier that morning. You’re hyperaware of him as you lounge on the cabana bed together, close enough to feel the heat radiating from his firm body. 
His tattooed arm is tossed over his eyes, blocking out the sun as he snores a little. Careful not to knock into him, you lean over him and grab his phone to check the time. You haven’t been lounging in the sun long, but you don’t want him to get a sunburn.
You wager you can stay a little longer, placing the phone back down under his discarded shirt where it can hide from the sun’s heat. Sitting back in your spot, you pick up your book from your sweaty thighs as the sound of the gate to the pool yard opening catches your attention. 
Some of Jungkook’s teammates live in the same apartment complex. It’s easier that way, especially for the players who get sent up and down from the minors. You catch a few of the younger players with a few girls you don’t know the name of tugging a cooler on wheels behind them with a speaker blaring. 
Jungkook doesn’t so much as move. He can sleep through anything – has slept through you falling into his gaming setup while trying to get to the bathroom drunk. His slumbering leaves you to watch them head to the beds a few over from yours. 
One of the girls notices you. You don’t recognize her specifically, but she recognizes Jungkook. Looks back at you. Frowns and mutters something to one of the other girls, who is not very subtle as she cranks her head around in your direction. 
You don’t wince anymore. It’s not an uncommon thing, among these circles. You refuse to engage with any of it. You used to tell yourself it was because a casual whatever-Jungkook-is simply isn’t worth the drama. At night, you know you don’t engage with it because you don’t want to know. 
Ignorance is bliss, especially in this dangerously plastic world Jungkook exists in. 
Thankfully, you’re not alone in the matter. Jimin appears out of thin air, dropping down on the empty bed next to you. Namjoon – arguably Jimin’s better half and team captain – is nowhere to be found. Jimin lowers his shades and looks beyond you to the group of now rowdy players. 
“Gross,” he huffs. He slides his glasses back up the bridge of his nose and stretches out on the bed like a cat. Jimin doesn’t play, but he certainly has the body of an athlete, all fine lines and corded muscle. “Ignore them.”
“I was doing that already.” You lift your book as if to prove yourself.
He snorts. “You were thinking about it, be honest.” Your silence is answer enough and Jimin grins, lacing his hands behind his head as he tilts toward the sun. “Don’t let Jungkookie burn again.”
“I’m not,” you huff before snapping your book shut. Jimin is in the circle of player’s partners that you genuinely enjoy, but he has the keen ability to get under your skin and tell you all of the truths that you don’t want to be voiced out loud. Still, having him on your side has more benefits than just keeping the hyenas away from you. He’s also genuinely nice when he wants to be. “Jungkook, wake up.”
The man mumbles and turns his head away from you. You sigh heavily, squeezing his strong, very sweaty arm gently. “Come on, you’re gonna burn if you stay out here any longer.”
“Mm. Feels nice.”
“A sunburn won’t feel nice.”
“You can rub aloe all over me.”
“I will not.”
“Just five more minutes.”
He drops his arm from his eyes, squinting in the bright light at you. His hair is damp with sweat and hangs in his eyes. He’s been growing it out longer and longer, especially since Seokjin keeps encouraging Jungkook by telling him he has the best flow on the team. 
“So you don’t want to rub aloe all over me?”
“You don’t need to get sunburned for me to touch you, Jungkook.”
“Bleh,” Jimin grunts. 
That makes Jungkook sit up, rolling his shoulders and twisting to pop his back. He sighs for a moment, closing his eyes as though willing himself to get up. When he opens them again, there’s a light in them and he smirks, looking you up and down.
“Wanna shower?”
Your mouth twitches and you roll your eyes to hide how much you want to shiver. “Come on,” you sigh, getting up, the fabric of the sunbed clinging to your sweaty skin. 
Eyes cling to you as you pull the sundress over your head and slide your sandals on. You don’t have to glance over at the mini-party a few sunbeds over to know you’re being watched. You suppose they’re watching Jungkook more than anything, but you’re in direct view behind him, grabbing your book. 
You know Jungkook notices them. He says nothing, though. Instead, he offers his hand out when you shove all your belongings in a bag, wanting to carry it. You grin and hand it over to him, smile growing as he shoulders it easily and offers his hand again, this time for you to take.
