#businesswomen special
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Season 1, Episode 8 | ROMY & MICHELE'S HIGH SCHOOL REUNION (1997)
Romy & Michele's High School Reunion arrived in the spring of 1997 with little fanfare, but has since become a cult classic thanks to inspired comedic performances by Lisa Kudrow and Mira Sorvino, a witty and lighthearted script, eye-catching costumes by Mona May, and a super fun soundtrack. Join Gabby and Amy as they enumerate the many virtues of this female buddy pic. #businesswomensspecial
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rippersz · 4 months
𝙰𝚕𝚌𝚒𝚗𝚊 𝙳𝚒𝚖𝚒𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚌𝚞 + 𝙻𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚊 𝚆𝚎𝚎𝚖𝚜 𝙰𝚜 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜 (𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜) (SLIGHTLY NSFW):
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They are busy busy business ladies. Alcina runs the Dimitrescu Vineyard and often encounters all of the complexities that come with owning a company, while Larissa runs Nevermore and deals with her own pile of tasks each day. They’re fiercely independent like that, but even the strongest, tallest, most intelligent businesswomen have to find solace somewhere. In this case, it’s found in each other… and in you.
ʚ♡ɞ Larissa’s top two love languages are Gift Giving and Quality Time. Physical Touch is a close third. She hates not spending time with both of you and does whatever she can to free up her schedule. It’s difficult, but she manages because you two are worth it. And date nights, vacations, even little trips to town are the things that keep her happy and smiling. She’s always the first to suggest you all go somewhere, and even if you or Alcina are especially tired, you fall prey to her big glittering blue eyes. As soon as her face falls and she starts to pout, Alcina makes a show of covering your eyes and her own with her hands.
“Oh draga (darling in Romanian) don’t look now. She’ll tempt us. Drag us off to Hell. She’s utterly insatiable.” And you’ll giggle while Larissa’s expression falls sharp and her eyebrow ticks up. “Hell? You don’t think I’m an angel?” And Alcina can only roll her eyes before pushing you off to grab your jersey while she swipes an arm around Larissa’s waist and brings her into a kiss. “You are an angel. Sometimes.” “And other times?” They both grin. “The most wicked devil I know.”
Her gifts are also always from the heart. Very sentimental, like a well-written card, or a niche thing from the Jericho antique shop that she thinks you’d like. For Alcina, it could be a very ornate wine opener, and for you it could be an old broach or a locket big enough to put a picture of your family in.
ʚ♡ɞ Alcina’s top two love languages are Gift Giving and Physical Touch. Acts of Service is a close third. The truth is, she has a lot of money. A lot. Like a lot. And she is eager to show it off and spoil you two. Now Larissa is just as proud a woman, and enjoys her freedom and independence to pick out her own wardrobe, but Alcina can’t help herself. Larissa returned home one time and Alcina instantly rushed in to wrap a beautiful Parisian fur coat around her shoulders. It was the perfect size, the perfect length. Larissa wears it every winter, even if she told Alcina that she didn’t have to. It came with matching gloves, but Larissa slips those onto your hands so you two can match when you go out together. And as for yourself, her special little darling, she’ll seek out the things you’ve mentioned (even in very brief passing) that you liked. Oh that cute little trinket you saw in an Instagram advertisement? Suddenly it’s on the kitchen island waiting for you with a little note from ‘Yours, ~ A. D.’ - She signs her initials like that every time. You and Larissa keep them in a hidden box. It’s nearly full.
And I don’t think it really comes as a surprise when I say Alcina is a big admirer of physical touch with her loved ones. She is fiercely protective and vain, so she adores showing you off as the two women on her arm, but if someone stares for a little two long, her gaze burns her through sunglasses. The bright gold always startles normies. So this usually means she walks in the middle of you two whenever you’re out, with both of you on each arm. But if Larissa’s the one who is treating you all, she walks in the middle and struts around proudly.
ʚ♡ɞ You wanted to do it one time, just to see what it was like, and you looked like a young woman with your lesbian mothers. It was very embarrassing. They teased you HEAVILY. Every shop you went into, it was always “Oh what about this sweetheart? Do you want this for your room? Right next to your diploma?” Or “Oh this frame would be perfect. We could put it with your school pictures love, what do you think?” - You got so frustrated and flustered that you walked right off and it took them 5 minutes to realize you had literally walked away further down the street. Alcina scented you out and came to find you in a perfume store, trying to hide your smell. When they got there, you glared until they agreed they’d never do it again (but sometimes it slips in when they’re feeling wicked).
ʚ♡ɞ Now of course that does lead to power dynamics- which are very much a thing in this relationship. When it comes to Alcina Dimitrescu’s involvement, there will always be power dynamics. She is very not normal about her control issues, but that’s okay. You love her anyway. And Larissa learns to accept that it is both a blessing and a curse. She has to spend a lot of her own days in control, but it’s not necessarily by choice all the time. Before you two, she was very lonely and had to compensate with work, but now that she is with you, she has the opportunity to relinquish some of the control and responsibility that comes with the job. Thank goodness Alcina is all too eager to pick up the slack.
ʚ♡ɞ In terms of personality dominance, those two definitely take the cake. It is, to an extent, a good cop bad cop dynamic, but they do agree on a lot of things. Like they agree you’re adorable. And beautiful and handsome. And that they want you. In many more ways than one. And also they agree that giving you your privacy is just as important as having their own. The last thing they want to do, especially Alcina, is to infantilize you. In the beginning, Larissa had to sit Alcina down for a very difficult discussion to explain her own behavior to herself. She pointed out that Alcina sort of suffocated you a bit, which was true. She was quite controlling—always wanting to be by your side, always preparing you for the worst. CLEARLY she has some trauma, but you get through it. Alcina is eternally grateful that Larissa felt confident enough to speak to her. Past partners have been forced into submissive silence by their own fear because Alcina is such a strong force of a woman. She is very loving, but can be harsh.
ʚ♡ɞ Larissa, on the other hand, is a doting lover. She texts your group chat every free second she gets. Sends you a picture of her meal in the privacy of her office to thank you for making lunch. You always respond with hearts or suggest the three of you call while you go about your lunch hour. She suggested you three try syncing up the time so you could see each other and spend a bit more time together - seeing as you all get home rather late sometimes. Alcina joins the call a bit later but greets you with warm hellos and asks how her “Sweet girls” are doing. Larissa is also the type to buy flowers. She adores them. Some people think it’s silly because they’ll just die if not taken care of, but she doesn’t think so. She comes home with bouquets in hand to make up for a stressful week or a particular stretch of time in which you three can’t see each other often. If Alcina goes away on a business trip, she’ll welcome her back with black roses and so many red kisses that the poor woman almost falls over. If you’re stumbling through the door at midnight after a long day doing whatever it is you do (I’m thinking business analyst or perhaps even owning your own shop), then she waits up and gives you a little single rainbow rose still in the plastic because she knows you like the novelty of it. Oh and kisses too of course.
