#build the actor you are 🥲
laesas · 1 year
did you ever make a post about pete not liking tankhun ? i know you mentioned it a few times in your tags but i don't remember seeing a post. (i share your opin ions.)
I definitely toyed with the idea of meta or a gifset but I didn't ever make a full post! I love unrequited love and I ESPECIALLY love the extremely rare platonic version which Tankhun and Pete absolutely nail in my opinion!
There are loads of moments where Pete's smile drops around Tankhun very quickly, or he insults Tankhun behind his back. Instead of laughing things off like Arm and Pol, he almost has a wincing fear-response to Tankhun, which we don't really see at all from the other bodyguards.
I think that Tankhun likes to think of himself as being close friends with his bodyguards, and he does genuinely show a lot of open affection for Pete and eventually concern for his safety. But I think ultimately for Pete, Tankhun is just a part of Pete's job, and over time resentment has built up until he thinks of Tankhun as one of the *worst* parts of it. I definitely don't think he resents Tankhun enough to hurt or endanger him, but that's about as far as it goes, there's certainly very little love there.
Something about that dynamic is just particularly brilliant, especially when combined with Pete's eventual defection from Tankhun's side to Vegas'. He chooses a man who has beaten and tortured him over a man who showers him in affection and throws parties on his return.
I utterly adore Tankhun but I think as a character that's grown up in a gilded cage, he doesn't really understand that what Pete needs is a sense of his own autonomy rather than being dragged to "fun" "lets cheer up Pete" parties that Tankhun has demanded on his behalf. At least with Vegas he *chose* to go back, he handed Vegas the ropes, let him lock him back up again. Even before he develops feelings for Vegas, Pete has clearly felt like a subhuman pet for Tankhun and the main family for a long, long time and I think ironically Vegas acknowledging Pete's humanity is the tipping point for him.
I think even without their nascent romantic love as a factor, Pete would always choose Vegas. Because despite the threat of suffering, he offers a sense of freedom that Tankhun's gilded cage does not. It all makes for an incredibly interesting betrayal, and makes Pete choosing Vegas over Tankhun all the more pointed. By choosing to be Vegas' pet, he chooses to be human.
#I have had this gifset concept rattling round my brain since before I even learned to make gifs#if I didn't have so many complicated feelings about Pete after the whole Build situation I'd make it in a heartbeat tbh#my worry is that it would either be taken as a ''hating on Pete'' set and I'd get mad shit for it in my inbox#(despite it being one of my fave facets of his character)#or it would be interpreted as a ''Build's acting appreciation!'' post which tbf it kinda would be.#theres no getting away from the fact that he shaped Pete into a very interesting and nuanced character#but you wouldn't catch me dead making a ''Captain Jack Sparrow appreciation'' set even if I loved POTC as much as KPTS yknow?#like theres only so much distance I can split the character from the actor. which sucks bc Pete as a character was one of my favourites#idk. probably not the ideal answer lol#my first instict was to just make the set since it was all planned out from like december#but since January my love for Pete as a character has mostly been in a little box on a high shelf that I do not ever touch. which is sad#but it is what it is ig#anyway lol 👀#tankhun theerapanyakul#pete kp#tankhun kp#kp meta#ask#anon#watch me deliberately not putting that shit in the pete tag out of fear#anyway back on the high shelf you go little pete feelings. lets go back to simply not acknowledging u once more lol 🥲✨#goddamn I deliberately hadnt thought about him in months but now I kinda miss Pete... :( I love this ask though thank u for sending it! 🦔✨#damn rereading this its like girl. do you have an unrequited love for commas?? fucking use them?? :) anywaY#kpts
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heyitsmelouiss · 5 months
Screening story time!
This will be a bit of a ramble so skim as you please😂
So I got there about an hour earlier than we needed to be. Starting off even waiting in line was fun because I got to talking with another fan who mentioned that she spontaneously bought tickets all the way from Florida just to be here for the screening and she had work the next day!😂🤦🏾‍♀️ shout out to Makayla. it was fun talking to you! but after about an hour we finally went in the building and got seated and they handed out paper at the door so you could write questions! My question was “ if you could hand Louis an album for a bad break up what would it be?” they didn’t answer my question.😂 Buuuutt my friend asked “what TV show would your character binge” and they answered hers!! But after a few minutes, the new episode played and WOWW it was really good guys. A lot different from what I thought it would be, but still really good. You guys are going to really love Delainey’s Claudia🥹 the panel was really good too. It’s funny because all of these amazing, incredible actors all seem kind of shy. Obviously it’s quite intimidating to be in front of a crowd that Sam kept mentioning that he wasn’t able to see any of our faces.(in the middle they did turn on the lights for them) but they were all pretty shy it was cute. Then after the panel, everyone obviously rushes to the stage. I didn’t get a chance to even get close but outside when they came out, I got to interact with Jacob and Sam! I asked Sam a couple questions that he said we’re too hard basically😂 and I genuinely got starstruck by Jacob. I don’t know what happened. I just lost all words. I’m not even kidding. I’m kind of disappointed in myself because I had so much to ask him, but I managed to ask for a hi five🥲 they were both really sweet and took so much time trying to get to everybody. next time I go to something like this. Hopefully I’ll be more prepared.🥹
10/10 would recommend
Couple of bad photos below and maybe I’ll post the clips later
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pippin-katz · 11 months
I realized that I really don't care about any comments made on the boys' (especially Taylor’s) acting; I am not going to let them get to me at all anymore. You know why?
It occurred to me that the character that Alex has the most screen time with, excluding Henry for obvious reasons, is his mother. And you know who plays Alex's mother right? Uma fucking Thurman.
If Uma had a problem with Taylor's acting, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't have agreed to the film, or been much harsher with criticism to make him improve. Taylor has only ever said how amazing she was to work with and let me list the things he has said about working her for this:
that she was lovely and giving
that she also wanted to forge a personal connection with him
that despite having a very short amount of time to build their relationship for the screen they developed that connection through hugs, touches, little conversations
that they went to lunch together
that she was a professional who made him feel safe
that she didn't treat him like "that younger actor"
that she would improv at him and they tried different things throughout the filming
that she's a very skilled and competent actor
Here's the link to the video interview I pulled this from. Taylor talks about Uma from 3:06 to 4:28 if you don't feel like searching for it, or watching the whole thing. I'm sure he's also talked about her in written interviews, but I'm not going hunting for it because this post is already longer than I meant for it to be, and I'm writing it on an Wacom art tablet at my school's lab while taking what was supposed to only be a few minute-long break from my digital sculptures that I've been struggling and behind on for over a week. 🥲
Everything about the way Taylor talks about her and working with her gives me the impression that she would not hold back criticism. She's been in the industry for a long time, and knows the ins and outs of it. She sounds like a person who would not be afraid to say something if they saw an area that needed improvement, and that she would be respectful and nice about it while doing so.
