#but I do have to be at work by 11:00 tomorrow so there's that...
apocalypticdemon · 2 months
i love it when i get possessed by the urge to do something and i feel like i must do it right away Or Else
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earthgangs · 1 year
oh well slowly i am introducing good habits into my life once again, i think i aim for going so big all at once but really just slowly building up towards better habits is the ideal
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kwanisms · 8 months
More Than Just Friends — b.chris
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» stray kids masterlist «
➮ werewolf!Chris × f!Reader wc: 7.4k summary: Chris is a werewolf. His best friend is well aware of this. But what she doesn’t know is that during his heat, he often pictures pinning her down and breeding her. When she comes back home the day before his cycle is due to start, Chris finds it hard to not give into his urges when he smells she’s ovulating. genres/themes/au: fluff, smut; supernatural and lycanthropic themes, f2l (gasp and they were roommates); non idol au, werewolf au warnings: adult dialogue, female reader, alcohol consumption, Chris struggles with his horny thoughts and controlling his urges but can you blame the poor guy? Being in heat probably sucks when you aren’t getting laid 💀, sexual content (18+ mdni), see smut warnings under the cut! special taglist: @yoonguurt , @anyamaris , @wooyoungqueen , @kpop-stories-21 , @xsweetelegantdiasterx , @kookthief , @stardragongalaxy , @millennial-fangirl , @blankdyean , @imwithurmother , @bangchans-angel , @oreoqueen , @yjeonginlvr , @zdgx1 , @shuxsoo , @s00buwu , @queenmea604 , @pochaccomin , @katsukis1wife , @linos-catnip , @wh0r3mir4 Join the taglist! »» Closes tomorrow (30th) at 23:00 CST Strikethrough means I cannot tag you. MINORS WILL BE BLACKLISTED & BLOCKED. AGELESS BLOGS WILL NOT BE ADDED.
a/n: this was written partially for myself but also for my bestie, Sky. So you're welcome, bestie ily. We're nearing the end of this series so I'll take this time to announce that once I wrap up with Kinktober, the Tales from Camp Holiday Special will start back up with Jun and Vernon's part. If you’d like to sign up for the taglist, you can do so here. If you haven't read the first two installments, you can find those here. And if you have no idea what I'm talking about and read for SVT, you can read the OG Tales from Camp here! Thank you so much for reading and if you liked it, please consider supporting me on kofi (link on my pinned post) and reblogging or commenting! As always, this is a work of fiction and all characters are not reflective of their respective irl counterparts. for entertainment purposes only.
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smut warnings: teratophilia (aka monsterfucking), unprotected sex (he’s a werewolf and he’s been dreaming about breeding his best friend. You don’t do that tho. You use protection), oral (both receiving), brat taming (f receiving), breeding, heat cycles, daddy kink, dom!Chris, sub!Reader, use of pet names (baby, babygirl, princess, etc), Chris is a very whipped man and loves Y/N very much. If I've missed anything, please let me know!
dialogue prompt: ❛ We’re not just friends and you fucking know it ❜
Chris is normally a very patient man. He never rushes things, always preferring to take his time in everything he does. He’s always been able to keep his cool, even when things get… a little hairy. As a werewolf, he’s gotten pretty good at controlling his urges as well.
Chris can recall the exact moment everything changed. He can trace his werewolf lineage back to the Joseon period. He is descended from werewolves. There was no camping trip or fateful night where he was stalked and bitten or mauled by some wolf-man beast. 
He was born with his condition, the bloodline being passed down from father to son. The women in the family carried the gene but it was only dominant in males. Only males experienced the Change. Chris was around 11 or 12 when it first happened. He was sitting with some friends, playing video games in the basement when it happened.
He remembered the fever, the sweating, his vision blurring, and then everything went black. When he came to, it was the next morning and he was lying in bed, a cool towel on his forehead and the sun creeping into the room via his window. His mother, who had come to check on him and found him awake, called his father in and the both of them sat down and explained to Chris what was going on.
He was a werewolf. Of course, Chris didn’t understand but as the days turned into weeks, he started to notice the Change even more. His first full moon was approaching and he needed to prepare himself. He started to crave raw meat which his mother was able to provide in the form of rare steak. Chris had never eaten his steaks rare before that point.
Most of the changes were subtle and manageable. The big one was unavoidable. Chris’ first transformation was excruciating but he somehow managed to make it through to the morning and his father told him he had a month to recuperate before it happened again. Chris had hoped that was the end of the surprises but as he got closer to his second full moon, the heat started.
His father had mentioned it but the effects still caught him off guard. He was still only in the beginning stages of puberty so Chris still had a lot to learn about his own anatomy as well as his wolf side. His father assured him everything he was feeling was normal. Every male in the family had gone through this at some point in their lives.
As Chris got older, he was able to manage the changes but the one he still couldn’t seem to overcome other than his transformations was the heat. The intense arousal that seemed to take over all other senses. From sunup to sundown the entire week before his transformations. The urge to fuck anything with a pulse that smelled even remotely attractive.
It was agonizing.
It was worse when he started dating. Once a month, he had to close himself off from his girlfriend for a week. Most of his relationships ended because his partner couldn’t understand and how was he supposed to explain it? How could he explain that he was a werewolf? They’d laugh at him and call him crazy. No one other than his family would understand.
Or so he thought.
Chris was in college when he met you his sophomore year in his economics class. You’d come to class only a moment before the bell rang and despite plenty of seats to choose from, you picked the one next to him. Chris had tried to focus on the lecture but your perfume was enticing. He was close to his heat that day and having such a warm body that smelled as alluring as you did was a horrible combination for him.
He had missed a week of classes after that, emailing his professor who was all too aware of Chris’ nature and understood. Chris’ heat was more intense than any he’d experienced before and he couldn’t keep images of you, the sweet girl who sat next to him once, out of his mind. He hated himself for fantasizing about you, when he didn’t even know your name.
When he returned to class, you were there, in the same spot you’d been before. Chris took his seat in a different spot in an effort to avoid having to look at you for the week’s worth of shame he felt. After the lecture, Chris had hurried out of class to make way to the fitness center for his break between classes until he felt a gentle hand on his arm.
Turning around, he was met with the sight of your smiling face and enchanting scent. ‘Fuck.’
You explained how you noticed he was gone and took notes for him just in case he was sick and then proceeded to hand over a folder full of detailed notes from lectures for the entire week he missed. To say he was shocked was an understatement. Here was a girl who didn’t know his name and she managed to take not only her own notes and complete her own assignments but she took time out of each day to copy her own notes to give to him.
Who did that? Chris was a flabbergasted mess, blushing profusely as he tried to decline your more than generous offer but you didn’t take no for an answer. It was the start of something Chris would come to cherish more than anything else. An unlikely friendship.
Sophomore year at university ended and summer break came. Chris went home to visit his family but kept in touch with you. He wasn’t sure if things would remain the same come junior year but he was pleasantly surprised to walk into his first class of the semester to find you already seated towards the back and pulling out your laptop.
That year was full of study dates at the student cafe, attending football games and cheering for the other team since your university’s team sucked. The holidays brought with it snow and Chris decided to invite you to spend Christmas with his family after he learned yours was going overseas until after the New Year. The drive to Chris’ family home proved difficult as it was only a few days before his heat.
That was the year the truth came out. Chris finally told you everything. He was ashamed but you surprised him even more by accepting him and reminding him that there are some things he can’t control. Chris knew right then that you were going to be a constant in his life. He leaned more on you after that, feeling grateful for the little things you did for him.
Your bond and friendship was made stronger for it.
After graduating, Chris landed a job in the city and was excited when you said you’d be joining him. You both went apartment hunting, agreeing that sharing an apartment was more cost effective than getting two separate places. You both found the perfect one close to both your jobs and quickly settled into a routine. The real challenge came when Chris’ first heat rolled around.
He had a much harder time controlling his urges when you were constantly around and so for the first year, you would spend a week in a hotel but soon that proved to be more than your budget would allow. You were lucky to meet someone at work, a female coworker who understood more than anyone else since her own brother was also a werewolf and she had the room to let you stay for a week.
This had been your routine for the last three years.
“You got everything?” Chris called as you carried your bags out of your room and into the living room where he was sitting on the couch, playing a racing game, his headset resting around his neck. “Yeah,” you replied breathlessly. Chris paused the game and tilted his head back to look at you standing behind him. “You sure?” he asked.
It wasn’t unlike you to forget things and Chris knew this. There were more than a handful of times you’d left for work only to return a few minutes later because you forgot something. It was an endearing trait you had and Chris liked to tease you about it.
“Yes, dad,” you jokingly said, tousling his dark curls. The nickname was meant to be mocking and joking but it always made something stir in his stomach when you said it. Chris would never admit it, even if you were his best friend, but the thought of you calling him daddy lingered in his mind, even long after his heat had passed.
Likewise, you’d never admit it to him but you often thought about adding the extra syllable to the name, if only to see his reaction. Chris wasn’t aware of it but you knew all about his… inclination towards the title. He’d let it slip one night while you were drinking at home, celebrating a promotion with a couple bottles of wine.
“It’s not that bad!” you said in protest as Chris laughed harder, cheeks red from both the action and from the alcohol. “Honestly?” he asked, his laughter subsiding for only a moment. You nodded, your own cheeks warm. “Then it’s not really a degradation kink, is it?” Chris asked.
“It is! But it also feeds into my praise kink,” you said, your filter long gone as you raised your half empty bottle of wine to your lips. It was your second one and both you and Chris had agreed to forego the glasses, opting to drink straight from the bottles.
Chris’ laughter started up again. “Praise kink? Like ‘ oh wow, good job sucking dick?’” he asked through laughs. You narrowed your eyes. “No,” you retorted. “It’s more like ‘you’re doing so well,’ or ‘you take me so well,’” you explained. Chris cocked his head. “So if I were to call you a ‘good little slut’ that would do it for you?”
His question was meant to be curious but you couldn’t control the way your walls clenched around nothing. ‘Shit,’ you thought to yourself as you felt your core heat up, knowing it wasn’t entirely the alcohol’s fault.
There was no denying that your best friend was hot. He’d been hitting the gym since before you met and had probably one of the best bodies you’d ever seen. He was insanely attractive with his strong biceps, muscular thighs and well formed ass. The term cake didn’t even begin to cover it with Chris.
Not to mention those dark curls and dimples that had you weak the moment you met him all those years ago in college. You’d been smitten with him long before even learning his name. And as time went on, you just fell deeper and deeper in love with your best friend.
You couldn’t help it. He was everything you wanted in a man. He ticked every box on your list. He was attractive, funny, smart, kind, and he made you feel safe and secure. He gave the best hugs and he was the clingiest person you’d ever met but you wouldn’t change a single thing about him. Not even the werewolf side of him and the heat that kicked you out once a week.
“Yeah,” you said finally, grabbing the bottle of wine from him and taking a swig. Chris chuckled, shaking his head. “Ah, it’s not that bad,” he replied. “I like being called daddy so, who’s the real weirdo here?”
You froze mid sip, swallowing the wine thickly before your eyes settled on Chris who glanced back at you. “Daddy? Really?” you asked softly. He nodded as he reached for the bottle which you handed to him without a second thought. “Yeah. Weird, right?” he asked before taking a sip.
You leaned in, one hand resting on the back of the couch as you looked up into his face.
“Oh not at all,” you started as he brought the bottle down, resting it on his thigh. “Daddy.”
Chris’ eyes snapped up to meet yours, darkening slightly when he noticed the smirk on your face. The two of you stared at one another before he shook his head. “Don’t play with me,” he said, his voice thick. 
“You’re playing with fire.”
[present day]
The topic changed quickly after that and the next morning you woke with a headache and the knowledge that your best friend had a daddy kink. He of course didn’t remember a thing. Not the sultry stare off or how you almost made the mistake of kissing him that night.
“When are you leaving?” Chris asked, pulling you from your thoughts of the past. He’d taken your hand from his hair and was inspecting your palm, gently running the tips of his fingers over your skin. Something that normally calmed you down but with the memory fresh in your mind, it was having another effect on you entirely.
“Kara should be here soon,” you replied, gently pulling your hand from his grip and picking up your bags to move them towards the door. Chris said nothing, instead looking at the tv. 
He’d never admit it but he had half a mind to ask you not to go. To instead ask you to stay but he knew if you stayed, he’d be unable to control his urges. 
For the last year, he’d been having very intense fantasies about pinning you against the nearest surface and fucking you. Even worse, he had vivid fantasies of breeding you. About fucking you raw, knotting your warm cunt, and filling it with his hot cum.
The thought of his cock buried deep inside your walls as he emptied his balls and then his cock swelling so none of it could escape occupied his mind most of the time when his heat approached. The wolf in him wanted nothing more than to breed you, turn you into his little cum dumpster and pump you full of his cum, hoping it would take and get you pregnant.
Chris knew it was his animalistic instincts, wanting to mate and continue the bloodline. He’d been able to control these urges for the most part. He still masturbated to the thought of breeding you, hiding his shame for a few days. He knew it was wrong to fantasize about you like that but he also knew he couldn’t control what the wolf thought but he could control what he did physically.
“Now you’re sure you have everything?” he asked. You nodded, looking down at your bags. “I’m sure,” you replied. A buzzing interrupted you and you gave your roommate a sheepish smile, moving to answer the intercom. “Come on up,” you said, pressing the button when Kara identified herself.
Chris got up and walked over to the door. It only took a couple minutes for Kara to reach the door, knocking when she did. You opened it and smiled at her, having just finished putting your shoes on. “Hey,” you greeted your coworker who smiled back.
“All ready?” Kara asked. Chris watched as you nodded and started to lift your bags. Kara taking a couple of them. “I’ll see you in about a week,” you said, turning to Chris who stepped down into the entry, hands in his pockets. 
“There’s leftovers in the fridge, just reheat them. Do not cook,” you instructed and Chris rolled his eyes. “You act like I can’t cook,” he mused and you raised your brows. “Have you eaten anything you’ve ever made?” you asked, jokingly. Chris nudged you playfully.
“Make sure to drink water and please do not destroy anything,” you said, holding your hands together in a silent prayer. Chris rolled his eyes, pulling his hands from his pockets and pulled you into a hug, burying his face in your shoulder. “I’ll be fine,” he muttered.
Chris inhaled slowly. He loved the scent of your perfume. It was a scent he’d grown very fond of. His arms tightened around you. He didn’t want to let go. He didn’t want you to leave. He wanted you to stay but you both knew if you did, he might not be able to control himself.
“See you in a week,” you said softly, giving him a small squeeze. Chris reluctantly let go of you, forcing a smile when you pulled back to look at him. “Take care of her,” he said to Kara who sent him a sympathetic smile. “Of course,” she answered. “You take care of yourself too,” she added.
You grabbed the last bag, slinging it over your shoulder and looked back at Chris one last time, giving him an apologetic smile. He waved as you crossed the threshold into the hall and just like that you were gone for a week.
Another week of an empty apartment. Another week of hell without you.
Chris returned to his game, his heart not really in it as he half-assed his way through the campaign before logging off and shutting the tv down. He went to his room to try and get some work done but found that he couldn’t focus.
He was getting restless and he knew one of two things that could help.
He changed into some of his workout gear, grabbing his headphones, phone, and water bottle, and exited the apartment to head to the building’s gym. He usually could push through an hour workout and it usually managed to take the edge off.
He followed his usual routine, stretching, some light cardio followed by weights and then a walk to cool down. As he was on his walk, the door to the gym opened and another tenant came in. Chris had seen her before. She lived on the fourteenth floor. She had recently changed her hair from blonde to a medium brown with highlights. She had her hair pulled up into a ponytail and was dressed in a black sports bra and black leggings.
She looked up to where Chris was, smiling shyly at him as she made her way over to one of the bicycle machines. Chris returned the smile and looked down at the machine controls. He had about ten minutes left on his walk and then he could hit the showers and head back to his apartment and it would be dinner time.
He tried not to notice the scent of the other tenant’s perfume or the way he could smell  sweat starting to permeate the air. He closed his eyes, keeping his hands on the rails as he walked, willing time to move faster. ‘Eight minutes,’ he told himself, peeking at the timer.
He looked up and made eye contact with the woman who had gotten off the bicycle to fill her bottle. She was looking directly at him and Chris couldn’t control the way his body reacted. Heat radiated throughout his body, settling in the pit of his stomach, his dick twitching in his pants.
‘Come on,’ he scolded himself. ‘She’s looking at you. It’s not like she’s flirting. Calm the fuck down.’
Chris looked back up, finding she was still staring at him. ‘Shit.’ He glanced at the timer and saw he had five minutes left. ‘Fuck this. I’m done anyway,’ he told himself as he pushed the stop button. He couldn’t risk popping a boner in the gym simply because a woman looked at him.
He’d shower back at the apartment.
He sprayed a paper towel and quickly wiped down the machine before grabbing his things and heading for the door. He pushed open the door and exited quickly, heading to the elevator and pressing the call button. He waited, shifting from one foot to the other.
He could hear footsteps, and silently prayed for the elevator to arrive sooner. He let out a breath he forgot he was holding as the doors dinged and opened. He stepped into the small room, waving his card over the reader and pressing the button for his floor.
As the doors started to close, a hand shot out to stop them and Chris internally cursed as the woman stepped onto the elevator. He forced a smile, moving into the corner as she waved her card, pressing the button for the fourteenth floor.
The door slowly slid shut, closing them both in and Chris stared at the counter above the doors, ignoring the woman completely. Her floor would come before his. He just had to be patient.
“Hey,” a soft voice said and Chris knew she was speaking to him. He turned his head to find her looking at him. “Hi,” he replied. “I’ve seen you around a few times,” she said, a smile spreading across her face. Chris nodded. “I’ve lived here for a few years,” he admitted.
‘Come on, come on,’ he thought impatiently as the counter continued to rise. “I’m new to the area,” she said suddenly. “Are you from around here?” she asked. Chris nodded wordlessly, keeping his gaze on the numbers over the elevator doors.
“Maybe you could show me around some time,” she offered, moving closer. ‘Fuck,’ he cursed mentally. She was close enough that he could smell the arousal wafting off her. ‘No, no, no,’ he told himself. The moment her hand touched his arm, Chris jumped just as the doors opened on the thirteenth floor.
‘Fuck this’ he thought and pushed past as someone else stepped onto the elevator and he walked down the hall, heading for the stairwell. He’d rather walk than be trapped in a steel box with a horny woman this close to his heat.
