#Fandom x regressor
slasherbabi · 2 years
Bubba discovers your regression! (Fem regressor)
I do plan to make more like this, just one shots. Mostly horror characters or villains as CG’s. Feel free to request any but I’ll only do characters I know! Warnings! Age regression. Scary character. Implied kidnapped character. Implied Stockholm syndrome. 
Bubba had a bowl full of homemade vegetable soup in his calloused hands, the dish hot so he shuffled quickly towards the basement, his room. The giant man was so excited to feed you again and just take care of you. He raced down the stairs, the wood groaning under his weight and his eyes land on you, curled up on his bed napping, thumb absentmindedly in your mouth to replace your missing pacifier. The leather clad man stops in his tracks momentarily forgetting the burning against his hands, tilting his head slightly in confusion, you looked like a baby. Before he could stop staring you stirred from your sleep, looking up at him and quickly pulling away from your thumb embarrassed, but you were still little, still craving comfort. You sit up shyly giving him puppy eyes and reaching your hands up slightly. His heart races and he quickly puts the bowl down on the nearest surface, the liquid inside splashing into his hand but he ignores it as his strong arms wrap around your torso in a big hug, your own much smaller hands twine around his thick neck and broad shoulders, gently playing with the wig attached to his mask, hiding your face in his neck beneath his chin. He hums and whines softly, appreciating the moment but deeply confused, what happened to the terrified girl who hated him.  “Up.” You mumble softly and he nods, picking you up by your under arms, your legs instantly wrap around his torso now, as much as they can anyway. Bubba looks at you again confused and you hide your face as you begin to tear up, whining into his shoulder and he copies the noise in guilt.  “‘I-I sowwy…” You whimper gripping his dirt covered shirt, he noticed how different you were talking, like a baby. “W-when I g-get upset I-I get wittle…” He makes a confused grunt making the little one in his arms giggle.  “like, um… like I a baby… in my head….or sometimes I bigger!” You pull from his shoulder smiling at him proudly and you see a smile form under his mask. “W-will chu t-take care of me… l-like, being my papa..?” He thought about it, he didn’t understand but he would be so so happy to care for you! Bubba nods hard and smiles stroking your hair from your face. If he was going to take care of you, like a baby, then he should probably get to feeding you that soup now.
I know it’s kinda short but I think it’s a nice introduction to the idea.
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littlespace-imagines · 10 months
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I watched Metalocalypse: Army of the Doomstar and Toki is a canonical age regressor who carrys a “Deadybear” around with him and the whole band accepts it and supports it and it’s not even a humorous focal point or anything. Pickles just says “Sorry, you know, Toki's a little sensitive these days. We think he's regressing from, you know, the whole thing.” When Toki has on outburst from being told not to something and other than him always having his comfort bear that’s the only way it’s mentioned, he is still the Toki we love.
It’s so nice to see regression presented in a legitimate way, Toki and the whole band went through hell, we see Nathan struggling with his own ptsd also. The fact that the whole band -including murderface who usually hits below the belt with his insults- just goes with it.
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beah388love · 1 month
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No more pain?
18+ Minors DNI!!!
Full Masterlist Marvel Masterlist
Pairing: daddy!Bucky Barnes x Little!reader
Summary: you have healing powers…
Warnings: cut,glass,smashed glass,shouting,arguing,crying,bleeding,blood,swearing,bad language,ddlg dynamics!!!(please tell me if I missed any!!!)
It was like every morning, Bucky would wake you up and bring you down to the kitchen as you both waited for your breakfast to be ready.
Today was toast!
Bucky held you on the side of the counter and befriend the toast popped up he reminded you “loud noise!” Bucky said and you covered your ears as you saw the toast pop up making him grin.
But as Bucky went to grab the toast he burnt himself on the metal part, he jumped back, yanking his hand to his other “Ah!” He hissed making you panic.
“Baba?” You asked worried and he quickly calmed himself down.
“Don’t worry baby..just a little burn” he said giving you a kiss before grabbing the toast but you didn’t listen.
When he picked you up again, you grabbed his hand touching his burn, healing it in seconds.
“Don’t-” Bucky was cut off when he felt the stinging burn go and it instead went to your finger.
You tried to hide the pain you felt and smushed your face into buckys neck.
“Doll show me your finger” Bucky said sternly.
And you shook your head making him give you a ‘don’t make me repeat myself’ look.
You pointed your finger out that was now had a red tint to it, that stung like hell.
“Doll we spoke about this…you can’t use your power to protect daddy..it hurts you more than it hurts me baby” Bucky explained to you again and you nodded sadly.
“No more pain?” You asked him and he sighed.
“Yes no more pain but now you have pain” he huffed in annoyance at how you didn’t understand.
“I’m sorry daddy..I just- wanna help” you murmured and he sighed.
“I know baby..I know, but daddy can heal himself Kay?” He said and you nodded
“Right let’s have our breakfast baby” he said picking you up off the side again.
A couple days after, Bucky had an important meeting so stevie was looking after you.
“Alright Steve, everything’s in her bag..I’ll be back by six, be a good girl for stevie!” Bucky said giving you a kiss before leaving.
“So…what’d you wanna do?” Steve asked you and you thought for a moment.
“Hide an seek?” You asked and he nodded.
“Alright, Who’s hiding?” He asked you and you smiled “me!”
