#burette chemistry
anchored-nyctophilia · 4 months
yes yes the agony of heartbreak, the anguish of unrequited love is all good and fine, but have you ever overshot a titration?
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nardo-headcanons · 4 months
Writing Scientist Characters
this post is mainly an excuse to post a certain list of lab supplies I've made for a friend and infodump about lab work. but feel free to use this as a little resource when writing characters who are scientists and/or lab nerds. who knows, maybe it'll be of use.
General thoughts
Many people think it's a stereotype that scientist or nerd characters talk using complex technical jargon. While that is true to an extent, there actually is some kind of lab jargon. It varies across different labs and fields, but one thing they have in common is that it seeks to simplify, not the other way around.
gelelectrophoresis becomes elpho
microbiology becomes mibi
deioninized water becomes aqua dist
biochemistry becomes BC
sodium hydroxide becomes NaOH
They will probably not call a glass of water "silicon dioxide and h2o".
...and more. feel free to get creative. If you're writing in any other language than English, you can throw in one or two anglicisms as well. Also, most scientists will never gatekeep their work, and in an opposite fashion, will not shut up about it unless you make them. And no, most chemists do not know the entire periodic table by heart, only the most relevant elements. (main groups and a few commonly used metals of the subgroups) When it comes to characters doing the lab work, keep in mind that there are a lot more people involved than the scientist themself. Most scientists are more occupied with paperwork and data analysis, it is the laboratory technicians and assistants that do most of the practical work. They often have more lab experience than the scientists themselves.
Things you can have your lab nerd character do instead of making random chemicals explode
writing a lab report (and losing their mind over excel)
degreasing the glass bevel stoppers
removing the permanent marker from beakers (labeling is important)
complaining about the lack of funding of [their field] research
cleaning glassware
preparing specimen for examination
googling the most basic equations for their report
checking if the glassware and utensil collections are complete
steal single use plastic pipettes from their lab
pirating expensive textbooks
A list of laboratory supplies and utensils you can have them work with
Laboratory general (chem + bio)
Erlenmayer flasks, beakers, precision scales (3 digits), glass rods, metal spoons/spatulas, screw on glass flasks (autoclave compatible) test tubes, stopcock grease, dispensers with sanitizer and hand cream, gas burners, heating plates, eppendorf pipettes, pipette tips, Peleus pipetting aids, squirting bottles, liquid and powder funnels, incubator/drying chamber, round watch glasses, magnet stirring plates.
Microbiology Autoclave, petri dishes, agar plates, innoculation loops (reusable and metal), clean bench, microscope slides, microscope, drigalski-spatula, test tubes with clamping lids
Paraffin bath, water bath, scalpels, scissors, razor blades, microtomes (rotating microtome, slide microtome and freezing microtome), histocinette, tweezers (various kinds), ocular
Sequencing robots, eppendorf tubes, gelelectrophoresis chambers, centrifuge
Analytical Chemistry
Photometer, kuvettes, burettes, mass spectro meters, UV bank (for chromatogrophies), pyknometers, melting point meter, porcelain mortars, pH paper, analytical scales (4 or more digits)
Prep Chemistry
Tripod/standing material, miniature lifting platforms, spiral condenser, colon condenser, round bottom flask (three necked and y- necked), filtration material, Separating funnel
Electrical engineering
Electric generators, Soldering iron, Clamp connectors, plugin connectors, ohm’s resistors, plug in lamps, condensers, transistors, PCBs, amperemeters, voltmeters, multimeters
Tripod/standing material, metal hooks, metal rods, mechanical stop watches, marbles, metal springs, Newton meters, laser motion detectors
Prisma (various kinds), various glass lenses (concave, convex, biconcave, biconvex), laser pointers, optical bench, mechanical iris diaphragm, looking glasses, monochrome lamps, lamp filters
Most used chemicals
Deionized water, ethanol, NaOH, HCl, H3PO4, NaCl (+ physiological NaCl solution 0.9)
Useful websites for writing science stuff
DNA sequence generator (simple): http://www.faculty.ucr.edu/~mmaduro/random.htm
DNA, RNA and protein sequence generator: https://molbiotools.com/randomsequencegenerator.php Annealing temperature calculator: https://tmcalculator.neb.com/#!/main
Medicine name generator: https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/medicine-names.php Anything chemistry related: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=chemistry
Commonly used software:
MS Excel
Scientist friends, feel free to add onto this.
Have fun writing!
