#btw the game played very much like world of warcraft
kitten-of-change · 4 months
So i was talking with my pals on the eeby-gliscord and i found out that almost NO ONE has played the pokemon MMO
so here i am. rambling about it, becuase i need more people to know about it
so like..... the game was apparently made in 2004 by some very passionate dudes. It took from 1999-2004 to be fully developed and for the first release to come out.
One thing that was notable was the fact it was a once buy game, you didnt need a subscription to keep yuor account active, the downside being is that you had a limited amount of playtime for one week (the devs needed to save on bandwith and the like). That said you couuuld pay for a subscription for stuff like early access to the updates, a general prestigue on your social status within the game, higher drop rates (but only on the cosmetic items), adn the ability to play as long as you wanted.
The gameplay was by far the best part. You had a selection of starters to pick from, i think the game launched with 3, but when the final update released it was a total of 24 (that 8 times as much!!!)
once you picked your starter you would play AS THE POKEMON. that was the main selling point, playing as the pokemon. It was honestly amazing for me, given.... yknow.
Now, this game apparently had a bit of controversy, since there were no humans in any area int he map.... and the gamplay consisted of going through the overworld, entering towns, making a guild with your pals..... and exploring dungeons...
People called the game a ripoff of Pokemon mystery dungeon for this reason, even though there were a LOT of things different. There was ACTUAL equipment, and crafting, adn a skill tree to unlock more pokemon moves, where you leveled up by gaining experience for beting mobs!
But the most damning evidence for it not being a ripoff was the other selling point. Being able to SWITCH YOUR POKEMON SPECIES.
yeah. Basically you gained these "species points" for completing dungeons, and you could use them to unlock new species! To evolve a species you had to gain evolution points from overworld bosses, not the dungeon ones.
And going back tot he equipment, the equipables were determined by type, and the synergies you could make if you were a pokemon of two types.... damn the amount of just, things you could do was genuinly incredible!!!!
....there was one problem though, you had to be in a town to change your species. whihc meant you could sometimes run into incredibly bad scenarios.
by completing one of the LONGEST QUESTILNES IN MMO HISTORY, you could... unlock.... MEW!!!
whihc had the unique skill: transform!
It was so broken, i beat so many goddamn PVP battles with elisa and dominic thanks to this.
Havengald. that was my name on that game. Havengald.
The game was called Pokeventures Online, btw. Im pretty sure its shut down now, but feel free to prove me wrong.
Now excuse m while i just lay and sleep on mah beeed
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munku-collar · 2 years
🍯: What is one thing you like about yourself? Hmm. It's become a blessing and a curse recently, but I suppose how passionately I feel for things and other people? When I love, I love very strongly. It can bring a lot of heartbreak, especially lately, but I think it's kind of beautiful. I'm always trying to love more actually, to be more understanding and caring even if it's difficult. Sometimes I get bit in the ass for it, but it is what it is.
🍄: What is a quote you find comfort in? It's not an actual quote but a pair of song lyrics that I think about pretty much constantly:
"When you walked away at dawn, I heard your song, and now it's on my mind. Made a design on the right side of my heart; It may be wrong, but it wasn't black or white."
and then
"What a wasted ode to hope, my heart is on the line staring at the time. And I gazed amazed while a quiet storm was born inside your eyes, all dressed in black and white."
There's just something about these that really hurt me but also feel like a caress. Idk they're just constantly on my mind. Love and pain are often intertwined for me LMAO. Here's the song btw
🍃: What is a plant you find beautiful? I'm not very into plants so I don't know the names of many flowers and such, but a standard for me is roses. But overall I just enjoy seeing full colorful gardens. I find them so pretty <3
🐝: What is a video game that you find comforting? I've been playing World of Warcraft since it came out when I was 6 years old, and it's always been a massive source of comfort for me. Azeroth is a second home to me <3 But I love Overwatch just as much, even if playing it makes me want to rip my hair out sometimes lol.
Thank you so much for sending some of these!!! 🥺🥺💟💟
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elbiotipo · 3 years
Hey, I've noticed you stop saying "biology student" or as such in your tags, and I was wondering if you've your degree? If you did I hope you know I'm really happy for you, I know (through those rants that you give, lol) how much you love biology.
Unfortunately I’m still one (trust me the day I graduate YOU WON’T HEAR THE END OF IT) but at this point I’m already working in an anthropology lab (unpaid, but yeah, and soon I will start getting my end-of-career pay SOON) and I have 90% of my degree done and to be frank I’ve spent way more time than necessary already in this fucking career so sometimes I think, fuck it, I think I can call myself little a biologist. as a treat
I am not OFFICIALLY a biologist yet, and while I will start working as in “I will actually get fucking paid” this year, I still have finals to kill and my thesis before I get my degree. And that’s a big difference still.
That’s why my advice for all of you studying anything might sound harsh but DON’T let the “take it easy :) you have time to figure it out :) everybody goes at your own pace :)” mantra take over you. Study hard, get a degree/job, and THEN you can enjoy your life.
I’m not saying to not priorize your mental health, or not to take breaks... and ESPECIALLY don’t take all nighters, NEVER DO THAT, love yourself, don’t harm yourself. Be kind to yourself. But put in the effort and try to get graduated with, at the very most, two years of delay. You might think now that you have enough time, but when you reach my age (and I say this without any sarcasm or irony) you realize there IS a difference between graduating early and late, both in job opportunities and how you can enjoy life and MORE importantly, how you feel with yourself. Not advancing in your career takes as much as a toll, even more, that postponing things because they’re hard.
