ficswithluv · 4 years
Hey! Is Color of Change an acceptable place to donate? I donated there through One in an army match a million twt project
Hello! Color of Change is an acceptable place to donate!
⏤ Admin Solaris
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seochangbunnie · 5 years
#12 with Chan please!!
12: Sneaking away to a hidden corner to share a secretive kiss.
You could feel the pride in your chest as Stray Kids won the award they were nominated for. Your chest lit up as you watched them walk up onto the stage. You smiled when your boyfriend took the mic, leading them into their greeting. He was such a good leader and you reminded him of it every chance you got.
The crowd stayed silent while he spoke and thanked their fans for everything they had done for the group, and when he finished the audience erupted in applause. You could tell that in that moment everyone loved them just as much as you did.
You were waiting for Chan with open arms as he returned to the table and you hugged him tightly.
"Congratulations!" You half shouted, pulling back and looking at all of their smiling faces.
Chan couldn't stop beaming with excitement and it made your heart flutter.
After another hour or so of awards and speeches, you made your way towards the large ballroom that was serving as the after party destination.
"You guys go ahead," Chan said to the others, taking your hand and holding you back, "We'll be there in a minute."
The others nodded and continued along to enjoy the food and drinks that the award show was providing.
"Is something wrong?" You asked him, following along as he pulled you into a darker corner of the hallway.
Chan shook his head and fixed you with a sweet smile, tugging you close and wrapping his arms firmly around your middle.
"Nothing is wrong," he murmured, leaning his forehead against yours, "I just wanted a moment alone with you."
You smiled and cupped his warm cheeks, "Just a moment alone? You aren't trying to sneak kisses or something?"
He chuckled, bumping his nose against yours, "You know I am."
His lips pressed softly against yours, making your stomach flutter. It was so easy to lose yourself in him, and you did every time. You hummed happily when he deepened the kiss, pulling you even tighter against him.
You weren't exactly sure how long the two of you had been kissing, and all that pulled the two of you from your moment of romance was the noise of Jisung fake gagging.
"You two are gross! Hyung, some people want to talk to you." Jisung said, making a fake face of disgust as he turned on his heel and walked away.
Chan laughed, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek, "I guess we should head in and save the rest of these kisses for later, huh?"
You smiled, taking his hand and lacing your fingers with his, guiding him towards the ballroom entrance, "I think we should."
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ohpretty-baby · 4 years
I just wanted to stop by and say you're amazing and I love you just in case you hadn't heard it today
this is so sweet, thank you so much 🥺
i love you too, and you’re even greater :)
hope you had a good day today <333
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taexual · 6 years
Hey there, can you tag me in the next part of Secrets? If there are any 😄
of course! 💕 i’m hoping there’ll be new parts coming soon 🙈
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brokenwinchesterr · 7 years
PSA!! 🚨🚨🚨🚨
For those of you followers on this account who like my writing ( even though it’s super inconsistent and sometimes shitty) I will be officially moving over to @bucksvseverybody and reposting most of my works there. Please go give it a follow as I will be trying to rebuild my following, just without all the ghosts. Huge thanks to the other WWE writers that have inspired me to begin writing for the WWE and I hope that I can maybe preserve some of the ‘friendships’. See you all later..
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ditttiii · 4 years
Dilectio ♡
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▣ Summary: You run your hands across his lower lip as he caresses your cheeks, draws small repetitive circles over the skin, and you relish the moment, the quiet, the space between you two where your breaths mingle until they become one. “Let me buy us a house, somewhere outside the city, where it’s just you, me, Holly maybe a friend for her, a cat for you, and a pond full of fishes, our own little place.”
▣ Warnings: Nothing major except tooth rotting, sickeningly sweet fluff and a make-out session or two. Oh! & Yoongi is called lill meow-meow. Oh 2x! & Yoongi has bread-cheeks. (PG-13)
▣ Genre: fluff, humour, slice of life
▣ Pairing: Yoongi x Plus size Reader
▣ Word Count: 3.1k
This work was commissioned by the lovely @bucksvseverybody for the Changes with Luv  fundraiser project, hosted by @ficswithluv​. All proceedings from this project go to the BLM funds.Thank you so much for your help and kind donation! I hope you like it ❤
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You let out a watery giggle as you see your boyfriend give his signature gummy smile to the camera and conclude his part of the commencement speech. 
Said boyfriend, hearing your laugh then proceeds to tighten his arms around you, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. 
"Oh, so my advice is funny to you now?" You hear Yoongi grumble, and a shiver runs down your spine at the feel of his lips forming the words on the sensitive skin of your neck. 
Snorting, you sniffle and wipe away the few stray tears that had slipped out, before you twist your torso and look your boyfriend in the eye. 
"If you think I don't see you fishing for compliments, you are dead wrong baby boo." You say as a cheeky grin spreads across your face. He acts like he hates that name, but you know better. The tip of Yoongi's ears turns red, proving you right before he again buries his head in your neck and mutters a quiet, "Smartass."
You burrow your head in the warmth of Yoongi’s sweater and let the soft cloth absorb the few stray tears that had slipped out. Your attention now away from your laptop screen, as you miss the rest of the boys and their speeches. You decide to look them up later as your body protests leaving the warmth of Yoongi’s body heat. 
"Do you really feel alone?" You voice out the question that had been bugging you for some time now. You don't want to assume anything but the thought that your boyfriend has been having a difficult time without you knowing about it doesn't quite sit well with you. 
You feel more than hear Yoongi let out a huff, as his warm breath hits the nape of your neck and you suppress a shudder. 
"Jagiya," He begins before suddenly the hands that were around your waist shift and wrap themselves around your shoulders, pulling you closer to the man in question and tilting your head up.
You hum and shift your gaze up-to meet his eyes, your hands finding their way to the nape of his neck, his soft black hair, tickling the skin of your fingers as you run your hands over his skin. 
"I didn't mean it how you might think I did. I don't feel alone in the sense that I feel like I have no one. It's more of a....creative feeling, where I feel like my inspiration sometimes runs dry and then I don't know which way I should go next." Yoongi says, and you nod in reply. 
