#btw i don't follow or interact with any figure blogs at all so i have no idea what anyone else might think!
dailyfigures · 10 months
can you give any advice for someone who wants to start a figure posting blog? also is it okay to post figures other people have already posted? not sure about the "rules"/etiquette
oh sure! i can't speak for any other figure blogs but personally i think anything is fine as long as you aren't purposefully copying any blog and think of your content (like your caption layout and which figs to post) yourself. obviously there aren't unlimited figures, and it makes sense to post popular ones that people will like, and there's only so many ways in which you can write a caption so similarities will always happen. as long as you know you aren't copying anyone, you're good. good luck and have fun! :)
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bpdfav · 5 months
Your favourite has Borderline Personality Disorder!
The flag I will be using for my posts was taken from Google and also used by the old BPD Culture Is account which I just noticed is gone?
Formatting for this Pinned Post is politely borrowed from @npdfavs with their permission!
Cluster B abuse OF ANY KIND believers DO NOT FUCKING INTERACT.
Btw, I will be mean to anyone coming onto my page throwing that garbage around, and by mean I mean instantly blocking you.
Also for the love of God do not throw the term "Yandere" around if you're within this Blog's vicinity.
I'm V. This blog is for people who have BPD to submit their BPD headcanons for their fav characters. People with BPD can also submit characters who have implied BPD or characters who canonically have BPD! Do not submit real people. This includes Minecraft YouTubers and their ilk.
People who do not have BPD are allowed to interact / follow this blog, but please do not submit any characters (feel free to ask questions, though!) (Fellow Cluster-B Folks ARE welcome though! NTs you're under the panopticon though)
I also do research on the characters and the media they are from, so if I figure out that a character you submit is from a media that could be deemed as problematic or from medias that are problematic, I will not post your submission. I will also reject any submissions I simply do not feel comfortable with, you will not be informed if this border is crossed, as there's not much of a way to do that without auditing you publicly.
You can choose if you want to be anonymous or if you want to be tagged in your submission. If you want to be tagged, please mention it in your submission.
Also, please put if the character had canon BPD, implied BPD, or if you headcanon the character to have BPD in your submission. If you don’t specify, I'm just gonna put that character to have headcanoned BPD, I have memory issues and skip words when reading, I get it, don't worry.
Also all posts will be manually done, I despise automation.
Account Navigation
I will tag characters by series/franchises/whatever your preferred term is for the like, if you submit one that's already been posted, no biggie! I'll just tell you they've already been submitted :)
#BPD requests - This tag will be used for requests. You can scroll through this also to see what characters have been requested and what media they are from.
# off topic - This tag will be used for posts that are off topic from submissions / requests
# BPDFaves - This tag will just be used for any post, no specific thing I’ll tag it with
# reblog - for any reblogs
# info - for any information
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tvrningout-a · 9 months
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so!! a little housekeeping is in order!!
i'm gonna be here kinda off and on bc i'm going to work on school stuff! and bc my inspiration's been decent, i might reblog a lil spicy meme over on @tvrningon and something fluffy here, though ofc you're free to send in any meme i've reblogged in the past <3 i also have an inbox call that i'll probably work on sometime later today!
and just to kinda share where my head's at, my muse for kny hasn't been very high lately, so i'm thinking of changing my muse list in a way that reflects that. i just!! haven't figured out how exactly. i might categorize the lists by fandom and then by primary, secondary, and tertiary/request. i just want to show that my focus is on chiyo/modern muses, fantasy, and even s.piderverse stuff atm but without shoving all my other muses off the list or into the request category. i can definitely still write everybody!! the muse just isn't there like it used to be.
this doesn't affect many people here, but i may also edit chiyo's bio to make her fandomless again; i just don't interact with hq!! muses very often anymore, and her story isn't one that necessarily needs to be connected to hq!! to work.
i apologize if any of this disappoints anybody btw! i know this blog used to be very kny-centered, and a lot of people followed me for that originally. but i need to do what's going to make being here fun for me, which means changing things. if you need to soft/hardblock me, there's no hard feelings, and i wish you the best <3
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skypiea · 21 days
(I'm with you with regards to the "quite easily I like it" OP post btw! Just wanna make that clear ^^;;) I almost wonder if the gripes are like, in part people who see how the women are drawn and base All Their Opinions of the series on that. That or they got mad at the clown thing Tumblr did and just decided to hate the series for it. Or they're just a little hater, honestly anything can apply. I'm not a fan of OP, haven't seen a second of it to make a decision, but like. 5 or 6 (including you- im not just a random, im just really shy LOL) of my friends are, and the one thing keeping me off from watching it is the fact that it's one of the longest animes still going- And I almost wonder if that also has a part to play in the "lol how can u watch one piece" thing people have going on. Also, have you seen the bananawanis yet?? I don't go here but I love them.
Thanks for the message! I hope you don't mind a bit of rambling (all that I'm capable of, always).
The thing is, I think there are plenty of things to criticize about one piece. I’ve seen and had many thoughtful discussions about elements of the work that can easily be considered harmful stereotypes, as well as some well-intentioned ideas that I think were executed in a subpar and clumsy manner. Some of these are directly a result of the author being only 1 guy with 1 lived experience, some are the result of broader issues in the shonen genre.
And these discussions are great! Everyone is better off for having thought about these potentially damaging aspects deeper, and it’s incredibly important to be able to recognize that an author you respect and follow isn’t perfect and doesn’t need defending over every single thing. And at the same time, I fully respect anyone who has no interest in getting into the work because they don’t want to put up with any of the parts that are far from perfect.
Personally, what I can’t stand is the tone of condescension people are very quick to take… I do not fault anyone for not digging the show's visual style, it's not for everyone. But I don't really appreciate the implication that I'm like, stupid or misogynist or cumbrained just because I enjoy the work overall. Or even because I do enjoy Oda's art; I think he is a really talented artist, but elements of his stylization are not always my favorite, including both his general figures for both women and men. This is not even starting to mention the incredible talents of many of the individual animators who work on the one piece anime, who all put a lot of their own amazing flair into adapting the work.
On the topic of the latter thing, I've truly never understood the length being a barrier to the ability to enjoy the work. It's always really baffled me...? I don't know if it's like, people who are only interested in getting into OP specifically to interact with the fandom, but in my opinion there's no actual factor that makes you need to catch up to current as fast as possible. In my mind, having so much of a new thing is wonderful for me; I'll have a lot of great story to enjoy, I can take it at my own pace, enjoy watching a bit at a time for a long time. I guess everyone just wants to be done with something as fast as possible these days... Pretty sad... Make it last and enjoy it lots :-)
I've gone on for long enough, but basically, I couldn't care less if anyone doesn't enjoy the same thing that I enjoy a lot--that's life! I simply can't stand being treated like some sort of idiot for liking it, and I'm done basically agreeing with those kinds of people by giving them any ground. None of this is a super serious problem of course, just a pet peeve... but what is a blog for if not talking at length about my silly little pet peeves ;-)
Of course I adore the Bananawani, as well as all the other fun and silly animals of the one piece world. I hope we'll see them again one day, it's been so long... Here's one of my favorite one piece species for you, the Lapin. Love these guys.
