#bug is a locust. btw
toyhdgehog · 6 months
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why put a new address on the same old loneliness
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gethoce · 7 months
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Valentine's Day is here and what better way to celebrate than to post ship art of my interpretation of a canon character and somebody else's OC??
Limos belongs to the amazing @quanblovk
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Migratory locusts pinned in 3 different poses. Which is your favourite?
These are natural deaths from my breeding colony.
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bigpyrolizard · 4 months
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Made a little drawing for the 13 and 17 year cicada swarm in Illinois. Can't wait to see all the buggers!!!
I wish they made a cicada emoji
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autistickaitovocaloid · 11 months
I should draw furry versions of the pl cast at some point.
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berryshipbasket · 9 months
OH P.S don't imagine Gemini reminding you to take your medication. Not only that but when you're in pain he'll bring you some advil and a heating pad. Gemini loves you! PCOS and all! and he's willing to do anything for you.
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caputvulpinum · 4 months
Would you rather be a beetle or a bug
are you going to stick me in a jar with some other fucked up creatures to cast a spell on someone to make them ditch their wife for you? bug btw my insectsona is a locust with nazar wingspots
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changingplumbob · 6 months
Chopra Household: Chapter 6, Part 8
The birthday continues! Most of the family have appointments to attend afterwards leaving Savannah and Viola under the care of nana Lavina. I mean it's not like she could be any worse than Alana the (insert your favourite swear word for mean nanny)
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BTW it was daylight savings here so that's why my posts may seem an hour shifted for you...
If Viola is attempting to say something it will be in brackets, otherwise you can assume it's just trying out sounds Mercedes has a speech delay and may get words wrong, correct wording will be in brackets if that is the case Savannah aka Honeybee Mercedes aka Little Ladybug Viola aka Green Bean
Mercedes: Hey nana
Lavina: Happy birthday kiddo
Mercedes: I have bad news, papa went to the doctor and they found out he’s sick
Lavina: What? Oh why didn’t he tell me? I can’t lose him
Mercedes: Kidding!
Lavina: That’s not very funny young lady
Bizarre thing happened. Mercedes had rolled a like of deception but after this got a prompt saying she felt mischief was wrong? I like the game to have some say so while I did not add a dislike of mischief I changed her like of deception to silly behaviour to match her sister.
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Milton: Oh hey you have cake
Savannah: Of course Milton, it’s a birthday party
Milton: That’s uncle Milton to you
Savannah: Mama do we really have to call him uncle? He’s only 2 years older than us
Cassandra: It’s important to be polite to family honeybee
Lavina: And respectful! You girls could learn more respect
Mercedes: *sighs* It was one joke nana
Cassandra: Lavina I have an appointment and Rahul needs to take Mercedes to one. Could you watch the kids for us please?
Savannah: I can watch the house mama
Lavina: Of course I can dear, take all the time you need
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Savannah: But nana I can do it
Lavina: You’re six, you couldn’t take care of a fire. Now I hear your sister crying, go play outside or learn something
Savannah: Oh maybe I can find some cool bugs!
Lavina: Just don’t bring them into the house
Poor Viola has been trying to get to sleep but is still a bit overwhelmed by the party.
Lavina: Now what’s all this? You are making a habit of crying every time you see me Viola
Viola: *cries* ge da noo lu (I'm so tired, clapping took it out of me)
Lavina: Is nana scary huh? Big bad nana. Close your eyes and sleep, big bad nana can defend your crib from the monsters huh
Following some soothing Viola does manage to fall asleep as Lavina watches over her.
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Outside Savannah isn’t having much luck. But around by the garden she spots some locusts, perfect, papa will approve of catching them! She grabs at them and manages to get hold of 2. Perhaps she can convince mama and papa to take her and Mercedes to Granite Falls so she can find more! Back inside she decides to tackle some homework.
Milton: Why are you holding your pencil like that
Savannah: Like what
Alexander: Don’t be rude Milton, not everyone does things the same way
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Milton: Did you never use crayons
Savannah: *gruffly* I have a motor delay actually, pencils are hard
Milton: Oh, sorry
Alexander: That’ll teach you not to be rude
Savannah: I think I’ll go see if mama is back
Milton: I am sorry!
