maetheartist · 5 days
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This is a terrible ref sheet but over time I'll get the hang of it. For a rewrite of what's on there Tos (terms of service) - Prices are paid beforehand (fyi YES you will get a refund if something comes up.) - No choosing beggars (aka no bartering with like 'well can it be-' no it's what I set it as.) - No NSFW - No robots (I'm not advanced enough in robots and I want to make something worth your money) - No Hazbin/Helluva - Please be patient. I'm spending time making you something, and that obviously takes literal time. I'm not a machine. Prices: Cleaned sketch - $5 Lineart - $10 Flats - $15 Rendered - $20 Bg (On any) - additional $5 FYI I will fix small mistakes for you if its a minor error. I feel like these are high prices, but also, I don't want to undersell myself like so many artists warn new commission artists about. So I think starting at 5 and ending at 20-25 is okay and fair. KO-FI and Paypal links Ko-fi is set up weird so I prefer paypal after directly talking to me in DMs
If you can't buy PLEASE reblog this post.
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maetheartist · 8 days
“I don’t get why people ship Ashley x Leon 🙄 they’re clearly just friends and have a brotherly and sisterly relationship there’s no chemistry between them-“
Girl please be fr you ship Leon x Krauser, they ain’t got no chemistry either yet you don’t see me policing others on their ship and bitching about it, same goes with Jill x Carlos or Leon x Claire, I commonly see a comments like these hating on similar ships alongside the shippers themselves while having ships with characters who 1. Hate eachother, 2. Don’t have any romantic interest in eachother AT ALL, 3. Haven’t even met at all. If you ain’t got nothing nice to say then DON’T SAY IT! It ain’t that hard, we’re all just tryna have fun here! >:(
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maetheartist · 1 month
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Sooooo… tell me, my friends. If I were to draw furries for y’all… would you buy this pretty gal for 20$? 👀
I am currently open to commissions for furries or any Ocs in general! Do keep in mind, keep the commissions you make what is deemed appropriate to everyone! I am 15, must I say more? don’t request weird stuff, or get blocked!!! 🗣️
5$ for sketches! 🧋
10$ for clean line art 🪸
15$ for flat coloring (w line art) 🪻
20$ for full coloring + shading + extra details with the background 🪼 as shown with our pretty gall above! ☝️
First time customers to buy from me can get a -5$ discount if you buy a full effort art commission or a flat coloring commission! I only take Cashapp at the moment, no PayPal, sorry to disappoint! :(
Like said, keep up your commissions SFW!!! If I am unable to do the commission, I will let you know right away! If I do accept the commissions, all I will ask is that you give me 50% of the agreed price for the commission you submit before I start drawing. Also, keep in mind, if you want me to make you a character, let me know! If ya want me to draw an already made Oc, KEEP REFERENCES HANDY FOR ME!!! 🗣️🗣️
Anyways, have a great day, thank you, and BYEEEEEE!!!!!! 🪼🪼🪼
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maetheartist · 1 month
Valid, valid. Alright, what do you think of the song “Supermassive black hole” by MUSE? It’s one of my favorite songs and I love the drums, how bout you?
"You called, bub?" Logan raises a brow. (@anthemforthesoulsucker)
I wonder, what foods do you hate, good sir?
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maetheartist · 1 month
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Good Idea 😀😀
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FOLLOW FOR MORE... nonsense
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maetheartist · 1 month
"You called, bub?" Logan raises a brow. (@anthemforthesoulsucker)
I wonder, what foods do you hate, good sir?
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maetheartist · 2 months
@a-scaly-troublemaker pookie is this me but with my ocs
sometimes the best fanfics are written by middle aged adults with years of writing experience who simply know how to craft a good story. but also sometimes the best fanfics are written by a sixteen year old girl with something deeply wrong with her
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maetheartist · 2 months
I'm fucked
Your phone battery percentage determines what year of the 1900s you'll live in.
How screwed are you?
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maetheartist · 2 months
"Why do you cry so easily?" They ask.
"I struggle to keep my emotions in check, I will cry no matter how big or small the situation." I answer.
"But this time, it was not that big of a deal. Why do you continue to be this way? You claim you struggle with containing your emotions, and often cry, yet, you hardly ever do over the small things." They noted.
"I do cry, sometimes on the inside, sometimes on the outside, you don't always get to see it, but one way or another, I will cry." I say silently, lowering my head in shame.