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shankhachil · 4 months
Highlights from more or less every chemistry lab practical ever:
1. the six or seven unfortunate people who get either ammonium or bromide - every few minutes *COUGh* *cOuGh* *COUGH* "YEEEEOWWWWW IT'S GETTING IN MY EYES" - the extremely unfortunate person who happens to get ammonium bromide; or, if that person is a complete ass, their extremely unfortunate friend 2. *sucks on pipette* *sucks harder* "OOOAOOHISFOFHJ I GOT OXALIC ACID IN MY MOUTH SPIT SPAT UGHKSFHJSGFAJK"
3. That moment when the burette reading goes past 10 ml and the acid solution still shows no sign of permanently turning pink - "Um sir I'm pretty sure you gave us counterfeit NaOH solution" - *turns the burette stopcock too hard* *a river of NaOH starts flowing" 4. *sticks paste-covered hand into your nose without any explanation* *sniffs instinctively* "Yeah there's no vinegar smell." "Aww :("
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writethesleepaway · 2 years
Getting to Know You - P1
Summary: Mike isn't exactly excited when he sees who he's paired up with for chemistry, not because you're a bully, but because you're a mystery. Now, he's doing what he can to solve said mystery.
Pairing: Mike Wheeler x Fem!Reader
WC: 1540
Warnings: none! (maybe swearing?)
A/N: SORRY FOR THE ABSENCE i have been busy preparing to leave for uni (which is quite literally across the world) but i have been reading so many mike wheeler fics i cant get enough of this skinny malnourished emotionally constipated boy
(divider by @delishlydelightfuldividers)
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Mike’s eyes trailed down the blackboard as he looked for his name. His teacher said that they’d be starting experiments, and the name of your lab partner would be listed next to yours on the board.
Mike Wheeler & Y/N Y/L/N
He wasn’t exactly sure what to think. Y/N Y/L/N was sort of an enigma to the Hawkins High community. There was no girls team for sports besides cheer, so naturally, she fought tooth and nail to be on the boy’s soccer and swim team. Half of the team adored her for her blunt personality and respected her ability in the sport, the other half hated her for ‘contaminating’ the guy’s team. Y/N didn’t care at all what people had to say about her, claiming the coach had ‘no respect for the sport or any person’s ability in it’ when he initially didn’t allow her to be on the soccer team. It took even longer for her to be accepted to swim, something about ‘you can’t have the girl swimming with the guys, she’ll be a distraction!’ 
Lucas had dragged him and the rest of the party along to a few of her soccer matches before, saying she was a whizz on the field and definitely someone to watch. Most of the group didn’t exactly enjoy the sport, or the people who played it, but they watched to keep Lucas happy. El and Max thought she was so cool, for standing up to her challenges and fighting to play. Dustin laughed as he watched the opponents complain and whine whenever Y/N scored or stole the ball from them. Will wasn’t exactly opinionated, he just tagged along for the general excitement that comes from any sports game. Steve was forced to babysit, who brought Robin along, and they seemed to just talk amongst themselves for most of the game, except for any time someone would score. 
Mike didn’t exactly hate her, to be fair he didn’t really know much about her, other than her ability to argue to be on sports teams. He wasn’t exactly excited to work with her, but at least she wasn’t some bully, so he didn’t have too much to complain about either.
“Wheeler, hurry up, let’s get this done with!” you called out to him as you finished setting up the equipment on the bench.
“How the hell have you already got this, class started like 3 minutes ago?”
“I’m fast like that, now come on, let’s get this done early so we can spend time doing what we want?”
“Yeah but it’s a whole titration…”
“And? Like I said, I’m fast. Wouldn’t you rather be figuring out stuff for Hellfire?”
Mike gawked at you as you continued to pour the various chemicals into the glassware.
“Close your mouth. Are you going to sit there or will you help?”
“You know about Hellfire?” he asked as he handed you the other material.
“Yeah… Why wouldn’t I?” you responded as you bent over to look at the burette more closely.
“Uhm… I just thought… It’s not exactly your style…”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Well, y’know, you’re all, sporty and stuff. You hang out with the popular kids!”
“Please, you think my friends and I are popular? The popular kids give me shit for being a girl on the boy’s team, I am not popular.” you couldn’t help but laugh at his reaction.
“You totally are! You’re a jock!”
“And just because I play sports means that I wouldn’t know about your club?”
“Yeah, wait no, I mean, yeah! I didn’t know you cared about us!”
“I don’t.”
“But I know y’all exist. Your leader, Munson? He’s”
“Loud.” “A freak, I know.” you both said at the same time. Mike’s jaw dropped again, surprised that you didn’t say the same thing as him.
“What, why would you call him a freak? Isn’t he your friend?”
“He is, but, I expected you to say that he’s a freak.”
“Why would I call him that?”
“Because, that’s kinda what we’re known for…? Y’know? People call us devil worshippers, especially Eddie.”
“If you haven’t noticed, I don’t follow popular opinion. I don’t think of you as freaks, or devil worshippers. You guys just play a game you like and you’re passionate about it. Munson just so happens to be loud, so of course I’d notice the guy standing on top of the table and yelling about his club.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
“Okay switch, I’ve done the first part, you do the rest. I’ll record the results.”
“Uh, yeah, sure.”
Mike wasn’t sure why he was feeling so weird. He barely knew you, and yet somehow he was so surprised at your personality. He half expected to be laughed at for the whole lesson, but to learn that you’re not as judgemental, but also know about him, and don’t see him and his friends as devil worshippers? He felt like someone had turned him upside down onto his head.
