#franchise ireland
actioncoachireland · 2 years
With the growing challenges and uncertainty of doing business in the COVID-19 era, many businesses are turning to business consultants or business coaches for help. As someone with business acumen and experience, you may be considering a career as a coach or a consultant to guide businesses in improving their performance and help them achieve their objectives. 
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prfrostbox · 2 years
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wilwheaton · 8 months
Talks collapsed on Wednesday night between studios and SAG-AFTRA following the guild’s revenue share proposal that would cost the companies less than 57¢ per subscriber annually. The studios balked exclaiming that SAG-AFTRA’s ask was an “untenable economic burden” which would cost them more than $2.4 billion over the course of a new three-year contract or more than $800 million per year. On Thursday, Sarandos at Bloomberg’s Screentime event called the SAG-AFTRA proposal a “levy on subscribers on top of [other] areas” as well as a “bridge too far”. Following Wednesday talks, SAG-AFTRA said the studios “intentionally misrepresented to the press the cost of the above proposal – overstating it by 60%. They have done the same with A.I., claiming to protect performer consent, but continuing to demand ‘consent’ on the first day of employment for use of a performer’s digital replica for an entire cinematic universe (or any franchise project).”
SAG-AFTRA Chief Negotiator and National Executive Director Duncan Crabtree-Ireland is very happy with Taylor Swift and not so happy with Netflix co-CEO Ted Sarandos.
Just as they did with WGA, AMPTP walked into a negotiation, delivered a lecture, and stormed out like spoiled children. Then they lied about it.
SAG-AFTRA is ready and willing to negotiate and make a deal. It is the billionaires who own the studios and streamers who refuse.
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lupincentral · 10 months
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It looks like some familiar thieves show up in the new City Hunter film, “City Hunter The Movie: Angel Dust (Gekijо̄ban City Hunter: Tenshi no Namida)”! 🌃✌️
The film will open in Japan on September 8. Anime Limited will screen the film in North America, the U.K., and Ireland in 2024.
Recently, the protagonist of City Hunter, Ryo Saeba, also showed up in a brief scene during Lupin III VS. Cat's Eye. Along with Case Closed / Detective Conan, it's fun to see several of TMS' properties linked together in this way!
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werewolfetone · 4 months
Cannot even articulate the emotion that going from reading about the campaign for parliamentary reform in ireland in the 1700s where they were going "please please please can we stop tying the franchise to property" to reading about people in ni in the fucking 1960s still begging the government for the exact same thing gives me btw
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obrienpolycule · 6 months
Okay, I said some of this in tags of another post but that post doesn't actually have to do with this issue so I'm making another post.
Disney is not part of the production and writing of the new episodes and season of Doctor Who. Doctor Who is currently being produced by Bad Wolf and BBC Studios Production. Disney+ has exclusive streaming rights to new Doctor Who episodes for audiences outside the UK and Ireland. This is to make the show more accessible to international audiences (whether it's doing that is definitely debatable). They have streaming rights in the same way that Max (formerly HBOMax) has streaming rights to S1-Flux of NuWho. Disney doesn't have control over the content of the show, just what they stream on their platform. (Considering HBO used to have a minority stake of shares in Bad Wolf before their shares got bought by Sony in December of 2021, a year before they started producing the 60th anniversary specials, I don't think they had any influence on the production of the RTD2 episodes.)
I'm clarifying this because a lot of people are complaining that Disney is affecting the show even though both BBC and Disney, in their announcements of the streaming deal have paragraphs where they specify exactly who the producers, studios, and writers are for the new specials and season.
Whether or not you liked the writing and subject matter of the 60th specials, you should know who is actually making the show. (In my personal opinion, I don't think Disney should get credit for RTD genuinely trying to have good trans and bi rep in Doctor Who when they can barely give us crumbs in their media. Whether or not y'all think he's successful at that is your opinion.)
I also want to address Whoniverse. Whoniverse is the BBC giving the overall Doctor Who Franchise an official name and logo. If you access BBC iPlayer, you can now find all the episodes (NuWho and Classic), behind the scenes videos, spin-offs, specials, and commentaries in one place.
That's kind of it. Whoniverse is just the same stuff we've been watching and talking about and interacting with for decades but now they're all on the same page on an official website. And they have a new logo.
TLDR: BBC makes Doctor Who. Disney Branded Television distributes it internationally. Whoniverse is basically a logo.
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 11 months
Finding You AU Pt 2
Lena the violinist is struggling to find her voice as a violinist, and Kara the actor is feeling constrained by her beefcake warrior franchise role. Kara asks Lena to help her run lines, and Lena agrees because it's not like practicing her violin has been helping at all.