And you do take it. Perhaps the satisfaction that thrums through you as he leads you out of the pool yard and onto the deck that crosses the lake toward his apartment building is a little bit insidious. You don’t care. The momentary triumph that you shouldn’t be feeling at all is far too powerful and Jungkook’s hand is far too warm and safe in yours to care about why you feel good about the public display of affection.
It isn’t like he hasn’t done it before. Jungkook isn’t shy with others in front of you. It’s what makes the whole thing worse, somehow. Because Jungkook isn’t boyfriend material, but he introduces you to people and friends and slides between your legs to lean on you when you’re sitting on a barstool. He holds your hand when you go on a lunch and shopping spree with your mom and he brings her coffee and flowers. 
Jungkook isn’t boyfriend material, but you don’t care when the shower hits the warm skin and runs down your back as he presses your chest to the cold shower wall in front of you. The cool stone stings against your nipples, over-sensitive and sending a shiver down your spine as your eyes flutter shut. 
Jungkook isn’t boyfriend material, but he curses low under the sound of the shower as he pries your legs apart, tongue seeking the heat between them hungrily. Your mouth falls open as Jungkook’s tongue licks you soft-slow, lips sucking gently against your clit. 
“Shit,” you hiss. The difference in temperatures between the hot water and the cold wall makes the room spin. Steam makes it harder to breathe, your head pleasure-dizzy as Jungkook laughs and rolls his tongue lazily around your dripping cunt. “Fuck.”
Jungkook isn’t boyfriend material, but he eats you out slow and hungry. He doesn’t care that the water starts to lose its warmth as his mouth works you, smacking his lips loudly and moaning, vibrations going straight to your core where you drip on his soft tongue. 
His hands grip your ass, fingers digging into the flesh as he pries you apart further, tongue delving into your aching hole. He slurps at you, mouth loud and sticky over the sound of your panting and the water hitting the tile floor. His little hums of appreciation buzz through you, making the room spin.
“Fuck,” you whisper, pressing your cheek to the wet, cold stone as you try to ground yourself. You twist an arm backward, gripping Jungkook’s wet hair. He lets out a loud groan in appreciation, always pleased when you pull on his hair. “Don’t stop.”
Jungkook isn’t boyfriend material, but he does whatever you want him to. His tongue delves in, working you to orgasm until you’re shaking against the wall, knees knocking together and nearly collapsing on him. He catches you easily, standing and pressing you against the wall as he grabs your chin and brings your mouth toward him, his to devour.
Jungkook isn’t boyfriend material. 
But more than anything, you want him to be. 
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7brownsuga7 · 11 months
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JUNGKOOKS the type to fuck you while you’ve got company in the other room. He’ll fuck you hard just to hear your loud moans, in hopes your company hears you too. He wants everyone to know your pussy belongs to him. He has no shame about it and when you’re both done he will walk out with a proud, cocky smirk on his face.
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crooked-haven · 1 year
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Surprise! | Jeon Jungkook Oneshot
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➭ Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x (F) Reader
➭ Genre: Angst & Fluff
➭ Warnings/Tags: Cursing, Sad, Betrayal, 2 Author Povs, 1 Y/n Pov.
➭ Disclaimer: All members of BTS are faces and name claims for this story. This is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgment or representation of real-life people. Any scenarios or representations of the people and places mentioned in works are purely coincidental. Also this is my story so please don’t steal!
➭ By: Serendipity_haven (Taexxgukkie & crooked-haven)
Word count: 0.9k
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-Author's POV-
Jungkook and y/n had been together for two years. They were high school sweethearts, but now they were both in college, living together and deeply in love. Or so it seemed.
One day, after a particularly long day of classes, y/n came home to find Jungkook sitting on the couch with a funny look on his face, nose deep into his phone, clearly smiling about something.
"Hey, babe." he said. "I have something I want to show you."
Y/n, always eager to see what her boyfriend was up to, walked over and leaned in to look at his phone, before she could see what was on the screen, Jungkook quickly pulled it away and locked it.
"What's going on?" she asked, confused but not completely oblivious to the glimpse of a heart next to a girls name she saw. "I have a surprise for you." Jungkook said, grinning.
Y/n didn't know what to make of this. She had never been one for surprises, but Jungkook was always full of them. So she sat down next to him and waited. After a moment, Jungkook stood up and said, "Follow me."
