alfredsimp · 4 months
I have no questions about the fact that Steve died. It was tragic, but good storyline. his death definitely made sense from the point of view of history, and was not prescribed only for the sake of "shock value" (Alexia had a direct motivation to do this: it was clear how angry Alexia was because of her brother's death, so revenge was expected). so we got a bold and good-tragic ending for a this wonderful character?
this would have been the case if Capcom hadn't said in Wesker's words that Steve would live, ahem.
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many dismiss these words as that Wesker was just mocking Claire, he had no reason to resurrect Steve, so shouldn't take these words seriously. but this was clearly a Chekhov gun, they have no reason to prescribe: "maybe he will rise like me and even see your sister," if this is not what Capcom had in mind for the next games. we are talking about the moment where Wesker, who was pierced through by a Tyrant, stands in front of the protagonists alive and fatly hints that "maybe" Steve will also come to life ("maybe" is clearly superfluous here).
it's look like Steve's death was not supposed to be "final" for them, their story should have been planned to continue. just like they did with Ada. (we can see some parallels, yeah)
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but they got away from it and we will never see such.
maybe Steve would become something like the Winter Soldier from Marvel for "The Organization"/Albert Wesker, who knows? would become something like was Jill in RE5?
anyway, Capcom "kinda forgot about this".
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crimescrimson · 8 months
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Aeon & Cleve + Visual Parallels
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velvetrambles · 16 days
This is how DSC Chapter 6 went right (additional editing by @reallolattack thank you!!)
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tearsoftime0086 · 21 days
😍for the fic ask game!
Thank you so much for sending an ask :)
😍 published lines or a section of a fic that you loved writing?
I have a couple, but the one that first comes to mind is the burnfield scene I put in An Eternal Warpath for You and Me:
“Hey.” Steve tilts her head towards him with gentle fingers. It hurts to see the guilt on her face. “But that’s not how it happened. Things turned out alright. And they’ll keep going well, as long as I have anything to say about it. You’re never getting rid of me.” Claire scoffs, but the faintest trace of a smile flits across her lips. “Do you really have to word it like that?” “It’s the only way I’ll get you to listen.” “Gah; how did I survive fifteen years with you?” she drones, but the brightness in her tone makes it hardly an insult. And to seal the deal, she gives him a quick kiss on his cheek. Steve grins and returns the favor. Claire doesn’t shy away from his fanged kiss; it’s something he doesn’t take for granted. “Well, we must be doing something right.” The flutter in his heart from hearing Claire’s laugh never fades. “I love you so much.”
This scene means a lot to me because it's my little attempt at giving Claire and Steve some happy closure. It's 2013, they've had their troubles, but despite it all, they're here. And that silly teenage love from 1998 never left :')
(kindly ignore the fact that I am busy writing said troubles for Claire and Steve in a separate WIP XD)
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thecodeveronica · 13 days
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Steve Burnside/Claire Redfield Characters: Claire Redfield, Steve Burnside Additional Tags: Fluff and Humor, First Dates, Arcades, this got majorly out of hand as you can see from the word count Summary:
Claire and Steve fight off another zombie outbreak, but this time with much lower stakes. Along the way, they try their hand at other games while spending an evening out together.
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re4make · 2 years
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#1141 - And we are the dreamers of dreams. #1088 - burn it down #1209 - dare to be stupid
-> a softer world x resident evil
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thommi-tomate · 2 years
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hidingoutbackstage · 2 years
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Code Veronica X / Darkside Chronicles / “the love was there”
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lordbhreanna · 3 years
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Kofi commission with some sweet Claire/Steve ❤️
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kell-eramis · 3 years
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a 20 year old game can be something so personal
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code-verxnica · 4 years
Speaking of Code Veronica..... whats your opinions of Steeben and Claire bear? 👀👀👀
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*slams hands on the table* THEM
A duo that I love
They’re both just.... amazing characters.
