gusherfruitsnack · 6 years
Bunnymund + short love interest headcanons
Happy early Valentine’s day Nonnie! Here are those hcs you requested, hoping they'll do :)
First off, if this was happening during the war against Pitch, he’d probably feel better if you stayed in the Warren, or by his side. He knows you can take care of yourself, you had saved his tail from quite the number of dogs before, but one can’t be too cautious, right? That being said, he’d be alright if the “safe-house” was any of the Guardians places, but he’d prefer if it was his Warren. Now, why bring this up? Because it’s HOW you get to the Warren. He’s totally against the sleigh, it’s in the open, it’s dangerous, traveling in the tunnels is just safer to him. So you bet, if you were shorter, piggybacking would be common to get through the tunnels.
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Out of the other Guardians, he’d be the least likely to tease you about your height. After all, the majority of the beings he works with are on the shorter side, so he’s indifferent to it. He’d still find it endearing if you were shorter, gives him more opportunities to be there for you if you were ever in need.
The first time you came to the Warren, you for sure followed some stray eggs leading to a meadow. Laying in flowers is nice, Bunny gets that, but losing sight of you in a big field of them? He’s gonna get a heart attack if you pull that again.
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You’re short, so you’ve got little legs. The one thing he teases you about is that you’ve got to take more steps than him. But he is happy he’s still faster, of course, he would probably slow down to let you keep up with him. Or it just means more piggybacking.
He, of course, wants to have more time to bond with you so he asks you to help him hide eggs. He’ll reach the higher areas, and you could cover most of the ground with them. He’d do his best to make you feel like your height doesn’t stop you from doing anything because it wouldn't, not to him at least. So heck, if you wanted to hide eggs in trees he’d help you.
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Seeing as he gives people he’s closer to nicknames, if you were shorter and, presumably a bit more rambunctious, he’d probably call you ankle-biter like Sophie. As a term of endearment but also a bit more in the teasing sense. It’s a fitting nickname for someone like you, sure you are shorter, but that does NOT mean he could let his guard down. He’s definitely learnt from past mistakes.
If he asked you to help hide eggs the night before, he would also like to ask you to help greet the children, or just look after them, on the morning of. But unlike most people, because to him, you are on the cuter side, you’re more approachable. No matter what you wore he’d be convinced the children would love to be around you, just as he does.
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Author’s note
So here we are again, my friend and I are rewatching the movie. For reference, I found it helpful to compare it to what he does differently with Tooth, seeing as he is close with her and she is also on the smaller side, if that makes sense. Honestly, it turned out better than I thought, this wasn’t an easy request since for myself personally, I like to make things both a bit different, but realistic. As I’m sure you can imagine, short love interest hcs are very common, so I really tried to think outside the box on this.
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a-typicalperson · 12 years
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gusherfruitsnack · 6 years
Bunnymund romantic headcanons
With it currently being the month of love, I wanted to post this Anon request as soon as I could, so here are some headcanons of what might happen if he developed romantic feelings for someone :)
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Bunnymund is actually rather confident! He wouldn’t be so easily flustered, so he’d flirt here and there without hesitation.
Along with half of the Guardians, he is on the older side and has dealt with a lot. He’s young at heart, but he is someone with tenor and experience. He probably isn’t new to romance to some degree. 
This guy’s got heart. He cares deeply for his fellow Guardians (in his own way at times), but also puts the children first. He’s got a bit of this “tough love” thing going on with Jack and yet, he tends to be very supportive of Tooth and is rather close to her, for example. He looks out for Tooth like an older brother, so it’s safe to say all the Guardians are close. If they are so close, then if he DID have an interest in someone, he wouldn’t be able to hide it. At all. They’d pick up on his unusual behavior in less than a day and you KNOW they’d all start asking a million questions (plus Jack adding sarcastic comments here and there is a given).
He’s one of the more mature Guardians and with that, a honeymoon phase might happen or last too long. If he probably doesn’t initiate PDA, but he seems far from not wanting it. For one, he’s more than ok with small children hitching rides on his back, so physical contact is something he enjoys. Just... maybe not so much in front of the Guardians or when he’s on the job. He’s got a reputation to keep you know?
