#mike wheeler reader insert
multi-fandomfuckboy · 2 months
Stranger Than Fiction
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Part 28: Games
Billy Hargrove x Reader (Slowburn)
Part 1,... (Masterlist)...Part 28, Part 29 (Coming Soon)...
AN: lol I'm back on my bullshit. Word Count: 3,874 Warnings: allusions to abuse
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It’s a short ride. Neither of you speak, allowing the music to fill the space between you. It’s comfortable. You listen to each song as the cassette plays through the specific mix curated by its maker. Max had shown you a few of these ‘mixtapes' Billy had made the day you waited with her. You don’t fully understand how he’s able to get each song to seamlessly blend into the next despite the variation in artists and rhythms. 
Then a song comes on that grabs your attention. It’s the same loud tune, a guitar continuously strumming along with the beat of drums and bass. The thing that stands out to you are the lyrics. 
“People think I’m insane,  because I’m frowning all the time…  I need someone to show me the things in life that I can’t find I can’t see the things that make true happiness,  I must be blind.”
“Who sings this?” You ask, glancing sidelong at Billy. 
“Black Sabbath.” He tells you, keeping his eyes ahead. “It’s one of their older songs but it still holds up.” He explains pulling to a stop in front of his house. When he moves to cut the engine your hand reflexively grabs his wrist, stopping him. 
“Wait. I want to hear the rest.” You tell him, using your other hand to turn up the volume.   Billy doesn’t fight you, watching you in silence as you listen to the rest of the song. 
“Make a joke and I will sigh And you will laugh and I will cry Happiness I cannot feel And love to me is so unreal… I tell you to enjoy life I wish I could, but it’s too late”
Your heart gives an uncomfortable squeeze for a beat as the song ends. There is a tense moment before the next song begins where you notice Billy's pulse under your fingertips. You don’t know why you're squeezing Billy’s wrist so tightly. You slowly uncurl your fingers, sitting back in your seat. The lyrics bounce around in your mind as you sit there. Billy finally cuts the engine, ending the music as well. 
“You okay?” Billy finally asks, lifting a brow. You nod.
“Yea, it’s just weird. How something can sound so loud and angry but under it all it’s actually really sad.” You explain. “Like a cry for help.” Billy’s lips quirk up slightly.
“Maybe that’s what they were going for?” He says. “Music is just another way to tell a story. I’m surprised you’re not more into it.” He tells you, moving to exit the car. “If you thought that was good I’ll have to show you some Bon Jovi.” He goes on as you follow him out of the car and up the steps towards the house. “I’m assuming you have no idea who that is.” Billy says with a smirk. 
“Yea yea, save it. Max already thinks I’ve been living under a rock for the past 17 years.” You reply with an eye roll. Billy huffs a laugh. 
“That little shit wouldn’t know dick about music if it weren’t for me.” He says, pulling out his keys. His words are harsh but there is no heat to them. 
“Well this is a first.” You quip as he unlocks and opens the front door, stepping to the side to let you enter first. “A whole different experience than coming in though the window.” You joke, stepping into the house. 
“We can always go around back if you’d feel more comfortable.” He jokes back, following you in. You take a moment to really look around as Billy closes and bolts the door behind you. You’ve never been in this part of the house, only glimpsing at it through windows. It’s not a large space and it’s clear that 4 people occupy the small domicile. Bits and pieces of everyones lives are scattered around. 
“I think I’m good.” You reply. You notice that there is a clear clash in interior design through the house. The free weights contrast with the decorative rug under them. Beer cans stacked next to decorative shell decor on the mantle. Someone had tried to make this house a home, but there was something off. It felt like two personalities were struggling to mesh into a comfortable middle, it was unstable, chaotic. 
Billy moves around you to lead you deeper into the house but before you can move any further Max’s voice calls from her room. 
“Billy, I need to go to the arcade! Where did you-oh.” She stops short seeing you in the living room. For some reason it feels like you’ve been caught doing something you shouldn’t, a pit of anxiety taking root in your stomach. 
“Hey Max.” You greet, giving her a half wave. She just watches you skeptically. Her narrowed eyes dart between you and Billy. 
“What’s your malfunction?” Billy snaps after the silence lasts a moment longer than is comfortable. 
“Are you two dating?” Max asks bluntly. 
“What?!” Both you and Billy ask in unison. You share a confused glance before turning back to Max. Your face heats exponentially. 
“Mind your own business you little shit.” Billy bites at the same time you try to explain. 
“He’s tutoring me in history.” A smirk, eerily similar to Billy’s, spreads across Max’s face. 
“Is that what they call it these days?” She asks, crossing her arms and leaning against the wall, a taunting lift in her brow. 
“If you want a ride, I would shut the hell up.” Billy says sternly, narrowing his eyes at the redhead. 
“Jeez, learn how to take a joke.” Max huffs with an exaggerated roll of her eyes. She ducks back into her room, leaving you and Billy in the living room. Billy just shakes his head, clenching his jaw as he heads for his room. 
“I swear if her attitude gets any worse Neil is going to lose his shit.” He mumbles, pushing his hair back from his forehead. “Be ready in 20 minutes!” He yells after her. The only confirmation that she heard him comes in the form of a dramatic groan. 
“That’s how all kids are at that age. I was so argumentative my mom and I didn’t have a pleasant interaction for weeks at a time, and don’t get me started on Hopper. I’m pretty sure I took years off his life with my attitude.” You chuckle fondly at the memory of your painful growing years. 
“Sometimes being a kid isn’t a good enough excuse.” Billy replies calmly. Your stomach twists uncomfortably remembering how Neil had looked at his own son that night not so long ago. 
“Neil and Susan are in Indianapolis Christmas shopping, so I’m playing chauffeur for the day.” Billy explains, entering his room and heading straight for the bed, flopping down on it. 
“I don’t mind helping watch her.” You offer without much thought. You hover in the doorway, suddenly nervous about being in his room alone with him. It’s not like you had never been in his room alone before, you spent many nights sitting across from him on the bed pouring over history lessons, keeping your voices low to not wake anyone else in the house. But something about being here in the daylight, not sneaking around, it makes your stomach swirl. You glance around, his room looks the same as it always does. Bed half made, cigarette butts stamped out in the ashtray next to the cassettes on the nightstand. You do notice that there is now a small dent in the wall next to the mirror, but you can’t be sure that it wasn’t always there.
“Neil would kick my ass if he knew I pawned my responsibility off on you.” Billy explains, propping himself up on his elbow to see you. You absentmindedly skim your fingers over the outside of the doorframe.
“It’s not ‘pawning’ them off on me. We would do it together.” You reason with him. Your fingers catch on something cold and metal on the outside of the doorframe. Leaning back to glance at what you’re touching you see the latch of a lock. Glancing at the outer side of the door you see the other half of the latch. Something cold prickles down your spine.
This isn’t just a teenager wanting privacy, the way this latch is set up, it would function to lock the door from the outside. Why would anyone need that? Your mind struggles to make sense of it. 
“He wouldn’t see it that way.” He tells you flatly. 
“Then don’t tell him.” You say simply, stepping fully into the room. “I’ll help you out today and I’ll be gone by the time they get home. “ you explain, sitting gently on the edge of the bed next to his legs. “Just like when we painted the porch.” You remind him. You watch something dance behind his eyes at the memory from this summer that feels like a hundred years ago. “Consider it part of my tutoring payment. I know the food isn’t a fair trade.” You insist. When he finally nods, giving in, you have to smile. 
“Fine. But only because the idea of dealing with a prepubescent she-devil by myself makes me want to stick needles in my brain… and leaving her alone is not an option.” He tells you, sitting up next to you. His thigh presses against yours, and the proximity sends sparks over your nerves. 
Remembering the promise you made yourself before leaving home you try to scoot away to put some distance between your bodies. Billy notices the movement immediately. 
“Oh sorry, am I making you nervous?” He asks, leaning in even closer, one of his arms going behind your back. He’s not touching you, but he’s close enough that you can feel him if you lean back even slightly. You struggle to hold his gaze.
“No.” You say simply, not trusting your voice to say more without shaking. 
“You sure?” He asks, lifting a brow. You feel him lean in even closer, you swear you can feel the heat coming off of him. You force yourself to hold his gaze and remain still, fighting the urge to pull away. Like a game of personal space chicken.
“I’m fine.” You practically whisper, your voice sounding too loud with how close he is. When he chuckles you can feel the warmth of his breath against your cheek. His eyes shift between yours. You can see the flecks of green in his sky blue iris. Your breath mingles with his and you smell his last cigarette mixed with spearmint gum. You swallow thickly, gritting your teeth together in defiance. 
“You can tell me if you’re not.” Billy insists, his voice just as soft. He’s flirting but you can hear the seriousness laced in his tone. He’s making sure you know he’ll stop, if you ask. Something about that knowledge eases the panic in you. Shifting slightly you tilt your chin up, watching him the way he always looks at you.
“I’m okay.” You say more confidently. You see his adams apple bob as he swallows, his eyes seeming to darken. His gaze flickers to your parted lips so quickly you think you imagined it. Your mouth suddenly goes dry, your stomach flipping at the memory of what his lips felt like against you-
“Right, that’s what ‘not dating’ looks like.” Max’s voice calls loudly from the doorway. You feel like a bucket of ice water has just been poured over your head as you pull away from Billy. Embarrassment floods through you as Billy leaps from the bed lunging towards the door. 
“Fuck off!” He yells, slamming the door closed. 
“I still need a ride!” Max yells from outside the door, pounding on it for emphasis. Billy’s shoulders are tense as he stands with his back to you, his arms braced against the door. You see him take a deep breath, then another, bowing his head as he lowers his arms, slightly adjusting the waistband of his jeans. 
“You sure you want in on this shit show?” He asks, turning to lean back against the door. Max pounds on the door again, shaking its frame. You manage a dry laugh, trying to shove all the mortifying shame you feel into the back of your mind. 
“Oh this is nothing. Try telling Mike Wheeler a campaign needs to end early. Kid turns into a gremlin.” You tell him, pushing yourself off the bed. Billy lifts a brow. 
“I’m more surprised that you know what a gremlin is.” He admits teasingly. You roll your eyes. 
“I do have a life outside of this room you know.” You tell him. You won’t admit that the only reason you know the plot of gremlins is because Steve insisted on catching you up on all the big hits you had missed while you were in the hospital, not that you had actually seen it in theaters. 
Billy watches you approach with a healthy dose of skepticism. 
“Come on Hargrove, put on a brave face. I hear they can smell fear.” You joke, clapping a hand on his shoulder. 
“I’m going to be late!” Max yells, pounding harder. 
“Be my guest Loca, I always knew you had a death wish.” Billy says with a smirk. Your heart pounds at the memory of your first meeting. It feels like a million years ago, like you were an entirely different person, and looking at Billy’s confident smirk, the teasing glint in his eyes, you wonder if he’s a different person now too. 
Without another word, Billy whips open the door to reveal a very agitated Max.
“Finally!” She exclaims, turning on her heel striding towards the front door, her bag already slung over her shoulder. Billy shoots you a look over his shoulder before following after her. 
“Hey, Max?” You call, slipping in front of Billy to catch up to her. She only glances at you, still heading for the door. “Do you mind if I tag along to the arcade?” You ask. Your words cause her to halt, turning to face you with the full force of her scrutinizing glare. You feel Billy come to a stop behind you, her eyes dart to him before returning to you. 
“Did he ask you to babysit me?” She asks indignantly. 
“No!” You say, throwing your hands up. “I just thought you could teach me some stuff. I’m not very good and I hear you kick the boys' butts on a regular basis.” You explain, hoping it comes off as genuine. She studies you for another beat, seeming to weigh the pros and cons of allowing you to come with her. Finally, she shrugs. 
“Fine. But don’t try to talk to me while I’m playing. It throws me off.” She instructs, turning for the door. When her back is turned you quickly give Billy an enthusiastic thumbs up, earning another eye roll. 
The three of you climb into the car, Billy turning the volume up to his usual bone shaking level as he whips out of his spot, speeding down the road. It’s a short ride into town, especially with how Billy drives. When he comes to a stop outside the arcade you climb out, pulling the seat forward to allow Max out. 
“I’ll meet you in there.” you tell her. Needing no explanation, Max jogs to the doors slipping into the dimly lit building. You can see the boys' bikes already lined up outside. “You coming?” you ask Billy, leaning back into the car. 
“Hell no. I can babysit just fine from here. You couldn’t pay me to go into that dork pit.” He scoffs. You roll your eyes at his stubbornness. 
“Oh come on, tough guy. Where is your sense of adventure and whimsy.” you ask, only receiving an unimpressed look in return. 
“Whimsy?” He asks, his lip curling at the word. 
“I’ll buy you a coke.” you offer, hoping that bribery will soften his resolve. Billy’s lips press into a firm line, you can see his jaw tick as he grinds his teeth. 
“Fine.” he says after a moment. “But I have to run an errand real quick.” He tells you. Thinking this is some kind of trick to get out of coming in, you narrow your eyes. 
“You promise to come in when you get back?” you ask, extending your pinky to him. He lifts a brow, a dry laugh escaping him.
“What are you 12?” He asks. When you don’t show any signs of joking he heaves a sigh, linking his pinky with yours. “Fine, yes. I promise I’ll come back and watch you be terrible at dig dug, dork.” He promises with a teasing smirk. 
“Good.” you smile, letting his pinky go and stepping back. “And I’m not that bad.” you clarify, closing the door and allowing him to pull away from the curb. 
It turns out that you ARE that bad. 
Max allows you to take the first turn, even offering you pointers, but by the end of your third turn she takes over explaining that she can’t stand watching you throw away quarters like that. You’re a sorry excuse for a gamer, your brain having trouble communicating quickly enough with your hands on the controls. It’s alright though, you have more fun watching Max and the boys take turns trying to beat each other's scores. 
The longer you observe the group of adolescents the more you note the change in dynamic among them. Max and Lucus are openly interested in each other but don’t seem to know how to navigate this new realm of relationship. Mike appears distracted, constantly glancing at his watch. You assume he’s anxious to see El. You know that Hopper has started allowing the two to hang out at the cabin and though you’ve pushed for El to have more social time, Hopper's old habits die hard. His paranoia is persistent. You can’t say that you don’t understand where he’s coming from. 
Dustin and Will seem more irritated than anything with the new shift in priorities within the group. 
After roughly 30 minutes of watching Max wipe the floor with the boys scores, you venture to the opposite side of the arcade. You want to give the group space but also stay close enough to keep an eye on them. You scan the games, searching for one that you can play without too much instruction. Ms. Pac-Man seems to be simple enough, and it’s located in a spot that allows you to watch your group bounce from game to game. 
Inserting your first quarter you begin the game. You’re able to keep up at first, but when the ghosts start to speed up you can't seem to evade them quick enough. After your 4th quarter your pride is stinging. 
“Fuck…” you curse to yourself as once again you are cornered by the little red ghost. Before you can insert another quarter, you feel someone approaching from your left, coming too close to just be passing by, tensing your hand itches to lash out but you stop yourself when you realize who it is.
“Hey.” Keiths’ monotone voice greets you. You know him from school, and to your knowledge the two of you had never actually spoken to each other. 
“Hi Keith.” you reply politely. You aren’t sure why he’s approaching you. You know that he works here so possibly you were doing something wrong. “What’s up?” you ask. Kieth seems to swallow past something in his struggle to speak. 
“I see you around sometimes.” he tells you, unable to meet your eyes. You don’t know what to say to that.
“Yea, I babysit so I come in to keep an eye on my kids sometimes.” you tell him. 
“That’s cool.” he mumbles “You know I could help you with some of the games if you want. Are you alone today?” He asks. You know he doesn't mean for it to sound as creepy as it does but you can’t help your slight cringe. 
“No, I’m actually with-” you move to gesture towards Max but are cut off when Billy appears next to you, casually draping an arm over your shoulders. 
“Me.” He finishes for you, keeping his eyes on Keith who looks like a deer caught in headlights. 
“O-oh, cool.” Keith manages to mumble, taking a step back. “Nevermind then” he manages to get out, obviously resisting the urge to turn and run. Understandable with the way Billy is glaring daggers at him.
“I’ll see you around.” you offer Keith a kind smile. He only nods sheepishly before retreating further into the arcade. Sighing, you swat at Billy’s side, causing him to drop his arm from your shoulder with a chuckle.
“What was that for?” he asks, doing his best to look genuinely confused. You see right through it to the self satisfaction he's really feeling. 
“Did you have to mad dog him? He was just saying ‘Hi’.” you tell him. Billy scoffs, moving to lean against the game. 
“Yea, right.” He says, sarcasm dripping from every word. “You didn’t see how he’s been eyeing you, trying to work up the courage to come ‘say hi’.” he tells you, throwing air quotes around your words. 
“And how long were you watching that?” You ask, crossing your arms over your chest. Billy shakes his head, his curls falling across his forehead.
“You’re missing the point.” He tells you, deflecting the question. 
“What point is that?” You ask, shaking your head as you dig a quarter out of your pocket and lean over to place it into the game. When you straighten up Billy has taken a step into your space. You could take a step back to give yourself some room, but you don't. You stand your ground, tilting your head up to meet his stare head on. 
“The point is that you’re playing a game you don’t know the rules of and guys like that-” he jerks his chin in the direction Keith had run off. “Will take advantage of that.” he tells you, his voice low. You know he’s too close. That you should take a step back. That the way he’s looking down at you is too personal. That either one of you could close the distance between you with a breath. 
“I’m not really good at games.” you admit, feeling the heat rushing to your face. Still you can’t seem to look away. Billy’s sharp gaze seems to soften slightly at your admission. 
“I know…” He says softly, his eyes shifting between yours. “I just watched you die 4 times and not even make it past the first level of Pac-man.” He says, his teasing smirk overtaking all the gentleness that had once been in his eyes. Finally, you pull back shocked.
“You stalker!” you accuse, Billy just chuckles turning to face the game. “And I was multitasking.” you try to defend your abysmal performance, gesturing to the group now huddled around galaga. 
“Sure, sure. Let me show you how it’s done.” he says confidently, starting the queued up game. 
“Hey! That was my quarter!” You protest. Billy only chuckles again.
“I’ll get the next one, crazy.” he tells you, keeping his eyes fixed on the screen.
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AN: sorry this took so long... again!
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200 notes · View notes
munsons-hellfire · 5 months
I Always Knew | Eddie Munson
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SUMMARY: You fell in love with Eddie over the years. But you feared that he never felt the same way. When you finally break up with Jason and decided your ready to tell Eddie you love him. Your reality is crashed when you catch someone kissing him. Only it's not her he loves.
