#bubba caregiver
slasherbabi · 2 years
Bubba discovers your regression! (Fem regressor)
I do plan to make more like this, just one shots. Mostly horror characters or villains as CG’s. Feel free to request any but I’ll only do characters I know! Warnings! Age regression. Scary character. Implied kidnapped character. Implied Stockholm syndrome. 
Bubba had a bowl full of homemade vegetable soup in his calloused hands, the dish hot so he shuffled quickly towards the basement, his room. The giant man was so excited to feed you again and just take care of you. He raced down the stairs, the wood groaning under his weight and his eyes land on you, curled up on his bed napping, thumb absentmindedly in your mouth to replace your missing pacifier. The leather clad man stops in his tracks momentarily forgetting the burning against his hands, tilting his head slightly in confusion, you looked like a baby. Before he could stop staring you stirred from your sleep, looking up at him and quickly pulling away from your thumb embarrassed, but you were still little, still craving comfort. You sit up shyly giving him puppy eyes and reaching your hands up slightly. His heart races and he quickly puts the bowl down on the nearest surface, the liquid inside splashing into his hand but he ignores it as his strong arms wrap around your torso in a big hug, your own much smaller hands twine around his thick neck and broad shoulders, gently playing with the wig attached to his mask, hiding your face in his neck beneath his chin. He hums and whines softly, appreciating the moment but deeply confused, what happened to the terrified girl who hated him.  “Up.” You mumble softly and he nods, picking you up by your under arms, your legs instantly wrap around his torso now, as much as they can anyway. Bubba looks at you again confused and you hide your face as you begin to tear up, whining into his shoulder and he copies the noise in guilt.  “‘I-I sowwy…” You whimper gripping his dirt covered shirt, he noticed how different you were talking, like a baby. “W-when I g-get upset I-I get wittle…” He makes a confused grunt making the little one in his arms giggle.  “like, um… like I a baby… in my head….or sometimes I bigger!” You pull from his shoulder smiling at him proudly and you see a smile form under his mask. “W-will chu t-take care of me… l-like, being my papa..?” He thought about it, he didn’t understand but he would be so so happy to care for you! Bubba nods hard and smiles stroking your hair from your face. If he was going to take care of you, like a baby, then he should probably get to feeding you that soup now.
I know it’s kinda short but I think it’s a nice introduction to the idea.
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melyasssy · 3 months
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Lovely Dogday (☆/>u</)
Cr: Miatea on X (Twitter)
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metal-caregiver · 1 year
Tips for caregivers of POC littles - from a white caregiver 
Note: If you are or know of any poc regressors who would like a shoutout on this post please feel free to send me a dm and I’d be happy to tag you !! 
Self care...
- Be careful with what products you are putting on your little. Darker skin has different sun protection care than white skin.
Darker skin tones still need to wear sunscreen!!!
 Lotion with spf protection is a perfect way to keep your littles skin healthy and protected!  - Hair products are just as important. Gels, detangler, hair spray, braiding, wigs, extensions, or even the lack of any hair at all. Just as bodies come in all shapes and sizes, so does hair.  - Dont force your regressor to eat or keep up with everyday routines during holidays. Some religions fast and thats ok! A perfect “work around” to this is creating routine for the holidays.  Some littles may have tight braids you aren't allowed to touch, hijabs or head coverings, a cultural or spiritual importance to how they style their hair!  NEVER take a protective hairstyle or head covering off of a regressor while they’re regressed (unless you have permission to do so)  - Cute clips, patterns, bonnets and so many more thing are great to use when getting ready or taking care of your littles hair !!! Some tips and tricks from other creators....  Easy 10 min styles for black hair (feminine)   Hair care routine + Tips  <-  Personally love this one !!  Clothing and dressing up is a big part of any regressors day. Picking out outfits can be fun! But its hard when you have so much to focus on...  - Pick things that remind them of their childhood. Or even newer characters!! - Some littles have to cover up more than others but remember layers, long sleeves, high socks, and a cute stuffie to match will make any outfit  - Try matching your littles bonnet, hijab or head covering to whatever they’re wearing that day!  Final thoughts...  I mentioned this as “POC littles” and tried to be inclusive as possible so littles of any skin color can benefit from this post...but this is directed and loved towards all of the POC littles in the community. You are just as important as the rest of us and I'm happy to share a safe space with you all ^^ My dms are always opened to anyone who has questions
Suggestions for shows....
Gabbys dollhouse  (Black protagonist) Rhymes through times (poc history lessons through song) Doc McStuffins (Black protagonist)  Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts (LGBT + POC centered)  Shaboom! (Youtube, Jewish Centered)  Dead End: Paranormal Park  (Transmasc protagonist, POC side characters) *MAY BE SCARY FOR SOME REGRESSORS (it reminds me of Gravity Falls /pos)  Craig of the Creek (POC centered, disability rep, MUCH more...) 
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cutiecorner · 2 years
Hello everyone I am so seepy but also utterly haunted by blorbos thoughts
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angelh4ven · 2 years
me whenmewhen me when the when me henr me when :(((me when me wh wheneme when bubba <33
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angelbaby-fics · 4 months
Cg stucky x little reader x little Peter where he is the older bro and very protective about his little sis and they go to the avenger tower but she is in babyspace and non-verbal and he won't let anyone near her and is like "nooooo she to tiny you make her owie" and when someone else than their caregivers try to pick her up he Hit the person and get punished by daddies
Baby's Bodyguard
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Word Count: 800
A/N: This is such a sweet idea!!!! I love big bro Peter & there's gonna be a lot more of him coming in the future I think 💕 Also nobody yell at me but I haven't actually watched Hawkeye & I don't know anything about Kate imsosorry enjoy!! 💕
Joining the Rogers-Barnes family as their precious and littlest baby was the greatest thing that happened to everyone involved, but nobody took on a greater pride than your big bubba Peter. Steve and Bucky had been worried at first that he wouldn’t take it well, no longer being an only child and the absolute center of their attention. To their surprised delight, however, Peter took on his new older sibling responsibilities with a soldier’s pride. 
Any time you were out on an errand or playing in the park, Peter took it upon himself to keep a watchful eye on you, even though your daddies were more than capable. Whenever you weren’t in your daddies’ arms, you were holding Peter’s hand. At the playground, he’d go down the slide first to make sure it wasn’t too fast, and then wait at the bottom to catch you as you followed. When you ordered food in a restaurant, Peter always took the first bite to make sure it was safe. Well, maybe that one wasn’t as much about protection as it was getting an extra bite, but still. At parties and playdates it was a little easier for him to get distracted, but he always made sure you were within earshot.