It occurred to me that if Uma fucking Thurman did not see him as a bad actor, then the opinions of random strangers, most of whom have never set foot on a stage/set, don't matter at all.
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branwendaughterofllyr · 2 months
Harry Collett, I agree isn’t a particularly great actor, but what have you got against Ewan bro 🥲
Again, for the record: I don’t think Ewan Mitchell is a bad actor. I thought he was good in The Last Kingdom! But HoTD has an immensely stacked cast, and Ewan isn’t measuring up to most of them. Now some of this may be in direction, and Ewan may be being told to always have a smirk on and to serve face. However, it’s not at all a secret that the actors on HoTD have a lot of input into their characters, and are able to get away with a lot of improv and acting choices. TGC in particular has had a lot to with keeping Aegon together as a character and using what little he has. I think Matt Smith has absolutely smashed it this season as well, and that scene from last episode with Simon Strong was positively Shakespearean! Ewan has had more screen time than Freddie Fox as Gwayne, but Fox has been able to add all sorts of small nuances to his performances. Or how Matthew Needham is consistently layering things on Larys, especially in his posture and gaze. The problem is that we see zero of those small nuances and little moments in Ewan’s performance.
Again, I don’t think that Ewan Mitchell is a *bad* actor per se. He’s fine. But being just fine in a show that is being carried by its brilliant actors is not a good look. Ewan has been consistently wooden and I think part of the problem is that Ewan is afraid to look uncool? A little pathetic? He should take some notes from Matt who has been doing so much with Daemon. And saying it’s not Ewan’s fault that Aemond’s writing is janky is not a great excuse bc EVERY CHARACTER has inconsistent writing. Ewan at least had the advantage of building off Leo Ashton’s performance as kid Aemond, and I honestly think Leo is being proven to have just done a straight up better job tbh? I think Ty Tennant did well as well, but TGC is an adult and has more experience and training so him doing better than his child counterpart isn’t that surprising, but Ewan is not doing more than Leo tbh. I think a lot more of the sympathy people have for Aemond comes down to Leo’s performance than you might think. Ewan has given us nothing this season tbh.
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youremyheaven · 4 months
So true, just because you are born into wealth doesn't necessarily mean you will live up to it. Have you watched the show Succession? It’s about a family-owned conglomerate. The second son wants to become the next heir, but he’s a drug addict and unstable. Totally reckless.(The actor is a Swati or Vishakha. Personally, I think he’s so Swati. The drugs, hello???) The dad doesn’t let his children have it easy, because they all want to be the CEO but they aren’t fit for it. Also, a distant relative who’s not rich (either Swati or Vishakha, but I think he’s Vishakha because he had principles but obviously money corrupts) went from working at a bare minimum wage job and living at a hostel to making bank and being apart of the family’s inner circle. He’s a outcast, but he works his way up. Even though he doesn’t fit in, he is lucky to be in that position because, without being related to them, he wouldn’t have the job through the connections.
ive heard a lot about Succession (Sarah Snook is 🥵🥵) but alas, i haven't watched it 🥲
Yeah that makes sense
Vishaka is also an outcaste nakshatra
Just wanted to differentiate between outcast and outcaste
Outcaste = existing outside the caste system
Outcast = yk a misfit who's shunned by society or whatever
Outcaste naks do create experiences for individuals that make them feel like outcasts so it does add up
I just wanted to clarify bc some of you mix it up 🫣
I think beneficial naks are really important in having, accumulating and benefiting from wealth.
Obviously karma also matters
Mariah Carey is a singer who has a net worth of $350 million or more, of her 2 siblings, her sister is an HIV infected prostitute (or was) and her brother was/is a drug dealer and just an overall shady guy
They all grew up in the same house with the same parents and lived in poverty for the most part. Mariah went on to become a huge star while the others did whatever they did. Greatness can come from anywhere but it's important to not give too much credit to suffering. It's not suffering that makes someone great, it's their tenacity to build a life beyond it.
Sorry I'm just sharing random thoughts lmao
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blxckcatwritesx · 4 months
obligatory pinned post/permanent plot call below! if after you read the mound of text below and you interact with this I’ll assume it’s okay to approach for plotting 🖤
I might be dating myself and my tumblr career here with this kind of post but here it is nonetheless!
My name is Lia and I’m finally getting back into the swing of writing over on discord and I’m in need of new writing partners 🖤 I’m 23 so 21+ preferred!
I like to write longterm and while I enjoy being consistently active I’ll be starting school up again in September and I work full time now so I may have sporadic bouts of inactivity however I will communicate those and still be around for ooc chatter and headcanons and the likes!
writing preferences:
-I write on discord exclusively at the moment and I love to write in organized private servers which I have no problem setting up :)
-I also prefer multiple muses and pairings and building interconnected worlds with my writing partners! at this time solo ships are a bit hard for me but we can talk it out! however I do not “double” as I do not want to write transactionally. I will love every ship we have and it makes me sad writing against writers who don’t orient the same
-I write m in mxf and mxm as my preferred pairing types but can also write f pairings in fxf and more selectively in mxf. with this being said, as much as I love pairing my boys against your girls I am not the right partner for female only writers :( I do enjoy having mxm pairings and even if we don’t actively have one I like the potential for one down the road
-I would love to befriend my writing partners because I think it makes it more collaborative and fun so if you don’t enjoy that I may not be the right partner for you either because I will ramble :,) I love talking about our ships and where they can go next and sending visual inspo for our muses and pairings but I also am always happy to lend an ear if my writing friends ever need to vent 🫶🏼
-I’m very laidback and if you have wanted plots or things you want to do odds are I’m the person to bring ‘em to because I will be 100% down!! I won’t ghost and even if we have periods of time we’re too busy to really write I’ll always be down to pick them back up and if something isn’t clicking for me (which isn’t often) I will communicate it and I hope you feel comfortable doing the same!