ʚ♡ɞ That being said, you’re sort of the morally grey cop in the cop dynamic. Rarely do any of you do something to truly piss each other off or upset each other, but it does happen. If you somehow upset Alcina, Larissa sits you down for a chat while Alcina rants in the background. Alci is very passionate and does have a temper, but for all of her bluster and bark, a quick “Alcina, sit” from Larissa has her growling, rubbing her temples, and taking a seat in the living room with you two. From that point on, it’s only a matter of discussion. Alcina has a habit of keeping her feelings to herself until she blows up, but Larissa is very preemptive. She KNOWS such habits amongst you all could possibly ruin your relationship, so she tries her hardest to keep the peace. You and Alcina argue, but Larissa talks you through it until the calm is restored.
ʚ♡ɞ If they piss you off or upset you, you have a very difficult time talking to them about it. You’re a soft-hearted person for them and the last thing you want is to cause a rift, but if you don’t come to them about it first, they WILL find out. Your two lovers are extremely intelligent and very observant. Alcina can tell something is off by the slightest falter in your beating heart and Larissa can tell something is off if you speak a single word in a different tone. To them, you are an open book. And they know that they’re intimidating at times. Larissa is a sweetheart, yes, but her irritation is brutal. And Alcina is… Alcina. So it can be (understandably) quite hard. That’s why you’ve taken to texting them before they get home, asking them to chat in the living room or the bedroom. And if not that, then you speak to them separately. You go to their offices, sit and sort it out as best you can, and then the three of you regroup later. It’s the healthiest option…… but it doesn’t always work. You can get very insecure being with these two literal otherworldly women, so sometimes you just shut down instead. Hide within your thoughts and occupy yourself until you can’t anymore. It happened once where you were so upset and anxious that you stayed at your office and fell asleep. Larissa and Alcina were shit scared. They went searching for you there of course, and Alcina carried you to the car before Larissa drove you three home. It was a stressful experience but after you all talked it out in the morning, you promised to try and be more open - but only if they did the same.
ʚ♡ɞ HOWEVER, if you two somehow manage to piss off or upset Larissa Weems, it is Hell for you both. All three of you have a distinct bond that can’t be broken even with the sharpest of scissors. You’re all linked in some individual way, and it’s lovely, but it also means that you’re very soft on each other. And you and Alcina have a silent understanding that although Larissa can take care of herself, she is also highly deserving of all of the protection and love you give her. Meaning you don’t want to add to her stress. But when you do—she is a slow simmering ball of emotions. She may be loud at Nevermore when faced with Wednesday, but when it comes to her lovers, she just gets a bit disappointed. And that is something you and Alcina can’t handle. So when that happens, and she isn’t the one to put it back together or demand you all sit down and talk, that means you and Alci have to do the heavy lifting. So you do. Alcina pours glasses of wine, you put on some music, and the three of you sit in silence either working on your laptops or indulging in some hobbies until Larissa finally speaks up. She just needs to be in your presence, to recognize your quiet understanding that something is wrong, before she really gets into it. And after that, you of course make it a point to never repeat whatever it is you did to make her upset. And Alcina pulls her into her arms while you hug her from the back because you know Larissa appreciates the attention, the affection, and the warmth. Then you kiss. A lot. A lot a lot. Smooch smooch smooch muah muah muah.
ʚ♡ɞ When you call Larissa, she answers with a “Hello, darling” because she always checks the caller ID before picking up.
ʚ♡ɞ When you call Alcina, she answers with an “Alcina speaking.” because she never checks the caller ID before picking up.
ʚ♡ɞ You and Larissa called her once in the past and she answered with her usual, hard-toned greeting. When you and Larissa mocked her with a high-pitched “aLciNa sPeaKing”, she hung up and blocked your number for five minutes. Sometimes, you’re still tempted to do it.
ʚ♡ɞ You steal their perfumes and shampoos. One time, Alcina used Larissa’s conditioner and ever since, Larissa asks her if she should order two bottles of her hair care instead of one. Alcina just rolls her eyes and reaches out to grab her. Larissa goes scurrying away, letting out a yelp and a laugh. 
When they cuddle you and smell their products, they only grin and pull you closer. They want you to share their things. And also you’re just too lazy to keep your own stocked.
ʚ♡ɞ Your kisses with Larissa, just you two, are sweet and slow. They last a long time and usually lead to wandering hands and a lot of lipstick marks. Larissa happily leaves marks and hickies on you, but the three of you understand that she can’t have the same. If someone at her job saw that, they’d probably complain. But below the clothes, she’s painted to high heaven. Alcina does, after all, have a very voracious appetite. She spends a lot of time kissing and marking because it soothes the dragon in her. And Larissa is just the same when it comes to you specifically. The marks never take to Alcina’s skin, so Rissa usually uses her teeth and tries to leave marks anyway. But on you, she takes full advantage. Teases you with hickies and bites until you’re begging her to move. To treat you. It’s unfortunate then that she’s just so busy and has to return to work and absolutely must leave you high and dry until you’re nearly crawling all over her when she returns home later.
ʚ♡ɞ Alcina’s kisses, on the other hand, are always mean and rough. She pushes your faces together, grabs your hair, clutches your jaw in one large hand. She’s eager to overpower - it’s just in her nature. And she’s not scared to lean down and reach you, pull you up into her arms, and shove you against a wall. She uses her teeth to nip, and her tongue to fill your mouth and take you completely. Safe to say, she never leaves her kisses without you stumbling away–breathless and smiley. And there’s no escaping her until she’s done with you. Never ever. You will only push away from her when she wants you to. And you rarely want to of course, but when you’re busy and late to a meeting, you’re under a time crunch.
ʚ♡ɞ Larissa and Alcina kissing, though… whew. Dear god, whew. Dear LORD, whew. Larissa’s hands go sliding around Alcina’s waist and she has to lean up on the tips of her toes to meet Alcina halfway. And when they get there, they smile first before kissing roughly. Alcina knows not to put her hands in Larissa’s perfect hair, so she settles for gripping the back of her neck and pulling her close. Close close close until Larissa lets out a squeak and Alcina has to lean and pick her up bridal-style so they both don’t go tumbling to the ground. It doesn’t happen often, but when she does, Larissa can only giggle giddy and happy. She doesn’t often feel petite and girlish, but Alcina has a way of making her feel like a woman worth caring for. You do too, of course, but it’s different. Not any less or any better, just different. And they kiss until they both run out of breath and Larissa pushes Alcina away. The taller woman grumbles and steals another kiss before they finally go their separate ways.
