#bttf icons
daryfromthefuture · 2 years
bttf icon requests!
i am taking bttf icon requests! just give me a character (and, optionally, a preferred expression) and i will draw an icon for you!
the icons will be free to use as long as you credit me if u use them!
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cheriboms · 1 year
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doctober day 9: zipline
now ik this piece is set technically like. a minute before that happens but i just liked this sketch too much, so naturally i had to finish it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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brinkle-brackle · 6 months
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triflesandtea · 2 years
Michael J. Fox at the end of the video in an Irish accent: "Ah, that's good. I like that. I need a hat."
I started laughing too hard at that. 🤣
It's interesting: Fox stated that he did not want to play any stereotypes (glory be) but he "couldn't help it." I rather think his performance as Séamus (accent or no accent? That is the question) was actually quite counterstereotypical, and beautiful for that reason.
Obviously, his accent needed a bit of work and his dialogue was a wee bit unrealistic, but apart from that, he is the furthest thing from the Irish stereotype we so often—and I so begrudgingly—see.
The average Celtic persona/stereotype, even described occasionally by Celts themselves, is shown as fiery, hot-headed and hot-tempered too, and always up for a fight. Instead, in BTTF 3, it's Marty McFly, the American teenager, who can't turn down a fight or challenge—while Séamus the Irishman is mellow, calm, and collected, and even sagely spouts his lovely quote of, "You could have just walked away and nobody would of thought the less of you for it. All it would have been was words...hot air from a buffoon. Instead, you let him rile you...into playin' his game, his way, by his rules."
Like, DUDE. 👏🏻😳
Furthermore, his personality inspired a good deal of my current Scottish detective, Angus MacLeod, who is very collected indeed.
And now I ask you, do you wonder why Séamus McFly is my favorite character in the Back to the Future series? 😏😁
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monoclegraphic · 4 months
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⸻ DEETZ ❤️‍🔥
Je fais généralement pas de pub pour mes pré-liens sur tumblr, mais j'avais envie de faire un moodboard pour la famille de ma Teddy. Transmettre la vibe que j'aime tant dans cette famille dysfonctionnelle. Alors pourquoi pas faire découvrir celle-ci et qui sait trouver des personnes pour interpréter les personnages manquant !
tw : négligence parentale, famille dysfonctionnelle, pauvreté
Femme qui ne se sent pas à sa place, celle qui arpente les bars un verre à la main. Sourire carmin qui attire ceux qu’elle désire. Elle n’a rien de vénale, loin de la croqueuse de diamants qu’elle aurait pu être. Elle est simplement cette femme qui rêve de compagnie. Besoin d’amour avant tout. Lorsque cela arrive, elle aime un peu trop. Se délectant des paroles d’un homme qui partira au premier cul plus attirant. Avec le temps Nicole perd ses amants, mais gagne des enfants. Trois filles. Trois magnifiques filles. Elle pourrait avoir tout l’amour dont elle a besoin avec elles, mais ce n’est pas ce qu’elle recherche. Alors chaque enfant apprend à vivre seul, puis ensemble. Tout le quartier connaît les Deetz, les trois fillettes qui jouent plus souvent devant la maison qu’à l’intérieur. Celles qu’on accueille chez soi pour leur offrir un bon repas alors que maman racole encore dans les bars ou accumule plus d’heures au travail. Elles sont brillantes ces gamines, attachantes, les voisins les protègent des loups, mais elles ne sont pas vraiment en danger. Après tout, quel danger pourrait les atteindre si elles ne sont rien ? Jim. C’était son prénom. Il est le seul qui porta son attention sur les fillettes de celle qu’il aimait. Cette femme compliquée qui avait besoin d’amour. Si lui était le premier à réellement l’aimer, elle ne l’a jamais autant apprécié que les autres. Peut-être était-il justement tellement amoureux qu’il n’avait pas le même intérêt pour elle. Teddy l’a toujours vu comme un père, même ses sœurs le voyaient ainsi. S’il n’est resté que peu de temps dans la vie de leur mère, Jim est devenu le père qu’elles n’ont jamais réellement eu.
