#but ✨backwards✨✨
murdleandmarot · 30 days
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A quick bluebelle painting :))
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crystallizsch · 1 month
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vagabond-pinky · 2 months
i made this two days ago but it feels apt rn
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xinyuehui · 1 year
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As long as they are a human being they will like him...no, I said it wrong, he's adored not just by humans.
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un-pearable · 8 months
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dnangelic · 7 months
She saw it; the tag sticking out of his pocket with the words ‘Happy Birthday Daisuke’ written on it. And from that, she can only make one assumption. “Niwa Daisuke.” Ah, that sounds too unfriendly. “…Niwa-san. Is it your birthday?”
She does not wait for an answer she's already sure of. She pats at her pockets. Once…twice before deciding there’s nothing in there that would make a proper ‘birthday gift’. Thinking. Thinking. Eyes look around ‘til they settle on a flier behind her and the idea for a surely acceptable, impromptu gift crosses her mind. She pulls the flier free of its pins, inspecting it a moment before folding it over and over until it becomes something of an envelope in her hands. Then, with her back turned to Daisuke, she squats to dig in her purse and pulls out several items. Among these, her wallet, from which she pulls out several bills. She looks over her shoulder, as if to make sure Daisuke wasn’t peeking, then turns back to her hands, straightening the bills and slipping them into her improvised envelope. A couple of seconds–minutes pass before she’s standing and facing him again. She holds out to him his gift: a money envelope decorated with stickers, his name written as neatly as she could manage (which was not very neat by standards), and her name stamped onto the bottom corner, all accompanied with a chocolate bar. “Congratulations on your birthday.” And of course, a blessing as is etiquette. “To your health, happiness, and prosperity. May this be a wonderful year.” //types this real quick b4 the clock strikes midnite (sor ily i hope theres no typos )
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' wha --- ?! ' he stiffens in the street the instant he hears the sound of his full name . even for a boy like himself , to hear its entirety was a rarity --- was he in trouble ? no , wait . that was just ...
' o-oh , eto-san ... ! my birthday ? yeah , but how did you ... ' hand brushes against the tag practically falling out from his pocket , and the perpetual red of his cheeks deepens a little as he flails and flounders in a graceless , hurried attempt to remove-then-stuff-it back in . the clumsy act of his goes on for about as long as the other spends patting herself down , creating what must have seemed like a strange miming session between the two of them to any passerby . ' --- ah , s-sorry ! i should've been more careful ... '
not that the exact date of birthday was any sort of secret compared to what exactly had happened on his fourteenth , but wasn't it a little careless to be running around with a tag like this sticking out ? it could have seemed arrogant and demanding , but his company has already started seemingly scavenging around for ... who knew what , really --- and without any sort of goading . daisuke thinks to say something at first , but it might have been rude to interrupt and ask potentially stupid questions , right ? an idea that morphs from a possibility to a certainty in nothing more than the brief span of her glance back at him --- shoulders high , back straightened , body stiff as a plank once more , until finally ...
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don't tell me she just did all of this for me ?! ' uh , i ... ' a few seconds pass until daisuke snaps out of it . everything ... the stickers and the envelope were so cute ! how had she folded it ?! if he asked her , would she tell him as an extra gift of sorts , too ? or maybe that was too much to ask of her after he had watched ( tried not to watch ) her slip a few bills into the envelope . he's still never met anyone who would go as far as to practically handcraft a birthday gift like this for him , and so quickly , at that ! both of his hands can't help but tremble a little as they lift . wow ... ! ' u-um , i mean --- is it really okay for me to accept something like this ? '
anyone might have said of course , it's your birthday , after all --- but he had never been entirely certain whether or not the other and himself had been exceptionally close . the sort of person he had seen on occasion through dark's eyes had been puzzling ; distant and whimsical , but not quite cold . there had always been this sort of thoughtfulness and generous sentiment that reassured him . when the envelope is finally accepted into his hands , the boy's lips have already lifted into a bright , flattered smile . simple as the gift was , it felt so gracious . some part of him felt inspired .
' eto-san , um ... thank you ! ' was there anything more that he could say ? a bow demonstrates itself to her , completing every formality . ' i'll enjoy the chocolate ... and --- ' maybe he could buy some new paints , or a new canvas , and show her something of his own creation ... ! ' if it's okay ... in a few days , i'd like if you could show me how to make this envelope , too ! '
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laesas · 1 year
Honestly the only people mad about Only Friends being fucked up and messy and sexually charged are either teenagers or adult shut-ins that have never actually interacted with a group of gay people in their early 20's. I promise, hand on heart. It is exactly as chaotic as that. Maybe more.