ʚ♡ɞ There’s so much more to this little poly relationship. From kinks to flaws to business work and all that. Let me know if you wanna see more <3
I love them :3 Yes I doooooo - Rip x
Tags: @oddball21 @kaymariesworld @bloommushroom @readingtheentrails @thegoddamnfeels @theonefairygodmother @theflashesoflove @sweetderacine @opalthefrog @gwensfreak @shyladyfan @erablaise-blog @bellatrixsbrat @sunnyanon @emilynissangtr @lex13cm @sugipla @hasthebaconinhispants @deongocrazy @nocteangelus15 @eveymay @one-pining-queer @azu-zu @niceminipotato @hopelessly-sapphic @barbarasstar @enchantressb @syrenacrainn @im-a-carnivorous-plant @willowshadenox @aemilia19 @ladylarissaweems @scarlettssub @ladysdraga @willisnotmental @gela123 @h-doodles @zillahofviolets-bayolet @weemssapphic @the-bearr @amateurwritescm
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saintarc · 5 months
♰ AUCTION PUPPET, aki hayakawa.
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about. your father tells you to win an item at the auction for him. but the item that was bidded is not quite an item. but is it . . . ?
notes. warnings: gore, blood, stitches. 1990s au.
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starting at 19,000 dollars. the item currently being bid is a necklace once worn by a princess from russia. made with the finest of diamonds excavated by her husband himself as an anniversary gift. a typical item to auction. once the highest amount of money was raised and the hall was pin-drop silent, the auctioneer then announced 'sold!'
you have been waiting for about an hour because of your motive. the sole reason you are here in this auction hall surrounded by insanely wealthy businessmen or businesswomen is to wait for the special item of the day. something that your father gave you a ton of money to bit on.
ton of money that is equivalent to at least a million. you couldn't bother the exact amount. you could just link the auctioneer to your father and your filthy rich father would just write down some words on a cheque. doesn't matter. regardless of whatever cheque, you are here in person to bid on an item so badly wanted by your father.
as you rubbed your temples from the lack of sleep by studying all day and all night for your college exams, the crowd starts to clap at the new item brought in. that must be your motive— for it is large and it has the crowd in such a cheer. they might already know what items are going to be auctioned today, but you didn't. you couldn't care less about some stupid auction or rich people. you're only here so your father would stop nagging you.
"andddd!! we have the last item for today!! rejoice! this is a masterpiece made by the hands of the greatest doll maker in the entire world, lady saintarc!" the auctioneer announced. he moved his hands to pull down the cloth that covered the item.
gasps, suspension, whispers among the wealthy, and shock radiated all around the hall. especially to you, as the piercing pinches around your temples were immediately gone, as if they vanished into nothingness. the sight below on the stage made you covered your mouth immediately, your eyes shifting somewhere else.
in such a short time, such an image is already burned and etched into the back of your mind. the image of threads being stitched onto the skin, blood oozing and pushing out between the threads and skin. dressed in doll-like clothing. the item has strings at certain spots of the body. but the element that was most disturbing to you was the lack of eyes. just dark sockets, and dark hair covering the face with smooth and nice bangs.
down the eye socket which its eyes onced belonged in, flowed the dried bloodstains that run down the cheeks like the reddest of metallic tears.
you ceased a little on the inside. throat holding and choking back any unnecessary urge to start letting the tears flow from the corner of your eyes, something which the item lacked. you didn't know how to feel at this moment, having to set your eyes upon such a sight and having to auction for such a forbidden item.
"starting at 800,000 dollars. began!"
"one million... and 500 thousand," you held out your number and forced yourself to look at the item that is being bid by people who wanted to lay their hands on such a creation. a creation that is simply once human, turned, formed, stitched, dressed, and displayed like a doll.
silence went on for a while before the auctioneer announced that it was sold by your number. you bought the human doll of aki hayakawa, created by this 'lady saintarc'. the doll or puppet or whatever, who was once a beloved friend of yours. now that you bought him off the shelf.
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katze-thief · 9 months
five days for love confession
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pairing: Ren Amamiya/Akira Kurusu x fem!reader
summary: Shujin Academy is holding its annual cultural festival, and it seems that five days of preparation is all it takes to make your crush fall in love with you.
chapter two: rainy monday
"five days for love confession" series' masterlist
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Rain bucketed out of the sky since early morning. You could hear the loud sound it made against the roof, a rowdy and consistent rumble that sounded like it was shaking the structure of the building. Nonetheless, everything was open as usual today. Even though you could see, through your window, everyone running in the streets and struggling to commute to work, apparently no one was exempt of work or school, it seemed. Including you. The traditional summer weather.
You sighed, as you finished your bento. You wrapped it around a pink fabric, placing it on top of your school bag, alongside some snacks. Today, as per the school official schedule lists’ email, you were going to attend Shujin until 8PM, because of the long awaited annual cultural festival — although, for you, at least, the rain was a clear signal that the school should just drop it. Nobody was really excited by it — besides Makoto (but it’s kind of a responsibility issue for her) and Haru — and organizing it seemed more like a chore than the ‘bonding-magical-cooperative-life-experience-of-the-youth’ it was initially intended. But, of course, for a generational prep school like Shujin it was important to maintain these things. To maintain sovereignty over the other prep schools.
Basically dragged, you left home.
The entire path to the station was just terrible. Besides the rain, there was a cold weather that looked like autumn. Your umbrella visibly wasn’t withstanding the winds, and the summer uniform provided no comfort. But you did it. You entered the train — that looked more like an umbrella exhibition — and arrived in Ginza Line, ready to take the next train to Shibuya. It was full as usual. You were in between a second-year student, who gossiped too loud about Makoto, and a guy that was soaked wet, dripping water in your uniform.
Twenty minutes later (that seemed like an eternity), the train stopped.
“Shibuya Ward, Line 3. Shibuya Ward, Line 3” the familiar train voice yelled, repeatedly.
Shibuya was as full of people as always, a lot of them carrying umbrellas or soaked by the rain. You gently placed your broken umbrella at a trash can, as you stared at the heavy rain. A bunch of people was standing at the Shibuya’s station exit, looking at the waterfall coming out of the sky. A lot of Shujin students too, you notice. Your eyes fluttered searching for a special someone, though, leaving your brain disappointed by his absence.
“This may be the heaviest rain in the last 10 years, I heard!” A businesswomen said.
“I heard it. Truly, a summer rain!” A salary-man laughed.
You stood there for, maybe, ten or fifteen minutes, picking up courage to run through the rain. Your eyes flickered to the station’s clock, aware of the entrance time. Eventually, encompassing that some students were running, you ran with them, jolting the way to school. As you felt the rain getting too heavy, you ran into an awning.
“You too?” you heard a familiar voice say.
As you looked to your right, all of them were there. Almost all. Ann, Makoto, Ryuji, Futaba, and, more important, Ren. Ann, the voice you recognized, looked at you, chuckling.
Everyone was drenched, in different degrees. Ann was almost dry, as Makoto. Futaba’s hair was drenched, not her clothes, which really did not make that much of a sense in your head. Ren and Ryuji were completely dripping water, as you.
Makoto was squatting on the floor, as Ren and Futaba passed a few coins to her. She was counting them, coin by coin. The three of them looked unaware of your arrival. Your eyes lingered in Ren for a while.