Personnages joués sur le forum back to the future !
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backtothefistfight · 1 year
Y'all are the funniest people ever (aka a running list of tags that made me wheeze)
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onesingulartheaterkid · 11 months
I forgot I made a Pinterest board for inspiration playing Verges. It’s got a lot of Doc Brown doing weird facial expressions and Barney Fife.
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martysmusic · 4 months
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Come on down to Lou’s Cafe and listen to the best music on our jukebox as you enjoy our 50 cent hamburgers. What a deal! This mix is designed to be shuffled.
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pridewishes · 2 years
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250x250 || transmasc || bordered circle
like / rb + credit + read dni if using
requested by anon !!
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unknooooow · 2 years
Is anyone else watching bttf?
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If not, go watch bttf (bro the camera on my phone is better than my eyesight -_-)
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marielle-heller · 1 year
I think which movie posters you have/want to have as decoration can also be a very fun personality indicator
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victorluvsalice · 3 months
Sims 4 Wednesday -- Potential Tiny Town Challenge
Hi all! As we're between Chill Valicer Save updates this week, I wanted to talk to you about something I discovered relatively recently and have been thinking about off and on -- The Tiny Town Challenge! I first learned about this challenge through seeing a thumbnail for James Turner's version on YouTube, and, curious, tracked down the original challenge and rules to see what it was all about. You can get the full rule set and take a look at the original lot and Sims Deligracy created at the link above, but the basic gist is that you spend the challenge setting up a tiny town on a large lot (preferably 64x64) for seven Sims. Each Sim has a specific money-making skill that they must use to earn the funds to build their house on their specific sub-lot, and a favorite decor style and color that must inform what their house looks like. Each Sim is moved in individually, once the previous Sim has finished their house, and the challenge ends when all seven houses and any communal area is fully built.
I took one look at that and I was like "yeah, I'm into it." XD Both because it sounds like a fun challenge, and because it's a challenge with minimal set-up (which is the problem with the challenges I personally have come up with previously -- I think they'd be fun, but they require a loooot of prep!). Having thought about it for a bit, I have some ideas about how I'd like to do the challenge myself -- and some problems that I'm going to have to figure out before I can set this up as a potential alternate save file to the Chill Valicer Save:
-->Location: I decided relatively quickly that I'd like to do the challenge in Windenburg, setting up a little community on The Crumbling Isle (something like how Plumbob Paragon set theirs up). I almost never play in Windenburg, so I figured that setting the challenge there would be a good way to encourage me to wander around that world and see the sights. And I already have some ideas about using the other lots to make a true town out of the island -- like turning one lot into a Community Space to get a community garden going, or another lot into a retail store that a couple of the citizens run. Might be fun!
-->Citizenry: Well, you guys know me -- of course the first three residents of the tiny town would be Victor, Alice, and Smiler. However, I'm having trouble deciding on who the other residents of the town could be. The way I see it, I have two options for the rest of the group:
Option One: Add Victoria Everglot and Emily Merrimack and do a "Four Victorians Riding A Roller Coaster" polycule thing on the tiny town lot! This would be fun as it would allow for amusing and adorable polycule shenanigans...but the problem here is the color schemes. Specifically, while Smiler is fine with their primary color being Yellow, Victor, Alice, and Emily ALL suit Blue being their primary color (Victor has his blue butterfly and blue tie -- plus I've always headcanoned it as his favorite color; Alice has her iconic blue dress; and Emily has her blue -- everything), and Alice and Victoria would both suit Red (Alice has that iconic red blood splatter on her apron; Victoria has her red dress). Now, I know how I could fix this for Alice -- make her primary color Green, to match her eyes -- but I'm not sure what to do about Victor and Emily. I mean, when it comes down to it, Emily would have to get Blue, look at her, but the only other alternate colors I can think of for Victor would be Black or Grey, and that would result in a depressing-looking house. :( So yeah, bit of an issue there!
