#when I had this hairstyle I gave up doing the braids after like 2 week
murdleandmarot · 30 days
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A quick bluebelle painting :))
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azulera · 1 year
We Go Together
Pairing: Jadon Sancho x Black Reader
Summary: Jadon wants everyone to know he’s yours.
Notes: don’t know where this one came from really bt i literally gave myself b*tterflies while writing it … it was so fun and i think its so so cute. also helloo to the JS25 girlies how are you :) hope u enjoy :)
“This is so random, but, I can’t lie. I hate braids. Like, on girls.”
Jadon looked at Reiss from the side of his eye, barely lifting his head from the back of the couch. Maybe they’d been vegetating on the chocolate-colored sectional too long, the blue light exposure from watching TikTok after TikTok finally getting to his friend’s head. It had to be that.
“What, bro?”
“They’re childish, brother, look.” Reiss leaned over, showing Jadon a clip of a girl being spun in a salon chair, with bright blue box braids trailing down the cape around her back. Reiss sucked his teeth twice before the video even ended. “It’s a little kid’s hairstyle, like primary school plaits. I do not rate them.”
Jadon laughed in a loud burst of sound, and shook his head at his friend’s wild take. Reiss’ complaining had triggered an image in his mind that easily refuted each of the critiques he brought up. He pushed the phone away from his face.
“Nah, you’re tripping. Braids are fire. Especially with the little baby hairs out, slicked down and that.”
“Noo, bro, the baby hairs get so extra!” Reiss rocked in his seat. “It’s gotta go, the whole style’s dead.”
“Maybe on gyal you see, but my girl, her things different. I’m telling you.”
“Oh my days– you almost did it, you know? You almost made it ten whole minutes without mentioning Y/N. It’s been 2 years, bro, we get it, you’re locked down, it’s cute, whatever.”
Jadon shrugged, a smile on his lips that he didn’t care to hide.
“I’m jus sayin.”
Reiss laughed, and switched subjects to show him another TikTok he thought was hilarious, but the picture in Jadon’s mind that his friend had summoned was too strong to ignore now, the warm feeling in his chest too sweet to pass by quickly. He half-listened while Reiss explained the meaning behind the joke, and scrolled to your Instagram profile. He went back a few weeks to spring break photos where you were sea-side in a flowy linen outfit with waist length braids falling over your shoulders, caught in the ocean wind. A minute later, he’d reposted the photo to his story, with a caption below.
“I love box braids. 😍 And my girl 😍”
He smiled again when it published, his thousands of followers viewing the image and leaving a flurry of cherry red hearts rising in the corner of the screen. Reiss, realizing he was no longer being listened to, peeked over Jadon’s shoulder, and rolled his eyes.
“You are such a simp, bro. I would banter you more if I wasn’t a little bit jealous.”
“Don’t worry, brother, it’ll happen for you one day. When you stop hating on girls’ hairstyles, I bet. Saying braids are dead, nah, you’re mad.”
Reiss shoved against his shoulder, but quickly slipped back down his internet rabbit hole, and a text came into Jadon’s phone.
Y/N: not u reposting my old pics lol you were lurking?
Jadon: No Jadon: Actually yeah Jadon: Reiss was trashing braids and i had to set him str8 Jadon: Can you come by?
Y/N: you 2 are mad i swear Y/N: and i thought u and him had plans after the match?
Jadon: Nah the braid comment was too much Jadon: I wanna see you
Y/N: yeah thats poor from him. i can be there in an hour :) Y/N: and i just got fresh braids done yesterday, i forgot to tell you lol
Jadon: 😍
“What’s your middle name then? William? Zachary?”
The question registered only faintly in Jadon’s headset, all his focus instead zeroed in on the pixelated movements of his starting XI as they ran alongside Marcus’ XI. The teams were so well-matched that every possession was a battle, and the 85th minute found them in a deadlock with one goal each. It wasn’t quite the time for casual conversation.
“My middle name? What do you mean? No-no-no-no!”
One of his center backs made a sloppy pass, and a pressing forward had intercepted it. Thankfully, the keeper recovered and the score remained 1-1.
“Stop trying to distract me, bro! It won’t work.”
“M’not, I swear! It’s just the letter there on your bracelet. It’s catching the light and I can see it through the screen. And it’s not J or S, so.”
Jadon looked down at his wrist for a moment, at the thin gold chain draped along the left one with a capital letter and small, earth figure hanging in the center. Marcus was right – the jewelry did shine in the light coming in through the window and glowing from the computer monitor, and the sight twitched the sides of his mouth.
“It’s not my middle name, it’s for–wait, wait–”
Jadon paused the game and Marcus cursed over the headset. Still, he went on unbothered, more than happy to provide context around the question his teammate had innocently or not so innocently posed.
“So the letter, that’s for my girlfriend's name. She bought it for me for my birthday, couple years back. It’s nice, innit.” The grin that had started as a twitch now stretched across his mouth. “And the little earth thing is like, it’s like a reminder. That when I’m away, different country, different city, whatever. She’s always with me.”
Marcus smiled at him over the monitor, shaking his head even as his fingers itched to get back to the match.
“Aw look at you, Sanch, big softie. It’s too bad your missus ain’t here now though, to save you gettin whooped in FIFA.”
“No, you’re lucky she’s not here, really, cause I’d have been on a hattrick. It’s a miracle you’re even gettin a sniff, bro.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, stop chatting then and press play. Five more minutes and then we’ll see.”
Jadon resumed the game and leaned forward in his chair, his thumbs flying over the buttons. When his team paused for a corner minutes later, thoughts of you, which had been simmering under the surface ever since Marcus’ inadvertently brought you up, flashed through his mind. It was hard when he was in Manchester, and you were in London, but the little spiel he’d given his teammate reminded him, just as the bracelet did, that if the two of you could ever be considered “apart” it was only ever in a physical sense, never an emotional one. There was nothing that could separate him from you as far as he was concerned, unless he were to tear his own heart out of his chest or something equally dramatic. He decided instead to raise his hand to his mouth, pressing the letter charm softly to his lips. It was your name he whispered against the gold, uncaring if Marcus could hear, as he sent the cross flying towards the box.
“Can I help you find something, sir?”
The salesgirl rested a hand on his forearm as she asked, and Jadon flinched at the touch. He’d been in the shoe store for a few minutes already and no one had noticed him yet, but the intensity of her look told him he’d been recognized. She was suddenly stood so close some of the hair from her ponytail brushed against his shoulder, and he could see the dark clumps in her heavy lashes. Her fingers were cold.
“Yeah, actually,” He stepped away from her while he talked, letting her hand drop. “I’m looking for a pair of those, uh, ugg slippers, slides, the ones with the fur. Do you have those?”
“I believe we do!” She flashed him a smile that lasted too long to be comfortable, and then turned slowly on her heel. “Follow me.”
They walked to the winter footwear section and she lead the way, walking slower and swinging her hips more than was necessary for the 30-second trip. Her performance, however, was lost on Jadon, who had opened up his phone to read his most recent text thread.
Jadon: Baby pick a color, it’s important
Y/N: for what?
Jadon: Don’t worry about it just pick Jadon: Red, blue, black or brown
Y/N: don’t even know what i’m choosing 😳 Y/N: but i’ll say red, it’s our fave
Jadon: 👍🏽
They’d come upon the display of slip-ons, and the girl swept an arm over them, slipping back into a sales monologue about their current popularity with customers, and how the fur-lined interior was more comfortable than any other ugg shoe she’d tried. He thought her boss must be somewhere around, but noticed there was no one near them.
“Do you have the red ones in an 8? And also a 5.5.?”
“Let’s just see!” She bent at the waist, searching the rack of boxes for the numbers he’d requested and making little noises of exertion all the while. Jadon’s eyes were still on his phone, searching for the notes app entry where he’d saved your clothing and footwear sizes and preferences years ago.
“Ooh, I’m sorry, sir, it looks like we only have the red ones in a size 8 and up. Are you sure you need the 5.5?”
She’d moved down into a squat, and now looked up at him through her lashes, biting on her lip. Her eyelids fluttered like there was something stuck on them.
“Yeah, I gotta have them. One second, please.”
Jadon: Pick another color, sorry Jadon: show you why in a bit
He looked up from his phone, waiting on your reply, and found the girl staring back at him. She took his returned gaze as some sort of invitation.
“You know, we sometimes have more stock in the back, extras that don’t make it on the shelves. We could go take a look together, if you want? The door has a lock on it.”
Jadon’s eyebrows flew into his hairline. He looked around the store bewildered, at a temporary loss for words, because all he could think to say was “Don’t you see my girl standing here?” and regrettably you weren’t. He couldn’t believe that anyone could look at him and not see that he was yours.
“Woah, no – absolutely not–” He stepped away from the girl for the second time, putting his hands up between them to maintain the distance. “I’ve got a girl, still.”
“And? I’ve got a man, too. But you’re Jadon Sancho.” She blinked her lashes harder, looking at him again with a challenge in her eyes that he wanted no parts of. Now, he wished he’d said “no” when she’d asked to help him.
“Nah, you have lost it.” Jadon laughed shakily, still in disbelief that she was propositioning him so boldly when he had your name written right there on his forehead. Or at least that’s how it felt. He shook his head and walked to the furthest part of the shelf where the brown colorways were kept, keeping a wide distance from her crouching frame.
“I’ll find them myself, yeah, thank you.”
The girl made a frustrated noise that he would’ve had to strain to hear, before she stood, her eyes still focused on him. She paused a moment, and with a shrug, took off to another part of the store.
Jadon breathed a sigh of relief. Just after, his phone buzzed with your response and it was just as he imagined.
Y/N: brown, then. it looks good on both our skin (whatever it is)
His smile returned.
At the register, he snapped a photo of the two stacked boxes just before they were bagged up and pressed send.
Jadon: Early bday present for u ❤️ Got a pair too cus I wanted us to match
Y/N: 😁 omg! thank u babey Y/N: that’s so sweet Y/N: i didn’t think you fancied them tho
Jadon: ❤️❤️❤️ Jadon: Yeah they look bare comfortable Jadon: And i need people to know we go together when we go out 😭 u don’t kno what i go thru
Y/N: ugh ur so brave, going out in public for me Y/N: thank u for ur sacrifice
Jadon: my **pleasure, innit ❤️
“That’s what you’re wearing? You're sure?”
Jadon continued primping himself in the mirror beside you, flattening the crease in his jeans, and fitting clear glasses onto his face. Lastly, slowly, he dragged his palms down the lines of his shirt, and turned to admire the details on its back.
“Of course I am, what you mean? Got it customized and everything, just for your special day, didn’t I?”
The shirt was jersey material and a bright lilac purple with two grey stripes down the front, but the other side was what had made your breath catch when he’d pulled it out of his bag. Y/N’S BOYFRIEND it read, in sparkly block letters across the back.
“I love it! I love it so much. I love you! Come here.” was all you managed at first, through rapid kisses to his lips, cheeks, and neck, but now that the shock had passed the meaningfulness of the gesture began to set in. You hugged him from behind then, feeling the prickle of the glittery letters against your chest through your robe. The love and appreciation you felt was overwhelming.
“How’d you know I’d wear purple, too?” You murmured into his back.
“Cause I just know.” He answered, looking extremely proud of himself. His hands curled around yours as they travelled up his chest, bringing the left one up to his mouth for a kiss.
“You'll make me cry, you know. Ruin my make-up.”
“Nah, none of that. Go on, finish gettin ready.” He squeezed your butt gently. “They’ll have shut the lights off already, and I need everyone to see.”
Now, inside the small party being held in your honor you were convinced the shirt looked even better, shimmering under the flashing dance-floor lights and complimenting his tanned skin. Together with your lavender shirt-skirt set you looked like brown-skinned Barbie and Ken, like two halves of the same whole, and knowing so made your “birthday girl” glow increase tenfold.
Through the night you floated between groups of friends and acquaintainces, trading memories, laughing hard, and saying thank you for the thoughtful gifts and warm messages given from those who’d come to celebrate. Jadon stayed by your side without fail, clocking the eyes on his garment as he passed, and it seemed the the edges of his smile extended each time there was a whisper of “Aww” or a gasp of surprise. Every now and then he would drop your hand, letting you stray a little ahead of him before wrapping an arm around your waist or joining hands again, so that anyone who hadn’t seen the first time knew exactly who “Y/N” was. When you realized what he was doing, it first made you laugh, then feel warm, and then drag him onto the dance floor so you could pull your bodies close.
“I’m not gassin it, am I?” He asked into your ear, hands carefully pressing your back to his chest. “I’ll go chill, let you dance with your friends.”
“Nah, you’re exactly where I want you.” You leaned your head back onto his shoulder for a moment, closing your eyes, feeling the gentleness of his hands on your waist, of his voice in your ear. Remembering how it was your name on his back for all these friends and strangers in the party to see. The music bumped and your bodies’ continued swaying to it.
“I’m happy you’re here, baby. And I can’t stop thinking about your shirt.” You let out more of the happy giggling that had characterized the night. “It’s my favorite gift so far.”
He shrugged, and you felt the movement against your back.
“I’ve been out the city for a while, innit. Just want to make sure people know what it is, that they ain’t forgot.”
“Do you think I don’t do that?” Your body stilled between his arms. “Is that why you’re on about it so much?”
“No, I don’t think that.” He guided your waist to keep moving again, making a lazy circle in time to the beat. “But I gotta make sure. You know that with me people always got something to say, innit. Always speculation, rumors and that. So I do what I can to make sure there ain’t no questions, about us, I mean. Cause there ain’t.”
“Well, I don’t think nobody’s gonna get confused after tonight. You couldn’t have made it any more clear.”
Jadon only laughed, his actions tonight already saying far more than a million words could. He ducked his head down into your neck for two, three warm kisses, squeezing at your hip, and his soft lips on your skin made you shiver.
You turned in his arms towards him, wrapping yours around his neck.
“It makes me feel so good, though, that. That you’re so proud to be with me. Makes me feel very lucky, and special, very in love with you.”
“You are special.” His lips twitched, fighting a smile, and you scratched one hand into the hair at the back of his neck. ”You’re everything. And you’ve held me down for so long, baby, there ain’t even nobody else to think about. It’s just you, innit.”
“I love you” you spoke, a smile breaking across your features, leaning against him, cradling his face, parting his lips in a gesture that said mine. He returned the kiss and the three words in one breath, his heart thumping, and the only thought in his head a repeat chorus of yours yours yours.
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sorceresski · 1 year
Hi can you do an imagine with Erling x black reader please ?
Headcanons - Erling Haaland x black!reader
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A/N: this felt very meh. Let me know what you think❣️
I know you asked for an imagine but I thought headcanons would be fine
Erling was initially shy to strike up a conversation with you, you seemed so sure of yourself that night in the club. But alcohol and his teammates gave him the confidence he needed.
Him being completely shocked because you had braids when he first ran into you but you showed up for your first date with him 2 days later with a new hairstyle looking like a completely different person.
Erling loved your hair, especially in it’s natural state. But he always looked forward to what new hairstyle you’ll walk in through the door with after disappearing for 4+ hours.
Watching you on wash days just completely enraptured with how much care you put into taking care of your hair.
“Wow, day one and you’re already stealing my clothes,” he said when he walked into the kitchen after your first night together to find you in the shirt you had peeled off his back the night before.
Your hairties always going missing cause he liked to “borrow” them.
Both of you try to make time each week from your busy schedules for date night but his favourite is him cooking dinner for you while you watch and chat about your day.
Comforting each other after a hectic day.
The big guy is actually touch starved and latches onto you when he can. You could be reading a book in bed and he’ll be right there beside you, head on your midriff.
Holding hands whenever you both could, his arm almost always around your waist in public.
You slowly getting him to like Afrobeat music. You knew you were successful where he asked you to share your playlist with him.
Erling loved the height difference between you two, taking every opportunity to tease you about it and you humored him.
He was obviously always big spoon.
He had some bad habits you hated. Like him throwing his shoes wherever at the front door, creating an obstacle course.
Expect expensive gifts and babygirl treatment from him.
Slightly tweaking his closet (the man makes questionable fashion choices) and watching his fans talk about the ‘flavour’ you add to his life.
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8-beats-per-minute · 1 year
Uncanny Valley AU Designs!!
You can skip to the designs if you want then come back, I wouldn’t blame you but I would like to apologize.
I don’t know what happened, I started this right after Christmas 2022 then worked on it basically nonstop for a week and a half. I basically finished Mikey’s design with a few changes and started brainstorming for Raph then my brain was like “lol no”.
It might have been part finding reference poses for Raph or stress from school and exams or burnout or idk. Whatever it was made my motivation disappear. For 3 1/2 months.
I was like “yes stuff is coming!!!! I’m making stuff!!!” And then that just didn’t happen.
Again, I’m sorry.
I’m not going to do much in descriptions (unless I add them later) cause it’s late and I’m tired. I’ve been actually busy for the past 2 weeks.
General design notes!!
I need up doing the connected ears to head idea so that’s why they look so flat
These are meant to reflect Black and Japanese features. I AM NEITHER. If I did something offensive to one of these groups in these drawings I can guarantee I did not know and did not do this on purpose.
PLEASE CORRECT ME IF I DID SOMETHING OFFENSIVE AND I WILL CHANGE IT. I would appreciate it if it is done in a calm matter but I understand if it’s not. Just please don’t call me stupid or racist cause I also have feelings. You can yell at me if I take longer than a week to respond. It would also be best if it was in the comments so it’s easier to respond.