Cassandra is pumping in the spare room when Savannah finds her.
Savannah: Mama, can I still go to OT now I’m a child
Cassandra: Of course you can honeybee. It might be called something different but any support you need, we’ll find for you
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Savannah: Then Uncle Alexander told him off
Mercedes: Nice!
Savannah: So what did the brain doctor say
Mercedes: They want me to do… Papa how did they say it?
Rahul: Your sister is getting referred to another type of doctor to see if she needs extra help at school
Mercedes: Can I not go to school?
Rahul: No! Whatever you need we can sort but you’ll be best having your first day with your sister
Savannah: Yeah. You don’t want to leave me alone do you? We do everything together
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Mercedes: Except OT and word class
Cassandra brings Viola to the table and the family begin eating. For some reason everyone is migrating away from Viola?
Mercedes: Mama did your point tent (appointment) go okay
Cassandra: Apparently I have ADHD which I guess is a bit of a surprise but I’ll be fine. Everybody’s brain has to work in its own way
Rahul: Exactly! Now Viola, how about some peanut butter puffs? Nice and yummy
Viola looks at her papa, confused. Why is what he holding bigger than the things on the plate? It can’t just be her eyesight playing up, can it?
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Savannah: Mama, can we have a trip to Granite Falls? I’d love to see some more bugs
Cassandra: Actually papa and I have been talking and we’d like you two to join scouts
Mercedes: Scouts? Why
Rahul: Nature is important to us, we want you both to learn to love it
Cassandra: Plus it will leave after school times free for OT and word class
The girls remain skeptical but agree. Meanwhile Viola is unsure about the taste of peanut butter puffs (and their creepy resemblance to banana once she picks them up) but one thing is for sure, they are fun to play with!
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Savannah: Do we have to go to bed mama
Cassandra: It’s getting late honeybee, and don’t you want to check out the new bunk beds
Mercedes: I call dibs on the bottom one! That way you can still tuck me in mama
Cassandra: *smiles* alright but we need to clean up dinner first
Savannah: I got the plates
Cassandra: Mercedes could you put the leftovers away before they spoil please
Mercedes: Yes mama
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Rahul: How do you two like the bunks
Savannah: It’s great papa. I can be up high just like butterflies are
Rahul: Good night rugrats, I love you two
Twins: Goodnight papa
Savannah climbs up to the top and snuggles in while Cassandra tucks Mercedes in.
Cassandra: Goodnight Mercedes. I love you both, have good dreams
Twins: Love you mama
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foodlesoodlesdoodles · 5 months
i would love to know more about ur jjba ocs :D
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‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ AN EXCUSE TO YAP . GODSPEED BELOVED CITIZEN. FOR SPACING I MAY HAVE TO DO A MULTI PART BUT I THINK ILL START WITH THE OGS. Honestly I wouldn’t mind an input about which one to clarify about,,,,, also Godspeed because you did this anon off which I could never be brave enough to do (positive) OKAY OKAY SO.
The Primary setting is Diamond Is Unbreakable. Featuring my favorite four gay college aged losers.
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JOUJIROU HANABUSA is, quite obviously, yet another illegitimate child of a certain old man. 20 years old and studying to become essentially a professional bug researcher? She was actually made separate from the entire groups theming. She’s kindhearted and struggles to stand up for herself or take things serious, as she feels great remorse for who she was previous to college. She used to be a big hothead boy (‼️TRANSFEM BTW) who was the classic archetype of kid having a rough time at home (or at this case, lack thereof as she was in the foster system at a very small age) and took it out on other people. She struggles with feeling like she’s constantly left out or behind, which emphasizes itself when shit kicks into high gear in the story. (AU pictured briefly here where Joseph finds her at 11 and takes her to be apart of the family)
This kind of reputation proceeds her in the small town, and as such she’s become much more withdrawn and introverted. She left for a period of time as to help her adoptive father on business trips. After which, she came across her little half brother after he accidentally bumped into her while she was frozen looking at a millipede on a streetlight. They didn’t like eachother at first! But brother, once the moms found out it was OVER.