Option Two: Add my young Emmett "Doc" Brown Sim (patterned off his appearance in BTTF: The Game), a fem!Malkavian Fledgling Sim I downloaded off the Gallery (which I'm already planning on calling Mal Kavian), a Preston Garvey Sim, and my take on a Wheatley Sim to the gang and just represent pretty much all my favorite fandoms and games in one go. The bonus here is that I've got the full roster of seven Sims; as stated, I'm representing a bunch of things I enjoy, not just the primary three; and I get a tiny bit of diversity by including a black character as a primary. However, there are also a couple of issues here:
I'm not entirely sure I want to do the challenge with the full compliment of seven Sims, as I have trouble wrangling a mere three sometimes in my Chill Valicer Save. And before you ask, no, I don't have For Rent, so I couldn't turn the lot into a Residental Rental and just play one family at a time. I'd have to really fight with my own micromanaging tendencies to get this to work!
We again have color overlap issues because Victor, Preston, and Wheatley ALSO all suit the color Blue (Victor for the reasons listed above; Preston because the Minutemen have blue as their primary color scheme; and Wheatley because his eye is blue in the game). Now, admittedly, this one is a bit easier to solve -- make Preston's color Light Brown to match his iconic duster (yes, Sims 4 actually distinguishes between Light Brown and Dark Brown -- the only color that gets that distinction in the sort!), and Wheatley's White to match his core's outer shell -- but still. I am apparently obsessed with Blue characters!
Now, I can think of an interesting way to solve this dilemma -- set up two tiny towns on the Crumbling Isle on the two biggest lots, and divide the Sims so there's like five or so on each lot. (Suppose it could be like Victor, Alice, Smiler, Doc, Mal Kavian on one, and Victoria, Emily, Preston, Wheatley on another?) That does mean having to do the challenge twice, and wrangling a lot more Sims, but... *shrug* We'll see how I feel!
-->Skills, Colors, and Decors: As previously stated, all Sims have to have a specific skill that they use to fund the creation of their home, and a favorite color and decor style that should inform the look of said home. Now, the decor thing is kind of a mystery to me (I mix-and-match styles all the time when building, and I don't have Dream Home Decorator to make Sims Like specific types -- though it does occur to me that I could just fudge it by having each house just reflect their canon in some way), but I do have skills and colors almost entirely locked down for almost all of my potential citizens --
Victor: His color would be Blue (probably darker shades of such), and his money-making skill would be either Painting or Piano (though I'm leaning toward Painting because I've always headcanoned him as being more private with his music)
Alice: Her color would be Green, and her money-making skill either Painting or Writing (leaning toward Writing because I like the idea of her writing her own books)
Victoria: Her color would be Red, and her money-making skill would be either Knitting or Cross-Stitch (since we know she likes to sew from seeing her working on her blanket in the movie when Victor climbs onto her balcony)
Emily: Her color would be Blue (brighter shades), and her money-making skill would be either Flower Arranging (for her bouquet) or Gemology (for the wedding ring that starts the whole Corpse Bride mess -- it just amuses me)
Doc: His color would be Orange (as part of the BTTF logo), and his money-making skill would probably be Robotics (since it's the most sciencey-one), though I wouldn't say no to Fabrication
Mal: Her color would be Red (because, you know, vampire), and her money-making skill would be Wellness (because it deeply amuses me to have a vampire from that clan doing yoga and spa stuff)
Preston: His color would be either Blue or Light Brown (as previously stated), and his money-making skill would be either Fabrication (because he's the settlement guy, and Fabrication is a lot like how the workshops work in Fallout 4), Woodworking (the more low-tech version of that), or Archaeology (because he clearly enjoys the past, given you find him hiding in a museum and his coat is apparently looted from another one -- probably have to use a mod to make it available outside Selvadorada, though!)