When Lena falls to giggles over some of the dialogue Kara has to memorize, Kara surprises her by delivering them with such conviction, such nuance, that Lena's breath catches in her chest. From then on, Lena becomes Kara's go to scene partner for running lines.
On Lena's side, she finds her brother's old journal in one of the drawers, from his own days spent in Ireland. With Lex now gone and buried, this glimpse of her brother is precious. Among its pages, Lena finds sketch he drew of a half crumbled celtic cross headstone, with her own name at the bottom of the page. Convinced its something Lex meant her to see, Lena spends every spare moment she has looking in graveyards to try and find it.
Kara invites Lena to set one day to run lines, and she ends up meeting Siobhan Smythe, the beautiful sorceress to Kara's barabarian warrior. Siobhan is clearly suspicious of Lena, and hangs possessively on Kara's arm, which later makes sense when Lena sees a tabloid headline declaring Kara and Siobhan to be an item.
But Kara never mentions it herself, instead focusing on making herself Lena's tour guide of Ireland, taking her to all the landmarks. She even takes Lena to a pub, where the town drunkard reveals himself to be a master fiddler. When Kara reveals to him that Lena plays the violin, the man invites Lena to play on stage with him.
She initially refuses, citing that she plays violin, not fiddle, but the man (and the crowd) insists. Lena ultimately relents, and easily memorizes amd mimics the tune the fiddler plays for her. Then, he tells her the key to fiddling-- play like you enjoy it.
And Lena does.
For the first time in years, Lena smiles as she plays, the crowd coming alive around her as the music skips and rambles throughout the bar. She can't remember the last time she's ever had so much fun with an instrument in her hands.
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On bipolar disorder, Palestine, and fan content.
Hey everyone. It's me, Kiera, with another semi-self indulgent diatribe. Self indulgent only insofar as I feel like I'm maybe overestimating my importance by some perceived need to even make this post.
While you're catching up on the latest chapter of the hockey AU, I want to get a few things straight about my fan presence.
The first is something I talk about a lot: bipolar disorder. I am BP2, which means that my manic episodes are usually manageable: good energy, good mood, I rarely do dumb shit like speed on my motorcycle and max out my credit cards. When I'm pumping out tens of thousands of words a week, that's probably hypomania at work. But the other shoe always drops. While my mania is more under control, my depressive episodes might last months, during which I can only do the bare minimum.
I have a lot of multi-chapter works that have been dormant for years. I intend to go back to them. However, in the time that it took me to get to a mental place where I could write again, the two primary fandoms for which I write -- Stranger Things and the Scream franchise -- have both shown their entire ass when it comes to Palestine.
I'm doing what I can in the real world. I'm playing benefit fundraisers with an acoustic guitar and a tin can where you can drop your cash. I turned down a law school admissions offer from a school that violently broke up an encampment.
I don't know if I have responsibilities as a fan writer. I know plenty of people who deleted their Harry Potter content when JKR decided to tilt at windmills. I know plenty of others who continued to write, but did so in smaller spaces. What I do know is that I have a love for the worlds I created that has persisted past any love for the original content.
With this in mind, I plan to phase out writing for Stranger Things and Scream. I will finish any multi-chapter works that are in progress, which might take years, but I have no plans at this time to add additional works to the canon. Admittedly, this sort of announcement comes off as overly self-important. I'm a white person whining on the internet about fictional characters while real people are dying in the streets. At the end of the day, I would rather make a statement now and be done with it than hem and haw further.
As always, free Palestine. Free Ireland. Free Western Sahara.
And, if you've made it this far, can you do me a huge favor? Can you chuck a couple bucks towards Savage Sisters or Prevention Point? My local government has pretty much openly stated that they want addicts to die. Giving money would help that happen less.
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sushisocks · 6 months
opinions on darragh macguire go 🎤
*grabs the mic with such fervency i almost topple off my soap box*
Imagine spending YEARS of your life, DECADES, fighting for the independence of your people. From activism to politics, some might call you extreme but if that’s what it takes to make them listen, then that’s what you’ll be.
AND THEN YOU HAVE A KID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We know NOTHING about the circumstances of Sean’s conception and birth - whether his mother was a woman loved by Darragh who died in childbirth or when he was very young still, or a one-off who didn’t want anything to do with the child once it was born and nursed. 
What we DO know is that Darragh sure as HELL stepped up to the plate!! We know Sean LOVED his dad, that he has LOTS of memories of his dad. Darragh CLEARLY did his damn best raising Sean, sharing what he knew and making Sean feel loved. The fact that Sean is so clearly homesick, probably would not have left Ireland if given the choice, yet does not EVER insinuate blaming his father or carrying any sort of grudge for where he has ended up, speaks TONNES about how Darragh handled having to flee Ireland with his probably-still-rather-young son. 
