#btw this is just me talking to myself i love seeing ship content from other ppl sm unless its walfort thats fucking weird i jaye walfort
lemonsbakery · 1 year
I literally have no idea who roguefort would date I cantm fathom them loving anyone
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It's not that i don't think they're worthy of love it's just that it's so hard to place them with someone for me. Like, I enjoy almondfort, butterfort, cinnarogue, I even like herbfort nobody talks about herbfort for some reason. I like so much but at the same time It's so difficult for me to find someone right for them for my specific fanon. To me, they never really learned what proper love is and they aren't really looking to love anyone due to that lack of knowledge and their whole thievery thing. They wouldn't want to drag anyone down with them but at the same time I do think that deep down they yearn for proper love and affection (staring at their fortune cookie quote) (i think thats what it was) they want someone to love them for who they are and not for the notorious phantom bleu. unfortunately, they most likely won't ever meet that someone since they are so focused on thieving and the phantom bleu that they're literally. Loosing themself. They have so many fake identities and so many persona's that theyve lost sight of who they really are through the dust of their mind si. Yeah I don't know Almond seems to know a lot abt them outside of the phantom bleu so he would probably work but at the same time like. HERBFORT herbfort is literally so cute and herb is super understanding I think so like . Fuck roguefort is hard to pair with people happy pride month I'm having a crisis /exag
I might j7st make pride month art with Almond herb and roguefort then call it a day. Maybe. Or I'll do two independent pieces of almondfort and herbfort i don't know homosexuaks make my life misreble sometimes/JOKE
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thepunkmuppet · 1 month
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it’s 1am and I’ve finished it :)
the plot was fucking amazing as was the writing, it was like a really really good tv show, or maybe an amazing movie (pt1) and its slightly more deranged sequel (pt2 and 3). I think I definitely preferred all things unholy as a whole, but yeah the next parts really did feel very sequel-like, in that the first one was The Story and the second and third were building on that first core story, expanding the characters and world. which ummmm btw the lore is insane??? so much going on lmfao but I think it all worked really well. the fallout boy stuff was fucking wild though icl because WHAT 💀 I’m also obsessed with the idea of god talking to frank in the form of the cardinal dream, that worked soooo well and still leaving it open at the end is great. I’m so glad frank and gerard got a happy ending, I ship those stupid twats SO hard I’m literally clawing at the walls they make me INSANE RRAAHHHH!!! icl I really didn’t care about mikey and ray’s romance like at all but it worked as a source of conflict and was pretty cute
I kind of forgot it was meant to be mcr fanfic for a while lmfao, which brings me on to I guess the most important part which is my main takeaway on the whole rpf thing
as I’ve said in a post before, I really struggle to picture voices and faces accurately in my head when reading. well except when it comes to buffyverse characters, but that’s just because those shows are so deeply ingrained into my psyche forever that istg I could literally channel buffy summers at this point and just become her. lmfao but yeah I really struggle with that! so when I’m reading, I just kind of create a vibe, a vague mind’s-eye image of a character, it’s very hard to explain. so for me these frank, gerard, mikey, etc characters were subconsciously already way far removed from the real people, like I had to consciously make an effort to make them sound and look exactly like them in my head. but like I said, it felt like a real piece of media like a tv show or something, so to me the unholyverse characters are just that - characters. it really felt like mcr playing movie roles lmfao which I was perfectly happy with. the romance and other relationships were written soooooo well, the real problem was ofc the smut!
I don’t like smut in general, not in a judgy or censor-y way, I just get no joy or kick out of reading it and all it does is make me feel awkward. but with rpf smut, even though I see unholyverse frank and gerard as fictional characters, I can’t ignore the fact that THIS IS FULLY EXPLICIT WHAT IS ESSENTIALLY PORN BEING WRITTEN ABOUT REAL PEOPLE 💀 read it write it all you want, personally I find it uncomfortable and it just doesn’t do anything for me. made me think too much about the fact that it WAS rpf, yk?? got me thinking about the real frank and gerard and how fucking weird it would be to read smth like that about yourself idk, also the fact they have wives and kids…. 😟 gosh idk it was very very well-written smut, it just made me so icked out the more I thought about it
but anyway, OVERALL: I loved it. it was so good, will definitely reread, bookmark, and think about it for a very very very long time. possibly scream and cry and tear my hair out too, idk. part 1 was my favourite by a long shot, it’s so iconic, and feels pretty removed from parts 2 and 3 in a nice way that makes it feel like a movie and its strange sequel. I’ve discovered I like rpf when it’s good and when it’s a complete au and the people feel like original fictional characters in their own right. I don’t enjoy rpf smut, though, AT ALL, which isn’t a surprise bc I don’t enjoy smut in general, the rpf aspect just made it way more uncomfy for me personally. kind of feel the need now to bleach my brain out and consume normal mcr content just to remind myself of the disconnect between unholyverse frerard and the real people lmfao
I do NOT ship frerard irl, that shit’s fucking weird don’t do it. yes there is a difference between fic like this and saying two married friends and colleagues in real life are actually in love with and attracted to each other. I do for sure ship unholyverse frerard, as I’ve said they’re fictional characters to me
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Heyy happy STS! If your characters were real, would you get along with them? Would you have stuff in common? Would you hang out? And if so, what activities would you guys do? (For any character(s) you want from any story!)
@orphanheirs Hiii hello! Thank you for the ask! (Do you do STS or any events, btw? I know you collect inspiration/aesthetic stuff for your writing, but didn't see any tag or ask posts.)
For Apophenia's characters...I'd get along with most of them, partly because many share fragments of personality or interest with me already.
Isaac and I would awkwardly make small talk until animals or supernatural stuff came up, then we'd lose track of time being gd nerds. We're both people who can enjoy just being around each other and doing our own thing, but also like to discuss ideas and do chill activities together (games, watch stuff, museums, etc.). We have some of the same flaws, but we'd encourage each other to do better because it's much easier for us to do that for others than it is for ourselves. All in all, I think we'd be close friends.
Renato has some of my more sociable/charming traits, just dialed up to 11. Honestly, he's too cool for me and would lose interest pretty quickly, especially because he's allergic to having genuine or introspective conversations. We don't have much in common beyond some general knowledge of ships and the ocean. If I had a party and invited him, all the other guests would forget about me and go follow him to a bar. (Then regret it after he, you know, drank all their blood or got them into a fight or something, but still.)
Another too-cool-for-me character is Elfy, but she's much easier to have a conversation with, and her charm and energy aren't weapons. We both love spooky stuff, and like Isaac I'd go with her to haunted sites. (Unlike Isaac, I'd enjoy myself.) All the stuff I could do with him I could do with her, plus if we did something more socially engaging I wouldn't have to worry about awkward lapses in interaction--Elfy would keep that ball rolling.
The best I could hope for with Kinslayer is that they adopt me like tarantulas will live with those frogs. We do both like books, poetry, and stories in general, and they're fond of Isaac, so I think I have a decent chance.
Breezy would be like the cool grandma or aunt I never really had. She's done a lot of traveling and had a lot of adventures, so she's full of stories and useful advice. These days she's content to run her hotel/bar in the middle of nowhere and stay slightly stoned at all times. I'd enjoy learning gardening tips from her and trying some of the, uh, special mushrooms she grows.
Friends aren't exactly Motley's thing, being a shapeshifting necromancer. I'd want to be friends with it, though, so, so, so bad. Maybe it would let me just hang out nearby as it sits in the desert and stares into the horizon, or wanders through abandoned places.
Oleander would be annoyed by me at first, but then again, she's that way with everyone so I wouldn't take it personally. She'd eventually warm up to me, I think. We could listen to Sisters of Mercy and practice throwing knives. I could probably convince her to try video games or DnD, which she'd enjoy once she got over how nerdy they are.
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gammagoop · 3 months
I think queer headcanons for the characters of the ccs are fine when it is clear you are not talking about the actual irl person. Maybe not on Twitter but here. Tumblr doesn't have many of the ccs here and people usually try to be respectful about it and it's good to see someone like you in your favorite character.
I do understand your reasoning tho, this isn't an argument or anything. Just wanted to add my two cents.