After awhile you got hungry and quit… “I quit…M’hungry” you piped up as you walked out of your hiding spot, Steve was taking forever to find you.
He was actually worried you had ran off somewhere.
“Oh! Okay what do you wanna eat missy?” He asked you and you couldn’t decide.
“M’ not sure” you said and he thought for a moment.
“Hmm, what about some nuggies?” Steve asked you and face visibly brightened and you shook your head profusely.
“Yes please!”
You stood by Steve as you waited for your food, Steve got your food out onto a plate and grabbed a glass for your water but he accidentally dropped it, watching it smash on the floor with a loud bang.
“Shi-“ he cut himself off remembering you was next to him but then he remembered your next to him!
“Stay still!” He panicked and you listened to him.
He carefully picked you up and placed you onto the side.
You whimpered when you saw blood on your arm but then realised it was from Steve’s arm.
“Steve?” You asked but he was too focused on cleaning up the mess.
“Steve!” You said louder catching his attention.
“What’s wrong?” He asked you worried until you pointed at his arm.
“Uh..right hang on…” Stevie mumbled as he grabbed a towel to clean up the blood now and the blood he got on you.
You felt bad for Stevie seeing him in pain and he was worrying about you still.
You hesitantly reached out to his cut and touched it, the cut now slowly vanishing, Steve looked down at his arm when he no longer felt pain.
And then he looked at you.
The fresh wound and blood pouring out from your arm.
“N-no more pain?” You asked and he looked at you worried.
“Y/n!” He yelled, pinching the wrinkle between his brows.
“Oh god..” he panicked himself thinking about how buck will never let him babysit you again.
You jumped at him yelling at you and you began crying as you ran away from him into his bedroom.
“Y/n!” He said running after you opening the door to his room but once he found you, you was in a tiny gap in the wall of his closet that only someone your size could fit into.
“Y/n..c’mon out please, I’ve gotta help your arm” he said but you didn’t even look at him, you sobbed into your knees.
“Oh god” he slapped himself in the face with his palm as he left the room grabbing his phone.
As he called Sam, he cleaned up all the glass on the floor and the trail of blood.
“Hey Sam?”
“Yeah Cap?”
“I uh- I have a problem…just be here as fast as you can” Steve rushed out hanging up before same could answer.
He looked at the time and he still had three hours till buck got back.
For the next half hour he sat next to his closet trying to bribe you to come out.
“Sweetie please come out..you’re bleeding a lot…” Steve said worriedly when he saw the amount of blood on your arms “Pleas-“ Steve got cut off by a knock at the door.
You was still sobbing.
“Sam? Oh thank god” Steve sighed in relief as he shut the door.
“So? What the emergency?” Sam asked jokingly but when he saw Steve’s face he stopped joking.
“So uh- I’m babysitting y/n and..to cut it short she cut herself and is now hiding in my closet wall and I can’t get her out” Steve rushed out.
“Oookay what the fuck?” Sam asked confused as Steve lead him to you.
“I don’t know what to do” Steve said and Sam knelt down next to the corner of the closet.
“Hey kiddo? Dya wanna come out? It looks a little cramped in there?” Sam asked and you turned around a little and shook your head through wet eyelashes.
“You can go on a fly with me?” Sam asked Excitedly but you shook your head crying again.
“Oh god” Steve panicked when he saw Bucky was ringing.
“Sam what do I do?”
“Uh- i don’t know! But you’ve gotta get her out soon she’s bleeding!” Sam whisper shouting.
“Hey buck!” Steve said and Bucky relaxed.
“The meeting ended early so I’m on my way back now, so? How’s my girl?” Bucky asked excitedly and Steve’s heart dropped.
“Steve?” Bucky asked in an angry tone.
“Yeah? No she’s fine! She’s uh- just asleep so-“ Steve was cut off by buck.
“Don’t lie to me, she never sleeps at this time”
“Steve?” Bucky asked, you could hear him speeding though the phone.
“I’ll be there in ten and she better be okay” Bucky said before hanging up.
“we’re dead” Steve said chucking the phone in his bed.
“We? What do you mean we?” Sam said holding his hands up.
Steve and Sam started quarrelling making you sob even harder.
“Shut up! You’re making her more upset!” Sam said whacking Steve on the back of the head.
And that’s when they heard a knock at the door.
“Shit” they both said in union as they rushed to the door.
“Buuuck heyyy” Sam smiled before running out of the house “hey!” Steve yelled and then shut up when he looked at Bucky.
“Whys sam here?! Why’d you lie that’s he’s not here?! Where’s y/n?!” Bucky rushed out worriedly.
“Uh- calm down…” Steve was cut off by your sobs and Bucky pushed past him.
“Doll?” He asked worriedly when he saw you in the wall of Steve’s closet.
And covered in blood.
“Daddy?” You said through sobs and he nodded with his arms open.
“C’mere baby” he said softly, but he was still worried and furious at Steve.
Who was at the door, rubbing the back of his neck in panic.
You slowly crawled out of the gap of wall, your arm was hurting and bleeding profusely.
You was sobbing as Bucky picked you up onto his hip, again pushing past Steve.
“Why’d she covered in blood?!” Bucky asked angrily.
“I cut myself on glass and she touched it” Steve said “so then..i yelled because I was worried so then…she ran into that gap in my wall and hasn’t came out all day until you showed up.” Steve rushed out, out of breath at the end. And Bucky looked at him shocked.
“She what?”