He tilts his head as he tries to catch your gaze, but you shift your eyes away. You don't think Yoongi is lying to you, you know he never would. But you also wonder if he is telling you the full truth or not. You wouldn't put it past him to hold back and keep his feelings to himself if he thinks it might worry you. 
Yoongi might seem rough from the outside, but once he allows a person in, he treasures them more than most do. You know that better than anybody else. 
You see it in the way he brings home your favourite coffee from halfway across the city every time you pull an all-nighter, hear it in the way he whispers goodnight to you every night he comes home late and thinks you are asleep.
More than anything else, you feel it in the way his touch caresses your skin like you are a porcelain doll, glides over your curves leaving you feeling treasured and your heart bursting with love and affection for him. 
"Jagi, I love you." You hear your boyfriend's deep, slight gravely voice say and before you can reply, his hands are snaking from your shoulders to your neck and tipping your head up as his soft lips, dip down and interlock with yours. 
Your surprised squeak is muffled as his lips glide over yours, the feather-soft feel of them leaves you feeling warm as your toes curl and your hands' fist and tug the collar of Yoongi’s sweater, pulling him closer. 
His tongue slips between your lips as it licks a strip over your lower lip and you open your mouth, tongue reaching out and gliding over his in response. A breathy moan slipping out almost unconsciously when you feel his hands slide over your curves, caressing the skin under, and your blush rises, the skin from over your chest to the tip of your ears feeling flushed and warm.
You don't think you are needy, nor are you the jealous, insecure kind, but something about Yoongi’s touch has you aching, craving for more, and the thought of someone else being on the receiving end of it leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. Huffing, you tug him closer, your nails softly skimming over the sensitive skin of the back of his ears, and he shudders, a grin of your own slipping onto your face when you realise for the billionth time the effect you have on him. 
"Stop grinning," Yoongi grumbles embarrassed, his pale skin, looking red as a sheen of oil gathers over his cheeks and nose, highlighting his soft, curvy features, and you bite your lip, humming back a response before you tilt your head up and drop a kiss on the tip of his nose. 
"I love you too babyboo," You whisper back, your lips ghosting over his as you keep them close, your words dripping with love and your eyes overflowing with affection as they gaze into his.
You watch as Yoongi’s eyes turn soft, their usual cat-like silhouette, melting into something curvier before he's closing the distance between you two and your eyes slip close.  
With Yoongi’s soft and sugar-sweet lips on yours, you lose yourself, until the feel of his silky hair twined around your fingers and his puffs of warm breaths on your face, are all that you are aware of anymore. 
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"Dammit, I swear to god, if you do that one more time, I am kicking you where the sun doesn't shine." You playfully growl out loud, only to squeal when another spray of water hits the back of your neck. 
Huffing dramatically you advance towards your boyfriend, who's now trying to act innocent, his back turned away from you, neck slightly hunched as he looks down and continues to wash the vegetables for tonight's celebratory dinner. 
Coming to stand beside him, you lean your hip against the counter top behind you, and turn to look at your boyfriend. His bottom lip under the clutches of his pearly teeth, his gummy grin on full display despite his apparent attempt at trying to hold it in, Yoongi looked like the picture-perfect definition of the word adorable. 
"Mature, Real Mature." You remark wryly and roll your eyes fondly when the laugh he had been trying so hard to hold in, finally tumbles out. Body hunching over the counter, as his hands grip the edge, chuckle after chuckle flow out of him. His usual gravely, raspy, deep voice, raising slightly in pitch as his laugh starts to go squeaky and his cheeks bloom red due to lack of oxygen. 
Huffing you try to move away and go back to your cooking, but his hand snakes out, tugging you closer. 
The softness of your chest collides against the hard, coiled muscles of his torso, and your eyes drift over to his sparkly orbs. His bread cheeks on full display, eyes melted into two crescent moons, the wide gummy smile stretched wide. 
Even if you had been genuinely angry, you'd have melted immediately. 
"You're too cute for your own good little meow-meow." You tease and watch as Yoongi's blush darkens, a groan spilling out of his lips as he pulls you closer and nuzzles against your neck. 
Giggling, you run your hands through his hair, caressing the skin of his nape as Yoongi's hands tighten around your waist, the soft flesh under his grip feeling warmer. 
"For someone who's supposed to be the tough, scary one you're awfully affectionate," You remark when you feel him leaving soft pecks on your neck. 
"Well, little meow-meow is soft for you," Comes his reply, face rising and dropping a kiss on your forehead, his soft, full lips leaving their impression on your skin even after he's pulled away, and gotten back to his washing duty. 
Heart bursting with affection, you take in the man who in a span of a six-month relationship has somehow turned into your entire world. When you had first met Yoongi, you were still in college. 
Stressing over your impending finals and drowning in stress, you had more or less body slammed into him, drenching his coat with your coffee. Bloodshot eyes, a rats nest of hair, you had then proceeded to scold him for standing in the middle of the cafe, your sleep-deprived brain too shot to realise that you could get into a world of trouble for insulting the world-famous musician. 
Not all that unexpectedly, you had left quite an impression on the record-breaking idol, and thus began the wooing. 
Ridiculously expensive flower arrangements with lyrics and small poems written onto the cards, gifts from all over the world—little trinkets he would buy from wherever he was, would arrive at your doorstep; softening you inch by inch, day after day. 
Yoongi never one to a miss a chance, had swooped in like a prince charming, out of his Mercedes Benz with your favourite coffee from halfway across the city, and hook, line and sinker—
You were wooed. 
Six months later, here you are, fresh out of college, celebrating your graduation night with your boyfriend. 
Smiling dopily at your thoughts, you move past and get back to cooking, Yoongi's hand reaching out and gliding against your wrist as you pass by. 
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As the fragrance and warmth of the still-hot Bulgogi and Samgyeopsal wafted up to your nose, you break your chopsticks apart, picking a piece of the meat and biting into it. Moaning, in pleasure and satisfaction, when the sweet and savoury flavour hits your taste buds. 