Love your art btw <3
i appreciate the input! and thanks for the compliment :D
the way i see it, the personas that the ccs put on in the life series and hermitcraft etc are not consistently separate enough from the irl ccs in order to warrant treating them as fictional characters. of course this is case-specific— ren probably considers some of the characters he’s played as more separate from himself, compared to someone like etho who doesnt stray much from his true personality. and to me, its just not practical to take it on a case by case basis— we’re not going to ask every cc a list of questions about their content just to know if its ok to ship them and whatnot, so i tend to take a very “better safe than sorry” attitude and just not engage with that fictional treatment at all
i’ve seen this described as a twitter opinion before and while i do think that probably has foundations in reality, i think separating between platforms like that isn’t helpful. i barely use twitter and haven’t for probably a year or so (aside from my private account) so i engage way more with the tumblr fandom than the twitter one, and further, i see a lot of people on twitter who do treat them as separate characters. idk that statement just irks me
and i’m glad that people are generally trying to be respectful— that’s good! and i understand that i, a random guy, cannot enforce my own views onto other people. but i do think this is a good conversation to have that too often i see people brushing off in favor of their own fan desires
if you want to see people like yourself in the minecraft content you watch (as many do, including myself) you should find other queer creators to watch, and/or find qualities about the hermits (and co) that you can relate to
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crystallinestars · 1 month
Hello again, it's been a while! (since the last rants after the homophobia thing haha) I just wanted to send you and all the previous anons much love and support! I also hope that all these discussions will be seen as the humble brainstorming / sharing of experiences and ideas that they are.
As for all that was discussed before (loved the rants btw), I've said it before and I'll say it again: many people don't see stories as carefully woven threads / creative tools made by humans, they see it as tropes and mirrors. I feel like at some point experiencing stories has stopped being about "how do these things connect and what kind of interpretations can you draw from the source?" to become "what does this story says about / how can I make this story about me, myself & I?". And it doesn't help that this take echos one of the most common (but also very cliché ngl) thing that can be said about what a story is (I think we've all heard something like "stories help us learn things about ourselves").
If we go from there, what can you say to someone who sees their reflection in a story without looking or sounding like the "bad guy"? After all, how dare others question one's identity? Surely they must be some kind of puritan evil and a "x-phobe"!
I saw discussions on Twitter saying a few years ago that some people have cannibalized "leftist" jargons so much that they end up sounding like the very conservative they're trying to push back against and now "social justice" in many communities (esp in fandoms) is used as a weapon to police what everyone does in their corner, even if they're not bothering anyone else. It's too bad imo that in the court of social justice and its jargon, bullying and harrassment aren't treated as serious offenses, but I digress 🤷🏻‍♀️
Going back to the "people love tropes" thing, while I find it sad that it often seems they do not see anything beyond these tropes, a huge part of the blame definitely lies with the creators / companies providing this content. I agree with you 1000% that Mihoyo knew what they were doing with Alhaitham and Kaveh, what with how popular the phrase "and they were roommates!" has become. This is also why I hate when fandoms tell people like the bi anon for example that they should just "find other people like them in the community <3", because it essentially means "go be a killjoy somewhere else and spend your time dodging the content you don't want to see". I'm also not a big fan of popular fandom activties (shipping being at the top of the list, even if technically I don't mind hearing people talk about their hcs and interpretations, so long as they do it respectfully) so I understand how restrictive the experience can be.
And finally, the Kaveh situation. Both you and the anon made great points and frankly? Thank you so much for addressing all these things! Nothing irks me more than people going "omg x behaviour / outfit is SOO gay". I know it's supposed to be a facetious little joke originally and I'm also not here to bring justice to the pixels, but after hearing this so many times I'm starting to believe that many people genuinely think that you can identify a person's orientation just by looking at them. What happened to "traditional / straight men should embrace their 'femenine' side"? Idk, I think about this a lot and I've yet to truly gather my thoughts on the subject, but I do feel like this way of going about these things is a slippery slope leading straight into stereotyping territory.
Also, I feel you both when you say you don't think kavetham is a viable ship. It's of course a matter of taste and people are definitely allowed to play with different dynamics (healthy or not). I just think it's also a case of latching onto a trope (opposites attract maybe) and rolling with it. I've been friends with people whose personalities were drastically different from mine, and while it was fulfilling because we were constantly challenged by each other, let me tell you that this constant was also EXHAUSTING, to the point that it sometimes felt like having to walk on eggshells to keep the balance stable. So yeah, while I can see the appeal in a ship like kavetham, I'm not a fan. I could enjoy it if people focused more on the fragility and vulnerability that such a relationship can create, but alas. I suppose top/bottom discouse brings much more instant gratification.
Anyway, I think the girlies here (and all those who wish to join) should form an alliance and keep doing their things away from the drama. I'm really glad that your blog is a safe space to vent and talk about these things 💜
Glad to see you again, Anon! 💚
I never imagined that stating I'm not into BL in my bio would spark so much discussion on the topic of modern fandom culture. Not that I mind since I enjoy talking about these things, but it does make me wonder if there should be a dedicated space for it so everyone can talk about it together. In the meantime, I am more than happy to be a safe space for others to vent their frustrations and share their opinions on the topic 😊
We talked before about how people project themselves onto stories and characters, and you also made a really good addition to this that I haven't thought of before. It does seem like people stopped interpreting stories for their message/idea, and are now using it as a way to validate themselves instead. It makes me wonder what it is about modern Western culture that's pushing people to project so heavily onto entertainment media.
I won't comment too much on political jargon since I am not American, and oftentimes struggle to understand American politics. One thing I have noticed, though, is that a lot of Americans view everything around them through a political lens, even when said thing or person has nothing to do with politics. They jump to conclusions about where on the political spectrum said thing or person lies based on whether it aligns with their views, and then judge it to be either good or bad. No in-between.
And I also agree that the social justice camp has done a 180, and went from promoting equality and acceptance, to now policing everyone who doesn't adhere to their strict views of what is morally correct. It has led to a rejection of equality. I also wonder why these people feel the need to police everyone around them. Are they trying to make up for something deep down?
I am also very thankful to the anon for opening discussion on the issue of people assuming character sexuality based on physical attributes or behaviors. As we talked at length prior, the term "coding" is being thrown around everywhere to justify people's headcanons about characters. We've gone past sliding down the slope of stereotyping, because I've seen people use stereotypes to describe characters, and parade them as proof that the character is gay-coded.
For example, I saw someone say Kaveh is gay-coded because he whines and complains a lot, dresses feminine, and shows no interest in women (Said person also said a lot of other WILD things to try and defend their point. It was one of the most surreal conversations I've ever had). Some of this stereotyping started out as a joke, as you said, but lately it doesn't feel like a joke anymore.
Glad you are also of the opinion that Kaveh and Haitham wouldn't make a good romantic couple! Every time I see someone compile a list of how they're designed as a pair, and therefore meant to be lovers, I want to write a list stating why their personalities wouldn't make them work. Or if they do start dating, then why it would inevitably fall apart. But I digress.
I feel you when you say you've been friends with someone who is your polar opposite, and how difficult it can be. Though I wouldn't even call us friends because we are just too different to understand each other's point of view. It's frustrating and exhausting, for sure, which is why I commend you for being able to keep a friendship going.
Sorry for writing so much. I thought I would write less, but somehow I never can.
Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with us! It's definitely encouraging and vindicating knowing there are others who share our views out there.
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gcldfanged · 3 months
Meet the Writer
ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘɪᴄᴋ ᴜᴘ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴍᴜꜱᴇ(ꜱ) ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ?
Genesis: I actually HATED Genesis initially in the og CC game. I thought he was a lame addition and just like… idk, they wanted Gackt in the game so they made his presence plot relevant? OOOUGH, I was so mad… But then I saw how the rpc and fandom treats him, which is honestly even WORSE SOMEHOW??? So I decided to try writing him seriously and what do you know, I actually kinda like it.
Verdot: I literally have to make the content I wanna see in this rpc, such is my burden. my curse...
(OCs) - I wanted to write about the themes I have on my pinned and honestly, there were so many Tseng rpers who I am friends and mutuals with that knock it out of the fucking ballpark- I just didn't feel like I'd have ANYTHING new or good to contribute to the exploration of his character? So I made an OC :P And he's really changed so much! I remember when I was still making my own art for him and he wasn't QUITE like there the way I wanted him to be, but I didn't have anything better to employ as a faceclaim or reference to draw from. And then Cas was like "btw here's a manga about your HYPERFIXATION" and Kokonoi's general appearance and vibe was a great starting point to go off of instead.
Anyway, There's always things I had planned for Jae in the works or on the backburner, but he has really evolved over the span of years I've been writing him, so I really appreciate every person who took the time to check him out and build something with him.
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ?