Once he finally reached his floor, he made sure the floor was deserted as he headed for the door, letting himself in. He could breathe easily as he kicked his shoes off and headed past the kitchen, dropping his  water bottle on the counter as he headed for his room.
He stripped and got into the shower, turning the water on, letting the stream heat up and wash his body. Once he was done showering, he got out, dressed and sat down at his computer, putting his headset on and turning on some music and getting a headstart on some work.
When his stomach growled, he cursed, pulling his headphones off and got up, exiting his room and making his way into the kitchen. He grabbed one of the glass containers from the fridge and pulled it out to inspect it. ‘Lasagna,’ he noted with a smile as he took the lid off and scooped the contents out onto a plate to heat it up.
Once the food was hot, he carefully pulled the plate out and took a seat at the kitchen counter, grabbing a fork as he did and started to eat. He was eternally grateful for you, making food for him when you left for a week. It wasn’t that he couldn’t cook, he could. He just preferred it when you did.
As he chewed, he wondered what you were up to with Kara. Were you eating dinner as well?
“I can’t believe he still thinks you’re a lesbian,” Kara said, giggling as you took a sip of your wine. “I’ve told him numerous times I’m not,” you replied. “I don’t understand why he still thinks that.”
Kara shook her head. “Who knows,” she replied, glancing down at her empty glass. “Oh, time for a refill!”
She got up, waiting for you to down the rest of your wine and took your empty glass to the kitchen to refill them both. The two of you had ordered pizza, neither one of you wanted to cook, especially after you had cooked an entire week's worth of meals for Chris.
“What do you think Chris is up to?” Kara asked, pulling you out of your thoughts. “Oh, he’s probably playing video games,” you replied as Kara poured your favorite wine into your glass and placed the bottle back in the fridge. She walked back over with both glasses, handing yours over as she took a seat.
“So,” she started, taking a sip of her wine. “Let me see this presentation,” she added and you set your glass down, rushing over to your laptop bag and pulling it out, moving back to sit on the couch, setting your laptop on the coffee table.
Kara continued sipping on her wine as you opened your laptop and logged on. You signed into and pulled up the presentation powerpoint you’d been working on all week for Monday’s meeting. It wasn’t anything fancy but you were pretty proud of it.
Kara looked over it, complimenting your skills and work, making small comments on certain parts. “I really like this,” she said, pointing at one of the slides. “You really made a good point here.” You felt pride swell in your chest until your laptop dinged, a small notification indicating your battery was low.
“I swear, the battery on this thing dies so fast,” you groaned as you got up and headed over to your bag to grab the charger. You unzipped the pocket only to find your charger wasn’t there. “What the…” you trailed off, starting to check all the pockets of your laptop bag but no charger in sight.
“What’s wrong?” Kara asked. “I can’t find my charger,” you replied. “Did you bring it?” Kara asked, getting up from her seat and walking over. “I thought I did,” you replied, feeling annoyed and angry with yourself for forgetting when Chris had asked you multiple times if you had everything.
“You can use mine,” Kara said but you shook your head. “You have a Macbook,” you reminded her. “This is an HP.” Kara swore under her breath. “I gotta go back home,” you said softly. Kara looked up at you. “Are you sure?” she asked. You nodded.
“I need that charger,” you answered. “Especially if I’m gonna be here for a week.” Kara nodded and got up. “I’ll drive you,” she said and you shook your head. “You’ve had like a whole bottle,” you reminded her. “I’ve only had a glass. I’ll drive. You stay here. I’m just gonna run back and get it and then I’ll be back.” Kara nodded as she grabbed her keys and handed them to you.
“Be careful,” she said as you grabbed your purse, making sure you had your phone. You headed to the door, slipping your shoes and coat on. “I’ll be back in a bit,” you called and exited her apartment, making your way to the elevator and pushing the button.
You fished your phone out of your purse, opened Chris’ message thread and sent him a text.
You: i did what i said i wouldn’t. I forgot my laptop charger 💀
You: i’m on my way back to get it.
You: i’ll be quick. Just in and out
Placing your phone back in your purse, you stepped onto the elevator, pushing the button for the garage and waited as the doors shut and the lift descended, heading for the basement. You found Kara’s car, unlocking it and getting in.
The drive to your apartment didn’t take long and you pulled into the designated parking space in your garage, parking and shutting off the engine. You got out, leaving your purse in the car and locking it. ‘In and out, Y/N,’ you reminded yourself as you headed for the elevator.
The ride up to your floor was quiet, the sun had set and most people were already out enjoying the Friday nightlife. The elevator dinged, doors opening as it arrived on your floor and you stepped off the lift, heading for your apartment door.
You unlocked it, letting yourself in. You expected to see Chris but didn’t see him perched on the couch playing games. ‘Maybe he’s in his room,’ you told yourself as you walked through the apartment and to your room.
Turning on the light, you saw the culprit lying innocently on your desk and you glared at it, walking over to grab it and headed towards the door. As you exited your room, you heard Chris call out.
You turned the knob and looked into his room. “I thought I heard you, he said with a chuckle. “I sent you a text,” you answered, peering into his room. He was sitting at his computer, headphones hanging around his neck as he finished whatever he was working on.
“Forget something?” he asked, sounding amused at your forgetfulness. You nodded. “Yeah,” you replied. “I forgot my laptop charger,” you answered. Chris turned to look at you. “It’s always something,” he joked and you smiled sheepishly.
“Sorry,” you said, chuckling. “I’d forget my head if it wasn’t attached.” Chris smiled as he removed his headphones from around his neck, looking over at you. “It’s fine,” he said softly, moving to get up. You pushed the door open further as he approached you. “Do you need anything before I leave?” you asked.
Chris opened his mouth to respond but a sudden strong smell hit him. It was like someone had opened a bottle of vanilla extract and placed it under his nose. He knew that smell all too well. It made every nerve in his body burn. It made his pupils enlarge, his throat burn, and an intense heat form in the pit of his stomach. Lust and desire burned, the line blurring into the primal need to mate.
You hadn’t been careful enough. Neither of you had but then again this had never happened before. How didn't this come up? How hadn’t this happened before? Three years living together and this had never, ever happened? Either you were very lucky or you were always away when it happened.
Chris’ fingers curled into his palm, knuckles turning white as his nails dug into his skin in an attempt to ground himself but what normally worked had never been tested in this situation before.
Chris was about to start his heat and you… you were ovulating.
You watched as your best friend froze. “Chris?” you asked softly. You were surprised when he looked at you, his eyes darkening. “You need to leave,” he said, his voice low and dangerously so. “Chris? What’s wrong?” you asked, taking a step forward.
“Don’t!” your best friend growled. You froze, eyes widening. He’d never spoken to you like that before. “Chris you’re starting to worry me, what’s wr—” before you could finish your question, your best friend had closed the distance and grabbed you, pinning you against the wall next to the door.
“Chris!” you gasped, hands moving to his shoulders, gripping his shirt. “What’s gotten into you?”
His heat was close but it wasn’t supposed to start yet. He’d always been good about controlling his urges so what was different this time?
“I’m sorry,” Chris said softly, his head drooping as he struggled against his own urges. “This has never happened before.” You tried to push him away but he was much stronger than you were. “Why are you acting like this? You’ve always had a hold of yourself,” you continued. “You’re ovulating,” Chris interrupted. Your eyes widened.
“H-how did you know?”
Chris chuckled dryly. “I can smell it,” he answered. One of his hands moved up to your cheek as he raised his head. “I can smell it and it’s driving me crazy,” he continued. You felt one of his knees wedge between your thighs, pressing against your core. “It’s making me want to do things to you.”
You felt a shiver run up your spine. ‘Do things? What kind of things?’
“L-like what?” you whispered, swallowing thickly.
Chris leaned in, nuzzling against your cheek as his lips ghosted over your skin, stopping near your ear. “Would you be mad if I said exactly what I wanted to do to you?” he asked softly. You shook your head. Though you wouldn’t say it, you welcomed it, wondering just what was going on in his head.
“Tell me,” you replied.
You felt Chris nuzzle into your neck, sniffing eagerly. “I want to rip those cute lace panties of yours and stuff that sweet little pussy with my cock.” As if punctuating his words, Chris leaned in, pressing his thigh more firmly against your core.
You let out an involuntary whimper, causing him to groan in your ear. “I want to…” he trailed off. “No, I need to pin you down on the bed,” he said, making you gasp as he pressed his thigh even harder against you. 
“Pin you down and fuck you until I fill you with so much cum. I need to breed you.,” he continued, lips ghosting over your skin. “Breed you like you’re the one in heat.” You let out another gasp, feeling one of his hands move to grab your ass, sneaking under your skirt.
“And of course you had to wear a skirt, didn’t you?” he growled. “I bet you knew it would drive me crazy. That I’d be able to smell everything.” You moaned into his ear as his hand continued to knead your ass, nails digging into your flesh 
“I’ll bet you planned this, didn’t you? I bet your laptop charger isn’t even here,” he scoffed as if it wasn’t lying on the floor in the hallway where you’d dropped it. “Chris,” you whined, moaning as his fingers dug into the flesh of your ass. “Oh shit,” he groaned.
“Say my name like that again,” he dared you. “Say that again, baby. Moan my name and I’ll take you right now.”
A thick silence fell over the two of you as Chris pulled back, eyes searching your face, neither one speaking nor making a move until you finally cleared your throat and spoke. “Chris, we can’t,” you started, looking between his eyes. “W-we’re friends,” you added, letting out a yelp as Chris quickly backed up to create enough space to turn you around to face the wall before pinning you against it, pressing his erection into your back.
“You feel that?” he asked, grinding against you. “You feel what you do to me? What you’ve been doing to me since that first day in economics?” he asked. “I’ve wanted you ever since you sat next to me. Wanted to fuck you raw and pump you full.”
“We’re not just friends and you fucking know it,” he growled in your ear. Moaning, you pushed back against him, earning another deep growl.
“Don’t play with me,” he snapped. “I’m not playing…” you trailed off. “Daddy.” The name caused a chain reaction. Chris wrapped an arm around your waist from behind, lifting you easily and carrying you over to his bed where he deposited you face down.
You tried to turn over but he was quick to stop you, pushing your skirt up to expose your lace covered core. He quickly grabbed the material and tugged, ripping it easily. “Chris!” you gasped but the next second you were crying out as he landed a slap to your ass.
“Don’t speak until I tell you to,” he growled. You felt his fingers glide up and down your slit, gathering your arousal before pushing into your cunt. You let out a groan as he started to slowly pump his fingers before removing them. “Chest to the bed,” Chris instructed. “But keep your ass up.”
You did as he said, lowering your shoulders until your chest rested against the mattress. In that time, Chris removed his hat, tossing it aside as he knelt on the mattress behind you, hands grabbing your hips. He leaned closer, taking a deep inhale. “Fuck, I’m gonna ruin this pussy,” he growled. His tongue ran along your slit, from your clit up and back down, toying with the bundle of nerves, his nose bumping against your entrance.
Your fingers dug into the sheets as you moaned, pushing back against his face. Chris pulled back delivering a sharp smack to your thigh. “Hold still,” he barked. “Do that again and I’ll fuck your hole and not let you cum.”
You whined, wiggling your hips in a silent plea for more. Chris pushed you onto your side before flipping you onto your back, grabbing your hips and pulling your core to his face, burying it in your pussy, tongue ravishing your clit. Your thighs tried closing but Chris wrapped his arms around your thighs, holding them open as he licked at and sucked on your clit, drawing you closer to your climax.
“Shit, Chris!” you gasped, your hand moving to comb through his curls.
“M’gonna cum.”
Chris didn’t relent, flicking his tongue against your clit until you came undone under him, crying out as your orgasm crashed over you. You tried to shy away from his mouth but he held you still, never stopping as he drew you to another orgasm.
As you came down from the second, he finally let go of your thighs, pulling back to wipe his chin and taking ahold of the collar of his shirt and yanking it off over his head, tossing it aside. “I want you to ride my tongue but it’ll have to wait,” he said in a husky voice as his hands moved to undo his jeans, unbuckling but not removing his belt before unbuttoning and pulling down the zipper of his pants.
“Come here,” he said, holding out his hand and pulling you up when you took it. “Open your mouth,” he added as he pushed his jeans down around his thighs. You did as he asked, keeping your gaze on his face as he pulled his erection free from the confines of his underwear.
“Keep your mouth open for me,” he added, taking his cock in his hand, giving himself a couple strokes before guiding the tip past your lips, the weight heavy on your tongue. His free hand moved to your hair, taking a fistful and guiding your head. “Get to work, baby girl,” he murmured.
“Show daddy how you use your mouth.”
Your scalp stung, eyes watered and your throat hurt by the time Chris finally pulled your mouth off him. He’d forced his cock down your throat more than once and even fucked your throat a few times, making you gag. What little makeup you had on was ruined, tear stained cheeks and swollen lips but to Chris you were stunning.
“Lay back for me,” he ordered, discarding his pants and underwear, watching as you pulled your top off and threw it aside, scooting into the middle of his bed. Chris crawled over you, taking your lips in a searing kiss as his hands pushed your knees apart to accommodate him.
Your hands moved to his hair as he guided the head of his cock to your dripping entrance, pulling back just enough to make eye contact. “I want to watch your face as I enter you,” he growled. “Watch your eyes roll back into your head as I fill you with my cock.”
You moaned loudly as he pushed into you, stretching your cunt with his girth, inch by inch until he was buried inside your walls, groaning about the warmth and how tight you felt. It was taking all his strength to not start slamming into you immediately.
“I’m gonna give you a few minutes to adjust and then I’m gonna hold you down against this mattress and fuck you until you cum,” he gave you a shallow thrust, enjoying the gasp that escaped you. “And then I’m going to flip you over, ass up and fuck you until I cum and fill this pussy. You understand me?”
You nodded silently but that wasn’t good enough for him. Chris grabbed your face. “When I ask you a question, you answer me with your words. Don’t make me say it again.”
“Yes,” you answered quickly. “Yes, what?” he asked, tilting his head. “Yes, daddy,” you whispered. Chris let go and smirked down at you. “Good girl.”
No sooner than the words left his lips, his hands were on your hips, holding them in place as he started to pull out and snap his hips against yours, driving his cock into your cunt repeatedly. Your thighs tightened around his waist, prompting him to growl and halt his movements.
You were about to ask what the problem was when he took your ankles and placed your legs over his shoulders. The new position allowed you to feel more, moaning louder when he pounded into you harder. “Oh holy shit,” you gasped, feeling the head of his cock hit the soft gummy spot that had you seeing stars.
“Right there?” he asked, angling his hips and hitting the same spot, making you cry out.
He repeatedly hit the same spot over and over, moving his hand to rub circles against your clit with his thumb. “That’s it princess,” he huffed. “Cum all over daddy’s cock.” You let out a mewl, walls fluttering as you came. One of your hands moved to grab Chris’ wrist, trying to ground yourself as the aftershocks of your orgasm rolled over you.
With each pass over your clit with his thumb, Chris watched your body seize up and chuckled before pulling his cock from your abused hole.
He quickly turned you over, pulling your hips up and taking himself in his hand, stroking a couple times before pushing back into you. This position allowed for all of his cock to fit inside you, making you moan into the sheets, fingers curling into the fabric.
Chris took your hips in his hands, pulling out and snapping forward, his hips hitting your ass with each thrust. He set a relentless and merciless pace, grunting with effort as he slammed into you. The sheets muffled your cries and screams of pleasure as he allowed his animalistic urges to take over.
‘Breed. Breed. Breed,’ the beast in his mind said. Chris let out a low groan, almost like a growl as he pounded into you. Leaning over your back, he slammed his hips into you, burying his cock deep inside your walls before he started to roll his hips, earning a deep moan from you.
“Once I’m done with you,” he panted. “You aren’t going anywhere. You’ll stay here and I’m going to fuck you raw every night. Pump you full of cum and breed you. Fill you with so much cum it’ll have to take. Fuck you until I get you pregnant and then you’ll be mine.”
You moaned, walls clenching around his cock. You felt his hand in your hair, fingers curling into a fist before he pulled back, lifting your face from the sheets and allowing your moans to fill the room. “You want that, baby? You want daddy to turn you into his little breeding bitch?”
“Oh fuck, daddy yes!” you whimpered. “Please fill me!” Chris growled, letting go of your hair and moving his hand to your shoulder, pinning your chest down. You turned your head to the side, each thrust drawing a whimper from you.
“Daddy’s gonna fill you baby girl, cum inside you until it spills out and then I’ll just push it all back in,” he grunted. “Don’t want to waste a single drop.” Your hand moved to grab the wrist of his hand that was pressed against the mattress near your head.
“That’s right,” he groaned. “You’re mine. All mine and no one else’s.” You lifted your head, managing to turn and make eye contact with him. “I’ve always been yours, daddy,” you breathed. Chris growled, pressing his chest against your back and sinking his teeth into your shoulder.
You moaned, walls clenching around his cock as he rammed into you over and over. He lifted his head, lips close to your ear. “Mine,” he growled. “Mine, mine, mine!”
You pushed back to meet his thrusts and screamed as he slammed into you one last time, groaning into your ear as he came, releasing thick strands of hot cum into your cunt. You moaned as more and more cum spilled into your pussy. You had never known a man to have that much cum but then again, Chris wasn’t an ordinary man.
At the same time he was emptying his load into you, his cock started to swell inside, lodging itself in your walls. “Chris,” you whimpered. “What’s—” You heard him shush you, pressing kisses to your shoulder. “It’s okay,” he said reassuringly. “It’s normal. It’s my body’s way of ensuring it takes.”
“Ensuring what takes?”
Chris chuckled, his lips ghosting over your skin. “Ensuring my cum gets you pregnant,” he answered. You let out an uneasy chuckle. “And if it doesn’t take?” you replied. Chris hummed and pressed several more kisses against your shoulder before leaning in to whisper in your ear.
“I guess we’ll just have to keep trying then.”
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ⓘ Graphics made by me. Content and support banners made using a template by cafekitsune. I do not allow reposts, translations, or continuations of my works. All writing and graphics are ©️ kwanisms.
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adollrable · 2 months
Under the same moon.
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✧ summary: where it's your birthday and your boyfriend is on a mission far from home.
✧ cw: female reader x leon kennedy (re4r), fluff, just him being a cutie pie and the boyfiest boyfie ever (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿
✧ wc: 1387
a/n: I'M SCARED, this is my first time writing something COMPLETELY in english so... if something looks kinda silly forgive me 😞 english is not my first language but feel free to give me feedback!
my birthday was two days ago and i kinda want it to write something so, if someone is reading this on their birthday, happy birthday!!! 🤲🏻
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11:45 PM. You were pacing around your apartment. Brushing your teeth, doing your skin care routine, pulling out the softest cotton sheets you have at your disposal.
