chronivore · 1 year
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Bioregions and Regeneration
A great article featuring our river basin maps. A conversation between Kosha Joubert and Daniel Christian Wahl.
About Kosha Joubert: Kosha Joubert, MSc, serves as Executive Director of the Global Ecovillage Network. She has many years of experience as an international facilitator, trainer, and consultant, and has worked extensively in the fields of community empowerment, intercultural collaboration, and sustainable development. Kosha is also a co-founder of Gaia Education, which develops trainings at the cutting-edge of sustainability.
About Daniel Christian Wahl: Between 2007 and 2010, Daniel was the director of Findhorn College based at the UN-Habitat Award-winning ecovillage in the north of Scotland. He now works independently as a consultant and educator with organizations like Gaia Education, Bioneers, the Clear Village Foundation, and the UNITAR training centre CIFAL Scotland. He is a member of the International Futures Forum and a fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA).
(source: the linked page)
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notatrasnota · 15 days
Designan a Héctor Navarrete Muñoz Consejero de CIFAL-Miami, en Estados Unidos
CIFAL-Mérida y CIFAL-Miami, desarrollarán programas de capacitación en conjunto en beneficio de los sectores económicos y educativos Miami. Fla.- En el marco del lanzamiento del nuevo centro de formación de Naciones Unidas en Mérida, Yucatán, que ofrecerá capacitación avalado por la Universidad Internacional de la Florida, en breve se presentará un programa de trabajo conjunto que incluirá temas…
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Verhelderende reis door Europese wetgeving met CIFAL Frontrunners https://www.westnieuws.be/verhelderende-reis-door-europese-wetgeving-met-cifal-frontrunners/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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motorsportverso · 1 year
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Porsche Cup Brasil Interlagos 4ª etapa Sprint
Corrida 1-Carrera (992)-Top 5
1-999-Nicolas Costa-Carrera- 17 Laps
2-544-Marçal Muller-Carrera
3-8-Wagner Neugebauer-Carrera
4-7-Miguel Paludo-Carrera
5-56-Peter Ferter-Carrera Sport
Corrida 1-Carrera Sport (992)-Top 3
1-56-Peter Ferter-Carrera Sport-17 Laps
2-800-Raijan  Mascarello-Carrera Sport
3-199-Nelson Marcondes-Carrera Sport
Corrida 2-Carrera Rookie-Top 3
1-32-Paulo Souza-Rookie-17 Laps
2-74-Pietro Cifalli-Rookie
3-9-Edu Guedes-Rookie
Challenge(991.2)-Top 5
1-88-Eduardo Taurisano-14 LAPS
2-72-Antonella Bassani
3-3-Cristian Mohr
4-33-Gustavo Zanon-Sport
5-5-Marcelo Tomassoni
Challenge-Sport(991.2)-Top 3
1-33-Gutavo Zanon-14 LAPS
2-21-Miguel Mariotti
3-66-Sadek Leite
Challenge-Rookie(991.2)-Top 3
1-139-Celio Brasil-14 Laps
2-45-Paulo Totaro
3-100-Seba Malucelli
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aydinrehberi · 2 years
Bahçeşehir Uğur Eğitim Kurumları ve Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi kurucusu, BAU Global Başkanı Enver Yücel, Birleşmiş Milletler'de (BM) çarpıcı bir konuşma yaptı. ABD'nin Hawaii eyaletindeki Chaminade Üniversitesi'nde 19.'su düzenlenen toplantıya, BM Genel Sekreter Yardımcısı ve BM Eğitim ve Araştırma Enstitüsü (UNITAR) Başkanı Nikhil Seth, başkanlar, temsilciler ve akademisyenler katıldı. Enver YücelSÖZCÜ'YE KONUŞTUBM Uluslararası Eğitim Merkezi (CIFAL) Türkiye Başkanı Enver Yücel, SÖZCÜ'ye konuştu. “Günümüz dünyasında, yaşadığımız, şahit olduğumuz savaşlar, açlık sorunu ve iklim krizi gibi küresel sorunlar, eğitimin ne kadar önemli ve hayati olduğunu tekrar hatırlattı” diyen BAU Global Başkanı Enver Yücel sözlerini şöyle sürdürdü:“Dünyadaki bütün üretim, tüketim ve dağıtım modellerini pandemi yeniden şekillendirdi. Hiçbir şey artık pandemiden önceki gibi olmayacak. En çok değişim, eğitim ve sağlıkta hissedildi. Dünyadaki bir çocuğun açlığı artık hepimizi ilgilendiriyor. Küresel boyutta ekonomiyi bu çağın gereklerine göre dönüştürüp, insanlığa uygun sistemler geliştirmek zorundayız.İklim değişikliği, küresel salgın, bölgesel savaşlar gibi geleceğe dair tüm tehditlerle baş etmek için bir an önce kendimize dönmeliyiz. Yerelden başlayarak, sürdürülebilir kalkınma hedeflerini gündemimize almalıyız. Özellikle, yerelde kadının güçlenmesi, hayvancılık ve tarımda bilimsel, yeşil büyüme odaklı girişimlerin artması ve küresel kalkınmanın itici gücü olmak için çalışmalıyız.”KADINLAR GÜÇLENMELİ“Ben köyde doğup, büyüdüm. Tarım ve hayvancılığın önemini çok iyi biliyorum. Kadınların güçlenmesi hedefiyle, biz memleketim Giresun'da kadın kooperatifleri kurduk. Karbon salınımının sıfır olduğu 1700 rakımlı Kulakkaya Yaylası'nda koyun yünlerinden, keçeden ürünler yapan kadınlarımız, küresel moda dünyasına adım atmaya artık çok yakın. Kadınlardan, köyden ve tarımdan bağımsız sürdürülebilir bir kalkınma sağlanamaz.”YANLIŞ ELLERE HİZMET!