-I will do pretty much any plot type or genre except for zombie and apocalyptic
-nsfw friendly but don’t mind fade to black
-I prefer to write against actor fcs with acting resources so models and musicians are not my cup of tea :,)
-I am very friendly to looking at your wanted opposite tag to pick up a muse I will not think you’re face chasing so don’t be shy to ask if you have one OR you see one of them in my fave face/future muse tag because I will write any of those people HAPPILY.
triggers/limits: I am definitely open to darker plots which we can discuss over DM but I will not write bathroom play, vore, illegal age gaps, and probably more as I can think of them.
if you’re still reading at this point ily already 🥲 here’s a cookie 🍪
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x-populuxe · 1 year
First-lines-of-fic meme! I was tagged by @destinationtoast. 😘
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
So...I have published ten fics total, and rather than posting the first lines of every single one of them, I’m going to mix this up and do my five most recent as well as my five current WIPs, because I have somehow become a person with five substantially written WIPs, I cry. (This is clearly an attempt at public accountability, help lol).
All fics are X-Men, of course, and unless otherwise marked, Charles/Erik:
1. “to put the world between us” (25K words, actor AU)
The drive should take two hours, but Erik manages it in ninety minutes, using his powers to floor the gas pedal as he scrambles the occasional police scanner. When he whips into the hotel parking lot in a spray of gravel, Emma’s mental greeting is half is half warm, half weary.
2. “Unlived Histories (The Double Vision Remix)” (18K words, remix, time travel)
Erik didn’t know it then, but everything started to change on Charles’s sixteenth birthday.
3. “Correspondence” (13K words, part of a canon-divergent series set in 1963)
When Charles wakes, he stretches out his mind and then his arm, groping at the opposite side of the bed. Erik isn’t there, though the sheets are still warm.
4. “What We Inherit” (20K words, David & Charles, father-son bonding)
David first starts to suspect that something’s up when his father gets a phone call very early on Tuesday morning.
5. “the way it travels in and keeps emitting light” (29K words, accident and recovery, enemies to friends to lovers)
Erik lets himself into Raven’s building on Friday evening, waving a hand as the locks click open. As he rides the converted freight elevator up to the top floor, he sinks his powers into all those sturdy old pulleys and gears—one thing on the long list of reasons he prefers Raven’s apartment to his own.
(obviously these are not set in stone)
1. The “Charles bailing Erik out of jail” fic I am currently writing for @ikeracity for Fandom Trumps Hate! (Ike you get a sneak peek lol) (ps I'm legit obsessed with writing this fic rn, thank you again for your prompt):
 “One phone call” is only a thing in the movies—but the cops don’t give you unlimited phone calls, either. This turns out to be a problem when all your friends were either arrested alongside you or are completely fucking worthless.
2. Multiverse/time travel fic that begins 8 months after the events of XMFC:
They’re moving quickly through the woods that surround the facility when Emma slows and makes a clicking sound with her tongue. Erik holds out his arms to halt the rest of the group.
3. Sequel to “What We Inherit,” still about David & Charles, but also with some (semi-hostile) cherik as well:
It’s a beautiful late-summer day, with a bright blue sky stretching above the sandy dunes that extend from the house out towards the Atlantic.
But David can’t see any of that right now, because he’s sitting in his bedroom, reading a book.
4. Media AU (trust me, this first line makes sense in context lol):
DAVID REMNICK: This is The New Yorker Radio Hour. I’m David Remnick.
5. Big Billions AU I started writing in early 2020 🥲 that I’ve finally picked up again this year:
Crowds, the common wisdom goes, are one of the truest tests of a telepath’s strength and skill. Never mind that there’s far more to telepathy than brute force and blunt shielding—with a packed train or a busy bar or a stadium full of revelers, it’s easier to see just how effectively a person can block out other minds.
This is a fun exercise, especially to look at patterns! Tagging @rozf, @gerec, @ikeracity, @midrashic, @joshriku, @arcanewinter, @jackyjango, + anyone else who wants to do this! (If anyone else wants to put their WIP opening lines out there, join me!!!!)
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the-rogue-mockingjay · 3 months
6 + 10 for the wol questions 🥺
ty gigi!! /dote 🩷
6. how does your wol feel about romance? are they a hopeless romantic, waiting for The One, or are they more casual? do they believe in soulmates?
O'ravi has some mixed feelings on it lol. In her youth she was something of a hopeless romantic, though it wasn't something she actively searched for (her priorities were more on traveling and learning every piece of music, art, and folklore she could get her hands on). She's always wanted a good, solid relationship, but she also hasn't considered it something attainable for most of her life tbh. She also just never really met anyone she had a connection with/felt attracted to (she's ace and autistic so it's a double whammy of not only are such feelings extremely rare, it's super difficult for her to identify what those feelings are when she has them ldkjfhdkjg).
Her feelings for Haurchefant had started shifting into the romantic in the time leading up to the Vault but she didn't recognize it until. Well. 🥲It was too late. She'd had a very fleeting like 3-day crush on Aymeric when she met him in ARR but after the initial 😳💕 he was just an ally/friend to her. She did eventually fall in love with Aymeric for real (in the days after the Royal Menagerie to be specific; it had been building for a while), and it tore her to shreds inside because she felt that even just being friends with him was putting his life in danger, by virtue of the death and chaos that follows her, Twelve FORBID she became romantically involved with him- in her mind, that'd be no different than going and personally shooting him dead fldgjkhfdkjgh. She didn't stop believing that until after the ENW finale, when she was finally, decisively free of her fate.
She wholeheartedly believes in soulmates, but not in the romantic sense, necessarily; her definition of it is someone who you will reunite with and love in every lifetime, regardless of the type of that love. The list of people that she considers soulmates includes Themis, Aymeric, Haurchefant, Hythlodaeus, and Emet-Selch. Zenos goes on that list too depending on the day, other days she hates him and finds him repulsive lfkjghfdjkgh. Regardless of how she feels, she fully expects to see him in every lifetime from here out, though. She has very mixed feelings about that.
10. how does your wol sleep? very light? very heavy? do they need a specific item to fall asleep, or does it take them forever? where do they prefer sleeping?