You looked at the calendar that sat on the nightstand next to your bed, your eyes drifting towards the next day's date. Your birthday.
You weren't that excited, the printed number that indicated your day of birth wasn't marked with a red marker that circled it. The date Leon would return was.
Originally, your boyfriend's absence wouldn't interfere with your birthday. He would be with you on your special day. But you thought back to the call you had with him a few days ago, with him trying to get a signal to tell you that he couldn't make it on time and that he was really sorry.
You understand. It doesn't bother you, but you wish he was by your side now.
His job was complicated, and he explained that he couldn't tell you much from it. As far as you know, he's in Spain, rescuing someone. You don't know who, but it must be someone important.
11:55 PM. Five minutes to midnight. Five minutes until another return to the sun happens for you.
You laid down on your bed, covered by the sheets that hugged your body. You took the pillow that Leon usually uses and wrapped both arms around it, seeking comfort to avoid missing him so much.
Tomorrow would be just another day. Sure, your friends will congratulate you, you will receive calls from your family at extremely early hours of the morning, and you will repeat "thank you, I appreciate it" like a broken recorder for each call and message.
Gifts don't matter, much less a cake, or a party. The only thing you want is for the love of your life to return soon and you can be together.
Rolling between thoughts, you were able to fall asleep.
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12:00 PM. Finally your birthday.
Your cellphone vibrated with every message that one of your friends or your family sent you congratulations. The light from the device breaks into your not-so-deep sleep, since not even ten minutes had passed since you closed your eyes.
Sheet off you, you stopped hugging the pillow and with a soft grunt reached for your phone, checking notifications with squinted eyes.
You lowered the brightness of your cell phone because of that annoying burning in your eyes and now with more comfort, you wandered around the notifications you had, until one caught your attention completely.
Leon ♡: "Happy birthday, baby. I love you so much."
A smile began to form on your face, and without hesitation you unlocked your cell phone to answer him.
Thanks, Lee :( I miss you and I love you
You weren't expecting a response, after all, he must be busy, right? In Spain it must have been your birthday hours ago, but he still bothered to wait for it to come where you are.
Leon ♡: I miss you too, how have you been?
You didn't think he would have time to respond, but you also didn't want to spend three days without hearing from him, so you took advantage of the opportunity.
I've been fine... I haven't done much, just work and back home :( how about you?
Leon ♡: Tired, but all good. Missing you most of all the time. Tell me, have you done anything interesting?
Does missing you count? :[
Leon ♡: Yeah, it counts, sweet thing. I want to tell you something, okay? But let me call you first.
The fact that he was going to call you made you feel good, he may not be with you on your birthday and he is supposed to arrive days later, but one call is enough to lift your spirits.
You were going to answer but your screen lit up with your boyfriend's contact name and the buttons to answer or hang up the call. You pressed the green button and put it on speaker, placing your phone on your chest with a smile. "Hi..."
"Hello, birthday girl." His voice... You could spend hours listening to him speak, even if he was talking about the most boring topic in the world, you would pay attention from start to finish. "How's my baby doing?"
You giggled, there really wasn't much to say, your birthday had started less than an hour ago, "No crazy, exciting party... My friends have congratulated me, as has my family. My parents must be asleep at this time, so I guess when they wake up they'll call me."
"Yeah, they must be resting at this time, huh. You should, too. It's only because of your birthday that you stay up so late." He answered and you could hear his smirk over the phone, making you blush slightly.
"Of course not... I can sleep late whenever I want." And even if you wanted to, you know it's not possible. Once you get home from work and settle into your boyfriend's arms to sleep, you fall deeply into the arms of Morpheus. It's hard not to sleep well when you have a giant boyfriend pillow. "I can't sleep without you here."
"I know, baby, I know... I can't sleep without my sweet girl hugging me like a damn teddy bear." He chuckled and you did it too. Both of you fell into a small silence, it wasn't awkward, it was comforting. "Hey, baby?" He began, as you settled into the sheets.
"Mhm?" You asked, as you looked at the moon through your bedroom window. Her brilliance seeped in and was strong and radiant.
Watching the moon always gave you a certain comfort, knowing that no matter where Leon is, both of you will always be under the same moon and firmament of stars.
A laugh came through the speaker of your cell phone, the same laugh that makes you feel butterflies in your stomach. "Did you see how beautiful the moon is?"
You smiled, humming a small "mhm" in response, before adding, "Yeah... It's full and very pretty. I wish you were here to watch it together."
Leon let out a small sigh, "Yeah, me too, what if you ask the moon for that?" You chuckled this time. It was a silly thing to do, but, why not?
"Like a birthday wish? But if you know it then it won't come true." Leon could hear the pout in your voice, and he smiled to himself. "Maybe there will be an exception this time." He murmured. "Come on, babe. Do it."
With your eyes closed, you let out a sigh, wishing with all your being that Leon could be by your side as soon as possible, and after a few seconds, you heard him speak, "Did you do it?"
"Yeah, I did... Time to wait I guess." Your gaze met that radiant crater that was seen in its maximum splendor, until something began to click in your head.
"Did you see how beautiful the moon is?" There is supposed to be approximately six hours between your location and Spain, so it was impossible for Leon to see the moon shining in its entirety, but you tried not to give too much thought to the matter, since the moon can also be seen during the day, although at lower exposure.
But if he talked about the moon... And how big it looked... That could mean that maybe he...
"The stars look very bright too." He added after.
"But, you know what I think is more bright?" He began, while his footsteps were heard on the cement, signaling that he had begun to walk.
Until he stopped.
"The brightest thing I'm going to see is your face when you look out the window."
That made you get up from your bed, phone in hand while with clumsy steps thanks to the sheets rolled up between your legs, you reached the window and realized everything.
He is here.
And when he saw that look light up on your face, he knew that the moon was nothing compared to how radiant you looked. "Hey, birthday girl."
It seems like the moon was the perfect alibi for Leon to sneak in and surprise you.
Or simply the moon heard your wishes, and fulfilled them on your special day.
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a/n: OKAY... I'M STILL NERVOUS I PUT THIS ON THREE DIFFERENT GRAMMAR CHECKERS BUT I'M STILL AFRAID i suck at writing tbh but this idea was scratching my brain and i thought Hmm why not SO!!! i hope y'all like it :] i appreciate likes and reblogs annnnnd comments i love comments!!! feel free to give me tips to be better at writing or something THAT'S ALL BYE-BYE 🤲🏻
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octuscle · 6 months
Hello Sir! I know you can help me with my problem. Soon new year, and in new year I want become big brut hairy bear, with bald head. I ready pay any price for it. Can you help me in this question?
You couldn't necessarily tell by looking at Liam. But he was already 19 years old. He constantly had to show his ID. He was annoyed. At least he wasn't ugly. On the contrary. He had hundreds of followers on TikTok. But most of them thought he was a kid. No one believed that he had finished school and wanted to start training as a draughtsman the following year. When he asked a construction company for an internship until then, they told him that they didn't accept underage trainees.
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"Guys, how old do you think I am? And what can I do to be thought of as older?" Liam added to his new pic. Comments poured in. bears_and_boys_1982 sent him a link. Looked interesting. Probably something similar to FaceApp, Liam thought. He downloaded the app. And nothing happened. One of his buddies had replied that he should meet them for a cigarette and a beer at the bus stop. If he smoked enough, he would soon look older too. Liam laughed, put on his fake Moncler jacket and set off to meet his mates.
It was already after 11 p.m. and Liam was just about to turn out the lights when his cell phone beeped. "Installation complete, defining profile" was on the display. What the hell? Ah, the app from the bear and boy guy, Liam remembered. Let's see. It really was something similar to FaceApp. And it seemed to be free. You could capture a whole range of things. Age, occupation, hobbies, weight, height. Liam played around a bit. But it was awkward to use, the interfaces were old-fashioned, and there were no pictures or graphics anywhere. Liam lost the fun pretty quickly. He was also tired. He locked the phone, put it on the bedside table, turned off the light and soon fell asleep. The cell phone buzzed a few times during the night. Messages lit up. "Settings saved", "Target defined" and finally "Transformation started". After that, there was silence. Until the alarm clock rang at 04:30.
Quietly, so as not to wake his parents, Liam went to the bathroom. This internship was exhausting, but also fun. He was assigned to the bricklayers. Actually, he would have preferred to do something in the office on the computer. But his colleagues were nice and he had the feeling that working in the fresh air was good for him. Showering before work was silly. Liam sprayed some Axe under his arms, brushed his teeth and set off. The bus always picked him up at 05:00 and drove him to the construction site with the other colleagues.
After work, Liam drove back to his parents' house. His father needed help building the new carport. In other words, Liam was supposed to build a new carport. Initially, Liam's parents had grumbled that Liam didn't want to study, but only wanted to be a craftsman. Nowadays, the two wizened academics were happy that at least one of the family knew how to work. Before it got dark, Liam prepared the concrete for the foundations, dug the holes for the foundations, built the formwork and poured the foundations for the carport. Tomorrow he would install the support beams. Liam declined his mother's offer to stay for dinner. He had an appointment with a few colleagues for a beer. And even though the work had been exhausting enough, he would still like to go to the gym for an hour beforehand. He was increasingly developing a paunch from too much beer and too much junk food.
Life on the construction site was a man's world. The containers were small and stuffy. Especially for a colossus like Liam. The bunk bed, where Liam slept downstairs for safety reasons, was hardly more spacious than in a submarine. The air reeked of sweat, beer and male farts. But mostly also of cum and testosterone. Liam loved this world. He was almost always sorry to go back home at the weekend. Here there was always the opportunity for a quick fuck or a blowjob, just like tonight in the shower room. The apprentice looked almost greedily at Liam's fat, cheesy and uncut cock. It didn't matter whether colleagues were about to join him. At best, an orgy would develop.
The weekend at last. Liam had been a foreman on the construction site for a long time, but his boss still called him home at weekends to do smaller jobs. Hehehe, Liam knew what these tasks were. As a rule, his boss's wife wasn't at home on weekends like that. The boss would then cover the beds with the leather sheets that he hid from his wife in the tool shed and Liam would then fuck him on the sheets, in the hot tub or on the kitchen table.
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He always felt a little uncomfortable in his boss's house. He hated the pictures of that princess who died a hundred years ago hanging at the shithouse. And he constantly had to be careful not to lose any of his body hair or beard, which could make his boss's wife suspicious. And Liam was constantly losing hair everywhere. Especially from his head. But Liam also didn't give a shit about his boss's problems. There was a good commission for the weekend work. And there was also commission if he pissed standing up and didn't lift up the toilet seat or if he shot his cum on the carpet while he was cumming. The rest wasn't his problem. By the time his boss's wife came back from the yoga weekend, he was long back in his man cave. With a bit of luck, with the hot apprentice's head between his thighs.
Pic of the former Liam found @toughukladz and pic of the current Liam found @eurobeef
156 notes · View notes
Are you safe with me
Warnings: Implied/referenced rape/non-con, sexual assault, angst and hurt/comfort, assault
Word count: 1.5 K
Pairing: Diana Prince (Wonder Woman) x Fem!Reader
Prompt: R has just suffered a trauma
Requests: OPEN
[Main masterlist] [DC masterlist]
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Carefully, and trying to make it as unobvious as possible, I stretched out my arms, making my bones thunder, and carefully, I yawned, trying to get some oxygen to my poor, battered brain.
My boss had kept us in the conference room for what seemed like years.
More than three hours trying to find a solution to an extremely stupid problem, from which, it seemed, the magazine was hanging by a thread. It was extremely stupid.
Carefully, I looked at the watch on my wrist only to realise that it was already 11:30 PM.
"Does anyone have any solutions?" asked Jessica, the boss. Nobody answered, we were all extremely tired.
"Jessica, I don't think this is going anywhere," said Raquel, her right-hand woman, "We are extremely tired. We can sort this out tomorrow".
Jessica kept quiet, but watched us with a very unfriendly look on her face. She even stared at everyone's faces for a few seconds.
"It's OK. You can go."
Quicker than I would like to admit, I grabbed my things and left the office. I didn't even check my mobile phone or my work computer, I just turned it off, picked up my coat and went out into the streets of Paris.
Carefully, I ran down the stairs of the metro and climbed into the first carriage I came across, a few seconds before it closed its doors.
It was almost empty, only for a man and a woman with her baby. I carefully placed my bag in my arms, hugging her tightly and trying not to fall asleep.
"Hi cute" I looked up to see that the man was sitting next to me. I turned my head to notice that we were the only ones in the carriage.
"Sorry but…" I tried to get up from the seat, but his big hand stopped me. I sat back down.
"Why are you leaving, beauty?"
"Get away from me!" my right hand struck his cheek, but, apparently it only made him angrier.
"Well, princess, if you don't want to do it the easy way, you'll have to do it the hard way."
Out of nowhere, he pulled out a gun and pointed it at my head. I froze immediately and just raised my arms.
"Give me your phone and your wallet"
With a trembling hand, I took both things out of my bag and handed them to him. He quickly stuffed it into his sweatshirt pocket, but he never stopped pointing it at me.
"Good, beautiful. I like obedient girls. Now on your knees."
Without even thinking about it, I fell to my knees, feeling my stockings tearing on the scratchy floor.
Out of the corner of my eye I could see him start to undo the belt of his jeans.
"You're hungry for a fat cock, aren't you, gorgeous?" I could tell as he dropped his trousers until they covered his shoes. "Are you going to suck my cock?"
Before either of us knew it, the metro had reached the next station, so he pulled his trousers back up and forced me to stand up.
Thankfully, the station was one of the most used by tourists, so, despite it being almost 12:00 P.M. the carriage began to fill up quickly, so I took that opportunity to get off the carriage and run to the outside of the station.
With bated breath and a sense of dread, I approached a restaurant, asking a waiter if he could spare a couple of coins to call someone.
Maybe I looked really bad, because he didn't give me the coins, he just passed me to the kitchen and told me I could call whoever I wanted.
With trembling hands, I dialled the number I knew by heart.
"Hello?" Her voice was hoarse. She was asleep. Shit.
"T/N, My love, is that you?"
I felt my eyes fill with tears again.
"Are you OK, why are you calling me from an unknown phone?"
"Can you come and get me?"
"Oh, sure baby, are you at work?"
"Where are you?"
I broke away from the phone to see where I was. It was only then that
I realised where I was standing.
"Do you remember the restaurant from our first date?"
"Here I am"
"Okay, I'll be there in 5 minutes. Are you sure you're okay, T/N?"
I made a sound of denial.
"Can you hurry up… please?"
"Sure, baby. I'll be right there."
And she hung up.
Before I knew it, two toned arms embraced me tightly, as that sweet scent wafted into my lungs.
"I'm here".
Before she could say another word, I quickly pounced on her, hugging her torso and hiding my face in her chest.
Only then could I start to cry.
Diana like the good girlfriend she is, simply let me cry and began to rub soothing circles on my back and start a light cooing.
When I calmed down, I simply lifted my face and looked her in the eye.
Just looking into her beautiful eyes made me feel at peace.
"Can we go?"
With his right hand on my lower back, he guided me to the car Bruce had lent her, but not before thanking the staff.
If he had come by car and arrived in 5 minutes, that meant that he might have broken more than three traffic laws.
She opened the passenger door and made me sit down, even put my seatbelt on, closed the door and ran into the car.
She quickly began to drive,
"Do you want to tell me what happened?" she asked in her soft voice.
"Can we talk about it later?"
"We can talk about it anytime you want, baby, I just want you to be okay."
She gave me a smile as he took her right hand out of my hand and kissed the back of mine.
"Thank you. I love you."
"I love you"
I thought I would fall asleep on the way home, but no matter how sleepy and tired my body was, it was impossible for me to close my eyes for more than a few seconds.
So, I had no choice but to look out of the window and make Diana believe that I had fallen asleep. Until we reached our home.
Diana turned off the car, causing the soothing music on the radio to stop playing, leaving an uncomfortable silence.
"I know you're awake T/N"
But she didn't say anything else, she just got out of the car and opened my door, raising her hand. I took it and we both went into the house.
Once in the house, I went upstairs and into the bathroom. I quickly removed my smeared make-up and went into the bath.
I washed my hair about three times and scrubbed my arms, legs and face with enormous force. I even hurt my thighs a bit.
I left the bathroom to put on some panties and one of Diana's few casual T-shirts.
I put a towel over my head and lay down.
Minutes later, Diana arrived and lay down next to me, hugging me from behind, pressing little kisses on the back of my neck.
"I was assaulted"
The kissing stopped abruptly and I felt her get up.
"I was mugged in the underground. The man had a gun" I began to sob "and he almost raped me, Diana".
The brunette didn't hesitate for two seconds to hug me tightly, letting me cry as much as I wanted, but when I pulled away from her chest, I noticed that she was crying too.
"Why are you crying?"
"This wouldn't have happened if I had been with you."
I took her face in my hands and forced her to look at me.
"No, my love. Neither of us is to blame for this."
We both hugged each other for a long time. Trying to soothe each other with Diana's body heat. It was a great advantage of dating a goddess.
"I'm going to kill him"
She tried to get up quickly, but my arms prevented her from doing so.
"No, not today. Now I just want you to hold me" I hugged her burying my face in her neck. "Please, I just need my girlfriend."
"Here I am, sweet girl. I'll always be here for you" I constantly kiss my head "You'll always be safe with me"
"I know, I always feel safe with you."
"What did they steal from you?"
"My mobile phone and my wallet"
"The one you just bought?" I just nodded, feeling the tears of anger start to roll down my cheeks. "Oh baby, I'm so sorry."
After another moment of silence, of her hand trying to reassure me and her lips kissing my temple and my hands playing with the zip of her sweatshirt.
"I love you, and believe me, I'll be sure to cut off his testicles."
"I know, I know your word is fact."
"Just like my love"
"Just like mine" I kissed her nose.