“BAU olarak biz, yarını inşa edecek çocukların ve gençlerin kaliteli eğitim alması, sürdürülebilirlik vizyonuna sahip yetişmesi için eğitimde çok önemli yenilikler yaptık. Sürdürülebilir kalkınma anaokulundan itibaren müfredatımıza eklendi. Ancak ve ancak doğru eğitim ve bilimle, toplumda barış ve huzur sağlanırsa, küresel sorunlar çözüme kavuşur. Eğer bilim ve teknoloji, yanlış ellerde hizmet ediyorsa dünyada huzur yoktur, olamaz ve barış da sağlanamaz.” BM'deki tek TürkBahçeşehir Üniversitesi Ocak 2023'te 25. yaşını kutlayacak. THE 2023'te Türkiye'deki üniversiteler içinde 5'inci oldu. Endüstriyel kazanç alanında dünyada ilk 500 üniversite arasına 374. sıradan girdi. ABD'den Çin'e, Fransa'dan Güney Kore'ye 6 bini aşkın yabancı öğrencisi var. 50 bin mezun verdi. Mezunları, MIT, Harvard, Stanford, Oxford gibi dünyanın en iyi üniversitelerinden her yıl kabul alıyor. Hakkari'den Hawaii'ye55 yıl önce kurulan Bahçeşehir Uğur Eğitim Kurumları, Avrupa'nın en büyük eğitim kurumu olmayı başardı. BAU Global Başkanı Enver Yücel, “Vatanımızın her karış toprağında kurumlarımızın bayrağını dalgalandırmak ve Türkiye'ye eğitimle hizmet vermek istiyoruz” dedi. Şimdi de, Hakkari-Yüksekova'da okul açıyor. Hüseyin Yücel-Enver Yücel-Begüm YücelBahçeşehir Koleji ve Uğur Okulları İcra Kurulu Başkanı Hüseyin Yücel:Sorumluluğumuz büyük“Yıllarını eğitim sektörüne vermiş babamın vizyonu, hem bizler hem de ülkemiz için çok değerli. Ne kadar çok çocuğa dokunabilirsek, o kadar mutluyuz. Sorumluluğumuz çok büyük ve bunun bilincindeyiz.”Semra-Enver Yücel (SEY) Vakfı Başkanvekili Begüm Yücel:Burslarda fırsat eşitliği“Burslarda fırsat eşitliği için, çocukların coğrafi kısıtlamalar olmadan daha adil imkanlara sahip olmasını istedik. Başarı kriteri aranmaksızın, ihtiyaç sahibi çocukların ilköğretim boyunca tüm eğitim ihtiyaçlarını karşılıyoruz.” Eğitim,Üniversite,Kadın,Baş,Küresel,Başkanı,Enver Yücel,Yücel,Bahçeşehir ve daha fazla aydın haber yazıları okumak için Eğitim sayfasını ziyaret edebilirsiniz.Kaynak: https://www.sozcu.com.tr/2022/egitim/bir-cocugun-acligi-hepimizi-ilgilendiriyor-7520038/
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soisialta · 2 years
AXSChat with Axel Leblois. President and Executive Director at G3ict - The Global Initiative for Inclusive ICTs from akwyz on Vimeo.
Axel Leblois spent over 20 years at the helm of information technology companies in the United States including as CEO of Computerworld Communications, CEO of IDC – International Data Corporation, Vice-Chairman of IDG – International Data Group, President of Bull HN Worldwide Information Systems – formerly Honeywell Information Systems, CEO of ExecuTrain and President of W2i, the Wireless Internet Institute. Axel Leblois served as a Senior Special Fellow of UNITAR, the United Nations Institute for Training and Research, and is a founding trustee of its North American affiliate CIFAL Atlanta. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of USICD, U.S. International Council on Disabilities, and GAATES, Global Alliance on Accessible Technologies and Environments. In addition, he serves on the Advisory Board of Mada, Qatar Assistive Technology Center, and on the Scientific Advisory Board of Cloud4all. He is an adjunct professor at OCAD University/Inclusive Design Institute. He served as chairman of the board of the Atlanta International School and is chairman of the board of CASIE, the Center for the Advancement and Study of International Education. He is a frequent speaker at conferences and seminars on ICT accessibility for persons with disabilities organized for policy makers, civil society and the private sector to foster collaboration among multiple stakeholders. In his capacity, Mr. Leblois oversees all the publishing, capacity building and advocacy activities of G3ict. Mr. Leblois holds an MBA from INSEAD and is a graduate of Sciences Po Paris.
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oldschoolfrp · 3 years
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The cifal is one of those Fiend Folio monsters I found forgettable at first but there is something here that could work as an interesting encounter, possibly as a summoned creature, something allied to a druid casting creeping doom, or guarding a temple with insectoid and spider demons.  An insect swarm that passes for a humanoid until closer examination, it takes only 1 hp damage from edged weapons but normal damage from blunt strikes.  its own attack represents many simultaneous stings, so you could update this description with some poison effects.  (Looks like a Russ Nicholson, AD&D Fiend Folio, 1981)
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thecreaturecodex · 5 years
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“Gamma World Monsters 8″ by Mike Faille, © Wizards of the Coast. Accessed at the artist’s deviantArt gallery here
[The cifal is a monster from the Fiend Folio that gets an awful lot of crap. Which is too bad, because the idea of a swarm of bugs in human shape is a pretty cool concept. Frankly, I’m tempted to give one bard levels and put it in my game.
The mechanics of the original version are baffling even by the standards of 1e’s exception-based design, however. I can see it being awful in actual play, leading to its bad reputation. But not only did a true-blue CIFAL appear in the 4e D&D kitbash of Gamma World, two different fiendish versions of the idea cropped up in that edition as well, the swarm devil and host demon.
BTW, this image contains a pic of another monster that will be posted in this set of conversions. And no, not Chicken Rambo.]
Cifal CR 8 N Aberration This writhing, seething mass is a conglomeration of thousands of insects, centipedes, spiders and other vermin, pushed together into a disturbingly humanoid shape.