PAIRINGS: Eddie Munson x Reader, Jason Carver x Reader (brief mentions)
CONTENT WARNING: 18+ MDNI, NSFW, the events of season 4 don't happen (which means Hopper doesn't disappear, no one moves to Cali and reader does know about El and the Upside down), best friends to lovers, both kinda clueless about each others feelings, smut with a plot, unprotected p in v (wrap it before you tap it), oral (f receiving), angst, fluff, a happy ending.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: It was so good to get back to Stranger Things. I honestly missed writing for Eddie. I hope you enjoyed this one shot as much as I enjoyed writing it. The smut could be a little better but I don't write it as much so this is how it turned out.
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You had been friends with Eddie Munson from the moment you moved into the trailer park in Hawkins Indiana. Eddie was the first person𑁋other than your father𑁋that you left into your life after your mother. You and your father had moved back to his hometown of Hawkins just months after your mother passed away. You felt stuck, like your feet had cemented to the ground and you couldn’t move forward anymore.
Then one night when you were out stargazing to feel closer to your mother, you met Eddie Munson. From the moment he came over to talk to you, you knew one day that you’d marry him. As the two of you grew older neither of you could be separated from each other. Wayne and Bill𑁋your father𑁋couldn’t separate you two from each other. They both knew collectively from the moment that you met that one day you and Eddie would end up together.
They were shocked that neither of you had come forward and admitted your feelings for each other. But a small rift formed between your friendship when you started dating Jason Carver. You should’ve known better, but Jason had you locked under his spell and you thought it would be a way to move on from Eddie. Here you stood, Jason standing in front of you talking about the basketball game and how positive that they were going to win tonight.
But your mind constantly found its way back to Eddie, no matter how hard you tried to avoid thinking about him, you couldn’t. You especially couldn’t stop thinking about the way he’d feel on top of you. About the way his cock would feel deep inside you. Just thinking about him that way made you wet between your legs.
“Are you listening to me, baby?” Jason questioned, his eyes trained on you. You were pulled out of your delicious thoughts, staring at your soon to be ex. This was your chance, you’d break up with him and then you’d finally go after Eddie hoping that it wasn’t too late.
“No, I’m not.” You whispered, then you sighed. “I can’t do this anymore Jason.” Your voice was steady as you spoke to him. You watched shock slowly morph into his features.
“What are you saying?” You pulled your eyes away from Jason looking around the hallway seeing a few people staring at you two. Almost like they were waiting for the announcement that you were breaking up with him.
A sigh rips from your throat, “What I’m saying is that I’m breaking up with you.”
A shocked noise left Jason’s mouth. “You can’t break up with me, we’re great together.” Jason said, throwing his hands in the air.
“I can and I am. I’m not meant to be with you, I’m meant to be with someone else.”
With those words you turned away from the basketball player and walked away from him as he called out your name. He didn’t however make a move to stop you. As you started on your journey to find Eddie you were stopped by Dustin, Mike, Lucas, and Will; all of whom were in Hellfire with Eddie. It was nice of Eddie to take the boys under his wing this year, you loved him a little more seeing the way he treated them. They had needed a good role model other than Steve after everything that had happened over the last few years.
But you could all live a normal life thanks to El defeating the Mind Flayer. You wondered where Max and El were considering that they were all inseparable. You were certain they probably weren’t far, or would be joining them soon enough.
“Is there something I can help you with?” You asked, with a raised brow.
“We heard that you finally broke up with Carver.” Dustin said, his smile taking over his face.
“Wow, that happened not even 5 minutes ago and it spread around quickly.” You pause, keeping your eyes trained on the teens. “I did. Why?” A curious expression appeared on your face as you waited for one of them to answer the question.
“Does this mean that you and Eddie are finally going to get together?” Mike asked. All four of them plus everyone else in your friend group including Steve made it very clear to you and Eddie that you both were perfect for each other. You and Eddie were two pieces to the puzzle that fit perfectly together. Never when you were together though, only if you weren’t around each other.
“You four are something, that’s for sure.” You paused, but allowed a smile to break through and plaster your face. “That being said, I was on my way to find him and talk to him. Any of you happen to know where I might find Eddie? I know I should know but I’ve been distracted as of late.”
Even though you’d asked the question, you knew exactly where Eddie would be. But you wanted to make sure just in case you were wrong. He was in the drama room most likely setting up for tonight’s session for Hellfire.
“Drama room!” They all answered excitedly.
“Great! Thank you!”
With a smile still on your lips you turned again and walked in the direction of the drama room. You were more than ready to admit your feelings to Eddie even if it meant you’d possibly ruin your friendship. You opened the door when you reached the drama room, Eddie was already setting up for tonight’s session which you were excited to see. Eddie looked up from what he was doing and smiled at you. His smile sent a warm feeling through your body.
“Hey, I thought you’d be getting ready for the basketball game.” Eddie said, as he looked back down at what he was setting up.
“Uh, actually, I thought I’d skip out tonight and watch your campaign if that’s okay.” Your voice came out soft as you talked to Eddie. But in reality you just wanted to tell him how much you loved him. How you didn’t want to be apart from him anymore. But nothing would come out, your words were lodged in your throat, they wouldn’t move forward.
“Of course, you know you’re always welcome here.”
You walked over to Eddie and sat down in one of the chairs. One by one the boys started to file into the drama room. El and Max were now with them too. Eventually the campaign started and you kept your eyes on Eddie for the most part. You were memorized by how he explained the storyline and the whole premise of the campaign. Things took a turn for the worst when someone else entered the drama room.
All eyes including yours fell onto her, she was so beautiful. You were nothing compared to her, suddenly you felt so self-conscious. You started to fidget with your fingers as you watched the blond walk up to Eddie, interrupting the session.
“Uh, don’t mind me.” She said softly, then proceeded to give Eddie a kiss to his lips, a quick peck.
But that was enough for you to feel your entire world shatter. She sat down next to him and the campaign continued. Eddie took notice of the way your posture and mood suddenly changed. He thought it was odd but shook it off. As the campaign came to a close and everyone started to pack up, you quickly said your goodbyes to everyone except Eddie and the girl that had missed him. With your back to everyone you let the tears roll down your cheeks.
You weren’t upset that you had broken up with Jason. It was better for you, but you had pushed it off too long and now because of that you were too late to get Eddie, the one you always knew you wanted. Climbing in your car you turned it on and drove out of the school parking lot as fast as you could before Eddie had a chance to catch up to you. When you made it home you climbed out of your car and headed towards your trailer. Your dad was outside, a soft warm smile on his face.
“Hi, darling. How was the basketball game?” He asked, curiously.
“I didn’t go. I broke up with Jason because I realized that I’m in love with Eddie. But now I can’t have him because he’s dating someone else.”
You walked up the steps as you answered your father. The door closed behind you as you stepped into the trailer and headed straight for your room. Bill could hear the sadness in your voice. It broke his heart to see you like this. Once you were inside your room you locked the door, collapsed on your bed and let the rest of the tears out.
Days had passed since you broke up with Jason, you’d also managed to avoid Eddie as well. It even included not going to school for those few days. Each day Eddie stopped by your home after school to talk to you, but you weren’t in the right space to talk to him. Your father would send him away saying that you hadn’t been feeling well. But your dad wasn’t home right now and Eddie needed to see you.
He needed to understand why you wouldn’t talk to him. You were curled into your side, your blanket was wrapped around your entire body and you had a horror movie on. You’d normally watch them with Eddie, but you had it on more so for background noise. The sound was up just enough for you to not hear Eddie enter your trailer.
Your eyes were closed and your cheeks were wet with tears. No matter how hard you had tried to stop crying you just couldn’t stop. It hurt too much. Eddie came up to your cracked door and knocked on it softly.
“It’s me, princess.” Eddie called out, voice soft and sweet as you remembered.
“Go away.”
Your voice was hoarse and low. You gripped your blanket tighter. Eddie ignored you, opening the bedroom door and walking in. He closed it behind him, then Eddie pulled his shoes off and climbed into your bed. You felt the dip of your bed and tried to move away. Eddie wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into his chest.
You were desperate to get away from him. The position that you were currently in wasn’t working for either of you. So Eddie lifted you up and turned your body so your back was on your bed. The metalhead pushed himself in between your legs, and you felt yourself stop breathing for a brief moment. Eddie held your hands above your head, suddenly everything was different.
“Why are you ignoring me?” Eddie questioned, a stern look on his face. You looked up at him finally, his brown eyes staring back at you. But there was something different, his eyes were covered in lust.
“I’m not ignoring you. Let go of me Eddie.” You mumbled looking away from him. Eddie removed a hand from your hands, he reached out and grabbed a hold of your jaw turning it back so he could see your eyes.
“Yes. You. Are.” He paused, eyes skimming down your body before moving back up and resting on your eyes. “I want to know why.”
“Because.” You spoke, your bottom lip trembling as you fought back to hold the tears in. You didn’t need to cry in front of him, not like this.
“Because why?” Eddie pressed.
“I broke up with Jason, because I…” You paused, it was now or never.
“You what?” Eddie let go of your hands and pulled away from your body, he leaned down on his knees but continued to stare at you. You suddenly missed his warmth.
“I broke up with him, I couldn’t bear the thought of being with someone who I didn’t love. Not when the person I love is you. And I wanted to tell you, I did, really. But the words got stuck in my throat and then she came in and kissed you and I knew… I knew that I had missed my time.” You pulled yourself up and moved back towards your headboard, then proceeded to wrap your arms around your legs when you pulled them to your chest.
“That’s why you’ve been ignoring me?” Eddie asked as he paused, running a hand down his face. “Look, she was nothing. I told her she could come watch the campaign session, but I swear I hadn’t planned for her to kiss me, okay. That was the last thing I wanted to happen.” Eddie adjusted himself, coming up next to you and wrapping an arm around you. “I always knew, you know. I always knew that I loved you, and deep down I think I always knew that you loved me too. But I didn’t want to ruin what we had over my feelings. I didn’t want to lose my best friend.”
“Oh, Ed.” You stared up at him, his brown eyes glazing over you. Before you could stop yourself you had your lips on Eddie’s and were kissing him with all the passion you had inside you. When you finally pull back from the heated kiss, you just stare at him. “You could never lose me.”
Eddie closed the space between you, his lips found purchase on yours again. His ringed fingers tangled into your hair, palms resting gently against your cheeks as he continued to kiss you. Eddie helped lower you down on the bed, until he was back between your legs. Your hands tangled into his long brown curly locks as he removed his lips from yours and placed them on your neck. He smirked when a soft moan escaped your lips.
The moan encouraged him to suck your skin in between his lips while his hand wandered down your chest. Finally his hand rested on your breasts, squeezing one before moving to the other. He could feel your nipples grow taut after he touched them. Eddie let off of your skin, pulling back from your body slightly. He looked down at your net to see a bruise forming where he had pulled at the skin. His smirk grew bigger as he stared down at your already blissed out face.
“Is this real?” You asked softly.
“It’s real, baby. Lean up.” Eddie said. You listened to his order and leaned yourself up from the bed slightly. “Good girl.” The words were smooth when they left his mouth, you felt yourself clenching your thighs together as Eddie leaned closer and reached for the bottom of your shirt. He grasped the shirt and started to lift it up your body.
Once the shirt was removed from your body you were left in only your bra, and shorts. Your hair fell back down landing on your chest. He threw your shirt onto the floor then reached forward again. His hands rested on your waist and slid up your back. His fingers unclasped your bra and pulled it off your shoulders. Finally he threw it to the floor and gently pushed you back down towards the mattress.
Eddie leaned down and placed kisses on your chest, slowly moving down. You gasped quietly when Eddie took a nipple into his mouth and started to flick his tongue around it. You closed your eyes, happy with just feeling him on you. Eddie pulled his lips from your nipple and moved to the other repeating the same thing. With his free hand he pinched your other nipple between his index finger and thumb.
Another moan slipped past your lips. He smirked at you, pulling away from your breasts and moving down your body. Eddie left a trail of kisses down your stomach until he reached your pussy. Eddie placed his lips on each thigh, avoiding the one spot you needed him most right now.
“Eddie.” You moaned out, lust filled eyes on him. He looked amazingly handsome between your thighs and you couldn’t help the smile that managed to cover your face. “Please.” You added, your voice barely above a whisper.
“So needy, princess.” Eddie whispered, his hot breath hitting your pussy.
He stuck his tongue out in front of your already wet cunt, then you felt his tongue on you. He licked a strip, moving from the bottom all the way to your clit. He sucked your clit into his mouth liking side to side. Gently he lifted a finger to your entrance and pushed a finger in. You tightened around his finger, a groan left Eddie’s lips causing a shutter to run through your body.
The slurping sound from his tongue ran through your ears, another moan left your lips when Eddie added another finger and curled them inside you hitting that sweet spot. You felt your orgasm inching closer with each lick of his tongue on your clit. You threw your head back, hitting your pillows. Your eyes were squeezed shut, mouth gaped open, your orgasm was so close.
“Eddie, please.” You moaned.
Eddie tugs at your clit, and curls his fingers inside again. When Eddie did that you felt yourself tighten around his fingers. Then he started to pick his pace up, pulling his fingers out only to shove them back inside of you.
“That’s it princess, cum on my fingers.” He whispered.
He stuck his tongue out again softly licking your clit. You shuttered, as you came on his fingers. Your moans echoed around the room as the remnants of your orgasm hit you. Eddie rested his head on your thigh, pulling his fingers from your entrance. You watched with blissed out eyes as he sucked your juices off his digits.
“You taste so divine, princess.” A smile fell onto your lips. Eddie pulls himself away from you, he climbs off the bed and proceeds to remove his clothes one by one. Eddie tugs his boxers off, his cock springs free hitting his stomach, pre-cum drips from the tip. He climbs back onto the bed and hoovers over top of you.
You pull your hand to your mouth and spit on it. Then you reach out and grab a hold of his cock and begin to stroke it. A moan leaves his lips at the feeling of your hand on him. He rests his head against yours. He pushes your hand off his cock and grips it, then you feel him tapping his cock against your clit. A strangled moan leaves your swollen lips.
Eddie smirks, he pulls back, placing his cock at your entrance. You watch as he pushes his cock inside of you. Eddie moans as you grip him tightly. Another moan leaves you, Eddie pushes all the way inside and settles there allowing you to adjust to his size.
“Fuck, I’ve waited so long to feel this close to you.” Eddie whispered.
“Please move.” You stared up at Eddie’s brown eyes. You’d waited long enough too and you needed him to move. He could see the pleading look that covered your face. Eddie pulled back just until the tip of his cock was the only thing that remained inside you. Then he pushed forward slamming back into you. Both of you moaned out in pleasure.
You could feel yourself tighten around Eddie’s cock as he continued the pace he was going. The sound of skin slapping skin echoed through the bedroom. Another moan fell from your lips, Eddie leaned forward and kissed them swallowing your moan. Eddie moves his fingers down to your clit and starts circling the bud. He pulls another moan from your lips, it echoes in the room when he pulls away to kiss your neck.
Your orgasm was getting closer. Eddie’s hips slammed into yours. Continuous moans left both your mouths as both of you inched closer towards your impending orgasm. Eddie could feel you getting closer. A smile brightened on his face. You placed a hand down on your bed and gripped the sheets tightly, arching your back.
“Fuck, Eddie.” You moaned.
“Are you close?” He whispered breathlessly.
“So close.” You mumbled. Eddie kept his finger on your clit rubbing in fast tight circles. His cock hitting that sweet spot inside of you.
“You gonna cum all over my cock, princess?” You could only nod your head, words weren’t forming on your tongue. “I want to feel you cum.”
“Eddie.” Another whimpered moan left your lips after breathing his name. He felt his orgasm getting closer, but he wanted to feel you cum around his cock first.
“Cum on my cock.”
 You obeyed Eddie, a moan falling from your lips. Eddie felt you squeezing him, he went to pull out, however you gripped onto his arms.
“No. Inside.” The words left your mouth and you watched through dazed eyes as Eddie complied and kept himself inside you. He slammed his hips into you a final time cum releasing inside you. Eddie slowed his rhythm down more until his hips stilled. He stared down at you with bright brown eyes. Lust filled eyes, but still bright.
Slowly Eddie removed himself from you, pulling back and climbing off the bed. You stared up at the ceiling, no thoughts in your mind just the blissful aftermath of your post orgasm. When Eddie returned you gasped feeling something could touch your cunt.
“Just cleaning you up, princess.” Eddie threw the cloth in your close basket. He climbed back into the bed and pulled you onto his chest.
“So, what does this mean now?” You asked, finally breaking the silence after the two of you had settled down into the bed.
“It means your mine.” Eddie whispered, placing a soft kiss on your head.
You tilted your head towards him with a smile so bright Eddie always wanted to see it. “I think I can live with that.” You leaned up to him and kissed his lips passionately.
“Good.” You laid your head down on his chest and fell asleep, at some point he had pulled his boxers on and his shirt. And you had your shirt and underwear back on. Finally he fell asleep holding you. An hour later your dad came in calling for you, when he opened the door he stared at you resting in Eddie’s arms. They were wrapped around your waist tightly.
“It’s about damn time.” He whispered, closing the door and walking back down the hallway.
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theapangea · 1 year
Missed You Too
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Missed You Too
Steve Harrington x reader
Summary: You finally kiss Steve.
A/N: Ok this is one that I posted on AO3 after the end of the last season. Obviously I had to write something good for Steve because they do my boy so dirty!! HE IS NOT SOMEONES SECOND CHOICE!! Hope you enjoy my loves <3!!
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The past week was a blur. You didn’t expect your first college spring break to end with you racing back to Hawkins to see the aftermath of what Venca…? One…? Henry…caused. You didn’t want to entirely believe that the Upside Down still existed, that the gate was still open after you all fought so hard to close it time and time again. That’s why you chose to leave Hawkins in the first place, moving across the country to get away from the horrors of that small town. 
But when Jonathan, Will, and Mike show up at your door, pleading for your help to find Eleven, you couldn’t just turn your back on them, not then, not ever.  
You didn’t even know that Joyce, Eleven, and the boys moved to California shortly after you did. No one bothering to stay in touch, mostly you didn’t bother to stay in touch. Almost like you intentionally separated yourself from the people you were closest to. You would never admit it, blaming the lack of communication on school. 