Y/n trailed behind him up their carpeted stairs, wondering what he had planned, smiling at all the possibilities. He led her into their shared bedroom and closed the door gently. "Okay, close your eyes." he said in an eager tone.
Finally what seemed like hours, he spoke in almost a teasing manner. "Okay, open your eyes."
-Your POV-
I slowly opened my eyes, and what I saw made my heart instantly sink. Jungkook was standing there, holding hands with another girl.
I felt like I had been punched in the stomach and could feel the lump growing in my throat. I can't believe that Jungkook would do this to me, and the worst part was the way the other girl was staring at me, smug and self-satisfied.
Jungkook broke out into a grin as my eyes slowly started tearing up, I had no idea he was ever capable of something so heinous.
"Gotcha!" he said, breaking out into a fit of laughter. I was stunned. I have never seen Jungkook act like this. I have no idea what to say or do. Finally, I say in a shaky voice, tears rolling down my cheeks. "What's g-going on?"
"It's a prank!" Jungkook said, still grinning yet still holding hands with the unknown girl. "I wanted to see how you'd react if you thought I was cheating on you." He stepped forward as I stepped backwards. He let the girls hand go.
I couldn't believe it. I had been so scared and hurt, and now Jungkook was just laughing it off like it was no big deal. I took a deep breath, sniffing as I watch the female awkwardly leave. "That's not funny." I said, getting up from the bed. "You scared me."
"I'm sorry baby." he pouted, still smiling. "I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to see how you'd react."
"Well, I reacted pretty badly." I said, crossing my arms, suddenly feeling insecure. "Why would you ever think that's okay?" I wiped my tears away with the sleeves of my, well his hoodie.
"I don't know.." he said in a low tone, his smile fading, and looking down at his feet. "I guess I just wanted to have a little fun..." he mumbled out, clearly feeling guilty of what he's done.
I sighed. I don't know how to feel about this. I am hurt and confused, but part of me also understands that Jungkook had meant no harm, yet the burning in my chest at the thought of no longer having him, made it hurt worse.
"I think I need some time to myself." I said, walking towards the door of our shared room. "Wait baby!" He said in rather a whisper than a yell, following behind me, only stopping at the top of the stairs. "Don't leave please, we can talk about this." I shake my head no and walk to the living room.
-Author's POV-
Y/n was hurt, and she didn't want to talk. She wanted to be left alone so she could understand all the feelings attacking one another inside her chest. So with that, he grabbed his jacket and keys, texting his best friend, Taehyung, that he was on the way and left their shared apartment, giving y/n the space she desired.
He messed up big time.
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I have been getting back into the quick oneshots, but I hope you enjoyed this one, this was a bit of a cliffhanger and I may add a part 2 to it.
Anyways! If you enjoyed don't forget to comment and give me a ♥️, it's much appreciated!!
Follow me on my instagram where I make kpop games, dating doors, and even post my stories there!
Instagram: kpop.dating.games2013
Until next time!! 💕
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fruitmins · 1 year
Agust Dad—Prologue
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➭ summary: Your a producer from another company that he happened to be collaborating with on his 2nd album D-2. At the release party— one drunk action leads to another, you do the worst thing you can do in the industry and change your fate forever.
➭genre: short series, pregnancy au, idol au, angst, dad au
➭warnings: smut that includes unprotected s*x (don’t do that), cuss words, mention of alcohol and drinking, kinda rough s*x, a little dirty talk
<<next part>>
➭note: yoongi is leaving for the military so let’s make him a dad to patch up my grief☺️ Have to give credit where credit is due; this was inspired by a writer named sopebubbles. And ik it’s not clear but he is still in BTS. ⚠︎ this is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgment or representation of real-life people. yoongi is used solely as a face and a name for the story. this is not a representation of real-life scenarios.
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“I think, we should make a toast, to Mr Agust D himself of course.” The head producer said over the chatter in the lobby, noticeably drunk but it just so happened that everyone else was also. Even you.
But that was the point of the pre-release party. It was to celebrate how rich everyone were about to be and that everyone could relax after several hard months.
Even though you were only at the album camp for a week, only working on one song and from a entirety different company, somehow you found yourself at the rented hotel partying like the rest of the producers.
The infamous artist groans in embarrassment and this eggs everyone on further, raising their glasses towards him and applauding. “We are never doing this again.” Yoongi slurs, a little tipsy himself as he chuckles, the alcohol starting to loosen him up a bit.