Cifals are strange aberrant forms of life, a swarm of writhing vermin compressed into a man-like shape. The name was coined as an acronym (“colonial insect-formed artificial life”) by some sage long ago—they call themselves “the buzzing ones”, in a dialect of Aklo difficult to speak with fleshy lips and throats. Cifals are intelligent, albeit not very sophisticated, and they gather in groups to better hunt prey and to mingle their essences together to create new variety.
A cifal’s body contains many unrelated species of insects, spiders, scorpions and other invertebrates. The core of any cifal is its “nuclear swarm”, a gathering of intelligent flying insects of beetle-like appearance. The nuclear swarm hosts the cifal’s intelligence, and without it the mass collapses into self-devouring violence. With it, the creatures can work among themselves to create a unified body, which devours animal and plant tissue alike with appendages of chewing, squirming hunger. They can temporarily release control of their hosts to create a cloud that tears at all caught in it. When the body is slain, the nuclear swarm can escape, and typically flees to slowly build up a new stable of vermin to create a new body.
Advanced Cifals A cifal with the advanced template is typically one that has incorporated a whole swarm of vermin into its body, as opposed to cobbling together many discrete types. Advanced cifals may have a special attack that they inflict with their slams and bug burst. Some possible attacks include the cling ability of an army ant swarm, the disease of a tick swarm, the poison of a centipede or spider swarm, or the gnaw of a termite swarm. If there is a save DC involved with this attack, use the DC for the cifal’s abilities, not the DC for the original swarm.
Cifal       CR 8 XP 4,200 CN Medium aberration Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +12, tremorsense 30 ft. Defense AC 21, touch 17, flat-footed 14 (+6 Dex, +1 dodge, +4 natural) hp 95 (10d8+50); fast healing 5 Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +9 DR 10/bludgeoning; Immune mind-influencing effects Defensive Abilities amorphous, ferocity, rejuvenation, swarmlike Offense Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft. Melee 2 slams +13 (1d12+4 plus distraction) Special Attacks bug burst, distraction (DC 20) Statistics Str 18, Dex 22, Con 21, Int 6, Wis 15, Cha 12 Base Atk +7; CMB +11; CMD 28 Feats Dodge, Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse Skills Acrobatics +14, Climb +12, Disguise +6, Perception +10, Stealth +14 Languages Aklo SQ compression Ecology Environment underground Organization solitary or hive (2-6) Treasure incidental Special Abilities Bug Burst (Ex) As a standard action once every 1d4 rounds, a cifal can erupt in a fountain of swarming vermin. All creatures within a 15 foot radius of the cifal must succeed a DC 20 Reflex save or take 8d6 points of slashing and piercing damage. Any creature that takes damage must also save against the cifal’s distraction. The save DC is Constitution based. Rejuvenation (Ex) When a cifal is slain, it releases its nuclear swarm. Treat the nuclear swarm as a locust swarm with the aberration type and an Int of 6. If this swarm is not slain, it grows into a new cifal over the course of one week. Swarmlike (Ex) A cifal is composed of thousands of vermin, and has swarm-like characteristics. It is immune to any single target spells, but has vulnerability to any area of effects that deal damage. A strong or stronger wind deals 1d6 points of damage to a cifal each round, plus an additional 1d6 damage for each strength category above strong (no save). A cifal’s slam attacks deal bludgeoning, slashing and piercing damage.
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bulancakajans-blog · 3 years
İklim Zirvesi Kulakkaya Yaylasında Başladı
İklim Zirvesi Kulakkaya Yaylasında Başladı
Liderler için Uluslararası Eğitim Merkezi (CIFAL) İstanbul ile BM Eğitim ve Araştırma Enstitüsü (UNITAR)’ın katkılarıyla, Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi tarafından düzenlenen zirve toplantısı üst düzey katılımcılarla gerçekleştirildi. Üst düzey katılımcıların yanı sıra “Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Hedefleri” alanında görev yapan Birleşmeş Milletler (BM) Türkiye delegasyonu ve kurumlarının temsilcileri,…
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kunstsprechen · 2 years
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binob dödelik senob dele lölik ya do mudelik
(mir ist donnerstaglich ich fühle es schon den ganzen Tag obschon es montaglich ...)
du dödel di ! - (Dr. Vogler, Jodel-Diplom-Lehrer) du dödel di ! - (Cifal Prälat Schleyer, Weltspracherfinder) Volapük: du: während dödel: Donnerstag di: von
also: während ... von Donnerstag abgleitet, quasi “donnerstaglich”, sprich der Adjektiv von Donnerstag. Volapük: du dödel di = dödelik
Schleyer ist Loriot, Loriot ist Schleyer - der raffinierte Mops!
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myth-lord · 3 years
D&D Madness
My newest list of D&D monsters in my own worldbuilding project (for fun)
There are no more devils and yugoloths in my D&D realms, they are all demons/fiends now. 