“You’re staring at me. Stop staring at get your work done.”
A blush rose to his cheeks as he kicked his ass into high gear to finish the experiment. Your words from earlier, telling him to finish early so you could to what you wanted, resonated in his head, but he no longer wanted to think about DND. His mind was occupied with you, standing in sweats and a crop top with your swimsuit peeking out from underneath. 
“Do you, uh, have a match later?” he muttered as he continued the experiment.
“Nah, just practice, I have the state championships this weekend.”
“Oh really? I’m sure you’ll do great, in…” he trailed off as he tried to think of what stroke you were known for, earning a giggle from you, as you could clearly tell he didn’t know what he was talking about.
“It’s okay Mike, I know you don’t keep up with swimming.”
“But I want to!”
“Do you want to because you enjoy swimming, or because you feel bad that I’ve noticed your interests and you haven’t noticed mine?”
“How the hell do you do that?”
“How the hell do I do what?”
“Be so, smart? And honest? You like, say what you want, and you’re right.”
“I’ve kinda learned to not give a shit, y’know? I stand out already with being the only girl on the team, why not just be myself? I don’t care for labels or stereotypes.”
“That’s really cool.”
“Yeah? You should try it sometimes.”
“What do you mean?” he asked as he stood up to look at you properly.
“Work, Wheeler, get the experiment done.”
“Right, sorry.”
“You seem to care a lot about cliques, about the reputation you and others have. Who gives a damn if someone thinks y’all are devil worshippers, they don’t know you, so why do they matter?”
“That’s a… good point. Dunno, I just hate bullies.”
“So do I, but I don’t pay any mind to them, and that makes em leave me alone because they know they can’t bother me.”
“That’s admirable, but I’m not at that level yet.”
“That’s fine, it comes with time and practice. I wasn’t always like this.”
“Really? You seem so badass.”
“Nah, I cried so hard the first time I was denied entry on the soccer team.”
“What?! You can cry?”
You couldn’t help but laugh at Mike’s comment. 
“Do you seriously think I’m some stone cold no feelings no bullshit girl?”
“Yeah…? Are you not?”
“Mike Wheeler, you know nothing about me, at all.”
“Can I… get to know you? Okay wait, that came out weird, I swear I’m not like, obsessed with you or anything, I mean it’s really cool that you’re all ba-“
You doubled over laughing at his nerves, panting as you tried to catch your breath from laughing too hard. Luckily someone else had made a mess of their experiment, meaning the teacher’s attention was on them and rather on you.
“Mike, do I make you that nervous?” you teased as you noticed his face slightly turning pink.
“Is it that obvious?” he replied as he laughed at himself. 
“I know you didn’t mean it in a creepy way, don’t worry. And sure, if you promise me one thing.”
“What is it?”
“Try not to judge a book by it’s cover yeah? You’ll end up doing the same thing those ‘bullies’ do.”
“Yeah, got it. Is uh, your swim competition open to anyone to watch?” 
“Nah, you need a ticket, why you want one?”
“Yeah, I wanna watch you win!”
“Mike, do you even know the four strokes…?”
“No, but, you can teach me?”
“Yeah, I’ll teach you. I’ll get you your ticket tomorrow.”
For the rest of the class you couldn’t help but laugh as you made small talk with him, conversing about really anything and everything. Mike could have sworn that he felt something, some slightly foreign feeling, somewhere in his mind, but he pushed it away as he tried to get to know you better. Every time you sent him a smile he couldn’t help but feel hot, like he was coming down with some cold. It was definitely something to ask Eddie about, but that was for another day. 
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microlitseo · 15 days
What is the use of a Burette in a Laboratory?
Every laboratory that undergoes experiments and scientific research, is equipped with a variety of instruments that are designed to ensure precise measurements and accurate results. Among so many instruments, the burette stands out for playing a major role in titration and other analytical procedures. 
Thus, it’s important to understand the use of a burette as it’s essential for students, researchers, and professionals involved in scientific experiments, particularly in the fields of chemistry and biology. Alongside, using E-burettes in labs is becoming more beneficial for its reliability. However, it totally depends on the lab experiments and the demand for manual or automatic burettes. 
What is a Burette?
A typical burette is a long, cylindrical glass tube with a graduated scale marked in milliliters (mL) and typically with subdivisions of 0.1 mL. It is fitted with a stopcock at the bottom, which controls the release of the liquid inside. Henceforth, burettes are commonly used in titrations for liquid handling of volumes as a liquid reagent (known as the titrant) into a solution of known concentration (the analyte) until a reaction reaches completion. 
Components of a Burette
Graduated Glass Tube: The main body of the burette, which is marked with a scale for measuring the volume of liquid dispensed.
Stopcock: A valve at the bottom of the burette that can be turned to release or stop the flow of liquid.
Tip: The narrow end of the burette from which the liquid is dispensed.