Her stand is The Seven Plagues of Egypt, a very odd place for a stand such as this! But that’s sort of her whole point, she’s sort of an echo of someone she never knew and the issues resulting sort of warping her life and behavior forever unintentionally. (Fun fact: she was 11 when the SDC arc happened!) her stand itself is disturbing and odd, manifesting itself not just out of the material it controls (locusts, fire, blood, etc etc) but also her own internal issues.
The stand itself is crazy, but it’s in the hands of a person who never wants to hurt anyone. Her favorite bugs are of course locusts, having certain earrings and a ponytail holder resembling the insect. It’s range is rather questionable, as Seven Plagues did fuck up— Y’know— Egypt. Or at least a wide range. I don’t have an exact number, as it’s very hard to pin down! She sees through the eyes of the locusts, and can pretty much go anywhere with it even though she can’t use her abilities through the bug outside of a certain radius.
Speaking of, as to how she takes damage— a lot of her stand is multiple organisms in hordes, and she often uses these creatures passively. Whether it be one or 30 all hidden around the room to listen and watch. They appear as small cuts on her body whenever they die, which is HIGHLY annoying for her. (and, newsflash: she DOES get headaches from being rattled around in a jar)
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(AU pictured briefly here where Joseph finds her at 11 and takes her to be apart of the family part 2) I’ve tried drawing it only a handful of times once before, but I do struggle to capture it in a way I like. I have far better sketches I know I’ve deleted but can find! But I’d rather not accidentally delete all of this as I’m on mobile.
Her SCARRING is something very important, as it actually doesn’t come from her hurting herself! It’s a close call with Yoshikage Kira, and brother she FELL for that damsel in distress act he put up and he GOT her ass. Luckily he was on the run so she didn’t have to worry about any extra shit, but needless to say her persistent belief in the goodwill of others gets her in trouble. (I am totally certain this won’t happen a second time with a pink haired man who has some weird shit goin on)
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This is the most RECENT but UNFINISHED mapping of her scars, body and shape. As you can tell I made the center of the blast sort of blister into a star mark. She gets more later, but as of right now we’re focused on part 4 Jouji. This obviously fucked her up big time, destroyed any feel in that side of her body and definitely needed several surgeries, medications and a cane. Her eye technically survived but it’s very piss poor vision on her other side.
She functions poorly in serious social situations, often opting to do bits or try to lighten up the mood. Though she can hold her own close range as well as a regular buff ass 6’6 woman can, she doesn’t often resort to that unless it’s protective. She at least knows how to try her best in situations where people need support or feel isolated, as she knows those kinds of feelings well and tries to befriend people through food and gifts. This is actually why all of her friends came not from college, but from the cafe Norman works at!
LASTLY, she warms up to her new dad rather quickly! She’s an adult, and she tries to reassure him he couldn’t have known she or her brother were born. (“Though, did you HAVE to cheat on your wife? I mean, thanks for the life and all…… but jeez, dude— TWICE? at your age? Damnn….”) she can’t help but wonder if somewhere in the back of his mind, he knows what her mom is like. who she is. She was left alone in Morioh at like 5, and doesn’t remember her twin brother. (And never learns of him until far, far, FAR later.) She just wants to know why she was left behind, and the only one to be. (It was the destructiveness of her stand, and for a assumedly standless mother— it was far too much to handle. So she took the other less exhausting son.)
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Though…….. if she were smaller it would NOT be the case.
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francesthecute · 3 months
was nobody gonna tell me the young folk picked up saying "pog" and "poggers" for like. a month in 2020 before declaring it dead. moved on through and destroyed it like locusts. left me & the homies like that one shot in Days of Heaven. btw did you know they got that shot by dropping a bunch of dirt then playing it in reverse to look like bugs flying up and out of the wheat
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imsoquarky · 1 year
I'm tired but I really don't wanna go to bed yet.
The first night and second day were rough, I woke up at 3 am against my will and didn't really get to go to bed until 11 pm. But today was a blast.
Even with temperatures consistently hitting the triple digits here in Kansas, the locusts screeching, and being covered in bug bites.
I'm not being sarcastic at all btw /srs
I'm having fun and I enjoy living with my roommate so far. I've been doing surprisingly well mentally despite everything going on.
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Let's eat all the cicadas!
