#btw this is my arcanist :>
kroganloveinterest · 1 year
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space-writes · 17 days
Seven snippets seven people
tagged by @oh-no-another-idea, thank you! I’m seven chapters into this rewrite if you include the prologue, which I do, so here’s a snippet from each so far~
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The ancient thing stretched as much as it was able in the dark stone it had been entombed in. Joints cracked beneath faded scales; precious metals and gems that needed light to glitter tumbled from where they had been embedded in sleeping flesh. The long tail uncoiled, sending an army of spiders and other, nastier little many-legged things scurrying for the safety of the deeper dark. A faint glow returned to its eyes, a deep orange that burned with starved malice. Valloroth had forgotten it as it slumbered away the years. It had not forgotten Valloroth.
“Your price, Prince Sorrow?” Sorrow laughed, and waved without looking back at them. “Don’t worry, my Lord. The bill is already on your desk.”
He had a sword, and the monster had a body. All he had to do was bring the former into deadly contact with the latter.
“What’s all this ‘we’ business? I can let a giant monster do whatever it likes.”
The wizard was Damiri. “Do you prefer star elf, or snow elf?” Lucian had asked. “I prefer Leshanna,” she’d said, primly, “or Miss Orvad’ray Tethkatla to strangers, but given you’re all in my bedroom, I think it’s a little late for that.”
Quest slammed their scimitar down with absolutely no finesse, but more force than Lucian possessed in his entire body. “No worries, that’s what we have swords for, right? You go that way, I’ll go this way, then on three—bam! Got it?” “I—” But Quest was already going. A dozen strategies flew through Lucian’s mind, none of which matched anything the Zashi had said, so he did as he’d once been told and forgot the books. His feet carried him forwards, and his arms brought the sword around in a clean swipe that he had to abort at the last second because it almost took off Quest’s arm. “I said go that way!” “I did go that way!”
The arcanist at last turned in his chair, fixing Sorrow with a piercing golden eye. The other was nothing more than a glint deep within an empty socket of bare bone—half of Rivaanlehnim’s head was a skinless skull, living flesh melding into bone along a weaving seam of scar tissue. Where teeth had used to sit on that side were now metal-cast replicas, each of which, Sorrow knew, had been painstakingly inscribed with spells that required but a word to bring to life.
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tags & taglist under the cut!
no-pressure tagging @the-inkwell-variable @revenancy @ceph-the-ghost-writer @charlesjosephwrites @sam-glade @talesofsorrowandofruin and @zmwrites
Valloroth taglist: @cherrybombfangirlwrites @reininginthefirewriting @memento-morri-writes @foxboyclit @lawful-evil-novelist
@at-thezenith @morganwriteblr @fayeiswriting @serenanymph
@sam-glade @viscerawrites @thegreatobsesso @flower-reads (ask to be +/-)
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valen-dreth · 9 months
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bloodwing-owlcat · 2 years
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fine i'll use this blog for something. heres isavar the implane aka "hey if you're flying all over sornieth can we tag along because we are tiny and cant fly so fast" "sure"
he is. absurdly big for an imperial whose supposed to be following my size rules.
the living space has gravity enchantments so people dont spill their tea and such, and his earrings are enchanted to be airpods (so they dont have to fly up to his face to actually speak with him)
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gimmethemprimals · 1 year
Every day I am haunted by all the ideas I have for my deity redesigns and the fact that I don’t have the motivation to work on them
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sleepymarmot · 1 year
shocked and offended that I can't solo a seeker at level 14
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sleeplesssmoll · 6 months
Hot Take/Analysis: Sonetto went from the Foundation's cage to Vertin's leash.
Sonetto has more freedom in a physical sense. She can explore the world, experience new things, all that good stuff.
But mentally, she's still trapped.
Sonetto believes she's merely a supporting character in Vertin's story, almost admitting this to Sophia in the most recent chapter. She perceives her role as clearing the path for more significant figures capable of making an impact.
This echoes her mindset from her time with the Foundation.
Despite her undeniable prowess, Sonetto humbly sees herself as a tool for advancing supposedly "more important" causes, thus undervaluing her own worth.