Uses of a Burette in the Laboratory
Primary Use: The primary use of a burette in the laboratory is for titration, a technique used to determine the concentration of an unknown solution by adding a solution of known concentration until the reaction reaches an endpoint.
Acid-Base Titrations: In acid-base titrations, the burette dispenses a titrant (acid or base) into the analyte until the endpoint is reached, usually indicated by a color change of an indicator.
Redox Titrations: Burettes are also used in redox titrations, where an oxidizing agent is titrated against a reducing agent, or vice versa, to determine the concentration of the reactants.
Preparation of Standard Solutions:
Burettes are used to accurately measure the volume of reagents needed to prepare standard solutions. The precise control offered by the stopcock ensures that the exact amount of liquid is dispensed, leading to accurate solution preparation.
Chemical Analysis:
Burettes are essential in various types of chemical analysis where precise volume measurements are crucial. This includes complexometric titrations used to determine metal ion concentrations in solutions. 
Calibration and Testing:
Burettes are often used to calibrate other laboratory instruments, such as pipettes and dispensers. Their accuracy helps ensure that other measurement tools are functioning correctly.
Teaching and Demonstration:
In educational settings, burettes are used to teach students about the principles of titration and the importance of precision as a laboratory instrument. They provide a visual and practical understanding of how chemical reactions can be quantified. 
The use of a burettes is quite common in laboratories, particularly in chemistry and biology labs where titration is a popular procedure. Its ability to measure and dispense precise volumes of liquid makes it essential for accurate and reliable experimental results. Thus, by understanding how to properly use and maintain a burette, you can ensure the integrity of  data and the success of experiments. Whether in research, education, or industry, the burette remains a fundamental liquid handling instrument for achieving precise and controlled chemical analysis.
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labgoindia · 21 days
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mecl · 25 days
Ensuring Precision in Laboratory Measurements: Pipette, Burette, and Beaker Calibration in Dubai, UAE
Accurate measurements are the cornerstone of reliable results in any laboratory setting. In Dubai, UAE, calibration services for pipettes, burettes, and beakers are crucial for maintaining the integrity of scientific research and industrial processes. These services ensure that laboratories meet stringent quality standards and regulatory compliance.
Pipette Calibration is vital for laboratories where precise liquid handling is critical. Pipettes are used extensively in biological, chemical, and pharmaceutical labs for transferring accurate volumes of liquid. Regular calibration ensures that pipettes deliver the exact volume needed, reducing errors and ensuring reproducibility in experiments. Accredited calibration services in Dubai employ advanced techniques and standards to verify the performance of pipette calibration , providing detailed calibration certificates that attest to their accuracy.
Burette Calibration is equally important in titration processes, where the accurate delivery of liquid reagents is essential for determining concentrations of solutions. Burette Calibration services for burettes in Dubai ensure that these instruments provide precise measurements, critical for quantitative analysis in chemistry labs. Proper calibration helps in achieving consistent and accurate titration results, which are essential for quality control and research purposes.
Beaker Calibration may seem less critical compared to pipettes and burettes, but it is essential for ensuring the accuracy of volume measurements in various laboratory applications. Beaker calibration are commonly used for mixing, heating, and stirring liquids, and accurate volume markings are crucial for consistency in experimental procedures. Calibration services verify the volume markings on beakers, ensuring they meet specified tolerances and providing confidence in the measurements.
In Dubai, UAE, specialized calibration laboratories offer comprehensive calibration services for pipettes, burettes, and beakers. These laboratories are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and adhere to international standards such as ISO/IEC 17025, ensuring high accuracy and reliability. Calibration services include thorough testing, adjustment, and certification, providing laboratories with the documentation needed for regulatory compliance and quality assurance.
Regular calibration of laboratory instruments like pipettes, burettes, and beakers not only ensures the accuracy of measurements but also extends the life of the equipment by identifying and addressing potential issues early. In industries such as pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and chemical manufacturing, where precision is paramount, these calibration services play a critical role in maintaining the integrity of laboratory results.
By utilizing professional calibration services in Dubai, laboratories can ensure their equipment performs to the highest standards, ultimately enhancing the quality and reliability of their work. Whether for research, quality control, or production processes, accurate measurement tools are essential, and regular calibration is key to achieving this accuracy.
Call us : +971 6 524 1472
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"Unlocking Discoveries: Essential Chemistry Lab Equipment by Educational Equipment India"
In the fascinating realm of chemistry, where elements bond, compounds react, and mysteries unravel, having the right tools is essential. At Educational Equipment India, we understand the significance of quality equipment in nurturing scientific curiosity and discovery. Our comprehensive range of chemistry lab equipment is designed to empower students and researchers alike in their quest for knowledge and understanding.
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Beakers, test tubes, and flasks: These are the foundational vessels of any chemistry laboratory. With our sturdy glassware, precision measurements and controlled reactions are within reach. Whether you're conducting simple experiments or complex analyses, our glassware provides the reliability and accuracy you need.