That’s how you found yourself now, in one of the common rooms of the sprawling Avengers compound, stacking blocks into a castle while Peter half paid attention to Wanda’s game of pretend on the other side of the room, his focus divided between her and you. Steve was standing around the snack table talking to Bruce and Tony, while Bucky and Sam cracked open a couple of beers on the balcony. It wasn’t a party so much as a lively get-together, team members and family only. 
It also happened to be Kate’s first party with the gang. Kate had been kind to you the few times you had met her, engaged with you in your pretend games and played hide and seek around the compound with you and your friends, but you didn’t trust her all the way yet. She was new here, she didn’t know that the only ones you allowed to carry you were your daddies. When Tony announced that dinner was ready, she was the closest to you, so she picked you up to carry you into the dining room with everyone. She meant well, she handled you gently, but that meant nothing to you at this moment. 
Peter’s spidey senses noticed it first, the sharp intake of your breath as you started to wail. Poor Kate didn’t realize what was happening as everything unfolded. A sticky web splatted into the back of her shirt as Peter ran over to the two of you. 
“No! You put baby down!!” He shouted, smacking the side of Kate’s arm like a cat batting a toy; not enough to hurt her.
Kate let go of you as you flung yourself into Peter’s arms, now sobbing from both the fright of being picked up by a new person and the commotion that had followed it. Peter barely had time to comfort you when a strong voice rang out over the noise. 
“Hey!” Steve shouted, not needing to say anything else to get everyone in the room silent and staring at him. Even you had stopped crying when you saw your daddy enter the room. Peter immediately spoke out in your defense. 
“She was scaring baby!” He cried out, pointing an accusatory finger at Kate.
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t! I was just bringing her to dinner!” Kate defended herself, desperately hoping the super soldier would understand. It wasn’t Steve she was worried about, though; Bucky was glaring at her with ice cold eyes. 
Steve placed a calming hand on his husband’s shoulder, calming him instantly.
“Alright, everybody calm down,” Steve said, his face softening as he turned to meet your eyes. “Are you hurt, babydoll?”
You shook your head, reaching out for your daddy’s arms. 
“I promise,” Kate said, “all I did was pick her up!” “I believe you.” Steve nodded. “She just doesn’t like getting picked up by anybody but her family. It's okay, you didn’t know yet.” Kate smiled, grateful for the forgiveness. Your tears had dried, your breathing had calmed, and your tummy had started to rumble. Steve gave you a kiss on the head, and with the chaos settled, everyone began to shuffle off to the dining room. Peter mingled in amongst them until he felt a cold hand on the back of his shirt. 
“Uh uh, not so fast kiddo,” Bucky warned, pulling the youngster aside. “I saw you hit Kate. That’s not nice and you know it.”
Peter looked down at his sneakers. “I’m sorry Baba,” he said dejectedly.
“Don’t apologize to me, apologize to Kate. Bucky let Peter go, following him into the kitchen before adding: “and no dessert tonight!”
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ask-sunny-and-moony · 2 years
Please consider the littles dressed up in lil lamb/sheep costumes and Gregory as a wolf
Believe it or not, we do have some silly costume parties - apparently the big bosses who make the decisions found out about Sun and Moon, then later Monty. They kind of... started this branding thing? Like they can regress and be kids in Kids Cove with uncle Foxy and stuff.
Because of that, when there's like... staff parties for the human staff, there's themes and stuff. So around the holiday parties, Chica and Dad get way too excited about dressing us up. It's worse around Halloween and Summerween.
We haven't been lambs and a wolf yet though-
You will be, as long as you don't say no :)
... I've been forsaken.
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thelunarsystemwrites · 3 months
Agere terminology!
Originally posted on QuoteV!
(Please keep in mind, at the roots, Regression is a coping/defense mechanism that many rely on. If it makes you uncomfortable, that is fine, you are entitled to your safe space. But please do not shame us who do it, and understand that it is in no way a kink, or anything sexual. It's always SFW!) 
(Also, mentions of panic attacks, trauma, and the term sexual are used here. But NEVER in detail! It is only for educational purposes.)
Age-regression: Is when someone mentally reverts back to the mindset of a younger age. This can range from a few years younger, to that of an infant. Those who are in the mindset of a child, can not consent to most things they normally could. (Example: Alcohol while regressed.)
Pet-Regression: Is when someone mentally retreats to the mindset of similar to an animal. This allows our wilder sides to be free. Those who are in the mindset of an animal can not consent to most things they normally could. (Example: Alcohol while regressed.)
(Note the difference between Retreats and Reverts. Retreat implies it is a mindset that was not experienced before, but still used. Revert implies that you are going back to an age you once were! :D both are very valid coping mechanisms!!) 
Age-Dreaming: Is when someone acts, and often wants to be treated, as though they are a specific age of their choice. This can be a coping mechanism, or just for fun. But never is it sexual in any way. Those who are Age-Dreaming are still fully or partly in the mindset of their actual Age, and is still 100% valid.
Pet-Dreaming: Is when someone acts, and often wants to be treated, as though they are a specific animal of their choice. This can be a coping mechanism, or just for fun. But never is it sexual in any way. Those who are Pet-Dreaming are still partly or fully in the mindset if their actual species, but is still 100% valid.
Caregiver: Sometimes known as a Caretaker, is someone who is responsible for caring for a regressor and or dreamer. The Regressor/Dreamer that they are caring for may give them a nickname like Papa, Daddy, Mama, Sissy, Bubba, or whatever else makes them happy. (Note: Some chose not to use nicknames, others might use specific names that are a version of their caregivers name, and or a specific nickname that doesn't relate to being parental. There's no right or wrong way to do it! ^^)
Babysitter: A person who isn't the primary Caregiver(s) of a Dreamer/Regressor, but May watch over them for certain periods of time, especially if the Caregiver isn't available.
Flip: Is someone who fluctuates between being a Regressor/Dreamer, or both, and Caregiver/Babysitter.
Agere: An aberration of Age-Regression.
Petre: An aberration of Pet-Regression. 
Agedre: An aberration of Age-Dreaming.
Petdre: An aberration of Pet-Dreaming.
CG: An aberration of Caregiver.
Voluntary regression: Is when someone will purposefully regress into the mindset of an animal/younger age. This can be done for coping, stress relief, fun, etc. And can done by colouring, playing with toys, listening to baby music, or other things that make you feel safe, bring positive emotions out, remind you of your childhood, or the childhood you always wanted. (And hey, some like playing games like destiny, ark, etc! Or like listening to rock, watching shows for older people, it's about what makes YOU feel regressed!)