They all have naturally really sharp and thick nails, I just couldn’t show for some of them
I tried giving them masks that incorporated how they wear fabric in their hair. It looks okay but a little weird, especially for Leo and Donnie
I’m writing/posting this between 11pm and midnight after a very long day and with a long day tomorrow so I’m not writing the (aaa I forgot the name for it. The text that explains what the picture looks like) I’ll add it when I have time I’m really sorry tho
Now, without further ado…
The designs!!!
(These might be changed, I have a tendency to change things after and be like wait I like that more but these are basically the designs. They’re also all post-movie so if you want to see pre-movie, as kids or apocalypse let me know :)).
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I gave Leo both vitiligo and red birthmark stripes. Everything is blue (of course) and I’m not a huge fan of what I did for his clothes design but oh well he’s allowed to switch styles. I was stuck between giving him short hair and long hair and blond extensions or not but this is what I settled on. He’s also 10% the type of person to have little bracelets on (Mikey made him the braided one obviously). I have this headcanon that he’d look the most similar to Splinter (as a human obv so Lou Jitsu) so I tried to do that, it’s just hard to go from animated to semi-realistic. Anyway he’s got that superstar dazzling smile/mysterious troublemaker grin. You can’t see but his hair tie is blue. Maybe an actual hair tie maybe a strip of fabric, maybe a scrunchie. It changes every few hours. 
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I was actually pretty excited to do Donnie’s face specifically (him and his very square face). I had a really fun time with his shell tho and all the little spots and scars and spiny parts. I tried to make him look similar but not the exact same and I think I did okay. I definitely think they’d look pretty similar just cause it’d be like “haha were twins :)) -Leo”. I was going to give him headphone but forgot so just pretend there’s headphone plz lol. I also believe he’d wear very baggy clothes but I made his collar way too high cause I feel like he’d hate the feeling of stuff on his neck (no this is not me projecting 👀). He also has sharp teeth but I didn’t show them.
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Oooh boy. I was so excited for Mikey!!! I also gave him vitiligo on his face, arms, hands and legs )not visible). I also feel like he’d change his hair around A LOT so I gave him a few different hairstyles. He also definitely has paint on most of his clothes and paints on them intentionally. He’s a cool sock guy I just KNOW it. I tried keeping his little shell stickers on his “casual” design but had to move it to the other one cause it looked weird. I did put them on his knee pads if you looks close. I had to keep his other cool face knee pads of course, they’re iconic. And I of course kept his off-centre gap tooth.
Last but certainly not least…
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I had so many ideas for him and I got most of them but they’re so half-assed I’m sorry Raph 😭. Especially the pose ughhhh it’s so bad. And the shoes 🥲. Anyways instead of focusing on what I did badly were going to focus more on the idea. A few thoughts I knew I wanted was the scar on his eye and shoulder and to add markings cause Raph deserves to glow too. I added some markings on his forehead and just below his ears if you look close. I also added some on his shell and the spikes on his shoulders. He definitely has the most obvious shell out of his brothers but it’s still smaller than how it is in the show. AH I JUST REALIZED I FORGOT HIS RAPH CHASM 😭. Sorryyyy. I also wish Raph’s markings were lighter but oh well.
That’s all for now! Now that I can stop stressing about finishing this I can try and post more about this, whether it be art or talking about it idk.
Also I plan on making a proper logo soon I just have a very busy month ahead of me so we’ll see how fast that gets done
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christas-museum · 1 year
The Child Manuela: Mädchen in Uniform book (new translation)
For more parts (updates are at least once a week), click #The Child Manuela translation
The next morning came. Lela had held back during the big break. Arm in arm with Jeanne Amos, she walked around the playground, peacefully chewing her bread as if nothing had happened and as if nothing should happen. She watched Eva secretly. Eva—with an apple in one hand and a book she was reading in the other—had stepped out of the door slowly. Now she was leaning her back against the wall, standing on one foot, one knee bent, leaning against the wall. Eva was reading and saw and heard nothing. From time to time she bit into the apple. Every time Lela passed by, she had palpitations. When children ran past and obstructed her view of Eva, she became reluctant. Eva had a red dress on with a short pleated skirt and a white boy's collar. Her soft blonde hair fell over her face as she read. Her hands were white and her fingers were pointed. Lela knew Eva's way home. When the bell rang at twelve o'clock, she was the first to run out of school, having prepared everything well. Not home; because she turned the corner to the right and ran a couple more houses, where she knew about a wide house entrance. There she tore the hair bow from her braid and loosened her hair as if it had come undone while running. She hated her hairstyle. She threw her school bag to the ground and grabbed her hair with both hands. Then she shook herself like a dog fixing their fur after a caress and put her sailor's cap on again.
Now she was peering out for Eva, who was really coming along alone, swinging the briefcase. Lela's heart was pounding in her throat. But she approached Eva bravely and asked modestly, "May I carry the briefcase for you?" She blushed and was hot. Without looking at Eva, she grabbed her briefcase and walked beside her.
Eva laughed.
"Where did you come from? Have you been waiting for me?" She said, obviously flattered.
Lela could only nod. The briefcase was heavy.
"You see," Eva said, "that's what you get out of it! Why do you have a crush on me too? You'll get yourself in trouble now."
"I don't have a crush on you at all," Lela said defiantly.
"So, well, let's see!" Eva made a move, so that Lela got between her and the wall of the house, she pushed her up to the wall, so that Lela couldn't get out of the way. Eva's hands were on her shoulder and she steered them backwards until they touched the wall of the house.
Lela had a schoolbag in each hand and was completely helpless. Slowly, Eva let her hands go up Lela's neck and play with ears. Lela had never fainted. Tears of fear stood in her eyes.
"Look at me! Right in the eyes!"
Lela didn't; in the most insane shame she threw the books to the ground and grabbed Eve's arms.
"Well, you want to defend yourself?" laughed Eva. "That would be the very last!" And she gave her a light slap. "You Indian girl!"
Lela felt her knees wobble. Then Eva let go of her." Well, all right, if you don't want to, then don't! I can live without you, my child."
She picked up her briefcase from the ground and prepared to leave. "Adieu," she said, but Lela could not return the not at all friendly greeting; because she was choking on something in her throat.
So, now everything was spoiled! Now Eva would never, ever talk to her again! Why had she been so stupid? Brooding, head hanging, eyes on the ground, she slowly trotted homewards.
Of course Berti was already waiting for her. Berti was tall for his fourteen years. Although Lela was also the tallest in the class, she always felt small compared to Bert.
"Well, have you talked to her? What happened?" he asked quickly and quietly and went into her room after her.
Manuela got rid of her clothes calmly. "Do you really have a crush on her?"
Bert was outraged.
"Crush, that's what girls have; I admire her."
Lela said calmly, "So?" And remained silent. He couldn't get any more out of her for today also and ended the discussion by saying that she was just a unobliging and stupid person who didn't understand anything, and that was the last time he had confided in her.
The door was shut with a bang. Lela remained strangely unmoved. Usually, when Berti quarreled with her, she had regularly cried heart-wrenchingly. But something had changed today. Almost cheerfully, she went in to the table.
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verdandasrsblog · 3 years
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So this week I got Annoyed™ at Kara-Meir and Garlandia’s designs (Partially due to @enkoro-rs suggesting I do Kara-Meir, after which I fell down a rabbit hole). Like with the Laniakea overhaul I’m going to put my reasoning/inspo under the cut for anyone that’s interested
Honestly, where do I even start with Kara-Meir? I guess I’ll just go top-down, 
1) Hair - Based on the novel covers it seems like she was supposed to be blonde originally, and just have an absolute shit ton of hair. Since the flow of the in-game design’s braids didn’t make no goddamn sense, I found some ACTUAL braided bun hairstyles and combowombo’d them into one mega hairstyle.  The pins in the buns with the danglies are really just to be fancy, but I also wanted to incorporate the bits hanging off her belt in her in-game model’s concept art. 
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pictured: whatever the fuck these are supposed to be
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2) Skin/Face/Eyes - So originally I actually colour dropper her skin from the concept art and then realized she was maybe a bit tanner than the concept, but you know what? Fuck it. I tried to keep her face shape from the concept since the cover art of her is just kinda “Generic white lady” but honestly she got a bit pointier than that in the end. I’m also not sure what her canon eye colour is supposed to be; Zooming in on the ref just gave me brown, which is what I ended up using, but if that’s not correct and anyone has the novels let me know. 
3) Clothing - So I restrained her cape to something someone could maybe fight in, but my main concern was her armor - She’s supposed to be a knight but what’s up with the bikini boob breast plate? She’s portrayed as wearing both chain and full plate in the cover art and is clearly a melee fighter, so changing her to plate armor seemed obvious. Since she can wield Sunspear (t75) it makes sense to me that her Def would be somewhere in the 70s to match, which with the rework means necronium. 
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So like, obviously Necronium is a particular aesthetic that didn’t seem quite right for her. Looking at her lore, she has a wolf theme in her backstory and since she's also supposed to have some smithing ability (she was raised by dwarves) I thought it'd make sense that she might make her own. She’s also been to Morytania in the books, meaning she could have access to Phasmatite (Her access to the Necrite is a bit more iffy but she is hanging out on Tuska after that event so she has at least some experience with the desert).  I had tried out the red glow initially but it looked like shite and didn’t really fit her anyway, so I think the gold is a better compromise both character-wise and aesthetically. 
4) Sunspear - So she canonically has a sunspear, and I ended up using the current in-game design for it since her concept art one just seemed... unstable 
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I get that it’s reforged or whatever but it looks like it’s gonna shatter on impact with anything
Truthfully, though? You know what she should have? One of THESE bad boys:
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AKA just a Grecian-style spear head. It’d also be more believable that she thinks it’s a dagger if it looks like this. I still think the in-game sunspear is a bit more ~dramatic~ but it should just be a spear tip quite frankly 
Okay, onto Garlandia: 
1) Hair/Face/Skin/Eyes - I’m grouping the hair in here since I honestly just left it as the in-game version (At least from what I can see from her chat head, I can’t remember if there’s some BS going on on her back or not).  Ancient Greek women did tend to braid their hair so that’s accurate-ish, I guess. For her skin though, she mentions in dialogue that “Her skin shed its colour”, but her model isn’t any paler than the other icyene in game. Accordingly, I made her significantly paler, and gave her a bit of frost bite damage on her extremities from the winter she had to endure after her wings were ripped off (I considered making it darker but there’s a point where they just need to be amputated since it won’t heal, so I went with something less intense to show that it’s healed since). For her eye colour, I zoomed in on her chat head but it wasn’t quite clear - 2/4 icyene in-game have blue eyes, but I went with gold to match the rest of her pallet. 
2) Clothes - This is a big one since I spent a lot of time staring at Greek art trying to figure out what a Greek-inspired character would wear when they never want to be cold ever again (It would make sense for her due to the trauma). Additionally, her skin is kinda fucked, and having it be uncovered would probably just lead to sunburn which is the last thing she needs. The shape of the middle woman’s chiton below inspired the hem of her dress, since I wanted to give her a very flowing, fashionable look:
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She was supposed to have been a noble so like, fuckin’ Fashion, Baybee
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I also turned her weird metal underpants into a girdle, since a waist band of some form or another isn’t uncommon in the images we have of ancient Greek attire: 
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Garlandia, why did you have metal panties? 
Since she’s a bard (I THINK?) I also strapped on some extra storage for sheet music. Her jewelry was inspired by the following pieces, though TBH she could probably be decked out more, I just wanted to leave her hands mostly free for that good good harp playin’ 
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3) Shoes - These get their own section because I did way too much research for it not to. Basically, most Greeks straight up didn’t wear shoes, never mind socks. Also, in her model, is it just me or do her shoes look uncomfortable as fuck??
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Yikes girl are those cutting into your thighs?
Anyways, with her feet/toes being fucked up from frostbite, I wasn’t going to NOT give her shoes/socks, which meant I started looking at roman artifacts instead:
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I found mention of romans wrapping their feet in fabric when it got cold, but the only “sock” I could find was from a roman fort in Britain:
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So, like, needless to say after all that and also getting suckered into reading about the nuances of gladiatorial combat for like an hour I ended up going for something more modern:
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So anyways they’re 0% accurate from what I could find but I like the vibe 
4) Himation - So remember what I was saying about how Garlandia would probably hate being cold? Check out these bad boys: 
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Basically the ancient Grecian version of the Blanket Cape, and also used as outerwear in the winter! It seems like the winter ones would have been made from wool, I’d imagine she’d wear it most places except maybe the desert or Karamja since those are warm enough on their own. 
Anyways thanks for coming to my fucking runescape character redesign dissertation, next on the chopping block? Who knows. Maybe Zuzu (I heard her voice acting recently since I never play with sound and YIKES YIKES YIKES YIKES I HAD NO IDEA OH GOD)
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hihellogoodbyebruh · 4 years
Is She the Reason? - Part 2
Part 1 Part 3
Pairing: Angel Reyes x Black!Reader
Summary: When a heart breaks, no it don’t break even.
Warning(s): Aaaaangst, cussing, mentions of cheating, threats of violence :)
Word count: 1,824
Author’s Note: It’s finally here! I promise Imma give y’all some fun sexy Angel in my next fic. I had a couple people ask about a taglist so I guess I have one now. Lol. If anyone wants to be added, please let me know! As always questions, comments, and concerns are welcome. My inbox is open. Enjoy!
TAGLIST: @holland23567 @trulysuccubus
It had been almost a month since you’d seen Angel or even been to the clubhouse. Bishop stopped by to check on you and you steadfastly refused to give him any details about the breakup. He told you he’d fuck Angel up if you asked, but you didn’t want that. Plus Chucky had already told you about the punch and you didn’t want to bring anymore drama into the club. One of the many reasons you didn’t want to date anyone in the MC in the first place.
It had been a rough couple of weeks. For so long you alternated between being angry and sad and finally you were just beginning to feel tired of it all. Heartbreak was exhausting. You stayed mostly cooped up in your home. You blocked Angel from being able to call or text you and the one time he showed up at your doorstep you threatened to call your shotgun toting father if he didn’t leave.
Currently, you were at the diner enjoying a lunch date with your best friend who was on her lunch break from work. You were dressed in your usual casual cute wear, with your hair up in afro puffs. It was weirdly comforting to have that hairstyle in. It reminded you of your childhood and it made you feel good. You knew the risk of seeing Angel would be great and you’d be damned if you let him see you looking a mess. Your pride couldn’t handle that on top of everything else.
You probably shouldn’t have thought about him because there he was walking through the doors and heading straight towards you. All you could do was sigh loudly.
“Hey y/n, can I talk to you?” He asked, quietly. The usual swagger he had was muted and he seemed nervous. Never thought you’d see the day.
“You must be outta your mind. There are knives on this table. Tell me right now why I shouldn’t stab you where you stand.” Your best friend asked, though the question was rhetorical. You knew she felt betrayed and angry on your behalf, but also on hers. She felt bad that she had pushed you to talk to him all those years ago. He looked like he didn’t think she would do it but you spotted her hand inching towards a steak knife so you placed your hand over it first and slid it towards yourself.
“Your lunch break is practically over. You better head back to work before you’re late.” You told her, trying to stop a bloodbath from happening. Plus, deep down you knew you two needed to talk. You couldn’t avoid him forever.
It was her turn to sigh as she looked at the time. “You’re so lucky, fuckboi. Move.” She demanded, glaring at Angel and he took a step back as she slid out of the booth. “I’ll call you after my shift. Don’t give this pendejo too much of your time.” She kissed you on the cheek and gave him one more death glare before walking out. 
Angel just quietly slid in the booth across from you and took her place. No one said anything as you both stared at each other before you couldn’t look at him any longer and averted your eyes. “What do you want?”
“I miss you.” He stated and you couldn’t help the bitter laugh that escaped you. 
“You gotta be kidding me. Bye Angel.” You did not wanna hear that shit so you started to move out of the booth.
“Wait.” He grabbed your wrist. “Don’t leave...please.”
“When I said don’t touch me again,” You began, snatching your arm away. “I meant that. What could we possibly have to talk about? How you’re a liar and a cheater? A fucking coward that let me confront him on his bullshit because he couldn’t fess up to it. Is that what you wanna talk about?” The anger came back in full force as you remembered everything he did. All the lies he had to tell to keep the affair going. He let you feel like you were being paranoid when you knew something was off. He made you doubt yourself and that more than anything, pissed you all the way off. “You were fucking her right under my nose. I bet you couldn’t wait to get in her pants.”
“It wasn’t like that.”
“Oh it wasn’t? Please tell me what it was like then. On top of all of that, you have the audacity to tell me you love me?”
“I do love you.” He stubbornly repeated and before you could stop yourself your temper hit the roof.
You slammed your hand on the table hard enough that the dishes shook and loudly proclaimed, “You don’t love me! You don’t even love yourself, Reyes! Because if you did, you wouldn’t have ruined the best thing in your life.”
Your outburst garnered attention from other patrons and workers in the diner and you felt only slightly embarrassed. You talked yourself down in your mind and took several slow breaths. You really didn’t want to cause a scene but he just pressed your buttons. Your hand vaguely throbbed, but you ignored it wanting to hang on to your anger for longer.
Angel was silent for a moment. He wanted to actually think before he spoke. A rarity for him. “It really was just work at first. The Rebels needed so much help and I was out there for so long that we just got close. She was so passionate about the cause and selfless with the kids. I got caught up in a moment...in a feeling. But that doesn’t mean I don’t love you.”