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To finish off, I'm just going to include one of my favorite recent pieces of one piece's animation. Hope everyone's havin a lovely day ^_^
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ghost-the-silly · 4 months
Ghost Intro, what
Name: Ghost_Bean/Ghost
Age: Minor. I don't want any creepy people following or interacting w/ me, get out
Pronouns: They/them
Interests (In order of how much I focus on them): Murder Drones (current obsession, as you can probably tell...), Splatoon (not very educated on lore sadly...), Wings of Fire (wof discord servers), Nevermore (Webtoon), She-Ra, The Owl House, Steven Universe, Amphibia, KIPO
Uhh... There's probably more but whatever
Hobbies: Drawing traditional art, wondering if I'm doing the right thing on Tumblr, not getting enough sleep, reblogging Tumblr posts at 2 am, finding more Murder Drones blogs to follow, sleeping... Huh, ironic
What I Do: I reblog and like posts from my favorite blogs! I basically just lurk around, throwing love at people's art and posts. I hope that I can help people find cool blogs to follow :]
DNI: LGBTQ+ phobic, TERF, MAP, Zoo, etc, Proshipper. Don't be a bad person. That's all I fucking ask. Have common sense
Fun facts/Trivia/Whatever you wanna call this:
- I'm in a lot of WoF Army servers, so feel free to ask me about them!
- I draw traditional art of wof ocs, but I'm also trying to figure out digital art! I also dream of being able to draw Drones one day, but anatomy is... a struggle 😭 (feel free to send me tips/guides btw!!!)
- My favorite MD characters and ships are: Doll, Cyn, Lizzy, and Yeva (top 4 char.) | Ships: Dizzy (Doll/Lizzy), RussianDuet (Yeva/Yeva's Husband ((does he have a name??)), Oilrose (J/V), Juzi (J/Uzi), and some others that I literally can't remember because brain no work
- I don't have any strong opinion or preference on ships when it comes to some characters like Uzi, V, J, N, etc as long as it's not problematic. I like seeing other people's ideas and headcanons, either about the characters or ships! I also like Butler N and Maid V, they would be so silly together fr
HOWEVER, I do NOT ship N/Cyn, I see them as siblings. Please, for the love of God..
- I may stop being active on Tumblr for a while at times, but don't worry, I'll be back eventually! [Update: Tumblr takes up ~69% of my screentime so... If I'm gone, assume I'm somewhere without wifi or just trying to save my battery]
- I swear. Just- I swear. I try to keep it to a minimum tho dw... Shit- (haha whoops). Ok but tbf MD has gotten me to say things like "Holy hell!" more often lol
- I like the color periwinkle!! I also like any color from teal to dark purple, and sage green on the side
- Uh... I also don't exactly know my way around Tumblr. Like... Can I reblog something without tags? Does it show if I accidentally un-liked then re-liked a post?? How does tagging work??? Just general stuff too, cause I mostly/only like and reblog cool things
- I'm an English speaker only :/ (but Google translate, my beloved <3)
- I use tone tags a lot! It helps me get my message across correctly, and I hope it helps others understand what I'm trying to say!/gen
- I say things like Dawg, Fr, On god, Silly, Goober, and other things like that quite often, so apologies if it gets annoying/gen
- My timezone is CST! 'Murica !!! 🔥🦅🇺🇲 (Get me out of here)
- Murder Drones is so cool, what, I can't see colors correctly anymore, help me (/pos, MD brings me joy)
- I don't do actual posts often so don't expect that much actual Ghost Content
- guh.
- I love yuri. I need yuri. I wake up, yuri. I go to sleep, yuri. Always yuri. Robot yuri? Yes please. I wrote an essay on why I love Doomed/Toxic Yuri because yuri
- Other socials: ghost_bean on Discord, JustARandomGayPerson on toyhou.se
That's it! Feel free to ask me anything (as long as it's not NSFW, political, hateful, etc), or let me know if I might've forgotten something! I'd love to answer any questions you might have, and I want to get to know Tumblr's silly and amazing community!
Have a great rest of your day/night, and may your favorite show get another season and an (actually good) movie
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myjunkisyuzuruhanyu · 2 years
An extensive - probably exhausting - post on this blog and my stance on things skating related atm...
Ask me anything if something is unclear in my inbox!
In the last days I thought about how my blog will be and if I want to change something now that Yuzu has gone pro and what you can expect from me in the future.
I also received lots of new followers since Beijing 2022 and though I am pretty sure you notice yourself what kind of account this is - maybe the reason you followed - I want to put some things in words.
I am sorry that this is rather long and maybe not needed as things won't change much in here. Just most of you know I tend to talk a lot (see why Twt character limit kills me!)
A short introduction on me and my skating journey as a fan...(skip it if you already know this 😅)
You can call me Jenni and I am from Germany 😊 Thank you for following my mess of a blog!
I roughly follow figure skating now for 15 years. I originally followed mostly ladies in the Yuna and Mao era and Pairs. After Yuna's retirement (btw congrats on your engagement Yuna 🎉) I developed an interest for men skating when I saw Yuzu's Parisienne Walkways. I knew Yuzu's name long before that, but never followed his path as closely. It drastically changed after Sochi 2014. Because I lost track of my Yuzu content on my main blog I started this Yuzu blog. In December 2015 (I think 😅) this blog was started. With the GP series in 2015 I discovered Shoma's skating and started to keep track of Shoma as well. I especially loved and still love the Yuzu/Shoma dynamic. In the next years I started to learn all about how to differentiate jumps etc and how scoring works. So even if I am by far an expert I know what I am talking about when we talk about scoring. I don't just follow the most popular opinion on things and learned to demand proof for certain complaints. This way you can always find out who just repeats and who actually knows stuff.
Now back to my original post intention...
I have always emphasized that this is a Yuzu AND Shoma blog! This won't change!
But ofc admittedly I suppose in the near future you will see more about Shoma than Yuzu on here especially when the competitions start. You will find infos on Shoma's competitions, any shows Yuzu or Shoma participate in and my opinion on things skating related and some complaints about fandom and fans probably
I will keep my account name as it is though as it's still true. (my account name is "Spring Awakening" musical song reference for anyone wondering)
Tbh I also have lost some of my enthusiasm about skating in the last years. So sometimes you will find me uninspired or not being active much. It's not really related to Yuzu or Shoma, just a general feeling that fandom has changed for worse in my opinion (the unnecessary fights and policing about who I am allowed to support is getting on my nerves). But maybe it bothers me more now or part of me has grown up and moved on from the fandom, because while it's annoying I often think "whatever" and not really care much anymore, not much is getting to me now. There were times I thought about deleting all accounts altogether or retiring them but I decided against it, because I am not yet ready to give up on this sport, my faves and I still enjoy the interactions with you and the lovely ppl I met through competitions and yeah tbf I can't keep my mouth shot 😅 Also I invested so much time in this blog - while I also had lots of fun - , I don't want it gone. I am kinda proud of this.
Just for clarification: I am not anti Nathan or Yuma or any of Yuzu's or Shoma's rivals. In fact I think all skaters at elite level are admirable, just that some skaters' skating are not my cup of tea. Sorry Nate and Yuma. I think there is absolutely no reason for hate on any skater - being critical is not hate per se (Unless there is specific horrendous rumors/facts about a person like antisemitism, abuse or any of that kind I have no reason to hate any of them)
The ISU is a touchy subject as I do think there is loads to change about it and I am not a fan of the direction the sport is taking, especially in ladies. Reforms are needed. You will see me complain about scoring! But keep in mind 1st I don't claim to be an expert, 2nd though I try to be objective I am certainly biased, 3rd I don't agree with ppl saying Shoma's scores are all whack bc some is indeed too high but some other qualities also not rightfully awarded, 4th I don't necessarily think the wrong ppl win even if I don't agree on some scores.