The only good thing about having my own cell phone stolen is that… I'm more active writing
I hope you enjoy it
I appreciate the reblogs, the likes and the comments
taglist: @littlebitchsposts // @xxsekhmet
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nihyunluvskookie · 25 days
Meri Chaand 🌙
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SYNOPSIS. This was their first karwachauth after their arranged marriage
PAIRING. husband!choi seungcheol x female reader
GENRE. fluff, established relationship
WARNINGS. Mention of fasting, a kiss, terms of endearment
AUTHOR’S NOTE. Can’t believe I am back with this, this was in my drafts for toooo long and finally posting this, well while proofreading I almost couldn’t believe that it was me who wrote this and Seungcheol after all. But here it is, hope you all like this Happy reading :)
TAG. @thepoopdokyeomtouched @aestheticfangirl
I woke up as soon as I heard my alarm, I felt Seungcheol stir in his sleep. I didn’t want to wake him up, I wanted to be as quiet as possible. Somewhere I didn’t want to tell him about any of this, because I didn’t know if he believed this tradition or not.
I woke up quietly and walked towards the walk-in closet, and after choosing my clothes I went to take a shower. I relaxed as soon the warm water hit my body, all the memories, flood in from yesterday. “Do you have work tomorrow?” I nodded, “but it’s work from home. I have to attend a few meetings that’s it”
“Oh, I thought you had an off day” I looked at him, I wanted him to say because it felt like I was forgetting something but then I wanted to hear it from him. “It’s karwachauth tomorrow so I thought…” he trailed off, and then it clicked in my mind, maa told me about this today morning before I left for work and even told me about the sargi. I don’t even know if he believes this or not. “Oh, no we don’t have off because of karwachauth” he nodded. “All good then and you can tell maa if- his words were cut off because of a call he received. I was getting sleepy either way, I didn’t wait for him when he walked out of the room to talk.
I don’t believe in all these traditions and saw my mom doing everything every year, till last year but there was something inside me, where I wanted to keep the fast.
I got ready and went downstairs, I saw maa already setting the sargi, “Nishita?” I smiled at her, I took her blessings but she held my shoulders and hugged me. “Are you sure?” I nodded, “Here’s your sargi,” She asked me yesterday about the fast and I agreed.
“Eat this before the sunrise.” I nodded. I was about to go towards the room but then the thought of Seungcheol getting disturbed and then asking me so many things, hit me so I didn’t go to my room. “Can I eat it here in the living room?”
“You don’t want to go back to your room?” I shook my head, “Seungcheol is sleeping and I don’t want to disturb him. He came late and then I don’t know when he came to sleep after he received a call at 11:30 pm yesterday.” She held my cheeks and smiled, “You care for him so much Nishita” I smiled at her. “Everyone deserves some rest and I have work from home today so it’s fine for me, but he should get enough rest” She kissed my forehead, “He is lucky” I smiled.
I ate my sargi and once I was done, I went to keep the plates in the sink. Despite our arranged marriage, I always wondered how would things turn out after marriage, he gave me the personal space whenever I needed, and he never forced me into anything, things were changing, it’s been nine months after our marriage already, and for me, things were slowly changing. The care he showed even without asking me was something that always got me. And the least I could do for him was to fulfil the traditions I should do as his wife.
I looked outside and it was already sunrise, and I looked at the clock, it read 6:33 am
I went back to my room, well aware of Seungcheol’s alarm of 7:00 am. He usually works out in the morning for like one hour, so it’s his time to get up. I went to take out my laptop, to check everything for the meeting I had to attend. I was holding my Mac and walked towards the bed, and I was surprised to see Seungcheol awake, “Nishi?”
“You’re already awake?” I nodded at his words. His eyes went to the laptop I was holding, “do you have a meeting now?”
“No, but I need to check a few things before the meeting because I would be talking to the client mainly.” Another reason was to distract myself today and I wanted to ask him why was he awake, since it wasn’t even 7 am yet. He looked lost, and we were just looking at each other, more like staring at each other.
“Subah ho gai?” I nodded
“Umm, good morning” I looked at him and replied, “Good morning” We didn’t do this usually, what’s gotten into him?
“I will go get ready.” I nodded and kept my Mac on the night table. Once he went towards the closet, I fixed the bedsheets and went to sit on the bed with my Mac.
I saw him walking back with his sweatshirt on, I looked at him, “I am going for workout” I nodded at him. I was checking files, then it hit me. It was already 7 am and I had to make breakfast.
I closed my Mac and went downstairs, I saw maa already inside the kitchen, “You’re here?” she looked at me, “Yes, how could I not help you in making breakfast?”
“But you don’t have to do a lot of work today because in the evening we have to do the preparations. So don’t stress too much and you’ve two meetings today.”
“It’s fine maa, and making breakfast is a daily thing, why an exception today?” she looked at me and smiled, “You’re just so beautiful”
“what were you planning to make today?” I asked her, and I went to wash my hands, “something Seungcheol likes” I turned my head to her, “something he likes?” she nodded, “do you want to cook something else?” I shook my head, “he likes Sabudana Khichdi aur Rawa Uttapam” She smiled at me, “Let’s make both and Sangyeon wanted to eat Sabudana ki kichadi yesterday, so I soaked Sabudana overnight, already” I saw, the bowl and went to drain it, “you can cut the vegetables for uttapam, I will do this.” She nodded and once drained, I dry-roasted peanuts, I personally didn’t like peanuts but he did.
Once done, I started making it carefully, and to my surprise, today it turned out nicely; I looked over maa, and noticed she was almost done with the chopping and preparations for rava uttapam. “Maa, let me do this”
“You already made Sabudana” I looked at her, “it’s fine. You can go and check up on others, I can do this. I don’t have any work right now as well” She gave up after I insisted, for some unknown reason I wanted to make breakfast today maybe because I was very relaxed and had no work or I was just bored.
It didn’t take a lot of time to cook for everyone, I was almost done and then I heard maa “Go and call Seungcheol, it’s breakfast time” I kept everything and nodded at her. “I will set the table for everyone.”
I went to our room and I saw Seungcheol buttoning his white shirt, I shook my head and sighed. Doesn’t matter how many times I told him not to walk like this, infront of him but he is like ‘It’s my house, I can walk however I want, I can be naked anytime I want’
His strong scent filled the whole room, I walked towards him, “Breakfast’s ready, maa is calling” Once he was done with his shirt, he took out the tie. He looked at me, “help me?” I sighed and took the tie. Despite his height I managed to help him with his tie, unknowingly today I noticed, we were standing way too close, his breaths were hitting my collarbone which was making it difficult for me to focus on his tie.
“And you’re done” I took a step back and almost stumbled back, but he was quick to hold my waist and pull me closer, “Be careful Nishi” his voice was deeper than usual, the moment he let go of my waist, I let out the breath I was holding.
“Let’s go for breakfast, it’s almost time.”
“I have to leave, I have a meeting” I turned to look at him, “meeting?”
“Yes, I was supposed to tell you yesterday but when I came back to room, you were asleep.”
“But I made your favorite...sabudana” I almost whispered the last word.
“I’m sorry, I’ve to leave” He went out of the room and I followed him, almost disappointed but then I understand, him being the CEO and doing everything. I knew he had work but skipping breakfast? It’s something he never did and rather always tells everyone else that they shouldn’t skip their breakfast.
“Seungcheol” both of us turned to look at maa, “aa jao khane, Nishita ne pyaar se banaya hai aaj”
“Aaj nehi maa, meeting hai.”
“Lekin, Nishi ne bahut pyaar se banaya hai”
“Maa, it’s okay.” He turned to look at me, he had apologetic eyes.
“I’m sorry” I shook my head and gave him a tight smile, “it’s okay, I get it.” Whereas this was the first time he was skipping breakfast.
He went out in a hurry and I looked at Sangyeon and papa, enjoying breakfast. Sangyeon was almost taken aback when maa informed that I was fasting today.
After I was done with the meetings, I looked at the time, it was already evening. I was getting sleepy and tired, I heard a knock on the door. “Are you done for the day?” I looked at maa, walking towards the bed where I was sitting. I nodded, “all done”
“Good, everything’s almost done, I wanted to inform you that, there’s a ritual which is followed in our house, which is you have to wear your wedding saree today.” I nodded, “okay I will get ready”
“Once you’re ready come downstairs.” I nodded.
I looked at the time, it was already 6 pm which meant Seungcheol should have come by now. I shrugged off the thoughts and went towards the walk-in closet, to check my wedding saree.
After searching a bit, I found my saree. I took everything out and went to change. After changing into the saree and fixing everything perfectly, I looked in the mirror and started getting ready. I wore my kajal and eyeliner. I applied liptint and once I was done with my hair, I looked at myself and smiled. I picked up my earrings and wore it. Somewhere my mind was stuck with Seungcheol, why was he late? Would he make it today when the moon will come out? Did he believe in this?
I was skeptical about everything, and him leaving early today, and missing breakfast was something I never thought I would witness. I knew the meaning of the fast, it was for his wellbeing, and it didn’t matter if he believed it or not but I was unsure myself…now
I tried to smile looking at the mirror.
I was ready, so I went downstairs and there I saw the way everything was kept and decorated; “Nishita, come here” I went to sit beside maa, we had to decorate the kalash and other things, once everything was done and kept in the thali, we had to go to the terrace
The moment I stepped on the terrace, I was getting anxious, because there was no sign of him yet.
I looked at the time, didn’t matter how much I wanted to have coffee, I resisted eating or drinking anything today.
I don’t know if Nishi believed in all these traditions but I wanted to keep the fast for her; I didn’t believe in these until she came to my life. There was something about her which always told me to believe everything, let it be god, fate or destiny.
I felt at my worst when I told her I wouldn’t be having my breakfast, knowing she made my favourite and the disappointment on her face was visible. The whole day she was stuck in my mind, I knew how much karwachauth meant for my mother, I always admired her for all these; not knowing I would be doing this one day for my own wife.
woh vrat nehi rakhegi toh mai rakhlunga, that’s what I told myself.
Once I was done with all the meetings and everything, I walked down to the basement to drive back home. I looked at the time, hoping I wasn’t very late.
The moment I reached home, I saw no one downstairs, were they on the terrace already? I came across Sangyeon who was already wearing a kurta, “where’s Nishi?”
“Bhabi?” he looked at me, “She’s with maa on the terrace. You should go and wait for the moon, it’s almost late bhai, what were you even doing this late” he walked past me.
I went to our room and saw, my kurta set on the bed, “did Nishi take these out for me?” I was about to call her but I remembered she wasn’t here, she was with maa.
I changed my clothes and got ready. I went to the walk-in closet and took out the payal I brought for Nishi, more or less this was our first karwachauth and how could I let it go like this?
I kept them inside my pocket and went upstairs.
The moment I reached the rooftop, I almost stopped my steps when I saw her turning around to look at me, she was wearing the saree that she wore at our wedding, I could never forget the look on her face.
Right now, she looked so pretty, with her half-braided hair, pretty earrings, pretty eyeliner, her golden chain, and her mangalsutra. The way she looked right now, I was ready to keep all the fasts for her, so that she could shine brightly like the moon in my dark days, I wanted to give her all the happiness she deserved, she didn’t deserve to shed a single tear in her life. And I was here to make sure she received all the happiness.
 I walked towards her, almost in surprise; she was holding the thali which had everything.
Once I was standing infront of her, she gave me a tight smile, “I almost thought you would be very late”
“And here I thought you didn’t believe in any of these?”
“I didn’t believe in these but felt like you believed in this and I had faith in you” She almost whispered those three words which were enough for me to hear. “Chand dikh gaya” she hurriedly, put her pallu over her head, she looked so beautiful, just the way she looked that night, when we were getting married. Nothing could compare to how beautiful she looked.
She lit up the diya, then kept the diya on the sieve then while looking at the moon through the sieve she poured the water from the kalash. I watched her do everything and somewhere my heart wanted to capture the moment forever, the adoration and dedication in her eyes told me something else. She kept the empty kalash on the other side and then turned to look at me through the sieve. I was looking at her through the sieve, and I was lost in her eyes.
Her eyes always pulled me closer to her, there was always something in her that pulled me closer and made me fall in love with her, they say marriages always happen if there’s love but then how would anyone explain this? I fell for her the moment I saw her in saree at our wedding. The way she looked at me told me, already that I fell for her. The admiration on her face was nothing compared to billions of diamonds. She was the most precious diamond I ever had.
She gave me a smile through the sieve and she was about to keep the sieve on the other side but before she could do that, I held the sieve and looked at her, she was taken aback.
“Seungcheol?” I smiled at her
“I found my moon.” She was surprised, I could say she never thought I would do this.
“fast rakhe ho?” I didn’t reply to her and I heard my mother, “Tu manta bhi nehi tha yeh sab, aur aaj kya hua?”
“Chand mili hai mujhe apni, toh itna karna toh banta hai na agar isko hamesha apne paas rakhna hai aur aise hi chamakta hua dekhna hai toh? Meri chaand itna toh deserve karti hi hai maa” She looked lost. I couldn’t tell if she was surprised, or was overwhelmed, or taken aback.
Once done, I took out the diya from the sieve and kept it on the thali, and the sieve on the table. After that, she did the arti, and I was smiling throughout the time, she looked so beautiful even with the light of the flame. I took the kalash from the thali and I helped her drink the water and broke her fast.
“Ab meri baari jaan” that last word just slipped out of my mouth unknowingly and I was almost flustered, but nothing compared to how flustered she looked.
 “Vrat Rakha hai, paani pilaogi tabhi tutega” she smiled at me and helped me drink the water.
She held the thali and fixed the pallu, and before she could bend down and touch my feet, I bent down and touched her feet. She was taken aback, well I have seen my mother do this to my father but here I wanted Nishi to give another place in my life.
I took the gulab jamun from the thali and gave her a bite, she took it from me and gave me a bite.
“Now one more thing, you deserve” She looked at me confused, “Ab kya baaki hai?”
“Fast bhi rakh liya mere liye, aur kya chahiye mujhe?” I bend down and patted my thighs, “Kya?”
I took out the box and showed her the payal, “Aaj hamara pehela karwachauth hai, toh yeh meri taraf se, ek chota sa taufa” she extended her leg and kept the feet on my thigh, I didn’t care if everyone in our family saw us, this was supposed to be our moment but couldn’t help if this because the public display of affection.
Once I put the payal around both her feet, I kissed her feet lightly. I got up, “thankyou so much” The urge to kiss her was getting high.
My hands cupped her cheeks, “pata hai kitni pyaari lag rahi ho aaj” she smiled at me.
She smiled at me and stole my heart again.
“Aise smile na kiya karo, jaan leni hai kya meri?” this was the first time I was this open with myself and my feelings, my feelings were taking over me.
“Maine kuch bhi- before she could complete her sentence, I kissed her.
I closed my eyes, and pulled her closer. Her lips tasted sweet because of gulab jamun, but I didn’t mind, I liked the taste of the kiss and her lips. I pulled back lightly and looked at her, before she could say anything, I kissed her again, “I love you” I said in between our kiss, “this is probably the first time I confessed and I mean it”
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hilziger · 8 months
ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: 𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒 ( 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝟖)!
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WARNINGS: [ polyamorous/ open relationship scenario [with Roman Reigns], Jey being an absolute sweetheart 🥺 unprotected sex (f receiving) rough love making, smut.]
The full moon burned with luster, and the light slipped into the women's loft just two blocks away from the Phipps plaza, small stroking sounds of her laying on her blush were the only thing to be heard in the room.
10:00 pm
The lightly lit phone screen read as the women looked out to the beautiful moonlit Friday night, this was her favorite day of the week the most important to her at least, her thoughts left her as her boyfriend was fixing his tie in front of the big body mirror next to the bathroom. "I'll be home tomorrow night babe, Paul and I have a few business meetings and then we have to be in New York for the auction" he turned his head to see you getting all dressed up in the sexiest lingerie he'd ever seen.
A white lingerie draped her body, but she was covered up with a black sheer robe, the trim was black feathers and her skin glistened with that fenty glitter bomb stuff he knew she loved. " okay just make sure you're being safe, love you Ro" she kept it short and sweet like every Friday night when he had to go, she chuckled as she placed the finishing touches on her blushed up cheeks, she looked at the Samoan man once more before standing up and looking at her phone again.
10:30 pm
She was so ready for him to leave and with that, it's like he read her mind as he nodded making his way towards and out the loft doors, she sighed with annoyance as she tapped her phone turning on Insecure by Brent Faiyaz.
The idea of an open relationship, or polyamory was never her idea until Roman brought up his wife and he didn't want to necessarily stop seeing you.
The lying, the constant leaving he would do at certain times of the day or certain days in the week, so once she caught him she felt as though it was only fair, she instantly proposed they do it under her terms, her brown orbs looked at herself through her vanity mirror, she was getting all dolled up for another man, her midnight lover, and his cousin.
Jey Uso.
"Jey... mhm" she breathed out in almost a whisper, even her saying his name got her warm and her heart fluttering a thousand beats she felt.
He was the most beautiful man she ever laid her eyes on, she met Jey through her friend's cousin who worked for him and his brother as a manager.
conversations being had and here they were two months into their relationship, of course, Roman had no knowledge of this for that would end in complete chaotic violence, but tonight she desired his touch and him like always as he did for her.
11:30 pm
"Perfect.." a sweet smile was plastered on her face as she looked at the setup she had planned for the two of them, she placed the last few white roses she had in her hand on the bed before the ding of the stove echoed in the living room, she walked out of her room tapping the stove top putting her pasta on low before a soft series of knocks were placed upon her door. She placed her wooden spoon down and walked towards the door standing in front of it, " who is it?" she asked there was a deep chuckle to be heard as there was shuffling of bags before the voice revealed themselves.
"Y/n it's me, baby, open up "That voice only belonged to one man she knew, her excitement no longer contained as she unlocked the door to reveal the man of the hour. "Mhm did I just die and go to heaven? you look so ethereal baby" Jey looked at her in admiration but with lust sparkling in his eyes as he stepped into the loft and placed his bags down.
He was quickly met with Y/n body jumping onto his, his big hands firmly holding her ass up as she had this beaming smile, " Jey! " was all she could say, he couldn't help but laugh and slightly blush at the excitement that radiated off of her. "someone's happy to see me, you look so good, mama " his tone was sultry and husk as he took in his women, her thick thighs tighten themselves around his torso once she leaned in capturing his lips with her glossed plumped ones.
She eagerly but slowly kissed him as he moved them both towards the counter placing her down on it as his lips moved in sync with hers, his massive palms gripped her waist as his head swiftly pulled away and placed small teasing kisses against her burning lips.
"you smell sooooo damn good" A low deep grunt emitted from Jey as the floral yet warm scent danced around his nostrils; giggling at how needy he was being she moved her neck some to give him more access, " Thank you handsome, I could say the same about you" she could smell the Dior savage on him as their bodies were so close to one another, his gold chain dangled with ease against his plain black shirt, Jay lifted his head before his brown orbs met hers causing them both to smile.