Lightly swinging your feet under the table, you nudge Yoongi's feet and grin, your hand rising up to cover your mouth when he raises his brows, his hand pausing mid-rise. 
"I kill at cooking, admit it, I am better than you baby," Winking, you tease, your feet under the table hooking under the edge of his PJs, sliding against his legs, and you watch amused as the tips of his ears go red, but he doesn't shift. 
"Who taught you to cook, you brat?" He quips back with a wink, and you just giggle, head tilting as you catch his gaze and receive a soft smile in return. 
Fondly you watch as Yoongi picks a piece before his hand extends towards you, and you rise a little from your seat, reaching out and biting into half of the meat piece and chewing. 
Too big for one single bite, you leave half of it in Yoongi's hold, but before you can reach out and eat it, your boyfriend already has it in his mouth. 
His cheeks bulge out with the still too big a piece, and you gape, a wounded whine deep from your chest coming out in response. 
"Hey! That was mine!" You playfully glare, as your hand reaches out to snatch his chopsticks away, but Yoongi leans back and out of your reach. 
Winking, he grins, "What's yours is mine, baby boo." 
Raising your brow, before your boyfriend can blink, your hand reaches out and clutches onto the last piece of meat from his plate. Inside your mouth not a second later, you let out an exaggerated moan, dramatically closing your eyes and throwing your hands over your heart. 
"Whaa! You brat!" He exclaims, his pout coming out in full force as he moans over the loss of his precious meat. 
Winking you reply, "What's mine is yours, meow-meow."
Seeing your boyfriend get up from his chair, you scramble to getaway. Squealing when you feel his hand graze your waist, you push yourself harder, your laughter ringing across the apartment. 
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Breathless you fall onto your bed tired, and move to hastily roll over to your corner. 
Yoongi, however, can be fast when he wants to be, and before you can scoot all the way, his arms are caging you in and pulling you closer. 
Squealing you try to push him away, but his hand's sneak under your sweater, and then he's tickling the soft skin under, sending you into peals of laughter. 
You try to wriggle away, but he entangles his legs with yours and refuses to budge. Gasping for breath, you pat his shoulder and squeal out an apology for stealing his meat. 
Finally taking mercy on you, he stops, and you draw in a long breath. Your body feels hot under your sweater, even in Seoul's harsh winter and chest heaving, breathless you turn to your boyfriend. 
Yoongi's body, conditioned after years of dance practices and concerts, is doing a lot better than yours. The only indication that he had even chased you through the hallways of your apartment are his cheeks; tinged pink and glistening under a thin sheen of sweat. 
You drink in the sight of your boyfriend, from his narrow cat-like eyes to his curvy nose, to his fuller lower lip. His body heat seeps into you and warms you from where his legs are still twined around yours.  
Your appreciation of your boyfriend, however, is cut short when said boyfriend rises and snuggles into you. His face nestling over your chest, and between the creases of your soft sweater, cheeks squishing against your chest, and you just look on amused as your boyfriend makes himself comfortable over your chest. 
You want to call him out on how cat-like his behaviour actually is, but you refrain, content to bask in the familiar comfort that Yoongi brings for now.
"You're soft." He mumbles, his voice coming out soft, half-muffled, his nose and mouth still pressed against you, and you snort out a "You're not,"  when you feel his chin slightly dig against your ribs.  
Picking up on your slightly strained voice, he shifts down, until his face is squished against the curves of your stomach. Breathing no longer a stifled process, you just hum and run your hands through his hair, softly scratching the scalp under your tips every now and then. 
Yoongi melts under your touch, a pleased moan slipping out when your hand slides to the back of his ears and lower to his neck. Smiling, you feel him snuggle closer, his face finding purchase between the warmth and softness of your flesh. 
Maybe if it was anybody else you'd have felt a little self-conscious, might have felt the need to change yourself, lose some weight to be like one of those thin, barbie doll-like female idols. But somehow with Yoongi, you have never felt that. Not an iota of self-doubt ever arose when he caressed your skin, your curves, the hills and valleys over the canvas that was your body. 
It wasn't like you were unhealthy, and if you ever feel the need to lose even an inch, it would be on your own accord, and never because you felt like you had to change, to fit into any mould that the society had carved out for you. Your boyfriend had made sure of it, reassuring you early on in your relationship that he loved you in all of your entirety and you don't doubt him. Anybody else you might have, but Yoongi wasn't one to lie, he valued your trust and you as a person too much to do that.
"I love you," His voice flows up to you, deep and dripping with love for you, and you pull him up, hands curling around his neck as your eyes gaze into his before you let slip a smile. 
"I love you too," You say, your voice soft and small, as though you are afraid that if you speak any louder, this moment might shatter, the little bubble that you two are in might pop, and you'd be sent craning into reality. 
But this is your reality. A voice inside your head supplies and you have to stop yourself from tearing up. Even after six months, the surreality of the situation hadn't left, the reality hadn't quite fully sunk in. 
You think of you and Yoongi together, look at his face beside yours on the pillow every night, and it feels like a dream come true. You wonder what you did in your last life to deserve someone as patient, loving and mature as Yoongi, and while you don't know what your past-self did to deserve any of this, you are thankful to her. 
Looking into his dark, onyx eyes, the moonlight from your window brightening his pale face, something inside your chest, tightens. 
You run your hands across his lower lip as he caresses your cheeks, draws small repetitive circles over the skin, and you relish the moment, the quiet, the space between you two where your breaths mingle until they become one. 
"Let me buy us a house, somewhere outside the city, where it's just you, me, Holly maybe a friend for her, a cat for you, and a pond full of fishes, our own little place." Yoongi proposes, taking the chance and asking you the question he had first worded a week ago. You hadn't given him an answer then, a little hesitant to let him spend all that money on you. It wasn't like you two were married, you had only been dating for six months.
But would you ever marry anybody else anyway?
The same voice from before whispers and you already know the answer. Not anymore. Not after Yoongi. 