Bucky didn’t say anything he just took you to the bathroom and cleaned your now blood-drenched arm. That was still bleeding a lot.
He put a big plaster on it and gave it a huge kiss before placing you in his hips again.
“I told you not to use your powers!” Bucky said sternly to you and you looked at your feet sadly.
“Stevie was in pain…” you mumbled and Bucky sighed.
“I know baby but Stevie can handle the pain, you can’t.” Bucky said and you nodded into his neck
“I’m sorry sweetie I didn’t mean to yell at you…” Stevie said standing at the door of the bathroom.
You gave him a sad smile before Bucky gave you your paci.
“I forgive you Stevie, you jus scary…thas all, wove you” you said giving him a paci kiss.
“Steve, I’m sorry I got mad at you, if you had just told me what happened I would’ve understood” Bucky said and Steve raised his eyebrow at him.
“Yeah I probably wouldn’t…” Bucky said making them both laugh.
“See Stevie no more pain” you said pointing to stevies arm making Bucky sigh.
“Doll, listen to me Kay?” Bucky asks and you nodded
“Yes. Stevie has no more pain but now you do.” Bucky said pointing to your now injured arm.
“Yes but daddy-“
“I know, ‘Stevie has no pain’ but now you do and the only reason Stevie got pain was because he was being reckless” Bucky said making Steve roll his eyes.
“So if Stevie has pain, that’s his pain and if you have pain it’s your pain. Same goes for daddy” Bucky explained and you nodded.
“My pain” you said as you held your arm.
“Well yes..now it is” Bucky huffed
“New rule kay? No more taking other peoples pain?” He asked and you nodded.
“Good girl”’
“Alright it’s getting late, we’re gonna go now, thanks for having her Steve” Bucky said as you held you arms out for him to hug you which he did.
“Say bye Stevie”
“Bye stevie” you smiled behind your paci, blowing a kiss with it making Steve laugh.
When Bucky closes the door, he gave you a kiss on the head.
“Uncle Sam said we go flying!” You said “oh really?”
“Uh huh”
“now daddy’s got another call to make baby” he said as he grabbed his phone calling ‘bird brain’
“So…why’s my baby girl injured and talking about going on a fly with you?!”
“Ah shit…”
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lttl3babybug · 3 months
Can we get more Cg!Adam?
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Course!! Hope everyone enjoys!! :3
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Warning: this post does contain one or two bad words :(
You were a clingy little one, that wasn’t a secret. But just how clingy you were was something Adam was still pushing the limits of. He could leave you in front of the tv for 15 minutes before you’d realise he was gone and come toddling after him while whining and pouting. He could put you to bed but he had to stay with you until you’d fully off to sleep and while having you rely on him so much was a huge ego boost on Adam’s part it came with some issues while you two walked around heaven.
Adam loved holding you, resting you on his hip and such, everyone knew that but not everyone exactly...enjoyed the sight of Adam and you. You perched on his hip and head on his shoulder while him and lute were deep in conversation, he hadn’t even noticed your small attempts to hide yourself while others stared and whispered. It took him a moment but eventually he registered what was happening when he heard a faint whisper of, “disgusting freak” from someone. He turned to face the couple who were staring.
He wasn’t about to have that! Someone calling his perfect angel names? Not on his watch, “who the fuck do you think you’re talking to?” He spat the two, holding you close to him. “They’re with me. Don’t fucking forget it either” his words filled with venom as the couple scurried off, he looked down at you. A confused look across Adam’s face when he saw you with your hands over your ears and face in his chest. He was worried. We’re you crying? We’re you overwhelmed? Sleepy? Hungry?
All his worries subsided when he heard a faint giggle however, he watched you peak out from the folds in his robe and continue to quietly giggle at him. “You said a baaad word”, clearly this was thoroughly entertaining to you. “Oh you like it when I say those bad words hm?” Adam mused with a small smirk, “makes you all giggly and smiley huh? That’s what I like to see. My sweet baby all happy”. He was such a sweetheart with you.
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nerdyagere · 18 days
Hey gang new (possible) hyperfixation just dropped, finished reading Delicious in Dungeon and now I have so many thoughts about Laios and Kabru
Because I think we can all agree that Kabru desperately needs to regress like that man needs to be babied and you know who's the perfect CG? Laios
Kabru has spent almost his entire life consistently worried and never letting himself enjoy things and simply, exist while Laios has spent his whole life running and reaching out for things he enjoyed and that's what he's based his whole life around
So I 300% think Laios taking care of Regressed!Kabru would help him relax and let himself be a kid without any worries, and maybe they'd get into a mess or do something stupid sometimes (maybe often LOL) but that's okay! The world isn't going to end! We have time to laugh it off and move on!
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babiepupp · 1 year
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⋆ ˚。୨୧ CG!Diluc Imagine!: Need me to tuck you in? ୨୧ ˚。⋆
x GN Little reader. Hope you enjoy!
- Bear 🧸
Summer evenings.. oh how Diluc wished they could last forever, the way the orange sun set over the horizon of Mondstadt like a roaring fire. He stared down at his newspaper, humming softly to himself as he turned the pages, his coat neatly hung up on the chair. He paused for a moment, hearing a slight creak from the old floorboards of the winery.
“.. I can see you little bird. Is there a problem?” He asked, looking up at the stairs, where you stood. He chuckled softly, a soft smile crossing his face as he walked towards you, kneeling down to your level.