"I smell food as well, you didn't have to cook for me, bae I know how tired you are after working with clients all day" his hand softly kneed her soft foot for a moment as he looked up at her, she rolled her eyes playfully almost taken back by his statement." shush boy I wanted to cook because A I was hungry and B I like cooking for my man, besides it gives us a chance to decompress and catch up about our week".
she hopped down quickly grabbing two ceramic plates from the cupboards, Jey's eyes followed her thick figure as he watched her maneuver her way through the kitchen as she prepared dinner for the two of them. The chicken Alfredo with broccoli was placed onto the plate with a small side salad to accompany it, she began to take both plates into her hands until Jey swiftly took one of the plates out of her hands.
"Thank you baby this is all so sweet.. but I got it from here mama" A light smirk graced his face as he grabbed her chair pulled it out and watched her stare at him for a brief moment, he had her stuck at his sudden yet smoothly embedded dominance he began motioning her to sit down, she took her seat as told feeling him push her into the table.
"Im gonna pour your drink cause I see you have this wine in this bucket of ice" Jey quickly washed his hands and dried them before pulling out two wine glasses from her cupboard, he popped open the red wine and poured a reasonable amount in both glasses taking his seat again placing her cup across from him making
Y/n giggle quietly at the gesture.
"Now, tell me about your week beautiful" Jey began to dig into his plate as Y/n sipped her wine smiling ear to ear.
Drunken laughs and conversations filled the room between the two as Jey was now washing the plates clean, while Y/n was too busy leaning against the counter as she indulged in her third but smaller cup of wine listening to Jey go on about his week. "it's just been feeling like every week they got me on air but I'm not complaining my merch has been boomin'" now finished with the last plate he washed his hands drying them.
" I'm not complaining either I get to see your sexy ass every Monday on my tv, mhm" a soft moan emitted from you as your brown orbs scanned Jey taking another slow sip from your glass. Jey moved from the sink and behind your body chuckling deeply as his large hand rubbed softly on your ass.
"Enough about me though... I wanna get into you" That statement alone had your panties ruined, the husky raspiness of his voice made it no better as he quickly picked you up placing your body on the counter and spreading your legs apart with his body in between. His coffee-colored iries felt like lasers burning holes into your face as he stared at you with hungriness.
"Say, baby, where did you get this lil set from?" his hands ran themselves near her core and ripped the delicate fabric before you could even form an answer. "Fro- Jey what the fuck!" she squealed embarrassingly leaking slowly onto her counter, Jey held the panties into his hand as he held a dark sinister-like smirk on his face.
" haven't even touched you yet and you're so wet, don't worry I'll buy you some new ones" his lips crashed into yours roughly, and two thick fingers slithered their way between your soft thighs immediately making contact with your dripping core.
You couldn't even concentrate on kissing back as you felt his finger slide inside of you, moaning at the pain and pleasure that filled you up as he slowly thrust his two digits against your tight walls, he pulled away guiding wet passionate kisses against your neck before whispering into your ear.
"I've missed you so fucking much baby... miss this pussy even more" he growled before swiftly dropping down to be at head level with your core, his thumb swiped at your throbbing clit causing you to bite your lip to surpass any moans, "just eat me already" you whined breathlessly bucking your hips towards Jey indicating you needed him now. He wasted no time propping your legs on his shoulders before sliding his tongue all over your clit.
The moment the taste of y/n fell onto his tongue again he couldn't even help himself as he ruthlessly ate you out, licking and sucking at your arousal proudly lapping up your wetness as his hands gripped your legs apart as if he wasn't getting enough. Moans and curses flew out of you like a symphony and Jey was your conductor.
His eyes watched you from down below as he feasted on you, thrusting his tongue painfully slow as he rubbed your clit at a fast pace, your eyes popped feeling your orgasm completely sneak up on you causing your body to jolt in sensitivity as your cum greeted Jeys mouth in a matter of seconds.
"S-shit im sorry.." all you could hear was slurps and sucking before your lips met his in a heated passionate kiss, He moaned against you, feeling his hard buldge against your exposed core before he pulled back licking his lips.
"Don't apologize I just hope you have enough to melt on my dick just like that." He taunted before scooping the flushed women rushing up the stairs as he quickly plotted his sweet torture he had in store.
Hiii! I’m Bobbi 🥹I’m a writer on Wattpad but I’ve heard some good things about the writing community on tumblr, and also I did a jey imagine cause that’s my nigga🤭 so I wanted to see how well it would do here, if y’all want a part 2 let me know!
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A Look Into All For One's Daily Routine (PRE-potato)
7:00 AM - Rise and shine, for the world trembles at the mere thought of my awakening. 7:10 AM - Morning cuddles and kisses with my precious wife, Inko and indirectly praising her for surviving another night beside the most feared villain-turned-family-man. 7:45 AM – Wake my baby son up, then have a villainous breakfast, consisting of coffee, eggs, waffles, and a side of intimidation. 8:15 AM - Conduct a nefarious board meeting to discuss evil plans for the day. Check on my ‘side businesses’ and make sure I’m ‘making’ money. 9:00 AM - Meet with underworld contacts. Expand my influence and power. Remind them who’s boss. 10:00 AM - Time for some "me" time. Attend an appointment with my personal tailor to ensure my villainous attire strikes fear into the hearts of heroes. A scheduled manicure is included every Wednesday. 10:45AM - Wreak minor havoc upon the city. A villain's work is never done and sometimes the blond idiot stops by. It's all about balance, you see. 12:00 PM - Lunch break: Consume the souls of those who dare oppose me. Wine and steak are the usual. Depends on my mood. 12:30 PM: While I’m having lunch, I usually log into my social media and contribute to All Might hate pages. The villain subreddit is my go-to. Update my Demon King fanfiction while I’m at it. (This entry is completely satire) 1:00 PM - Plotting session: Strategize with Tomura on how to conquer the world then make Kurogiri do all the work and babysit him. 2:30 PM - Business calls. Time to collect those debts and remind people why they shouldn't cross me. A few well-placed threats should do the trick. 3:00 PM - Pick up some "unfortunate souls" from the streets. Gotta keep the operation running smoothly. While I’m at it, I’ll supervise the training of Tomura and young villains-in-training. 4:30 PM - Time to head home. Can't wait to see Inko and my beloved son, Izu-baby. 6:00 PM - Dinner with the family. Nothing beats Inko's cooking, except maybe her smile. 7:00 PM - Quality time with Izuku: Help him with his homework, impart wisdom about the ways of the world, and play hero-villain with him. 9:00 PM - Bedtime routine and tuck my cute son into bed. Goodnight, little one. Daddy's gonna (hopefully) kill All Might tomorrow. 9:30 PM - Quality time with Inko. Sometimes the best evil plots are hatched ‘between the sheets’. 11:00 PM - Prepare for bed: Ensure all evil plans are in motion for the following day and that my reign of terror will continue unabated. Sometimes a book about totalitarianism and tyranny with a glass a wine is included. 11:30 PM – Time for a goodnight sleep. I need my beauty sleep to maintain this dashing appearance. Tomorrow, the world will tremble at my might once again.
Note: Schedule subject to change depending on hero interference, unforeseen villainous schemes, 'business trips' and holidays/weekends.
Please tell me what you think I had so much fun making this 😂😂😂😂😂 I might make a POST-potato schedule. I love this man so much can you tell.
😂 I'm laughing because honestly this very much seems like his schedule. Doing both evil stuff while also being dad for one at the same time is how he rolls. Like awww he loves his famil- Wait he picking up ORPHANS AND PLANNING PEOPLE DEMISE?
LOL, I need more of a Day in the Life of a Demon Lord. Because this is great also seems Inko gets quite a bit of attention at night. Though we can already see he definitely not going to see All Might coming when he comes with a Detroit smash.
But man I love how casual he is about his appearance and his affection for his family being quite wholesome. While also still doing evil things, you anon get it.
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joshs-big-toe · 6 months
Hey guys, this request basically gave me free rein to do whatever I want, so please enjoy this toe-curling story I write here. This is going to be a longer one (word count: 4,919) so sit back and enjoy. This is basically pure smut so if you don’t want that, keep scrolling :) (also, Abby is not relevant in this story, so just pretend she is staying the week at a friend’s house if that’s something you're concerned about I guess lol)
Cw: heavy smut, dom! Mike, sub fem! Reader, deprivation, edging, jealous mike, possessive mike, sweet mike, dirty talk, HELLA EDGING, slight degradation, slight praise, mentions of CONSENTUAL somnophelia, slight fluff toward the end
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Mike Schmidt, your boyfriend, supported your acting career with his entire being. Actuality, he was damn proud of you. No matter the role, he was on board, flooding you with support and affirmations. However, you had just gotten a role, your dream role, in this Blumhouse film, starring alongside an actor you loved: Evan Peters. You have loved Evan Peters since you saw him in Kick-Ass. When you got your script, you read through it. The storyline was amazing, but there was a lot of sex between you and Evan’s character. For the first time, you didn’t want to tell Mike about a role. You knew Mike more than likely would support your decision to take on this role, but nervousness filled you. Before you told Mike, you decided you wanted to think about it, hiding your script under your bed. Soon enough, the thought of the script slipped your mind and you moved on with your day. The day consisted of a tabling, meeting Evan for the first time, and getting to know the cast and directors better. It was almost time for Mike to go to work when you finally got home. You sighed, putting your bag on the table by the door after closing it behind you. “Mike, love, I’m home.” Silence. You were confused, his shift at the Pizzaria didn’t start until midnight. It was only 11:00 pm. “Mike?” You strolled past the living room into your room, seeing Mike on the floor, holding your script.
He looked up at you, a mix of sadness and anger filling his eyes. “What is this, y/n?” You were speechless, mouth hanging open slightly.
Your mouth opened slightly, trying to come up with what to say. “Mike, um, it's just-“
He cut you off. “When were you going to tell me about this? Clearly, you’ve had this for a couple of days now.” His voice was monotone, showing clear frustration.
“I was going to tell you,” you mumbled.
“Why didn’t you?” He set the script down on the ground.
“I was nervous, Mike. I didn’t want you to get upset.”
“I wouldn’t have been upset if you would’ve just told me. Now I just feel like you lied to me, y/n.” He flipped the pages. “And of course Evan Peters. Really?” I nodded, feeling guilty for not telling him. Now keep in mind, Mike was never rude or controlling when it came to you, he just was extremely attached. He typically wouldn’t mind sex scenes, but he knew about your love for Evan, and immediately he was filled with jealousy.
“It's not real sex, Mike.” You said, hiding the redness that filled your face. He put his face in his hands, groaning.
“That’s not the point, y/n. The point is, you felt the need to hide this shit from me.” He looked down at his watch. “I have to go to work, this,” he holds up the script, “is coming with me.” He stood up, loading his pockets with his essentials and then grabbing highlighters, note tabs, and sticky notes from your desk drawer. Without a word, he kissed your cheek and left your room. His skin was hot against yours, making your body shudder. You stood there, unsure of how to even react. You heard the door shutting and the lock click as Mike left. You knew you were fucked, that you'd be in the doghouse tomorrow. Why did he want my script, you thought to yourself. You began to overthink the whole situation, making it difficult for you to fall asleep. You lay on your bed, tossing and turning. You texted Mike, no answer. You had no idea how long it had been before you heard your phone ding. It was Mike.
Mike: I hate how you kept that from me, not only is it one scene, but three? Multiple make-out scenes. Nobody else but me should be fucking touching you like that. All I can imagine is that angry sex scene, fuck y/n people are going to see you, hear you make the sounds only I can hear.
You read the text over and over again, slightly turned on by the jealousy but guilt-ridden. You knew you should’ve just told him. After a few seconds, your phone let out a ding again. You look down, seeing a video. You clicked on it, blackness filling the screen at first. You heard soft grunts and whimpers coming from the other side. Eventually, an image came into view making your hand fly to your mouth. The video consisted of him fucking his hand in the bathroom, rubbing his dick in a rough manner. You couldn’t make out what he was saying except for an exasperated ‘Is this what you fucking wanted?’  You felt an immediate heat pooling between your legs at the sight, at his moans and whimpers and unintelligible grumbles across the screen. Your body buzzed, you had never seen anything hotter in your life. Fuck. You knew this was the start of something you didn’t know if you were worried about or extremely excited about. He continued to write messages to you throughout the night. ‘I know you’re ready to take me. You’re such a naughty girl. You’re going to listen to me like the slut you are.’ You knew you weren’t going to sleep tonight, so you decided to go to your desk and work on some of the scoring work for the movie. Your mind is so stuck on the video, that you didn’t notice Mike walking into the house before he dropped the script onto your keyboard. He is home early. He kissed your neck, running his mouth down it before whispering, “I’m gonna show you, think about what you’ve done,” before mumbling something about a shower and disappearing again.
Looking back down at the script, you saw that it was annotated. Sticky tabs marking certain pages, as well as color-coordinated highlighted marks. You flicked through the script, realizing it was every single bit of dirty dialogue, make-out, and sex scene. On the back page, you noticed a sticky note that decoded his highlights. There was a yellow highlight mark, an orange highlight mark, and a pink highlight mark. The yellow one read ‘tonight’, the orange one read ‘tomorrow’, and the pink one read ‘day after tomorrow’. Fuck.
The First Night
Mike came out of the shower, only boxers covering him. His wet hair stuck to his forehead, drops of water slid down his chest. You stared at him, a deep red covering your cheeks. “Did you think about it?” You nodded, barely visible.
“Yes, Mike, I am so sorry I didn’t-“ He cut you off with a ‘tsk’ and shook his head.
“You need to learn your lines, don’t you? Knees, now.” This wasn’t him asking, you knew he was serious. He grabbed the script on his way to the bed, sitting on the edge of it. You comply to his demand, getting on your knees and facing him. He handed you the script, repeating, “You need to learn your lines. So read them. The ones highlighted in yellow. His jaw was set, eyes an impossible shade darker. You took the script from him, scanning the pages for the yellow highlights. All dirty talk. The only thing highlighted for tonight was dirty talk. You were fucked. You let out a shaky sigh, beginning to read the lines aloud.
“P-please baby,” you began reading. He reached down, grabbing your jaw to make him look up at you.
“The only way you’ll learn is if you do it right, no stuttering. Again.” You could see the hardness in his boxers. “My eyes are up here, sweetheart,” he mumbled as he slipped them off, grabbing his length. You cleared your throat, embarrassed.
“Please, baby I need you,” you started again, your tone was shaky. He stroked his cock slowly, shaking his head.
He stopped, mumbling a curse word. “You’re supposed to be begging, y/n,” he teased. “I thought you already read the script. Probably touched yourself while reading it too, huh? Again.” Your face was impossibly redder. You watched his hand run over the tip of his dick, squeezing it before pumping it faster. He let out a quiet groan, letting his head lull back slightly. You glanced back down at your script.
“I-I’m sorry, Mike, I-“
“If you make any noises or movements other than your lines, you’re starting over again. Now read it, y/n.” You nodded again.
“Please, baby,” you began, making your tone more whiny, needy. “Please, I need you. I need to feel you inside me. Please f-fuck me,” you stuttered out the words. A moan escaped his mouth, his mouth open slightly as he kept his gaze on you. You wanted him so fucking bad. Instinctively, you reached up to touch him. With his free hand, he slapped yours away.
“If you fucking touch me,” he paused his movements, letting out a shaky breath. “If you fucking touch me, I'll make you start over again.” He started up again. You could see his body shaking, telling you that he was close.
“Please,” you begged, it sounding more sincere than before. You started to reach down to touch yourself, trying to ease the aching in your core. He grabbed my jaw again, making me look up at him.
“Did I say you could touch yourself? As far as I know, I didn’t give you fucking permission. Again.” Once again, you relayed your line to him, not breaking eye contact, finishing them perfectly.  You watched him, a loud moan echoing your room. “F-fuck,” he groaned out, letting out whimpers as he came, beads landing on your face and script, causing the letters and highlighter to bleed. He laid back on the bed for a moment, his dick still tightly gripped in his hand, chest heaving. Finally, sitting up, he pulled up his boxers and found a shirt to wipe his hand off with, tossing it back to you. “Good girl,” he mumbled. “Now get cleaned up.” With that, he kissed your forehead and got into bed, turning to face away from you. You continued to look at him, watching him breathe from under the covers. Looking back down at your script, I realize that you needed a new one now. You grabbed the shirt that Mike had thrown at you, wiping your face clean, and getting into bed. You turned toward him, he refused to look at you. You groaned, turning onto your side. You weren’t going to let him win this little game he decided to play with you. Throughout the night, Mike periodically woke you up, rubbing his hand along your heat, and kissing your neck. By the third time, it was 5 am you were fed up, grabbing his hand and putting it back. “Im not sure you’ve learned your lesson, y/n. So, no.” He rolled over on his side, falling asleep again. You groaned, willing yourself to go back to sleep. This was going to be a long few days.
The Second Night
Today consisted of a few more table readings, as well as a couple of preemptive press interviews to promote your movie. By the time you got home, it was 7 pm. You walked into your room, seeing Mike on his phone, barely glancing at you before going back to his phone. Seeing as your day was rough, you decided today was the day to officially apologize to him. You drop your stuff to the floor and make your way over to the bed. You sit on the edge, looking toward him. “Hey Mikey,” you start. He set his phone, sitting up to face you. “I um,” his eyes meet yours. You were unable to read him this time. “I think we should talk,” you mumble, refusing to look away from his eyes. He grabbed your neck, not too hard but hard enough to hurt you. His lips connected to yours, kissing you with a force that sent you spiraling. Your mouth gaped, allowing him to shove his tongue in your mouth, making you moan as your tongues danced. Without breaking the kiss, he got up, shoving you down on the bed. He finally broke the kiss and walked over to your desk, grabbing the script and tossing it at you.
“In the orange. Tell me what happens next.” You look at him, your eyes wide. You pick up the script, flicking through the pages until you reached the orange. “Out loud, sweetheart.”
“In this scene,” you pause, allowing yourself to read before you spoke. “Evan’s character and I um, he and I are supposed to make out while he…” You pause, not wanting to say it.
“He is fingering me while we ma- while we kiss.”
“Wrong. Try again.” He gave off a devilish grin.
“While w-we make out, Mike.” You whisper.
“That’s my girl,” he mumbled as he made his way over to you, immediately attacking your neck and working at your jeans, sliding them off of you. You gasp, immediately grabbing onto his hair. You could feel yourself getting wet under his touch, aching for any sort of friction. You push your hips up against him. “Hands to yourself, love,” he growled against your neck. He grabs the script, shoving it into my hand. “Read it, tell me what it says.” His breath tickled my neck, sending chills down my spine.