Wheatley: His color would either be Blue or White (again, as previously stated), and his money-making skill would be Programming (again, because of the hilarity factor -- I mean, Wheatley CAN hack in the game, but we all know just how "good" he is at it XD)
Smiler: Their color would be Yellow, and their money-making skill --
And this is where I run into a problem, because I'm not entirely sure what to do for Smiler. Because my version of Smiler's primary thing is chemistry (or alchemy, depending on the setting), and I'm not entirely sure how to best represent that with the skills on offer. Should I do Mixology, on the basis that I heacanon they are also awesome at mixing drinks? Herbalism because that's kind of close (I have a mod that puts Granite Falls bugs in other worlds, so that's not an issue)? Do I rely on Simsonian Library's Apothecary mod and related skill because that is arguably closer that Herbalism? Or do I just fudge things by choosing Mixology or something before turning them into a spellcaster and having them focus on the Alchemy section of the spellbook? Decisions, decisions...
But yeah -- that's what I currently have in mind for any future Tiny Town-related save files I may make! Not gonna guarantee that this is gonna happen, but it's a distinct possibility. :) And if you guys have any suggestions regarding how I should do the tiny town (and what the fuck Smiler's money-making skill should be), please let me know!
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pippinlvr · 2 months
Day Four: Groundhog Day
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Wait I can't believe this I loved this soso much. I saw the movie last Feb 2nd with my dad and really liked it but I didn't even really connect the two before I started watching the video of this one on Youtube. My dad's going to go cray cray when I tell him another one of his movies is "ruined" (HIS EXACT WORDS ABOUT BTTF) by a musical version!!
I'll begin by saying both Rita and Phil are total hotties so that definitely helped CRIBJRB
I feel like the musical version makes this whole plot line so much more emotional. Like of course the movie has its parts, but it just can't compare to a stage version like this. And I love any and all overlapping singing, they did it so well in this, too!!
The set is?? So cool?? Like it's constantly moving around and it all is so smooth, I also really liked the beginning part with the TVs, it definitely drew me in from the start.
So far I really like Playing Nancy but I swear I've been listening to the whole album for like five hours now soo I think it's safe to say I love all of it <33
I did in fact cry at the end of this one too, but that could definitely just be my lack of sleep :P
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jowritesfanfiction · 9 months
Thank you to @daryfromthefuture for tagging me in this!
How many times would you guess you watched the first back to the future movie? 7 times. Once was with a friend who’d never seen it (they really enjoyed it).
Did you get any sweet bttf merch? If so, what! I think I got some t-shirts, but I can’t remember which ones. (I have a lot of bttf shirts lol)
How many cans of Pepsi Free did you chug this year? None. I don’t like carbonated drinks :/
What was a favorite bttf fanfic you read this year? Despite the Distance by @knickynoo. That fic wrecked me in the best way and I think about it at least once a month.
A favorite bttf fanart you saw this year? (please give us a link, not a screencap/repost!) This piece of fanart by @future-boi. I love it sm. (Now look who’s being annoying /j)
Did you create any bttf fanart or fanfic? If you did, what one(s) are you proudest of? Oh gosh. I worked on quite a lot of fics. I think I’m most proud of working on my current WIP: Someday We’ll Find It. It’s been really hard writing it and getting time to write it, but I’ve just been chipping away.
How many times were you late for school this year? None.
Did you watch any other movies/tv shows with BTTF actors in them? I watched MJF’s documentary Still, Atlantis: The Lost Empire, and Clue. I’m not sure if this counts, but I watched Zombieland: Double Tap which has Lea Thompson’s daughter in it (absolutely iconic in that movie btw).
Was there a memorable moment you heard a Huey Lewis song this year? I don't usually listen to Huey Lewis, but I listened to some songs from the bttf soundtrack while studying and those had Huey Lewis.
How many times did you fall down this year? I genuinely have no idea. I don’t think I fell down this year— at least from what I can remember.
Did you get to see BTTF: The Musical? What was your experience like! I did not see the musical.
How many times did your mom retell the story of how she and your father met? At least twice that I can remember off the top of my head.
If you could describe your year in a BTTF quote, which one would it be? “If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything!” I know it sounds cheesy, but it's true. I worked really hard this year and accomplished a lot. There were a lot of times where things did not go how I wanted them to, but I still put effort into making something out of it. I usually tend to focus on negativity and all the things I didn't accomplish, but writing this out really helped me remember a lot of the things I did accomplish.
