#business ownership
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Best Regards.
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jparksjr · 2 years
Why Do Businesses Fail?
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keishaaffiliate · 2 years
The Journey Begins..
Hey world, welcome to my blog, where I share my journey to $100K with my affiliate marketing business.
This is not my first time being involved with affiliate marketing, but my mindset is different this time. Whereas before, I wanted a quick way to make money now I want to help people by sharing my journey for my first year. Before I get into what I will be posting and why I just want to tell you a little about me, I am a busy mom of 4 children between the ages of 4 and 14. I am currently employed full-time and am at the point in my life where I need to solidify my family’s financial security. My initial goal in starting my affiliate marketing business is to earn enough money to be debt free by 10/02/2023.
Someone once told me, “Failure is not your final destination. Someone is out there waiting for you to be successful and show them the way.” With this mindset, I will document my journey of what works or doesn’t work, all my failures and successes, hoping that it inspires others to begin their journey. For transparency, I am sharing that I set the goal of making $100K in my first year because that's what it will take to pay off my debts (student loans, credit cards, etc.).
Do I believe it's possible? Yes. Do I think it will be easy? No. Like I said before, I tried this before, multiple times. This time around, I have a better handle on my time and getting better at saying no when I know my time is committed to building my business.
I will post multiple times a week, if not daily, about the different actions I’ve taken to grow my business. If I had to invest any cash (which, surprise, I have next to none after paying bills and feeding my family), you would know that too!
Talk soon,
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aprettyspy · 2 years
I have 45minutes spare. Should I write smut for #a Hitch in the holster or faff around on Canva designing highlight covers for my business page?
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thedungeonbandg · 2 years
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dawnajarvis · 2 years
Dealing with Automatic Negative Thoughts aka ANTs
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Automatic negative thoughts, or ANTs, are the thoughts that we have without realizing it. They are usually negative, repetitive, and often irrational. Also, they can be very harmful to us as they tend to lead us to depression and anxiety problems.
What are ANTS?
The term ANTs stands for Automatic Negative Thoughts. These thoughts are automatic because they pop into our heads in an unconscious way, and we don’t even realize we’re thinking them. These thoughts are about ourselves (e.g., “I’m a loser”) or other people (“She’s so annoying”), but they can also be about the world (“Life is unfair”).
ANTs aren’t necessarily true, logical, or helpful at all! They might be exaggerations or distortions of situations that have happened to you in the past; they might be something you’ve always believed about yourself without realizing it; and/or they could even be completely made up on the spot by your brain!
The key thing with ANTs is that they’re automatic — you probably didn’t choose to think of them in the first place — and because of this, there’s no way for us to control what pops into our heads when we’re awake.
How to deal with ANTS?
Be aware of your mood and what is triggering negative thoughts.
Don’t be too hard on yourself and accept that negative thoughts are a normal part of our minds.
Don’t ignore them or avoid thinking about them, as this will make them linger longer than necessary, but instead, observe their patterns and try to understand where they come from in your life (for example, if you had an argument with someone).
Write down the ANTS in a journal if this helps you get things into perspective; it may also help you identify different types of ANTs!
Try to spot the ANTS whenever they happen and replace them with positive thoughts.
Replace the negative thought with a positive affirmation. If you’re thinking, “I’m such an idiot,” and you know that isn’t true, try replacing the negative thought with something more accurate, like “I’m doing my best,” or “I’ll learn from this.”
Practice mindfulness and gratitude. Even if you’re having a hard time realizing it, there are many things in your life for which to be grateful. Try writing down three things each day that make you feel good — it can be anything from your favorite meal to seeing a nice sunset to getting through a tough workout without injury. It’s also helpful to practice mindfulness by bringing awareness to what’s happening in the present moment: when walking outside on a beautiful day, notice how warm the sun feels on your skin; when having dinner with friends at home, appreciate how safe and cozy it feels in their kitchen; when working out at the gym after work every evening before calling it quits for another day at work…
Try to find the real source of the thoughts.