“It- look I-“ You are unable to get the words out as his lips latch onto yours. He kisses you like he’s starving, taking you in as much as he can.
“Come on, sweetheart, read your little script. Memorize it. Know every noise, every movement you're supposed to make. And if you forget,” he pauses, twisting a finger around your panties, pulling them aside. “I’ll make you remember.” He grumbles, connecting his lips against yours again, sliding a finger inside you. He moves in and out impossibly slow, making you groan. His tongue runs along the seam of your lips, letting himself in as your tongues danced together aggressively. You moan onto his mouth, prompting him to quicken his movements. He was holding you against him as he inserted another finger, curling them upward, hitting that special spot that made pleasure jolt through your body. Your head lolled back, a moan escaping your lips.
“F-fuck, Mike,” you whine.
“You're so fucking wet, baby. Fuck look at you, helpless under me.” He whispered. You allowed your eyes to close. He grabbed your jaw with his free hand, very gently. Your eyes opened, his eyes were full of lust. “Oh no, you're going to look at me as I show you the effect I have on you.” His lips connected to your collarbone, sucking on it until a purple mark appeared. His fingers kept hooking up into you, and you could feel the heat building up in your belly. You buck your hips forward as he whispers, “You really think you get to cum tonight? Not until you’ve learned your lesson.” Right before you were granted a release, he pulled his fingers out, standing upright and looking at you. You were a mess before him: face red and eyes glazed over. He sticks his fingers in his mouth, licking your arousal off of them. You lost.
“Oh god please Mike, please no I promise I won’t do it again Mike please I miss you I need you so bad-“ You rambled on, looking at him with puppy dog eyes, eyebrows strewn together. Instead, he chuckles and crosses his arms.
“You haven’t learned anything, so you don’t get me, nor do you get to finish. Understand?” You whined, laying back on the bed, covering your face. Your body ached for him, you wanted to feel him inside you again. He leaned over you, planting a soft kiss on your temple. He moved to your ear and whispered, “And y/n? If you even try to make yourself cum, you’ll regret it, trust me.” He kissed your cheek again before getting off of you and heading to the bathroom to take another shower. You groaned, rubbing your legs together trying to give yourself any kind of friction. As he was showering, you devised a plan. You could try and ride his thigh when he gets back to bed. Yeah, that should work. You laid in bed, and after about 30 minutes he finally returned, climbing in bed next to you. You smiled, rolling over and straddling his thigh, kissing his face. You slowly started to grind your hips against him, but he grabbed your hips before you could derive any sort of pleasure. “You don’t think I know what you’re doing, love?” You decided to play dumb.  
“What do you mean, Mike? I’m just kissing you.” Who were you kidding, you weren’t even convincing yourself.
“As good as you look doing that,” he paused, studying your face and biting his lower lip. “And as badly as I want you to continue, you won’t. Like I said earlier. No lesson learned.” In a swift movement, he hoisted your leg off of him. You were extremely embarrassed. He got what he wanted from you: You begged. Eventually, you were able to will yourself to sleep.
You woke up with a sensation on your thigh. “Mike?” You mumble in your sleepy state. There was no response, his arms were wrapped around your thighs as he trailed kisses down to your core. He pressed a kiss against your aching clit through your panties, causing you to groan out. Your hands found his hair, grabbing a fistful of it.
“You’re intoxicating, y/n,” he grumbled against you. He slid your panties to the side, running his tongue along your slit until he reached your clit. “Fuck,” he breathed out against you before sucking on you, causing your body to jolt. You were extremely sensitive, but god it felt so good. “God you make me so fucking hard,” he groaned, grinding against the bed.
“P-please mike,” you moaned out. “Please, I n-need to come.” You threw your head back in frustration as he pulled away, leaving a small kiss on your thigh before crawling back up next to you.
“Not yet,” he grinned before turning over and falling back asleep. You were on the verge of tears at this point. You were so fucking horny but you were afraid to do anything, you didn’t want to prolong the punishment longer than it was planned to be. Finally, after what felt like agonizing hours of laying and staring at the ceiling, you were able to finally fall asleep.
The Final Night
The next morning, you woke up to Mike on his phone. He looked over at you, an innocent smile on his lips. “Good morning,” he said cheerfully. You were buzzing, your body craving some sort of release. You needed Mike. You were tired of whatever he was playing at. You just wanted to feel him, you craved the feeling of him inside you. He shifted his body to where he was on top of you. You felt his hard cock pressing into your lower belly. “Do you remember your lines we went over?” He ran his hands under your shirt, grabbing at your tits, causing a pleasure-filled sigh to escape your lips.
“I do,” you lied, trying to get him to finally fuck you.
“Good girl, I'm glad you remember.” He leaned down, kissing your neck. “Let's see if you still remember after I fuck the words out of your pretty little mouth.” He was quoting the script. Your mouth falls open slightly as you watch him remove his boxers, his dick springing free. He gave you a look, as if asking if it was okay. You give a soft nod.
“Please, M-Mike, I’m desperate,” You beg. He smiles, leaning down and kissing your forehead.
“You don’t get to look at me, understand?” He asked, slipping his shirt off and putting it over your eyes. “Only I get to look at you, looking at me would bring you too much pleasure.”
“Please mike, just fuck me please,” you groan. Without a word, you feel his cock slide into you. You throw your head back, gripping at the bedsheets and moaning. You hear soft groans and whimpers coming from Mike, making you impossibly hornier. He’s attacking your neck as he's thrusting into you with no mercy, “F-fuck mike please!” You cry out.
“Now’s your time, say you’re fucking mine, y/n.” You weren’t able to get the words out. You feel his thumb circle your clit as he continues ruthlessly thrusting. The familiar heat is building up in you, making you throw out a string of incoherent pleas and whines. You grab onto his arms, praying he’s going to let you cum. “Looks like I’m fucking the words right out of your mouth, huh? That’s such a shame,” he said, taking deep breaths in between his words. With that, he pulls out of you, moving his thumb off your clit. He removes the shirt off your face and looks down at you, seeing tears forming in your eyes. You groan, silently begging him to let you have your release. He wipes the tears from your eyes before giving you a soft kiss. He puts his boxers back on, getting off the bed and making his way out of the room, you presume to the bathroom to ‘finish himself off.’
“Mike p-please,” you whine. “I don’t want to wait any longer p-please,” He only shakes his head in response.
“Look at your script, love. Patience is key.” He walked out of the room, leaving you aching for him. You got up, stumbling over to your desk and picking up the script. You scanned over the highlighted parts. He is recreating this almost identically, you think to yourself. You look over the pink highlights, blushing at what you have coming for you tonight. Thank god you have nothing to do today.
Your legs were buzzing and your skin was on fire. Mike called out of work tonight, making you hopeful. You weren’t sure where he was though. You were laying on your bed, reading a book when he came in, panting. You looked up at him. “H-hey Mikey,” you say sheepishly. “Where have you been?”
“I was on a run,” he walked over to you, picking you up and attacking your lips with his in an aggressive kiss. You wrap your legs around his waist as he picked you up. “Enough is enough,” he grumbled, pushing you up against the wall. His tongue pushes past your lips, you greedily taking him in as he roughly kisses you. As he uses the wall as leverage, he manages to peel your shirt off, grabbing at your tits as he is kissing and sucking on your neck. You lean your head back against the wall, letting your mouth fall open, small moans escaping. “You’re so fucking needy, you need this soooo fucking bad don’t you?” He teased you in between kisses. You were useless, seeing stars as he groped your tits. He’s basically eating you, lips traveling from your jaw, to your neck, to your collarbone, gingerly leaving kisses on the marks he gave you the previous night. His hand reaches between the two of you, pushing up against your core, rubbing you through your clothed cunt. You’re a mess at this point, your body reacting exactly the way he wanted it to. “Greedy, greedy, greedy,” he grumbled. You are nearly at your breaking point, that heat building up inside you once again.
“M-Mikey please, please just this once please I need-“  Those words cause him to speed up. You moan, feeling yourself come undone in his arms.
“Oh baby no, I’m going to make you cum however many times I want to make you cum,” he groans.
“Oh f-fuck, Mike!” You cry out. Your body tenses as you finally get your release. You grab onto mike, clawing at his back as you ride out your orgasm, moans and whimpers escaping you. Immediately, he brings you over to the bed, laying you down gently with your ass hanging over the edge. He strips you, immediately attacking your entrance with his tongue. You grab his hair, your hips bucking up onto him. “M-mike yo- this is too much, i-im so fucking sensitive I-“
“Its enough when Ive had enough,” he mumbles against you. His tongue runs over your folds, flicking against your clit periodically. He pushes your legs apart as far as they could go, spreading you open as he tongue-fucked you. You feel your orgasm building again, causing you to pull back slightly. It was almost too much for you to handle. Mike pulls you against him again. You whine and squirm under his touch, your vision hazy with pleasure. “if you don’t fucking be still Im going to extend your punishment, and I don’t believe you want that, do you, you pathetic mess.” Mike goes at it again. You tug his hair, making him whimper into you. His tongue flicks over your clit a couple more time before you finally tip over the edge, coming on his face. Your back arched as you rode out your orgasm, him planting soft kisses and nips on your inner thigh. Your body ached, but it felt so fucking good. Mike pushed you further up the bed, taking off his sweatpants and boxers, revealing his cock, twitching in anticipation. He gets on top of you, planting sloppy lazy kisses all over you before kissing you, sliding his tongue in your mouth. You immediately tasted yourself on his tongue. “Bet you can fucking taste what I do to you. Yeah? You understand you’re fucking mine right? Those pretty noises? Mine. Those pretty faces you make? Mine. The obscene words you say when you’re close? ONLY mine. No one else’s” You nodded your head quickly. “Use your fucking words, love. Put that pretty mouth of yours to use.”
“I-I’m yours, mike,” you moan through kisses. You continue to repeat those words when you feel him push his cock into you spreading you open, making you gasp. Fucking, finally.
“Fucking right you are,” he growls before attacking his lips to yours again. He grabs your wrists, pinning them above your head. He thrust in and out of you at a sloppy yet quick pace, the sound of skin slapping and moans filling the room. Mike was letting out small whimpers here and there, struggling to speak. “What did you learn y/n? What did you learn from this experience, hmm? That’s you’re a slut for me? How you make me fucking horny by you just looking at me? How I want to fuck you so hard that the only word you can say is MY name?? Tell me my love, what did you learn?”
You start babbling “I- I learned never to keep things from you, fuck, H-how no amount of fake sex on the screen will change the fact that we fit perfectly together. How- holy shit M-Mike,” he didn’t let up. He was pounding into you. You were unfolding again. “how you know me so well. How you love me so well. How I’ll never lie about anything ever again. How I’m only yours. Only, y-yours, Mike.”
“Good girl. Goooood fucking girl” he said as he started peppering kisses all over your face. “My sweet girl. You’re so perfect, fuck. I want to breathe you in always.” He slowed his pace down, becoming more gentle. “I want you to feel safe to tell me things, fuck-“ He’s a groaning mess. In fact you were both a fucking mess. “I fucking love you so much.” You felt him twitch inside you, his eyes screwing shut. You felt it too, and finally, you spilled, clenching around him, moaning out his name. You felt him cum inside you as he tried to stifle his whimpers. You two stayed there for a moment, catching your breath. You wrap your arms around him in a bear hug, holding onto him tightly. He chuckles, kissing your cheek. “You did so well, you took me so well. You were so patient, you’re so fucking good,” he whispered, leaning his forehead against yours. He rolls off of you, taking off his shirt to clean you and him up. He pulled you against him when he was done, wrapping you up in his arms. You buried your head in his chest. He rubs your back, making random shapes against your skin.
“Mike I’m really sorry. I never should have done that. I got in my own head and got worried. I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.” He hugs you tighter.
“Love, I forgave you after night one. I just wanted to have some fun. See how you could come undone under me. It was fucking mesmerizing. Fucking beautiful.” He paused for a moment. “Y/n, you’re going to do so good in that movie. You always do. I can’t wait to see it.” Mike kisses your shoulder. “I’m so proud of you, love. You never fail to amaze me with what you can do. Whether it’s school, your thousands of movie jobs, or how you take me…you always do amazing.” You smile against his chest.
“I love you, Mike.”
“I love you too, more than anything.” His words were sluggish. “Sleep?” You nodded, already drifting off. “Goodnight, my love.” You hum a response into his chest before fading into a, finally, peaceful sleep.
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If yall made it to the end, thanks for reading, I appreciate your support for my page. You guys are literally amazing! Please forgive me for any typos, it is in fact 6AM lmao. Anyways, thanks again if you made it to the end!
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irisintheafterglow · 11 months
More Than It Seams (Chapter 4)
summary: you're a hero costume tech working for one of the biggest fashion companies in quirk society, and the days until the most important fashion event of the year are dwindling fast. if you weren't stressed enough, a certain half-and-half hero keeps appearing with rips in his suit. (pro!todoroki x reader)
word count: 2.8k
cw/tags: swearing, mentions of needles, probably inaccurate fashion design vocabulary, strangers to lovers, no specified pronouns for reader, mentions of food/eating, mention of character death/disappearance, descriptions of wounds and blood, grief with happy ending
note: second to last chapter let's gooooo !!! in theory this could be considered the "last chapter," but don't you wanna know how the ball goes??? and maybe shoto and reader have their first kiss ;). thank you for all the support you've given this series!!
likes/reblogs/feedback are appreciated :)
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New Voicemail Message [11:32 A.M]
“Hey! Just checking in; I just finished the whole flame side and I’m about to start the shading for the ice side. If you’re able, I’d love for you to come see it and maybe I can buy you lunch this time. No pressure, just let me know. Alright, bye!” 
New Voicemail Message [5:36 P.M] 
“Hi, hi, hi. I picked up Soba takeout for dinner if you’re free. I have both of our usuals, and I can drop them at your agency too if you’re busy. Oh, also, the lady behind the counter was so confused that it was me by myself; you should’ve seen her face. Anyway, just wanna make sure you’re doing okay. Bye!” 
New Voicemail Message [8:24 P.M] 
“Hey Shoto, it’s me, again. I’m sorry for spamming you with voicemails and shit. I just, honestly? I’m kinda worried, haha. I know it’s dumb. Like, I know you can handle yourself and everything, but part of me still wants to make sure you’re good, you know? Just, uh, let me know. If–when you’re home. I miss your stupid voice. Okay, bye.” 
New Voicemail Message [11:56 P.M] 
“Hey. I’m aware that I keep bothering you. If I did something to make you upset, I’m really sorry…I’m about to go to bed, but I’ll see you tomorrow? Obviously, you can’t see it, but uh, I’m sticking my thumb up, haha. Call me when you can, please.”
[2] Missed Calls: Big D(esigner)🧵👑💖 
New Messages: Big D(esigner)🧵👑💖 
12:00 A.M hey  12:00 A.M idk if you’re awake 12:00 A.M but if you are 12:01 A.M please check the news 
The incessant buzzing phone in your hand woke you from your position on the couch. You don’t remember falling asleep, but you assume you passed out after eating a late dinner, waiting for Shoto to call. His food was in the fridge, untouched, while yours was only half-eaten, plastic bowls and utensils messily scattered across your coffee table. The notifications at the top of your phone made your heart drop into your stomach, and you prayed that the thought hiding in the back of your mind wasn’t true. 
You stood as the TV clicked on, only for your legs to give out beneath you as the reporter detailed where he was last seen, what he was wearing, possible suspects, and the statement from his manager. There was no substance in the public statement, only reassurances that efforts are being made to find him. You shut down the TV after they got into the part of the statement that sounded like a fucking eulogy, talking about how he was a loyal friend, devoted hero, and embodiment of a good person. You didn’t need to be told that. You’d seen it firsthand for the past two weeks. Anger, confusion, worry, and grief came in waves, crashing against each other as you curled into yourself. Your eyes welled to alleviate the burn after staring at the screen, your forehead throbbing from the flashing reds and whites of the “BREAKING NEWS” title screen. Your lungs and throat felt empty, consciousness detached from the body. 
No sobs rang out in the darkness of your apartment that night, and it terrified you how silent you were. There was no crying, no convulsing, no thrown objects across the room to create dents in the walls. It was just…silence. You couldn’t tell if you’d slept or not, hours passing as you stared wide-eyed at the ceiling after dragging yourself back onto the couch. It was an effort to breathe, to force yourself to inhale and exhale like it was opening and closing your fists. 
As sunlight permeated through the lightly swinging shades, your phone alarm went off. You stared at it, the musical sound seeming to be coming from underwater. The notifications at the top of your phone once you finally turned it off were like reading in a dream, with letters blurring and rearranging until you didn’t know what the original message was. Hey, thinking about you, they said. We understand if you can’t make it in today, they promised. Hello, you were one of the people last seen with Todoroki Shoto. Our news outlet would like to interview you. Fingers gripping the phone so hard you wanted to snap it, you slammed it onto the coffee table. Flashes of white-hot rage took over your body, directed at no one in particular. You pulled a pillow into your chest, fighting back the impulse to scream, scream, scream until either your voice or your lungs give out. 
“Hey.” It was your roommate, and she held her cat in her arms like a newborn baby. Your empty eyes stared back at them. “I won’t ask if you’re doing okay because that’s a bullshit question. I just wanted to tell you that I’m here for you if you need anything. Just call me, yeah?” You barely nod your assent, and her gentle fingers brush away the tears that had broken through your resolve. “I know it’s hard, and I know you’re grieving,” she said as she rose from the crouch she took to be eye-level with you. She takes your hand, giving it a squeeze. “But I also know that you’re one of the strongest people I know. We both know it’s Friday, and we both know those assholes in the commission aren’t going to postpone the one event that brings them money.” She doesn’t say it, but you know what she means. You need to get up and finish your pieces. “Do your best, okay?” 
Just do your best. 
It’s what you repeated to yourself as you struggled from the couch to your bedroom, then to the bathroom, then finally out the door and through the gate in your office. Your other designer, the one who had told you to check the news, runs over from his station. Shaking your head decisively before he could speak, you brush past him with an understanding hand on his shoulder. Your aching throat didn’t have the voice to give one last round of encouragement to your staff, but they looked to you anyway as you took your spot at the front of the room. 