It wasn’t like Yoongi always had his guard up, at least not around his colleagues anyways. He was just incredibly professional and slightly uptight. The two of you had spoken a handful of times while at the camp, mostly focusing on the song and the two of you worked well together.
You were from a more smaller company and when the two of you first met, he said he looked up some of the other collaborations that you did and was fond of your work. It was incredibly easy working with him and his team. No one could deny that the two of you had chemistry when it came to music. If you had a thought or suggestion Yoongi would practically finish your sentence. And if he wanted to change something you would already be on it.
Most of his other producers were amazed at how fast the two of you were working and how smooth it was going, which was half of the reason they wanted you to attend the party in the first place. The first producer to make the Agust D smile while working on a song instead of being tense.
But despite everything, you two hadn’t spoken much since then, so it was a surprise to you when he had stepped up to you when you alone in the kitchen, getting yourself another drink.
The first bottle of whiskey was already run dry, so you were to busy stumbling as you stood on your tippy toes to reach the other bottle in the cabinet to notice he had walked in the kitchen and was watching you from afar.
You hadn’t realized that he stood only a couple steps away from you, watching and analyzing your every move. His eyes wandering your body and curves as you struggled to reach the desired item. He couldn’t help but stare at your ass that was covered by your tight black skirt and watched as your breasts jiggled the more you stumbled and reached for the drink.
With his own new desire in mind, Yoongi finally advanced towards you. Making his movements slow and menacing, not stopping until he was behind you and his back was almost pressed against you.
Feeling the sudden body heat you spun around, your eyes widening even further when they meet his dark brown ones. You back away slightly, trying to create some distance but move hip first into the counter behind you causing you to wince in pain.
“You should be more careful, Y/N-ah.” He spoke in a soothing low tone, suppressing a small smirk when he saw how flustered you got, your cheeks even more red now and not just from the alcohol.
“Sorry, Min Yoongi-ssi.” You mumble with a nervous chuckle trying to stay professional and not get sucked in by his expensive perfume and deep gaze. It had already been heard enough to ignore his beauty during camp.
He lets out a deep chuckle, cracking a small friendly smile that hides his true intentions. “No need to be so formal Y/N.” He says, tilting his head slightly to take in more of your features.
He had spent almost a full week with you, and of course he noticed how pretty you were but he paid no mind to it. After all, he was focused on his work and he had seen better woman before. But now he had gotten a good full look at you with more of an (hazy) open mind.
“Ah, Y/N-ah don't you know? You shouldn't apologize to me when you're in no wrong. You shouldn't lower yourself to me so much." He said his smile turning more into a smirk.
“And plus, I’d say we have gotten quite close,” he spoke, his voice getting more quiet as he leaned more into you, pinning you between the counter and his body. “Don’t you think?” He asked with a smile smirk, having gotten you right where he wanted you.
“Wow,” You breathed out, glancing around the empty kitchen as if you were imagining everything that was happening. Guiltily, you had already had some inappropriate thoughts about him before thanks to his song lyrics but you knew better not to act on them.
“I guess so...” Your voice trailed out and you think you’re being discreet about finding an exit but Yoongi notices.
He leans more against you body so that by now they are touching. He continues to focus his eyes on you before effortlessly reaching an arm above your head as he grabs the drink for you.
Your eyes light up at the drink, even though it’s clear you don’t really need any more. “Thank you Yoongi-ah~” you slur while reaching for it but he pulls his arm back and takes the bottle out of your reach much to your confusion.
He chuckles with a soft smile at the cute expression, this one being more genuine than the last. “I don’t think you need anymore of this.” He says with a smug smile as he looks down at you. Yoongi moved one of his arms down and placed his hand on your hip that bumped into the counter earlier. The other hand still on the drink. He smirked once again as he moved his face closer to yours. "I wouldn't like for you to get hurt again."
Your throat hitches as you feel his warm hand on your hip, drawing small circles into it as he spoke in a soft tone. You finally see the hint of lust in his eyes that you failed to notice before and your heart thumps.
“You’re right. I think I’ll just go back to the party.” You say with a nervous chuckle, trying to somehow squeeze past him to get to the lobby while still being trapped between him and the counter behind you.