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Brood 17 - the unbelievable large swarm of 17-year cicadas - is already emerging in parts of America. This summer, Americans in the brood's path will experience a plague(ish) of locusts(ish), as the skies darken and the roads run slick with bug-guts.
Writing for Wired, Kate Knibbs brings us the cuisine of Bun Lai1, a renowned chef who has pioneered "sustainable sushi" and is now foraging in DC for early B-17 bugs to turn into chow: pizza, paella, and sushi.
In much of the world, eating bugs is no big deal, and not just novelties like chocolate ants: think of chapulin tacos, the Oaxacan grasshopper delicacies. These are a serious seasonal delight in LA, and I can personally attest to their deliciousness.
The most exciting thing about eating bugs is not in the fact that they're bugs, but rather in that they are considered a pest and a problem, which we can turn into a delicacy. Bugs (including "pests") are high protein, low-carbon, and abundant.
If you pay attention to the climate emergency, it's hard to avoid the nagging sense that every time you eat, you're contributing to the planet's destruction. Food's got a heck of a carbon footprint, especially farmed food, *especially* farmed *meat*.
Which is why the idea of eating pests and invasive species is so exciting. It's not just the idea that you're eating "guiltless" food, it's the weird sense that maybe we can turn the destructive power of the capitalism machine on things we want to get rid of.
Capitalism, after all, is true star of Nick Bostrom's thought-experiment of a paperclip-manufacturing AI that optimizes and optimizes itself.
It barrels on and on until it turns the entire universe into paperclips. The "slow AIs" of shareholder capitalist enterprises pursue profit to the destruction of their environments, workforces, customers and societies:
It's a cruel irony that our asset bubbles are always fueled by destruction of something we need (like a breathable atmosphere and a planet that isn't on fire), rather than, say, the destruction of invasive species or pandemic viruses or similar.
Wouldn't it be great if, instead of a foie gras-eating fad, we had a *kudzu*-eating fad, one that saw all the kudzu in the American south harvested to feed the rapacious kudzu-barons' vast kudzu empires? (Kudzu cookery exists, but has not caught fire).
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The closest thing to this that I've encountered in the wild are the delicious lionfish tacos in the scuba towns in Roatan, Honduras, where invasive lionfish (possibly descended from aquarium escapees) are destroying the reef ecosystem.
To be clear, lionfish taste good! But also, the experience of lionfish is doubly delicious because you know you're creating a market for scuba guides and fishermen to hunt lionfish, and if this drives them to extinction, that'd be a *good* thing for the planet!
This idea - driving a social phenomenon with markets - surfaces from time to time in science fiction. In Damon Knight's 1992 comic masterpiece WHY DO BIRDS?, an ad-agency is recruited to convince the entire human race to climb into a box (!).
The agency hits on a winning strategy: they announce that only rich people are *allowed* in the box and that box-berth prices are sky-high.
Soon, plutes are clamoring for spots, while the rest of the world demands climb-into-the-box equity to end being-in-a-box inequality.
Eight years later, Bruce Sterling proposed something similar to deal with climate change, in his brilliant 2000 Viridian Design Manifesto, which called on ecologists to rethink ecological measures as exclusive luxuries.
The idea wasn't to actually make ecologically sound living into the exclusive purview of the wealthy, but rather to make ecological living into something both status-defining *and* aspirational, creating demand across the board for sustainable technology.
But markets have a failure mode, that paperclip tragedy mode, which is that they are purely instrumental, driven to maximize their victory conditions irrespective of whether these become detached from their underlying goals.
Universal Paperclips are a subspecies of Monkey's Paws, in other words, a "be careful what you wish for" parable.
SF's got you covered here, too, as in Harry Harrison's "Make Room! Make Room!" (turned into the movie Soylent Green), where the invasive species we devour to save the planet is…us. (BTW, the Tor edition of the novel has a stupendous cover).
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Alas, the actual situation is more Make Room! Make Room! than Viridian. Our carbon offsets are a market for lemons, useless performances of conservation what will always be cheaper - and thus more successful in the market - than the real deal.
And nothing epitomizes the hollowness of the eco-luxury market like Tesla, a company that is only profitable because it sells carbon offsets that keep the SUV market alive - a company whose longterm stability involves bitcoin holdings with the carbon footprint of 1.8m cars.