You know, I have been becoming more lenient with allowing myself to write certain things. I always end up being afraid of how people will react to certain themes I explore because... let's be real, a lot of people are pretty intolerant to opinions that are different than theirs. So long as whatever I and/or my partner explore is handled with the care and respect it deserves, I don't really see an issue with much anymore. Hell, I was terrified to post that one drabble fleshing out Jae meeting Veld for the first time because I was afraid people would see Jae's reaction to killing someone as somehow 'excusing abuse' because he wasn't dancing on the guy's corpse and actually showed remorse for what he did. It's fears of what I write about being misconstrued like that that really makes me hesitant to even talk about certain ideas with partners. But I'm getting over that, little by little and step by step.
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ?
I actually love writing (as you can tell) introspective pieces. Something where you're really getting inside the character's head for a moment to see past all of their walls and facades, or sometimes you're still seeing what they tell THEMSELVES is the real undiluted truth, but isn't. I just love that kinda stream of consciousness really dig deep into the VOICE of a character exploration. Makes me feel lots of emotions.
ʜᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ?
Usually I'll be doing something else like watching a piece of media or listening to a podcast and start to think "Ooh, my muse would love this" or "this makes me think of xyz muse wow", and it just kind of expands organically from there.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ɪɴ ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴏʀ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ?
Music helps get me inspired initially, especially since I make spotify playlists for all my muses (and ships :P), so generally I'm cool with music, but usually I zone in too much on my own writing to pay attention. It's like my sense of hearing turns off.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇᴘʟɪᴇꜱ ᴏʀ ᴡɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇᴍ?
Both- There's always a general sort of... idea or outcome that me and my partner would LIKE to shoot for? And sometimes we just don't get there, because it really depends on what the characters do/say and how it's taken by the other muse.
For example, I was roleplaying a thread with @steeleidolon's Kunsel where he and Jae are trying to broker a deal and Kunsel ends up saying something to the effect of "your people" and he means the Turks. Jae, on the other hand, hears 'your people' and assumes Kunsel was bringing up his race and the perception of fellow people from Wutai or Hanuel being unfairly insular. So, it kinda went to shit, LOL.
It's little things like that that can color your muse's reaction to sometimes very different degrees than what you plan for!
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ꜱʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ?
I like complicated dynamics and no, I will never shut up about them. Ships for me don't even have to strictly be romantic or sexual in nature, so like- I have some interactions I'm still feeling out with @saishuu-heiki that are platonic but leaning in a distinctly enemy/frenemy/challenges other person kind of vibe? And I think it's great! They don't HAVE to be like "we're friends, we're lovers, or we hate each other'- Like, limiting all your interactions to one of those three options gets really boring for me...
ᴡʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʟɪᴀꜱ/ɴᴀᴍᴇ?
King_Kkeungi is my mangaka pseudonym for the Silent Manga Audition that I tried submitting to last year. People have called me just "King" (if they didn't know how to pronounce Korean) or "Kkeungi" before, so I tend to go by these handles now.
30s, I'm like Dagon: ancient and evil, spoken about in hushed whispers that the zealots who follow my dark lore worship-
May 10th
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ(ꜱ)?
Blue-greens like teal and turquoise, soft pastel mint, and pinky-purples
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴏɴɢ(ꜱ)?
Currently? PRIMADONNA by Kedarui! It's a sequel to their other song, Femme Fatale and has amazing lore and characters. It's just got fascinating kinda themes and imagery when you watch them back to back.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
The 2nd DUNE movie, holy crap, I was blown away!
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
Hell's Paradise, which I am still TRYING to finish.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱᴏɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ?
Philip by millenium parade, my new go-to Jae song
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰᴏᴏᴅ?
Thai or Vietnamese food *drools*
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ?
Summer... I just love the heat and the sun and the iconic imagery/sounds/themes like eating watermelon and wearing floppy plastic sandals, melting ice cream, hearing the chime of our furin while sitting outside on the porch of the house.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ?
I talk to regularly (like near every day): @ceaselxss, @annjiru, @phoenixshards, @sadistpet, @nightiingaled. Like talking with a lot: @speedchasing, @ofdeference, @hisnewera, @cwarscars, @contemptim, @steeleidolon, @altrxisme, @hxbiris & @hxvemxnd
The people who have known me the LONGEST are mostly discord only rpers now, but Tricky, HD, Kit, and Vixen I consider to be extremely close to me since we've been friends for... like over or around 6+ years and are still ongoing buddies who have met face to face before.
Then there's my ex-fiancee, but he doesn't do tumblr rp anymore.
This list also doesn't even cover ppl I write with/ooc interacted with over a long period of time like @ivory-paragon, @poeticphoenix, @reapersxfolly, @endweapon, @chthonicsurge, or @dcviltriggcr, so- I like reaching out to people and developing bonds! We don't even have to be on discord capslocking at each other, it's really cool when you can come back to an RPC and still have that connection without any awkward small talk?
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wildissylupus · 10 months
This is going to seem like a sad ask, but I saw your recent asks and I remembered my first experience with overwatch which was my first game of its kind. It was 2016 and I watched all the cinematics and fell in love with it, especially Alive and Overwtach Museum where I saw Widowmkaer and Tracer flirting, I was so excited about them and it was the first major ship at that time and then later I discovered Pharmercy, Zarya with Mei, Sombra and Symmetra, Sombra and Widowmaker, Mercy and Tracer and every lesbian ship you can imagine. A while later they confirmed Tracer as a lesbian I was a mixture of happiness (because I am also a lesbian) with a little bit of disappointment because of widowmaker, who was my favorite character and having a ship between two main characters was everything to me, but even still there were other ships possibilities and a lot of fanfics, plus the fandom was so big in content in many ways also receptive and everything and Overwatch was the game for representation that time. But over the years things changed and started to die, the community getting smaller and smaller, and now we have many more games with better lgbt representation among their characters and filled that for me, now I see overwatch these days I remember the good times and I still wish they could fix things with PVE/lore and develop their characters and their relationships better.
The thing is I think a lot of new fans don't really get this. When Overwatch came out it was revolutionary with it's representation, not only with characters of colour but with white characters too, even now I hardly see white characters be anything other than American, English and the occasional French and Australian, but only does it have variety with characters see as the same race but it also gives representation to places that aren't often talked about in media, like Baptiste being from Haiti, or Moira actually speaking Gaelic (which is an endangered language btw). In many ways Overwatch is still fairly good in representing under represented places in the world. Not only that but they do something that I don't see a lot of other media do and actually hire voice actors who are of the ethncity of the characters their voicing, like seriously it should be as uncommon as it is.
However that doesn't erase the problems in the game as well, such as a lot of characters being based off of stereotypes that did not age well.
I do think how they handled confirming Pharah and Baptiste was good (timing was atrocious though). Specifically Pharah. Usually in media like this where sexuality isn't the main focus lesbian characters will just refer to themselves as "liking girls", which leads to homophobes going "oh they can still like boy's". Pharah actually using the word lesbian is so rare and as a lesbian myself I really liked that touch, it was honestly really important to me. I think with more characters being confirmed (Pharah and Baptiste) and more characters being hinted at (Cassidy, Hanzo, Angela) being LGBTQ+, the representation will get better.
But that's just me being optimistic.
With the PvE and lore it seems that the writers are getting better at making the lore make sense, there are still some plot wholes in the timeline... but one of my first fandoms was FNAF so I can deal with that.
I don't really know if I explained this that well? Either way I hope I responded to your ask well, you genuinely brought up an interesting discussion and I wanted to do it justice.
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seriously-nobody · 6 months
I was gonna turn on anon but I decided against it, would it be okay if I actually asked you a question? Since I know you write reader insert fics yourself I thought you would maybe relate to what I’m feeling and if so I wanted to see how you deal with it. I absolutely love writing x reader fics, I get really attached to my favorite characters and I love pouring that love into writing form for myself and others to enjoy but sometimes I still feel embarrassed/ashamed/anxious about it and about how others might perceive it. I know there used to be a big stigma behind it and I got made fun of for it for a while and even now when I’ve gained enough confidence to start posting them to public places I still get a little worried that someone is sitting being the screen and thinking “wow this is cringe” especially because it’s most of the content I write and I don’t often write about ships or storylines like a lot of other people do. It’s a bit silly because so far most people have been nothing but nice to me but I still feel a little bit anxious about it especially as I keep writing more and more of them and wonder “oh man is this getting irritating for people”
I apologize for the slight vent, I just found it a little difficult to articulate the emotions in a more simple way. Have you ever felt like when you write fanfic? And if so what helps you kinda push through it and start accepting your writing more?
You don’t have to reply to this if you don’t want to or if it doesn’t really apply to you, and again I’m sorry for dumping a wall of text into your asks- I just got stuck in a little rut while writing my next chapter today and am having trouble getting out of it.