For precise measurements and mixtures, look no further than our range of pipettes and burettes. From volumetric pipettes for accurate transfers to burettes for titrations, our equipment ensures precise control over liquids, allowing for meticulous experimentation and analysis.
Safety is paramount in any laboratory setting, which is why we offer a variety of safety equipment to protect both students and educators. From safety goggles to lab coats, we prioritize the well-being of everyone in the lab, ensuring a secure environment for scientific exploration.
No chemistry lab is complete without instrumentation to aid in analysis and observation. From pH meters to spectrophotometers, our advanced equipment enables in-depth study and analysis, opening doors to new discoveries and insights.
At Educational Equipment India, we are committed to providing top-quality chemistry lab equipment that fosters a hands-on approach to learning and encourages curiosity-driven exploration. With our reliable products, educators can inspire the next generation of scientists, and students can embark on journeys of discovery with confidence.
Whether you're a school, college, or research institution, our comprehensive range of chemistry lab equipment caters to all your needs. Explore the world of chemistry with Educational Equipment India, where quality meets innovation, and discovery knows no bounds.
Contact Us
Company Name: Educational Equipment India
Location: Jain Scientific Suppliers 2475–84, Hargolal Road, Ambala Cantt, Haryana, India
Resource URL: https://www.educationalequipmentindia.com/
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kwipdeal · 4 months
Types of Laboratory Apparatus
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Laboratory Apparatus, In the dynamic world of scientific exploration, laboratories serve as the crucibles of innovation and discovery. Central to these hubs of knowledge are various laboratory apparatus, each designed for specific tasks to unlock the secrets of the universe. In this exploration, we will delve into the diverse types of laboratory apparatus, shedding light on their roles and significance in the pursuit of scientific understanding.
Beakers and Flasks: The Workhorses of Experimentation
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Beakers and flasks are the stalwarts of any laboratory apparatus, serving as vessels for mixing, measuring, and holding liquids. Beakers, with their cylindrical shape and wide mouth, are ideal for stirring and pouring liquids. On the other hand, flasks, often with a narrower neck, are used for reactions that involve the release of gases, ensuring controlled containment.
Test Tubes and Culture Tubes: Homes of Microcosmic Reactions
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Another laboratory apparatus is test tubes, characterized by their slender and elongated shape, are iconic symbols of laboratories. They are employed for small-scale reactions, heating substances, and observing chemical changes. Culture tubes, with a similar design, are tailored for microbial and cellular cultures, facilitating the growth and study of microorganisms.
Pipettes: Precision in Volume
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Precision in measuring and transferring small volumes of liquids is the forte of pipettes. Available in various types, including micropipettes and volumetric pipettes, these instruments ensure accuracy in experiments where even a slight deviation can lead to significant errors. Pipettes are indispensable in fields like biology, chemistry, and medical research.
Burettes: The Graduated Flow of Precision
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When precise measurement and control of liquids are paramount, burettes step into the limelight. These long, graduated tubes with a stopcock at the bottom allow for meticulous titrations, where the volume of a solution is precisely determined while reacting with another solution. Burettes are vital tools in analytical chemistry, ensuring accuracy in concentration calculations.
Microscopes: Unveiling the Microcosm
Microscopes open windows to the unseen world, enabling scientists to explore the microscopic realms. Light microscopes use visible light to magnify specimens, while electron microscopes employ electron beams for even higher magnification. Microscopes are foundational in fields like biology, medicine, and materials science, revolutionizing our understanding of cellular structures and tiny organisms.
Centrifuges: Separating Forces in a Spin
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Centrifuges harness centrifugal force to separate components within a liquid sample based on their density. Commonly used for separating blood components in medical laboratories, centrifuges find applications in various scientific disciplines, including biochemistry and molecular biology. Different types of centrifuges, such as ultracentrifuges and microcentrifuges, cater to specific needs of researchers.
Incubators: Nurturing Growth in a Controlled Environment
Incubators recreate specific environmental conditions to foster the growth of cultures, cells, or microorganisms. They provide a controlled setting for experiments requiring constant temperature, humidity, and CO2 levels. Incubators play a crucial role in biological and medical research, ensuring optimal conditions for cell cultures and experiments.
Autoclaves: Sterilizing for Safety
Sterilization is a non-negotiable aspect of laboratory work, particularly in microbiology and medical research. Autoclaves, using high-pressure steam, eliminate bacteria, viruses, and other contaminants from laboratory equipment and materials. This ensures a sterile environment for experiments and prevents cross-contamination.
Spectrophotometers: Quantifying the Spectrum
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Spectrophotometers measure the intensity of light absorbed or transmitted by a sample at different wavelengths. Widely used in chemistry and biochemistry, these instruments provide valuable data about the composition and concentration of substances. Spectrophotometers play a pivotal role in quantifying DNA, proteins, and various chemical compounds.
Ovens and Furnaces: Heat for Transformation
For experiments requiring precise temperature control and heat application, ovens and furnaces step in. These apparatus are crucial for processes like drying, sterilization, and material synthesis. Furnaces, capable of reaching higher temperatures, find applications in metallurgy, ceramics, and material science.