"I wouldn't advise you to go to the party. It's noisy and loud, there'll be too many people." Yoongi subtly brought his other arm with the bottle down and placed it on the counter, blocking all of your exits.
Now knowing where this was going you lean back more into the counter. “I don’t think this is a good idea.” You whisper looking down and away from his face so you’re not tempted to do anything that could possibly put your job in jeopardy.
“Why?” He said in a confident deep tone. “You know company’s have loosened up, and we’re grown adults.” Yoongi said with a soft chuckle as he leans closer to where you could feel his breath on your shoulder, trying to sound as gentle as possible.
“We’re from different companies.” You whisper, breathing getting heavy as the tension in the room starts to get hotter. Three drinks ago you wouldn’t even be considering about this, and maybe he wouldn’t even be either. But here you were.
“That's the best part." Yoongi said in a low voice as he took two fingers to move your chin so you were looking directly at him. He brushed your hair out of your eyes before tucking it behind your ear.
"No one from your company is even here and no one of my company knows you." He states calmly, giving you his signature smile for reassurance but the look of passion in his eyes tells a different story.
Your breathing becomes hitched as the hand on your hip begins to move to caress your side. He takes a swig of the alcohol as if to say ‘fuck it’ before quickly planting a hungry kiss on your exposed neck.
You bite your bottom lip to hold in a gasp as his wet soft lips hit your skin. His grip tightens on your hip as he kisses a trail down your neck "You're so beautiful," he breathes against your skin, whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
Your mind is hazy from the alcohol and his touch and suddenly all logical thinking begins to dissolve. All you can think about is how touch deprived you’ve been for years. How one of the most richest and famous person alive were telling you how beautiful you were. You can’t remember the last time you’ve let yourself let loose and release some steam.
He leans in close and presses his lips against yours, his tongue moving against them in a slow glide before pulling away. "No one has to know. Except for you and me." He says in a husky voice.
Now that he has you in his grasp, he gently takes your hand in his and leads you both out of the kitchen and upstairs to a one of the many empty hotel rooms that would soon be filled with drunk coworkers.
As soon as you step inside the room, he shuts the door behind him and locks it securely. He moves towards you again, placing a sloppy but firm kiss so you can taste the mix of alcohol on his lips while holding onto your waist tightly.
This time you return the kiss, now with your own hunger. “So pretty..” he praises again when he pulls away to catch his breath.
He starts kissing down your neck, his hand quickly moving to reach down to your blouse and unbutton it. You can feel the heat rising between you two, your breaths become shorter and quicker, your hearts racing in sync as he successfully gets your shirt off and on the ground.
You don’t have time to think as his hands move up to your breasts, feeling their weight and massaging them as he kisses you deeper. As he reaches your cleavage, he begins to undo your bra, letting go of your breasts so he could remove it completely. He holds the kiss as he does so causing your breathing to become faster and heavier at his touch. It was like an addiction, that you couldn’t get enough of.
He steps back, taking in your beautiful breasts for a moment before concluding that you needed all of your clothes off. He moves down and starts kissing all around your neck, chin, and jawline, leaving a trail of open-mouthed kisses and uses this as an opportunity to push you towards a nearby couch.
He kicks off his shoes as you collapse on the couch and he does the honors of taking off your heels for you as you quickly get off his shirt. He leans forward, and presses another passionate kiss against yours. “I’ve waited months for this..” he mumbles into the kiss, lying right out of his teeth.
His hands start to roam again, this time he takes the waistband of your skirt and pulls it down to your legs. “Let’s make sure you’re nice and wet for me..” he says in a deep husky voice as he slips his hand through your underwear feeling your wet fabric first.
You shiver when his fingers brush against your slit and as soon as he feels how soaked you are, he smiles widely leaning in to kiss you again. “So wet..” he hums before pulling his warm fingers away to pull down your underwear completely.
So having seen and felt enough, Yoongi unbuckles his pants and lets them fall to his knees. You can see the outline of his hard cock tugging at his boxers. He finally removes his boxers and his cock springs out, precum already leaking in anticipation. If being completely sober you would be more embarrassed of the situation, but your mind is to clouded by lust and warmth that you can take in his body completely.
He moves closer towards you once more, pressing himself firmly against you so that you're able to see every inch of him pressed against your stomach. "Mmmh...you like what you see?" he asks softly, as he wraps his hand around his cock.