“And where does that leave me? Four years, Angel. I gave you four years of my life. I gave you all of me. I dealt with all the shit that came with being with you because I loved you and I wanted you. You get caught up in a moment and my life is changed forever, but I’m just supposed to forgive you?” You scoffed and shook your head at him. “And you weren’t just caught up in a moment. I saw you two. It’s not just a sexual thing. You can lie to me but don’t lie to yourself. I tried for so long to reach you and you gave me nothing back. I knew something was going on. I much would have preferred you just tell me.”
The truth of your words hit him and his chastised face said it all. “I’m sorry, querida-“ He began, but you sharply corrected him.
“Don’t call me that. Not anymore.”
“I’m sorry, y/n. So sorry. I was too ashamed to admit what was happening. And I thought I could keep it all separated, but...things didn’t work out that way.” The thing with Adelita spun out of control faster than he could control it. 
A feeling of resignation was slowly coming over you. A part of you was still upset, but you’d already played this through your head a million times. Nothing he said could change anything. This conversation merely confirmed that you needed to move on. “You know what’s the worst part of all this? I told you in the beginning that this would happen. And I asked you not to let it. You promised me you wouldn’t and yet here we are. I knew you weren’t ready and I let you sweet talk me and I fell for you. Now you’re just another man to disappoint me.”
Angel’s eyes briefly closed as the weight of your words hit him hard again. He never wanted to be a disappointment in your life. He wanted to be responsible for your smiles and your joy. He just wanted to love you, but he didn’t do it the right way and he fucked it all up. He was so conflicted inside. He wished he had never agreed to help the rebels.
It felt good to tell him how much he hurt you, but there was nothing left for you to say. You weren’t completely healed and being around him for this long still stung. You’d never admit it, but there was still a side of you that wanted to be back in his arms. Only your stubbornness kept you in check. “Look, we're gonna eventually have to be around each other. I’m not giving up on my relationship with Bishop because of you. He’ll always be family. But let me tell you right now that we are not friends. I will tolerate you at best. Maybe one day we’ll be acquaintances but there is no guarantee. More than the heartbreak, it’s the disrespect and disloyalty that I can’t easily forgive. Or forget.”
He racked his mind for something to say back. The perfect thing that would bring you back to him or just make things better, but he didn’t know what to say. “I understand,” was all he could manage.
You dropped enough cash on the table to pay for lunch and generously tip your server before getting up. You had nothing else to say to him. You didn’t even bother with a goodbye. You just walked out of the diner and into the parking lot. As you walked to your car, an SUV pulled up next to you and you smiled at the person you saw step out.
Angel stayed seated and stared at the table. He was still hoping the right words would come to him. Maybe he just needed to give you more space. He still didn’t know what to do about Adelita, but deep inside he wasn’t ready to let you go either. He knew it wasn’t fair, but he couldn’t help his feelings. He lifted his head to watch you speed away in your car but when he did his stomach dropped at what he saw.
You were standing there talking with Nestor. He didn’t realize you two knew each other. Where did that fucker even come from? Whatever Nestor was saying brought out the first smile from you that Angel had seen in a long time. You reached out to pull his braid over his shoulder and Angel didn’t know that asshole well, but he didn’t seem like the type to just let anyone touch his hair. Nestor had the softest look on his face as he looked at you. 
He pulled you into a hug and Angel watched as your body practically collapsed in his arms. Angel remembered when you’d do the same to him. When you trusted him enough to be vulnerable and show that tired side of you. Nestor’s hand settled on the back of your neck as he pulled you close. His hand massaged your neck and you just stood there with your face buried in his chest. It was enough to make Angel’s fists clench.
It hurt to watch you with someone else. Was this how you felt when you saw him with Adelita? Nestor’s interest was clear and even if you weren’t ready now, it was obvious one day you would be. He doubted Nestor would be a fool like him. Karma sure has a sense of humor.
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forever-animated · 4 years
TDP Season 4 Preliminary Predictions, Part One (1-12)
So with S4 in production, no trailer in sight, and a TBA release date, it looks like there’s still a wait before we get any news on the upcoming season.
That being said, we do have some information to go on regarding what might be in store for our favorite characters. (Previous SDCC interviews, the recent Instagram Live and Reddit AMA with the creators, Callum’s Spellbook, and of course, Through the Moon.)
So I decided to put together some preliminary predictions based on the info we have so far. My desire is to create a TDP S4 bingo board just before the season airs, so that gives me 24 guesses/predictions to come up with (not including the free space). I’ll probably tweak most of these once we get our trailer, since I’m sure it’ll provide more insight as to the direction of the show.
So without further ado, here are my first 12 TDP S4 preliminary predictions...
1. Spring 2021 Release
During the Reddit AMA at the beginning of October, the creators gave the following update:
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Since it’s been over a month, we can safely assume they’re in production now.
From what I understand, pre-production is mostly writing and storyboarding, possibly voice recording as well. If they’re in the production phase, that means animation has begun.
Let’s consider the turnaround time for past seasons. S1′s airdate was September 14, 2018; S2′s was February 15, 2019; and S3′s was November 22, 2019. This means that there was only a five month gap between S1 and S2, and a nine month gap between S2 & S3. 
The gap between S3 & S4 has been longer than both of those. But considering that we’ve had a global pandemic and that we’ve been waiting on Netflix to greenlight more seasons, this is to be expected. We only heard about the renewal back in July. Assuming the team started work around that time, they’ve already been working for about four months. 
If we estimate that it’ll be another five months before we see S4, (nine months in total, same as the wait between S2 and S3), that means it will air around April 2021. Of course, it could air before or after - depending on how long production takes. But I believe it’s safe to say that we could be seeing TDP S4 air in spring 2021. 
2. Timeskip < 6 Months
We know from interviews that there will be a timeskip between S3 & S4. If you’ve read Through the Moon, you know that there’s a few weeks in between the end of S3 and the beginning of the graphic novel, and that the events of the story happen in the span of about two weeks. So we can estimate that it’s been about a month between the end of S3 and the end of TTM.
We also know there will be a bit of a timeskip between TTM and the start of S4, per the Reddit AMA, but we’re not sure how long that will be.
My guess? The timeskip between S3 & S4 will be six months or less. 
I was initially going to play it safe and say “less than three years,” because anything more than that would require a recast to account for teenage Ezran. (And given how much the creators and fans LOVE Sasha, I doubt a recast will ever happen in the show.) 
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But realistically, I don’t think the timeskip will be more than a half a year. The events of TTM imply that the story is very much moving forward, and anything too far in the future would give the audience too much to be caught up on. So it’ll likely be only a few months of a gap between seasons, and definitely less than six.
3. New Clothing & Hair for Characters
Many of the characters in ATLA received either new hairstyles or clothing between the seasons. So following that logic, and given that Ehasz is behind both shows, it stand to reason the same will hold true for TDP.
The creators have confirmed that Callum will be going “sun’s out, gun’s out” for S4. (Their words, not mine.) This makes sense since he now knows how to cast mage wings, and he wants them to be readily accessible at a moment’s notice.
We also see that Rayla’s sporting a new cloak when she leaves at the end of TTM, so she’ll likely have this for S4 as well. 
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Ezran may get new garb as well, as he settles into his new role as king.
I also think it’s possible that their hair could change as well. Rayla’s on her own now, so her hair will probably just get longer. Maybe she’ll braid it or wrap it up in a ponytail to keep it out of her face. If Callum returns to Katolis, he might get a haircut in-between seasons. But if he goes straight out to search for Rayla, his hair might be even longer.
Either way, new hair and clothes seems like a given.
4. Older Zym
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The creators have assured us in prior interviews that Zym is still very much a part of this story. It is called The Dragon Prince after all.
That being said, I think it’s possible we’ll see a slightly older Zym next season, especially due to the timeskip. I doubt he’ll get much bigger. He’ll probably go from being the size of a puppy to the size of a full-grown dog. And I don’t think he’ll talk yet. That seems like it won’t be for many years in the future.
Still, I think we can reasonably look forward to seeing an older Zym.
5. Mid Season Rayllum Reunion
I already have a post highlighting the reasons why I think Callum and Rayla will definitely reunite in S4, as I know many fans are wondering if they’ll spend the whole season apart. 
But I think this reunion may happen sooner rather than later. By that, I’m guessing it’ll happen at the midway point - either episodes 4 or 5.
This gives us the chance to have three or four whole episodes with them apart, which seems like a reasonable amount. Then we get their reunion, which’ll likely be it’s own episode. Then we get four or five whole episodes with them together again, dealing with the fallout of Rayla’s decision, working together, and hopefully reconciling by the season’s end. This seems like it could be a nice, tidy arc for them to have for the season, so that’s what I’m going to guess will happen.
Plus, it’ll have us feeling all the feels.
6. Janai’s Brother Wants the Throne
It’s been confirmed that Janai and Khessa have a younger, unnamed brother. We know nothing about him, and the creators decided not to comment when asked about him during the AMA. This means that he’ll likely be an important player for S4.
One of the writers (I believe it was Devon) also confirmed via Twitter that Janai is next in line for the throne after her sister’s death, calling her Queen Janai. 
This raises a very interesting potential plotline for S4. What if Janai decides to ally with the humans that helped during the battle at the Storm Spire? What if her brother is not happy about this? Letting a human into Lux Area was the reason Khessa died, after all.
What if Janai’s brother decided to make a play for the throne - either by contesting Janai’s rule, threatening civil war, or by trying to usurp the thone?
The creator’s have mentioned that despite the Zym being returned to Xadia, there is still a long road to peace between the elves and humans. They alluded to an “event” that makes Ezran aware of this.
Unrest / war between the Sunfire elves could very easily be what they’re talking about. And Janai’s brother wanting the throne could very easily be the catalyst for that.
7. Aaravos in the Shadows
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Many fans are speculating that our main characters may now finally become aware of Aaravos’s existence in the series. As for me? I’m not so sure.
Keep in mind, outside of Viren, Claudia, and perhaps a handful of Sunfire elves, no one else in the show knows of Aaravos’s existence. He’s been keeping to the shadows, pretty clearly using Viren as his puppet. 
With the end of S3, he’s in the cocoon, leaving Viren and Claudia on their own. We don’t know how long it’ll take for him to emerge, or even what form he’ll take when that happens. But we do know that he’ll be back for S4, per Erik Todd Dellums. (And apparently, he’ll have an even sexier voice.)
I imagine he and the dark mage fam will have their own arc in S4, which may eventually intersect with whatever the main cast is up to, but not for awhile yet. As for Aaravos himself, I think he’s playing the long game. And I think part of that means staying in the shadows as much as he possible can, while he consolidates power. The goal it seems is to make his form stronger and stronger, and eventually finding a way to leave the mirror realm entirely. Why would he want to play his cards too early?
So with Viren and Aaravos out of the way for much of S4, who does this leave as the main antagonist?
8. Sol Regem, Main Antagonist
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Enter Sol Regem. It’s been confirmed that we’ll see him again, after all. And we know just how much hatred he has for humans. He was hellbent on frying Callum to a crisp, even after he had agreed to return the human kingdoms.
It was revealed that Sol Regem was once revered by the Sunfire elves, before he became a symbol of rage and bitterness. Still, this reverence is an important part of Sunfire history.
This is something Janai’s brother could leverage if he’s looking to usurp the throne and pit the human-hating Sunfire elves against those that are loyal to Janai. With the literal Sun King on his side, he becomes a formidable foe.
This could be the event that leads Ezran to act. Will the humans who fought at the Storm Spire come to the aid of Janai and her people? Will the Dragon Queen weigh in on this matter? Will they need to gather the other elemental dragons together in hopes of defeating Sol Regem? (If so, this is a way we could bring Rex Igneous into the story.)
This might be a bit of a stretch, of course. But it does lead for an interesting direction for S4, and S5 as well, and would be a way to introduce more dragons and keep Zym and his mother in the story. 
And, as I stated in my Rayllum S4 reunion post, this gives Rayla incentive to stop hunting Viren and shift gears to focus on the more emergent threat. Which in turn could reunite Team Zym once again.
9. Rex Igneous Eats a Jelly Tart
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It’s pretty much a given that we will meet Rex Igneous (the Earth dragon) in this season. You can see a sneak peak of him in Callum’s Sketchbook, which has the following caption:
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It was also revealed by the creators that some “very important figures” would be eating jelly tarts in upcoming seasons.
Given this information, it doesn’t seem farfetched to imagine that Rex Igneous will be one of those figures.
10. Soren & Ezran Adventure / Bonding
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Soren used to share his screen time with Claudia, but now that she’s out on her own with her dad, he’ll need a new buddy to share screen time with.
I nominate Ezran, mostly because S3 dealt a lot with their relationship, and it just makes sense to continue to develop this in S4. Plus, Ezran’s the king and Soren’s the guard. Where he goes, Soren follows.
So it makes sense that they’ll have an adventure together in S4.
11. Dramatic Claudia Reveal / Confrontation
I had this on my list for awhile, but Ehasz tweeted this and nearly confirmed it:
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I think we’re going to get either a really dramatic reveal or confrontation between Claudia and another character. Either Viren, Soren, or possibly Callum. (I don’t think it’ll be Rayla, since she has no real connection to Claudia.) Or perhaps it’ll simply be a dramatic reveal for us, the audience.
Either way, stuff’s going down.
12. Callum Learns Moon Arcanum
The creators have mentioned that Callum will be learning more of the primal sources in future seasons. I think it stands to reason that moon will be next for him.
S3 already showed him starting to grasp a lot of the fundamentals of the source - both in their evasion of Sol Regem and in casting the spell to see Rayla’s parents. Through the Moon builds on this even more, with him using moon opals to cast more moon magic, and learning even more from Lujanne regarding the nature of the primal.
Being separated from Rayla might be the push he needs to finally unlock the arcanum once in for all. Perhaps it’ll be key to tracking her down, if he goes after her.
If not, perhaps understanding Rayla’s past and the decision that she made, and their reconciliation is what will trigger it.
Hard to say for sure, but I feel like this will relate to Rayla in some way. And it will definitely happen in S4.
Okay, that’s it for now. I’ll do a part 2 eventually and go through my last 12 predictions.
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delightfulfics · 4 years
Consequences (Geralt x Reader)
A/N: Hey everyone! Thank you so much for the support, I really appreciate it. This is a new fandom that I am writing for. I have finished the show about a week ago and fell in love with Geralt. So I decided to try and write for him. Hope everyone enjoys and is having a safe quarantine :)   - K
Summary: Reader messes with Geralt and has to face the consequences. 
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It was around two in the afternoon when you were back at the setup.  You had taken a walk in the forest and gone hunting for practice. You wanted to stay longer in the woods but, your brother, Geralt, demanded that you were back by 2 and you knew better than to go against his orders. Walking up to the little tent you expected you brother to be outside waiting but, he wasn’t. You were curious where he had gone so you went into the tent and there he was. Laying on one of the small sleeping bags, curled up with his eyes shut. You scoffed at the sight of him. You and your brother were on a hunt for a monster that was disturbing a near by town and since you couldn’t find it on the first day you both had agreed to set up camp in the woods near the camp and rest there. Geralt was never one to take naps. He was a Witcher after all. He was always on alert but, you weren’t complaining since this was the first time you have seen him peaceful in a long time.
You walked over to your brother and stood besides his sleeping form. You knew you should wake him up since there was a monster running loose but, you decided against it. An idea popped in your mind and you smirked. His long white hair was all over the place. Geralt never let anyone touch his hair but you. He would occasionally ask you to put half up and half down. You always asked him to put his hair in cute pigtails or two braids but he always responded with a grunt and a “no”. You saw this as a wonderful opportunity to give him a new hairstyle. So you stepped on the other side of him, facing his back and knelt down. You carefully grabbed the left side of his hair and starting braiding it. After a minute you finished and secured it with a hair-tie. You were about to start the other side when Geralt shot up. You stood very still, hoping that he wouldn’t see you since you were behind him but, he slowly turned towards you with his eyebrows furrowed. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” You pointed to his braid and Geralt put his hand on it. He looked at you with his eyes narrowed as you smirked.
“What? You don’t like it?” 
“No, I don’t,” Geralt grumbled as he stood up. You still were crouched next to his sleeping bag, disappointed you didn’t finish. 
You sighed, “Boring ass,” Geralt turned back towards you quickly.
“Did you just call me an ass?” He crossed his arms as he moved to stand in front of you.
“Damn Geralt, you really are getting old if you couldn’t hear me,” you stood up and backed away from your brother, prepared for whatever was coming your way.
“You woke me up from my nap, played with my hair, and now you are calling me old,” he chuckled and started walking towards you. “You have just made a huge mistake, Y/N,” his eyes glistened with mischief as you glanced at him. His steps echoed in your head as you stared into his cold eyes. You then made the choice to run for your life. This was probably the fastest you ran in your whole life (from your brother that is). You almost made it to Roach but you were picked up and thrown over Geralt’s shoulder. You tried to push yourself off of his shoulders as he walks back towards the tent but, you couldn’t escape his strong grip. 
“Geralt. Let me go,” Geralt chuckled in response. As soon as you both got in the tent he set you down, wrestling you to the ground on one of the sleeping bags. Geralt sat on your waist and looked at you with the biggest smirk.
You clenched your jaw and shoved at his chest.
“Alright. Enough of that,” he said as he grabbed both of your wrists and pinned them above your head. 
“Would you really hurt your sister, Geralt?” 