The truth was, you didn’t want to be part of Hawkins anymore. You didn’t want to fear for your life. The scar that Hawkins left on your soul made you paranoid, made it hard for you to live a normal life. Always looking over your shoulder, always ready for a fight. 
The drive back was like riding a bike, you could drive it blind folded if you had to. Everyone thought it would be best if you drove the last bit as Jonathan was barely able to stay awake at this point. The tall, full trees lined the only road in and out of Hawkins. Car after car rushing to escape the town as disaster stuck only nights before. 
Passing shelters, destroyed homes, police and media, all lining the streets trying to make sense of the situation. If only they knew the truth. 
The car swings around the curb, braking suddenly outside of the Wheeler house. You never thought you would be here again, at least not in this lifetime. Pausing, white knuckling the steering wheel as you hear the van door slide open. Mike, Eleven, Will, Argyle and Jonathan exiting the vehicle to be reunited with loved ones again. You take your time getting out of the pizza van, not sure if you wanted to see them, not sure if they wanted to see you .
Finding yourself staying by the van with Argyle. He was new, didn’t know about Hawkins and was thrown into this mess similar to how you all were. How could he continue to want to be part of this? Your gaze drifts down, your chest heaving rapidly. Your feet glued to the ground, unable to move from your spot. 
Closing your eyes, trying to regain a sense of self. It shouldn’t matter that you left then, it should only matter that you are here now . Some relief washing over as you repeat that you are here now, you are here now, you are here now. The held breath releasing as you scan the scene in front of you, the warm breeze picking up making you draw the wild strands of hair behind your ears. 
You watch as Mike hugs his mom, her eyes tender and soft, thanking the gods for him to be returned safely, stating how he is never allowed to leave home again. Her hands never leave his body, afraid that if she lets go then he will disappear without a trace again.
Jonathan approaches Nancy, both unsure of their relationship, both yearning for a solution - but still they hug, the sweet embrace almost made up for the long, angry phone calls and the absence spring break trip. 
Jonathan told you all about his Nancy problems, hoping you would be able to help. He didn’t like your answer of honesty and communication, joking how you were never honest with your true feelings for a certain Hawkins boy. Quietly commenting that you should have made a move a long time ago to get him to move on from Nancy. 
After all this time, you couldn’t believe he was still hung up on her. But maybe he was supposed to move on. Move on to someone who he spent all his time with, to the person he’d drop by at their house unannounced, to the girl who was so tired of the neverending nightmares that she did everything she could to move as far away as possible. Even if it meant breaking the heart of the person she was supposed to end up with.
And there he was…
Boy, was he a sight for sore eyes. The green-blue sweater with the rolled up sleeves to the washed out blue jeans hugging his hips in all the right places. The way his hair was so delicately placed, too messy to be considered neat, too neat to be considered messy. His eyes heartbroken, full of pain and anger. Full of every ounce of love that he is willing to give away in a heartbeat. Your soul aching for him. 
His hand placed on the back of his neck, clearly hurt from the unfolding scene between Nancy and Jonathan. Robin’s hand pressing gently on his back, guiding him away. 
You weren’t surprised that he still had feelings for her. A little annoyed, yes, but not surprised in any way. He would always talk about her, the way she laughed and talked and smiled. And it made you so angry back then. Realizing that the anger never left. 
He hasn’t noticed you yet, his eyes fixated on the ground. Probably hoping to finally disappear. You feel the same. You were two passing ships in the night too afraid to let the other one know you were there, constantly turning off your lights, constantly dropping your sails.
The situation between you both was left pretty rocky. You could never decipher the tension between you both, was it love or indifference? Steve was always there for you and even supported your decision to leave Hawkins, even if that meant never seeing you ever again.
You promised to call each other once a week, which did happen until once a week turned into once a month and once a month turned into dozens of missed calls on both ends. Leaving you both hopeless and alone. Both trying to figure out adulthood without the comfort of a childhood friend.
Before pushing your body away from the car, you look over at Argyle for some sort of friendly relief. After hearing Jonathan complain about you never making a move on Steve, Argyle has been constantly encouraging you since. To not wait for any guy to make the first move, to create your own future. You were surprised at his wisdom.
His kind smile helps ease your nerves as your feet move one in front of the other, your heart beating so loud you can hear it in your ears. The drowning noise of your blood rushing through your body almost makes you want to turn around. Run away like the first time - but you were tired of running. Tired of the ‘what if situation’ that danced between you and Steve. This was your moment and there was no way you were going to turn back. Not this time.
Walking down the driveway, Mrs.Wheeler silently thanks you for helping bring Mike back home safely. Her hand lightly squeezes yours as you pass. Your lips curl, barely a smile forming as your mind is elsewhere.
Nancy watches as you walk by, her body still wrapped in Jonathan’s arms. Her mouth barely parted, maybe she wanted to say something but immediately regretted his decision to make any comment. The strong bond between you both broke when she started to date Steve…then Jonathan. You were civil with one another but you’ve barely spoken a sentence in the past three years. Neither of you wanting to resolve your years-long battle.
Robin’s and Steve’s gaze are on you. Stopping right in front of the pair, realizing you didn’t have a plan once you got to this point. Robin instantly beaming that bright smile that you missed so much. Her hug was intentional, like she was trying to squeeze all the events of this past week out of you. Cleansing you of all the horrors. Your arms wrap around his waist, pulling her deeper, knowing you needed her in that moment. Her comfort washing over you, giving you the strength you so desperately needed. She releases you, arm's length away, her smile inviting and safe. 
Your eyes shifting to Steve. Swearing in that moment that he was smiling but immediately covering it with a cough and a snatch on the nose. 
She squeezes your shoulders before walking away, giving you and Steve a little alone time. Even if that alone time was in front of half your friends.  
“Hey.” You exhale, the tension growing between the two of you. The air suddenly still as his eyes studying your face, his fingers twitching every so slightly. 
In one swift movement, grabbing your wrist, pulling you in for a hug. The instant smell of his cologne filling your head, making you dizzy with the smell of home. No words needed to be spoken between the two of you. He was just glad you were safe, finally in his arms.
You missed him. 
Not just this past week, but for the past 8 months. He pulls you in closer, his body finally relaxing against yours. The breath of fresh air was everything you both needed, everything you have ever wanted, and everything you will ever need. 
In this moment, you were his and he was yours. Everything was right with the world. All the trouble of this past week washes away, your minds clearing, seeing a future with only the two of you. 
You both pull back, speaking in a silent conversation. Neither of you know how to respond in this situation. Both of you felt the buzz, the electricity, the love. 
After all this time, it felt like you never left. The feelings for Steve came crumbling back down. You thought this was your chance, your only chance . Your body makes the decision for you, as your hand wraps around the back of his neck, pulling him down to meet your lips.
Your breath instantly intertwines with his, every inhale pulling him closer and closer. Your other hand balling up into the soft fabric of his sweater as he deepens into you. His hand catching your cheek, his lips soft and warm, gentle yet demanding. The craving of his touch on your skin sends heat waves throughout your body. 
He takes his time, wanting to remember this moment. All the uncertain feelings, all the unfinished conversations, crashing down all around you both. Kissing him was the only way you could tell him everything you had kept in for all these years. 
He pulls back, resting his forehead on yours, pure eyes as he whispers, “I missed you too.” 
I hope you enjoyed!! thank you for reading and supporting me
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leighbaylee · 1 month
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written by mina leigh 𝜗᭪ , mike wheeler 𝔁 m! reader | wc 1446
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summary. so called biology project being an excuse to see mike, desperately wanting to see him after asking him out. being mike wheeler’s first boyfriend. celebrating the honeymoon phase with lots of kisses!
labels. no definite description of reader, amab reader (anyone masculine presenting/labeling), he/him pronouns used. proud hellfire member mike + basketball player boyfriend. ♡
‧₊˚ ୨୧ mina speaks. hi everyone, i haven’t written a male reader fic in a minute so decided it was time to bring it back. school is starting august 21st for me so id really appreciate it if anyone requests for a drabble before i go mia. lots of love!
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y/n pedaled through the streets of hawkins, the wind cool against his face as the familiar houses blurred by. he had one destination in mind: the wheeler household. he hadn’t told mike he was coming—why would he? surprises were always more fun.
as he reached the suburban neighborhood, y/n slowed his bike and hopped off, the tires crunching against the gravel driveway. he parked it by the side of the house and made his way to the front door, a small smirk playing on his lips as he thought about the expression mike might have when he saw him. with a quick knock, y/n waited, his heart racing a little in anticipation.
the door swung open to reveal karen wheeler, a welcoming smile on her face. ❝ hello, can I help you? ❞
putting on his most polite expression, offering a charming smile. ❝ hi, mrs. wheeler. uh i’m y/n, one of mike’s … close friends from school. ❞ a sour tone coming out from lying to his soon to be mother in law.
karen’s smile widened at the introduction. ❝ oh, hello, y/n! i’ve heard mike mention you a few times. what brings you here today? ❞
y/n glanced down, faking a moment of shyness before looking back up. ❝ we’ve got a biology project we need to work on. i figured we could get a head start, if that’s okay of course! ❞
❝ of course, of course honey, ❞ karen said, her voice warm. she turned slightly and called up the stairs, ❝ mike! y/n is here for your .. biology project! ❞
a few moments passed before the sound of footsteps echoed from above, and then mike appeared at the top of the stairs. he was in casual loungewear, clearly not expecting company, and a look of mild annoyance crossed his face. but that all melted away the moment he saw y/n standing there. His eyes widened, and he froze in place, caught between surprise and disbelief. ❝ y-y/n? what are you—❞
before mike could finish, y/n shot him a knowing smile, and mike’s irritation shifted into something more like panic. he forced a smile and quickly descended the stairs, grabbing y/n’s arm and pulling him towards the stairs.
❝ uh, thanks, mom! ❞ mike called over his shoulder as he practically dragged y/n up to his room. as soon as they reached the sanctuary of his bedroom, mike shut the door with a soft click and locked it, turning to y/n with an incredulous look on his face.
❝ what are you doing here? ❞ mike asked, his voice still tinged with disbelief, though there was a hint of something else—something softer.
y/n leaned casually against the door, crossing his arms with a playful grin. ❝ like i said, a biology project, ❞ he teased, winking at mike as he ruffled his hair and pressed a quick kiss to his forehead.
mike huffed in response, cheeks flushing slightly as he snatched y/n’s backpack and tossed it into a corner of the room. ❝ you’re crazy, ❞ he muttered, but there was no heat in his words. he gave y/n a light shove, guiding him toward the bed.
y/n allowed himself to be pushed, settling back on the bed with a content sigh. mike followed, slipping under the covers and resting his head on y/n’s chest. for a moment, they were quiet, simply enjoying the warmth of each other’s presence.
❝ you could have warned me you were coming over, you know, ❞ mike mumbled into y/n’s shirt, his voice soft and a little pleading.
y/n chuckled, running his fingers through mike’s dark hair. ❝ where’s the fun in that? but fine, i’ll give you a heads up next time—just because you’re my boyfriend ❞
mike made a noise of protest, but the faint smile on his lips betrayed him. he snuggled closer, letting out a small sigh of contentment. ❝ so, how’ve you been? ❞ y/n asked, his voice a little more serious. ❝ it’s been a week since we started dating … how’s it going for you? ❞
mike tilted his head slightly, thinking back to the whirlwind of emotions that had come crashing down on him the moment it all began. ❝ honestly … it still feels a little unreal. i remember how it all happened so … clearly. ❞
y/n nodded, encouraging him to continue. mike took a deep breath and let his mind wander back to that day.
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mike had been frustrated, to say the least. lucas had been missing so many hellfire meetings lately, and eddie was getting increasingly annoyed. mike couldn’t understand why basketball had become such a big deal to lucas—it wasn’t like it was anything special. it was just basketball, after all. but lucas had made a deal with mike, a deal that mike couldn’t resist.
lucas had noticed the way mike’s gaze lingered on a certain someone—a certain someone who happened to be lucas’s teammate. and lucas, being the observant friend that he was, had concocted a plan. if mike covered for him with eddie, then lucas would help set mike up with y/n. it seemed like a win-win, and mike, desperate to keep hellfire together, had agreed.
but the situation had spiraled out of control. eddie had caught on to their little scheme, and so had dustin. mike found himself cornered in the hallway, frustration bubbling over as he lashed out at lucas. It was then that y/n appeared, his hand tapping lucas on the shoulder, signaling him to leave and head for practice.
y/n had stayed behind, his expression sincere as he apologized for lucas’s behavior, explaining that basketball was something lucas truly enjoyed. mike had been taken aback by the apology, his mind scrambling to process the words. but before he could respond, y/n had taken a step closer, his voice dropping to a more intimate tone.
❝ you know, mike … you’re not the only one who’s been hiding a crush. ❞
mike had felt his heart skip a beat, his breath catching in his throat. was y/n … was he saying what mike thought he was saying? he hesitated, unsure, but when y/n looked him straight in the eye, the answer was clear. mike didn’t even think—he just reacted, throwing his arms around y/n and blurting out a breathless, ❝ yes! ❞
it had been so out of character for him, so spontaneous and unlike the usual mike wheeler. but he couldn’t help it—he had been so overwhelmed with relief and happiness. y/n had laughed, a warm, genuine laugh, and hugged him back tightly. from that moment on, everything had changed.
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❝ i will never regret not holding back, i'm so glad about it. ❞ mike says, his head looking up at y/n
y/n smiled down at him, his heart swelling with affection. ❝ i’m glad you didn’t hold back either. i’m lucky to have you, mike, ❞ he said, his voice full of warmth. he leaned down and began placing soft kisses on mike’s face, starting with his forehead, then his cheeks, and finally, the tip of his nose.
mike felt his face heat up under the onslaught of affection, but he didn’t pull away. instead, he flicked y/n’s forehead playfully. ❝ you’re such a nerd, ❞ he teased, though there was no denying the fondness in his tone.
y/n yelped in mock indignation, rubbing his forehead before leaning in closer. mike’s hands cupped y/n’s face, and he pulled him into a slow, gentle kiss, pouring all the affection he felt into that one moment. y/n’s arms wrapped around mike’s waist, pulling him closer until y/n shifted, rolling on top of mike. he grinned down at his boyfriend, his hands resting on either side of mike’s head.
mike giggled, the sound soft and carefree, as y/n began trailing kisses along his jawline, then down to his neck, his chest, and finally his stomach. each touch sent a shiver of warmth through mike, making him feel both safe and cherished.
but y/n wasn’t done yet. he suddenly reached over to where he had tossed his backpack and pulled out a textbook, a mischievous glint in his eyes. ❝ so … there’s no biology project, ❞ y/n confessed with a smirk, holding up the textbook. ❝ but we do have a final coming up, and i figured we could use this time to study. take advantage of the situation, you know? ❞
mike rolled his eyes, but he couldn’t help the smile that tugged at his lips. ❝ you’re unbelievable, ❞ he muttered, though he didn’t resist when y/n flipped open the book and settled back down next to him.
❝ unbelievable in the best way, right?❞ y/n teased, pressing one last kiss to mike’s forehead before they both turned their attention to the pages in front of them.
mike snuggled closer, the warmth of y/n’s presence making the idea of studying almost bearable. as they began to read, mike couldn’t help but feel that maybe, just maybe, he was the lucky one after all.
© MINA LEIGH 2023 - 2024
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 7 months
Imagine you get up to go to the bathroom and open the door. Instead of walking into your bathroom, you walk into the Hawkins High drama room in the middle of a session. You're wearing tiny purple sleep shorts and your faded Hellfire shirt. You're also braless as fuck (or if you're deciding to transition or non-binary or genderfluid, binderless or whatever you use). Either way, your tits are embarrassingly on display in the white shirt. The tattoo of a demogorgon on your thigh is showing, drawing the attention of Lucas, Mike, and Dustin.
"I just want to take a piss. Bathroom?" You say sleepily.
Eddie, with his mouth open, points in the direction of the bathroom. Your feet slap against the floor as you leave the room to look for the bathroom.
"I guess I'm taking a piss in 1986 Hawkins High," you yawn. "Lovely."
You're completely unaware of the rest of Hellfire following you. When you come out of the bathroom, fully awake, with Hellfire waiting for you, you realize you might not be dreaming.
"Holy shit," you mutter.
What's your next move?
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inkeddownc0ffee · 1 year
One sided love or is the other side just blinded?… Part 2
——— Part 1 ——— Part 2 ——— Part 3 ———
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Pairing: Best Friend!Eddie Munson x Fem!Best Friend!Reader
Summary: Eddie Munson is the readers best friend, but Eddie is finding himself catching feelings for his girl best friend, and can’t help himself but feel jealous when he sees his crush falling for Steve “the hair” Harrington
Warnings: Cursing, Slight angst, Mentions of drug dealing, Heart break
Robin practically threw herself out of Steve’s car and began to ramble out a thank you before rushing into the school doors, making you sorta confused, you always see Robin anxious but this time, what could she be anxious about?
But right when you realize that she was holding her trumpet case you left your loving glance to the fancy car and began to panic.
“WE HAVE EARLY BAND TODAY, I CAN’T BE LATE, MR. MORGAN WILL KICK ME OUT IF I’M LATE” You yelled in a panic, making Eddie chuckle a little before waving your instrument case in front of you, out of your reach.
“Don’t worry princess, your butler made sure he returned your golden sing song spit filled thing back to you after you forgot it at his house” Eddie teased making you glare and get on your tippy toes and snatch it from his grasp and run to the school.
Eddie sighed as he watched you disappear into the school, putting a hand on his head. His eyes went back up as the fancy car of Harringtons left the schools property.
Were you just into rich guys or something? Eddie began to pull at his hair a bit and kick the tire of his van. “Stupid ass van.”
You never really told your best friend Eddie exactly about your little crush on Harrington, but in Eddie’s eyes
It was obvious
Ever sense you started to work at Family Video after school, every time you would see Steve anywhere you would stop and just stare at him, Eddie couldn’t even imagine how u acted around him at work.
It hurt Eddie’s heart every time he saw your eyes go on Steve, he just wished you would look at him like that.
Eddie began to hear the group begin to walk up, making him stable himself, trying to look casual.
“woahhh, when did u get a cool ass new van” Gareth said as he stared at the van, making Ed smile a little.
“Well, my last baby gave out on me, my uncle helped me pay for this beauty” Eddie leaned onto the van.
“You have to let us take a look inside” Dustin protested, going to go open one of the back doors, having Eddie look down at his watch than back up.
“Sorry Henderson, it’s already 7:15, I’ll let y’all have a small tour after Hellfire? That sound good?” The whole group nodded fast, them all rushing into the school.