I love this sport a lot and I personally love going to competitions and tbh I am more into competitions than shows. It's the way it is. I also watch all disciplines, but ofc here I post about Yuzu and Shoma.
I will always share my opinion on everything skating related that interests or bothers me, but it's an opinion of many so I don't need anyone to agree with me. It's a personal take on things and I also always tag it with #personal. I am not telling you what to think ever, I can only offer MY perspective and personal experience or knowledge. Btw I don't do this blog for followers or likes (you can't even see how many followers I have on here - a feature I love) so like not like, love or hate my content I don't care. This is for me mostly, I am happy though if I have mutuals here 😊
In the last year I received lots of asks in my inbox and tbh I wasn't used to this before. I cannot promise to answer all of you, but be sure that I do read all of it and that I am happy when I can help or just laugh and celebrate with you. (I also read tags in the reblogs so you know) It may take time to answer, so please be patient with me.
The current plan for this season is to go to the Nebelhorn Trophy, GP France and the GPF for the 2022-2023 season. I always love to meet new skating fans, so write me a message if you want to meet me in person at an event.
For further information about me 😅: (gosh this is so stupid, seems like an advertisement for myself 🙈)
Don't feel obligated to follow any of the following accounts, I just don't want to hide how this account isconnected.
I do post about skating on my main, just not as actively as here. If you want to see my posts about ladies skating, sometimes Pairs and Ice Dance you can follow my main account @jennibeultimate (it also feautures gymnastics) - you may have noticed that I answer with this account on posts here as well.
I posts photos from competitions and some fanarts on my Instagram of the same name. It's content created by me only. So probably my most personal public account.
I do have a Twitter account and you can follow it if you wish, but it's neither as organized nor will I replicate most of the content from here and you will also see lots of other skaters. It's all very messy imo, but maybe you want to give it a try. My accounts are not really connected though.
Thank you for following and thank you for reading! ❤️
I would be happy to hear your thoughts on this blog and it's future and if there is anything you want to tell me!
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idleiji · 7 months
♪ ࣪ ׂ IDLEIJI ៵ ࣪
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I'm sort of new to Tumblr—? I'm still figuring out how it works lol
(Im unsure what to do on this so I'm mostly following what other people are doing...😭 Do people still make these? Oh well idrc since i like cute stuff)
Definitely overdid this but I just couldn't help it
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♪About me
I'm Eijin! You can call me eiji or ei instead, any nickname is accepted!
I'm 21 (still can't believe it) and I use he/him pronouns, I'm a trans bisexual man (with male preference) if you're curious. I'm neurodivergent(audhd) and English isn't my first language, so I may say something wrong without realizing so please tell me :)
Also if I ever make you feel uncomfy or weird then I'm very sorry, I can't control it but I'll try to better myself 🙏🙏 ik I'm a bit weird at times but
I'm been learning English for a year now though but I'm not that fluent!
I mostly draw and play in my free time and right now this blog mainly focuses on degrees of lewdity (though may still include content of other things)
I'll give weird compliments like saying your art/writing is so miao miao and saying what ur art/writing taste like... But no exceptions, unless you say so, and I might overuse the :) emote
More info below
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♪Contents you'll see
I'll mostly draw shitposts and nsfw content since the game I'm focusing on is a porn game after all but I'll also draw some sfw fluff! I'm also considering gore
I draw certain fetishes that some people may not want to see including : BDSM, size gap, forced feminization, bondage, futanari, pegging, knife play, toxic relationships, dubcon + more but those are the most common one to expect so beware of it!
Dni if you fit the basic dni criteria, if you have any incest stuff, a pedophile and (yes it includes shotacons and lolicons. Don't try to justify it. fictional or not, no. Please get professional help in the nicest way possible) minor, zoophiles or anti, other than that just be a normal person here.
(we fuck with hybrids and monsters and that's all. No real animals will be harmed)
Ofc I don't support actual rape, yanderes and other abnormal things here. The things I depict is fictional and are for entertainment purposes only and should not be supported! If you do I'll personally attack you as a victim myself lmao
Since I'll be posting dol related contents and mostly nsfw-y contents, I'll be blocking Minors and Ageless blogs! I'm very sorry but you guys are not legal yet, or you are but better safe than sorry
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I don't really check who interacts with my posts much other than followings so I don't block alot but Ik very well you kids are gonna interact and I can't control your actions anyways so idrc if you like seeing these stuff, it's your choice but please for the love of God, just don't follow me or interact. I don't want kids in my blog.
Make sure you're atleast 18 and you can handle dark content. If you aren't, block me or I'll block you, no complaning. If I found out about it I will block you and I won't unblock. Come back when you're legal. The legal age of consent in my country is 16 but to avoid any problems with it I set it the same as Americans, so 18 above.
if your country's "legal" age is lower or the same as mine and you are technically "legal" I'll still block you, no questions ask!
BTW if you have incest stuff in your blog and I interacted with you first don't mind me I interacted first so it's my problem. It'd be great if you have any tws though, not like you need to but I'd appreciate it. If you are the other dnis criteria however, if I find out I'll immediately block, or you tell me, either way it's a block. It's definitely because I REALLY liked your writing or art which is not as often so other than that reasons, it'd be a mistake then
I'm more fine with stepcest though I'm not keen on that stuff but if I interacted then don't mind me, I probably had the same reason as the others, dd/lg I don't mind as long as it's not THAT explicit
Ik I'm weird and odly specific about those stuff but I have the 'tism and lots of conflicting feelings 🙏
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♪About my ocs
♪ My main oc is called melodi/mel! I use him alot to represent myself on my behalf but why is it that we haven't seen him you ask? It's because he's a music note... Always have been... It's kinda embarrassing but I was too lazy to make a character for him so I used a music note since I liked music alot... (Hence why I have alot of music notes in my blog) but I'll make him a character design soon!
One thing to know about him is that he's a tsundere(yandere), don't ask me why but I think it's cute that way... He's just a little introvert who makes music and rots in his bedroom all day and never comes out of his dungeon
He likes pizza.
♪ My DoL PC, Shiki, also known as Kiki. He's one of my main saves (along with one other) and he's a defiant magician who wants nothing more than to leave this fucked up town
Though he's technically a full time magician, his main income is modeling + searching antiques coz the pay of a magician sucks ass lol... (the most he'd get is 20 weekly might get an extra 100 because of his looks... Keyword: might) though he doesn't care since he took that job just for the orphans. He wants to magic himself gone but he only knows children magic, he swears he will do it one day
He mostly does magic shows for children. He has weekly shows to raise hope and most of the magic shows are about Bailey and doing very very mean things to him so it also raises rebelliousness lol
He pretty much hates everyone (he hates all the School LIs, he's softer for Robin but tbh Kiki thinks Robin is kind of a burden sometimes, he uses Avery for money and doesn't give a shit about everyone else) I think he only likes Yami because they're the same and Yami... Helps him out
Kinda an opposite of Bailey! (not really... He's still really mean like Bailey though not towards the orphans and despite acting tough he's a coward)
♪ Another DoL PC is Yami. She could be seen as an older sister figure to Kiki and fucks with remy, alot, and she's just a normal model! (lie)
She models but she does that to cover up the fact that's she's Corrupted :) probably the one who reccomend Kiki to model
She's definitely a green tea bitch/white lotus!! She acts all sweet and innocent but then gets all bitchy
Used to be an orphan at bailey's orphanage and is staying in town to help the other orphans + Kiki. Doesn't give a single shit if she's committing a crime because she hates the town, she likes Kiki since they have the same mindset and helps him with his magic shows as an assistant
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I may be a bit busy and may not update as much due to personal reasons but I'll try my best to provide as much content as I can! I'll post when I can and I've been meaning to make a dol blog for a long time but couldn't...
