#but Ashley is sleepy
unsoundedcomic · 2 years
Bastion x Lemon hatefuck :3
Adelier was a weapon of a man: hard as a stave, stubborn as a bolt stuck in a clavicle, as piercing about the eyes as the two ugly swords on his back. Upon their first meeting, Bastion had noticed those swords before anything else. A pair of them? Even a spellwright knew it was foolish to have both hands harried by weapons rather than carry a blade and buckler, or parrying knife. Was the idiot so arrogant?
“Where is he?” Bastion asked today, entering the side chapel designated for their meeting and seeing only the Soud, “I don’t have time for you.”
“I’ll have to do,” Adelier answered, flickering his attention from a newspaper to the entering Black Tongue. Bastion felt well-sodden by those hateful, piss-coloured eyes. “Besides,” he continued, “There’s nothing left for him to say to you. The plot is settled, the date is in stone, and unless you’ve lost your nerve or decided you can’t do what’s demanded, what more is there to discuss?”
“Payment,” snapped Bastion, “I would have all of it. Now.”
“Creditors breathing down your neck?”
“Something like that.” Bastion fingered the torc at his throat, habitually moved to readjust it. Of course the yoke of Silver hadn’t budged in ten years. Its reaching wires made themselves known; the familiar sting and tug beneath his skin. Adelier regarded it, and his contempt was searing.
“The arrangement’s settled, Ilgan Yag. Remove yourself from this sacred place if you’re only here to whinge for coin like a needy whore.”
“I have expenses,” said Bastion reasonably, ”I’d as well explain cookery to a coon hound as my art to some pissmop soldier, but I must procure an assistant and several rare Materials. This operation will not be as simple as retooling a fucking plod mask.”
Something ticked in the Soud’s jaw; some twitch of emotion that would have lost him money at the gambling hall. Bastion laughed to see it. Two swords. Two swords! “Write it all out,” Adelier said, swallowing, and dropping his eyes, “I will pass it along.”
The sudden vulnerability was a heady fragrance pulling Bastion forward; a break in the impatient soldier’s facade. The boy was so young, really. Soud were an opaque people, but still transparent in their way. There was no subtle dance of etiquette to tease out their age. It was always naked on their face and their body. This Soud was so, so young - a green hedgeapple, hard, wooden, but newly formed and far from ripe. Bastion wanted to bare his teeth against him, see how hard he’d have to bite down to break skin.
He crossed the room. As he walked, Bastion felt wires crinkle like hands around his hips. Did the wires trace his movements? Or were they strings commanding his puppet limbs? Ah, how long had it been since the difference was even discernible!
Coiled, Adelier didn’t flinch as Bastion neared. The Black Tongue raised his hand and faintly touched the curve of his wicked nails to the sharp plane of the other man’s cheek. Adelier looked like he wanted to strike him, but Bastion knew he wouldn’t. He was needed. “I like you much better,” he laughed, tucking a few strands of blond behind his ear, “She does not share my opinion, but that only makes me like you more. You would have been a Black Tongue in another life. You’d sacrifice anything to get what you want. You would become anything it needed you to become.”
“It’s not about what I want.”
Bastion sighed and rolled his eyes to the ceiling. “You don’t have a very high opinion of Ssael, do you? Is he so helpless that you must do all his work for him? You must scheme and plot and guess at his wishes rather than trust him to operate in his own time frame?”
“Such trust easily becomes an excuse for inaction and sloth. I’ve seen it in Shadwe Grandvin-”
Bastion murmured something just beyond audibility, and darted forward as Adelier spasmed backwards. The soldier reached for one of those ugly swords but Bastion’s pymary was too swift. The Soud’s muscles seized up, his yellow eyes fluttered, and Bastion caught him like a knight catching a swooning damsel in one of those ridiculous courtyard plays. He slid a knee forward so Adelier bonelessly straddled it as he dropped, and then Bastion collapsed his lips atop his own.
Purple weed, wine, warm and sweaty masculinity. Bastion drank deeply of him, crushing his shoulders to the chapel wall and grinding his prick against his knee. Adelier didn’t return the kiss but he made no noise of protest either. Bastion felt him straining against the brief paralysis, left strength enough only to brace his legs and back, but even his head listed on his neck. Bastion seized his face. He dragged his teeth over his cheek, bit his jaw hard enough to mark it, chewed the rough late afternoon gold sprouted there and reflected on its flavour.
“I’ll take fine care of you,” Bastion whispered, exulting. The soldier’s lips were turning blue. His paralyzed frame couldn’t draw a breath, “You and your... one... two...” Bastion worked his knee thoughtfully against the other’s crotch and snorted with mirth, ”Three swords.”
Desperation seized the Soud in a violent paroxysm. Bastion ended the spell. A trail of inky nothingness broke from his body like his shadow, and Bastion sailed away upon it, leaving the Soud to drop to his knees and gasp for air.
"I'll arrange an invoice, then~"
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kenmageddon · 8 months
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Leshley/Ashleon nation, can I be part of the club now?!
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coff-in · 3 months
Bro if reader ever gets the ingredients straight from the source are they gonna survive :0 Like...Ashley might for once be easier to deal with, because Andrew's gonna impale them. And then use them like a water balloon. (I really shouldn't be finding this hot—)
notes from coff-in: no no, it's alright for you to find this hot. it is hot. be free, go wild 'nonnie. untether yourself from your shame and indulge in big dick reluctant sex maniac andrew graves.