“Who said I would be hurting you?” You looked at him with your head tilted and your eyebrows raised. He smirked at your confusion and sighed. You were too focused on getting out of his grip you didn’t notice a tickling sensation on your side. When you did notice you looked down to see Geralt hand’s in a claw form, gently scratching at your side. You head shot up and looked at your brother with your eyes wide.
How did he know?
Geralt seemed to read your mind and said, “Why would I forget such useful information?”
“Well that information is useless now. It doesn’t work on me anymore,” it was so hard for you to keep your giggles in from Geralt’s hand still tickling your side. In response to your comment Geralt looked at you in confusion, the same look that you gave him earlier. 
“Are you sure about that,” Geralt squeezed your side and you jolted but managed to hold in laughter. He grunted and did it again. You jolted once again and a giggle slipped. You mentally slapped yourself for not keeping it together. Geralt smirked as he looked at you as you bit your lip, keeping anymore giggles inside. “Okay, I am done playing games.”
You screeched and slammed your arms against your sides as Geralt let go of your hands and shot his hands up your armpits, wiggling and vibrating his fingers. Why did you still have to be fucking ticklish? Even though the Witcher didn’t look like he had a soft spot, he did for you. He was always there for you since the day you were born. He would do anything to make you feel protected and happy (even if it involves tickling you to tears). He always loved your laugh so when you were younger Geralt always tickled you. It has been so long and things had changed (or so you thought). You weren’t complaining though, you loved the attention that your brother gave you. But, he really knew how to torture you.
After Geralt was done torturing your armpits he went to the spot that always made you laugh the hardest (and that was secretly his favorite spot), your stomach. He shot both of his hand on both sides of your stomach and vibrating his hands in. You shot your head back and cackled loudly. Geralt saw an opportunity to make your laugh even harder and squeezed your sides and slammed his head in your neck, moving his head knowing how much his stubble always made you go crazy. You giggled loudly as you tried to protect your neck but he was “stuck”. He laughed into your neck as he heard your giggles increase and blew a big raspberry in your neck (one of your biggest weaknesses). Your laughter feel silence when he blew the 3rd rasberry and that is when Geralt decided to give you a break. He moved his head out of you neck and removed his hands from your sides. He looked at you while you were giggling and smiled. 
“God, I hate you so much,” you said and he chuckled in response.
“You are gonna hate me so much more,” you saw his smirk and knew exactly what he was about to do.
“Geralt, no. Please, stop. GeraLT DON”T,” you said as he lifted up your shirt and put his face in your belly, shaking his head and blowing a huge raspberry. You screeched and pulled at his head to make him stop. After you took a big tug of his hair Geralt lifted his head, grabbed your hands and looked at you. 
“Are you sorry?”
“Do I have to tell the truth?” Geralt poked around your stomach making you giggle even more. “OkAy, I am sorRy.”
“Great,” he patted your stomach and stood up. “Now you know the consequences of pissing off a Witcher,” he turned around and started to gather supplies for the rest of the journey. “I would get up if I were you. Unless you want me to come back.”
“NO! I’m going,” Geralt chuckled once more as he walked towards Roach. You sat up and sighed
I will never do that again. Unless I want more “consequences”.
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ryqoshay · 3 years
Tri-Arame: Betting For Play
Primary Pairing Trio: YuuAyuSetsu Words: ~3.1k Rating: T Time Frame: First year of college? Maybe second? Dunno yet Story Arc: Stand Alone
Author’s Note: Welp, this ended up a heck of a lot longer than originally intended. Not complaining mind, but there were only two original bits I wanted to include and it just kept growing from there.
Ayumu startled as an anguished cry sounded from within as she opened the door to her dormroom.
“Y-Yuu-chan?” She inquired, quickly trying to assess the situation. “Are you alr…” Oh.
“Ayumu!” Yuu tossed the controller she was holding into the air as she bounced up to her feet.
“Ayumu-san!” Setsuna greeted as well, deftly deflecting the discarded device to land softly on the bed as she also jumped up.
The two raced across the room toward Ayumu who couldn’t hold back a smile at their antics even if she had wanted to. In the short few weeks the trio had been dating, Yuu and Setsuna had begun a friendly, though no less serious competition to be the first to greet her when she was the last to arrive home. It was one of many ways the two challenged each other but it was probably the one that amused Ayumu the most.
And even if she did feel a little strange being the subject of such a contest, she’d be lying if she said she disliked it. After all, just the way the two lit up merely upon seeing her was enough to warm her heart and drive away any dreariness of the day. As such, she almost preferred coming home last because of this new routine.
“Welcome home!” Setsuna launched herself the last meter or so into a tackling hug.
“I’m back.” Ayumu giggled, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend, and tilting her head down for a kiss.
A sigh sounded from her other girlfriend. “You’re too fast, Setsuna-chan…” Yuu lamented.
Both Ayumu and Setsuna laughed as they parted.
“Well, I do maintain a regular exercise routine, which includes running outside or spending some time on the elliptical.” Setsuna explained as Yuu took her turn to greet Ayumu. “And you know you’re always welcome to join me for my morning routine, Yuu-san.”
“But I do, though… sometimes…” Yuu reminded as she stepped away to allow Ayumu to remove her shoes. “And don’t you also do a bunch of more stuff at the studio?”
“Well, yes,” Setsuna conceded, “but that is more focused on dancing and singing. What I do on my own here is more general fitness.”
“Hrm…” Yuu seemed to consider the idea for a moment before her expression changed. “Anyway, you’re only one win up.” She jutted her chin back toward where they had been playing a moment ago. “You gotta win by two.”
“Right.” Setsuna nodded before turning.
“Eh?” Ayumu uttered as Yuu suddenly slid in close to peck a kiss on her cheek.
Setsuna either caught the movement with her peripheral vision or responded to Ayumu’s voice, or both, as she spun around and strode back. With a sly glance toward Yuu, she mimicked the gesture from Ayumu’s other side. Yuu responded by sticking out her tongue, at which they both giggled.
For her part, Ayumu couldn’t help joining in with the laughter. “Are you two going to carry over your little contest through making dinner tonight as well?” Though the concept was amusing, part of her feared how such a competition might affect Setsuna’s already adventurous attitude in the kitchen.
“Don’t need to.” Yuu said with a grin as she pulled something out of her pocket before presenting it proudly. “I won this at the store on the way home today.”
“Yuu-san and I already picked out what we want and have a pending order up on your laptop.” Setsuna explained.
“Alright, I’ll add my order in a moment.” Ayumu said with a smile.
Though neither girl said as such aloud, Ayumu couldn’t help wondering if the two had made their own side contest with the convenience store promotion. The fact that Yuu had emphasized that she had been the one to win the gift certificate felt like a strong indicator, along with a notable increase in competitiveness between them recently. At least they were having fun.
“Ne, Setsuna-chan,” Yuu spoke up as the two made their way back to the kotatsu “wanna add a little extra incentive to the game tonight?”
“What do you have in mind?” Setsuna tilted her head with curiosity as they retrieved their controllers and took their places.
“Something like the winner gets to make a request of the loser?”
“What kind of request?”
Yuu shrugged. “I dunno, maybe like drawing on their face like when we play Hanetsuki during the New Year celebration?”
“I don’t believe we have any ink…”
“Then maybe make them do pushups, get the winner a snack, clean their ears or something? I’m sure we can figure out something.”
Setsuna considered the suggestion for a moment before smiling strangely. “Alright.”
Ayumu wondered what kind of request Setsuna had chosen that would cause such an expression. Unlike their friend Kasumi, Setsuna was not typically the scheming type, and was not particularly good at it when she did. Rather, she was usually far too earnest and straightforward, to the point that Ayumu occasionally wondered how she had managed to hide her anime obsession from her parents and her dual identity from her fellow high school students.
“Hehe, now I’m getting fired up!” Yuu proclaimed. “I’m so going to win the next three rounds.”
“You seem pretty confident.” Setsuna observed.
“Well yeah, now that I get to make a request of Setsuna-chan, there’s no way I’m passing that up.”
“Hrm, we’ll see about that.”
With her meal chosen and their order submitted, Ayumu moved to sit on her bed. This gave her a good vantage point to observe her girlfriends’ match.
“Ha! Ring out!” Yuu pumped a fist in the air a moment later. “That’s one! Two more to go.”
“Two for me as well.” Setsuna reminded.
“Yeah, but that’s up from one.”
“…” Setsuna pursed her lips into an adorable pout, earning a cheeky grin from Yuu. “Alright, next round.”
The next two rounds were intense. Ayumu watched with bated breath while the two girls participating leaned forward and gripped their controllers harder.
“Victory!” Yuu cried, tossing her controller in the air.
Ayumu reached out to catch the falling device so it didn’t land on either girl in front of her.
Setsuna’s shoulder slumped in defeat.
“Alright, go braid your hair.” Yuu pointed to her rival. “You’re gonna be Nana tonight.”
“Eh?” Setsuna tilted her head with curiosity. “You want me as your prize?”
“Why not?” Yuu grinned. “It’s either you or Ayumu and I didn’t make a wager with her. Besides, I think this prize is one she will enjoy as well.”
Ayumu couldn’t deny that last point.
“While I’m happy to oblige, you really just want me to change my hairstyle to one you see all the time?”
“But we don’t see it all the time.” Yuu insisted. “At least not since we started college. You only wear it to class, and we don’t have any together.”
“You’re…” Setsuna blinked in realization. “You’re right. I hadn’t realized that you two might miss seeing me like that…” She hung her head apologetically. “I’m sorry.”
“No need to apologize, Setsuna-chan!” Yuu laughed, placing a reassuring hand on the other girl’s shoulder. “If you go too long again, I’ll just be sure to win against you again at something.”
“Or try to win.” Setsuna smirked.
“Well, yeah, of course.” Yuu chuckled. “It wouldn’t be as much fun if you just let me win. Anyway, for the record, when I said you’ll be Nana tonight, I meant all night.” She waggled her eyebrows suggestively.
“All night?”
“I suppose you can take out your braids before you fall asleep, but for sure during certain activities.” Yuu emphasized the last two words.
“Yeah, I got that part.” Setsuna rolled her eyes at the less-than-subtle hinting. “But I don’t usually like sleeping with them, so you can’t go overboard and exhaust me again.”
Yuu held her hands up in mock defense. “Hey, I can’t help it if Ayumu gives in too much to her lust.”
“Yuu-chan…” Ayumu interjected, feeling heat rise in her cheeks. She wasn’t wrong, per se, but as was far too often the case, Yuu knew exactly how to embarrass her. Sure, she was looking forward to seeing Setsuna in braids but… wait… What if…? “Ne, Yuu-chan…”
“Would you mind if I played a round?”
“Challenger Ayumu wishes to enter the ring?” Yuu dropped her tone to mimic an announcer. “I thought you preferred more RPG or collection style games?”
“There’s some fighting in them.”
“Turn-based, sure, but…” Yuu shrugged and held out her controller.
“Uhm, I was hoping to challenge you, Yuu-chan.” Ayumu clarified.
“I know. I just wanted to be Player 1.” She reached over for the controller in Setsuna’s hand. “Alright, let’s pick our fighters.” She began scrolling through the selection on the screen.
“You can probably see better from here, Ayumu-san.” Setsuna spoke up as she scooted over a bit before patting the area between her and Yuu.
“Mm.” Ayumu nodded and slipped down off the bed before moving the joystick a couple times to search the roster.
“Oh ho, interesting choice.” Yuu commented as final selections were made and the countdown to start the match began. “But no matter, victory will be mine.”
Yuu proved her skill immediately by landing a devastating first blow before Ayumu could react.
“Nice.” Setsuna complimented. “But remember, Yuu-san, first blood isn’t nearly as important as last.”
“Mmh… huh? Wha?” Yuu reacted as her character was tossed into the air. “Wait…”
Ayumu tapped more buttons on her controller, scoring additional hits.
“Ayumu… when…” Yuu sputtered.
Setsuna snickered as the round ended. “That’s one for Ayumu-san.”
“Eh, uhm, beginner’s luck?” Yuu questioned. “Anyway, Round 2.”
The second round went almost exactly the same as the first. Yuu struck the first blow, but eventually succumbed to a flurry of hits from Ayumu.
“Ayumu!” Yuu cried as she was defeated for a second time. “That was amazing! Where did you learn to play like that?” Her eyes sparkled with excitement.
“Do I get the play the winner now?” Setsuna added her energy to the mix.
“Yeah, we should totally get round robin tournament going.” Yuu agreed, handing her controller over to Setsuna. “But really, Ayumu, when did you get so good at fighting games?”
“I, uhm… asked Ai-chan and Rina-chan for a suggestion on which character to try…” Ayumu admitted.
“You two have been having a lot of fun with this game for the last few nights, so I thought I could maybe join you…”
“You’re always welcome to play with us, Ayumu-san.” Setsuna pointed out.
“I know, I just, thought I might have a fighting chance if I did a little research first, you know, for combos and such.”
“Yeah, that sounds like something you would do.” Yuu laughed. “Well, now that I know you’re secret, I’ll be better prepared for our next match.”
“Speaking of, you get to make a request of Yuu-san, since you won.” Setsuna reminded.
That’s right, that was also part of why Ayumu had wanted to play against Yuu, to maybe get an unexpected victory and get back at her a little for the teasing.
“Right.” Ayumu cleared her throat and turned to the green-tipped girl beside her. “Well, since Yuu-chan likes braids so much, I think she would look quite cute wearing a matching style to Nana-chan.”
“Eh?” Yuu blinked.
Now there was a reaction Ayumu hadn’t anticipated. Yuu wasn’t the type to fluster easily, but there was no hiding the pink blossoming across her cheeks. And it was adorable.
From the other side of her, Ayumu could hear Setsuna’s sharp intake of breath. “I’ve… I don’t think I’ve ever seen Yuu-san with braids before…”
“A… are you sure that’s what you want as your prize?” Yuu seemed at a loss for words.
How had she put it earlier? “Why not?” Ayumu returned. “It’s either you or Setsuna-chan, and you already made the request of her, and I think she’ll like it as well.”
“So, if I win against Ayumu-san,” Setsuna pondered “does that mean I can make her wear twin braids as well?”
Still riding the wave of confidence from her victory as well as successful teasing of Yuu, Ayumu couldn’t help smirking a little. “Maybe, if you win.” She winked at the raven-haired girl. “But if I win, I get to be the one to braid your hair.”
“That was what I was about to request when I won our rematch…” Yuu admitted.
“Hmm…” Ayumu thought for a moment. “How about as a consolation prize for both of you, I do both of your braids.”
Yuu chuckled. “Is that really a consolation prize or just an excuse to play with our hair?” Was she trying to turn back the teasing tables?
“Can’t it be both?” Ayumu asked. “I mean both of the other prizes requested so far were ones that will be enjoyed by the others and not just the winner, right?”
“Fair point.” Yuu nodded. “Alright, it’s a deal for me. Setsuna-chan?”
“Deal.” Setsuna agreed as well. “But, who’s going to do Ayumu’s braids when I win?”
Yuu and Ayumu laughed for a moment before the next round of the tournament began.
“I think we wore her out…” Yuu observed the girl between them.
“Again…” Ayumu added before sighing.
Yuu giggled quietly.
“I won…” Yuu murmured.
“Won what?”
“I outlasted her.”
Oh, for heaven’s sake, they competed over that as well? Although, Ayumu had to admit the idea was a bit amusing. However…
“Is it really fair when you had me to help?”
Yuu seemed to ponder the question for a moment before grinning. “We really do team up on her a lot, don’t we?”
“Yeah… but it’s hard not to…”
“I know, right? She’s so cute when she makes that expression.” Yuu did a decidedly poor, though likely purposefully so, impression.
“Well, perhaps to keep things fair, maybe next time she and I can team up against you.”
“Now that I’d like to see.”
“You don’t think we can?”
“I didn’t say that. I think Ayumu is certainly up to the task, but…”
Though left unspoken, Yuu’s implication was clear. And if Ayumu was being honest, she had to agree. Setsuna was definitely a passionate participant, but, perhaps as a reflection of other aspects of her personality, she seemed reluctant to, for lack of better words, take the lead. Part of Ayumu wondered if things were fine that way of if it was something they should address and work on at some point.
The sound of Yuu’s yawn pulled Ayumu’s thoughts back to reality.
“Ne, Yuu-chan, do you know if Setsuna-chan took out her contacts?”
“Yeah, before she put on her glasses.”
Oh, right. That made sense. “Also, you promised you’d let her take out her braids before she fell asleep.”
“I think I can take care of that.”
“Scoot up a little.”
“And slide your arm under her.”
“Like this?”
“Perfect.” Yuu lifted Setsuna’s shoulder gently.
Setsuna murmured something before turning with Yuu’s guidance. Once on her side, she wrapped her arms around Ayumu’s waist and buried her face in her chest.
“There we go.” Yuu hummed her approval and started undoing the braids that were now much easier for her to reach.
“Where did you lear…?” Ayumu realized the answer before she finished the question.
“From you of course.” Yuu responded anyway.
Which meant… “You’ve been awake?”
“Not every time.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Because I couldn’t help being caught up in the cuteness of the gesture.” Yuu admitted. “Ayumu’s thoughtfulness is one of her most adorable traits, and one of my favorites.”
Ayumu felt her cheeks puff in a pout as she reached across Setsuna to gently punch Yuu’s arm who only grinned more in response.
“Anyway, perhaps I’ll challenge you two again and get Setsuna-chan to team up with me that way.” Ayumu pondered.
“Challenger Ayumu wants to enter the ring again?” Yuu did a quieter version of her announcer voice from before. “Winning against us felt pretty good, huh?”