Find the source. For example, if you’re worried about your weight and feel like a failure every time you eat something, try to find the original reason behind that thought. If it’s something your parents used to say, or if it’s a belief that was reinforced by other people in your life growing up, try to replace those old thoughts with new ones.
Change the focus of your attention. Mental health isn’t just about having positive thoughts; it’s also about paying attention to what goes on around you rather than letting negative thoughts dominate your mind all day long. Try focusing on relaxing activities or things that make you happy — it will help keep those negative thoughts at bay!
Ninety percent of negative thoughts are automatic, and we don’t even realize it. We often believe our thoughts are true and act accordingly, but the reality is that most of our thoughts are distorted or exaggerated. When we can see through these automatic negative thoughts, we can start to make progress on changing them into positive ones.
Do you know how many times a day you have an automatic negative thought? Ninety percent! If you want to change your life for good, then learn how to stop believing in those thoughts so they don’t control your actions anymore.
"I wanted to say how truly grateful I am for you. You've changed my life for the better. As I sit here and reflect on…
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We have more hand chains in stock. Each hand chain is on SALE right now for $10 til August 26th. There will be an additional shipping charge of $4.99.
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cass-ass · 3 months
There's an event every first friday of the month where small businesses are open late and I decided to participate and do Chair massage, but god I hate doing walk in events so muuuuchhhhh. Like I just sit here for 3 hours doing nothing unless someone comes in?
Well not nothing- Im taking the time to watch some one piece, but man I just feel on edge cause if someone comes in I have to turn it off and be off my ass in one second. And this is the second time Ive done this event and so far no one has even showed up 😩 my office is just SLIGHTLY too far from the rest of the businesses that are open for it. Like.... across the street type of slightly.
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From Employee to Entrepreneur: Embracing the Mindset of a Millionaire
🚀 From Employee to Entrepreneur 🌟 Ready to embrace the millionaire mindset? Check out our latest blog post 💼 Link-In-Bio💡 #Entrepreneurship #MillionaireMindset #CareerTransition #SuccessMindset #WealthMindset #FinancialFreedom #PersonalDevelopment
Introduction Transitioning from being an employee to becoming an entrepreneur is a monumental leap that demands courage, resilience, and a profound shift in mindset. While the journey from employee to entrepreneur may be challenging, it also offers unparalleled opportunities for personal growth, professional fulfillment, and financial success. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the…
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zodiacmeta · 7 months
لننغمس بعمق في موضوع فكرة الدخل السلبي، ا��تكشاف مختلف جوانبه واستراتيجيات تحقيقه
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gccexchange · 1 year
Navigating the Challenges of Small Business Ownership
Starting a small business can be an interesting and fulfilling venture but can also be daunting and challenging. A small business owner is accountable for everything from developing your products or services to managing finances, marketing, and customer relations. It can be a huge task, especially if you’re new to entrepreneurship. In this article, we’ll explore some of the challenges of small…
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sagetitansteam · 2 years
SEO is an essential aspect of digital marketing today if you want to achieve your business goals and boost your website’s traffic. Almost 90% of all online traffic now comes from search engines. Such as Google which is why your website must get to the top of Google and other major search engines.
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actioncoachireland · 2 years
For business owners who want business expansion and achieve maximum impact in the marketplace, franchising can be a smart move Here are 3 reasons of seeking a franchise business.
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theframes · 2 years
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Financial Planning For Small Business Owner - TheFrames
As financial advisor for small business owners you probably have felt at times that running your business successfully is one of the most important things in life. It’s likely you have poured a number of resources into it. For this reason, you should give careful consideration to your personal financial plan as well. A solid business plan is critical to the long-term viability of a business, and similar attention should be given to your personal financial plan. A good CPA financial planner will take you through an integrated process that will address the considerations of both. For more information visit the website.
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thedungeonbandg · 2 years
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bostonbikerentals · 2 years
Where do you advertise to gain traction? I've/am advertising on Google, direct mail, YouTube and tiktok and still can't gain significant traffic. What do you use?
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