Involuntary regression: Is when someone will go into the mindset of an animal/younger age. This can be triggered by stress, fear, over or understimulation, or a variety of negative feelings.
Partial-Regression:  Sometimes also uses the term Age-Dreaming. Is when someone is only partially in their headspace. Those who are partially regressed can still not consent to what they normally could, as they may not be fully coherent. 
Full-Regression: Also known as just Regression. Is when someone is fully regressed, and will think and act as the age, or animal, they have regressed to.
Slipping: Somethings also known as regressing, or dropping, is when someone regresses. (Example: "Mary started to slip into the age of a toddler.")
Littles: Are someone who primarily regresses to the age, or around, 8 and under. This may fluctuate.
Middles: Are someone who primarily regresses to the age, or around, 9 and older. This may fluctuate.
Regressors: The general term for someone who regresses/chooses not to label themself!
Dreamers: The general term for someone who dreams.
Littlespace: Sometimes spelled little space or little-space, is the mindset of someone 8 or younger.  (Example: Mary slipped into Littlespace.)
Middlespace: Sometimes spelled middle space or middle-space, is the mindset of someone 9 or older. (Example: Mary slipped into Middlespace.)
Petspace: Sometimes spelled pet space or pet-space, is the mindset of someone who is pet regressed! (Example: Mary slipped into Petspace.)
Headspace: Sometimes spelled head space or head-space, is the general term for Littlespaces, Middlespaces, and Petspaces.
Positive regression: Previously known as Pure regression. Is when regressed, you might feel happy, bubbly. It can involves playing, laughing, and or other things associated with the happier side of regression. (Note: some still chose to use the term Pure Regression, and that's absolutely okay!)
Negative regression: Previously known as Impure regression. Sometimes known as Vent Regression. Is when regressed, you may feel sad, moody, angry. It can involve tantrums, crying, kicking, and or other things associated with the less happy side of regression. (Note: some still chose to use the term Impure Regression, and that's absolutely okay!)
Little gear: Sometimes spelled littlegear or little-gear, is the supplies used while regressed/dreaming, this can include, but not limited to: Pacifiers. Blankies. Bottles. Fidgets. Diapers. And or other things used by Regressors/Dreamers, that fit their age and preferences! (Note: Little gear isn't required to regress! ^^)
Petre gear: Sometimes spelled petregear or petre-gear, is the supplies used while regressed/dreaming, this can include, but not limited to: Chew toys. Teethers. Treats. And or other things used by Regressors/Dreamers, that fit their animal and preferences. (Note: Petre gear isn't required to regress! ^^)
(Often both can be shortened to just Gear if wanted!)
Positive triggers: Are something used to trigger someone into Voluntary regression. (Example: Colouring, Music, Dancing, Etc.)
Negative triggers: Is something that triggers unwanted memories, Involuntary regression, panic attacks, or other things that are unwanted to the regressor.(Example: a Negative trigger caused Mary to have a flashback.)
In the closet: It is when someone who is part of the Agere/Petre community is still secret. Sometimes, they are also known as Discreet Littles! (Generally, "closeted" means you are secretly, or not directly promoting that you are in a certain community. The term is often associated with it's use in the LGBTQIAP+ community!)
Finally, if you know a term that I don't, do not be afraid to share! And remember, not all regressors/dreamers are the same! One may love Pacifiers, the other may strongly dislike them. That's okay! We're all different and unique in our own ways! 
Remember that Agere is beautiful, all sides of it. Sometimes you have to have negative regression to feel better, it's okay! All sides of it are needed, and rather voluntarily or not, it's your brain trying to help you, and cope! It's a completely healthy coping mechanism, as long as you don't let it become your life 24/7. (That goes for all coping mechanisms, becoming obsessive over something is a big factor in it becoming unhealthy!)
Please try to hydrate! Stay safe! And have a wonderful day/night/evening my friends!
(To confirm: When regressed, you are still valid if you like swearing while regressed. You are still valid if you like playing/watching more mature games or shows or movies while regressed. You are still valid if nobody can tell you're regressed without you telling them. There are no rules to regression, expect that it's never sexual. Cater to how YOU need to regress, not everyone fits into the same box, and that's the beauty of diversity in how we each do it.) 
Remember I'm not an expert! I've been in the community for years, and I'm trying to share my knowledge! :D
Bai!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🩷🩵🤎🖤🩶💛
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multifandomenjoyerr · 4 months
If Lucifer Morningstar was a cg ★☆
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★ let's be honest, he'd be a very sweet caregiver when he's taking care of his little one. He has a daughter of his own, he learned a thing or two with Charlie.
★ his patience is ^^^^ really up there. If you wanted a CG who has patience, this is your guy. He'll sit there for hours just for you to make a decision on something. No rush here!
★ As a cg, he'd be of course, patient. As well as somewhat soft spoken, nervous and nonstrict. He has no heart in even trying to be stern with you- he's just a soft man no matter what he tries to deny it
★ he's a nervous caretaker because: his flaws. What if he messed up? What if he did something that upsetted you? So I'd imagine he'd always be somewhat on edge and careful what he says to you, not wanting to upset you in any way (he's a bit of a slow talker as well. If he lets his nervousness get to him, his speech would be slurred)
★ not an active baby spoiler, but will get you anything you'd ask for. that doesnt make him a spoiler.... right? Want something? hes on it! Need someone to fill your cups? Yep! That's him! But he won't constsntly buy you things— well, sometimes!
★ piggy back rides kinda papa! He loves carrying you around if you let him. He's also the kinda cg to let you sleep on his stomach while you both are laying down. He slso loves trapping you in your favorite blanket before scooping you up into his arms
★ general hc: when he laughs, he snorts! You can easily make him laugh. And when you do he'll snort. He gets embarrassed for it but usually if he's in the midst of a giggle fit he'll forget about it
★ his preferred petnames are: papa, bubba, dad, etc! He usually doesnt mind any you wish to give him! He also loves to call you his "button nose", "kiddo/kid", "bunny" and "bubs" If you like to be called petnames
★ bought you a stuffie named "Ms Vee" who is a stuffie ragdoll cat with a voice box inside! Bonus, the voice box is Lucifer's prerecordings. If he's away, busy or just not current; Ms Vee gotcha covered. Just press her stomach and his voice will be heard ^^
★ his pre recordings includes: him saying good morning/afternoon/night, him asking how you're doing and saying something positive towards you,, there's also a few others like him humming a lullaby, reading a small story book, and telling you that you should sleep. There is over 200 recordings as of currently, so there's too much to say!
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lace-coffin · 5 months
Updated Masterlist!
you can find all my works here <3
multiple slashers
How slashers would react to Accidently hurting their S/O?