“A little…”
“Though to be honest, I’d’ve brought you in on our little contests earlier, but I’ve just never really seen you as the competitive type.”
“I went up against my rival school idols a lot back in high school.” Ayumu pointed out.
“True,” Yuu conceded “but even then, you weren’t really all that competitive. You worked hard, that’s for sure, and you were incredibly supportive of your fellow school idols, but… hrm…”
“What is it?”
“Oh, hey, idea.” Yuu grinned. “You should totally surprise Setsuna-chan in the morning. Something like seeing who can get the most steps in on the elliptical or whatever.”
“Setsuna-chan would probably win something like that.”
“Possibly. But it really isn’t really about winning or losing, you know.”
“I mean yeah, sure, it’s feels good to win, but it’s also fun to see Setsuna-chan’s smile when she wins.”
“But you already know that, don’t you?”
“That was why you were so supportive of your rival school idols, or at least part of it, right? Because watching them do well was also fun.”
Ah, so that’s what it was all about. It all made sense now. Ayumu had fun surprising her girlfriends with a couple early wins, but even as they adjusted and started winning matches again, it hadn’t diminished Ayumu’s enjoyment at all.
And the silly little requests had really just been a fun bonus. She hadn’t minded at all that the request made of her after her first loss was that she would join in on the twin braids brigade, in fact, she had expected it.
Sure, Ayumu wasn’t nearly as competitive as either Yuu or Setsuna. And sure, she was quite content watching her girlfriends compete over the most random things. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t join in on the fun every so often, right?
“Mm, sorry, I was just thinking.”
“What hairstyles I’ll have you try next time I win against you.”
“Tha… I… if I let you win…”
For the second time that night, Ayumu got to witness Yuu’s flustered expression and she couldn’t help smiling.
“Good night, Yuu-chan.” She said quietly before closing her eyes.
“Good night, Ayumu.” Yuu replied, shifting just enough to plant a kiss on Ayumu’s forehead without waking the sleeping girl between them. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“…ve… y… wo…” Setsuna murmured into Ayumu’s chest before nuzzling in more.
Did Yuu-chan actually wake her up or is she just sleep talking, again? Ayumu wondered. Either way, she tilted her chin down just enough to press her lips atop the other girl’s head before whispering a similar sentiment to her. Finally, Yuu’s affirmations to Setsuna were the last sounds Ayumu heard before sleep took over.
Author’s Note Coninued in Followup Post
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alexadru · 5 years
Her hair
After arriving in Mantle and making a final stop before finally ascending to Atlas proper, the group somehow decided during the few days they would stay in the lower district a change in wardrobe was necessary. Not just clothes, but style as well. Weiss agreed with the idea. It has been weeks since she first left her family’s mansion and now that she was back, showing up in a different outfit would send a message to everyone. 
Weiss Schnee had grown even more during the time she had been away.
Picking their outfits should be a straightforwards ordeal, one they would engage in the very next day. For now, Weiss pondered what to do with her hair. She didn’t necessarily wish to cut it, but thought of ways to make it more compact while maintaining her dignified appearance. 
The conclusion: a braid. It would shorten the overall length of her hair while keeping it secure and elegant.
However, there had been a glaring issue when she had informed her friends of the decision. No one knew how to make one. Yang, for all her boasting about her precious hair, was mostly good at keeping hers healthy and soft and knew only a few specific styles that would work for herself. Definitely not braids. Everyone else had been useless as well... baring one Jaune Arc who Nora volunteered immediately for the job.
And this is where Weiss found herself now. Alone in a room with the boy, sat on a bed with her back turned to him as he worked on her white tresses. Despite some initial hesitations, the former heiress allowed him to work on her hair and from what she could feel, he was doing a pretty good job.
In fact, Weiss was feeling pretty relaxed as his hands moved about with unexpected precision. His presence was also comforting and, in a sense, familiar, but she couldn’t identify a reason why he felt that way. Still, she didn’t linger on the thought and instead opted to enjoy the soothing sensation of his fingers brushing, caressing and simply touching her hair. 
Jaune: “Are you okay?”
He had asked this once or twice since he started, wanting to make sure that she was as comfortable as she could be. Weiss appreciated his concern.
Weiss: “Yes, I am. Please, continue.”
He was very gentle. So gentle that she’d almost fallen in a trance a few times, but was brought back when the back of his hand would brush against the skin on the back of her neck. That’s when tremors would go through her whole body in an instant, waking her up and filling her with warmth. It was a reaction she couldn’t explain properly, but she suspected that it had something to do with having Jaune this close to her. She didn’t mind it.
However, there was one thing that was getting to her in this whole arrangement. They barely talked since he started and that was bothering Weiss to a degree. Here they were just the two of them, friends engaged on an epic journey to save the world and for some reason they couldn’t hold a conversation. Weiss didn’t like that and her stubbornness dictated that she had to take initiative to solve this problem.
Weiss: “So, how did you learn this? How to do a braid, I mean.”
Jaune: “It’s not much of a story. Just something I learned growing up. Not my choice, but when you have a few sister that want their brother to help them with their hair, you can’t really fight back.”
Hadn’t he mentioned that he had 7 sisters? His childhood must have been so rough at times, Weiss almost felt sorry him. But he turned out okay so everything was good.
Weiss: “Well, if you’re willing to share that story or another, I would not mind listening to them.” She offered.
Jaune: “You want to hear more about me and my family?”
Weiss: “I don’t see why not. I am curious to learn more about you and I wouldn’t say no to a distraction from my own family.” Jaune looked at her for a few moments before his expression brightened visibly and nodded.
Jaune: “Sure! Let me tell you of that one time when Saph ended with bubblegum in her hair...”
For the next half an hour, Jaune talked about his family, his sisters and some of the more amusing experiences he had had. Weiss had learned a lot and even allowed herself to laugh when he mentioned his ‘warrior wolf tail’, a moment which allowed her to tease him a bit: “Is that the hair style you want to get for tomorrow?” 
Jaune laughed for a few moments, but then continued with the stories. As he spoke, he continued to work with the same swiftness. It was impressive how comfortable he was making her feel. Every touch made her want to release a breath of satisfaction, but she stopped herself and continued to listen to him and enjoy his memories alongside him.
Their time passed quicker than she expected.
Jaune: “And done. What do you think?” He asked eagerly.
Weiss got to her feet and approached the only mirror of the room. She checked herself and saw a beautifully executed braid resting on her right shoulder and flowing down, reaching close to her waist. By her account, it was almost half the length of what it was. 
Weiss: “It’s beautiful.” She uttered with awe. Weiss couldn’t believe what he had done. Her hair looked so soft, so full. Even under the artificial light it shined a bright and pure white. And to think Jaune had done this.
Jaune: “Well, you have beautiful hair to start with. I’ve just done a simple braid to help make it stand out a bit.” Jaune made it sound like he didn’t do much and the result was simply Weiss being a beautiful girl. 
She nodded and then move her head from one side to the other to check how her hair looked from a profile shot, but the action made her realize that something had changed. Weiss noticed that the action was putting more strain on her neck muscles than before, almost as if she had more weight than before.
Weiss: “Is it... heavier somehow?” Weiss looked at him, waiting to see if he had something to offer.
Jaune: “Your hair isn’t heavier. It’s the hairstyle. You have very long hair and with this braid, most of the mass shifted higher and you feel it different. You’ll get used to it, but it might take a few days.”
Weiss: “It feels like my neck is getting stiffer.” Weiss hoped it wouldn’t snap is she moved too fast.
Jaune saw her begin to struggle and rose with a suggestion: “I heard a massage usually helps with that.”
It wasn’t bad suggestion, but Weiss found it a little difficult to do it herself. Fortunately, she wasn’t alone and in the next moment, she regarded him with a hesitant, yet eager smile. 
Weiss: “Would you mind giving me a small massage then?”
The boy’s eyes widened as his face flushed at her words. Had she really asked him to give her a massage? He looked away briefly, clearly embarrassed by the invitation, but he gave an answer.
Jaune: “I guess I can, but are you okay with me doing it?”
Weiss: “I asked, haven’t I? Yes, Jaune, I don’t mind you giving me a massage.” 
And to prove her honesty, she approached him at the bed and sat next to him, in her original spot. With her right hand, she moved her now braided ponytail from the way and nodded to him with a small smile, telling him it was okay for him to start.
Jaune tested the field, and slowly, very slowly placed his fingers on her back muscles before raising them a bit higher, eventually reaching her shoulders. Waiting for a few moments, the tenseness in his hands began to subside and he began a slow massage on them, moving his fingers and directing his motion in the best way to help the girl relax.
Weiss felt an entirely new sensation course through her. A small heat that was starting to circulate through her entire body. Just like before, he had a soothing yet invigorating effect on her. She couldn’t explain it, but she enjoyed it. So much that she began to lean into his touch.
Minutes later, he was finished with the massage also.
Weiss: “Thank you. I feel so much better now.” Turning her full attention on him, she gave him a big smile.
Jaune: “It was nothing. I mean, I had fun doing your hair and it was nice to talk like that with you. I really enjoyed it.” He was feeling himself become nervous, the rising heat in his cheeks.
Weiss: “Yes, I enjoyed our time too. Your work on my hair has been pleasant, as has your company. As for the massage, I’m hoping I can bother you in the very near future for another one. What do you say?”
Jaune: “You want me to give you another massage? I mean, yeah, of course I’ll do it.”
Weiss: “Thank you. I would love that.” With a slow gesture, Weiss leaned closer to him and before he could say anything, her lips brushed against his right cheek for just a second as she gave him a feathery kiss. Jaune was in shock and by the time he rebooted, the girl was already back on her feet and walking towards the door.
Before she exited, Weiss turned and gave him one last look.
Weiss: “I’ll see you tomorrow then?”
Jaune nodded dumbly and watched her give him another smile before she left. With the door clicking in place, he leaned on his back and absentmindedly touched the cheek where her lips had grazed him with his hand. Tonight had been unexpected in many ways. All he could do was wonder if things were going to be different between them from now on.  
(I’m not fully satisfied with this one. Watch out for part 2, 'His hair', in the next few days.)
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seagreen-meets-grey · 4 years
When Lightning Strikes Ch. 7
When your life is nothing but a cloudless sky, lightning can come and strike you so unexpectedly, you won’t even know what hit you.
Or: When Hiccup and Astrid meet, it is as if lightning strikes.
[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6] [Chapter 8] [Chapter 9] [Chapter 10] [Chapter 11] [Chapter 12] [Chapter 13] [Chapter 14] [Chapter 15] [Chapter 16] [Chapter 17] [Chapter 18] [Chapter 19] [Chapter 20]
Crossposted on ao3 and ff.net
Destiny and fate were interesting concepts. The idea that there was one sole purpose to one’s life, one goal that would guide the way to fulfillment – it didn’t make sense to Astrid. She didn’t believe that there was only one main road in life, one that lead her to whatever fate awaited her. She understood the thought behind the sentiment, about how whatever struggle one had to overcome, their choice would be the one they were destined to make. The right choice, after all.
But making choices was what determined the road. Life was a labyrinth to her, one with innumerable turns and crossroads and junctions, and every single one opened up to new paths to take. People could tell her all they wanted about how the roads she decided to take were the ones destined for her in the end – she would keep rolling her eyes at them and live her life by the standard that she was free to create her own paths and laugh in the face of destiny.
Facing her choice between marrying Eret and going for Hiccup proved her take on fate again. She could either decide to go one way or the other, both paths resulting in different, lifechanging avenues anew.
Blinking the little sleep out of her eyes that she got last night, she thought of the dress hanging in her wardrobe, in-between everyday clothes like a swan in a pig stall. She rolled around in her large bed, so empty without Eret next to her.
She could still change her mind. Take the other road. Plunge into the unknown. But then her phone rang, the loud tune pulling her the rest of the way from her slumber, and she reached for it with a sigh. She stared at the name showing up on her screen until her phone went quiet and notified her that she had one missed call.
Throwing it away to the foot of the bed, she grumbled and pulled the covers over her head. Three and a half hours were way too short to be rested. Not a minute later, her phone started ringing again, muffled by the blanket it had landed on. Astrid rubbed her forehead and stretched her arms, closing her eyes for one last moment. She couldn’t prolong this forever.
After leaving his house in a hurry that afternoon, Hiccup jogged around the building to where he had parked his car. He fumbled with the keys, shivering from the wind and the increasing amount of cold rain drops landing on his neck and rolling down his back.
He ducked into his car and dropped the keys only twice before he started the engine. It stuttered, spluttered and lurked a few times in tune with his stomach.
“Come ooon,” he pleaded, “don’t leave me hanging, don’t–“ His eyes fell on the fuel gage and with an exasperated groan he let his head fall on the steering wheel, jumping when his forehead honked the horn. For a minute, he sat there staring at the rain now pelting against the windshield, entertaining the thought of rotting away in his useless car for eternity.
A bright flash in the sky and the faraway sound of thunder shook him from his reverie and he felt determination flood back into his system. Grabbing his keys and pulling the zipper of his jacket up to his face, he got out of the car and had half a mind to lock it behind him before sprinting off to the next bus station.
Out of breath and cursing the puddles on the street that had soaked his feet through his shoes, he reached the stop, dashing under the small roof. In the company of a woman playing on her phone and a moody-looking teenager listening to loud music, he tapped his feet impatiently. According to the schedule plastered to the wall behind him, the next bus downtown should have arrived one minute ago.
Hiccup couldn’t stand still, pacing back and forth in the crammed space, earning judging looks from the teen. Wringing his hands, he stuck his head out every other second to see if the bus was somewhere to be seen. Five minutes passed, eight minutes, ten, twelve. Still no bus.
Swearing colorfully under his breath, he kicked at a pebble that had the misfortune of lying there on the ground. He could feel every second fly by, forever lost to him. Chancing another peek down the street, his heart leaped into his throat when a vehicle came around the corner.
The deep gray blanket of clouds parted on their way to the hair salon, one lone ray of sunshine breaking through. Ruffnut cursed and blindly reached to the backseat, producing a pair of sunglasses from the mess that was piling up everywhere in her car.
The beam fell on Astrid’s face. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the way it warmed her skin for too short a while until it disappeared behind the clouds again. The dark sky did nothing to soothe her nerves. Every forecast she’d repeatedly checked over the last week had predicted sunshine and warmth, only for the weather to pull a one-eighty on her now. She didn’t like the taste of rain in the air, feared that the wind would mess up her hair later the moment she stepped outside.
She sent a silent thanks to her friend when she parked right in front of the building. Should it start raining while they were inside, they’d need only seconds to reach the safety of the car.
The sound of scissors and hairdryers and the smell of various hair products greeted her when they entered the hair salon. Most of the chairs were occupied with women with tinfoil in their hair, reading a magazine while they waited for the color to seep in. A handful of stylists were working their magic with several other people, washing and cutting and chatting away.
“Good morning, can I help you?” A young woman with long hair somewhere between dark blonde and light brown appeared from a side room.
Astrid opened her mouth but Ruff beat her to it. “Astrid here needs to get laid tonight, so please make her hair look dazzling.”
Recognition flashed on the young woman’s face and with a smile that meant she’d met Ruffnut before, she waved Astrid over to a comfy looking chair in front of a big mirror. In it, Astrid watched Ruff wave at her before she left the salon, off to pick up the veil from the cleaner.
“I’m sorry for my friend,” she said when she set down. “She doesn’t know how to be normal.”
“Don’t worry, I met her before. She came here last week to ask who’d be doing your hair and tried to talk me into dying it pink. I figured you’re not a fan of pink.”
“Not at all.” Astrid shook her head. She wasn’t surprised. In fact, she’d wondered why Ruff had been so anti-chaotic during the whole ordeal so far. Maid of honor or not, she was still Ruffnut Thorston, and this little pranking attempt of hers gave Astrid some sense of normalcy, for which she was immensely grateful. She was anxious and stressed enough, and even though walking out of here with pink hair – if Ruff’s prank had worked – had ended in murder, it helped her breathe away some of the stress.
“Now, Miss Hofferson–“
“Call me Astrid.”
“How do you want your hair today, Astrid? I’m Marie, by the way.”
Astrid looked at herself in the mirror for a moment. “Honestly? I usually have it in a braid or ponytail because it’s practical. I don’t care much about hairstyles.”
Marie wiggled her fingers with a grin, obviously excited. “Alright darling, I got you covered. Let’s do this!”
It wasn’t the bus.
Hiccup’s shoulders sagged, only to go rigid again when it dawned on him that the bus wasn’t coming. He turned to the schedule again and let his finger run down the plastic cover, stopping under the information for when the next bus was supposed to arrive. It was more than an hour until then.
Cursing himself for moving to the outskirts of the city and even more for not filling up his gas tank sooner, he stepped back into the rain and walked down the street in quick steps. Fumbling out his phone with cold fingers, he typed in his destination and let the app calculate the time needed to walk there.
When he came to a crosswalk and looked up to check if he was good to go, he saw a long vehicle stop at the bus station. Oh great, it seemed like the universe had it out for him. He uttered a long sigh, fully aware that it was too late for screaming and waving at the bus driver while running back like an idiot.
The app had finished loading the calculation and the time display on the screen sent another wave of anxiety through him. Even if he ran, he wouldn’t make it on time. If only he had a car…
In a moment of clarity, he raised his hand and smacked his face. Why hadn’t he thought of this before?! While looking up the number of Berk’s cab company, he reached for his wallet with the other, only to come up empty.
“Figures,” he groaned and turned on the spot to run back home.