That man was a GOOD father, who probably had emotional intelligence up the wazoo, and that’s truly NOT a large jump given that we see the same still cooking in Sean. I think Sean in many ways is the spitting image of his father, just younger and less weathered by the world.
“No politics is politics” is still one of the truest, most based, realest fucking lines in the game, and ITS SAID AS A QUOTED FROM DARRAGH BY HIS GODDAMN SON!!!! That tells us SO MUCH about not only where Sean comes from, but also who Darragh was. He might not have had the booksmarts or the means, but he showed Sean a love and sense of being that really did do him well in the long run.
And like, shit man, any Irishman being a menace to the British government at that time (and ever) is a goddamn hero in my book. That’s a man I’d have a fucking drink with, I’ll tell you that.
The BEST goddamn father figure in the entire franchise is a man who we don’t even have a picture of. Darragh MacGuire, ladies and gentlemen. I’ll die on that fucking hill.
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sir-adamus · 1 year
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The Justice League and RWBY are teaming up, with the DC heroes and and Rooster Teeth characters joining forces for an animated movie.
Justice League x RWBY: Super Heroes & Huntsmen, Part One arrives on digital, 4k and blu-ray in the spring. Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Cyborg, Green Lantern and Vixen are transported to the strange world of Remnant, and find themselves turned into teenagers. Meanwhile, Remnant heroes Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang must combine forces with the Justice League to uncover why their planet has been mysteriously altered before a superpowered Grimm destroys everything. 
The film voice stars Natalie Alyn Lind as Wonder Woman/Diana Prince, Chandler Riggs as Superman/Clark Kent and Nat Wolff as Batman/Bruce Wayne. RWBY mainstays reprising there roles are Lindsay Jones as Ruby, Kara Eberle as Weiss, Arryn Zech as Blake and Barbara Dunkelman as Yang.
The film hails from Rooster Teeth Animation, Warner Bros. Animation, DC and Warner Bros. Home Entertainment with Kimberly S. Moreau, Ethan Spaulding and Jim Krieg producing, Laura Yates serving as supervising producer, Sam Register and Michael Uslan executive producing.
Meghan Fitzmartin penned the script, with RWBY‘s Kerry Shawcross directing.
Other actors include Ozioma Akagha as Vixen, Jen Brown as Pyrrha, Tiana Camacho as Glynda, Aaron Dismuke as Oscar, Jason Douglas as Jacques, David Errigo Jr. as The Flash/Barry Allen and Rolf, Samantha Ireland as Nora, Miles Luna as Jaune, Shannon McCormick as Professor Ozpin, Neath Oum as Lie Ren, Tara Platt as Kali, Jeannie Tirado as Green Lantern and Tru Valentino as Cyborg.
RWBY was created by the late Monty Oum and is the first western-produced Anime series disributed in Japan. It has a ninth season currently in the works, with the franchise amassing 271 million views online and generating $20 million in consumer product sales.
This is not the first time the franchise has had a brush with DC, with the comic book series RWBY x Justice League published from 2021-22.
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actioncoachireland · 2 years
The most successful franchise partnership are built on a foundation of mutual respect between franchisors and franchisees. Much like a marriage, these relationships require open communication, collaboration, respect, trust, care and commitment in order to work. In their very nature, franchise relationships are characterized by an interdependence which requires the franchisee and franchisor to commit to the success of the other. Franchisors and franchisees need each other to succeed.
The franchisee-franchisor relationship is more than a business agreement. The recipe for success is in these seven essential ingredients:
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prfrostbox · 2 years
#Start a new career in Commodity Markets. PR Tech Global will provide candidates with the latest technology and execution platforms used by industry professionals, Hedge Funds, Investment Banks and Research organisations. 
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firstpersonnarrator · 2 months
Robert Sheehan in Deadline re: Red Sonja (x)
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Matilda Lutz, Wallis Day, Future Husband (mine)
“…an amazing band of up and coming talent…” Egads, he’s up-and-coming again? Can’t he at least graduate to ‘coming?’
“Sheehan is best known for his role as Klaus in Netflix’s The Umbrella Academy, which has him starring alongside [blah blah blah endless list of tua costars]. The actor is also known for his roles in Sony’s The Mortal Instruments franchise, starring Lily Collins and Jamie Campbell Bower; Misfits starring Iwan Rheon and Antonia Thomas; and Amazon’s Fortitude starring Dennis Quaid.” Hm, choices.
“Sheehan [is represented] by Lisa Richards Agency [Rose] in Ireland and Felker Toczek Suddleson.” Let the stalking commence!