Please don't be discouraged to ask! My askbox(?) is always free and I'll try my best to answer your questions (and I like interactions)
Sorry for the accidental rant abt my oc's can't help it they're my current hyperfixation along with dol (also sorry if my behavior makes you feel uncomfortable!! Blame it on the 'tism /j)
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Oc Kiki 1 2 3 4
Oc Yami 1
Oc Mel 1
Robin the orphan
Whitney the bully
Sydney the faithful or fallen
Kylar the loner
Avery the businessperson
Alex the farmhand
I swear I'll do an actual character sheet
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animeomegas · 2 years
ahh youre so good at character and world building!! if your ocs were in a show id watch it 10/10🤧
do you have any tips on that? ive been wanting to start a blog surrounding ocs and things like that but creating anything beyond personality is so hard😭💔
thank you for sharing your ocs with us btw! theyre so interesting i would commit various acts of violence for both hadrian and matthew
Aww, thank you so much!! That makes me so happy to hear ♥♥♥ Hadrian and Matthew are both so dear to my heart, so I'm glad they have people to protect them hehe.
Why don't I tell you my process for writing OCs and their stories? Hopefully something in my process will be able to help you! And if you do ever start the blog, let me know, I'd love to see it <33
So, here is how I make the original stories and characters:
One: Setting
I always start with the setting I want. Something I like, something interesting! For the sake of this list, I'm going to use an example that I'll write on the fly so you can see how it works.
So, let's go with a magical university! A secretive and incredibly prestigious and hard to get into magical university.
Two: The love interest
Next I choose a love interest that fits with the setting, I don't worry about plot yet! Feel free to rely on tropes and character archetypes here because you'll be adding more depth to the love interest later.
So, who fits the vibes of a magical university. Let's say a prodigy third year! He's aloof, cold and arrogant, not to mention wickedly smart. Those are the basics we start with.
Three: The MC
Now, we think about who could get close to someone like this? I picked someone very prickly and cold who isn't going to be open to much conversation, so how do I make an MC who will be in a situation to force interaction?
He ignores the other students, so she can't be a student and a teacher would be immoral and weird, so who is she?
What about a journalist who specialises in magical theory but can't do magic themselves? The university is allowing one journalist behind their doors for the first time in forever to report on the inside of the university and demystify it a little. They pair her up with their prodigy student to shadow his lessons and get an idea of life there through the eyes of their best student. She has to interview and shadow him, so they have to interact! Done!
Four: Ask a random question
Next, I ask a random question that sticks out to me from the premise and use it to start crafting my plot.
The question that sticks out to me here, is why was the MC picked to do this incredibly important and ground breaking role? Yes, she's talented at magical theory, but there must be people older and more experienced who can do the same?
Now, I answer to question:
The university specifically wanted someone young. They wanted someone at the beginning of their career that they could easily silence if they tried to expose secrets or frame the university in a way they didn't like. They also wanted someone who would be more easily intimidated into following the rules they set and bowing to the wants of the university and figured someone young would be more likely to be like that.
Five: Follow on questions
Now I expand on that question. Why are they opening their doors at all then? And why are they so obsessed with the image they're portraying?
Well, they want a good public opinion on them. People are wary of them, despite respecting the prestige, so they want people to think more positively of them while still maintaining the healthy respect. Why?
What if there was a secret faction to the university that held a good chunk of the upper staff and post graduate students? What if they were so arrogant that they thought they should be the ones running the country? What if they wanted to stage a coup, and this was their method of making the common people more receptive to them to lessen their fight?
Six: The plot
So, what we have here then, is a secretive and elite magical university which is trying to humanise themselves by opening up information to the public for the first time, but is doing so in a heavily controlled and paranoid way. There is a powerful secret society hoping to stage a coup, comprised of some of the most brilliant magical minds in the world, including many teachers and post-graduate students.
MC and the aloof but brilliant third year start to uncover the secret together because MC asks all the right questions as a journalist and the aloof student can never leave a question unanswered.
Boom, there is your over arching plot!
Seven: The bullet point list
Then I just make a bullet list of random thoughts I have to flesh it out, like this:
Student was going to be poached next year after he joined the master's programme. He was important to their cause and they are unhappy that he's pulling away and interacting with an outsider.
The story is told in a combination of normal prose, the articles that the journalist is writing, and the student's diary entries.
Most students look down on the journalist because she can't do magic, but she is so good at magical theory, she rivals the prodigy.
There's a teacher that was thought to be trustworthy, but actually isn't and is a big believer of overthrowing the government and allowing magical people to rule at the top where he thinks they belong.
Etc. etc. etc.
Then, by the end, I have enough of a fleshed out story to pick a scene and write it! While I write that scene, I try to flesh out the characters and their backstories, but you said you were okay with personality, so I'll leave that bit to you!! But feel free to ask any more questions if you want to know how I design backstories and personality x
I hope that helped in some way!! If you ever want to bounce some ideas off me, I'm more than happy for you to do so, either through my inbox or in my dms! I have been told that I am very good as a soundboard for plot writing haha.
Have a good day, anon!!
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Hi, Prisma! I’m looking to get into self shipping which is thanks to your blog (I didn’t even know that this was a thing!) and I’m trying to figure out what it is exactly that I’m doing before I start posting about it. I read the fanlore wiki description of it but I’m not sure if that’s an accurate description of the community/culture? This is what I read from btw: https://fanlore.org/wiki/Self-Shipping
I was also wondering if there’s any real rules/do’s/don’t’s, as well as community nuance that I should know about before engaging in the content, as well? Thank you in advance and for reading my ask 🥺
Congrats on the start of your self-ship journey and welcome to the community @geekygumiho! I'm a little shocked (and honored) you've come to me for this information, I'll be honest, I've been doing this for about three years now (more or less) and some of the nuances are still lost on me.
The fanlore explanation is decent enough. Self-shipping is basically the same as regular character shipping but instead of shipping two or more canon or existing characters, one of them is you/your self-insert!
My biggest tip would be to just do your thing and find what works for you. As you develop your ships and self-ship style, you'll find your people and things will be good.
That being said, there's the whole pro-ship and anti's thing that I personally don't fully understand, due to the loose terms and definitions that get thrown around, and that can cause drama no matter where you stand. (I find it's the biggest downside of the whole thing)
I just stay in my lane and if I get blocked for some inane reason by someone, that's their problem.
Although I recently realized why I was being blocked by some people in the community. I was following and interacting with someone who was proship because of (at least I thought) the fact they shipped with a slasher... turns out they were a total terf and it made me sick to my stomach cause I considered them a friend for nearly a year and then that came out.