The day went by painfully slow, well for Eddie at least. You and Eddie had begged and promised the principal that if y’all shared all the same class periods y’all would finally put effort into graduating, and he actually agreed.
And after your early band class, y’all were together all day, and Eddie watched you day dream about Harrington almost every class, and how he knew your thoughts were of Mr. Good Hair is because every time he regained your attention your face would flush.
He knew it wasn’t out of embarrassment, he knew you way too well, he was the only one who could read the lines of your actions like a book.
You were now at your locker, grabbing your backpack and your uniform for work that u kept handing up in there. Your fingers than touched the soft plush you had in your locker making your heart begin to flutter as you took out the little chocolate brown teddy bear you got for Steve, today was gonna be the day you finally asked him out. Than suddenly.
You squeaked, looking over to see Eddie leaning onto the locker next to yours, a sinister smirk plastered to his face.
“Did I scare ya princess?” You punched his arm softly making him laugh.
“Stop doing that asshole!” You glared at him. He chuckled a bit until he looked down at the little bear you held in your hands, smile fading a bit as he read the “to Steve” tag.
“Uh you can change in my van, I know u hate changing in those gross bathrooms.” Eddie said, changing his tone a bit. You scoffed a bit.
“If you promise not to look” you said with a smirk making him laugh nervously, hiding the blush in his face as his smile came back.
“Now I know I’m the freak of Hawkins but not like that” he exclaimed with his hands slightly in the air making you laugh. Once you stopped he smiled and motioned with his head to leave.
“Don’t want you to be late” You smiled and began to walk to the van.
Eddie always drove you to work and to school. Yes you had a car but why use it when you have your best friend to drive you.
Once you got right outside the van you looked over at the Hellfire club that was sitting outside.
“Wait don’t you have Hellfire today?” You asked, looking over at Eddie.
“Yeah, but Family Video ain’t that far from here, so I told them to wait, don’t worry you ain’t ruining anything.” He explained as he opened the back door for you.
“You can cover the window with the blanket, just honk when you’re done” he pointed over at the black and white flannel blanket laying on the floor. You nodded and covered the back window with the blanket, and began to strip out of your school clothes, laying your panties behind the drivers seat and change into your work uniform.
Afterwards you climbed over the seat and honked the car. You saw a couple people look over at the van and scoff, mostly the basketball kids. Eddie quickly opened the drivers door and hopped in.
“alright, buckle yourself in princess, this may not be a easy ride” Eddie smirked while putting in his song disk and turning the volume up almost to the point your ear drums wanted to commit suicide.
Family video was bout 5-8 minutes away from Hawkins high, so your eardrums weren’t busted yet as Eddie pulled into a disabled parking spot and turned down the music.
“You know going in a disabled parking spot is illegal without actually being disabled right?” You looked over at Eddie with a questioning smile, Eddie began to chuckle.
“Well if u don’t remember I already sell illegal shit, and plus I’m gonna only be here for a second so the princesses legs don’t hurt from walking at a far spot.” Eddie smirked, earning a eye roll and a giggle from you.
“Yeah yeah, don’t worry about picking me up today, Steve said he would take me home after work.” Eddie’s heart dropped and slowly gave you a silent nod. You smiled then closed the door and ran inside the store.
Eddie sighed as he looked up at the review mirror and then noticed something pink beside his seat. Eddie raised an eyebrow and looked in the back, slowly putting his hand on the odd object. His eyes began to grow wide as he slowly pulled up the fabric of your pink panties you wore earlier.
You stumbled into the store, placing the little teddy bear in your pack, Robin and Steve looking up from the counter.
“How are you always arriving somewhere last minute” Robin asked sarcastically, leaning over the counter with her head in her hand.
“Don’t blame me that Eddie always runs into red lights” you laughed as you walked over.
“You still are hanging out with the freak?” Steve asked. Your eyes furrowed a bit.
“Eddie really ain’t a freak, it’s just the popular kids don’t like him and trying to get everyone else to not like him” Steve shrugged.
“he’s still a weirdo tho” he mumbled. You slowly looked away from him, you hated the way everyone saw Eddie, no one now days gives people a chance to show they aren’t that bad to be around, it always depends on what you like and how you look. If you liked basketball and had a jock body, everyone loved you. If you liked metal, games, band, science or anything like that you were seen as a freak or nerd.
After a few hours you were putting up some returned tapes in their designated areas when you began to overhear Steve and Robin.
“Steve, you know she’s with Johnathan, you can’t keep trying to get with her” Robin said as she looked at Steve who was leaning on the counter.
“You don’t understand, she stares at me with those precious eyes, and plus she barely ever sees Johnathan, he’s all the way up in California” he groaned as he put his hands in his hair.
“No Robin. You don’t understand, you have barley been in a relationship, I love Nancy.” He cut Robin off making her sigh.
Your heart went into your stomach, looking at your pack on the counter with the bear in it but slowly went back to work, even with your heart almost shattered.
Eventually the Family Video’s store hours finally came to a closing, Robin flipping the sign on the door to closed and turning off the LED signs.
“God you never realize how boring listening to someone try to explain a movie plot for you to find until you look at clock and not even a second has passed by” Robin said dramatically.
“Yeah, but it sucks more when your the first person they go to” you mumbled making her smirk.
“Hah, loser”
Steve than walked out from the back, his car keys in hand, letting them dangle off his fingers.
“You ready y/n?” Steve said looking at you. You tightened your grip onto your backpack strap and nodded.
“Yep” y’all both walked to his fancy car, getting in and Steve starting it up. You placed your backpack into the floor and began to look around the inside of the car, who knew you would be so lucky to be in Steve Harringtons car.
“It’s a nice car isn’t it” Steve said making you leave your trance and blush a bit.
“Yeah, you have a cool car” you admitted, looking away to try to hide your face, Steve smiled and began to drive.
Your heart began to race as your eyes went to your pack, slowly unzipping it and staring at the teddy bear that stared back up at you with its button eyes. Steve glanced over.
“What you got in there?” Steve asked as he put his eyes back on the road. You gulped as your hands wrapped around the little bear and took it out of it’s hiding spot.
“Well…. This, I wanted to give it to you” you shakily handed it to him. He looked down at the stuffed bear for a second than you.
“What’s this for?” He questioned, looking slightly confused. You took a deep breath before letting it all out.
“Steve, I really really like, like really like you, ever since I started working with you I just noticed how funny and handsome you are, and you aren’t the Jack ass everyone said you were, I just love who you are and I would really really like to be with you” you stammered out.
Steve’s eyes went on the road, before slowly stopping at a stop light.
“Um Y/n, how do I say this, I uh don’t like you in that way, I’m sorry, but my eyes are on Nancy” he said, not looking at you.
Now that broke your heart completely, leaving you there silent for a moment.
“Oh.. that’s fine” you muttered, looking down at your lap.
The rest of the ride was just completely silent, Steve pulling into your driveway after what felt like centuries. You grabbed your backpack and opened the car door and went to leave.
“Here, um take this back” Steve handed you back the bear. You silently looked at the plushie.
“Give it to someone else, someone who likes you like you like them.” Steve’s added. You gave him a silent nod and shut the car door, quickly going inside your house, watching from the window as his car pulled out your driveway and back onto the road.
Than in a instant, all the tears began to pour, making you put your hands over your mouth as you went to your room and slid down against your door , holding your head as you sobbed.
Your reaction wasn’t Steve’s fault, if he didn’t like you that was ok, right?
Of course it was ok because it’s his life, just because you like him doesn’t mean he has to be with you, but it still hit you hard like a brick.
Your rubbed your shoulders, what were you supposed to do, no one was here to tell you that there’s always other fish in the sea, you lived alone unlike Eddie.
Your head immediately went up, looking at your car keys that sat on your dresser.
Eddie always knew how to comfort you.
You quickly grabbed the pair of keys off the wood and rushed out to your car with your mascara running down your cheeks.
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A/N: Yess I finally finished part 2!!!! I promise that part 3, the final part to this little series will be out soon! If you want to be tagged please comment that you would like to be tagged!! I’m thankful for all the support y’all have given me! Have a nice morning/afternoon/night!
Tag List: @amira0303 , @grotesquelysilent , @br66klynbaby
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ana8swift · 2 years
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summary: You were eighteen when you left Hawkins. Now it's few years later, and as you struggle with the mess you've left behind, your fears and secrets. Love gives you a second chance, will you take it?
Steve Harrington × reader
Word count: 4,500+
This story is inspired by and named after Lizzy McAlpine's album five seconds flat.
strangers to lovers, second chance romance, angst but also fluff :)
It's cold, how Steve's face turns pale when he sees you. He was laughing, but his smile quickly disappeared.
Of course you'll find him here. At the grocery store. The first place you go to after getting home. He's not alone though.
Robin is next to him, she just awkwardly waves. She whispers something in his ear and heads your way.
She is moving way too fast and you don't have time to think of what to say. What is there left to say?
"Hi" is a good way to start.
"Hey, I- we didn't know you were home". Home. It feels weird to call Hawkins home, when you haven't been here in years. And when Robin says 'we' it feels weird because Steve walks away. Robin notices his absence. But she continues,
"I've missed you. If you called me to tell me that you're back, I would've come to visit you or something" And she says it again, like she wants to emphasize her feelings, the hurt and pain you left behind for her to pick up after, "I've missed you". Simple words. She means them, but they hurt in a way they aren't sure to do.
"I just got here. This morning. I realized the fridge was completely empty so I came to buy something before my family wakes up. Wanted to surprise them" you avoid to look at her eyes, but you smile anyway. A shy smile. Hoping she won't notice how uncomfortable this is for you, you realize the floor is more interesting to look at, then her sad blue eyes.
"Oh. Uhm. How long are you going to stay here for?"
"I'm going back after New Year's"
"That's great! We have you for the whole month. I'm glad you're back" she tells you. And you really want to believe her. For a second you look into her eyes and you almost do.
"I think he's waiting for you. But I'll see you around. I've missed you too" you cut short the conversation. She knows what you mean. She hugs you and mutters a sweet 'goodbye'. And she looks for Steve. He's around. Probably hiding somewhere, avoiding you.
And you don't blame him.
It's cold, the weather outside. But it's the start of December. The start of the new season. Of course it's cold. You're underdressed. With no scarf or gloves or a proper coat. What the hell were you think, leaving the house like this?
But you guess that living in California does that to you. You get used to warm, sunny days and you start to forget what's it like in Hawkins, in the wintertime.
You shouldn't have walked here. The hour is early, and the sun is still down. And you're too far from home.
But a familiar car drives next to you. Windows down. You see him more clearly now. He's older. Of course he is, it's been three years. His eyes seam darker, his hair longer, his lips formed in a frown. Hands on the wheel. Robin sits in the passenger seat.
"Need a ride?" she kindly asks.
"Oh no need. I'll just walk home"
"No way, get in here!" you want to take on her offer, but before you give an answer, you look at the driver, Steve. Wait for his reassurance. After a moment of silence he finally looks up to you, and says:
"Come on, we'll take you home"
You don't need much convincing. You were going to freeze to death if you didn't get in the car. The icy road slows down the drive. It's silent and almost nostalgic. And you have so many things you want to say in that moment. To apologize. But it's not right, not now.
You just stay silent. Or try to, but Robin's here. And she tries to talk to you. Small talk. She hates small talk and now that's all you have left.
"How does it feel to be back?" she breaks the silence.
"Uhm I don't know. Weird"
Steve makes an annoyed expression and Robin shoots him a 'don't do that, don't be an asshole' type of look.
But seating here, in Steve Harrington's car, after all this time it's weird. You don't know how to explain it so you try to change the subject.
"Robin, last I've heard is that you got in Southern Cal. Is that true?"
"Oh yeah! I can't take another gap year. My parents will kill me if I don't leave the house soon"
"That's great"
"And the best part is that I got a full scholarship. So I'm using all the money I've saved in the past few years to buy a small apartment near campus. If you know any cheap two-room apartments near campus or anywhere colse by, it would be great!"
"Two rooms?"
"Steve is going to be my roommate"
"Oh, that's amazing. I can ask some friends if they know some avaliable places around there" you try to sound exited, but you're not sure how you feel about it. Steve Harrington, being so close to you? And living in the same city again?
"Thank you! Isn't this great? Next year, we'll be together. Just like old times!" You can hear real excitement in her voice. But Steve's gaze from the rear view mirror brings you to reality. Nothing ever will be like 'old times'.
When the drive is finally over, you exit the car, you thank Steve, but he stays silent. This silence is killing you. But still you put on a smile, and you wonder how you're going to survive this Friday's party? Because you just made a promise to Robin that you'll be there. And you can't break more promises.
The last time you were home, in Hawkins was when you were eighteen.
You were fresh out of high-school, you were full of hopes, adrenaline and bad ideas.
And Steve Harrington was next to you, going through all your bad ideas. He wasn't really your boyfriend or something, but he was with you and it was enough. And you liked having Steve Harrington by your side.
You also liked the small town you knew like the back of your hand. The place you grew up in. Hawkins- Indiana.
And it's true. Most people dream to have the chance to leave this town. They crave adventures, new places and faces. Or they are simply afraid. And Hawkins -the perfect town for high school sweethearts to settle in,
has became a living nightmare in the last decade. The kind of nightmare, that makes you feel like you're stuck in your bed. And you can't move. You can't scream. You can only hear whispers. You can see things. And you can't really explain it. If you do or try to explain, you'll most likely end up in a mental institution.
So you never did explain why you left.
And that was your mistake.
So was agreeing to go to this stupid party.
You can't find what to wear, and you're most likely going to be late. You don't even remember the girl who is throwing this party. Robin said her name was Sarah, and that you and her had science together.
This party is set to be the death of you.
But you're still here standing outside Sarah's door. Wearing a nice outfit and a very warm coat. And you're only 20 minutes late.
She opens up, a nice looking redhead and she hugs you tightly.
"Come in. We were waiting for you! I was so happy when Robin mentioned you were coming! How's California? How's everything?"
You get in, walk through the hallway, following Sarah's voice. And she leads you to a dark room filled with smoke and high.
You might not remember Sarah, but you find a lot of familiar faces in the crowd around you.
You see Amanda, the girl you were seated next to in English. But right now, instead of the regular nice and smart girl you once knew, you see her smoking weed and making out with a guy much older then her.
You see the high school sweethearts, James and Taylor. They are still together? But they are arguing and Taylor stroms out.
You see a lot of familiar faces. You wonder how much they've changed since high school. You know you've changed for sure. Near death experience does that to you.
Sarah leaves to greet someone else and you stand there alone. In the middle of the crowd, with a cup of beer in your hand is when you finally see him. You knew he'd be here. You shouldn't be surprised or disappointed. Because he's talking with a girl. You can clearly see he's flirting with her. Because his hand is on her waist and he's smirking, and she laughs at some joke he whispered in her ear.
You remember a time, when you were in that girl's shoes. When you were the one to laugh at Steve's jokes. The one that got to hold him close. The one that got to kiss him even if you were just friends. You miss it. You got to be his friend, and now you're not. You miss your friend.
But to your rescue comes another friend, Robin. You talk with her, talk with everyone really. You drink. You smile and you tell yourself 'it's fine'. Everything is fine, so focus on that. You just need to get out of here. So, you excuse yourself that you need some fresh breath and go outside. It's still crowded around the porch, and all you want is to hide somewhere. From all these people and mixed feelings.
The driveway is a good place for that. Too bad Steve had the exact same thought. You find him, smoking, next to his car. And you can't leave, because he sees you. He moves his eyes from your head to your toes, though your curves and invisible shields. He always knows how to break down the walls around your heart. But you're not surprised. After all, he is known for being a heartbreaker.
"I thought smoking is bad for you" you walk up to him.
"It is"
You stand in front of him now. He's too close. But you don't mind. "So why are you smoking? Since when?"
"Three years ago" he says and by the look in his eyes you can tell what he really wants to say is 'when you left'.
"Can I try?" you don't really want to try. But the way you say it, it comes off as a joke, a distraction from the hurt and Steve notices that too. Because he says a simple,
"No" and he smiles. Beside the pain and anger he's feeling, you made him smile. You almost feel proud. You feel like you've missed his smile.
"Why not?" And you decide to show him yours, just in case he has missed your smile as much as you've missed his.
"It's a bad idea"
"I used to like bad ideas" you don't know what made you say that. Because it feels wrong. You want to clarify 'I'm not regretting my past, I don't regret you. You were the best idea I've had. But it not right, the moment is over and Steve continues,
"Yeah, used to" he mocks and turns his head down to puts out his cigarette.*
"Still want to try" you don't, but you think that you would try anything, everything to make this moment last for while longer. Everything to see Steve Harrington's smile again, to know that you're the reason behind it.
"What are you doing here? Honestly?" Steve obviously doesn't think the same. You can't blame him.
So you try to play dumb. "Robin invited me. You were there, you know that"
"I mean back, in Hawkins. Why now?"
"I missed it" you're not sure if what you say it's true or a lie.
"Bullshit" Steve seams like he knows the answer for your unspoken question. 'You're the answer', you want to scream at him. He walks away. Heading back inside. To the girl he was with. She's probably waiting for him, you think.
"It's not" you yell without turning back.
"Bullshit" he does the same, and he leaves you smiling in a driveway about a simple conversation, in the middle of the night and somehow that is enough.
But four years ago on a similar, cold night, everything changed. It was the winter of 84'. It was simple and innocent. It was the start of the end.
"Did you really had to do that?" you start the conversation as you sit down on the chair that's in front of you. The orange walls, wooden floors and the big dining table make you feel at home. Even though you've never been here before. Steve's presence was enough.
The pictures on the wall covered with dust, a big vase with lilies, an old music player. A slow song fills your ears, but quickly fades as Steve answers.
"Do what?" He's pacing around the kitchen, like a lost child in a grocery store or more like a lost puppy. 'Where is it?' he mumbles to himself. He's looking for his first aid kit, you know that because you're bleeding on his fancy carpet. You're supposed to feel scared or anything really, you never liked blood, especially your own. But Steve's the one who's terrified. Pacing like a ghost, you continue:
"You know-" you hold your open wound and take a deep breath. You can't see it very clearly, it's dark outside. But you're sure it's going to leave a scar on your torso. The light breeze coming from the open window, as well as the sound of dogs barking outside are a distraction to your pain. You release your breath "-be the hero. How do you expect me to not to fall in love with you, when you try to save my life?" you say it off as a joke.