“And I was like, can someone please tell me why men are all imbecile spawns of hell?! No offense, honey, I know you’re getting married today, but boy, they can suck my non-existent dick.”
Marie had been working Astrid’s hair for nearly two hours now, first washing it and then trying a bunch of different hairstyles until they found one that they were both happy with. Ruff hadn’t yet shown up again and Astrid was wondering what was taking so long at the cleaner. She hoped her maid of honor hadn’t decided to rent a boar on the way to make the ceremony interesting.
“It’s okay,” Astrid assured Marie, “I know what you mean, believe me. Before I met Eret, I was in a situation similar to yours. I had already settled for staying single forever because I thought being in a relationship meant losing my independence. But there are good ones out there.”
“Yeah, I guess so.” Marie reached for a tube of haircare oil that smelled of coconut and summer when she combed it into Astrid’s hair. “But right now, I don’t care about any of them. Maybe one day, I’ll bump into a Shawn Mendes kind of guy and he’ll be nice and perfect and not like Kevin at all.”
Astrid smiled at her through the mirror. “Personally, I wouldn’t go for Shawn Mendes. But regardless of that, you should know that you don’t just bump into the perfect guy and everything immediately works out just the way you want it to. Relationships need work and the myth of the one perfect person for you is just that – a myth.”
Marie smirked. “I sense a story coming. Dish, girl, dish.”
“There’s nothing to dish. I just realized lately that when you think you found the one you want to spend your life with, someone else can sweep right in and show you the truth.” Astrid didn’t know why she was telling her this. She didn’t even know this girl. But maybe that was the reason; she could just talk this off her soul and remind herself that she was doing the right thing.
“What happened?”
“Nothing happened. I decided to not throw this relationship away because of these uncertain feelings I have for someone else. Because if I dump Eret now and try things with the other guy and that doesn’t work out, I’ll just regret it because I threw away a life of happiness and comfort.”
Marie was quiet for a minute, running her fingers through the strands of Astrid’s hair one last time to make sure every hair was where it was supposed to be. The bell over the front door jingled and through the mirror, Astrid saw Ruffnut walk in, holding up a clear bag with the veil.
“Well,” Marie mused and put her hands on Astrid’s shoulders, “I hope that everything works out for you.” She gave the chair a twirl. “Go get him, girl!”
Ignoring the mess he’d made while searching for his wallet, Hiccup called himself a cab while he ran back outside and didn’t stop walking. If he already started heading in the right direction, it shortened the route the cab would have to take, right?
The guy on the other end of the phone informed him that it would be a few minutes until a cab was available in his area. Hiccup didn’t care anymore, his stress level already through the roof and unable to rise higher – or so he’d thought.
As it turned out, the way he had to go wasn’t necessarily the way the cab was coming from. One mile later, his phone rang and a bored-sounding cab driver asked Hiccup if he still required his services or if he got the address wrong.
Apologizing for the misunderstanding, Hiccup told the driver where he was. He didn’t dare to walk away from his spot this time. But standing still was even worse than realizing he was at the wrong place. He kept looking at his phone without really seeing anything but the time, almost dropped it a few times and then once for real, paced around a lone trashcan, his head swiveling up and down the street in search of the cab. He messed up his hair – see, good thing he didn’t put any energy into combing it – and was soaked by the time the car pulled up at the sidewalk. The driver only raised his eyebrows at Hiccup’s state, and had this been a less stressful situation, he would have apologized for getting the seat wet.
He told the driver the address and promised to pay double if he made it quick. The man only shrugged and floored it while Hiccup grabbed the handle on the door and glanced at the clock for the umpteenth time. Although he was finally moving faster towards his destination, he now really started to panic.
As soon as Astrid and Ruffnut left the hair salon and made it back to the car without a strong gust of wind ruining all of Marie’s hard work, Astrid wanted to go back inside. The atmosphere in the salon had been weirdly peaceful and calm, and as long as Marie hadn’t been done with her hair, Astrid had had an excuse for not being somewhere else right now, for not moving forward with the day, for not facing the source of her nervousness.
Not much later, she was having breakfast at her parents’ house. Her father was quietly reading the newspaper, occasionally sipping from his giant mug of coffee. Her mother was listing all the things that still needed to be done and arguing with Ruffnut who was lounging in her chair, smearing chocolate spread all over her shirt.
When Wilma glanced at her watch, her eyes widened and she stopped trying to get Ruff to rub the chocolate off her shirt with a washcloth. Standing up, she started to simultaneously clean the table and collect several makeup utensils from all over the house. All the while, she was ranting about wasting time, Ruff doing a bad job by not dragging Astrid out of bed earlier, about the weather, and at some point, while she was disappearing upstairs, Astrid was sure she heard her blaming politics.
Her dad looked up from his newspaper shortly to roll his eyes with Astrid. When Wilma came back downstairs, Ruff planted herself in the doorway.
“You!” She poked her finger in Astrid’s mother’s chest. “Give me that.” She snatched the utensils from her hand. “Now go and scream into a pillow or something. I got this.”
Wilma put her hands on her hips and looked like she was about to dive into a lecture that started with young lady, but Astrid’s dad interrupted her.
“Let’s all just keep calm, okay? We still have a lot of time on our hands. Why don’t we just have breakfast without ripping each other’s heads off, and then we worry about what comes next.”
Wilma wasn’t having any of it. “A lot of time? Have you looked at the clock recently, Frederick?”
While her parents continued bickering, Astrid gave up resisting the fuss made around her and let Ruff apply her makeup in-between bites of bread rolls and scrambled eggs. She had just closed her eyes so that Ruff could give her a touch of eyeshadow to cover any evidence of lack of sleep, when she heard the front door open.
“Hello, everyone!”
“See?!” Wilma snapped at her husband. “He’s ready!”
“Not at all,” Eret answered and Astrid couldn’t contain a smug smile. “I just came here to give you,” he put a hand on Astrid’s shoulder, “an update. I just met your aunt Ruth and she told me she brought three of her lady friends along.”
“What?! She can’t just do that. Do we even have enough room for more people? And why would–“
“Wilma!” Frederick interrupted her.
Eret continued as if her mother wasn’t in the room. “She said something about them all being lonely and needing some company tonight, I don’t know. Anyway, I just wanted to give you a heads up.”
“Thanks,” Astrid mumbled. Eret might have sounded completely calm to everyone else, but there was a tension at the edge of his voice that was obvious to her. It kind of grounded her, knowing that she wasn’t the only one feeling this way, and that her nervousness didn’t stem from her being uncertain about what she was doing. (Which she wasn’t, because she had made her decision and was sure about it, alright?)
“I told Dagur to rearrange the seating a bit, I’m sure he’ll figure it out.” His hand left her shoulder and she heard him turn around before he added, “Oh, by the way, Dagur’s sister isn’t coming, he said she’s on vacation with her new boyfriend. Which means that Dagur’s without a date tonight, so I can finally hook him up with Theresa!”
She smiled at his jaunty enthusiasm. Ruffnut was still not done with the eyeshadow – Astrid was only slightly concerned about that – so she blindly reached her hand over her head for Eret. He squeezed it once and she felt him coming closer to her face, but Wilma chose that moment to barge back into the conversation.
“Don’t you dare! No kisses! Traditionally, you’re not even supposed to be here. So get out and get yourself ready! Then at least one of you is.”
Eret laughed quietly but she could feel her mother’s deadly stare even through closed eyes. Astrid had to have inherited it from somewhere which meant Eret knew the extent of the Hofferson Death Glare. He said goodbye and the front door fell shut behind him.
Astrid’s heart was beating uncomfortably in her chest and her head felt dizzy. Taking a deep breath and refraining from biting her lip lest Ruff yelled at her for ruining the lipstick, she willed herself to calm down. That stone in her gut meant that she was generally nervous, nothing more.
Only when she dropped a glass of orange juice a while later did she pause to think for a second, but that turned out to be a mistake. Thinking made her go down the route of impactful decisions again and it had a tiny voice in her mind ask her if maybe signs of the universe were real after all.
They were moving excruciatingly slowly. Every time a car or even a bicycle passed the cab on another lane, it made Hiccup’s knee twitch. The driver looked at him in the rearview mirror oddly from time to time and seemed to have forgotten about the extra money Hiccup had promised to pay him if only he stepped on it.
When the car came to a full stop on the road, Hiccup threw his hands up in frustration. “Seriously?!”
“Traffic, man,” the driver said lackadaisically, leaning back in his seat and drumming his fingers on the stick shift in a bored manner.
Hiccup wiped a hand over his face and pulled his phone from his pocket. It was clammy from his soaked jeans. The app told him that it would take him sixteen minutes to reach his destination if he walked. Less, if he ran.
Crawling halfway over the center console, he peeked out the windshield to gauge how long the traffic jam would go on, ignoring the sideways glance of the driver. Upon seeing only very little movement far ahead, he gave the man a few bills and climbed back to his seat to get out.
“Hey,” the driver called after him, “that’s not double!”
Hiccup stuck his head in again to call back, “And I’m not there on time,” before he slammed the door and navigated his way through stuck cars until he reached the sidewalk. Orienting himself once more, he figured out the fastest way to the venue and started to run.
His days on the couch, the lack of healthy food and his relationship with exercise in general quickly came to bite him in the ass as he had to stop one street over to catch his breath. As winded as he was and as much as he’d love a raincoat right now, the thought of Astrid lent him a new wave of energy.
Ten minutes later, the place came into view, one final sprint away. He just had to pull himself together one last time.
Putting on the dress was a feat on its own. She couldn’t pull it on over her head because it would ruin her hair so she had to step into it and have Ruff close it on her back. The zipper was thin and the fabric sat tight on her so, naturally, her skin got stuck in it several times before her mother took over. She sent Ruff away to do her job and make sure everything at the venue was ready and going smoothly.
“We’re going to arrive to either a perfect arrangement or a crime scene,” Wilma mumbled when Ruff was gone.
“Don’t forget the fire, the explosions and the wild horde of boars,” Astrid added. “And her brother.”
Now that they were alone, her mother seemed to calm down considerably. All that was left for them to do was to drive to the wedding. Astrid wondered if it was her who was shaking or if it were her mother’s hands that delicately stroked over her back where hopefully no trace of the zipper was visible.
“This is really happening, hm.” Her mother’s voice was no further above a whisper, more than twenty years’ worth of nostalgia sewn into it. “You’re finally leaving the nest.”
“I’ve left the nest years ago, mom.”
“But you were still a Hofferson until now.”
“I’m keeping my name. I’ll stay a Hofferson.” When the issue of last names had come up, Eret had suggested she take his. But the Hofferson inside her had screamed in protest, unwilling to give up her family name and the notion of independence by making herself all his. She knew that he’d never think of her as his property, but it still didn’t sit right with her to change her name. So she didn’t.
Wilma came around to stand in front of her and Astrid was surprised at the strange sight of tears welling up in her mother’s eyes. She figured it made sense for her to get emotional on a day like this, but she’d never seen her cry before.
“You know that you’ll always be my little girl, right?”
“I know, mom. Come here.” She pulled her mother into a hug and the two of them stood like that for a long while. Astrid felt like a little girl seeking out the safety of her mother’s arms. Right here, right now, she didn’t have to worry about decisions and destiny and consequences and whether she was making the right choices for herself.
She felt the arms around her squeeze one more time, then her mom straightened up, took a step back and gave her daughter a firm nod that conveyed more than Astrid could ever put into words.
“Are you ready to do this?” Wilma asked, voice both breathless and strong.
Astrid knew what it meant; she could see it in her mother’s eyes. She took a deep breath. “Yes.”
Her father was already waiting outside. Her mother fastened the veil in her hair and gave her the bouquet before she opened the door for her and lead her to the car.
When they neared the venue – which was a generic party hall rather than a beautiful old mansion, but it would do – there was no fire to be seen, no wild animals disturbing the scene, no Thorston twins’ shenanigans. Ruffnut was, for once, trying to contain the chaos instead of causing it, which Astrid had to give her a lot of credit for.
Her dad parked the car and opened her door. With a steely resolve, she climbed out of the vehicle and held her head up high. Nobody had to know that mere days ago, she had still been contemplating running away and leaving the man waiting for her inside, friends and family by his side.
She noticed the storm clouds in the distance, hanging lower than the blanket of ashy gray that had accompanied her on her way to the hair salon that morning. Her chat with Marie seemed like it had been years ago. Astrid squinted her eyes and watched closely as the clouds moved forward, passing a row of houses. They were coming fast. She hoped they wouldn’t ruin the photos her parents wanted to take with her before the ceremony and all the ones she had to take afterwards.
The photographer was already waiting for them, leading them to a set of trees decorated with white and rose gold ribbons and flowers, and the letters A and E made of wood hanging from a branch. It wasn’t the most elegant decoration, but it was more than Astrid had expected her maid of honor to organize. In all honesty, she kept waiting for sex toys to fall out of the trees or a banner that said all kinds of dirty things.
But the photos turned out great and the storm kept a distance during all of it. It was time to head inside and face the road she had decided to take. On her way to the building, she was still chancing glances upwards, waiting for a pigeon to fly by and drop a present on her head. But there was no bird shit and signs from the universe weren’t real.
The music started when she stepped over the threshold, walking arm in arm with her parents. The guests all stood, ohs and ahs sounding from every corner as she walked down the aisle. Eret’s eyes flitted over her appearance and fixated on her face, smile as soft and proud as his gaze.
She gulped, taking her place next to him and giving a tiny wave to her parents when they left her to take their seats. The officiator started talking but she barely listened. For some reason, her eyes kept wandering over the rows of guests, searching for an anker she knew wasn’t there. Finally, she looked back at Eret, and the ceremony went on.
Something was strange about this place. Hiccup couldn’t put his finger on it, but it was there. It was hard to concentrate on anything while his brain and body were begging for oxygen, his muscles were jittery and exhausted and all he wanted to do was lie down on the pavement and sleep for days.
But he didn’t have that luxury. All he could think of was arriving to the wedding on time, before she could say I do without him telling her how he felt. Maybe it would make a difference, maybe it wouldn’t. But he’d rather do it while there was still a chance of it making one, despite it being a naïve hope.
Bending over and wheezing for air, he collected his senses. Just do it, the Shia Labeouf in his mind shouted at him. A determined jolt went through his limbs and he straightened up, jogging down the driveway of the centuries-old mansion towering in front of him.
His hand was shaking as he lifted it to the doorknob. Ignoring the strange tug at the back of his subconsciousness still trying to tell him something, he opened the door.
The officiator, an old school friend of her dad’s, held a long speech about true love. She could tell that Eret found it a bit cheesy, judging from the looks he threw her every now and then, but that, ultimately, he saw himself in the man’s words.
Astrid caught comparatively little of the speech. She heard sentiments about solidarity, trust and togetherness here and there, but her mind was elsewhere. She was assessing her feelings, trying to make sense of the whirlwind of emotions kicking and jumping through her heart. There was nervousness, naturally, whereas she couldn’t care about the attention of the crowd any less. Then there was a mixture of giddiness, bubbling about in her chest, and a touch of fear as she was boarding a ship that would set sail as soon as she said the words. She could then only stay on that ship forever or jump into the cold, relentless ocean to escape.
Behind her eyes, the tiredness was beginning to press against her skull. She’d gone to bed so early last night, but when she’d been lying there alone in the silent darkness, she’d become a victim to her own doubts. For fear of dreaming of Hiccup and the porch again, just when she’d closed the gate to that road, she’d tossed and turned in her sheets for hours until exhaustion finally won over.
In the morning, she’d known that she had dreamed about something, although she couldn’t remember what it had been. All that remained was a faint feeling of easiness, lingering like a warm glow coating her heart. She couldn’t help but think about the possible what-ifs again. What if she said no? What if she had told Eret weeks or even months ago that she didn’t feel ready for this yet? What if she had never agreed to come with him to Dagur’s party?
Rain was rapping against the windows now and from where she stood, she could see the branches of the trees bowing to the wind. Someone switched on a second row of lights.
“And now the rings,” the officiator’s voice cut through her thoughts. Eret’s cousin, a small boy in dress pants and suspenders, jumped up from his seat at his cue and carefully carried over a tiny white pillow with the rings on it.
Astrid took a shaky breath. The officiator spoke again, leading up to the traditional questions.
In that moment, her attention was diverted when the door to the room opened. Her heartbeat stilled for a second when she saw a tall figure enter. She didn’t know why she was simultaneously disappointed and relieved when she recognized her cousin Beth’s husband.
“Do you,” the officiator started, calling Astrid back to the situation. Hearing Eret say I do suddenly pulled her down to earth and planted her feet on the solid ground, and the door stayed closed.
“And do you, Astrid Hofferson, take this man as your husband?” When she opened her mouth, she couldn’t imagine a different answer. She’d built this relationship with Eret and got her life together with him. She didn’t want to throw away all they had grown to be and what she’d come to call her life, where she felt safe and secure and loved and where she was happy, happy with the way things were.
“I do.” The roaring applause of the guests turned to white noise as Eret pulled her to him. She grinned into the kiss, feeling the waves lap against the ship’s hold as it left the harbor and the space between her and the dock became too large to jump.
This was what she’d wanted for longer than what she refused to think about anymore. Ignoring the still lingering notion of what if, she wouldn’t allow herself to think about another man while she was now married. However, although she knew she’d made the right decision, that didn’t mean that the entire Hiccup-conflict was immediately resolved. But it would soon be, because she couldn’t do this anymore now, and she wouldn’t. That brief chapter of her life had to come to a close.