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thanatosaria · 1 month
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yesterday i finished my endwalker extreme mount grind! 🥳
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little-shiny-sharpies · 11 months
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I really wanna order a custom acrylic standee when my PFD comes in sometime in the fall and had to sketch out an idea that's been buzzing in my brain
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masked-artist-xp · 9 months
Fang's body map!
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pistolslinger · 2 years
im going to eat so much mashed potato n then come back and make it everyones fucking problem
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sugar-autumn · 1 year
random thought: a store that sells exclusively black furniture. its called emoh
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swampjawn · 2 months
Smear frames aren't all created equal!
Episode 15 of Dungeon Meshi returns to the wacky exploits of the main cast, and fittingly, features some incredible animation from some of the show's most recognizable animators, but that of course means it's time to look very closely at one fairly ✨inconsequential✨ detail!!! 🎉🎉🎉
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As the dungeon starts to shake and Chilchuck reels backward, his pupils smear with the fast movement, which happens frequently in this show.
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But normally the animators would tend this type of smear where shapes stretch out and lines become jagged.
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Instead, this one uses this multiple effect where the shape is duplicated a few times to create these after-images in the arc of the movement.
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This style isn't unheard of in Japanese animation, but it's certainly less common than the subtler jagged lines and elongated shapes, and more characteristic of the American sort of Looney Tunes style of animation.
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I think the one time when multiples like this are common in anime would be this type of series of quick jabs like when Star Platinum punches in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, which also comes up later in this episode!
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But in this context, it serves a particular purpose, communicating not just the motion of his head, but also the jittery vibration at the same time, making the motion feel more staccato and less smooth.
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Guess what? I have a secret for you.
I watched the whole episode frame by fame and broke down as much of it as I could fit in a 10 minute video and this is just the beginning so if you found this interesting then GO WATCH IT!
Thanks for reading!
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un-pearable · 8 months
played superstars through the credits with two of my brothers and just. holy shit this game was absolutely not designed for multiplayer. despite the gratuitous marketing focusing on the multiplayer aspect it was CONSISTENTLY lagging to an insane degree and it only got worse when we went from 2 players to 3. i had a great time despite it and i think the game had a lot of potential but by the time we got to the egg fortress fight, well:
kept popping between zoomed out (multiplayer view) and zoomed in (single player view), killing whichever of the characters the camera wasn’t locked on every time it happened
jarringly swapping which character the camera was centered on, snapping into their view and causing more deaths
the ground disappearing and occasionally causing people to clip into it and die every few seconds
the uh. the spinning. happened about half the time the robot swapped between phases
ALL of these problems happened about twice as often when all three players were active, so in order to beat it two of us had to intentionally die for the fight to even be playable
i have ten more videos just like this. we spent nearly an hour here. it happened so often i gave up documenting it. it wasn’t the first major issue (the entire game crashed after beating a level, twice. at one point when we left the shop we were accidentally teleported to the overworld area for egg fortress with no floor loaded and accidentally walked off, then fell eternally) but it’s the one that really broke our spirits. how do you ship this game that you marketed as multiplayer when it’s nigh unbeatable when you actually play multiplayer
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dnangelic · 7 months
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joostsblog · 12 days
Omg hi your writing is so so good!! So I just saw the new photos of Joost (with his broken phone etc) and I thought of a new story… can you maybe write something where Joost trips and has some small injuries like a scraped knee and elbow etc, and reader takes care of him??
I loooooove this! I also noticed that there's a red spot on his knee so I wondered if he actually fell down or something
kiss it better ~ joost klein one shot
My masterlist here ✨💌
Pairing: Joost Klein x female!reader
Description: A bloody scratch on your crush Joost's knee turns into an interesting opportunity for you.
Word Count: 1.1k
A/N: You already know, it's another friends to lovers one shot, i'm a sucker for those. I hope you like it, if you do pls show your support by reblogging ❣️❣️ send in requests i'm having fun with this! 💌
Warnings: blood, not proofread
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Joost had always been clumsy. His drink accidentally slipping out of his fingers when grabbing it. Bumping into a corner when he just told a funny anecdote to his friends. You could even say that the way Joost stumbled into your heart was clumsy. Because he definitely didn't mean to do it, after all, you were just one of his friends. But there he was, definitely not leaving anytime soon - that you were sure of.
Your strategy for dealing with your uncurable crush on your friend was definitely unique. You and Joost were known within your friend group for being ultra-affectionate and flirty to one another. Always alternating between bickering and jokingly complimenting each other. Always making a joke out of every hug and touch you shared.
