#buddhist moodboard
blue-lotus333 · 1 month
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Green Tara - moodboard
💚Bodhisattva of assistance💚
Om Tara tuttare ture svaha
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palatteflags · 5 months
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Tibetan Buddhism based moodboard~ ^^ For @pretty-fly-for-a-sky-guy c: Hope you enjoy this!
Want one? Send an ask~! -mod Jay
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ieroneii · 4 days
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(ꈍᵕꈍ) ✧  ⑅  ❥ 🐻‍❄️˚  ❐
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summeroflove-if · 1 year
why would you give a nonbinary character arab names 😭
i mean ethnicity has nothing to do with a characters' gender identity. people can have different religions and beliefs and still be queer/nonbinary. i know that anwar isnt muslim (i think you mentioned that they were buddhist, but please correct me if i am wrong) but i do know many people who are non-binary and muslim and people with arabic names who arent muslim but do identify as non binary. so idk why them having an arabic name is an issue. people come from different cultures from all around the world so obviously they will have different names lol. sorry, some of my friends are somali and non-binary/queer so this ask kind of irked me a little bit. anyways, i loved anwar and think they're absolutely delightful. can i just say i love all of the moodboards and the story was chefs kiss. <333
Thank you so much for this! The complaint itself didn't make sense to me, but as a white person, I could be completely missing the point.
I haven't actually said whether anyone belongs to any religion, mostly because I don't feel educated enough to have an answer. Buddhism would probably suit Anwar best from what I know of it, but I couldn't be certain.
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grandhotelabyss · 9 months
Any thoughts on Hesse?
Please hold that thought—I am going to read him very soon, within the month, Demian to be specific. I did read Siddhartha, or most of it, extracurricularly in ninth or tenth grade to impress a girl going through her teen Buddhist phase, but I don't remember much, except that it didn't inspire me to have a teen Buddhist phase (renounce desire? no thanks!). I want to read Hesse in general for one online-related parasocial reason: I've listened to the Art of Darkness podcast a lot this year, largely as a kind of moodboard for my novel-in-progress about a scandalous occultist writer, and I even went to their live event (they're semi-local) and met them, and those guys speak very highly of Hesse, and often. I have two IRL reasons for wanting to read Demian in particular among all his works: 1. it's the main novelistic inspiration for the controversial manga The Heart of Thomas, which I sometimes teach and am teaching again this semester; 2. I have a copy of it that was once owned and annotated by the renowned scholar Jack Zipes, a psychedelic paperback from 1968 with his name written on the inside cover.
(Our professor emeritus won't remember me, but I took his Transformations of the Fairy Tale course, the last class he taught at the University of Minnesota before he retired. Not only did we read classic and contemporary fairy tales, we also read Walter Ong's Orality and Literacy and Ismail Kadare's File on H. and watched a lot of interesting movies, from Svankmajer's Little Otik to Jordan's Company of Wolves to Freeway with Reese Witherspoon. I wrote a long final essay making some insanely over-the-top Marxist argument against Zipes's old friend Angela Carter—I fear I may have called her take on Bluebeard "imperialist" and attributed her baroque prose style to "neoliberalism" [what else?]—to which he generously responded in red pen that, while my paper was well-written, I should perhaps have taken Carter's irony more into account. Always good advice when some 25-year-old graduate student makes an insanely over-the-top Marxist argument against a work of imaginative literature! At the time, I'm sure, I would have dismissed irony as the all-too-common alibi of the capitalist running dog. I will be interested to see what Zipes wrote in Hesse's margins—he used a pencil, not a red pen, by the way, presumably because Hermann Hesse was not a graduate student.)
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Buddhist Lesbian Moodboard for Anon 
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lilachexe · 6 years
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buddhist storm witch moodboard for @bodhi-berserker 🖤
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minakoman1995 · 2 years
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Lo uoc xanh/binh uoc xanh.
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lilacbombs · 5 years
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I made an oc moodboard for june!! you can find tara’s here: (link)
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scribeoffate · 3 years
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"Three things cannot long be hidden: the sun, the moon, the truth."
Another moodboard for another tw favorite: Satomi Ito. This woman forms a pack of Buddhist werewolves and is just all around awesome. She practices non violence to a point, protects her pack, helps Noshiko defeat Void and anyways: I love her.
"I may have learned to control my anger...but I still know how to use it."
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blue-lotus333 · 4 months
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❤︎︎ Guanyin & Sun Wukong ❤︎︎
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palatteflags · 5 months
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Pink and Buddhism based moodboard~ ^^ For an anon! Hope you like this!