O'ravi's a very light sleeper, always has been, and she hates sleeping alone (her tribe doesn't do that, they typically prefer to share space or sleep in sort of cuddle piles if the temperature gets low enough where that's an option). When she first left home and began traveling Eorzea alone, it was a huge adjustment. She's also always been someone who dozes off for 5-10 minutes in the weirdest places (a la those pics of actors sleeping between takes in random nooks on movie sets), and now that she has fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue post-ENW, she's doing this more than ever. Catch her taking cat naps in the sun in between Dawntrail MSQ objectives 😂
After Operation Archon, she started getting nightmares on a regular basis, and this just continually got worse over time. I think she also struggles with insomnia, the intensity of which varies but was worst during Endwalker and Stormblood. Now, a year or two post-ENW, she still has these problems (and will for the rest of her life), but they're semi-manageable.
Her favorite place to sleep is cuddled up to Aymeric 🥹 she unofficially moved in with him a long time ago (sometime between Final Steps of Faith and Post-Dragonsong MSQ) and originally had her own room, but after ENW his room became her room too and it's probably the place she feels safest tbh
[pre-dt wol asks]
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not-goldy · 10 months
This came up today and reminded of '30 discussion' here. Why it sounded like Jimin will stop working after his 30s ?
He was working on cleaning up his 20s... he'll be 30 when he's out and he'll continue being a better artist and person. But 40s ? find a way live after that ? 🤧
I agree with you, his chronic pain takes a big toll on his body.. and his doctor said as long as he's in this industry he'll have this. Pretty sure he won't be up for anything else like acting or variety shows after 30s.. he only want to perform. So does that mean he'll retire ? 🥲
We just too much in this Fandom and will argue over the the most basic human tendencies and facts.
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It's jarring .
If he wants to retire at any age he can.
He's a billionaire. well accomplished.
He says this is his prime but I disagree. Out of all BTS he's the member who's prime is yet to begin and I've said this over and over. That man has a lot in him that needs to come out and if people around him are under utilizing him he needs to fire them all.
I don't know what his vision for his 30s are but I hope it's a good life work balance that focuses both on building his career and building meaningful relationships while taking up a course that's meaning to him and impacts society positively. If he wants a family it's okay to go for it.
When I say I don't support Tae Jennie this is one of the reasons why, that woman has no plans of starting a family and I know Tae wants one. I remember rumors of Lee Min Hos gf dumping him because she wasn't ready to start a family at her age and at the peak of her career. Hate for that to be Tae. Hate it.
And since I think he's ready to settle I don't buy into this fuck around yolo high people claim he is on with Jungkook busting pussies wide open. He had his teens and twenties for that.
These men are buying and building homes, buying shares, maturing in their careers and we think its all so they can get laid 🥴
Or may be I read them wrong because to me when people start moving in this direction it's because they are building themselves to prepare for much greater responsibilities of family and legacy.
If I'm wrong then, my apologies and he can fuck Jennie Monday through to Sunday- but why stop at Jennie. Claim all the wuhmen in kpop cos sir you deserve all the pussies in the world you look like you descended from the upper echelons of heaven.
Plus there's countless pretty girls in the game with nice bodies. I'll be a wing man and pimp you out.
Damn, set your sight on Hollywood too hit it and quit it off to the next play thing. I'll help him. I'll make a list. Zendaya is taken but boy would she look good with Tae! May be I'll start shipping them on the down low too sorry Tom.
And let's be chaotic and fuck Lisa too cos- why have one Pinkie when you can have 2.
While we are at it, let's be gay too and fuck all the twink idols drooling over you. Oh but your dance card is not full- KDRAMA ACTORS AND ACTRESSES ripe for the pick!
Be the player that you want to be I'll actually support that for you go sex positivism your sexual liberation is here! Damn I'll make a flag for you. You deserve nothing less.
As for Jimin, as long as he lives life in a meaningful way that makes him happy he should have no regrets. Whatever he decides he has my support.
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daisynik7 · 10 months
♯ 𝐔𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐊. by @/jabamin | [nanami/ fluff] this is one of those fics that just makes me love fluffy and kind of domestic settings, especially with a character like kento because man can’t catch a break actually 😭 but for some reason, this fic has been one that gave me a palpable sense of comfort in his comfort and relief, is that crazy idk?
if i could bring you anything, i swear to god i'd bring you peace by @/haikyuuhoo| [geto/fluff] i know my pretty wife is keen to nanami, but this is such a sweet geto fic i simply couldn’t keep this to myself!
nanami’s gym routine by @/callm3senpaii (deactivated) [nanami/smut] lastly kind of a curveball 😭 but i just thought about this post you made in response to this fanart of nanami lifting weights and this just further confirms your genius brain
how it'll be by @/kentomilk | [nanami/ fluff]
so i've been contemplating this since it was posted but this is something i wrote and published and have been debating how to bring it up to you, which should've been easy considering how supportive you've been but anxiety lol 🥲 truth be told you are a key figure in inspiring me to write this because of the fanart of nanami shaving you tagged me in :)
if this is something i continue i'd definitely seek to fine-tune and calibrate my writing style so it's not just word vomit 🫠
but i'd like to thank you for tagging me in that which kickstarted me actually writing and not contemplating as well as for your endless kindness and support of course 🥹
as for my wishlist, i have no preferences! whatever you want to boost/ promote I'm open to it regardless of fandom/ character if you're up to that! 🫶🏼
thea. THEA!!!! I'm screaming, I'm YELLING! I'm going to read and reblog every single one of these fics, thank you so much for participating in the fic swap. I am SO EXCITED to read each and every single one of these, and I am especially excited to read your fic! thank you for sharing, I am thrilled to know that you are writing now and I want you to know that I will continue to be your biggest cheerleader. AHHHH I'm gyrating in my seat, this is the best thing to come home to!
OKAY, enough of my screaming. here are some fics I'd like to recommend to you! I'm going to give you a little bit of everything, so hold on to your damn horses, here we go:
Attack on Titan:
DTF Only by @/mochimooon (nsfw) - this is a completed series and every single part of this is a BLAST. It features a different aot man in each chapter and mochi writes each of them SO WELL. It's smutty, delicious, laugh out loud funny, our reader is fabulous, and just an utter joy to read. Highly recommend! Mochi is a fantastic writer, please go check out their other works in their masterlist, each one is a treat.