Looking into his starry eyes, the ones that hold an entire galaxy and all the love he has for you, you nod, say yes to your own little place away from the rest of the world, somewhere you'll one day build your own family. A garden for your plants, a studio for Yoongi's music, and a courtyard for where one day your children will play, run after Yoongi and you, as you all chase each other. 
You can already picture it and looking at the excited, bright grin on Yoongi’s face, you know he can too. 
Giggling, he pulls you closer, and your laughter spills from between sloppy kisses and half intake breaths. 
Ask me again 다시 나에게 되물어봐 Are you happy now 지금 행복한가 The answer has already been decided 그 답은 이미 정해졌어 I am happy 난 행복하다
—Min Yoongi  화양연화 || The Most Beautiful Moment In Life.
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A/N: And so its out! I have loved writing soft Yoongi with every cell of my body, and I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you Grace for commissioning this and helping fund the BLM movement. Black lives did, do and will always matter. 
Leave me your feedback, I genuinely enjoy reading every single word. & Have a good day ahead ❤
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cloudrainships · 4 years
Hi friend :)) can I please request another selca ship, this time with ikon, Monsta x (as well as ex members for both), and nct? I loved the last one <3
hey! of course, thank you for requesting 💛 please enjoy!
From iKON, I ship you with B.I!
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From Monsta X, I ship you with Shownu!
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From NCT, I ship you with Jaehyun!
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I hope you like your ships XD stay safe and have a lovely day ahead!
feel free to request again anytime!
all ships: open
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webcricket · 6 years
Castiel’s Rules - No. 25
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About: This is a series of rules written by Castiel concerning his interactions with humanity, the Winchesters, angels, demons, and everyone and everything else he encounters along the way. Some are funny. Others are sad. Many are mundane. They cover the whole of his experiences and the lessons learned. They will not be published in order. You see, he keeps the pieces of scrap paper wadded up in his trench coat pockets and there is no organizational system whatsoever.
Tag: #Castiel’sRules
Rules tag list: (If you’d like to be added or removed please let me know!) @kdfrqqg  @goldenolaf25  @willowing-love  @copperseraphim  @luciathewinchestergirl  @fanaticastiel  @itsfunnierinenochian  @dont-you-dare-say-misha  @alangel1895  @winchesterprincessbride  @finding-flower @sireennotsiren  @sweethomelebanon  @coco-goes-nyoom  @wayward-sociopath-in-the-tardis  @casinthegarden  @the0000night0000writer0000  @luci-has-the-phonebox  @algud  @dmsilvisart  @jadepc  @castiellover77  @angelcamael  @castiel-junkie   @theblueboyethan  @randomfandoms153  @bucksvseverybody  @kay18115
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ianriccaboni · 7 years
You saw it. I saw it. We all saw it on Being The Elite. And @ringofhonor has made it official. Supercard of Honor, April 7. "American Nightmare" vs. "The Cleaner". Who you got? #CivilWar #BulletClub #ROHSupercard #Repost @bucksvseverybody (@get_repost) ・・・ On 4/7/18, we will be seeing the American Nightmare vs The Cleaner for the first time EVER at ROH Supercard of Honor! (at Salisbury Township, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania)
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lilianstanley94 · 7 years
The Legendary Mr. TNA The Phenomenal One @ajstylesp1 👊😍💖 @Regrann from @bucksvseverybody - The house that AJ Styles built 💯 @ajstylesp1 @ricflairnatureboy - #regrann
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bucksvseverybody · 7 years
Pairing: Kenny x Reader, Finn x Reader Warnings: none here really (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) Word Count: 347 A/N: This is the prologue to my new Finn Balor story. I wrote this as a little bit of an intro and I'm very excited to see where it goes. Also just an FYI some of this info might be incorrect as far as NJPW goes because I don't have direct access to it. I do, though, see it through youtube and through blogs here but a lot of it is second hand information so I'm not sure if that is all correct. If someone would like to help me out a little my inbox and messages are open 😊.  Also I don’t have a title yet so if anyone has any ideas let me know.
Read on my friend :)
Most people would say the life of a wrester is glamorous, but they don’t see behind the scenes. Luckily for Y/N, though, she had a wonderful boyfriend who helped ease the aches. Currently, Y/N was sitting in the backstage area at New Japan, ice on her knee, patiently waiting for Kenny and the rest of the Bullet Club to arrive backstage after the promo and attack that had ensued on Chaos.
“ Y/N!” She heard the excited voice of Marty ring through the halls. He walked into the room she was in, his signature laugh following her name. “ Hey Marty.’’ she replied, giving him a gentle smile. “ Wonderful job out there, love, wonderful job! How’s your knee?’ He asked, pulling up a chair next to her. A furrow appeared in her brow. Sure, her and Marty were friends, but, they rarely talked one on one. “ Uh, fine, Marty. What’s going on?’’ she asked. “ Nothing!’’ He began in a rushed voice, “ nothing at all!’’ “ Obviously.’’ she replied, leaning up from her sitting position. Marty sighed.“ Fine I'll tell you.. but! If I do, you can't tell Kenny I told you.’’
“ Okay?’’ she replied questioningly. What did this have to do with Kenny.
“ I heard from Matt, that Kenny told him he was going to break things off with you..’’ 
A confused look settled on her face. Why would he do that? This was the same man that, not even two hours ago, had said he loved her.
“ You didn't hear it from me though.’’ Marty added a second time, driving the point home.
Y/N nodded, giving him a side hug. She really didn't want to ruin things for him. Y/N, though, was surprised she didn't hear it from Matt himself. Him and Nick were basically her brothers. She pushed that thought to the back of her mind. She had more pressing matters.
“ Thanks, Marty.’’ Y/N spoke, standing up, and beginning to hobble out.
“ Where are you going?’’ Marty questioned, standing up after her.
“ To find Kenny.’’
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brokenwinchesterr · 7 years
Some Things Never Change- Seth Rollins x Reader
This is my piece for @fan-fiction-galore and @thewriterformerlytaggedas  31 Little Wrestling Fics writing challenge. I’m not gonna lie. There was a few times I thought about dropping out because I had homecoming this week and tbh it kicked my ass. I had one day last week when I came home from planning where I just cried. It was such a cluster fuck and the people who were helping plan the dance we were doing weren't doing their part. I ended up doing most of it and I paid for most of the shit anyway. Regardless I made it through and I'm pretty proud of this. I also edited it but I'm not sure how good I've done so please let me know if something is fucked up and ill fix it!