When Sonetto and Vertin save Regulus and the Investigators from Manus, Sonetto's teammates express relief upon seeing her, trusting in their captain to save the day. Though Vertin initiates the action by reacting to the threat faster (her perception and ability to sense arcanum is beyond many other arcanists), Sonetto's swift response and strength play a crucial role. Despite their collaborative effort, she credits Vertin disproportionately, attributing their success mostly to Vertin's guidance and perception. It's a reocurring pattern for Sonetto to downplay her own brilliance. This leads into my next point.
LOOK AT VERTIN'S FACE WHEN SONETTO IS IN DANGER. Sonetto is so quick to defend Vertin, she ends up stressing the Timekeeper out. She was ready to die a martyr, now she's ready-- too ready to die for Vertin.
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While we know Vertin has expressions, their usually subdued because she's "stoic". For her to spring up out her chair like that and show real panic is something we haven't seen from her thus far. For example, we know she gets furious with Arcana because her bangle starts searing into her skin, but her expression just looks a little mad without displaying the full extent of her fury. Btw I go more in depth Sonetto's effect on Vertin in this post and this one I made later if you're interested.
Sonetto is highly competent, but completely dependent on others in the fact that her "purpose", her "value", is assigned to her by others.
Sonetto doesn't need Vertin to shine, but only Vertin seems to get that out of the two of them. At least she dotes on the puppy? She didn't put the leash there but at the same time...
Do you think Vertin would want to remove it? Isn't it a nice safeguard if Sonetto thinks she needs Vertin? If the puppy is happy, isn't it fine to keep the leash their so it doesn't wander too far? Maybe she'll let Sonetto break this habit on her own instead of giving her insight as usual.
Vertin asks for nothing, wants for nothing, and is always ready to share joy with others.
So can't she be a little selfish this time? Can't she have just one thing in her life that? She's already lost so much.
Is this post just an excuse to lay the groundwork for Toxic TK14 due to codependency??
Codependency: An unhealthy dependence on relationships. The co-dependent will do anything to hold on to a relationship; to avoid the feeling of abandonment. An extreme need for approval and recognition. A sense of guilt when asserting themselves. A compelling need to control others. Codependency is a circular relationship in which one person needs the other person, who in turn, needs to be needed
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vasito-de-leche · 5 months
I have some thoughts in my mind lately in the Self aware au R1999 (I'm invested so badly), I was wondering are there any arcanist that resented the player maybe at first or still having resentment on them? Because if the player wasn't there they would be " free " (which I would doubt since there are many players and it would still happen nonetheless but just speaking from there perspective) did they just helplessly or casually got over it after some time and accepted the fact it was a game I mean they were levelled up by the player,the player was the reason why they were getting stronger and winning every battle but I have a feeling some arcanist would have some doubt in them since everything was just a script in the first place all the things that happened to them were meant to happen for the plot, I don't about how to reach when they find out that the player was a human though.. But just like earlier if the player never was here then they would be " free ",they wouldn't know it was just some game (they gonna go bree since they wouldn't exist)(RAHHH I might have wronged what I said in this😭 I just have a thought in my mind about them doubting, feeling frustrated and all...Btw I am badly down bad for your writing 💜💜💜 I admire it so well.. 🥹🫶🫶 can I get a hello Please.. ?💜🥹💜 I'd go crazy being noticed on a writer I admire)
hiiii helloooo hola bonjour and many other greetings o7 really glad you like my writing!
your question is very broad, so I can only make a quick list to categorize all the characters and how I think they'd feel overall towards the Player within this AU! since you only mentioned arcanist, I assume you mean the playable characters only, so that's also the group I'll be tackling
I don't have a good grasp on every single character, so some of these are subject to change as I learn more about them too o7
It's very, very complicated.
Vertin. Door. Mesmer Jr. Bkornblume. I consider these characters to be "outliers" in terms of how they perceive the Player--in the sense that their opinion fluctuates and varies a lot, so they cannot be easily labeled in any of the other categories. They're contradicting or find themselves at odds with themselves, seeing the figure of the Player and everything the Player represents as positive and negative influences simultaneously. To them, you're a close friend and a distant stranger, a saviour and a harbinger of ruin, a source of knowledge and the end of everything--you're all of these, all at once.
as for the rest, I only described the opposite ends of the spectrum and the neutral category!