And the life of a graduate is very nice. You have money and time all for your own and the effort is worth it. Take it from my friend, who plays World Of Warcraft in his gaming computer all day when he’s not researching yams, BUT he has a good salary (justified too, he’s doing very important research on soil adaptation and global warming) and a degreee so he can enjoy his life and live on his own. }
Meanwhile I’m still struggling with fucking finals and a shitty laptop with lag in a tiny room at my mom’s house because I slept in all those times and thought “meh I can take those finals later, #selfcare!”.
Don’t be like me. Go get that bread.
(btw I would appreciate if y’all don’t reblog this post)
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hunnybadgerv · 4 years
A, C, J, T, and V?
Favorite Characters A-Z
A: Arathor the Redeemer from World of Warcraft. This is the first and as yet only character from this entire game series. I really was not particularly familiar with him prior to the Legion expansion, which introduced the class halls. He’s a paladin and my main has been a paladin for-evah and a day, but on Alliance side. In Legion, we finally shifted Horde as a group, but that’s beside the point. His lore that was hinted at in the game made me more curious and took me into a lore deep dive that changed my experience with the game completely. But I don’t write fic, because no. WOW fans can be some venomous folks, especially if you up and ship your PC with an NPC. [BTW: it was harder than I expected to find someone with an A name, I was like digging deep to find one because none were coming to me. I was literally 3 steps from choosing Alistair because I do adore him to bits, but I wanted to kind of be a little more expansive in my character appreciation.]
C: Cullen Rutherford from Dragon Age. From the little mini-romantic moment with a mage Warden to his staunch take in Kirkwall to the redemption arc of Inquisition, I’ve always had a soft spot for this character. And from the moment my Hawke ran into him in Kirkwall, I’ve been working on a long fic for him and Aderyn Hawke. Though I’ve started and stopped it repeatedly. Seeing his character’s change and growth through the series has been a heck of a journey. 
J: John Seed from Far Cry 5. Okay, yes, this is totally a shipping soft spot. I’ll be honest, I realize that the game design of this sort of thing meant the deputy (PC) was destined to end things in a certain way, but it doesn’t really feel quite right with all the characters. Despite the clear psychopathy and manipulativeness inherent in John and the other Seed siblings (including Faith), the endings of each region never really set well with me, but even less so with John and Faith. Yes, I currently have a soft spot for John because I’m trying to think of the route to take for a particular piece I’m working on. But still. He’s an interesting character whose upbringing warped a lot of things for him. And seeing how those work in conjunction with the religious fervor of the cult is an interesting interplay.
T: Torian Cadera from Star Wars: The Old Republic. I really have a soft spot for him. From the food you survive, to his rescue, and the sweetness behind the wannabe bad ass, he’s just amazing. I haven’t even watched his reunion scene in the newer expansions because I don’t want to see it before I play it. Though that will require the leveling of a bounty hunter again. 
V: Vass Montenegro from Far Cry 3. He is my all-time favorite villain. He was creepy and hilarious, and scary as hell. And the extra videos the FC/VA did playing him, just really made him all the more memorable. I really enjoyed his character so very much. 
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Survey #246
(song lyrics here idc)
What is the most you’ve ever eaten in one sitting? I don't know. Probably too many slices of pizza back when I could kill pizza if I was hungry enough. How often do you skip breakfast? Rarely. What’s the longest you’ve gone without leaving the house? A couple+ weeks, probably. Where are you going the next time you go out? School. What kinds of things are likely to make you cry? Reunions of like any type, seeing things (esp. animals) in pain, if my feelings are deeply hurt, deaths... stuff like that. Really nothing unusual. What are some things that make others cry that don’t make you cry at all? Hm. I dunno. I'm sure there's something, but I'm unsure. If you drink/smoke, how often do you do these things? I don't smoke, and I'll ever only have like a drink or two on some holidays or for my birthday. What website do you spend the most time on and why? YouTube because it essentially replaces television for me. What’s the most amount of time you’ve spent online? Is this usual for you? Oh my god don't ask me this. What is one belief you used to have, but no longer do? In what ways are you influenced by the opinions of others, if ever? The one I disdain the most was being homophobic up to my late teenage years. I wanna curb stomp that ignorant fucking kid. I wouldn't say I'm influenced by other's opinions on things very much. What was the last thing to make you feel good about yourself? Drinking water lmao. How would you describe your overall (or preferred) personal aesthetic? My friend recently described me as a "gothic lolita" and y'know he's onta something. What kinds of small judgments are you likely to make about others? *Small* judgments? Uhhhh... God why am I blanking on surveys so much lately. What was the last thing you did mostly because society expected you to? Shower, 'cuz I seriously wasn't feeling it but needed to anyway. When was the last time you felt out of place? I had to babysit my nephew on my own early last month and I felt like I was in a different universe. I felt so, so unfit in the position and just all-around uncomfortable. I love that boy to death but babysitting is noooooot my thing. Do you believe in aliens, spirits, or angels of any sort? Yeah. Well, not "angels" by true definition, no. In what ways are you superstitious? I'm not. Where was the last place you went walking and how far? Would you rather exercise alone or with other people? Like, for fun? Not since I was at Sara's. I