Aarakocra - Kenku - Nagpa - Vrock (Corrupted Aarakocra) Abeil (Worker / Soldier / Queen) Aboleth - Chuul (Aboleth Creation) - Cloaker (Aboleth Creation) - Kuo-Toa (Skum) (Aboleth Creation) Ahuizotl Air Elemental - Breathdrinker - Invisible Stalker - Lightning Elemental - Ragewind - Tempest Almiraj ANEMONE - Giant Anemone ANGEL (Most have bizarre otherworldly real-forms, but can shapeshift into winged humanoid to hide it.) - Aasimar (Half-Angel) - Angel of Decay (Undead Angel) - Archon (Hound) - Cherub (Erote) - Deva (Guardian Angel) - Erinyes (Fallen Angel) - Justicator (Extreme Law Angel) - Lillend (Muse) - Planetar (Trumpet Archon) - Solar (Healing Angel) - Valkyrie (Battle Angel) ANIMATED OBJECT - Carrionette (Animated Puppet/Doll) - Helmed Horror (Animated Armor) - Rug of Smothering (Animated Carpet) - Scarecrow - Tome Guardian (Animated Book) - Xaver (Animated Weapon) Ankheg - Craud (Sea Ankheg) - Kruthik (Corrupted Abyssal Ankheg) ANT - Abyss Ant - Giant Ant APE - Barlgura - Dire Ape (King Kong Size) - Girallon Araton (Desert Sand Devil) Arrowhawk - Steelwing Assassin Bug (Like the real-world insect) Assassin Vine - Bloodsipper - Choke Creeper Astral Stalker Aurumvorax Axe Beak (Terror Bird) - Achaierai (Corrupted Abyssal Axe Beak)
Babau (Blood Demon) Baku Balor Basilisk - Behir (Dracolisk) - Frost Salamander (Frost Basilisk) - Id Fiend (Fear Basilisk / Gila Monster) BAT - Eyewing (Small) - Fire Bat - Mobat (Really Big) Bebilith - Retriever BEETLE - Agony Beetle - Bombardier Beetle - Fire Beetle - Hoard Scarab - Siege Beetle - Slicer Beetle (most aggressive) - Water Beetle (mixed with Giant Water Bug) BEHEMOTH (all unique really-big, really-powerful monsters) - Astral Dreadnought - Kraken - Tarrasque Beholder - Eye of the Deep (Aboleth Creation) - Gazer (Very small) - Gorbel (Primitive Beholder) - Nothic (Beholder Creation) - -- Shardsoul Slayer (Phthisic)(Greater Nothic) Belker Black Dragon - Shadow Dragon (Undead Black Dragon) Bladeling (Weapon animates automatically when Bladeling dies) Blink Dog - Cooshee (more nature abilities) - Moon Dog Blue Dragon (Storm Dragon) BOAR - Dire Boar - Fhorge (Corrupted Abyssal Boar) - Tusk Terror (Fey Boar) Bonesnapper (Intelligent smaller T.Rex) Boobrie (Giant Hesperornis) Brown Dragon (Wingless) Bulette Bullywug - Banderhobb (Aberration Bullywug) - Grung (Smaller than Bullywug, but much more powerful, poison) - Hezrou (Pod Demon) (Abyssal Corrupted Bullywug)
Carbuncle CARNIVOROUS PLANT - Giant Sundew - Greenvise - Mantrap Carrion Crawler - Gravecrawler (Undead Crawler) - Rot Grubs (The crawlers young) - Ulgurstasta (Very big intelligent Crawler) CAT - Elven Cat (Cat Sith) - Grimalkin (like the Matagot in Fantastic Beasts) - Luck Eater (Golden cat with golden gem in forehead like Pokemon Persian / Can hover in air like Cheshire Cat) CATTLE - Catoblepas - Gorgon - Rothe Cave Fisher - Avalancher Centaur - Armanite (Corrupted Abyssal Centaur) CENTIPEDE - Adaru (Abyssal Centipede) - Giant Centipede - Megapede - Remorhaz Chasme - Cifal (Can be created with one of the Chasme abilities) Chathrang Chimera (Different look) Choker - Skulk (Choker that can change color of skin, better assassin) Cockatrice - Pyrolisk (Touch burns, not gaze) Copper Dragon (keep behavior and gain behavior from Brass Dragons / neutral alignment) CRUSTACEAN - Giant Crab - Hammerclaw - Sea Hermit Crystal Dragon (There are good, neutral and evil variants)
DARK TREE - Hangman Tree - Orcwort - Quickwood Deadly Dancer Deepspawn Destrachan Dharculus Digester (Feeds on oozes) DINOSAUR - Ankylosaurus - -- Sauropelta (More aggressive variant) - Brontosaurus - -- Amargasaurus (Smaller but much more aggressive) - Compsognathus - Deinonychus - Dimetrodon - Elasmosaurus - -- Plesiosaurus (Smaller and more friendly) - Ichthyosaurus - -- Eurhinosaurus (Larger and more dangerous) - Mosasaurus - Pachycephalosaurus - -- Stygimoloch (Smaller but much more aggressive) - Pteranodon - -- Quetzalcoatlus - Stegosaurus - -- Kentrosaurus (Smaller and much more aggressive) - Tanystropheus (Bigger and much more aggressive than the real creature) - Therizinosaurus (new) - Triceratops - -- Styracosaurus (Smaller but much more aggressive) - Tyrannosaurus Rex Disenchanter (not a joke monster) Displacer Beast Domovoi (Good, Neutral and Evil variants) Doppelganger - Maurezhi (Abyssal, Corrupted Doppelganger) Dragon Eel (Dunkleosteus appearance) Dragon Turtle (There are also Swamp variants with Snapping Turtle features) DRAGONFLY - Giant Dragonfly DRAKE - Air Drake (Like the Pathfinder Mist Drake) - Ambush Drake - Earth Drake (Much like the Rock Reptile, but Chameleon) - Fire Drake (Much like the Zezir) - Rage Drake (Negative Energy Drake) - Ravid (Positive Energy Drake) - Water Drake (Looks like a Plesiosaurus a bit, but more magical) - Wyvern - -- Abyss Drake Drow - Aranea (Meet the new handmaidens of Lolth, which make much more sense to me.) - Drider (Drow who passed the test of Lolth) - Ettercap (Drow who failed the test of Lolth) Dryad - Hamadryad (Very powerful Dryad, controls entire forest) - Myconid (Fungus underground Dryad) - Splinterwaif (Corrupted undead Dryad) - Vine Horror (Swampy Evil Dryad) - Wood Woad (Male more violent and protective Dryad) Duergar - Automaton (Duergar who replaced most of their flesh with iron) - Derro (Duergar who became insane after being send to the Far Realm) - Nightshade (Insane Duergar who love poison, venom and plants, and use their own skin to grow plants) Dustdigger - Silt Horror (Bigger and thinner Dustdiggers) - Voracia (Very big abyssal Dustdiggers)