So do you, just be respectful of people and be a decent human being.
I don't want to scare anyone off from self-shipping who wants to start, just be aware that the community can be... intense.
And it's not all bad intense, no, it's kind of both ends of the spectrum.
Like I said, do your own thing, respect people's boundaries (and your own), and you'll find your niche in the community.
Self-shipping is about finding your happiness and comfort with your f/os. As long as you remember that, then you should be fine.
An extra pro tip! If you end up having a good handful of f/os, having an easily accessible list on your blog can be a lifesaver when it comes to asks and reblog games.
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manthrochap-blog · 2 years
well well well. look who finally figured out what email he used for his old blog....
so, hi. the last post on this blog was from december 2016, so... i’d expect most of my followers are inactive and the few people i follow who are still active probably unfollowed ages ago, unless they never cleared out their accounts... but i thought i’d make a little post here as a sort of update and finally offer a means of contact
so. i’m freshly 23 years old now (jesus CHRIST). i’m not using this blog anymore, so i won’t be updating my bio/about/whatever to reflect that, but i’ll note i exclusively use he/him now. while homestuck is still constantly in my periphery (more literal than that sentence should be, there’s a dave strider vinyl figure in a bin almost within eyesight of my desk chair...) i haven’t really engaged with it in... years... other than a recent look at its unfinished japanese translation, seeing as i started learning the language a few years ago and got curious. i still stan aradia hardcore, btw, nothing in life will Ever change that
as you can probably (hopefully) predict from the fact that i was 17 when i last used this blog (and 13-16 when i used it actively) and i am now 23, this blog, uh... would not be a great reference point for determining what kind of person i am now. i won’t write it off as completely detached from my present identity, and i’m not saying this because there’s some sort of “dirt” you could dig up from looking through my posts (there... really isn’t, just a whole lot of cringe), i’d just like to make it clear that judging the present me by whatever the hell was wrong with me when i was a teenager would leave you with a lot of inaccuracies about me. being a teenager sucks and you’ve got way more things wrong with you mentally than any other stage of your life and i’m happy to report many of those things wrong with me have resolved themselves with time, but also, the cringe. the cringe. my god the cringe, please for the love of god know that while i am still cringe i am not as bad as i once was
anyways, what i am trying to communicate is that while the person who ran this blog and myself may technically inhabit the same body, we’re not quite the same person; and yet, this is still my body, my face, my words, my thoughts, all contained here, even if i no longer understand those thoughts and feelings and words, no longer feel like the face depicted is my face. going through and making every single one of my old posts unrebloggable would be not only tedious but a ridiculous, gargantuan task, considering my post count is just short of 50,000 and no matter how many of those are reblogs that i wouldn’t need to alter, it took long enough just deleting a bunch of old selfies that i truly don’t think it would be worth it
thus, my request is this: my art is all fair game, but any (old) personal posts or selfies i'd like left alone. no likes, no reblogs, just let them be, please. while i've left a good portion of the latter up for posterity, i'd prefer you not even look for them. likewise, i've gone through and deleted all instances of my deadname; do not try to seek it out. or i may smite you in real life
other than all of that, i'm willfully leaving this blog up as an archive. please don't abuse that, please respect my requests regarding what i am and am not okay with being interacted with, and please keep a healthy barrier in your mind between who i was as a teenager and my new, adult self, because even i don't know what i was going on about back then
with all of that finally out of the way, if you're looking to contact me for whatever reason, you'll find my new blog in my next (and probably final, ever, for this blog) reblog. that post is a plea for a friend of mine who i miss and have completely lost contact with to come and talk with me again, if they'd like, so i'm hoping that posting this here and giving them a way of contacting me might help if they ever come back and look at this blog, which was the impetus for me hunting down my own log-in info to begin with, though not the sole reason (i really did want to purge this fucking thing of its evils even if only a little i've been meaning to do that for ages)
i don't intend to ever deactivate that blog just as i won't be deactivating this one, but as a failsafe, you can also email nisutitja @ gmail, because i don't really wanna just... put my discord where everyone can see it. that is not my main email, but i do own that address. might be a little late on the response but it should be reliable enough
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Tumblr media
I posted 3,712 times in 2022
That's 602 more posts than 2021!
146 posts created (4%)
3,566 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,334 of my posts in 2022
#art - 29 posts
#mcr - 24 posts
#undescribed - 18 posts
#ableism - 17 posts
#my chemical romance - 16 posts
#asks - 15 posts
#literature - 14 posts
#punk - 11 posts
#poetry - 10 posts
#loki - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#and they are getting ready to uphold psychiatry and gaslight you into thinking you have to hand over your agency and autonomy to them ❤️
My Top Posts in 2022:
I think comedy peaked with "My name... is James Acaster. Death comes for us all." why are people still trying
87 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
People with miles long DNIs have quite some nerve interacting wily nily with my posts without checking and realising I fall in their dni category like, ten times over. Babe if you need such a huge list of people to not even look your way, one would think you would be more careful about not interacting with such people yourself yet here you are, putting horrid tags on my posts and subjecting me to rancid takes in the dni if I click further.
92 notes - Posted October 9, 2022
It bothers me still that Andy Samberg and Jack Black amongst others fully participated in the Color the Spectrum campaign even though autistic adults who have followed these figures tried to bring to their attention the fact that fundraisers promoting ABA are ableist conversion-therapy funding bullshit that don't even involve any actual autistic people having any say in it. And it bothers me further that supposedly progressive people keep hyping up these figures and these seems little backlash that's big enough for them to even notice. This isn't to shame people who admire these celebrities, there's always going to be some "unproblematic white man" celebrity or another that the internet latches onto, and I'd go so far as to not even immediately assume anything other than ignorance on the part of these two men, but the fact is that the most influence that can be had is from their own fanbase.
I wish the people who post so much about Black and Samberg hyping them up all the time and bring up School of Rock in every other conversation would devote some time at least to join in those autistic voices that had tried to reach out to these very influential men. People like these who are seen as paragons of virtue while having a huge following could make a huge difference in ending the honestly torturous techniques that these ABA therapies are developing. Y'all talk a big game about holding people accountable but it only ever follows after someone already pisses you off and it's always about punishing people rather than trying to change their behaviour in a way that actually benefits marginalised folk.
Calling out ableism isn't just for vague old tweets from some small creator whom you found cringe, it's also for celebrities you actively like whose involvement in these movements has major impacts. Read what autistic people have said about ABA if you aren't aware, but surely if you believe these idols to be the good people that they are, they would be willing to learn to be better? Or do us autistics have to wait for them to do something cringe till you will get mad enough to bring it up?
272 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
Me, hyping myself up to stop zoning out just long enough to get in bed: come on, come on, be brave, come on, we can do this, please, it has been thirty minutes and it's cold, look at the blanket it will be so nice there, come on,
273 notes - Posted January 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
🍂This user is always happy to see ao3 surpass their donation goals btw.🍂
This user is glad to see publically-funded archives of all kinds and especially those with a history of standing against censorship, especially fully volunteer-run ones with artists generously sharing their works for free, especially well organised ones that I respect the hell out of.