DO NOT like exercising in front of other people at all. What kinds of nail polish colors do you prefer to wear? How about makeup? Black is the entirely superior makeup color. How would you describe your own relationship with makeup? It's just for fun for me when I actually feel like it, and even that's rare. I usually only put makeup on for some pictures. Who has been in your life the longest amount of time? What about the shortest? My mom the longest, and my school teachers the shortest, I guess? Who was the last person to leave your life? How about return to it? My fucking therapist that deserves my fist through her face. Return, uhhhh yeah I dunno. It might be Sara, and that was yearsss ago. When it comes to travel, what kinds of places intrigue you most? Wildernesses, especially with mountains, rivers, waterfalls... that kind of stuff. Do you think humans colonizing Mars is a good idea? Would you go, if you could? No. Focus on the goddamn planet we're already on. If it was a life or death situation, I'd go, but otherwise, I'm staying here and at least trying to patch it up. What is the farthest you’ve walked in one day and what made you do it? Oh, many miles, I'm sure. I used to walk for literally hours out in my yard at night with my iPod. That was so common for me. Funny how now I'm recovering from muscle atrophy in my legs. Do you have a chore/housecleaning routine or anything like that? A "routine," no. How organized would you say your living space is? The house is currently a travesty. What is something important that’s often on your mind lately? Success in school. Do you find it easier to forgive yourself or others? Others. Have you ever had to call 911? For who/what reason? Yes; Mom thought she might've been having a heart attack. Thank fuck she wasn't. Do you like oatmeal? If so, what kinds of things do you like in it? Oh yeah. It's like a regular for me now that I'm big time trying to lose weight. I like the apple cinnamon one. What was going on the last time you felt nostalgic? Thinking about that walking question. How much attention do you pay to the movements of the stars and planets, and do you believe they influence anything? The most non-Pagan belief I have is being void of this one. No. When was the last time you were afraid to tell someone something? Heh, speaking of being (mostly, ig) Neo-Pagan. Classmate and I were doing an assignment getting to know each other and she asked my religion. She was a serious Christian and was clearly SO uncomfortable when I awkwardly answered lmao. When was the last time something didn’t go the way you expected it would? My disability case hearing just a week back. I expected to be way, way more terrified, shaking even, and was prepared for an intimidating judge. Just in general I was afraid of it being "court-like" and with a lot of people, but it was okay. I think having my attorney there was crucial to my (relative) calmness, though, because I was comfortable with and liked him. What is the most difficult or involved video game you’ve ever played? Most difficult that I ever tried, Dark Souls. Quit that waaaay early. Hardest that I've beaten, I honestly think The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night. Don't even @ me w/o trying it yourself 'cuz that game was so fucking hard to where I rage-quit for years until beating it. I did play it a second time for fun, though. Still hard. Most involved, oh, easily World of Warcraft. Years of effort put into too many characters la;ksdjfawoei Have you ever taken lessons for anything? Yeah; dance for a very long time as well as guitar. What’s your favorite band’s name? Well Ozzy goes solo. Btw I nearly died when I heard the Parkinson's news wtf life how dare why him- Who is your last sent text to? My mom. What’s your favorite flavor of Gatorade? I do noooot like Gatorade. What does your bikini look like? Oh hunny I'm barely comfortable in a one-piece. Do you drink the milk after you finish cereal or just leave it in the bowl? I can almost never drink it. The taste is just changed and is usually gross. Have you ever worn glitter eyeliner? No, yikes. Imagine that getting in your eye. Has anyone ever called you a hippie? I don't think so. Did you have any unread texts this morning? No. Have you ever been involved in strength training? No. Who is the last person you kissed? Sara. Have you ever been to a pottery painting store? No. Are bonfires common with you and your friends? Not at all. I don't think I've ever done that with friends. If you’re really quiet, what is probably the reason? I'm thinking about something intently. What does your boyfriend/girlfriend call you? N/A How much does the last person you kissed mean to you? A whole lot. Do you use lotion? If my skin is particularly dry. Have you ever used a sewing machine? No. Is hairspray a staple in your morning routine? I've never regularly used it. Do you believe in teenage love? Fuck yes I do, I can promise you that. When is your favorite TV show on regularly? It's discontinued. Who is your favorite person to waste time with? Sara. What has been the most significant thing to happen to you this year? Well, it's the first day of February, so I'll imagine you're asking about the past year, in which case I went back to school. What kind of kid were you when you were seven? Happy, weird, kinda hyper, outgoing and goofy. Do you always eat those mints you get at some restaurants? Yeah, if they're not the semi-soft ones that kinda melt in your mouth. Ew. Is there a subject you know so much about that you’d be able to teach it? Sure, but nothing like seriously important. Do you believe that being ‘cultured’ is important? Why or why not? I mean, probably if you travel. It's definitely wise to try to act at least semi-"appropriately" in another country. Where did you purchase the computer you’re using right now? Best Buy or Office Depot, idr. Do you think it’s fair to compare Family Guy to The Simpsons? I don't care? Will you miss CDs if they end up going obsolete? Why or why not? Not really, I just don't care. If you could relive one hour of your life so far, what would you choose? I don't have a clue. Do you think animals have a sense of humor? Probably. Animals can