Still, I would happily eat some Brood 17 I-can't-believe-its-not-foie-gras.
Header image: Toby Hudson (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:AustralianMuseum_cicada_specimen_11.JPG
CC BY-SA: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/au/deed.en
Kudzu image: Natalie Maynor https://www.flickr.com/photos/nataliemaynor/296950248/
CC BY: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
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thecreaturecodex · 5 years
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“Gamma World Monsters 8″ by Mike Faille, © Wizards of the Coast. Accessed at the artist’s deviantArt gallery here
[The cifal is a monster from the Fiend Folio that gets an awful lot of crap. Which is too bad, because the idea of a swarm of bugs in human shape is a pretty cool concept. Frankly, I’m tempted to give one bard levels and put it in my game.
The mechanics of the original version are baffling even by the standards of 1e’s exception-based design, however. I can see it being awful in actual play, leading to its bad reputation. But not only did a true-blue CIFAL appear in the 4e D&D kitbash of Gamma World, two different fiendish versions of the idea cropped up in that edition as well, the swarm devil and host demon.
BTW, this image contains a pic of another monster that will be posted in this set of conversions. And no, not Chicken Rambo.]
Cifal CR 8 N Aberration This writhing, seething mass is a conglomeration of thousands of insects, centipedes, spiders and other vermin, pushed together into a disturbingly humanoid shape.
Cifals are strange aberrant forms of life, a swarm of writhing vermin compressed into a man-like shape. The name was coined as an acronym (“colonial insect-formed artificial life”) by some sage long ago—they call themselves “the buzzing ones”, in a dialect of Aklo difficult to speak with fleshy lips and throats. Cifals are intelligent, albeit not very sophisticated, and they gather in groups to better hunt prey and to mingle their essences together to create new variety.
A cifal’s body contains many unrelated species of insects, spiders, scorpions and other invertebrates. The core of any cifal is its “nuclear swarm”, a gathering of intelligent flying insects of beetle-like appearance. The nuclear swarm hosts the cifal’s intelligence, and without it the mass collapses into self-devouring violence. With it, the creatures can work among themselves to create a unified body, which devours animal and plant tissue alike with appendages of chewing, squirming hunger. They can temporarily release control of their hosts to create a cloud that tears at all caught in it. When the body is slain, the nuclear swarm can escape, and typically flees to slowly build up a new stable of vermin to create a new body.
Advanced Cifals A cifal with the advanced template is typically one that has incorporated a whole swarm of vermin into its body, as opposed to cobbling together many discrete types. Advanced cifals may have a special attack that they inflict with their slams and bug burst. Some possible attacks include the cling ability of an army ant swarm, the disease of a tick swarm, the poison of a centipede or spider swarm, or the gnaw of a termite swarm. If there is a save DC involved with this attack, use the DC for the cifal’s abilities, not the DC for the original swarm.
Cifal       CR 8 XP 4,200 CN Medium aberration Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +12, tremorsense 30 ft. Defense AC 21, touch 17, flat-footed 14 (+6 Dex, +1 dodge, +4 natural) hp 95 (10d8+50); fast healing 5 Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +9 DR 10/bludgeoning; Immune mind-influencing effects Defensive Abilities amorphous, ferocity, rejuvenation, swarmlike Offense Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft. Melee 2 slams +13 (1d12+4 plus distraction) Special Attacks bug burst, distraction (DC 20) Statistics Str 18, Dex 22, Con 21, Int 6, Wis 15, Cha 12 Base Atk +7; CMB +11; CMD 28 Feats Dodge, Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse Skills Acrobatics +14, Climb +12, Disguise +6, Perception +10, Stealth +14 Languages Aklo SQ compression Ecology Environment underground Organization solitary or hive (2-6) Treasure incidental Special Abilities Bug Burst (Ex) As a standard action once every 1d4 rounds, a cifal can erupt in a fountain of swarming vermin. All creatures within a 15 foot radius of the cifal must succeed a DC 20 Reflex save or take 8d6 points of slashing and piercing damage. Any creature that takes damage must also save against the cifal’s distraction. The save DC is Constitution based. Rejuvenation (Ex) When a cifal is slain, it releases its nuclear swarm. Treat the nuclear swarm as a locust swarm with the aberration type and an Int of 6. If this swarm is not slain, it grows into a new cifal over the course of one week. Swarmlike (Ex) A cifal is composed of thousands of vermin, and has swarm-like characteristics. It is immune to any single target spells, but has vulnerability to any area of effects that deal damage. A strong or stronger wind deals 1d6 points of damage to a cifal each round, plus an additional 1d6 damage for each strength category above strong (no save). A cifal’s slam attacks deal bludgeoning, slashing and piercing damage.