You nod, a little to quickly as you watch him with pleading eyes. He smirks at your needy gaze, his hips moving into his hand involuntarily as he rubs his hand over your thigh.
Feeling your heat, he leans forward and kisses you, deepening the kiss as he slides his hands up your thighs to your hips. He squeezes them tightly, holding you in place as he slowly rubs himself against your entrance. He places one hand behind your neck while the other holds your hip firmly, gently pushing his cock inside you. You gasp loudly from the sudden pressure, but Yoongi only grins widely as he begins thrusting his hips slowly.
He lets out a grunt as he slowly pushes his painfully hard cock inside you, “So tight.. So wet..” he practically growls at the feeling of your warmth.
Your eyes shut tightly as he continues to slam his cock against your walls as he grips your hip tightly with both hands. “Look at me when I fuck you, Y/N..” he says in a demanding tone making you moan loudly in response your eyes fluttering open to look at him and you can admit it’s a beautiful sight. Never had you thought you’d be getting fucked by a famous idol like this, but now that it was happening you might as well take in all the sights.
“Fuck..that’s right..” he mumbles in a rough voice as he grips your hips tightly, his muscles tensing with every thrust he makes. It doesn’t take long after that till you’re clenching around him, moaning loudly as he drives you to a much needed orgasm that fills you with ecstasy.
His breathing becomes heavy too, sweat dripping off his forehead as he continues pounding. "Good girl..." He whispers huskily before kissing you passionately again.
In one swift motion he takes both hands and grips your hips tightly, lifting you up and off of the couch so he can sit down instead and places you on top of his lap still keeping himself buried deep within you.
Once comfortable sat up against the couch, he starts to move inside of you once again, starting off slow before speeding up. His thrusts are rougher than before, his hips slamming into yours as he holds your tightly to keep you in upright on his lap.
His thrusts become more needy and sloppy, causing you to bounce back and forth across his lap as he grunts softly as he feels himself getting close. He leans forward, holding onto your waist for support as he begins moving faster and harder, driving his cock deeper and deeper inside you until he finally releasing all of his hot cum inside of you.
The two of you stay like that a for a little, his warm cock buried deep inside of you as you try to steady your breathing.
Once Yoongi sees your breathing start to slow and you begin to come down from your high, he shifts his position so his laid down on the couch and you’re on top of his chest.
Your eyes flutter close shortly after, and when they finally open back up in the morning, Yoongi is gone.
Leaving you alone with the gruesome realization of how big of a mistake you’ve made.
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nastythangzzz · 8 months
BTS OT7 X Female reader
Warning : this is nasty so get ready, gangbang, double, triple & fourth penetration, public sex, anal sex, squirting, slapping, spitting, aftercare, creampie etc..
Down there, I’ll write differents scenarios of OP being fucked by ot7 bts. AND if you guys like these kind of scenarios, you can ask me to develop and to write about it more!! Also if you want to develop it yourself you can ask me in private :))
scenario 1 : where you are a slutty and whorish girl. You can’t go a day without smth inside you. You would sneak out while your family was asleep just to go to a different club where you gets gangbanged and thrown like a rag doll by different men. Heck, you would even sneak out to participate in gloryholes where you pretends you works there so you can fuck everyone. You can’t stay with one boyfriend, you wants as many dicks you can. You’ll hump and insert everything in your pussy and ass whenever you gets the chance. Wherever you’re in school, restaurant, club, public road, weddings, events, etc… if you gets horny while ur out, you’ll squirt and fuck your self right there without knowing. You loves the thrill of getting caught.