2,327 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ofgentleresolve · 2 years
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SPEED: slow! slow af literally please expect to be waiting at least a month for replies if not even longer....i also almost exclusively use the queue to stagger my replies/inbox memes/everything i'm ever tagged in. it really helps with keeping me from spending too much time on this hellsite :'D LOL not anymore 😂😂😂 i try to do some replies every few days, i usually like to post 1-3 things at once before taking a few days off. i also can be VERY SLOW when it comes to answering dms and discord messages; however, i have been trying to be quicker on that end....pls have patience with me overall i promise i will get back to you sooner or later!!
REPLIES: again, very slow but i rarely drop things. long time followers know that sooner or later i get back to them...and if i don't they know since i would have otherwise posted their reply in the queue ;'D
STARTERS: pls feel free to write me all of them- again it might take me some time to get to all of them, but i promise, i haven't forgotten about ANY of them :'D i will note though that I don’t answer replies chronologically but rather i will pick one character and then do ALL of their threads there at once :'D
also i will note...i do like have SOME minimal plotting before we plot writing together and then maybe?? it can be kick-started by either memes or unprompted starters...really it depends on who my partner is; i like to be flexible in this case!!
INBOX: it gets cleared out at the same time as the replies! so basically pls consider them as being at the same pace as replies. :'D feel free to send them in as and as many as you want...but also pls know i have a right to decide whether i answer what you've sent in or not....but basically as  for the most part, i treat inbox memes the way i do replies- i will get back to you sooner or later!
SELECTIVITY: very selective. i'm not gonna lie, i am very selective with who i follow as writing these days, while i adore doing it, it also takes up a lot of my energy. i don’t want to waste my energy on dynamics and threads i know i’m not going to be excited about. if i follow you, it means i've looked over your blog, your content, your muses, and everything and i've decided that we have a chance at getting along :D but then again following ppl...it's a bet.
will note though as well- your attitude on dash makes or breaks whether i want to follow you. if you treat your followers with respect and genuine interest and care, i am more than happy to wait for you. however it's clear you look at your partners as a means for an end like entertainment purposes....i will soft block.
shipping wise, i don't halfass my shipping; basically i like romantic shipping as much as the next person BUT...i won't sacrifice my character's development and arc for a ship. ever. basically i only do romantic ships if there is serious ic AND ooc chemistry.
WISHLIST: honestly...i'm pretty content, but i would love for all of my muses to have more plotted relationships, platonic or romantic 🥺 well, patrick/myungdae and mana, romantically wise, i'm very content with, but my other muses!! maybe i just want more interactions with plotting backing up in general.
okay that’s what i want- more partners where we have plotted material btw us <3
HONEST NOTE: i know can sound like a hard ass but i promise i'm not. i just tend to be very picky with who i follow, but once you're in, i like to think i'm pretty easygoing- you can ask my long time partners as well if you need clarification <3
Also, communicate with me if i'm doing something that is making you uncomfortable- i am not a mindreader and i will not try to be. communciation is key here.
TAGGED BY:  stole it bc i figured it would be good for ppl to know this kind of stuff! TAGGING: steal it and tag me if you want~
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ryuusjacket · 2 years
okay so i wanted to share this post that i made a while back from my personal nsfw blog but i feel kinda embarrassed just reblogging it here and showing off the url to that blog publicly (i. literally have like 2 maybe 3 followers on this blog so far lmao) even tho like. i Do share the url w ppl who i trust and who Want to read long ass posts that go into indepth descriptions of my sexual identity, my sexual health, my desires/feelings with regards to sex, and my experiences w sex (w myself bc idk how to initiate a sexual encounter w another human being). you're welcome to dm me for the url if ur Really interested in reading turbo tmi content (it is all text btw. idk how to take nudes so those don't exist sorry)
ANYWAY i sometimes do thought dumps on there that involve nsfw topics like smut fanfic n stuff, so i've tried to brainstorm for my planned sskk fic on there before and well i actually found a wordy one i did where i rlly tried to explain in detail just exactly i Want to create and accomplish w this fic idea of mine. and even just re-reading the post myself, i found it to be very concise and illustrative of my goal for the fic's overall mood and tone. it was a very well-needed reminder for me to read my thought process from a month or so back when i was a bit more hyped to begin this project.
so yeah! anyway im just gonna copy and paste the whole damn post here bc i think it's an interesting read and good presentation of my inner thoughts wrt to what i'm hoping to write (hopefully) someday soon. and really... this fic idea is still barely in its infancy like there's still SO MUCH left to brainstorm and plan out like fuck!!! it's still too early to even start an outline doc (and that's like one of my fave parts of the fic writing process)
oh and some background context: a few months ago there was an event on twitter/ao3 (not sure if here on tumblr? i unfortunately don't follow many or any bsd/sskk blogs at ALL yet) for bottom akutagawa week which was HEAVEN for me 🥰🥰🥰 literally could not have been a better event to appeal to my interests in this fandom i s2g. and i got my hopes up that maybe i could write a lil fic in time to share during the week but that unfortunately didn't happen. anyway here's the post:
so i might not be able to write the bsd smut fic i was initially hoping to publish during the bottom aku fan week this week... but that doesn't mean i have to give up on this fic project completely! if anything now i don't have to worry about meeting an irrefutable deadline and i can technically do anything i want. so yeah i still wanna write this fic.
but first. i have to figure out What The Fuck i'm gonna write lmao cause i still don't fucking know. i was Intending to do a < 4k word one-shot fluffy getting together that somehow... transitions into a sex scene. and i still wanna do that... but i just. don't rlly have any specific detail or image or moment or dialogue line in mind to start building a story from. AND LIKE yeaH i know that sounds dumb cause it's like. if i don't have ANYTHING fantasized yet then WHY AM I EVEN BOTHERING to start this fic at all!?
.......im not really sure tbh lmao
nah it's cause i love these dudes and i wanna write something for them and interact w the sskk fan community.
i literally just. need to figure out the BARE BONES premise to this dang fic. like where tf is it gonna take place? is it mid/post-mission? is it at one of their flats? also WHERE are they gonna HAVE SEX???? im actually a big fan of sex scenes happening in non-conventional places (e.g. some dusty ass room in an abandoned building they were investigating or in a public restroom oR FUckinG in an airplane holy shit i haven't seen that one done yet lmao MILE HIGH CLUB ONE-SHOT LETS GOO) but yea idk maybe i should just. keep it simple and do what every other fic does and let them get down at ryuu's place in his luxuriously huge bed (that hasn't canonically been shown, let alone wherever he lives)
i should AT LEAST settle on how fast this fic is gonna be paced. tbh i kinda Always prefer sskk's first time being a bit... feverish and rushed. it just suits them best. maybe there’s a little angst or miscommunication of feelings/intentions thrown in before they Eventually get their shit/feelings together. but anyway i don’t wanna write that lmao that’s too complicated (but like. yeah. these are two Very complicated (i.e. traumatized) guys with a VERY complicated relationship so. yeah it’s actually kinda rare/weird to imagine things working out Too smoothly for them tbh). 
while objectively that complicated/messy/aggressive type shit is their Brand, i would still like to keep things soft and gentle and Nice. that stuff is Not Impossible w these two ofc. it’s... tricky, but def possible. and i wanna achieve That. a getting together that is soft, hesitant, shy, and puts a heavy emphasis on Both of these men’s inexperience wrt romance and sex (that. is. my. Shit. they are both virgins and absolutely clueless and i Refuse to accept anything other than that. ......okay no... that’s not rlly true... basically all of my fave fics have a somewhat experienced atsushi and that’s okay bc like. how else is he gonna be able to Take Care of ryuu if he doesn’t already have an idea of how to take care of someone during sex? anyway ryuu is the most virginal virgin of all virgins to exist THAT IS INDISPUTABLE!!!!!)