definitely act silly. Are you proud of your hometown, or do you try to distance yourself from it? That place is shit. Has your idea of the perfect romantic partner changed with age? Oh yeah, to a degree at least. I had such a fairy-tale ideology on love back then. How many cars have you ever owned? Myself, zero. Can you do math in your head well? I almost can't at all. What’s your favorite flavor of potato chip? Oh man, that's hard. Maybe salt and vinegar. Do you ever read the weather forecast? I mean I'll check the app on my phone occasionally. Do amusement park rides make you sick? Thus far in my life, no, but I'm too afraid to try some out of fear of that. Who is your favorite Star Wars character? Don't even like SW. What kind of cheese do you put on your sandwiches? American. What radio station do you listen to the most? None. Who was the last person to give you a gift? A family friend for Christmas. How old were you when you got your driver’s license? I'm about to be 24 and still don't have it. What was the first thing you ever learned how to cook? Scrambled eggs. Did you ever collect beanie babies? Maybe? I know I had one big one (me and my sisters had a matching set of different colors; mine was pink, what a shocker), but idk if I actually collected them. When was the last time you got a haircut? Early last month. Have you ever been to a bachelor/bachelorette party? No. How many people can you say you TRULY love? Romantically? Two. Platonically, a whole lot. Where are you most ticklish on your body? My feet jfc. Have you ever bailed anyone out of jail? Nope. What’s the last board game you played? Shit, what's it called. Something with my nephew. It's the one with the popping dice in the middle and four different colors to move around the board. "Sorry!" or something? Have you ever given someone a fake phone number? Might've when stupid kid me made prank calls. Do you have any bumper stickers on your car? No. Do you leave good tips when you eat out at restaurants? I've never been the one paying. Do you still own any VHS tapes? I'm sure Mom has home videos stored somewhere. If there was a real Jurassic Park, would you visit it? Oh fuck yeah 'cuz I'm dumb and love dinos. Have you ever gone golfing? Not legit golfing. Do you know any sign language? No. How many friends do you have that are married? Close friends, like people I still regularly talk to, none. Do you still have your wisdom teeth? Yes. Did you have a swing set in your yard when you were a child? Yes. Do you eat your mac & cheese with a fork or a spoon? I don't really care so I haven't noticed which I usually use. Where did you have your first kiss? His bed. When you were a kid, were you ever afraid of cooties? Lol no. Do you ever go Christmas caroling in December? No, I could never omg. Which overrated tattoo are you sick of seeing? I don’t care. Get what you want. What was the last thing you taught a younger kid? Apparently to say "aw shucks" at everything lmao. Are the clocks in your house mostly digital or analog? Digital. We have on analog in the living room. How long have you had your television(s)? God, years. A loooong time, but it's a fine TV. Do you like watching movies made with CGI or do you prefer hand-drawn ones? I tend to enjoy CGI more. I like realism in what I watch. Where did your parents buy their car(s)? Dad, idk. Mom got hers for free; a dance friend ran into a deer, so the front bumper got fucked up, and she wanted a new vehicle. Mom took it because shit, it was drivable, and she DIY fixed up the bumper to make sure it stays in place. Literally with zip ties and duct tape lmfao but HEY it WORKS. Do you know why your grandparents chose your mother’s name? No. Do you think you’d do well at teaching the English language to a foreigner? I think I'd be at least decent. What is a store you like that is exclusive to your country? Idk what's only exclusive to the country. If you attend school, what time do you usually get home after? Like, 4:35 or so. Mom finishes her field work at 4, and afterwards we go home. Have you written a resume before, either for yourself or someone else? Yes. What is your favorite thing about snow? IT'S PRETTY. What do you usually do when you have trouble sleeping? Try to go back to sleep at first, and if I really can't, I get back up on the laptop for a while. Are you satisfied with your social life (or lack thereof)? NONONONONONONONO. What TV show do you just assume you wouldn’t like? 13 Reasons Why. Do your friends have more money than you? lol duh I make none. Who always has the power to make you feel intimidated? Pretty much men as a whole...
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polar-stars · 5 years
5, 6, 7, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 for Takayuki Hojo and Mika Aldini please? (Hope you don't mind me asking a second time)
I don’t mind at all ! I absolutely love answering these :DDD
Thank you so much for the ask !
5. Is there any significance behind their hair color? 
I wanted his big sister to be the blonde one, which made me give Takayuki his purple hair almost automatically. I also thought it suits him more since he’s the more serious one out of the Hojo-siblings anyway. Also, given that he was introduced and described before Suzume was, I think his surname plus his hair color very quickly truly established him as Miyoko’s son. 
6. Is there any significance behind their eye color? 
He got Miyoko’s hair color which meant, I would give him Terunori’s eye color and I kind off like the combination a lot. 
7. Is there any significance behind their height? 
ashdAHDFJFGGF Takayuki is 1.57 m by the way and weLP. Making Takayuki a shortie was originally mostly my major way of establishing who his father is ahdhd as Terunori is definitely the most notable, male character in Shokugeki who is short. So I thought introducing a purple-haired, very short male + Terunori’s brown eyes would quickly give away that he’s Terunori’s and Miyoko’s son.
Also….I want to make my height-jokes. Lots and lots of height-jokes. Which also comes with another plus that Takayuki is very entertaining when angry so giving him a topic he’s especially sensitive about, is also just a good add-on for comedy. 