“Gosh, it’s raining a lot today.” you said, drawing attention to you. “A woman on the station said it’s the heaviest rain in years. I don’t get how they expect us to plan while dealing with this weather. They should just cancel this festival already. I’m certain it’ll rain next Saturday anyway.”
“Good morning, sunshine.” Ren joked, as everyone laughed. You felt your cheeks burning. His cheeks were slightly toned pink, and water from his hair dripped down his face. He wasn’t wearing his glasses, which made you stare at him a bit curious. “I agree. It’s such a hassle…”
“All this festival effin’ shit is just bullshit.” Ryuji added, visibly angry.
“It’s very important, though. It gets funds for the clubs.” Makoto’s eyes were still fixed on the coins. “Any fund for the umbrella whip-round here?”
You searched for coins in your purse, and handed it to Ren, who passed to Makoto. She seemed to count it all again, before going into the store which awning you were all standing underneath. A few minutes later she came back, carefully carrying three umbrellas. Makoto took one and Ryuji the other.
You splitted one with Ren, noticing that he walked slower, respecting your pace. Makoto and Ann giggled and gossiped under their umbrella behind you, and Ryuji and Futaba basically ran ahead of you. The splatting sounds of water fulfilled the silence in between you.
“So…” Ren started, coughing softly after. “I read the email with today’s schedule. Seem like we have the same schedule today.”
Your mind stopped working for a second. How would you answer in a non-suspicious way, that certainly would not seem like you pleaded for the school administration council to be placed on the same activities as him?
You could feel your hands getting sweaty and the sounds of talking getting quieter. You chewed on your lip and answered the first thing that crossed your mind.
“How bizarre.”
The day flew by inconsequential. You were in a different classroom than the Thieves, and, besides that, they had an unspoken rule of not talking on school grounds, or, at least, in front of everyone. Ren and Ryuji had their reputation, and Futaba had to socialize with her classmates, as she was entering her first year. So, at least until after lunch, each one had their own groupies, and Ren and Ryuji had each other.
Then, it was festival preparation time.
As soon the rain stopped, the campus was garnished. You walked through the corridor, trying to find the classroom that “Cutting and Sewing of Hangings” was supposed to be, and, of course, admiring the students’ hard work, as many decorations were being pushed around the school, glued to the walls, and hanged on the ceilings.
Haru waved at you, holding a small bonsai and an orchid vase. Around her, was other girls carrying a few boxes and pushing carts with the most beautiful flowers: hydrangeas, lavenders, and many, MANY, daisies, and sunflowers. The second floor was full of pollen, and you could even spot some students frantically scratching their noses. You waved back, quickening the pace to get out of there.
You slid the door of the class 2-A, just to find the students divided. The room had a weird unwelcoming aura that just made you want to go back to the allergy-inducing corridor. Half the students were on one side and half on the other side, with Ren alone on the corner of the classroom, cutting some red swirls. A silent altercation.
Quickly, Kimiko, a friend of your class, grabbed your wrist.
“I’m so sorry, I tried to tell the counselor, but he said that he couldn’t change the role!” she pleaded "Nobody need to talk with such a weirdo like him."
You quickly walked over to the desk on Ren’s side, the only available, placing your bag on the floor and sitting not so long after.
He looks tired. A lot tired. He was rubbing his temples with a hand, cutting with the other, blinking slowly like on a daze. Ren was wearing gym clothes, which you assumed it was because of the drenched clothes from earlier. Also, he wore his glasses. You could feel your heart beating a bit faster.
“Nobody puts Baby on a corner.” you whispered, joking, as you refer to the endless ‘Dirty Dancing movie sessions that Yusuke and Ann obligated the entire squad to see. Ren chuckled, making the entire classroom stare at both of you weirdly. “What happened here?” you whispered again, wrinkling your nose.
He handed you a script and a note, written in very big, bold letters.
As someone who just lost total willpower to contest, you handed the script back to him and picked up the scissors to cut out flags.
What a great Monday it is.
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hi guys!! thank you for the support! it really makes me happy. i'll try to post a new chapter every week, at least, so stay tuned. also, i take requests!
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darker-overlord · 1 year
My OCs from different fandoms!
thank u @kindan-no-kanojo for the tag i'm about to be INSUFFERABLE for one full post <3
i wasn't the type to make ocs until last year so it's like 20% actual old ocs and 80% unintroduced dl charas :D it's my personal acc anyway someone HAS to see them before i go insane (they have lore drops tho so just look at the pretty pictures if u don't wanna know (?))
(also using the dividers on the oc blog i'm too lazy to find a cute one >:D)
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Diabolik Lovers OC/s (introduced)
Komori Kayo x2 (human and fiend)
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we have the babygrills of the blog, kayo and edgy kayo. jk but for ocs i only made like? january of this year i have spent WAY too much time thinking about and drawing them. hunter came first and the loser meowmeow drenched in milk pathetic loser one came after actually :p
i can go on and on about how i designed her appearance in specific but that's for another day :D just know that her blue/yellow color palette is literally a forget-me-not, and hunter's red/yellow color palette is a forget-me-not drenched in blood :D
hunter kayo's "species" is actually called a fiend (a term i just stole from csm LMAO) which is a very rare set of humans that are able to successfully be transplanted with a demonic organ. yes, yui is technically a fiend too in this case.
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mother <3
in terms of power levels, she's karlheinz on steroids (bc their powers have the same origin but u didn't hear that from me) but she's on another level of psychopathic. was she a demon before she was banished, or did god make her a demon? who knows.
kayo, seiji, and yui's relationship closely mirrors lilith, god, and eve's relationship.
Cecilia Lune
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like spring, gone too soon. all that's left are the ashes she left behind.
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Jumpscare warning: G*nshin Imp*ct OCs
i censored it bc i can't believe my first ocs were for THIS GAME...
i have a love-hate relationship with the game don't mind <3 i still think back to these three fondly and i'll talk about their lore for a bit cause this is probably the only time they'll see the light of day.
the two sisters are inazuman-mondstadter(?) in blood, but in nationality they're both inazuman, and their visions have inazuman casing. however, maya lives in fontaine and miya lives in sumeru.
Mikoshi Maya (Wandering Princess)
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players complaining about too many sweet girls? here's another one!
from the last name, maya is a descendant of mikoshi nagamasa, the human son of the oni chiyo that served the raiden shogun. that part of her backstory doesn't matter to her as much as it matters to her older sister.
maya's a spoiled and lazy child of one of richest businesswomen of fontaine, and she's also a huge hermit. but she has the power to dream of the future, and it always involves someone needing help. even though she's spoiled, she's very kind in nature, so even as a hermit she often travels to help those she finds in her dreams. she's a dancer and has a very pretty appearance so 'wandering princess' is the title she got from traveling the other nations.
ironically, her nickname in fontaine is actually the rumored hermit, from her tendencies to almost never show up. people see her so little some are convinced that she doesn't actually exist.
her future dreams come into play in an interlude quest.