"It's easy, don't resist it. And fall in love with me" he doesn't. He says it with so much ease and confidence. Like he didn't pretend not to know you last year. He's marching to you with hands full of supplies. He leaves them on the table and puts on a light. Your eyes hurt from the sudden brightness and Steve quickly mumbles 'sorry' and takes a sit beside you.
"Maybe I don't want to fall in love with you" you say, and you look down.
"Why not? I'm the perfect guy to fall in love with" he doesn't ask, insted he just lifts your shirt that's covered in blood and dirt and probably more blood and he cleans you wound. "I know, that I don't have the best reputation. But if you give me a chance, I will try everything to make sure that you don't regret it". His touch is gentle, but still it sends a shiver down your back. You look at his hands, and think about how you want to hold them. His eyes are now on you and you think this is a moment to hold on to.
"Yeah, I know. The number one basketball star, biggest playboy, king Steve" you smile even though it's not really funny. You just want him to know that you understand.
That this Steve that is starting at you right now is not the same as the one you see at school. This Steve that helped and is friends with a bunch of twelve year olds is not the same as the one that sits behind you in class. This Steve that saved you from a bunch of demo-dogs or some creatures is not the same you once knew in kindergarten.
You know this but you want to know more about him.
Because he's more than his mighty titles, because you always want to remember the way it feels, to be seen and admired by Steve Harrington.
"So what do you think?" he looks down, and continues to stitch you up. 'When did he learn how to do that?'
"Going on a date with me? And later falling in love with me?" he finally looks up and half smiles, and how could you say 'no' to his gorgeous eyes and smile? You don't. You accept his invitation with a squeeze on his hand, and you hold it throughout the night while he takes care of your recklessness- jump in fire- stupid decision- your bloody wound. And before you leave his house, the next morning, you say
"I would love to go on a date with you"
When you left three years ago, you didn't stay in touch with your friends, the kids, even your family. You tried to erase Hawkins, your past and everyone that comes with that. You also felt like a coward. Being the only one who left. You didn't have it in your heart to talk on the phone with the kids, but they tried. They called you so often, that you memorized their numbers. You didn't answer though, because you were scared to hear the disappointed in their voice.
And now, walking through your neighborhood, looking around, you feel like a stranger and at the same time nostalgia washes over you. You regret doing that, declining their calls. Not visiting Max in the hospital. Not being there for them. To help them, comfort them.
You regret a lot of things that you did, and didn't do.
And now all you have are memories. Like the one you just remembered. Something happened here, at the same playground you just walked past. A memory was made, a heart was broken...
Three years ago...
Summer of 85' left a mark on Dustin's face, countless freckles under his eyes and on his cheeks. His face matured. He was starting high school soon, so of course he looks older.
The sky was changing in shades of gold, orange and pretty pink. And the air was warm, with a kind wind, lifting up your hair and leaving a faint voice in the back of your head. It was around 7 pm and the sun was quickly setting down.
And that meant only one thing,
Summer's end- playground- back to school- deep talks tradition with your favorite kid, who's far more mature than most of the kids your own age or his.
"I don't understand why you're avoiding him now. I mean you went to high-school together, you are friends right? You even fought together, twice now. In the upside down I mean" Dustin changes the conversation, and you know who he's talking about.
You knew that you couldn't avoid him. You still tried to.
"Yeah that's true, we're cool. More than that. You know, I might be in love with him. I don't know. But I can't say that. It's not the right time, you know?" You answer as you swing in the open wind. The sky looks purple now, you can almost taste it. You suddenly crave cotton candy, ice cream or Steve Harrington's lips on yours.
You just wanted the pain to stop.
"Might? You're definitely in love. And he definitely feels the same"- Dustin remembers how Steve acted around you when he saw you, in Scoops Ahoy few weeks ago. Before the mall fire. Before everything went to hell.
He swears that Steve was nervous then and that he was blushing and Steve swears that he was not.
Suddenly Dustin notices you, smiling to the sky and he realizes- "Wait are you high?"
"Yup" you turn to face him. "I saw your new friend. The dealer, what was his name, oh I forgot"
"You mean Eddie?" He sounds surprised. But why? Dustin is the one who introduced you to the weirdo, actually no, Eddie is cool. Your thoughts are spinning around your head. What is Steve doing now? Is he going to hate you? Did you lock your front door before you left? You don't listen to Dustin, as you continue to talk.
"The one with the long hair, always wears a denim vest"
"Yes, yes! That's Eddie. Did you get weed from him?"
"Do you think Steve is going to hate me?" You suddenly stop swinging, and you look down. You almost sound embarrassed by your question. You feel even more embarrassed when you realize that tears are forming in your eyes.
"No, why would he? He could never hate you. No matter what you do" he tries to comfort you. And maybe what he says it's true, but you're still confused, you whisper a soft 'Really' and Dustin continues -"Yeah. It's obvious that he loves you. I know you two are or were seeing each other. It's okay"
"I'm leaving in two days" you say and to be honest, the rest of the day was a blur.
You remember crying, Dustin holding your hand as he walked you home, and you remember the time when the roles were reversed.
The summer before Dustin started middle-school. He was around five, and you were only few years older. Your parents are friends with his mom, and you basically grew along side the young boy.
He was so scared, that he tried to run away from his home, just so he wouldn't go to school the next day. His mom freaked out, almost called the police. But Dustin was quickly found. In the playground, he was softly crying, hiding behind the swings. You saw him, talked to him, gave him some hope 'You'll find friends Dustin. I'm sure you will! And if you don't, you'll always have me, okay?' you remember the words you whispered before you took him home.
And you remember what Dustin said before you walked to your door, 'I understand why you're going. And I'm sure you'll be happier there, you'll find new friends and everything is going to be okay. If not, you'll always have me'
You haven't talked to Dustin, or anyone since Max's coma. So getting a call, at three pm on the third day since you were back was rather unexpected. You didn't think they would want to see you.
But Lucas called, and you didn't recognize his voice. He asked you to meet with them, at Mike's basement for a movie night. And how can you say no? You had to see them, you missed them. When he mentioned Mike's basement, you smiled. Not everything is changed after all.
So here you are, standing in front of the Wheeler's hause, the next day. You ring the bell, and Holly answers. She doesn't remember you, but Mike lets you in. Everyone is there, Lucas, Dustin, Max, Will, El . They were all grown up, almost as tall as you, thriving in high school, almost unrecognizable to you.
They all hugged you tightly. And it's weird, but good weird. You missed this, you missed them.
"How is high school treating you? I can't believe how tall you all are!" you say as you take a seat on the empty couch.
"It's good. We're good. How's college?" says Mike and quickly everyone takes a sit beside you.
"It's good" it comes off as a lie, but it's not. College is not what you expected. But mean girls and asshole guys are better then fighting demons or whatever in the upside down. But you can't be thinking about this right now. 'Focus on the good' you tell yourself.
-"I mean, you're almost seniors, do you have some ideas of what you want to study?"
"Well not me. I'm staying behind for another year. I have so much to learn" El sends a sweet smile to your way and finds a seat on the floor.
"That's allright. I remember Eddie Munson fell behind for two years back in high school and he's fine now. I saw him at his gig in June" you change the subject. Focusing on the good.
"Yeah he mentioned that. Dustin has weakly phone calls with him" Lucas says, as he looks over at his curly headed friend.
"I do. He always has the most amazing stories from tour. Last month he was chased from the police. He swears that he ran for half an hour and got away in the end" Dustin says, proudly.
"That's not surprising. But you, tell us, how are you? How long are you staying?" Max asks. Her voice is stronger now. You remember the first phone call you had with her, when she woke up. You felt the hurt though her voice. But, let's focus on the good. She's good. Everything is fine.
"Till New Year's" and smile, that's good.
"Do you have a boyfriend? Back in California? Do you know Will has- El starts saying something but is quickly interrupted.
"Hey, El!" Will yells.
"Mhm no I don't. I had. But"- you try to explain. But how can you? The last boyfriend you had cheated on you. And the worst thing was, that you didn't feel anything. You didn't care.
"But what?" the redhead curiously asks.
"I broke up with him, four months ago. I don't think I'm that good at relationships" you say.
"Look, I got goosebumps" Dustin shows his arm to Mike. With a big smile on his face. -"I swear Steve said the same thing to me last week" Dustin laughs, but everyone else stays silent. And he quickly realizes what be said.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have mentioned him. I ruined the mood" his smile falls, and cracks a piece of your heart. You never wanted this. To break the group. To leave. But you did, now you must face the consequences. The hurt you caused. It's your fault.
"Please, don't apologize. Steve and I, we're cool. He knows I'm back. Everything that happened, it's in the past. We're both civil right now" you explain and everyone looks shocked. It's not that shocking, that Steve talked to you, right?
"You are?" Will asks.
"Wait, why didn't he say anything to us! I found out that you are back from my mom. Because she saw you at the bakery. But I mean he could have told us that you're here. The last time we saw him, it was like what?"-
"Monday morning" Max continues her boyfriend's sentence.
"I guess he forgot to mention that. It's not a big deal" you say.
"Did you talk?" quietly asks El.
"Kinda. I don't think he wants to talk to me that much. And I don't blame him"
"Well I do. You're finally back, the whole group is whole and now he's being petty about it?" Dustin says annoyed.
"Let's just watch the movie" focus on the good.
"Is that why Steve was in a bad mood?" El whispers to her boyfriend.
"Shhh!" Mike finally sits down, and the movie starts.
At the same, few blocks away was Steve. Taking his break, standing in front of the chief's office. With a payphone in his hand, and a cigarette in his other.
"Why is she back?" He whispers to the person on the other line.
"This is her home. She has a right to come back, whenever she wants to" says Robin. Because, who else would Steve call, if not his best friend?
"I know but- he takes a drag and exhales- She's acting like a saint, coming back here, like nothing happened. Like she didn't just leave without saying goodbye" he complains.
"I know you're hurt, but can you give her a chance? I'm not asking you to get back together, just be civil. I know you've missed her too" she whispers back.
"Look, I've got to go. Hopper is going to kill me if I don't finish his paper work. I'll see you tomorrow?"
"You know it"
The following week, the weather got colder, and you spent your time catching up with some old friends and with your family. You were preparing for Christmas, decorating the tree, baking. You filled your room with bright colored lights and it felt nice. It felt like before.
The first week of 'dating' Steve Harrington was magical, and it felt right, and you remember it really well. You played every moment back in your head, replaying it over and over, so you don't forget it.
It was the start of winter and it was snowing all the time. School got canceled because of snow, icy roads and coldness but you were happy, free and you were slowly falling in love.
You kissed Steve Harrington, and you felt free.
He kissed you back, and you promised to always remember how freedom tastes. To remember what happiness means.
Hot chocolate, cinnamon cookies, icy lips, red checks.
Everything was right and good. And you want to focus on that. To remember that.
But you can't focus on the good, and forget the bad parts, the nightmares, the heartbreak, the horrors.
You're in your room. And everything starts to move. The lights lose their color. Everything darkens. Everything spins. Voices fill your head and you can feel the walls around your neck. You're losing your breath. Is that 'Vecna' thing back? Or is this your mind playing tricks on you again? You're not sure.
In your life you've memorized a lot of numbers, historical years, important dates but right now the only number you know is Steve's. And you call it. And you wait. You're sure that he'll answer this time.
Notes: I've already started working on part 2 (the last part) and I want to give credits to everyone who has written a similar story/ one-shot in the past. This is not my idea, but it's my version and I hope you like it!
Also english is not my first language, so please correct me if I've made some mistakes. And tell me what you think, I would love to know your thoughts on this!!
Have a nice day, love Ana <3
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aloneinthehellfire · 2 years
Chapter 15: This Is Just The Beginning
Season One | Season Two | Season Three
[Raining Hellfire Season Three]
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Word Count: 3548 words
Warnings: swearing, mentions of death, voices, confessions/ love triangle? idk, sad goodbyes
[A/N: I was going to make this so angsty but I chose sweetness instead. This is the last chapter for RH3 and I'm emotional omg, this has been a rollercoaster]
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This Is Just The Beginning
The pain didn’t go away in three months.
Day in and day out, you had to hear the gossip of the ‘mall fire’ from people who had no idea what really happened. Everyone that died had suddenly become victims of an ‘accident’ instead of the deadly creature you all fought. Instead of the Russians you had stumbled across working to bring about an Armageddon.
It was national news that the Starcourt Mall had burned down. Hopper was decorated as a hero, at least, something he most definitely deserved. It even made El feel a little better to hear that.
Jack was never mentioned.
And you had to spend every day in a house that no longer felt like home.
“Hey, where do you want this to go?”
You turn your head away from the box you were packing, glancing at the Walkman in Nancy’s hands. You give a small smile.
“In the box labelled ‘Madmax’.” You gesture to the cardboard that held all your tapes, plus some money you had saved up 3 years ago.
Nancy flashes a smile as she nods, delicately placing it amongst the other items before walking over to you, sitting cross-legged on the carpet beside you.
“Are you sure you really wanna do this?” She asks, searching your eyes.
You sigh, placing a photo frame of you and Jack into the box in front of you.
“I need to.” You respond quietly and she slowly nods her head, smiling down at the picture of you, her and Barb.
After graduation, you had received an important letter from a college you never thought you’d get into. You had ignored it at first, knowing that Hawkins was your home. Everyone you loved was here. You didn’t want to just move.
But now that was exactly what you were doing. The reasons you had to stay had suddenly become the reasons for you to go.
“You will be their end”
Leaving Hawkins was the only play you had left to ensure your friends were safe.
“So, when are the others giving their grand goodbyes?” Nancy chuckles, sealing up a box and adding it to the pile by the front door.
You clear your throat, never meeting her eyes. “Uh… you know. Later.”
When she doesn’t respond, you whip your head up to see her wide-eyed stare, movements paused as she looks to you with an exasperated expression.
“You didn’t tell them.” Nancy concludes, shaking her head wildly when you tighten your lips. “Y/n! This is important, you need to-”
“No.” You set down another box, wiping down your jeans. “No, I can’t. Goodbyes only make things harder.”
Nancy opens her mouth before closing it again, sighing. “They’re not gonna be happy when they find you gone.”
She was right. Leaving without saying goodbye was going to cause an outrage. Nancy was the only one that found out you were moving away. She had come to check on you and found you sorting clothes. You didn’t have the heart to lie to her.
“Don’t worry, just pretend you weren’t helping me with all this and I think you’ll be safe from their wrath.” You laugh sadly, sealing up the very last box and standing back with a sigh.
“That’s not what I’m worried about.” Nancy moves to hug you tight, taking you by surprise. “You really don’t have to do this. We can figure it out. Maybe, maybe you can move in with us and-”
“Nance.” You say softly, hugging her back, and she slumps into you with defeat.
When you finally pull away, you look to eachother with matching tears, laughing.
“You’re gonna come back, right?” Nancy asks, nudging your shoulder. “We have so much to catch up on.”
“I’ll call you every week.” You promise. You didn’t want to answer her question. Not when you didn’t have an answer to it.
“You better.” She smiles, giving you another quick hug before running to grab her bag. “I need to help the Byers move- oh my god.”
Nancy suddenly stops, slumping her shoulders. You raise a worried eyebrow and she sighs.
“Why is everyone moving?” She complains. “And why not me?”
You laugh at her comment, walking her to the front door. “Just another year, Nance.”
“Yeah, yeah, don’t remind me.” She bites her bottom lip, stopping just as she reaches for the door knob. “Could I get one last piece of advice?”
“Yeah, of course.” You blink.
“Jonathan… we’ve talked it through. With him moving out to California, we-” She takes a breath, straightening herself. “We decided to break up.”
“Nance-” You try but she shakes her head.
“No, it’s okay. It’s for the best.” Nancy slowly nods and you raise an eyebrow.
“Is it?”
She sighs relief, “That’s what I’ve been thinking! What if- what if we just tried long distance or... I don’t know. I guess that’s what I need your advice on.”
“I can’t tell you what to do.” You shrug, tilting your head. “But if I’ve learnt anything… don’t give up on something if you truly feel like it should last forever.”
She chuckles, smiling at you. “I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too.”
One last hug and she opens the door, stepping outside. You give her a final wave before shutting the door and staring down at the boxes, breathing out.
You look down at the ridiculous bobble-head poking out of an unsealed box of trinkets and you laugh to yourself. A last minute graduation present from Steve when you were driving to the drive-in cinema. He had ran into a convenience store and picked out the most ridiculous thing he could find.
Your smile turns to a sad frown. Steve was going to hate you when he found out you had left without a warning.
Suddenly, rapid loud knocks echoed from the front door, startling you. You frown at the noise, walking over. Did Nancy leave something?
You slowly open the door, leaving enough space for you to poke your head out and you paused when your eyes met his chocolate brown eyes.
“Eddie?” You stare and he just stops, eyebrows furrowing as he tried to think of something to say.
“Hi.” He finally decided, a frown never leaving his face.
“Hey... What- what are you doing here?” You shake your head, widening the door a little more so you could stand just in the gap, blocking the view behind you.
“I know you’re leaving.” He blurts and you froze.
“No. No, I’m-” You shake your head. But it wasn’t fooling him. He must have ran into Nancy on her way out. Lord knows she has been the biggest Y/n-Eddie shipper since you ran into him in the hallway.
He placed a hand on the door and pushed gently. You allowed him to swing the door further open, revealing the cardboard boxes stacked up behind you.
“Okay. I can see how that might make you think I was leaving.” You nod, pursing your lips.
It was a simple question, one you could easily answer if it wasn’t for the fact that you couldn’t him the truth.
“I…” You started, taking a breath and stepping to the side to allow Eddie to walk inside. “I don’t wanna be here anymore.”
Eddie looks at you sadly, nodding. “I, uh… I heard. About your uncle. Wayne told me a while ago and I was gonna come see you but-”
He leans against the wall, resting his head against it as he stared at the ceiling. “I guess I just didn’t know if you’d want me to.”
“I’ll always want you to be here.” You admit quietly and he turns his head to meet you, a small smile lingering on his lips.
“Yeah.” You smile back before glancing back at the boxes by your feet. “But I need to do this, Eds.”
He suddenly springs from the wall, eyes creasing with worry as he scooped your hands into his.
“Don’t.” He pleads. “I know- I know how everything ended last year but I- I hate the idea of you not being here. With me. Just… just stay.”
“It ended for a reason.” You say softly, squeezing his hands before dropping them, picking up a box and walking it out of the door and to your car.
Eddie follows you the whole way, muttering under his breath as you open the trunk and dump the box in.