First off thank you so much for the question, I'm really glad u asked and were confident enough to send this without the anon on. Second I'm going to answer questions or comment on certain things as I read this, so here we go.
I don't really write for myself, I mostly write for the people who want to read it. I have a small audience but from the few people I have talked to, on here and from my ao3 page, they like it, so I write it for them.
The thing about the stigma is I still feel it. Not for x reader specifically but for fanfiction and fandom in general. But I just have kinda gotten used to it so I just kinda live in it now. I mean I keep my tumblr to myself and of course y'all on here, but that's it. I don't talk about my fics to people I don't trust not just because of the stigma but also because I write some batshit crazy stuff.
I'll tell you this, I don't think people r going to read something that they think they're not going to like. Especially if you label your works right the worst thing they're going to do is scroll away. (But if u do get a negative comment @ me and I'll find them :) ) Also I think my own work is cringe and I've just accepted that it is at this point so I'm kinda immune to someone telling me that I'm cringe or that what I do is cringe because I am and that's just how it be man. I am one with the cringe and the cringe is me. I've lived too long past my experation date to be worried about some default settings incel telling me my Haunted Mansion fanfiction or tumblr blog is cringe. Like uhm ya of course it's cringe? It's supposed to be?? (also it's my brand now that I'm the jester of cringe, thx to @spookyhollowart)
O dude, lemme tell u something, one shots r the best. You don't have to stick to a big storyline, relationship growth, or character arcs. Literally the best. I can't wait to do my one shots because most of them r short and I won't have to be looking back 6 chapters ago to what color some random ass dude was wearing or some bullshit like that, because I have to do now in my current fic.
Trust me the nice people scare me too. It's like WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE AND WHY R U BEING NICE TO ME??? AND WHY DO YOU LIKE WHAT I WRITE?? (U scare me a lot too btw)
O god no! It's not irritating at all! Quite the opposite, I absolutely love ur stuff, especially ur latest one, Soul Ties. Seriously looking forward to the next chapter, I'm super invested in how the reader acts, I very much relate.
Plz don't apologize this was awesome to read through and answer/comment on.
Man that's a big question, uh Ig I can say that for a long time it felt like a joke to myself that I was writing fanfiction. I was writing it seriously but it didn't feel serious/real to me. I'll say this, I accept the storyline and that I came up with it, but I don't accept the way I'm write it. Because I beat myself up for typos, bad flow, not good enough dialog, not enough descriptors, too many descriptors, too short chapters when I have writers block, not good enough, that kinda stuff.
I'm honestly just glad to have someone else writing hm stuff because I love this fandom so much and I love reading other people's work. I hope you get out of ur rut soon. Take ur time, there's no rush, and don't stress on it.
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meruz · 2 years
ive been neglecting my inbox so im answering all the asks rn. sorry...if you’ve been waiting for a response.
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yes go ahead!! Also ik it is hard to access my FAQ from the app but btw this is in my FAQ its very comprehensive because I get this type of ask a lot LOL. dw it’s not annoying though its easy to answer and I’m glad ppl like my art enough to use it and also care abt crediting!! its in my faq not because i dont like to answer but more so u guys dont need to ask LOL
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thank you!! I dont see much infinity train content ever either. when i was making infinity train fanart everyday i felt like i was on an island LOL...
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honestly I feel like cahiers are decent with posca because theyre not really absorbent and posca marks tend to sit on the page as opposed to soaking through anyways. umm i wouldnt like... use it to do a whole posca piece or anything but i use poscas just for pops of color in my sketchbook pretty often and it holds up ok. sometimes u can see the shadow of the color through the paper bc its thin but thats mostly it. i took pics of some sketchbook pgs and how the back of the page looks so you can see for yourself ( cw for bakudeku LOL ) ...theres a lot of like.. normal brush pen ink and india ink that penetrates the paper more like even compared to the black posca
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thank you!!!! I love drawing assorted cephalopods... their proportions remind me of drawing digimon characters LOL.
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not right now u_u I’m busy.... but you can always email me at [email protected] to check abt it! sometimes i will do commissions even if im busy because it sounds cool LOL...
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lol thank you!! idk if i ship(?) them either but its interesting to think about!!! theyre funny characters to bonk together and i feel like most fanart ive seen doesnt address how funny their relationship could be if it were more exploratory i guess
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yk that scene is kind of a meme now but it like genuinely still makes me emotional. when colette makes lloyd promise not to tell the others at the end it breaks my heart
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yeah here you go
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I feel like I’ve probably talked about this before in another ask post but i dont really think about style because its one of those things that artists should try to change depending upon intention, what you’re drawing and what you want to communicate etc. what people often recognize as style are quirks that an artist maintains throughout changing their subject and approach.....ANYWAYS. thats all to say my style probably just comes out of normal stuff like looking at other art and thinking “I want to do that” or trying out different mediums and methods and settling with whatever feels the best LOL. It’s always changing & growing! Because I’m always learning new stuff!
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Theres a lot! I really like the scene when daisukes lying awake in bed thinking abt how ken’s heartbeat felt. And the scene when they have a sleepover and ken wakes up first and looks over to daisuke sleeping LOL idk subtle stuff you can read very clearly as like burgeoning queer moments.. theyre recognizable from my own queer childhood and i love that in a kids anime. also at the end of the series when theyre fighting the final boss dude and ken grabs daisukes arm to ask him to jogress but hes shivering and daisuke just turns to say “youre shaking....” and in revenge of diaboromon when ken goads daisuke into endurance running by taunting him about soccer LOL (jock romance). but one i rly want to mention is theres this youtube video about how ken and daisuke’s honorifics change over the course of the series and how significant it is when they switch over to first name basis and honestly i think about it a lot THEY HAVE GREAT SCENES!! I love ken and daisuke
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wow!! thats rad... the sad truth is its just my name with like a shitton of letters taken out. sometimes i abbreviate it even further as mrz and i think to myself haha ... mister z.
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0l-unreliable · 9 months
God I’m such a whore for fem!andreil (but maybe that’s cuz I’m a lesbian hah) but ESPECIALLY your fem!andreil
LOVE the way you draw them!!!!!- their expressions are always so on point, I love the colours and their overall character design (I hope this makes sense? I mean like when I think of fem!andreil that’s exactly how I picture them (it’s the same with andreil too, I think I just adore the way you draw them :D)) you’re an incredible artist I WANT TO SHOW YOU SOME LOVE CUZ GODDAMMNIT YOU DESERVE IT
I would happily listen to you talk about your AUs forever
Thank you so so muchhhh
Fuck I’m so gay
(Also regarding the visibility of you post I can’t see it either on your page or when looking through hashtags; I only saw it cuz I got notifications turned on for every time you post so I got the notification; unfortunately tumblr is shit when it comes to posting mature content which is a big shame :((()
((Also I would love to order some cute things from your shop but Etsy says you unfortunately don’t ship to my countryyy :((( which is a shame, I have no control when it comes to buying cute things)
LOVE U <3333
Hope you have a great day!!!
(sitting in my bed kicking my feet as I read this btw) andreil is so fun to draw, but drawing them gender-bent always feels a bit like I'm pandering to myself so hearing others like the way I portray them makes me sob joyously. I'm not too pressed about the lack of visibility though it's a shame it won't open many eyes to the wonders of female Andrew.
believe it or not, there is an AU for the recent ladies too (shocking I know). In my head, Neil is married to Riko somehow and he dies or w/e, and Andrew is the noir detective that was hired to 'investigate' his death; or alternatively, one of the other foxes is hired by him to see if she's faithful to their sham of a marriage (of course, who would be when Andrea is wearing thigh-highs? come on). It's the barest hint of a noir detective lesbian pwp story
As for my etsy, I'd like to open it up more but I want to make sure I have a handle on everything first, hearing that at least one person wants my trinkets outside of the US is radical though
(thank you, btw, for having notifications on. that's not a possibility i considered, having someone like my stuff enough to want to see it as soon as it comes out)
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fruitobject · 2 years
what is your opinion on coinpin and leafpin (specifically a love triangle (where pin and leafy already had an established relationship until bfdia and then pin dated coiny in bfdia and then there is a cool interaction in idfb))
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this is so long oh god
this is what I'm picking up for the love triangle part if I understand correctly (i'll comment on this later but I don't fully understand love triangles sorry😭)
and if I'm wrong you can disregard the third conclusion section
easily best bi couple right?
I absolutely LOVE all their interactions throughout the whole series, down to their bickering and small comments to each other. In the world of the bfdi fandom, friends to lovers and rare pairs always take the lead in a way.