15. What is something about your OC can make you laugh?
His outbreaks of anger mostly. Hotheads are fun to draw and to write for me and Takayuki is a goldmine in that regard. It’s also a lot of fun when you pair a hothead with a calmer, more laidback character which is a purpose that both Suzume and Kazuo can fulfill. 
16. What is something about your OC can make you cry? 
He gets compared to Suzume quite a lot and people tend to point out that his achievements thus far are not as grand as Suzume’s back when she was his age. Also many students of Totsuki just see him as Suzume’s little brother and nothing else. 
17. Is there some element you regret adding to your OC or their story?
He made something very spicy again in Trainings Camp, despite him learning in his Shokugeki against Kimiko that he shouldn’t be only focused on that. And he won’t be anymore, but meep…I could have portrayed that a lot, a lot, a lot better in Trainings Camp. (Autumn Election Premlins, I won’t fail you I hope)
18. What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC? 
He plays World of Warcraft (a game that me, Lea, barely knows anything about because she does not like Multiplayer-Anything but YEET). He plays a Pandaren and his favorite expansion is “Mists of Pandaria” because of course it is (it’s also my favorite expansion but its kinda also the only one I watched a Let’s Play of so)
Faction-wise, I honestly don’t know. I can very well see him play for the Alliance as well as the Horde, tbqh. So I still gotta think about that. 
19. What is your favorite fact about your OC?
What a loyal and good friend he can be. He can be hard to befriend, as his temper and his often way too quick judgement do make him bit of a jerk sometimes but he’s not in anyway truly ill-intended. And usually with Kazuo, Takayuki’s protectiveness, loyalty and care show the best. The moment you attack Kazuo, you’ll be attacked back by Takayuki. Plus, while he does roll his eyes a lot at Kazuo’s overblown romantic ideas, he does still attempt to fulfill the role as wingman and genuinely hopes his best buddy will get with Mika, even if Takayuki does not particularly like her at first. 
Mika Aldini
5. Is there any significance behind their hair color?
Mika is a fanchild where I did not really have two options like with all the others ahshd With her it was clear that she was going to be blonde, given that both Takumi and Ikumi are. All what it really came down to was which shade of blonde it will be and it became Ikumi’s blonde because I decided for Takumi’s eye color for Mika’s eyes. 
6. Is there any significance behind their eye color?
Now here I had a real choice: blue or green. Though I really didn’t think all too long about this question and rather quickly decided on Takumi’s blue eyes. A. I think its a very beautiful shade of blue, B. Hiroshi had already been designed and I liked to connect the two Aldini cousins through their similar eye-colors much like their brothers were before them. 
7. Is there any significance behind their height?
Mika is 1.65 m (taller than her mom at her age) tall. Out of the three main girls (the others being Kimiko, ofc, and Kaori) it makes her the tallest as Kimiko is 1.63 m and Kaori is 1.61 m. I mean, given that its just centimeters we’re talking about here, its not really all that noticeable but I still like the idea of Mika being the tallest of the three ovo. Their moms have a similar height-relationship btw, with Ikumi being the tallest out of Ikumi, Erina and Hisako and Hisako being the shortest one. 
15. What is something about your OC can make you laugh?
Mainly what also made me laugh mostly about her father. Just the constant challenges towards Kimiko and how easily embarrassed she can be when something is not going according her plan, or when Hiroshi calmly sets her straight. 
Her temper is also fun, but I think I established by now that I generally find hot temper fun. 
16. What is something about your OC can make you cry?
The fact that I can’t decide on an end game for her and both of their options have their fans. 
Her crush on Hiraku, because Mika deserves better. Also I won’t treat this unrequited crush as some joke to laugh about like poor Ikumi’s crush on Soma was constantly portrayed. There will be some comedic moments related to her crush sure, but they won’t be about the fact that Hiraku does not feel the same way but rather Mika’s own attempts of keeping it a secret at all cost in front of people who clearly know. (I hope that makes sense)
17. Is there some element you regret adding to your OC or their story?
The love-triangle kind off a little bit ahshDHD Because now I can’t decide of who will actually be her end game. 
Think is, I initially had settled with an option, but then the other option started gaining fans as well and now I am just like ovo;;; Because I honestly also like both. 
18. What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC?
The Italian Cuisine RS basically runs after her, begging her to join but she stays faithful to the Don RS. 
19. What is your favorite fact about your OC?
I think how strong and soft she is at the same time. She’s fiery, confident and battle-hearted and she will not back away from any challenge presented to her. Mika truly has spine. When it comes to the matters of heart, she’s insanely girly in her ideas about it while also very shy about it at the same time. And I find that side of her very endearing, even though it can be a factor that can hurt her. Combined with her strength, she will stand up again. 
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wishingfornever · 6 years
9/8/17 – No Contact: Second Day and Still Thinking of You
Yesterday, I told NS Region Founder (NSRF) that I’m taking time off.  He was very understanding, just asked me to log in once a month.  Thing is, I set my nation to vacation mode so I can be offline for two months.  I need to log back in by November.  Last night, I redid my calorie count and I was 300 short of 1500.  Lo and behold, a cup of noodles?  300 calories.  Unfortunately, they’re empty but I’ve had a lot of fruit today.  I’m just trying to prevent muscle loss.
Seems most my entries tend to talk about things I missed out on from yesterday.  Hope that trend stops soon.