How would slashers comfort their S/O on a bad day?
Slasher kinks headcanons (nsfw)
Slasher autism headcanons
How would the Slashers react to their S/O being attracted to their movie? (Nsfw)
Slashers with captured!police!S/O (Nsfw)
Slashers with a mommy kink x fem!reader (Nsfw)
Bubba Sawyer (Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
How would Reader fit into the Sawyer household as Bubba's S/O? (Slight nsfw)
How would Bubba Sawyer react to sibling!reader tickling them by surprise?
Reader comforting Bubba on a bad day
Thomas Hewitt (Texas Chainsaw Massacre- The Beggining)
Asa Emory (The Collector)
Asa Emory x gn reader who’s secretly into bondage (nsfw)
Receiving comfort after a punishment Asa Emory x Gn!Reader
How would Asa Emory comfort reader when they’re having a panic attack? Asa Emory x Gn!Reader
How would Asa Emory react to finding his new pet coddling his bugs? Asa emory x Gn!Reader
How would Asa react to finding out his victim has an attraction to slashers?(nsfw) Asa Emory x Gn!Reader
What kind of meals does Asa Emory like to cook and eat? Asa Emory x Gn!Reader (slight nsfw)
How would Asa Emory feel about a gay bear s/o? (Nsfw) Asa Emory x Gay bear!Reader
how old do i think Asa Emory is?
How would Asa Emory react to a member of his collection having a phobia/phobias? Asa Emory x Gn!Reader
How would Asa Emory punish a bratty s/o for hiding from punishment? (Nsfw) Asa Emory x Gn!Reader
How would Asa Emory comfort his pet/so on their period? (Nsfw) Asa Emory x gn!reader
How would Asa Emory cope with a bratty s/o? (Nsfw)
Asa Emory x lonely!fem!reader
What rules does Asa Emory have for his pet/SO? (Nsfw)
How would Asa Emory react to a co-worker leading his cop case?
How would Asa Emory react to his pet/SO injuring themselves to save one of his bugs?
Wanted! Asa Emory x Sheriff bounty hunter!Gn! Reader (nsfw)
Period sex with Asa( nsfw)
Asa Emory x Feral! Gn! Reader
Asa Emory x Autistic!FTM!Reader with an oral fixation/stim
Asa Emory x gn!reader! Who needs a stuffed animal to sleep
Caregiver! Asa Emory x Little!Gn!reader
How would Asa Emory react to a child breaking into his hotel?
Asa Emory x picky eater!Reader
Asa Emory x Autistic!Gn!Reader with a new hyperfixation
How would Asa Emory react to teens breaking into the hotel to smoke?
Billy Lenz (Black Christmas)
Jason Vorhees (Friday The 13th)
Is this too corny? Jason Vorhees x Reader (Freddy Kreuger is your older brother and you meet/fall in love with Jason at the corn maze)
Brahms Heelshire (The Boy)
Michael Myers (Halloween)
Yautja (predator) (Female or Male)
Yautja x gn autistic partner (platonic)
Five Nights At Freddy's
Feathery friends until the end 🐣 Agre!Reader x Platonic!Cargiver!Chica
How would Moondrop and Montgomery gator react to an exhausted reader on their shift? gn!Reader
Montgomery Gator x overstimulated autistic!gn!Reader
Resident Evil
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littlebumblebeesstuff · 6 months
Baby Steps
Prompt: First time regressing with Rosalie and Emmet.
Notes: GN!Reader. Mentions of pull-ups. Fluff and Angst
Rosalie and Emmet would be the first to admit that they were desperate for a child. Despite knowing that it wasn’t possible, they still yearned for a baby.
During an attempt to curve this need, they stumbled upon age regression.
Suddenly, it felt like all their problems could be solved.
An adult human, who would regress to being little… if all went well the couple could turn their little and keep them forever!
And that is where you came into their lives.
It had taken years for them to find you, as they were confined to Forks. But when you came over as a transfer student, Edward was able to identify you easily; your worries about slipping and regressing on your first day practically screaming over the others thoughts.
Rosalie worked hard to gain your trust as a friend, and then as a lover to her and Emmet. They were never sexual with you, not that you cared.
They spent time with you, helped you with your studies. Emmet loved to do things for you- in an attempt to get you to slip with them. He would say things like, “ahh-ah, let me get that for you baby. You are much too small” or “You sure you don’t want to snuggle up for a nap? You have been working so hard and your little eyes must be so tired”.
Rosalie was just as bad. Cupping your cheeks to pepper kisses over your face, buying water bottles with the pop up straws for you to drink from - they were so similar to your sippy cups. She would spoil you with cute outfits and loved to dress you up so you could show Emmett.
The rest of the Cullens didn’t seem to care about what Rosalie and Emmet were doing. Alice had whispered assurances to the couple when they felt like things weren’t going to plan. Jasper actually didn’t mind spending time with you, but only really did it when you were working on your maths work. Carlisle and Esme always doted on you, and welcomed you with open arms.
In fact, it was Carlisle who introduced Rosalie and Emmett into the world of being a Caregiver to an age regressor.
It took 4 months into the relationship for you to slip with Rosalie and Emmett, and it was completely accidental.
The others had gone off to visit their friends up North, leaving Rosalie and Emmett with an empty house for the week.
You went over on the Friday, with plans to stay the whole week. On Saturday morning, you woke up between Rosalie and Emmett. You were in your fluffy pyjamas, a must have to keep you warm because they were cold.
There was a little nagging voice at the back of your head as you nuzzled into Emmetts chest, whining softly as you woke up.
Immediately, strong arms wrapped around you, pulling you close and a nose presses into your hair.
“Morning little bubba, you sleep ok?” Emmetts rumbling voice quickly soothed that nagging voice and you let out a little babble in response.
Usually you woke up quickly, turning to lie on your chest so you could see both of them- so this automatically caught their attention and the two vampires shared an excited look.
“Is our little darling still sleepy?” Rosalie asked softly, pressing herself to your back as she tucks some loose strands of hair behind your ear.
You just hum softly, struggling to wake up. You often regressed between the ages of 3-6, but sometimes you could be as little as 1, where all you wanted was to be held.
Still being so sleepy, you missed the conversation happening over your head.
“Rose, I think we should put our little one in a pull up. I’m not sure how old they are feeling”
Emmett muttered, holding you close as Rosalie nodded in agreement.
“I know our little one is usually no younger than 3 when we watch them at nights- but I think they are feeling very little today”
Rosalie pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
“Go make a bottle, I will get them changed”
Rosalie and Emmett share a quick kiss before Rosalie takes you in her arms and steps into the normally locked side room that they had turned into a nursery for this exact moment.