This isn't saying bfb is poorly written, but there wasn't too much meaningful character interaction or at least development following the interactions in the show. The only times we do get to see it between a pair of characters its always followed by shipping in the fandom because of how little friendly interaction there is outside of the competition normally (firey and leafy arc, pin and coiny's little talk about loser and more, fireafy and coinpin are the most popular ships currently) ITS HARD TO WORD THIS IMSORRY
but imagine it like there's little development outside of the competition (and it's not bad, it's a battle after all) so when characters finally DO have meaningful interaction the fan base loses their marbles whether it's some sort of villain arc or just repairing an alliance because everyone else is so bland (in terms of dynamics and stuff with others I NEED MY TROPES)
but this also gives a reason for these "popular ships" to work together more, because the said pairing would have the most development together if the above is true with the "most meaningful interactions"
back to coiny x pin, I would dub it as a popular ship in the fandom. is it overrated? of course not! I can see how their chemistry works, and there is plenty of canon content with them as a perfect duo.
this is just me wanting to bring up the bfdi shipping issue(?)(not really I just noticed it) I'm sorry again
conclusion: can definitely see it, and ship it myself! one of bfb's fav ships for a reason
Their relationship in the series quite literally began on the first episode with them being in an alliance, and I've loved their strange alliance since. I'm not sure if most of the leafpin shippers came in before or after that one short with the two, but their dynamic is great! Also on the popular side due to many different things, but I don't have any complaints about it!
Nothing else to really say, but I'd love it if they interacted again in another short or something in the future!!!! u guys are starved I'm sorry
conclusion: neat ship! love two lesbian gals in love
love?????? triangle????????????
Would be interesting but a little weird considering Leafy is in bfb still and no where near tpot grounds. I assume you mean this takes place in a period where they're still in bfb (coiny and pin make out without leafy during bfdia😒/j)
It'd be good for a fic or something that could be expanded on with its own plot reasons, but I personally don't see the love triangle part! I respect your opinion though and think its still pretty cool!! I can see it with a backstory of some sort, just not from what we already have in bfb.
Everything above does apply since it's just the both of the ships above with Pin in a weird love dorito
btw don't let any of my opinions take down what you think of these ships!!!!!this is just a long ramble about what I think
conclusion: I don't know what a love triangle is
. . .
final conclusion : I think the dynamic between the 3(or 2 each) would be really cool!! works best in fics that could give it some more backstory to how the love triangle came to be + maybe even some fun little headcanons
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babsvibes · 2 years
Logan is my favorite too! I find myself defending him more than necessary though. You said "I get why people hate the kid" so what's your take on the fandom hate?
Oh sweet darling, I am giving you a hot chocolate and sending my love 💕 I’m right there with you. Logan has all these fun lines and traits that help create stories that actually challenge our other beloved character, so of course people adore him. And, also, of course people hate him. If you want a seminar on how to soften people to this little shit (affectionate), that’s a different long post lol. Right now, we’ll deal with fandom perception.
My take is that it’s easy to hate Logan, especially if you’re looking surface level. He’s an antagonist, a teen antagonist who is going to make teen mistakes at that. He and a fan fave butt heads. If a person doesn’t want to think about why he might act the way he does (and they’re not obligated to even if there is material to draw conclusions from), then it’s an uncomplicated issue. Where it gets complicated is how people express those views. I’ll get into this in a sec, but first here’s a practical method to dealing with hate.
Ask yourself two things when you come across something that makes you uncomfortable:
Was this created to hurt me specifically? If yes, then block and filter to the best of your ability. Nothing you can do will force that person to feel empathy or gain perspective outside of themselves.
If it was not created to intentionally hurt you, ask why you’re uncomfortable? What might be the reason for the creator to make something that causes discomfort, and can you find it in you to allow other people the chance to make their own choices?
People will always have a storm of nuance hiding just under the skin, but how we choose to act on and react to that nuance defines us. Bringing us to a funny thing about fandom reactions. Mentions of death threats below the read more.
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The main problem I have with fandom hate is that, because some viewers equate Louise to a person with the ability to feel and react, that means they have the ability to justify calling me an abuse apologist while simultaneously telling me to kill myself. That’s a real thing that has happened btw, and I wish I was exaggerating lol. Other instances of fandom nonsense like tagging ships and characters in hate are also pretty common.
What helps is to practice critical thinking as to why a person might be driven to act the way they do (I know, it’s crazy that you can use these principles for more than analyzing media lol). More often than not, it’s someone facing a feeling of powerlessness in their life. This can be for any number of reasons. Besides the general state of the world constantly crunching out powerlessness, maybe it’s a teenager who doesn’t have a lot of control over their own life. They’re experiencing more of the world and learning terms for behaviors that are Wrong but have little power to make change or Fix it. Creating spite fic and art and sending hate allows a person to reclaim their power in a way that feels justified and uncomplicated. The mean boy gets punished and the mean people who like him can be sad about it. Boom, easy, done.
And please don’t think I’m guiltless. It’s My Party was originally conceived as a spite fic. The meaning changed before it got posted, became something more with a purpose outside of spite, but it doesn’t stop that I was feeling that powerlessness—that the people posting in the character tag and ship tag about how much they hate my favorite stuff, sending me death threats, etc. can do so without consequence. My only form of power is to block and move on, but I was struggling with the moving on part. That’s what I think about when I see people trying to harsh my mellow. They’re feeling powerless, and this will help them move on eventually.
It sucks. It really does. But if you keep making content, supporting creators, and talking with people who DO enjoy your thing then you will eventually drown out the negative voices. I promise.
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kittytheartist · 2 years
Oh what I meant about Teru- (this is about canon! nothing fanon)
It's just that Teru cares for his family so much and doesn't care about the others very much
He let Hanako live because Kou wanted to watch after him blah blah blah
He kept the pink bunny thingy (for the life of me I can't remember how to spell their name and don't wanna mess it up) because Tiara wanted it
He went to get the supernatrual back not because of Akane or Nene but because Kou wanted to.
Mostly everything he does is for his family(he also basically gave up his childhood so kou could live normally)
He sees Akane as a cockroach because he is half supernatural and the whole reason they even 'talk' is because of Akane being half supernatural. Teru doesn't even talk to the other student council members and even does their work when they skip out and I feel like he would do the exact same thing if our Akane was a normal human- he wouldn't care for him
And the whole reason he seems to 'care' is because Teru watches over him. But he only watches over him to make sure he doesn't do anything bad
And he might have a thing for Ao-chan but I have no idea (for we don't know why he would need her for something he wants)
I'm saying that if Akane(who is the only person he's 'close' too, if we wanna squint our eyes) asked Teru to help him get back Aoi-chan he'd roll his eyes at him or heck might even laugh but what I'm trying to say is he might pretend to consider it but his intention would never to actually do it because he will only do it for his family
He was content in living with no supernaturals but because kou wanted it he did it
And to when the attack happened in the severance I don't think he'd save Akane if he was in Kou's place(he would not risk his life for him) mainly because he would love to make sure that his family, Kou is in a safe area.
I repeated myself a little here but of well.
But in fanon totally!! Teru would swoop in and save our damsel, akane and his life for him because they are totally in loveeeeeeeeeeeee~~~!!! <33
And because this is long enough I'll just add a little more (sorry hon <3)
And in Akane's case
As we see when he is in love he isn't afraid to show it (we see this when he started dating Lemon because of the confession tree, because the tree made them a couple/made them fall in love lol- Oh Yamakane is super amazing and cute- I ship it btw) he purposes to Aoi-chan all the time and with lemon he told the entire class while do weird poses that they were in love and dating.