Gossip! by @/bloompompom (Eren x f!reader, nsfw) - another fantastic series that is on-going. I think you may be following her already, but if not, bloomy is an incredible writer and I recommend each and every single one of her works (binge her entire masterlist whenever you can, you won't regret it)! This series has me by the fucking THROAT. It's rockstar!eren x pop star!reader, enemies-to-lovers, need I say more? I don't want to give too much away because I think it's better if you just read it for yourself, but I am in LOVE with this series. Constantly on the edge of my seat, salivating for the chapter!
method acting by @/seeingivy (Eren x f!reader, sfw) - yet another fabulous series by another fabulous writer. ronnie always amazes me with her talent. it's an actor!au (can you tell I love my aus?!) full of angst, drama, FLUFF, everything you want in a series. I absolutely love the world-building in this. When you get a chance, please do check out her masterlist because it's a goldmine full of treasure.
Jujutsu Kaisen:
Office Crush by @/todorosie (Choso x f!reader, nsfw) - CHOSO CHOSO CHOSO!!! I love this fic so much, I cannot stress this enough. He is so shy and sweet in this. And I love our reader because she is gentle with him. This is peak romance, it seriously made my heart flutter when I read it. also, spoiler alert: car sex 🤭. IT'S A MUST READ. You may be following her already, but if not, check out Sorin's other works because they're all spectacular.
I mean, I could go on and on with other recommendations, but these are just a few that come to mind that I think you'd enjoy! also, shocking, but I didn't include any Nanami bc I'm trying to change it up a bit lol. Also, apologies if you've already read these!
love you thea!! ♥️ thank you for participating in this!
nikki's first annual fic swap!
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20, 39 and 58 from the writers ask meme ☺️
Also hope you’re doing good 💙🌸
🖊️ask game🖊️
Aaaah, thank you so much for these, Blossom! Admittedly, I'm not on my best days, however, these asks did lighten my mood, and it was a joy answering them! 🥰💖
20: Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
Oh yes! As I was revising some chapters of TPATD a while ago, I noticed I used the word 'brim', quite frequently. I guess I like the expressions it can be combined with, e.g. "her eyes brim with tears" or "he fills the jug to the brim" or "the table is brimmed with hearty food". You get the picture! My fic is also brimmed (see what I did there?) with the hurt/comfort theme, which is my absolute favorite theme, and I believe that if I ever write for another fandom, hurt/comfort will be predominant in the respective story too. In almost every chapter, I do have a foreshadowing pattern for those who are willing to read behind the lines—this is also something I love catching in other stories! Hm, what else? Ah! I love descriptive prose in everything I write, and mostly when the descriptions make me feel what is being described, e.g. I like describing Jia when she's working with her alchemy or when she's cooking her food—I want to grab and munch whatever she's eating there...👀
39: Share a snippet from a WIP.
I updated my fic just two days ago (after 4 months of absence...🥲) so I haven't got any WIP to share yet, but! I'm going to put a snippet of the freshly baked chapter 19 instead:
I had never expected the Last Dragonborn to be a female, in all his dread not to be pinned down and discovered shred by shred by her luminous, sun-rivaled gaze, Miraak pretended to sound as scathing and condescending as he could during their first encounter in Apocrypha, when all he could think about was, she came to me at last, the favorite jill of Akatosh. I have read about you, in old-worn books hoarded in Seekers’ hands, piled in endless ever-shifting pillars, sometimes in the feminine shape of a human, others as an elusive firey-crimson specter of a dragon, and Oblivion has heard me humming tunes written and sang in your name. Indeed, your deeds are tremendous, strider of Sovngarde, deicide of Alduin.  But your soul’s sorrow is bigger. Miraak feels himself shrinking at his thoughts. Her very breath humbles him.
58: What part of the writing process do you enjoy the most? (Brainstorming, outlining, writing, editing, etc).
Translating! I love this feeling when I know a part of my draft is finished in my native language, and now I have to translate it into English, build it, make it wholesome, perfect it, before proceeding on to the next. I know it sounds like a lot of work, but it isn't so much, not really. I've heard contrastive opinions on whether translating is really helpful or not, but it works for me. 😊 Another part of the writing process I enjoy is reading my lines out loud and acting them on the respective character's voice—actually, I have brainstormed major plot points and ideas while acting out my characters, and I guess this is my ultimate sign that I must become an actor one day. 😂
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starlightrows · 1 year
Welcome back to Krax Watches! We all know what day is! It’s Ahsoka time baby!
Episode 1
Oooh scrolling text with ship passing through space opening!! The nostalgia!!!
“You’ve got the bridge” and the captains chair is giving Star Trek
I smell deception, and your hood looks like it came from Space Spirit Halloween
This set design is making me emotional. A New Hope vibes
I liked the antagonist lead in
The Master and The Apprentice, strong first title I hope it’s a double meaning to these villains and Ahsoka and Anakin
Ahsoka!!!! Girl I missed you!!!
I still wish they had done more/better with her montrals and lekku, but I’m kinda over that now
These remind me of the stones from The 5th Element… or a Zelda shrine puzzle
Are these carvings the witches of Dathomir?
That is the map from Treasure Planet
Why is the droid just waiting? Why didn’t it try to jump her while she was in the shrine pit?
I loved that she didn’t just go in for it with the droids! That is absolutely an Ahsoka move to be creative about it!
And sprinting to catch up with a ship! She’s gutsy!
Oh my god wait! Hyang! Is this the droid that helped the lil baby Jedi build light sabers?!
MOM!!!!! HERA!!!!
Why do Ahsoka and Sabine have beef? Did I forget something from Rebels?
The governor of Lothal looks like the sith bad guy
This is so fucking awkward
She is going to jump that ship
I stand corrected, that was way cooler
Lothal actually looks like it was really well done
Loth cat
Bitch why did you just leave your door wide open?
Ezra :(
Loth wolf on the wall behind her
This apprentice looks like the Negroni Sbagliato actor
Ooooooh I was right! But I was anticipating that she was a descendant of the night sisters
Blondie has a padawan braid….
Sabine has all of Ezra’s helmets he collected 🥲
I just realized the reason they probably have beef is because Ahsoka stopped actively searching for Ezra… that’s why guess
Woooooowwww a planet full of witches called Arana… how very DND
Am I forgetting things? Sabine can use the force? Was this a thing in Rebels?
I am not loving this animosity between Ahsoka and Sabine… especially if it’s because Ahsoka was trying to train her to be a Jedi and it didn’t work out. Sabine doesn’t need a Jedi/Force weilding character element
Listen, I know Sabine had to take the nap because she’s angsty and also the plot needs to further. But still.