At least this happened early this morning:
((The Following was originally a link to my own Facebook.  In the interests of protecting myself and everyone I’ve mentioned, I’ve copied someone posting on my Facebook talking about their daughter and referencing when I used to babysit for her.)) "So little Miss gets a 'new' babysitter for one night tonight. She's demanding her 'crazy' babysitter. When asked "who's the crazy one"? ....."that one guy who makes me laugh!" Thank you.... You can't be beat!” It’s touching.  :/
Anyways, I came up with an idea.  In case of an emergency, update the blog. It’s been the only tab to continuously be up for this entire affair.  I update it daily and if you really need me to check it, you can ask me “Check the blog.”  If anyone were to check our messages, it wouldn’t mean much.  They’d have to actively find your blog just to get in it.  You can send me a message saying, “Need help, pick me up at placename immediately” and I’ll go to help as best as I can.  Or maybe you can use it for other messages, ask me questions. I don’t know, use it for “ICE” situations.  Or maybe keep updating.  >.> I ordered that tea tree shampoo stuff.  I found it myself and ordered two bottles for $32 total.  It’s not that bad, they gave me free shipping.  It’s just that it’ll take a week for it to get here. That’s fine, I’m optimistic.  Honestly, I wouldn’t have been able to have discovered tea tree soap without you and this may have been far worse. It’s pretty bad now, but again… could be worse. I tried giving my dad some dragon fruit.  He didn’t seem to like it that much, saying it doesn’t have a lot of flavor.  The dragon fruit from yesterday was more sweet, I’ll admit, but it was still good. I gave him just a bite so I basically ate the whole thing.  He’s making rice which I’ll need to calculate the calories.  Last night before I got the ramen, I checked the sausage links he used and they’re 200 per link.  Apart from the sausage, should be healthy in moderation.  Bound to have a bunch of veggies and rice is naturally filling.  Just can’t put cheese in it, which is fine because we ran out. As I write this, Kiki is laying next to me.  She’s been extra cuddly as of late.  I left the door open last night so she could sleep by my feet.  She’s a good cat.  Miller just came back in.  Still refuse to call him Balless because my dad sucks with names. Then again, Kiki is French for “Kitty” so maybe I’ve inherited that trait. My mom is coming back.  I think she’s just checking on me because my sister said I was crazy and suicidal.  Checking my arm, I might have some light scarring but it’s difficult to notice.  Btw, not sure if I mentioned this, but my nose leaking?  I had a sinus infection.  Gone now.  If it were a brain leak, I’d have to have suffered a brain injury and the liquid from my nose would have to be clear. Thing is, when I was looking it up, it was the same side nostril as what everyone else reported.  Weird, right?
I think you’ve heard me reference how humanity is an inefficient design, citing all the little dumb things like muscle cramps or eyelashes in eyes.  But I don’t give the human body enough credit. There are a lot of things that would destroy the human body and it’s been adequate in eliminating those threats.  So what if we still suffer from the common cold?  That common cold won’t kill you.  I don’t give a lot of credit when credit is due. Do you know why snakes don’t lean against glass?  They don’t want to be windshield vipers. So, my mom and my sister are coming over.  I kind of don’t want to see my sister but so long as my mom is here, she should be mellow.  And by mellow, I mean she and my dad won’t get drunk and annoying. And, of course, my mom isn’t perfect either.  She’s been really… naggy since what happened between us happened.  Very overwhelming.  I need to talk to her about Texas though.  Adela asked me to talk to her first.
Just did the math on my dad’s rice.  I think with a single bowl, I hit the 1500 limit.  It’s hard to say.  Rice has a lot of calories, though.  I think it’s healthy, but I’m not sure.  Should be a lot of protein from the meat, but it’s kind of fatty being pork I think.  I’m concerned that my mom might bring home some extra food. I’m hoping it’s just fruits, but I feel like she’ll bring back McDonald’s or KFC or something.  Hopefully, I won’t be expected to eat anything else tonight. I didn’t take that Attend pill today.  I don’t feel so energetic or happy.  Maybe if I had a constant supply,  our relationship would have worked better.  If only…  Regardless, I don’t expect to get any writing done today so I didn’t take it.  I need to get started on it.  I want to get started on my sets but I’m going to wait for my stomach to settle. I wonder if you worry about me…  I wonder if you want to ask me if I’ll be alright.  Well, I am in case you’re wondering.  I’m all right because I have NOTHING left! Eh?  Get it?  Get it?!  Right and left and… well… it’s a joke implying you were all I had? Eh?  No?  Okay… Remember the lint picture you sent Adela?  I wanted to do that to you, but I didn’t think you’d appreciate it so soon. Finished my exercises.  I upgraded my sets from 20 to 25.  That’s five 5’s. You know me, five is my lucky number.  Not that I believe in luck or that sort of thing.  I jog around the room for an undetermined amount of time.  I’m tired but I’m not breathing heavily, I assume it’s because of the colder weather and the two fans I have going.  Great conditions.  I’m sweating now, though.  Muscles are sore.  I didn’t have the energy from yesterday or the day before, but I’ll work through it. During my ‘jog’ if you’re brave enough to call it that, I saw one of the kittens outside sort of strutting. His tail was up and his head was held high.  He was a lion in only his eyes, but that’s the only eyes who needs to see it.  Cute little thing. Ah, well.  During the jog, I felt like one of my soldiers from Rome II: Total War.  Hunched over, dragging ass, and just running to the next objective.  Couldn’t raise their arms, either.  Yeah, I imagine I don’t look that great but it reminded me that I always wanted to get a panoply (or a set of ancient Greek armor).  I wanted to see you in chiton, which is like a toga but not so massive and encumbering.  I think you’d look great in it. Little sandals that say, “Follow me” too.  And that curly hair? Yeah, you could look the part.  You’re very lovely and have a certain charm about you. Only problem would be those damn piercings.  But, that’s life, eh?  It reminds me that we were supposed to get a tattoo together.  Maybe we still will.  You promised a lot of things.  Maybe I did too. The girl I’ve been flirting with.  We were talking about sports and she mentioned how she enjoyed playing football but wasn’t much of a voyeur, except when it came to tennis and the Winter Olympics.  Guess what her favorite event for the Winter Olympics was? Ice skating. Can you believe it?  All I could think of was watching you slide around the ice with that little old man giving you instructions.  He was a nice guy.  I hope you go to Texas and I hope he gives you the best lessons.  I hope I can see you try to ice skate again.  But, hoping gets nowhere in life.  If it happens, it happens. If not, then oh well.  Time will tell.  It always does.