“What’s wrong? Are you perhaps hungry? Thirsty maybe?” He asked, wracking his brains for what could be causing a potential problem, but when you pointed up the stairs- he instantly knew.
“Ah. You were waiting for me to tuck you into bed?” He asked, smiling as he stood up again, reaching out his gloved hand and gently ruffling your hair. Despite his supposed grumpy demeanour, he always showed his love towards you. You were everything to him.
He reached forwards, lifting you up and placing you on his hip as he strolled to the kitchen, placing you down on the wooden counter. He had been told by Lisa that littles always liked a bottle before bed and her advice had worked tremendously up to this point.
“You just sit right there for a moment sweetheart, Papa will get make you a bottle.” He said, grabbing your favourite bottle out of the cupboard and swiftly fixing up a bottle, he always made sure to be swift while doing so to prevent any upsets.
“And.. there we go.” He spoke, chuckling as he lifted you back up into his burly arms. It paid off to be a bartender sometimes, he always managed to fix up bottles for you at an incredibly quick pace. He began ascending the wooden stairs, humming softly as he walked into his bedroom.
“I assume we’re ready for bed now, hmm? You’ve got your bottle and your blankie..” he said, his red eyes scanning you over quickly.
“..And I assume you don’t need a change?” He asked tenderly, his voice quiet and gentle as not to startle you. He sighed in relief as you nodded, gently pulling back the luxurious duvet and carefully laying you down on the pillows, all while smiling softly.
“Do you want Papa to stay beside you for a little bit until you drop off?” He asked, tucking you in to the covers, making sure your stuffed animal was securely in the sheets too before sitting on the other side of the bed, reaching out and stroking your hair.
When he could see your eyes begin to close and suck on your bottle in a relaxed manner, he felt his heart warm slightly. He leant down, pressing a kiss to your forehead before heading to the door, turning out the light as he spoke.
“Goodnight, little bird. Have sweet and pleasant dreams.” He murmured before exiting, shutting the door behind him with a chuckle.
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Woohoo! My first imagine I’ve made, I love doing oc writing and such outside of tumblr, but this time was my first time writing a proper one! I hope you guys liked it!! ♡
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emodaryls · 3 months
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Caregiver!Daryl Dixon headcanons part 2: electric boogaloo
I love thinking of caregiver Daryl so much ok I love it ❤️‍🩹
Gif link
Part 1
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If his regressor was ever stressed out or crying, he’d hold them close to his chest, rubbing their back, kissing the top of their head, and whispering words of reassurance. “It’s a’right… everything’s okay. ‘M here..” but if his regressor ever wanted to be left alone, he’d totally respect that and wait until they’re ready.
If they’re in Alexandria or the commonwealth and have a television and cd/vcr player, he’ll collect cds and vcrs of movies so they can have movie nights together. If his regressor has a favorite movie, he’ll try his best to find it whenever he’s out on his supply runs.
For their movie nights, he’ll make popcorn and snacks! Maybe even set up the couch or bed, making it all comfy with his regressor a favorite stuffies and blankets. If his regressor is sensitive to certain textures, he’ll make sure to wear clothes that won’t bother them, especially if they will be cuddling n stuff.
Daryl secretly loves doing arts and crafts with them. Not only because he loves to see them content and having fun, but also because he finds it fun himself. But he’ll never admit it, he’s stubborn like that.
More secret feelings. He’ll be nervous. He worries if he’s a good caregiver and if he’s doing anything wrong. He never wants to hurt, upset, or neglect his regressor, and he’ll try his absolute best not to.
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jester-jpeg · 7 months
Spencer Reid Caregiver/Boyfriend x Y/N Age Regressor
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Gender Neutral Y/N
Word Count: 1,123
Summary: Y/N hurts their knee, Spencer helps fix it. Then you settle down and eat dinner together while watching cartoons before he brings you to bed for bedtime.
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Tears fall down your face slowly. You hold your knee in agony, looking all around you for the only person who can actually help. Once you spot him, your sniffles start to die down. You feel relief wash over you as you watch Spencer running towards you from the kitchen.
“Oh my goodness! Honey what happened?” he exclaims as he settles himself on the floor next to you, removing your hand from the wound so he can inspect it. You look up at him, teary-eyed, and look back down at your knee, feeling guilty.
“Hey, it’s okay. Just tell me what happened, I promise I won’t be mad,” he tells you softly, trying his best to reassure you. Nodding your head slowly you look up into his eyes to explain what happened.
“I was jumpin’ on da couch even dough you telled me not to,'' you explain, feeling ashamed, “and den I slipped off and hitted my knee on da coffee table.” As soon as you’ve finished explaining to Spencer what happened, you lower your head again, avoiding his eyes. He gently rubs his thumb across your cheek and smiles softly. Hoisting you up into his arms, Spencer carries you into the bathroom and places you gently onto the counter.
“I promise I’m not upset sweetheart, you were just curious and wanted to play,” he replies to your earlier statement while retrieving the first aid kit from the cabinet, “I just wish you didn’t have to get hurt to learn that it wasn’t a good idea.” Gently pouring some hydrogen peroxide onto a cotton ball, he tells you to take a deep breath. Wincing as he cleans the deep scratch on your knee, you nod your head vigorously.