You whine a little and babble softly as Rosalie carries you through, setting you down on the changing mat.
She hums softly, keeping you calm and settled as she starts to undress you. The pyjama trousers come off easily but there is a bit of wiggle needed to get the top off.
Before long Rosalie pulls a pull-up over your legs and smoothes the band as it settles in place, making sure it fits properly. After that, she takes out a Winnie the Pooh onesie, with the feet and hands covered so that you don’t accidentally scratch yourself.
“Such a good little baby, hmm? Let’s get some warm milk to fill that little tummy. Then you can cuddle with us all day”
Rosalie gets a blanket and wraps it around you, making sure to swaddle you tightly. Once you are swaddled and cozy, Rosalie takes you into her arms again, rubbing a hand over your back as she carries you downstairs.
Emmett is waiting with a bright smile, bottle in his hand as he waits for Rosalie to come down with you.
“Look at you! A cozy little bubba”. Emmet smiles as he takes a seat and takes you from Rosalie’s arms and wrapped an arm around your blanketed body, leaning you into him as he brought the bottle of warm milk to your lips.
The warm milk filling your belly brought your mind into focus, and your breathing steadied with each sip.
Everything seemed to come crashing down.
Seeing your reflection in the mirror opposite the sofa with the Winnie the Pooh onesie on, the bottle that was in your mouth and the paci that is secured with a clip to your onesie. The feel of the pull-up….
You panicked.
Tears streamed down your cheeks as you turn your head away from Emmett as he tried to feed you.
Before you could even take a breath to let out a cry, Emmett had you in his arms, standing up as he rocks you while shushing you.
“It’s ok bubba, daddy is right here. It’s all ok, I got you”
Usually his voice soothed you effortlessly, but now it just wound you up more. Hearing Emmett call himself ‘daddy’ had that nagging voice screaming in your head again.
They were going to hate you! They probably thought that you were weird!
“Baby? Little one, it’s ok. It’s ok. Me and Emmett understand that you are feeling little.”
Rosalie’s sweet voice fills your ears as she brushes away your tears with her thumbs.
“Me and Em are caregivers, darling. No need to be all upset, we aren’t going anywhere.”
With each word you start to calm down a little bit, understanding that they don’t think that you are weird.
“We have been wondering when you would mention it love bug, but waking up with you feeling oh so little was the best.” Emmett says with a smile, kissing your cheek.
“You seemed very little this morning baby, so we just wanted you to feel safe and comfortable. We’re sorry if-“
“Em, our little one isn’t big enough for a complicated discussion like that.” Rosalie chided gently.
“Let’s wash your pretty little face, and then we can make another bottle and put a movie on, how does that sound darling?”
You blink at Rosalie, trying to figure out how to say what you were feeling, but she was right. You were too little to express that. Instead, you nod your head, tucking it back under Emmetts chin as he chuckles and rubs your back soothingly.
Emmett takes you to their bathroom and gently washes your face with a washcloth, making funny faces in an attempt to get you to laugh.
Only after you had spent a minute or so giggling did he take you back down stairs where Rosalie had your new bottle of warm milk.
They sat on the large sofa, Rosalie tucked into Emmetts side as his arm slung around her shoulder, his gaze fixed on you as Rosalie gave you your bottle, smiling again you as you drank it.
Before long your tummy was full of warm milk and your eyes felt heavy. You were now sucking on the nub of the empty bottle and Rosalie pulled it away and replaced it with your paci- soothing you before you could even whine.
You fell asleep like that, in Rosalie’s arms. Curled up and softly sucking on your paci, all the big emotions from earlier leaving you exhausted in the arms of your mama and daddy.
Rosalie and Emmett finally felt complete. They finally had their little one, and God help anyone who tries to hurt you.
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thewritersaddictions · 8 months
Day Twenty: Lady Alcina Dimitrescu + Mind Control/Body Modification
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You really can't remember how you managed to get a tongue piercing. When it had happened? Where, or if the lady of the house knew about it.
It had been her daughters. Her beautifully crazy daughter had dragged you out and into the booming town of the village below the large ornate castle.
Bela, Cassandra, and Danelia all just wanted to let loose. The hot, sticky summer days gave ease to their entrapment during the freezing winter months.
They flittered and floated around the town. Bar hopping from one place to another as the day went on the looser we all got. Until we ended up at a tattoo parlor. The four of you had all gotten matching tattoos.
Little bugs that had wings to fly and a little sun to fly towards. How you managed to be the only one laying on your back. Tongue pressed between a pair of cold forceps. A quick sharp pain as the three watched you like hawks.
Just like that, you had a piece of shiny jewelry in your mouth. A ball on each side of your tongue that felt weird at first. They all cheered for you as the four of you walked out with a gleeful attitude.
You played with it in your mouth until you and the sisters arrived back at Castle Dimitrescu.
Days, weeks went by. You were really sure what your relationship with the lady of the house was. She liked you as a pet, but she yearned for you while you were gone. She saw how good you were with her naughty daughters. It was a sticky situation. Your tongue swelling went down, then it just became a part of your everyday life. The feeling of something pressed underneath your tongue, but also above it pressed into the roof of your mouth.
It wasn't until Dimitrescu had a written note sent to your bed chambers. Inside is her beautiful cursive writing, it said. "My dearest, I know that I've been ever so busy with things lately. I feel as if I haven't seen you in ages, so come to my chambers tonight. Kisses Y/n." Dimitrescu letter read.
Even just here words on the paper had your stomach twisting in knots of anticipation, and lust. Your relationship with the lady of the house wasn't conventional by any means. You had at one point been a simple maid, your job title had then been switched to a caregiver for the girls who were madly in love with someone new to play with.
From there things grew. You were once again switched from the girl's personal handmaiden to Lady Dimitrescu's personal handmaiden. Your relationship changed after that your heart burned with passion for her, and so did hers. Once again you were put into an odd place. Dimitrescu didn't want you to ever leave, but she didn't want to keep that title above your head.
You tie your robe around your waist and make your way toward her room. You barely have to knock on her bedroom door. A silky voice travels through the wooden door. "Come in." You push open the door. "Oh Bubba, you came," Alcina murmurs as she sits up on the bed.
A much larger robe wrapped around her. Her hair is out of its tight curls, and she looks warm as coaxes you over to her. "Of course, I came my lady." You said as you walked over to her.
She shook her head, "What have I said about that Bubba?" Alcina asks you. You still to this day had a hard time calling her by her name, Alcina wasn't what you had been taught to call her. My lady slipped out at least once or twice when it was the just two of you.