“Okay, yeah. Yeah, I know.” He runs to block your path back into the house, holding his hands up in surrender. “I know we ended it and I have to be completely honest with you. That was the worst decision I’ve ever made.”
Your heart drops at the same time as it flutters. “Eddie-”
“I was dealing drugs.”
Your eyes widen. He stares at you, tightening his lips.
“Um.” You shake your head, frowning. “That… I did not see that coming.”
Eddie slowly nods, clicking his tongue. “That girl, the one in my trailer that night? She was just buying from me. We weren’t- nothing ever happened. She bought what she wanted and then she left. I didn’t tell you because-”
“It’s not a girl’s biggest dream to hear their boyfriend is a drug dealer.” You finished with a sad laugh and he nodded his head.
“I should have told you.” He lowers his head, fiddling with the blue ring on his hand. “I shouldn’t have ran away.”
“I-” You squeeze your eyes shut, shaking your head. “I still can’t tell you the truth.”
Eddie brings his eyes up to meet yours, frowning. “I didn’t ask you to.”
You smile before taking a step around him. “And I can’t stay here.”
“You know why!” A small sob leaves your lips and you notice the strange look from a neighbour. You walk back inside the house and try to lift another box. Eddie quietly takes it out of your arms and lifts it for you, despite the fact he was trying to convince you to stay.
“I can’t stay in a house that’s empty.” A tear leaves your eye and trickles down your cheek as you shake your head. “And I can’t stay in a town that only holds memories of all the people I’ve hurt.”
Eddie shifts the box in his arms, “You’re really set on leaving, aren’t you?”
You nod. “I made up my mind.”
“You were always so stubborn.” He chuckles. He stares down at the boxes, closing his eyes. “Well, it wouldn’t be very gentlemanly of me if I made you pack all these up by yourself.”
You laugh through your tears, picking up another box and heading outside with him. Several trips were made from the house to the car until the vehicle was filled to the brim. With a heavy heart, you realised you were all set.
“You did it.” Eddie smiles at you and you send him a confused look. “You’re finally making it out of Hawkins.”
“Yeah…” You frown at your car. Even with every detail planned out since the Starcourt battle, it still felt too sudden. You shake away the nerves, smiling up at him. “What about you? What are you doing with new-found freedom?”
It was meant to be a light-hearted question until you saw the shift in his eyes, the way his body tensed.
“I, uh…” He puffed out a breath, wincing. “I’m stuck here for a while longer.”
You’re about to ask why when realisation struck your mind. He didn’t graduate.
“No, no. It’s cool.” He laughs oddly, brushing imaginary dirt off the hood of your car, “It gives me another year with the Hellfire Club, you know? And another year to make my own so, it’s not all bad.”
“You are the best Dungeon Master I know.” You declare and he genuinely grins at your statement.
“You don’t know any other ones.”
“Why bother when you’ve given me impossible standards?”
You both laugh, instinctively stepping closer to eachother. When you look up at him, your heart yearns for more. Eddie Munson. Your first love. The one that got away. The one you were about to leave behind.
“Hawkins is losing its hero.” Eddie says, offering half a smile as he reaches up and tucks a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
“It’ll be just fine without me.” You reply, leaning up and softly kissing his cheek. “You’ll be more than fine without me.”
He doesn’t reply. Instead, he catches your lips with his and your heart reacted before your brain, pulling him closer. His hands slid up to cup your cheeks as you clung to his jacket. Memories flooded your thoughts with every happy moment you had spent with him, every piece of joy that made staying in Hawkins worth it.
Eddie reluctantly pulls away and you both just breathe for a moment before a shaky laugh leaves your lips.
“That was one hell of a goodbye, Munson.” You comment and he chuckles, smiling dimples at you.
“I’m hoping it was a ‘see you later’.” He steps away, straightening his jacket. “I… I should let you get going.”
“Yeah.” You nod, biting your lip, still a little flushed from the kiss. “I think I’m gonna make a stop first.”
As if he read your mind, he nods with a knowing smile, turning away. You watch as he walks down the driveway until you suddenly remember something.
“Eddie, wait!” You call out. He stops, turning back around as you lean into your car through the open window, rifling through your glove box to find what you needed.
When your fingers brush over the paper, you grab it and run to him, holding it out.
“What-” He starts with a confused laugh.
“It’s a gift.” You blurt, shaking your head when he just stares, “It- I bought it ages ago. Well, kind of. I made it cause I couldn’t find exactly what I wanted but it’s been sitting in my glove box for months and I’d regret it if I didn’t give it to you when I had the chance.”
Eddie slowly nods, a smile creeping onto his lips after your ramble as he peels away the paper. He laces the chain in his fingers, pulling it up to reveal a red guitar pick. His eyes widen.
“It’s not the same one you gave me.” You quickly say, reaching into your jumper and pulling out the necklace to prove yourself. “I just- You gave me your best guitar pick and I felt bad that you were having to use that old one that you always claimed was ‘just fine’ but I know you really wanted one to match your baby so I found one and made you a necklace. Like mine.”
His smile grew brighter and he pulls you into a hug, lifting you as you giggle.
“Thank you.” He finally puts you down, closing his hand around the pick tightly, like it would suddenly vanish if he wasn’t too careful.
“I should go now.” You reluctantly nod and he smiles.
“I’ll see you around, Queen of the Demogorgons.”
You laugh. “Later, King of the Freaks.”
Eddie’s laugh never left your mind as he disappeared down the street, the creases in his smile still replaying across your eyes.
You glance at your car with a sigh. One last stop before you left Hawkins forever.
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“Y/n!” Dustin yells as you walk into the Byers old home, amused at the sight before you.
Lucas and Max were sat in the corner and singing ‘A Never Ending Story’, mocking Dustin and Suzie’s previous impromptu performance months before.
“Hey, guys. That’s not cool.” You say as the duo laugh with eachother.
“Thank you!” Dustin exclaims, sighing.
“Dustin, can I ask you something?” You look innocent, crossing your arms as Max raises her eyebrows behind you, a grin lifting onto her face.
“Yeah, sure.” The boy replies, looking confused when a giggle escapes your mouth.
“Where can I find... the answer to a never-ending story?” You finally blurt and his face drops to a scowl.
“WRITTEN ON THE PAGES IS THE ANSWER TO A NEVER-ENDING STORY!” Lucas and Max practically scream the lyrics and Dustin’s lips curve into a smile before laughs starts to erupt from his mouth.
“I hate you all.” He chuckles as he grabs the box in front of him and walks out of the house to the moving van out front.
“Hey, Y/n.” Lucas stands with Max, shifting the box’s weight in his arms. “We’re all going to annoy Steve and Robin at their new job after this, you wanna come?”
You smile at his request, “Uh, I kind of have something to do but tell them ‘hi’ from me?”
“Roger that.” He says, moving past you.
Max starts to follow him out until you hold an arm out to her. She frowns, letting Lucas leave before looking back at you.
“What’s up?” She asks, tilting her head.
You take a deep breath. This wasn’t going to be easy.
“I dropped a box off to Susan before I came here.” You start and she shakes her head, smiling.
“Okay? What’s that got to do with anything?”
You swallow your guilt. “It’s a box of things I want you to have.”
Max’s smile falters when she recognises that look on your face, eyes already misting over.
“You’re leaving again, aren’t you?”
“I got into college.” You nod, fiddling with the piece of paper in your hands. “I wasn’t going to go but… Jack and…”
“And Billy.” She says, understanding as she looks up at you with blue eyes. “I get it.”
“I don’t wanna leave you here.” You say, tears falling. “I just got you back and I hate knowing that I’m just leaving you alone after everything that happened.”
“I’ll be okay.” She sniffles, finally pulling you into a hug. “We’ll be okay.”
When you pull apart, you hand her the paper, watching as she unfolds it to reveal a number and an address.
“It’s the number for my new place. And an address. I figured if calling was going to be tricky, we could always write eachother letters.” You admit and she smiles, nodding.
“I’d love that.” She sobs, “I love you.”
“I love you too, Madmax.” You laugh, wiping away the tears, “I need to get going if I want to make it in time but… tell everyone I love them?”
Max nods, pocketing the paper. “I will.”
You both walk to your car, hugging eachother for the last time before you slid into your car, starting the engine.
“Don’t give up.” She suddenly says before you can drive away. You look confused and she laughs. “I don’t know. It’s what you told me in California and I figured you needed to hear it.”
You smile to yourself before looking back up at her. “As long as you give them hell.”
She grins as you finally pull away, moving back onto the road and watching as your sister waved you goodbye.
You passed the crowd of your friends as they said goodbye to the Byers and El. You had managed to sneak in a goodbye the previous day, saying you had an urgent matter to attend to. It broke your heart to lie to them all. But goodbyes would only make your decision so much harder. You knew that if they all begged you to stay, you would.
As you drove along the road in silence, your grip on the wheel tightened, breathing heavy. You were leaving.
Goosebumps marked your skin and you took a breath. You figured as much would happen when it in finally figured out your plan.
“We’re not finished yet, Y/n”
The deep voice echoed in your mind as you pressed your foot further into the pedal, accelerating faster as you spotted the Hawkins sign in the distance.
Suddenly, your head started to pound and you try and shake it off, gritting your teeth.
‘Leaving Hawkins, come again soon.’ The sign read as you drove toward it, practically seconds away from leaving the town.
The voice yelled and you slammed your foot down, speeding towards the sign now, eyes dead set on the imaginary finish line. As you got closer, the voices swarming your head began to get both quieter and more persistent, like it was their last attempt at breaching your mind.
“You’ve already-”
You pass the sign and the voices are suddenly cut off. You release the pedal slightly, slowing down to a smoother pace as you breathed relief. That proves that theory.
You switch on the radio as the wave of realisation hits you. Hawkins was behind you and you were heading to your new future. One where you wouldn’t hurt the people you loved.
Someday, love with find you
Break those chains that bind you
The words blared out at you as struggled to keep the tears at bay, guilt bubbling inside of you. You had left them all behind without even telling them the truth. You needed to do this if you wanted them safe. You prayed that leaving would stop whatever force was trying to get rid of you, using those closest to you to do its dirty work. You begged that it would save them, let them live their lives without fear.
You hoped that this truly was the end.
You feel something wet on your top lip and you remove one hand from the steering wheel, using your sleeve to wipe at it. When you glance back down at your hand, you see that your soft yellow jumper was now stained red.
Another side effect of the monsters in your mind.
Raining Hellfire: Season Four ->
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Raining Hellfire: Season Four, coming soon...
sorry just had to make sure everyone read this haha. i am so so grateful that so many of you love and support this story, especially since i wasn't sure i'd make it this far. since your input means the world to me, i really want to know how you guys think RH4 should go.
basically, we all know what happens to eddie in season four. it's sad and rips my heart out every time. my intentions with this fic were to make it as true to the original storyline as possible but, if people want it, i can make a few changes to the ST4 ending.
should eddie survive? would we want that change to be made? pls drop your answer in my asks so i can make that decision :)
i hope everyone has a wonderful new year!
taglist: @gnnnne / @beepisbeep / @paintballkid711/ @eddiesbirdie/ @livasaurasrex/ @darktimelegends / @jackierose902109 / @mvrylee / @chervbs/ @eternallyvenus / @nervouscatsuit / @f1nn-wolfhard / @hereiamhereigo / @ladybug0095 / @fangirling-4-ever / @astrolockley / @mothmanatemycat
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l0vem00nlight · 10 months
♥︎ 𝘔𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘳 𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘢𝘯 𝘚/𝘖 𝘞𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘍𝘢𝘷𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘏𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘐𝘴 𝘊𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘮𝘢𝘴 ♥︎
A/N ~ Sorry for being gone for awhile! I just wanted to surprise you guys with a Christmas Scenarios! You can request as well!
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Mike was already aware that your favorite holiday is indeed Christmas.
Over the course of years of being with the party he has seen you go into a christmas frenzy as soon as it hit December. Your house every year was always decorated from head to toe with Christmas lights, blow-up characters that represented the holidays, everything was too the top. Even the inside was decorated!
Mike knew what to expect when December came around and he was here for it. He also helped you decorate your house over the course of days. He had to be honest with you but it was a lot. It was fun yet so tiring. But of course he would never tell you that to your face. you looked so happy!
Mike also knew that you wouldn’t be active as much due to the fact that your buying presents for everybody. That was one of the biggest things he always looked forward to every year during Christmas. The fact that you are the absolute best at getting gifts for the party. It’s never something that they already have either.
Baking with you is also another one of his favorites. He sometimes will steal a cookie or two, being sneaky about it. It’s not long before you catch him sneaking in and you kick him out of the kitchen. He finds it so funny, hilarious even.
Christmas with you made it his favorite holidays You brought the light to the christmas and made it such a comforting yet wonderful experience. The party enjoyed the fact that you loved christmas but Mike knew it all. Mike knew you more. Mike knew that christmas is one of your most favorited holidays of the year and he wants to also join in on that excitement. He plays with you in the snow no matter how old you two are, he decorated the tree at both vid and your house with the most beautiful ornaments, he also feels up the stockings and helps you wrap gifts that aren’t his. It’s all amazing to experience with you. To be around someone as cheerful as you is like a blessing to him. Just seeing your bright smile brings him to life with happiness and joy as well as love. Your christmas spirit never fails to bring joy to not only him but others around you.
The most relaxing moments are drinking hot coco with you, sitting in either his basement or your home it’s all so warm and comforting. Christmas songs shall play in the background quietly as you two sit and watch christmas movies in peace and silence. You are tucked up together like two birds of a feather would be. It’s always so grand holding your hand as you walk through bundles and bundles of white snow.
And on Christmas Day, with a big smile on your face when you arrive at his house in the morning, holding a handful of gifts that all belonging to him and spoke…
“Merry Christmas!”
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powderblueblood · 7 months
crazy how I went from a mike wheeler hater to his court appointed lawyer because of one vague fic related headcanon I had
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multi-fandomfuckboy · 2 years
Stranger Than Fiction Masterlist
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Stranger Than Fiction
Billy Hargrove x Reader (Slowburn)
AN: Here is a collection of all parts of my 'Stranger Than Fiction' series. ❤️
Part 1: Welcome to Hawkins Part 2: The Convergence Part 3: Foundations Part 4: Deja Vu Part 5: Routine Part 6: Kinship Part 7: Hope Part 8: Shattered Part 9: Stupid Teenagers Part 10: Pity Party Part 11: What Really Matters Part 12: You Never Know Part 13: Be Careful Part 14: Not Dead Part 15: Strong Part 16: Everyday Part 17: Cathartic Part 18: Friends Part 19: Different Kind of Monster Part 20: Snowball Part 21: History Part 22: Help Part 23: Study Part 24: Tension Part 25: Merry Christmas Part 26: Attitude Part 27: Gifts Part 28: Games
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harringtonswriting · 2 years
“i don’t like scary movies.” - “i’ll keep you safe.” with eddie if you write for him? bet he loves scary movies!!!
i absolutely do write for eddie, and i love writing for him a lot! and i totally agree, i also think he'd love scary movies (like in general, not just as an excuse to cuddle, but that would also help) even if the reader doesn't. thank you so much for sending this in!! i hope you enjoy!
The rain is beating a soothing rhythm against the roof of Eddie’s trailer as you sit on his living room floor with him on Halloween night. It’s raining hard and heavy outside, and all but the bravest of trick-or-treaters have most likely given up and gone home (though you wouldn’t be surprised if Mike and Max were still dragging the other kids around Hawkins, which would most likely result in at least the sniffles for most of them). Wayne was already at work for the night, and you and Eddie had run out of candy nearly an hour ago, which is when he’d turned off the porch light and you’d settled in together to finish the end of Ghostbusters on TV.
Now that the movie’s over, Eddie untangles himself from you to turn on the lamp in the living room and pull out his box of VHS tapes from under the TV. He brings the box over to where you’re sitting, surrounded by all the pillows and blankets he could scrounge up, and starts unloading the contents of the box.
“Let’s watch another movie.” He’s got a smile on his face, showing off his teeth as his impossibly big brown eyes gleam in the warm orange lamp light. You can see something devious sparkle in there too, though, as he continues, “and since it’s Halloween, we should totally watch something scary.”
There it is. You knew he was planning something, with Wayne being out for the night, and this is it. He thinks he can get you all cozy in the blankets, so you’ll let him watch something terrifying with you so he can laugh (out of love, he always reassures you, but sometimes you think he just likes teasing you) and get you to cuddle with him without having to ask you to cuddle him. And it always ends up working because you both know you can’t say no to him, because he does actually love scary movies. It’s not the first time he’s tried to do this, and you doubt it’ll be the last.
“I don’t like scary movies, Eddie,” you remind him, like you have every other time before, and he responds by reaching out and taking one of your hands in his and rubbing his thumb over your knuckles. He scoots a little closer to you on the floor.
“I’ll keep you safe, babe,” he assures you. He squeezes your hand in his, before he releases it to point at the tapes on the floor. His impatience makes you laugh, just a little, and you look around to weigh your options.
“Hm… what about Gremlins?” you ask, picking up the more than a little dusty tape, and you see Eddie’s eye twitch minutely before he shakes his head. “It’s scary! You know, when the little gremlins turn evil after midnight, and they become those little lizard looking things.” He shakes his head again and you sigh, putting the tape back into the box.
“Think scarier, sweetheart.” He’s trying to encourage you, and when you’re scanning through the pile of tapes again you see another familiar looking box that you grab and hold up for him.
“Uh… okay, I got it! The Dark Crystal,” you say, one finger tapping the box. Eddie’s long fingers come up to pinch the bridge of his nose. “You can’t say it’s not scary! Those shriveled up vulture things are horrifying, Eddie, and you know I’m right. Especially the one that makes that weird ‘hmm’ noise.”
“The Skeksis?” he asks, and you nod, and he looks like he’s considering it for a moment when he shakes his head again. “When I said scary movie, I was thinking like… a slasher flick, you know?” He picks out three or four of the tapes, pushing them in your direction, while he packs the other ones back up. “Something like Friday the Thirteenth, or A Nightmare on Elm Street. Or maybe Halloween, that one’s good too.” All of them look equally scary to you, though Eddie taps the case the farthest to the left. “You know, Friday the Thirteenth has that guy from Footloose in it, Kevin Bacon.”
“Then we’re gonna watch one of the other two,” you say, mostly joking, and Eddie lets out a loud laugh as he puts it back in the box. Looking between them, you pick up the one on the right. “Since it is Halloween, even though I know you’re not a fan of being cliche, I think we should watch Halloween. Is that one good?”