My mother would often tell me, when I stood up and walked away after I would get upset at 'family' for a thing big to me-
"Stop crying, don't you dare cry, you are overreacting, this is not how you should act, you should not be angry." She would scold, eyes looking down upon me as I stare at her with puffy red eyes, sniffling.
"I am justified in my feelings, and I should not be belittled for acting like a human with human feelings, I will not apologize for feeling negative when I have the right to do so." I try and speak, attempting to swallow down the lump in my throat.
"You are sensitive."
I was once told, by one I held dear.
It hadn't been my mother, like it should've been.
It hadn't been my father, nor my brother.
It had been a boy, considered trouble and rebellious by most, yet a friend whom I loved and admired more than one.
"You are sensitive." He said to me, as I sat silently beside him in the alley of our school, crying as my sore eyes turned to look at him, more tears threatening to spill as I heard those words.
"But," He paused, returning my gaze with his dull black eyes.
"Being sensitive isn't a bad thing." He said simply, before continuing to stare ahead, silently.
I remember his words vividly.
I stand in my room, staring into the reflection of my mirror as the tears roll down my eyes.
"You are sensitive." I would begin to say, taking a deep breath.
"But being sensitive isn't a bad thing." I would gently remind myself, and the one who shared those wise, wise words.
- Jenesis Briones
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maetheartist · 2 months
“I’d kill for you. Please ask me to kill for you.” “No.” Is a top tier ship dynamic no I do not take criticism
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maetheartist · 3 months
Bye Sweet Carole is a hand-animated horror game inspired by classic Disney movies.
Wishlist Bye Sweet Carole on Steam
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maetheartist · 3 months
stop making fanfics about characters raping and sexually assaulting y/n, you are fucking disgusting people who romanticize a serious crime that happens every day to children and women
"but that's just reading dark romance" that's not a dark romance, that's just the stuff of a horrible fetish, IF YOU HAVE A RAPE FETISH, GO SEEK FOR FUCKING PSYCHIATRIST HELP!!!!!!!!!!
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maetheartist · 3 months
Call me the next venetian snares lmao
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maetheartist · 3 months
[Grabs your art, eats it, and runs away]
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🗝️the crunchiest doodle of me. i drew this while i was sleep deprived. sorry.
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maetheartist · 3 months
Dude…. Love the art, please, tell me, HOW TO DRAW KRAUSER??? I LOVE BRO IN YOUR STYLE????
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Magma sketches... Beret buddies....
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maetheartist · 3 months
We as a society will never get past bigotry if marginalized people insist upon taking every criticism of their bigotry as an attack on their identity.
No, it is not transmisogynistic to call out intersexism because the bigot happens to be a trans woman.
No, it is not ableist to call out racism because the bigot happens to be autistic.
No, it is not misogynistic to call out ableism because the bigot happens to be a woman.
No, it is not [insert bigotry] to call out bigotry just because the bigot happens to be [insert identity].
And if you act like it is you're literally just announcing to everyone that you've been waiting for your chance to be a bigot without consequences.
Being Queer does not give you the right to be a bigot. Being disabled does not give you the right to be a bigot. Being literally any oppressed identity does not give you the right to be a bigot.
You literally do not get to pretend that being a bigot is an inherent part of being a minority.
You do not get to pretend that anyone who criticizes the bigotry of someone who happens to be a minority is the one who's really being a bigot.
You literally do not have the right to harass other minorities and then play the victim when you get called out for it. Learn what the fucking paradox of intolerance is and then get some basic morals.
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maetheartist · 3 months
Mae, have you seen the trailer of Transformers One?(To me: I saw the trailer of this, and I LOVE IT!! I can't wait to see what's going on with this movie, BTW Orion Pax is so.....hot(I know Orion Pax is Optimus, but heyo it's just an origin story...)
AND YES, I have seen the trailer for Transformers 1! And while the style it’s in isn’t so much what I’m used to… it doesn’t make it horrible quality! I am actually excited and interested to see how it comes out :D
Oh and… yeah, totally agree with you on that last part, bro is just such a dork in other media I JUST WANNA HUG HIM AND AUGH PINCHE HIS CHEEKS HES ADORABLE.
Random fact: I am actually Obsessed with TFP Transformers and have OCs, Aus, and all that good stuff, I am super duper tempted to post my stuff… should I though, that’s the question. Btw, I hope you’re doing great since I last saw you!
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