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memberofthejazzclub · 8 years
I will NEVER get over the size of the BUGS in Texas. I’m talking biblical locust type things. The horror! I had to murder one today that snuck in through the kitchen screen door that doesn’t close properly. I guess the humidity draws them out, I dunno. It was terrible. It was the size of my phone! I saw it scurrying up the wall on the way to the living room blexch!  Somehow I channeled my inner Sigourney Weaver in Aliens and did what needed to be done. I feel so drained. I’m taking a disco nap and then mopping the ENTIRE house I don’t care how late. Btw IT is still in the kitchen under a metal trash can lid. It better not have gone zombie on me.  I wish my butch bae were here, she’s in charge of critters etc. I’m not cut out for this rustic living! Get me out of here please... 
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wedontapologize · 7 years
The post concert high has faded into post concert hangover and I'm into post concert depression. But Thursday night was amazing - I was NOT looking forward to it. To be honest it was mostly me just being the Debbie Downer I always am. We'd seen Saving Abel and a little of a Puddle of Mud set before so I was like eh. I had also heard horrible things about parking at this venue and I was stressed. But we get there early and park fine and we get to our seats and they're amazing - like could not have been better honestly. Everyone at the venue was super friendly and polite - which is a good sign I've learned if security and staff at a show are assholes that show is gonna suck. The opening band was Year of the Locust and I had looked them up and they were good (Ray and Raymond did not agree but me and Tabby were fans) then they all came out into the audience. I met them all and got a selfie with their drummer. They were all amazingly friendly. This was a first for me I never meet bands even small ones that aren't "famous" yet. Then Tantric played and I was most excited for them and Saving Abel honestly - I liked Tantric before but holy hell they were amazing live. Super energetic and fun, they sound identical to their albums and they're from Kentucky so I was like "hey wouldn't it be cool if they came out like the openers did?" And Ray was like they won't they're more popular they won't be out there. NOPE In between their set and Saving Abels here comes Hugo - the lead singer and I was like bye I'm going to say hi. I stood in line forever because people kept line jumping and I was too nervous to say anything. I took pictures for a really sweet old - I mean like old old couple- and then he finally turned around and saw me. I don't remember if I said words because after we hugged and took our selfie HE KISSED MY CHEEK. NO WARNING JUST SUDDEN LIPS TO FACE CONTACT and I completely forgot how to speak. I was stunned into silence for a good 10 minutes. (Ray is real salty about this BTW, but like in a funny way he keeps accusing me of making out with band members and saying I'm a groupie) Then Saving Abel plays and they're great. Super energetic and wild, a lot of crowd participation- they didn't play either of my favorite songs but their set was short. And they said they were coming out to party with everyone after their set. So Tabby and I went out to find them. We met everyone but the lead singer but they were so crowded around we didn't get photos. Then Tabby bought some panties from a clothing line that one of the roadies I think and the band's are involved in anyway the super hot guy selling them embarrassed the hell out of her it was hilarious. And we met the guy who is touring with Tantric playing guitar who used to play with Florida Georgia Line. Puddle of Mud played last and they were okay but the lead singer was definitely high on something. He was acting weird and kept tripping (literally) over the mic and stopping to sit down. They played a bunch of BSide tracks and a lot of people got mad at left which I thought was rude. I mean the guy was really out of it but like they still sounded okay? I've heard since then that he's always really high. When we saw them before it was rock on the range and it came a monsoon of rain and we ended up listening from under a tunnel thing so we didn't get wet and couldn't see so I have little to compare it too. But overall it was such an amazing show. I forgot how amazing concerts are (this was my first concert in 5 years) all of us have the concert bug and we're ready to go to another one. We're actively searching for a good show within driving distance since we all have kids and can't really leave them overnight yet.
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