so. i guess what i’m wondering is... how fast can i manage to pace the flow of the story while still keeping it soft overall. cause i don’t feel like writing a super super hot n filthy sex scene that’s charged and exhilarating and just a fucking blur of fucking. i wanna write feely, emotional sex. an aching intimate exchange of trust between them, still laced w hesitance and anxiety and sheer disbelief that this is really happening and that they can have this. both of them express unwavering consideration for each other’s comfort, constantly asking for consent and reassuring the other that “yes, i want this. yes, that feels good. yes yes yes.” they’re both taking careful, yet still enthusiastic, steps together. TENDERNESS is my ultimate goal here.
so yeah anyway i’ll try to keep thinking about this and hopefully i can actually come up w some ideas that i wanna implement into whatever this fic eventually becomes. just haven’t had enough time.... or horniess.... to get down to some real brainstorming yet lmao
0 notes
kezibun · 2 years
New to tumblr?
If your new to tumblr and have been on here longer then two minutes and still don't know how to exist here... what are you doing? My dash has been filled to the brim with these how to exist on tumblr posts XDD
Anyway WELCOME TO THE HELLSITE (affectionate)
Always remember when in Rome do as the Romans do. So when on tumblr... you get it. (Also if you're in Rome stab Julias caesar for us) you'll get the joke after a year here you missed this event but it'll be back to haunt us next march.
Here are some more tips you may or may not have heard yet!
From someone hows been here long enough to know whats what but not so long I've forgotten what it was like to be new here.
Btw If you haven't been here since the day tumblr was created you will feel like a newbie all the days of your life here but thas fine ^-^
Ok! First things first your icon.
If you haven't already set a pfp, almost everyone you've interacted with so far has blocked you. That's just a fact. If you have no profile picture we will think you're a bot, because they dwell here unwelcomed. Many here frequently bot check, and see who just followed them or who reblogged a thing from them. We check our notes for those who are sus and for potential freinds.
Any kind of icon is better than default, ok? A pic of ur cat, a meme, a stock photo you pulled from google, your favourite character in whatever you like, just something, I highly recomend a picrew/character creator or a doodle of your sona. BUT, a selfie can be kinda suspicious, especially if you're pretty/good looking. We are all gremlins here who have no clue what anyone else looks like so someone pretty is immediately sus XDDD
User name
This is all personal preference really but xX(name)Xx eg: xXLisaXx is suspicious we will either block or investigate and if we find any of the other things highlighted in this post wrong you'll definitely get blocked.
Blog header
The picture at the top of your blog. It's ok blank but you're boring and it's a slight red flag, but not too major unless coupled with some other things wrong.
Blog description and title
It's a must!!! Even if it's just a "hi im new here." But you can also include: your pronouns (helpful if you don't like being gendered wrong) your age/whether you're a minor or adult (not necessary but some prefer to know.) What fandoms you're in. (Fyi Fandoms are big here) or a description of what your blog will be about.
Empty blogs get blocked. If you got all the above correct u might be ok but you're being really risky here. Post something even if it's just... "Hi I'm new here (don't hurt me) I don't know what to post, maybe I'll figure it out maybe I won't."
Reblog is where you hit the little swirly symbol at the bottom of the post. This shows it off to your followers but all the notes, coments and reblogs still go to the original creator of that post. Reblogs are good, infact it's how Tumblr works since your dash is only what the people you follow post and reblog. Always reblog posts, art and writings you like to support the creators of that cool thing.
REPOSTS ARE BAD. They are basically post theft. A Repost is if you copy and paste a post or download someones art and post it again on your blog. This is bad, everyone hates this. Don't do it.
You'll see a lot of people say likes do nothing because Tumblr has no algorithm that other social media you may have tried might have. A like tells the op you liked their thing, and saves it to your like page on your blog (private or visable) but it doesn't help anyone. It doesn't help the art, writing, post or whatever you pressed the little heart on, get any more visibility.
Most here love to interact with their followers. Just remember to be nice. Hate gets blocked.
Outing/exposing posts (were u say so and so is transphobic/a jerk/horrible person etc. so unfollow them) are not readily accepted. If u think so and so is a #badperson unfollow/block them but you don't need to scream it from the roof tops, let everyone make their own decisions. We don't like these kinds of posts/asks mostly because these are mostly rumours and can really hurt people...
YES PEOPLE! EVERY BLOG HAS A PERSON BEHIND THEM (except for bots but we don't interact with them). A real actual person with thoughts and feelings just like you. And we're all here just to have fun. Remember that.
Some people have their ask boxes closed but not actually closed. Try and check (usually it'll say in their description or pinned post) before you send an ask.
Like bombs?
This is when u go through a blog and like loads of their posts or better yet reblog almost everything on their blog. We love this here. This is highly encouraged and has no negative effects like some other websites. (I heard somewhere if someone like bombs your tictok account you get suspended or something, that doesn't happen here)
Heritage posts
There are many inside jokes here for just us on tumblr and most have been here since the dawn of time, you'll find them, you'll get to know them and you'll learn to love them. You'll get asked if you like the colour of the sky, you'll see colour theory in a children's hospital, you'll find out about stealing the presidents shoelaces, and see everyone get a stab at Julias Caesar. These are Heritage posts.
People here love to reblog and like old posts. The very first post on Tumblr is still going around and you'll see it like a dozen times. We love these inside jokes and familiar posts from long ago so don't worry if you like someones old post, actually do worry cuz you didn't reblog it.
Your dash
Your dash/home page/the first thing that pops up when u log in. It's completely custom. It is literally all the post the people you follow have posted in chronological order. If your finding content on your dash that makes you unhappy/upset unfollow whomever is posting that. You are in control of what content you see and no one else is responsible for the desturbing thing you just saw/read.
Tags sometimes get used as extra commentary so check the tags for something funny or a little extra something. You can block tags you find triggering or upsetting, you'll find it in your settings. Note some people don't tag things correctly. If there is something potentially triggering tag it as so and don't tag things with numbers or symbols mixed in like K1ll m_rd3r, those aren't needed and just make it harder to block.
Cringe is not a thing here. Nothing is cringe, if someone says something is cringe unfollow them, they are toxic.
Remember you're pretty much anonymous here, tumblr doesn't connect you with all your contacts.
Your Boss cannot find u here.
With great power comes great responsibility.
If you're stuck ask for help, someone will probably lend a hand.
Shadow bans are not a thing but if people think your a bot you'll get blocked by everyone which is almost the same
Always reblog
Be kind
No one is #famous or #popular here we are all doing are own thing in our little blogs.
Don't do art theft
Fandom is huge here.
Don't ever own up to owning youtube or Spotify premium!!! Uf for some ungodly reason you happen to have it.
We don't pay for things here
We endure adds
Or we find free ways to block them
And pirating totally isn't promoted here ;)
Have a look through all your settings to customise your experience.
Have fun customising your blogs appearance.