PH Meters: Gauging Acidity and Alkalinity
The acidity or alkalinity of a solution is a fundamental parameter in many scientific investigations. pH meters provide an accurate measure of the hydrogen ion concentration in a solution, allowing researchers to monitor and control the acidity or alkalinity of their experimental environments. These instruments are indispensable in fields like chemistry, biology, and environmental science.
Chromatography Systems: Separating Mixtures with Precision
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Chromatography is a versatile technique employed to separate and analyze complex mixtures. Gas chromatography, liquid chromatography, and thin-layer chromatography are among the various chromatography systems used in laboratories. These systems are vital for applications ranging from pharmaceutical analysis to environmental monitoring.
In Conclusion of type of laboratory apparatus :
The laboratory apparatus discussed here represents the diverse tools that scientists and researchers wield in their quest for knowledge and discovery. Each instrument plays a specific role, contributing to the intricate tapestry of scientific exploration. As technology continues to advance, new and innovative laboratory apparatus will undoubtedly emerge, further enriching the capabilities of laboratories worldwide. In the grand symphony of scientific inquiry, these apparatus stand as the instruments that harmonize to unveil the secrets of the natural world.
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gosciencecrazy · 6 months
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chemistry lab Manufacturer, Suppliers and Exporter in India
Chemistry lab instruments are specialized tools and equipment used to conduct experiments and perform various tasks in a chemistry laboratory. They are essential for carrying out chemical reactions, measuring substances, analyzing data, and ensuring safety. Types of Chemistry Lab Instruments There are many different types of chemistry lab instruments , each with its own specific purpose. Some of the most common instruments include: Glassware: Beakers, Erlenmeyer flasks, test tubes, volumetric flasks, graduated cylinders, pipettes, and vials are all examples of glassware used in chemistry labs. Measuring instruments: Thermometers, balances, pH meters, spectrometers, and calorimeters are used to measure various properties of substances, such as temperature, mass, acidity, light absorption, and heat flow. Heating instruments: Bunsen burners, hot plates, and furnaces are used to heat substances and conduct chemical reactions. Safety equipment: Safety goggles, lab coats, gloves, fume hoods, and fire extinguishers are essential for protecting chemists from hazardous substances and ensuring safety in the lab. Importance of Chemistry Lab Instruments Chemistry lab instruments play a vital role in scientific research and discovery. They allow chemists to conduct experiments, collect data, and make new discoveries about the properties of matter and the behavior of atoms and molecules. These instruments are also essential for quality control in industries that rely on chemistry, such as pharmaceuticals, food production, and environmental monitoring. Care and Maintenance of Chemistry Lab Instruments Proper care and maintenance of chemistry lab instruments is essential to ensure their accuracy, safety, and longevity. Instruments should be cleaned and calibrated regularly, and any damaged or malfunctioning equipment should be replaced immediately. Chemists should also be trained in the proper use of instruments and safety procedures to avoid accidents and injuries. Chemistry lab instruments are essential tools for conducting experiments, performing research, and ensuring safety in chemistry labs. They play a vital role in scientific discovery and industrial applications. With proper care and maintenance, chemistry lab instruments can be used for many years to come. Here a list of common chemistry lab instruments used in school and college laboratories: 1.Bunsen Burner 2.Beaker 3.Flask (Erlenmeyer Flask) 4.Test Tubes 5.Test Tube Rack 6.Pipette Burette 7.Volumetric Flask 8.Graduated Cylinder 9.Watch Glass 10.Funnel 11.Filter Paper 12.Magnetic Stirrer 13.Stirring Rod 14.Thermometer 15.pH Meter 16.Microscope 17.Centrifuge 18.Spectrophotometer 19.Incubator 20.Desiccator 21.Hot Plate 22.Digital Balance 23.Crucible and Cover 24.Gas Jars 25.Safety Goggles 26.Lab Coat 27.Dropper 28.Retort Stand 29.Clamps and Holders These instruments are essential for various laboratory procedures and experiments in the field of chemistry. Always ensure proper safety measures are followed when using these instruments in a laboratory setting.
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stonylabchem · 7 months
STONYLAB Bosshead Clamp Holders, 2 Pack
2 rod diameters: up to 16mm; up to 21mm
Sold for $11.99 and $13.59 respectively.
2-pack adjustable boss head clamp holders
Made of high-quality Aluminum Alloy body with plastic knobs, ensuring it durable and sturdy constructed
Large, easy-to-rotate knobs help provide extra leverage to easy and accurate adjustment
Widely used in labs for keeping the clamp in place
🛒Discover other types of clamp holders in chemistry lab at
💡A bosshead clamp holder is a device used in laboratories to securely hold and position various pieces of lab equipment, such as burettes, clamps, and other apparatus, on a vertical support rod or stand. It consists of a bosshead that attaches to the support rod and a clamping mechanism for securing the laboratory equipment in place. This allows for flexibility and precision in setting up experiments and maintaining the desired apparatus arrangement.