I hope you all enjoy and please leave me feedback! I know deep down this isn't my best work but I really enjoyed writing it and I think it turned out pretty good.
Pairing: Seth Rollins x Reader, if you squint really hard Bayley x Corey Word Count: 4,448 (this is a lot more than planned) Warnings: Language, bullying I guess ( Corey is a real asshole) A/N: okay THIS IS SUPER IMPORTANT. So as mentioned above Corey really is an asshole. I wrote him like that because in real life I hate him. I have never hated anyone like I hate him. Now I'm not trying to force you all to hate him and I’m not trying to say fuck you if you like Corey. I’m trying to avoid issues of people who like Corey by warning y'all.
I’ve warned you all.
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The life of an athlete was a though one. Constantly traveling and putting their lives on the line could be stressful. Being a professional wrestler was seemingly more taxing than any other athletic job because it's not just being an athlete it's being an actor. That meant that days off were rare. Days off when everyone could just hang out and have fun together as themselves were rare. That's how they all got themselves into this mess. They were in the town of Appleton; a place in Wisconsin, exploring some ruins of a house which is supposed to be haunted. That's according to some locals anyway. They had been sitting in silence until Sami spoke up.
" Whose idea was this anyway?" Sami asked. Seth immediately pointed at Y/N who had her head buried in her phone. She was trying to find the exact location of the house which was not an easy task.
" Literally everything about this is illegal!" Sami exclaimed, concern written all over his features.
" You're completely right, Sami, but it's the season of halloween and we have to be spoopy.'' Y/N responded looking up at him.
" Spoopy?" Bray asked, meeting her eyes in the rearview mirror. Y/N nodded. He just raised his eyebrows in response, and shook his head, before turning his focus back to the road. They had somehow managed to coerce him to driving; Sami sat in the passenger seat (though with a lot of protest. He always claimed Bray freaked him out) with Seth directly behind him, and Y/N to his left. Behind Y/N was Bayley, who felt the need to continuously play with her hair. She claimed it was 'as soft as a baby's butt.' To Bayley's right was Corey Graves, a long time friend of Seth's.
 They had been on the road for quite a while until it was becoming clear that the long drive was getting to everyone. By everyone, mostly Y/N and Corey. Tensions were at an all time high between the two who were, for some random reason, arguing about the show Supernatural; something Corey had never even seen before. So of course, Y/N being the die-hard fan she is began to get irritated because ,'' who was this idiot to say it's shit when he's never seen it before.''
" You know a show is shit when the bump it for another show.'' He shot back, talking about when the twelfth season of Supernatural got bumped for the first season Riverdale.
She took a breath, ready to destroy his claim, but she paused, and instead said," Y'know what Corey? I'm not gonna argue with you. I'm just gonna let you keep blowing smoke out of your ass because it's what you do best.'' You could hear in her voice that she was tired of the constant issues from Corey. She looked over to Seth, giving him a look that said,' I told you he was going to be a problem.' Bayley suggested they play the quiet game, and for the rest of the ride, they sat in silence.
Once they got into town, Y/N suggested that they should pull over because she still had to find the actual address of the house. She decided to call an old friend to see if he knew where it was located. Scary things and adventuring were his specialties.
"Hello?" Spoke a gruff voice through the phone.
"Elton! Hey I'm so glad you answered," Y/N responded," I have a huge favor to ask you."
" Sure what's up?"
" So I managed to drag some friends to that place in Wisconsin that I was telling you about. We made it to the town, but now I'm not sure exactly where to go and I was wondering if you remembered where the actual house was?"
" Oh, um yeah, give me a sec to grab my computer."
There was a short pause, some rustling, then some barking, which Y/N assumed was from Circa, Elton's dog, and then he was back on the receiver with a," Sorry. It was buried under a bunch of new shirts."
Elton owned a clothing brand and he was currently in the process of creating new products. It was something he'd been working on for a long time.
" You'll have to tell me all about the shirts another time, but right now I really need to know where the house is."
" Alright. So, when you first pull into town, your gonna want to take an immediate left. It's not gonna look like it's a road, but I promise you, it's there. Then the road is gonna continue for a few miles and then it'll come to a 'T'. Go right. Follow the road and you'll see the house. It's fenced off and it's a little bit of a hike to get to it, but honestly it's not that bad. I'm not sure how you're gonna get through the fence but I'm sure you'll figure it out."
" Awesome! Thank you so much Elton! I don't know what I'd do with out you.'' Y/N spoke a smile beginning to grace her features. She truly loved and appreciated her friends.
" You'd probably die.'' he responded with a chuckle.
" True. True.''
"Be safe, and I'll see you soon, yeah?"
" Of course.'' Y/N answered as she hung up the phone. A lunch meet up was already in her schedule.
" So what's the deal.'' Seth asked.
Y/N let out a breath," He said it's an immediate left on a road that doesn't look like a road but is actually a road. I'm assuming it's back the way we came just 'cause we've already been driving for quite a while.''
" There was a little opening between some trees not to long ago.'' Bayley spoke up.
" Then that's probably it! Great, now let's get back on the road.'' Sami said jumping into the conversation, while motioning at the car. Everyone loaded up and they began the shortish drive to the house.
Surprisingly they had made it without very many problems. The only thing was Corey’s constant talking, but when is it not a problem for Y/N.
" It looks more like ruins of a house than an actual house. I was expecting this huge thing.'' Seth said, motioning with his hands, leaning against the car door he just closed.
" Well appearances don't always matter.'' Y/N replied to him, poking his chest to punctuate each word.
" Are you trying to call me ugly with out actually saying it?" He responded pulling her in for a hug.
" Why would I do that?'' Y/N looked up at him.
" You never know.'' A small smile appeared. He leaned down and just as his lips were about to meet Y/N's, they heard Corey's voice." Alright lovebirds if we're gonna do this I'd rather it not be dark, so can we hurry it up?"