One day you were on your way back to home after having a stressful and hard day, you were just begging for dicks atp. You were getting horny and worked up alone your car, you reached an empty long abandoned road that no one walks by anymore. You walked out your car and went looking for your differents toys in the back of your car hidden in depth. You were wearing a tight short dress with stockings, you immediately left out your stockings long ago, wearing nothing underneath. You went out ur way to put the biggest butt plug you have in your asshole and immediately shoved the biggest dildo you have towards you pussy. And you were doing this in the open, bitting your lips and letting the most obscene loud moans. You practically squirted 4 times in a row, putting different dildos and butt plugs up on ur pussy and ass. So much cum and squirt were oozing out ur pussy and asshole. Since you were most an anal freak, you put the biggest dildo up your ass and rammed it roughly, you went back and front shoving the biggest dildo you have up on your pussy and ass, leaving behind a long trail of cum and squirt. What you didn’t you know is that you were being watched by 7 men. Those 7 men were in fact construction workers who were being called to restore and repair that empty road you were in fact fucking yourself in. The sight of yourself was to die for. You were brutally shoving that dildo up on your pussy, a big plug inside your ass while moaning and pinching your nipples. You were hoping for someone to catch, bend you and fuck the hell outta you. After some long minutes of fucking yourself publicly, you noticed some men looking at you. You put your dildo on the ground and went on your knees to ride it hard, and at the same time you pushed another dildo towards your mouth. Anyone coming close or far to you, will hear clapping noises. In fact, you were riding your dildo in the ground brutally, slapping your ass and sucking the hella out of that silicone. You stopped yourself from cumming by leaving that dildo out of your pussy and instead shoving it inside your asshole. The boys had enough so they immediately went over you. You were not taken aback at all, you were waiting for it.
“Let’s not talk too much. Just tell me yall names and Treat me like the slut I am” you said while slapping and rubbing your pussy in front of them.
The boys introduced themselves one by one and it felt like you were in heaven. They were so attractive, so big and tall. You went on your knees, pulled all of their pants and sucked them off. Their cocks were huge and veiny, you couldn’t wait to have all them inside you. And you don’t care if anyone other than the 7 of them joins you.
You kept sucking and gagging on their cocks. Your mascara and whole makeup were ruined. They kept slapping their cocks to your cheeks and mouth, all while yelling profanities at you.
Jungkook took you harshly by your hair, bent you over your car and immediately shoved himself into your wet pussy all while leaving long and rough kisses all along your neck. The rest of the boys stood next to you and were slowly jacking themselves off. You couldn’t wait to get fucked by all of them. Your pussy was letting obscene noises, by the time you’ll get fucked by the million time by them, both of your pussy and ass will get loose and slippery.
You quickly reached your orgasm with jungkook but you still wanted more. Namjoon took you from Jungkook’s hands, held you in the air and abruptly shoved himself into you. Your pussy was so so hot and wet and it felt like heaven for them. Jimin came behind you and immediately shoved his whole cock into your asshole. Your asshole was well prepared and wet so you immediately moaned and lowered your head at jimin’s so he can also leave kisses to your neck. You were being fucked so good by them and so well taken care of. They were fucking you while at the same time, holding you gently and whispering nasty & beautiful things to your ears. You saw white and immediately squirted like a rain fall. Namjoon left your pussy out while you were still being fucked in the ass by jimin. You and him stood alone, him still plowing your asshole, your pussy was wide open for all the boys to see. The rest of the boys, came close to your pussy, and one by one, shoved their cock back and forth so you can squirt more. It started by yoongi, then taehyung, then Jin then jhope. All them fucked your pussy back and forth for some minutes, not letting you cum, they were holding your head and spitting on your face, all while fucking your brains out. They were playing with your pussy by slapping their cocks into your pussy and seeing so much squirting come out made them sure it will fill a bucket. All of this was happening while they were switching between your pussy and asshole. You had a train ran on you on public and you loved it, both of your pussy and ass were loose that even their fist will fit.
Taehyung took you by the waist and made you bent over your car, spreading your legs. The boys can see all the mess they made, jhope spread both of your pussy and ass for all the boys to see. They started slapping your asscheeks and pussy all while spitting and sucking on it. Your pussy and especially your ass, were so loose and gaped that they wished they all can fit their cocks into you.
As a final fucking, you were taken on jin’s arms and laid on your car. Since you had a big car with a folding top, it was easy for the rest of the boys to join you. You had him immediately plow your pussy, he stopped for a second so yoongi can join him in your pussy. The stretch was so good and you had no pain since you was used to being double fucked in the pussy by different men. they both were thrusting inside you at the same time and plowing your back out. They again stopped for a second so the other boys can fuck your ass too. Taehyung came close to you and roughly shoved himself into your ass. You let a loud ass moan that’s probably heard from afar. You couldn’t stop screaming and moaning when jhope added himself to taehyung fucking both of your ass at the same time. You were in a wonderful and unbelievable place, you were being fourth penetrated by 4 attractive men who have the biggest and thickest dicks you’ve seen. You were being double fucked in your pussy and at the same time double fucked in your asshole.