“She did a thing when I explicitly told her not to” … yeah I’m sure you also did that shit too in your youth
It literally is the map from Treasure Planet
There is something about the pew pews and light saber zaps that just speak to my soul
Oh my god I was not expecting to watch Sabine get fucking SKEWERED
Episode 2
I’m glad they didn’t do the waking up in a bacta tank thing for Sabine
Space Stonehenge
That is an extremely narrow hospital bed
Hera’s worried mom face!
Hmmmmmmm did Ahsoka refuse to train Grogu because things went poorly with Sabine?
How old is Ahsoka supposed to be? Rebels took place 14 years post Order 66, Ahsoka would have been 17. So 30’s in Rebels. But I have no idea how long it’s been since then.
Thrawn is…. calling to her? Was Thrawn a force user?
Wasn’t Ezra’s light saber blue? I can’t remember
Butt hurt is not a good look for Sabine
I love Hyang
Sassy Hera wins every day of the week
Damn those Space nazi’s
What is that helmet the bad guy is wearing?
Ahsoka stepping aside so the boomerang light sabers didn’t get her was cool, it would have been cooler if she stopped it’s trajectory and she snatched it
Mandalorian armor is just so god damn cool
She’s gonna have a perfect pixie cut or a bob in the next seen after she just gave herself a janky Mulan style single cut
It took me a second to realize that there are three bad guys. Who is under that helmet????
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yioh · 2 years
I'm south asian and it infuriates me that I actually like the sumeru characters 😭 I feel like I'm betraying my own identity and it genuinely pains me to think abt their designs for too long
Tighnari is the worst for me bc he became my favorite character in the whole game personality-of and I've grown to love his design because of it but???? I just feel so guilty for it bc I know it's just not. Correct???? And on top of that the english voice actors being told to pronounce the characters names wrong deliberately to make it easier is just so gross ughhhh. And I feel like I'm a bad person for continuing to play the game and indirectly supporting hyv's colorism as a result but I'm so attached to this game and these characters and im :'(((
omg bro don’t worry at all askdbdjdb ur absolutely allowed to enjoy the game, that’s exactly why we play it in the first place right🥺 like sure genshin gets a lot of stuff wrong but there’s also a lot that it does beautifully e.g. the entire world building in sumeru and the environment design is one of my favourites in the whole game !! for me, i just have lower tolerance and can’t stand hyv’s colourism as well as orientalism
but like… as long as you can acknowledge that the issues exists and don’t pretend like sumeru is just some cutesy exotic place (as i’ve seen a lot of people do 😭) it’s really honestly fine imo
like i agree that tighnari has a very interesting personality, also i’ve seen a lot of people complain abt his design but honestly i think the amazigh inspiration is one of the most obvious in the game and think it’s so wonderful that amazigh people get to be represented through such a cool character🥺 not to mention how much i myself learned abt all these cultures that are usually never talked about in other media, it’s really really cool !!! i also think his design in general is actually very pretty lol i really adore the mesh of colours and how it’s an obvious reference to amazigh clothing,
there’s really no correct and incorrect way to think about it because everything is so meshed together and weirdly structured, we can definitely agree that the colourism and orientalism is very much an issue (as seen with dori and nahida mostly), treating many brown cultures as interchangeable is also really annoying in general because of how much it already has been done in mainstream western media and the effect it already has is amplified, (abt the english translation i don’t even play in english because 💀 i never liked how they translated stuff in general to english tbh even before sumeru)
but at the same time, hyv brought light to so so many under represented cultures and stories, even the music !!! them using actual instruments we hear in our own music like the sitar is so amazing !!!!
don’t feel bad at all for enjoying the game, i always play it to destress and will continue in the future, it’s not like the company will ever listen to complaints or critisisms by boycotting the game anyways so there’s rly no point and u might as well enjoy what u like yknow😭 i only rly have a bone to pick when people are able to just . mindlessly enjoy the game as if it doesn’t have valid issues (which clearly does not apply to you hdfjbdkdf)
i talk too much but also i just wanna mention that… as a southasian the colourism bothers me the most but i feel like a lot of my disappointment in sumeru mostly comes from an aesthetics pov😭 i think in general i just had a different vision for the type of characters we’d be seeing, seeing cultural references in clothing has always w spiked specific joy in me because the history behind all the clothing just makes everything feel much more real and impactful ??? whereas other then tighnari, nilou, kind of layla, candace and maybe cyno (i haven’t read much on his design) everything just looks as if it’s been inspired by some generic anime rpg isekai fantasy game🥲 like kaveh, nahida, dori etc etc ,,, so rather then sumeru being ‘wrong’ moreso what hurts me is the potential is what it could’ve been ?? i think that’s why it bothers me when everyone gets so excited abt kaveh’s design or whatever when i’m just here like wow… another blonde white boy with a feather in his hair 😭😭😭😭 they can use sanskrit language and panipuri as food but not have the southasian inspired archon with hindu motifs wear cultural clothing or have even slightly darker skin as a lot of southasian people do 🤨 ok this is just me venting again LOL but basically . don’t stress at all it’s really really fine to like the characters you do (i can’t support positive opinions abt nahida and dori tho MDBSKXND i may be petty) but u Defo don’t have to feel guilty abt enjoying the game 🥺 most of sumeru characters aren’t even southasian so you’re not betraying ur identity at all !! merely enjoying new cultures :’) just make sure to remain critical and be observant of how the people of those cultures being shown feel abt these things and don’t let your opinions be dictated by whether it’s ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ often times in these situations it’s never that clear cut 😭
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sleepy-wyvern · 2 years
I need to get this one out before i combust because itd make a damn good angsty fic especially if i had of finished the dream also sorry for the essay lol
So during my nap today, i had an eddie dream, very vivid, my alarm went off at the height of the situation 🙃😢🥲
He came back as a vampire from the upside down incident (i may have read one too many vamp eddie fics yesterday lol) but instead of being sweet like in the fics he had run into some other vamps, and turned feral and predatory, him and the other three vamps were hunting Steve, Nancy, Robin and I, chasing us through abandoned buildings etc, we got trapped in a room, there were two doors out, but one was bolted shut and the other, Eddie and his vampy friends were on the other side taunting us so we were trapped, Eddie set the damn building on fire 🔥 and being old and wooden it went up fast, steven and nancy being who they are managed to push me out the door just before a massive wooden beam fell down trapping them and robin inside, Eddie grabbed me and made me watch while they were screaming, i was screaming and sobbing yelling at Eddie to let them out, save them, just over and over, aannnd just as his face softens from my screams getting to whatever humanity he had left and he goes to move toward the flames, my alarm goes off and the last thing i see is my friends faces in the fire. I have never been more pissed off at my alarm then i was in that moment, i was damn well near crying when i woke up, second time this week its happened during a vivid dream about fav characters/actors, other was jensen ackles and misha collins but that was uh different dream entirely 😳 haha
You need to turn this into a fic right now, seriously! I’d read the shit out of that, I was so captivated. The best dreams only ever happen right before the alarm and never when you get to sleep in 😤 what a good read, no need to apologize at all! Thanks sm for sharing I’m jealous of you now 🤣
I know those actor names!! How’s supernatural? I was debating starting it!!! I’m a fan of horror and stranger things so far so maybe I’ll like it ahahaha. How does it feel to be the chosen one, getting to have dreams like that about the most gorgeous humans? 🥵 meanwhile my dreams are like “lol heres a plane crash and nuclear war.” If I do dream of our boys they’re just like… there. And not on top of me 😤
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seiwas · 4 months
HELLO HELLO SEL!!! hows ur day been?!? all good i hopeeee!!!!