Y/N let out a screeching noise and looked to Corey,'' No one gives a fuck. Literally. We got here like, five seconds ago. Plus, we have no idea how we're gonna get through this fence yet.''
" We could probably hop it to be honest.''Seth said, running his hands up and down Y/N's sides.
" Um, I don't know Seth. Some of us are kind of short.'' Bayley said, speaking of herself and Y/N.
" We'll help.'' Sami responded.
Seth was the first one over, with Y/N passing the ouija board through the slit where the fence panels connected. Sami had a backpack that he through over next, and looked to one of the girls.
" Who's going next?"
They looked to each other and the fence. It was pretty damn high.
" Hey, both of you look at me.'' Seth spoke through the fence, sensing the fear. '' Its just like climbing a steel cage. You can do it.''
" I'll go.'' Bayley said after a few moments of silence. She looked as nervous as she was for her Mania match. Sami stood at the fence ready to boost her while the other three stood back to catch her incase she fell. When she reached the top it didn't take her long to drop onto the ground of the other side of the fence.
" Wow. I don't know if I'll be able to handle a real ghost if I can't handle this.'' She added, wiping the sweat from her hands. Sami pulled himself up and over next, leaving Y/N, Bray, and Corey on the other side.
" Your turn.'' Corey said, ready to boost her.
" Fuck you.'' She responded as she put her foot in his hands as a rest. Once she had almost steadied herself at the top, she felt Corey's grip on her leg release, and had she not had a good center of gravity she would have toppled to the ground. Instead she had managed to shift herself so she fell towards the other three in the group.
" Fuck.'' She spoke, feeling Seth's arms steady her on her feet.
" Corey what the hell?" Seth asked.
" I-I'm sorry, I don't know what happened.''
" He nearly passed out.'' Bray said finally.
" Why though?"
" I'm not to sure."
"Let's just.. get everyone on the same side of the fence please.'' Bayley said turning to face the house on the hill, as the other two men made their way over.
The outside of the house wasn't very bad. Of course, it was run down, the paint was peeling, and most of the grass and brush were dead, but it was two stories plus an attic, had a decent sized yard, and was probably the talk of the town before it was haunted and abandoned. To Y/N, all the caution tape and signs were no big deal, just a part of exploring, but of course, Corey couldn't keep his mouth shut. He went on a whole rant about how they could get arrested for this and how lucky she was that he didn't call their boss and complain that she was doing illegal stuff. Once they had managed to make it to the door Y/N sprawled out on the steps and groaned.
" This is my life now," Y/N started, speaking in a melodramatic manor, " I have climbed this hill and now I will die upon it."
" C'mon you're fine.'' Seth responded pulling her up into him and pressing a kiss to her forehead. He had been keeping her close ever since the incident at the fence.
'' We were only hiking for like twenty minutes.'' Sami said questioningly, shaking his head.
" Do we really want to do this?" Bayley asked. She was the only other female on the roster willing to come with them to the supposed 'haunted' ruins. They were going to bring Dean as well but with some last minute plans with Renee they 'settled with Corey' as Y/N would put it. Everyone else was too scared.
" We'll be fine, they don't seem to angry.'' Bray spoke, stoically. Bayley and Y/N locked eyes, sharing a worried glance.
" Good to know buddy,'' Seth said patting Bray on the shoulder and walking to the door. Corey remained at the bottom of the steps. Before Seth could even reach to open the door they began to hear noises coming from inside the house.
" God damn it, why are we doing this!'' Corey finally snapped,'' and why the hell did you bring a Ouija board, you know how I feel about that shit!" he said motioning to Y/N, who held it in her hands. Him and Y/N didn't get along to well, that was for sure established, if she was with Seth and Seth and Corey were friends then that made her and Corey friends, kind of. They shared a mutual hatred that Everyone knew about and that was how their relationship worked. Hell even people who didn't know them knew it. The vibes they had when they were around each other were absolutely toxic. Couldn't they keep their feelings at bay for one night?
" Because it's Halloween time, stupid.'' She replied as if it were obvious, " we're at a haunted house, and it's gonna get dark eventually. Why else would I have it?''
" The house is not haunted.''
''Bet.'' Y/N began.
" Alright, Alright, enough you two.'' Seth spoke locking eyes with the woman he called his girlfriend. She shook her head mumbling a whatever and pushing past him reaching to open the door.
" I wouldn't do that just yet,'' Sami spoke hurriedly, before Y/N could open the door, " I agree with Bayley. Are we really sure we want to do this?''
" I'm 100 percent sure. I don't know about y'all but I'm going in. We just did all that hiking and not to mention the fucking fence.'' Y/N said forcing her way around Sami and into the house.
" I don't want to leave her here a lone.'' Seth answered, shrugging. Bray said nothing and walked in behind Seth.
" I want to see if this house is really haunted.'' Corey responded, following closely behind the other two men.
" I'm with you on this one Sami but these are our friends.. Do we really want to leave them here alone so the could possibly get hurt?'' Bayley asked walking up the steps and standing next to Sami.
Sami just shook his head and said," C'mon.''
The inside of the house was dirty to say the least. When you walked in, immediately to the left was a flight of stairs, to the right of that was a door, probably to the basement, and a broken-looking table. There was definitely a lot of random clutter in the house before it became abandoned. To the direct right, was what seemed like the living room, and when you walked into it and went left, the kitchen was attached at the other side of the room.
Everyone was mostly looking around the living room. There were a lot of pictures considering how long it had been abandoned. Y/N had decided that she wanted to go explore the upstairs floor. When you walk up the stairs it runs directly into a corridor with quite a dew doors on each side. She was assuming that the people who built this house either had a very large family or they had a lot of stuff. She noticed there were quite a few pictures on the walls here too. They were all of the same man. He was always wearing a party hat and had some other person or pet in the photo with him. Just as she was about to enter the first room she heard her name being called from downstairs.
" They're ready to play the ouija board." Seth said to her.
" Alright then.'' She said plopping onto the ground in the middle of the living room.