“Yeah! I wish I didn’t had to get a booboo to know neither!” You respond, your mood significantly better just from the attention you’re getting. Spencer nods and smiles, throwing away the cotton ball and putting away the hydrogen peroxide. He pulls out a couple boxes of bandaids and shows them to you.
“Okay cutie, I have a few options for bandaids,” He proceeds to point at the individual boxes as he lists them off, “We have animals, fruits, patterns, and emojis.” You smile giddily at the array of band aids you get to choose from. He watches you think very hard, waiting patiently with a soft smile on his face. Finally, you’ve made your decision,
“I want a frog ban aid!” You shout excitedly.
Spencer grabs the frog bandaid from the animal box and starts to carefully put it on your knee. Once it’s secured, he lifts you gently off the counter and places your feet on the floor. He grabs your hand and you both walk happily back to the living room. When you’re there, he pushes the coffee table a little further away from the couch.
“For some extra precaution,” Spencer explains with a smile. You hop carefully to the couch and plop down, picking up the stuffie you left behind. As you nestle into the couch, he wraps your blanket around you and gives you a soft kiss on the forehead. Explaining that he’s going to finish cooking up dinner, he hands you the remote and heads back towards the kitchen.
Fifteen minutes have passed now, and you’re happily playing with your stuffy as cartoons play in the background. You’re not really paying attention to the show, enamored by your stuffy and toys splayed around you. Hearing a timer go off in the kitchen, you turn your head to the sound, and smile when you see Spencer poke his head around the corner.
“Almost done cutie, I just have to plate it, you doing okay without me?” He calls from where he stands. You nod happily, “Yeah! Doin’ good, havin’ lotsa fun wif my stuffy!” Spencer smiles at you and gives a little thumbs up. “Awesome honey, I’m glad.” With that, he returns into the kitchen to fix the plates for the both of you. Within the next minute or so, he’s walking out holding two plates, one of them being your usual dinnerware plates, and the other being a little blue plastic plate with flowers lining the edge. You smile and make grabby hands towards your plate as he walks.
“Nuh uh honey, you know you have to eat it at the table. We can eat at the coffee table, but you have to keep the plate on the table, okay?” Spencer explains the usual rules to you and you let out a small huff before sliding off the couch to sit next to the coffee table. He puts down a placemat in front of you and sets your plate down to reveal homemade mac and cheese, ham steak cut into little cubes, and some broccoli. You smile as he also puts down a little dish with cheese sauce for the broccoli. “It’s still a little hot so remember to blow on it,” Spencer states as he puts his own plate down beside yours. “Now, what do you want to drink?” He asks, already heading back towards the kitchen.
You think for a moment, making a little humming sound as you do. “Uuummm, Oh! I wan some apple juice please! And I have it in my pink sippy cup please?” You shout excitedly. Spencer yells back to you a confirmation, and appears back in the living room with two cups of apple juice. It makes you really happy that he chose to have the same drink as you too. He places your sippy cup on your placement, and his own drink on a coaster. Then he sits down next to you and gives you a kiss on your temple. He reaches over and grabs the remote, turning his attention to the television. “So what does my little baby want to watch while we eat?”
Again, you pause to think. But almost immediately you have your decision, “Garfield!! Garfield and friends pleeeease!” You exclaim, elongating your please while tilting your head. Spencer smiles at you lovingly and nods, turning back to the tv to put on Garfield. When it’s on, you both sit in a comfortable silence, watching the show and enjoying the home cooked meal. A few times Spencer chuckles and reminds you to use your fork, but you pick up the broccoli with your fingers when he isn't looking.
The plates are empty and you’re leaning slightly, resting your head on Spencer’s shoulder. He wraps his arm around you and rubs your arm. “Are you ready for bedtime cutie?” He asks softly. You flutter your eyes open and nod slowly. Spencer helps you stand up and walks you to the bedroom,“Okay sweetheart, let’s get you ready for bed.”
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This is the first time I’ve written in a while so I really hope you guys like this. I will /not/ be writing things often so cherish it when I do lol.
I love you all so much!!
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playdoughtiny · 2 months
Caregiver!Luis Serra / Regressor!User headcanons
Since there's a lack of agere content with my don quixote I decided to take matters by myself! He's become my cg figure since the end of 2023, so it's obvious I would eventually write him hcs! Anyway, enjoy it!
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Luis has a big sense of responsibility on his own, so even if he lets his playful side show up, he would keep you close and shelter his little one away from danger.
Loves playing doctor and being your patient! 🚑
Luis is not a big fan of setting rules (he thinks it's unfair to ground you), but he would gladly set a few if you insist, like bedtime, water/hygiene reminders, screen control, etc.
Really patient with tantrums. Luis would never get mad at you for feeling fuzzy or being stubborn. Instead he tries to light up the mood with jokes and tickles on your sides.
"Why, I thought you were sad?!" He jokes while you giggle under his touch.
When you're feeling too little, he'd ask to lift you in his arms. He loves it, and so do you. Luis likes dancing around while having you in his arms, singing his favorite tunes he used to hear as a child. 🎼
Best lullaby singer ever! 💯
He tries being the-though-dad, keeping everything under control but... who in the world can resist your cute little pout and glowing eyes?
He would never admit that but Luis loves when you're grumpy.
When you say no he says yes. That's how it goes. No matter how much you try to fight it, when it's nini time you're going to bed, whether you like it or not! 🛏️
"Nu-uh!" "Ah sí!"
Luis' heart melts when you call him "Papá". He feels proud and happy.