Extremely resentful and hateful
Desert Flannel. Erick. Mondlicht. Oliver Fog. Pavia. Sonetto. Sweetheart. This one is pretty straightforward--these are the characters who are defensive, who feel like your mere existence is mocking them, who have gone through so much and feel humiliated to know you're casually looking at them from above, so out of reach and superior and unbothered by their pain. But also characters who are combative or quick to identify you as a threat, such as Pavia and Sonetto, because you go against everything they believe in.
Stressed, requires a lot of time to get over it
AliEn T. Bette. Bunny Bunny. Charlie. Ezra. Kanjira. Matilda. Pickles. Ulu.
Mostly troubled, but open to change
6. Mr. APPLe. Darley Clatter. Diggers. Druvis III. La Source. Lilya. Melania. Ms. Moissan. Poltergeist. Zima
Neutral, indifferent and/or unaffected
Baby Blue. Click. Dikke. Jessica. John Titor. Rabies. Sputnik. Tennant. Tooth Fairy. Twins Sleep. These characters remain neutral, but do not confuse their indifference or lack of reaction for ignorance. Some of them aren't quite lucid, conscious or old enough to fully understand their surrounding, such as Rabies and Twins Sleep, but I would say the rest are grounded enough as to not let a figure such as the Player affect them in any intense or extreme way. Some of them simply don't care because this entire reveal doesn't exactly change their routine nor perception of the world. Some are choosing to remain neutral until they gather more information to form a solid opinion.
Mostly curious, but open to change
A Knight. Cristallo. Kaalaa Baunaa. Ms. NewBabel. Necrologist. Satsuki. Spathodea. Voyager.
Eager to learn, requires a lot of stress to be affected
37. An-an Lee. Centurion. Eagle. Horropedia. Leilani. Nick Bottom. Shamane. Sotheby. X.
Extremely intrigued
Eternity. Medicine Pocket. Ms. Radio. ONiON. Regulus. TTT. The Fool. Regardless of how your existence affects these characters, their curiosity and the new opportunities and possibilities you bring along are much more important to them. These are characters who seek to profit from you in some way, who see you as a fascinating subject to study, who may even relate in a way to the role you play as the Player, who may pity you.
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lightcaughtinaprism · 3 months
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Sah'dhek the Claw Khajiit Warden
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Tao-Dei the Brave Argonian Dragonknight
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Fjarr Hundarsson Nord Dragonknight
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Zanon Verelas Dunmer Necromancer
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Aerenthil Fendis Altmer Arcanist Just wanted to show my ESO characters quick. I have deeper backstories for them of course but listing it all would have made the post too long. If you want to know more about one of them please feel free to ask. I love talking about game characters. Aerenthil btw is still a wip since he's not level 50 and I will update the oufit later at some point. I made him because of the event where you had to bring an arcanist up to level 10 for rewards. However I grew too attached to the character so I couldn't delete him. I will definitely make more characters as I planned to make one of each race but I first have to come up with a deeper backstory and also leveling in ESO is a pain. I'd like to be more active there but social anxiety bites me in the ass aside from toxic people who insult me at every turn just because I don't oneshot everything and need 2 or 3 hits instead. I would ioneshot everything too if I had trial meta gear but in order to get into trials I'd have to get stuff from specific dlc dungeons I sadly can't solo and lfg id a toxic cesspit. In order to be able to farm these sets I'd need meta trial gear which I don't have because I need stuff from these dungeons. Base game dungeons however are no problem to solo as with all other content in the game except trails of course. I've still been looking for people who are likeminded. I just love the TES lore and ESO is currently the only Elder Scrolls game you can play that is new while waiting for TESVI. I don't want to play Skyrim for the next 100 years until Bethesda finally release a new TES game.
If you're on EU and wannna join me also feel free to.