⚡️LIGHTNING ROUND⚡️ Did you get to: go on any trains, skate on a skateboard, ride a horse, drive a Delorean, run in the rain, go to a dance, hang up a clock, play the guitar, pull an all-nighter, read science fiction, or drive thru Burger King this year?
Your future is whatever you make it! So what are you going to make of this coming year? I think I'm going to work on just letting things happen. I can be quite a control freak and obsess over things going the way I want perfectly, which never happens. I'm going to work hard, but whatever happens from it, happens. And maybe work on being more assertive, but ehhhhh.
I shall tag @future-boi and anyone else who wants to join!
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bttf-dork · 1 year
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Quick studies from the iconic hoverboard scene in BTTF 2 :)
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discocandles · 1 year
Danger verse characters and their favorite super bowl show.
Firstly, our titular bitchular himself, Henry Hart:
Henry would say Bruno mars, but couldn't tell you anything about the performance other than "it's cool". He could be talking about the Coldplay show which both Beyoncé and Bruno mars were in, but he could also just really like the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
(Note: credit for titular bitchular goes to Athena P. Thanks for the notable quotable queen)
Next up, and needing financial compensation for This bullshit, Charlotte Page:
Charlotte's favorite performance is Prince, and she shouldn't have to explain herself on that, as it is one of of not the best halftime show ever. Beyoncé is a close second, as it is one of the only other ones she believes comes close.
Third, our lovable buckethead, Jasper Dunlop:
Jasper knows most all of the halftime shows, and it's a tie between Lady Gaga and Madonna for him, which somehow surprised some people thinking he'd say Katy Perry). He responds to those allegations with "fair, but she didn't impress me. Madonna and Lady Gaga impressed me. In both spectacle and singing."
Up next, Wait are you causing daddy issues? You're not even a father, Ray Manchester:
So I was thinking *NSYNC and Aerosmith, but then I remembered, and the answer is obvious. Ray's favorite halftime is Janet Jackson, and it's not just for the controversial part, surprisingly. But it does help it be the favorite. It definitely helps.
(Note: listen if you have no clue what I'm talking about, that's fair. The performer had a wardrobe malfunction and the nfl basically tore down her career after. Look it up.)
Next, sorry, you did fuckin what now?, Schwoz:
So unlike canon, I will be kind-ish to schwoz, and say his favorite is The blues brothers(and he likes the movie too), and he likes the aged rockers era. Source: schwoz's outfit in the bttf ripoff.
Behold, our iconic queen: Piper Hart
Beyoncé, easy. No one may speak to her when Beyoncé's performance at the super dome is playing. And I'd be remiss not to mention that Piper was foaming at the mouth over Rihanna's performance. But it doesn't beat Beyoncé.
Disclaimer: I've watched 5 episodes of danger force max. I love the four kids' vibes but can't find the episodes anywhere. So with that said,Its time to go into unknown territory:
Wow this girl's more scrambled than my scrambled fucking eggs, Mika Macklin:
Shakira & J. Lo. I feel like Mika's really likes Spanish music(I dunno she just gives me that vibe), and the vibes of the shakira & j lo show is just a bunch of fun and I think that's what draws her to it.
Ah yes the boy, Bose o'Brian. I have no other way to describe him:
Listen, Left Shark who forgot their choreography resonates with Bose. Also the amount of brightly colored spectacle and "I forgot Katy Perry did that in the show." seems very Bose to me.
Up next, the one I feel like I know the least about, Miles Macklin:
so miles feels like he'd take the easiest answer that takes little to no explanation. So I think it'd be the hip-hop medley with dr. Dre & co, bc all you really need to know is that it was about damn time.
Wait, this isn't my snarky lesbian bff? Fr?, Chapa de Silva:
I was tempted to say that Chapa doesn't care about super bowl halftimes, but that's quitter talk. Her favorite is Bruce Springsteen, and she will sometimes quote it when fighting or after a fight and no one knows why bolt is talking about guacamole. but if it's 3am and she wants to watch something stupid, Chapa would watch the Indiana Jones show(yes that exists and it's as bad as you think it is).
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