A wide grin nearly splits Eddie’s face in half as he plucks the VHS from your hand and holds it close to his chest.
“Oh hell yes it is, sweetheart. You have excellent taste,” he says, and seeing the sheer joy on his face, the way his knee is bouncing in excitement as he looks at you, you absolutely agree with him. Because there is nowhere you would rather be right now than with Eddie Munson. The rain is still going strong as Eddie starts chattering away about the movie to you, packing up the box of tapes and putting it back in its spot before setting up the movie for you. You’re pretty sure you’re going to be terrified of this movie, and you might spend all night laying awake while Eddie snores next to you, but as he settles in next to you when the opening credits start rolling, draping a blanket over the two of you, you’re absolutely sure he’ll keep you safe and lovingly protected in his arms.
(Though after being thoroughly terrified by Halloween and going to bed with the hall and bathroom lights on, you absolutely let him know that if a serial killer in a white mask comes after you, Eddie’s being sacrificed first for the greater good and you’ll always remember his bravery. And that he’s never making you choose a scary movie again)
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statticscribbles · 2 years
Summary: Will Byers/Reader/Mike Wheeler; Reader’s been trapped in the upside down until Will freed her; something about her is drawing both boys in, but will it just lead them back to Vecna
You’ve been here for what feels like centuries. You’re not sure the last time you’ve seen someone; the place you fell through into here is gone; covered in spiderwebs and vines and darkness that makes your head spin. You close your eyes and try not to cry hoping someone will find you; you just want to go back to your family.
“Are you okay?” You blink looking up into your brother's face, he smiles; his hair flops in his eyes and he brushes it back.
“It’s not so scary here; is it?” He laughs when you jump up and cling to him.
You can’t remember the last time you’ve seen your brother. You know you should be scared he’s here; but you’re mostly just happy, you’re not alone anymore.
“Sorry for taking so long.”
“It’s okay.” You smile; he looks the same as he did when you got stuck in this place. You keep your hand in his as he walks you around.
Whenever you can find one of those holes you jump through it; it’s one that seems to lead back to what you think is the real world. With so many people it has to be real you hope; you don’t like the idea of the wasteland being the real world. You haven’t found any of the holes again; you’re nervous; you don’t get hungry here; you don’t feel much besides cold and pain. You never see people, not since your brother left. Until one day you see a boy.
“Hello.” You parrot back and he steps forward but hesitates.
“Who are you?”
“Y/N. You?”
“Will.” He grins a little and you nod, mimicking his smile.
Drowning. This is what dying feels like; you at least wish your brother was here. Instead of Will; you don’t want either of them to die; but you think you’d rather have your brother by your side.
You’re shaking the entire time; curled next to Will; anytime someone tries to move you you scream and Will attempts to glare. Joyce; his mother, doesn’t seem to want to separate either of you; she can’t get much out of you besides your name; not that Will says anything either for the moment; you both know there’s too many people for them to believe what you’re saying.
“Vecna?” You tilt your head at Will who swallows and nods.
“The monster; the creature that’s been hunting… that trapped us, in the upside down..” He nods and you know this has something to do with El, Jane, Eleven; you know that’s not her whole name; she only uses one at a time but they all pulse behind your eyes and you can’t seem to forget that order. Despite hearing it the opposite way.
“Monster?” You frown and chew your lip before shaking your head and Will shrugs when he looks at Mike.
“It’s something scary; something that hurts you… like he did; right?” Mike offers and you nod slowly.
“Hurts.. Yes. Monster hurts me. Hurts you.” Your fingers curl around Will’s shoulder and he nods smiling a little.
“We’re safe now.”
“Safe is good.” 
“Yeah.” Mike grins and leans over to pull you into a hug; you’re still not used to being touched besides Will and occasional Joyce when she needs something. Neither of them have been unpleasant and Mike’s hugs are the same; they make you feel warm, feel safe you think as you smile at both of them.
“My brother..” You mumble and Will looks up frowning; Mike does the same.
“Your brother is still there?” Closing the gates will mean he’s trapped; you don’t want him there; but you know that trying to bring him through could kill him, or you; or anyone who’s close enough. You know there’s been enough death in Hawkins.
“What’s his name..”
“Henry Creel!” You don’t understand why they look horrified.
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pizzarollmj · 2 years
Y/N : hey Mike… how old is your mom?
Mike : what? why?
Y/N : no not like that no… it is- it is like that how old is she? I come in the house and she’s like “you wanna eat?” and I was like “eat what?” 😏
Mike : put my plate down and stop hitting on my mom!
Y/N : Mrs. Wheeler i’m ready for the rest of the tourrrr~
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COSMIC - S2:E6; Chapter Six, The Spy - [Pt. 1]
A Will Byers x Male!Reader Series
will's connection to a shadowy evil grows stronger, but no one's quite sure how to stop it. elsewhere, steve and dustin forge an unlikely bond.
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"Get him out. Go! Go!"
"God! Hold on, sweetie!"
Will screams in anguish as he is wheeled throughout the lab. He clutches his arm tightly, wishing he could tear the very skin off of his flesh, he feels as if he is being cooked from the inside out. Joyce stays close behind him, her tears clouding her vision, Bob and Mike right on her tail.
When she had left the tunnels, she was faced with the horrendous sight of her youngest writhing in the grass, near unconsciousness.
"I'm right here, honey. Just hold on." She cries, her hand outstretched for him.
They reach a room faster than she anticipates and she feels herself being ripped away from her baby when he is placed onto a bed. Bob is gently pulling her back, but to her, the distance is too great. She needs to be there, show him he's there. But for now, she's stuck, watching helplessly as her son is dying.
"Heart rate 220. Temperature's 106."
Several hands are prodding and poking, adjusting and readjusting but one nurse, in particular, leans forward. Her gloved hands gently grab the sides of his face so as to grab his attention - this whole while, his eyes have been closed as he screams.
"Will," she says urgently. "where does it hurt?"
His face is pale and his eyes sunken and dark, but he manages to open them for a brief moment to speak before falling into a fit of groans.
"All over."
"She says he feels like he's burning." Dr. Owen's interjects. "Check for burns."
Will's shirt is quickly cut open allowing them to work but there is no sign of burns to be found.
"I don't see anything!"
Once again, she grabs a gentle hold of Will leaning down to get his attention as the other nurses begin to apply wires.
"Where does it hurt the most, Will?"
"Everywhere!" He screams, launching his head up. "EVERYWHERE!"
His head is thrown back into the pillow in anguish, the doctors swarm his bedside doing all in their abilities. Joyce collapses in Bob's arms, her trembling hand over her mouth and Bob finds himself unable to bear the sight.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
"Here we stand or here we fall
History won't care at all"
The newly formed, unlikely duo of Dustin Henderson and Steve Harrington stew in thick silence, nothing but the lilting voice of Freddie Mercury's carrying through the car's otherwise silent atmosphere as Hammer To Fall plays from the radio. Night has fallen and the two ride in silence, the maroon BMW barreling down the streets of Hawkins, clouds of leaves in its path. Dustin had shared his previous encounters with his newest ally which has caused the aforementioned silence. Finally, Steve finds his voice.
"Wait a sec. How big?"
Dustin stretches out his forefinger from his thumb roughly an inch, indicating to Steve.
"First it was like that," he then stretches both hands out wider than his shoulders. "Now he's like this."
Steve rolls his eyes, returning them to the road as he scoffs.
"I swear to God, man, it's just some little lizard, okay?"
"It's not a lizard."
"How do you know?"
Dustin turned to Steve with an incredulous look, mocking his confidence and the two begin to speak over one another.
"How do I know if it's not?"
"How you know it's not just a lizard?" Steve said, his voice rising.
"Because his face opened up and he ate my cat." Dustin snapped.
Steve's eyes widened, though his face quickly contorts into an awkward expression. Willingly admitting defeat, he shrugged as he pulls into the Henderson driveway.
The two exit the car and meet at the trunk, as promised Steve opens his trunk to reveal the infamous spike bat from the previous year.
Having ditched his toxic friends, Steve had come to the Byers's house to make peace with Jonathan after their fight. Only to find Nancy there with Jonathan as they set a trap for the Demogorgon the night of Eleven's disappearance. Consequently, Steve had been thrown into the chaos in their battle with the Upside Down where he upheld the infamous bat. The less than pleasant memories came flooding back to him as he glanced down at the makeshift weapon, and he sighs.
Tossing his keys to Dustin, he grabs his bat, twirling it in his grasp and he can't help but notice the spark of adrenaline that comes with it. The feeling of the weight in his hands, knowing he needs to be prepared at any moment. And he is.
Slamming the truck, Steve follows Dustin's lead into the backyard. He finds himself standing in front of a chained up cellar and Steve waits in hushed silence for any signs of movement. The flashlight beam dances across the steel as he waits, but the pair is only met with more silence.
"I don't hear shit."
"He's in there." Dustin shrugs.
Cautiously, Steve leans forward, his bat outstretched and he gently taps the wooden end of the bat against the steel. Again, no other sounds can be heard. Testing his luck, he steps forward again and whacks the doors with the bat creating a larger sound. Still no reply.
Steve turns hotly on his heel and shines the flashlight directly in Dustin's eyes with a less than impressed look on his face.
"All right, listen, kid. I swear, if this is some sort of Halloween prank, you're dead."
"It's not," Dustin argues, wincing from the harsh light.
"All right?" Steve pressed.
"It's not a prank." He urges. "Get it out of my face."
Steve reluctantly replies, lowering the flashlight and he gestures to the cellar.
"You got a key for this thing?"
The cellar doors are ripped open with an ear-splitting squeak and Steve peers deep into the darkness, his bat at the ready. Dustin stands behind him, flashlight in his shaky hand and Steve gladly takes it. He shines it further into the cellar, the milky white beam reached the bottom of the steps and dances across the cold, grey concrete.
"He must be farther down there," Dustin says uncertainly. "I'll stay up here in case he tries to escape,"
Steve looks up at the boy with a deadpan expression before back into the dark abyss with a supposed cat-eating monster. He shakes his head, unable to believe the dramatic, unforeseen turn his day has taken.
He sighs once more, not bothering to hide his unease as he looks from the boy to cellar once more.
"You have a brother, don't you? Why isn't he helping out?"
Dustin shifts uneasily.
"Yeah, about that," Dustin says, causing Steve to sigh. "He's with Byers. Also, he has no idea I found Dart after we lost him at school, or that our cat's dead so I'd rather not lead with that..."
"Jesus, I- Fine. Whatever, let's just get this over with."
Both bated breath, Steve descends into the darkness, his bat gripped tightly in hand, flashlight in the other. His body is tense and he is ready for any sign of movement. He reaches the last step, and his flashlight quickly scans the area though it finds nothing but a metal chain hanging from the ceiling in the center of the room. Deeming it safe, his guard lowers ever so and he steps forward turning on the light, the chain dangles around his head and for one blissful moment, he finds nothing but a regular cellar.
That is until his eyes land on the peculiar sickly pale green shape on the floor before him. In the dark, his vision had mistaken it as an old plastic grocery bag. But now, with the light illuminating the surface, it had a bright pale sheen and he could see it certainly wasn't anything normal. Extending the ends of the bat, the nails hooked into the strange wet substance and held it up to examine it.
The beam of the flashlight shone through the substance. After moments of contemplation as he watches it drip with mucus-like slime and is met with a horrid stench, he realizes it had once been skin.
His gaze wandered to a spot on the wall just beyond where he had found the shredded skin and he looked on in shock, his stomach plummeted as if he had dropped ten stories.
From above the surface, Dustin waited less than patiently, growing nervous for the Harrington boy.
"Steve?" He called uneasily.
The cellar light had been turned on but no other sign of life had shown itself. Fear crept into Dustin's heart and his unease festered.
"Steve, what's going on down there?" He asked a little louder.
Dustin jumped back in surprise when an unexpected beam of light hit his face so suddenly. His heart leaped into his throat and he was thankful he hadn't screamed. Behind the beam of light was Steve, looking up at him worriedly.
"Get down here." He ordered.
His voice sounded shaky, a factor in Steve that did not comfort Dustin at this moment. But reluctantly, he obeyed. Dustin descended the cellar steps to find a familiar substance dangling from the spiked bat, and his stomach twisted into knots.
"Oh, shit."
Without a word, Steve pulled the bat away and shone the flashlight towards the far corner of the cellar revealing his second discovery. A large trail of slime was strewn across the concrete leading to the far left corner of the cellar. Dozens of discarded bricks, broken remnants of splintered wood sprinkled the area as well as of mounds of dirt all flowed in from the gaping hole in the wall where Dart had escaped.
"Holy, shit!"
The duo stepped forward, bending down to examine the tunnel. The small beam of light was redirected once more and the two gapped at their microscopic view of the infinite tunnel that wound its way throughout all of Hawkins.
The currently vacant Byers living room is bathed in the pale moonlight, the only evidence of life is Will's abandoned maps that travel through the house like veins. An abandoned glass of water on the kitchen counter vibrates in only the slightest as the growing rumble of engines surrounds the house. A fleet of men flood routinely from the identical swarm of HAWKINS WATER AND ELECTRIC vans and storm the Byers porch. Within moments, the house is flooded with agents, dozens of flashlight beams dance across the floors, walls, and ceilings as they dissolve across the perimeter.
Light switches, remotes, doorknobs - apart from the front door - go untouched avoiding any trace they were ever here, only doing that which was necessary with gloved hands. They were quick and thorough, and apart from the brief but blinding flashes of cameras documenting the maps and the fleet of flashlights, the house is illuminated only by the moons soft rays. A pair of hands confiscate the videotape from Halloween night, that had previously remained tucked into the player, while another takes several photos of Will's drawing of the shadow monster that sits in his room, undisturbed.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
Will's small and weakened frame lays unconscious on the medical bed. The color in his cheeks that gave him his usual warm and pinkish hue withered and was almost nonexistent, his skin now paled a sickly white and covered in a sheen of sweat from the long night behind him. Bob and Mike sit at his side, their eyes trained on him for any signs of disturbance as his body shakily rises and falls in a feeble attempt at stabilizing.
Meanwhile, Joyce sits at the head of the conference table among the lab's finest doctors and agents. She - much like Bob and Hopper - had traded their regular attire for scrubs during the night and she is in a heated discussion with Owens and his team.
"That thing, it..." she gestured over her shoulder. "It did something to him."
"Okay," Owens thoughtfully scratches his head, his mind scrambling to catch up and understand the situation. "And these now-memories, as you call them, how long has he been experiencing them?"
The impatience grew in Joyce at the repetitive question and fights a huff.
"I told you, since Thursday. Since I found him in the field."
"And why wasn't he brought in?" Asked an unnamed scientist to her right.
Her sharp and hostile gaze snaps to the man and she gives him a cynical glance, her palms hitting the surface of the wooden table.
"I have been bringing him in, and what have you done?" She spits coolly. "Nothing. Nothing!"
Owens nervously jumps in with an unintended stilted tone, his movements stiff, all in a pathetic and useless attempt to minimize her concerns.
"These are new symptoms, Joyce."
Joyce shook her head profusely, jabbing her finger in Owens's direction. Her promise to Will burning protectively in her heart.
"No. No, he has been telling you over and over that something wrong, and you said it was all in his head."
Owens squirms uncomfortably in his seat, his composure cracking under Joyce's fire. His mouth opens and closes, though his voice fails him.
"You said, 'Be patient.' Those were your words."
As she leans back into her seat, shifting restlessly Owens finally finds his voice. Her adrenaline and unease find a small and temporary outlet as her fingers drum against the wooden conference table.
"I understand that you're upset, okay? I get it. And I would be, too, if I were in your shoes." Owens gestured around the room. "But we are all in the same boat here, and I just need you to try--"
"What? Stay calm? Trust you?" Joyce looks around the table in disgust before shaking her head. "No, I want him transferred to a real hospital."
Dr. Owens's eyes shift to the papers in his hands, and while his voice is firm his nervous actions give away his discomfort.
"Well, you know that's not possible."
Another doctor joins in much to Joyce's bewilderment and chagrin.
"He really will get the best treatment here, Mrs. Byers."
"He really will." Another interjected.
She looked between them, utterly baffled, unable to believe the blinding negligence in themselves. She merely scoffs.
"And what are you treating him for, exactly?" She shrugs exasperated when she is met with no response and she rises to her feet. "Can anyone tell me what's wrong with him? Can a single person in this room tell me what is wrong with my boy?"
No one spoke, and she was met once more with dozens of eyes that avoided her gaze. Several men squirming uncomfortably in their seats and it only fuels the flames in her chest and her voice rises with her anger.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
"Oh, He-Man, thank you for saving my life. What strong muscles you have."
Erica smirks at the dolls in her hands as she is splayed out across her bed. In one hand, her favorite Barbie doll, Christie. In the other, Lucas's He-Man action figure she had lifted from his room. She brought the two together in an embrace, their plastic faces touching as she made exaggerated kissing noises. The door was thrown open by Lucas and she looks up at him distasteful. His eyes fall to the doll in his hands and he glares at her.
"I knew it!" He scoffs, stomping in and ripping He-Man from her hands.
"Hey! They're in love!"
Lucas turns in her doorway, rolling his eyes.
"No, actually they're not. They don't even exist on the same planet."
"Aren't you too old to be playing with toys?" She quips.
Words die on Lucas's tongue and another rough sigh escaped him. He shakes his head, ridding himself of the comment.
"That... That's not the point. The point is to stay out of my room." He fires back, marching off into the hallway.
Erica calls after him, unfazed.
"Then tell your little nerdy friend to shut his mouth."
Lucas backpedals and returns to her doorway, giving his sister a quizzical look.
"What are you talking about?"
Erica merely shakes her head slightly and exaggerates Dustin's previous cries.
'''Code red, Lucas. Code red. Code red.' Bunch of nerds."
She rolls her eyes, reaching back for a nearby stuff animal, missing the horrified look on Lucas's face. He runs quickly to the end of the hall, not caring if he crashes into his door. He grips the doorframe as he scans his room, a frightened mantra slipping from his lips.
"No, no, no, no, no, no."
Sure enough, on his bed is his walkie, completely shut off. He rushes to his bed, flipping the dials and extending the antenna as quickly as he can.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
The steel buckets hit the concrete with a decisive smack, and a container of gasoline is placed next to them. Dustin and Steve unload the trunk of monster hunting supplies they had scraped together for their plan against Dart. They had procured buckets and buckets of raw meat from the butcher shop and managed to gather the other supplies from Steve's garage. Dustin's comms come to life and immediately he recognizes Lucas's voice.