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sillycoffeewizard · 4 months
I'm so happy to have him, I love him so much, I'm ready to hug him endlessly, his appearance is the best thing that has happened to me in a while!!!
he's so sweet, he deserves all the best in the world, no doubt, and I hope he has it all, he's so kind, he's so caring, and I think he's really trying his best to make sure that every arcanist's birthday party goes great, he's trying to organize a really great party, and I'm sure he's making sure that everyone's comfortable, you know, picking out food and drinks and making sure that everyone feels good during the party. but he deserves the same care and kindness, and I hope someone is trying to make his birthday the best one too.
maybe he doesn't need too much and overall his birthday is not a big deal to him, but I hope someone cares about him as much as he cares about everyone else and someone is trying to organize a cool birthday party for him as much as he does, taking into account his comfort and wishes
I'm sure there must be a mushroom cake and different mushroom dishes at his party, and someone gives him something for his collection, like different appliances and tools for caring for mushrooms or something else for growing them (sorry, I just don't know about that)
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he's always standing next to John Titor <3 (btw I'm also really looking forward to her birthday)
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daemon-in-my-head · 3 months
You mentioned you had like 9 Durges and played favorites, so I'm curious - who are the forsaken ones? Did any of them surprise you?
Number one would probably be Erevis, my male Tiefling (well thx to mods actually Cambion) Durge whom I've created in cooperation with my bestie. So basically, the one guy we'd both bed immediately no matter the repercussions.
Except he's fucking stupid. Failed the Swamp Arcana rolls for 20 minutes straight (lots of very fun reloading). Did I mention he's a draconic sorcerer and the gore baby of a netherese Arcanist?
He holds a special place in my heart still, except he's where all the loathing goes. Still handsome, but benched until I forgive him. So for the next 2 decades or so.
Besides him, here's the others with sum quick info:
Nyx: Lolth Sworn drow, Embraced Durge, Necromancer really quite not the nicest gal around but she looked absolutely stunning after a blood baptism.
Nym: half drow, assasin gloom stalker multi class, my purposefully failed Durge, he's a surprisingly sweet guy. Rly grew on me as his campaign progressed
Orn: Tiefling but actually Cambion like Erevis (she's his foil), Draconic Sorc, Embraced Druge, made her purposefully cute , she's giving magpie
Culdur: fallen aasimar, shadow sorc, honestly I got bored of him on the beach already so he kinda rots (fittingly ironic)
Deus: seldarine drow, gloomstalker thief multiclass, my one and only redeemed durge, he legit looks like he's forcing himself whenever I pick a nice option
The Twins, some crack AU shit, I actually adore them. Half elves and horrible people, Chororin (fem) and Charorin (masc)
And ofc the two gremlins I never shut up about, Elli nd Taran (his name means gift btw. All of their names have meanings lmfao ofc they do)
Bonus; my one Tav Damia, sun elf.
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authorchia · 7 months
Oooh... I saw a very interesting question from @craftlands!
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Wahaa! Glad you're intrigued by this precious arcanist and I have ideas what she'll do to have fun! (My inbox is open btw! You can ask, talk, meme, etc. there. Remember to be respectful!)
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𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓲𝓸𝓾𝓼' 𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓲𝓸𝓾𝓼 𝓜𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼
Before getting kidnapped by the Manus Vindictae, she was taught royalty etiquettes before being Queen Victoria's lady-in-waiting. In the suitcase and foundation, she does a few things to keep her entertained:
- The times in SDBM, she usually wanders around in to get to know the places of the facility. It may seem boring, but she got a special permission because as a humanoid crystal, she would crack easily if she doesn't move for a long time. She occasionally hum songs, too!
- She really loves dancing, more specifically waltz. If she's permitted into the suitcase, she would often invite a dance with A Knight. Their movements are graceful and romantic in a way, making not only Precious happy but their performance makes the suitcase crew entertained~
- With her having Boundless Knowledge as her medium, she loves to do quizzes for the crew! She often ask them easy ones then go to the hard ones. Seeing them deep in thought, work together, and enthusiasm feels healing to her. Vertin likes to call her "Quiz Princess" as an endearing nickname!
Bonus fun fact!