"I'm sorry my… Alcina." You whisper. Alcina grabs onto your cheeks, cold hands in contrast to your warm, and already blushing face. "Smile for me, Bubba." Alcina loves it whenever you smile. Wild light that explodes from your toothy grin, it goes straight through her and into her heart.
Your face breaks out into a glowing smile as you snuggle into her touch on your cheeks. Alcina just stares at you for what feels like ages. Aclina scans over your brightest features to the lines on your forehead and near your eyes. She drinks you in literally taking you in for everything you can give her from just a little ole' smile.
Then her eyes catch something. A glint, a metallic shine on some sort. Alcina doesn't think about it until the fire's light makes it shine even more. Her face contorts, and yours follows suit. "Y/n?"
Alcina never really says your name, but when she does it means she is serious. You echo her, 'Alcina?" You whisper back to her. "Open your mouth for me, Bubba." She demands of you. Her eyes go wide when you open your mouth and stick out your bedazzled tongue.
"What is this shining in your mouth?" Alcina doesn't sound mad, hell she doesn't even have an emotion on her face. You swallow as Alcina takes her cold hands off your face. "Well…" You start off. Alcina has yet to take her eyes off the rhinestone on your tongue. She watches it move as you tell her the story of the girls wanting tattoos, and how they had bet you to get a tongue piercing.
"You aren't mad are you?" You ask Alcina. Her yellow eyes flash quickly with hurt, and then she's back consoling you. "My sweetness I'd never be mad at you for something like this." Alcina reaches over her thumb grazing over your bottom lip.
You two stay like that for a few moments, before Alcina says what she's been thinking since she caught the glimmer. You see the smirk on her face, and then her words hit your ears. "You know Y/n I've always wondered what it would feel like me on." Your face goes hot with a blush.
Thinking up all the scenarios that Alcina could be talking about. "Do you wanna…" You can't get the words out. "Do I wanna what sweetness?" Alcina is ever so a minx. "I… you…" You bit your bottom lip searching for the words. "I wanna…" You don't even finish your thouhgt before your delved in. Crashing into Alcina lips.
The kiss is searing, in a hot sort of knee buckling way. Alcina wraps here long fingers around the back of your neck, and when you lick her lips for entrance into her mouth she moans. It only pushes you further. Hands burhsing up agasint soft robe fabric. "Take this off me please." Alcina begs you. You never seen, or heard Alcina so desperate for touch.
You follow her request. Stripping her of the robe, throwing it off into the room. She stands there so tall, and so bare. Her skin lights up with goosebumps as you trail your fingers up and down her curves. She moans at your light touches. "Don't tease." Alcina warns. "I'm sorry… I just like touching you is all." You murmurs as you leave a litter of kisses on your way up and down her body.
That's before Alcina picks you up and shifts the both of you towards the soft surface of the bed. She lays you ontop of her. Your own robe gives way, showing off the shorts and tank top you wear to bed.
Kissing up and down Alcina jaw and neck. She hard grips harder when you suck a little bruise on her skin where the shoulder, and neck met. You follow down her collar bone down between the valley of her breasts. Her hands shifts landing in your hair. You suck yet another bruise between her breasts. And when you look up to fancy your work. Alcina is already on the verge of bursting with lust.
You get back to work. Licking up her kiss, kissing the little but best spots for her. Everytime you lick Alcina skin she whines, and moans. "Oh fuck Y/n, you dont… oh hell you don't know" She can't get her words out.
It's not until you shimmy yourself between her large thighs, and are face to face with her dripping cunt. You take a quickl glance up at her. She yellow eyes are blown out with lust, her cheeks are red with a thick layer of blush.
"Don't make me…" You don't let alcina finish when you lick a sticky strip from her leaking hole to her clit leaving it kiss when you come up. Your hands come spreading her apart. Dripping further down onto the fresh linens. You blow cold air onto her cunt. She shivers and moans at the action.
You can't hold back anymore. You care not for rhe breathe you need as you stuff your face into her wet, dripping cunt. Everythng just feels right, and damn the encoramanet that you hear from above you have you wishing you could get some sort of relief out of it as well.
You licks around her swollen clit, and a harh hand come to tug at your hard pulling you. Using you for Alcina own plesure. You are no longer fucking her with your mouth. Rather she's fucking you with her cunt. When you do manage to slip a set of fingers into her cunt she's tight as always. Sucking you in as your pull out and push them right back in. "Oh sweet fuck!" Alcina moans out, her head is thrown back and her eyes are shut tightly as your lick her clit the rinestone tongue peicing hitting it just right.
Two fingers itching just the right spot to make Alcina vision go white with passion. Her cunt squeezes your finger tight as she moans out loudly and cums all over your face. Your face is drenched, down to your tank top.
When you come up from between Alicna thighs she's worn out unable to lift her head and take a look at you. "Alcina, did I make you squirt?" You aks your voice husky and deep. she graons and shake her head a little.
You shift moving up to lay next to the worn out lady of the house. It's silent for only a moments time. "You must know my dear that I haven't felt that good in such a long time." Alcina says as she looks over at you. She looks so content, calm for the first time in a long time. "Thank you my sweetness." Alcina murmurs. "Of course." You get up grabbing your robe, and wiping down your face before getting a wet cloth and cleaning up between Alcina thighs.
when you go to leave her chambers, a small tired voice calls you back. "Stay with me?" Alcina asks you don't dare ignore, or deny her.
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Completed on: 08/01/23
Posted on: 10/20/23
Kinktober 23- @lanad3lreyscokewhor3 @homelanderscumdump @hummusxx@chvnsdimple @vvitzvafflezvv @lokisivy @claud-blood0703 @iliketoreads-stuff @all-that-glitters-is-treasure@clearscissorsbonkgiant-blog @lxonix--ac @piecesofx @mortallyswimmingpainter @playwithfire99 @fucak @everythingneytiri @lovetheos @xxxxxoseungxoooo @durazopato @hotpead42069 @oddseabiscuit @capoda @witching-hour @viviwows @lover103 @alexlovesfiction @katiecat10 @electricfans @jianasmind @max-505 @powerbun21o @the-horny-simp @missy420-0 @jaq-dav @arescosplays
Resident Evil Master List // House Dimitrescu Master List // Kinktober '23
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metal-caregiver · 1 year
What it like to be caregiver? I only know what like to be teeny and smol :3
It definitely has its ups and downs..Taking care of someone can be a bit isolating ! Sometimes it feels like my "caregiver meter" just builds, and builds til I burst and feel really lonely lol. But otherwise it feels very fresh and exciting !! The regressors in my system sort of help with that feeling since they're almost always around. Like last night one of them had a crisis bc he wanted chicken soup and made me pull out all the chicken (we're vegan). I offered pasta (he doesnt want that bc apparently you cant eat grilled cheese with a dry side ? and no sauce doesnt count either) HA But honestly...thats the best part of being a caregiver to me? I love being there to help when they struggle, to be a play partner when we're both feeling a bit lonely. It can be freeing but draining sometimes...Having an open heart and open mind and reminding myself that I'm doing good for both of us keeps me through it !!