Feel free to ask questions. And anyone not new here please add anything important I may have missed ^-^
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insomniziam · 3 years
Okay I'm ready. I'm the anon from yesterday who lost a whole ass rant. I'm ready to do it again(I'm typing this is the notes app first!!)
So I follow quite few Larry blogs that I love and respect cause they never give any shit about the stunts and defend Harry and louis so fiercely. I really like them for that. But lately they've been getting anon asks about ziam and idk why would people do that?? Like we'd make it very clear if we are ziams. Super crystal clear cause there are few of us(compared to the whole of directioner fandom). Honestly these blogs replied quite civilly like "I don't have any opinion about ziam cause I don't follow them closely" and such which is mature and good. But sometimes after numerous asks things do get heated and they let slip a sentence or two that really hurts. Like someone said the name ziammies is a fucking joke and I know we don't like it either and we'd prefer ziams. But it is so much more different when someone who doesn't believe zayn and Liam say that. And someone else listed all the things that make people believe in Larry and told that for ziam they only know about Zayn posting a selfie with a filter and both of them going blonde after a breakup(?)
It hurts my heart cause there's so much more than that. The casual soft reverent touches. Sharing orange eye ring that Zayn recreated in his like I would mv. Wearing brands that are associated with each other. Zayn fucking tatooing Liam's single cover waaaay before it got announced. Zayn literally having Liam's name and face tatooed on him. The almost kisses. The definite kiss on that dark stage that louis had to transform into on-the-spot cuddle. Eyebrow slits even after all these years. Family's support of the other boys. How they almost let it slip that they got a dog together in 1D day. One missing feather in zayns wing that is conveniently tattooed in Liam's arm with the words I figured it out curling around it. Which are the words to the song you & i which is point blank ziam anthem. It was the only song confirmed by Liam to be played before he let other 1D songs to be chosen by fans to be played at his online gig.
I don't need anyone to validate the "realness" of ziam. They are screaming enough. I'm hearing enough. But I can't tell all these to those blogs cause that bridge is burned and any talk about ziam is soured.
And I can't help but notice this. This is not comparing. I'm a larrie and a ziam. More people recognise Louis' babygate cause it happened with a nobody and people were screaming about his closet. Zayn's happened with a well known model who has a fanbase of her own so she can get away with not showing the baby's face(she "accidentally" revealed it anyway). Jungle family has only he-looks-like-louis-card so they overuse it. Posting baby's pics with ads? Check on both sides. Family members using the baby to promote their life? Check on both sides. Supposed baby mamas posting pics of the baby which gets far more likes than their regular posts? Check on both sides. Zayn likes louis' father announcement post(he rarely likes the boys' pics) and 4 years later louis goes out of his way to like zayns father announcement pic when zouis has never interacted once in those 4 years and there's beef between them?? And that's normal? That's not louis hinting at something amiss with the baby?? That's not enough proof to know that this is babygate 3.0? Liam's is more of a backburner babygate but it's still there. Like he has a baby with reclusive Cheryl and conveniently has one shit Polaroid pic and then bam. She just posts the baby's voice and stuff and that's done?? The common thing btw Liam and Zayn is that they know shit about babies. Liam telling his son can talk good when he was one??? Zayn telling it's really easy to be with a newborn baby?? Sure Jan. This irks me really. Anyway this is my loong looooong rant and I hope this finds you safe :)
Again, I'm so sorry this took me so long to respond to!
I share all of your frustrations, but you can't help people that don't want it, unfortunately, but at least then it's no longer your problem!
Just know that you're not crazy for holding differing beliefs, and you have a legitimate reason to do so. You'll learn that there's no point in having these discussions with people who don't want to listen, and save your time for things you actually love to do!
Again, so sorry this took me so long, I hope you're safe as well! Feel free to come back at anytime 😘
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nessinborderland · 3 years
Hello! Do you have any tips on starting a writing blog? I’ve been wanting to make one for a long time but haven’t even known where to start. Love your writing and how interactive you are btw. Thanks! 🖤
Hi! Tysm for your kind words 🥰
So, starting a writing blog is basically just that: START! Here are 19 points that I think can help you in your journey.
Make that blog (make sure your username is one that you really like, so that it stays and people end up recognizing it. Also preferably make it similar to your AO3/FF/Wattpad account)
Make an AO3/FF/Wattpad account if you don't have one already. Imo crossposting is important, allowing your writing to reach more people while possibly preventing someone from plagiarizing your work.
Wait the necessary days/reblogs that you need until your posts start showing on the tags of your choice. It may take some time, but your blog will eventually be set and perfect for posting.
Post! Whatever you have that you wanna share, just post!
Use the correct tags! Tags are super important, being it here or on a fanfiction platform like AO3. That's how people find your stuff. Tag accordingly, using all the tags that fit your work. Just don't go overboard or use tags that are obviously not related to what you're posting.
Use trigger warnings! Those are super important, be it here or on other platforms. If you're sharing things with dark/heavy/mature themes, always tag accordingly. If someone asks you to add a tag, do it, doesn't matter how silly it may sound. Remember that what doesn't affect you might be someone else's trauma.
Introduce your fic to your readers! I personally like to put title, pairing, word count, synopsis, warnings and even an illustrative banner right at the beginning of the post. It makes it more presentable and, imo, lets your readers know what they're getting into.
Be careful with formatting! No one will want to read something that is full of grammar errors, huge blocks of text, mixed character dialogue, etc. Read about formatting, check other people's ff as a guide, but please, be sure to format correctly. It will affect everyone's reading experience, I guarantee.
Use read more/keep reading if your post is over 300/500 words. No one wants to scroll down a huge post that they have no interest in.
Consider having a beta reader! This one is not a necessity, but it will definitely help you improve. A beta reader can help you with grammar errors, help you develop ideas and, more importantly, tell you how your ff/chapter looks like in the eyes of a reader.
Just keep posting! Please remember that gathering a following takes time. It rarely is a matter of talent. Sometimes is just a matter of bad luck and bad timing. Keep posting and people will eventually find and read your stuff. Those numbers will grow.
Get involved in the community! Follow other blogs, read/like/reblog other people's stuff, make friends. Just put yourself out there. Interact!
Remember that you don't own anything to your readers, but they don't own you anything either. Write whatever you want and as you want it, but don't expect everyone to love it. Don't expect that just because they loved one of your stories, they will love all your stories.
Have your readers involved in your writing. This point might contradict point 13, but it doesn't make it less true. If someone gives you an idea and you think you can fit it in your story, add it. If the majority of your readers seems unhappy with something in particular; try to figure out what and why. If someone gives you advice; take it. An harmonious reader x writer relationship is key to a loyal reader base.
Interact! Answer asks and comments, open submissions (if you're ready to), ask for your readers opinions on something you're not sure about. Make them part of your writing.
Be nice! Be polite, be grateful, be humble. Your readers are humans just like you. Set your boundaries, but don't be rude about it. If someone send you hate just delete the comment/ask, those are not worth your time.
Be accountable. If you do something wrong, acknowledge it, sincerely apologize and move on.
Don't be afraid of the bad days or writer's block! Those will occur. Some days you just won't be able or don't want to write. That's okay! Don't blame yourself! Your readers will be okay without consistent posting. Just take a step back and come back when you feel like it.
Have fun! If you're not having fun; is not worth it. If you're not writing what you want to write; is not worth it. Put that fic on hiatus, it's fine. Move on to something that is inspiring you now.
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