okay for ur ask games!!! 😋
🚫 what was holding you/them back from making a move or confessing your feelings?
20. where do you begin a WIP? ex: a mood, a scene, a certain character dynamic, etc. does this differ per project?
zuro anon
zuro anon hello!!! 🥺 my day’s been great!!! i got a lot of writing done for the ex!gojo fic and i’m hoping to post it by tomorrow 🥺 what about you???
thanks so much for playing w me too!! 🥹 you are so sweet 🥺
Tumblr media
ask me anything from these ask games! pining stage ask game l writing ask meme
🚫 what was holding you/them back from making a move or confessing your feelings?
i’ll do col and my actor!au selfship w gojo for this one 🥹
for col, what was definitely holding col reader back from confessing was their respect for gojo 🥺 col reader has a clear understanding of what gojo’s like because of their history together, and would never want to do anything that could pressure him more 🥺 col reader is also so acutely aware of all his Issues 😭 so they really were just being extra patient with him 🥺
what was holding gojo back was really just the fact that the situation at the time couldn’t permit him to feel that way 🥺 it would have been unfair to pursue anything with col reader when he could never prioritise them 🥺
as for my actor!au with gojo 🥺 what was holding me back was really just my skepticism,,, of his intentions… bc we didn’t exactly start off on the right foot 🥲 so i really just wanted to be sure he wasn’t goofing around and that he actually could take the relationship seriously 🥹
nothing stopped gojo tho 😭 man was persistent since day 1 😭
20. where do you begin a WIP? ex: a mood, a scene, a certain character dynamic, etc. does this differ per project?
it really depends!! and it varies per project!! sometimes, a dialogue will come to me first and i build on that. sometimes a scene too 🥺 other times, a dynamic!! a mood (usually complemented with a song)!!
for ‘col: do you believe in love?’, it started out as a dialogue!! and a bit of s character dynamic (belief system) that i wanted to explore 🥺 the rest of the col series was really born from me wanting to see what gojo would be like with a gentler, more patient, and kinder reader 🥺
for my megumi drive series and my suguru drabbles, i relied heavily on moods! i think my writing style became a bit more descriptive and flow-y to accommodate that too 🥺
🫂 what's one significant moment of physical contact you had during the pining stage?
and hajime for this one!! def holding hands 🥺 one of those, ‘take my hand so you don’t fall’ moments except it’s hajime grabbing my hand during a hike because i nearly slipped into a stream LOAMSKSJDJDJ 😭 he was holding onto me for a bit a while after that too 🥺
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look-at-the-soul · 2 years
Hi! It's gossip girl❤️❤️ I missed our little messages too! Luckily school isn't too bad right now so I hoping to be able to keep up on here a bit better now! I hope you're doing well!! I got to read so of the stories you've done recently and they've all been brilliant! I especially liked the one you posted yesterday! Make your home in my heart! ❤️ it was so cute! I love how soft Tommy was with her and how he took time to care for her! ❤️❤️ and I also liked the Runway! I haven't seen Anna but I heard it's good! And I loved how you made the story begin!
I've been doing alright! My break was nice and exams went pretty well! My classes this semester are a bit harder though so that's a bit of a challenge though 😂🥲😂
And I think my anxiety is doing a bit better now! I think I may actually try to post something within. Like two weeks maybe! 
I know I mentioned I had writers block but you know what😂 I got to go home for this weekend and had to fly. So I was like determined to try and finish at least one of my stories. And not only did I finish both but I've got 20k+ words broken up over about 6 different stories done now😂 One I still need to finish though! I kinda surprised myself too because I was typing stuff on the plane and usually I'm nervous annoy people seeing that stuff. But I lucked out both times and no one was in the seat next to me, which I think helped! 😂And I actually have more ideas I wanna get done by next week too😂 It was actually your little idea about Drabble that helped me get out of it too! So thank you for that! ❤️ Once I remembered that I didn't have to write a super long story it was a bit easier for me to cut down in what wasn't important! I have some bullet point ideas or mini Drabble that I've also almost got done too! There is one idea that I may send an other ask about though! It's something I be been wanting to write because I think I have a really good idea for a line prompt. But there's I'm a little stuck because of some of the TW's that would be included in the story and I'm not sure how'd people react? Idk if that makes sense but I can explain more in the other ask if that's ok! 
And yes! Alfie is absolutely a rich character! He's one of my favorites😂 I'm so glad he made it though the series😂 
Morpheus is pretty good! It's based of a comic by Neil Gaiman about the the Lord of Dreams (Morpheus)! And it starts off after he's been imprisoned for like 100 years and finally gets free and has to build up his kingdom again! I know it's not the busy summary but it's definitely worth the watch! And the actor who plays Morpheus (Tom Sturrige? I think it's spelled) is also very nice to look at so😂😂 but it's a pretty good show!
And I've heard of Both those movies with Cillian but haven't seen them. I've especially heard people like Breakfast on Pluto! I haven't heard of Virgin River though! What's it about? 