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sky-bunnyyy · 8 months
Stu Macher as a Caregiver!
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⟡Stu is an amazing caregiver, though he can be a little insensitive at times, but he always makes it up to you with cuddles and gifts. ⟡He loves younger littles (2-4) but is great with all little age ranges ⟡If you’re a baby regressor, he can, and will carry you absolutely everywhere ⟡He carries you on his hip while making your bottles, before naps ⟡Speaking of naps, he has set bedtimes for you, and maybe even a full schedule or planner, if you need it ⟡His bookbag, and locker are full of regression gear for you, if you slip while at school; bottles/sippies, pacifier, stuffies, colouring books, and any toys/fidgets you use. ⟡He keeps sweets, and candies for you ( specifically the heart-shaped suckers), and gives them to you periodically to cheer you up (in moderation, ofc) ⟡He is incredibly cuddly with you, and you’re often nuzzled into his side, especially around his friends/other people. he gets possessive easily. ⟡If you guys are walking, your hand is always in his, it’s like an unwritten rule at this point. ⟡He also follows the sidewalk rule ⟡When you’re overwhelmed, or having a meltdown, he bounces you on his lap, or bounces you while walking around ⟡You guys are almost always at the park ⟡He loves pushing you on the swing ⟡Also loves going down the slide with you between his legs. ⟡Is very scared of you getting hurt though, so he watches you like a hawk ⟡Always have band-aids incase you get a boo-boo , the band-aids always have cartoon characters on them ⟡Kisses your boo-boos and owwies away, just to hear you giggle ⟡Because Stu’s always around Billy, you're also always around Billy, so you’ve grown custom to calling Billy ‘bubba’, and he finds it adorable ⟡Movie nights with the two of them happen very often; you squished between them both on the couch, with a stuffie in your hand ⟡Stu doesn’t like you watching scary movies while little, cause he doesn’t like the thought of you getting scared, or having a nightmare. ⟡But it has happened on more than one occasion, and always ends up with you cuddled in Stu’s lap while he rubs your back and pets your hair until you calm down. ⟡Stu’s parent’s are often out of town, which means you’re at his house a lot, and you almost always stay the night with him ⟡He hums you to sleep while you lay either with your head on his chest, with your leg draped over him, or fully on top of him --- SFW interactions only, please!! Age regression is a coping mechanism, not a k!nk
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angelh4ven · 2 years
im in a goofy silly hide-n-seek mood
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pahtoosh · 4 months
baker's convention
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[image ID: a gif from infinity war of steve hugging bucky. /.end ID]
wc: 1900 words
warnings: food. reader gets picked up by steve. i kinda gave our baba anxiety(sorry)
a/n: i am SO proud of this! i hope you all love it! and i am very happy to expand the chef/baker universe! i sprinkled in a hint at a future fic with baker!nat, but let me know if you guys have any suggestions for our other friends!
pairing: chef!daddy!bucky x gn!little!reader
summary: bucky takes you to a baker's convention and you get to try new creations from his closest friends. special appearances from natasha, sam, and steve!
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾
Bucky helped you put on your lanyard and nametag at the convention center’s entrance. He knew you could do it yourself, but he was stalling and needed something to occupy his shaky hands. He straightened out your shirt, another nervous habit of his. 
“Are you excited, bubba?”
“Yes! So excited, Daddy.” 
“Good, good. Daddy’s excited too.”
He kept fiddling with your clothes and tried not to think about how nervous he was for today. You’d met his baker buddies before, but never all at once, in one day. And never in such a crowded place. 
He wasn’t worried because of you; he was worried about all the things beyond his control. What if the convention was too overwhelming? What if you two got separated? What if a stranger was mean to you? Breathe, Bucky. Breathe. 
“I can have all the sweets I want today, right?”
Bucky laughed, taken aback by your question.
“Our minds are in two different places, honeybun.” He stopped messing with your clothes and kissed your forehead. “Yes, you can have all the sweets you want if you remember your manners–and if you give me a big hug right now.”
You squealed and wrapped your arms around Bucky, squeezing him with all your might. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”
Bucky was starting to feel a bit better. As usual, you were able to calm his nerves and remind him that he had nothing to worry about. He was a good caregiver. If you got overwhelmed, he would know the signs and how to help you. If you got lost, he had plenty of friends and colleagues who knew you, loved you, and would do anything to help. If a stranger tried ruining your day, he was more concerned with what you could do to them than what they could do to you. 
While you were hugging Bucky as hard as you could, you were also helping slow down his heart rate and the other physical signs of his stress. He was finally prepared to go in.
“Are you ready, baby?”
“Yes! Yes! I’m so ready!” 
You swung your interlocked hands back and forth as you and Bucky walked through the doors and down the long hallway that led to the convention center.
The sight of the many vendors and their stalls selling baked goods stopped you in your tracks. There were more than you could count. It seemed as if there were endless rows of cookies, cupcakes, pies, and happy people enjoying the art of baking. 
Bucky noticed a friend giving you a slight wave to get your attention. He gently tugged your hand. 
“Do you wanna go over there, honey? That booth looks good.”
You looked at the booth and gasped, then walked as fast as you could to get there, tugging Bucky along behind you. You were by no means as gentle with Bucky as he had been with you earlier. He laughed good-naturedly as you practically pulled his arm out of its socket. 
“Hey there, firecracker.” 
Bucky greeted her with a nod. “Natalia.”
“Buchanan.” She turned to face you again. “I saw you pulling your Daddy back there. I could teach you this trick if you re-”
Bucky covered your ears with his hands and gave his friend a bewildered look. “You’re not teaching them that,” he whisper shouted. 
Natasha stifled a laugh while Bucky took his hands away from your ears and tried to redirect your attention. “Which of these treats do you wanna try first, bun?”
“Can I have one of the cakes, please?”
“Comin’ right up.” She handed you a small plate with a square piece of cake and two forks. Bucky motioned for you to take the first bite. Your eyes widened in delight. The cake was so delicate and soaked in a sweet milk. The cake itself was sightly sour, but the sweet milk and ganache topping balanced the whole dessert. 