"Well, well, well, look who it is." Dustin feigns a smirk, gloved hands on his hips as Steve continues to unload the trunk behind him.
"I'm sorry, man." Lucas sighed. "My stupid sister turned it off."
"Well, when you were having sister problems, Dart grew again, he escaped, and I'm pretty sure he's a baby Demogorgan."
All Lucas could do in that short moment was blink as he processed the truckload of information.
"Wait. What?"
"I'll explain later," Dustin answered. "Just meet me and Steve at the old Junkyard."
Another wave of shock hit Lucas abruptly.
"And bring your binoculars and wrist rocket."
"Steve Harrington?"
Behind Dustin, Steve had finished packing his bag and he closed the trunk. His voice barely echoed through the mic and into Lucas's ears, but it was undeniably Steve's.
"All right, let's go."
Dustin grabs the remaining bucket - the other in Steve's hand - and quickly falls in line.
"Just be there, stat," Dustin ordered into his headset. "Over and out."
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Chapter Fifteen: This Is the Day
Summary: After struggling to get a hold of anybody for backup, Nancy finally calls you back and picks you up so you can fill each other in about what you’ve missed. (Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader, 3.7k words)
A/N: In this house, we love and support Nancy Wheeler. Also, here is the link to the song mentioned in this chapter in case you wanna listen :)
Tags: @blackbirddaredevil23 @dessmxsworld
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July 2nd, 1985
After finding Will, you drove the kids back to the Wheeler’s house and spent the night in their basement as they slept. You were too afraid that if you fell asleep, too, that something else would happen to Will.
You waited all night, hoping that Nancy would return so you could get some back-up, but she never did. It seemed that each of your friends were wrapped up in their own personal missions.
You couldn’t deny it anymore. Something huge was going on.
In the morning when the three boys woke up, they immediately called Max and El to come over so they could warn them that the Mind Flayer might be back. Apparently you had missed out on some huge fight between the two couples, and Max and El had become closer because of it. At least you could be happy about that. You knew how much Max always admired El, and wished that they would be friends.
The five of you sat around Will as he explained how he knew that things were starting again. The first time he felt it was the night you drove them to the movies to see Day of the Dead. You knew the power going out hadn’t been a fluke.
Will was worried that when the gate was closed, it didn’t kill the Mind Flayer, but locked him outside of The Upside Down instead.
It didn’t make sense to any of you, but then again, none of it really did.
You looked down at your watch as the kids tried to figure out how it could be possible, realizing that you were supposed to be on your way to Melvald’s for work.
“Guys, I’m really sorry, but I have to go. Promise me that you won’t do anything about this until we get a hold of somebody to help us? I’ll try calling around again once I get to work.”
Mike opened his mouth to argue, but Max put a hand on his arm to shut him up.
“We promise.”
You raised an eyebrow at her, knowing that there was a pretty good chance that she was just lying to appease you, but you didn’t have any other choice but to believe her.
“Okay… See you guys later,” You said, narrowing your eyes suspiciously. “I really mean it, you know. You need to wait.”
“We know,” She replied with a fake smile. You groaned frustratedly and began to walk up the basement stairs.
“Just… please be safe and don’t do anything stupid,” You called down to them in a last-ditch effort before disappearing through the door.
Upon arriving at work, you weren’t surprised to discover that Joyce had called off again, leaving you to man the store on your own for most of the day. You tried several times to get a hold of somebody - anybody - but came up empty. You called the Hawkin’s Post, the police station, the Henderson household, and Scoops Ahoy, all to no avail. Not being able to get to Steve and Robin made you the most nervous. There was no telling what they had gotten themselves into at this point.
You even tried to call the Wheeler house to see if the kids had better luck, but Mrs. Wheeler informed you that they were no longer there. You were disappointed, but certainly not surprised. You asked her if she could relay a message to either of her kids as soon as they got home, and then let your head fall into your hands after you hung up the phone.
These people were trying to kill you.
You tried your best to distract yourself by sketching, but ended up spending most of your day staring into space and tapping your foot anxiously.
As it neared the end of the day, the phone finally rang and you ran over to pick it up.
“Melvald’s General Store, how can I help you?” You spoke into it frantically.
“Y/N? It’s Nancy,” She answered, taken aback by the panicked tone in your voice. “My mom said you called. Are you okay?”
“Oh thank god, I’ve been trying to get a hold of you all day. Where were you last night?”
“I… it’s a long story. Why?”
“Because I was at your house with your brother and his friends, waiting for you to show up all night.”
“What? Why? What’s going on, Y/N?”
You sighed.
“It’s a long story. Just, where are you right now?”
“At my house.”
“Let me guess,” You said, planting your hand on your forehead anxiously and sucking in a shallow breath. “The kids still aren’t there, are they?”
“No… Is that bad?”
“I’m not entirely sure yet, but it’s definitely concerning. Listen, I’m stuck at work right now, but can you pick me up at my house around eight? We have a lot to catch up on.”
“We certainly do. I’ll see you then,” She agreed before hanging up.
After you locked up the store and made it home, you waited by your window for Nancy to pull up, biting your fingernails anxiously. As soon as you saw her car’s headlights, you ran outside and jumped in next to her.
“Okay, start talking,” She said after she pulled away from your house, and you didn’t waste any more time before filling her in on what Will had explained to you.
“I’m sorry, but how could the Mind Flayer be back?” She finally asked after taking a long time to process everything you had said. “I watched it leave Will’s body.”
“Yeah, but did you see it die?”
“Well…no. It kinda just disappeared. But, El closed the gate. The demogorgons died, so it must have died. there’s no way it could be back.”
“I know. But Will says it is.”
“Well… maybe it could be something else,” She said with a shrug.
You narrowed your eyes.
“Something else? Like what?”
You turned to her when she didn’t immediately answer. She was trying to figure out how to tell you everything she had been through in the past few days the quickest way possible, but you were impatient after what you had been through, and the lack of sleep certainly didn’t help either.
“Like what, Nancy?” You demanded again.
“Just give me a second, it’s hard to explain…” She said, taking a deep breath. “Jonathan and I were investigating something for the Post. This woman, Mrs. Driscoll, called about rabid rats that were eating her fertilizer and I tried to bring it to my boss, but of course he didn’t believe me or care. And I couldn’t let it go. So Jonathan and I went back to check on her last night and she… she was eating the fertilizer. We called 9-1-1 and they took her to the hospital and she just kept screaming, 'I have to go back, I have to go back.’ It was terrifying, to say the least, and we really didn’t have an explanation for the police that made any sense.”
The longer she told her story, the more your head began to hurt. You rubbed the space between your eyebrows and squeezed your eyes shut.
“Fertilizer? She was eating fertilizer?”
“Yeah. That doesn’t sound like what happened with Will to me. Does it to you?”
“Nope,” You replied with an exasperated chuckle. “That one’s definitely new. Goddammit.”
“They tried to write it off as a schizophrenic episode, but I’m definitely not buying that. Plus, my boss was acting so weird. Something else is going on. I know it.”
“I know,” You sighed. “I had that feeling, too, when we couldn’t find Will. I think we all did.”
“Yeah, well… not Jonathan, apparently,” She said between clenched teeth.
You raised an eyebrow at this sudden display of aggravation.
“Speaking of Jonathan, where is he?” You asked.
“Yeah… about that. We got fired and he’s pretty furious with me at the moment. Turns out they weren’t so thrilled that I didn’t drop the story and sort of broke into Mrs. Driscoll’s house. I may have gone a little too far trying to prove that I was right. But I certainly can’t stop now that I know there’s a bigger story behind this.”
“‘Can’t stop?’ What does that mean?”
“It means, I know we should be looking for my stupid brother, but I think we should make a quick stop first.”
You let your head fall hard against the glass of the passenger-side window, pinching the bridge of your nose between your fingers.
“Lemme guess, you wanna go check on this Mrs. Driscoll at the hospital?”
“…Maybe?” She said with a bashful shrug.
“Of course,” You groaned. “Sure. Why not?”
“I’m sorry. I just… I think we need to be sure if this really is the Mind Flayer or something new. Maybe it could be both. Who knows?”
“Whatever. It’s your car,” You grumbled. “I’m just along for the ride, as always…”
“Look, I am sorry. I can take you somewhere first if you don’t want to go. But I have to see this through.”
You thought you could sense some anxiety behind her display of bravery. Could it be possible that she was scared to go on her own? That didn’t seem like Nancy. But then again, after getting to know Steve and Robin, you knew better. None of your new friends really seemed to be as they appeared. They were all fighting their own battles beneath the surface.
“No, you’re right. We should go,” You backtracked, trying your best to soften up for her. “I’m sorry. It’s just been an insane few days and I haven’t slept in, like, forty-eight hours. First Russians, then maybe the Mind Flayer, now this? I feel like I’m losing my mind.”
Her eyes widened.
“Did you say, Russians?”
“Ugh. Forget it. Not important. We can revisit that later,” You muttered, waving your hands in the air.
“Oh… okay.”
“Anyways… I know you’re probably exhausted, too, and going through your own stuff. It’s not fair for me to be so grumpy. I really am sorry.”
“It’s okay. Believe me, I get it. I’ve been pretty pissed off, myself,” She scoffed.
“I bet. It’s bullshit they fired you guys.”
“Right? Thank you! I wish Jonathan could see that, too. They just think so little of me there. Like I automatically don’t know how to do anything because I’m a teenage girl. They never took me seriously. All they wanted me to do was keep my mouth shut, look pretty, and deliver their coffees and lunches. And that is so not me, you know? And it just felt like… like Jonathan agreed with them. Like that’s how he saw me, too. That’s the worst part. I expected it from them, but not from him. I’ve never felt so… unseen. I’m so angry with him I could just scream.”
You blinked at her, unsure what to say.
“That’s awful, Nance. I’m really sorry.”
“No, I’m sorry,” She said, chuckling at herself self-deprecatingly. “Now is not the time to talk about this. I’m just… I don’t really have any girl friends that I can talk to about this kind of stuff.”
Your heart broke a little from hearing this. You knew that Nancy had lost her best friend, Barb, a year and a half prior, and felt sad for her that she was struggling to find a similar connection.
“Oh… well… I don’t mind,” You said with a warm smile. “It’s kind of a long drive to the hospital, anyways. We’ve gotta talk about something, right?”
She smiled back at you shyly, unsure if you really meant it or not. You nodded, willing her to continue, and she obliged.
You let her rant about how Jonathan didn’t have faith in her that something fishy was going on again in Hawkins, and didn’t understand what it was like to be a woman in a male-dominated work environment. She apologized again for talking so much and you reassured her that she had nothing to apologize for, but she fell silent anyways. Then This Is the Day by The The came on the radio, and Nancy sighed happily and turned the volume up.
“I love this song,” She said with a smile. It was like she had gotten everything off of her chest, and she could finally breathe again.
“Me too,” You agreed.
It was true. It was one of your all-time favorites, and you were happy to share it with her.
You both sang along to the chorus, and at a stoplight you turned to Nancy.
“Hey,” You said, a serious expression on your face as you put a hand on her shoulder.
Her smile faded.
“‘This is the day, your life will surely change. This is the day, when things fall into place,’” You quoted.
She stared at you with her eyebrows knit together, confused and slightly embarrassed for you, before you both broke out into laughter. The two of you had never actually joked together before, and this was your attempt to make her smile. You were relieved that it worked.
“That was…”
“Lame. Yeah, I’m sorry,” You laughed. “But it’s true. You and Jonathan are going to be okay, and you don’t need those assholes at the Post. You’re headed for bigger and better things, anyways. You are Nancy Fucking Wheeler, Hawkins’ resident badass. Everything’s gonna fall into place again. You just need to give it time.”
“Thanks,” She said quietly, so touched by this that she wasn’t sure what else to say.
“Sure. I mean, of we survive the night, that is,” You joked, making her laugh again.
Then after a beat, she cleared her throat and turned to you again.
“So… speaking of relationships. What about you and Steve? How is that going?”
“How is what going?”
“I saw how often you guys hung out at school. You can tell me if the two of you are going out. I’m totally okay with it.”
Your eyes widened in shock, mortified.
“OH. NO. Uh, no. No. We’re just friends. Not going out. I swear.”
“Oh… sorry. I just assumed…”
“It’s okay. You’re not the first person who’s thought that.”
She chuckled at your reddening cheeks and you fell silent.
“Well, I think it’s really great that you guys are such good friends.”
“Yeah. Me too. He’s an idiot, but he means well.”
She laughed again in agreement, then her smile suddenly gave way to a frown.
“What?” You asked her.
“Nothing. I was just…does he… ever talk about me?”
You weren’t expecting that question.
“Uh…” You said stupidly, trying to think of a good answer for her. She backtracked before you could. You could tell she regretted asking it as soon as the words left her mouth.
“Sorry, you don’t have to answer that,” She said quickly, her cheeks turning red.
“No, it’s fine. I’m just trying to figure out whether you want me to lie to you or not,” You teased her lightheartedly, trying to make her feel better.
She smiled at this bashfully, looking at you out of the corner of her eye as she tried to stay focused on the road.
“Forget it. I just know you guys are close, and I’m sure he told you what happened between us. I would just understand if you don’t like me. That’s all.”
You were shocked by this. You felt that if one of you had to be worried that the other didn’t like them, it should have been you.
“Oh, no. I… I like you, Nancy. Smart, kind, determined, and she knows how to use a shot gun when she needs to? What’s not to like? Besides, Steve has never ever said anything bad about you. Not once.”
She shook her head disapprovingly at your flattery, and seemed genuinely surprised that Steve didn’t seem to hold a grudge against her.
“Really. Maybe he was heartbroken for a little while, but he never blamed you. And I certainly don’t either. Not that it’s any of my business, but I don’t think it was either of your faults in the end. Things happen. You guys were just going through a lot.”
She pursed her lips and did a little nod in agreement. You couldn’t stop yourself from saying what you wanted to say next. You wanted to bring it up before, but you weren’t sure if you should.
“Which actually reminds me…” You continued hesitantly. “I never told you how sorry I am about Barbara. I know she was your best friend. I can’t imagine how hard that must have been for you. I wanted to say something sooner, I just wasn’t sure how.”
She was surprised by this, and unsure of what to make of it.
“Oh… uh, thank you. Yeah. It hasn’t been easy.”
You probably should have ended it there, but you couldn’t help yourself.
“Also, I probably shouldn’t say anything about this, but for what it’s worth… I know Steve is sorry about how he handled everything. He just couldn’t figure out how to deal with it. The only way he knows how to cope with things is to push them away. But I’ve been watching him the past eight months, and I think he’s really changing. I think he’s trying really hard to be better. It’s kind of amazing, actually.”
She stared at the road as she pondered this. Then a smirk appeared on her face as she turned to you.
“Are you sure you guys aren’t a couple?”
“Uh, yes. Very sure. One-hundred percent sure. Just friends.”
“Okay. Well… thank you for saying that. That helps, a little.”
“I’m sure he’ll find the courage to tell you himself someday, but I just thought you should know that.”
“You’re a good friend,” She said genuinely, a kind smile on her face. It flustered you. You smiled back, unable to help the feeling of pride that was arising in you. This meant a lot, coming from her.
“Listen, I know we don’t know each other very well, but if you ever need somebody to talk to again, I’d be more than happy to listen.”
“Thanks, Y/N. I really appreciate that. And I’m here, too, in case you ever need anything. I owe you that, at least. I don’t know why you watch after my brother and his friends, but I’m really glad that you do. They’d probably be dead or in jail without you.”
“Eh. I don’t know how well I’m doing on that front right now,” You chuckled. “But it’s really no problem. They keep me out of trouble, too.”
“I seriously doubt that,” She laughed.
“Yeah, no, that was a complete lie. My life is absolute chaos now. But it’s not so bad…I guess. It could be worse.”
For the first time in a while, you actually believed this. You remembered again how lonely you had been throughout high school. Sitting there with Nancy, you decided once and for all that a life full of monster hunting with your friends was better than a boring and lonely one. You couldn’t even imagine where you would be right now without them. You certainly wouldn’t be in Nancy Wheeler’s car, finally becoming her actual friend.
Maybe this really was the day where things would fall into place.
After making a stop in the hospital gift shop to by a bouquet of flowers, you followed behind Nancy as she marched confidently to the front desk of the emergency care unit.
“Hi,” She said cheerfully. The woman at the desk only grunted in response.
“Uh, I’m here to see Doris Driscoll,” She continued. “I… think she was admitted last night?”
“Name and relation?”
She hesitated, looking at you, then back to the woman.
“Uh… Nancy… Driscoll? I’m… Nancy Driscoll. Her… granddaughter.”
She stared at Nancy, clearly not buying this, but didn’t seem to care enough to object. Then she turned her gaze to you, and Nancy spoke up for you.
“And this is my… sister, Y/N. Y/N Driscoll.”
You grinned at her awkwardly and nodded, and she shook her head at the two of you before reaching to grab a pair of name tags to write your aliases on.
You walked down the hallway to Room 403, then both stopped in front of the door to take a deep breath before going in. You weren’t sure what you were about to see, but you knew it probably wouldn’t be good.
You snuck in quietly and shut the door softly behind you as you realized that Mrs. Driscoll was sleeping. Nancy rushed over to grab the chart from her bed to read it.
“Anything weird?” You asked her.
“Not sure yet,” She replied as she reached into her bag for a notepad and began copying down key information.
You waited anxiously for her to finish, unable to help yourself from staring at Mrs. Driscoll as she stirred in her sleep. Then her heart monitor began to beep rapidly, and you shook Nancy by her shoulder to get her attention.
“Nance… I found something weird,” You said nervously, pointing to the heart-rate number that was quickly beginning to rise above 150 BPM.
You both stared at her helplessly as she coughed and sputtered, and then thick, dark veins covered her face. Her eyes snapped open, and they were completely black. She roared inhumanly as the lights began to flicker rapidly.
“Oh my god,” Nancy whispered as she looked up at the lights, realizing that this was eerily similar to what you had experienced with Will back in November.
You watched in horror, unable to move, trembling in fear until it eventually stopped, and Mrs. Driscoll fell unconscious again.
Then you each stood in silence, panting as you tried to process what you had witnessed.
“Okay…” Nancy eventually said, still breathless. “I believe you now. The Mind Flayer’s back.”
You nodded rapidly, your breath catching, too, as you tried to speak.
“Told you so.”
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