She didn’t have time to further think about it, shaking hands and sharing hugs with every guest in the room. Photos had to be taken inside, and when it was time for the soup to be served, her face hurt from smiling.
When the rest of the dessert was being carried away by the catering staff, the band asked everyone to join the newlyweds on the dancefloor. Astrid had to take off the veil since it reached all the way down her back and wouldn’t survive the night if she kept it on. Then she danced with Eret, with her parents, with Eret again, with his grandparents, with Ruffnut and Dagur and even with Beth’s husband who told her about his weak bladder and apologized for taking a bathroom break in the middle of the ceremony. It was an incident Astrid didn’t want to be reminded about, for a reason different to what he might be thinking.
After a while, the party became a blur, people mingling everywhere and with everyone, drinking and laughing and dancing. Astrid was listening to her neighbor Larry telling her great-uncle Greg some story about a man that had once lived across from him and who he swore had been an undercover cop, when her mother tapped her on the shoulder. Astrid leaned in closer so she could hear her better over the music and the ruckus of conversation and frolicking party guests.
“There’s a young man outside asking for you.” Astrid frowned, in her mind going through all the people who would want to talk to her who weren’t already here. Her mother gave her a meaningful look and Astrid could tell she had a suspicion who it might be. She felt her heart rate go up at the implication.
Biting the inside of her cheek, she turned around to head outside.
“Astrid,” her mom called after her and met her eyes with a serious expression. “You made your decision. Don’t throw that away now.” Earning strange looks from Greg and Larry, she held eye contact with her daughter until Astrid walked away.
The rain had let up, quietly drumming on the canopy over the patio in an even rhythm. She heard thunder roll in the distance and inhaled the fresh air. Her mother’s words echoed in her mind but she was sure she didn’t want to change anything about her decision – only for that foundation to tumble the moment she saw him.
Her heart quivered in her chest. The sight of him leaning against a wooden beam, soaked in rain and rumpled from the wind, knocked her next breath right out of her so unexpectedly that she lost her voice for a second.
He noticed her and turned around, those green eyes shining like emerald beacons in the night when he set his sight on her. “Wow, you look…” He gestured at her dress with the little splotch of sauce on it, at her hair that was flowing down her back in waves, with small flowers woven into it.
His gaze set her cheeks on fire and she averted her face, biting her lip to keep it from breaking into a wide grin. “Thanks.” She glanced back at him and let the smile loose, anyway, twisting it into a smirk. “Not bad yourself.”
Hiccup looked down at himself, a bit of water running out of his hair and down his face at the motion. “Fancy, huh? I made an effort to get the November rain look right.”
“You know, I think that outfit goes with an umbrella.”
“One might think that,” he said in such a dry tone that it made Astrid snicker.
His face lit up at the sound and she could see the small gap between his front teeth when he cracked that lopsided smile she found so adorable.
She cleared her throat, snapping out of the bubble they were creating. “So… What are you doing here?”
He sobered up at her question as well, raising a hand to rub his neck. “Well, I…” He seemed to be struggling with his words, every line of his face immerged in countless everchanging emotions. “I wanted to come by and, um… And tell you…” After a beat of silence, he ran a hand over his face and gesticulated with the other. “I was at the other place first, but no one was there except some plumber guys.”
Astrid grimaced apologetically.
“I think they were as confused about me as I was by them, so we just stood there gaping at each other for a minute until one of the guys asked me what I was doing there. They told me about the water damage but didn’t know where you were now.”
“Sorry, we told the guests but didn’t send out new invitations. Where did you get the address anyway?”
A light blush covered his cheeks. “Saw Heather’s invitation. Anyway, so I looked up where events were held today, used a few of my dad’s contacts; most of them probably think now I’m some kind of stalker. I got it down to a few possible places and checked them all. Crashed a wedding, a bingo tournament and a funeral. Apparently, I look like the dead guy when he was young, because his widow fainted when she saw me. I think I yelled something about waiting for her in the afterlife and disappeared as fast as possible.”
Astrid burst out laughing, picturing him awkwardly talking his way through the situation, moving his hands and shoulders with every breath, eyes wide like a deer in the headlights.
“Yeah, so then I checked here and asked that woman out here if I was at the right place.”
“That was my mom, by the way.”
Recognition flashed over his face. “Makes sense. You have the same nose.” He blushed. “Sorry, that probably came out weird.”
Trying to figure out if he was serious, she pondered inviting him in. She was conflicted, because she really shouldn’t.
An idea popped up in her head. It was crazy, absolutely insane and, above all, very stupid. What if, she thought, what if she just threw everything to the wind and ran away with him, right now? Looking into his eyes, out here alone on the patio, it seemed possible.
But then reality came back to her in the shape of the ring pressing against the skin on her finger. It was like a punch to the gut; it doused her heart in gasoline and threw a whole pack of matches on top. Rushing for the fire extinguisher, she decided she wanted him around as a friend, if not to prove to herself that she’d made the right decision.
“Hey,” she said, “do you want to come inside? I’m hereby officially inviting you so don’t listen to Dagur, he can’t throw you out. I’m the bride, I have the last say.”
Hiccup’s eyebrows scrunched together and her smile faded. “No, I better leave.” He took a step closer.
“Why? Because of Dagur? Don’t worry, I can reign him in.”
He shook his head. “No. I mean, yes, but no, that– that’s not what I mean.”
“Then why not?” She mirrored his movement, ever drawn to him like a magnet. He took another step towards her, deep green irises glinting in the light of the patio. She could see the long scar on his chin, could count the freckles on his skin, wanted to feel the stubble on his jaw. Her fingers prickled under the phantom sensation conveyed by her imagination.
He slowly raised his hand to put a strand of hair behind her ear, stroked lightly over her cheek, leaving trails of tingling fires. Thunder grumbled directly above them and the clouds burst, releasing an ocean upon the earth. He leaned in until she could make out every shade of green in his eyes. His lips touched the corner of her mouth and her brain shut down.
It took her a few seconds to realize he wasn’t standing directly in front of her anymore. Her hand automatically went to the spot where he’d just kissed her. It tingled and crackled like it was loaded with sparks and she didn’t know how to speak.
“Goodbye Astrid,” he whispered, voice cracking, when he sent one last sad smile her way before turning around and walking away.
The sight of his retreating figure knocked her brain out of its stupor. “Wait,” she called out, running after him into the rain. “I’ll see you around, right?”
He looked back at her with eyes so full of pain it broke her heart. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” With that, he left, hands buried in his pockets, head hanging low on his shoulders. There was one more sound of thunder in the nearer distance, but Hiccup took it away with him.
She stood there for a long while, hair and shoulders gradually soaking through, and stared after him until he had long disappeared from her sight. She knew he would always be her biggest what-if.
With the last drops of rain running down her face, she went back inside to her wedding.
- End of Part 1 -
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chrisevansbabymama · 5 years
Daddy Hair Care - Chapter 3
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Chapter 2
Chapter 3 - Stop Trying To Make Fetch Happen:
“Your hair looks cute like that,” Chris commented, taking note of yet another new hairstyle Kayla wore.
She and his stylist, Lauren walked into his suite with their kits in tow, ready for his glam session for his final appearance for the day; a magazine press event that his publicist had urged him to attend to crystalise his relationship with the publication.
“I sense a little shade in there, because why are you only just noticing?” Kayla retorted. “Was that a backhanded compliment, Evans?”
“I meant,” Chris paused to rectify his carelessly worded statement, even though he genuinely meant the compliment. “I haven’t seen you with braids before, so I’m appreciating that your hair also looks cute like that. Emphasis on the also,”
“Okay, I’ll take it, only because you’re sweating,” because teasing him was Kayla’s love language.
“And why would I be sweating? You don’t make me nervous -”
“You don’t need to explain yourself to me,” Kayla cut him off and smiled at him from across the room.
“Are you going to be annoying again this evening?” he pretended not to like their little quips.
This was just a continuation from earlier when they had glammed him for his Jimmy Fallon interview, where the two went back and forth in their best bid to verbally outdo each other, as usual.
“Hi to you too Chris,” Lauren finally inserted herself, smiling at him knowingly as she brushed past him.
“What?” Chris eyed her, playing dumb.
Ten years of working together they had become best friends and they could literally communicate with just their eyes. This was working to Lauren’s advantage as she often found pleasure in tormenting him about his teen-like crush on Kayla. He would dismiss it with an eye roll, but his body language would always sell him out.
“You know what,” she mumbled but the knowing smile was still plastered on her face solely designed to haunt him.
“Whatever,” he grumbled. “Think I could shower real quick before we start? I’m covered in gunk from the Fallon interview,”
“Sure, we have an hour before you have to be out of the door,” Lauren nodded, the clock reading 5:37pm.
“You know, I’m getting tired of you two acting like I’m not around when you flirt,” Lauren said the minute she heard the shower faucet run after Chris had left the room.
Kayla barely looked up as she unzipped her grooming kit bag, setting up near her usual spot by the window for optimal lighting.
“Here we go again with this tired topic,”
“Exactly, guess who’s tired of watching you two flirt and do nothing about it,” Lauren asked rhetorically before imitating Chris, “Your hair looks cute like that,”
Kayla chuckled, not convinced but found her hand subconsciously going to touch her new braids, “He’s mocking me, he saw me earlier before Fallon and didn’t say anything,”
“In his defense, there were a lot of people around for him to say anything, that’d been weird,”
Kayla had been working with Chris as his hairstylist and make-up artist for almost four months now. She had fit into the team so seamlessly, with all credits due to Chris for being so welcoming and warm. But therein lay the problems: he was over-achingly good looking, and by far the best celebrity client she had worked with. So much so that the four months she’d known him breezed by and she seemed to fall for his charm every day. Every morning she woke up, she felt like a teenager excited to go to school because she got to sit next to her crush in class. Except with Chris, she got to play in his hair and get extremely close to his face. And touch him. Getting paid for it was seeming more like a perk.
Everyone around them seemed to notice how well they got along. With Lauren being around them the most, she recognised their chemistry instantly and was the first one to call them out on it. Despite being met with their discomfort and denial, she didn’t let it stop her from continuing her torment. If they were going to flirt and act like she didn’t exist, then she too could have her own fun with them.
“This whole convo is so weird, let it rest,” Kayla complained.
“You like him, he likes you. What’s weird?”
“Sure he likes me, I’m clearly his type,” Kayla rolled her eyes sarcastically. “Seriously, don’t you get bored of this subject?”
“You are his type,” Lauren affirmed with a ‘duh’ tone.
“Okay Lauren, if you say so.”
“Lest you forget his daughter Mya is-”
“Mixed race? So suddenly he likes all black women?” Kayla laughed.
“No, I’m disproving your theory that he doesn’t date black women. Besides, you, have entertained this conversation hence you do care and which means you do like him,”
Kayla pursed her lips before stuttering, “I...look, he’s hot, granted and a nice guy, but that’s about it. Celebs are not my type, too much drama and baggage,”
“That’s a sweeping statement,” Lauren was clearly in defense of Chris.
“Why’d you keep pushing for this anyway? What’s in it for you?”
“He hadn’t been himself for a while, his old self has resurfaced since you started working with him. It’s just…nice y’know? To have the real Chris back,” Lauren said solemnly. “I just want him to be happy,”
“I love my job and would never cross that line with Chris, besides, he’s a good friend,” Kayla said, barely believing herself.
She also didn’t believe Lauren, the last time something of this sort happened, was in high school with the popular kid and that didn’t end well.
So why would it be different with Chris? He was practically the popular guy from the moment the final Avengers: Infinity War trailer was released; the man had been trending on Twitter for almost a week.
After a few minutes, he reemerged from his room from his shower, looking handsome and cuddly as ever, just wrapped in his hotel robe. He sat in the chair by the window, enjoying the view of the city as Kayla began her magic on him, her back to the mirror next to the floor-to-ceiling window he faced.
“How long are you planning to grow this?” Kayla asked.
She raked her fingers through his hair, distributing the product from root to ends. Chris always loved it when she did that. He’d melt into her touch, his eyes fluttering shut as his body relaxed. Maybe Sebastian was right, again; it’d been too long since he’d been with a woman. How could someone simply touching his hair make him lose his mind?
Kayla loved the way his hair felt in her hands; silky and soft. Even better, she liked how vulnerable he always seemed in her chair, which was such a contrast to his towering height, ragged beard and sculpted frame.
He looked vulnerable in her chair because his mind was busy, always wondering what it would feel like to kiss her and have her hands play in his hair. Or tug at it.
It didn’t help that the woman worked in such a close proximity to his face. She permeated every one of his senses…
Her confidence in her own skin was attractive; she had this way about her… a beauty that was very easy on the eyes.
Her soothing voice and hearty, belly laugh was contagious.
Her touch was confident and comforting. It felt like home.
Her sweet but punchy bergamot and neroli scent reminded him of heady summer nights.
Her taste… he always wondered.
“I’m actually supposed to cut it soon for Lobby Hero,” he said sadly. He fished his phone out of his robe pocket and showed her the character mood board for the play. “They gave me this buddy here for reference,”
“Oh,” Lauren walked over and glanced over his shoulder at his phone screen.
Kayla looked up at him from the screen, then back at the phone and him again, as if trying to envision the look on him.  
“Uhmm the moustache...too?”
Chris nodded, pouting as he whined, “I don’t wike it,”
“Oh...” Lauren repeated, stifling a laugh by biting her bottom lip.
“Can you believe it? A pornstache,” he cried.
“Wow, the next few months are going to be rough for you,” Kayla finally commented.
“What, without my hair I’m nothing? Is that what you’re saying?”
No, I just won’t have anything to imagine tugging on...she thought.
“Not what I said, you just said that yourself,” Kayla corrected him. “I’m just saying, the world went nuts over your bearded look in the Infinity War trailer just last week...this look’s gonna be a big middle finger to everyone that supported you,”
“You’re so charming, y’know that?” he said rolling his eyes. “I can say bye to my career, because clearly my hair’s kept me going all these years,”
“You could always try porn? With that beard and all,” Lauren said, back to her station by the rail.
“Maybe you can write my character reference,” Chris shot back.
“Oh, I’m so glad it’s Friday, one more day with you I swear I’ll strangle you,” Laura huffed.
“So it’s BDSM you’re into?” Chris asked.
“We’re all adults here,” he shrugged.
“You’re lot,”
“I am, you can regroup over the weekend,” He sighed, but he looked smug like he was proud of himself. “Doing anything nice other than getting away from me?”
“My weekend starts tonight, shower, room service, a huge bottle of wine and bed. Then lather, rinse and repeat. I’m staying in bed all weekend,”
“Sounds like a dream,” Kayla moaned. “Can I join you?”
“For which bit; the shower, wine or bed all weekend?” Lauren asked, her sole purpose to get a reaction out of Chris.
And it worked, his breath stilled at the visuals that flooded him, but he quickly composed himself before he breathed an easy laugh to let Lauren know he was unaffected by her antics.
“Girl, no! For the wine and room service,” Kayla scrunched up her face at her. “I’m hungry,”
“What a shame, my bed will be very lonely tonight,”
“Take me out to dinner and I might just come back to your room,” Kayla teased.
“Well, why don’t we all get something to eat tonight, Chris, think you can make it?”
“I doubt it, I finish around 9:30ish. I can’t make you guys wait that long to eat,” Chris said sadly.
The idea of going out seemed very tempting, after his conversation with his mom yesterday he realised he needed to start making a few changes, starting with his social life. Kayla being in attendance was a bonus, if not the main incentive.
“We’ll survive,” Lauren interjected quickly, not wanting to give him a window to bail out because he always bailed.
Chris decided that if he was going to spend the next two hours at a press event, fake smiling the night away at cameras and fellow industry personnel, then he surely deserved a nice private dinner with his team to unwind without having to be ‘Chris Evans,’ the famous guy. He wanted to push the envelope even further and have a drink or two, or even eat from the list of barred food for his Cap diet. Just to prove a point.  
“That works for me. I’ll let Tiffany and Keith know,” Lauren said, considering his assistant and publicist who completed ‘Team Chris Evans’. “Kay, You in?”
Chris surprised himself when he didn’t immediately worry about going back to Mya and Dodger when Lauren extended the dinner invitation. He was going to take his mom and Seb’s advice to put himself out there.
It was about time, he wasn’t getting any younger.
But he wasn’t surprised when he’d found himself holding his breath, waiting for Kayla to respond, because frankly, he knew deep down that her reply was going to make or break the deal. Of course he loved Lauren and she was great company, but she wasn’t Kayla.
“Of course I’m in,”
Chapter 4.1
Disclaimer: Gif Not My Own
Tagged As Requested:  @mississippifangirl​ @thinemineours @tessathedragon @thottio​ @caninoona @eratotalles @allonszassbutt @thinemineours @dreamingwithmendes @void-imaginations​ @daybreak96​ @l-auteuse​ @cliffordasparagus @bumber-car-s @lvlyab @melaninmarvel
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deakyswhitequeen · 5 years
15 questions 15 mutuals
I was tagged by ooof so many gorgeous people! @littledarlingwellaway  @benmeddowstaylor @sweetgcreature @bohemiandelilah  @its-a-metephor-brian 💖 Kinda thinking we could put up a squad: we’re always tagging each other in games and stuff... I love you darlings 💖
Anyway, here we go 💕
1) Are you named after anyone?
My mum always used to tell me she got the inspiration when she was visiting my father’s family memorial: she saw the picture of this beautiful girl with kind eyes and a gentle smile on her face (I think she’s like my great-great-great grandmother). Her name was Giulia and well... so is mine 😊 (I love to tell this story and so does my mother lol)
2) When was the last time you cried?