Mikoshi Miya (Transient Swordsman)
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mommy. her name's miya bc i wanted it to match with maya
on the surface, she's a kshahrewar graduate who specializes in mechanics, and she specifically works on machines that can bridge the gap between vision holders and non-vision holders. she's pretty relaxed and sisterly, but at first she seems almost drawn in on herself.
in her past, she was trained as a swordsman by her father, a mikoshi himself. she was considered the greatest prodigy for her time, and she was 'destined for great things'. this was for a specific job that would need way too long to explain but related to this job is the fact that they're a bit of a problem for the fatui. this, and her mother's relationship to the fatui, culminated in someone attempting to subdue her mother with a very special fire made from delusions. however, they mistimed the mission, and instead caught a young miya and her father in the crossfire, which lead to her father's death and miya's hatred for the fatui and for visions.
no matter how much people told her that she was a once in a lifetime swordsman, and how her skill was almost completely unmatched, miya gave up swordsmanship. her skill never saved her father.
miya is intelligent, and always liked making gadgets (her first creation was a mechanical train set at the age of seven), so she instead focused her efforts on helping non-vision holders, including herself, by studying at the akademiya.
miya only gets her electro vision in her story quest, where she confronts her father's killer. she also decides to take up a sword again because of the quest :D
Irina (Witch of Thorns)
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mother. that's my name yes but it kind of fits her. i go by yna anyway so i don't really see myself in her JFKJFSD if miya's past seems like a lot this woman has a whole document just about her lore......
to summarize, she's actually gold/rhinedottir's "accidental" creation, something too long to talk about but trust me on this. she's her first child in that regard, and rhine actually tried to raise her like a regular daughter.
they got separated in the cataclysm and irina ended up in mondstadt, which lead to her considering herself a mondstadter. fatui shenanigans happen with dottore and she changes her original appearance to become the witch of thorns, a witch specializing in an artificial flower with medicinal properties. she changes appearances every other decade and pretends she's the daughter of the last witch of thorns, all the way to the present.
miya and maya are her very real daughters though. maya resembles her true appearance more, while miya resembles how she was when she was younger.
(i also have two men who work under irina, yuuya and a runaway adeptus but their lore is like wayyy shorter than the three and these gi ocs are already taking up way too much of the post...)
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Diabolik Lovers OCs (unintroduced)
HUGE LORE DUMP AHEAD.................... bc i need to vomit it out
Lunar Clan
the descendants of lilith's eldest, nyx.
while all demons are descendants of lilith, there is one uninterrupted line of daughters that are genetically clones of lilith herself. while their appearances do have variation, they all one defining trait: pure white hair. in my lore, white hair is a trait impossible to have if you're a pure founder. the only founders to naturally have this hair color are these clones, who are called lilith's avatars. makes you wonder how carla has white hair, though not purely white. doesn't that make him special?
there can only be one avatar born from a previous one in every generation, and any other child ends up as a regular founder. back then, this line of daughters were the royal family of the founder clan, then known as the lunar kingdom when all kingdoms were comprised of founders rather than the subspecies that arose from evolution.
they were overthrown in an event known as the fall of lunacy, a coup d'état arranged by the final queen, scylla's adviser. despite being overthrown, their connection to lilith and scylla's own sacrifices continued to keep them in an important noble position. their estate is located the closest to lilith's tomb, lilith's resting place, a garden of forget-me-nots the size of a town.
another special trait of the avatars is the ability to control and summon butterfly familiars, all with a unique appearance. they can also take up the butterfly's form.
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all avatars are assigned epithets at one point in their lives. in their time as royal family, they were usually assigned their titles post-mortem, but afterwards their epithets tend to be assigned some time within their lives.
in order of appearance and birth.
Lilith ; Queen of the Night ; Lilith herself wasn't technically part of the Lunar Clan, as it only began upon the establishment of the Lunar Kingdom, long after her supposed death. Still, she was given the epithet due to her reign on Old Eden, characterized by her absolute control over all territories, like the all-encompassing embrace of night.
Queen Nyx ; Lunacy's Founder, the founder of the Lunar Kingdom and the first to take on the last name Lune. Lilith's eldest.
Queen Raikou ; The Silent Queen, the longest-reigning queen, second to only Lilith herself, ruling for 700 years compared to an average of 100 years. Her rule was characterized by its stability, though quickly overturned when the event known as the War of the Fallen occurred.
Queen Scylla ; The Children's Princess, the shortest-reigning queen, Raikou's daughter, and the final ruler of the Lunatic Dynasty. Becoming queen at a young age after her mother's death, she followed her adviser's ill-meaning advice due to the widespread famine in neighboring kingdoms, earning the peoples' ire and contributing to the successful coup d'état. That adviser's family became the reigning royal family up until Giesbach.
Zarya and Krone Lune ; The Dawn and the Dusk, a pair of identical twins. They are the first and only case of two avatars being born in one generation. Due to magic being the focus of the Demon World, Zarya's interest in medicine and biology was seen as a disgrace, especially compared to her twin sister, who excelled in magic and swordsmanship. Zarya was later exiled from the kingdom, though was reluctantly brought back upon the beginning of the spread of Endzeit. She managed to quell the disease's spread all the way until her disappearance, just before the War of Prophecy occurred, which trapped all Founders within the Pandemonium and allowed Endzeit to spread rampantly.
Cecilia Lune ; The Spring Bloom ; Zarya's daughter, the end to the line of avatars. Founders' eyes don't reflect light, and merely glow. Cecilia's eyes sparkled like stars. Hated, then loved by the people, who grieved her death for centuries.
She was known as the human among demons.
extra fact: the divider icon is the lunar clan's family emblem:3 it used to represent the lunar kingdom as a whole, but upon the fall of the dynasty it became associated with the former royal family instead.