He knows you have a hard time eating by yourself. Even when you can't say it, he'll help you and spoon feed you. "Come here, Papá got you." 🥄
He sets up a babysitter cam in your room to hear if you need help.
No matter how long it takes, Luis will do everything in his power to calm you down from a nightmare. He understands you need to feel safe in order to sleep, and he's there for you.
Hush his baby in his arms, running circles on your back, kissing your head. Luis bounces you in his arms and rocks you to sleep.
"Shh, shhh... Mi amor, mi bebé. Yo te amo tanto. There's no need to cry."
Luis' voice is so smooth, so soothing. You fall asleep in his arms in seconds. And he holds you for a little longer, just to watch your relaxed and serene slumber with a soft smile.
"Dulces sueños mi angelito."
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Cg Alcina Dimitrescu board! :D the doll is made by Donna 🥰
I still don’t like horror or want this blog to have horror themes I’m just hyperfixating on some resident evil characters and their soft sides :
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mydearestdrabbles · 9 months
bring your stuffies and your smiles to work
a cglre story | bsd | cg + reader | doppo kunikida | pet names | co-working
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doppo kunikida may be known as an idealist, short-tempered, by-the-book kind of guy but to you,, to you he was doppo, he was papa, he was home.
on this particularly grey yokohama weekday you found yourself in a place too big in a mindset far too small… so as you clung to every last ounce of your big headspace you navigated yourself straight towards the agency building.
the door opened louder then you’d liked and you’d managed to depart with your big headspace as soon as you saw him your partner,, your caregiver as he looked away from his work and towards the door.
it took everything in you not to run towards his desk, but that didn’t stop you from keeping up with a little skip- finally arriving at his desk you couldn’t help but fidget, almost forgetting to flash the signal you’d both agreed upon to signify you’d regressed.
kunikida’s gaze softened as he saw you, paying close a mind to your hands waiting patiently for the signal- upon its display he made eye contact with you saying
“hi my sweet thing, i’m so happy to see you!” he said softly using one of your pet names he knew would help you slip. “can you tell papa what brings you here angel?”
you shook your head, face getting hot and tears threatening to trickle within the second- but before they could doppo was scribbling something in his notebook and showing it to you.
it was a pacifier, the same ruby red as his ribbon.
graciously you accepted it, the comfort of the object subsiding the overwhelm that had come from his question.
doppo glanced between you and his desk when he proposed another question, this time even softer and gentle than the last.
“did you bring any of your little things with you love?” he asked as he began opening one of the drawers in his desk.
you shook your head, when you’d left for the agency it was too much to grab anything more then your headphones and stuffie, you showed him the items that had been tucked beneath your arm as his desk drawer revealed that would be more than enough.
a series of small fidgets, art supplies, picture and coloring books were all neatly organized with handwritten labels relating to their purpose or the people in the agency whom certain items belonged.
doppo gestured toward the drawer saying patiently “why don’t you pick out a thing or two to keep you busy while papa finishes up his paperwork,, does that sound alright love?”
you nod, though it’s not his undivided attention you’ll still be in his company, and it’s hard to resist a good coloring session.
doppo smiles as you walk to the other side of his desk and take a seat, carefully laying out the various items you’ll be using for todays masterpiece as your caregiver returns to work.
time passes quickly with periodic check-ins and doppo’s occasional “you’re doing such a good job little one!” and “i’m so proud of you angel” easing you through headspace.
before you know it doppo has shut his computer and is stretching his hand towards you. the sun making the agency floor almost glow- the two of you are the only ones still working.
“thank you love for waiting for me” he began “i know it took a while and you were so well behaved for me… shall we go home little one? i think there are some warm blankets waiting for us.”
and with that, you took his hand and began for the exit smiling behind the pacifier he’d gifted you- today was a good day.
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marsthebabie · 6 months
Little Angel 💗
Natasha Romanoff x Wanda maximoff x Reader
Hi!!! Would you be able to do one with natasha and wanda and the reader wakes up grumpy and is just having tantrums and not wanting to do anything apart from cling to natasha and wanda just lots of fluff please.
3rd person POV
Y/N wakes up yawning before realizing she's alone in the bed. Feeling all alone Y/N starts to cry loudly feeling smaller than normal today. Y/N continues to cry until she feels strong arms around her waist. "Hey, it's okay. Shh I'm here little one. I'm right here" Natasha says softly. Y/N instantly wraps her arms around Natasha and Natasha does the same holding her close. Soon Y/N's crying softens and Y/N's hold eases. "Better little love" Natasha asks and Y/N nods. "Good, now let's get you something to eat" Natasha says picking up Y/N and holding her on her hip. Y/N holds on tightly to Natasha with her legs around Nat's waist.
Natasha carries Y/N to the kitchen and grabs Y/N a banana and sits her down in a chair. Y/N whines loudly after being put down wanting to be close to Natasha. "Don't worry. I'll hold you when you're done eating" Natasha says holding out the peeled banana to her. "No" Y/N yells hitting the banana out of Natasha's hand. Just then Wanda walks into the room instantly smiling when she sees Y/N. She goes up to Y/N and kisses her on the cheek. "Good morning! How's my sleepy baby today"Wanda asks booping Y/N's nose. Y/N just starts babbling and reaches out for Wanda making grabby hands at her. "She's a brat, that's how she's doing" Natasha remarks picking up the banana off the floor.