“Oh fuck… like this like this… fuck this is so gooodddd… like that… fuck me like that please…..” you said while screaming and moaning hard.
The boys inside you made it their mission to thrust into you brutally and hardly at the same time all while pulling your hair, kissing your neck and face, and screaming profanities and insults towards you.
Anyone passing by this road will take a notice of your purely pornographic moans. In fact, you were looking like you came out straight of a porn scene but you were always like that. If it wasn’t for your family and friends, you would straight up debut in the porn department bagging and riding as much cocks as you want. Hell you’d even fuck the whole cast.
You were in an ecstatic state, your makeup was ruined and your face was full of cum. You had red handprints all over your face and asscheeks. Both of your pussy and ass were loose, gaped and well fucked, so much cum were oozing out of it. Your pussy was left long ago while you were still being double fucked in your ass with squirt coming out your pussy. After a long hour of switching places and being fucked multiple times in the ass and pussy, they were not making it easy, pulling their cocks back and forth into you. You finally reached your climax and almost fainted. You laid on your car spreading your legs and let all the boys cum on you. You had your boobs, face, pussy and ass full of cum and you liked the sight of it.
“Now smile for the camera bitch” said jimin while filming and snapping pictures of you.
Since the boys saw you masturbating by yourself, jimin took his phone and filmed all the scene, from when you started fucking yourself with your dildos, fingers and butt plugs to the boys ramming you brains out.
The boys made it their mission to take pictures of every part of your body, your pussy, gaped asshole and your face full of sticky cum. By the end, they all held you in the air, spreading your legs, touching your pussy and pinching your nipple so jimin can take a selfie of all of you together. You couldn’t wait for the boys to send you everything they took so you can jack off about later.
So the boys left you alone with their numbers registered on your phone, before they left, they took care of you, they made you drink water and clean your face, they wanted to clean your whole body but you couldn’t let them and since you are a dirty slut, you told them that you liked having cum left on you whenever you get gangbanged. They were shocked and couldn’t wait to bang you the next time.
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cheeseceli · 3 months
With a short s/o
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Pairing: ot7 BTS × Gn!reader
Genre: headcanons, fluff
Request: Can you write a scenario where the boys (BTS) react to their S/O being really short, like 4ft 6in?
Warnings: none I can think of
A/n: don't you just love when Hobi | Palestine fundraiser
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Honestly he finds you so cute. He will try to not exaggerate it, but sometimes he just can't help but coo at you and smile all lovesick at you because why are you so adorable?? You could just be living your normal life without noticing him but he'd be admiring you with such a cute smile because that's how much he adores you.
Once again, bro doesn't really notice 😭 he just doesn't really know how that is supposed to change something in your relationship? He loves you for what you are, your height really makes no difference at all. Might notice the height difference sometimes, but doesn't make a big deal out of it. He's chilling here.
He giggles anytime he has to bend down or you have to lift your head up to kiss each other. He's not making fun of you, damn no, he just finds the situation so endearing. He giggles because he's reminded of the height difference and then he's kinda head over heels for you (again).
If that's one of your insecurities because people comment a lot on it, don't worry, they won't ever do it again. Not when Namjoon is staring daggers at anyone who could even possibly think of making an unfunny joke towards you. Also loves to take pictures with you because the height difference is so notable and it's so aesthetic (?). He literally loves it so much.
The type to be comparing the difference between you guy's hands. He also finds his flirting to be way more efficient, with him towering you as an example, and he absolutely loves how flustered you get. But if you ever end up kicking him because of that (you're so right) he will be feeling proud of this 💀
Loves when you ask him to bend down a little so you can kiss/hug him properly. This just makes his entire week a way better one. Also loves to back hug you because why does it feel so much better than anyone else's hug?? Is also so ready to offer his help to reach things on taller shelves and this typa thing.
He's just so ready to baby you as much as he can😭 really wants you to wear his clothes as much as possible (which would be all the time), is picking you up in the first opportunity, is placing you down on his lap and everything else you can imagine. Will sometimes tease you as well, but only if you're okay with that ofc.
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Masterlist | you'll probably like: with a taller s/o
Thank you for reading <3
Taglist (open!): @yuyubeans @butnotmontana
Credits for images 1 2 and 3
Dividers by @enchanthings
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