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Science Labs, Laboratory Equipment And Lab Safety Essentials
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Although the subject science is taken up just like any other topic while observing any well-equipped and systematically organized science classroom or a work room, the difference can be distinguished. The science room will not be the same as other subjects like the languages, mathematics or similar. The science rooms are those set-ups which are meant for both theoretical studies and practical performances or study as well. Simple equipments like tables included with sinks, Bunsen burners, glass wares like beakers, conical flasks, burettes, pipettes, test tubes and similar equipment are intended to help pupils learn chemistry by performing relevant experiments that enable the student to understand the concepts and theories well.
A science laboratory with proper equipment enables the scholars to perform experiments and observe the theoretically studied matter actually take place before them, which makes the study exciting making this hands-on learning stress-free and comprehend interesting concepts and perceptions in a comparatively easier way. For learners who opt for a science-based career, reading without performing experiments about science would be very challenging hence these experiments are significant in providing the students with the necessary knowledge.
All the same performing experiments in a laboratory has its own risks on the flip side. Since most of the experiments especially the ones concerned with the chemicals, are quite hazardous if proper care and safety measures are not exercised. So in order to maintain proper safety and make the lab environment favorable for study and carryout relevant experiments certain safety equipments and measures mandatorily have to be practiced.
One of the important and essential and common safety gear is the apron or the laboratory coat. Usually of white color, and a material that is thick and protective, the lab coat protects the chemicals from reaching the skin in case of accidental spurting or spilling. Since these coats are long enough in length and are provided with buttons in the front the wearing and removing the coat will be easier, likewise while using the coats during performing experiments it is highly advised to keep the coat properly buttoned so that any accidental contact of the chemicals to the skin can be averted.
While the safety equipment is an important and critical aspect, supply of such materials to laboratories is also a complex task. Organizations that are qualified and experienced in this sector can only carry out such jobs of consistent supply of high quality materials. Organizations like Gaia science have been in the industry with a capability of making available the state-of-the-art laboratory equipment and products. Striving to provide scientific and technological advancement with respect to lab equipment, for esteemed and reputed clients, Gaia science has been one of the pioneers in the supply of laboratory and lab safety equipment.
In Order To Find Out More Details On Laboratory Equipment Suppliers Please Be Touch With Us Today Onwards..!
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biolabequipment · 1 year
Laboratory Glassware List
Are you gearing up to work in a laboratory? Have you checked that your lab has all kinds of laboratory glassware? Well, here is the laboratory glassware list that includes all the essential laboratory glassware that your lab needs to be equipped with at all times: 
Containers and Mixing
Here are the features of lab beakers:
Appearance: Lab beakers are cylindrical glass containers with a flat bottom and a pouring spout and may or may not have a small handle. 
Purpose: ideal for mixing, heating, and holding liquids during experiments or chemical reactions.
Made of: high-quality 3.3 borosilicate glass
Size Range: Beakers are available in various sizes, ranging from small volumes (e.g., 25 mL) to larger volumes (e.g., 1,000 mL or more). Choose them as per your lab requirements. 
Erlenmeyer flasks
Appearance: they have a cone-like shape with a wide base that tapers to a narrower neck. The tapered neck allows stoppers or other accessories to be attached easily.
Purpose: They are ideal for containing liquids during mixing, stirring, and heating experiments.
Material Built: made of borosilicate glass, which gives it superb resistance to thermal shock and chemical corrosion. 
Size Range: They are available in smaller sizes, such as 25 mL or 50 mL, up to larger sizes of 5,000 mL or more. Select the size as per the volume of the experiments.
Test tubes
Test tubes are cylindrical glass tubes with an open top and a rounded bottom.
Appearance: Test tubes have a simple, straight design, cylindrical shape, and no neck. They have a flat or rounded bottom and an open top. 
Purpose: help to hold, mix, and heat small quantities of liquids or to carry out chemical reactions on a small scale. 
Material Built: borosilicate glass or fused quartz
Size Range: Test tubes are 10 to 30 mm wide and 75 to 200 mm long.
To accommodate different volumes and experimental needs. 
The other lab glassware used in this category are: 
Graduated cylinders
Petri dishes
Watch glasses
Liquid Transfer
Appearance: Pipettes typically have a long, thin shape with a tapered tip at one end. They are available in various designs, including volumetric pipettes, graduated pipettes, and micropipettes.
Purpose: they are the media dispenser in the lab. They measure and transfer specific volumes of liquids during various scientific procedures, such as sample preparation, titrations, and analytical tests. 
Material Built: high-quality borosilicate glass
Size Range: Pipettes are available in different sizes to accommodate a wide range of liquid volumes. 
Another lab glassware used in this is: 
Appearance: Burettes have slender bodies with a uniform diameter along their length. They feature a stopcock at the bottom with volume markings on the side. 