Earth Elemental - Galeb Duhr - -- Bowler (animated stones Galebs) - Mudman - Necromental - -- Tomb Mote (Smaller parts that fall off a Necromental animate into these) - Sandman (Sleep abilities) - Skriaxit (Living Sandstorm) - Zaratan Eblis EEL - Cave Moray - Giant Moray Eladrin - Ghaele (The leaders and most powerful of the Eladrin) - Wild Hunt ENERGON - Xag-Ya - Yeg-Yi Executioner’s Hood (Ooze)
Fachan Faerie Dragon Fihyr Filcher - Temporal Filcher Fire Elemental - Immolith (Hellish fire elemental) - Magma Brute (Magma Hurler) - -- Magmin (Magma Brutes throw magmins as ranged weapons) - Phoenix (Good, Evil and Neutral phoenix exist) Firefriend (While very friendly and curious, their abilities are very dangerous and destructive when around fire) Flumph Fomorian - Eldritch Giant (The beautiful non-cursed form of the Fomorian) - Plague Spewer (Undead Fomorian who went too far with magic to become beautiful again) - Protean (Fomorians who became even more powerful by accident, master shapeshifters) Foxwoman (Kitsune / More like a Foxwere than a Werefox) FROG - Blindheim (non-humanoid, underground bioluminescence frogs) - Froghemoth (mutant frog from far realm) - Giant Frog FUNGUS - Ascomoid - Basidirond - Gas Spore - Phycomid (Very dangerous abyssal fungus / Much like pathfinders Terotricus) - Violet Fungus
GAR - Giant Gar Gargoyle (Evil, Good and Neutral variants exist) - Kapoacinth - Margoyle (Demonic Spirits entered normal Gargoyles) Gelatinous Cube GENIE - Dao - Djinni - Efreeti - Jann (light-based good-natured Genies) - Khayal (shadow-based evil-natured Genies) - Marid - -- Qorrashi (Ice-based Marid) Ghost - Allip - Banshee - Caller in Darkness - Einherjar (Warrior spirits raised by Valkyries) - Poltergeist (the psychic remains of a psionic child) - Trap Haunt (Animates and possesses traps of all kinds) - Wraith (red spirit of vengeance, allip is black) Ghoul - Berbalang (can separate it’s body-parts like Manananggal.) - Devourer (Abyssal Demonic Ghoul) - Ghast (Tyrantfog) - Wendigo (Very powerful Ghouls that inflict hunger, famine and cannibalism) GIANT - Cloud Giant - -- Fog Giant (Banished primitive Cloud Giants) - Cyclops (4e version / replaces Stone and Hill giants as the Earth-based giant.) - Death Giant - Firbolg (Animal-plant based druid-giant) - Fire Giant - Frost Giant Giant Owl (neutral and non-intelligent now) - Noctral (This is the giant intelligent owl) Gibbering Mouther (Chaos Beast) - Argos (Bigger, better and more intelligent Mouthers) - Skybleeder (Abyssal, floating mouthers) Glabrezu Gloomwing (Attracted to doom, evil places and disasters) - Gloom Crawler (Tenebrous Worm / Less aggressive) Gnoll - Flind (demonic corrupted Gnolls) - Marrashi (demonic corrupted Marru) - Marru (Jackal-headed more civilized Gnolls) - Witherling (Deadborn Vulture ability, some Gnolls raise as undead instantly after dying.) Goblin - Barghest (Demonic Goblins) - Bugbear (Bagman abilities, D&D’s true bogeyman) - Nilbog (Not unique, but very rare) - Norker (Pech abilities) - Spriggan (Fey Goblins) GOLEM - Clay Golem - -- Alchemical Golem - Flesh Golem - -- Drolem (Dragonflesh Golem) - -- Rotripper (A monstrous Flesh Golem that rips off flesh and adds it to itself) - Iron Golem - -- Adamantine Golem - -- Clockwork Horror (Clockroach) - -- Iron Cobra - -- Shield Guardian - -- Silver Golem (Anti-Evil golem, slayer of evil) - -- Steel Predator - Stone Golem - -- Coral Golem - -- Diamond Golem (Aura grants defense to allies) - -- Dwarf Ancestor (Every dwarf/duergar’s soul will go into this statue, turning this statue more powerful with every death, protectors of dwarven cities, one in each city) - -- Eidolon (stone golem with part of a soul of a god inside it, thinks it is a god itself) - -- Emerald Golem (Controls teleports around it) - -- Hellfire Engine (Juggernaut made from abyssal obsidian and fire) - -- Ruby Golem (Aura grants attack-power to allies) Gravorg Gray Dragon Gray Render - Braxat (Desert Renders) - Cadaver Collector (Renders that choose a necromancer/lich as their favorite become their slaves and collect undead for them) Green Dragon Green Slime - Arcane Ooze - Corrupture (very powerful and ancient Green Slimes, much bigger as they didn’t split like most Green Slimes do) Grimlock - Geonid (Grimlocks that use stones/rocks as cover) Gold Dragon (not all Gold Dragons are good, some are very greedy treasure hoarders that can animate the treasures they collected into golem like constructs) Gremlin - Quarrak (twin demonic Gremlins) Griffon (sorry no Hippogriff, I really dislike them)
Hadozee HAG - Annis Hag - Bheur Hag (Frostwind Virago) - Green Hag (Turns victims into frogs or insects) - Night Hag - Sea Hag (More powerful) Hamatula (Jovoc Aura / Demons of Pain) Harpy - Siren Hatori (Sand-Swimming Mosasaurus/Crocodile) Hell Hound - Canoloth - Death Dog - Howler - Yeth Hound (Always borns as triplets, if one dies the others become more powerful and bigger as they absorb their died kin.) Hippocampus Hook Horror Hydra