They all filled in the circle around her,watching as Bray set the planchette on 'G'.
" If you don't want to play or don't believe, leave the circle.'' He spoke solemnly.
Corey stood up leaving Bray, Seth, Bayley, and Y/N sitting in a weird-square formation.
" Be careful when asking the questions. If you're joking or don't want to know the answer don't ask it,'' Y/N added,'' follow my lead to start.''
Everyone placed two fingers on the planchette and Y/N said,'' Ouija, we are here,'' while moving the planchette in three circles.
" Okay. It's ready.''
" Who wants to ask the first question?'' Seth asked looking around the group.
" I'll go,'' Bayley spoke. Y/N looked at her bewildered. '' If I'm gonna do it, might as well go all in.'' She finished shrugging. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing mind and heart.
" Are there any spirits here that would like to talk to us?” Bayley asked, a small quiver to her voice.
They sat for a few seconds, waiting for something to happen. Just as Y/N was about to say something she felt a movement under her fingers and she shut her eyes, afraid to look down. Was this really happening? When she opened her eyes the planchette rested on 'yes'.
" Fuck,'' Seth whispered in a faulty voice,'' I don't want to do this anymore.'' He took his fingers off the planchette.
" No! You're not supposed to do that!" Y/N screamed, nearly removing her fingers as well.
'' Why? What's gonna happen? I can't just put them back on?'' He asked, fear evident in his features. Y/N could tell he was trying to mask it, but she knew him all to well.
" It don't work like that.'' Bray responded.
" Well, why the hell not?" Seth asked. Y/N was about to respond when a groan sounded from somewhere around the house.
" Old houses make noises. It's normal,'' Y/N said. Another groan was heard,".... right?''
" Of course they do.'' Corey said. But it wasn't in a sarcastic or rude way. That gave a little shock to everyone. It’s crazy what fear does to a person.
" Am I gonna die now or something?'' Seth asked.
" No, you should be fine. I'm not entirely sure though.'' Bray responded.
" Let's just ask another question.'' Bayley said quickly.
" When did you die?'' Y/N asked, trying to relieve some of the tension in the air. It was thick like butter. The planchette remained still, and then flung itself off the board and into the wall
" It didn't like that question.'' Seth exclaimed.
The front door which they left open was slammed shut, causing many photos to fall of their places on the wall. Everyone looked around waiting to see what would happen next. Crashes could be heard from the kitchen where leftover dishes and cutlery were crashing to the ground.
" Upstairs!'' Bray shouted, grabbing the Ouija board and throwing it at the wall. The group watched as it broke to pieces." Go!"
Everyone bounded up the stairs and Sami had made a hard right into the first room. Everyone stood, trying to catch their breath.
Seth opened his mouth to speak but the only thing that was heard was the sound of the door slamming.
The next thing Y/N knew, she was being thrown into a wall; the force of the collision had her seeing stars. She heard the fearful screams of Bayley as other object got thrown around the room. She had heard that playing the ouija board wrong angered spirits, but to this extent? It was a little much. What had they done wrong? Corey was the only one who didn't want to play and he didn't. The weren't being intentionally disrespectful and even though Bray was pretty weird when it came to demonic stuff she believed him when he had said that they weren't too angry. Why was he wrong? By the time she had regained her bearings, things had calmed down. Bayley wasn't screaming but she was sitting in a corner, letting the sobs overtake her and Corey had wandered over to her to try to calm her down. You could still hear objects being thrown around the rest of the house as different doors continued to slam. Sami looked as if he might have started crying. Y/N was looking around the room and noticed immediately that things were wrong. Bray was lying in the center of the room in a heap. Y/N also noticed that Seth was no where to be seen.
' He's probably in a different room.' She though, more like hoped, to herself as she raced over to Bray's side.
The last thing she needed was to have to explain that she got him killed because they went to a literal haunted house. She had noticed that Bray had blood running down from his nose. The moment she placed her hand on his chest to feel for a beat, his eyes shot open and he looked around, frantically, as if he were expecting more damage than that had actually been done. He knew one thing for sure. They had to get out of that house. She helped pull him to his feet and ran to the door. It was closed. In her head she was praying it wasn't locked. What would they even do if it was? No one would be around to hear them scream, let alone to save them. She breathed a huge sigh of relief when the knob turned. She looked behind her to see everyone up and ready to follow her next move. Bayley was clearly leaning on Corey, while Bray stood on his own, leaning his weight to one side of his body. Sami stood in the back ready for whatever may come, with his arms wrapped around himself.
What had Y/N gotten herself and her friends into? She was about to cry herself when the checked every room on the second floor and saw no sign of Seth. Everything in the living room and kitchen looked the same, except for one thing. The door that lead to what they thought was the basement was closed. Sami and Corey had gone to check the other side of the first floor, after leaving Bray and Bayley sitting on the floor of the living room. Y/N remained in front of the basement door. She knew deep down that they were going to have to go in there. There was no other option. To her, it didn't matter what the others thought. If they wanted to leave they could. She was not about to leave a man who she had spent the better part of a year with. He wouldn't leave her.
Soon Y/N felt the presence of the guys behind her.
" We need to leave, now. Let's just go down there, not let our fear get to us, and grab Seth.'' Corey said.
" What if he isn't down there?'' Sami asked.
" Are you fucking ser-" Y/N started.
" No I don't mean it like that. I just mean what if he actually isn't down there.''
Y/N was at a loss for words. She didn't want to think is he wasn't down there. He had to be.
" We'll cross that bridge if we get to it.'' Corey spoke reaching to open the door. He took a breath and swung the flat of wood in. It was dark, and seemingly cold; way colder than the rest of the house. Y/N had never appreciated Corey more.
" We got this.'' Sami said pulling a flashlight out of his bag. Corey grabbed the flashlight from him and took the lead. As the trio descended down the steps Y/N automatically had an uneasy feeling. She was ready to go home and curl in a ball.