And I will say that we have interacted before but again I've kinda been hiding around for the last little bit 😂 And I honestly started the same way as you to, only on anon then I decided to share on thing and people seems to like it so I tried sharing more😂 Then I went into hiding again but you know, I think I might come out of my cave soon😅 And thank you for all your encouragement too! You really have helped me be less nervous about it all!❤️ 
And I haven't actually seen Sex and the City, but I've heard of that one too! But I get what you mean by being apprehensive to second parts! Sometimes the producers should have just stuck to one😂 but I do know that gossip girl is on HBO if you couldn't find it! 
Ohhh and local cafe's are fun! I wish there were some more near me I could go to😂 My college is great but it's not really in a big city where there's lots of cafes😂 We do have a few boba shops that could probably work pretty well though! Does coffee flavored boba count? 😂 And ohh I did see that you were writing for them! I still haven't seen a Quiet Place two yet, but I've seen part of Anna (didn't get to finish it) and I do really enjoy the Nolan Batman's (Cillian is very good at playing the characters who are a little psycho😂) But I can't think of anything specific to see with this right now! If I think of something I'll definitely let you know though!! ❤️
Aside from all the fics I've been trying to catch up on, I have a few mystery novels I want to finish! Most of what I've read though this year had been my textbooks though 😂
And I hope your days have been going alright and will only get better from her on!🥰🥰You're amazing!! Thank you for all your advice! And I'll be sure to send that ask about you opinion on an idea I had after this! ❤️❤️❤️ 
XoXo Gossip Girl!
Hello gossip girl!!!
How have you been?
I’m glad to hear school is doing alright:) thank you so much! I’ve been writing more and faster (I think hehe) aww thank you! It makes me so happy to know you liked that story! I’m a firmly believer that Tommy would be a sweet man, he just couldn’t leave her there in the pouring rain at night… and she managed to win his heart too. (I might have a second part planned for later) but first I need to finish the ancient request I got a while ago, I think there are 2 more stories in my drafts (gotta hurry up). I’m writing the second part to The Runway!!! And I’m so excited about it 🥰 looove Lenny!
Congratulations on the good grades! Keep the hard work going ☺️ oh but I’m sure you will do it just fine! Trust yourself (best of luck with your classes!)
Remember to take deep breaths, try to think of the things that gives you peace usually (and of course post the stories you’ve been working!), it will be just fine 😉
Oh I think airports are a great source of inspiration, wow! That’s an impressive work, you have been writing a lot! It makes me so happy to hear that! Yeah I don’t like neighbors looking at what you’re doing haha I get so nervous, but you were neighbor’s free so it must’ve helped a lot. Did you keep writing? *eyes*… oh that post helped me too! Like a lot! Sometimes I pressure myself to write something long, over X words but when I read that I was like… wait a minute, some stories can work great as short, a Drabble… 🥰💕 aww you’re welcome! It makes my entire world to know you’ve found some inspiration in my silly posts… my job is done here. We don’t even realize the pressure we put on ourselves sometimes right? Some stories are mean to be short, a mini series, a long series or a one shot, and it’s perfectly fine, what really matters is that we write what we want and enjoy it.
In your other post you mention SA, but I don’t know what it means? And also TW’s? 🙈 also do you want me to post the other message with the ideas for your story? Let me know!… okay the general idea sounds great to me! I just have a few questions to fully understand the plot, which I will share on your next message if you tell me you are okay with me posting it. But to answer your dilemma, I’d say go for it because internally you’ve been thinking about it since the beginning! Don’t doubt yourself on it, whatever path you choose is going to be the right one because it’s part of your original idea 😉😊
Alfie was a great addition to the show! He is so interesting and unique, he has a lot of things to bring to the table…
Oh wow Morpheus sounds interesting 🤔 I will try to see if it’s around the platform I have subscription from, or at least a small video to get an idea of the show, although to tell you the truth? I find it hard to get hooked with another series than peaky, what have they done to me? I want/need 10 more series ahaha (said the frustrated one) 😂 but it would be good to have something else to look at.
Breakfast on Pluto was amazing, I loved his character there (I think they did it way too early tho, he could’ve won an Oscar for it years later, but we know he’s not after that… Virgin River is a small (and perfect) little town full of mountains and rivers and nice people, so Mel is a practitioner nurse,widow and she arrives to start her job at the small clinic, she meets Jack a former soldier and they fall in love, but things aren’t easy so there are a million ups and downs, a pregnant ex, the noisy neighbors, flashbacks from the war… it’s so good!
Wow don’t hide! I love interacting with you on anon messages so I guess it’s the same with your own blog 😉 but whatever makes you feel comfortable! I hope you decide to share more and more,the first one is the hardest, so… we’ll be waiting with open arms when you decide to leave the cave 💖 ah anytime sweetheart! Happy to help :)
Yeah I didn’t watch it either but a friend told me what happened and I was like O.o nope I’m not watching that hehe I mean, they left Samantha out *horror face* they had the audacity *gasp* hahah yeahI think whatever you fancy to drink works ;) what does flavored boba tastes? Ahh you *need* to watch AQP2, I was reluctant at first, but Emmett won my heart over… Anna meh, the general idea was amazing, but I think the movie had something missing? Is it just me? I mean why would they make Anna have a girlfriend and be with Lenny and the other agent…? What’s the point? Yeah living la vida loca, I get it, but (?) did he took her to Hawaii? Did the gf found out Anna cheated? I have a lot of questions haha that’s why I write for him lol and I love the psycho characters too! *high five* Jonathan Crane was great, but one of the best roles for me will always be Anthropoid and the edge of love, (love the war theme).
Oh please share the reading list! I love finding new pieces to read, I have a John Banville novel I bought back in November and I haven’t read it yet… I am too behind some stories (I need to catch up on reading asap..), but it will be around so I try to not pressure myself a lot, sometimes it’s just hard to keep up with everything. Ahah I bet you have! Luckily you will find some time to read novels and fiction during your free time ☺️
Days have been alright thanks, I’m doing my nails old way (Idont want to do gel anymore there are loads of videos saying how much damage it can make on the skin and although I really didn’t use the UV lamp like once a week, I want to protect my skin as much as I can…I’ve been writing a lot, more than usual so I’m trying to maximize the inspiration spree, days have been warmer and I want to see if I can find a friend to go to a concert in June, so wish me luck!
Thank you for your beautiful words 🥺 I am here to chat whenever you need, and to me you’re amazing as well! So brave and I wish you nothing but the best in every aspect of your life, see you around xx
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