I can’t remember the last time I, like, cried cried, but I’ll tell you this: last night I saw Avengers Endgame and all I will say is that by the end I had watery eyes and a knot in the stomach that gave me a headache. Brace yourselves people. You are not ready for that film.
3) Do you have kids?
Nope. Way too young. And you kinda need a... better half to have them, right? That’s what they told me lol (All jokes aside, I plan on having them one day)
4) Do you use sarcasm a lot?
More than I should, that’s for sure. And I hate it when people don’t get my sarcasm.
5) What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Eyes, smile, hands. Eyes to understand their intentions; Smile to see if they’re double-faced; Hands to understand if they’re hiding something. (That’s quite specific and detailed, but idk that’s what I do if I meet someone, especially if I have to get to know them)
6) What’s your eye color?
7) Scary movie or happy ending?
Definitely happy ending. I’m a wuss 
8) Any special talents?
Geez, I don’t know. I’m.. good at math (?) is that a special talent?, I guess I can draw, I can braid my hair in different not a lot hairstyles ( @radio-ha-ha I’m thinking of you). Yep that’s all I can think of lol
9) Where were you born?
Somewhere in Northern Italy that’s my favourite answer in the whole world
10) What are your hobbies?
music, reading, writing, drawing, swimming, movies, tv series
11) Do you have any pets?
I have a grumpy lovely cat named Leopold 🐈
12)What sports do you play/have you played?
I swim twice a week, always have since I was like six years old oof that’s a lot and I did classical ballet for six years until I was thirteen-ish
13) How tall are you?
Average I guess...1.63 m
14) Favourite subject in school?
In high school I used to love English, Math&Physics and Art History. Now I study physics and I loooove this course I have on modern physics and how Einstein and Planck & Co completely revolutionised classical physics. 
15) Dream job?
Astrophysicist or Physicist of astroparticles (?). Bottom line is: researcher of space that sounds awful but it’s the truth lol
I'm tagging: @instantezra @deakys-chesthair @gottabecool-relax @rogerlad @john-deacon-fucks @stone-cold-crazy-for-queen @misshystericalqueen @theappleofmybri @m0etenchandon @radio-ha-ha @allthangsqueen @itsjoemozzarella @spintherecord @sleepydeaky @bensrhapsody (Feel free to do it or ignore it. I just love doing these games)
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adoeadeer · 6 years
Salty and Sweet ch. 2
A/N: Thanks for the love on the first chapter and the little short stories I’ve posted! You can find them on my blog. I promise we’ll get to the meaning of the title soon enough, and i hope you enjoy chapter 2! xo, B
Monday’s suck. There is no point to saying that, as most people agree. Except for the ‘glass half full’ kind of people, who believe Monday’s exist to refresh you and motivate you at the beginning of a new week. Jane decided she was not one of those people as she rolled out of bed.
Pulling on a pair of jeans, a black camisole and her favourite knitted navy cardigan, she examined herself in the mirror. Too plain. Hm, maybe a little something extra is what she needed. Jane combed her long hair and divided it into two halves with a part down the middle. Her fingers twisted her hair with expertise as she pulled and tucked both sides into double braids. She hadn’t worn her hair like this since her days in middle school. Perhaps now they suited her, and instead of looking childish, she believed the pulled back hair showed off her face and gave her a sense of maturity. Who knew a hairstyle could boost her confidence so much?
No, she thought to herself. This had nothing to do with wanting to stand out and catch a certain serpent’s attention. She spent the last year blending in, Jane has worked too hard to be thrown back into the mess that is Riverdale drama.
With a sigh, Jane grabbed her bag and her freshly brewed travel mug full of tea and snuck out the door, careful not to wake her mother who had been working the task of backshift the last few months at the hospital.
The pair lived on the Northside, a rather quiet mother/daughter duo. Jane’s mother is a nurse, and her was father long gone. She has one older brother who lives with his girlfriend in Greendale, who she rarely sees.
Jane climbed into her car and pulled the door shut, and pushed the key into the ignition and
gave it a twist. It was a chilly day in Riverdale, and she found herself turning on the heat for the first time in a while. Lately, her thoughts had been wandering to the boy who kept meeting her gaze. He held it too, always challenging her to looking away first, almost like a staring contest. During these staring contests, Jane took the opportunity, only when feeling brave enough, to admire the astonishing features of this boy. From the hair curl to the Serpent tattoo always poking out from under the collar of his shirt.
Jane! No! She thought to herself, deciding to focus on the drive. Now was not the time to let her mind wander.
The girl pulled into the parking lot of Riverdale High, careful not to go near the bikes parked close by. She forced herself to concentrate on making it to her first class without letting her mind wander.
“Jane.” Came Freda’s voice from behind her, and Jane was glad to have a distraction from her thoughts.
“Freda.” replied the girl. Jane held the door for her friend to enter the school and followed behind her, heading for their lockers.
“You’ve got an onlooker.” Freda observed, wiggling her eyebrows at Jane before minding her own business and turning to her locker.
Jane glanced over to her left, seeing no one looking on, but then to her right, where Serpent boy stood in a group of loud and laughing teens. His eyes were fixed on her, and Jane had to maintain a calm composure by crossing her arms over her chest and leaning against the locker beside Freda’s, never breaking eye contact with the boy.
It seemed as though this raven haired boy had enough of Jane’s staring and muttered something incoherent to his friends before pushing away from them and coming to stand in front of Jane, looking down on her while she looked up at him.
“Are you ever going to make any other contact with me other than eye contact?” he asked, mirroring her straight face except Jane could see the amused twinkle in his eye.
“I didn’t know it was an option.” she replied, merely shrugging her shoulders while a swarm of butterflies seemed to be inside her stomach.
“Well here is my invitation. I’m Sweet Pea.”
“Jane.” she managed, her eyes wide as she wondered what words would come out of his mouth next, completely oblivious to the fact that Freda was still beside her, mouth slightly agape.
“I have to say, I believe I’ve been winning our staring contests.” This statement made Jane chuckle to herself.
“I didn’t know we were keeping track, Sweet Pea.” Jane challenged.
Just then, the bell for first class sounded.
Sweet Pea’s eyes flicked back to his friends who looked to him before taking off down the corridor. “Well Jane, maybe we can crack out the winner another time.”
“Looking forward to it.”
With that, Sweet Pea spun on his heel and strode off, leaving Jane alone with Freda once more.
“Are you joking me right now?” Freda slammed her locker door shut. Jane was not joking. She barely understood what just happened.
“He’s so… tall.” Jane muttered in response, still at a loss for the interaction she just was a part of.
Freda grabbed Jane’s arm and dragged her along the hallway.
“English, let’s go.” Freda rolled her eyes. What a way to start the day.
Later in the day, Jane found herself sitting on the bleachers overlooking the football field. She didn’t know if she could do it, let herself fall for another male being walking the halls of Riverdale High. Not that anything will happen between her and Sweet Pea, but what if there’s a good chance? After her last boy mishap she had sworn them off. What was so different about this guy? This tall, mysterious, poorly named boy.
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tsunnychan · 6 years
Time Pieced: Again?
as I chip away at this outline... med school chips away at my sanity :’).
anyhoo, here’s ch 2 of Time Pieced, the fic that was meant for @petalsandfishes birthday and turned into a much bigger monster as my outline both simultaneously got away from me and went according to plan.
ii. Again?
4 September 1975
The first thing James noticed was the steady rhythm of rain hitting the window, an occasional rumble of thunder shaking the room. Lightning flashed behind his closed lids and he inhaled deeply. Groaning at the movement of his ribcage, James flipped onto his side and buried his face into the pillow. He was sore, and not the good Quidditch-owns-my-arse kind of sore. Not only did his muscles ache, but there was a sort of heaviness in his bones he couldn’t remember having before.
Merlin, what happened yesterday?
Frustrated, James kicked one leg out of his blankets and huffed. His memory wasn’t the best, but it’d never been foggy before. It was either a clear recollection, or it was a blank slate. Not the vague half-formed ideas that filled his mind now.
The last things he could really recall… He and Sirius just got back to Hogwarts after a rough summer.
Sirius had shown up on his doorstep in the middle of the night, fists clenched and jaw tight. He stood shivering in the brisk summer night with new bruises blossoming along his back, keeping his face hidden with his hair. Before he could say a word, James pulled him inside and steered him into the kitchen, wrapping him in a blanket on the way. James had been rummaging around the cabinets for Pepper Up potion when his mother shuffled in. He tried to ignore the reflexive wince from Sirius when his mother’s hand brushed the hair away from his face. James’ father appeared behind him and soundlessly summoned the ingredients for Pepper Up. As his father began brewing in the corner, the knot in his chest loosened when his mother quietly declared that Sirius was going to stay in the Potter Manor from now on.
The first few days with Sirius were tough. Sirius had both simultaneously accepted and resisted his newfound residence. The Potters had welcomed Sirius into their family without hesitation, having been a brother to James in everything but blood. In reality, Euphemia Potter had already been keeping the room next to James’ prepared ever since they met Sirius on the platform after first year when they went to pick up James. He had been willingly dragged by her own son and gave her the stiffest bow she’d ever seen from a Pureblood. She’d pinched his cheeks and told him to visit soon. And he did, almost every other week since then, his eyes sparking with more life and mischief with each subsequent visit.
This summer, Sirius stayed mostly to himself. He wouldn’t leave his room for days at a time, opening the door occasionally for James. Mostly for Fleamont for Wizard’s Chess. Always for Euphemia.
Often, James would hear low muttering on the other side of the door, quickly followed by rapid cursing and eventually, a muffled slam. He suspected Sirius still tried to reach Regulus, but the two had strayed farther and farther with the growing blood supremacy climate. James had tried asking about it in the past, but he was met with deflection and ire. Instead, he left it alone. Sirius would talk when he wanted to.
James had also gotten notice he was made Quidditch captain over the summer. He tried coaxing Sirius out again to visit Diagon Alley, but to no avail. So, he went alone.
September had crept up faster than anticipated and Sirius’s mood stayed low, albeit improved from when he first showed up at the Potter’s. They journey to the castle was, thankfully, uneventful. Remus and Peter had raised their eyebrows at the sullen mood surrounding Sirius, but James shook his head.
Then they saw Regulus with the wrong crowd at the welcoming feast.
James remembered hastily whispering for Remus and Peter to hold down the fort before chasing after Sirius as he stormed out of the Great Hall. When he finally caught up right outside the Gryffindor Tower, James also remembered suggesting they go for a run outside. Just the two of them.
Soon enough, Prongs and Padfoot sat in companionable silence in one of the Forbidden Forest clearings until midnight.
James and Sirius stumbled back under the Invisibility cloak into the dormitories, narrowly missing a run-in with Filch.
After collapsing in bed, muscles tingling from the adrenaline, James remembered having the strangest dream.
He was… a girl? With the palest skin and scattered freckles. He had deep red hair that fell around the shoulders and piercing green eyes. He was shamelessly studying her— er, his?— reflection in the mirror when someone busted down his door. He stared blankly at her and asked who she was, and then promptly received the scolding of his life.
He was never going to forget the name Petunia, not to mention the voice that accompanied it.
There was apparently so much to do in the morning, and he was already running late? James was frazzled before he even made it to breakfast. He had to do his hair (which he was already shite at with his own hair, how was he supposed to manage a girl’s hair? What was that thing his mother used to make… a braid?), he had to go through the mortifying experience of figuring out the bathroom, and on top of all of that? He didn’t even have a wand to cheat his way through the morning.
Petunia had shrieked at him from downstairs, something about school and James had no idea what was going on. He literally just got to school in his real life. Now he had another one to go to in his dreams?
The walk there was dreadful. The town was gray, dusty, and all around a bit depressing. All the buildings looked the same, there was hardly any greenery, and the sun was beating down on them the entire time. Petunia had been nagging him constantly about the state of his hair, telling him to braid it.
To keep his hearing intact, James nodded and allowed Petunia to pull his red hair into a tight plait. When she split off to her own school, James immediately pulled it out. Better a sweaty neck than the intense headache he was going to get with a hairstyle like that. Besides, wild hair wasn’t so out of the ordinary for him.
He saw another building in the distance with students milling about. He figured that was where he was supposed to go.
His friends—Mary and Benjy, Mary and Benjy—had greeted him at the entrance, greeted Lily, apologizing for not waiting this morning. He’d gotten a few raised eyebrows at his wild hair, but that was routine for him. He was more concerned about the classes he was supposed to be getting to, especially when he didn’t have access to magic. He asked Mary and Benjy about the schedule… listing off his usual courses: Transfiguration, Charms, Arithmancy… he trailed off after seeing the looks on their faces.
They had quickly herded him to a classroom, throwing furtive glances at the other students in the hall. The two of them seemed sufficiently concerned, so much so, they walked him into his classroom and pulled out a bound book and some thin tubes. They flipped to a blank page and looked at him expectantly. He looked at the two of them and hesitantly picked up a tube. Was this their version of a wand?
No sooner than picking it up, Mary snatched it out of his hands, and corrected his grip.
“A pen, Lily. This is a pen. Alright? You take notes with it. Start here.”
He could hear Benjy stifling his snickers behind him and bit back his own smirk when Mary swatted him.
Eventually, they shuffled out of the room quietly, giving him a few more worried looks. James waved them off. This was just a dream, a very realistic one…
James sat through the entire day of classes, haphazardly taking notes in the book Mary pulled out for him. He started off interested in each class. This was nothing like what they taught at Hogwarts, but his mind began to wander. He jotted down the names he’d learned this morning. He made notes on what he saw in the town. He was also incredibly fascinated with this pen. It was smaller and lighter than quill. He didn’t have to constantly dip it into an inkwell. The grip was a little strange, but he got the hang of it.
Mary and Benjy reappeared and, thankfully, escorted him back to his house. Lily’s house. They lingered by him. “Are you sure you’re going to be okay? You didn’t hit your head anywhere, did you?”
James smiled fondly. “You really are stand-up people, aren’t you? It’s nice to know that I’ll have the best of friends, even in my dreams.”
“Don’t worry about it. I’m just going to sleep, and I’m going to wake up in my own bed soon enough. Cheers.”
James shut the door in their astonished faces and started up the stairs. A full day without magic wasn’t so bad. It’s really just a bit of an itch. He let the bookbag slump onto the desk in his room and he shrugged off the sweater he pulled on that morning.
As he settled back in the bed he woke up in, James determined that this was a very long, realistic dream.
Sure enough, the next day, he woke up in the Gryffindor dormitories with Sirius and Remus snoring in unison, and Peter’s snores joining in on the offbeat. Later, during breakfast, he found it strange that his friends were suddenly all addressing each other with eerily familiar flower names…
“What, no Lily today? After all that work I put in as Saffron? Unbelievable, Prongs.”
“Lay off Sirius, Rose needed a break. As a matter of fact, I need a break.”
“You needed a break? Apparently, I wasn’t a good enough Petunia. How am I supposed to assume the role of a sister that I didn’t even know I had?”
That, and the fact he couldn’t remember yesterday…
James sprang up from his pillow. He couldn’t remember yesterday.
He looked down at his pillow. This was not his pillow.
His head snapped up and surveyed his surroundings. This was not his room.
He scrambled out of bed and ran over to the mirror, freezing at the sight. This was most definitely not his body.
His door banged open, but there was no one on the other side. James furrowed his brow and glanced at his hands. Was that accidental magic?
Moments later, he heard rapid footsteps coming up the stairs and a red-faced Petunia appeared in the doorway. She hissed at him, “What are you doing up here, Lily? We have company over!”
He smiled sheepishly at her. “Sorry, Petunia. Got startled by, uh, a bug on the ceiling.”
Petunia narrowed her eyes suspiciously at him and sniffed. “Get cleaned up. It’s noon.”
She glanced at him up and down and muttered, “You’d think you’d check the time more often since you started wearing dad’s watch.”
She shut the door behind her with a huff and James turned back to the mirror. He was either having recurrent, lucid dreams… or he was the subject of a very complex switching spell.
Sighing, James slumped to the floor, studying Lily’s features. She really was quite pretty, despite some of the exhaustion across her face. Never in his wildest dreams would he be able to dream up someone like Lily… right? She had to be real, right?
As James scanned across the reflection, he noticed the puffiness in his eyes—er, Lily’s eyes. Grimacing, he reached up to touch his cheeks. Had she cried herself to sleep?
He looked around his room and found the watch Petunia mentioned. James got up from the floor and picked up the watch. It was a golden face with a matching golden strap. The face looked like it’d been fitted with a new relatively new glass covering. Come to think of it, it looked a lot like the one he has—
The watch gleamed suddenly, and James stared at it dumbfounded.
Did the watch… just wink at him? Or was that more accidental magic?
James blew out a long breath and shook his head. If this really wasn’t a dream… he was going to have a long talk with Professor McGonagall about switching spells…
Idly, he rifled through the bookbag and pulled out the notebook he used last time. He flipped to the last page and found new notes.
Lily’s notes.
He found her regular class notes, but he also found her scribbles in the margins of the notes he took. He smiled at the crosses and circles that littered his poor handwriting, along with her own translation of some of the more illegible bits. A few more flips later, Lily’s notes ended and he reached a blank page. James paused, biting his lip.
Before he could regret it, he grabbed a pen off Lily’s desk and began writing.
Dear Evans,
I’m James Potter, which I’m sure you’ve found out by now.
Pleasantries aside, I have a few questions for you…
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