The basement was full to the brim. There were shelves upon shelves of survival stuff. MRI'S, medkits, canned food, jugs of water. What the hell was this? One thing in particular Y/N noticed was a random door in the wall. Corey and Sami had checked everything during the time she was looking around. This guy must have been a real doomsday prepper.
" Nothing.'' Corey said, looking at her with an underlying sadness. This was his best friend. Y/N motioned to the door she had just been staring at.
" That's the only place we haven't checked."
" Then let's get to it.'' Corey responded, reaching for the door. Sami grabbed a steel bar from one of the shelves. Y/N looked at him.
" What? Just in case.''
'' What are you going to do beat the ghost to death?"
" Maybe.''
Corey shook his head heaving the heavy metal door open. Y/N peaked her head in and let out a gasp. Seth was in a chair with a party hat strapped to his head. Just as she was about to step in, a man appeared. He was wearing a party hat just like Seth's. Y/N recognized him to be the man from all the pictures from upstairs.
" Want to join the party?"  The thing spoke. Y/N nearly let out a scream before she felt some one pull her by the back of her shirt. She looked to Corey who had pulled her out of the doorway and away from the ghost. Sami had decided to chuck the steel bar and it 'hit' the ghost. The bar clattered to the ground. It faltered for a second and disappeared.
" I can't believe that actually worked!'' Sami exclaimed as Corey pat him on the back. Y/N ran over to the chair where Seth was beginning to stir. He groaned and opened his eyes looking at her.
" Hey. Oh my god. Hi.'' Y/N started babbling. " I thought you were gone.''
" No. I'm okay.'' He responded, letting out a groan, sitting up in the chair.
" We should go.'' Sami suggested.'' I don't know how long that ghost is gonna be gone for.'' He picked up the steel bar. Just in case. Y/N helped Seth rise to his feet and he placed his arm around her shoulder. They made their way up the stairs in silence, and as soon as Bayley caught sight of them she was up and asking a bunch of questions.
" Can we do this in the car? I wanna get out of here.'' Seth said as his grip tightened on Y/N.
" Oh yeah, of course. Sorry.'' Bayley replied. She pulled Bray up with her and then they set out to leave.
Y/N breathed a sigh of relief as Sami swung the front door open. She clung to Seth like she hadn't seen him in years, afraid he'd get taken from her again. Maybe actual haunted places were a no go. She was glad that at least everyone was a little closer than before.
Once they had made it back over the fence and into the car, everyone paused and took a breath.
" That was the fucking worst idea ever.'' Corey griped.
" I know, and I'm sorry. Looking back on it, I probably should've picked a fake haunted place.'' Y/N responded. Sami started the car and let out a little laugh.
" Now this is something I thought I'd never see. Y/N and Corey getting along. Sort of.''
" Ha Ha. Fantastic. Relish in it somewhere far away from here." Bray spoke up from the back.
" Okay, Okay I'm going.'' Sami said.
" What if we went to fright fest at six flags?" Y/N asked.
" NO!”
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cloudrainships · 4 years
Hi! Can I request a selca ship with bts, got7, and stray kids? Tysm xx
Hello! Sure, thank you for requesting 💓pls enjoy!
From BTS, I ship you with Jimin!
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From GOT7, I ship you with Mark!
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From Stray Kids, I ship you with Changbin!
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I hope you like your ships :) stay safe and have a wonderful day ahead
feel free to request again!
selca + mtl ships: open
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webcricket · 6 years
Castiel's Rules - No. 21
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About: This is a series of rules written by Castiel concerning his interactions with humanity, the Winchesters, angels, demons, and everyone and everything else he encounters along the way. Some are funny. Others are sad. Many are mundane. They cover the whole of his experiences and the lessons learned. They will not be published in order. You see, he keeps the pieces of scrap paper wadded up in his trench coat pockets and there is no organizational system whatsoever.
Tag: #Castiel’sRules
Rules tag list: (If you’d like to be added or removed please let me know!) @kdfrqqg  @goldenolaf25  @willowing-love  @copperseraphim  @luciathewinchestergirl  @fanaticastiel  @itsfunnierinenochian  @dont-you-dare-say-misha  @alangel1895  @winchesterprincessbride  @finding-flower @sireennotsiren  @sweethomelebanon  @coco-goes-nyoom  @wayward-sociopath-in-the-tardis  @casinthegarden  @the0000night0000writer0000  @luci-has-the-phonebox  @algud  @dmsilvisart  @jadepc  @castiellover77  @angelcamael   @castiel-junkie   @theblueboyethan  @bucksvseverybody  @randomfandoms153  @kay18115
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daydream-hobii · 6 years
Written Ship for @bucksvseverbody ^_^
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Authors Note: Thank you so much for the request! I hope you like your answers! ^_^ @bucksvseverybody
In BTS, I ship you with RM! See, Namjoon is one man that would love a chubby person, even maybe prefer it. So he would actually love your chubbiness and think it made you ten times more attractive. He'd, also, really like how great of a leader you are. Let's face it, Bangtan is a mess, even with Namjoon trying to control them, so he'd really love you helping control the boys. All in all, he's love every trait about you.
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In Stray Kids, I ship you with CHAN! Chan would love you, holy cow would he love you. From your tan skin to your love for physical activity. He'd want to spend as much time with you as possible, but would understand when you needed a bit of space. He frequently asks you to sit in with him when he's producing songs, just so he can get your input since you love to create things, and also to sneak in a kiss or two.
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In Exo, I ship you with XIUMIN! Xiumin would love your long brown hair and brown eyes. Honestly, he could stare into your eyes for hours on end and never get bored. The number one thing, however, that attracted you to him was how responsible you were. He loves it about you, and actually prefers people who were responsible. Xiumin loves inviting you over so you both can just cuddle the day away, and just talk.
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bucksvseverybody · 7 years
I need help!!
I'm planning on writing a new imagine but I don't know who to write about? Can y'all send me and ask with a vote for one of the guys below?
Dean Winchester
Kenny Omega
AJ Styles
Baron Corbin ( I've never written him, although it'd be a fun challenge)
I'm gonna go until i get 13 or 15 votes depending on what I feel like and how they're coming in. Let's get voting!
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