Imp - Gadacro (Sight and eye-obsessed Imps) - Mephit (Bigger imps that can absorb elements into their skin, and turn into the element they desire.) - Quasit (More powerful wingless Imps)
JELLYFISH - Belabra (Floater / Land based floating jellyfish) - Dybbuk (Demonic corpse-controlling jellyfish) - Giant Jellyfish
Kalothagh (Giant intelligent pufferfish) Kelpie (Still a seaweed plant creature) Kirin (Not a horse, more like a Celestial Stag) Kirre Korred Krenshar - Carcass Eater (Undead Krenshar) Kyton - Gorechain (Large giant using chains, much like Jack-in-Irons)
Larva - Lemure - Rutterkin Lava Ooze LEECH - Giant Leech - Puppeteer Leprechaun (Neutral, Good and Evil variants, Evil Leprechauns wear red and call themselves Clurichaun, but still same creature) Leucrotta Lich - Death Knight (Just a physical damage lich) - Demilich (Weaker Lich, could not fully reanimate) - Dracolich - Skull Lord (More powerful lich that killed other liches and added their skulls to its form) LIZARD - Muckdweller - Shocker Lizard Lizardfolk - Draconian - Drakkoth - Kobold - -- Urd - Salamander (Fiendish, Demonic Lizardmen) - Troglodyte (Much bigger prehistoric underground lizardmen) LYCANTHROPE - Werebear - -- Urskan (More feral Polar-Werebear) - Wereboar - Wererat - -- Uridezu (Corrupted demonic Wererat who hates beauty) - Wereshark - Werewolf
Mandragora Manticore - Jarilith (Fiendish, wingless Manticore) MANTIS - Ethereal Slayer (Fey Mantis with anti-teleport abilities) - Giant Mantis Marilith - Spell Weaver (Marilith who use spells and magic instead of physical attacks and weapons.) Masher (Much like a giant version of the Bobbit Worm) MEGAFAUNA - Glyptodon - Mammoth - Megaloceros - Megalodon - Megatherium - Smilodon Merfolk - Merrow - Triton - Wastrilith (Corrupted, Demonic Merfolk) Merregon - Arrow Demon (Other name needed) - Barbazu (More rare and more powerful Merregons) Merrenoloth Mimic - Trapper (Bigger Mimics can transform into bigger objects, entire floors or ceilings or even into huts and houses.) Mind Flayer - Brain Collector - Cerebrilith (Demonic brain-things created by Mind Flayers) - Elder Brain - Githyanki - Grell (Creations of the Mind Flayers) - Intellect Devourer - Ulitharid Minotaur - Goristro (Demonic, Corrupted Minotaurs) Mohrg (Actually the real creature is the pink-organs, which is a Aberration who feeds on murder, not an undead.) Mummy - Crawling Apocalypse - Grisgol (Magical Mummy, instead of bandage used with normal mummies, they used scrolls and magical incantations. - Skirr (Very ancient and powerful Mummy-Dragons.)
NAGA - Guardian Naga (Good) - Spirit Naga (Dark Naga) (Evil) - Water Naga (Neutral) Nerra - Fetch (Corrupted and demonic Nerra) Nightmare - Cauchemar (Nightmare Beast abilities, it’s huge aura causes nightmares in sleeping creatures. Purple flames instead of normal fire.) Nightwalker - Bodak (Created from the victims of Nightwalkers, behave and move like the Grudge) Nuckelavee (Like the Pathfinder version, not the D&D old version.) Nymph - Lampad (Shadow Nymphs of the Underdark) - Nereid (Water Nymph) - Oread (Earth Nymph) - Sylph (Air Nymphs)
Obliviax OCTOPUS - Darktentacles (Watcher in the Water) - Decapus (Tree Octopus) - Giant Octopus Ogre - Ettin - Oni (Demonic, magical Ogre) Oliphant (Much like the Oliphaunts from LOTR) Orc - Orog (Replaced the Hobgoblins / Smart war-veterans) - Tanarukk (Demonic Orcs) - Tulgar (Very powerful spiritual shaman-like antlered Orcs who got a demon-lords favor) Osyluth (Uses its own bones in battle. / Bones grow back instantly) OTTER - Giant Otter (Dobhar-Chu, playful but in a bad way) Otyugh - Abyssal Maw (Corrupted and demonical Otyugh) Owlbear - Winterclaw (Snow Owl + Polar Bear / Winged)
Paeliryon (The smell, perfume demon, sucks in air and turns it corruptive, corrupts air around it.) Pegasus Peryton Phane PUDDING - Black Pudding (Negative energy, underground Pudding, bones animate as Skeletons.) - Gray Pudding (Looks like rocks and stone until it is too late.) - White Pudding (Absorbs heat, not flesh) Purple Dragon - Brainstealer Dragon (Creation of the Mind Flayers) Purple Worm - Ashworm (Younger Purple Worms who gather in Deserts until they mature) - Fiendwurm (Demonic, corrupted Purple Worms) - Neothelid (Creation of the Mind Flayers)
Quickling Quipper (Bigger, more dangerous, more aggressive magical Piranha fish.)
Rakshasa - Akchazar (White, more powerful and magical Rakshasa.) - Naztharune (Black, less powerful and less magical assassin Rakshasa.) RAT - Cranium Rats - Giant Rat - Moonrat - Osquip (Can eat its way through any material spare for Adamantine.) - Rylkar (Intelligent and dangerous Rat creatures.) Red Dragon - Hellfire Wyrm (Corrupted and Fiendish Red Dragons.) Redcap Roc Roper - Piercer (Young of the Ropers) ROSE - Firethorn (Feed on the ashes of their victims.) - Vampire Rose (Bloodthorn) Rust Monster - Annihilator (One of the most dangerous monsters around, turns everything it touches into black dust.)