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anyway that's all this has gotten very long <3 thank you again for the tag ;w;
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tsunflowers · 1 year
I started drawing more outfits for kris and luke. I keep thinking about them
kris grew up in a lightly spooky manor house deep in the woods. all the women in her family are psychic mediums for real and people come from far and wide to hear the dead through them. most people with magic get it through the maternal line and every family has a specialty, with some talents appearing only once every few generations. kris is the only living member of her family to specialize in necromancy, physically raising the dead rather than just channeling them. her mom and aunts and grandma all hate it bc it is not marketable. they're not con artists, they really can speak with the dead, but they're businesswomen first and foremost. the people who come to them are Not interested in seeing what kris can do. for most of her teenage years she got put on entertaining the clients' kids duty and learned a lot of sleight of hand magic tricks (many of which she cheats at using blood magic bc if her blood is on something she can call it back to her)
but kris's true passion was always reading necromantic tomes and forbidden spells and raising squirrels in the woods and her family was like STOP!!! so they sent her to spend time with the youngblood family as a diversion and it was the worst mistake they ever made. although it did end with her getting out of their hair so maybe it was good
luke's family moved to the country for him to convalesce bc he's dying of fictional disease that has only the symptoms the writer wants it to. he loves reading but has been losing his eyesight due to this mysterious disease. his mom is old friends with kris's mom so they hatch a plan to keep kris out of trouble by having her come read to luke. they hit it off and started hanging out without being forced but eventually kris started talking about necromancy bc shes crazy for the stuff
luke's condition gets worse but kris's skill at necromancy improves and the topic naturally comes up. does luke want kris to kill him and raise him as a zombie. zombies have excellent night vision so he would be able to see and read again. they don't feel pain and they have enhanced strength. in a lot of ways it would be very cool to be a zombie. there is the problem of being entirely dependent on the person who raised you for continued survival but kris swore a blood oath that she would keep him alive for the rest of her natural life or until he wanted to pass on, and a blood oath from a blood mage is serious business. they really thought they had thought everything through and they hadnt but, young love, you know
kris's specialty returns the soul to the body in the condition it was in at the time of the ritual. since she and luke plan everything together and she's the one to kill him that means his body returns to about 30 seconds after his death at the age of 19 every month when she re-ups the ritual. they did not really consider how this will work out for them in the future but since luke looks like shit he can probably continue to pass for the same age as her into his 30s
they run away and join the circus where kris uses her charisma, sleight of hand skill, and dark magic to wow the crowds. luke as her handsome assistant mostly helps by showing off props and getting cut into pieces before "miraculously" standing up whole again. they put makeup on luke when performing so he looks a little more alive to the audience but I think everyone who spends any amount of time with them realizes that theres something wrong with them. but necromancy is a big taboo and most people wouldn't think of it so they're just like oh there's kris and her gaunt greenish boyfriend with the dead black eyes that don't reflect light
after they get tired of the circus they settle down in a big city with lots of crime and solve those crimes by reanimating the victims and asking them who did it
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meetmitsui · 1 year
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One for the books. Thank you so much for the warm invite, ICOC Albay. Introduction written by ICOC: 
CEO, Founder and President of Fortem AuctrixFounder & CEO of Global Markets EruditionCo-Owner at Fort & TaillerThe Co-operators at Filipino Composers Development CooperativeA highly accomplished professional, Mitsui made significant contributions to the industry. Her expertise in Forex trading has led her to found Global Markets Eruditio, a successful Forex trading academy. In addition to this, Ms. Turiano is also the Owner, President and CEO of Fortem Auctrix, Inc., a BPO firm that has recently expanded here in Legazpi City, and the co-owner and Corporate Secretary of Fort and Tailler, a clothing company specializing in suits. 
Ms. Turiano is a graduate of AB Economics from Bicol University and has worked at the Philippine Stock Exchange.
Aside from her professional achievements, Ms. Turiano is also an artist at heart. She is a musician, songwriter, and singer, and co-operates the Filipino Composers Development Cooperative (FILCOMDEC). Ms. Turiano is also a co-author and contributor to the book "Pinay Lady Boss," a book about success and zero-to-hero stories of 55 Pinay Lady Bosses that aims to inspire more women entrepreneurs and businesswomen. Ms. Turiano's passion for work, people, art, music, and her family is evident in all that she does. 
She is truly a woman of impact who has made a positive difference in her industry and beyond. Catch Mitsui @ the Women of Impact Forum by ICOC Albay on March 25, 2PM at the 2nd Floor of Alba's Building Washington Drive Legazpi City.
*Link of Original Post HERE
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umbranstilettos · 1 year
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(All events are based on her Pure Cereza variant from Bayonetta 3 please refer to main verse for information about her powers)
She is known as Sister Cereza, a widow, socialite and by choice a nun serving under the local parish and orphanage around New York City/Gotham/Metropolis with her amassed wealth only second to Bruce Wayne or other prominent names with her connections coming from a family of successful businesswomen throughout the history of the city, as she came 500 years as an immigrant from Europe, using her wealth to loan, invest and backing whoever had an idea to innovate while she was running a brothel with her Umbran Sister Jeanne that escaped from the Witch Hunts.
With the influence of the Salem Witch Hunts, her age became a question to other people resulting for her to adopt orphans, then after years of raising them and marrying them off to another rich family to give birth to a female child for them to introduce them later as Cereza, an heiress to the massive wealth up with the cycle repeating itself up to the present day.
She specialized in Witchcraft and with The Left Eye of Darkness within her grasp she was able to disrupt the chaos world resulting to other timelines having a vast knowledge about the multiverse, and could easily go toe to toe with Dr. Strange and Wanda Maximoff with her known experience in Bullet Arts a technique that is known to surpass any magic wielder utilizing melee and magic along with tapping into Witch Time.
The attack of the homunculi in New York City and with her taking the challenge of the Interloper; Singularity a being that came into the world from a notable timeline trying to prevent the multiversal war a variant of Kang The Conqueror refusing the aid of The Avengers/Justice League and instead requested to escort all civilians out of the vicinity to avoid the Clouds of Erasure a glob that could kill anyone in contact to it the fight resulted to her death and was revived by the magic from Agatha Harkness/Jeanne after the events of Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness and Wandavision to be a part of the coven of Witches (Agatha Harkness Coven of Chaos TBA) for now she goes on in her daily life, defeating Angels to maintain her contract with Inferno, while her reappearance in the universe remains a mystery.
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rebecca-s-taylor · 2 years
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THE BIGGEST MENTAL SHIFT I had around online Visibility happened when I exchanged the word VISIBILITY with VALUE. Value is about sharing what you know with your audience. It's about GIVING. When you view 'showing up' as just another way to serve and help someone, then being Visible online doesn't feel as scary. VISIBILITY ISN'T ACTUALLY ABOUT YOU - ITS ABOUT THE PEOPLE YOU WANT TO SERVE. This is something that we dive into in the Leadership Visibility Breakthrough program. This is a 6 week powerful online coaching program for female coaches, consultants and creative pros who are ready to craft an authentic leadership brand online to attract ALIGNED clients and grow your business. Along with a small group of FEMALE business visionaries, you'll get to practice online visibility (the ONLY way to truly TRANSFORM) and build your confidence to consistently share your expertise, skills and talents online (aka VALUE). 🔥Click link below for the juicy details. PROGRAM STARTS AUG 1. Oh and did I mention, EARLY BIRD special offer available now (ends June 30!) for nearly 50% OFF🔥 Visit https://lnkd.in/gjHf6sz 📸If you're a photography client - you receive another special pricing so get in touch. 💌Email [email protected] to enquire and book. LIMITED SPACES for more personalisation. #personalbranding #visibilitytransformation #cameraconfidence #womenwholead #brisbanecity #brisbanephotographer #businesswomen #leadershipdevelopment https://www.instagram.com/p/CfKbKVEBhOi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lboogie1906 · 4 months
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Gamma Phi Delta (ΓΦΔ) is a historically African American service sorority for businesswomen, professionals, and students. It was founded on February 28, 1943, at the Lewis College of Business and expanded to have chapters across the US. The sorority is an affiliate of the National Council of Negro Women.