Precious has a habit of calling people as milady/my lord. Though, she sees Vertin as her savior, so she usually calls her "Your Highness".
I like to think she calls A Knight "my knight", The Fool "elegant jester", and Charlie "Master Charlie" as she always love Charlie's performances! (which made Charlie flustered yet proud)
I hope your curiosity is well-fed, buddy! Have a cookie for appreciation~ 🍪
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rabid-catboy · 2 months
Btw my explanation for why r'owan has so many books is that growing up in the arcanists guild made him a bit of a bookworm that likes to research everything he's getting into. Combine that with being an omnicrafter and a big interest in biology/geology/ecology and boom. Book horde.
Also having a sharlayan boyfriend doesn't help, at least a 3rd of those books are raha's <3
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jazzpostsrandomthings · 9 months
Journey Retold: My First Days of Adventuring
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&lt;;< Previous Entry
So, my hardest exam had just passed (and I did pass it, gladly), and I had also finished Endwalker on 18th of December, which means that I can go back to writing about my experiences in the critically-acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV once again! I will talk about EW when I will reach it during this series of diaries, however.
Btw, now this series of entries has a name! It's 'Journey Retold'! It came to my mind quite suddenly but I really like the sound of it.
And now, without fruther ado, let' me look back at my first days of adventure in La Noscea!
My second day begun with me finally leaving Limsa Lominsa, not before taking the blue quest at Arcanist Guild as I was instructed to by my two companions. Now, I don't remember how was I actually doing that quest, but I remember really liking the whole quest-line. I found K'lyhia to be a fun character, and her growth during the story quite nice. The conclusion to the questline was also very satisfying.
Anyways, I remember starting the main story quest at Summerfold Farms, then getting side-tracked by Arcanist quest... which resulted in me opening half of the map of entire La Noscea in a day. Yes, even the areas that were too high level for my level 11 lalafell without a proper equipment. Yes, I was that stubborn and I also wanted to see more areas this place had to offer that badly. You just can't help it when you are especially fond of exploring fictional worlds.
But according to my screenshots, I eventually came back to MSQ after I made a safe return to Summerfold Farms from Costa del Sol on the same day. Here I ran around the area, helping to get people to work and to make sure the oranges got delivered in time. Then time came to investigate a grotto nearby...
I am the waves that bear. I am the winds that guide. I am the evening stars. I am the morning sky. I am born of the sea. And there shall I die.
As my character turned around, he saw a peculiar white-haired catgirl approach... what was the race's name again? Meekotee?... Mino...te? Ah, right, "miqo'te". A white-haired miqo'te woman with a branch for a weapon approached me, mentioning something about the way the citizens of Limsa Lominsa live with the wordes carved into the stone in the middle of the grotto. But before she could say more, a giant rock-like monster ran inside the cave and we had to fight it.
This was my introduction to instanced duties. I don't really remember seeing those in MMOs I've played through before, but maybe I am misremembering or something, but it definitely felt new to me. Either way, we made a quick work of the frenzied goobbue (that's the name of the rock monster from what I've gathered later) and it seemed to have dropped something... some blue crystal, to be precise. Pi picked it up, the head started to hurt, and then he seemingly got transported into a dark void.
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Some weird sigil appeared underneath my character's feet, and the blue crystal got inserted into one of the six slots. "Aha, we need to collect those to progress the story", - I thought immediately, because I was already familiar and comfortable with that sort of progression in other games.
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Then the dark skies clouded, and stars begun to fall from above. I didn't understand yet what that meant, and frankly I didn't give it much significance at the time, because immediately after, I heard a familiar voice...
Hear... Feel... Think... Crystal bearer...
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I am Hydaelyn. All made one.
A gargantuan crystal was now right in front of Pi as he floated through the void. The crystal introduced herself as Hydaelyn, and told my character to go banish the Darkness with the power that was now bestowed to him, and soon after, he left the place to return back to the grotto.
This was the first scene that captivated me in a way. It's nothing special, but the huge shiny crystal of light talking to me with a gentle, almost motherly voice really did make me go "woah" at it all first time I saw it.