We see he doesn't act like a tsundere at all when in love
We see how he acts with his classmates - he's polite and kind and caring because he isn't the bestest of friends with them
So it's obvious he feels a friendship with Teru to show his true true self or in a bad way... he doesn't care enough to hide his true personality because he doesn't like him just like he doesn't like the other supernaturals
So yeah Akane may feel a friendship with Teru but he hates it because how Teru teases him about dating Aoi or literally tieing him in that supernatural weapon for hours on end while letting the (fucking can't remember how to spell) pink bunny things do what every they pleased
Yeah Teru gave him a thing to stop him from seeing supernaturals but I feel like he gave it to him because he felt pity or didn't want seeing these unnatural to mess up his school life (because again pity or something else but not a great feeling like care)
So canon Akane may feel a friendship with Teru but Teru probably feels a little bit of friendship(but then again he hates supernaturals so he is probably in denial about seeing him as a friend)
The thing is- Teru hates the dead people so it would probably take him sometime to even consider him a friend and would any day at anytime chose his family over anyone-even himself
while Akane-well I said it multiple times already now- sees him as a friend but is annoyed by that fact and is in love aoi-chan(even if he is a little, just a little /hj obsessed)
sorry for the long ask and typos, buddy :')
Oh and about the me running a mitsukou blog- I don't- I run a whole different fandom blog lol
I don't even read that much Mitsukou fanficion- I read like maybe 10 to 15 (I know that does probably seem like a lot but it isn't- I literally have a reading list where I have 100+ Hananene/amanene fanfics that I read so yeah it isn't a lot) I have read more Terukane fanfics
I actually do follow a Mitsukou blog but that's like maybe 1 or 2 while I follow so much Terukane/Hananene blogs Or just incorrect tbhk quotes
OH and again about the Yakoo and Satou they are totally dating- They literally had a divorce (in after school hanako or one of the extras I think) I love them so much
But how about NENEKANE
I love Nenekane- just think about it.... <3
Akane deserves all the love from everyone! :DD
Wait- this is making me think about who I ship this man with.... I ship him with lots of people wtf?
Teru, Aoi, Lemon, Nene and Hanako what
.... I thought about it and decided that Akane is a whore /j
sorry once again for making this ask MUCH Longer than it really should've been :'3
Hi Anon, thanks for clearing what you meant up! But I will kindly ask you to get tf out of my ask box, because I can find so many things about this that is completely misread and you seem to see Teru like most HanaNene shippers do (I know I'm passive aggressive but I'm a spiteful person and honestly I dislike most of the tbhk fandom and you end up in the rants I'm having a hard time not yelling how Teru's character is written) and honestly felt my Teru stan and kinnie self start boiling, I WILL SAY, Teru LOVES his siblings so much and yes he does SO much for them, and would do more, but let's be clear on Teru's character, he is so justice prone and raised off of it and as much as people say Kou is all about "justice" his form of showing it is horrible but Teru's morals are FAR better and he goes out of his way to help others,
now about your canon vs fanon......it is wrong beyond all reason, and here's the fuck why;
Teru only caring about his siblings is half right, he cares for them and tries to keep himself only to them but he ACTUALLY AND GENUINELY CARES FOR AKANE OK??? IN FUCKING CANON^^
first off, Teru has never seen Akane as just a half roach, and doesn't treat him as such AT ALL, he gave Akane the glasses because he wanted to give him the option he never had of getting a normal life, hearing Akane say how much this will change everything Teru genuinely saw a living in distress and wanted to help because that's his job, and he thinks a disgusting supernatural should never trick a human like that with such dirty tricks, in no way was this a pity move
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TERU HERE EVEN CALLS IT A FAVOR!!! he didn't mind doing this at all and the expression (SPECIFICALLY HIS EYES AND EYEBROWS!!!THEY ARE A KEY FACT TO READING HIM!!I TOUCH ON HIS FACIAL EXPRESSION READING HERE) he makes looking at the glasses, and the attitude he seemed to have giving the glasses to Akane, he seems genuinely happy with what he did because he has helped a living in a situation they know nothing about, and he is GENUINELY remembering this moment, in no way does he show signs of pity here, it was not a pity move.
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how does his facial expression say pity and no caring? his face when he doesn't care and thinks you're a sad sight is THIS
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we can even see his face in the second to last panel, his eyes are closed and is the closest we'd get to the panel where he's messing with Akane, don't you see how different he acts and how different he looks? both panels have similar themes but the difference on how he treats a supernatural and Akane (a half supernatural) doesn't this show you how he sees him differently?
even when he talks about pitying and torturing Akane her he seems to be having a GOOD TIME MAKING AKANE'S LIFE HARDER (not in a genuine way but in a way that is entertaining to him and Akane DOESN'T MIND, he may say how annoying it is and it IS getting in the way of him doing his work, but he respects Teru SO MUCH!! Akane respects and looks up to Teru VERY much it's so amazing how much he trusts Teru with everything, and the mutual trust Teru shares, Teru never trusts anyone with anything, but I'll talk more on their trust later I'm the post) Akane has mentioned how Teru could get in trouble if he told anyone, but he doesn't!! because he genuinely finds no problem with this, he despises when he sees something unfair, and is SO QUICK to point it out! THE ENTIRE CLOCK KEEPER ARC WE SEE THIS PART OF HIM, he hates and finds it unfair how he has to go after Mirai and throughout the series he is constantly honest to Teru, and points out when something is unfair to others, he pointed out how unfair Hanako was being to Kou because he didn't even get a chance to help Nene, and he pointed out how unfair it was that Nene was roped into being Hanako's assistant, and how he himself was tricked, but he doesn't make sure Teru would stop this because if he apsolutely wanted him to stop he would put up more of a fight!! he can be so stubborn of he disagrees with something like how he is shown in the beginning of the grim reaper arc and Nene even had to try DRAGGING HIM!! arm in arm they were fighting, but Akane doesn't even give attitude or a temper towards Teru for tying him up, he is VERY collected about it, he just gets back up and continues, and Teru lets him down yk, I doubt he let his beads drop Akane accidentally, he never plans to keep him up there for too long, and was only severely tied up after the clock keeper arc because it was a punishment.
as much as Teru loves to call him pitiful and say things are sad to look at, the only thing he actually pitys looking at is a supernatural because they're made of regret, clinginess to the life they lost, rue, anger, jealousy, it genuinely upsetting to see such a vile creature cling so desperately, but Akane is no where near a supernatural, and he genuinely doesn't find him annoying or pitiful, he was tricked by a horrible supernatural, he doesn's hate Akane and never will, he may despise the way he goes about his crush for Aoi, he may think that a women should never be approached like that, shown in his card to Akane
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he shows so much respect to Aoi, as a female because it's only curtis to be a gentleman, but he thinks the way Akane acts is apsolutely disgusting, NOT BECAUSE HE'S HALF SUPERNATURAL📢🚫 Teru in no way has an idea how to deal with a half supernatural like Akane and he doesn't do anything, he DOES make his life harder, and bullies him over being a half supernatural, but in NO👏WAY👏DESPISES👏HIM👏FOR👏IT
Teru is shown to respect women time and time again throughout the series, he's very gentlemenly when it came to Nene visiting them to return Hanitaro, and when he interacts with Aoi, and is always curtis with the background ladies we see.
now about that mutual trust they share for each other, first OFF!! Akane trusts, respects, and admires this man SO MUCH, and we see that when their relationship really starts to grow more, grim reaper arc and ALL of in between of current, after the betrayal of Teru not saying anything about Aoi not able to come, that tore him apart because that was the first time Teru wasn't honest with him, he didn't mention a mejor thing, but after thinking it over, he saw it as the right decision and Teru had done what was reasonable, he respects him that much!!
• • •
how can you ignore so much of what Teru has done and say it's only for his family? ok so Teru in the navigation arc has NOTHING to do with Kou!! and he even would have left him behind at home, but he didn't think ANY of this would take place, because his ENTIRE goal currently is to save Aoi, Teru would NEVER roll his eyes or laugh at Akane if he flat out asked for help, but instead Akane brung him back up in the shrine by saying he COULD do it himself and wouldn't mind because he'd never give up. Akane even EXPLAINED Teru's character to us at the sleep over!!
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here this reaction of Teru's isn't a "I don't care to help you" but it's a "YOU HAVE ME ON POINT" Teru in NOW WAY has EVER been read like a book like this, honestly he's probably uncomfortable with how much Akane can see through him like glass, Akane here explains how justice prone Teru is (as I mentioned in the beginning) and tells us how much he works for the town and how he would help anyone if he thought there was even a slight chance (that's why he does nothing to stop Nene from seeing Hanako because it IS her destiny to die young, but Aoi's ISN'T, and she can be saved, which is why he will help wether others will join him to the far shore or not, leading Akane on to see if he'd catch on too his plans was a test of he should bring him or not, but Teru trusted Akane to catch on!! he thought Akane was smart enough and trusted him to be able to see what Teru was up too. but he didn't expect him to see so much about him, the face expression on Teru isn't not caring, he didn't ever think Akane knew him that well, he feels like an open book, he's never felt like that so of course he goes dead quiet, this is a first time, he doesn't know how to feel.
and what caught me tripping so bad was.....when you said canon Teru wouldn't save Akane if he was in Kou's shoes right now? because he would apsolutely protect Akane with his life! and he would protect Aoi and Kou too, yes, Kou will always come to his mind but the others that far behind and he will protect all of them in an instant. how can you say Teru wouldn't protect Akane when he already has?