"Oh hush Nat. I Know that's not true" Wanda says picking up Y/N and holding her. "She's always my little angel, aren't you cutie" Wanda continues giving Y/N kisses on her neck making her giggle. "Wan, she smacked the banana out of my hand just because I wouldn't hold her" Natasha says crossing her arms. "Ohhh, is that why acted up? Because mommy wouldn't hold you" Wanda says sweetly at Y/N who nodded silently. "My poor little angel. Momma will hold you! Oh yes she will! Since you're mommy doesn't want to" Wanda says making Y/N babble happily. "Hey! That's not fair. Wanda, she needs to learn how to eat in her own chair like a big girl. She doesn't need us 24/7, she can be by herself sometimes" Natasha explains and Y/N starts to cry.
"Natasha! Hey it's okay baby. Don't cry shh. Oh sweetheart" Wanda coos trying to calm Y/N down. Wanda carries Y/N into the bedroom and gets on the bed. She holds Y/N in her arms bridal style and rocks her back and forth. An hour goes by and Y/N hasn't stopped crying. "Oh please stop crying baby. Are you hungry? Thirsty? Tired? What do you want sweet girl" Wanda asks. Y/N tries telling Wanda but it just comes out in babbles and sobs. That's when Natasha walks into the room and Y/N reaches out for Natasha. "Still crying, huh" Natasha asks sitting on the bed. "No shit sherlock. God I don't know what's with her today" Wanda says tiredly. Y/N continues to reach out for Natasha as she cries and Natasha hols her hand.
Y/N's crying starts to soften and Y/N gets out of Wanda's arms and climbs onto Natasha's lap. Natasha holds Y/N close as Y/N rests her head on Natasha's shoulder. "I'm sorry love. That was mean. I know you count on me to and Momma to take care of you and I should have realized how little you were today. I love you so so much" Natasha says stroking Y/N's hair. Natasha looks over at Wanda and instantly smiles at Wanda who has fallen asleep. "Looks like you made Momma tired" Natasha says giggling. Natasha looks at Y/N who has fallen asleep on Natasha's shoulder as well. "My sweet little angel"
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riddlerpup · 3 months
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Okay since I've seen no one do anything like this imma have to take it in my own hands >:3 (also! This can be any general riddler but I'm more leaning towards Arkham Eddie)
☆ okay so we know Eddie is very creative with trinkets and such, so I think he comes REAL handy when it comes to puppy gear
☆would make you a tail and pair of robotic ears! And a nice, shiny collar with his logo to go with it too! He has to show off a little of course, your his little pup!
☆he make the tail and ears be able to link up and express your emotions in case you've gone non-verbal, tail will wag if happy or excited, ears will perk up when something catches you interests, the whole shebang!
☆let's you have a small play space in his lab. In the corner. Away from him and his workings.
☆okay, okay, he doesn't trust you near is work, especially when your such a rowdy pup! So, he so generously and greatfully gave you your own "spot" in the corner, he gave you a cage and all!
☆most of your toys were made by him, in generous and cheap matter(his ego hurts a bit if he buys store-bought items me thinks)
☆how does he treat you? Well he gives you special treats, head pats and tummy rubs, and his undying attention! ....whenever he has time to give it.
☆he's a villain what can I say? His work catches his attention full sometimes, but whenever he hears a sad whimper or whine coming from behind him, looking over his shoulder to see you with thee BIGGEST puppy dog eyes he's ever seen, his work can be hold for a moment
☆sometimes he will give you puzzles or riddles for you to figure out, praising you and giving you a little treat if you answer correctly
?: "Awh, good job little pup. Guess you deserve a treat after that huh?" :¿
☆pats your head and gives you chin scratches :3
Hi!so I might do more of these! Any Headcanon requests for DC villains anyone wants I'll attempt to do! :3
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beah388love · 1 month
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Green Daddy?
18+ Minors DNI!!!
Full Masterlist Marvel Masterlist
Pairing: Daddy!Bruce Banner x little!reader
Summary: Bruce turns into hulk….
Warnings: swearing,age regression,fighting,shouting,arguing,crying!!!(please tell me if I missed any!!!)
“Calm down You big Green Giant!” Tony said as he tried to hold onto the back of his arm.
Steve groans in pain as he feels the wall he was just thrown into break an echo going through the whole building.
Hulk threw his arm, causing Tony to go flying head first into a desk, luckily he was in his Ironman suit.
“Fuck me….” Nat said trying to catch her breath as she was also thrown off of hulks back, flipping her in the air directly onto the ground.
And that was when they heard a tiny voice amongst the shouting.
“Sam” Tony shouted as he got up again trying to keep Bruce away from you.
Motherfucker. “Morning sweetie c’mere” Sam said in a high pitched voice as he held his arms out for you but you began to cry catching hulks attention.
“Dada? I want dada” you cried as you tried to push Sam’s arms off of you.
“C’mon pumpkin calm down” Sam said to you but it sounded more to himself when he saw hulk was walking towards you two.
He took two giant stomps whilst throwing Nat onto the floor and Thor into a wall.
“Cupcake?” Hulk roared as he stormed towards you and Sam.
“Fuck..fuck..” Sam muttered to himself as he shielded you behind him as you cried.
“Dada! I want my dada!” You cried as you tried to push Sam off of you.
You had seen hulk before, only once. And he accidentally bruised your arm from being too strong, but he didn’t mean to and everyone knew that except Bruce. He swore to never be around you as hulk after that.