Also right then my friends asked how far was I into the story, and once I told them I talked to a giant crystal, they...
The player of the self-proclaimed Emo Catboy: That's mom, don't forget her. The player of the stern-looking Auri man: Yeah that's mom. Say hi to her for me.
"A mom, huh? Sure enough, I will keep it in mind", - was my reaction, and I continued the MSQ. Ended up finding out that one dude who couldn't delived the oranges in time had gone to a cave with his pals and got beaten up by some Serpent Reavers guys who knew him previously. I had shown up quickly enough, the dude's head was still on his shoulders, and I did find it funny these grown-ass guys just didn't laugh outloud at a little child with chubby little body, but again, lalafells are just dwarves of this universe so they have to be used to seeing them.
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Some Organization XIII looking ass then does an evil chant (and you know it's evil because it's written in red), summons a Golem and scares Serpent Reavers off. Pi fights and successfully defeats it, the black hooded guy vanishes and the white-haired miqo'te from earlier arrives to help the beaten up guy with the relation to Reavers. Then Pi's head suddenly starts to hurt and... a scene change occurs? The woman is in Limsa, going around the city, but...
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...the lesser moon, Dalamud, that fell from heavens the five years ago, was still in the sky.
Oh my god, we can now look into others' memories for different characters' flashbacks, dope.
Either way, once Pi wakes up, the miqo'te woman gets a call from someone. Sure, medival fantasy with walkie-talkies, I will take it. And before she goes, she introduces herself as Y'shtola. Now, it took me a while to figure out how to actually read it, originally I thought it was "Ee-shtoe-lah", but it was actually "Yash-toe-lah" all this time. It's a nice name.
After going back and forth for a next hour or so, I decided to end this playsession. I picked it up the next day. My friends wondered if I was enjoying the game so far and I replied with an "yes, but running around on foot is tiring". That's when the person controlling the white-haired lizard man decided to "Uber" me.
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The fact they chose a bike and then decided to take off into the skies made me think of Harry Potter lol.
But yeah, we got around MSQ much quicker that way. They also showed me a few other mounts like a giant gorilla and a flying armchair that made me think so much about Dist from Tales of the Abyss lol. Then my other friend joined and was helping me with the enemies while chilling and chatting with two of us over VC. He too was a Free Trial player at the time.
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Now, nothing much of note had happened during that time. We (Pi and Y'shtola) fought the hooded guy again and killed him. He left behind a purple crystal that I didn't really want to pick up (but my character was interested in it), but it had disintegrated before my lalafell could touch it.
After that I had my first encounter with the Admiral of Limsa Lominsa and... hoo boy, she was testing myself. I am sorry, but that woman is incredibly badass and I wouldn't mind it at all if she was my companion for the rest of my life. Anyways, she acknowledged Pi's recent successes and invited him to a banquet, where she found out Pi was like one of those legendary Warriors of Light who no one remembers but to whom the entirety of Eorzea owes their lives to, all because of the crystal from Hydaelyn. And then another headache happens to show a flashback back from the time Battle at Carteneau occured. It had a lot of characters I haven't seen yet, but I knew I will meet them eventually because they seemed too important to be already dead lol.
Once Pi woke up, he got told that Admiral has a mission for him, a mission that requires one to travel to different capitals - Gridania and Ul'dah, which were the other starting cities.
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And thus we took off into the air and traveled to the lands beyond...
Next Entry >>
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twilightbloom · 10 months
My thoughts on the 1.2 event so far
I have finished the first available story part to the event and I certainly have some thoughts! It's my first time doing this so I hope I tag/cut everything off properly for people who don't want spoilers; this contains spoilers about the entire first part so wouldn't want anyone to have their experience ruined. With that said...
The overall story: I thought this event was much more enjoyable personally than the Melania and ESPECIALLY the Pickles part. I liked Melania, but the second part was a slog to go through and Diggers frankly irritated me to no end.
As far as story went, I thought this event was much more interesting, and it subverted my expectations several times; I thought the middle/last part was the strongest, though, as far as both story (the filler characters leave relatively quickly) and character development. The early part was nice to set up the mystery and I liked the clue collecting part, though I did wish that it didn't all come down to hallucinogens. Would've been fun to have a bit more tension around the butcher/bride parts.