“Just do your best,” you said before turning to the embroidery thread shelves and picking out the most vibrant shades of blue and light purple you could find. The rest of the office worked with a fervor you’d never seen before, and you gave them a sad smile whenever they’d glance up to check on you. All the other heroes’ ball looks were finalized, ready to be handed off to their stylists who would do the final dressing and accessorizing. Seven mannequins lined up in front of a window: Cellophane’s intricately beaded suit, Momo’s sweeping velvet ball gown, Deku’s sleek three-piece, Red Riot’s fiery matching set, Pinky’s princess-like mermaid dress, and Bakugo’s sheer-paneled, explosive applique-covered denim jacket. 
Everyone’s looks were finished, except one. His tailored leather pants were complete as well as the simple white button-up, and the silver pocket chain rested around the headless neck of the mannequin. All that was left to do was finish the design covering the back of the coat, which you worked on tirelessly far past when your staff had left the building. It should have been a day of celebration with champagne, balloons, and cake to commemorate another successful Hero Ball; but, 11:30 and 5:00 passed with no trace of him, and you couldn’t find it in your mind to participate in festivities. Whispered goodbyes and “see you tomorrow” floated around you, and it took more energy than it should have to smile and nod. 
Time ran away from you again, and the coat was finished at midnight on the dot, embellished with small buckles, two rows of buttons, shoulder pads, pockets, and the stunning ice and flame embroidery on the back panel. It truly was the greatest piece you had imagined and created, your quirk allowing the thread to almost act like paint as you added subtle nuance to the two opposing cranes. The fire crane rose from the bottom corner of one of the front panels, forming a circle with the ice crane that descended from the shoulder pad of the opposite front panel. Draping the finished piece on the mannequin and attaching the pocket chain for good measure, you stepped back with your hands on your hips to admire your work. He was gonna love it, when he saw it. If he saw it, the pessimistic demon in your mind whispered. With a deep breath that you didn’t know you needed, you turned to pack your stuff and head home. 
And that’s when something large slammed into M’s office window. 
The thud startled you, the dull noise of something hitting the glass bouncing off the empty cavern of the room. Your fingers wrapped around a pair of scissors as you approached the half-open door, cautiously guiding it open and squinting at the distorted figure behind the dark glass. Your eyes widened when you realized the object was huge, the size of at least two very tall people. One hand tightly gripping the scissors, the other slowly slid into your pocket to call the police when you heard a voice call from the other side. 
“Needle! Needle…wait, what? Needle, uh, sprouting from…Needle sprouting from thumb? Jesus, Todoroki, who would ever say such a thing–” You threw the window open, sending it flying upward as you took in the people set precariously on the ledge. You recognized one as Deku, the number one hero who sometimes visited your office to implement support tech into his costume. His gloved hand grabbed the edge of the window, easing him and the person he was carrying into M’s office and collapsing onto the couch. Deku quickly stood, closing the window and scanning the surroundings for threats. Your hand unconsciously rose to brush the matted red hair from the other person’s face, and the oxygen left your lungs as you zeroed in on the scar barely visible around the blood splattered on the person’s left eye.
His body was in tatters, with scrapes and cuts and punctures covering his body like some zombie Halloween. The white of his hair was covered in so much blood that his entire head was red. His suit had burnt off on his fire side, and his ice side was nearly blue from discoloration. Your body moved on its own when you took in the most significant wound, a large gash cutting diagonally across his abdomen. Mind empty except for the battered man on M’s couch, you shoved your hands into the fabric scraps box and brought them back to Deku, who pressed them against Shoto’s gash to stop the bleeding. Fingers pressed under his chin, you felt a faint heartbeat and could see his chest rising and falling in shallow breaths. He was dying, and you needed to do something to stop the blood loss. 
“I tried to get him to go to a hospital, but he said it wasn’t safe,” Deku said to you, eyes clouded with concern. “He was barely able to tell me your building’s address before he passed out. I trust his judgment, but I really need you to know that, if Todoroki doesn’t get stitches, he will die. Do you have some way of stitching this up?” The fabric in his hands was soaked a dark red and the realization of what Shoto wanted you to do hit you like a train. 
He wanted you to give him stitches. 
You’d never tried your quirk on any actual humans, only textiles. Your parents had suggested becoming a medic because of your quirk, but the idea of manipulating something to enter a human body was an idea that you couldn’t stomach. There were others with more efficient quirks who could do that, but none of them were with you now. An idea dawned on you, and you reminded yourself to applaud your planning skills later. 
“I need the sutures from your toolbelt.” His eyes widened in understanding, and he frantically pushed aside objects in his belt to find the roll of medical-grade nylon you’d placed there as a part of upgrading his first-aid kit. “Sorry, I added…more items,” he muttered apologetically, finally handing you the unused spool and the box containing the sterilized needle. Like clockwork, you threaded the needle just as you had millions of times before. Averting your gaze as Shoto groaned in pain from Deku cleaning the wound with alcohol pads that you’d also put in his belt, your hand soon hovered over Shoto’s wound in preparation to close it. 
You squeezed your eyes shut, ignoring the image of the sewing machine and instead opting for a simple knot at select intervals. Fighting down the bile in your throat as the needle pinched Shoto’s skin together, you shakily guided the thread through the skin layers and tied it into a tight knot. You felt Deku’s eyes watch you in amazement as you worked, delicately patching Shoto back together as you had with his suit the first day he’d walked through your elevator doors. Slowly but steadily, you moved your hand and the thread across the wound, sewing it shut like you’d attached his trenchcoat panels. They were, by no means, medical-grade stitches, but you believed they got the job done as the color slowly returned to Shoto’s face. When you finished stitching the large wound, you helped Deku wrap the lower half of his chest and his arms with gauze. With more scraps of fabric, you gently scrubbed off the blood and dirt, combing through his tangled hair with wet fingers. 
“Thank you, Deku,” you said quietly to him as you threw used fabric scraps into a trash bag. “For bringing Shoto to me. I was really worried.” 
“Of course,” he replied, smiling warmly. “I only wish that I’d met Todoroki’s partner under different circumstances.”
“Partner? I mean, yeah, we’re business partners, but–”
“Oh, no. I’m so sorry, then. I, uh, meant romantically.” Your face began to burn from Deku’s assumption. “He just talked about you a lot, you know. How much he liked being around you, how you seemed to know exactly what he was thinking. He told me about all your soba dates and how he didn’t want them to be considered dates since he wants to take you somewhere much nicer when you’re done with all the ball stuff, but I still think they’re dates.” Holy shit, Deku was rambling. “I teased him about it since I don’t think he’s ever been in love before, but–” 
“Midoriya, I implore you to stop talking.” You both gasped, turning to look at a barely-conscious Shoto, who was trying to sit up from the couch. 
“Todoroki, you’re awake! Wait, no, no–you can’t sit up yet,” Deku stutters out as he rushes over to carefully push Shoto’s shoulders back down, moving the hair from his forehead as his head falls back against the armrest. You feel out of your body again as you kneel next to him, fingers brushing his cheek in relief. “I’ll uh, give you two some space,” Deku declares as he scrambles to pick up the trash bags and exit M’s office, leaving you alone with Shoto. 
His gentle eyes find yours. “Hey, pretty.”
“Hi, handsome,” you whisper, reciprocating the weak smile he gives you as he takes in your exhausted face. “What the hell were you thinking, coming here? You needed a hospital. It wasn’t safe risking your life to come here, Sho,” the shortened version of his name slips from your mouth before you could stop it, but the even softer look he gives you sends any regret or embarrassment running. “What would you have done if I wasn’t in the office?”
“I just knew you would be.” 
“That’s a terrible plan.” 
“But it worked out.”
“That it did.” You press your lips to his forehead and relish in the way his eyes shut in contentment. “I finished your coat.”
“You did?” 
“I did, but you can’t see it right now. If you lift a single finger off that couch, I’m going to reopen your stitches.” He lets out a pained laugh, wincing at the pain shooting across his chest. A thoughtful look crosses his face again, and you adore the way you could see him working things out in his mind. What those things are, you’d never know, but his pure intellect was enough to admire. 
“Do you still plan on attending the ball tomorrow?”
“Not if you’re still hurt.”
“In that case, I am no longer hurt.” He smirks at you, with an immature, boyish, attractive smile. “And I still haven’t…chosen a plus one.” 
You feel your heart cease racing in your chest. “Yeah? And who’s the lucky winner?” Your voice shakes slightly as you attempt to relieve the tension with a joke. 
He looks at you again with that expression that makes you want to kiss him. 
“It’s you. It’s always been you.” 
As you finally drift off to sleep slumped against the couch, your face close enough to his to feel him breathe, you know in your mind that it’d always been him, too.
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[1] Missed Call - Midoriya Izuku
New Voicemail Message [2:04 A.M]
"Hi Yaomomo! Hope you're doing well. I need a favor..."
128 notes · View notes
apas-95 · 7 months
i think the problem with a lot of Relatable Autism works are they present a level of awareness and intentionality that might not be there, often purely through the inability to portray subconsciousness properly. personally, I don't always outright think through 'well I have an appointment at 13:00, so I need to leave by 12:00, which means I'll need to be dressed by 11:30, so I'll need to have a shower by 11:00, so since I'll wake up at 8:00 and won't be lucid until 9:00, I won't have any time to do anything tomorrow' — much more often I just wake up at 8:00 and *feel* like I'm not free to do anything
74 notes · View notes
luvsturn1 · 1 month
Beginers luck
hey guys this is my first post on here so lmk what you think abt this
(ps: all my works are on Wattpad I just wanted to try posting on here) js search up luvstromboli1 and it should pop up if y'all wanna read my other stuff
paring: Matt x reader
warnings: smut, first time, oral (f & m), masterbating
not proofread!!
It was currently 1:30 and you had just finished showering. You were about to go to bed when you heard your phone buzz. Sighing as you sat up to pick up your phone to see who texted you. It was Matt. Your best friend since you were little. Opening your phone as you clicked on the text to respond.
Matt: you still up Matt: hello, ik your still up you stay up till 4am every night.
You: yes Matthew I’m still up what do you want
Matt: hello to you to grumpy pants Matt: anywayyy what are u up to
You: really Matt your texting me at 1am to “ see what I’m up to”
Matt: woww I can’t text my best friend anymore.
You: matt.
Matt: finee I was wandering if i could have sum pics of you
You: um ig but why
Matt: because I miss your face that’s all
You: mhmm you literally saw me 2 days ago but whatever you say You: 5 images You: that’s all you get
Matt: thanks and can you come over tomorrow
You: yea I can what time
Matt: whenever
You: ok I’ll see you tomorrow I’m going to bed goodnight
Matt: goodnight princess
You decided to go to bed because it was getting late, and you wanted to get to Matt’s house as early as possible.
It was around 11:30 when you woke up. You knew that Matt wouldn’t be up until at least 1:00. So you decided to shower to hopefully pass some time. Once you got done around 12:45 you got dressed and put on some sweets and a tank top. It was pretty basic but it’s fine because you were just going to Matt’s house. When you got done getting dressed you put your shoes on and texted Matt saying that you were leaving.
He didn’t respond so you texted him again. Still no answer. So you just decided to go to his house because you have a key and he did say you can come over whenever.
Once you got to his house you parked and got out of the car. You walked up to his front door pulling out your keys to unlock the door. When you got it unlocked you walked in and saw Chris on the couch in the living room.
“ oh hey Chris sorry I thought you guys weren’t home. Is Matt up?”
“ umm I don’t know I think he is but you can just go in his room. It should be unlocked but if it’s not just let me know.”
“ ok thank you” you said walking to Matt room
“ oh and by the way me and Nick are going somewhere in a little bit but when we get back we are going somewhere with Matt so just make sure Matt’s up and ready by 3ish”
“ ok will do”
When you got to his room you opened the door slowly just in case Matt was still asleep. Even though you were going to wake him up. Once the door was open you were met with Matt sitting in his desk chair his back facing you. So you couldn’t really see what he was doing but you just assumed that he was on his phone or his computer.
You walked in and saw that Matt was in fact not on his computer, but was on his phone looking at a picture of you. The picture that you sent him last night to be specific. You walked closer so you could see what he was doing fully and your eyes immediately opened, jaw dropped so much that your surprised it didn’t go all the way to the floor. Matt was jerking off to a picture of you.
Normally someone would be weirded out or disgusted. But you were the exact opposite. The thought of your childhood friend jerking of to a picture of you, just made your stomach get butterflies.
Matt hasn’t noticed you yet and you’re pretty surprised because of how much he was moaning and throwing his head back. The noises he made when he was jerking of were so mesmerizing you could listen to him moaning your name all the time.
“ mhmm fuckkk y/nn” Matt said throwing his head back. Moving his hand up and down his dick even faster.
“ Matthew what are you doing?” You said making him jump and snap his head around towards you.
When he saw that it was you he immediately jumped up and grabbed a blanket to cover himself.
“Fuck I-I’m s-sorry” he said with his head down to avoid eye contact.
“ I never said to stop Matthew” you said stepping closer to him to remove the blanket that was covering his hard on.
“ w-what?” Matt said slightly jumping due to the sudden touch
You were now sitting on his bed facing him. He was as red as a tomato and you could tell he’s never done things like this before. That intrigued you and made you want to continue what you were doing.
“ i never said to stop Matty just keep going. Just pretend that I’m not here” you said leaning back on your hands to observe Matt. His hair was messy just how you liked it, he was wearing black and white pajamas that were down halfway with a black shirt on.
Matt placed his hands back on his member and began moving it up and down slowly. You nodded your head signaling him to continue. Earning a groan from Matt. His head fell back and his eyes fell shut as he picked up his pace on his dick. You placed your hands on Matt’s legs making him open his eyes and look at you.
“ fuck y/n I’m going to cum” Matt said throwing his head back once more.
A minute later Matt was moaning your name and releasing his load onto his hand. You gave him a second to come down from his high because you were definitely not done with him yet. Once Matt caught his breath you stood up and sat on his lap.
“ w-what are yo-” Matt said slightly jumping when he got cut off with your lips meeting his.
Matt was hesitant at first but he soon kissed you back. You moved your hands that were around his neck to his hair tugging slightly. Earning a moan to escape his lips. You took that opportunity to slip your tongue into his mouth. Matt opened his mouth more giving you more access to explore his mouth. Matt has his hands by his sides and you could feel him move them up slightly every once in a while. But soon moved them back not wanting to make you uncomfortable. You found that cute, but you were growing impatient needing his hands on you. So you grabbed his hands and placed one on your waist and the other on your boob. You felt Matt get hard underneath you making you smile into the kiss.
“ you can touch me Matt your not going to make me uncomfortable.” You said braking off the kiss but soon reconnecting your lips again.
Matt didn’t say anything but just smiled into the kiss as he started toying with your boobs with one hand. Moving your waist back and forth on him with his other. You broke off the kiss to take your shirt and bra off leaving your top half bare for Matt.
“ fuck your perfect for me princess” Matt said has he reconnected your lips.
He soon broke off the kiss and began kissing down your neck. Making you let out a loud moan that if his brothers were home they would have for sure heard. He began kissing down your neck untill he got to the spot above your boob. Looking up at you to make sure that he could continue. You don’t say anything but just nod and he doesn’t wait a second longer and begins sucking on one of your tits and toying with the other. If you knew what he could do with his mouth you for sure would have done this earlier.
“ fuckkk Matt wait stop”
“ what’s wrong did I hurt you” Matt said looking at you with a worried look plastered on his face.
“ no matt not a all i promise. I could have probably cummed if I let you continue. But i wanted to do something before we got carried away” you said standing up to kneel between his legs
You look up at him for consent but instead of him nodding his head he gives you a confused look. You stand up and sit on the bed to face him.
“ are you a virgin Matt?” You say smiling a little hoping he would say that he is so you would be his first.
“ is it bad if i say yes” Matt says looking down avoiding eye contact yet again.
“ not at all Matty trust me” you say smiling as you sit back where you were between his legs
“ w-what are you doing” Matt says confused
But you don’t say anything and just smile at him. Before taking him in your hand. You start to move your hand up and down slowly, earning a moan from Matt. You place your mouth at the tip placing soft kisses making Matt buck his hips into your hand.
“ mhm fuckk” Matt says when you take half of him in your mouth.
You start bobbing your head up and down him. Using your hand for what you couldn’t fit. You pick up your pace and start taking more of him until he hits the back of your throat. Making matt let out a moan like scream. Matt has his hands by his sides yet again not knowing where to put them. So you grab one of them and place it in your hair. He is hesitant at first but as soon as he touches the back of your throat again. He quickly pulls your hair making you moan sending vibrations through his dick. Sending him over the edge
“ fuckk y/nn I’m gonna cum” Matt says as he bucks his hips into you before releasing his load all down your throat.
Matt throws his head back closing his eyes to come down from his high. You sit up placing your hands on his legs for support. When you stand up fully you walk to your bag and pull out a condom. You don’t normally use them since you were on the pill. but you just wanted to make Matt more comfortable for his first time.
“ you sure you wanna do this cause you just had 2 orgasms in a row” you say looking at Matt who looks like he’s about to fall asleep.
“ yes I’m sure I wanna do it, but first can i get some water” he says smiling and laughing a little.
“ oh yea of course I’ll be right back, stay here” you say walking out of his room to get him a water bottle.
Once you got back to his room you saw that he wasn’t in his room anymore. You just assumed that he went to the bathroom or something. So you sat down on his bed and waited until he got back. A couple seconds later Matt walks in looking a lot better then when you left to get him water.
“ hey sorry i just wanted to wash my face to get the sweat off because my hair was getting in my eyes” he says sitting down next to you
“ it’s fine here’s your water” you say handing him the water and the condom “ just because it’s your first time i want to make you feel more comfortable” you say smiling and Matt smiles back as he takes a sip of his water before setting it on his desk.
You stand up to finish getting undressed, taking off your sweats and then your underwear. Walking over to Matt who was not paying attention.
“ you know, we should really take these off..” you say tugging at his shirt and pants.
Matt complies taking off his shirt and then standing up to pull off his pants then boxers. When he finishes getting undressed he sits at the edge of his bed. Waiting for you to get on his lap. Matt being the impatient man he grabs your hand and pulls you onto his lap. Making you and him moan due to the sudden friction.
“ fuck your wet” Matt says running a finger through your folds making you throw your head back in pleasure. “ let me eat you out princess.” Matt says as he brings his finger to his mouth sucking your juices off his finger. Moaning as soon as he tasted you.
You don’t say anything but just simply nod your head. Which causes Matt to flip you over so he’s now on top of you. He starts kissing your neck biting and sucking as he moves down slowly. Sucking on one of your nipples and his hands toying with the other. Eventually switching giving the other one the same attention. Making you moan and throw your head back and close your eyes. Matt started to kiss down you again but this time going a lot slower this time. Causing you too open your eyes and you saw Matt blank staring your bare core.