Sahuagin - Morkoth (Sahuagin that entered the Far Realm) - Skulvyn (Demonic corrupted Sahuagin.) Satyr - Bulezau (Oinoloth) (Pestilence demons, corrupted Satyrs.) SCORPION - Giant Scorpion - Hellstinger Sea Cat (Mishibizhiw / Very different than the normal Sea Lion) Shadow (Can animate corpses) - Darkweaver (Shadow Spider) - Shadow Demon (Undead demons that can possess anything weaker than itself) - Shadow Mastiff (Bad luck shadow dogs) Shambling Mound - Tendriculos (Bigger Shambing Mounds mostly found in the Abyss) Shardmind - Chaos Shard (Creations of the Shardmind, magical weapons of the Shardmind) - Crysmal (Creations of the Shardmind, pets of the Shardmind) - Crystal Ooze (Creations of the Shardmind, Failed experiment) - Gulgar (Creations of the Shardmind, look more like half-diamond Rhinoceros now, not like humanoids. Used as siege weapons and mounts by the Shardmind.) SHELLFISH - Giant Clam Sibriex Silver Dragon (Only dragon that is always gentle and good) - Mercury Dragon (Corrupted/tortured/captured Silver Dragons turn into vile slithering and liquid horrors of their former selves.) Simpathetic (Half parrot and half crow, very annoying) Skeleton - Bone Golem (Not a Golem at all, a bigger Skeleton with more bizarre form, still undead not a construct.) - Boneyard (Collection of all types of bones, absorbs more bones to become even bigger.) - Flameskull (The skull of a giant to make it different from Demilich) - Giant Skeleton (Gashadokuro) - Huecuva (Skeletons who heal other undead.) - Reaper (Like the Grim Reaper it hunts for dying creatures.) SKUNK - Giant Skunk - Witherstench (Magical fiendish Skunks with powers over stench.) SLUG - Balhannoth (Slugs from the Far Realm.) - Flail Snail - Giant Slug - Metalmaster - Sea Snail (Extremely poisonous and beautiful) SNAKE - Amphisbaena - Boalisk (It’s gaze causes victims to become breathless and see snakes everywhere, these are illusions though.) - Couatl (There are neutral, good and evil narcissistic Couatl) - Jaculi (They use their sharp head as a spear-like weapon) - Sea Serpent (Extremely long.) Solamith SOLIFUGID - Giant Solifugid Sphinx (Sphinxes can be Neutral or Evil.) - Lamia (Fiendish and corrupted Sphinxes) - Lammasu (Friendly, good and Celestial Sphinxes.) SPIDER - Bristle Spider (Very large plant-like spider.) - Dreamweaver Spider (Spider feeds on dreams and souls and weaves these dreams/souls into strange temporary monster minions.) - Giant Spider - Phase Spider (White and Blue colors, doesn’t have human face.) - Snow Spider (Much like a tarantula with the fur of a polar bear.) - Tomb Spider - -- Web Golem (Also known as Adherer / Not a real golem, more of a created minion from the Tomb Spider, who uses a corpse and magical webs to create these.) Sprite - Nixie - Pixie SQUID - Giant Squid SQUIRREL - Kercpa (Behave much like Robin Hood, steal from the wealthy.) - Skiurid (Very evil Squirrels which attack in large groups.) Stirge Su-Monster - Julajimus (Giant fey variants of the Su-Monster.) Succubus - Cambion (Tiefling) - Incubus Swordwing (Collectors of stuff and skulls)
Tabaxi Thri-Kreen - Gelugon (Corrupted and demonic Thri-Kreen) TICK - Bloodsilk Spider (Not actually a spider, but a tick that uses webs as a spider, the webs drain blood.) - Giant Tick - Soul Tick (Giant tick who sucks out the soul of a victim instead of blood, when the soul is absorbed entirely, the Tick will slowly turn into a copy of the dead victim.) Titan - Hundred-Handed One Tlincalli Treant - Saguaro Sentinel (Desert treants shaped like huge cacti) Tri-Flower Frond (All types of colors exist) Troll - Rot Troll (Undead Trolls, which is a very hard thing to create, their regeneration-abilities can’t handle the undead-status and they spread this rotting curse with their aura.)
Umber Hulk Unicorn - Dusk Unicorn (Ecalypse / Shadow Unicorn) URCHIN - Land Urchin - Silver Urchin (Large coastal Urchins which shoot their beautiful quills to their victims.)
Vampire - Blood Spawn (Vampire Spawns) - Lhiannan Shee (Female Vampires who are very beautiful and which feed on Charisma, ideas and creativity.) - Nosferatu (Ancient vampire lords, born undead.) - Varrangoin (Vampires who went to long without blood can turn into these bat-like humanoids, very bestial vampires.) Vampiric Mist - Blood Amniote (These blood-ooze creatures are created by vampiric mists who drip too much blood on unholy ground. They can animate corpses by replacing the blood.) - Crimson Death (Very large mist monsters.) - Mihstu (These mist monsters can harden the blood they absorbed into spiky spear and sword-like weapons.) Vargouille
WASP - Advespa (Fiendish and corrupted Giant Wasps) - Giant Wasp - Hellwasp Swarm (The swarm has a hive-mind and can create humanoid or monstrous forms by working together.) - Quanlos (Mind-controlling poison wasps, much like giant magical Emerald Wasps.) - Spider Eater Water Elemental - Caller from the Deeps (Undead Water Elementals) - Ice Elemental - -- Chraal (Evil intelligent Ice Elementals.) - Leviathan (Some have the size of an entire animated lake.) - Water Weird (More intelligent and vile than normal Water Elementals who are non-intelligent and neutral.) White Dragon Will o Wisp - Nyth (Magic-draining Will o Wisps.) - Trilloch (Undead Will o Wisps, absorb happiness and turn their victims into negative evil shadows of their former selves.) - Visilight (Vain will o wisps who steal the beauty of their victims, turning their victims ugly.) WOLF - Winter Wolf (Very big, Amarok sized and behavior.) - Worg Wolf-in-Sheeps-Clothing WOLVERINE - Dire Wolverine (Gulon)
Yellow Dragon - Sunwyrm Yellow Musk Creeper - Corpse Flower - Twilight Bloom Yeti Yochlol (Not a handmaiden for Lolth anymore as those are Aranea now, these are handmaidens for Juiblex) Yrthak (Sound Dragons) Yuan-Ti (Look very human-like but snake-like eyes, some scales and a tongue, love poison and venom of all types.) - Abomination (More powerful leaders of the Yuan-Ti.) - Medusa (Female variants of Yuan-Ti, but were once vain humans, who got cursed into becoming a type of Yuan-Ti.)