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in this scene after he came to save Akane and he had his breakdown because of Aoi, he was VERY worried about Akane and it's written all over his face and body language, I made a post on it, and that would fill the spot here, Teru knelt down to his level and put his hand over him, MAKING SURE NOTHING CAN HURT HIM, how can you see Teru as someone who doesn't care about anyone except family when he's done so much for people outside of family? and how could you write them off as they don't go under surface level when they understand each other without saying it!! Teru even leads the supernatural in the opposite direction even though moving to the other side might put him in a harder disadvantage, if he really just took pity on him he would act far more different. he goes as far as hitting Akane multiple times when he's wounded to get it across his stubborn head that he's fucking injured and can't do shit, I CANT EXPRESS HOW WORRIED HE LOOKED IN THESE PANELS IN THIS SCENE???
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HIS FACE SAYS SO MUCH HERE AND HE DOESN'T SAY MUCH WHEN IT COMES TO THIS SCENE WE GOT WITH THEM AND THAT SHOWS HOW MUCH THIS IS STRESSING HIM, if you read the link to the post earlier about his facial expressions you'd understand what his eyebrows are saying right now. and THIS is an entire post on what I'm talking about right now so go read it go understand more, trust me these links I'm putting complete what I'm saying so I don't have to repeat it all in this post, otherwise I'd just copy and paste or it'd be VERY similar so just take the time to read them please :( IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY I MEAN
and how does Teru only care about his siblings when he went to the far shore prior to this ONLY for Akane
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because he found the glasses and got WORRIED, he didn't know what happened to him, and even said to his face that he came to rescue him, and was surprised to find Aoi there, it's in his dialogue
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Imagine my surprise...To find you this close to the far shore.
he meant Aoi, he only came her with the impression of helping Akane, and USES the terminology of help, I don't think the way he acts about how he came here with the thought of Akane in mind, and did that for Kou, like this HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH KOU, so how has he ONLY been doing this for his family? he has done so much for others in this series, he even apologized for coming later then when he'd like, probably because he hadn't realized Aoi was still with Akane otherwise if he rushed it more he could have saved her, but he'd thought they got separated or she was lost/taken or ANYTHING, he just didn't expect they'd still be together, so this shows how much he'd do for Akane hm? he'd go through the far shore, get worried at the sight of his glasses, save Aoi for Akane, he was completely aware of her Akane blood heritage during this and was completely ready to leave and never see her again, so how could he have a crush on Aoi when he literally didn't mind leaving her? he didn't care to save her, and thought she was gone, but after seeing her again, and Akane breaking down, having the worst week of his life, he couldn't just leave Aoi, he went above and beyond to figure out a way to save Aoi, for Kou? nooo, for Tiara? noooo, why the fuck would Kou care so much about Aoi? it's not in his objectives when he mentions it, and when he thinks of Nene's objectives he doesn't really care about Aoi, she's a upperclassmen he's seen and she's the most popular girl in school, why would he want Teru to specifically save Aoi when he could care less and has NEVER mentioned her? because Teru has a strong sense of helping those who can be helped and Akane would lose himself without her.
• • •
Akane's respect despite, of the betrayal he felt after Teru never told him about how Aoi couldn't come back, he blamed himself, and his respect for Teru SKYROCKETED, he went above and beyond defending Teru's actions in his head and always sees the moves he makes as rational, but I'm sure if he REALLY had a problem with it he'd say so he's a very honest person, but he understood why Teru did and acted like that, he completely understood him after the severance and in that week he really did still respect him (I touch on that in this post too), he defended him at the sleepover and asked if he really was the one protecting the entire town by night, Akane wants to see the best in Teru, not in fanon, but in CANON, he explained why and tried so hard to see if Teru really was so reliable, and he was READY to defend him in the shrine
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even in a shrine, which he was making sure to be on better behavior, he wouldn't stand for people saying bad things about Teru that were just wrong, and wanted to get in the middle of them, and the next panel he tries to interfere again, saying how it's not that simple and probably had a lot more to say and got very frustrated when he just stormed out, not to mention how he openly let Teru vent about his feelings, he didn't stop him from moping but he didn't know what to do either. tbh he lifted Teru back up and gave him the will to keep going and the smile he gives Akane and the way he looks at him would be enough to tell you he cares a lot more then you think, he doesn't look at ANYONE else the same and only gives Akane these types of smiles, sadly I've reached the image limit but the way Teru smiles and acts towards him compared to how he treats others is so....fruity
I DO agree that TeruKane mutually hate that they subconsciously love and care for each other and watch each other's back sjsjshdj but not in the way you exactly described.
and that's another point of trust! they watch and fight each other back to back all the time and trust each other to watch out for themselves but don't hesitate to save each other, in the navigation arc when they're fighting on the train Teru doesn't hesitate to help him but he also trusted him to protect himself and watch Teru's back whilst still having his injury(sense Akane never got healed) their mutual trust is such a strong part of their relationship.
and if Teru really didn't care why would he invite him on a three way date? he had fun with him even ordering something for him and something they could share, would he really do that if all he cared about was his family?? I don't really know what you think of the date as sense you seem to see Teru as someone who is shallow and only looks out for his family when he cares and does so much for the entire school/town/characters and he's sacrificed everything for others, not just his family, although he's completely dedicated to making his family happy but his character doesn't solely revolve around his family and canon TeruKane is SO much better then fanon and their dynamic and interactions are very amazing and they really do go deeper then skin deep, it's just like how Akane over the series isn't JUST about Ao-chan. Teru and Akane care for more characters in this series and they care about each other, wether they'll ever admit it to each other or not.
I'm going to say it now, Teru wouldn't gone back to the far shore if Aoi turned out okay because Kou wanted to save Hanako or see Mitsuba (which Kou would NEVER tell Teru, and from what we saw in chapter 87 Teru doesn't have much insight in what Kou feels or thinks) and he was going to exercise Hanako regardless of Kou, because he'd warned him before that he wouldn't hesitate on it if he acted out. so the navigation arc didn't take place at all because Teru was doing this for Kou, he would honestly think Kou's better off moving on and finding a way to cope, Teru would never want Kou to be involved in the supernaturals that twisted his morals, so this is something he would never do for Kou. he even expected Kou to stand by the sidelines, and was surprised when he took action against him.
Teru even tossed Kou out of the way of No.6 towards Akane because he knew he could trust Akane with him, COME ON DO WE EVEN HAVE TO MENTION THAT TERU HAD AKANE PROMISE TO PROTECT KOU?????? TERU STUSTS NO.ONE. WITH THAT EXCEPT HIMSELF!!!! why would he ask and trust a half supernatural he hates and would never do anything for to protect his brother? because THEY MUTUALLY TRUST EACH OTHER!! Teru believes Akane would honestly keep the promise and help him as much as he can in the future, tbh Teru would have trusted him blindly to protect him but he was worried about the near future (we still don't know why Teru made him make the promise in particular, looking at you AidaIro) but he needed to be sure and make sure Akane had the objective
(uhmmmmmm nvm ig I lied here's my analysis—idk of this is generic but yk @stillhumanoidblob hope you enjoyed or it wasn't as good as you hoped</3) btw Anon Tiara owns a
M o k k e
it's name is Minamoto Fairy, remember it.
sorry if I came on too strong or hurt your feelings Anon, but your ask made my Teru stan boil because I read this man like I read the back of a label, I love him and I think obsessing over fanon can be so sjdjd idk canon is much better and he isn't and never has been an un caring asshole who only looks out for family.
btw I ship TeruKane(my otp), AoiKane(on certain days/qpr) YamaKane, HanaKane(not romantically) AkaNene(I love it sm) TeruKaneAoi(underrated HE IS SUCH A WHORE
anyways thanks for sharing Anon sorry I had to go off on you but this ask got me fuming (I have a temper)
but most of my posts could be taken as romantic? that's fine! but I enjoy them sm
THIS IS NOT PROOFREAD!! please forgive any Grammer mistakes I text fast!
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emberphantom · 2 years
Your history post is so fascinating to me as a foetus fan!!! Can we get a thing going where more of the IASIP fandom here does histories based on how they've perceived it? Btw are most fandom participants rn all pandemic/post-lockdown fans of Sunny (afayk)?
Ahahaha ty! Honestly the Sunny fandom in general is so fascinating. Like you can see remnants of the even older fandom if you go back far enough in the AO3 tag. MacDennis originally wasn't even that popular of a ship. iirc, CharMac was like the main ship of the fandom. Idk when the shift happened but that was obvi before my time. I wish i had the time to study it lol.
I would love to hear from others how they experienced that same time in the fandom as me. Literally I'm like Yo someone else take the mic...anyone? Please????? Hellooo????