“ Matt are you ok your turning pale” you say tilting your head to the side a little “ if you want to stop you can I don’t want you to feel like I have to do this”
“ no i do, I’ve just never done it before. What if I hurt you” Matt says looking up at you
“ Matt, trust me if you’re hurting me I will tell you.” You say bringing a hand down to play with his hair.
He didn’t say anything but just smiled and nodded before looking back down. Matt started to kiss your inner thighs, slowly moving closer to where you wanted him the most. He placed a small kiss on your clit, sucking on it soon after causing you to let out a loud moan. Encouraged by the sounds your making he started to lick up and down your pussy. Swirling his tongue in your juices. The second Matt tasted you he thought he was in heaven. Letting out a loud groan sending vibrations through your body. Causing you to arch your back and pull Matt’s hair harder.
“ f-fuck matt this feels amazing” you say making Matt moan due to the praise.
He brought his hand up and started to rub fast circles on your clit, while tongue fucking you. Making you let out a loud scream arching your back. You felt him smiling against you making you roll your eyes at the sudden confidence boost he has.
“ ahhh fuck Matt I’m gonna cum” you say grabbing his hair while arching your back
“ come for me princess”
And you do exactly that cumming into Matt’s mouth. Moaning his name. And him sucking up every last bit of it. Once he’s done cleaning you up he sits up on his knees and sheepishly smiles at you.
“ was i good?” Matt says smiling because he knows the answer he just want to hear you say it
“ yes matthew you did absolutely amazing. That was probably the best orgasm I’ve ever had.” You say making Matt nod and smerk “ not trying to boost your ego or anything”
“ beginers luck I guess" Matt says laughing a little, coming up to kiss you while grabbing the condom that was on his side table. He rips it open with his teeth before sliding it on. He begins to line his tip up to your entrance before stopping and looking at you “I don’t know what I’m doing” he says looking down embarrassed
You don’t say anything but just flip him over so you were now on top of him. You lean in to kiss him kissing down his neck leaving even more marks then before. You sit on your heels as you line yourself up with his tip.
“ just let me know if you want to stop, okay” you say looking at him then looking down after he nods
Once your lined up you slowly start to sink down. The burning sensation of you stretching around him. He was definitely the biggest you’ve had. You stop halfway letting him and you both adjust. You start to sink down onto him more. Both of you letting out a loud moan when you fully bottom out. You sit there for a couple seconds before starting to move up and down slowly. Earning a moan from Matt as he throws his head back. You needed more though, you needed his touch on you to send you over the edge.
“ touch me” you say into Matt’s ear while also nipping at him making him whine.
Matt complies and immediately starts roaming your body with his hands. He grabs your ass moving you up and down helping you ride him.
“ fuck y/n I’m close” Matt says as hes rests his head against his headboard of his bed.
“me too Matty cum with me” you say as you pick up your pace and slam your lips onto Matt’s
Matt brings his hand down to your clit and starts rubbing in fast circles. Pushing you even closer to your climax. You roll your eyes back as you feel a knot in your stomach. You could tell Matt was close too because of his loud moaning and heavy breathing.
“ fuck Matt I’m gonna cum” you say putting your head in the crook of Matt’s neck.
Matt doesn’t say anything but just picks up his pace on your clit. After a few for thrusts your moaning Matt’s name and climaxing around his dick. Him soon following after cursing under his breath throwing his head back onto the headboard.
You stop your movement but not getting off him yet. Still coming down from both of your highs. Once you’ve caught your breath, you place a kiss on Matt’s lips before getting up. Your cum spilling out of you onto him.
“ here hold on let me get a towel” you say getting up to go to Matt’s bathroom. Once you get yourself cleaned up you grab the towel and you go back to his room. Throwing his a clean towel you walk over to his closet and pull out a hoodie and some sweatpants for you and him.
“ thank you” Matt says when you toss him the clothes you say your welcome and you both get dressed.
Hoping into Matt’s bed and laying in his arms. You remember that Matt was supposed to go somewhere with his brothers at 3.
“ shit what time is it” you say grabbing your phone. The time was 3:05 and just in time you heard the front door open. Chris and nick were home which meant that Matt was leaving. There was a knock on Matt’s door and before Matt could respond the door was already opening.
“ yo Matt sorry we are la-“ Chris says stopping in his tracks when he sees that Matt is still in bed. “ why the fuck aren’t ready yet I specific- hold on what’s on your neck”
“ nothing what are you talking about”
“ I’m talking about the hic- wait.. EWW OMG NICKK” is all Chris says before slamming the door shut leaving you and Matt hysterically, laughing.
“ let’s go to sleep I’m tired” you say laying down in Matt’s arms again.
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thoraeth · 2 months
A/N: 850 words, gn!reader. You're the personal assistant of the weirdest punk band in the Grand Line and today you're having a breakdown. Unfortunately, Buggy has no intentions of leaving you alone.
[One Piece punk band AU/ modern AU]
Cut out for the job
The door slams closed. You kick your sneakers away, enjoying the silence of your hotel room.
You haven't been able to catch your breath all day: Mr. Trafalgar called at 6 am because Ace was held at the police station; third time this month. Then it was Barto's turn. He needed your opinion on a nice gift for his nana, but kept arguing that your ideas were stupid. Franky gave you a migraine, shouting left and right during the band's weekly meeting and Buggy…oh, Buggy. He was insufferable these days: snappy, needy, tense, constantly asking you to fetch him stuff, to take him places.
You’re starting to feel like you’re never enough, drowning in this chaotic routine.
You can almost hear your mother's voice in your head: “Are you really throwing your life away to follow a band of idiots?!” Well, in your defense, being a band’s personal assistant was supposed to be fun. But now? Here you are, tired, sad and underpaid, living in yet another horrible hotel room. Maybe you're not cut out for this job.
Your phone glows up, a text from Buggy. “It's 11 pm for fuck's sake!” you shout, throwing the buzzing device on the sofa.
Buggy has been doing it for weeks: every night he sends you tons of messages for the most trivial stuff. He’s lost his mascara, bought ten pairs of shoes, whines about his paycheck. A bratty, pushy attitude he’s never had before.
In fact, the two of you used to have the most interesting conversations and a special chemistry that made you feel some type of way more than once. Like that night, backstage. The glances, the gentle touching while you helped him get dressed…you can still feel the goosebumps on your skin.
You pick up your phone, puffing at the crowd of notifications.
[Hey, you still up? Listen, face paint is running out, I’m thinking cherry 3.2 this time but I’m not sure if 1 or 2 cans.
Heyyyy are you ignoring me?? 👺😭 You sleeping already?]
[Oi Bug, can we discuss this tomorrow? It's way past my working hours.]
[Today's been rough, I really need to unwind 🥲]
[ Wanna hang out? A little fun will make you feel better.]
[ Thanks but I’m done with work, see you tomorrow!]
[seen 00:15 AM]
[Buggy? You ok?]
[seen 00:50 AM]
“Shit. He's upset now.” You whisper, your eyes and mouth wide open “What if he gets me fired?”
You feel low-key furious: you shouldn't be punished for setting boundaries. If he’s playing the cocky boss during the day, you can play that game too and clock out at night. Screw him.
The sudden sound of the doorbell makes you jump out of your skin. “Hey it's me.” A familiar voice comes from outside the door, muffled.
Stomping to the peephole, you see Buggy. He’s nervously thinkering with his blue hair, pacing back and forth in the duck hoodie you got him for his birthday.
“Are you serious?” You ask, opening up.
“I know, I’m sorry. Just five minutes and I'll be gone.”
Buggy's not wearing his piercings and face paint; he looks serious, a bit scared. His ice blue eyes stare at you in silence and all your anger seems to melt away as he sits on the sofa.
“I need to talk to you.”
“Am I fired…?”
“What? No!” He shrieks, outraged. “Just sit, please.”
The second you're next to him, Buggy focuses on his boots, hands twitching on his knees.
“I-I know I've been a bit of an asshole lately.” He stutters. “I drove you crazy asking tons of stuff and…”
“You’re being a pain in the ass. Yes.”
“I’m sorry. I was just trying to spend more time with you but I messed up.” Buggy side-eyes you, his face red and flustered.
“I think I like you. A lot.”
Those words make your heart race so fast you can barely breathe.
He continues: “I tried to write to you, but every time… I couldn't say it the way I wanted.”
“Is that why you kept texting me for hours every night?!” you snap, breaking your silence.
Buggy jumps back in his seat “I didn't realize I was bothering you! I've always enjoyed our silly chats. But I'll stop, I got it now. We're just colleagues.”
You burst out laughing. Buggy leans towards you, shouting things you can't hear over the joy exploding in your chest.
He's about to get up, distraught, when you reach for his neck and pull him towards you, pressing your lips on his. Still a bit surprised, Buggy melts into your kiss, holding you so tight it almost hurts.
“For a second I thought I didn't want this job anymore.” You chuckle in between kisses.
“I’ll ask Trafalgar to give you a raise, then.”
“He's gonna fire us both when he knows about this.”
You dive your back into the sofa, pressed under Buggy’s weight. As he kisses and laughs into your neck, you remember why you decided to follow this band of idiots in the first place: there’s no other place in the world where you’ve felt more alive.
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forever1kay · 11 months
IF YOU LET ME - A Kei Tsukishima SMAU
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a kei tsukishima x black!fem!reader smau
after pining over a certain middle blocker over the phone for a month or so, y/n y/l/n meets kei tsukishima in a way that has him hating her mere existence. weeks later, she’s given the opportunity to redeem herself… will she take her chances?
genre & tropes smau, grumpy x sunshine, (seemingly) unrequited love, not-so meet cute, forced proximity, ambw, fluff, crack, slow burn, etc;
warnings profanity, mentions of nsfw, angst, misunderstandings, remaining friends with an ex, periods, minor secondary character death, breakups, a few shitty characters, etc;
notes so i’m going through yet another haikyuu phase and i’m having mad tsukishima brainrot. so, i took this opportunity to write about him while i don’t have writers block. also, please keep in mind that this is a fic that does involve music. with that being said, please be prepared for a song to be linked in parts of this story. this may not get any likes or reblogs, but i hope that anyone who reads it enjoys!
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series tag
# ⤹˚˖♬୭ if you let me
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y/n carried
crazy, sexy, cool (& tsukki)
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00. prologue - dear diary, i met a boy today
01. chapter one - a party for some girl who wants to kiss tsukki
02. chapter two - don’t worry, everything will be fine
03. that’s fine, i’ll just die tomorrow
04. avoiding him, avoiding her
05. tickets to my downfall
06.for the sake of work and work only
08. loverboy
09. this does not mean i like you
10. i don’t hate it when you’re around
11. shut the fuck your mouth
12. i’ve decided to tolerate you
14. back to life, back to reality
15. i have awoken, i have arisen
16. maybe later
17. come outside for a second
18. a little busy
19. medicine
20. just a fling
21. disaster
22. something we should know
23. in the wrong
24. i bet
25. it’s him
26. as it was
27. we don’t see eye to eye
28. i made you a playlist
29. perhaps
30. epilogue - our future
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current status ongoing
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© forever1kay 2023 - please don’t translate, convert, copy, paraphrase, repost, or alter any of my works without my permission.
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allthefandomthings55 · 3 months
Life in the Limelight
Chapter 4
Friday night 10 PM
I’ve already sent my security home for the night and am sitting at my kitchen table having a glass of white wine when my phone rings. I look down to see the name Spencer Reid. I answer the call, “Hello Spencer. What’s up?”
“Hi, Y/N uh nothings up per se, but I was calling to tell you that I, uh, I can make our brunch thing tomorrow if you were still up for it?”
“Still up for it? Absolutely! I mean did everything work out with work?”
“Oh yeah we found them or her rather.”
“Wow a woman? I would have never guessed that.”
“Well actually although women serial killers aren’t common they do make up about 15% of serial killers. Sorry you did not want to know that.”
“No it’s alright! That was an interesting fact. What time did we say for tomorrow again? Was it 1:00?”
“No, it was 12:30. Sorry not trying to correct you but I have an eidetic memory so I can remember pretty much everything I read.”
“Woah, that is so cool. So like you only have to read chapters once and you have them memorized?”
“Yeah, pretty much.”
“That’s gotta be helpful on tests.”
“Oh it is. I mean I have three Ph. D.s and a few Masters and a couple of B.A.s”
“Oh, that’s a lot. So you’re like really freaking smart.”
“I like to think so, but that makes me sound arrogant.”
“No it doesn’t! Not when someone else is asking you. Anyways, I’m going to head to bed because I think I’ve had one too many glasses of wine to be talking to an extremely handsome guy on the phone.”
“Oh, ok yeah I will see you tomorrow. Bye.”
“Bye Spencer.” Once I hung up I realized what I said and froze for a moment. I cannot believe I said that. I finished my glass of wine and went to bed.
I woke up at 6:30 Saturday morning and got a little excited about my brunch with Spencer today. Instead I go get ready to work out for today to get my blood flowing. I need to keep working my cardio for my upcoming tour so I start on the treadmill. After I run on the treadmill for a couple of hours I decide to hit the weights. Not much weight but many repetitions. I checked the time after I finished that and it was 9:00. Once I took a shower and only got halfway dressed for the day I went back down to my kitchen. Since it is close to my brunch, I decide just to get a cup of coffee and eat some fruit. When I was done with that I sat and relaxed for a while on my couch. I started to watch some TV. I don’t get to do that often so I took advantage of the down time while I had it. When I checked the time it was 11:00 and I figured I better get ready if I wanted to be on time. Looking through my closet, I decided to wear a black skirt with a white grid on it. I also wore a white sweater; not anything heavy, but something longsleeved that’s light. That last couple parts of my outfit should be the easiest. For my shoes I decide on a black platform that are five inches tall and a simple black handbag big enough to put my cell phone and some cash in. 
At about 12:00 I started to head to the restaurant. I leave out the back way and drove myself to the restaurant. When I get there, I park on the side and call my friend Bella who owns the restaurant. “Hey, Y/N. What’s up?”
“Oh nothing much. I was hoping that you could let me in the back so I didn’t have to deal with people staring at me?”
“Oh yeah yeah I got you. Give me a second.” After waiting just for a couple of minutes she opens the door and pops her head out. “Hey get on in here.”
I follow her in through the door, “So, I’m actually meeting someone here and I was hoping you could tell your staff to escort him to my private table? I just don’t want to make a huge commotion.”
Bella smiles at me, “You have a date don’t you!”
I shush her, “Be quiet! I don’t want anyone to know I’m here.”
“That’s not a no,” she sings quietly. 
“Ok, yes I am meeting a man here, but no it’s not a date. It’s merely brunch or more so lunch.”
“But you want it to be a date.”
“Yes, Bella, I would like it to be a date. This one is different! He doesn’t even know who I am! He came up to me at a coffee shop and we talked for an hour about the book I was reading, the book he is reading, the books we have read and want to read. Not once did he say ‘Can I get an autograph?’ or ‘Oh my got you’re global superstart Y/F/N!’ he just spoke with me like I was a normal person.”
Bella thought for a moment, “What happens when he does find out though?”
I sighed, “That’s why I’m going to tell him here and now; as long as I don’t chicken out.” Bella laughed at that, “Hey don’t laugh, I’m serious. He’s really cute and I think, well I think that he would maybe actually date me.”
Bella stared at me, “Holy shit, you’re serious,” I nodded, “well in that case I wish you good luck and I’ll be your waitress so I can keep an eye on you guys.” 
I gave her a hug, “Thank you so much. Anyways, I’m going to sit down, can you bring two glasses of water to our table?”
“You already know it! Now go sit!” Laughing you went to go sit down and texted Spencer. 
Hey, I’m here. Just tell the hostess my name and they’ll bring you. 
Perfect. I’m almost there. See you soon.
While I waited I answered a few texts and wrote down some good ideas for lyrics. “Hey,” you looked up and saw Spencer. 
“Hi Spencer! Good to see you.” 
Spencer sat down in front of you. “Good to see you too. How have you been?”
“Oh I’m good. Just a little busy. How are you?”
Spencer sighed, “I’m as good as I can be at the moment. This last case was kind of tough but we caught the woman doing it so it’s all good.”
“A woman? Interesting. Why would a woman harm other women?”
Spencer took in an excited breath, “Well, women offend for many different reasons. Assuming they aren’t psychopaths, women might offend other women because they are a surrogate for an abusive mother, a woman that got with their ex-boyfriend, or any other of that variety. However- wait nevermind, you probably don’t want to hear this.”
I stared at him in awe, “Woah, that was amazing. How did you know all of that?”
He looked surprised, “Well, I’m actually in the FBI. I’m in a specialized group called the BAU also know as the Bahvioral Analysis Unit. We get called in to different police departments when they are having trouble with killings happening.”
“Wow, that’s amazing. I mean well it’s not great that people are dying, but it’s amazing that you guys go in and help them.”
He stared at me, “Uh, yeah but that’s what I do for work, what about you?”
I cleared my throat, “I, uh, I sing.” I chickened out hardcore and decided not to tell him about my superstar status that I have. 
“Oh, well that’s fun. Do you sing at bars or nightclubs?” he asked inqusitevely. 
“Oh, uh, that’s actually where I got my start. I went from bars and nightclubs, to the opera, then to writing and producing my own music.” I was so nervous speaking that he definitely knew. 
He looked confused, “So how do you make money now?”
“Um, there’s no easy way to say this but I’m a global popstar. I make money through music. And I was really nervous about telling you this because I loved how you didn’t know me at that coffee shop and talked to me like I was a normal person and I really don’t want you to think of me differently.” I rambled out so fast I doubted he could even understand me.
He held out his hand, palm up, waiting for me to grab it and I do, “Don’t worry about that. To me, you are just that really cute girl that I met in a coffee shop reading The Odyssey in Greek.”
I looked him in the eyes, “You think I’m cute?”
He blushed, “Uh, well, I -uh yeah I do,” he stammered out. 
I smiled, “Well it’s a good thing I think you’re cute too.” He smiled at that. Bella came around and took our order and we spent the next hour talking and eating. Just getting to know each other. Although Spencer offered I told him that I’d cover the bill and he let me after I spent fifteen minutes convincing him. 
After I got to my apartment, he texted me asking if I got home alright. I responded yes and asked him the same thing and he said yes as well. I flopped on the couch just thinking that although it was unintentional, this wasn’t a horrible first date. 
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