"Go get a room already," Apson would occasionally say with a roll of the eye and you both would laugh along but secretly you would wish that you could tell Joost about your crush earnestly. Instead, you hid it away under layers of jokes.
Right now you were watching Joost as you and your friends wandered through the streets of Vancouver. You were laughing as Joost walked backwards in front of you, his arms gesturing around wildly as he talked about an idea he had for a music video. You watched his steps intently as you already noticed this to be a risky situation for the clumsy man. You breathed a sigh of relief as Joost dropped the antics and decided to turn around to walk normally again. But as he did, you could only watch as he tripped over the seam of his long pants and fell on the concrete.
"Oh shit," your friends around you exclaimed. "Jooooost," they started to laugh as they realised that he must be not seriously hurt.
Joost sat down on the pavement, his legs bent at an angle and his hands behind him to prop himself up. You kneeled down between his legs to check on him.
"Are you alright?" you asked concerned.
"Yeah," Joost tried to press out a convincing laugh but you could see in his eyes that he must be either hurt or embarrassed by his fall - or maybe a mix of both. When you looked Joost in the eyes you saw him evading your gaze and for a second you were scared that he might start crying. You were glad that your friends didn't seem to pay much attention to the both of you since it was no news to see you lost in your own little world.
"Are you hurt? Let me see," you said and tried your best to be comforting for Joost.
Joost looked down at his hands to inspect them and you noticed a few scratches on one of his fingers. The phone he was holding in his hand was also shattered since Joost didn't use any protective phone cases.
"It's fine," Joost said unconvincingly.
"No, that sucks," you reaffirmed his feelings and softly touched his knee. Joost winced with a smile and you looked down to where your hand just touched. A small spot of red was bleeding through Joost's jeans where he must have scratched his knee during the fall. "Oh, I'm sorry," you said, instead caressing the side of his knee now. "Do you want me to kiss it better?" you said cheekily, right back with your flirty banter you two were so well accustomed to.
"Are you taking the piss out of me?" Joost asked with a pout.
"No, never," you tried to reassure him. "I'm serious," you said and reached into your bag to pull out a pack of tissues. You grabbed the bottom seam of Joost's jeans and looked at him for confirmation before he nodded. Your friends were still not paying much attention to you down on the floor as they instead talked and joked among themselves. You pulled Joost's jeans up until his bleeding knee was exposed. Using one of the tissues you carefully dabbed at the wound to remove the blood. Joost winced at the contact again. "I'm sorry," you said as you were finished.
After one moment of hesitation, you leaned down and pressed a light kiss on the skin of Joost's knee just above the scratch. You looked at Joost and saw a shy smile creeping up on his face so you decided to leave three other kisses on his knee for good measure.
"Better?" you asked.
"Yes, so much better," he said grinning.
"Is there anywhere else you're hurting?" you asked, feeling courageous.
"Here," Joost said and showed you the scratch on his hand which you had inspected earlier.
You carefully took his hand into yours and also cleaned off the blood using the tissue. Joost's hand wrapped around yours as you pulled it towards you until you also pressed a few gentle kisses around the fresh wound.
"Anywhere else?" you asked as you looked at Joost.
"Here," he said quietly and pointed to his lips. Your heart started racing.
"I don't see any scratches there," you teased. You wished you were alone in this moment and nobody would be here to see or interrupt.
"But I'm hurting," Joost said with a pout and you smiled.
Fuck it, you thought.
You leaned forward and cupped his cheek with one of your hands. Joost rested one hand on your waist. You made sure to plant the most gentle, sweetest and loving kiss on Joost's lips. As you leaned back again you both looked at each other and you wondered if this was one of those times when you would show each other affection or say something sickly sweet about the other person under the guise of it just being a joke. Something in Joost's eyes gave you the feeling that this might be different actually, that the both of you were earnest this time. Your heart was beating out of your chest as you decided to go in for another kiss, a second kiss you definitely couldn't play up for laughs anymore. It was longer and deeper and you could feel Joost leaning into you.
"Hey, look at Joost and (Y/N)!" Apson shouted in delight as your friends finally noticed what the two of you were up to.
You pulled away from Joost who looked at you biting down on his lips to hide a grin. You offer your hand to Joost as you get up and help him get up as well. The both of you just ignored the bickering around you as your friends tried to pry into what just happened. Instead, you just continued your path down to wherever you were going anyway. As you walk beside each other you take notice that Joost never let go of your hand, still firmly fitting around yours.
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