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gone2soon-rip · 9 months
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SIR MICHAEL GAMBON (1940-Died September 27th 2023,at 82,Pneumonia).Anglo-Irish actor forever remembered by millions of Harry Potter fans as Professor Albus Dumbledore,in the last 6 films of the Harry Potter film franchise.
Gambon started his acting career with Laurence Olivier as one of the original members of the Royal National Theatre. Over his six-decade-long career, he received three Olivier Awards, two Screen Actors Guild Awards, and four BAFTA Awards. In 1998, he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II for services to drama.
Gambon appeared in many productions of works by William Shakespeare such as Othello, Hamlet, Macbeth and Coriolanus. Gambon was nominated for thirteen Olivier Awards, winning three times for A Chorus of Disapproval (1985), A View from the Bridge (1987), and Man of the Moment (1990). In 1997, Gambon made his Broadway debut in David Hare's Skylight, earning a Tony Award for Best Actor in a Play nomination.
Gambon made his film debut in Othello (1965). Other notable films include The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover (1989), The Wings of the Dove (1997), The Insider (1999), Gosford Park (2001), Amazing Grace (2006), The King's Speech (2010), Quartet (2012), and Victoria & Abdul (2017). Gambon also appeared in the Wes Anderson films The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004), and Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009). Gambon enhanced his stardom through his role of Albus Dumbledore in the Harry Potter film series from 2004 to 2011, replacing Richard Harris following his death in 2002.
For his work on television, he received four BAFTA Awards for The Singing Detective (1986), Wives and Daughters (1999), Longitude (2000), and Perfect Strangers (2001). He also received two Primetime Emmy Award nominations for Path to War (2002) and Emma (2009). Other notable projects include Cranford (2007) and The Casual Vacancy (2015). In 2017, he received the Irish Film & Television Academy Lifetime Achievement Award. In 2020, he was listed at No. 27 on The Irish Times' list of Ireland's greatest film actors.Michael Gambon - Wikipedia
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geekcavepodcast · 8 months
Dark Horse and Lucasfilm Publishing Announce New "Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories" Line
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Dark Horse and Lucasfilm Publishing's Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories graphic novels line will showcase iconic characters in the Star Wars franchise from different authors and artists. The line-up includes Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, Qui-Gon Jinn, Rey, General Grievous, Kylo Ren, and Darth Vader. Some of the creatives on the line include writers George Mann, Cecil Castellucci, Justina Ireland, and Michael Moreci, and artists/colorists/letterers Andrea Mutti, Lucas Marangon, Michael Atiyeh, Nick Brokenshire, Gigi Baldassini, and more. Covers for the Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories line are by Michael Cho.
The Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories line kicks off with Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories: Qui-Gon Jinn from George Mann, Andrea Mutti, and Gigi Baldassini. According to Mann, the graphic novel will focus on three pivotal moments of Qui-Gon Jinn's life - "venturing to the streets of Jedha as a Padawan, to the distant world of Cerosha as a lonesome Jedi Knight, and deep into the wreck of an ancient spaceship as a Jedi Master." (Dark Horse)
Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories: Qui-Gon Jinn goes on sale in bookstores on April 23, 2024, and in comic shops on April 24, 2024.
(Image via Dark Horse - Michael Cho's Cover of Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories: Qui-Gon Jinn)
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Just fucking realized, but, uh, you know that map of all of the stupid wizard schools in the shit wizard franchise each serving a wide ranges of people (like the school in Africa serving ALL of Africa)?
Like, Hogwarts, arguably the one most "fleshed out" of the lot... Is also as stupid as those other schools in terms of countries it serves.
Hogwarts takes students from the Republic of Ireland guys. It's in the map, it's not just Ulster, it's the entire island, meaning this includes the Republic territories.
I don't think I have to explain how fucking stupid that is, in the 1990s or the 1890s both, either less than 40 years after the potato famine or AT THE ZENIT OF THE FUCKING TROUBLES in the years from 1990 to 1998, For a parallel branch of the British government seated in London, who has close ties with the British prime minister, to send people in the fucking REPUBLIC OF IRELAND to claim their children are magical and they must now be segregated from them and sent to a fucking Wizard school in Scotland to get schooled and that's their only actual option as muggle-born.
Like, are Irish wizards still under British Rule? Does the British Wizarding World still have control of fucking Ireland? This goes beyond the one stereotype Irish character we see in the school.
Which, like, serves both Ireland and Britain yet only one Irish character is there and is characterized in the MOVIES as someone that explodes shit and wants to make Alcohol, and in the BOOKS as the son of a British government loyalist (AGAIN, IN FUCKING 1995) who didn't disclose to her husband her status as witch untill their kid got 11 years old.
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