The later half/end part with the reveal of the true "villain" was quite cool imo; while I started suspecting Anne as soon as she asked Vertin about her wish as it panned on her hands, I'll admit... I didn't connect the dot about Changeling/Jessica lmao. That part that focused on her, together with Blonney, was the best.
The only real gripe I have with the story is the ending; it felt quite a bit rushed imo. I feel like R1999 is very good at setting up story threads and following up on them, but the endings just feel a bit deflated. I thought the same about chap 4, btw, which is also why I wanted to write some more material for it.
Vertin actually cutting to the problem at the roots was quite refreshing too - the "don't leave me" villain stories usually end up with the villain all alone, and her reaching out with facts and logic to convince her was very nice. Loved that part.
The characters: This time around, the characters felt much more fun to follow. Blonney was definitely my favorite character together with Jessica, and the idea of discarding the human characters relatively quickly to advance Blonney's conflict was probably the right choice. I felt like they didn't add anything to the story.
Horropedia's the one that left me the most indifferent, though he wasn't insufferable at all and actually stole a chuckle or two from me. I just think he was the weakest among the arcanist cast.
Tooth Fairy was great; my initial assumption was that she was a really creepy character because of her first story (keeping the bloody tooth of a child you ran over - and assumedly killed before the second part disproved that? Seriously? That and the whole "eating tooth fairies" stuff really unsettled me lol), and while she's definitely not and just a little deadpan, I still think the fact that she eats and makes other people eat living things is enough to warrant at least a raised eyebrow from me. Still, as a character, definitely enjoyed her and her role in the story.
Jessica and Blonney's stories interconnected quite a lot, and I love how it was actually Jessica that began Blonney's arc by convincing her to come out of her shell and giving her the courage to be who she really wanted to be. Blonney was great, really enjoyed her, and Jessica fulfilled her role very well imo.
Btw, props to her English voice actress; some of the lines in her boss fight and after were heartbreaking to hear. Thankfully Jesus Chri- I mean Vertin redeemed her in the end by coming at her from the right perspective, since no one else, not even Blonney, seemed to understand just how much she was upset and confused.
Final thoughts: This event was much more enjoyable story wise; I really liked most of the cast and even the characters that I didn't vibe fully with at least weren't insufferable or even bad. Plus, thankfully no one lost braincells just because they were in a horror type plot. Cool event, cool characters, and nice gameplay as well, enjoying the ice puzzle type minigame and the fights. Shame for the rushed ending but oh well, the final postcard was very wholesome.
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solns · 11 months
Hello! Can I ask tips and tricks on how you are able to get a lot of dust, shapodonty, clear drop, and other materials on reverser:1999? Like, what's the trick on how to get rich🤑.
That's all, thank you♡!
aside from paying bp or the monthly pass, i HIGHLY recommend not spreading your resources. you can easily level everyone to insight 1 lvl 40 if you focus on 5 (maybe even 7) characters. don't ignore your wilderness and level up the dust/coin towers as high as you possibly can. o: also finish your dailies/weeklies and "beginning of the tale".
hold off any hard stages for now (as tempting as those clear drops are) and just do the story stages especially if they unlock higher tier resource stages. i just farm the hell out of the poussiere and mintage. rn i'm focusing on harvest prime to lvl my wilderness.
also, make sure to grab the redeem codes! one of them give 19k dust and 19k coins. they usually post it on the official discord.
btw i'm suggesting this based on day 1 player f2p. current progress there is lvl 20, stage 3rd-16, 7 arcanists at insight 1 lvl 40, and 1 at insight 1 lvl 30 (eagle). my sharpodonty count is 52k and 17k for dust.
for clear drops, unlock artificial somnambulism (early chapter 3 i think?) and clear as many stages as you can. thankfully it doesn't use stamina/activity. each stage gives 60 clear drops but it gets harder the more you progress.
tldr: focus on building team first. don't build everyone in your roster. dps + healer + support/debuff. worry about clear drops later.
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