“What is this?”
“It’s bird’s milk cake. Do you like it?”
“Mhm!” You went in for another bite. 
“I have something else for you to try too.” Natasha reached beside her and handed you and Bucky another plate with two small, potato-like objects. “This is called kartosha.”
You tried pronouncing this new word before taking a bite. Once again, you were struck by how beautifully simple and balanced the dessert was. Bittersweet cookie crumbles were combined with sweet, sticky condensed milk.
“It’s so good!”
“I’m glad you think so.” Natasha looked like she was going to say more, but then a special someone caught her eye. She leaned over to whisper in your ear. “I think someone’s been stealing looks and wondering when you’re going to visit their booth.”
You whipped your head around and saw Sam look quickly in the other direction, as if he was pretending that he hadn’t been looking at you earlier. He had a mischievous smile on his face though, and his eyes wandered to you for a second before darting back. He rocked back and forth on his heels and even began to whistle a little. You giggled at his attempts to look casual.
You turned to Bucky. “Daddy, can we go to Sammy’s booth?”
“Sure can, let’s say bye to Nat first.”
“Bye, Natty! Thank you for the cake and kartosha!”
“You’re welcome.” She walked around the booth to give you a goodbye hug. “You have to come visit the cafe soon, okay? The kitties miss you and I need some help from my little decorator.”
“I will!” You waved goodbye and then skipped to Sam’s booth. 
He was still putting on his oblivious act. 
“Sammy, hi!”
“Oh, hey! I didn’t even see you there!”
You laughed and shook your head. “Nuh uh, I saw you looking!”
“Alright, alright, ya caught me. But once you see the show I’ve got planned for you, you’ll understand.”
“A show?” you asked, bouncing excitedly.
“Yup. A whole show. Tell me something, do you like caramel?” He took a step to where his burner stove was.
“Okay well this isn’t exactly caramel, but if you like caramel, you’ll like this.” He put a small pan on the stove and turned on the heat. “We’ll start off with a little butter, some cinnamon, and brown sugar.” Sam effortlessly dropped and sprinkled the ingredients into the pan as he listed them off. He gave the mixture a stir, shaking the pan at the same time like a pro.
“Now I don’t know if you like bananas. But if you don’t, you’ll like them after this.” He put a small handful of slices into the pan and coated them in the sauce. He turned off the stove. 
“Alright, here’s the real show. I need y’all to take one step back so you’re behind that red tape on the floor.”
You and Bucky did as he said. 
“Perfect, thank you. Now these bananas just need a little more juice.” He poured a small amount of clear amber liquid into the pan. “And they could also use a little more heat.” He flicked a lighter just to the side of the pan, setting all of the amber liquid aflame. He shook the pan back and forth, flipping the bananas in the flaming sauce. You watched the fire, absolutely mesmerized by how it shifted and how Sam had so much control over the volatile force. He kept the whole thing moving, like it was a choreographed dance between him and the flaming pan where he was the leader. Slowly, the flames died down and the bananas were left in a glistening sauce.
“THAT WAS THE COOLEST THING EVER!” you screamed, clapping your hands and jumping up and down. “How did you do that?!”
“A lot of practice, okay? Don’t ever try this at home.”
You nodded. “I’ll just watch you do it every day.”
Sam laughed. “If you boost my ego like this every time, I’ll do this whenever you want. You ready to try the bananas now?”
“Yes please!”
“Alright, and one more very important question.” He halted and looked at you seriously. “Do you want ice cream?”
𓏲 ࣪₊♡
Sam gave you and Bucky two beautiful bowls of bananas foster, he called it. He grinned from ear to ear as you asked him endless questions. You wanted to talk more(and ask for another serving), but a crowd full of people wanting to see Sam’s show had formed. You thanked him profusely and waved goodbye nearly your entire walk to the next booth, until you had to turn the corner and could no longer see your friend. Luckily, Bucky was holding your other hand and leading the way to make sure you didn’t bump into anyone or get lost.
You were about to mourn the end of the best time of your life, when you saw another friend waving to you excitedly.
You skipped to his booth and he met you in the middle, picking you up for a bone-crushing hug. 
“I missed you, bug!”
“Easy, Rogers. Bubba’s full of sweets and ice cream.”
Steve set you down gently and fixed your clothes that he had messed up. “Sorry, bubba, sorry. Wait–you had ice cream already?”
“Uh huh! We went to Sam’s booth!”
“Aw, you went to Sam’s booth before mine? That’s not fair!” he whined. He put a hand over his chest. “You’re breakin’ my heart, bubba.”
“And he gave me a fire show.”
“And he gave you a fire show?” Steve pretended to cry, putting his head in his hands and allowing sobs to run through his body. 
“Stevieee, c’mon!” You wrapped your arms around him and patted his back. “Do you know what Sammy didn’t give to me?”
“What?” Steve asked, still pouting. 
“Two hugs!”
Steve stopped his crocodile tears and returned your embrace, swinging you side to side to hear your giggles. 
“I guess the hugs make up for me not having any fire. And I’m the best hugger you know, right?”
“Let’s go see the sweets I have for you!” he said, cutting you off. He carried you on his hip for the short walk to his booth and set you down at the front of it, because only vendors were allowed in the behind area.
Steve stepped behind the display and fixed his apron. Before he spoke, he puffed out his chest and held out his hands in a theatrical manner.
“Welcome to a slice of paradise! We have every pie you can think of! Apple, pumpkin, pecan, key lime, cherry, strawberry–every American classic! And for the non-pie lovers, I have cheesecakes, tarts, and the best rice krispie treats made with my Ma’s secret recipe.” He ended his speech with a wink.
“Wow! There’s so many! I don’t know which one to choose.” You looked at Bucky for assistance. 
“Lucky for you, my little bug, I have a sampler platter!” Steve presented you with a plate of many small squares of everything he was selling, all with different colored toothpicks. “You can try these out and when you decide the one you want, let me know and I’ll serve you a whole slice.”
You giddily took the sampler plate and tried all the samples with Bucky, giving Steve feedback after each bite. When you finished trying all of the sweets, you couldn’t pick just one to have a full slice of.
“Can I have another sample plate, please?”
“Sure, but don’t you want a whole slice of your favorite one?”
“I can’t choose a favorite! They’re all so good.”
Steve smiled proudly. “Alright, one more sampler platter for the charmer with the grouchy daddy.”
Bucky grunted while you giggled. “I have one more question.”
Steve nodded while he arranged your next plate. “What’s up?”
“Can I have a scoop of ice cream too? I need to try all of them with it, for science.”
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