Sisters Elizabeth Garner and Violet T. Lewis founded Phi Gamma Delta. Lewis was the owner and president of the college and Garner was a teacher. Phi Gamma Delta was a business and professional sorority.
The two founders recruited eleven members; these thirteen women are called the Sorority’s 13 Original Pearls. They are:
Annie Blakemore
Robely Trumbo Dungey
Elizabeth Garner
Lula Garner
Odell Glover
Eurine Harrison
Ivalue Lennear
Violet T. Lewis
Jean Myers
Geraldine Harrison Perkins
Beatrice Preston
Ruby Tipton
Mattie Willis
Each of the Original Pearls was tasked with starting a chapter of Gamma Phi Delta in her home city. In February 1946, Ivalue Lennear formed the Gamma chapter in Indianapolis. As a special dispensation, the chapter was allowed to use Gamma, instead of Beta, as its name.
Around 1945, the Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity filed a lawsuit against the sorority to discontinue using its name illegally. The fraternity had formed more than 100 years before but had never applied for a copyright for the use of the name Phi Gamma Delta. The sorority had received a copyright for the name. The Fraternity consisted of wealthy and powerful men, including presidents, senators, and congressmen. After a lengthy and expensive legal battle, the Sorority settled, agreeing to change its name in exchange for $10,000 and payment of legal fees. The sorority voted to change its name to Gamma Phi Delta.
By 1970, the sorority had 62 chapters in 32 states and the Bahamas.
Gamma Phi Delta seeks to improve youth education and units for civic and community awareness.
Gamma Phi Delta has five membership types: undergraduate, graduate, association, honorary, and member-at-large. Membership is by invitation. Members are required to have completed two years of college study. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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claudssworld · 5 months
2/01/2024 #1
Attending one of Texas' most liberal and democratic universities, my school's location does not take away the lack of diversity amongst the film, music, and art/media scene in and around Denton. According to Statista, 10% of Hispanic females are in journalism, and 13 out of 1300 films from 2007-2019 were directed by women of color in the United States.  According to the schema theory, we can gather and structure knowledge based on experiences, personal influences, or source credibility. With the lack of minority women in these industries, we are prone to a decrease in agenda setting and lower coverage on film, entertainment, and news media outlets that already do not cover stories from people of color.  Pertaining to social cognitive theory "Attention is the allocation of processing resources to a point in space, an object or visual feature, increasing information gathered by the senses. Attention operates in all sensory modalities" (Nannicelli & Taberham, 2014, p. 28).  I first noticed this occurrence when in my classes white, liberal, alternative, or cis Christian students whose first time being at UNT, would also be their first experience being around other minorities in a diverse setting would socially affiliate themselves with others whose similarities were race, culture, or special interests. This brings me to the point of how individuals are easily influenced by the comfort and the environment they grew up in, which is why diversity in media framing is important in our cultural and learning developments during childhood.  For instance, in one of my classes, a group presenting talked about how women are being represented in the media compared to men, and they used Taylor Swift and Kamala Harris as examples of two great women who are empowered and have acquired recognition due to their status, but are perceived a different way in the media. Both are great businesswomen with talented skills, but the girl that presented them as examples did not consider that Kamala the vice president is currently enabling and supporting a genocide or Taylor's tons of CO2 jet emissions from her multiple rounds to Kansas and tours. This is an example of how we are easily influenced by media framing, and agenda-setting when there are plenty of women of color who are also influential and reserve recognition from other white female and male counterparts even if it is just for a presentation.    Nonetheless, being a student in the 21st century and having access to multiple media platforms should encourage us to insightfully consume media content and use that information within our relationships, interactions, and identity for a good cause to avoid symbolic annihilation and subordinate groups in the media and the real world. 
University libraries. Electronic Resources - Login. (n.d.-b). https://www-statista-com.libproxy.library.unt.edu/topics/8859/minorities-and-representation-in-tv-and-film/#topicOverview
University libraries. Electronic Resources - Login. (n.d.-a). https://www-statista-com.libproxy.library.unt.edu/statistics/696871/movie-director-gender/
Nannicelli, T., & Taberham, P. (2014). Cognitive media theory (1st ed.). Routledge.
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rentamandfw · 9 months
Handyman Company for Busy 6-Figure Business Women
In today's fast-paced world, many successful businesswomen find themselves juggling multiple responsibilities, leaving little time for household tasks and home improvement projects. However, maintaining a well-kept home is essential for comfort and peace of mind. That's where Rent-A-Man DFW comes in. As a trusted and locally-owned handyman company in Dallas Fort Worth, Rent-A-Man DFW specializes in providing top-notch home improvement services tailored to the needs of busy 6-figure business women.
The Importance of Hiring a Handyman
For busy businesswomen who are constantly on the go, finding the time and energy to tackle home improvement projects can be a significant challenge. From small repairs to larger renovation tasks, the demands of maintaining a home can quickly become overwhelming. That's why hiring a professional handyman service like Rent-A-Man DFW is crucial. By outsourcing these tasks, busy 6-figure business women can focus on their careers and personal lives without sacrificing the quality and upkeep of their homes.
Rent-A-Man DFW: A Trusted Handyman Company
Rent-A-Man DFW stands out as a reliable and trusted handyman company dedicated to providing exceptional customer service and guaranteed satisfaction. With their team of skilled professionals, they offer a wide range of services to meet the diverse needs of busy businesswomen in the Dallas Fort Worth area.
Services Offered by Rent-A-Man DFW
House Washing Services
A clean and well-maintained house is not only visually appealing but also essential for a healthy living environment. Rent-A-Man DFW offers comprehensive house washing services to keep your home looking pristine. Whether it's pressure washing the exterior, cleaning the windows, or removing dirt and grime from surfaces, their expert team ensures a thorough and efficient cleaning process.
Kitchen and Bathroom Tiling
Rent-A-Man DFW understands the significance of beautifully tiled kitchen and bathroom spaces. They provide expert tile installation and repair services, helping busy businesswomen create aesthetically pleasing and functional areas. Whether you're looking to update the backsplash in your kitchen or remodel your bathroom, Rent-A-Man DFW's team of professionals will ensure precise and high-quality work.
Painting and Decorating
A fresh coat of paint can instantly transform the look and feel of any space. Rent-A-Man DFW offers professional painting and decorating services, allowing busy businesswomen to give their homes a personalized touch. From color selection to meticulous application, their skilled painters pay attention to detail, ensuring a flawless finish. Additionally, they provide guidance and expertise in choosing the right decor elements to complement your space.
General Handyman Services
In addition to their specialized services, Rent-A-Man DFW offers a wide range of general handyman services to address various repair and maintenance needs. From fixing leaky faucets and repairing drywall to assembling furniture and handling electrical work, their team is well-equipped to tackle any task, no matter how big or small.
The Advantages of Choosing Rent-A-Man DFW
When it comes to hiring a handyman company, Rent-A-Man DFW understands the unique needs of busy 6-figure business women. They provide several advantages tailored specifically to this audience:
Fair Pricing: Rent-A-Man DFW offers competitive and transparent pricing, ensuring that busy businesswomen receive value for their investment.