Honestly I started like as kind of a lurker -- just RBing gifs and posts I liked. Then I started talking in the tags and interacting more with people which is not usually how I do things. Like i was FLOORED when at one point someone was like -- oh I consider you one of the main sunny blogs and I was like you--what!? Like girl that's insane to me.
I don't want to misrepresent anything either -- like I personally had so much fun during that time-- but one of the other factors that contributing to a lot people leaving was drama amongst ourselves. I stayed on the periphery of it bc again, not my style. But once people started to speak out against RCG and the shit they didn't like about certain episodes -- again all correct and valid as far as I'm concerned, people got fucking MEAN. Like the vocal folks started getting hate in their inboxes and on their posts and it just became hostile for a lot of people -- so they left.
Honestly I've stayed pretty active in the fandom since then -- as much as once could be. I don't create much content myself beyond and text post or a screen shot of a tweet or picture of Glenn here and there, so it was pretty dry here for a while. Post-June 2020 this place was a ghost town for a bit. Sunny Twitter kinda kept poppin' off but idk for me it wasn't the same. I just use the Bird App for different shite and it felt weird trying to make it a fandom space for me.
I did start getting a lot of my Sunny Asks (what i called all my messages about Sunny/MacDennis to keep track of them -- there's a whole tag of 'em) I think late 2020? So I guess yeah, that's a good indication of when things started up again. For me at least. s15 obviously also brought through more people and brought back some inactive peeps. During when s15 was airing and basically all of this year is when I started seeing more Sunny blogs pop up. I try to follow the ones posting consistently and about stuff relative to my interests where I can. So yeah, long-winded answer to your question, as far as I know, a lot of the Sunny fandom now is mostly people post-s14 airing and post-2020/2021.
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bitter-sweet-coffee · 2 years
1 and 5
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
hmm, well I can read this in a couple ways. like, i can usually get WHY someone ships something but a lot of the times i either fail to see the appeal or they’re so fanon it might as well be different characters, so why the insistence of the ship? otherwise, i can often think it’s a good ship but just not get why people are so obsessed with it or why it’s their OTP
so, everyone knows I’m gonna say sonadow, but this also applies to blazamy and infidget. like, it screams “i need a basic mlm ship where i just replace one character with a self insert and woobify the other one, and i’ll erase the canon love interest by giving her comphet and shipping her with the other girl character that way everyone is happy” like 💀 the creativity is on the floor. hell, gadget isn’t even a real canon character he’s just a fandom-owned oc! i’m cool with oc ships, but the people who declare him a real character confuse the hell out of me because he doesn’t have a canon personality or traits beyond the universal avatar so like. no he’s not lol. (you can like gadget btw i just don’t get ships with him especially infidget)
on a less “y’all are whack” scale and moreso a just “i don’t understand your lifestyle but it’s cool” i gotta say, a lot of the idw ships people have and yes this includes tangle and whisper because LOOK I LOVE THEM THE SHIP IS GREAT but it’s like, “mlegh i canon do much with this” energy. i get the ship but i don’t get the enthusiasm, y’know? bugbear is an exception btw
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
Hahahahahahaha, YES! now, bsc veterans may remember that i was doxxed by sonadow shippers in the 2000’s fandom, and that a certain discord server resulted in the near death of a bestie (long story that i hate talking about for privacy reasons, but i’m not exaggerating). y’allso know i’m not really good with its sister ship blazamy because i just mentioned it
HOWEVER. i have bigger issues with EVERY SILVER SHIP and wavouge. wavouge was literally my cool fruity best friends who are also girlfriends but not exclusively girlfriends because they’re like,,, free spirits and stuff. and y’all DOMESTICATED them. jail. prison. you turned them into blazamy again but this time with the stereotypical “omg hot girls do crime and they were girlfriends” trope. it screams tumblr “make everything lesbians” culture and it grosses me out. it’s like those fucking posts where someone talks about rewriting a story or myth or fixing a ship in a show or suggesting a media prompt and then someone responds with “but make it gay/what if they were both girls/let then be lesbians” and it’s just more basic lesbians. bland. boring. unoriginal. the fandom has taken so many cool relationship dynamics and just reduced them down to “uwu cute gay ppl i love them aaaa” like WHAT DID YOU DO TO THE EDGY SPICE!!! THE DEPTH!!! THE FLAVOUR!!! i’m like not aggressive mad rn i’m goofy-mad for the record because this shit bothers me but don’t hold every word i say as “the ultimate truth” i’m just casually rambling. you can have joke posts like a lot of my infinite doodles and how i respond to asks about dog&hog, but the difference is that is for HUMOUR and they are still dark complex characters in my canon even when i don’t take them seriously on tumblr
but anyways, back to silver. one word: woobification. i do not trust anyone with silver ships except myself and like a few other besties because it’s such gross mischaracterization for me? between him and scourge, some people just do not know how to act and make them so pathetic and docile and borderline stupid. i can’t enjoy most silver ships because a good portion of the content will just piss me off lolol. like, when silver is treated the same way as kat valentine from victorious i know something is SERIOUSLY wrong. ruins so much fandom content for me personally
also this isn’t ship-specific and it’s usually taboo to mention, but i am sick and tired of the intense feminization of transmasc characters. i know people will always respond with “oh but you can’t say that you’re attacking real transmascs who look like that! they can identify however they want!” but i would like to remind you that i am talking about fake people, not real ones. when an actual transmasc identifies with feminine traits and rocks that shit, they’re a real person who is well rounded with interests and likes and personality. when a FICTIONAL CHARACTER is reduced to their transness and frequently exploited for it, it makes me extremely uncomfortable and ruins characters and the ships they’re in for me. the fact that people project so hard onto these characters to an unhealthy degree that my criticisms of the fanonization feels like personal attacks on their identity says it all: let go of the blorbo, they are not yours and they are not you. let other people disagree with the fanon and not make it about how they invalidate your existence, because this has nothing to do with you actually.
and before someone comments, i do NOT mean we should abolish trans characters or not draw them with non-transitioned traits. you have have trans characters in your ships, etc etc but some of y’all just do not know how to act lol. some of my tumblrbesties on here have fantastic trans rep (you know who you are) and if fandom was more like them, a lot of ships wouldn’t be ruined for me
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ragecndybars · 1 year
🫐 and 🍇 for the writing asks
🫐 What’s your favorite underrated thing in your fandom? (A ship that only you seem to write for, a character there’s almost no fics about, a trope that criminally hasn’t been written yet, etc.)
I'm gonna cheat a little bit and answer each of those sub-questions separately because I want to :). First of all: I understand why, because he has no social link in male route, but Shinjiro/Minato is a CRIMINALLY underrated ship and if I have to populate the AO3 tag myself then I WILL. (there are some really amazing fics and art out there tho 😭). As for underrated characters, Fuuka is the obvious answer to me, I love her so much but she's so overlooked 😔. Though I will also add: I'm a bit sad about the lack of Ai Ebihara content because she is Everything to me. Lastly, a trope that I haven't seen yet that I really want to: maybe this is just my own insanity talking, but I remain shocked that I haven't seen any "roleswap" type fics that swap the characters between the different Persona game scenarios. For example, a fic where Akira discovers the Dark Hour rather than the Metaverse while on probation and he and the other P5 characters end up joining/forming SEES, or a fic where there's a string of murders in Iwatodai and the P3 characters have to go into the TV world to save the victims... stuff like that, y'know? I don't think I've ever seen a single one, even though they seem like really obvious ideas to me! (BTW if anyone reading this knows of such a fic, I would appreciate if you could rec it to me <3)
🍇 Is there a particular scene/episode/book/etc that you want to just write a million fics about, over and over? Which one?
SO MANY. I already mentioned the P3 Magician full moon shadow and the Ikutsuki reveal, so my third pick would probably be the interrogation room from Persona 5. Just... first of all, I want to write fics about just the aftermath of that scene. How did everyone else react? How did Akira cope? etc. But also, there are SO MANY SPINS you can put on the scene itself. The obvious ones being, what if Akechi either didn't fall for it, or decided to defect to the Phantom Thieves at the last minute? Either of those could lead to so many delicious possibilities, and even if neither of those happened, I love imagining scenarios where people other than Sae are there to break Akira out, be they the Phantom Thieves, the grown-up Shadow Operatives -- hell, I kind of want to see a fic where former government worker Sojiro has to dust off his old badge or whatever and Bluff and Bluster his way into the facility to spring Akira himself, even though that doesn't even make any sense. It's just... AUGH there are so many juicy POSSIBILITIES
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