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With some privacy and depending on how comfortable he is, he would definitely engulf whoever he had affection for in a hug... for as long as he could stand in one pace. The Easter bunny has a lot to do ok? Not a whole lot of time for him to take breaks. 
Speaking of which, if this person understands his schedule, but even more so, helps him. Oh, he would fall head over heels right there. Finally, someone else who sees Easter for what it is, an important holiday bringing hope to the children (bonus points if they say they prefer Easter to Christmas). He would feel so validated by that and would gain even more affection from that gesture alone. 
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On another note, he’s got guts. He’d most likely be the one to confess, albeit a bit nervous about the answer but for sure he would’ve decided on this. 
Before confessing, he’s assured himself that he’s ready for anything. But waiting for anything, much less something this life-changing... would reduce him to a nervous wreck. Like a rabbit, he doesn’t like to sit still or wait for an answer that’s just that important to him.
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Although he may be confident, he’s also very jumpy and tends to assume things fairly quickly (like he’s done with Jack multiple times before). So all that confidence he had at the start? Non-existent, absolutely gone if the one who confessed to takes more than 3 seconds to respond. If they say yes, he’d just thank MIM that it all worked out and then proceed with a bone-crushing bear hug.
I finished this a while ago but I thought I put it in the queue but apparently not :/ Again sorry Anon for the wait but I hope the length and gifs made up for it!
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gusherfruitsnack · 6 years
Bunnymund physical headcanons
If this wasn’t exactly what you had in mind I apologize, I wasn’t sure if you meant what I imagined when reading more about him, or about the technicality and what his mannerisms might be like.
So I did a bit of both, but I do hope you enjoy it all the same :)
Fair warning I am no scientist, but I do like incorporating hypotheses at times.
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So looking at the wiki mostly, there’s a few things we do know. After watching the film twice rather recently, there’s a few other things we can infer as well. But traits I’d like to point out would be :
Bunnymunds model was heavily based off of a Hare/Rabbit, that is true, but also human physique and kangaroo as well! So to go off on this, I would think that because of his stature, his gait would have longer strides and slower steps. Unlike bugs bunny his feet are rather small and he’s balancing on them most of the time, allowing him to be more agile even with his height. Similar to runners/sprinters/mountain climbers always being told to rest their weight on the balls of their feet, it creates less fatigue when they need to do activities requiring more leg power. So I think it’s safe to assume he’s just as comfortable on two feet as he is on all fours.
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It’s possible when resting or lounging he would be more inclined to do so on all fours, easing tension in his legs. Several times we see him switch from bi-pedal to running in a quadruped like manner, just like a rabbit. Along with that, in his home turf he does seem to roam around more-so like a rabbit, unlike at the other guardian home bases. 
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At his tallest, he stated himself in the film that he is 6′1, although that could just be Hugh being Hugh. However, I wouldn’t doubt it, he’s practically a sky scraper next to the other guardians. (Ok besides North, but North is another story.)
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As for weight and muscular structure, he appears lean and toned, unlike his actual bunny form. This could just be a stylistic choice or the fact that being that tall and running as a quadruped would probably be quite the workout, leading to him having a more “toned” build.
His fur though. I can’t not write about this. Have you felt rabbit fur before? It’s softer than sheep skin rugs, which try and imitate soft fur and it’s just as warm too. So besides it being softer than dandelions, he probably has a floral/earthy scent as well. Guardian of spring and all that.  
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Although it would be funny to say that he dyes certain portions of his fur to get those markings, due to his race being something completely different (no really, in the books he’s referred to as a Pooka, and the last of them too), I would say that it just grows in in that fashion. Similar to how fawns lose their spots as they mature, the Pooka could be the reverse of that, showing maturity through receiving their marks.
And a fun fact, on the wiki they made a note that when making the film, they redesigned Bunny’s whole character because Hugh had the role. He went from a “well educated, but uptight” rabbit, to this Australian ranger.
Leave it to tumblr to delete my original draft of this... I fleshed it out a bit more + added many gifs, so I hope that makes up for how long it took to post this Anon!
Lil p.s 
My friend, after many years, decided to watch this film for the first time recently! Of course it was quite late and we were cracking a lot of jokes and catching onto things we didn’t expect, so we watched it again a couple days later, I believe? My sense of time has been non-existent this week to be honest... 
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