Untiiiil now.
“Let her go” hulk roared to Sam as he tried to push him without hurting you.
“Hey you better get back! Because if you don’t then banner is gonna kill me!” Sam yelled and hulk shrugged pushing Sam away into the kitchen sides.
You gasped a cry when you saw Sam be thrown like that. “Dada! We don’t hurt friends!” You cried at him shaking a finger at him like he does to you.
Hulk sat down making the whole ground move.
He then hesitantly held his hand out, you walked onto it holding onto his finger when he lifted his hand up to his face.
“Cupcake” he mumbled to you softly, well soft for hulk anyway.
You was now eye to eye to him and he leaned in and gave you a ‘little’ peck on the nose but from his size it was more of a slobbery big kiss.
You giggled wiping your face.
You watched hulk slowly turn into your ‘normal dada’ again.
And instead of being in his hand you was now in his arms.
Bruce hugged you tightly breathing in your scent for comfort.
“Cupcake…you okay?” Bruce mumbled into your messy hair and you nodded
“M’tired dada” you yawned making him chuckle.
“Alright cupcake” he smiled holding you on his hip.
“Bruce?” Sam groaned in pain as he stood up.
“I’m sorry Sam..you alright?”
“Yeah no I’m great” Sam said sarcastically making you giggle.
“I’ll take care of these guys, you go get her to bed” Sam smiled at you giving your cheek a squish.
“Alright, see you in a bit” he said before taking you back to your bedroom.
“Dada you was Green! Like a booger!” You squealed making him laugh.
“I know baby..I know” he said through a chuckle.
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iceagere · 9 months
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Pop classics picture books 📚
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strawberryfloofs · 13 days
Lights Out (CG Sun and Moon x Little Reader) (part 1/3)
You didn’t really know how you got to this point, but eventually you made it to Superstar Daycare all by yourself, even with your baby brain! The colorful slide welcomed you with big letters as you decided to slide down, giggling as you landed in the ballpit and a certain sun-themed animatronic jumped off his stage! “New friend! Hello there! What are you doing here? It’s been so long since we’ve seen a new kiddo!” Sundrop picked you up, tilting his head with joy as he walked through the ballpit and onto the daycare’s floor. “Sunny!” You babbled, knowing his name since there was no way you’d miss it with all the posters outside the daycare. I mean c’mon! He’s the main star, literally. “Yes! That’s me, Sundrop! Gosh you’re so smart~ Ooh- Do you like glitter glue?!” The sun-themed animatronic beamed. You nodded lots, glitter glue was soooo pretty! Sundrop was ecstatic to hear that, so he quickly put you on your feet and gave you the task of picking from one of 4 seats to sit in at the arts and crafts table he set up. You glanced at them all, noting how there was a yellow, blue, pink, and green option- but you ended up choosing to sit at the pink one. You glanced around to see where Sunny went, but you couldn’t spot him at all. Maybe he went to get the glitter glue and other arts stuffs? The table you were sitting at was pretty empty after all, other than a couple pieces of paper and crayons, nothing was there. Suddenly, bells could be heard and you looked up to see the sun-themed animatronic skipping towards you, with a clear bin in his hands that held all types of glitters, glues, googly eyes, and everything you could ask for! “Superstar~ I’m back!” He sang, setting the bin on the table, and then kneeling next to you, “Okay! Let’s try to make a dinosaur! It can be any type you’d like, a T-Rex, Pterodactyl, Triceratops, whatever you’d like!” “And thennnn, we’ll make the outline of glitter glue, color it in, and put some googly eyes on it! Doesn’t that sound like SOO much fun friend?!” The animatronic had so much energy that it was making you both excited and giggle! “Otaysss! I doeses!” You reply, quickly starting to make a brachiosaurus outline with glitter glue. You were successful, but when you were done, you had a lot left over and was kinda curious if it would taste as good as it looked… So you put a big glob on your hand and brought it towards your mouth… But you felt metallic fingers wrap around your arm and pull it away, followed by a sigh, “Sunbeam, you can’t eat the glitter glue! It’s not edible!” He explained, his voice getting a little high-pitched. Upset with his response, you decided you’d reply with a simple, “otay!” and when he let your arm back down, you tried to bring it to your mouth again, but this time faster! Stll, you were unsuccessful and you could hear Sundrop make confused sounds and groan, which made you giggle! “Okay, we’re learning a new word today! Indigestion-” The sun-themed animatronic spoke slowly, starting with a kind tone before changing to a quicker, more annoyed one, “That’s how you get it!” He pulled a napkin out of…somewhere, you weren’t quite sure, maybe it just appeared out of nowhere! But he cleant the glue off your hand and pushed the glitter glue away from you, handing you some crayons to color your dino in wit, which you happily did so! Picking out and using the prettiest colors for your dino, you finished it and he glued on the googly eyes for you, saying you lost glue privileges today. You looked at your now, finished dinosaur and decided to name them…Zoey and that you’d show Zoey to Sundrop! “Sunny! Dis Zoey da dino!” You held it up in his face, happily kicking your legs out of excitement. He tilted his head multiple times before grabbing it, “Ho Ho! This is amazing superstar! I am so proud of what you made!” His praise made you all warm, fuzzy, and happy inside, so you happily clapped and smiled.
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(tumblr has a word limit so check part 2)
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