Zombie - Atropal - Crawling Claw (There are also bigger variants of course.) - Drowned (Weaker drowned zombies, non intelligent.) - -- Skuz (Much more powerful drowned zombies, intelligent.) - Dustblight (Zombie who died in desert by drought and uses drought as a weapon.) - Entombed (Zombie died by cold who controls ice and uses it as an armor.) - Hullathoin (Zombie Dragon/Drake that controls and creates other undead.) - Revenant (More powerful zombies, reanimate from any form of damage, until they got their revenge.) - Wight (More intelligent insane zombies, died while insane.) Zorbo
Others I really like but I don’t know what to do with them.
Meenlock / Slithering Tracker / Boneclaw / Alkilith / Narzugon / Meazel / Phoelarch / Famine Spirit / Skin Kite / Formian / Thoqqua / Vaporighu / Ragewalker / Skindancer / Evistro / Draudnu / Ethereal Defiler / Ghaunadan / Sand Hunter / Ant Lion / Kamadan / Caligrosto / Gray Jester
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Primer encuentro con el presidente de Cifal
Integrantes de la Defensoría del Vecino de Centenario se reunieron ayer en Neuquén con el presidente de la Fundación Luciérnaga y el titular de CIFAL argentina, Wálter José Kirby para exponer el proyecto Compromiso Verde y empezar a trabajar en gestiones que apunten a la obtención de un subsidio para la separación de residuos domiciliarios en origen. En el encuentro participaron Pablo Pidarello, como apoderado de la empresa local Patagonia 360; y en representación de la defensoría estuvo Víctor Matelo como responsable del Área de Medio Ambiente. Tras el primer contacto, se establecieron las mínimas pautas para seguir trabajando en los proyectos, ya que también se presentó la iniciativa de Ecohéroes en las escuelas de Centenario.
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notatrasnota · 22 days
Cifal Mérida, postula nuevo centro de capacitación ante Naciones Unidas.
Mérida, Yuc 2 de sept.- Esta mañana se confirmó la apertura de un nuevo Centro Internacional de Autoridades y Líderes, perteneciente a la red de capacitación del Instituto de Naciones Unidas para la formación profesional y la investigación UNITAR. Éste nuevo centro se convertirá en el trigésimo segundo de la red global, tendrá su sede en Miami Florida y Cifal Mérida contribuirá al desarrollo de…
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adhor · 7 years
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Seogwipo (Korean pronunciation: [sʌ.ɡɥi.pʰo]) is the second-largest city on Jeju Island, settled on a rocky volcanic coastline in the southern part of Jeju Province, South Korea. #seogwipo #jeju #southkorea #wheninjeju #wheninkorea #cifal #unitar #culturaltourism #sustainableurbandevelopment #forcatbalogancity #aatocatbalogan (at Seogwipo)
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sciatu · 6 years
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INVERNO - Etna sotto la neve ; Cancello e paesaggio dell’istituto agricolo Cuppari a Messina, Fiumedinis da una foto di Ludovica Crocè, Spiaggia con neve di Caterina Cifalà, Campagna sopra Giampileri, Panorama di Sutera di Paolino Pardi, foto di  Petralia di luca Sabatino
INVERNO - È inverno quando i colori del mondo sono dentro di te, li tieni stretti nei tuoi ricordi, li doni ai tuoi sogni, li assaggi sulle sue labbra, li ami nei silenzi e nel gelarsi del tempo. E’ inverno quando il mare non ti parla, ma grigio attende l’azzurro e quieto riflette nuvole grigie senza speranza o si arrabbia ed urla divorando la spiaggia con schiuma rabbiosa gridando al cielo il suo esser vedovo del sole.
E’ inverno nel gocciolio della pioggia tra le foglie del bosco, nella nebbia da cui al mattino sorge un sole malato, nella la voce dei corvi che litigano nei campi vuoti, nel cercare affannato del pettirosso tra le foglie gelate nel giardino, nell’assenza di fiori, nel fermentare oscuro delle foglie morte, nella testardaggine del ficodindia che continua a dare frutti.
L’inverno è cullare in silenzio il proprio cuore, sentire nel fuoco il calore delle stagioni passate, il lievitare della prossima vita nel grembo della terra, nei tristi rami degli alberi, nel muto incedere degli animali, spauriti e rassegnati.
L’inverno è la cenere dell’estate bruciata dal fuoco dell’autunno, divorata dai suoi gialli, dagli infiniti marroni diventati ora incolori, grigiastri, gelidi residui di mai dimenticati giorni assolati. Un cimitero grigio e gelato in cui però la vita già muta e lenta ricresce, attendendo fiduciosa e invincibile la prossima primavera
WINTER - It's winter when the colors of the world are inside you, you hold them tight in your memories, you give them to your dreams, you taste them on her lips, you love them in the silences and the freezing of time. It 's winter when the sea does not speak to you, but gray awaits the blue and quiet reflects gray clouds without hope or gets angry and screams, devouring the beach with angry foam shouting in the sky its being a widower of the sun. It is winter in the rain dripping among the leaves of the forest, in the mist from which morning a sick sun rises, in the voice of the ravens fighting in empty fields, in the robed look of the robin among the frozen leaves in the garden, in the absence of flowers, in the dark ferment of dead leaves, in the stubbornness of the prickly pear which continues to bear fruit. Winter is silently cradling one's heart, feeling the heat of the past seasons in the fire, the leavening of the next life in the womb of the earth, the sad branches of the trees, the silent passing of the animals, frightened and resigned. Winter is the ashes of summer burned by the fire of autumn, devoured by its yellows, by the endless browns that have now become colorless, greyish, icy residues of never forgotten sunny days. A gray and icy graveyard where life is already dumb and slow but grows again, awaiting trusting and invincible next spring
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