I’ve been very dehydrated, btw.  Didn’t go to town unfortunately but maybe I won’t need to.  I have a bottle here and I want to drink it, but I’m so tired.  Exhausted even.  Unfortunately, I can’t sleep at night so I sleep in until 3-4 in the afternoon.  The heat makes me sweat as I sleep, so I’m always losing water.  Not a good thing.  As I was jogging, it felt like I had sand in my mouth I was so thirsty.
I don’t like sipping, though.  I know I really should but I place it down and then I forget about it and because my dad doesn’t finish ANYTHING he intends to ingest, it’s among millions of other bottles.  I secretly don’t like drinking from someone else’s bottle.  I’d do it, but I won’t like it.  I feel very uncomfortable with the thought.  So, in order to avoid confusion I drink it all at once. I don’t know why people think I’m so smart.  Most of the time, I’m petty and dumb and primitive and just… all sorts of mentally awful.
My mom got home.  She didn’t bring anything back, which is good.  I spoke to her about going to Texas to live with Adela.  She seemed okay with it.  I’m glad. Before she got here, I wrote several emails to Blizzard executives.  If you don’t know what Blizzard is, it’s a snow storm.  It’s also a game company that’s made World of Warcraft, Diablo, Starcraft, and Overwatch.  Maybe you’ve heard of them. The reason I emailed them was because people were talking about how Valve and Blizzard would release a game similar to PUBG because it’s such a money grab supposedly.  Not sure if it’s true or not, but I decided to act and sent out about five emails to five different people trying to convince them to make their PUBG ripoff using an Ancient Greek theme. There are a lot of ways they could do it, but I kept several ideas to myself.  Can’t reveal everything I know. Besides, I’d like to see if they’d pay me for my idea.  That’d be nice, eh?  I asked each email to message me back if they’re interested. I’m not expecting a response.  It’s just one of those things that I swear I’d do but never do…  Well, now I have.  I messaged a big game developer, pitched an idea, and if they don’t take it?  Nothing lost.  If they want it? Excellent. Whatever the case, I did something for me.  If they take it, that’s on them.  Anyways, been talking to Daniel. Vented a bit.  He seems sympathetic.  I’m wanting to go to town and hang out with him, which would be great for me.  Not going to bitch about Dennis to him when we meet, probably going to try joking about politics. That said, I realized that Dennis is literally dead to me.  There is nothing he can do to repair what he’s done. Not that he’s looking for forgiveness.  He had his chance and he lost it.  I’m ready to move on and forget he even existed.  I hate him. I told Daniel about when Dennis would cup me in front of him and say, “Look at his tits.”  Told him that I hated how he targeted my self-esteem to improve his own self-esteem.  In fact, you were there the last couple of times he did it.  He was such a dick yet I didn’t interfere because I thought he was my friend.  I’m wrong a lot, I fear. I know you don’t want to read about how much I hate Dennis, but he’s been a terrible friend to me.  It just took me suffering a catastrophe to realize it.  He’s a liar and a coward.  I don’t need that sort of person in my life. What I find ironic is that you said that you developed a romantic connection?  Not sure how true that actually is, but I find that hard to believe.  Not just because he’s a liar but because he’s always been so unreasonable with me. Jeremiah and I have tried to get him to go do things like play airsoft and try something new and indulge in adventures but he’d always say no.  Mind you, I used to live with Dennis’s family.  I was in a situation where my dad kicked me out, so I know for a fact that he can be difficult to just live with.  He epitomizes homebody and refuses to do anything beyond going to the casino to gamble and drink.  Well, I guess also smoke pot now.  I think he got worse since he started, but he used to be opposed to pot like me. Whatever. I’m tired of drinking and smoking.  It’s boring and expensive.
Anyways, I’ve been watching a lot of Youtube since you left.  The videos are dumb and I just use it as background noise but I think of you a lot when I actually take the time to watch.  I might be getting to the point where when I drink water I’ll break down and cry yelling, “ESTHER USED TO DRINK WATER!!!”
I won’t be that crazy.  I promise.  <3
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beeporboop · 6 years
Video Game Movies (Movie Idea # 2-11)
So you could go one of two ways.