Reliability: With Rent-A-Man DFW, you can count on their team to show up on time and complete the job efficiently, allowing you to plan your schedule with confidence.
Exclusive Service: Rent-A-Man DFW takes pride in delivering an exclusive service, catering specifically to the needs and expectations of busy 6-figure business women.
Testimonials from Satisfied Clients
Don't just take our word for it. Here are what some busy businesswomen have to say about their experience with Rent-A-Man DFW:
"Rent-A-Man DFW saved me time and hassle with their exceptional service. As a busy executive, I needed a reliable handyman company, and they delivered beyond my expectations." - Sarah H.
"I highly recommend Rent-A-Man DFW to any busy businesswoman. Their attention to detail and professionalism made all the difference in ensuring my home projects were completed flawlessly." - Emily T.
FAQs about Rent-A-Man DFW Handyman Company
How can I schedule an appointment with Rent-A-Man DFW?
Scheduling an appointment with Rent-A-Man DFW is quick and easy. You can reach out to them through their website or contact them directly via phone.
Are the handyman services provided by Rent-A-Man DFW insured?
Yes, Rent-A-Man DFW is fully insured, providing you with peace of mind knowing that you're protected in case of any unforeseen incidents.
What is the average response time for inquiries or service requests?
Rent-A-Man DFW prides itself on prompt customer service. They strive to respond to inquiries and service requests within a reasonable timeframe, ensuring efficient communication with their clients.
Can Rent-A-Man DFW provide references from other busy businesswomen clients?
Absolutely! Rent-A-Man DFW is more than happy to provide references from their satisfied clients who are busy businesswomen. Just let them know, and they will gladly share the feedback and experiences of their previous customers.
Are there any guarantees on the quality of work performed by Rent-A-Man DFW?
Rent-A-Man DFW takes pride in their workmanship and strives for customer satisfaction. They offer guarantees on the quality of their work, ensuring that you receive the desired results.
For busy 6-figure business women, managing home improvement tasks can be a challenge. However, with Rent-A-Man DFW, there's no need to sacrifice the quality of your home due to a hectic schedule. Their range of professional handyman services, exceptional customer service, and commitment to satisfaction make them the perfect choice for busy businesswomen in the Dallas Fort Worth area. Save time, achieve outstanding results, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with relying on Rent-A-Man DFW for all your home improvement needs.
#HandymanServices #BusyBusinessWomen
#ProfessionalHelp #Convenience
Contact us today to schedule your appointment.
CHECK OUT OUR REVIEWS https://lnkd.in/g3c3rDgH
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placidaacheru · 1 year
Join Me Live as I interview Tim Soros an 8-figure Amazon Seller that specializes in Online and Retail Arbitrage. He did over $10 million in Sales in only his second year (and $1.4 million in his first year). For the past 3 years Soros has been helping future entrepreneurs get started on Amazon to help them quit their jobs and create a life they’re truly excited about. ABOUT PLACIDA: Placida Acheru is a sought-after coach and mentor, who shows business owners how to systematically transform their every day into the power to create wealth. She loves tech and encourages her clients to embrace the changing world of business, innovation, and technology. Placida's passion is seeing business owners take charge of their lives, unleash their potential and break through every roadblock to their financial success. Placida is known to make work light and literally hold your hand, to see that you make a success of your business if this is what you want. ........................................ CONNECT: Placida's Instagram https://ift.tt/JFdVqBK Women Amazon Sellers: Join other women Sellers here. https://ift.tt/YVom7KM Female Entrepreneur: Looking for a safe space to network with other women in business? Unleashed Women Entrepreneurs Community (FB Group): This is a group where budding and established businesswomen connect and support each other’s growth. https://ift.tt/TSbuesK #amazonseller #amazonfba #amazonproducts #youtubepodcast by Placida Acheru
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designblyss · 1 year
A classic and feminine birthday invite design🌸
A beautiful and easy way to invite and announce any special occasion to your loved ones, with our personalized digital invites!🤍
💌DM us to get your invitations and announcements designed!
#birthdayinvitation #birthdayinvite #partyinvites #partyinvitations #digitalinvitation #digitalinvite #digitalinvites #digitalinvitations #weddinginvitations #personalizedinvitations #graphicdesigner #graphicdesign #design #designer #logodesigner #creativewomen #womensclub #businesswomen #localbusiness
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europeincomingei · 1 year
What is MICE Travel?
MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and events) has really become a noticeable means for companies to perform occasions in Europe. With its bountiful social heritage, diverse landscapes, and also modern framework, Europe provides a perfect area for companies to host occasions, meetings, and also rewards for their workers. It is very essential to pick a trustworthy firm that has experience in organizing MICE travel, to ensure an effective and also hassle-free occasion. As a knowledgeable European DMC, our committed MICE bookings team is experienced in establishing innovative, spending plan pleasant treatments for business clients of our companions. For massive computer mouse groups, we provide on-site support, ensuring that every info is looked after to ensure that the occasion might be conveniently carried out. For client occasions, we have a network of motivating audio speakers supplied. These audio speakers originate from a variety of backgrounds, including effective solution individuals and also women in addition to people who have excelled in the globe of sports. It is essential because almost every aspect of organization travel includes reoccuring events. The major purposes are constantly to link professionals, develop connections, support new ideas, and encourage advancement. Event coordinators should make a list of the characteristics their perfect place must have in order to select the best option. It was important to function carefully with several distributors in order to develop the appropriate atmosphere on a limited spending plan, as well as to see to it that everything provided on time. The partnerships we develop with our vendors additionally play a large duty in the MICE tour success. Numerous kinds of home entertainment are included in our MICE excursion bundles. Using everything from traditional entertainment like music bands to casual entertainment like DJs, stomach dancers, and also magicians, we are versatile to the demands of our clients. These audio speakers have a variety of histories, consisting of those of achieved professional athletes, successful businesswomen, as well as successful females. A special kind of tourism known as MICE focuses on satisfying the demands of business tourists. To guarantee the success as well as organisation of the occasions, it supplies a series of solutions and facilities. MICE tourism is an useful sector because it offers neighboring firms the possibility to profit from the flooding of company travellers and also develops a sizable amount of money for the traveling sector. We are dedicated to sharing our competence, offering advice and also value for cash, as well as paying very close attention to every information in order to promote the optimal atmosphere and ambiance for your clients' MICE event. Our MICE bundles feature a variety of entertainment. For client occasions, we offer a network of motivational speakers. The audio speakers are women, well-known businesswomen, and also successful professional athletes from a variety of histories. If you like, we can send specialists to work entirely during your seminar or meeting. We have the ability to provide arrangements in any type of style with the needed technical tools and also breaks. We can provide professional as well as enjoyable group building at any kind of area to match your requirements.
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pinchinschlimbah · 1 year
Do you have some sort of like uhhh businesswomen’s special?
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