Want one? Send an ask! -mod Jay
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zhexiannv · 2 years
《谪仙》 - Fallen Fairy (The Untamed / MDZS meta)
(click on image for better quality, do NOT repost)
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I suggest listening to the full song here
Translations (there is no official translation of the song, so I have to translate it myself, slightly modified it so it flows better in English. Please tell me if there are any errors!) + song meta under the cut
Red circle:
~The song of the immortal, the spirit of the jade flute, a cup of wine as pure as autumn dew~
(in smaller characters, ```Chenqing```Emperor's Smile```)
Blue Circle:
~Jade robes and a long sword, bearing distinguished and graceful, the mountains and rivers don't remember the past~
(in smaller characters, ```Wangji```Bichen```)
Bottom left & right:
~The disgraced immortal struggles to stay in the jade palace, goes to the red house in the mortal world to steal some wine~
Bottom center:
~Such soulful eyes, the ink falls on a poem scroll scattered with a few whorls of fingerprints~
This song is called 《谪仙》 by 叶里 and 伊格赛听, translated loosely into "Fallen Fairy" or simply left as Zhe Xian, the direct pinyin pronunciation. The song is about a famous Tang dynasty poet called Li Bai, who is a heavy drinker and referred to as "zhe xian" for his beautiful poetry, so powerful he is at writing them that he seems like a fairy who has fallen from heaven. The lyrics speaks to his unrestrained and carefree personality, but also highlights his exceptional talent and refined impression.
Let's start by breaking down the word first, and then get to how it applies to Wangxian:
谪仙 (zhé xiān):
谪 = disgraced, shunned, a term used for banished officials
仙 = commonly translated into "fairy" (usually with the term 仙女, which refers to a female immortal, and fairy has female connotations in Western folklore). However, a better translation imo will be "immortal," as cultivators/martial heroes will strive to cultivate to become a 仙 before ascending to godhood (神). The order goes like this: 凡人 (mortal) -> 道长 (Daoist priest)/和尚 (Buddhist monk) -> 仙 (immortal) -> 神 (God). I'm not going to go into much detail here about the exact cycle, since we're not going to focus mainly on this (also cuz there's a whole other path to demonhood that can interfere with the righteous path and stuff)
anyways, altogether this word can be best translated "disgraced immortal," perhaps a heavenly official who has been banished and sent to live in the mortal world (I guess..you can say...Xie Lian is a 谪仙? Hehe, moving on...)
Now, a banished immortal will probably be different from just regular mortals, right? Most likely more refined, exceptionally talented, or stands out in some way or other. After all, an immortal suddenly kicked down is a laughingstock for the heavens, but will certainly be above average compared to mortals. Here, 谪仙 means "genius," and is mostly used to described the poet 李白, a poetic genius. It was also used to described other famous poets like Li Bai's friend, Du Fu, Han dynasty's Dong Fang Shuo, Song Dynasty's Su Shi, etc. But Li Bai is mainly the one being referenced to whenever this term is utilized.
In some poetry/ancient writing, 谪仙 is also used in the human world to described an official who has been demoted/banished to a remote place.
Connection to Wangxian:
When I first heard this song, I immediately thought of Wei Wuxian, someone who has fallen from grace in the cultivation world. Yet he continues drinking wine, is still a child at heart, doesn't care about what the world thinks about him as long as he follows his own morals and values. In my moodboard, I highlighted key points of the song I think fits him the most ("the sound of the jade flute" "steal some wine"). In a way, he is like Li Bai, a heavy drinker who is carefree and unrestrained, with an exceptional mind. Even after his name was cleared, Wei Wuxian would rather turn away from society than involve himself into some other trouble. This song — and Wei Wuxian's name — reminds me of the phrase “只羡鸳鸯不羡仙“ (only envying the mandarin ducks and not immortals), meaning that the person chooses love over being immortal. And in Wei Wuxian's case, he doesn't care about his social status or reputation, as long as he's with Lan Zhan.
Now, after some thought, this song can also apply to Lan Zhan, as well. The simple melody and instrumental reminds me his aesthetic, in a way, and while the lyrics are describing a person who is lighthearted and laidback, the music simultaneously paints an image of someone who is graceful and elegant. The one lyric I chose ("jade sword and white robes" "such soulful eyes") represents Lan Zhan perfectly. Though his reputation isn't tarnished and he is regarded highly by the cultivation world, he also had rebelled against his sect to protect Wei Wuxian, and got punished for it. After WWX's transmigration, we can see Lan Zhan expressing his love more freely, and despite his clan rules, he's willing to go against the entire world just to protect his beloved. So while he doesn't fit the exact definition of 谪仙, I think we can make the argument that the song speaks to him as well.
Baike Baidu - 谪仙
Baike Baidu - 只羡鸳鸯不羡仙
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Genderqueer Buddhist moodboard!-mod lee
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morpheusofnod · 2 years
A moodboard for The Temple of Dreams, which serves as a sort of astral retreat/ meditation tool/ "mind palace" etc. Part Buddhist temple, part Japanese garden, part Sandman's Dreaming, part witch's apothecary, part Chinese bath house
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delennier · 2 years
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Wanted to make moodboards again. Here is Lenniers. Only fully realized during this just how Buddhist inspired he is
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