If you’re going old school Tomb Raider, you need to give it a good ratio of 75% Indiana Jones and 25% Die Hard. It’ll be fun and Adventure-y, like ‘Temple of Doom’ or ‘Ark of the Covenant’ While you can also balance a feeling of dread and feeling trapped, like in Die Hard.
If you wanna do NEW Tomb Raider you just 80% ‘Die Hard’, 20% ‘127 Hours’
Now we have Lora Craft fighting off Wolves and Bears and having to take people's lives and it’s heart wrenching. You can even have a scene where she has to go relocate her arm after a nasty fall, or push an arrow through her shoulder.
Just either make it Fast and Furious (if you hate your audience and want money) or make the movie have super awesome races and stunts, and then make the characters have to deal with their consequences of doing races and stunts, like Breaking Bad meets Heat, but faster
Make it.
A crazy action, shooter, gore film.
What Resident Evil should be is like the movie Quarantine. Thats it really. To be spicy just add camera shots from static cameras that stay in one part of the building, to mimic the old school camera from the first game.
Just make it ‘Lost in Translation’ but Models instead of actors.
Now it’s not a raunchy almost dirty movie with shitty fights and a shitty plot, but instead it's a tasteful art piece about what it takes to become one of the rich and beautiful, and what to do when you get to the top.
Hell, even the title reflects that message, referring to the constant zombie state of being treated like an object and not a person. Am i dead...or alive...or does it matter?
Like, thats some Oscar Bait shit.
Hey...do you know how to fix the Angry Birds movie?
You Can’t.
It’s Unfixable!
Focus on the PAST not the PRESENT
Cut the plot from the video games. That shit barely holds together in-game, let alone on-screen. Make it more of a spy thriller like Bourne Identity or James Bond, but set in ancient times, That’ll be a bit tough, but definitely not impossible.
FIRE THE EDITOR. Make the fight scenes violent like in 300 but with speed and clarity like in Drunken Master.
Don’t make Hitman the main character or a good guy, make him the villain. He has no personality or traits, or anything human like. He’s basically just terminator.
So just make Terminator.
One or Two, it dosent matter.
Ok,  this one is a bit of a doozy, but it’ll totally work out.
Scrap the first age era shit, and don’t make it a movie.
Instead, make it a series similar to HBO’s Game of Thrones, and base the plot on the Warcraft 3 game ‘Reign of Chaos’.
Just from that you have 4 seasons that’s super interesting and intriguing, in a constantly evolving world where death is a very real thing. We’ll get to see the Rise and Fall of Arthas, The Heroism and brotherly love of Thrall and Grom, and the super edgy yet super cool Iliadin and how all of it comes together.
And if it picks up, then just tack on Frozen Throne and you'll make a billion dollars
Fight scenes like the The Raid and a plot of revenge for the crimes done into a man and his family. Super brutal and dark, similar to Punisher, but with more focus on murder and the things Max has done wrong, as apposed to a huge government conspiracy
Alright so imagine the Evil Dead movies, remove the cheesy campiness, and instead of a log cabin, its a whole town. Bam. Now you got creepy shit around every corner and a bunch of unsuspecting victims BUT they aren't idiots.
Dont just rehash an old plot, make a new one. People going to see this movie already k ow all about Rachet & Clank, so just pick up with a new chapter of awesome. Oh, and don’t make it aimed at kids. All the people that played Ratchet & Clank as kids are adults now. So aim it at them.
So here’s the thing. After taking all these movies and just shitting on them, you have to realize that the thing that makes video games movies so bad is one of two things, that i’m gonna lay down for you here real quick.
Ethier 1
They respect the source material too much and don’t wanna change it, either making the story completely lacking (Dead or Alive, Hitman) or waaaay too complicated (Warcraft, Assassin’s Creed)
OR they do 2
They don’t give a shit about the source material because it’s too complicated or there's no story to begin with and just make a shitty genre film (Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Tomb Raider, Need for Speed)
And those are the saddest ones, because with a cool concept and a empty slate where you can make the plot as interesting as you can think of, why should those movies fail?
You could make Need for Speed such a cool movie because the plot for the games don’t really matter. Just test the characters and have them deal with consequences for destroying roads and bridges, and robbing banks and all the other cool shit the Fast and Furious movies do. Make it Breaking Bad but about High end robbery instead of drugs. All you gotta do is have some cool cars in it to be faithful to the game.
With Tomb Raider, you need to focus on the adventure and fun, or the grueling tasks that it takes to survive.
And you could easily make a Red Dead Movie, it’s just a slowburn western with a soundtrack by these two guys (Bill Elm and Woody Jackson) You just have to stay faithful to the themes of Redemption. And after that all you need is a simple title change and a new main character, you’ve got a whole new story.
Red Dead Rectified
Red Dead Reckoning
Red Dead Revival
Red Dead Revoked
More like Red Dead Easy! A-Ho!
And the main problem with the first category is recreating a story which is already good. Would you pay to go watch a movie that's a condensed version of all the cutscenes from Mass Effect? No. You can just play Mass Effect.
(BTW All you would need for a Mass Effect movie is a beautiful epic feeling, while sticking to the same themes about War, Refugees, Friends and Enemies, and everything else that takes place between 3, 200 hour games)
It's super important
And Hollywood hasn't made a good video game movie yet
But I have hope
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