[gender neutral] reader-insert, NSFW, incest
imagine andrew graves fucking [reader] in every hole, filling them up with his cum! hehehe, his thick gooey cum leaks out of them like a cream-filled donut. [reader]'s on their bloated stomach, lying in the bed with a flushed face and tears running down their cheeks. the moans the involuntarily let out because they feel so full, closing their eyes as they fall asleep feeling loved and taken care of. andrew gets hard again looking at the sight. ashley teases him about it too, "look at them! you did a number in them, andrew... looks like you still have some love to share, hm? maybe i could help out with that?"
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panicv0mit · 1 year
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Ashley!!! [drawn in ms paint]
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maetheartist · 5 days
“I don’t get why people ship Ashley x Leon 🙄 they’re clearly just friends and have a brotherly and sisterly relationship there’s no chemistry between them-“
Girl please be fr you ship Leon x Krauser, they ain’t got no chemistry either yet you don’t see me policing others on their ship and bitching about it, same goes with Jill x Carlos or Leon x Claire, I commonly see a comments like these hating on similar ships alongside the shippers themselves while having ships with characters who 1. Hate eachother, 2. Don’t have any romantic interest in eachother AT ALL, 3. Haven’t even met at all. If you ain’t got nothing nice to say then DON’T SAY IT! It ain’t that hard, we’re all just tryna have fun here! >:(
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evacable · 26 days
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uberanneart · 2 years
Tired mom
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cherrylight · 4 months
hi! the sort of "hiatus" isnt really over with this blog in particular sorry to say ... but i reallyyyyyyyy wanna share this cuz i know ill forget >_<
anyway!! happy c/lancy day! (doing that to be safe!) i was watching the stream for all the mvs and decided to bring my dave plush to watch it with me! like a lil cute date ^_^
anyway i think his fav is backslide...... i saw him dancing to it.... but he will never ADMIT IT for some reason ........ hes such a dork
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leyleycraves · 8 months
My Andy!!!!
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rottentarsoul · 9 months
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It's like 11 but fuck it
Nap time.
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sleepnavigator · 1 year
og ashley looked like gemma ward and now i'm sad they changed her
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wildlife4life · 1 year
Alright y’all, the weather has calmed a bit and I am getting tired finally. But thank you for all the asks! It helped greatly! And you all more than welcome to keep sending asks, but I won’t answer until morning… after daycare drop off and coffee. Lol. Good night!
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rachelblairy · 1 year
this is just a heads up i probs cant watch t*d l*sso until like thursday rip me i have it blacklisted but cant cry until then :(
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coff-in · 4 months
Could I request Grave siblings with an obsessive reader?
Like reader is atracted to violent women so when she met Ashley as a child she immediately wanted her attention, but she realized that Ashley is obsessed with Andrew. Reader dislikes Andrew because of this but befriends him in order to get close to LeyLey, a bad move because now Ashley thinks this random girl who has been following her wants to steal her brother.
Reader is desperate because she doesn't want Ashley to hate her, so when she visits the Gave's and sees them playing with some Nina she thinks perhaps this is her chance to prove herself to Leyley.
When Andrew hesitates to lock Nina he glances at his "friend" for help or guidance, but she just takes the wood piece from him and locks Nina herself.
"Now Leyley, please don't cry! Andrew did what you wanted, didn't you Andrew?"
Ashley starts appreciating reader because she does anything if it makes Leyley happy, and Andrew listens to reader so he can't deny Leyley either.
Andrew knows reader uses him but he just likes her to much to stop ot.
notes from coff-in: i was trying to do my usually tidy headcanon writing but i just... couldn't do it :/ so instead i'm going to word vomit, haha! sorry about that, but i hope you enjoy what i have to say :3 (edit: this took longer than i expected, my bad my bad)
[fem] reader-insert
leyley wouldn't really be friendly towards [reader]. she usually sticks to andy and does her own thing most of the time which makes it hard for [reader] to interact with her. most of her attempts to befriend leyley directly are brushed off.
[reader] finally thought of a plan: if [reader] can get close to andy, she can get close to leyley. andy's a fairly popular kid at school and it wasn't too hard being friendly to him. she had almost let slip of her true intentions when initially befriending him, almost told him to "stop hogging leyley." almost... but [reader] was able to control herself.
what [reader] didn't really take into account was how leyley would react. which was not as positive as she hoped. if looks could kill then [reader] would've been leyley's first victim. she went from being disinterested in [reader] to fucking aggressive as hell and no matter how much [reader] tried to please leyley, nothing really trampled out the pure fucking animosity leyley showed her.
until one day. [reader] saw leyley hanging out with andy and nina near the abandoned warehouse. when she came over to join them, andy tried to talk her away. "how come nina can come but i can't?"
"andrew invited me!" well she can't really argue with that.
"well-- um-- it would be better to have an even group, right leyley?"
leyley wanted to tell her off but thought that maybe she could use this opportunity to kill two hussies with one stone! she made nina count and [reader] hide in a separate part of the warehouse away from her and andy. however, [reader] overheard bits and pieces of their conversation... lock the box?
she soon found out what leyley meant when leyley forced nina into the dusty box. at first [reader] didn't know what to do, and leyley was yelling and tearing up, and andy was looking at her for help, pleading for her to do something. so she took the stick in andy's hands and pushed it through the meta loops to lock the box. she smiled at a shocked leyley.
"now leyley, please don't cry! andrew did what you wanted, didn't you andrew?"
andy looked at [reader] in disbelief before nodding. "yeah... see? i choose you, leyley." maybe he was hoping that [reader] would take nina out later. maybe he was hoping that [reader] was just doing this to pacify leyley.
but seeing leyley smile made [reader] completely forget about nina and her coughing, and andy and his worrying. as long as she was happy, everything else meant nothing to [reader].
everyone wins.
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erggggggggg · 1 year
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daily-leon · 4 months
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For today some older sprites of OG Ashley and Leon from a project I planned on doing all the way back in march, as I am sleepy
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