Purpose: Burettes are primarily used in analytical chemistry to accurately dispense and measure liquids, particularly during titration experiments. 
Material Built: Burettes are typically made of borosilicate glass. The stopcock is typically made of glass or Teflon for smooth and leak-free operation.
Size Range: Burettes come in various sizes, typically 10 mL to 100 mL or more. 
Heating and Reaction 
Round-bottom flasks
Appearance: they have a pear-shaped design, with a round body and a long neck that ends in a narrow opening. 
Purpose: They are commonly used for heating, boiling, distilling liquids and mixing or stirring reactions. The narrow neck of the flask minimizes the risk of splashing or spillage during vigorous reactions, ensuring a safe working environment.
Material built: borosilicate glass
Size range: the size range is available from 5 milliliters (mL) to large-scale flasks with capacities of several liters, for example, 20L. 
Besides this, other lab glassware used for heating and reaction purposes are: 
Florence flasks
Evaporating dishes
Combustion boats
Measurement and Analysis
Volumetric flasks
Appearance: has a pear-shaped design, similar to round-bottom flasks. But have a long neck with a narrow opening and a flat bottom. 
Purpose: volumetric flasks prepare and hold solutions with a known and accurate volume at a particular temperature. The volume indicated on a volumetric flask is precise and calibrated accurately, often to the nearest hundredth or thousandth of a milliliter. 
Material Built: Volumetric flasks are generally made with borosilicate for easy visual inspection of the solution's colour, clarity, and meniscus level.
Size Range: Common sizes include 25 mL, 50 mL, 100 mL, 250 mL, 500 mL, 1 liter to 5l. 
The other lab glassware used for measurement and analysis are:
Spectrophotometer cuvettes
Distillation and Reflux
Distillation flasks
Liebig condensers
Soxhlet extractors
Separation and Extraction
Separatory funnels
Chromatography columns
Extraction flasks
For more information on the Laboratory Glassware List, please get in touch with the customer service team of top lab glassware manufacturers Atico India. The quality and performance of lab glassware are unmatched globally.  
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labnics14 · 1 year

Digital Burette
Digital Burette NDB-100 is an electronic device that delivers accurate, precise, and convenient bottle-top titration while reducing the risk of accidental chemical contact and operator fatigue. It combines both magnetic stirrer and burette functions, making it easier for the user to achieve reproducible results in the fields of analytical chemistry, food industry, water analysis, etc
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jadescientific · 2 years
Difference Between Pipettes, Burettes, and Graduated Cylinders!
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Some people don't completely understand all the applications of glassware in chemistry. Therefore, it's crucial to distinguish between measuring cylinders, burets such as acrylic burets, and measuring cylinders if you're planning to conduct any chemistry job. Understanding the many types of glassware will aid you in choosing the best option for your needs.
Graduated Cylinders 
Graduated cylinders are ideal for measuring bulk volumes. They are intended to show precisely how much liquid is in the cylinder. When compared to pipettes and burettes, they have many advantages. Compared to a pipette, burettes enable the dispensing of more significant amounts. They are calibrated from bottom to top for this reason.
On the other hand, a burette is made to show how much liquid it is dispensing. It is calibrated from top to bottom for this reason. A burette is a long tube of glass with a tap at the bottom. One kind of burette has graduations running the length of it, spaced two cubic centimeters apart. To increase its level of precision and display the complete volume of a substance at each mark, it contains extra minor marks in between.
Compared to graduated cylinders and burettes, which can measure any amount up to their maximum capacity, pipettes can only measure a particular volume.
Difference Between Graduated Cylinders, Burette, and Pipettes
The fact that pipettes are read from top to bottom because of their calibration is a drawback. They are significantly more prone to human error because they are read from top to bottom. Because of this, it is wise to be aware of the glassware you are using and choose the type that best fulfills your needs. If you have difficulty reading the amount of liquid measured with burettes, try using a graduated cylinder instead. Additionally, the cylinder's markings are typically seen as simpler to read.
Graduated cylinders come in a broad range of sizes. The most frequently used sizes include 10 ml, 25 ml, 100 ml, 500 ml, and up to 2 liters. It is occasionally necessary to manage the necessary volume of liquid using measuring cylinders. Use a measuring cylinder if precision is your primary concern.
A graduated cylinder is therefore preferred whenever possible. Still, you can also use a pipette or burette if the circumstance doesn't require the highest degree of accuracy or if other methods could be more appropriate.
The accuracy of a burette's readings, such as acrylic burets, is calibrated to 0.2 cubic centimeters. On the other hand, a pipette is calibrated with a filling line that provides an exact volume of the substance it has at the specific spot and has a bulge in the center. Using a clean volumetric pipette, you can measure to an accuracy of 0.01 milliliters.
Understanding the various types of glassware is crucial for anyone planning to pursue a career in academia. Everyone from professionals to students must ensure that they are known to succeed. Because it is essential knowledge that should be committed to memory, chemistry classes test their pupils on the differences between all equipment early in their studies.
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