Strong willed, sassy, stubborn, hotheaded, kindhearted and all around badass, Miss Claire Redfield 😌 Claire is my absolute favourite and that’s a fact! I’ll admit that the English writers and directors for the dub of Revelations 2, kinda dropped the ball on her characterization but she was still the Claire Bear we know and love. Idk how unpopular this is but I liked Stephanie Panicello’s performance just as much as I like Alyson Court’s. Honestly if they ever remake Code Veronica, I hope they bring Stephanie back as Claire.
Stubborn, hotheaded, cocky, a little childish, kind of a dumbass but with a good heart, Steve Burnside 🥺 He reminds me so much of my brother it’s not even funny. I understand that he can be annoying but that has more to do with the voice acting, not the character. He’s a 17 year old boy who lost his mom and was sent to an island prison alongside his dad, because of Umbrella. (Plus his dad tried to sell their secrets but my point still stands) And now he’s stuck in the middle of an outbreak, he’s most likely scared and confused so he puts up a front that he’s tough when he’s clearly not. Like that part with his dad? Shows that he’s just a kid stuck in a very tragic situation and it hurts ;-; He apologizes for his behaviour and tries to make up for it! My unpopular opinion is that Steve should have lived and gone on to join Terrasave with Claire 🤷🏼‍♀️
Seeing Claire and Steve’s relationship slowly change over the course of the game was nice, and that moment where Steve dies saving Claire..... It hurts a lot ;-; I would have absolutely loved to have seen them become genuine friends after CVX but alas...Capcom said ‘no❤️’ I may have a small soft spot for Cleon but Steve and Claire would have been great together as well 🤷🏼‍♀️ (like they were one of my first ships when I was younger and didn’t even know what a ship was) *sigh* Guess Steve living will just stay a dream of mine
wkdkwjsjwj sorry I went overboard! It’s almost 4 AM and it was Margarita Night
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alfredsimp · 4 months
honest, I'm a tired of people saying "Steve so much like Leon!".
I mean, no.
maybe they really have a somewhat similar exterior design (hairstyle with bangs, + Leon in RE2 original seems more red than blond), but all the similarities end there. they have completely different stories, characters and personalities. yes, they both interact with Claire, but they have an absolutely different dynamic with her.
some seem to devalue Steve as a character, the terrible experience he went through as a prisoner on the island, or the fact that Steve literally overcame the virus in his body, just not to harm Claire, he loved her so much. but it all boils down to "look, this guy like Leon!". (he don't)
this wouldn't be a problem if I hadn't seen people who claim that would be good if the CV Remake "cut the role of Steve and added Leon" (we know that this will never happen and are grateful to Capcom for that). this teenage guy went through a terribly traumatic experience as a prisoner of the camp (which, according to Capcom's first plans, should have parallels with the end camp, they even have a gas chamber), became a victim of an experiment and curbed the virus in himself (can you imagine how strong he is?) for safety the woman he fell in love with. but in the end, some people call him "annoying" and want him erased from his own story for the sake of some ship (which doesn't even exist in the canon).
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crimescrimson · 1 month
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Red's Favourite Games Of All Time: Resident Evil: Code Veronica X (2000)
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petrichorcrown · 4 years
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AU where Steve lives and Claire comes to visit him all the time
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tearsoftime0086 · 18 days
fueled by the power of code veronica remake rumors, it's the next chapter of the burnfield fic!
what goes up must come down, and the three of them learn there are consequences to bringing a B.O.W. out of Antarctica
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thecodeveronica · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Steve Burnside/Claire Redfield Characters: Claire Redfield, Steve Burnside Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Canon-Typical Behavior, Mentioned Chris Redfield (Resident Evil), Mentioned Leon S. Kennedy, Injury Recovery Summary:
One week after they both survived the horrors of Rockfort Island and the base in the Antarctic, Claire goes to visit a recovering Steve. Knowing that their fight against Umbrella isn't over, they make a promise to one another.
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